Urban Image Magazine April/ May 2014 Issue

Page 120

the Vice President look crazy and weak. him out he stayed after her and she gave in. She wants him, but is still Now as for Ms. Mary Jane, she's porcaught up with her former man. Who is traying another career woman who's moving on and it's affecting her. The managing her career in a VERY cut throat business, be a supportive person funny part is that she acts with him the way guys do when they're bullshitting a to her family who has major dysfuncwoman. tions, and try to have a sane personal life. A real challenge for a women with a I can't necessarily support the thought high profile career. Now what's complex of such actions, but again people the for her is she's looking for real love, but point I'm making is that these are just scared to embrace it. I missed the 1st TV characters. I think for women to season, and I am going to get caught have a real problem with the way ficup, but I'll get caught up. Now the com- tional characters of black women are plaint now is that she's knowingly being portrayed I'm just curious.....I sleeping with a married man, and even know that you may want your daughthough her initial reaction was throwing ters to see a positive representation of


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