Tabletop Photography

Page 27

Camera Control

Looking through the viewfinder and subsequently

Remote shutter-release options exist in a variety of

pressing the shutter-release button is the classic way

styles and price categories. The most inexpensive

of controlling a camera, but this method comes with

option is a simple cable that enables you to release

a few drawbacks. As a rule, photographers working

the shutter remotely. Somewhat more expensive so-

in a studio use a tripod, but accidentally touching the

lutions use infrared or radio communications.

tripod can lead to an unwanted shift in the camera’s

When you purchase a remote control system, make

perspective, or, if you’re working with a tight focus,

sure it allows you to keep the shutter open so you

it can cause the important details in the image to no

can take shots with long exposures in B mode.

longer be in focus. Remote Controls with Displays Avoiding Camera Shake

You can more comfortably control the arrangement of

Wire, cable, and infrared remote release systems

your subject by using a remote control that also has a

help photographers take pictures without having to

monitor. Manufacturers use different approaches to

touch the camera at all, and they are basic equip-

create systems like this. Some models require a cam-

ment for any studio. These systems are also prac-

era with a live view, and others use a small camera

tical in other situations, such as when it is difficult

to capture the image in the viewfinder and transmit

to reach the camera because it is placed directly

it via a cable to the display on the remote control.

above the subject, or if there is any potential that the

This means you no longer have to look through the

­photographer’s reflection will show up in the image,

camera’s viewfinder to examine the composition ev-

or if the photographer’s body will interfere with the

ery time you make an adjustment to your subject. In-


stead you can comfortably make changes and check your work directly from the worktable. You can have even more freedom with a wireless remote and display, such as the Gigtube Wireless from Aputure, which allows you to take the image in your To avoid camera shake or an unintentional shift in the camera’s angle of view when pressing the shutter-release button, use a wire, cable, or infrared remote-control trigger; alternatively, you can use the camera’s built-in self-timer.

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