DevSecOps Trends in 2022: How to Stay Secured, Innovative, and Productive in DevOps

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In every business or organization, DevOps is an integral part of the software development life cycle. It optimizes the streamline process (CI and CD) to produce high-quality software in less time and also saves costs involved in developing software. The toughest challenge for DevOps is to address the security threats of an application or software. Then the DevOps team introduced this feature DevSecOps to develop a strongly secured codebase for applications or software. DevOps Consulting Companies helps businesses or companies while dealing with their clients or in developing strong secured and quality DevOps projects. Despite the features, DevSecOps offer it couldn't meet the industry standards. But it is evolving slowly. It is important to know some key trends of DevSecOps to have a better understanding which can be beneficial for a company. Top 8 Trends of DevSecOps to look for in 2022: 1. Rise of Infrastructure as Code(IaC) usage: IaC is a way to manage data center servers and networking infrastructure. Through IaC there is a vast improvement in configuration and management as it eliminates the process of manual configuration steps. With the introduction of infrastructure as code in DevOps application deployment, the rate is improved. This is key for DevSecOps adoption as it saves time and effort whenever any new infrastructure is configured as one can use the same code.


Software Supply Chain Attacks

These attacks are one of the key reasons for DevSecOps adoption as it saves organizations or businesses from supply chain attacks. It helps the DevOps team members to focus on those tools and practices which save software or applications from this security breach. The number is increasing year by year and organizations need to use DevSecOps to develop strong secured software.


Integrated Security Testing

Every organization should focus on integrated security testing rather than normal testing like unit or function testing as a part of the DevOps process. As organizations prefer shift-left testing nowadays, the demand for integrated security testing increases. DevSecOps also introduces a shift left security approach which increases its demand for organizations. It saves from all levels of security threats.


The rise in GitOps adoption

GitOps is an operational platform where best DevOps practices like version control, collaboration, CI and CD pipeline are used for application development. This is applied to infrastructure automation. GitOps and DevSecOps together help development teams to trust each other as there will be only a single source of truth to follow and there will be no confusion. This improves the speed of developing secured DevOps projects.


CloudOps Adoption increases

As every business is shifting their business to cloud-native platforms, there is a challenge to manage those applications and the underlying infrastructure. The CloudOps model provides efficient management to such applications. It is difficult to manage and support every cloudbased application. To ensure there are no issues CloudOps teams can take the help of DevSecOps teams in managing activities like cloud governance, optimizing cloud security, performance management etc. 6.

Deep Analysis using AIOps is necessary

AIOps is a combination of Big Data and machine learning to automate IT operation processes. This automation can take the help of DevSecOps teams to manage cloud-based applications as it eliminates the capabilities of manual processes. AIOps makes the life of DevOps teams easier as its automation capacity enables it to solve IT problems without human efforts before they create an impact on business operations.


Kubernetes role growth

The demand for the Kubernetes platform in application development by organizations or companies is increasing day by day. The major problem is providing a strong security system for such applications. So it is mandatory to use DevSecOps security practices as container applications have many layers of abstraction which require strong security. Container applications are built on the Kubernetes platform. It also increases the speed of the DevSecOps pipeline procedure.


Zero Day Attacks Exploits

These are the attacks caused when a hacker finds vulnerabilities in a computer software even before the developers find a way to fix it. These attacks are increasing day by day because of poor code quality. DevSecOps is the best way to stop the explosion of zero-day attacks. DevSecOps teams can control the risk of these attacks by constantly monitoring security updates

and conducting inventory checks etc. It helps the team members to install the latest and updated patches with strong security features. Trends like Microservice architecture growth, MLOps is different from AIOps, Rise of serverless platforms etc. are also important trends for DevSecOps to look for in the year 2022. Bottomline: As companies prefer digital transformation of their business shortly DevSecOps has a key role in the success of the company. In this process, companies face a lot of problems that can impact business operations without the implementation of DevSecOps. To optimize the process for better results companies, take the help and guidance of DevOps Consulting Services. It helps businesses to grow rapidly and achieve goals set for the benefit of the business. It also helps businesses to focus on their core business values. In the near future, DevSecOps will meet the industry standards for sure.

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