2011 Urbana University Catalog

Page 155

and not merely technicians following directions in a teaching manual. Teachers play an extremely important role in the development and evaluation of curriculum. Teacher education is a continuing process of career development and refinement which is a shared responsibility of school districts, higher education, professional organizations, and the state. Efforts should continue to develop a systematic approach to evaluation, feedback support, and career development opportunities for new and veteran classroom teachers. The dialogue and commitment between the university and schools must be significantly strengthened and maintained. A closer working relationship is essential for the development and evaluation of effective teacher education programs as well as school programs. Teachers and school administrators have a right to expect support from and access to an organized educational framework providing structure for the systematic study of a body of knowledge. Community resources must be explored, developed, and used to effectively supplement and enrich the teacher’s role in fulfilling professional responsibilities. While there may be developed alternative educational programs, the school will continue to be the focal point of education in our society.

It is the desire of the trustees, administration and faculty of Urbana University, that the Master of Education program be successful and valuable to graduate students who enroll and to their school community where they fulfill their professional responsibilities. Urbana University has pledged its resources and efforts to make available professional services and leadership of the highest quality to teachers and other school personnel. Area schools and personnel are invited to join with Urbana University in a commitment to excellence in our teacher education and school programs. Urbana University is committed to offering students the opportunity to: • Seek self-realization in accordance with their capacities. • Develop effective vocational and professional competencies. • Prepare for responsible participation as members of local, regional, national, and international communities. Recognizing its obligations to the region it serves, the University seeks to serve by: • Cultivating within and beyond the University those qualities needed by an educated citizenry to meet the challenges and responsibilities of societal living. • Providing its students with useful knowledge and skills for careers leading to effective service in our society. • By increased involvement of faculty and students in the life of the community as sponsors of clinics, workshops, and in-service training; as active participants in community programs as professional consultants. • Sharing instructional and cultural benefits offered on an off the campus by its own staff and visiting scholars and artists. Statement of Purpose Urbana University seeks to provide quality educational opportunities to the residents of the area that it serves. In an effort to meet the needs and demands of a changing population and economic structure, the University has found it necessary to adjust its programs, plans, and objectives as a result of collective studies by the administration and faculty. The best measure of the University’s efforts through its years of service to west central Ohio may be found in the growth and stability of the University has experienced and experiences today. The Urbana University Board of Trustees, administration, and faculty envision the graduate program as a means of continuing to meet the needs of the population it serves. It will: • Provide students in west-central Ohio with an opportunity to seek a Master of Education degree in Classroom Teaching at a private institution. • Make maximum use of University staff members in their fields of expertise. • Broaden the base in terms of people served. • Improve utilization of present facilities.


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