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Student Support and Opportunities

Approximately $140,000 worth of cost avoidance opportunities were presented to students at UWG through the Affordable Learning Georgia in FY22 alone.

Funding from the federal Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) allows the School of Nursing to make loans (forgivable up to 85%) to students pursuing careers as faculty teaching in schools of nursing.


The Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG)’s Affordable Materials Grants are intended to:

• Explore and expand course materials transformation to include the adoption, adaptation, and creation of open educational resources (OER); the adoption of materials available through GALILEO and University System of Georgia (USG) libraries; and the use of other no-cost and lowcost materials.

• Provide support and time to facult instructors, librarians, instructional designers, and other professional staff to meet, plan, review, and implement these approaches.

• Work toward equitable access to materials and lower materials costs for students and contribute to their retention, progression, and graduation. The following faculty received $47,280 in funding in Rounds 20-21 of the Affordable Materials Grant:

• Jim Bellon, Senior Lecturer, University College

• Agnieszka Chwialkowska, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Marketing, Richards College of Business

• Elizabeth M. Pope, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Educational Research, College of Education

• Ashlee Davis, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Sport Management, Wellness, and Physical Education, College of Education

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