Health Outcomes

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February 2004). Whether the individual was tested for tuberculosis was a health intervention examined because TB is one of the leading causes of mortality in India, killing two persons every three minutes, or nearly 1,000 every day. The Central Bureau of Health Intelligence of India notes that the country accounts for 20% of the global incidence of cases of tuberculosis. A properly equipped primary health care system could provide life-saving interventions, including blood pressure reducing medications, antibiotics for tuberculosis, nutrition and dietary supplements. Although some illnesses may require the skills of a specialist, a primary care system can serve as a necessary baseline of care. 4. Methods 4.1 Measuring Distances from Households to Health Facilities The dataset includes Geographic Positioning System (GPS) coordinates for 159 public health facilities, 411 private health facilities, and 1019 households surveyed in the Udaipur. The coordinates were recorded in degrees minutes and converted to decimal degrees. For each household, the distances in kilometers to the closest public and private health facility were calculated using the ArcGIS software NEAR command, which utilizes the Pythagorean method. Each household was matched with the facility identification number of the closest public and private health facility, and characteristics of the corresponding public health facility were appended to the household dataset. The household data was then merged with individual-level data. The child dataset, with 2641 observations, and the adult dataset, with 2520 observations, were each merged to the household dataset by matching on

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