Fall 2014 USD Advocate

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faculty footnotes From publishing scholarly articles and books to organizing conferences on important legal issues, the USD School of Law faculty is committed to advancing the study and practice of law. In these pages, learn how our professors are impacting law at national and global levels.

Larry Alexander Larry Alexander published “Did Casey


FALL 2014

Impossible?” in Oxford Handbook of

Strikeout? Following and Overruling

Distributive Justice (forthcoming 2014);

Constitutional Precedents in the

“Fish on Academic Freedom: A Merited

Supreme Court” in Precedent in the

Assault on Nonsense, But Perhaps a

United States Supreme Court, Vol.

Bridge Too Far” in Florida International

33 (Peters, ed.) (Springer, 2013); “A

Law Review (forthcoming 2014); and

Freedom of Expression” in Encyclopedia

“Confused Culpability, Contrived

of Modern Political Thought (Claeys

Causation, and the Collapse of Tort

and Sargent, eds.) (CQ Press, 2013);

Theory” in Philosophical Foundations of

“Causing the Conditions of One’s

the Law of Torts (with Ferzan) (Oberdiek,

Defense: A Theoretical Non-Problem”

ed.) (forthcoming 2014).

in 7 Criminal Law & Philosophy 623


With Distributive Justice: Difficult, or

Alexander attended conferences and

(2013); “Is Freedom of Expression

delivered presentations, including “Is

a Universal Right?” in 50 San Diego

Religion Outdated (as a Constitutional

Law Review 207 (2013); “Yaffe on

Category)?” at an Institute for Law

Attempts” in 19 Legal Theory 124

and Religion conference, University of

(2013); and “Race Matters” in 29

San Diego School of Law, San Diego

Constitutional Commentary 31 (with

(February 2014); Originalism Works-

Schwarzschild) (2013). Alexander’s

in-Progress Conference, University of

forthcoming publications include

San Diego School of Law, San Diego

“Constitutional Theories: A Taxonomy

(February 2014); Stanley Fish and

and (Implicit) Critique” in 51 San

the Meaning of Academic Freedom,

Diego Law Review (forthcoming 2014);

Miami (January 2014); workshop

“Making Retributive Justice Compatible

on Deontological Principles and the

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