New Times - May 2012

Page 4

The number of volunteers in Australia has doubled in recent times, from 3.2 million in 1995 to 6.4 million in 2010 (ABS). Yes, volunteering is alive and well, in our Church and our wider community. Volunteering Australia defines volunteering as: ‘an activity which takes place through not-for-profit organisations to be:

of benefit to the community and the volunteer; of the volunteer’s own free will and without coercion; for no financial payment; and in designated volunteer positions only.’

Within our Uniting Church family there are many and various opportunities to be a volunteer. In September last year, I shared in the 60th Anniversary Celebrations of our Red Dove Cafe within the Royal Adelaide Showgrounds. The cafe is staffed by volunteers and has provided high quality food and drinks to show staff, exhibitors and the general public throughout that time. Recently, in conversation with Lin Hatfield Dodds, National Director of UnitingCare Australia, I discovered that, in addition to the tens of thousands of paid staff, 24,000 people volunteer with UnitingCare across Australia. My experience within local congregations is that they couldn’t exist without committed volunteers. Just take a look at the numerous rosters most congregations have, as well as the numbers who serve on the councils of our Church, and you’ll see what I mean. They are populated by people willing to share their time and skills to

enrich the experiences of others in their congregation – and to express their devotion and love to the God who has equipped them for service. It’s one thing to know that there are people volunteering in your church and your community. It’s another to honour what they do and to actually say “thank you”. National Volunteer Week is being celebrated from Monday 14 - Sunday 20 May this year, with the Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday (Monday 11 June) a shared observance with Volunteers Day in South Australia. I encourage you to consider ways in which you might honour and thank those within your congregation for the service and time they give to enrich your life and the life of your congregation. Perhaps this could take place in your worship service on Sunday 20 May? As I sign off, I want to say a big thank you to all you volunteers who give your time, energy and skills to enrich the Uniting Church in South Australia.


Thank you! Rev Rob WIlliams


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