Uno-X Mobility Annual and Sustainability Report 2022 - GRI Index

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Uno-X Mobility Annual and Sustainability Report 2022

GRI Content Index

GRI Index Contents Organizational Details ������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Activities and workers 5 Governance 5 Strategy, policies and practices 7 Stakeholder engagement ������������������������������������������������������������ 7 Material Topics 7 Chapter: Environment �������������������������������������������� 8 GHG Emissions 8 Spills 9 Water and Effluents Management ������������������������������������������� 9 Chapter: People & Culture ��������������������������������� 10 EHS 10 Employer- & Employment Practices 11 Chapter: Ethical Value Chain ����������������������������� 12 Human Rights 12 Business Ethics & Anti-Corruption 13 2 Uno-X Mobility ASR 2022 | GRI INDEX


Uno-X Mobility AS has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period 01�01�2022 - 31�12�2022�


GRI 1: Foundation 2021

*ASR 2022 = Annual and Sustainability Report 2022


GRI 11 : Oil and Gas 2021

Uno-X Mobility ASR 2022 | GRI INDEX 3

Organisational Details

GRI 2 2-1 Organisational details

Uno-X Mobility AS

ASR 2022: p 16

ASR 2022: p 76

ASR 2022: p 76

GRI 2 2-2 Entities included in the organisation’s sustainability reporting

Uno-X Mobility, Uno-X E-Mobility N/DK, YX Norge, YX Danmark, Uno-X Norge, Uno-X Danmark, YX Smøreolje N/DK, Uno-X Forsyning, Uno-X Konceptdesign (Excl frm GHG Accounting)

ASR 2022: p 10-12 (excl Uno-X Konceptdesign)

ASR 2022: p 47 and p 66-69

Uno-X Mobility AS has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards 2021 for the period 01 01 2022-31 12 2022


GRI 2 2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point

14 04 23

Torild Bråthen Director Sustainability and Communications

E-mail: tob@unox no

GRI 2 2-4 Restatements of information

GRI 2 2-5 External assurance

ASR 2022: p 54

ASR 2022: p 112, p 87

Link til verification RR, p 16, p 118

Source Disc Nr Disc Title Location Requirement/ Disclosure Omitted Reason for Omission Explanation for Omissions SDG Sector Standard Ref nr
4 Uno-X Mobility ASR 2022 | GRI INDEX

Activities and workers

GRI 2 2-6

Activities, value chain and other business relationships

GRI 2 2-7 Employees

ASR 2022: p 15

ASR 2022: p 14-15

ASR 2022: p 19

ASR 2022: p 79

ASR 2022: p 117, p 116

ASR 2022: p 114, p 116 Data incomplete by region

ASR 2022: p 112

ASR 2022: p 112

Accusition of Uno-X Konceptdesign

GRI 2 2-8 Workers who are not employees


GRI 2 2-9 Governance structure and composition

ASR 2022: p 16

Board of Directors Uno-X Mobility AS and Boad of Directors in each subsidiary

The Board of Directors is the highest governance body Chairman is Ole Robert Reitan (Owner and CEO Reitan Retail), board members are Kristin Genton (CFO Reitan Retail) and Monica Ødegaard (COO Reitan Retail)

2-8 Not applicable

Uno-X Mobility has no non-employed workers conducting work on behalf of the company

Data unavailable/Incomplete

We currently do not have access to statistics regarding the highest covernance body, other than gender balance The board members are appointed by the Reitan family

GRI 2 2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body

Uno-X Mobility is a business area in Reitan Retail, a family-owned business Uno-X Mobility board members are appointed by the owners, the Reitan family 10-2b Not appliccable


Has no set requirements for the composition of the highest governance body (the board), as it is a family owned business

Source Disc Nr Disc Title Location Requirement/ Disclosure Omitted Reason for Omission Explanation for Omissions SDG Sector Standard Ref nr
2-9c 2-9c ii 2-9c iii 2-9c iv 2-9c vi 2-9c vii 2-9c viii
Uno-X Mobility ASR 2022 | GRI INDEX 5

GRI 2 2-11 Chair of the highest governance body

Uno-X Mobility is a business area in Reitan Retail Ole Robert Reitan is the CEO of Reitan Reatil and Chairman of the Board i Uno-X Mobility AS Reitan Retail is a familiy-owned business and O R Retain represents the ownerfamiliy as chairman of the board

Ole Robert Reitan represent the ownerfamiliy both as CEO of Reitan Retail and Chairman of the Board in Uno-X Mobility There should be no conflict of interest.

ASR 2022: p 16

GRI 2 2-12

Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts

GRI 2 2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts

GRI 2 2-14


Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting

ASR 2022: p 16

ASR 2022: p 16

ASR 2022: p 16

ASR 2022: p 16, p 65

ASR 2022: p 16

Highest governance body is responsible

2022: p 16

2-16b Not appliccable No critical concerns recorded Omission

GRI 2 2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body

GRI 2 2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body

GRI 2 2-19 Remuneration policies

a Annual and sustainability report Reitan Retail 2022- Governing bodies p 77, Governing documents p 81

Annual and sustainability report Reitan Retail 2022 Note 8, p 123-125

GRI 2 2-20 Process to determine remuneration ASR 2022: p 90

GRI 2 2-21 Annual total compensation ratio

Annual and sustainability report Reitan Retail 2022 General GRI p 228

2-17 Data unavailable/Incomplete

Specific measures have not been taken to advance the board's collective knowledge of sustainable development, though they are higly conserned with sustainability matters

2-18 b c Information unavailable/ incomplete The existing Board was elected in May 2022

2-19 b Not applicable

Board members and senior executives do not receive additional remuneration related to their objectives and performance in relation to the management of the organization’s impacts on the economy, environment, and people

Source Disc Nr Disc Title Location Requirement/ Disclosure Omitted Reason for Omission Explanation for Omissions SDG Sector Standard Ref nr
Conflicts of interest 2-15a Not appliccable Family owned business, does not
or structure for this 2-15b Not appliccable Uno-X Mobility
family-owned business, and
or structure for this, as conflicts of interest are not considered appliccable
2 2-15
have a process
is a
have a process
GRI 2 2-16
6 Uno-X Mobility ASR 2022 | GRI INDEX

Strategy, policies and practices

GRI 2 2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategy ASR 2022: p 6

a in Uno-X Mobility Code of Conduct p 4

a ii-iv Uno-X Mobility Supplier Code of Conduct p 4

b in Uno-X Mobility Supplier Code of Conduct p 10, p 14

b ii Uno-X Mobility Code of Conduct p 4

GRI 2 2-23 Policy commitments

c Uno-X Mobility web site https:// unoxmobility com/responsibility/

d Board level

e in Uno-X Mobility Supplier Code of Conduct p 3

f Code of Conduct p 4

Uno-X Mobility Code of Conduct p 4

GRI 2 2-24 Embedding policy commitments

a ASR 2022: p 29

GRI 2 2-25

Processes to remediate negative impacts

b Uno-X Mobility Code of Conduct p 9, Annual report p 16

c ASR 2022: p 29

GRI 2 2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns ASR 2022: p 16

GRI 2 2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations

GRI 2 2-28 Membership associations Reitan Retail ASR 2022, p 227

Stakeholder engagement

GRI 2 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement ASR 2022: p 18-19

GRI 2 2-30 Collective bargaining agreements ASR 2022: p 69

Material Topics

GRI 3 3-1 Process of determining Material Topics ASR 2022: p 20

GRI 3 3-2 List of Material Topics ASR 2022: p 22

Data unavailable/Incomplete

Uno-X Mobility currently does not have a set process for stakeholder involvement, when it comes to design, review, operation, and improvement of processes

Not appliccable No instances of non-compliance

Source Disc Nr Disc Title Location Requirement/ Disclosure Omitted Reason for Omission Explanation for Omissions SDG Sector Standard Ref nr
2-25d 2-25e
Uno-X Mobility ASR 2022 | GRI INDEX 7

Chapter: Environment

Source Disc Nr Disc Title Location Requirement/ Disclosure Omitted Reason for Omission Explanation for Omissions SDG Sector Standard Ref nr
GHG Emissions GRI 3 3-3 Management of Material Topic ASR 2022: p 36 11 1 1 11 2 1 11 3 1 Energy 302-1 Energy consumption within the organisation ASR 2022: 11 1 2 b p 36 11 1 2 c p 38 11 1 2 d p 36-42 11 1 2 e p 36-42 11 1 2 a Data unavailable/Incomplete 13 2 2 11 1 2 Energy 302-2 Energy consumption outside of the organisation 302-2 Data unavailable/Incomplete GHG does not reqire energy consumption calculations in Scope 3 and we follow this protocol 11 1 3 Energy 302-3 Energy intensity ASR 2022: p 36-42, p 49 13 2 2 11 1 4 Emissions 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions ASR 2022: p 36-42 13 2 2 11 1 5 Emissions 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions ASR 2022: p 36-42 13 2 2 11 1 6 Emissions 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions p 36-42 13 2 2 11 1 7 Emissions 305-4 GHG emissions intensity ASR 2022: p 36-42 13 2 2 11 1 8 201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change 201-2 Data unavailable/Incomplete Reitan Retail are in the prosess of doing a TFCD on a group level, where Uno-X will be included Time of publishing is not deterimined 13,1 11 2 2 Emissions 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions ASR 2022: p 36-42 13 2 2 11 2 3 Emissions 305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NO ), sulfur oxides (SO), and other significant air emissions ASR 2022: p 46 11 3 2 Waste 306-3 Significant spills ASR 2022: p 43, p 47 11 8 1 11 8 2 Emissions 416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories 416-1 Data unavailable/Incomplete All tank park facilites and fuel stations are monitored for health and safety risks, however its difficult to present this as a percentage. For more information please see people and culture chapter 11 3 3 Emissions Additional sector disclosure Governace structure and composition 11 2 4 8 Uno-X Mobility ASR 2022 | GRI INDEX

Following the Norwegian Competition Act it is strictly prohibited to engage in discussions or exchange of information that is considered competitively sensitive This includes any information related to prices, costs, or market data This restriction also applies to non-public information pertaining to trading terms, prices, discounts, costs, profits, volume, capacity, delivery terms, customers, suppliers, market shares, or any future market strategies of the members Therefore, any such information cannot be exchanged or discussed

Following the Norwegian Competition Act it is strictly prohibited to engage in discussions or exchange of information that is considered competitively sensitive This includes any information related to prices, costs, or market data This restriction also applies to non-public information pertaining to trading terms, prices, discounts, costs, profits, volume, capacity, delivery terms, customers, suppliers, market shares, or any future market strategies of the members Therefore, any such information cannot be exchanged or discussed

Water and Effluents Management

Source Disc Nr Disc Title Location Requirement/ Disclosure Omitted Reason for Omission Explanation for Omissions SDG Sector Standard Ref nr Spills GRI 3 3-3 Management of Material topic ASR 2022: p 47 11 5 1 Waste 306-1 Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts ASR 2022: p 47 11 5 2 11 5 4 Waste 306-5 Waste directed to disposal 11 5 6 Data unavailable/Incomplete Data missing or incomplete 11 5 6 Waste 306-2 Management of significant waste-related impacts ASR 2022: p 47 11 5 3 Oil & Gas Sector Standard Additional Sector Disclosure 11 8 3 Confidentiality constraints
11 8 3 Oil & Gas Sector Standard Additional Sector Disclosure 11 8 4 Confidentiality constraints
11 8 4
GRI 3 3-3 Management of Material Topic ASR 2022: p 54-55 11 6 1 Water and Effluents 303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resource 303-1 Data unavailable/Incomplete Per now, Uno-X Mobility is working with the concretisation of water-related data and has not reached this level of detail 6,3 11 6 2 Water and Effluents 303-2 Management of water dischargerelated impacts ASR 2022: p 54-55 6 3, 6 5 11 6 3 Water and Effluents 303-3 Water withdrawal ASR 2022: p 54-55 6,3 11 6 4 Water and Effluents 303-4 Water discharge 303-4 Data unavailable/Incomplete Uno-X Mobility has started the process of reporting water discharge, but we currently do not have granular enough information to comply with the requirements set out in GRI 303-4 See p 55 for water consumption and discharge volumes 6,3 11 6 5 Water and Effluents 303-5 Water consumption 303-5 Data unavailable/Incomplete Uno-X Mobility has started the process of reporting water consumption, but we currently do not have granular enough information to comply with the requirements set out in GRI 303-5 See p 55 for water consumption and discharge volumes 6,3 11 6 6 Uno-X Mobility ASR 2022 | GRI INDEX 9

Chapter: People & Culture

Source Disc Nr Disc Title Location Requirement/ Disclosure Omitted Reason for Omission Explanation for Omissions SDG Sector Standard Ref nr
EHS GRI 3 3-3 Management of Material Topic ASR 2022: p 65 11 9 1 Occupational Health and Safety 403-1 Occupational health and safety management system ASR 2022: p 65 11 9 2 Occupational Health and Safety 403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation ASR 2022: p 66-67 11 9 3 Occupational Health and Safety 403-3 Occupational health services ASR 2022: p 68 11 9 4 Occupational Health and Safety 403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety 403-4 Data unavailable/Incomplete Data unavailable/Incomplete 11 9 5 Occupational Health and Safety 403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety ASR 2022: p 68 and p 47 11 9 6 Occupational Health and Safety 403-6 Promotion of worker health ASR 2022: p 68 11 9 7 Occupational Health and Safety 403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships ASR 2022: p 47 11 9 8 Occupational Health and Safety 403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system 403-8 Not applicable Uno-X Mobility has no non-employed workers conducting work on behalf of the company 11 9 9 Occupational Health and Safety 403-9 Work-related injuries ASR 2022: i p 67 ii p 67 Iii p 67 iiii p 68 c p 65-66 and p 47 d p 65-66 and p 47 g p 65-66 403-9 a v b i b ii b iii b iiii b v e Not Applicable Uno-X Mobility has no non-employed workers conducting work on behalf of the company 11 9 10 ASR 2022: a 68 403-10 b c d e 10 Uno-X Mobility ASR 2022 | GRI INDEX

& Employment Practices

We currently do not have the data for employer turnover quantified, but we are in the process of doing so This will likely be in place for next year’s

We currently do not collect data on employees that returned to work after their parental leave ended and that were still employed after 12 months, nor the rate of employees returning to work after parental leave As this is requiered according to 401-3, we will ensure that this data will be collected and published in future reporting perionds

Due to the structure of Uno-X Mobility (familiy owned), the granulated data on the diversity of the management team is lacking This data will be collected and reported on in future reporting As for the Board of Directors, it consists of 2 women and 1 man

Data is presented as values in numbers and not perentages due to structure of the company and limited number of employees, hence to get a more accurate picture of the data these are presented as actual numbers

As there is no minimum legislative requirement for number of weeks’ notice provided to employees and their representatives prior to the implementation of significant operational changes, we do not have a set standard for this However, we ensure that employees and other workers are informed about changes as soon a possible

Source Disc Nr Disc Title Location Requirement/ Disclosure Omitted Reason for Omission Explanation for Omissions SDG Sector Standard Ref nr Employer-
GRI 3 3-3 Management of Material Topic ASR 2022: p 64 11 10 1 11 11 1 Employment 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover ASR 2022: p 117 401-1 b Data unavailable/Incomplete
8 3, 8 5 ,10 4 11 10 2 Employment 401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees ASR 2022: a iv p 90 401-2 a i a ii a iii a iiii a v a vi a vii Data unavailable/Incomplete Data unavailable/Incomplete 8,3 11 10 3 Employment 401-3 Parental leave ASR 2022: a p 116 b p 116 c p 116 e p 116 401-3 d Data unavailable/Incomplete
8,3 11 10 4 11 11 3 Diversity and Equal Opportunity 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees ASR 2022: b 113 405-1 a Data unavailable/Incomplete
10,4 11 11 5 Diversity and Equal Opportunity 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration ASR 2022: p 103, p 90 405-2 Data unavailable/Incomplete Data is not presented by significant location of operation. 8,3 11 11 6 Training and Education 404-1 Community 11 11 3 Data unavailable/Incomplete Though employees receive training, tracking of hours are not recorded Due to the structure of the organisation, it is not viewed as a material KPI 11 11 4 Labor/Management Relations 402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes b ASR 2022: p 69 401-1 a Data unavailable/Incomplete
11 10 5 11 7 2 Uno-X Mobility ASR 2022 | GRI INDEX 11

Chapter: Ethical Value Chain

Following the Norwegian Competition Act it is strictly prohibited to engage in discussions or exchange of information that is considered competitively sensitive This includes any information related to prices, costs, or market data This restriction also applies to non-public information pertaining to trading terms, prices, discounts, costs, profits, volume, capacity, delivery terms, customers, suppliers, market shares, or any future market strategies of the members Therefore, any such information cannot be exchanged or discussed

Following the Norwegian Competition Act it is strictly prohibited to engage in discussions or exchange of information that is considered competitively sensitive This includes any information related to prices, costs, or market data This restriction also applies to non-public information pertaining to trading terms, prices, discounts, costs, profits, volume, capacity, delivery terms, customers, suppliers, market shares, or any future market strategies of the members Therefore, any such information cannot be exchanged or discussed

Source Disc Nr Disc Title Location Requirement/ Disclosure Omitted Reason for Omission Explanation for Omissions SDG Sector Standard Ref nr
Human Rights GRI 3 3-3 Management of Material Topic ASR 2022: p 57 11 12 1 11 13 1 Supplier Social Assesment 414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria ASR 2022: p 62 6 3, 8 8, 10 2 11 10 8 11 12 3 Supplier Social Assesment 414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken ASR 2022: p 62 6 3, 8 8, 10 2 11 10 9 Forced or Compulsory Labor 409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor 409-1 Confidentiality constraints
11 12 2 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 407-1 Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk 407-1 Confidentiality constraints
11 13 2 12 Uno-X Mobility ASR 2022 | GRI INDEX

Business Ethics & Anti-Corruption

Following the Norwegian Competition Act it is strictly prohibited to engage in discussions or exchange of information that is considered competitively sensitive This includes any information related to prices, costs, or market data This restriction also applies to non-public information pertaining to trading terms, prices, discounts, costs, profits, volume, capacity, delivery terms, customers, suppliers, market shares, or any future market strategies of the members Therefore, any such information cannot be exchanged or discussed

Will be included for biofuels Fossil fuels will fall under the Norwegian Competition Act it is strictly prohibited to engage in discussions or exchange of information that is considered competitively sensitive This includes any information related to prices, costs, or market data This restriction also applies to non-public information pertaining to trading terms, prices, discounts, costs, profits, volume, capacity, delivery terms, customers, suppliers, market shares, or any future market strategies of the members Therefore, any such information cannot be exchanged or discussed

Following the Norwegian Competition Act it is strictly prohibited to engage in discussions or exchange of information that is considered competitively sensitive This includes any information related to prices, costs, or market data This restriction also applies to non-public information pertaining to trading terms, prices, discounts, costs, profits, volume, capacity, delivery terms, customers, suppliers, market shares, or any future market strategies of the members Therefore, any such information cannot be exchanged or discussed

Source Disc Nr Disc Title Location Requirement/ Disclosure Omitted Reason for Omission Explanation for Omissions SDG Sector Standard Ref nr
GRI 3 3-3 Management of Material Topic ASR 2022: p 58 11 19 1 11 20 1 11 22 1 Anti-competitive Behaviour 206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices ASR 2022: p 61 11 19 2 Anti-corruption 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption 205-1 Confidentiality constraints
11 20 2 Anti-corruption 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures 205-2 Data unavailable/Incomplete Data unavailable/Incomplete 11 20 3 Anti-corruption 205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken 205-3 Not applicable In 2022, Uno-X had zero instances of corruption cases 11 20 4 Economic Performance 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed ASR 2022: a p 100 a ii p 100 a iiii p 89 201-1 a iii Data unavailable/Incomplete Data unavailable/Incomplete 11 21 2 Tax 207-1 Approach to tax ASR 2022: p 59 17 14, 17 17 11 21 4 Tax 207-2 Tax governance, control, and risk management ASR 2022: p 59, p 91 17 14, 17 17 11 21 5 Tax 207-3 Stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to tax ASR 2022: p 59 17 14, 17 17 11 21 6 Tax 207-4 Country-by-country reporting ASR 2022: p 91, p 100 17 14, 17 17 11 21 7 Additional sector disclosures Sector Standard 11 21 8 Confidentiality constraints
11 21 8 Additional sector disclosures Sector Standard 11 20 5 Confidentiality constraints
11 20 5 Uno-X Mobility ASR 2022 | GRI INDEX 13

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