Urban Family(PRD)—Autumn 2015

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Autumn | 2015



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Urban Family - Autumn 2015

STORY 23 COVER The Travel Issue

favorites 42 Family Top tips from families



Getting fit indoors

FOOD & FUN the world 44 Taste

14 Well-being Mind matters BLURBS


4 Urban Tales

42 Family favorites

6 Urbanites events


FOOD & fun 44 Taste the world

14 Mind matters

50 Eating in autumn

16 Getting fit indoors

52 Cooking with kids

cover story


23 Top spots to discover the world

58 GZ Events 60 SZ Events



34 Summer fun

61 Guangzhou

37 A little poetry

67 Shenzhen

40 Our urban fridge 2


5 | Autumn 201



has been designed by Claire Zheng.



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Editor’s Note It's the end of the story but not to worry I'll be going but I'll see you again I'll travel the whole world over Just the life of a gypsy rover 
 With no way of knowing where I'll be going 
 Or who I will meet out there in the street 
 It's just one of those things 
 I was born with wings on my feet In my heart we're not apart, dear It's not over, I will see you again Loving you was a pleasure Your memory I'll always treasure -Wings on my feet, by Forcefield People always ask how travel has changed me. If I look back at who I was before I began traveling and compare that to who I am now, I would have to say that travel has made me a more awesome and well-rounded person. I’m way cooler now than I was at the age of 2 when I first left to explore the world, with wings on my feet. Not alone of course, but who’s asking? I’ve been from north to south, from deserts to mountains, and back again and again, with stories to fill your ears. When I came to China at the age of 21, I never thought I would call this country home. For me, coming here was just a bit of fun, a travel adventure if you will. But here I am, 13 years into my journey in China, with the wisdom, love and patience to now call this country home. And that's the greatest story this traveller ever told. Our autumn issue of Urban Family focuses on discovering the world through travel, a topic very close to our hearts, seeing as most of us here are transient folks that have made our way to the Middle Kingdom in search of fun, fortune, love and so much more. Turn to p23 for our cover story. We also eat our way around the globe, all whilst being in the PRD, on p44. Check out what some of our families love to do on p42, and keep track of your city’s happenings on p58. Oh, and if you've noticed our new layout, we're glad. We're loving our new look! Till next time, with wings on my feet, Lena Gidwani Chief Editor, Urban Family

城市家 出版发行:云南出版集团 云南科技出版责任有限公司 责任编辑:欧阳鹏 张磊 Urban Family Chief Editor Lena Gidwani 李娜 Assisting Editor Alice Wang 王一慧 Copy Editor Tom Lee 李唐 Production Supervisor Jack Lin 林川青 Designers Tawaka Jiang 江丽 Claire Zheng 郑映玲 Contributors: AISG students, BSG students, CISG students, GNIS students, ISA students, QSI students, SWIS students, SIS students, UISG students, YWIES students, Monika Lin, Dr. Alfred Chambers, Dr. Alan Xiong, Sasha Selkirk, Sushmita Dhekne, Kimberly Pratt, Dhruv Daryani, Mark Graham, Rose Symotiuk, Abie Epstein, Matt Kuykendall, Kimberly Ashton, Antonio Yang


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Urban Tales Mandarin Mastery Express yourself The next time you travel, impress your friends with the Mandarin words for the destinations featured in this travel issue. Tibet 西藏 Xī zàng Thailand 泰国 Tài guó Malaysia

Lessons in wealth The official website of the China Securities Regulatory Commission has reported that 36 primary and secondary schools in Guangzhou will start financial lessons for nearly 10,000 students in the new fall semester. They have also organized for centralized training of more than 80 teachers at these 36 schools. Guangzhou will become the pilot city where financial education is intertwined into the national educational curriculum system. The plan is to use easy and fun teaching materials written by experts, such as informative stories, vivid comics and lively language, in order to form basic skills and awareness of students in finance, shape students' correct concept of wealth, and foster qualified financial consumers and investors in the future.

马来西亚 Mǎ lái xī yà Philippines 菲律宾 Fēi lv bīn Nepal 尼泊尔 Ní bó ěr Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡 Sī lǐ lán kǎ

Bread for thought Bakery chain BreadTalk is in the spotlight, and not for good reasons. A reporter from a Shenzhen TV program went undercover for 10 days at a franchised branch in Coastal City and secretly shot clips with a hidden camera. He has accused them of not changing the doughnut frying oil for years, replacing date labels when various ingredients expired and selling a packaged brand of soya milk as 'fresh' soya milk. Government officials have since inspected the outlet and said practices there conformed to regulations. But the incident has taken a heavy toll on BreadTalk, as share prices have dropped and business has been affected in some areas. The firm has over 400 outlets across China, of which about 80 percent are franchised.

Roach tales The People’s Daily has reported that a young factory worker in Guangdong province got a bit of a shock when he realized that his ear was teeming with cockroaches. A female cockroach had taken up residence weeks earlier in Mr. Li’s ear canal where she laid eggs, hatching 25 baby cockroaches. It caused severe congestion and swelling of his right ear, as well as damage to the skin in the ear canal. Lesson to be learnt here.

Copycat banks Looking for an international investment bank? Look no further than Goldman Sachs, just not in Shenzhen. Recently, it was uncovered that a local company, using the same name as the prestigious US firm, was operating out of an office building in Bao'an District. There is no evidence that the Chinese entity was masquerading as the financial services group. Its existence was brought to light by the International Union of Operating Engineers, a US-based trade union. The fake company's website has since been taken down. The Financial Times has reported that a spokesman for Goldman Sachs said there were no links between it and the Shenzhen company and that it was investigating further.



Being Barack A 29-year-old man in Guangzhou has made the news recently for his striking similarity to US President Barack Obama. In 2012, netizens pointed out migrant worker Xiao Jiguo’s resemblance to the President, and that's when he decided to take it a step further. He is now undergoing cosmetic surgery to appear even more like Obama, according to The Global Times. He has also been studying more about the president’s traits and is now learning English.

AirBnB comes to China

Tourism woes The People’s Daily has published a commentary criticizing travel agents in Southwest China for apparently dividing tourists into five classes based on their spending power and charging them more for their vacations if they were unlikely to splurge during their trip and earn commission for tour guides and companies. The practice has been deemed discriminatory. The South China Morning Post ran a further story, and the practice was confirmed by tourism industry insiders in Guangzhou, who claimed that it was standard industry practice to carry out such ranking systems. Travellers in mainland China and Hong Kong have regularly complained about tour guides putting pressure on them to spend at shops on their itinerary to earn commission from the stores. The People’s Daily claimed that discriminating against tourists was counterproductive for travel firms as it would only drive customers away.

AirBnB, the accommodation rental startup, is preparing to set up shop in the Middle Kingdom. According to a blog post on their official website, the company will be targeting Chinese tourists looking for places to stay abroad. In order to prepare, the company has become strategic partners with China Broadband Capital and Sequoia Capital China, whose founding partner, Neil Shen, cofounded Ctrip. China’s outbound travel market is booming, increasing ten-fold since 2000 to 109 million travelers last year. According to reports, they spent a staggering USD164 billion overseas. AirBnB is already benefiting from this surge, even without any ground operations in China. Users can already opt to use AirBnb’s website in simplified Chinese, and pay for bookings using local payment methods like UnionPay and Alipay.




To get information on how to join our fun family-friendly events, scan our QR code on the cover now!

Urbanites Canton Tower Charity Walk Up


n May 30, Urban Family magazine and the Canton Tower joined hands and hearts to organize a fantastic fundraising event at the Sky Walk to help Hopeful Hearts, a charity which supports children with life-threatening heart diseases. Although the weather was a bit gloomy, around a hundred guests turned up for the walk, spanning from 33 to 67 floors. With sponsorship from Loacker and Nogogo, guests enjoyed delicious wafers and energy drinks after reaching the top. Nurses from Eur Am International Medical Center and Elizabeth International Medical Center stood by to provide first-aid support as participants climbed up. Guangzhou Nanfang International School and Yew Wah International Education School of Guangzhou all strongly supported this charity event. In total, RMB5,400 was raised for Hopeful Hearts, a testament to our deep desire to help those who need it. Thank you to everyone who participated in this special event.



Urbanites Frozen Party


n May 31, 70 Princess Elsas and their families enjoyed the Urbanites Frozen party held by Urban Family magazine and the Canton Club. Compared with the heavy rain outdoors, all the guests immersed themselves in a white and icy-blue fairyland. From festive face painting and a mystic magic show with a levitating table, to a delicious brunch and a lucky draw, guests enjoyed a wide range of entertainment. With delicious wafers sponsored by Loacker, our Frozen-struck kids let it all go, singing and dancing their hearts out. What a magical day for our families!




To get information on how to join our fun family-friendly events, scan our QR code on the cover now!

Urbanites Father's Day Party


n Saturday, June 20, to celebrate Father’s Day, Urban Family held a cooking class at FOODS restaurant, at The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou. After a stirring cheerleader performance from Varsity Cheerleading Academy, eight families spent the afternoon learning how to make delicious chocolate brownies with Executive Chef Juraj Kalna and his lovely family. Along with some funfilled sporty games from Yew Wah International Education School of Guangzhou, parents built bonds and made memories with their children. Everyone went home with a lucky draw gift, varying from spa vouchers and Argentinean Malbec wine bottles to Kaiyi Dental vouchers and air fresheners. Special thanks to our sponsors and to The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou.






To get information on how to join our fun family-friendly events, scan our QR code on the cover now!

Urbanites American-themed Cooking Class


ubba Mac’s Smokehouse BBQ hosted the American-themed Urban Family cooking class on August 8, led by Chef Nathan at Sea World. In addition to learning how to make mac and cheese, hot dogs and ice cream floats, the 25 guests in attendance had a chance to peek inside Bubba Mac’s kitchen and win prizes in the lucky draw. Vouchers for Bubba Mac’s, HarMoniCare Shenzhen Women & Children’s Hospital and Viva Dental were all up for grabs, as well as a Nogogo gift basket and a stylish Urbanatomy mug. Each family in attendance took home a goodie bag, packed with Bubba Mac’s and Co-Talk Chinese School vouchers, a superhero pencil case and a copy of Urban Family.

Urbanites Pink Party


n August 9, 12 pretty princesses, a few handsome boys and their families dressed in dazzling shades of pink to enjoy the Urbanites Pink Party held by Urban Family magazine and Crowne Plaza Guangzhou City Center. All the guests entered a pink balloon castle to enjoy arts and crafts and games organized by Eclipse English Education. With the newest raspberry-yoghurt cookies sponsored by Loacker, our little chefs learnt how to make delicious Napoleon cake and mango mousse. Many also won wonderful hotel vouchers in our lucky draw.




To get information on how to join our fun family-friendly events, scan our QR code on the cover now!

Urbanites Hawaiian Party


n August 16, 21 kids and their parents enjoyed a fantastic Hawaiian party held by Urban Family magazine and the Happy Monk. When guests arrived, the venue had been turned into a coastal paradise, complete with sea turtles, fish and a lobster. With the guidance of Chef Todd, kids learnt how to make the always-delicious banoffee pie. In addition to the cooking class, children in colorful dresses swayed to the hula dance music and enjoyed a link-up menu game – complete with prizes. To cap off the event, the Happy Monk offered guests an impressed farewell by giving away a number of restaurant vouchers (in a lucky draw), as well as all the decorative balloons onsite. Everyone enjoyed the vibe of the party, as it was truly relaxing and fun!

Urbanites Mid-Autumn Party


n August 22, Urban Family magazine joined hands with Hoi Fan Restaurant to organize a memorable Mid-Autumn party for both old and new readers. After enjoying classic Chinese dim sum, 15 families learnt the legend of Mid-Autumn Festival and mastered the skills necessary to make a traditional moon cake. With the guidance of Chef Kang, kids enjoyed crafting food and bonding with their family. Meanwhile, teachers from Eclipse English demonstrated traditional arts, including lantern and fan painting, to interested guests. Finally, guests got to taste their creation and won moon cakes, ASC wine and Eclipse vouchers in the lucky draw. What a fruitful family day out!



welL-being If you’re already a fan of the aforementioned works, lofty statements such as the above by Dr. Graham are not new. What is new are the many neuroscientists, psychologists and medical doctors that are now providing us with empirical evidence supporting such statements.

s r e t t a m Minudlness in life Mindf endall By Matt Kuyk


midst the recent deluge of self-help works such as The Secret, The Power of Now and Deepak Chopra’s many, many works, mindfulness is a concept you may have dismissed outright as the latest fad. However, the past 20 years of both neuroscience and psychological scholarship have begun to uncover a wonderful synergy between mindset and brain function. For those of you wondering what mindfulness is, mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to experience. In order to fully appreciate these mindsetfocused remedies to the ills of existence, it’s important to understand how the brain’s neural networks function. Contrary to popular belief, we do not only use 10 percent of our brains – you’re using much more than that right now. However, we do use a limited number of neural networks at any given time. Our brain, like our personalities,



is given to routine. We often have a default response to given stimuli. A response that bestselling author and Nobel Prize-winning researcher Daniel Kahneman has termed 'System 1.' This system is quick to react and very simple in its approach. It includes our fight or flight response, as well as other knee-jerk-style psychological reactions and biases. And unfortunately, this system is often choosing our responses to situations much more frequently than we would like to admit. The reality is that our brains are on autopilot most of the day. The goal of both mindfulness and Kahneman’s plea for people to learn how to "think slow" is to leverage our brain’s plasticity against our brain’s propensity to default to autopilot, a default mechanism that has served our species well. By slowing down and cultivating mindfulness, researcher Linda Graham believes we can change our quick-to-react fight or flight response “to a more expansive, more optimistic perspective, where we can again discern options and possibilities.”

Graham goes on to discuss an experiment in which individuals were attached to MRI machines while engaging in mindfulness practice. Researchers observed that “more neural activity lights up in the left hemisphere of the brain, which has a more ‘approach’ stance toward experience than the right hemisphere, which tends to have an ‘avoid’ withdrawal approach.” The goal is that through sustained practice at being more mindful, one can engage the rational open 'System 2' in situations that would normally be engaged by the more reactive 'System 1.' This mental rewiring has been shown to bring about myriad benefits, including better focus and overall mental acuity. A number of San Francisco area middle and high schools have begun integrating mindfulness into their everyday curriculum. The results are astounding. At Visitacion Valley Middle School, a school in which absentee and suspension rates were among the highest in the city, the adoption of 'quiet time' correlated with a 45 percent decrease in suspensions. And perhaps more importantly, in the California Assessment of Student Health, these students scored among the state's highest. Schools are not the only institutions taking note of the growing momentum behind mindfulness, as Google and other Fortune 500 companies have begun offering on-site mindfulness training with the goal of increasing worker happiness, mental acuity and focus. Like anything worthwhile, mindfulness takes practice and dedication. You likely won’t see increased openness and mental acuity in a week or even four. However, if you are willing to make an effort to practice mindfulness in your everyday life, your brain will thank you.


Getting fit indoors Yoga and CrossFit By Lena Gidwani

As the weather starts to get cooler, one has to start to look at ways to stay fit indoors. Here are two creative ways to start off your exercise routine once winter comes along. So we’ve covered this before, and everyone knows how great it is, but did we mention just how great it is? Despite obvious benefits such as building muscular strength, promoting muscle tone, fat loss, improved metabolism and bone density, many of us equate 'strength training' with toilsome weight machines, dumbbells or resistance cords. But experts say that yoga can be just as effective as weights when it comes to building a stronger, more impressive physique. They agree that whether or not yoga can be your sole form of strength training depends on your goals, as it is a more balanced approach to it. For one, it conditions your body to perform things you do every day, such as walking, sitting, bending and lifting. It also integrates different forms of meditation, breathing, visualization and focused intention with strength training, to anchor the whole body and system. Frankly, it’s just plain awesome. Try it, if you haven't already! Guangzhou: Brahma Yoga: 3/F, Yingjia Garden, No.72, Jinsui Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州市 天河区珠江新城金穗路 72 号盈嘉花园三层 ( 毋米粥旁 ) (020) 8527 2620 / 8527 2621 www.fantianyoga.com/


Pushing your boundaries

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program built upon constantly varied, high-intensity functional movements to develop strength and increase endurance, preparing you for any physically demanding situation. Rather than working muscles in isolation, CrossFit exercises involve the entire




Training the body, mind and soul

Shenzhen: Iyengar Yoga Center Shennan Dadao, 13/F, 9030 Century Holiday Plaza A, Reith Center, Shenzhen 艾扬格瑜伽深圳中心 深南大道 9030 号 , 世纪假日广场 A 座瑞思 中心 13 楼 (0755) 8664 4480

body, a method that gets balanced results much quicker than traditional programs. It uses Olympic lifting progressions, basic gymnastic skills and high-intensity metabolic conditioning combined with many other movements. In general, CrossFit workouts can be pretty brutal. They run the gamut from extremely easy to difficult, to utterly vicious and borderline insane. Regardless, all of these WODs (that's Workout of the Days) will challenge you as long as you’re giving them your all. If you're curious and seek an improved you, it's worth it. Here are two of our favorite boxes: CrossFit Terracotta Warriors is based in Guangzhou and is run by the sexy and dedicated Valeria Murillo, whilst CrossFit StarFire runs a center in Shenzhen.

Guangzhou: CrossFit Terracotta Warriors: Room 506, 5/F, Mingmen Club, Mingmen Mansion, No. 6, Huacheng Dadao, Zhujiang Xincheng, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 珠江新城花城大道 6 号名门大厦 名门会所五楼 506 ( 五羊邨 B 或珠江新 城 A2). Classes start at 7am and the last class is at 7:30pm. For more information, contact Valeria on 138 2621 1181, add WeChat ID: valeriamurillo0228 or check http://terracottacrossfit.wix.com/ Shenzhen: CrossFit StarFire: Building 7, 109, Bi Hai Hong Shu Garden, Fu Rong Lu, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区福荣路 碧海红树园小区内 7 栋 109 For more information, call 186 8895 6240, email info@crossfitstarfire.com or check www.crossfitstarfire.com. WeChat: CrossFitSF




Anger is not fun Taming your temper

By Dr. Alfred Chambers, Psychologist / Director of Mental Health Services at United Family Guangzhou Clinic


s human animals, we have evolved for survival, which means, it seems, that we have a naturally occurring balance of thought, emotion and behavior that enables us to take care of ourselves and have relatively healthy relationships with other people. This self-regulation is natural to all animals and gives us the ability to engage with our normal stress responses and emotions in a positive and productive (not destructive) manner. However, we all know that some people (not me or you, of course) have the nasty habit of losing their equilibrium and being 'out of control' with thoughts, behaviors or emotions. This might manifest as an obsessive process (too much thinking), unhelpful habits of doing, or excesses of emotion (which can include a wide variety). I want to talk about the very prevalent over-indulgence in being angry – or call it annoyed, irritated, resentful, moody or just generally pissed off.

is what we call neurotic. Here are a few myths (false ideas) about anger that must be cleared up: anger must be expressed to stay healthy; some people they can never control their anger; somebody must listen to and respect my anger; and it is natural to be angry and everybody does it! No to all of these!

For our ancient ancestors, men and women, being angry was not a survival tool; rather, if expressed, it alienated us from our tribe. It makes us panic and not think clearly and it disrupts our empathic childcare - the same effects it has on us today! Survival is aided by a fight-flight response in which we respond to threat with a surge from our parasympathetic nervous system that supplies our bodies with adrenaline, cortisol and other natural stimulants. In this response, rather than with anger, we can protect ourselves and others and then after the danger is past or the prey is caught, we relax again. This is not about anger. For example, an angry rugby player is not effective, but an aggressive/assertive one can do the job (think clear, make decisions, be aware of others, act). The same holds for an angry parent, boss or lover.

and swung around when needed. Different families and individuals, just like different cultures, have various rules about when it is fine to use it and what the consequences are. Chinese people are very strategic with their anger – culturally it is acceptable as a tool to regain lost face but should not be used randomly or publicly, as this will cause a loss of face. Therefore, it can be understood as deliberate and strategic - not random (in the West, we are messier with our emotions of anger). We learn how to use anger when we are young – and remember that it is often it is not possible to just think back and see a logical path to our anger (for example, my father had a temper so therefore I do). The reason for this is that anger is not rational; it is the opposite, an irrational mix of our hurts, fears and efforts to protect ourselves from abandonment. And unfortunately, when many of us were young, our protectors presented us with a mixture of anger, violence, aggression and love – and now, years later, we may have trouble telling all these thoughts, emotions, feelings and behaviors apart. This can be very confusing.

If anger is a problem for you, you must realize that making excuses for it, rationalizing your behavior or thinking it is natural and acceptable are unhelpful ideas and behaviors. We always have a choice with our actions. And if your partner, parent or child prefers anger as a weapon of choice, you shouldn’t To begin, let’s suppose there are only two dance along with them as anger usually begets basic human 'feelings.' We feel either atanger. And nobody wants to go through life tracted to or pulled away from something; in an angry environment, either expressing it positive or negative; close or distant; dilated or being the object of it – it isn’t a fun place to or constricted. These feelings are basic be. And certainly, parents should not be angry physiological responses and influence how back at children; after all, you are the adult we navigate our way through life, i.e., I feel Anger is a neurotic mix of thoughts, moods, and you possess the ability to self-control, comfortable about something (I want it) if you chose! We always have the choice to feelings, insecurities, entitlements, blame or uncomfortable (I don’t want it). Do you de-escalate our behavior; we can choose to and desperation whose sole purpose in want chocolate or vanilla? This guy or that be quiet and have a few deep breaths before adults is the same as it is in children – to guy? If we pay attention, these basic feelings reacting to that rude man on the metro, that win something, to get our way, to be taken constantly guide us and are quite clean in stray WeChat message on your lover’s phone care of, to manipulate. It is learned when their experience – non-neurotic is a way to or that comment from your crazy boss. Just we are young as a weapon to be taken out say it. However human 'emobecause we have an uncomtions' such as anger, grief, fear, fortable feeling does not Dr. Alfred Chambers, Ph.D. guilt and so on, are much more mean we should indulge in Psychologist / Director of Mental Health Services complicated and controlling. immature responses – that United Family Guangzhou Clinic (GZU) 和睦家广州诊所 And rather than being natural assumption is perhaps one 1/F, Annex, PICC Bldg, 301 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou and pure as personal guides, reason our world is having 广州市越秀区广州大道中 301 号人保大厦南塔副楼首层 these emotions are learned as GZU Tel: 预约电话 : +86 (20) 8710 6073, GZU Emergency: 急诊 : +86 (20) 8710 6060 so much trouble lately. So if tools of manipulation, control, you are going to be angry, www.ufh.com.cn denial, blame and so on. That think again, and don’t…





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Keeping an eye on moles Early warning signs By Dr. Alan Xiong, Eur Am International Medical Center


oles can be an ignored health problem for us, especially when at unexposed parts of body. They may have existed since our childhood and not caused any trouble to us. However, some moles may become unstable or active, and can be malignant if left without diagnosis/ treatment. Fortunately, if we keep an eye on moles, troubles from malignant moles can be avoided since most malignant skin lesions can be cured in the early stages.



Here are some warning signs of “bad” moles: 1. The mole is “asymmetric” (one half is different to the other half); the border of the mole is irregular, scalloped or poorly defined; the color varied from one area to another, shades of tan and brown, black, sometimes white, red or blue; the size of the malignant mole is usually larger than six millimeters in diameter when diagnosed, but it can be smaller. 2. One mole looks different from other moles. 3. The mole is changing in size, shape or color. 4. Episode of itching, edematous, oozing, necrotizing, ulcerated, bleeding from the mole. 5. Newly presented mole.

We can do regular self-skin exams at home. It’s better to conduct an examination from head to toe as malignant skin lesions can present itself at any area including the scalp or the bed or bottom of fingernails. We can use mirrors to check moles on our back or on areas that we can hardly see with our naked eye. Going for a skin exam conducted by a primary care physician is also a good idea. Sometimes we can make an appointment with the dermatologist directly. Just like any other malignancy, early diagnosis means early treatment and early treatment means better results. Dr. Alan Xiong is a family medicine physician at the Eur Am International Medical Center, Guangzhou. He has more than ten years of practicing experience and extensive experience in general surgery and emergency. Eur Am Int’l Medical Center 1/F North Tower, Ocean Pearl Building, 19 Huali Lu, Zhujiang New Town (3758 5328; 24-hr Urgent Care: 137 1041 3347). 康辰国际医疗,珠江新城华利路 19 号远洋明珠大厦北座首层 . www.eurammedicalcenter.com

Explore, absorb, inspire Top spots to discover the world

Travel always teaches. The curiosity of the unfamiliar – whether it is a neighborhood in your own city or a new country on the other side of the globe – strengthens human connection and broadens the view. In seeing new sights and meeting new faces, we are reminded to rearrange routine and take the long way home every now and again. And so, as part of our pledge to see the world with you, we asked a few seasoned globetrotters to take us to the top spots they’ve visited for a first-hand account of where to go and what to take in, in search of beauty that is truly larger than life. Some are far, many are near and a couple are just in your backyard. So flip the page and discover the world. No passport needed… www.urban-family.com


cover STORY


Navigating the City of Light By Mark Graham


he French capital is probably most famous for its glorious architecture, high fashion and gourmet fare. But its abundance of parks and playgrounds also makes Paris a thoroughly kid-friendly city, with a number of entertaining options for tots, toddlers and teenagers, as well as parents. In fact, Paris is an even more magical city for adults when seen through a child’s eyes – places that might have been ignored or given a cursory glance on previous visits are re-interpreted by the soaring imaginations of young minds. The golden statue of 15thcentury martyr Joan of Arc, although perhaps only mildly interesting to grown-ups, is a thing of beauty and wonder to little girls in particular, who simply love the idea of a shinyarmored warrior queen on horseback, gallantly riding into battle. Perhaps best not to break the princess-fable spell by mentioning the grisly truth, that poor Joan was burned at the stake by the English for having the temerity to challenge their then-occupation of France. The Joan of Arc statue is located in the first arrondissement, the district with the most concentrated collection of sublime attractions, including the Louvre. Truth be told, the venerable museum itself is of limited appeal to the really young, smiling Mona Lisa notwithstanding, but the exterior, designed by China-born I.M Pei, with its shimmering glass and surrounding water channels, is a fantastical creation, one that is bound to elicit shrieks of excitement. If your child is learning about shapes in school, there is nowhere better in the world for a practical application of the triangle writ large, with the exception, perhaps, of the Bank of China building in Hong Kong, also one of Pei’s genius creations, and the ancient pyramids in Egypt. The cops who patrol the precinct also appear to be part of the surreal

EuroDisney vs. Versailles As the only Disneyland in the whole of Europe, EuroDisney tends to become a little on the crowded side during peak months, with long queues for all the major rides. The park is located some distance out of the city, so if an American theme park is an essential part of your Paris agenda, it may well be best to book a hotel on site to maximize time there. It is certainly way more vast than Hong Kong Disneyland. Long before Walt Disney was born, the



tableau created by having such a dazzling new building in a resolutely traditional courtyard: they whizz around on rollerblades, giving them way more cool credentials than the average gendarme.


A few steps away is the Tuileries, a compact 16thcentury gem of a public park, dotted with statues, sculptures and leafy walkways. At weekends, one of its several ponds hosts a flotilla of wooden sailboats, presided over by an avuncular Frenchman who dresses like a favorite uncle from a bygone era with his pipe, bushy beard, sailor’s cap, and Breton jumper. The friendly monsieur rents out wooden sticks, which are used to nudge the yachts back on course when they bump into the side; though simple it provides a good hour of innocent pleasure to little, would-be high seas adventurers. A group of donkeys arrive at the park on weekends, stewarded by hearty-mannered owners who are unceasingly patient with children, strapping them on the donkeys, reeling off the animals’ individual names and idiosyncrasies and keeping up a string of patter (with a tiny bit of English thrown in), during the gentle trot around the short circuit. After a donkey ride or two, there is plenty more for kids to enjoy in the Tuileries – a small (and free) playground with slide, roundabouts and seesaws, along with trampolines and an old-fashioned musical merry-go-round. Adjacent to the park is the magnificent Seine river, always busy with chugging barges, glass-sided tour boats and scud-

French king Louis XIV built his own fantasy playground, Versailles, a fabulously extravagant castle with glorious grounds. The main rooms of this masterpiece are sumptuously luxurious, the landscaped grounds dotted by ornate fountains. If your time in Paris is limited you may need to make a choice between an imported American theme park or the home-grown French one. Both have their merits but given a choice, kids are bound to opt for thrilling rides over historical buildings. For more information on each: www.chateauversailles.fr www.disneylandparis.com

ding police launches. Moored alongside on this particular stretch of the waterway are colorfully painted houseboats, floating homes that do not appear to move much, if ever, judging by the tables and chairs and plants arrayed around the decks and gangways. Just across the Seine at this point is the Musée d’Orsay, located in a former railway station, which boasts an extensive collection of impressionist paintings, among other classics. Its appeal for really young children is limited — attention span tends to fade quickly after a cursory appreciation of pretty paintings by Renoir, Monet and Van Gogh — but the outer courtyard has life-size statues of different jungle animals that are a fun diversion. Orsay is one of the stopping points for the hop-on, hop-off boat tours that operate along the central stretch of the Seine, allowing leisurely exploration of iconic places en route such as Notre Dame and the Latin Quarter. A little further along the river, also on the southern side, known to Parisians as the left bank, is the city’s most famous structure, the Eiffel Tower. Originally built as a temporary exhibition for the world’s fair (now known as Expo) back in the late 19th century, the structure proved so popular it became a permanent fixture. In subsequent years, it came to be the defining symbol of the city, instantly recognizable all over the world. Queues for the elevator to the top of this cast-iron mega-tower can be off-putting, although the reward is fabulous views of the city.

Sacré Coeur

An equally-striking panorama of Paris can be enjoyed from the all-white Sacré Coeur church on the opposite side of the river. The church itself is reached by passing through narrow cobbled streets, lined by antiques shops, knick-knack stores, cafes, restaurants and patisseries, followed by a steep hill climb, either by steps, or via the funicular. Young children may not be much interested in the mosaics inside the church, but they are bound to be fascinated by the jugglers, singers and artists who congregate around the precinct to show their skills and earn a euro or two from appreciative tourists.

Château de Vincennes

People with children are guaranteed a fun day out if they take the metro line all the way out to the eastern terminus, at Château de Vincennes. The chateau itself, right next to the metro stop, dates back to the 14th century, with a 50-meter high castle tower that is in astonishingly good condition. Adults and children alike will be enthralled to climb the same steep and narrow steps as generations of kings and queens, princes and princesses; modern-day urbanites used to the creature comforts of the 21st century will be shocked by the small size and primitive nature of the main royal residences. Thick bars on one windowless room indicate its function as the designated storage space for the king’s gold and jewels. A rather smaller space is where the royal commode was located. In days gone by the only way into this thick-walled fortress was via the main drawbridge – still in use today – that crossed a deep, water-filled moat. These formidable defenses allowed castle occupants to resist an attacking army for months or even years. It meant the defenders had no opportunity to go for strolls in the nearby forest, an appealing post-visit option for contemporary visitors. The adjacent parkland has an awesome array of spacious playgrounds, four in total, that include a rustic, adventurestyle affair, seriously fast slides and simple rocking horses for toddlers.

The Botanical Gardens and Zoo

Back in central Paris is another lesser-known attraction that holds huge appeal for kids. The zoo in the Botanical Gardens was built in 1794, which means that by today’s standards, the animal accommodation is a little on the cramped side, especially for the magnificent snow leopards who are visibly bored by having to pace up and down on a tiny patch of faux-jungle. Other animals housed there include orangutans, wallabies, crocodiles, emus, antelopes, red pandas, yaks, wolves, owls, vultures, anacondas and pythons. The gardens date back to the 17th century and are among the finest in the entire city, stocked with something in the region of 10,000 different varieties of plants, give or take a rose or two. Sticking with the nature theme, the adjacent Museum of Natural History

has stuffed animals and birds from every corner of the earth – and a collection of dinosaur eggs that date back millions of years. Within easy striking distance of this area is the Luxembourg Gardens, a splendid space that holds appeal for both adults and children. Grown-ups will appreciate the busts in the gardens, which include Flaubert and Baudelaire, among others, the eclectic collection of plants, the neat symmetry of the walkways and overall air of tranquility, while kids will simply love saddling up for donkey rides or hurtling around the giant playground. It is easy to have an enjoyable time with children, mainly because it is so painless to combine the interests of disparate ages and interests. Having said that, some of the classic Paris sights are of minimal interest to under-10's, including the famous Champs Élysées thoroughfare and the renowned fine dining rooms, where eyebrows would most definitely be raised at the sight of very junior patrons. In any event, it is unlikely that any parents would be left with much of an inclination for a multi-course gourmet dinner after a day’s energetic exploration of Paris. It can be just as much fun to have a simple bistro meal (french fries or frites are, of course, on every single menu) followed by a walk down to the Seine to witness the greatest evening show in town, the hourly illumination of the Eiffel Tower, a sparkling extravaganza that is the equal of any EuroDisney firework display, and with the significant advantage of being totally free to all onlookers.

Getting to and around Paris Good value flights to Paris can be tracked down on ctrip.com, elong.com, or with the national carrier Air France. As a general rule, the closer to the central Paris area, the more expensive the hotel, but there are plenty of cheaper family run hotels located in the first arrondissement, tucked in alleyways close to the grand hotels such as the Ritz, the Bristol, the George V, the Crillon and the Meurice. Paris is a fabulous city to visit at any time of year but is at its most splendid in the spring and fall months, when the many parks are ablaze with color. www.batobus.com www.mnhn.fr www.louvre.fr www.monuments-nationaux.fr www.musee-rodin.fr www.parisinfo.com www.tour-eiffel.fr

Getting anywhere in Paris is best done by public transport, as taxis are expensive and not particularly easy to hail. For hassle-free journeys, it pays to invest a little time in studying the metro and bus system carefully, easily done by picking up a free map at any major station. The metro is best for any major cross-town journey but it can involve long walks to change lines. Nor is it especially stroller friendly: only the major metro stops have escalators. Buses, while slower, are easy to work out – the final destination, and key stops en route, are written on the side. Public transportation: www.ratp.fr



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Roof of the world By Abie Epstein

grand aesthetics. Keep in mind tickets for the Potala are limited, and visitors will need to abide to their allotted timeslot.


ne of the most remarkable and untouched locations in Asia, Tibet is home to some of the world’s most fabulous monasteries, breathtaking treks and an impressive sunrise over Mount Everest. Visit Lhasa, the 'Land of Buddhism' and Tibet’s capital, for the amazing cultural relics. Jokhang Temple is located in the center of Lhasa and is the spiritual heart of Tibet. The 1,300-year-old temple is the ultimate desti-

As the ‘Roof of the World,’ Tibet’s terrain is made up of mountains, vast lands and lakes. The mesmerizing turquoise water of the sacred Yamdrok Lake at the southern foot of the Himalayas makes this the land of not only sacred religious landmarks but natural ones as well. nation for Tibetan pilgrims. Before noon is the best time to go and take a stroll through all the open interior chapels. For a sight you’ll never forget, Potala Palace is Lhasa’s cardinal landmark. This architectural wonder once housed the Tibetan government and, in winter, the Dalai Lamas themselves. The giant fortress-like palace lends itself to a lot of exploration and discovery, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled. Also called the White and Red Palace, when inside, pay specific attention to their jeweled tombs and

Mount Everest is also situated in the same region. If you want to head to base camp, first make tracks to Rongphu Monastery, the highest in the world. It requires a long drive over bumpy dirt roads and the camp itself is very basic, but you will be rewarded with views of Mount Everest at sunset and sun-rise that you will never forget. Be alert that significant changes in altitude can cause sickness for many visiting Tibet. Talk to your doctor in advance if you are concerned.


Hidden beaches By Kimberley Pratt

off. Boracay has in excess of 400 beach resorts, with many catering especially to families with young children. Peak season for Boracay begins in October and runs through until June so there’s no time like the present to start booking your next family vacation for Christmas or Chinese New Year!


idden away on the northwest tip of Panay Island in the Philippines is an island of beautiful beaches and coves known as Boracay. Comprising some of the world’s most amazing stretches of sand and clearest waters, the area has always been a top destination for relaxation but is now re-emerging as a haven for families.

26 www.urban-family.com

With an abundance of leisure activities at your fingertips – such as scuba diving, helmet diving, snorkeling, windsurfing, kite-boarding, parasailing or simply relaxing on the beach – you will never be short on things to do. The island also boasts an 18-hole, par 72 golf course designed by Graham Marsh for families itching to tee


Heaven on earth By Kimberley Pratt


ali is one of the easiest places in Southeast Asia to travel with children. Picturesque nature scenes, rich culture, friendly people and amazing facilities are what you can expect from this Indonesian island. Bali’s exotic atmosphere and clear waters are the per-fect foundation for numerous family activities as well as a feast for the eyes. Firstly, embrace the great outdoors by going white water rafting in Ubud. Nothing beats quality family time like undulat-


ing along the thrilling ups and downs of a white-capped Balinese waterway. Guided rafting tours along the Ayung River are coupled with beautiful unspoiled scenery, waterfalls and cliff artwork: a culturally rich and adrenaline-pumping experience.

ver the years, Phuket has been the victim of unfair typecasting thanks to the infamous ‘sin city’ of adult ‘ping pong shows’ that is Patong. Regrettably, as a result of this pigeonholing, the picturesque island could easily be overlooked.


With the country’s second major airport after Bangkok, Phuket is by far the most easily accessible of Thailand’s southern islands and also takes the title as the largest. It is equaled by an abundance of activities on offer to holiday makers, promising never to leave you in want of something to do, come rain or shine. If what you’re looking for is some downtime, then kick back and relax on white sands while the kids don snorkels and splash about in the emerald-green water. Alternatively, take a more active approach to the beach holiday and swim the coral reef or even go one step further – or should we say deeper – and take up sub-aqua activities to get up close and personal with the marine life. Phuket offers a wealth of water sports to tire out the tykes, including zorbing, white water rafting and bamboo rafting!

By Sasha Selkirk

You will find a host of other family activities on the island, such as agro-tourism in a Balinese jungle, primate feeding at Monkey Forest, educational excursions through one of the many temples, channeling your inner buccaneer at Pirate’s Bay, splashing about at Waterbom Park or simply enjoying the island’s many beaches. After all that adventure, it might be time to relax and indulge in a Balinese resort. There are plenty of spa retreats which cater for both adults and children; after all our little princesses and princes need a bit of pampering too. While kid massages prove popular, you’ll find other children’s activities include bubble baths, nail art, hair-braiding and temporary tattoos. Nusa Dua is popular with families for the range of quality beachfront resorts, and the calmer, quieter beaches and coves. This indescribable island accommodates all of your family vacation needs and is rightly famed as a paradise on earth.

Paradise peninsula Looking for a respite from all this splashing about? Go ziplining or explore the jungle by elephant… but with elephant bathing calling, we can’t promise you’ll stay dry long! Save some of the island's more bizarre attractions for rainy afternoons. In Phuket, the trick-eye museum, an interactive 3D painting exhibition, and Baan Teelanka, an upside-down house, provide spectacularly strange photo opportunities, while the Chamber of Secrets, a real-life ‘escape room’ game, offers the whole family fun. If all these adventurous antics still haven’t entirely exhausted the kids out, take in a breathtakingly theatrical show at the island’s night-time cultural theme park, Phuket

Fantasea, where state-of-the-art technology and special effects showcase Thailand’s myths and mysteries. And if by some freak of nature you are still left looking for more, then Ko Phi Phi and Phang Nga Bay are only short boat trip rides away. Make a couple of day trips and check out Phi Phi’s many attractions including Monkey Beach and Maya Beach – made famous by the movie The Beach - or head to Phang Nga Bay for Koh Tapu - better known as James Bond Island for its role in The Man With the Golden Gun – and the Sea Gypsy Village of Koh Panyee.



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Sri Lanka

Elephants, tea, beaches and more By Sushmita Dhekne


f you’ve already checked off incredible India on your family vacation list, it’s time you packed your bags and headed to the magical island country of Sri Lanka. Overlooked by many tourists for far too long, the compact country boasts as many as eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Crab, endless beaches, famous Ceylon tea and timeless ruins are just some of Sri Lanka’s many gems.

The best part is that distances in Sri Lanka are short. Start your trip off by admiring the world’s oldest tree (Anuradhapura), lose count of the savory dishes that accompany your aromatic rice and curry, spend the afternoon meditating in a temple, work on your tan as you bask under the sun or catch some fantastic waves.

graph and admire the majestic beasts, which are only found on this island nation. Another place to take your family on a leopard safari is the Wilpattu National Park.

For wildlife enthusiasts, the elephant interactions, whale watching and leopard safaris make for essential experiences. The elephant orphanage at Pinnawela is a great place to hone your photography skills while watching the mud-bathing and bottle-feeding young pachyderms. If your kids love the ocean, hop on a boat excursion at Mirissa to watch magnificent whales and dolphins glide past.

An utopia for history and architecture buffs, Sri Lanka’s ancient ruins reflect 2,000-plus years of culture. Intricate details carved into legendary temples have been crafted by artisans over hundreds of years – a rewarding and educational experience for your children. The best areas to view these relics are around Anuradhapura, Polonnawura, Sigiriya and Dambulla: Sri Lanka’s Cultural Triangle. Several tours are run through the temples and villages, or you could be adventurous and stroll through them yourself, marveling at the colorful sights along the way.

The endangered Sri Lankan leopard resides at the Yala National Park, a wonderful place for tropical jungle lovers. The park is widely renowned as the perfect location to photo-

Dying to hit the beach? Fear not. There are tons of sandy gems with brilliant white sand along the south and west coast; the kids will be begging to stay longer!


A Himalayan wonderland By Sushmita Dhekne


trip to Nepal is great for adventurous families and a magnificent way to introduce kids to the Himalayan landscape. Scenic views from Nagarkot, a hilltop village near Kathmandu and internationally known for having the best mountain vistas, are sure to go down in family-trip history. Nothing could be better than looking out across the glistening ranges over breakfast. The optimal time to visit is spring, when an abundance of gorgeous flowers pop up against the background of the incredible icecapped peaks. If your family is active, go for a trek or hike to any of the surrounding



areas for panoramic scenes of Kathmandu Valley. Another place to enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature is Pokhara, the secondlargest city in Nepal. Here, you can go on relaxing walks by the lakes and waterfalls or explore various caves in the area. Pokhara is also a fantastic place to administer a dose of adrenaline with a multitude of activities such as trekking, boating and white water rafting. Chitwan National Park offers an unforgettable bonding experience with nature. You can spot crocodiles, rhinos and Bengal tigers at the park as well as take part in heaps of other activities for jungle junkies such as bird watching and elephant safaris.

The winding old streets of ancient Bhaktapur are the heart of many Hindu and Buddhist monuments and shrines, making this town a terrific place for an enriching experience. Festivals are celebrated all year round to mark seasons and honor the different deities. Durbar Square, Taumadhi Square and Dattatreya Square are the most commonly visited areas. For a quieter experience, there are plenty of other ancient sites and traditional towns nearby to explore. Most family-friendly itineraries are carefully and safely designed to include children, ensuring you a peaceful, memorable trip.


yanmar, or Burma, is one of Southeast Asia’s most mysterious countries. Stretching between the sparkling islands of the Andaman Sea and the Eastern Himalayan Mountains, this land offers an abundance of activities, from mountain trekking and rafting to sunbathing and worldclass diving. Unlike Southeast Asian neighbors like Thailand and Vietnam, Myanmar is unique in that it remains relatively untouched by tourism and as such maintains an air of mystery. With its wild jungle, pristine beaches and rich cultural heritage, this comparatively undiscovered country is just begging to be explored. Despite a late emergence onto the tourist scene, Myanmar offers a surprisingly stress-free travel experience: expect a warm welcome and to find English widely spoken. But do not expect to sit still long in this captivating country. Fly into Yangon, the cosmopolitan capital and global gateway to Myanmar. With astounding architecture, the city is any sightseer’s
seventh heaven, and the
golden Shwedagon Pagoda, arguably the most magnificent of its features, cannot be missed (literally – it’s huge!). After the spiritual sedation of Shwedagon, give into the kids’ restless inclinations by jolting yourself back into the city’s hustle and bustle and losing


ota Kinabalu, or ‘KK’ to locals, may be the industrial and commercial center of Borneo in East Malaysia, but it is also jam-packed with wildlife, beaches and cultural hot spots. For animal lovers, the Kota Kinabalu Wetland Centre is fun for all ages. Here you can see the rare pygmy elephant, orangutans, proboscis monkeys and many species of birds and reptiles. The Wetland Centre is also home to a host of turtles, amphibians and many different species of crabs and lobsters – all of which you can reach via a series of wooden walkways. Within the center is the Likas bird sanctuary. Protected by the World Wildlife Foundation, it attracts a variety of migratory birds across its 24 hectares of mangrove swamp, some of which come all the way from Siberia. Many different companies offer tours to the wildlife sanctuary, making it an easy day trip. If for some reason you can’t make it to the wetlands, Low Kawi Wildlife Park is a good back-up. You can see tarsiers, all different kinds of birds and even Sumatran rhinos. Look out for the daily feedings at 10am and an interactive show afterwards. Named after its most famous resident, Kota Kinabalu’s very own Mount Kinabalu is Borneo’s tallest mountain. You’ll need to be relatively fit to hike to the top, which normally takes two days with an overnight stay at Laban Rata. If you leave early enough the next morning


An undiscovered adventure By Sasha Selkirk

yourself in the lively labyrinth of street stalls downtown. When the city chaos catches up to you, soak up some sun on the southern sands or cruise up the Irrawaddy River to Mandalay. A plethora of pagodas abound at the latter, highlights of which include the world’s largest bronze bell (87 tons) and the world’s largest (700-marble-slab-long) books. And this is but the tip of the iceberg; the most famous relics reside in the ancient city of Bagan, home to the largest and densest concentration of Buddhist temples, pagodas, stupas and ruins. This jaw-dropping site provides abundant photo opportunities and is the perfect playground for kids to

take on a hide-and-seek tournament of epic proportions! Explore the area by bike or ascend to the skies by hot air balloon over Bagan for breathtaking aerial views. If this panorama isn’t enough then Mount Popa, an extinct volcano topped by a temple, is only a short drive away. Finally, no trip could be complete without an excursion to Inle Lake. Here fishermen will row you (with their legs!) past floating gardens, fruit farms and villages. And if that isn’t bizarre enough then head to Nga Phe Kyaung Monastery, once famously known for the ‘jumping cats.’

Kota Kinabalu Borneo bliss By Abie Epstein

(around 2.30am), you can catch the sunrise and stunning views at the top before the mist rolls in at midmorning. If you’ve got smaller kids in tow, there are plenty of lower trails and shorter treks around the national park at the base of the mountain. At the mountain’s foot you can also experience the Poring hot springs, where you can stay overnight while being pampered with their many open-air bathing tubs and Jacuzzis. To take in nature, there is a canopy walk via suspension bridge through the mengaris trees, where you can listen to the orchestral

bird performances and perhaps cast your eyes on some jungle animals. When you’re in the city center, explore the wondrous street markets and experience some of the local trade culture. During the day, head to the central market on Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens. It’s a fun wander and the handicraft market is a great place for kids to find their perfect souvenir. Offerings include seashells, pearls, clothes and jewelry, the market stays open until 6pm. Afterwards, walk over to the nearby night market for dinner and feast on an array of locally produced meat and vegetarian dishes.



cover STORY r's Reade sion is Subm


For panda enthusiasts young and old By Kimberley Pratt

Mexico Resort fun

By Antonio Yang, Shenzhen American International School


acation time is an opportunity to shrug off your problems and relax. Superior resorts, beaches, camping sites, world cities with their historical museums, archeological sites and all other fun, yet educational places are the best to visit. For some people, vacation planning is a long and tedious process, and therefore it must be great. For me, our lastminute vacation to Mexico left unforgettable memories in my mind. The number-one place to visit in Mexico for many, including myself, is Cancun, located on the Mexican Peninsula. 'An amazing, pretty resort' is what everyone says when they first go to Playa del Carmen, a small town that tourists are attracted to due to its peaceful seashore. Riu Palace is a great property to stay in Playa del Carmen because of its beautiful location. Riu is famous for its very exotic beach. The beach is covered with white, smooth sand, like something you would see in a magazine or movie. Another amazing thing about Riu Palace is their expansive hotel rooms. The rooms are maintained extremely well and the hotel representatives leave a little surprise for you on the bed (chocolate, heart-shaped rose petals, or swan- shaped towels) every time you leave your room.


What I liked about the rooms most is their amazing interior design: dark wood wardrobe, marble floors, comfortable couches and flat-panel television screens. Their five-star allinclusive restaurants are also superb; the waiters wear smart suits or vests, and with their gloved hands, serve the most delicious dishes carried on trays. The variety is also unbelievable: you can savor anything from Brazilian and Japanese to Mexican and Spanish. Due to the hot Caribbean sun, Riu attracts everyone to its giant pools. I mainly liked Riu for the swimming pools. Once you swim a bit, you get tired. But once you are just so tired, you need water. Problem solved! Pool bar! A bar that is built into the pool blows everyone’s imagination. There are small seats in the pool you can sit on and order drinks such as juices, smoothies and soda pop. After your drink comes, you can go to a table above the pool water to relax and enjoy your drink. In fact, children are never neglected at the bar stand; they love serving us! But Riu Palace isn’t the only great place to visit. There are many exciting and fun resorts in other parts of the world. Which resort will I go next? Stay tuned for the travel adventures of Antonio Yang.



nce dubbed “the most livable city on the mainland,” the capital of Sichuan province may be famed for its fabulous array of spicy food, but this is not the only reason hoards of people are attracted to this beautiful, relaxed destination: they also come for the pandas. Chengdu is home to a panda breeding research center where visitors can marvel at, or take part in the ongoing quest for panda procreation. In the wild, pandas are notoriously reclusive animals, meaning sightings are rare. At the center, however, they are housed in a protected and natural environment, so visitors are guaranteed a peek into their lives. Arrive early enough in the morning and you can watch these cuddly creatures at their most active: which means a lot of lounging around and having a feed. Despite efforts to protect them, pandas remain endangered due to a loss of habitat and a stumped libido. Intensive research programs have been developed in Chengdu to teach these habitually lazy bamboomunchers all about the birds and the bees. If giant pandas aren’t your thing, a day trip to the Leshan Giant Buddha (Dafo) is sure to impress. This 71-meter-tall stone statue, which was built during the Tang Dynasty, is carved out of the cliff face that lies at the meeting point of the Min Dadu and Qingyi rivers in Southern China. Boasting World Heritage status, this beaming deity is the world’s largest stone Buddha and by far the tallest pre-modern statue. Carved in 713 AD by a monk, Dafo sits heavy-lidded with his hands on his knees, supposedly calming the turbulent waters that plague the shipping vessels on the river.


Scenic highlands full of diversity By Sushmita Dhekne


unnan, or the ‘Land amongst the Southern Clouds’, is a popular destination for travelers from all parts of the world. Located in southwest China, the province’s much-renowned diversity lies between snow-capped Tibetan peaks in the west and a distinct plateau region in the east. Yunnan is known to have 50 of China’s 55 ethnic minorities, the largest number in the whole country, making it an amazing mix of cultures and people. With a history dating back 2,400 years, Yunnan is also an important site for archaeological discoveries such as the Bronze Age societies around Lake Dian and the oldest


human remains found in China. Designated a ‘Global Biodiversity Hotspot’, the province is also home to the country’s largest number of species of flora and fauna. The capital city of Kunming, also widely known as the ‘City of Perpetual Spring’, is located on a high plateau and boasts pleasant weather all year round. Next, head to Dali to unwind and let your eyes feast on the beautiful Erhai lake. In addition to natural beauty, Dali has plenty of lively markets and Bai villages to explore. Then, head to the popular old town of Lijiang, an UNESCO World Heritage

Visiting my Motherland

site. Inhabited by the traditional Naxi people, the historic townscape of waterways and bridges is the ideal environment to wander through with your family. For the more adventurous, there are plenty of options for day trips and fun walking and biking activities. A trip to the spectacular Tiger Leaping Gorge, the world’s deepest river canyon, is a must for every hiking aficionado. What’s more, each season in Yunnan has a charm of its own, making it the ideal destination at any time of the year.

r's Reade sion is Subm

By Dhruv Daryani, The British School of Guangzhou


t began when I was bored and lounging around, just watching television. But when I heard that I would be going to India, I jumped up and down with joy and excitedly packed my bag. Soon we were off to the airport. The plane bolted up in the sky. When I was getting off the plane, I realized that we were late for our connection to India. I beckoned Mom to hurry it along, and together, we dashed off to catch our second flight! The plane was about to take off but we made it just in time. Just as I was getting comfortable in my seat, I noticed that my mom’s silver bracelet, which my Dad and I got for her in London, was lost! She was heartbroken. But there was nothing we could do. When I reached India, our luggage was not there, and my Mom was furious! Oh, the drama! But there was plenty

to look forward to ahead of us, so we set off to my cousins’ house to surprise them. BOO! They all were so happy to see me! I had not seen my cousin brother in so long that I didn’t even know he could drive! He took all of us on long car rides all over Mumbai. Formerly known as Bombay, the city has a pulsating vibe, and it simply does not sleep. I took in all the sights and sounds, and marveled at its colonial history. With my cousin sister, I competed in an art competition and came in third place. The highlight of my trip was going to Goa, a laidback state with many beaches. I was fascinated to learn that it was a former Portuguese colony. I got a chance to ride on a scooter with my Dad, even in the monsoon rains. We went to a very fancy hotel and I swam there, even though it was raining heavily! I had a spectacular time in India.



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Dong’ao and Guangzhou

Backyard getaways By Lena Gidwani

Dong’ao Island paradise in Zhuhai


A Mediterranean

Home away from

home at Golden La



ometimes, all you want is home. But then you also want the comforts of a luxe home-style resort; plenty of space, pools to swim and laze around in, spa facilities, great food, indoor and outdoor play facilities such as soft areas and bikes for the kids to stay busy, perhaps a BBQ pit or two, and most of all, accessible transport options that won’t make you spend hours sitting in a car or plane.


he exclusive island of Dong’ao, neighboring Hong Kong and Macau, is close to both Shenzhen and Guangzhou. For those who may not know about the island, Dong’ao is easily accessible by a short ferry ride from the Zhuhai or Shenzhen ferry terminals. The isle is edged by 15 kilometers of golden coastline and azure waters. It enjoys sunshine all year around, a rarity in China. If you’re seeking to escape and don't want to take a plane, there are options, especially if you’re looking for a premium, allinclusive beach destination for your family that won’t burn a hole in your pocket. On Dong’ao Island, the top pick is none other than Club Med Dong’ao. This Mediterranean-style retreat offers ocean adventures and unspoilt nature, set on the island. The resort has two zones: Premium Resort Club Med and Le Luxe by Club Med. Le Luxe by Club Med is an exclusive ‘resort within a resort' and it is especially designed for

guests desiring ultimate privacy, luxury and personalized services in its 69 hilltop rooms while still enjoying the vibrant Club Med spirit. Making the most of the ocean paradise, the Premium Resort Club Med offers a wide array of sea sports and activities. Eleven trendy sea sports and activities, including water skiing, paddleboard and snorkeling are on offer. There is also an exciting choice of land sports, such as hiking, biking, golf swing into the sea and our favorite, a flying trapeze academy with circus activities. Resort leisure facilities include indoor and outdoor swimming pools and a spa. Families will be well looked after in their dedicated kids’ club (with childcare!) for different ages staffed by the experienced international team. Just how perfect and heavenly does Dong’ao sound? Dong'ao Island, 1 Lvdao Lu, Wanshan District, Zhuhai (0756) 885 5888 www.clubmed.com.hk



Our pick for resort life in the comfort of Guangzhou is Golden Lake Garden, located in the scenic Baiyun District of Guangzhou. Although most of the spacious villas are leased to long-term residents, there are a handful of villas that are always available at very affordable prices for short-term or even overnight stays. Villas are very large and come fully equipped with all modern amenities and private back/side yards. It’s perfect for that fun party you’ve always wanted to throw but don't want to do at home, or even just to get away and relax in sheer comfort for a few days or longer. For inquiries, contact the Golden Lake Garden Leasing and Service Department: sarah.liu@newworld-plaza.com raymond.wu@newworld-plaza.com (020) 8720 2233

Know before you go

Travel tips for the family By Sushmita Dhekne

Back it all up

It’s a good idea to have scanned copies of all your important documents – passport, visas, itineraries, insurance card, hotel confirmations, etc. kept safely with you in case of emergency. You can also take photos of them on your phone to have them handy. Pro-tip: send a copy to a trusted friend or family member just to be safe. If you’re carrying a laptop, don’t forget to back it up in case you misplace it.

Only a call away

Add all of your important contacts (travel agent, hotel, guides, travel insurance company, etc.) into your phone before getting on that flight. Pro-tip: save time by adding the correct country code so you can make a call as soon as possible.

Be on time

Make sure to check that you and your family have all the vaccinations required for your travel destination. Consult with your family doctor for all the various vaccinations according to destination and age. Pro-tip: don’t skimp on travel insurance! You never know all the expenses that you may have to deal with if anything goes wrong. Check that your policy covers travel and medical expenses for the activities you plan to do.

Be gadget-savvy

Make the most of your gadgets by downloading helpful travel apps to make your trip less stressful. Do some research and download any apps that you might need during your trip. Apps for currency exchange (xe. com), translation, city guides, weather and flight/airport details (Flight+) are just a handful of the options out there. Pro-tip: if there is no in-flight entertainment, don’t forget to download games, movies or e-books to keep the kids (and yourself) occupied during the flight.

Keep the travel time to the airport in mind when traveling with family. It’s always best to get to the airport early so you have enough time to deal with traffic, baggage check-in, toilet stops and any other unexpected problems.

Families with children first

Breeze through security check

Fly wisely

Skip the hassle and stash away all your metallic jewelry and watches in your bag before going through the detector. Keep your zip-locked liquids ready for removal in an outer pocket of your bag. Teach your children to do the same, so you save time. Pro-tip: when traveling in countries that require you to take your shoes off, wear easy slip-on shoes. The last thing you want to do is struggle to tie your shoelaces while carrying your toddler!

Health is wealth

Some airlines still have special boarding privileges for families with small children. Skip the long queues and take the opportunity to board first, so you can set up and relax in your seats with no rush.

Pack smart

Pack at least one complete outfit for each family member in your carry-on in case any luggage gets lost. Traveling, especially with children, can get messy so baby wipes are essential. Bring a travel detergent if you (or your children) are prone to getting dirty. Ziplock bags are a godsend – they come in so many sizes and have thousands of uses. You can use them to separate toiletries and avoid spills and leaks during travel. Don’t forget your prescribed medication, contact lens solution or any other emergency drugs you may require. Pro-tip: carry some children’s Tylenol to avoid trips to the drugstore in a strange neighborhood.

Ear-popping woes

Bring candies or chewing gum for your children (and yourself!) to suck on to relieve ear pressure. Breast-feeding babies during takeoff and landing or using pacifiers can make travel for babies a little more comfortable as well.

Planning your flights well in advance will be sure to save you a lot of money and stress. The time of your flight can make a huge difference too. Some parents prefer night flights so the children can sleep, while others like to travel in the day because they have trouble sleeping aboard planes. Be sure to order kid-friendly meal options (if they have any) and keep food allergies in mind. Pro-tip: check out seatguru.com ahead of time to look at the layout of the plane and pick the best seats possible. You can decide where you want to place your family – window, aisles or wherever works best!




Summer fun

What did I do in my holidays? Compiled by Rose Symotiuk and Lena Gidwani

So what did you do in your summer holidays? Did you climb a mountain or tour the islands in the south of France? Or did you catch up with family and friends in exotic destinations such as Indonesia and Germany? With so many wonderful sights and activities to see and do around the world, it's no wonder that our children in the PRD love to travel. Urban Family spoke to a few young ones in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to see what they got up to these holidays.

Names: Carley Ye Johnson and Ian Yutong Johnson Ages: 7 and 6 School: Stella's International Learners' Academy During our holidays, we did lots of reading, writing and practicing our Chinese. We played a lot of Minecraft and made a big pink house in Fairy Land. We also helped to make a treehouse, a coffee shop and a monster house. Our nana and granddad also came over from New Zealand. We went to Guilin and Guizhou together. Carley also made some animations in animation class at her school, and Ian celebrated his birthday. We ate yummy cake and shared it with everybody. It was a wonderful summer holiday!

Name: Hannah Jaye Age: 10 School: Guangzhou Nanfang International School

Name: Thiago Baglioni Age: 8 School: Funful Bilingual School, Shenzhen This summer, we went to the USA to visit my cousin Asma who is also eight years old, as well as my aunt. They live in Virginia Beach and I live in China, so it was a long thirty-hour journey to get there. Virginia Beach has a lot of people from the military living there, so there were many fighter jets flying above us all the time and many military trucks on the road. Asma and I did plenty of fun stuff: playing on the beach, adventuring, boogie boarding, attending summer camp, dolphin watching, reading very thick books, eating huge burgers and a lot of fries, visiting a nautical museum, a military aviation museum and a living museum. The museums were so cool. The best part was that I learned to surf with a great coach. We went canoeing, kayaking and when we were a little bored, we harassed our moms a lot!



My 2015 summer holiday was simply awesome! I visited France, Germany and Sweden. In Germany, it was a special trip because we were celebrating my brother’s first birthday with my grandparents. In France, I had lots of fun visiting my mum’s good friend at Metz and it was special because it was my first time being in France. In Sweden, I met my other side of my family. I meet my very good-looking uncles, my very fashionable aunty and my very hilarious grandaunt. I will never forget the time I had in Sweden. This trip to Europe was extraordinary and memorable to me.

Name: Eduardo Dumont Rotstein Age: 12 School: QSI

Name: Catherine Tian Age: 8 School: Nanshan Foreign Language Primary School This summer I went to a musical camp in London with my music group. My group’s name is the Sound of Music. We also went to Salzburg, a beautiful city of Austria. It is hometown of Mozart and the setting for the famous story and movie, The Sound of Music. We sang and we danced, and we played different roles in camp. That was a lot of fun. I like musicals and I love learning English. The British and Austrian people all liked our performance. I really had a good time this summer! Do re mi fa so la ti do! Hooray!

During my summer in the beautiful country of Brazil, I would walk with my Mom on the beach and see the sun rise every morning. I would spend sunny afternoons playing football with my friends, and rainy ones cuddled up watching movies. I had a really good time with friends and family, but it's always good to get back to my home sweet home in Shenzhen!

Name: Santiago Torres Murillo Age: 11 School: Lingnan International School In my summer holidays, I went to France for three weeks. I visited my aunty and my uncle there, and they took me to Europa Park in Germany. We also went to Italy and it was very hot! In Italy, I ate lots of pizza and went to a big museum. It was very interesting. Some people gave us VIP tickets and I was very happy as I got to see lots more. After three days, we flew back to France. When I came back to China, I was very happy to see my family and friends.

Name: Lumi Tarida Seilonen Age: 6 School: American International School of Guangzhou I had a busy summer holiday this year. We first went to Indonesia, and I met my grandparents and relatives from my mother’s side in Jakarta. I have a cousin who is just five days older than me. He speaks Indonesian better than me, and I speak English better than him. It was so fun to play with him! I have an older cousin too, and he looked after me like his own sister. With them and the rest of the family, we went to the mountainous area outside Jakarta to visit the hotsprings and to swim. I was so sad when we had to go back to Guangzhou, but my grandmother held me and told me that we would meet again soon. I missed Jakarta, but we had to go back to Guangzhou to move to our new apartment. It was a busy time, but we did it! Still with boxes at home from the moving, we went to Istanbul, Turkey. It was for my parents’ 10-year wedding anniversary. We went to visit some very old mosques, tower and buildings. We also went cruising the famous Bosporus strait. The thing I can’t forget and I want it to get out from my mind is the ‘Medusa’ in Basilica Cistern. My mom told me that Medusa was once a beautiful girl, but she made a goddess jealous. She then turned

into an ugly girl with lots of snakes in her hair. Everybody who looked at her would turn into stone. Such a poor and scary girl! I like visiting Miniaturk in Istanbul. It is a beautiful place in a wonderful location, displaying Turkish/Ottoman architecture in miniature sizes. It has good playgrounds for kids too! After Istanbul, we went to Finland. This time I met my grandparents and relatives from my father’s side. I have many female cousins in Finland. They were fun to be with. We played indoors and outdoors, baked cakes and fresh bread. One cousin is only two weeks younger than me. She speaks Finnish better than me, and I speak English better than her. My parents always say that it is a blessing that I can speak several languages. People who speak several languages can speak to different kinds of people. The weather in Finland this summer was not that good. We went to the summer cottage only once. I couldn’t swim on the lake because it was too cold, but I could still go rowing on boat with my dad. When we had to leave our family in Finland, I was so sad again. Like Indonesia, I missed Finland too. But we had to go back to our home, home sweet home Guangzhou!




Utahloy student shines in 2015 IB exams Kelly He achieves perfect score of 45


elly He joined Utahloy International School Guangzhou in 2009. She was a candidate for this year’s International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma examinations and earned herself a record-breaking result of 45, a perfect score. Academically, this was not a complete surprise, as she scored the highest points in her IB Middle Years Programme Certificate at the end of 2012. However, it was not only in her academics that Kelly shone. In her time at school, she represented UISG in badminton, basketball and volleyball, and competed in a number of successful ACAMIS tournaments. She was recognized as one of the scholar athletes of her class. Kelly also participated in the arts inside and outside of school, from the jazz band to modern dance and cheerleading. However, as an artist, Kelly truly excelled; her contribution to the 2015 Art Exhibition at Redtory was outstanding and earned her one of the highest marks in DP Visual Arts the school has ever achieved. In line with the IB philosophy, Kelly also participated in many service learning projects, including local projects such as with GETCH, a local charity, and more global projects such as supporting farming communities in Rongshui. Kelly has certainly lived up to the IB Learner Profile (a description of the attitudes the programs foster) and certainly goes into the world with an exceptional appreciation of learning. The school wishes her well in her pursuit of her art studies in New York. From all of us here at Urban Family and in the PRD, congratulations to UISG, and to Kelly He for her outstanding commitment to educational excellence.



This is a collection of poems written by our young poets in the PRD. Enjoy!

A little poetry... Colors

My dolphin experience

By Jane Yi Jun Xiao, Guangzhou Nanfang International School

By Vikisha Gohil, American International School of Guangzhou

Pink is spring, it’s as soft as a little petal. Green is summer, it’s as fresh as the forest soil. Red is fall, it’s as sweet as fruits. White is winter, it’s as pure as snow.

A deep pool laid in front of the stage, Are you ready? She announced. Want to play with dolphins? My hand popped up moving side to side. There it was, my face on the screen. My chest moving up and down. Walking up on stage seeing a sea of faces. My stomach rumbling with excitement. Are you ready?
 I turned my face to the side, The dolphin’s kiss felt like a blooming

Black is night, it’s as dark as our eyes. Yellow is morning, it’s as bright as the sun. Orange is afternoon, it’s as warm as fire. Gray is evening, it’s as hazy as mist.

flower. The dolphin’s skin felt like soft sandpaper. I was totally overwhelmed. It was truly amazing. I headed back towards my seat smiling. Was it a dream? No, it was real, and it was the best experience ever!

This is a collection of fact and fiction written by our young writers in the PRD. Enjoy!

A collection of stories...

My friend

A n ge la , G ra d e 1, Sh en zh en A m Internationa er ic an l School

zhen American Tony, Grade 1, Shen l oo Sch al Internation




This is a collection of fact and fiction written by our young writers in the PRD. Enjoy!

I was there By Habib Moohialdin, Guangzhou Nanfang International School

I was there… in the cemetery where the wolves howled with danger. The danger of the haunted house! Under the full bright moon I stood, the floating rivers flow through my arms. I stared. I was there. The owls. They hooted for warning as I set foot on the black, wooden, creaking floor. I touched the chilly handle, slowly turning it around, releasing the imprisoned clouds of burning rubber. My mouth got drier.

I was there… falling in a void of screaming devils. 'This had happened before. Too many times to fit in my thoughts,' I thought. But all of a sudden, the smashing waves turned to tides. I was floating in the air as if I were a butterfly. But it all ended too soon.

I fell feet first on the cold soil. My feet stung, like I stepped on a floor of needles poking. It had a tunnel and at the end were ladders. My head hurt, wondering how I fell feet first. I sprinted I sneaked through the collapsing towards the ladders, hoping it door; I shivered, as a hand stood was the exit. I was right. The on my shoulder. I ran in and the smell of the pollinated roses and door slapped its hands and caus- flowers was apparent. The sun ing the floor to wake up from its shone brighter than ever. sleep and swallow me whole.

The Harvard experience By Punya Bhargava, American International School of Guangzhou

At 11:30pm, huddled around my family, I got an unexpected call from a Harvard admissions officer requesting me to come for their 2-month program over summer. I am so grateful to all the opportunities presented in my life allowing me to live my dream, be able to fulfill a desire that seemed only fictional. After months of preparation filled with documents, essays and government regulations, I finally hopped on a plane to go on the best experience of my life. I lived in a freshman dorm in Harvard Yard with four roommates who were the most hardworking, unique and fascinating people I have ever met. There were people from almost every part of the world and you could not go 24 hours without making at least three new friends taking courses ranging from biometrics or neurobiology, all the way to comparative politics. I took two eight-credit courses which combined all elements of politics as well as world religions, where we studied and analyzed the connection between faith with every aspect of peoples' lives. We had



to be constantly working – in total I read 25 books over the summer, which led to late night coffee runs sitting in Harvard Yard enjoying the night sky listening to music with friends. It was intensive, but we snatched moments to enjoy the beauty of the city and explore, visiting universities and making new connections. It also did not feel like work because the fact that we were there all together made it the most exciting and fun time of our lives. Other than the workload, I learned independence, I learned responsibility and it gave me a looking glass into the future, showing me what is beyond high school. I have always been known as a big dreamer – but this experience allowed me to get perspective and angle my dreams in a way that made it achievable. Without the support of my close friends and family, I would never have had the confidence to pull it off. It was the best summer of my life, and I will never forget it till the end of my days.


r's Reade sion is Subm

Expedition to the North Pole By Amy Wong, The British School of Guangzhou

5 August, 2015, 6:30am GMT: We reached 90 degrees north on the sixth day aboard the world’s most powerful nuclear icebreaker. Jan, our expedition leader’s energetic voice penetrated through the thick blankets that engulfed us as we slept. Despite my hearing being blurred from sleepiness, what sounded like a few low mumbles managed to catch my ear: ‘North Pole’, ’90 degrees’, ‘ten miles’… my brain struggled to decipher the meaning of these seemingly random words, then it hit me. We were going to arrive at the Geographic North Pole! Immediately, I shot awake as if someone shoved me into the piercing ocean. I woke my sister up with excessive enthusiasm (and maybe some excessive shouting). Annoyance was written all over her face, yet her weariness grew thin as the announcement was translated into different languages. While some dressed to become human equivalents of onions, my sister and I came to the conclusion that three layers of clothing would be enough to survive the sub-zero weather, as well as prevent overheating. We walked out to an almost empty hallway, with a few passengers exuberantly racing past us to get to the deck, their eyes filled with curiosity for the unknown, asking the unspoken question: What will the North Pole be like? As a child, I imagined the ‘North Pole’ to have a desolate sign, abandoned in the middle of vast whiteness, yet this theory was trampled over with the realization that we are still on sea – no land, no sign, no ‘North Pole’. We rushed out to the deck, crowded by people proudly flying their national flags; hungry cameras poised. We waited in patience, with a few occasional outbursts of uncontainable cheers as Jan announced: ‘7 miles’, ‘6 miles’, and so on… each minute, each announcement a little bit closer to the final destination so many polar explorers before us dreamt to reach. A bomb of loud celebrative applause and cheers exploded at around half past seven, when Jan finally announced those most anticipated words of the trip: ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, we have arrived at the Geographic North Pole!’ From this point onward, we could go nowhere but south.

Bending it like Beckham By Sameer and Rahul Samtani, American International School of Guangzhou

This summer, we went to England to visit our extended family. In Manchester, we attended the Bobby Charlton Soccer and Sports Academy for two weeks. This academy is famous for fostering skills, and also for recognizing the talent of soccer prodigy David Beckham. Beckham won the coveted Bobby Charlton Soccer Schools National Skills competition at the young age of age 11, and at 18, was asked to join Manchester United Club as a professional player. Inspired by soccer greats like Beckham, we played for six hours everyday and came home with a lot of body aches, but with knowledge of new soccer skills. During one of the training days, we played in three different weather conditions. The day started out sunny, which turned to rain and before we knew it, there were hailstorms. We had to dash indoors till the hailstorm stopped! The highlight of the camp was our Wednesday visits to different stadiums. We went to the Manchester United Stadium and Man City Stadium. It was amazing to stand on the field. Throughout the week, we did plenty of interesting and fun drills and finished with a fitness test. We saw so much improvement in our fitness tests from one week to another. We thoroughly enjoyed BCSSA. It was an experience of a lifetime and anyone interested in soccer must go there. Trust us on this!

I saw smiles, as people toasted with champagne; I saw the expedition team members with their exchanges of relieved sighs; I heard the furious flashes of cameras as the rhythm to a bizarre melody composed of rapid conversations in different languages… everything was happening in the blink of an eye, and emotions oozed out of everyone like beasts unleashed, yet no one could precisely describe what they felt. Perhaps our emotions melted into that immense circle we made when we landed on ice for the first time during the trip, all dressed in red parkas, as if flowers painted on a white canvas. The North Pole was not a sign, nor a final destination; we certainly did not reach the end of the world, but reaching it encourages us to explore and evokes our appreciation for the simple beauties of this planet that we sometimes become oblivious to.



Jeffrey Hu, Guangzhou Nanfang International School

an Jee Su Kim, Americ of ol International Scho Guangzhou

i, Guangzhou Hansini Motian ational School Nanfang Intern

Huang Yujiang, Liyuan Foreign Language Primary School, Shenzhen

d lly Moon an e K , g n ia L e riGrac nzhen Ame e h S , iu L e Christin ol tional Scho can Interna

40 www.urban-family.com

Minjun Kim, Shekou International School


Art smart

Make a Monet-inspired collage By Monika Lin

Children are never too young to appreciate art. In fact, the earlier they start, the better. Using art history as a muse, this is a project that can be done at home and incorporates a brief lesson. For this project, Claude Monet’s impressionism is the inspiration. Using a detail from his painting ‘Seine At Rouen’ you can construct a cutout collage. The project is appropriate for ages 3 to 12, as it can be adjusted according to abilities.

Materials: • Drawing paper • Colored pencils or crayons • Large piece of felt or paper for background • Smaller pieces of colored felt or foam paper for individual shapes • Scissors • Glue

Instructions: 1. Begin by analyzing the image. Note how the objects and the reflections on the water are clearly defined through specific marks. These marks are not blended together but layered or set next to one another. Separate the scene by breaking down shapes into small internal or sub-shapes rather than large pieces. 2. Draw out the scene on a piece or paper using small marks in various directions and with different colors that build larger shapes. Pay attention to how Monet altered the length and direction of his marks according to the various objects in order to create movement. 3. Use this drawing to help decide how to cut forms out of the felt or foam paper. Cutting smaller shapes will allow for more texture and interest. 4. Arrange these on the background and glue them down.

Art history lesson

Impressionism emerged in the late 1800s. The movement is distinct in the manner in which colors are set side by side or on top of one another rather than blended. The quality of light was one of the main focuses of impressionism and gave the majority of the paintings associated with that movement their distinct glowing quality. Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926) focused almost entirely on the play of light on objects. He produced series of artworks that examined the various seasons, times of day, water and weather such as his ‘Haystacks,’ ‘Boats in Rouen,’ ‘Cathedrals’ and ‘Water Lily' series.




Our family favorites

Shenzhen families share their top tips

Now living in Shenzhen, this family of three hail from both Romania and China. Florin is Romanian, Nina is Chinese and Hana is a mix of both worlds. Owning some shares in a Moldavian winery, Florin produces red and wine wine, and imports it to China, as well as various preserved and canned foods. The food import business in China keeps him active, and as a family, they enjoy everything that they do together. Urban Family spoke to them to learn more.

Favorite restaurant

We don’t eat much outside, but when we do, we usually go to Xi Bei Mian, a Xi'an restaurant chain that proved itself to have a steady food quality and an interesting menu that changes every year. And for bars and clubs, we enjoy Taps, a new brewery where you can find and drink the most interesting beers in Shenzhen. Xi Bei Mian can be found in All

City Mall or Xiang Mi Hu and Taps is just one street away from All City Mall.

Xi Bei Mian: Shop 136, Branch 5th Lu, Junhui Xintian Garden, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 深圳南山区支五路君汇新天商业 136 号商铺 ( 宝能太古城北区后面 )

Favorite weekend activity

Chilling at home with friends for dinner, doing some wine tastings, cooking and just enjoying the company of those near and dear.

Favorite relaxation spot

Dapeng, Nan'ao, in Guangdong province – this place has grown over the years in a good way. There are now lots of interesting places to see, eat and relax there.

Favorite overseas travel destination

The Republic of Moldova is a great place, full of great people who are simple, loving and friendly. It is an agricultural country where the pollution is almost nonexistent, making the fruits, vegetables and meats among the cleanest in the world. With a blue sky almost everyday in the year, Moldova will stay in your heart forever. Almost half of the country is covered in vineyards, so you can drink any kind of wine you desire. With lots of old monasteries and ecovillages, it’s a delight to travel around and we really love it.



Our family favorites

Guangzhou families share their top tips

Favorite restaurant

Our favorite restaurant as a family is a tie between Element Fresh and Social & Co. Both restaurants have a nice, relaxed vibe and offer child-friendly dishes for the children. When we have friends and family visiting from Australia, we like to take them to a local restaurant called Old Beijing for traditional dishes and yummy duck pancakes. When Aaron and I have a rare date night, we always head to Social & Co – the food is delicious, it has an awesome cocktail list and we love the vibe – almost like being at home in Australia!

Old Beijing: No.8, Shi You Yi Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 越秀区寺右一马路 8 号 Social & Co: Shop 112-113, 6 Huajiu Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州珠江 新城华就路 6 号

Favorite weekend activity

Our weekends are usually filled with outdoor and sports activities. Both Hugh and Sadie are involved with the DFC Street Soccer on Saturday mornings and the Junior Rugby and Auskick program on Sunday mornings, so no sleep-ins for us! When we are not at a sports program, we do a lot of bike-riding – our regular route is along the Pearl River on a Sunday morning to watch the Chinese ladies dancing and to take our pet budgies out for their morning 'walk.' If it’s a rainy weekend, we head to the markets to see what treasures we can find.

Favorite relaxation spot

Our favorite place to relax is by the pool at our home – The Residences at The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou. We spend many afternoons relaxing and cooling off at the pool, particularly in the hot and humid summer months. We are lucky that it is a heated pool so it is

still a favorite even in the winter months. The pool is like our backyard and is a great opportunity for Hugh and Sadie to catch up with their friends for playdates and fun!

The Residences at The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, 3 Xing An Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广东省广州市天河区兴安路 3 号 邮 政编码

Favorite travel destination in China

Our favorite family destination in China is Yangshuo in Guanxi province. Yangshuo had been recommended to us when we first arrived in Guangzhou in 2012, so it was our first China trip and we loved it. We were amazed at the beautiful mountain scenery and the vibrant and fun town of Yangshuo. We stayed there for five days and really fell in love with the place. We returned to Yangshuo earlier this year and it confirmed our love for the region. We stayed at a small boutique hotel called Yangshuo Mountain Retreat, located on the banks of the Li River, about 10 minutes out of town. It is a very tranquil and relaxing place, with plenty of space for the children to play.

Yangshuo Mountain Retreat: Yulong River Road, Gaotian Town, Yangshuo County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 阳朔胜地酒店 , 广 西桂林阳朔县高田镇凤楼村委王公山脚

Favorite overseas travel destination As a family, we have visited some amazing places within Southeast Asia, but our favorite holiday has been to Koh Samui, Thailand in 2013. We spend two weeks on the island and enjoyed all that it had to offer, from cheap eats on the beach and the hustle and bustle of Chaweng beach, to family-friendly activities such as snorkeling and elephant treks. Thailand has such a relaxed beachy vibe that we really embrace.

In January 2012, Aaron and Prudence Hardcastle moved to Guangzhou from Australia with their two children, Hugh and Sadie. Aaron is the Australian Federal Police Liaison Officer at the Australian Consulate General Guangzhou. Until recently, Aaron was the President of the Guangzhou Scorpions Australian Football Club and was also responsible for the first Auskick program to be run in Guangzhou earlier this year – it was a great success with over 60 children registering for the program. Prudence started working at the Australian Consulate in 2013 as the Community Liaison Officer. Prudence also coordinates a volunteer program at the Guangdong Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Panyu, providing activities for the children admitted to the pediatric ward. Their son Hugh is 7 years old and loves all things sport and is a green belt in karate. Their daughter Sadie is 5 years old and is very much into Disney princesses and soccer! Both Hugh and Sadie attend the American International School of Guangzhou. Urban Family spoke to the Hardcastle Family to learn a little more about their family favorites.



FOOD & fun

Taste the world

Discovering our world through food in the PRD By Lena Gidwani

Who says you have to travel around the world to enjoy delicious flavors? The PRD is a melting pot of food from every corner of the globe, and it goes without saying that our expert chefs here in the Middle Kingdom find inspiration for sensational new dishes to keep our residents happy and full. So come with Urban Family on a delectable international culinary journey, as we experience food from around the world right here in the PRD.

44 www.urban-family.com



Mai Japanese Restaurant, The Westin Pazhou

There’s nothing quite like eating Japanese food, prepared just like its just come moments ago from the live fish market. Sizzling teppanyaki cooked before your eyes, hand rolls made to perfection, sake from the world’s best producers in regions such as Ishikawa, Niigata and Hiroshima, and so much more awaits you at Mai, at The Westin Pazhou. The views of the Guangzhou skyline add immeasurably to the dining experience, as they are nothing short of spectacular from their setting on the forty-second floor. Signature dishes include salmon tataki and deep-fried soft-shell crab rolls among many other tempting options. Till the end of September, diners can enjoy fourteen specialities of the finest tuna, elegantly presented by Chef Toshiyasu Uehara. For an authentic taste of Japan, head to Mai. The Westin Pazhou, Area C, Canton Fair Complex, 681 Fengpu Zhong Lu, Haizhu District, Guangzhou 凤浦中路 681 号广交会展馆 C 区 (020) 8918 1818 westin.com/pazhou

Bondi Bar and Grill

Tucked above the main drag of Xingsheng Lu on the third floor, Bondi is attracting a crowd of regulars (and families!) that keep going back for its top-quality meat, great prices and chilled-out vibe. They’ve also just revamped their menu, adding on succulent dishes like a steak and king prawn combo and a spicy seafood soup. Ever-popular dishes like beer can chicken remain on the menu for loyal patrons. The add-ons are our favorite part: a large projector for motion games, a portable beer pong table, dart machines and a well-stocked bar, giving Bondi a sense of mischievousness. Shop 3, 3/F Xingsheng Hui, Xingsheng Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 天河区 珠江新城兴盛路兴盛汇 3F-3 (020) 3809 8064

Little India Restaurant

Upon entering thisquaint eatery with its typical Bollywoodesque extravaganza of appetite-inducing yellow walls and ethnic wooden decor, you will be welcomed by a full house of both expat and local diners. Their dishes, such as succulent pieces of marinated lamb, chicken, prawn and fish, are delicious, while their curries like lamb Rogan Josh and the creamy, must-have butter chicken come full of tender chunks of meat bathed in an appetizingly aromatic curry. Once can happily sop up all the sauce with big pieces of garlic naan. For a true taste of India, turn to the dishes at Little India for glorious culinary pleasures. 2 Huali Lu, Unit 103-104, Edinburgh International Apartments, Zhujiang Xincheng, Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠江新城华利路 2 号爱丁堡国际公寓 103-104 号商铺 (020) 3878 1353



FOOD & fun

Sainte Maxime Restaurant and Bar

Penang Malaysian Fusion Restaurant

Presenting authentic Nyonya, Singaporean and Malaysian dishes, Penang has become a hub for those seeking comfort foods from Southeast Asia. We love their Asam Laksa; it’s sour and slightly spicy, yet not overpowering, with shrimp and dozens of condiments including tamarind, chili, mint, lemongrass, garlic and more. Try their delicious seafood options too, as it’s very fresh and will not disappoint. The menu is very well designed, displaying high quality photos that will make you want to order the whole lot. Families are very welcome and service is prompt and accurate. Shop 49-51, Dong Du Da Shijie, 475 Huanshi Dong Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 越秀区环市 东路 475 号东都大世界 49-51 号 (020) 8760 8599

The Peach Blossom, The Garden Hotel, Guangzhou

By the same people who own the trendy Le Saint-Tropez, Sainte Maxime is the more formal and chic cousin. The decor is smart and sauve, and their bar offerings is perhaps one of the best on the culinary stretch. Guests will love their overtly French-influenced dishes and more universally popular fare, with a focus on a balance of flavors and presentation. With a fresh new menu created by their newly arrived chef, there’s no better place for French fare than Sainte Maxime. You won't be disappointed. No. G19, 11-17 Xingsheng Lu, Liede, Zhujiang Xincheng, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 天河区猎德 兴盛路 11-17 号兴盛汇 G19 号铺 (020) 3810 9300

Celebrating 30 years of heritage and impeccable service in Guangzhou, The Garden Hotel, Guangzhou is in an institution that is second to none. Their signature Chinese restaurant, aptly named the Peach Blossom, offers an elegant and gracious environment where patrons can enjoy ultimate Cantonese fine dining. The restaurant's decor features the theme of the Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms and has eight VIP rooms named after the characters in the novel. Signature must-haves include their roasted sliced Peking duck, pan-fried beef, and baked prawn with avocado. If seeking a more casual atmosphere, you can get delicious dim sum specialties and Cantonese snacks from Lai Wan Market, located just next to the Peach Blossom. 368 Huanshi Dong Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 越秀区环市东路 368 号 (020) 8333 8989 thegardenhotel.com.cn

46 www.urban-family.com


Kyoku Japanese Restaurant

If you want the best of the best Japanese cuisine that Shenzhen has to offer, Kyoku is your best bet. Home to a sushi bar, teppanyaki station and VIP rooms, Kyoku keeps it simple, yet rich, balanced and interesting, in line with its natural decor and reliance on carefully selected meat, seafood and vegetables. The surrounding area of OCT Bay is an urban entertainment center with expansive views, offering diners options to keep them entertained both before and after a hearty meal at Kyoku. Qushui Bay, OCT Bay, No.8 Baishi Dong Lu, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 深圳南山区白石东路 8 号欢乐海岸曲水湾 (0755) 8654 1199

McCawley’s Irish Bar and Restaurant

Existing for over a decade in Shenzhen, McCawley’s was built to serve honest-to-goodness international and traditional pub favorites and generous drinks, in a setting that comes to life with its authentic imported timbers and high-quality fittings. Offering an extensive selection of imported beers including Guinness, they are frequented by loyal expats and locals, and are well-known for broadcasting the biggest games live from over 30 channels across the globe. Oh, and it also has the longest happy hour in town! Futian: Unit 151-152, North of Coco Park, 138 Ming Tian Lu, (facing Coco Park Starbucks on Fu Hua Lu), Shenzhen 深圳市福田 区民田路 138 号购物公园北区 151 ~ 152 号商铺 (Coco Park 星 巴克对面 (0755) 2531 3599 Shekou: Shop 118, Sea World Complex, Shekou, off Taizi Lu and near the Minghua Boat), Shenzhen 深圳蛇口海上世界 118 号商铺 (0755) 2668 4496

Flamenco House Restaurant

Housed in a quiet mall in Huaqiangbei, Flamenco offers up Spanish food to tempt those who seek paella, tapas dishes, fresh seafood, Spanish ham and more. Minimally decorated with gray leather booths, marble tables and custom paintings of flamenco dancers and a bullfight, the restaurant is inviting, even though the lighting is soft. Order some sangria and start your Spanish journey. 104 Century Place, Huaqiangbei, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区华强北世纪汇广场负一层 B104 (0755) 3300 5750



FOOD & fun

Sambal Malaysian Restaurant

Sambal offers not just authentic Malaysian fare, but also an assortment of other Southeast Asian faves. From spicy soups like Thai tom yam and roti pratas dipped in curry, to marinated pork knuckles and mango sticky rice, one will love their attention to detail, ensuring that food is cooked to a saucy perfection. Century Place B102, Shennan Lu, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区深南中路世纪汇广场商场负一层 B102 号 (0755) 2264 1000 or 177 0406 1671

Milano Italian Restaurant, Bar & Pizzeria

As word of mouth spread about this restaurant's reputation, it has become of the most popular spots for authentic Italian cuisine. Prepared and served by Italians at reasonable prices, the menu offers plenty of choices with emphasis on Southern Italian dishes. Try the Caprese di Bufala, buffalo mozzarella with sliced fresh tomatoes and basil, their homemade pizzas and pastas, and tiramisu. With almost all of the ingredients imported from Italy, Milano brings the real taste of Italy to Shenzhen palates. 1/F, Chuangzhan Center, Anhui Building, No. 6007 Shennan Lu, Chegong Miao, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区 ( 车公庙 ) 深南大道 6007 号创展中心安徽大厦首层 (0755) 8358 1661 / 135 0962 8146

Shang Garden, Shangri-La Futian

Representing the fresh flavors of Cantonese cuisine and the delicate tastes of Huaiyang cuisine, Shang Garden's menu accentuates natural flavors, with a focus on fresh ingredients. At this hip bistro-style restaurant, diners can expect Cantonese roast meats, plenty of dim sum choices, double-boiled soups and seafood during lunch and dinner. Try their new menu, with over 80 new dishes added to its selection. It’s been designed by Anthony Dong, Chef de Cusine of Shang Garden, and boasts an array of regional classics and an expanded selection. In true-blue local style, private rooms are available and will delight both families and those meeting for business. 4088 Yitian Lu, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳福田区 益田路 4088 号 邮政编码 (0755) 2151 3838

48 www.urban-family.com

Going clean and green Fresh and healthy food hits the PRD By Rose Symotiuk

The last year has seen an explosion of healthy food in the PRD, especially locally sourced and produced in small batches right here. From organic and vegan to gluten and dairy free, we are suddenly enjoying a bounty of amazing food choices. Here are some popular options, delivered to your doorstep! Nomaste Nicecream

while leaving you feeling full. Currently, The Healthy Chef offers original, ginger, roasted red pepper and pine nut varieties. They also offer pure white tahini and green tahini with herbs, lemon and spices that makes a bold dip or salad dressing. THC also offers snack packs with pita bread, so you can basically survive for several days on their hummus. thc-foods.com or call 186 8895 1601

Element Fresh Stephanie Morris has long been known for her party girl facade, but behind all of this is a woman who is mindful and deeply concerned with maintaining a strict healthy lifestyle of daily yoga and homemade vegetarian food. Her vegan ice creams became an overnight sensation after she started serving them at dinner parties. Nicecream is a banana-based, non-dairy coconut ice cream with unique flavors such as passion fruit white peach, kiwi lychee, pina colada and mango lemongrass. Nicecream is made in Shenzhen with locally sourced ingredients and is 100 percent vegan, no added sugar, paleo, healthy and delicious. Currently, Stephanie is offering delivery via wechat and through GoVegan in Guangzhou. WeChat: mee-hao, or call 136 4140 6225

The Healthy Chef

Hanan Yariv first started selling his hummus on the streets of Shenzhen. Simply relying on word of mouth, he zipped around the city, waiting for his delightful dip to catch on. He didn’t have to wait long. Today, his hummus is offered through nogogo.cn and at various spots in Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Made naturally without added ingredients, hummus is high in protein and soluble dietary fiber, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar

With 13 restaurants in Shanghai, seven in Beijing, two in Guangzhou, and one in Shenzhen, Element Fresh is the old healthy grandpa on the block. It’s a reliable, if slightly expensive, option for many locals and expats looking for a steady supply of healthy food. Favorites like the triple whole grain salad with quinoa and bulgur wheat and their delicious avocado-coconut smoothie will keep customers coming back for more. order.elementfresh.com

Dali Bars

Everyone knows nogogo.cn for offering great produce and home delivery. So what’s new with them? Nogogo is now offering brand-new Dali Bars. These are tasty energy bars made by three expat friends in Yunnan, using only the highest quality natural ingredients and formulated to exceed the flavor and nutrition of popular American and European brands. The three friends, Colin Flahive, Kris Ariel and Dan Siekman, opened Salvador’s Coffee Shop in Yunnan in 2003 and make their own ice cream, coffee and Western favorites. Not only are Dali Bars local and delicious, the company is a huge supporter of the local community. They have started their own social service project called Village Progress. A portion of every

Dali Bar sale funds health and education initiatives in underprivileged communities in Kunming and the surrounding countryside. nogogo.cn


Based in Guangzhou, Asher Marad has always had his life revolve around his passion for fitness and healthy lifestyle. Three years ago, his passion became stronger when he became vegan. GoVegan started from his passion for clean food and how it affects our body. Asher is zealous about spreading the word of plant-based food and how it can completely change people’s lives. GoVegan posts the meals of the day every morning on his official WeChat account. He delivers lunch and dinner around Guangzhou, and you can also pick meals up at Liede and Zhujiang New Town. Sample meals include curried penne, zucchini noodles, organic quinoa power bowls, beet salads and stuffed baked sweet potato. He also provides breakfast options and homemade power bars. WeChat ID: govegan101, or call 186 1315 9912 (English), 137 1329 8870 (Chinese)

www.urban-family.com 49

FOOD & fun

Eating in autumn

Fall foods, fruits and vegetables By Kimberly Ashton


utumn weather in the PRD is characterized by cooler evenings and a slight dryness in the air. During this period, one should but cut back on the cold or cooling foods enjoyed during the hot and humid summer and transit to eating foods that are seasonal in autumn. While your body cannot naturally identify what is in season, tastes do subconsciously change from summer salads to more hearty autumnal dishes. Autumn is a time for gathering, harvesting and collating, and in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), rich and nourishing dishes that stimulate warmth characterize this season. In the Five Elements (Wu Xing) system of the ancient Chinese, the seasons have a profound cyclical effect on human growth and wellness. The philosophy holds that we should live in harmony with climactic changes, and that this process is partly



undertaken by knowing how to choose and prepare food in harmony with the seasons. In addition, since the seasons are associated with our internal organs, different organs need to be nourished by different foods in each of the four seasons. During autumn for example, the lungs are often the first organs to be attacked by dryness, and protecting them to prepare for the imminent cold temperatures is important. Many people are not accustomed to the concept of eating seasonally and tend to eat the same foods throughout the year. Not adjusting your diet according to the seasons is not only unnatural but can be unhealthy since foods that are available off season cannot be grown without chemicals or pesticides. One should eat seasonally and advocate food therapy, a term that means using food as your medicine, and involves both preventative and reactive health care. For example, if

you feel the cold in winter then eating more warming foods such as lamb, red adzuki beans, ginger or cinnamon should help with your body temperature. Changing the way one eats can have a positive impact on how one feels and looks. Autumn fruit and other ingredients Pears and apples are autumn fruits, and they nourish our lungs, increase body fluid and relieve dry coughs. According to TCM

doctors, apples have both strengthening and regulating functions. In addition, they also help to relieve restlessness, thirst, and irritability from our lung and heart systems. Other fruits include the tangerine, persimmon and pomegranate. Not only are these cool fruits delicious, but they also help to remove the inner heat we have lingering from summer. Figs and almonds provide moisture and alleviate dryness. Almonds can also help relieve asthma. TCM doctors advocate eating almonds in autumn as they can help dispel phlegm and control coughs, thereby nourishing lung and regulating our qi. Qi is the energy in our body, and if we eat inappropriate foods when its flow is blocked, our bodies will respond with illness.

and by eating sour foods (pineapple, apple, grapefruit and lemon) that prevent the loss of body fluids. Third, keep your immune system strong by getting enough sleep, and decreasing stress in your life. Remember that both our diets and our lifestyle strongly influence our emotional and physical health. Stay healthy and enjoy your food!

Autumn fruits 秋季水果 梨 Pears lí

Other foods to note are honey, banana, sesame and walnut which moisturize internal dryness caused by a lack of body fluid and restore normal functioning of the lungs. For example, eating a spoonful of ground walnut is a traditional autumn and winter tonic that promotes a good night’s sleep.

苹果 Apples píng guŏ

无花果 Figs wú huā guŏ

In terms of spices, incorporate cinnamon, turmeric and ginger in the cooler months. Not only are these spices warming in nature, they have an alkalizing effect and are a lovely compliment to many autumn fruits and vegetables. Autumn vegetables The delicious vegetables that become available in autumn can either be made into fabulous soups and stews, or can be roasted and grilled. Autumn vegetables include cabbage, pumpkins, root vegetables (sweet potatoes, squashes, gourds, chestnuts) and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, brussels sprouts and cauliflower). It is advisable to eat more vegetables with sour flavors and reduce pungent flavors associated with such things as onion, ginger and peppers, which induce perspiration in a season of dryness. Some delicious recipe ideas include potato and leek soup, or grilling root vegetables with fresh garlic, and herbs like oregano and rosemary. Kids also love enjoy boiled pears slowly cooked with a cinnamon stick! If Chinese TCM theory and food therapy sounds interesting but you are not sure how to apply it to your life, here are a few suggestions. First, follow seasonal eating guidelines and purchase what is available in your local fruit and vegetable market or order directly from an organic farm. Second, since the moisture of the humid summer gives way to autumn dryness, keep hydrated by drinking tea or room temperature water

香蕉 Bananas xiāng jiāo

Others 其他

Autumn vegetables 秋季蔬菜 卷心菜 Cabbage juăn xīn cài 菠菜 Spinach bō cài 甘蓝菜 Kale gān lán cài 大果南瓜 Pumpkins dà guŏ nán guā Root vegetables 根茎类蔬菜 红薯 Sweet potatoes hóng shǔ 小果南瓜 Squashes xiăo guŏ nán guā

葫芦 Gourds hú lu 板栗 Chestnuts băn lì

蜂蜜 Honey fēng mì

芝麻 Sesame zhī ma 核桃 Walnuts hé táo

杏仁 Almonds xìng rén

Cruciferous vegetables 十字花科蔬菜 西兰花 Broccoli xī lán huā 甘蓝小包菜 Brussels sprouts gān lán xiăo bāo cài 花椰菜 Cauliflower huā yē cài 白木耳 White fungus bái mù ĕr www.urban-family.com


FOOD & fun

Cooking with kids

Making club sandwiches at DoubleTree by Hilton Guangzhou - Science City


n Sunday, August 30, a group of cute children, moms, dads and one gorgeous grandmother hopped on a van to visit the new and pristine DoubleTree by Hilton Guangzhou - Science City. Combining both urban amenities and vibrant nature, the children had a great time making club sandwiches, enjoying a delicious lunch, playing with Mr. Cookie and, most of all, bonding with their families and new friends. A very special thank you to the DoubleTree by Hilton Guangzhou - Science City for having us, giving out those wonderful and warm chocolate chip cookies, and being perfect hosts!

Photos by Grace Guo




heat or white Sliced bread, w ise with mayonna Lettuce, mixed Fried egg Bacon Chicken Tomato l) Cheese (optiona

Method: On a cutting bo ard or plate, lay out the three sli Put lettuce, frie ces of bread. d egg and tomat o on one slice. one slice of brea Cover with d. Then put ch icken and baco top off with an n, and other slice of br ead. Cut the sid off, and cut diag es onally to make four triangles. Arrange on plat e and serve im mediately. Yum !

Special thanks to the culinary and marketing team at DoubleTree by Hilton Guangzhou - Science City, located at 18 Shuixi Lu, Huangpu District, Guangzhou (020) 3223 8888 广州汇华希尔顿逸林酒店黄埔区水西路 18 号



New arrivals

Say hello to the PRD's newest members

Share your good news with us! Submissions to uf.prd@urbanatomy.com 54



School events in Shenzhen


n June 19, the Shenzhen American International School's maker space, Maker SAIS, got inspiration from makers around the world at the Shenzhen Maker Faire. The students themselves participated in the faire by showcasing their own inventions, ranging from a toilet paper alarm to a motion sensor garden protector.


ASIS International School Shenzhen held their opening ceremony at their new Shekou campus on August 31. Over 400 kids and their parents joined the ceremony. An American education-style school, the mission of BASIS International School Shenzhen is to use the highest level of standards to raise students learning capability. BASIS currently has preschool to Grade 9 classes, with an expansion to Grade 12 planned for the future.

School events in Guangzhou



ommunity service plays an integral role for all students at Guangzhou Nanfang International School and is a cornerstone of their experiential learning education. The avenues of service range from class projects to nation-wide service projects. To kick off the 2015-2016 academic year, GNIS launched a Spring Water Preservation Project. Most of the Longdong community citizens go to the mountain behind the GNIS campus to fetch spring water. People love clear spring water as its quality is better for cooking rice and serving tea. However, after climbing up for long distances, people have to pass muddy roads to reach the water. Moreover, maintenence of the surrounding area and the spring water is not well supervised. GNIS has committed itself to provide safer and better water quality for the community with the help of their science department and secondary students, who will conduct analysis of the water quality on a period basis. Water quality analysis will be done at least twice a week and data will be posted on site. GNIS has also contributed to build the pathway and stairs from the main road to the spring, which will help people from slipping in the mud.

he week of August tenth saw all new and returning American International School of Guangzhou students gather at both campuses to begin the 2015-2016 school year. The elementary school orientation was held on Monday morning. Parents and students met with their children's teachers, administrators and other AISG families. The students were especially happy to see exciting new playground equipment and to explore the new reading loft in the library. On Tuesday, all middle and high school students and their parents made their way, in the pouring rain, to the Science Park campus for happy reunions and introductions. A new library design, inspired by a ninth grade geometry project in 2015, was a highlight of the day. After the business of orientation was complete, families braved more rain and enjoyed a hearty BBQ lunch!




Community happenings


ear West: "Bridging China and the West," TNS (UK) and The Garden Hotel, Guangzhou recently held the first 'Drama English Summer Camp' in Guangzhou. Students improved their English while developing creativity, critical thinking and collaborative teamwork skills. Media sponsorship was exclusively provided by Urban Family and That’s PRD.

Credit: Mr. Loh Tuck Wai, Consulate-General of the Republic of Singapore in Guangzhou


n August 7, Mr. Loh Tuck Wai (Consulate-General of the Republic of Singapore in Guangzhou), Zhao Yufang (Vice-Governor of Guangdong), Deputy SecretaryGeneral Diao Ailing from the Guangzhou City Government, friends, colleagues and Singaporeans gathered to celebrate SG50, Singapore’s National Day reception at the Grand Hyatt Guangzhou. The event celebrated two important events – the fiftieth year of Singapore’s independence and the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of Singapore-China relations. It was a good opportunity for Singaporeans to commemorate their nation’s journey, take stock of the present and chart their futures as a united group of people, and of course, enjoy delicious food.


n Saturday, August 29, British Consul-General Matthew Rous invited members of the community, along with students and staff from The British School of Guangzhou (BSG), to his home to enjoy a recital by celebrated violin soloist, Madeleine Mitchell Staff. Guests included some of BSG's most talented young musicians, who travelled to The Juilliard School in New York this summer to attend Nord Anglia Education’s inaugural Global Orchestra. The school was also represented by the Principal, Mr. Mark Thomas, and the entire music department.




n the evening of Saturday, August 29, The Garden Hotel, Guangzhou, celebrated its 30th anniversary with an extravagant birthday bash in the Grand Ballroom. The 30th anniversary celebration was a night of modern elegance and traditional Lingnan style, enjoyed by over 500 guests. To kick off the night, the front lobby was transformed into a mock construction site, complete with cranes and construction equipment, transporting guests back in time 30 years, while they enjoyed cocktails and the soothing melodies of the resident band. Next, guests entered a tunnel leading to the Grand Ballroom and a wrap-around, 180-degree LED screen depicting the modern Garden Hotel. As the gala dinner commenced, a creative seven-course menu ignited the guests’ imagination and left them in awe. Described in name only by a color, each dish was a mix of traditional Cantonese and Western cuisine, featuring the best of both styles. Between every course, guests were entertained with a myriad of performances, from traditional Cantonese opera to K-pop, to modern dance and a traditional Irish dance. The night ended with the smooth tones of Maria Wang and the Maple Jazz Band, followed by a dance party with a DJ, making it a night to remember.

Community happenings


amilies enjoy a special appearance by Sid and Scratch from the cast of 'Ice Age Live' at Favorview Palace on August 29. 'Ice Age Live,' a musical on ice featuring the characters from the Ice Age movies, entertained audiences in Guangzhou on September 4 and 5 as part of a two-month tour of China. Near West: "Bridging China and the West” and The Garden Hotel, Guangzhou, teamed up to make this show accessible to the expat community.


ove, Shenzhen hosted the 'Welcome to Shenzhen' passport event on August 29. Attendees received ‘passports’ which they proceeded to get stamped while visiting various places around Shekou, including Shekou International School, HH Gourmet, First Chiropractic, Vista-SK International Medical Center and other useful entities in the area. Other activities included hula-hooping, vegan ice-cream tasting, health checks and an essential oil cooking class.



he 7th International Youth Summit on Energy and Climate Change was held in July in Shenzhen. Since 2009, every year, this International Summit has gathered youth from all other the world and important guests from the environmental industry, for sessions of conference and working groups, in order to suggest and find solutions to save the planet. This year, for the first time, with the support of the embassy of France in China, IYSECC0.7 was organised in South China, at the Science City Center of Shenzhen. Representatives from governmental organisations, experts and specialists and non-governmental associations such as WWF and the Sierra Student Coalition gathered together with the young people to share ideas and broaden everyone’s thoughts. With just a few months to go until the 21st Conference in Paris, this summit was a rare opportunity to exchange and submit ideas!

etween August 29 and September 6, Color of Life, an exhibition of cut-outs by renounced French artist Henri Matisse, was held at Canton First Estate. Matisse was regarded as one of the three artists (the other two are Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp) who, as a leader of fauvism, shaped the plastic arts landscape in the beginning of the twentieth century, Matisse was a master of the expressive language of color and drawing, which won him recognition on the stage of modern arts. The exhibition, which closed on September 6, showcased some of his brilliant cut-outs.





Submit your events listing to uf.prd@urbanatomy.com

Sept 16 – 26

Sept 22 - OCT 18 Phantom of the Opera - Garden Package at The Garden Hotel, Guangzhou The Phantom of the Opera is finally coming to Guangzhou this September! If you are a big fan of the show, don’t miss the opportunity to watch the world-class performance in Guangzhou Opera House. The Garden Hotel, Guangzhou, has been appointed as the official hotel for The Phantom of the Opera, Guangzhou tour. As part of this appointment, The Garden Hotel, Guangzhou, is offering one night deluxe accommodation and two premier seating tickets to the opera for as low as RMB2,988 per room, per night! To find out more about this special package and the many benefits, call The Garden Hotel, Guangzhou now! Email rsvn@thegardenhotel.com.cn. 368 Huanshi Dong Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou
 广州环市东路368号, 广州 花园酒店(020) 8333 8989

OCT 14 Concert: Galliano

11th Guangzhou Oktoberfest Guangzhou’s most popular Oktoberfest will be bigger and better than ever this year. The fun-filled celebration, which will be held from September 16 through September 26, will move to a great new location - the Tianhe Sports Center. The 11th annual Oktoberfest will be celebrated under a big white and blue tent, providing much more room than in past years. Attendees will be able to partake in traditional Oktoberfest activities featuring Bavarian folk customs, folk music and traditional costumes. And of course, free-flowing German beer and authentic German buffet will be the true highlights of the festival. A special surprise of Guangzhou’s 11th Oktoberfest will be an outdoor carnival set beside the Oktoberfest tent from the 17th onwards. The carnival will offer various types of entertainment, lots of typical Oktoberfest activities and an assortment of games. Special entertainment is planned for the children, such as a unique amusement castle, merry-go-round rides, and traditional German hammer games. In addition, a balloon clown will ride around the venue to entertain and delight guests. There will also be a special weekend family brunch, so bring along your kids for a fun and entertaining afternoon out. Brush up on your German, bring your appetite and experience the spirit of Oktoberfest here in the heart of Guangzhou! Oktoberfest Tickets: RMB 388/person. 6.30pm to 10.30pm, at Tianhe Sports Center. For reservations, call David Nebehay at 189 3395 7637. Tickets are available at China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel, 1F, Deli Fresh (020) 8666 6888 ext. 2106. WeChat account: chinahotelgz, or visit www.gzoktoberfest.com for details. Oktoberfest Outdoor Carnival: September 17 to September 26, Monday to Friday starting at 11:00 am and weekends starting at 10:00 am. RMB50 per person (includes a snack or drink). Tianhe Sports Center, across Festival Walk, Tianhe Sports Center Metro Exit Weekend Family Brunch: September 19, 20 and 26. Time: 12:00 to 14:30. Adult: RMB328 /adult; children under 1.4m: RMB138. Tianhe Sports Center, across Festival Walk, Tianhe Sports Center Metro Exit

SEPT 11 - 30 Deep Sea Explorer – Seafood delicacies at Hilton Guangzhou Tianhe Our planet is 70 percent ocean, with plenty of mysteries as well as delicacies. This summer, be a deep sea explorer and take a taste adventure of all the best and freshest seafood on this planet. Price TBC. Café@2, Hilton Guangzhou



Tianhe, 215 Linhexi Heng Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 天河区林和西横路215号 (020) 6683 9999

SEPT 18 - 20 Shooting with Light One of the UK’s leading visual theatre companies, Idle Motion, is adept in integrating creative stagecraft with innovative video projection to make their production

humorous and evocative. Their new production, Shooting with Light, tells the story of German war photographer Gerda Taro who fled to Paris in 1933 as a refugee, learned photography from a fellow refugee, ventured to the Spanish Civil War and captured the Fascists’ tyranny. Come and be told of this remarkable story of our ages. RMB180-380, 8pm. Experimental Theatre, Guangzhou Opera House, 1 Zhujiang Xi Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou天河区珠江西 路1号广州大剧院 (020) 3839 2888

The importance of Galliano to the contemporary Tango music scene in Europe equals that of Astor Piazzolla to the same category in Argentina. Learning the accordion since the age of 4 with his father, Galliano fell in love with jazz music before he moved to France in the 70s when he started to play with well-known jazz musicians like Chet Baker and Ron Charter. Collaborating with Argentine tango composer Astor Piazzolla for over ten years, Galliano was influenced to a large extent by this great musician. By merging classic, tango and jazz music, his accordion performance is unique and not to be passed over. RMB80-280, 8pm. Experimental Theater, Guangzhou Opera House, 1 Zhujiang Xi Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 天 河区珠江西路1号广州大剧院 (020) 3839 2888

OCT 17 Concert: The Wong Way Down The Wong Way Down is a jazz band founded by Hong Kong native Nate Wong, with Patrick Lui on piano, Jeff Lehmberg on bass, Callum Mackenzie on saxophone and Angus Gomm on trumpet. Growing up in the US, Nate studied music performance in UC

Berkley College of Music. By cooperating with different bands, Nate brought his music to Asia with The Jazz Tellers, to South America with Ritmo Armonico, and back to the US with The Reeves Brothers. With a variety of experiences, Nate breathes an air of original jazz music into The Wong Way Down. RMB80-280, 3pm. Experimental Theater, Guangzhou Opera House, 1 Zhujiang Xi Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 天河区珠 江西路1号广州大剧院 (020) 3839 2888

OCT 18 Concert: Jazzpospolita Jazzpospolita is a polish jazz band and an interesting phenomenon in alternative music. Known to loyal fans as Jazzpo, they separate themselves from the pack by placing the band on the edge of jazz, post-rock and electronic music. Putting together jazz harmonies, overdriven guitars, and electronic sound, the band attracts a wide range of followers, either at jazz clubs or major music festivals. RMB80-280, 8pm. Experimental Theater, Guangzhou Opera House, 1 Zhujiang Xi Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou天河区珠 江西路1号广州大剧院 (020) 3839 2888

Hall and enjoy the glory of this award-winning artist. RMB80-880, 8pm. Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall, 33 Qingbo Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 越秀区晴波路33号 (020) 8758 8735, 8735 3869

OCT 29

Founded in 1996 and made up of vocalist Monica Akihary, guitarist and composer Niels Brouwer and Sandip Bhattachraya on tabla and percussion, Boi Akih is an Amsterdam-based jazz band brought together musical traditions from Indonesia, Bali, Dutch jazz, classical Indian music and African music. One of the unique traits about Boi Akih is that Akihary, who has been working with Dutch and Austrian linguistics, sings in Haruku, an endangered language. RMB80-380, 8pm. Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall, 33 Qingbo Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 越秀区晴波路33号 (020) 8758 8735, 8735 3869

OCT 30 - NOV 1

Five-time Grammy Awards winner Victor Wooten started playing at nightclubs and theaters with his brothers at the age of five in Tennessee state and shared the stage with many a well-known artist before high school graduation. Victor is an American bass master, composer, author and producer, who was awarded “Bass Player of the Year” three times in a row by the Bass Player Magazine and was named one of the greatest bass player of all time by Rolling Stone.

Produced by the British theatre group 1927 together with artistic director Barrie Kosky, the new Magic Flute at the Komische Opera Berlin presents the audience with an extraordinary fantasy world created by the artistic directors of 1927, Suzanne Andrade and Paul Barritt. They employ a combination of animated film and live actors, creating the impression that huge comic collages have come to life. The most frequently performed German opera is transformed into an exciting experience never seen on stage. The Magic Flute will be performed in German with English and Chinese subtitles.

RMB80-880, 8pm. Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall, 33 Qingbo Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 越秀区晴波路33号 (020) 8758 8735, 8735 3869

RMB280-2,880, 8pm. Opera Hall, Guangzhou Opera House, 1 Zhujiang Xi Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 天河区珠江 西路1号广州大剧院 (020) 3839 2888

OCT 25

Oct 31

Concert: Victor Wooten

Concert: Dee Dee Bridgewater American jazz singer and songwriter Dee Dee Bridgewater is a three-time Grammy Awards winner, host of NPR radio show Jazzset with Dee Dee Bridgewater, as well as UN Ambassador of the Food and Agriculture Organization. She was the lead vocalist for the band led by Thad Jones and Mel Lewis, a premier jazz orchestra in 1970s and started to act and sing on Broadway where her talent was well received and won her a Tony Award. Come to Xinghai Concert

Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich, 988 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广东省广州市天河区广州 大道中988号 邮政编码 (020) 3883 8888

Jazz and world music concert by Boi Akih

The Magic Flute on stage

OCT 24

RMB350+15%, including free flow of soft drinks. Children: RMB168 ++ (6-12), below 5 is free. Dinner: RMB528+15% including free flow of soft drinks. Children: RMB298 ++ (6-12), below 5 is free.

Pirates of the Caribbean Halloween Buffet at Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich Yo Ho Ho Me Hearties! 2 on 988 at Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich presents a Pirates of the Caribbean Halloween experience for the young and young at heart; featuring a playful and artistic pirate themed buffet with fabulous and fun children activities including; pumpkin carving, a treasure hunt and best dressed lads (boy) and lassies (girl) prizes. Lunch:

Nov 7 The British School of Guangzhou International Day 2015 The British School of Guangzhou invites you out on Saturday, November 7, from 11am to 3pm, to the 2015 International Day and family fun fair! Join over 3,000 expats as they enjoy a gorgeous lakeside location while partaking in food and fun for four community-friendly hours. Highlights of the event will include food and beverage vendors from all over the world, including some of your favorite restaurants, live music and other entertainment, games and activities for both children and adults, as well as plenty of raffle prizes. Tickets are RMB20 for adults and RMB10 for children. All profits from the event will be donated to charity. The British School of Guangzhou. No. 983-3 Tonghe Lu, Nanhu, Baiyun District, Guangzhou 广州市白云区同和路983-3 广州英国学校. Call (020) 8709 4788 ext. 2030, or email gemma.campbell@bsg.org. cn for sponsorship or booth opportunities.

NOV 8 - 9 Guangzhou Arts Festival Vocal Ecstasy by Perpetuum Jazzile Known as one of the most spectacular and biggest vocal groups on this planet, Perpetuum Jazzile, a Slovenian musical group established in 1983, is filled with powerful rhythms, rich harmonies and energetic sounds. Friendship is what connects them; music is what they live for. Through a cappella songs and renditions, the group strives for bringing smile to the audiences’ faces. For the first time, Perpetuum Jazzile will come to the spotlight at Guangzhou Opera House this November. RMB80-480, 8pm. Opera Hall, Guangzhou Opera House, 1 Zhujiang Xi Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou天河区珠江 西路1号广州大剧院 (020) 3839 2888

NOV 15 Concert: Jean Muller Applying “a big-hearted conceptual approach”, as commented by

the BBC Music Magazine, Jean Muller, a Luxembourgian classical pianist, has received several international awards and performed worldwide. He was born to a piano teacher and started playing to the public since the age of seven. As of now, he has performed in over 400 concerts worldwide at the world’s famous concert halls and theaters, in cooperation with renowned orchestras. RMB80-280, 8pm. Experimental Theater, Guangzhou Opera House, 1 Zhujiang Xi Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou天河区珠 江西路1号广州大剧院 (020) 3839 2888


Ritz Kids Night Safari at The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou presents you with the “Ritz Kids Night Safari” experience in all its suites. At RMB300 on best available rate, children will be able to enjoy this unique camping experience that combines fun, adventure and, comfort with a memorable stay experience. This new program takes little ones from ages 4 to 8 on an adventure from the moment they check-in to The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou. After receiving a set of educational coloring book and stamp card, they will be delighted to discover a tent pitched in their room, stocked with all the amenities they need for a surprise inroom camping experience – from a LED flashlight, compass, drink bottle, Lion toy and a special tote, to a set of bathrobe and slippers. Young campers can even hang a “Do not disturb (Shhhhh…)” card outside their tent. A special menu for kids as well as and welcome amenities such as sugar-free delicious chocolate, desserts and healthy vegetable sticks could also delight their experience. Children could also be given a pool bag set contains a set of children’s shampoo and body wash, body lotion along with a rubber duck toy for bath time. The experience will bring young children a sense of adventure and priceless memories that last well beyond their stays. The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, 3 Xing An Lu, Zhujiang Xingcheng, Tianhe District Guangzhou广东省广州市天河区兴安 路3号 邮政编码 (020) 3813 6688





Submit your events listing to uf.prd@urbanatomy.com

Sept 27

Shenzhen American International School - Terry Fox Run

Painting classes at Afternoon Art Space

This year, Shenzhen American International School will participate in the Terry Fox Run, doing a walk / run-a-thon on September 25 to raise money for youth cancer patients in Shenzhen. The Terry Fox Run is an international event where people work together to raise money for cancer research and to help people in financial need with cancer. Grade 6, 7 and 8 classes at SAIS will be in charge of helping to organize the SAIS Terry Fox Run, throughout the lead-up and during the run. All proceeds raised will be donated to children in need with cancer at the Shenzhen’s Children’s hospital. All students, parents, guardians and members of the community are welcome to participate in this event and SAIS requests that a donation to the cause be made. T-shirts for the event for parents/guardians are also available for purchase. For more information and location details, contact SAIS Physical Education Teacher Yuri Melnychuk on school@szsais.org or call (0755) 8619 4800.

Have you heard of stone painting? Afternoon Art Space provides painting classes where students paint their own pictures on stones. All the materials are provided; students only need to bring their ideas! Advanced reservation is required.

No. 82, Gongyuan Lu, Adjacent to Sihai Park, Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 中国深圳市南山区蛇口公园路82号蛇 口青少年活动中心B、C座 518067 (毗邻 四海公园)

RMB80, 2.30 to 4.30pm. 1A9B Shenye New Coastline, Baoyuan Bei Lu, Bao'an District, Shenzhen 宝安区宝源南路深业新岸线 1A9B. Call 170 9725 9886 for details.

Sept 26 - Oct 4 ATP Shenzhen Open Building on the success of last year’s tournament, the ATP Shenzhen Open will host some of the best men’s tennis players in the world. Gilles Simon, Marin Cilic and Tommy Robredo will take to the hard court to vie for the championship. RMB30-580, 11am to 5pm. Longgang Sports Center, junction of Shuiguan Highway and Longxiang Dadao, Longgang District 龙岗区中心城龙翔大道与水官高速 交汇处 (400 610 3721 or 1010 3721). Email: ponypiao@damai.cn


Ongoing T-Street Market at OCT-Loft Typically held on the first weekend of every month, T-Street Market is OCT-Loft’s artsy version of a neighborhood market. Scarves, jewelry, postcards, toys, T-shirts with funky slogans, ukuleles and other visually appealing handicrafts can all be bought from vendor booths set up on OCT-Loft’s sidewalks. Expect some live music too. Free admission, 10am. North District, OCTLoft, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 南山区华 侨城创意文化园北区 (0755) 8614 8700 Fencing classes at Yu Jie Fencing Hamlet International Yu Jie Fencing Hamlet International offers weekly fencing classes for one year membership holders. Not sure if fencing’s for your kids? They can try it for free two times before deciding. Yearly membership fees include all equipment and instruction. RMB8,000, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7.30 to 9pm, Saturdays and Sundays from 10.30am to 12.30pm or 2 to 4pm. 3F, 301, Block 2, Fulian Mansion Commercial Building (富莲大厦), Lianhua Bei, Yutian Lu, Futian District, Shenzhen福田区雨田路莲 花北富莲大厦2栋301. Call 185 2083 8873 for details.

Free ukulele classes Free ukulele classes taught by Chris and Johnny from Simple Things! Want to learn to play uke but not sure how to start? Come to these classes to experience a wonderful, supportive musical community throughout Shenzhen, all based around this tiny instrument. Classes take place at different times and in different Simple Things locations around the city. Call (0755) 2290 2696, (0755) 2586 1364 or (0755) 8252 2287 for more information. The Make Club Join The Make Club, a new course taught by Americans from San Francisco. Working out of our makerspace, Lichee Lab, students will learn the most important skills used in Silicon Valley to create and market new ideas and new technologies such as design development, presentation and Internet publishing. Innovation is ability, so start practicing! Classes are small (3 to 6 students). Open to ages 8 to 17. Saturday/Sunday courses: starting at 9am and 1:30pm, 2 hours each. RMB200/hour, multisession discounts available. Weekday courses by appointment. 1F, Building M10, Maqueling Industrial Park, Science and Technology Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 深圳市南山区 科技园中区麻雀岭工业区M10-101. Email: info@litchee.cn or call (0755) 2640 2095

Submit your events listing to uf.prd@urbanatomy.com

Oct 23 – 25

Sept 25 – 26 Bon Jovi Live in Macao With an incredibly successful and legendary career spanning 30 years to date, Bon Jovi’s announcement of their China debut in September has generated excitement from millions of Chinese fans across the country. The tour is presented by

60 www.urban-family.com

The Venetian Macao and AEG Live. The Cotai Arena at The Venetian Macao, MOP580-3,580, 8pm. Tickets from www. cotaiticketing.com or www.macauticket. com

Oct 15 PINK Inspired charity lunch at Conrad Macau

Conrad Macao, Cotai Central will host a PINK Inspired charity lunch on Thursday 15 October, 2015 as part of the hotel’s PINK campaign which is held throughout October to raise funds for the Hong Kong Cancer Fund’s PINK Revolution campaign. The lunch will be held in partnership with the International Ladies Club of Macao and tickets are MOP480 per person. Guests attending the lunch have the opportunity to win amazing raffle prizes including luxury international hotel getaways and exclusive offers from retailers at Sands Shoppes. Total value of all the raffle prizes is more than MOP120,000. To book tickets for the PINK Inspired charity lunch, please contact Conrad Concierge by phoning (853) 8113 6600 or email: pink. inspired@conradhotels.com

Big Bang 2015 World Tour (Made) in Macao Korean top boy band Big Bang has announced their latest world tour – (Made) in Macau. Consisting of members G-Dragon, T.O.P, Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri, Big Bang officially debuted on August 19, 2006. They are one of the most popular Korean idol groups worldwide. The Venetian Macao are pleased to announce that a third show will be added on Sunday, 25 October, making Big Bang the first ever foreign artist group to hold three consecutive shows at The Venetian Macao. The Cotai Arena at The Venetian Macao. Tickets: MOP688-1,888. Tickets from www. cotaiticketing.com or www.hkticketing.com


棕林街48号; 5) 白云区同和路南湖雅居乐内 Creative Kindergarten No.2 Tanyue Jie, Er Sha Island (8735 1908) 启思幼儿园, 二沙岛潭月街二号 Gold Arch International Preschool Block 4, 0411, Ground Floor, Gold Arch Riverdale, Ersha Island (8735 3205) 金亚国际 幼儿园, 二沙岛金亚花园4区首层. goldarchinternationalpreschool.org


Education Early Childhood Education Gymboree 1) Rm 208, 191 Tiyu Xi Lu, Tianhe District (3884 8008); 2) 3/F, 63 Jiaochang Dong Lu, Yuexiu District (8373 8158); 3) 2/F, Building B5, Yingbin Lu (3476 9991);4) 3/F, New Pearl River Hotel, 795 Binjiang Dong Lu, Haizhu District (8932 2399); 5) Rm 302, 28 Dongfang Yi Lu, Zhongshan Dadao, Tianhe District (3802 3999); 6) L2054A, Gate 5 Mall, Yunxiao Lu, Baiyun District (3607 9020) 金宝贝,1)天河区体育西路191号中石化大厦 佳兆业广场二楼208; 2) 越秀区较场东路63号 盈泽苑三楼; 3) 番禺区迎宾路万博中心B5栋 二楼; 4) 海珠区滨江东路795号新珠江大酒店 三楼; 5) 天河区中山大道东方一路28号3层302; 6) 白云区云霄路5号停机坪二层L2054A. www. gymboree.com.cn/china KindyRoo International Early Childhood Development Academy 201, 2/F, Buidling C,195 Binjiang Dong Lu, Haizhu District (400 155 6636) 澳洲亲亲袋鼠国际早教, 海 珠区滨江东路195号C栋二楼201. www.gzkindyroo.com Lions 33/F, IFC, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (400 0020 229) 狮子婴幼 公学, 天河区珠江新城国际金融中心(IFC西 塔)33层 . www.lionvoooo.com Playgroup 5/F, 153 Tianhe Dong Lu, Tianhe District (400 885 0517) 普乐谷之 家,天河东路153号富海商业中心5楼. www. playgroup.com.cn/Info/InfoShow.aspx Tot’s Time Play School 1:1 teaching for babies under 18 months. 1:1.5 teaching for toddlers over 18 months. Flexible school hours. Contact Michelle Lee through 13922439658 or ytmlee@mac. com

Kindergartens American International School of Guangzhou (Preschool) 3 Yanyu Nan Jie, Ersha Island, Yuexiu District (8735 3392) 越秀区二沙岛烟雨南街3号 Canadian International Kindergarten 1) Agile Garden, Yinbin Lu, Panyu District (8456 6551); 2) Mayland Garden, Keyun Lu, Tianhe District (8561 6516); 3) Sunny Garden, 39, Xujing Dong Jie, North of Chebei Lu, Zhongshan Dadao, Tianhe District (6120 9165); 4) 48 Zonglin Jie, Mayland Garden, Keyun Lu,Tianhe District (8561 6516); 5) Nanhu Agile Garden, Tonghe Lu, Baiyun District (3724 1670) . 加拿大国际幼儿园,1) 番禺区迎宾路雅居乐 花园; 2) 天河区科韵路美林海岸花园棕林街48 号; 3) 天河区中山大道车陂路段北侧旭景家园 旭景东街39号; 4) 天河区科韵路美林海岸花园

Guangzhou Bain Kindergarten No. 1-5, Kangyi Jie, Binjiang Dong Lu, Haizhu District (3425 5523) 珠江广场贝恩幼儿园, 海珠 区滨江东路康怡街1-5 Favorview Palace International Kindergarten Huijing Nan Lu, by the Wushan Turning of the Huanan Expressway, Guangyuan Dong Lu, Tianhe District (8529 1171 ext 215) 汇景新城国际幼儿园, 天河区广园东华南快速干线五山回旋处汇景 南路66号.www.hj-bb.com Huamei Kindergarten Huamei Lu, Tianhe (8721 0372) 华美幼儿园, 天河区华美路华 美学园 Japanese Preschool of Guangzhou136 Dong Guan Zhuang Lu,Tianhe District (8764 6316) 广州奥伊斯嘉日本语幼儿园, 天河区东莞庄路136号 Jiayiyuan Int’l Kindergarten 144 Jiayiyuan, Tianhe Bei Lu, Tianhe District (3881 4019) 嘉怡苑英文实验幼儿园, 天河区天河北 路嘉怡苑144号 Lingnan Hong Kong International Kindergarten 11 Tianlong Jie, Longkou Xi Lu, Tianhe (8758 2822 ) 岭南香港国际 幼儿园, 天河区龙口西路天龙街11号. www. gzln.net Milo Kindergarten 1) Hui Ya Yuan, 259 Tianhe Bei Lu, Tianhe District (3885 1108); 2) Jujing Garden, 190 Zhongshan Dadao, Tianhe District (3866 4271) 广 州市米洛英文幼儿,1) 天河区天河北路259号 荟雅苑小区内; 2)天河区中山大道190号骏景 花园小区内 The British School of Guangzhou (Early Years) Tonghe Lu, Lakefront Compound, Nanhu, Baiyun District (Tel: 8709 4788). 广州英国学校,南湖同和路983-3 www.bsg. org.cn Springfield Kindergarten 281 Haiming Lu, Central Park View, Zhujiang New Town (3833 9379; fax: 3836 1757) 春田 幼儿园,天河区珠江新城海明路281. www. springfieldkindergarten.cn. Email: info@ springfieldkindergarten.cn. St.Lorraine Anglo-Chinese School Riverside Garden, Dashi Town, Panyu District (8458 8252). 莱恩英文幼儿园,番禺区洛 浦街丽江花园 www.st-lorraine.com.cn Yihe Int’l Kindergarten Summer Palace, Tonghe Town, Baiyun District (3623 8230). 颐和国际幼儿园,白云区同和镇颐 和山庄 Yingyi International KIndergarten 5 Chigang Shan Jie, Haizhu District (8420 3626) 广州英艺中英文幼儿园, 海珠区赤岗 三街5号

International Schools Alcanta International College (AIC) 1130 Baiyun Dadao Nan, Baiyun District (8618



LISTINGS 3999) 亚加达教育机构国际预科部, 白云区白 云大道南1130 号. www.aicib.org American International School of Guangzhou (AISG) 1) 3 Yanyu Nan Lu, Ersha Island (8735 3393); 2) 19 Kexiang Lu, Science Park, Luogang District (3213 5555). 广州美国人国际学校,1) 二沙岛烟雨 南路3号; 2) 萝岗区科学城科翔路19号 Canadian International School of Guangzhou Cambridgeshire Garden, Nancun Town, Panyu District (3925 5321) www.cigz.com 广州加拿大人国际学校,番 禺区南村镇雅居乐剑桥郡花园内 Clifford School International Building, Clifford School,Clifford Estates, Shiguang Lu, Panyuan District 祈福英语实验学校番 禺区市广路 (8471 8273) Guangzhou Huamei International School 23 Huamei Lu, Tianhe District (Tel: 8706 5178, Fax: 8721 0372). 广州华美英语实验 学校,天河区华美路23号 www.hm163.com Guangzhou Nanfang International School No.1 South Industrial Park, Yinglong Lu, Longdong, Tianhe District (3886 6952, 3886 3606, Fax: 3886 3680). www.gnischina.com 广州南方国际学校,天河区龙洞 迎龙路龙山工业园南1号www.gnischina.com French International School of Guangzhou Favorview Palace, Tianhe District (3879 7324).www.efcanton. com. 广州法国学校,天河区汇景新城 www. efcanton.com ISA International School Guangzhou Block C2-2 Redtory, Siheng Lu, No.128, Yuan Village, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510655 广州市天河区员村四横路128号红专 厂 C2-2(8890 0909) 广州爱莎国际学校 Mayland International School Mayland International Resort, No 168 West Shanqian Dadao, Huadu District 美林湖国际 学校花都区山前大道168号美林湖国际社区 (3672 8212) Japanese School of Guangzhou 10 Fengxin Lu, Science City, High-technology and Industrial Zone (Tel: 6139 7023, Fax: 6139 7027). 广州日本人学校,高新技术产 业开发区科学城风信路10号 www.jsgcn.com Raffles Design Institute 9F, B Tower of Guangzhou Sinopec Building, No.191, Tiyu Xi Lu, Tianhe District 天河区体育西路 191号中石化大厦B塔9楼 gz.raffles.edu.cn The British School of Guangzhou 983-3 Tonghe Lu, Nanhu (Tel: 8709 4788, Fax: 3725 9377). 广州英国学校,南湖同和路 983-3 www.bsg.org.cn Utahloy International School of Guangzhou 1) Shatai Highway, Jin Bao Gang, Tong He, (8720 2019, 8720 0517; fax 8704 4296); 2) Sanjiang Town, Zeng Cheng (8291 4691 fax 8291 3303) 广 州裕达隆国际学校,1) 同和金宝岗沙太公 路;2)增城三江镇 www.utahloy.com Yew Wah International Education School of Guangzhou Dragon Lake Resort, National AAAA Tourist Attraction, Huadong Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou (8683 2662 / 400 850 9778) 广州耀华国际教育 学校 广州市花都区花东镇山前旅游大道学而 街9号 (比邻国家4A级旅游风景区九龙湖) www.ywies-gz.com

Language Centers Alliance Francaise de Canton (French Training Center) 2/F, 12 Wu Zi Building, Beijiaochang Heng Lu (8380 2501, fax 8380 2502). 广州法语培训中心,北较场横 路12号物资大厦二楼 www.af-canton.org.cn

62 www.urban-family.com

BECTON English Training School 1) 5/F, Dong Pu. 433 Zhongshan Dadao (8232 6673); 2) 5/F, 14 Xiao Dong Yuan, Zhongshan Yi Lu (8730 2089); 3) Shi Hua Club, Shihua Lu, Huang Pu. 1)中山大道433号鸫 银大厦五楼; 2)中山一路小东园14号铁路老 干活动中心(老年)大学五楼; 3)黄埔石化路石 化俱乐部 Berlitz Language Training Room 1013, Southern Securities Building, 140 Tiyu Dong Lu (Tel: 3887 9261, 3887 9262; fax: 3887 9263) www.berlitz.com贝立兹中 心,体育东路140号南方证券大厦1013 室 Classic Mandarin Training Centre Courses: Daily Life Chinese, Business Chinese, HSK course, Short-term Chinese, Kids’ hinese. English and Japanese. Tutoring, Cantonese, Corporate Training.Cultural courses: Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Paintings, YOGA,Erhu. E-mail:study@classic-mandarin. com Room 6C,Runde Building,Huaju Jie,23 Huaj iu Lu,Zhujiang New Town(next to Starbuck s coffee) Tel:2886 9082 新语翔语言学校, 珠江新城华就路23号华居街润德大厦6C室 (Starbucks coffee隔壁) English First (EF) Room 302, 3/F, East Tower, Huaxin Building, 2 Shuiyin Lu (3760 1518). 英孚教育,水荫路2号华信大 厦东座302 室. www.englishfirst.com Foreign Teachers’ Essential Orientation/ Marriage Masala The Fountains International Community Center, 5 Xiaokang Jie, Pingsha Village, Guanghua Yi Lu, Baiyun District (Tel: 8605 3909); email: info@ thefountains.cn) 白云区广花一路平沙小康 街5号. www.thefountains.cn I Mandarin Chinese Training Expertise 1) Suite 1505,the Metro Plaza,183 Tianhe Bei Lu; 2) Suite 2105,South Tower, World Trade Center 371-375 Huanshi Dong Lu (2282 9282, 2884 8682). 3) Room1211, the West Tower, Hua Pu Plaza, 9-13 Huaming Lu, Zhujiang New Town (2238 2196). 新世界教育, 1)天河 北路183号,大都会广场1505室 2) 环市东路 371-375号,世贸中心大厦南塔2105 室 3) 珠江 新城华明路9-13号华普广场西座1211室. www. iMandarin.net Joy Chinese Language Training Center Room F05,V-served Business Center.(East side of Garden Hotel), Yuexiu District (136-3233 2369, http://www.joy-chinese. com/) 越秀区淘金路V商务酒店中心F05房 Eclipse English Education Room D,18/F, Tianhe Bei Lu, Tianhe District (3878 0382, 189 2276 9713) 爱誉教育, 天河北 路368号18楼D School of International Education (South China University of Technology) Wushan Lu, Tianhe District (3938 1048, 8711 0592)天河区五山路. ymshan@scut.edu. cn, sieinfo@scut.edu.cn Wall Street English 1) 2/F Rongjian Building, 29-31 Jianshe Liu Malu; 2) 109B Fortune Plaza, 116-118 Tiyu Dong Lu; 3) 1/F CTS Center, Zhongshan Wu Lu (Hotline: 800 810 0661). 华尔街英语,1) 建设六马路29 -31号荣建大厦2楼; 2)体育东 路116-118号财富广场109B; 3)中山五路中旅 商业城1楼 Xin Han Ji Chinese Language Center Room 2901, Section A, Zhongyi City Garden, 25 Linhe Jie, Tianhe (3821 6343; Fax: 3821 6643). 新翰吉汉语国际学院,天 河区林和街25号中怡城市花园(中信广场东侧) A座2901室. www.hsktest.com.cn

Extracurricular SXSJ Art Center Painting and calligraphy class in small group. Tailor made corporate program. www.1980art.com 书香世 家艺术中心, 1)天河科韵路美林海岸棕林街54 铺(8567 1920) ; 2)书画私塾西门口店(8192 6383)

Eye Level Nabio Learning Center Rm217-219, Upzone, 20 Haiming Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (3827 9096) 乐必奥学习中心 珠江新城海明 路20号力迅上筑西座217-219室 Whyville Education Suite 3A08, Building A, Long Wei Office Tower, Tianhe Bei, Longkou Zhong Lu (3809 5020).天河区龙 口中路130号龙威广场A栋3A08室 KOSMOS 5th Floor, Store 555, Grandview Mall, 228 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District. 天 河区天河路228号正佳广场5楼555铺 (400 822 0338), info@kosmoschina.com.cn. Oxbridge Education Centre 2/F, 64 Qiaolin Jie, Linle Lu, Tianhe District (3890 6245) www.oxbridgechina.com.cn 建侨教育培训中心,广州市天河区林乐路侨 林街64号二层商铺

HEALTH Dental All Smile - Dr.Lu Int’l Dental Clinic Rm603-604, 6/F, Metro Plaza, 183 Tianhe Bei Lu (24-hour hotline 8755 3380). Mon-Sat 9am-6pm (Other times by appointment). Local cards. 大都会牙科,天 河北路183号大都会广场六楼603-604 H&H Cosmetic Dentistry Center Unit A Nuova Plaza, International Service Apt. 9 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xicheng, Tianhe District 天河区珠江新城华利路9好新大夏国 际公寓首层A铺

天河北路28号时代广场东塔6楼601 Eur Am Int’l Medical Center 1/F North Tower, Ocean Pearl Building, 19 Huali Lu, Zhujiang New Town (3758 5328; 24-hr Urgent Care: 137 1041 3347). 康辰国际医 疗,珠江新城华利路19号远洋明珠大厦北座 首层. www.eurammedicalcenter.com Guangzhou Wan Zhi Medical Services Centre Rm 2502, CITIC Plaza, No. 233, Tianhe Bei Lu (2223 0233, Fax: 2223 0133). 24hrs Emergency No.: 131 4330 4439. 广州万治(香港)内科门诊部, 天河北 路233号中信广场办公大楼2502 Email: gz@ medicentre.hk. www.medicentre.cn United Family Guangzhou Clinic Annex Building, PICC Building, 301 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong (4008_919191, 8710 6060, 24 Hours). 广州和睦家门诊部,广州 大道中301号人保大厦南塔副楼首层 Guangzhou Elizabeth Women's Hospital NO. 484 Kang Wang Zhong Lu, Liwan District (24-hour hotline: 400 886 9268 ) E-mail:inquiries@eliza.hk 广州伊丽莎白妇 产医院国际医疗中心,荔湾区康王中路484 号 en.eliza.hk Wales International Medical Center 200 Linhe Dong Lu, Tianhe District (Behind IKEA) 林和东路200号(宜家家居后面)www. waleshospital.com/English

Chinese Medicine TCM Physiotherapy Center Dr. Sherily Xiao, master of medicine, acupuncture, physiotherapy & TCM and anti-aging, 17 years practice. Classes available in massage, acupuncture & TCM.938 Golden Lake Garden, The Clubhouse, Shatai Bei Lu, Baiyun District (137 1052 6617)白云 区沙太北路938号金湖园会所

Kai Yi Dental Clinic 11/F, Binghua Hotel, 2 Tianhe Bei Lu (3886 4821) 凯怡牙科 诊所,天河北路2号冰花酒店11层. www. gzdentist.com

Sunshine Dental Clinic No.31-119 Xingguo street, Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou (87538385) 钟红阳口腔诊所,珠江新 城兴国路31号119(保利心语花园东门北侧)


Wisdom International Dental Clinic Rm 2008-2010, 2 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng, Tianhe District (3877 2897). Daily 9:30am-9pm. 广州维思顿牙科中心, 天河区珠江新城华利路2号2008-2010(爱丁 堡国际公寓)

Bozi Meimei Baobei City 60 Yuexiu Zhong Lu, Yuexiu District 波仔美美宝贝城, 越秀区越秀中路60号

Community Associations

BL Town (Kid’s DIY zone from Denmark) 18 Taojin Jie, Taojin Lu, Yuexiu District (8358 9696) 比隆小镇,越秀区淘金路淘 金街18号

Narcotics Anonymous Guangzhou: www.nachina.com/guangzhou-taiwan-beijing-and-wuxi.html China: www.nachina.com Alcoholics Anonymous Guangzhou: www.aaguangzhou.com/ indexGZ.htm China: www.aashanghai.com/listings. html

Health Services Baby Massage Parents Training United Family Guangzhou Clinic, 1F, Annex Building, PICC Building, 301 Guangzhou Dadao婴儿按摩父母培训, 广州大道 中301号人保大厦附楼首层 Contact: For inquiries and registartion contact Coco Chau through 138 0251 4200 or coco. chau33@gmail.com Bellaire Int’l Clinic #601, 6/F east tower, Times Square, 28 Tianhe Bei Lu, Tianhe District (3891 0511) 贝利尔诊所,

E Day Town 2/F, Gate 5 Mall, 353 Yunxiao Lu, Baiyun District (3607 5220) 星期 8小镇,白云区云霄路353栋5号停机坪购物广 场2. www.edaytown.com Popark Children Paradise Grandview Kids Park 5/F, Grandview Mall, 228 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District 天河区天河路228号正佳购 物广场五楼

Parks Chimelong Paradise Yingbin Lu, Panyu District (3993 2888). 长隆欢乐世界,番禺 迎宾路. www.chimelongparadise.com Chimelong Safari Park Dashi Town, Panyu District (8478 3333).长隆香江野生动 物园,番禺迎宾路 Chimelong Water Park Yingbin Lu, Panyu District (8479 2222) 长隆水上世界, 番禺迎宾路 Chimelong International Circus Yingbin

Lu, Panyu District (8479 6600).长隆国际 大马戏,番禺迎宾路

Lu,Tianhe (400 888 6628) 国泰航空,天 河林和西路9号耀中广场A座2520-2521室

Guangzhou Crocodile Park Shibei Dadao, Dashi Town, Panyu District (8478 0333-8102) 广州鳄鱼公园,番禺区大石镇 石北大道

China Eastern Airlines G/F, Intel’ Bank Center, 191 Dongfeng Xi Lu (Tel: 8135 0071; Fax: 8135 0053) 中国东方航空,东 风西路191号国际银行中心首层

Guangzhou Ocean World Inside Guangzhou Zoo, 120 Xianlie Zhong Lu, Yuexiu District (3766 0250). 广州海洋公园, 越秀区先烈中路120号广州动物园内. www. gzow.com

China Southern Airlines 181 Huanshi Xi Lu (Tel: 8612 0330; Fax: 8666 5997)中国 南方航空,环市西路181号

Nansha Wetland Park Wanqingsha Town, Nansha District南沙湿地公园,南沙区万顷 沙镇18涌南沙海滨湿地 (8495 1083)

Yunxi Eco-Park 1038 Baiyun Daodao Nan, Baiyun District (3722 2222) 云溪 生态公园,白云区白云大道南1038号(广州 体育馆对面)

Others New Guangzhou Library No. 4 Zhujiang Dong Lu, Zhujiang New Town 广州图书馆 新馆, 珠江新城珠江东路4号

TRAVEL SERVICES CYTS Tours Guangdong (Tie Qing Travel Agency) 98 Zhongshan yi Lu, Dongshan District (6128 1888) 广东铁青,东山区中 山一路98号1-3层. www.tieqing.com China International Travel 618 Jiefang Bei Lu, Guangdong China Travel Service Tower (2201 3393) 广东国旅国际旅行社, 解放北路618号广东国旅大厦. www.citsgd. com.cn Guangdong Yang Cheng International Travel Service 715 Yangcheng Bldg, 3638 Huifu Xi Lu (8130 9333) 广东羊城之旅 国际旅行社,惠福西路36-38号羊城商厦715 房. www.gdyczl.com TB (Guangzhou) International Tours Co.,Ltd Room 934-924,Tower A, China Shine Plaza, No.9 Lin He Xi Road Guangzhou Guangdong, 510610, China (Tel: 3810 3182;) Email: sales@jtbgz.com 佳 天美(广州)国际旅行社有限公司, 广州市 林和西路9号耀中广场A座923-924室

Blissful Konnections Contact Natasha 139 2240 5095 or blissfulkonnections@ gmail.com


Chloe’s Unit 7-9, Building 3, District 4, Beiaoyi Lu, South Olympic Park, Hanxi Dadao, Panyu District (2383 8429) 番 禺汉溪大道南国奥林匹克花园北奥一路4区 3座1层7-9号

B&Q 1)305 Huangpu Dadao Zhong (8552 8686), 2) 1276 Guangzhou Dadao Nan (opposite South China Automobiles Trade City (8420 6611). 1)黄埔大道中305号 2)广 州大道南1276号(华南汽贸对面)

Egyptair C/6F, No.611-613,C Tower,China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel, 122 Liuhua Lu (8626 6969) 埃及航空,流花路 122号中国大酒店C座611-613室

E&L Sweet Treats Catering Contact Anne through 13798163017 or elsweettreats@ gmail.com

IKEA 1/F, 156 Linhe Zhong Lu, Tianhe District (8562 2345). www.IKEA.cn 宜家, 天河区林和中路156号1层

Garuda Indonesia Rm 903-904, Guangdong International Hotel, 339 Huanshi Dong Lu (8334 3088) 印尼鹰航,环市东 路339号广东国际大厦主楼写字楼903-904室 (63层)Email:canssga@garuda-indonesia.com.cn

Magnolia Boutique Events Please call 136 1012 5431/ 189 0230 3240 / 3470 6165 or email-MagnoliaBoutiqueEvents@gmail. com or visit www.magnoliaboutiqueevents. com for more information.

IQ Air Room 1503, 1008 Binjiang Dong Lu, Haizhu District 海珠区滨江东路1008号 1503室 (8421 7681) www.iqair-china.com

Korean Air 5306, CITIC Plaza, 233 Tianhe Bei Lu, Tianhe District (3877 3878) 天河区天河北路233号中信广场5306. Lufthansa German Airlines C1557C1559, China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel, 122 Liu Hua Lu (2832 6588) 德国汉莎航 空,中国大酒店商业大厦C1557-59 Malaysia Airlines 04-05, M/F, Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong Lu (8335 8828) 马来航空,环市东路368号花园酒店 2层04-05号 Shanghai Airlines No.194, Round-thecity West Rd (Liuhua Hotel, north building lobby) (8135 0071) 上海航空, 东风西 路191号国际银行中心 Shenzhen Airlines G/F, Daxin Building, 538, Dezheng Bei Lu (3760 6693, fax 3760 6656) 深圳航空,德政北路538达信 大厦1楼 Singapore Airlines Rm.2701-2704, 27/F, Metro Plaza, No.183-187 Tianhe Bei Lu (Tel: 8755 6300; Fax: 8755 551) 新加坡航空,天河北路183-187号大都会广场 27楼2701-2704房 Thai International G3, Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong Lu (Tel: 8365 2333; Fax: 8365 2488) 泰国航空,环市东路368号 花园酒店地铺G3 Turkish Airlines Room 6107, Citic Plaza,233 Tianhe Bei Lu(Tel:3877 1690 ext 93; Fax: 3877 1697) 土耳其航空,广州市 天河区天河北路233号中信广场6107室 Vietnam International M04, Attic Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong Lu (8386 7093, 8376 5568) 越南航空,环市东路368 号花园酒店阁楼M04房


All Nippon Airways Co. Ltd Room 2605, CITIC Plaza, 233 Tianhe Bei Lu (Tel: 800 820 1122; Fax: 3877 2382) 全 日空航空,河北路233号中信广场2605室 Cathay Pacific Airways 2520-2521, Tower A, China Shine Plaza 9 Linhe Xi

ARTS Bookstores Benshop 1) 102, 2 Qing Cai Gang, Jianshe Liu Malu, Yuexiu District (8382 7821).Daily 12am-12pm; 2) 5/F, Goelia 225 Space, 225 Beijing Lu. All cards(8336 0050). 本 作新生活杂货铺, 1) 越秀区建设六马路青菜岗 2号102; 2)北京路225号歌莉雅225概念店5楼 Bid Bookstore Rm 604, 6/F, Guangzhou Book Center, No.123, Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3886 0672). 必得书店,天河区天 河路123号广州购书中心6楼604 Fang Suo Commune MU 35, TaiKoo Hui, 383 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3868 2327). 10am-10pm. 方所, 天河路383号太 古汇商场地铁上层MU35号商铺. www.fangsuo.cn Playground 2/F, Anding Li, 238 Wenming Lu (8384 0681). 文明路238号定安里2楼 SDC360 Bookstore F13, Redtory, 128 Yuancun Si Henglu, Tianhe District (3703 9737). SDC360 书店,天河区员村四横路 128号红专厂F13 Tang Ning Bookstore 3, Back Street, CITIC Plaza, 233, TianHe Bei Lu (3877 3475). 唐宁书店,天河北路233号中信广场 BM后街3号 Guangzhou Books Center 123 Tianhe Lu (3886 4208, 3886 9768). Daily 9.30am-9.30pm. All cards. 广州购书中 心,天河路123号


Yemenia Yemen Airways Room M02, Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong Lu ( 8 3 8 1 5 9 5 9 ) . 也门航空,环市东路368 号花园酒店M02室 w w w. y e m e n i a . c o m

Lomography Gallery Store Guangzhou 3 Jiaoyu Lu, Yuexiu District (2898 4264). Lomography广州店,越秀区教育路3号. www. lomography.cn


KK Teacher Workshop 1) Rm2303, Zhongyi City Garden, Linle Lu, Tianhe District (3821 6219, 13622256011); 2) Exit D, Linhexi Metro Station on Line 3, Backstreet, Citic Plaza, 233 Tianhe Bei Lu, Tianhe District (3821 6219, 15018748534); 3) Herbal Garden, Tieshan Village, lianglong Lu, Huashan Town, Huandu District (15918885977, 15018749202)KK老师 天然生活馆,1) 天河区林乐路中怡城市花园 A栋2303室;2) 天河区天河北路230号中信广 场后街(近广州火车东站,地铁3号线D出口经 中信广场入);3) 花都区花山镇两龙路铁山 村(香草世界园区内) www.kkteacher.com

Air China 1/F, Jun Gong Bldg, 118 Yuehua Lu (Tel: 8363 7527; Fax: 8363 7527) 中国国际航空,越华路118号军供大 厦南座首层 Air France 13/F, Gao Sheng Bldg, 109 Tiyu Xi Lu (Tel: 4008 808 808; Fax: 3878 5200) 法国航空,体育西路109号高盛大 厦13楼


Happyunm Studio we offer Kids party planning service on Birthday Family-funday Farewell Eastern Halloween Xmas Please Contact Roy 134 3034 1132, 11/F, International Banking Center, Dongfeng Xi Lu, Yuexiu Dist. 广州市越秀区东风西路国际

Onelink International Toys and Gifts Wholesale Market 39 Jiefang Nan Lu (Haizhu Square station, Metro Line No.2) (8328 0088) 万菱广场,解放南路39号(地 铁一号线海珠广场站) Phinns Casa 3-04, Area B, Yangcheng Creative Industry Zone, 309 Huangpu Dadao Zhong, Tianhe District (3803 1598) 广州木本家家具有限公司,天河区黄 埔大道中309号羊城创意产业园区3-04 Times Lifestyle Section C, 4/F Times Square, 28 Tianhe Bei Lu (3882 1032). 天河北路28号时代广场四楼C区 Wei Jia Si International Furniture Centre 188 Huangpu Dadao Xi (8529 3007). 黄埔大道西188号

Real Estate Agents CB Richard Ellis Rm804, R&F Center, 10 Huaxia Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (2883 9258) 世邦魏理仕,天河区 珠江新城华夏路10号富力中心804室 DTZ Room 4504B-4508A, CITIC Plaza Office Tower,233 Tianhe Bei Lu (3877 0878) 天河北路233号中信广场办公楼 4504B - 4508A Guangmao Property Room141, 15F, West Tower, Fortune Plaza, 114-118, Tiyu Dong Lu, Tianhe District. (Tel:3880 4833; Fax: 3880 4557; E-mail: linna@guangmao.cc) 广懋置业,天河区体育东路114-118号财富广 场西塔15楼141室 Guangzhou Xing Ye Real Estate Agency Company Shop 108,Cai Fu Square, 116118 Ti Yu Dong Lu, Tianhe District (3893 2018) 兴业地产,天河区体育东路116-118号 财富广场108号铺 Hope Real Properties Shop 13, 1/F, 390 Huasui Lu, Zhujiang New Town (3825 9643) 珠江新城华穗路390号首层13号铺 JRE Corporate 69 Xianlie Zhong Lu, Yuexiu District (8732 0712/0713, 138 2508 8451) 嘉园置地,越秀区先烈中路69号 My Top Home Property Agency Rm 106, 1st building, Fuli Edinburgh International Apartments, HuaJiu Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (Tel: 3768 8866; Fax: 3768 8927) 满堂红,天河区珠江新城 华就路富力爱丁堡国际公寓第一栋1层106房 Santa Fe Rm 1307, West Tower, Yangcheng International Trade Center, Tiyu Done Lu (Tel: 3887 0630/31/32) 华 辉房地产, 体育东路羊城国贸中心西塔1307 www.santaferelo.com Westmin Plaza 50 Zhongshan Qi Lu (8130 3633) 爪哇集团,中山七路50号. www.seagroup.com.hk



LISTINGS SERVICED RESIDENCES Ascott IFC Guangzhou No.5 Zhujiang Xi Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (3838 9888) 广州国际金融中心雅诗阁服务公寓, 天 河区珠江新城珠江西路5号 Fraser Suites Guangzhou OneLink Walk, 232_2, Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (2863 0800) 广州辉盛阁国际公寓, 天河区天河路 232-2万菱汇 Golden Lake Garden 938,Sha Tai Bei Road, Guangzhou (Tel: 8720 2233; Fax: 8720 2290) 金湖花园,沙太北路938号金湖花园 Oakwood Gold Arch Residence Guangzhou District 3, Ersha Island, Yuexiu District (2883 3888) 金亚花园,越秀区二沙岛三区 Oakwood Premier Guangzhou 28 Tiyu Dong Lu, Tianhe District (3883 3883) 广州 方圆奥克伍德豪景, 天河区体育东路28号 Regal Riviera Clair International Intermediary Services, D yue tao Porch.Regal Riviera (6129 7721) 珠江帝景苑克莱国际 公寓,克莱国际公寓帝景悦涛轩D座珠江帝景 苑中介服务部

Guangzhou Trust Mover International Relocation International move, Local move, Domestic move, Office move信茂 国际搬家:本地搬家,国内搬家,办公室搬迁 Tel:020-66699744, Email:guangzhou@ trustmover.com,Web:www.trustmover.com Shanghai headoffice:02158767360,shanghai@trustmover.com Shenzhen Branch:075561937720,shenzhen@trustmover.com Beijing Branch:010-59795887,beijing@ trustmover.com Tianjin Branch:022-60462899,tianjin@ trustmover.com Chongqing Branch:02367170855,chongqing@trustmover.com Changzhou Branch:051967169320,changzhou@trustmover.com Sante Fe Tel: 3887 0630/ 31/32. Email: Guangzhou@santafe.com.cn. www.santaferelo.com Rayca Moving & Transportation Service Hotline: 400 048 9099. Email: info@raycatrans.com. www. raycatrans.com H&R International Cargo trading limited Tel: 8363 3840. Email: info@hrcargochina.com Citadines Lizhiwan Guangzhou 145-4 Longjin Xi Lu, Liwan District (2835 1999) 广州馨乐庭荔枝湾服务公寓,荔湾区龙津西 路145-4号 Somerset Riviera Guangzhou 770 Binjiang Zhong Lu, Haizhu District (8956 6688)广 州盛捷滨江东服务公寓,海珠区滨江中770号

Serviced Suites 57-61/F, Crowne Plaza Guangzhou City Centre, 339 Huanshi Dong Lu (8363 8888) 环市东路339号广州中心皇冠 假日酒店五十七至六十一楼 Springdale Service Residence Tower B1, 105 Tiyu Xi Lu, Tianhe District (Tel: 8396 6088, Fax: 8280 8319). 盛雅服务公寓,天 河区体育西路105号B1栋 The Residences® at The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou 3 Xing An Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (3813 6662) 广州富 力丽思卡尔顿豪华公寓, 天河区珠江新城兴安 路3号. www.theresidencesguangzhou.com

5258) ; 2) 1 Jianshe Liu Malu (8376 5075) 香兰印尼餐厅,1) 环市东路475号A区 16-19号; 2) 建设六马路一号(靠东风东路口) Penang Malaysian Fusion Restaurant Shop 49-51, 475 Huanshi Dong Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou (8760 8599) 槟城马来西亚餐厅,越秀区环市东路475号之 三东都大世界1楼49-51号 Roku Roku G/F, Xiang Long Garden, 177 Tianhe Bei Lu (2223 3066) 六绿,天河 北路177号


The Tandoor-Guangzhou 2/F, Asia International Hotel, 326, Huanshi Dong Lu (6260 8999) 天都里印度餐厅,环市东路326 号亚洲国际大酒店二层

Maan Coffee Voka Street, 460 Tianhe Bei Lu, Tianhe District (8751 7080) 漫咖 啡, 天河区天河北路460号沃凯街

Bakery & Dessert

People’s Café (open 24 hours) 1) 1/F, 35 Jianshe Wu Malu, Yuexiu District (8376 6677); 2) Shop 106-107, 8 Xingsheng Lu (3805 1528) 1) 建设五马路35号 大院一楼; 2) 兴盛路8号106-107铺

Awfully Chocolate M50, TaiKoo Hui Shopping Mall, 383 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District 天河路383号太古汇M50 www.awfullychocolate.com Baeckerei Shop 115-116, South Block, Poly Central Plaza, Jianshe Da Malu (just right opposite to Guangdong TV Center) (139 2216 2164) 建设大马路保利中环广场 南座115-116铺 (广东电视台对面)

Cornucopia Ice Cream Master Xiadu Lu, Haizhu District (French/English: 139 2894 2789; Chinese/English: 136 0964 0604) 海珠区下渡路64号 Couture Cakes Shop23B, MU, Taikoo Hui, 383 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3868 2826) 蒂纳卡顿尔,天河区天河路383号太古 汇群楼MU层23B

Victory Garden 11-23 Mingyue Yi Lu, Guangzhou Dadao Zhong (Tel: 8738 2220, Fax: 8738 1001). 凯旋会,广州大道中明月 一路11号-23号

California Roll Restaurant 101, 55 Jianshe Liu Malu (8370 3288) 加州卷, 建设六 马路55号101

Emmaus Bakery 1 Congyun Lu, Baiyun District (opposite Poly Hotel) (3663 5171 / emmaus@yeah.net) 麦子烘焙,白云区从 云路1号商铺(保利山庄酒店的对面)

New World Executive Residence 48 Qing Feng Street, Zhujiang New Town (Tel: 3837 1688, Fax: 3837 1638) 广州新世界 行政公寓, 珠江新城清风街48号

Fusion Japan 102b-105, Pearl River City Garden, Huali Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (3838 5477) 非常日本,天 河区珠江新城华利路25号珠江都荟102B-105

Xcellent International Serviced Apartment 11 Xingsheng Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (Tel: 3718 7888; Fax: 3718 7999) 天河区珠江新城兴 盛路11. E-mail: booking@xcellent-apartment.cn. www.xcellent-apartment.cn

Koyama 1) 4/F, Electronic Bldg., 403 Huanshi Dong Lu (8732 2022); 2) 3F, Ping An Building, 150-160 Tiyu Dong Lu, Tianhe District (3886 8038); 3) Shop 101, 1F, Time Square, 28 Tianhe Bei Lu, Tianhe District (3882 1846) 小山日本料 理,1)环市东路403号电子大厦4楼;2)天河 区体育东路150-160号平安大厦3楼;3)天河 区天河北路28号时代广场1楼101店

MOVING + SHIPPING Asian Express Tel: 8767 8023; fax: 8767 8091. Email: Guangzhou@aemovers.com. hk. www.aemovers.com.hk Asian Tiger Mobility Tel: 8326 6758 / 8666 2655. Email: gernerl.can@asiantigers-china.com. www.asiantigers-mobiltiy. com AGS FourWinds Tel: 8363 3735 / 8363 4356. Email: sales-guangzhou@agsfourwinds.com. www.agsfourwinds.com Crown Relocations Tel: 8364 2852. Email: Guangzhou@crownrelo.com. www. crownrelo.com

64 www.urban-family.com

Jiang by Chef Fei, Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou, 389 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3808 8885)天河区天河路389号 Nha Trang Vietnamese Cuisine 201-204, 2/F, 75 Tianhe Dong Lu, Tianhe District (3890 0282); 2) 2/F, Guangzhou Yijian Building, 3-7 Jianshe Liu Malu (8373 6663). 芽莊越式料理, 1)天河区天河东路75号 二层201-204铺; 2)越秀区建设六马路3-7号广州 一建大厦二层. Pandan Indonesian Cuisine 1) No.16-19 , Bldg. A, 475 Huanshi Dong Lu (8760

Art Café Times Museum, Times Rose Garden III, Huangbian Bei Lu, Baiyun Dadao, Baiyun District (2627 2363) 艺术+咖啡,白 云区白云大道黄边北路时代玫瑰园三期时代美 术馆 www.timesmuseum.org Bocca Kitchen + Bar No. 110 Shop, T25 Building, Central Park-view, Haifeng Lu, Zhujiang New Town (3831 9027) 珠江新 城海风路凯旋新世界T25栋110铺

Basil French Vietnamese Restaurant No.20 Haiming Lu, Up Zone Residence Bldg., Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (3831 2567) 金不换法越风味餐厅,天河区 珠江新城海明路20号力迅上筑西区A005铺

Hot Basil Thai Cuisine 1) Shop G4-5, 522, Huifu Dong Lu, Yuexiu District (8330 2183); 2) Shop205, 2/F, 75 Tianhe Dong Lu, Tianhe District (8558 3988) 泰地 道,1) 越秀区惠福东路522号G4-5铺; 2) 天河 区天河东路75号2楼205铺


Soi 5 G/F, 1 Jianshe 6 Ma Lu, Yuexiu District (8388 3821) 越秀区建设六马路1号 誉海食街一楼

Cheris 1 Jianshe Liu Malu (83765086) 建 设六马路1号


Oriental, Guangzhou, 389 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3808 8886)天河区天河 路389号

Fine Foods 1) No. 009, G/F, Popark, Guangzhou East Station (6288 6040); 2) 133 Huasui Lu, Zhujiang New Town (3804 9429); 3) Shop 119, Voka Street, 460 Tianhe Bei (8558 3622); 4) No.1of 23, Jianshe Si Malu, Yuexiu District (8356 1245); 5) No.301(1), Business and Food Center, Fisherman Wharf, Riverside Garden, Panyu (3452 0968) 1) 火车东站东方宝泰首 层009铺;2)天河区珠江新城华穗路133号; 3 )天河北路460号沃凯商业街119铺 (8558 3622); 4) 越秀区建设四马路23号之一;5)番禺丽江 花园渔人码头三楼301(1) L-Art Shop 105, 27 Huali Lu, Zhujiang New Town (3726 8565) 艺术之上,天河区珠江新 城华利路27号105号铺 Isabella designer cake 53 Judenan Lu, Haizhu District (8956 7567) Isabella 创 意蛋糕,海珠区聚德南路53号. I s a b e l l a _ cydg@126.com. Mar-Tea-Ni Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich lobby, 988 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong, Tianhe District (3883 8888 ext 3301) 马天尼,广州大 道中988号广州圣丰索菲特大酒店大堂 More Bakery 475 Huanshi Dong Lu 茉儿 贝克, 环市东路475号 Perma Shop 36 Jianshe Wu Malu, Yuexiu District (8380 7050) 朴门面包工房, 越秀区 建设五马路36号 The Mandarin Cake Shop, Mandarin

The Coffee Club Café 1) B101, Southern District, Central Plaza, 18 Jianshe Da Malu, Yuexiu District(8302 2508); 2) Shop 113-114, 8 Xingsheng Lu, Tianhe District; 3) Shop 1013, Diwang Plaza, Jiaochang Xi Lu, District 1)越 秀区建设大马路18号保利中环广场南区 B101铺; 2) 天河区兴盛路8号113、114号铺 (近保利心语花园; 3)越秀区较场西路26 号地王广场1013号铺 www.coffeeclub.com The Taikoo Lounge, Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou, 389 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3808 8881)天河区天河路389号 The Loft, Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou, 389 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3808 8883)天河区天河路389号

Chinese Bing Sheng Restaurant 1) 33 Dongxiao Lu (3428 6910) ; 2) 168 Tianhe Dong Lu (8751 8683) ; 3) 1-4/F Wufeng Hotel, 438 Jiangnan Dadao Nan (8447 2844) 炳胜,1) 东晓路33号;2) 天河东路168号;3) 江南大道 南438号五凤酒店1-4楼 Food Street 1st Floor, China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel , 122 Liuhua Lu (8666 6888 ext 3156) 食街, 流花路122号中国大酒店1楼 Four Seasons 1st Floor. China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel, 122 Liuhua Lu (8666 6888 ext 3123) 四季, 流花路122号中国大酒店1楼

Lai Heen 3/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, No. 3 Xing’an Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (3813 6688) 丽轩中 餐厅, 天河区珠江新城兴安路3号广州富力丽 思卡尔顿酒店3楼 Lai Wan Market 2/F, Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong Lu (8333 8989 ext 3922) 荔湾亭,环市东路368号花园酒店二楼 Peach Blossom Chinese Restaurant 3/F, Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong Lu (8333 8989 ext 3316) 桃园馆中餐厅,环市东路368 号花园酒店3楼 Sunloft 1/F, 1 Jianshe Liu Malu, Yuexiu District (8388 1840) 上楼茶点,越秀区建 设六马路1号后幢1层 Woo’s Hong Kong Cuisine Shop 103-107, B1F, 75 Tianhe Dong Lu, Tianhe District (8757 0062) 吴係茶餐厅,天河区天河东路 75号B1楼103-107

Yue Chinese Restaurant Sheraton Guangzhou Huadu Resort, Sky Villa, Northeast Shanqian Dadao, Huadu District (3695 3705) 采悦轩中餐厅, 花都区山前大道东段北 侧天湖峰境园广州花都合景喜来登度假酒店 Imperial Palace 1) 3A, Guangzhou International Trade Center, 1 Linhe Xi Lu (3878 3668); 2) Imperial Traders Hotel, 293 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong (8739 8922); 3) Asia-Pacific International Club (3829 8788) 潮皇食府, 1) 林和西路1号广州国际 贸易中心3A楼;2) 广州大道中293号外商大 酒店; 3) 五山路汇景新城广州亚太国际俱乐部

Delivery KK Rabbit Room Service Hotline: 400 720 1717 . www.kk1717.com MexGourmet (3828 9653) mexgourmet@ gmail.com Wencle (8555 3047) service@wencle. com

Pizza Aquacotta 1) 69 Binjiang Dong Lu, Haizhu Bandao Garden, Haizhu District (3425 8159); 2) Shop 17,Clifford food court, Clifford estate, Panyu District (8471 1040) 半岛西餐酒廊, 1) 海珠区滨江东路69号(海珠半 岛花园); 2) 番禺区祈福新村祈福食街17号店 1) 1 Tiyu Oggi Trattoria & Pizzeria Dong Lu (by Huangpu Dadao, Tianhe District (8751 5882); 2) Shop 106, The Canton Place, Qingfeng Jie, Zhujiang Xincheng, Tianhe District (3862 0357, 3862 0240); 3)Shop 119, 8 Xingsheng Lu, Tianhe District; 4) 1 Tianlun Garden, Jianshe 4 Road,Yuexiu District (8356 1196, 24 hours, www.oggirestaurant.com) 卡布里西餐厅 1) 天河区体育东路1号 (近黄埔 大道); 2) 天河区珠江新城清风街广粤天地106 ; 3)天河区兴盛路8号119铺; 4)越秀区建设四马 路天伦花园首层(24小时) Pizza2Pizza 1) Shop 7, 41, Zhongshan Ba Lu, Liwan District (8172 4131) ; 2) Shop2, 614 Tianhe Bei Lu, Tianhe District. (3879 5995, 3879 5997) ; 3) No.5, Shop4, 304 Huanshi Zhong Lu (8351 7300 8351 7302) 爱披萨, 1) 荔湾区中山八 路41号首层7档;2) 天河区天河北路614号2号 铺;3) 环市中路304号肇庆大厦4号铺之5商铺 Pizza Q Shop 12, Dongwu Jie, Jianshe Er Malu, Yuexiu District (8388 0742) 必吃潮,越秀区建设二马路东五街12铺(近 天伦花园) Tomatoes Pizzeria 1) Guangzhou Yijian Building, No. 3 & 7 Jianshe Liu Malu, Yuexiu District (8768 6696); 2) 107 Bao Ye Yuan, Huajiu Lu, Zhujiang New Town (3804 9551); 3) G5, 11 Xingshang Lu, Zhujiang New Town (3839 9523) 1)建 设六马路3,7号广州一建大厦;2)珠江新城 华就路宝业园107号; 3)天河区珠江新城兴盛 路11号兴盛汇G5

Sunday Brunch

Ebony 4/F, Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou, 389 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3808 8884) 天河区天河路389号广州文华东方酒店4楼 Seasonal Tastes G/F, The Westin Pazhou, Area C, Guangzhou International Convention & Exhibition Center, 681 Fengpu Zhong Lu, Haizhu District (8918 1206) 知味西餐厅, 海珠区凤浦中路681号广州国际 会议展览中心C区广州广交会威斯汀酒店首层

Western 1920 Restaurant 1) 183 Yanjiang Zhong Lu (8333 6156); 2) 4/F, 1 Jianshe Liu Malu (8388 1142);3) Shop67, 69, 72 & 76, The Canton Place, Qingfeng Jie, Zhujiang New Town 1920咖啡厅, 1)沿江中路183号; 2) 建设 六马路一号前幢4楼;3) 天河区珠江新城清风街 48号广粤天地67、69、72、76号铺 2 on 988 All Day Dining 2/F, Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich, 988 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong, Tianhe District (3883 8888 ext 3304) 全日制餐厅,广州大道中988号广州圣 丰索菲特大酒店2楼

Tomatoes Pizzeria 1) Guangzhou Yijian Building, No. 3 & 7 Jianshe Liu Malu, Yuexiu District (8768 6696); 2) G5, 11 Xingshang Lu, Zhujiang New Town (3839 9523) 1)建设六马路3,7号 广州一建大厦;2)天河区珠江新城兴盛路 11号兴盛汇G5 The Italian Restaurant 3/F, East Tower, Zhujiang Bldg., 360 Huanshi Dong Lu (8386 3840) www.xiaojiefengqing.com 小街风情,环市东路360号珠江大厦东座3楼 V Life Shop 108, 16 Huacheng Dadao, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe Distrct (3726 6363) 维生素, 珠江新城花城大道16号108铺

AN-TICO Shop L 304, 3/F, TaiKoo Hui, 383 Tianhe Lu (8550 9028) 天河路383号太古汇 商场裙楼第三层L304号 Alsace Village B01&02, No.75 Tianhe Dong Lu, Tianhe District (8559 3595) 爱 塞斯法国餐厅,天河东路75号负一层 Aquacotta 1) 69 Binjiang Dong Lu, Haizhu Bandao Garden, Haizhu District (3425 8159); 2) Shop 17,Clifford food court, Clifford estate, Panyu District (8471 1040) 半岛西餐酒廊, 1) 海珠区滨江东路69号(海珠半 岛花园); 2) 番禺区祈福新村祈福食街17号店 Buongiorno 1) 3/F, Yi An Plaza, No 33 Jianshe Liu Ma Lu (8363 3587); 2) A7, Xinshijie Haoyuan Diyi Ju, 168 Dongcheng Nan Lu, Dongguan (0769 2339 6499) 邦 奴意大利餐厅, 1) 建设六马路宜安广场3楼;2) 东莞市东城南路168号新世界豪圆第一居A7号

El Espanol 1) Unit 222. 2/F East Plaza, World Trade Center, NO.371 Huanshi Dong Lu (8730 2610) 2) Shop112, 9 Xingsheng Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (3802 9039) 1) 爱思达, 环市东路371号世 贸大厦东广场二楼222铺. 2) 天河区珠江新城 兴盛路9号112铺 Ebony 4/F, Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou, 389 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3808 8884) 天河区天河路389号广州文华 东方酒店4楼 G 22/F, Grand Hyatt Guangzhou, 12, Zhujiang Xi Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (8396 1234-3423) 天河区珠江新城 珠江西路12号广州富力君悦大酒店22楼 Le Saint-Tropez 1 Jianshe Liu Malu (8388 0441) 紫色餐厅, 建设六马路1号 Le Grill 6/F, Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich, 988 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong, Tianhe District (3883 8888 ext 3344) 广州大道 中988号广州圣丰索菲特大酒店6楼 Jardin d’Olive 101, 48, Tiyu Xi Lu, Tianhe District (8750 6440) 橄榄园, 天河区体育 西路48号101 OGGI Trattoria & Pizzeria 1) 1 Tiyu Dong Lu, Tianhe District (by Huangpu DaDao) (8751 5882); 2) Shop 106, the Canton Place, Qingfeng Jie, Zhujiang New Town (3862 0357/3862 0240) 卡布里西餐厅,1) 天河区体育东路1号 (近黄埔大道); 2) 珠江 新城清风街广粤天地106 www.oggirestaurant.com Paulaner Bräuhaus L307, Level 3, TaiKoo Hui Shopping Centre, 383 Tianhe Lu (2808 6333) 宝莱纳,天河区天河路383号太 古汇广场L307 Shovel & Bell Shop 10, G/F, 57 Huali Lu, Zhujiang New Town (2292 6262) 天 河区珠江新城华利路57号星辰大厦1楼10号铺 Tekila 2/F, 11 Jianshe Liu Ma Lu (83816996) 特其拉餐厅,建设六马路11号 二楼

LIFESTYLE Spa Angsana Spa The Garden Hotel, Guangzhou 368 Huanshi Dong Lu (8333 8989 ext 3488) 悦椿SPA,环市东路368号花园酒店 Ocean Palace 1/F, Star International Building, 10 Jinsui Lu, Zhujiang New Town (3829 3828) 水疗会,珠江新城金穗路10号 星汇大厦1楼 O Spa Grand Hyatt Guangzhou, 12 Zhujiang Xi Lu, Pearl River New Town, Tianhe District, (8396 1234) 天河区珠江新城珠江 西路12号广州富力君悦大酒店内 Revive Spa 3/F, Four Points by Sheraton Guangzhou, Dongpu, 1 Jingying Lu, Huicai Lu, Dongpu (3211 0626) 活水疗, 东圃汇彩路菁映路1号广州东圃合景福朋喜 来登酒店3楼 Ritz Spa & Beauty Center Hong Kong managed Spa Center specializing in facial, massage and spa treatments. Shop 109, King Peak Garden, 8 Xingsheng Lu, Zhujiang New Town(3801 9907).俪姗美容 院,珠江新城兴盛路8号汇峰苑109 商铺 Sense Only for men. Shop109, SANMU International (Small Apartment), 36 Qing Cai Gang, Jianshe Liu Malu, (Behind NOMO Apartment) (8382 4279) 建设六 马路青菜岗36号三木国际公寓109铺(先烈南 路时代YOU公寓后面) So Spa with L’Occitane 7/F, Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich, 988 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong, Tianhe District (3883 8888 ext 2303) 水疗中心,广州大道中988号广州 圣丰索菲特大酒店7楼 Spa Era 1/F, Tianlun Garden, 26 Jianshe Si Malu (8360 1632). 建设四马路26号天 伦花园一层 Spelland High-End SPA 1) 78 Caiyuan Dong Lu, Zhongshan Er Lu, Yuexiu District (3762 0288); 2) 4/F, South section, Central Plaza, 18 Jianshe Da Malu, Yuexiu District (8302 2718 / 8302 2728 / 3762 0988) 水玲珑会馆, 1) 越秀区中山二路菜园东 路78号; 2) 越秀区建设大马路18号中环广场南 座4楼(近广东电视台) Sunlight Tanning Studio Room 1102, Ocean Commercial Plaza, 414-416 Huanshi Dong Lu (3273 8466) 阳光古铜日晒 中心,环市东路414-416号远洋商务大厦1102 The Mandarin Spa, Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou, 389 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3808 8879)天河区天河路389号 Touch Spa 4/F, China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel, 122 Liuhua Lu (8666 6888 ext 3440, 3456) 颐尊水疗,流花路122号中国

大酒店四楼 The Ritz-Carlton Spa 4/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, Xing’an Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (3813 6688) 丽思卡 尔顿水疗中心,天河区珠江新城兴安路3号广 州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店4楼

Yu Spa Royal Tulip luxury Hotels Carat Guangzhou,388 Guangyuan Zhong Lu (3732 1789) 广州卡丽皇家金煦酒店玉spa, 广园中路388号酒店内

Yoga Art of Yoga 2, 3/F Qiao Linyuan, 59 Qiaolin Jie, Tianhe Bei Lu, Tianhe District(3885 1977) www.youmeiyoga.com. cn 优美瑜伽,天河北路乔林街 59号乔林苑 三楼之二 Brahma Yoga www.fantianyoga.com 1) 6/F, Hai Yi Ge Bldg, 142-144, Tai Yang Plaza, Tian Run Lu, Tianhe District (3882 5855); 2) 2/F, 34, Zhongshan Er Lu (8766 7022); 3) 5/F, Attach Building, Baiyun Hotel, 367 Huanshi Dong Lu (8387 3321); 4) 2/F, 511 Binjiang Dong Lu (near side door of Zhujiang Plaza) (3432 0665) 梵天 瑜伽,1)天河北天润路太阳广场142-144号海 逸阁6楼 2)中山二路34号二楼 (地铁东山口站 C出口); 3)环市东路367号白云宾馆(附楼5楼); 4) 滨江东路511号海琴湾2层(珠江广场侧门)

Hair & Nails 080 Hair & Spa Club 6/F & 1/F Tianlun International Hotel, 172 Linhe Zhong Lu (3886 4551/2283 5111). 080美发美体 会所,林和中路172号天伦万怡大酒店六楼 及首层 Hair Code 1) Shop G13-15, Peace World Plaza, 362-366 Huanshi Dong Lu, Yuexiu District (8365 3282); 2) 54 Taojin Lu, Yuexiu District (8359 9964); 3) Shop 5A017-18, 5F, Grandview Mall, 228 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (8550 5180); 4) Shop 36-38, L3F, Onelink Walk, 230 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3899 2155); 5) Shop 507, 5F, G.T Land Plaza, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (3883 8454); 6) 3F,South District of Poly Central Plaza, 18 Jianshe Da Malu, Yuexiu Distric (8302 2068) 芭 曲,1) 越秀区环市东路362-366号好世界广场 G13-15铺; 2) 越秀区淘金路54号; 3) 天河区天河 路228号正佳广场5楼5A017-18; 4) 天河区天河路 230路万菱汇L3楼36-38铺; 5) 天河区珠江新城 高德置地广场5楼507铺; 6) 越秀区建设大马 路保利中环广场南区3楼Hair Corner L225, 2/F, TaiKoo Hui Shopping Mall, 383 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3808 8338) 天河路383 号太古汇商场裙楼第二层L225号铺 i salon 1)Shop 3063-3069, B1/F, Hengbao Plaza, 133 Baohua Lu, Liwan District(8124 0942) 2) 2/F, 28 Jihouxin Jie, Zhongshan San Lu, Yuexiu District(8365 3330) 3) 16 Wenming Lu, Yuexiu District(8322 6548) 4) Shop 3B06, 3/F, Jincheng Plaza, Xiuquan Dadao, Huadu District(3691 6399) 5) 2/F, Area A, Liying Plaza, 356 Xingang Zhong Lu, Haizhu District(3433 2116) 6) Shop F209, Chaolou Shopping Mall, Dashadi, Huangpu District (2230 9665) 7) 21-23 Baifulou, Fengshan Dong Lu, Daliang, Shunde District, Foshan(0757 2223 2022) 艾发廊,1)荔湾区宝华路133号 恒宝广场负一层3063-3069铺; 2)越秀区中山三 路积厚新街28号2楼; 3)越秀区文明路16号; 4) 花都区秀全大道金城广场3楼3B06号铺; 5)海 珠区新港中路356号丽影商业广场A区2楼; 6) 黄埔区大沙地潮流商场F209; 7)顺德区大良凤 山东路百富楼21-23号 Le Salon 4/F, Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong Lu (8333 8989 ext 3444) 环市东路 368号花园酒店4楼 Lk salon 1) Shop 502, 5/F, Le Perle Plaza, 367, Huanshi Dong Lu (8331 3466); 2)



LISTINGS Shop 1,7/F,Friendship Store,369 Huanshi Dong Lu (8349 0502) 路易士·嘉玛发廊,1) 环市东路367号丽柏广场五楼502铺; 2)广州市环 市东路369号友谊商店7楼1号铺 Magic Hair Salon 1) 6/F, the Western Guangzhou, 6 Linhe Zhong Lu,Tianhe District (2826 6769) 2) 7/F, Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich, 988 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong (3734 5022) 1) 明镜台,天河区林 和中路6号广州海航威斯汀酒店6楼 2) 广州大 道中988号圣丰索菲特大酒店7楼

tel Guangzhou Sunrich, 988 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong, Tianhe District (3883 8888 ext 2303) 香槟美甲吧,广州大道中988号广州 圣丰索菲特大酒店7楼

(0769 2245 6005) www.oliver-foods.com 奥利华进口食品超市,1) 明月一路祈福华夏 1层2号; 2)白云区嘉禾白云堡豪苑会所; 3) 番 禺祈福新村酒店渡假俱乐部一楼; 4)东莞市东 城区新世界花园东城东路16号1楼B室

Toni&Guy 1) G/F, 75 Tianhe Dong Lu, Tianhe District (English: 8754 2116, Chinese: 8754 2113); 2) M05, B1, Peace World Plaza, 362 Huanshi Dong Lu, Tianhe District (English: 8388 9987, Chinese: 8388 9916) 1) 天河东路75号首层; 2) 环市东 路362号好世界广场负一层

Organic Times Unit 1102-03, 11/F, Tower West, Yuexiu Neo-Metroplis, 238 Zhongshan liu Lu (8104 9698 ) 有机时代,越秀 区中山六路238 号越秀新都汇大厦西座11C0203 室 www.organictimes.hk

Magic Hair Salon 201, 2/F, Central Plaza, No. 38, Huale Lu, Yuexiu District (8356 1730). 魅型发制造, 越秀区华乐路广怡大厦2 楼201(花园酒店后面) MOMO 1) Four seasons Hotel Guangzhou, 5 Zhujiang Xi Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (8883 3912); 2) The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, 3, Xing’an Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (3813 6638); 3) Hilton Guangzhou Tianhe, 215 Linhe Xi Heng Lu, Tianhe District (6683 3709); 4) The Westin Pazhou, Area C, Guangzhou International Convention & Exhibition Center, 681 Fengpu Zhong Lu, Haizhu District (8918 1060). Salon MoMo was named one of the best hair salons in China by “Coiffure magazine” in 2008 because of the outstanding friendly and professional service it provides. Salon MoMo now has five salons located in various 5 star hotels around the PRD. 1) 天河 区珠江新城珠江西路5号广州四季酒店内; 2) 天 河区珠江新城兴安路3号广州富力丽思卡尔顿 酒店内; 3) 天河区林和西横路215号广州天河新 天希尔顿酒店内; 4) 海珠区凤浦中路681号广州 国际会议展览中心C区广州广交会威斯汀酒店 Nail Culture 1)1/F, No.20 Tianlu Garden, Jianshe Si Malu (8356 8158); 2) Shop240, 2/F, Bercy Plaza, Sinopec Tower, Tiyu Xi Lu (3892 2206). 3) 4/F, Ritz-Carlton Guangzhou, Pearl River New City (3813 6638) 奈儿时尚美甲,1)建设四马路天伦花园20 号首层; 2)体育西路中石化大厦柏西商都2楼 240铺; 3) 珠江新城富力丽思卡而顿酒店四楼 Nail Nail 1) G09-G10, ground floor, Peace World Plaza, 362-366 Huanshi Dong Lu (8375 2105); 2) Shop 102, 211 Tianhe Dong Lu (3880 5290). 袅袅美甲护理中心, 1)环市东路362-366好世界广场负一层G09-G10; 2)天河东路211号102铺 Petite Main (Nail) Shop 503B, 5/F, La Perle Plaza, 367 Huanshi Dong Lu, Yuexiu District (8338 6802) 比特曼指甲v1手足 护理中心, 越秀区环市东路376号丽柏广场五 楼503B铺 SO’ O LK (Hair Salon) 1) G/F, 545 Binjiang Dong Lu, Haizhu District (3425 7429); 2) Shop 13, Metro Plaza, 366 Tianhe Bei Lu, Tianhe District (3881 0898); 3) Shop 103A, World Trade Centre, 371375 Huanshi Dong Lu, Yuexiu District (8760 6299); 4) Shop101, 712 Binjiang Dong Lu, Haizhu District (8419 1022); 5) Shop101, Fuli Edinburgh Apartment, 2 Huali Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District(3826 3718); 6) Shop 15 2/F, Chateau Star River Hotel, Yingbin Lu, Panyu District(3479 0641); 7) Shop81-82, G/F, New City Plaza, Olympic Garden, Luoxi New Town, Panyu District(3452 1826); 8) Shop 21, Agile Phase II, Fenghuang Bei Lu, Huadu District(3692 8686); 9) Shop A32-A33, Mingmenhaoyuan, Daliang Dong Lu, Shunde District, Foshan (0757 2228 9733) 苏豪路易士●嘉玛发廊,1) 海珠区滨江 东路545号首层; 2)天河区天河北路366号都市华 庭13铺; 3)越秀区环市东路371-375号世界贸易 中心首层103A; 4) 海珠区滨江东路712号101铺; 5)天河区珠江新城华利路2号富力爱丁堡公寓 101铺; 6) 番禺区迎宾路星河湾酒店2楼15号铺; 7) 番禺区洛溪新城奥园城市花园首层81-82号 铺; 8)花都区凤凰北路雅居乐二期21号铺; 9) 佛 山市顺德区大良东乐路名门豪苑A32-A33号铺 SO HIP (Hair Salon) Shop 3, 3/F, 230 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (8305 9477)天 河区天河路230号万菱汇3楼3铺 So Spa Champagne Nail Bar 7/F, Sofi-

66 www.urban-family.com

SHOPPING Food & Beverage Aussino Food & Wine Shop No.9,103 Xincheng Nan Jie, Tianhe Dong Lu (3880 0474). Daily 9am-9pm. All cards.富隆名酒 美食,天河东路信诚南街9号103 Carrefour 1) 2-3F Wanguo Plaza, 40, Qianjin Lu (8426 2633); 2) Kangwang Zhong Lu, Liwan District(8133 7854) 3)Blossom Plaza, No. 1339 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District (3663 7188);4) 3 Henglong Jie, Yuancun, Tianhe District (8564 8472); 5) Jiaxin Commercial Center, 76-80 Gongye Dadao, Haizhu District (8961 1250). 家乐 福,1)前进路40 号万国广场2-3 楼; 2) 荔湾区 康王中路600号; 3)白云区机场路1339 号百信 广场; 4)天河区员村恒隆街3 号; 5)海珠区工业 大道76-80号家信商业中心 Corner’s Deli 1) 10, Unit SC-01, Back Street BM, Citic Plaza 233, TianHe Bei Lu (3877 1400); 2) No.60-62, The Canton Place, Qingfeng Jie, Zhujiang New Town (Opposite The Springfied Kindergarten Inside The Business Circle) (3833 9755); 3) 1/F, No.43, Qiaoyi Yi Jie, Tianhe Bei Lu (3881 3919); 4) Golden Lake Garden, Sha Tai Highway, Tonghe Town (8704 4499); 5) 64, Favorview Palace, Wushan, Huijing South Road Tianhe District (3862 7433) 每一角落, 1)天河北路233号中信广场BM后 街SC-01单位10号铺; 2) 珠江新城清风街广粤天 地60-62号铺(春田幼儿园对面内商圈); 3) 天河 北路侨怡苑侨怡一街43号首层; 4) 同和镇金宝 岗沙太公路6公里处右侧(金湖花园内); 5) 天 河区五山路汇景新城汇景南路64号 D. Store 1) G/F, Section 8, Golden Arch, Ersha Island (8735 3483); 2) G/2B, The Lakefront, 828 Tonghe Lu (3725 8522) 1) 二沙岛金亚花园8 栋首层; 2)同和路828 号山水 庭苑B 栋负2 层 Fre s h 1 / F, C h i n a H o t e l , A M a r r iott Hotel, 122 Liuhua Lu (8666 6888 ex t 2 1 0 6 ) 流花路122号中国大酒店一楼 GZ Grocery Co. Ltd Online Grocery shopping&delivery (3807 5191) www.gzgrocery.com Metro 1) 351 Huangpu Dadao Zhong, Tianhe District (8393 8888); 2)1/F, Juran Plaza, NO.1518, Jichang Lu, Baiyun Dist. (6283 7600) 麦德龙,1) 黄埔大道中 351 号; 2) 白云区机场路1518号聚然广场首层 HAYAT Food Store Shop 4, Zhaoqing Building, 304 Huanshi Zhong Lu (8363 1089) 环市中路304号肇庆大厦4号铺 Jusco Basement of TeeMall, 208 Tianhe Lu (8559 2238), daily 10am-10pm; 吉之 岛,天河路208 号天河城广场地库 Oliver Supermarket 1)Main Store, No.2 ,1/F, Clifford Mansion, Mingyue Yi Lu (8735 9202); 2)Castle Hill Branch, 1 Castle Hill Broadway, Jiahe, Baiyun District (8618 8239); 3) 1/F, Holiday Club, Clifford Hotel, Clifford Estates (8471 4755); 4) New World Branch (Dongguan), RmB, 1/F, 16 Dongcheng Dong Lu, New world Garden, Dongcheng District, Dongguan

ParkNShop 1) F1-3, Jintian Square, 559565 Tianhe Bei Lu, Tianhe District; 2)228 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District; 3) F1-4, Fujing Garden, 68 Xingang Xi Lu, Haizhu District; 4) B1 , GrandBuy Sunny Mall , 2 Baoye Lu, Baogang Dadao , Haizhu District; 5) F1, Hengbao Plaza , Changshou Lu / Baohua Lu, Liwan District 百佳,1)天河区天河北路 559-565号金田花苑一至三楼; 2)天河区天河路 228号正佳广场; 3)海珠区新港西路68号富景花 园一至四层; 4)海珠区宝岗大道宝业路2号新一 城广场地下负一层; 5)荔湾区宝华路133号恒 宝广场二层PNS City B1, LIT Department Store, 621-625 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District. 天河路621-625号天河娱乐广场负一层 PNS International Shop 107, B1, 74 Huijing Bei Lu, Favorview Palace, Tianhe District (3802 8457) 天河区汇景新城汇景 北路74号C2负一层107号铺; Tesco 1) B1 Jiarun Plaza, 1419 Guangzhou Dadao Bei, Baiyun District (8727 0188); 2) B1-F4, No.281 Zhongshan Liu Lu (exit at Xi Men Kou metro station), Yuexiu District (2289 7088) 乐购,1)白云 区广州大道北1419 号佳润广场负一层; 2)越秀 区中山六路281-287号地下一层至地上四层( 西门口地铁站) Super Steak 1) Shop 4A-5A, 1/F, Hai An New Market, #18 Hai An Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (400 8839 903); 2) Shop H07-H08, 3/F, Poly Whisper Garden Guo Liu Bao Market, # 9 Xing Sheng Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (400 8839 903) 3) Shop A12, Dongshan Market, 2 Guigang Da Malu, Yuexiu District (near to Dongshan Department Store) (400 8839 903); 4) Shop25, Dongchuan Market, 1/F, 92 Dongchuan Lu, Yuexiu District (400 8839 903); 5) Shop55, Clifford Market, Clifford Estates, Panyu District (400 8839 903); 6) ShopJ5, 2/F, Yayuan New Market, 122 Binjiang Dong Lu, Haizhu District (400 8839 903) 盛宴, 1) 天河区珠江新城海安路 18号一楼海安新市场4A-5A铺; 2)天河区珠江 新城兴盛路9号保利心语花园国六宝市场三楼 H07-H08铺 3) 越秀区龟岗大马路2号东山肉菜 市场A12铺 (东山百货大楼附近); 4) 越秀区东 川路92号首层东川市场25铺; 5) 番禺祈福新村 祈福肉菜市场55号铺; 6)海珠区滨江东路122 号二层雅苑新街市J5铺 The Italian Corner 3/F, East Tower, Pearl River Building, 360 Huan Shi Dong Lu (8376 6209,8386 3840).环市东路360号, 珠江大厦东座3楼 Wencle (8555 3047) service@wencle.com

Kids Items H&M 1) 1/F & Basement, G.T. LAND Plaza, 85 Huacheng Dadao, Zhujiang New Town (3883 8077); 2) Grandview Mall, 228 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3833 1729); 3) Shop107&276, 315 Fude Lu, Panyu District (3112 1981) 1) 珠江新城花城大道 85,87号高德置地广场; 2) 天河区天河路228号正 佳广场; 3)番禺市桥南区福德路315号奥园广 场107&276单元

Me & City Kids 1) 5/F, Grandview Mall, 228 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District; 2) Shop217-220, 2/F, Wanda Plaza, 505 Yuncheng Dong Lu, Baiyun District 1) 天 河路228号广州正佳广场五楼; 2) 白云区云城 东路505号万达广场室内步行街二层217、218 、219、220

New Balance Kids 1) Shop572, 5/F, Grandview Mall, 228 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District; 2) Shop10, B2, G.T. LAND Plaza, 85 Huacheng Dadao, Zhujiang New Town 1) 天河区天河路228号正佳广场 五楼儿童城572铺; 2) 珠江新城花城大道85 、87号高德置地广场负2层10号铺(吉之岛 门口位置) Purecotton 1) Shop5B048-50, Grandview Mall, 228 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3833 1895); 2) Shop170, G/F, 133 Baohua Lu, Liwan District (8148 0725); 3) Shop1049, B1, 63 Linhe Zhong Lu, Tianhe District (3809 6402); 4) T404, Jusco, Central Plaza, 332 Huanshi Dong Lu (8303 6047) 全棉时代, 1) 天河区天河路228号正佳广场 5B048-50号商铺; 2) 荔湾区宝华路133号(恒宝 广场)第首层170号商铺; 3) 天河区林和中路 63号东方宝泰购物广场B1层1049号商铺; 4) 环 市东路332号中环广场购物中心北区首层至第 五层吉之岛中环广场店内T404 Toys R us 5/F, Grandview Mall, 228 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District 玩具反斗城, 天河区天河 路228号正佳购物广场5楼(近体育中心) UNIQLO 1) B1, Taikoo Hui, 383 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (3808 8420); 1/F, 312 Beijing Lu, Yuexiu District (8331 0970); 3) 1/F - 2/F, Section Three, San Mall, 1423-1455 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District (3660 5860); 4) 1/F - 2/F, G.T. LAND Plaza, 85 Huacheng Dadao, Zhujiang New Town (8245 2475); 5) Shop1025, Basement, 63 Linhe Zhong Lu, Tianhe District (3809 6106); 6) 1/F 2/F, GrandBuy SunnyMall, 498 Baogang Dadao, Haizhu District (3437 1637) 优衣 库, 1)天河区天河路383号太古汇商场B1; 2) 越秀 区北京路312号动感叁贰捌商场1F(地铁1号线 公园前站F出口); 3)白云区机场路1423-1455号 百信广场三期1F-2F; 4) 珠江新城花城大道85,87 号高德置地广场1F-2F(地铁3/5号线珠江新城 站高德置地广场出口(麦当劳方向); 5)天河 区林和中路63号地下一层1025号商铺; 6) 海珠 区宝岗大道498号广百新一城购物中心 1F-2F

Consulates in Guangzhou Australia 12/F, Zhujiang New City, Development Centre, 3 Linjiang Lu (Tel: 3814 0111; fax: 3814 0112) www.guangzhou. china.embassy.gov.au 澳大利亚领事馆, 临江路3号珠江新城发展中心12楼 Belgium Rm 1602A, Office Tower, Citic Plaza, 233, Tianhe Bei Lu (Tel: 3877 2351; fax: 3877 2353) 比利时领事馆,天河北路 233号中信广场1601-1602A 室 Cambodia Rm 802, Garden Hotel (Tower), Huangshi Dong Lu (Tel: 8333 8999 - 805; fax: 8365 2361) 柬埔寨领事馆,环市东路花 园酒店大楼808 室 Canada 801, China Hotel Office Tower,Liu Hua Lu (Tel: 8611 6100, fax: 8667 2401) www.guangzhou.gc.ca 加拿大领事馆,流花 路中国大酒店商业楼801 Cuba Rm 2411, West Tower, Huapu Plaza, 13 Huaming Lu, Zhujiang New Town (Tel: 2238 2603, 2238 2604; fax: 2238 2605) 珠江新城华明路13号华普广场西塔2411 Denmark Rm 1578, China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel, 122 Liuhua Lu (Tel: 8666 0795; fax: 8667 0315) 丹麦领事馆,流花路122号 中国大酒店写字楼1578室 Ecuador Room 908, R&F Building, 10 Huaxia Lu, Zhujiang New Town (Tel: 3892 7650; fax: 3892 7550) 厄瓜多尔共和国 驻广州领事馆,珠江新城华夏路10号富力中 心908 室 France Rm 810, 8/F, Main Tower, Guangdong Int’l Hotel, 339 Huanshi Dong Lu (2829 2000) www.consulfrance-canton. org/法国领事馆,环市东路339号广东国际大 酒店主楼810室

Germany 14/F Teem Tower, 208 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (Tel: 8313 0000; Fax: 8516 8133) www.kanton.diplo.de德 国领事馆,天河路208号粤海天河城大厦14楼

368 Huanshi Dong Lu (Tel: 8334 3009; Fax: 8333 8972) www.guangzhou.cn.embjapan.go.jp日本领事馆,环市东路368号花 园酒店东塔1楼

Greece Rm 2105, HNA Building, 8 Linhe Zhong Lu (Tel: 8550 1114; Fax: 8550 1450; grgencon.guan@mfa.gr) 希腊领事 馆, 林和中路8号海航大厦2105室

Korea (Republic) 18/F, West Tower, Int’l Trade Centre, Tiyu Dong Lu (Tel: 3887 0555; fax 3887 0923; Guangzhou@mofat. go.kr) 韩国领事馆,体育东路羊城国际商贸 中心西塔18楼

India Rm 1114, 11/F, Middle Tower, Times Square, 28 Tianhe Bei Lu (3891 0601) 印度领事馆,天河北路28号时代广场 中塔11楼1114室 Indonesia Rm 1201-1223, 2/F, West Building, Dong Fang Hotel, 120 Liuhua Lu (Tel: 8601 8772; Fax 8601 8773; kjrigz@public.guangzhou.gd.cn) 印度尼西亚领事馆, 流花路120号东方宾馆西座2楼1201-1223室 Israel 19/F, Development Center, 3 Linjiang Dadao, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District (8513 0509) 以色列 领事馆,天河区珠江新城临江大道3号 发展中心19楼. Guangzhou.mfa.gov.il Italy Rm 1403, International Finance Place (IFP), 8, Huaxia Lu, Zhujiang New Town (Tel: 3839 6225; Fax: 8550 6370) 意 大利领事馆,珠江新城华夏路8号合景国际金 融广场14楼1403室 Japan 1/F, East Tower, Garden Hotel,

Kuwait 10A-10D, Nanyazhonghe Plaza, 57 Lingjiang Dadao, Zhujiang New Town (Tel: 3807 8070; Fax: 3807 8007). 科威 特国总领事馆,珠江新城临江大道57号南雅 中和广场10A-10D Malaysia Rm 1915-1918, 19/F, CITIC Plaza, 233 Tianhe Bei Lu ((Tel: 3877 0765; Fax: 3877 2320) 马来西亚领事馆, 天河北路233号中信广场19楼1915-1918室

Mexico Rm2001, Teem Tower, 208 Tianhe Bei Lu (Tel: 2208 1540; Fax: 2208 1539) 墨西哥领事馆,天河路208号粤海天 河城大厦20楼01单元 Netherlands 34/F, Teem Tower, 208 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe Bei Lu (Tel: 3813 2200; Fax: 3813 2299) www.hollandinchina.org 荷兰



New Zealand Rm C1055, Office Tower, China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel, 122 Liuhua Lu (Tel: 8667 0253; Fax: 8666 6420; Guangzhou@nzte.govt.nz) www.nzte.govt. nz 新西兰领事馆,流花路122号中国大酒店商 业大厦1055 室

Switzerland 27/F, Grand Tower, 228, Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District (Tel: 3833 0450; Fax: 3833 0453) www.eda.admin. ch/gz 瑞士领事馆,天河区天河路228号广 晟大厦27楼

Norway Suite 1802, CITIC Plaza, 233 Tianhe Bei Lu (Tel: 3811 3188; Fax: 3811 3199) 挪威领事馆,天河北路233号中信广 场180室

Thailand Rm M07, 2/F, Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong Lu (Tel: 8385 8988; Fax: 8388 9567) 泰国领事馆,环市东路368 号花园酒店2楼M07室

Philippines Rm 706-712 Guangdong Int’l Hotel, 339 Huanshi Dong Lu (Tel: 8331 1461; Fax: 8333 0573) www.guangzhoupcg.org 菲律宾领事馆,环市东路339号 广东国际大酒店主楼706-712室

The Russian Federation 26/A, Development Centre, 3 Linjiang Dadao, Zhujiang New Town (Tel: 8518 5001; Fax: 8518 5099 (office) / 8518 5088(visa s e c t i o n ) ) 俄罗斯联邦驻广州总领事馆, 珠江新城临江大道3号发展中心2 6 / A

Poland 63 Shamian Da Jie (Tel: 8121 9993; Fax: 8121 9995) 波兰领事馆,沙 面大街63号

United States 1 Shamian Nan Jie (Tel: 8121 8000; Fax: 8121 9001) http:// guangzhou-ch.usembassy-china.org. cn/  美国领事馆,沙面南街1号

Singapore Unit 2418, CITIC Plaza, 233 Tianhe Bei Lu (Tel: 3891 2345) 新加坡领 事馆,天河北路233中信广场2418室 Spain Rm 501/507/508 5/F, R&F Center, 10 Huaxia Lu, Pearl River New City (Tel: 3892 7185 / 3892 8909; Fax: 3892 7197). www.maec.es/consulados/canton 西班牙驻广州总领事馆,珠江新城华夏路10

Vietnam 2/F, Hua Xia Hotel, Haizhou Square, Qiaoguang Lu (Tel: 8330 5911; Fax: 8330 5915) 越南领事馆,侨光路华沙 大酒店B座2楼北部


EDUCATION Early Childhood Education up, 307 a/b/c, 3d Floor, Donghai City Plaza, North of Hongli, West RD, Futian(8339 0166;8339 0266) www.upchildren.com 福田区香蜜湖红荔西路东海城市广场三楼 307A/B/C

Kindergartens St. Lorraine Chinese-English Kindergarten, 1) Tong Jing Garden, Luosha Dong Lu, Liantang, Luohu District (2582 4450). 2) Gemdale Haijing Garden, Xinzhou Nan Lu, Futian District (2381 0600). www.st-lorraine.edu.hk/zhenchun 1) 罗湖区莲塘罗沙东路桐景花园2) 福田区新 洲南路金地海景花园 Mensa Kindergarten, No.13, Xin Housha Lu, Yongkou Cun, Houjie Town, Dongguan( 0769-8152 5999; 8290 1900; 8290 1919, Fax:0769-5152 5222). 菁华 园幼儿园,东莞市厚街镇涌口村新厚沙路13号

International Schools

School (BCIS), GuangShen Highway, Bao’an exit, XiCheng, Bao’an Disctrict. info@bcis.net.cn; BCIS.net.cn; (2823 8166). 曦城协同国际学校,宝安区广深高速 公路宝安出口 Funful Shenzhen Bilingual School, Inside Goldfield Seaview Garden, 21 Xinzhou Nan Lu, Futian District (2381 083) www.funful.com.cn方方乐趣中英文 学校 福田区新洲南路金地海景花园金地十 路21号 Green Oasis School, Next to Green Oasis Garden, Tianmian Lu, No. 4030 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (8399 6712). admission@greenoasis.org.cn www.greenoasis.org.cn 福田区深南中路4030号田面路 口城市绿洲花园 International School of Nanshan Shenzhen, 166 Nanguang Lu, Nanshan District (2666 1000/2606 6968). www. isnsz.com admission@isnsz,com南山区 南光路166号 Peninsula Montessori Kindergarten, the Peninsula One, Jinshiji Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2685 1266) 半岛城邦国际幼儿园 南 山区蛇口东角头金世纪路1号半岛城邦一期 Quality Schools International Shekou, 1/F, Bitao Building, No. 8 Taizi Lu, Shekou District (2667 6031). http://shk.qsi.org 蛇 口太子路8号碧涛中心1楼

Quality Schools International Nanshan ,A1, TCL Science Park, No. 1001 Zhong -shan Yuan Lu, Nanshan District (8371 7108)中山园路1001号TCL 科学园区A1栋 Shenzhen American International School Shekou Youth Center Building B.C, NO.82, Gongyuan Rd, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (Tel:8619 4750) 中国深圳市南山区公园路82 号蛇口青少年活动中心BC座 518067

American International School, No. 82,Gongyuan Lu, Shekou,Nanshan District(8619 4750) 南山区蛇口公园路82号青 少年活动中心

Shekou International School, Jingshan Villas, Gongye Er Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2669 3669). www.sis.org.cn 南山 区蛇口工业二路鲸山别墅内

Buena Vista Concordia International

Shenzhen (Nanshan) Concord College

of Sino-Canada, No.166 Nan’guang Lu, Nanshan District (2656 8886). www.ccsc. com.cn南山区南光路166号 Shenzhen Oriental English College, Bao’an Education City, No.10 Xuezi Lu, National Highway 107 (Bao’an Airport Nor th) Bao’an District (2751 6669). http://szoec.baoan.net.cn/ 宝安区学子 路10号107国道宝安教育城(宝安国际机场北) Shenzhen Futian Tairan School Shenzhen Futian Tairan School Tairan Square, XiaSha, Futian District, Shenzhen (3336 0102) 深圳福田泰然小学 深圳福田区下沙 泰然广场 Oxstand International School, No.2040, Buxin Lu, Luohu District (2581 3954/138 2355 1821/135 1006 5811). eva@oxstand.com.cn 深圳奥斯翰外语学校,罗湖 区布心路2040号

Extracurricular Shenzhen Soccer Schools, Sports Training Ser vices for Kids in Futian and Shekou with Qualified English Speaking Coaches. No.602 Haibin Garden, Xinhua Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2669 0765,13823112524). cathy@shenzhensoccerschools.com; www.shenzhensoccerschools.com.蛇口兴华路海滨花园海虹阁602 Soccer Rangers™ International Youth Football Grassroots football training for kids 4 to 15 yrs. The perfect base for children to experience the joys and benefits of playing football. We follow the England FA coaching methodology, emphasizing small sided games and player centered learning. Weekday and weekend sessions delivered by FA qualified coaches. Shenzhen city, Nanshan district, OCTLOFT, Mei lin Building E4, 5th floor, Room 509. www.soccerrangers. com,+8613554859065, tom.oconnor@soccerrangers.com 深圳市南山区华侨城创意园美林大 厦E4栋509

Language Centers Classic Mandarin, 1) Room 11F Seaview Plaza, No.18 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2688 6112). 2) Rm 601, Unit 1, Building 4, Guanhaitai Garden, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District(8605 2515). 3) Room22B, Building C2, Galaxy International Park and Apartment, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8344 6661). 4) Room 903, Block C, Mingzhu Square, Changqing Lu, Chang'an Town, Dongguan (0769-8158 5950). www.classic-mandarin.com 1)南山 区蛇口太子路18号海景广场11F室2) 南山区海 岸城文心五路观海台花园4栋1单元601室 3)福 田区福华三路星河国际C2栋8B室 4)东莞长安 镇长青路明珠广场C栋903 Hanbridge Mandarin, 1) Room 103, Block D, Meijia Plaza, Qiaocheng Xi Jie, Nanshan District. 2) 16B, Seaview Plaza, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (400 600 2202). www.hanbridgemandarin.com 1) 南山区侨 城西街美加广场D栋103 室 2)南山区蛇口太 子路海景广场16B I Mandarin, 1) 1F, West Wing, Xincheng Building, 1027 Shennan Dadao, Futian District (2598 7982). 2) Rm 8, 2/F, Youran Ju, Liuzhou Zhiye Center, Nanhai Dadao, Shekou, Nanshan District (2682 8811). 3)Rm1706, Main building of Golden Central Tower, No.3037,Jintian Lu, Futian District(15811815474). 爱玛德, 1)福田 区深南中路1027号新城大厦西座1F 2) 南山区 蛇口南海大道和工业八路交汇处六洲置业中 心悠然居2楼 3)福田区金田路3037号金中环商 务大厦主楼1706 Linda Lee Interactive Chinese, No.12 Bihua Lu, Bitaoyuan Villa, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2686 2019). www.lindalee.com.cn 南山区蛇口太子路碧涛苑别 墅碧桦路12号 Jiahua Language School, Unit3106B, Modern International Building, Fuhua Lu, Futian District (2396 0365 / 2396 0363). 2) 12/F, Block B, New Energy Building, No. 2239 Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District.



LISTINGS www.jiahuaschool.com 1)福田区福华路现 代国际大厦31层3106B 2)南山区南海大道2239 号新能源大厦B座12楼 New Concept Mandarin, 3/F, Bitao Center, 8 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2688 3577) www.newconceptmandarin.com 南山 区蛇口太子路8号碧涛中心3楼

Classic Mandarin, Courses: Daily Life Chinese, Business Chinese, HSK course, Short-term Chinese, Kids’ hinese. English and Japanese. Tutoring, Cantonese,Corporate Training. Cultural courses: Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Paintings, YOGA,Erhu. E-mail:study@classic-mandarin.com www.classic-mandarin.com 1)Room 11F Seaview Plaza, No.18 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2688 6112). 2) Rm 601, Unit 1, Building 4, Guanhaitai Garden, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District(8605 2515). 3) Room22B, Building C2, Galaxy International Park and Apartment, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8344 6661). 4) Room 903, Block C, Mingzhu Square, Changqing Lu, Chang’an Town, Dongguan (0769-8158 5950). 1)南山区蛇口太子路18 号海景广场11F室 2) 南山区海岸城文心五路 观海台花园4栋1单元601室 3)福田区福华三 路星河国际C2栋8B室 4)东莞长安镇长青路 明珠广场C栋903 La Seine French Training Center, Room 1109, Honggui Building, 2068 Honggui Lu, Luohu District (2586 5656). www. laseine.com.cn 罗湖区红桂路2068号红桂大 厦10楼1109 室 Union Mandarin, 2A Bibo Building, Haibin Garden, Xinghua Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2688 4090). 南山区蛇口兴华路海 滨花园碧波阁2A Sinomatin Immersion Chinese, Suite 301, Block A, Seaview Garden, Seaworld, Shekou, Nanshan District. 希诺麦田沉浸式 汉语,深圳市蛇口海上世界海滨花园A栋301室 HT Chinese School 1) Rm 2302, Modern International Building, No. 3038 Jintian Lu, Futian District (136 3290 9630). 2) Rm 17C, Profusion Holiday E, Nan Guang Lu, Nanshan District (3663 0235) www. ht-1.cn. 1)福田区金田路3038号現代国際大 厦2302室 2)南山区南光路缤纷假日E栋17C室

TLI 1209A, Building C, Ming Wah Inter national Convention Center, Seaworld, Shekou, Nanshan District.南山区 蛇口海上世界明华国际会议中心C座1209A Tel: 0755- 21618221 www.tli.com.tw

HEALTH Dental Viva Dental, 1) Room 1118, Block A, International Chamber of Commerce Building, Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District (8205 6515, Fax: 8205 6516). 2) L2/F, Galaxy Center Shopping Mall, No.5, Zhongxin Lu, Futian District (2361 8563; 2361 8565). 1)福田区 福华一路深圳国际商会大厦A座1118室 2) 福田 区中心五路星河发展中心购物广场L2层 Meng En Dental, R1809, F18, Golden Central Tower, Jintian Lu, Futian District(3322 8038;3322 8278). www.mengendental.com 福田区金田路金中环商务大厦1809室 Arrail Dental, Unit 2, G3&G4/ F, Di Wang Commercial Center, Shun Hing Square, 5002 Shennan, Dong Lu, Luohu District (2583 5608). www.arrail-dental.com 罗湖 区深南东路5002号信兴广场地王大厦G3&G4

68 www.urban-family.com

层2单元 A-Top Dental, 1) 2/F Guihua Building, 46 Guiyuan Lu, Luohu District (8213 1198). 2) Shopping arcade (opposites the west gate of Shenzhen University), Hui Fang Yuan Garden, Nanhai DaDao, Nanshan District (8213 1198). 3) 2/F Honglong Building, Nanhai DaDao, Nanshan District (8213 1198). 4) 2/F Bitao Yuan (opposites Bitao Football Field), Taizi Lu, Nanshan District (8213 1198). www.top917.cn 1) 罗湖区桂园 路46号桂花大厦2楼(原碧桂园派出所对面) 2) 南山区南海大道荟芳园商业区(深圳大学西门 对面) 3) 南山区南海大道鸿隆大厦2楼 4) 南山 区太子路碧涛苑2楼(碧涛球场对面) H&J Dental Clinic, Room 1105-1106, Block B, Pavilion Hotel, Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District (8207 5220). www.huijieck.cn 福田 区华强北路圣廷苑酒店B座1105-1106 室 Hua Mei Dental, 6/F, Baoli Building, Intersection of Nanhai DaDao and Chuangye Lu, Nanshan District (2642 9141, 2642 9142). 南山区南海大道与创业路交汇处保利 大厦6楼606室 Ming Lun Clinic, 1/F Dong Jia Bldg (adjoins Panglin Hotel), Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (2518 5502). 罗湖区嘉宾路东佳大厦1楼( 彭年酒店附楼) Shenzhen Shiromoto Dental Clinic, 2/F, Peng Ai Hospital, 1122 Nanshan Da Dao, Nanshan District (8622 4459; Japanese hotline: 13662206000). Daily 8.30am10pm. www.sdc-shenzhen.com 南山区南山 大道1122号鹏爱医疗美容医院2楼 Reborn Dental Implant Center, Room 801, New World Center, No.6009,Yitian Lu, Futian District(2398 2858). reborndetal@hotmail.com http://www.reborndetal.com/en U-Dental Clinic, Unit B, 24/F, Jin Run Mansion, 6019 Shennan Dadao, Chegongmiao, Futian District (8280 0366, 8280 0399). 福 田区车公庙深南路6019号金润大厦24层B单位 Dental Bauhinia, 9/F, Block B, Shenzhen International Chamber of Commerce Tower,138 Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District (8371 1696, 8371 2696). http://www. dentalbauhinia.com 紫荆齿科,福田区福华 一路138号国际商会大厦B座9层

Commerce Building, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8347 9801). 3) Coastal City Pediatric Clinic, Room 1012, Coastal City West Building, Haide San Lu, Nanshan District (2167 7955) 4) 5B, 5/F, Wan Rong A Building, crossing between Nanhai Da Dao and Industry 4th Road A, Nanshan District 5) 5C, 5/F, Wan Rong A Building, crossing between Nanhai Da Dao and Industry 4th Road A, Nanshan District 6) G4/F, 5200 Shen Nan Dong Lu, Luo Hu District 7) Tianhe Medical Center, Unit 1205-1207, Fu Li Ying Kai Building, Hua xia Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 卓正医疗 1)南山区南 海大道和工业四路交汇处万融大厦A座5层2) 福田区福华三路168号国际商会中心裙楼0219 单元3)南山区海德三道海岸城西座写字楼1012 室 4)南山区南海大道和工业四路交汇处万融大 厦A座5层5B室 5)南山区南海大道和工业四路交 汇处万融大厦A座5层5C室 6)罗湖区深南东路 5002号地王商业中心商业大楼北翼G4c层 7)广 州市天河区华夏路富力盈凯大厦1205-1207单元


Far-east Women &Children Hospital 5/F, No. 2097, Shennan Dong Lu, Luo Hu District, ( 8261 3384) en.woman91.com/ 深 圳市罗湖区深南东路2097号五楼

Backstube, Shop 24-2, Coastal Rose Garden, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2681 0468). 德国面包坊,南山区 望海路南海玫瑰花园24-2商铺

Home Women& the Children’s hospital, No.12018 Shennan DaDao, Nanshan District (3391 9122). 南山区深南大道12018号

Baguette & Compagnie, Shop Middle 124, Sea Taste, Gongyuan Nan Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2689 3283). 巴吉特, 南山区蛇口公园南路海韵嘉园裙楼中124号

Shenzhen VISTA-SK Medical Center Lvl 4, Bldg 4C, Shenzhen Software Industry Base, Xuefu Rd, Nanshan District SHENZHEN 518054 深圳市南山区学府路软件产业基地4 栋C座裙楼4层 (3689 9833) Shenzhen Puji Clinic, 1-4/F, Phase 2, Huibin Plaza, Dongbin Lu, Nanshan District (2649 1709, 2649 1333, 8603 9111). 南 山区东滨路汇滨广场二期裙楼1-4层 Shenzhen Wu Zhou International Clinic, 3/F Block B, Wu Zhou Chinese And Western Union Medical Hospital (7 Kehua Lu), Keyuan Bei Lu, Science And Technology Park, Nanshan District (2671 9191). 南山科技园科园 北路深圳五洲中西医结合机缘科华路7号B座3F Shenzhen Renji International Clinic, 3/F, No.6 Tianxia Tongjian Building, Nanxin Lu, Nanshan District (2607 9966;2649 3191). 仁济诊所,南山区南新路 田厦统建楼6栋3楼 The Hong Kong University-Shenzhen Hospital International Medical Center, Haiyuan Yi Lu, Futian District, (8691 3388) www.hku-szh.org 香港大学深圳医 院 福田区海园一路 (白石路与侨城东路交汇)

U-Family Dental, No.109 Shopping Street, Xihai Mingzhu Garden, Taoyuan Lu, Nanshan District (8625 0573). www.ufamilydental.cn 南山区桃园路1号西海明珠花园地面商业109号


Kids Entertainment

Chiho Medical Centre, Unit 203, Block B, International Chamber of Commerce Building, Fu Hua Yi Lu, Futian District (8830 1498; 8830 1468; 8830 1499). kokusaiclinic@tpmmedical.com 福田区福 华一路国际商会大厦B座203单元

Happy Valley, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2694 9184; 2694 9190). 欢乐谷,南山区华侨城

CanAm International Medical Center Shenzhen, E0119, Fraser Place, No.1033 Nanhai DaDao, Shekou, Nanshan District (2688 7106). 南山区蛇口南海大道1033号泰 格国际公寓E0119 Dayabindu International Counseling & Psychology Services, A1311, 13/F, Golden Central Tower, Fuhua Lu, Futian District (139 2376 1230). Individual & marriage counseling, psychotherapy, and trainings in English, Spanish & Putonghua(with interpreter). www.dayabindu.com 福 田区福华路金中环国际商务大厦13楼A1311 Distinct Clinic, 1)Shenzhen Shekou MedicalCenter, 5/F, Tower A, Wanrong Building, Gongye Si Lu, Nanshan Distinct,( 8666 4776) 2)Shenzhen Exhibition Center Clinic, Room 0219, International Chamber of

Window of the World, No.9037 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (2660 8 0 0 0 ) . 世界之窗,南山区深南大道9037号 Splendid China & Chinese Folk Culture Village, No.9003 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (2660 0626). 锦绣中华·民俗村,南 山区深南大道9012号 Safari Park Shenzhen, No. 4065 Xili Hu Lu, Nanshan Distirct (2662 2888). 深圳野生动 物园,南山区西丽湖路4065号 Evergreen Resort, No. 1 Qingqing Jie, Moon Bay, Nanshan District (2664 6988). 青青世 界,南山区月亮湾青青街1号 Shenzhen Garden and Flower Exposition Center, No.8002 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (8282 9075). 深圳国际园林花卉博览

Mangrove National Park, Binhe Dadao, Futian District. 红树林海滨生态公园,福 田区滨河大道 OCT Harbour (Water Show Theater, My Rules World), No.8 Baishi Dong Lu, Nanshan District (2690 1666). 欢乐海岸,南 山区白石路东8号

RESTAURANTS Bakery/Dessert

Chez Clement, Shop 110-1, phase I, Coastal Rose Garden, No.1093-6 Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2160 0880) 7am to 7pm. 南山区蛇口望海路10963-6号南 海玫瑰园一期商铺110-1 Toffee Cakes, Shop No.3, No.197, Meihua Lu, Shang Meilin, Futian District (8331 8148). 福田区上梅林梅华路197号3号铺

Buffet Café Chinois, JW Marriott Hotel, No. 6005 Shennan Dadao, Futian District (2269 8230). 万豪西餐厅,福田区深南大道6005号 金茂深圳JW万豪酒店 Coffee Garden, 2/F, Shangri-La Hotel (east of Railway Station), No. 1002 Jianshe Lu, Luohu District, Shenzhen (8233 0888) 香 咖啡,罗湖区建设路1002号香格里拉酒店(火 车站东侧)2楼 Café Zentro, 1/F, The Venice Hotel Shenzhen, No. 9026 Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2693 6888-8117). cafezentro@szvenicehotel. com 南山区华侨城深南大道9026号威尼斯 酒店1楼 Café Pavilion, 1/F, The Pavilion, 4002 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District. 廷韵咖 啡厅,福田区华强北路4002号圣廷苑酒店1楼 Café Zen, 1/F, Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen, No. 4088 Yitian Lu, Futian District (8828 4088) . 鲜Café,福田区深圳福田香 格里拉 大酒店一楼 Coffee Shop, 1/F, Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8350 0888 -88605). Coffee Shop西餐厅,福田区深南大道竹子林东方银 座美爵酒店1楼西餐厅 Flavorz, 2/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, No.116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 2222-8619). 全日餐厅,福田区 福华三路116号深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店2楼 Mercado, InterContinental Shenzhen, OCT, No.9009 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District. 广场咖啡厅,深南大道9009号华侨城深 圳华侨城洲际大酒店 Seasons, 2/F, Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen, Haide San Dao, Houhaibin Lu, Nanshan District (8888 8888). 四季西餐厅,南山区 后海滨路海德三道凯宾斯基酒店2楼

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