Chimes March2013

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The Chimes

Volume XXXVI, No. 3

March 2013

H a i t i , H e r e We C o m e ! Vo l u n t e e r s N e e d e d f o r P r e p ar a t i o n Wo r k s h o p, M a r c h 2 3 The team is finalizing plans for Haiti. Our departure will be March 29, Good Friday. We will visit our partners to get an update on what is happening in their lives. We will also be conducting teacher workshops for our special teachers in Blanchard, Cite Soleil., Holy Trinity School in Jacmel, Wings of Hope and our newest teacher-friends in Duplan. We could use some help with the workshop plans. If you have some time, here is how you can help: 1)

Come to a workshop to help prepare materials on Saturday, March 23. We will begin at 9:00 a.m. No special skills are needed. If you can count paper, stack materials in a bin or hold a pair of scissors, you are qualified. For more information contact Annette Munson (, 919-929-4501). 2) Cut out pictures from magazines you are discarding. We could especially use pictures of nature and animals. Almost anything colorful will work. Contact Annette for this, as well (, 919-929-4501). 3) For specific needs, contact Lisa Lord (, 919-490-8635) or Kay Leaman (, 919-929-5913) Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. We are truly blessed to have the love and support of UPC members and staff. Our friends in Haiti are always in awe at how much our mission is supported by our church friends in Chapel Hill.

F r o m t h e U P C M e n ' s Tr i p t o H a i t i , J a n u a r y 2 6 - F e b r u ar y 2

The whole crew! Great job, everyone!

Mike Hammersley with crew members

F a m i l y H e a l t h M i n i s t r i e s P r e s e n t s, “A n E ve n i n g fo r H a i t i : B u i l d i n g t h e L e o g a n e F a m i l y H e a l t h C e n t e r � This event raises money towards building the Leogane Family Health Center facility in Leogane, Haiti. The health center will aid in improving healthcare for women and children. The event will be held on April 20, 2013 at the Durham Arts Council from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. There will be silent and live auctions, food and music! Tickets are $50 for adults (please purchase by April 19) and $30 for students. For more information, please call (919) 382-5500 or visit Thank you for your support!

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