Unlock manchester guide 2016 17

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Moving to a new city is never easy, which is why the Union invest so much time and resource in its independent and confidential Advice Service. Last year its team of trained Advisors supported over 2,000 students on a range of matters to make their time in Manchester as stress and carefree as possible. Of course, they also understand that students enjoy letting their hair down. That’s why they work with them to deliver Pangaea Festival three times a year. Pangaea is Europe’s largest student and volunteer led festival, with January’s festival hosting almost 6,000 students.

The Students’ Union is also home to the iconic Manchester Academy venues, including ‘The Academy’. Situated on Oxford Road, you’ll be hard pressed to think of any major music act which has not passed through these venues including Foo Fighters, Kylie, Pink Floyd, Oasis and Prince.

— left MMU Library Interior Manchester Metropolitan University (cc) Birely — right The Academy Oxford Road, Manchester M14 4PX

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