The Guidebook of New Punctuation

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The Guideb ook of New Punctu ation b y Carrie C F irman

The Guideb ook of New Punctu ation b y Carrie C F irman

Special than ks to FRING EMK@West for the gift o bury f time as art ist in residen ce. This book is set in Lato b y ナ「kasz Dzi published u edzic nder the op en-source O License by h p e n Font is foundry ty Poland, with from Google support . All views, in terpretation s, and design of the autho are those r. carriecfirma This work is licensed und er a Creative Attribution-N Commons onCommerc ial-ShareAlik Generic Lice e 2.0 nse.

in memory o f the interro bang ‽ and irony m ark [for ? and ! c

an only say

so much]

Electronic co mmunicatio n has change progress or d our languag regress–wit e–for h a LO L and :-P of flip continues on pancy as it its bulldozer path to our p and compute hones, device rs. Love it or s, h ate it, it’s here and everywh ere. Part of the re ason emotico ns and emoti become so p bbreviations opular is that have ty ped commu facial express n ic at io n s remove ions, body la nguage, and tone of voice , most import from the me antly, ssage. In the text-only co convenience ntact, we loo of se the human leads to mis e le m e n t. This understand ings, hurt fee clarification lings, and ro that could h unds of ave been save come in han d. Granted, it dy to type ou can t responses so easily mas with the abili k the nasty fa ty to ces you’re p of defeated u lli n g o r the droop shoulders. B ut what if th punctuation ere was a se to describe th t of e tone in wh the message ic h you would lik to be read? e In honor of p unctuation p ast and in an glyphs, I shar ticipation of e this set of d future o o d le s as rhetorical so a light-hearte lution to gett d ing the hum into text com an element b munication. ack Many are bas synesthetic ed up on my visual perce ption of con when I think cepts. For ex about patien ample, ce an d ac ting with care near-perfect circle is paire , a solid d with that co as its languag n ce p t as e description much . But when th that of some e situation is one not usin g a filter whe the distinct im n speaking, I pression of se have ve ra l lin from close lo es shooting outward cations, alway s heading dia and to the ri g o n al ly ght. Like oth upward er types of sy associations nesthesia, th are lasting an ese d consistent.

ns with my nal impressio o rs e p se e th ded set of By applying riptive exten sc e d d an st hone f symbols. desire for an llowing set o fo e th d e at e , I cr nversationpunctuation provoking co tgh u o th l, u ation They are playf many punctu so r fo s ar ye ould take ble in our starters. It w d become usa an ld o h ke ta truly d chuckle additions to nder, share, an o p to u yo te vi font you can language. I in se it with the u n e ev , n io at this collect Enjoy! my website. download on


o Part 1: Hum

Did you get


that clever p

Fake accent In jest Sarcasm e eye

Twinkle in th Wink

that Did you get

clever pun?

are so handy These gloves


Fake accen

oot it very, very g Yah, Gunter,

In jest re ld go buy mo Well, we cou chocolate

Sarcasm d and uments soun rg a r u o y d n fi Yes, I proceed would like to

e eye

Twinkle in th

I would love

g to come alon

Wink oin’ How YOU d

Part 2: Atti tu


Arrogance Back door c


Brightly / po



Careless / n

o filter


Faking confi


Cutting rem


End of discu


Hope Patience / w it

h care

Pride Respect Sassy finger

Disrespect snap

Wisdom I would roll my eyes if it were socially acce ptable

Arrogance EO so , I know the C Lucky for me test b was no con getting this jo


Back door c

, we must is impressive Your resumĂŠ at e same form have used th


Brightly / p

to do e experience Well, I have th job sure I’ll find a this and I am

Negatively and the et is flooded But the mark nant mpletely stag co is y m o n eco

o filter

Careless / n

at ould just look sh u o y e b y a Yeah, m itting lans –your kn p p u ck a b r u yo

Confidence grocery ting paid my it n k , lly a u ct A ol raduate scho bills during g


Faking con

t again, could do tha it re su m I’ o S ft fairs we’ve got cra


Cutting rem

our way ck needling y Well, good lu to prosperity


End of discu

Thanks, I will

Hope s an report show ty ri a ch l a u n Our an onations increase in d

ith care

Patience / w

ize to get y will reorgan By 2020, the eed to those in n more of that

Pride ast ten rk over the p Our hard wo ess ught us succ years has bro

Respect st of is behind mo r e iz n a rg o r Ou ant solutely brilli this, she’s ab

Disrespect ost st hired the m ju ’s e sh h g u Tho singly istant, surpri arrogant ass

r snap

Sassy finge

got ng here if I’ve lo st la ’t n o w He o with it anything to d

Wisdom ’t help us attitude won That kind of ls meet our goa

my eyes if it I would roll y acceptable were sociall

ease iming to decr a e ’r e w ss le Un leasantries morale and p


s of Infl e ic v e D d n ions a

t Part 3: Emo

Impatience Amusement




Begging t

g outrigh ing not to be




Propaganda ble entendre

Randy / dou



atically [Over] Dram

Regret Truthful

Excitement Fear Fibbing Flatness g

in Foreshadow


co Immersion /



I absolutely lo ve this show , it’s so brilliantly do ne

Annoyance Sorry, could you move a b it to the right so the T V isn’t blocke d

Begging When it’s ov er could we p lease go get food so w e can eat tom orrow

Trying not to

beg outrigh


Well... it’s a m arathon, so m aybe we can go in the morning

Camp Darling, hon ey-pie, swee tie, I simply can’t get by w ithout my sco nes



You do certa inly

make a good scone, I’ll giv e you that

[Over] Dram


Yes, that’s all I’ve got, just th e scones, I’ve g ot nothing els e

Excitement Look look loo k this one’s a guest episode, these are the best

Fear Oh no, we’re really, truly n ever going to go g et food are w e

Fibbing Yeah, yeah, d on’t worry, w e will go after this one ends, okay

Flatness Yeah, sure

Impatience Look, I’ve hard ly had any tim e off this season a nd this is my break

Loathing And you pro mised me tha t we would spend that time tog ether

Nervous Please let’s n ot start in on this now



This isn’t the first time this has come up, but it will be the last


/ consumpti

I’m sorry I just


can’t - think about anything else right now

Pleasure I know, and it

is wonderful to see you relax and enjoy someth ing



TV is just perf ect for gettin g your mind off of th e office

Randy / dou

ble entendr


Well maybe I need your q uality “tube time”

Regret I know, I kno w... I never sh ould have taken this job , it has ruined us

Truthful But it is a big step up, you can move to a new job soon, and we ’ll be fine

Font Table

for free ok is available o b is th in n ctuatio ining the pun A font conta carriecfirma ill not display download at ct symbols w e rr co e th t, y fon ment and at, as with an them in a docu se u u Remember th yo if so unless they nt is installed the recipient to ar e p unless the fo ap t will no meone, they email it to so try a PDF! the font. So, d le al e chart st in so column of th have al ft le e th in l o r symb er, number, o t. Enter the lett bol to its righ sert the sym in to r e rd o below in oughttended as a th This font is in resting o filter a ercise, an inte a :: careless/n provoking ex . b od fun e, and just go b :: confidence object to shar fidence c c :: faking con Enjoy! mark d d :: cutting re cussion e e :: end of dis f :: hope f ith care g g :: patience/w 1 n u p :: 1 h :: pride h nt 2 2 :: fake acce i :: respect i 3 :: in :: jest 3 j j :: disrespect 4 :: sarcasm 4 k k :: finger snap the eye 5 5 :: twinkle in l :: wisdom l 6 :: wink 6 m :: eye roll m 7 7 :: arrogance nt n 8 t n n :: amuseme r complime 8 :: back doo o o :: annoyance ositively 9 9 :: brightly/p p :: begging p 0 0 :: negatively to beg q q :: trying not r :: camp r ! :: nervous ! nt s s :: complime owing @ @ :: foreshad atically t n# t :: over-dram /consumptio n io rs e m im # :: nt u u :: exciteme $ $ :: pleasure v :: fear v da % % :: propagan ^ w :: fibbing w uble entendre ^ :: randy/do x :: flatness x & :: regret & y y :: impatience * :: truthful * z :: loathing z

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