Workshop Descriptions

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FRIDAY 9AM - 10:30AM Name: Bonnie Tsang Title: Visual Marketing Through Social Media Description: With Instagram and Pinterest, people are drawn to visuals more than ever now. Businesses and personal brands can take advantage of this wave to promote themselves, but how? This workshop will teach you how to find your unique visual voice that best represent your brand. You'll learn how to identify your brand, streamline your visuals and attract the right kind of followers. You’ll learn: • How to identify your brand. • How to streamline your social media presence visually. • Basics on taking Instagram photos. Workshop Leader: Baxter Ross Title: What the Tech? How I learned to stop worrying and love the web. *If you choose to take this workshop you will need to bring your laptop. Description: Learn how the web works, how to communicate better with your developers, or just how to find out whether your outsourced development team is yanking your chain. We will start with a broad overview of web technology, and then create an HTML page complete with CSS and JQuery to better understand how websites are built and hopefully, have some fun in the process. You’ll learn: • A macroscopic picture of how the web functions. • An understanding of how modern web technologies work together to create an engaging user experience. • A basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JQuery • An understanding of HTML5 and CSS3, and what these changes mean for the web. • A functional, albeit brief, website, and the ability to upload their site to a shared host online. Name: Ed Roth Title: Stencil1 Printing Workshop Description: Let's get tactile and learn all things stencil! Ed will show you how to stencil various surfaces from wood to t-shirts so you can customize your wood and wares! Create one of a kind items in true CAMP style! You’ll learn: • Loose discussion on how to incorporate the DIY movement into any brand and engage and empower your audience with creativity and individuality. • Skills to create custom t-shirts, prints, and artwork. AND HAVE FUN!

Title: Advanced High Ropes Course Description: Challenge yourself with the advanced High Ropes Course at CAMP! You'll have to climb a rope ladder, balance between trees and jump across platforms in the air... *All CAMPers will participate in the fun Basic High Ropes Course during the first-day.

FRIDAY 11AM - 12:30PM Name: Jacob Gelfand Title: Keys to Negotiation Description: How many times each day do you negotiate? Whether we realize it or not, we all inevitably engage in dozens of negotiations on a daily basis. While creative entrepreneurs often abhor "confrontation," as professionals we can't entirely avoid conflict and negotiation, however uncomfortable it might make us. This workshop offers a primer on proven negotiation and conflict resolution strategies that will boost your confidence and capability as a negotiator and help you leverage your creative instincts to manage conflict more effectively, avoid common pitfalls (see: Curb Your Enthusiasm), improve business outcomes and cultivate more sustainable relationships. Don't be like Larry David! Come learn why conflict mgmt is pretty...pretty...pretty good! You’ll Learn: • How to deal with power imbalances. Negotiation: • Fundamental negotiation concepts and frameworks. • How to differentiate between positions and interests. • Understanding and implementing different types, styles and phases of negotiation. • How to plan for a negotiation. • Negotiation strategies, tips and tricks. • Negotiation examples, exercises and simulations. Name: Laure Joliet and Kate Miss Title: How to Capture Great Photography with No Budget Description: Are you a small business with an online shop or a maker/doer with no budget for photography? Our workshop is geared to small business owners who need help improving the quality of their photos to help get your goods onto blogs, into print and out into the world. We'll teach you tips and tricks to get the best product, lifestyle and design images to make your brand shine. You’ll learn: • Basic tips for improving photography without investing in expensive equipment. • How to shoot products using natural light and basic equipment. • Simple techniques for improving the look of photos for online and print promotion. • Tips for shooting lifestyle product images. • Tips for shooting interiors + design images. • Biggest mistakes people make when trying to shoot their own stuff.

FRIDAY 11AM - 12:30PM Name: Sonja Rasula Title: Pitch Perfect: DIY PR Made Easy Description: Is it possible to get major press coverage without spending thousands or having a PR agent? Of course it is! Whether you're just starting out on your own or work for a large company, knowledge is power. Understanding how to contact, communicate with and pitch the media is an invaluable skill that everyone should have. This workshop will break down how to get media attention whether for a product, service or for yourself. See real examples of good and bad pitches from editors and bloggers. Find out how to approach the right people, what information you need to give them, how to pitch editors, how to find your voice, and more. You will complete writing exercises and leave class with a finished pitch ready to send to editors! You’ll learn: • What grabs the attention of the media and what is newsworthy. • Public relations Do's & Don'ts. • How to write pitches to editors and how to write press releases. • How to know who the right people are to pitch. • How to study & research the media, to know who is right for you. • What editors are looking for and need. • What kind of photography secures press. • How to cultivate and maintain relationships. Title: Advanced High Ropes Course Description: Challenge yourself with the advanced High Ropes Course at CAMP! You'll have to climb a rope ladder, balance between trees and jump across platforms in the air... *All CAMPers will participate in the fun Basic High Ropes Course during the first-day.

FRIDAY 2PM - 3:30PM Name: Jacob Gelfand Title: Conflict Management & Interpersonal Wizardry Description: How many times each day do you negotiate? Whether we realize it or not, we all inevitably engage in dozens of negotiations on a daily basis. While creative entrepreneurs often abhor "confrontation," as professionals we can't entirely avoid conflict and negotiation, however uncomfortable it might make us. This workshop offers a primer on proven negotiation and conflict resolution strategies that will boost your confidence and capability as a negotiator and help you leverage your creative instincts to manage conflict more effectively, avoid common pitfalls (see: Curb Your Enthusiasm), improve business outcomes and cultivate more sustainable relationships. Don't be like Larry David! Come learn why conflict mgmt is pretty...pretty...pretty good! You’ll Learn: • Conflict Management. • The basics of Nonviolent Communication. • Understanding personality types and group roles. • Active listening and empathetic communication. • How to engage in emotional needs-based dialogue. • How to identify and avoid destructive models of conflict. Workshop Leader: Erin Dollar Title: Pinterest Marketing 101 Description: Looking to expand your brand's reach through social media? Pinterest has become an incredible social media-marketing tool that can transform your business - it's just too powerful for creative entrepreneurs to miss out on. This workshop will teach you the basics of how to use Pinterest to generate sales, recruit new users, and significantly grow your brand's influence online. In this jam-packed workshop, you'll learn how to develop a memorable Pinterest presence, how to create original content with Pinterest in mind, and tips on how to attract new followers who will engage with your brand. You'll learn: • Basic principles - how to set up a beautiful, cohesive account and how use Pinterest to tell your story. • How to attract your target market to follow your boards. • Tricks of the trade: when/where/how to pin for optimum results. • How to create eye catching photos and original content with the potential to go viral on Pinterest. • The fatal mistakes many business owners make on Pinterest (and how to avoid them) • Secrets from the pros: how the &@$# did they get so many followers?! • When and where to bend the rules. Name: Proprietors LLC Title: Mixology 101: Cocktail Basics Description: We strongly believe that a bit of the tipple has a place in near every business; from creating an office cocktail hour to increase the social aspect of your working community, to product launches and large scope events. We'll walk you through some easy cocktails for every occasion and how you can integrate this long standing social lubricant for the betterment of your brand. Plan on getting your hands dirty, shaking some drinks, and raising a glass with us!

FRIDAY 2PM - 3:30PM You’ll learn: • • •

How to speak to liquor sponsors to get product How to make drinks, from easy one offs to large format "batching" for events Shake a cocktail, impress your friends, and raise a glass!

Name: Jennifer Parry Dodge Title: Introduction to Hand Dyeing (2 hour workshop) Description: This is a modernized update of the tie-dye classes you may have taken at camp as a youngster. The Camper will learn various tying, dying, and shibori techniques, as well as basic color theory working with natural indigo and water-based synthetic dyes. This workshop will be a relaxed & fun experience in a non-judgmental setting. The Camper will get hands-on experience making beautiful textiles. The instructor be there to support, encourage and assist you with your project: either a cotton gauze wrap or a linen table setting. Come prepared to to get dirty and have a good time! All materials will be provided. You’ll learn: • Basic Color Theory. • Basic Introduction to natural indigo dyeing, and the use of synthetic water based dyes. • Learn various tying, dying, and shibori techniques. • Learn to experiment and play: get inspired to be creative and discover "happy accidents." • Take home basic instructions for setting up their own indigo vat at home. • Take home a list of the instructors favorite resources for inspiration, materials, techniques."

SATURDAY 9AM - 10:30AM Name: Lisa Tauber Title: From Pitch to Publish: Turning Your Book Idea Into a Reality Description: Have you ever dreamed of writing your own book? A book can be a great way to expand your brand and give your audience something tactile to own. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to turn your creative idea into a book. We’ll cover how to navigate the entire publishing process, from coming up with a strong concept and writing a proposal to finding the right publisher, understanding a typical contract, and working with your publisher’s creative and editorial teams. You’ll learn: • Coming up with an idea: how to develop a concept, research your competition, and identify the opportunity for your book. • Creating a strong proposal: how to convey your brand and your voice, define your audience, and make your proposal stand out. • Picking an agent/publisher: how to decide if you should use an agent and research which publishers are the right fit for you. • Navigating contracts: what to expect from an offer and considering hidden costs. • Writing and developing your book: setting a realistic schedule, working with your editor, what to expect from the design process. • Promoting your book: the importance of promotion and creative ways to get the word out. Name: Mary Kaufman Title: Legal 101: What you Need to Know about Starting and Operating a Business Description: This Workshop is a crash course in relevant legal topics for entrepreneurs. Although there's no substitute for hiring your own attorney, this workshop will introduce you to and hopefully help you gain some understanding of relevant legal issues, including choosing the right legal structure for your business, protecting your intellectual property and trade secrets, the different types of funding and financing, managing employees, and basic contract provisions. You’ll learn: • Corporate Structures. • Intellectual Property & Trade Secrets. • Funding & Financing. • Employment Issues. • Overview of Basic Contract Provisions. Name: Ed Roth Title: Stencil1 Printing Workshop Description: Let's get tactile and learn all things stencil! Ed will show you how to stencil various surfaces from wood to t-shirts so you can customize your wood and wares! Create one of a kind items in true CAMP style! You’ll learn: • Loose discussion based on how to incorporate the DIY movement into any brand and engage and empower your audience with creativity and individuality. • Skills to create custom t-shirts, prints, and artwork. AND HAVE FUN! Title: Advanced High Ropes Course Description: Challenge yourself with the advanced High Ropes Course at CAMP! You'll have to climb a rope ladder, balance between trees and jump across platforms in the air... *All CAMPers will participate in the fun Basic High Ropes Course during the first-day.

SATURDAY 11AM - 12:30PM Name: Michael Preysman Title: How to Raise a Million Dollars from VCs Description: The classic first-time entrepreneur question is "How did you raise one million dollars from top VCs?". Crafting a pitch and telling a story are only part of the perfect plan. A solid fundraising requires the right connections and a focused strategy in approaching investors. Here you will learn the key steps in setting up a fundraising strategy then quickly executing. You should leave this class with gained knowledge of the world of fundraising. You’ll learn: • Overview: What are VCs looking for and how do you make sure your idea appeals. • Your story: When is the right time to raise? Do you need data? A product? • Practice: The key to a great pitch is practice. Learn to tell the magic show. • Setup: Learn how to meet your first investors and set up a process that's optimized for success. • Raising: As important as the setup is managing the process to ensure a quick follow through with investors. If your deal stalls, you're dead in the water. Learn what to say and what to do. • Closing: Now that a few people have said yes, learn how to close your round without any issues. Name: Katie Hunt Title: Tradeshows 101: Kickass Planning + Prepping Description: Thinking about exhibiting at a large-scale tradeshow and not sure where to begin? Tradeshows can be an effective way to launch or grow your wholesale business, but are also a major investment in time and money. This workshop will help you determine whether your business is ready to exhibit at a tradeshow. We'll discuss budgeting, planning and provide an overview of what is involved in preparing for a large tradeshow. We'll discuss key considerations including budgets, schedules and how to maximize your tradeshow experience. You’ll learn: • Are you ready to exhibit? - The business of your business needs to be in order before you exhibit. We'll go through a check-list of things have ready before you exhibit. • Tradeshow Budgets - key considerations when building your budget, list of sample expenses, estimated costs and tips for keeping costs down. • Tradeshow Planning - the more prepared you are, the more strategic you can be and the more money you can save. We'll discuss ways to stay organized & on track. • First hand experience from someone who has been in your shoes, considering tradeshows and then actually taking the leap. Name: Jennifer Parry Dodge Title: Introduction to Hand Dyeing (2 hour workshop) Description: This is a modernized update of the tie-dye classes you may have taken at camp as a youngster. The Camper will learn various tying, dying, and shibori techniques, as well as basic color theory working with natural indigo and water-based synthetic dyes. This workshop will be a relaxed & fun experience in a non-judgmental setting. The Camper will get hands-on experience making beautiful textiles. The instructor be there to support, encourage and assist you with your project: either a cotton gauze wrap or a linen table setting. Come prepared to to get dirty and have a good time! All materials will be provided.

SATURDAY 11AM - 12:30PM You’ll learn: • Basic Color Theory. • Basic Introduction to natural indigo dyeing, and the use of synthetic water based dyes. • Learn various tying, dying, and shibori techniques. • Learn to experiment and play: get inspired to be creative and discover "happy accidents." • Take home basic instructions for setting up their own indigo vat at home. • Take home a list of the instructors favorite resources for inspiration, materials, techniques" Title: Advanced High Ropes Course Description: Challenge yourself with the advanced High Ropes Course at CAMP! You'll have to climb a rope ladder, balance between trees and jump across platforms in the air... *All CAMPers will participate in the fun Basic High Ropes Course during the first-day.

SATURDAY 2PM - 3:30PM Name: Guillaume Wolf Title: One Secret to Brand Aliveness * Guillaume and Whitney are sharing the same workshop block Description: Business in the real world is never easy. Business that includes social change is even harder. In this fast-paced 30 minute workshop, consultant and Art Center College of Design faculty Guillaume Wolf will share one simple but powerful secret that can enliven your brand. Through two recent, real-life examples, you will discover how complex branding problems were turned around with an elegant communication strategy. You will also be challenged to think about how this could be applied to your business. You’ll learn: • The invisible link to all brand experience. • Why stories matter. • How to persuade and sell your ideas without (almost) doing anything. • How to enlist your critics. • The power of honesty in branding. Name: Whitney Kent Chamberlin Title: Community Consciousness * Guillaume and Whitney are sharing the same workshop block Description: Connecting with your community in all sorts of ways to better your business. We will call it Community Consciousness. Our goal is to tell you how we combine our passion and purpose with profit and practicality. A lot of our personal ways that we incorporate marketing uses an investment of time, energy and imagination instead of money. You’ll learn: • Forgetting about competition and creating more on cooperating with other businesses and building new communities. • Learning why collaborating helps you stay creative. Name: Micah Cohen Title: User Acquisition 101: How, When and Where to Acquire Users Efficiently Description: Looking to better understand user acquisition? With unprecedented targeting and a vast reach, web & mobile advertising gives companies the ability to spread the word about their product/service to targeted segments of people around the world. This workshop will teach you the basics of user acquisition. Learn how to identify your key audience, build ad campaigns in the right channels, use the right analytical tools and learn the language of user acq. (CPCs, CTRs, conversion rates, LTV, etc.). In this jam-packed workshop, you'll learn to analyze example advertising campaigns, learn from real world data, and get tips on how to think like a user acquisition expert.

SATURDAY 2PM - 3:30PM You’ll learn: • Basic principles - how to decide when to start testing ads, how to identify goals to develop sustainable acquisition models. • Learn the options available for marketing online/mobile and metrics to track. • Learn to identify, based on data, which campaign is most effective. • When and where to bend the rules/get creative. • Tricks of the trade - how to optimize the conversion funnel and landing pages. • How to build user acquisition into your product with invites, referrals, emails, contests and incentives. Name: Emily Ho Title: Wildcrafting with Conifers (3 hour workshop) Description: Explore the forest around CAMP and take your discoveries into the kitchen! In this hands-on wildcrafting workshop you’ll learn how to identify, forage, and cook with fir and pine (and get advice for using the local conifers wherever you live). We will taste and create treats including a syrup to use in cocktails and sodas, and conifer cookies to share with your bunkmates (or horde for yourself!). Each participant will make a bottle of syrup to take back home as a fragrant reminder of the CAMP experience. You’ll learn: • Creative ways to connect with their natural environment. • How to identify some edible conifers (and maybe some other wild plants, depending on what we encounter on our forest walk). • Principles of wildcrafting -- how to forage sustainably. • How to make a shelf-stable syrup to use in cocktails and sodas. • How to incorporate conifers into other foods (cookies, if we make them, plus I will bring other fun things for them to taste, like conifer-infused jam, sugar, and salt). Title: Advanced High Ropes Course Description: Challenge yourself with the advanced High Ropes Course at CAMP! You'll have to climb a rope ladder, balance between trees and jump across platforms in the air... *All CAMPers will participate in the fun Basic High Ropes Course during the first-day.

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