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Bringing innovative business thinking to your organisation with MBA Consultancy Projects

Engaging with The Exeter MBA on a consultancy project is a great way for you to benefit from our talented, international professionals applying their innovative business thinking from a forward-looking, cutting-edge accredited MBA, to a business challenge you are facing. Our students, in the past, have worked with all types of organisations on issues ranging from developing the regional innovation ecosystem of the Southwest to defining the vision of a circular and healthy food system in an urban setting.

Want to know more? Visit our website or take a look at our project videos on The Exeter MBA’s YouTube channel to see the impact and value that past projects have provided.

The project process

n From November to February, the students will be thinking through their different project options. If they are interested in exploring a project with your organisation, we will be in touch to make an introduction; they may also connect with you on LinkedIn. We usually aim for all students to have their projects by early-March.

n The student will work with you, supported by their academic supervisor, to develop their project idea further and to produce their project proposal which they will need to have completed around May.

n Students will conduct their project between April and September, producing a final consultancy report and a client presentation.

n After submission of the final consultancy report, we will be asking you for feedback on the student.

IBM actively partners with The Exeter MBA ensuring the programme content is focused, relevant and informed by real global challenges. Through live Consultancy Projects, MBA participants get hands on experience and generate significant value, often through our clients, with whom we are focused on driving digital transformations through cognitive solutions on our cloud platform.”