Union College Magazine Fall 2012

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Fall 2012 Volume 107 • Number 1

4 On the Covers

Artisans in Bagru, India lay out dyed fabric to dry in the sun Vice President for College Relations


Jill Hungsberg EDITOR

Charlie Casey caseyc@union.edu



Erin DeMuth Judd demuthje@union.edu CONTRIBUTING WRITERS

Christen Gowan Tina Lincer Phillip Wajda Bill Ackerbauer ’96 CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS

Matt Milless Eric Seplowitz ’96 Timothy Raab

4 Colorfully crafting change: A Minerva Fellowship brings the hues of Bagru to the world, and new autonomy to its artisans

Departments 2

President’s Message

Jeremy Fritzhand ’10 went to Bagru, India in 2010 as a Minerva

3 Letters

Fellow and established a business—Bagru Textiles—that’s

16 Profiles


helping local artisans gain economic independence. With the

2k Design

aid of subsequent Fellows, one sent each year to work with

20 Across Campus


Fritzhand and the Bagru community, these artisans are thriving

Fort Orange Press

in new ways.

28 Bookshelf

UNIONCOLLEGE (USPS 648-020) is published three times a year by the Union College Office of Communications, Schenectady, N.Y. 12308. The telephone is (518) 388-6131. Non-profit flat rate postage is paid at Schenectady, N.Y., and an additional mailing office. Postmaster: Send address changes to Office of Communications, Union College, Schenectady, N.Y. 12308-3169. Alumni who want to inform the College about changes of address should contact the Alumni Office at (518) 388-6168 or via e-mail at alumni@union.edu. The same phone number and e-mail address should be used to correspond about ReUnion, Homecoming, alumni club events, and other activities.

14 Heavy metals found in Gulf of Mexico oysters Assistant Geology Professor David Gillikin participated in a

30 focUs 34 Alumni Clubs

study that indicates eastern oysters have more heavy metals

35 The Classes

in their shells and tissues than they did prior to the 2010

48 Unions

Deepwater Horizon catastrophe, which caused the largest off-shore oil spill in United States history.

50 Arrivals 51 In Memoriam

S P E C I AL i n se r t : Your Union Now—Celebrating the accomplishments of the You are Union Campaign.

» Visit us online at www.union.edu/magazine

56 Old Union

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