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Aventura, adrenalina y diversión Cartagena ha ampliado su oferta de diversión y el paintball se postula como una nueva práctica que llama la atención a turistas y propios. Con diferentes escenarios reales es posible disfrutar de este deporte extremo, son más de tres locaciones que esperan recibir la adrenalina y el ímpetu que se necesitan para jugar. Agitarse, impresionarse, esconderse, asustarse, sorprender, correr, saltar, arrastrarse, apoyar al que corre con la bandera o correr con ella, caer víctima de disparos, desplazarse agachado, cubrirse detrás de neumáticos... Eso se siente mientras se pasa una tarde en la ciudad jugando paintball. Cartagena has broadened its amusement and diversion offerand, paintball stands as a new practice that draws the attention of tourists and locals. With different real scenarios it is possible to enjoy this extreme sport; there are more than three locations waiting to receive the adrenaline and impetuousness necessary for performing such activity. Becoming impressed, to hide, being frightened, to surprise, running, jumping, crawling, supporting the others running with the flag or to hold it, being a victim of other people’s shuts, moving in duck position, taking cover behind huge tires… that is what it feels like while spending an afternoon in Cartagena playing paintball.


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