Upgraded Living May 2017

Page 44


Tomatoes are the most popular home garden vegetable so it’s no surprise that they come in 100’s of varieties with a wide choice of shapes, sizes, and colors. Some tomatoes can cover an entire piece of bread when sliced and there is no end to possibilities in the kitchen—sauces, soups, salsa, juice, canning, and more. The first step in growing tomatoes is picking the right garden spot. You’ll want somewhere that gets at least six hours of sunlight. Look for a nice level plot that allows about 24–36 inches between your plants with fertile, well-drained soil that you amend with compost prior to planting. When you are ready to plant, select sturdy plants. The soil temperature should be above 50 degrees, preferably 70 degrees. Place the transplant in the hole so that only two sets of true leaves are exposed. The tomato will root along the stem, so plant deep. Press the soil firmly around the plant and pour 1 pint of starter solution or other diluted fertilizer around each plant. Keep the soil around the plant moist for the first 2–3 weeks. After that, water slowly and deeply, wetting the entire root zone when the soil dries. Drip irrigation and soaker hoses work well. 44

U P G R A D E D L I V I N G M AG A Z I N E M AY 2 0 1 7

I choose a variety of tomato plants for my garden. I have some tried-and-true varieties and always add something new to keep things interesting. This year my garden will probably contain: • Early Girl, will ripen 59 days from transplanting. This early, prodigious producer has medium size tomatoes with lots of flavor. • Sungold, cherry tomato with a sweet tart flavor. This local favorite has intense golden orange fruit. Great for snacking or salads. 65 days. • San Marzano, large, plum variety with few seeds and meaty flesh. This is best in sauce, canning and drying. 78–80 days. • Purple Cherokee, said to have been grown by the Cherokee Indians. Its rosy, purple fruits range from 12 oz to 1 lb. 85 days • Brandywine, heirloom tomato. These red-pink fruits set the standard for full tomato flavor. 85 days.




Carol Koenig is a Butte County Master Gardener. For more information on this and other gardening topics visit ucanr.edu.

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