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Writing this newsletter over the past few months has been an absolute pleasure. It has been a privilege to have been a part of such a pioneering degree that has evolved and blossomed since it's set up in 2018. The combined efforts of teachers and students on this degree have allowed for a proactive and engaging learning environment that has shaped our graduating class into the forward-thinking professionals we are As emerging producers and stand-out creatives, this degree has facilitated us with all the key skills necessary to embark into the industry It has nurtured and instilled within us the confidence to produce, innovate and devise a career that we enjoy and can be incredibly proud of across film and theatre. The drive and confidence of our cohort remains evident in how wellintegrated the Creative Producing Course has now become within the East 15 Southend Campus It's a legacy we are incredibly proud of and we can't wait to see it continued by future cohorts. In the spirit of passing down the reins, this newsletter is being left in the capable hands of Lillis Franklin-Goddard, while Sasha Lorraine will be taking over our Creative Producing Instagram Channel. It has truly been a pleasure and I look forward to transferring over and becoming an eager subscriber to their content in the future.

Lillis is a rising star about to embark on her third year of the Creative Producing Course. She will be working with a representative from each year of this degree to ensure that future issues remain up to date with all of the exciting things happening across the three years of the degree.
