Committee role descriptions document

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Committee Role Descriptions Document – Here’s what we can see the roles potentially doing, but this is in no way limiting either way! President Will oversee the club. General Secretary The General Secretary will act as the society’s vice president, secretary and treasurer. They will manage the financial records, membership records, room compliance, financial outreach and compliance. They will ensure all members of the committee go to all relevant C&S training sessions. They will manage any necessary tax forms and filings. They will coordinate all grants and grants compliance from the union, university and any other affiliated bodies. They will aim to make a surplus, and break even or record a surplus on every single event and publication (including through grants and sponsorship). They will make publicly available online a range of key documents, as required by Section 23 of the constitution. They will aggressively support and pursue sponsorship opportunities and funding, both in terms of direct financial support and of donation of products and discounts for members, working with other committee members and maintaining a database. This will also include procuring free magazines and materials for O Week showbags. Communications Officer The Communications Officer will manage public communications, IT and outreach. They will have responsibility for general member media, such as marketing, designed brochures, websites and emails. They will coordinate a named regular magazine in print and blog online (including an essay competition, a broadcast/audiovisual show, guest posting program, potential multilingual media opportunities and opportunities for research to be published), a website and a methodical presence in email and on social media. They will publish and promote an events and volunteering slate at the start of each semester, half-semester or year. They will maintain a document tracking all events the society has ever run, and social media turnout responses to them. They will coordinate outreach presence on major promotional days and weeks, such as orientation days and O Weeks. They will also do constant outreach throughout the year, at all relevant campuses. This includes lecture and tutorial bashing, stalls and sign-up tables outside classes and in public and posters. They will maintain a database of all external interactions of the club with private organisations and corporations, tracking the activity of all other Officers in pursuing sponsorships, connections and speaking. They will support all other committee members in their external relations contacting and ensure all key partnerships are taken care of by committee members. This shall not restrict other Officers in contacting people on their own – the only requirement being to record it in the database. Education Officer The Education Officer will fight for students’ education, their ability to have a voice in it and provide services around it – including fairness in that and in treatment of disadvantaged and autonomous groups. They will potentially chair an Education Council that includes a representative from each class level of media and communications.

They will maintain Facebook groups for each media and communications course at the University (e.g. undergraduate Media & Communications majors, Master of Journalism, Master of Global Media Communications, etc.). Together with Professional Events and Opportunities, they will run forums where students can discuss education issues, question key studies academics and receive advice (such as countersubject advice). They will publish a full counter-guide (online or in print), aiming to have multiple student reviews on every subject offered as part of the society’s’ remit. They will offer to help students who need advice on subject selection. They will continuously maintain, survey and work on key education issues for students, both public and academic. They will publish a report based on this, at least on an annual basis midway through their terms, analysing the state of education for the students the society represents, and the current ability of students to have a say in it. As necessary, they will run a permanent ongoing branded campaign to shift that towards what students want and need. They will liaise with other education advocates focussing on other areas, such as the student union departments. Social Events and Opportunities Officers The Social Events and Opportunities Officers will run events relating to a more social nature. These may include the Annual Press Club Dinner, speed friending, barbeques, balls, boat cruises, casual networking nights, dinners, mass parties, mixers, cocktail nights, amazing race events, screenings, pub nights and trivia nights. They will run at least one event held with other clubs. They will run a structured 1:1 support and mentoring program. This will help support all members, especially those new to university, as well as offer feedback on work. They will connect students with other potential social opportunities. They will encourage students to participate in student and community media as a forum for social interaction. They will assist the Communications Officer in providing the information about their events for the events slate. Professional Events and Opportunities Officers The Professional Events and Opportunities Officers will run events relating to a more academic or professional nature. These may include autonomous talks, general talks, industry nights, corporate dinners, readings, public debates, industry tours, case competitions, workshops and permanent structured study groups. They will run at least one event held with other clubs. They will connect students with potential academic and professional opportunities, such as internships, research roles, volunteering and placements, through maintaining an opportunities database and securing exclusive opportunities for members. They will encourage students to participate in student and community media as a forum for discussing academic and professional things. They will assist the Communications Officer in providing the information about their events for the events slate. General Committee Volunteering All officers on committee will offer separate specific formal volunteering opportunities to get involved in the running, operations and decision-making of their work.

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