Diary of an american gypsy princess first 40 pages

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Diary of an American Gypsy Princess/Portia Williams/


Diary of an American Gypsy Princess/Portia Williams/

CHAPTER 1 I was only about seven years old when my mom, Mattrona; - Mary, told me that she was Frank Sinatra’s Psychic. She said that she met him in 1945 at a local Carnival when she was only fifteen years old; she was telling fortunes in Hoboken New Jersey. She told me that it was her advice that he call himself “Frank� as opposed to Francis. In-fact, she also predicted that he would become a famous singer. She said that he was pretty nervous about performing at the carnival because he had a severe case of acne and thought that his female audience would make fun of him, but indeed they did not. Infact, they were so amused when he started singing and most of the girls looked like they were in a zombie state, similar to a deer in headlights. It was so amazing. She also told me that she witnessed all the young girls waiting by the back of the trailer platform at the carnival, to maybe get an autograph and a kiss. She also giggled and told me that one girl tried to kiss him and put her phone number in his hand while he greeted the audience and shook the hands of the girls to say thanks for purchasing tickets to his performance. And, every time he had an appearance, my mom always got tickets and sometimes he addressed her presence in the audience. My mother was a very beautiful woman who stood about five feet and four inches tall. She had jet black hair with porcelain skin and deep brown eyes that sparkled with intelligence; she was a very elegant and classy 2

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woman. I always thought and have been told that she resembled Ava Gardner, their acquaintance went on for about 20 years afterward, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if mom had a little crush on him, because my dad was always accusing her of spending too much time performing his readings and sometimes ignoring other people who wanted to get their fortune told. Mr. Sinatra had also invited her to a lot of parties and such, but she never attended because of the stringent rules, in which can brand a Gypsy Woman to be Mareme`- Unclean, if she were alone with a man that she is not married to, unless she was performing his reading. I recall of how emotional and teary eyed she would become when she told me about how he would secretly send her money to help when dad used to get us in trouble with the landlord after he gambled all of our earnings at the Race Track. We often even had to skip town and find another place to live because we were getting evicted.

Frank Sinatra Hoboken, New Jersey. At the Carnival where my mother told his fortune. 3

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We must have moved about twice a year on an average and on one occasion, we were forced to just take some belongings, leave all of our valuables behind and were forced to just get in the car on the road to nowhere. Dad depended on us to do some readings for people at the local rest stops till we got to our destination, but he didn’t do this out of mean spiritedness, he was just giving orders like any Gypsy Man who was head of a family. That he definitely was, although he relied on us a lot for his income. He used to work in a factory before he married my mother, and it was so ridiculous, that he was used to walking about four miles to work in a factory; and as soon as he married mom, it’s like, he retired! She would buy him a new car every six months or so, and furnish him with the best clothes and jewelry that money can buy. She was strictly viewed as the breadwinner, and it is actually customary and appropriate for a Gypsy Woman to work and perform her readings as a main source of income in a Romani family. She met my dad through the traditional Gypsy gathering and it is rumored that she secretly gave my dad the money for his family to pay her dowry when they were married the traditional Romani way. Dad came from a less ranking family; the Uwanawich, and my mom was from the Adams; her Vitsa – Tribe; was from the Machevaya` which are the highest ranking Gypsies. She married my dad, Nicola Uwanawich; the man she truly loved, although to wed a Gypsy man, it wasn’t about love and romance, it was more about going to have a husband and home from an honorable Gypsy family, raising proper Romani – 4

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(Gypsy) children and continuing the bloodline of our clan to keep our order from being extinct. Their marriage lasted more than 50 years; I was the youngest; the last of ten siblings, six girls and four boys. Most friends of mine could not believe that my mom did not even date my dad or even get acquainted. It was not appropriate for a Gypsy Woman to date or be alone with a man, according to Gypsy Law, she had to maintain her virginity until she weds. They had an arranged marriage by sacred ceremony, although they had no official marriage license. A traditional Gypsy wedding was accepted and recognized as an official marriage and was part of the norms and values in the Romani community. I always knew that my mom really loved my dad and they were great together. Although they had quite a few arguments, they were always together, and my dad stayed with her till my beloved mom passed away from cancer in 1997. The Reagan scandal was also bad enough on my mom. Although she was not exposed to all the negative press. She didn’t have to deal with the media because being a Gypsy Woman, she knew how to keep a secret and Mrs. Reagan made my mom promise that she would keep their clandestine conversations private. After all the scandals and other Psychics who were exposed, including Jean Dixon, Mrs. Reagan had to cut off all ties from my mom and for obvious reasons never called again for advice, which left my mom heartbroken. The very first time she called, my mom did her reading by 5

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phone. The call must have gone on for about 3 hours till mom finally said that she has to get to her other scheduled readings and told the Former First Lady to call back in a couple of days. After the attempt on the President’s life, my mom told Mrs. Reagan to wear the color Red after the President left the hospital in order to protect themselves from any evil people or forces. The First Lady took my mom’s advice and since then, there have not been any more attempts on the President. I often could not help but hear over and over of my mom’s telling me on several occasions that she was the only Psychic who predicted that something was going to happen before the attempt on the President’s life, but it went unnoticed because my mom was scared to say anything and didn’t dare talk to anyone after the scandal, because of the stigma and doom that Gypsies like us would have endured again, and again, and this was almost going to ruin our family’s name. During my mother’s consulting with Mrs. Reagan, the First Lady told my mom of how she was no longer intimate with the President, since he had an erectile problem and suspected that he was having an affair with a staffer, whose name came up when my mom told her that “Heather” kept coming up during one of her readings. It was not a younger woman, but an older one that my mom had an intuitive vision of. But the First Lady was adamant about her husband and family’s reputation and even if the President was unfaithful, she would have stuck by him regardless of what he’d done. There were even times when my mom would actually 6

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hang up on the First Lady because she didn’t follow her specific instructions. And every time something went wrong or my mother’s prediction would happen, she would be calling all hours of the day, and sometimes, my mother had me answer the phone so I could convey to the First Lady that mother is not available. I hated being the one to do this.

CHAPTER 2 I had my very first crush when I was sixteen years old, in 1980. His name was “Steve Mill.” He was an auto parts Tycoons son; he was a very handsome Italian guy with brown eyes, a ripped body and chiseled features from my neighborhood when we lived in Cherry Hill, NJ for about six months. Every time I walked home from the mall, he would follow me with his corvette and sometimes wink at me which flattered me to no end. I mean here is the “Hottest” guy on my block winking at me. But little did he know that I was from a very stringent background and lord, -- if he knew that I was a gypsy girl, let alone a sixteen year old virgin, I naturally thought that he would definitely reject me. However, one Sunday afternoon when I was outside my house planting flowers, he stopped by to say hello and asked where I was from. I was 7

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ashamed to tell him and just told him that I was Greek. He asked me if I wanted to go to a party at his house later that day, and of course as much as I wanted to, I knew that there was absolutely no way that I could go, so I just said I had plans and thanked him for asking me, hoping in my mind that he would not feel rejected and still show interest in pursuing me. To my surprise, he said he understands and wanted to get my phone number. I couldn’t give it out and asked him for his, so he gave me his number and left. After a few days, I finally got the nerve to call him, another guy answered the phone and told me he will be back shortly and asked if I was the girl who lives down the block and told me how beautiful I was and revealed how much Steve liked me. I in turn, was so flattered, it was like a dream come true to hear for myself from a friend of the hottest guy in my neighborhood of how he liked me made me feel great, but deep down inside, I knew that this new connection with a Gaje (Non Romani) man would be very difficult to hide from my family. We ended up being friends for about four years, but our clandestine meetings weren’t easy to pull off. Although my family moved quite often, he had no problem following me all the way to Frazier Pennsylvania. We often met at Green’s Ice Cream shop just 30 feet across from my house. He didn’t mind the short time we had together. According to my family’s rules, as a Shaij Bari (Unmarried Virgin Daughter of Honor), if I wasn’t performing readings, I had only about an hour to myself, and 8

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had to be with a chaperone at all times. When I couldn’t get my sister to be my chaperone, I had to tell them that I was going to the mall to perform a reading for the lady who works there. We really enjoyed each other’s company and sometimes we would find these little romantic restaurants where we went to lunch or just drove around. There were also times that I had to go with my sister who acted as my Chaperone. Even when he invited me to a movie, she had to be there. Although she did not tell on me, she had a few little secrets of her own that I had covered for as well. After learning about my stringent upbringing, Steve was very respectful of my religion and although we barely even kissed, he never tried to seduce me, knowing we came from two very different religions. He liked my upbringing as a decent wholesome girl and thought that I would make a good wife, so he proposed to me one night when my sister drove me to his house, and told our parents that we were going to the mall. I was actually looking forward to going to see him. But told him that I was only going to meet him at his house if I was to do a Tarot reading for him. This way, he would have a better impression on me rather than his thinking I was just going there to be alone with him. When I arrived to his house, a gated condominium in Maple Shade, NJ, my sister waited in the car. He gave me a glass of wine and this was the place where I had my very first kiss; we were sitting on a leather sofa in his living room, so he just grabbed me gently held my face and kissed me. And after we 9

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conversed for about an hour he actually purposed to me! He opened a small blue box from Tiffany, inside was the most beautiful diamond I’ve ever seen. It was a huge princess cut with a gold setting that looked like it was custom made. He then put the ring on my finger and said “would you give me the pleasure of marrying me? My little Gypsy Princess”. He added that he was already in his twenties and by the time we have kids, we would be at the right age to raise a family. As much as I wanted to say yes, there was no way on earth that my family would allow it, so I had to say no, and it just broke my heart to see the look on Steve’s face. Our acquaintance didn’t last too long thereafter. Although, I felt I was in love with him I tried very hard to forget and had to move on and with the family moving often, we lost touch when we moved from Frazier PA, and settled in Sayville, NY back in the early 1980’s.


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CHAPTER 3 I Put my past behind me and threw myself in my work performing readings. It helped to keep me occupied and had aided in getting over my very first love. At first “Sayville� was the last place I wanted to be, but during my time there with the family, I made a few good Gaje friends and one not so good? I soon started to like living in Long Island with the beautiful beaches, restaurants and shopping malls; all a short distance to the city. We had a free standing building situated right on Sunrise Highway. It was a house and commercial building where my family had a Reader and Advisor business set up. Given that our location was highly visible to traffic, I had read for a lot of people just stopping in and celebrities that were on their way to the Hamptons. And on one occasion, I had the privilege of reading for Actor/Director Tom Hanks; he was on his way to the Hamptons and stopped in to have his fortune told. 11

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He was about six foot, handsome, with short wavy hair. He had a cute and honest face and during the course of his Tarot reading, he asked me if he would make it big as an actor. Although I knew by my intuition alone that he indeed would make it very big! “I actually predicted that he will be cast in a movie called “Big””. When the Fortune card was drawn during his Tarot reading. It predicted that he was destined to be very successful and would have good fortune and all that comes with it. Tom’s reading also revealed problems with Bully’s in his past, and the quest to find a perfect mate. Infact, Tom was more of a traditional guy with good wholesome values and ethics, given that his cards also turned up The Ace of Pentacles; And, according to its true meaning: The Ace of Pentacles represents someone who is Pragmatic and observant. This is the card of abundance that influences the material world to spread the wealth your way! I interpreted: it seems to me that you are trying to put together this big project? And, indeed someone will choose you to ensure that the role will get done right? You will be getting the call you are waiting for. He said: “Oh my god yes”!


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He said that he did a casting call and was hoping to be picked. I assured him that he was going to be chosen. And, I had no doubt that he would make it. In-fact. Several months after his visit, I heard that he was cast in a movie named “Big”. Just like I have predicted! His reading also revealed that he was a perfectionist and was most likely competitive. But mostly, Tom was interested in knowing whether he would make it big as an Actor. During his reading, Tom kept asking me how I knew all of this. He was also amazed that I was interpreting and predicting before I used the Tarot cards, and asked me bluntly if I happen to know any of his family or friends, because he was astonished by my accuracy. Naturally, I replied and said “No silly” I am just doing my job – and this is what I see, this is a gift that I am born with. And, I don’t need the tarot cards to perform a reading” He said: “well you are certainly very gifted” As he stared at my cleavage. He also asked about my background and asked my age. He even asked if I had a boyfriend. I didn’t answer all his questions because I was performing his reading and it was not considered appropriate for me to get personal with a client who had their fortune told. At the end of his reading, I asked him if he had any questions, and his answer blew me away! He replied yes, I have a question: “Can I make love to you”! 13

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I must have turned red with embarrassment, but he was a true gentleman about it and tried to “undo” the gesture by telling me he was only kidding. Yeah right Tom!

And, Omg! When it came to reading for other famous people like Former New York State Chief Judge, Sol Wacthler; I thought that he was the answer to my prayers. When I re-acquainted with him again in August of 2003. And, in 2006, the Judge told me that my prediction of his readmittance to the NYS Bar had happened and I said wow, that’s really great! And, where is the lunch you promised me? He promised me that if my prediction was accurate, he would treat me to a “very expensive lunch” at the restaurant of my choice. I first met the judge back in the 80s, when we lived in Sayville, NY. “My decision to meet the Judge again in 2003, was actually a dare by my ex- Gaje` (Non-Gypsy), boyfriend”. 14

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Whose name I rather not mention, he was a Harvard educated Lawyer, I have been with for over six years, he was caught cheating on me and in a heated argument. “I told him that since he cheated on me and was not remorseful. I was thinking about reacquainting with the Chief Judge, that I knew in the 80s”. And he said: “I don’t believe you, go ahead! Judge Sol Wacthler will never take a meeting with you; you are a Gypsy”. “I decided to show off a little in order to get back at my ex-boyfriend and against my better judgment, I had emailed and planned to finally go and see the Judge. Again, after not seeing him for nearly twenty-years”. Our acquaintance began back in the 80’s, I think it was a Monday just after thanksgiving of 1984 and a man who looked like he could be my father walked in to have a reading. he had what I call crystal blue eyes and looked like his medium brown hair was going grey, he was dressed business casual with a plaid jacket, pale blue shirt and dark blue slacks, I noticed and liked the cuff links he wore, they had an official Government insignia in dark blue on them what looked like a presidential symbol. I thought that he sounded like Frank Sinatra when he spoke; he said that he just came to look around and asked if I had a business license and demanded 15

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to know how is it that I have this talent for doing readings. So I told him that what we practice is part of our religion and I considered it to be protected under the First Amendment. He looked impressed by my answer and decided to have his fortune told and asked how much the fee or donation was, so I told him and he sat down at the table in the private parlor section where we performed our readings. People who had come to have their fortunes told described it as very Regal and European, my mother decorated it with traditional Romani ornate plush provincial couches and hand carved tables, with mostly velvet and silk wall paper. It was so amusing to me that when I accompanied her to buy furniture, she always bought from Roma Furniture; and the salesman always guided her to another section that had the most expensive and exclusive pieces priced from ten to one-hundred thousand dollars, in-fact, she also had an in-house credit line and would be given any and all courtesies because she was performing readings for the owners wife. And when she reached her inhouse credit limit, she would reach in her designer handbag pull out her Bank of America card and spend a hefty ten thousand dollars for just one single lamp. The sitting area which was off the living room which was sectioned off by two beautiful velvet and rose colored room dividers and was reserved only for important guests who came in for readings.


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During his Tarot reading, he kept staring at me intensely which made me uncomfortable however, he was really interested in what his tarot cards revealed. The first three cards are for family, career and structure; the first card drawn was the Fool upside down, it revealed that there was a problem in the family with a young man who was himself or his son Philip and the second card turned was the World card which meant favorable successes and newly acclaimed power. The third card turned was the Lovers; also turned upside down which meant Lust and desire but in a deceiving way. After finishing his reading he thanked me for taking the time to perform his reading and told me that he never had his fortune told and admitted he really didn’t believe in psychics, but liked what I had to say shook my hand and gave me a good review, paid the fee by putting the money on the table respectfully and left. I had a feeling about him and knew that I would see him again, although it was very unusual to think of a patron who came to have his fortune told, he stayed on my mind for a few days? The next Monday, the phone rings, it took me a while to answer it because I was in the middle of a reading, so he said: “Hi this is David”; I had my fortune told by you last week and I want to have another reading done, what you said is happening, and I want to share something with you and may need your assistance. So I made an appointment for him, my parents and sister were in Atlantic City, so when he arrived, I was alone in the house, it was not 17

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unusual for a Romani girl to mind the Ofisa (Office), when family was away. It was just about 2:00 PM when he arrived to have another reading, I had some coffee brewing, and the first thing he said when he walked in was, I smell coffee brewing? I said yes, I made some just for you; he smiled sweetly and said I’m pleased, but no thank you, coffee makes me nervous. I laughed and said that Gypsy Caffe is very good. He sat down in the chair and fell into a silence like a deer in headlights when I began to take my Tarot cards out of the jeweled sacred box my mother kept them in, this time I said you will shuffle the cards and I want you to concentrate on what’s important to you, I couldn’t help noticing that he looked at my cleavage as he handed the cards back to me after shuffling them. Before I started laying out the tarot cards, he immediately said that when I interpreted what the World card meant it happened, he said that the new success and power had been offered to him and he was pleased to tell me that my prediction did happen and also wanted to know more about what the Lover’s card meant last week, since it was drawn he said that he couldn’t stop thinking about me and looked deeply into my eyes. I said me?? He said why yes, what does that mean; did you put a spell on me? I would like to know more about your background, did you go to college, are you married, do you have any children? I said it is not appropriate for me to get personal with a client. But he insisted with the kind of authority of a father 18

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figure, which made me feel comfortable to talk. And, I was compelled to open up to him, he seemed like someone I can discuss my grievances with. I said that I was never with a man yet, and as far as college, I’m thinking about it, however, college is not permitted for girls in my family. Why? I come from a very stringent background and am a ShaijBari (Unmarried virgin daughter of honor). What’s a Shaij Bari?? Oh, that means that I am an un-wed virgin like a princess in my family. Oh, I see, so you’re a virgin; may I ask how old you are? I said that I was twenty-one years old. He also revealed that he was in a marriage that no longer worked, although he loved his wife; she made him feel inadequate every time they made love and this made him very sad, so I said that the card that was turned means you are a great lover! But he just didn’t say anything and asked another question about his career, he asked if there was anything in the cards about his moving or heath, I turned over two more tarot cards and they revealed the Hermit; which means a very dull and lifeless relationship, and the Devil; which means that something terrible was going to happen, but he seemed like he didn’t believe it. So he asked about the Lover’s card again, and I said that you have so much to give but sometimes you feel that no one’s on the receiving end, he agreed and reached out in his pocket and put a pen on the table and said what do you get from this? I said that this is called Psychometry; where I can focus on 19

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material items and give you detailed information, but I will need a few days to give you a full report, his beeper began buzzing, he said that it was very interesting and said that he has to go and left the fee on the table and told me to keep the pen till next week. After staying up most of the night cooking traditional Gypsy dishes, including the Sodma` (stuffed cabbage) and “Guzwada” (Gypsy strudel dessert) with my mother and sister for a Gypsy gathering, “It was about the wee hours and the phone rings, the others didn’t bother answering it, so I woke up and got it. Yes indeed it was the same man calling himself “David” for another appointment, but this time I said I’m sorry but your name is not “David” I saw you on TV and you’re Judge, Sol Wacthler? The man, but this was no ordinary man, this man had been appointed Chief Judge of New York State; the one person in the world that I never thought I’d lose my virginity to” –



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“It happened in the middle of 1985 at a motel off Sunrise Highway, just West of Sayville when my parents were away in Atlantic City”. I was the only one home, to run the family business. Sol called to have another reading, but before I arranged his appointment, he said let’s meet somewhere else, your parent’s house makes me nervous. So we met at the Roy Rogers which was right across the street from my house. And he pulled up with his high end vehicle, picked me up and said, let’s just talk for a while. He drove to the motel and in the back seat of his car was what looked like a small suitcase. After he checked in at the hotel and escorted me to the room, he put on the TV and heater and then opened the small suitcase, it had two expensive bottles of wine in it and asked me which one I preferred. So I picked the Red wine. He opened the bottle with a wine opener and took two glasses from the case and poured us some wine. Since I was new to drinking wine, I didn’t drink too much of it, but he kept giving me more and telling me to “Drink-up sweetie” He asked me how my day was and grabbed my hand and told me how beautiful I was and came really close to kissing me. I stopped him from getting any closer and I remember saying no… please don’t. Then he said why? Don’t you like me? While looking deep in my eyes. I started crying and told him yes, I do, but… I’ve never been with a man before, and just before I finished my sentence, he interrupted and told me 21

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that this was meant to be. Although I resisted his advances as much as I could, I soon gave in as he seduced me with his touch and charm to no end. Or, maybe it was the wine? “My first time losing my virginity was not enjoyable. I’ve never seen a man’s penis before and it was really scary to think that this big thing was going inside me”. After he aroused me and I felt myself getting wet, he gently put it in and started to moan with pleasure. Then he put my legs up high on his shoulders, and went deeper with faster and harder thrusts. It hurt a lot and I screamed and said please stop, then he pulled it out and put his head between my legs till I was aroused again and then put it in again which hurt less this time. I noticed immediately that my hymen had been broken, it was a pinkish little vale of skin that came out during the intercourse. I don’t think that I had an orgasm, although, I know he enjoyed himself, I was just too sacred and nervous to even think of enjoying it or letting myself go. “He didn’t use a condom because he said he wanted to feel my purity”. And he really didn’t make any attempt to make it romantic and special as it was supposed to be. It was rather rushed and cold. Once he was done, he pulled it out and ejaculated on top of my stomach.


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“The ride home was even more awkward than the experience itself. I noticed that he didn’t hold my hand like he did before and he didn’t say much of anything except not to tell anyone anything about our meeting today”. When he finally dropped me off by my front door, no one was home, so I tried to kiss him goodbye, but he just dismissed me like one of his court cases. And all he said was; I’ll call you in a few days. All that I could think about was how cold and distant he was after he made love to me for the very first time and whether he really knew that I was a virgin and I couldn’t help but worry about the consequences, if my family were to find out. The next morning I felt sore and ashamed, it was just going on after seven in the morning when I was startled by the phone ringing. At first I thought it was Sol, but to my demise it was my sister Betty calling from the train station to tell us she is coming to stay with us for a while, which only proved to be the very beginning of my betrayal. That morning was also the most painful of my memories with the family. The clerk at the hotel was my mother’s client who spotted me being escorted to the motel room with a man. So she called my mother to tell her that I’d been to a motel with a Man. My mother always had a way with people, and I guess they felt a sense of obligation to her because she was their trusted advisor.


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“All hell broke loose when my father answered instead, and soon, the whole family learned of my absence the day before and the fact that I probably wasn’t a Shaij-Bari (Unmarried Virgin Daughter of Honor), any longer, and there was going to be hell to pay for dishonoring my position” After the family determined that my being in the family could only taint their reputation since they had another Shaij-Bari; my sister who was two years older, being next in line to marry, it would have ruined her chances to be given to a family of good name and reputation. “After a lengthy scolding and beating the very next day, my father said “There is only one way to prove it, if Portia’s still worthy of marrying . . . You will have to allow her sister, Betty, to do a virginity check”. I said, “What? You are all crazy!” I had faced discrimination and hate because of my family and my heritage, but never had I seen such a reaction toward me as a person. Above all else they couldn’t know. I had to do everything in my power to convince them it wasn’t true. The only way this could be done was by convincing myself first. My father grabbed me, “Sophia, hold her down.” I struggled, tearing and flinging my body about as roughly as possible. I kicked anything I could, I scratched and clawed. As I knocked over furniture, more continued to fall as they scrambled after me 24

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and fought to pin me down. I felt the blood running down my face as I they knocked me over a desk and my head hit the corner. Just as they had me pinned down, the Landlord came through the front door. He said, “Let Portia go RIGHT NOW!” They reluctantly let me go. I remember running out of the house with nowhere to go. And in all the excitement, “I never really had a chance to explain that maybe I was seduced or even date raped? No, not allowed a single minute to defend myself”. I knew that I had to get away to think things over, it all happened so fast and what I thought would be a love story, turned out to be a nightmare! I recall that the Landlord stormed in when he heard all the racket and was concerned about me. He followed me with his car when I was crying and walking on Sunrise Highway, he asked if I was hurt while he witnessed in horror the blood rolling down from my head and asked me if he should call the police. I said a firm no! We just had a bad argument! That’s all… So he said please get in the car, I want to help you. I was so distraught and afraid. After I calmed down, the Landlord drove me to his house and told me I can stay here till I feel safe, he brought some bandages and put them on my forehead. He said his wife would be home soon. So he made me some tea and demanded to know what 25

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had happened. So I told him that the family is upset with me because I was with a man for the first time and broke sacred Gypsy rules. And they were attempting to do a “Virginity check” on me. After a couple hours had passed, I finally got the nerve to call back home, my sister Betty answered and said “You Whore, I knew that you had sex with a “Gaje`” (Non-Romani), you’re Mareme` now, no one wants you and we don’t ever want to see you again” So my mother took the phone from her and told me she was very concerned about me, but at the same time I could hear my father shouting out something like I was no longer a part of this family. As much as I tried to convince them that nothing happened, they spoke over me and all they kept saying was how bad that this was and how damaging it was to the family’s name. After the heated arguments and being called about every name you could imagine, my mother took the phone from them again and said that I should come home, which was the biggest mistake I made. The Landlord’s wife had brought me home that evening. As I walked in the front door, I was greeted by my mother who was crying after she touched my head, assessing my injuries. I’ll never forget my father’s voice when he said, “You’ve broken a very sacred rule, and I’m going to have to confiscate all of your earnings from your readings! You’re no longer clean and no respectable family 26

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can ever invite us to their homes for any gatherings" Especially the “Kris� (Gypsy Court), and, since he was a contributing member, he would have been demoted from that position if it were ever to get out to them what I had done. So after the family discussed my fate, I was given two choices: one was to be given to a Gypsy man that was married several times, at a discounted Dowry, and the second, was to be cut off from the family completely and never associate with any Romani. They told me that in order to protect the family name they had to take these measures.


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CHAPTER 6 In all of my despair, I thought that my sisters would be compassionate, however, they also felt Mareme` by my presence and when I was crying, I turned to them for comfort, but they only made things worse when they contributed to my surprise, and made up dirty stories about me. Betty told my father of my doing some kind of porn films and Sophia claimed that I’d been breaking the rules for years. Instead of coming up with a fair punishment, things were escalating, until my mother shouted out that everyone “Shut-Up” and came up with a plan that I should go stay with my Aunt until they decide what action to take. So I packed most of my belongings and my father had my sister Betty drive me, but on the way there, she argued with me excessively and kept telling me that she didn’t understand why I was so special and how my mother treated me better than her and why I was always the one that boys preferred every time a family would want a bride for their Gypsy son. 28

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“My sister was so upset with me, and it looked like it was more than my losing my virginity? This was personal! So she actually stopped the car and demanded that I get out, so naturally I got out, then she threw all my belongings in the street and left me for dead in a very dangerous neighborhood”. I was shocked by her actions and didn’t even think about how dangerous a place she left me, so I just took a few deep breaths and found my calm and after a few minutes, I gathered my wits about me, and I finally stopped a young man who was driving a small economy car and asked him for a ride. I knew by my Gypsy intuition that he was not going to try to attack me or anything. After I arrived at my Aunts house, just as I reached the front door, I rung the bell, she opened the door comes out and shouted that she will not have me in her house, because I was Mareme` and told me that she wanted no part of this, and slammed the door in my face. “After enduring hours of punishment and hearing over and over about how Mareme` (Polluted by Non-Romani), I was, and going through the scolding, beating and being left for dead in the street by a family I once loved! I don’t know where I found the strength, however, something came over me like a Guardian Angel and, although I was extremely upset, I just walked away with dignity from her house without ringing the bell again or even saying a single word or even trying to defend myself”. 29

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It was a warm night, and as upset as I was, I knew that immediately, I had to come up with a plan to survive. “I told myself out loud that from this day on, I would start my own life and swore that I would never, ever, go back to my family after what they put me through”. So I just started walking toward town crying, feeling broken and hurt. After a few minutes, I stopped and noticed a for rent sign in a beautiful Storefront that was right on Sunrise Highway, and instead of worrying about where to go with practically no money in my pocket except for a few dollars from my readings. I just couldn’t help but feel inspired and secure, now that I knew that the trauma was finally over. I immediately started writing a plan that would eventually save my life. Although, I had not finished school and did not know how to formally read and write, I knew the basics and some general math, just by my own life experience. I had always kept a notebook to write on because I always came up with great ideas and always needed to write them down, just like a dear friend would always tell me. “But on this particular night, it’s like; if the World was on fire! Absolutely no one could have taken my attention away from my writing a plan to secure my future. Although I had nowhere to go or even sleep for that matter”.


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“Having always been accustomed to a “Royal like life” as a former Shaij-Bari (Unmarried Virgin Daughter of Honor), used to a comfortable and elegant lifestyle, sleeping in a comfortable bed with ornate surroundings”. “Reduced to being homeless with two duffel bags filled to the gills with my belongings! - This night was one of the longest and most challenging nights of my life”! I remember staying up all night by the White Castle that was open twenty-four hours. And, after hours and hours of enduring the lustful stares and passes made at me from the men and truck drivers who were dining there. “One of the men shouted “What do you charge” I was driven to tears in a most undignified atmosphere. However, I just put my head in my notebook and starting writing like crazy and didn’t pay attention to anyone. Soon came daybreak so I managed to wash-up and change clothing in the bathroom there and then called the number that was on the storefront for rent and reached the office of Martin Elias Properties. I asked about the store for rent, so the secretary put me right through to Martin Elias whom I practically begged to take an appointment with me for the store for rent. That afternoon, I don’t know where I found the energy, but I was able to get a ride again and had gone to talk about the store for rent. 31

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When I met Mr. Elias, he was a very handsome man with grey hair and light eyes, he asked me what type of business do I want his store for and against my wishes I told him that it was for a Psychic Business, and to my surprise, he approved… Getting the key would have been a problem because I had no money except a mere few dollars left. So I gave him a written note that I spent hours writing the night before with a break-down of what I could pay him per month, and when I could start paying the rent, security deposits and such. I recall his answer after he read my proposal, he said; “Ms. Williams – I had never done this kind of business before, with no money down for rent or security, however, I have a good feeling about you, and you look an honest girl. So I am going to go along with your proposal”! The proposal entailed that I’d get three months free to establish my business and then pay the rent and security deposits after the third month. “I remember that I couldn’t believe that he accepted my terms and it must have been the happiest day in my life! So he had one of the secretaries give me a set of keys and although I still had no real place to live, I had the keys to a store and a new life”! I soon learned that I could just sleep in the store until I would make enough from my readings and maybe then, I could afford to get an apartment. I 32

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remember opening the door to my very own store and immediately posting just a paper sign inviting people to 2 for 1 readings which went very well and before you know it, I had made a couple hundred dollars that very same day. I felt very blessed and almost forgot about my troubles with the family. Two weeks had passed and I didn’t hear from Sol, I tried calling his beeper, from my new phone number but never received a return call. I didn’t dare try to call him at his chambers, as he instructed. I was averaging about six-thousand dollars a month. And soon thereafter, I rented my very first apartment. But, not without incident, after being rejected several times when the home-owners got wind of my Gypsy Roots. They simply refused to rent to me. So after perfecting my story of where I came from, I learned to hide my heritage well, and just told them that I was Italian, and indeed it worked. My new apartment was a beautiful onebedroom in Nassau County, NY. I knew that if I told the owner that I was a Gypsy girl, she probably would not have rented to me. I also had gotten myself a good running car, I learned how to drive at a very young age and was always an excellent and safe driver. I had made some good Gaje` (Non-Romani), girl friends who thought me a lot of a world and culture that was so new to me. I didn’t bother with men because secretly, I was still very much in love with Sol. But deep down inside, I knew that we were probably never going to see each other, however, I 33

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always kept a little hope in my heart that maybe he would come to visit me, and lord knows just how I wanted to be in his arms so he can wipe away my tears and comfort me. I also hoped and was looking forward to telling him about my new life… But, that love story was never going to ever happen again. It was now 1992, and after about five years had passed, I tried his beeper it was no longer working since we now had cellular phones. I got up the nerve and called his office and left several messages. However, I never received a call back. “I also discovered that someone was leaving anonymous notes that looked like Sol’s writing. The notes stated that I was a “Sorceress” and I should stop doing my readings”. I was suspicious and I suspected it was him because they all had the same message. I think that I may have provoked him because I found out that he lived in Manhasset in a Condo, and on an occasion or two I left some advertisements for my psychic business with my picture on the front page of a local penny saver, by his front door, I thought that he needed to know where I was. And was hoping he’d come one day to rescue me, just like the fairytale.


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“But, this was no fairytale - it was a time that I realized that I may have been only one of his conquests”. In-fact, I just heard that he was in trouble for harassing an ex-lover! Let alone his wife’s cousin; Joy Silverman. The newspapers and media claim that he was picked up just five minutes from his home? Can you imagine that a Chief Judge of New York State being arrested for harassing a former lover, let alone sending her teen daughter condoms in the mail. I really didn’t believe for one-minute that the Judge I adored was capable of doing this. ##


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After about 11 years had passed, I never heard from my family, except for my brother Miller who is two years older than me. So much had changed in my life, I worked very hard and earned a good living from my Readings and yes, indeed I had a Gaje` (Non-Romani), boyfriend, and I decided to continue my education and felt strongly about obtaining a GED which I earned in 2003. I had also attended some college. I also heard that Sol was teaching First Amendment Law at Touro law School. Although, he was stripped of his Chief Judge of New York State title, he was accepted in the school as an Adjunct Professor. So, I decided to email him, and this time, he actually replied and said: “I’d be pleased for you to attend my class”… “In August 2003, he invited me to audit one of his classes as a non-matriculated student. After all these years? What was I to expect, would he shun me again? I have to admit, I was very nervous”. But he was his usual polite and gentle self during his teachings and seemed very happy and excited to see me again. And after the class was over and all the students left, he asked me if I was going to enroll in Law School and told me that I would also make a good candidate for public office who can advocate for our race, given he has a vast knowledge of the amendments as an Amendment Law Professor and Former Chief Judge. After I said as you may already know, as soon as people hear the “G” word it may hurt my chances, he was pretty educated about it and was actually the one who brought it to my attention. He said; when people 36

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hear the "G" word (Gypsy), they have two perceptions; the “Myth and the Fear” which made a lot of sense, he was also the one who told me and made me realize that our religion and practices, including fortunetelling is protected by the Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech Amendments in which most states and county’s fail to enforce. “During my visit to his class at Touro Law School, I was sitting in the front row. I noticed that he had a huge erection through his pants. And had stood behind the podium to avoid the embarrassment”. And he looked all flushed when I looked at him after I had my head down on my writing pad while his students had their heads in their own writing pads and laptops to start writing on a quiz, although I didn’t participate as a non-matriculated student, I was there just to learn more about first amendment rights and freedom of religion and I wanted to maybe advocate for the Gypsy Race and ask him the basics and laws about forming a foundation for the Development of American Gypsies education rights and freedom of religion. And, I also wanted to write a short story about the Gypsy Holocaust survivors in which the Judge as an overseer at Touro Law School, and was active in the re-enactment of the Nuremburg Trials in Germany. At the end of his class, I waited my turn and finally greeted him, and introduced myself like we were not acquainted from the 80s, I was extremely nervous and really scared to see him again, and he contributed to that by pretending not to know me 37

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replying with a flat “Hi” which was very disconcerting although in the past during our acquaintance, we made a promise to each other that we would never expose our relationship… so I told him that I was interested in writing a short story on Holocaust survivors and he was pleased to hear that and referred me to another professor who was a holocaust expert and historian who would be able to assist in my Holocaust Survivor interest. After conversing for a few minutes, he thanked me for coming to his class. I asked if I could attend again, he said sure you can, I’ll see you next week. When I left the school and made my way to where my car was parked, I noticed that he moved his car from where it was parked in a spot reserved for the Alumni. I was assuming that during the 10 minute break during his class, he must have gone downstairs and parked his Jaguar next to my Porsche. After leaving the class I got to my vehicle, it looked like he was trying very hard to make it look like he was looking for something in his vehicle, but I knew that he was waiting just for me. “I found the Judge to be very calm, charming and different after twenty years. He was even more attractive, he still had a full head of what I call salt and pepper hair and I thought that he still had a great body. Although he was now 30 years my senior, he didn’t look any of his age”. So I flirted a bit and selfishly said, I like your car can you take me for a ride, he smiled and told me that he liked my vehicle and said that it was classy, I, in turn replied and said “As you already know, 38

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I’m a Classy Girl Judge”! The following week, I sat in his class, this time he was wearing a “Gypsy” like tie with a red paisley design which impressed me to no end, after the class was dismissed, the Judge and I spoke about how the world had changed in the last twenty years and conversed about some of the Gypsy history that I never gotten the chance to tell during our past acquaintance. He asked me all in one sentence if I had a boyfriend, husband or a degree yet. He told me that in honor of our past acquaintance, and the interest he had in my heritage and race, he toured the Carpathian Mountains, and also asked me if “Romanech” the local language in Romania is considered the same one as the Gypsy’s in the villages in Romania, I said that it was different, because our language is “Romani” and is more of a dialect and is not the same. Romanian (limba română) is the official language of Romania. I also told him that I was not born in Romania; it is often mistaken for my heritage I am an American Gypsy which is from the tribes in America. My tribe is called the Machevaya; who are the highest ranking Gypsies in America, in-fact, no one really knows what part of Europe we originated from, but it’s definitely Eastern Europe. “I also brought up the scandal with Joy Silverman, that he was involved with back in the 90’s I asked him what happened. But all he said was that she is a Victim!”


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I also said that with all the advocacy and good deeds you did it’s a shame that they revoked your law license? He didn’t say anything, so I told him that through my intuition, my prediction was, that he will definitely be re-admitted to the bar very soon. He said: “Although Lauren; (his daughter who is an Attorney), has filed a motion more than once, it’s not going to happen” However, I told him that, I still felt he was being reviewed, and it was only a matter of time. In-fact, “I felt very strongly through my intuition about his being re-admitted to the bar. Which actually happened In October of 2007”. Then the Judge asked me if I was free for a quick lunch, I said yes, I’ll be free next week or so, I also wanted to meet him to discuss my projects, so he looked at his palm schedule and set up an appointment with me for the flowing week. The following Monday. After I attended his class the following week, he said that he had to cancel our lunch and if it were okay with me, if we could meet the following week. However, After the second week, he seemed less enthusiastic about our meeting and my auditing his class, it must have been that he told the Dean of my heritage, and suddenly, I was given notice that I cannot be anywhere in or on Touro Law Schools grounds? And in-fact received a letter telling me to refrain from contacting the Judge! – And, once again! I thought that it was The “G” Word. I remember 40

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saying to myself, OMG! Is this really happening after all these years? However, maybe the “G” word was not at all the culprit. No, not this time. What I had witnessed with my own two eyes before our meeting was so shocking! Just before I was to meet the Judge for the meeting we set up just before his class, he was with the Dean of Touro Law School. “When I walked in to see Sol, the Dean was sitting very close to the Judge and he had his hand on Sol’s knee”. But quickly removed his hand from Sol’s knee when I walked in for my meeting, I must have startled the Dean by just walking in. Sol told me to please come back in fifteen minutes. I never really knew why the Dean said that I cannot come to the school anymore after what I had witnessed. I thought that it was because of my heritage, but then again, I think it’s because he may have had a crush on the Judge himself? And wanted me out of the way… I was very appalled about being banned from the school and decided to never look back and try to forget the whole thing. “I remember thinking that the Judge was just too much trouble for me and didn’t want to ever be subject to what I’ve gone through in the past ever again!” 41

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CHAPTER 8 2006 After three years had passed, I decided to forget the Judge and never look back! And, just when I finally forgot about him, I had a premonition and thought about him most of the day, and somehow, I knew that I would see him again. At the time, my boyfriend was recovering from surgery at Winthrop University Hospital, and I was going into Starbucks to get him some tea and his favorite pastry. He loved their Tea and Pastries, so I thought I’d cheer him up by bringing him his favorites while he was recovering from surgery. “As I was just leaving Starbucks, suddenly! I was in total shock to see the Judge run right in front of my car! He was just coming out of the MRI place! It’s like, he just ran right in front of my vehicle and if I didn’t slow down, I would have probably run the poor guy over”. I naturally stopped and said hello, and asked the Judge how he was doing. “I also asked him what he was doing in my part of town”. He told me he was not feeling good, and had a pain in his groin area. He said that he was having an MRI done. I wished him well and told him that I hope he gets better and I suggested some ancient 42

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remedy that entails sitting in a Jacuzzi. He thanked me for the remedy advice. “I also asked him why I was banned from Touro Law School, I asked him if the Dean had anything against me, but he just gave me a long and emotional stare and told me: “You did nothing wrong”. It was so obvious that he knew that I didn’t do anything to get banned from the school. But he still didn’t dare to tell me the real reason. Sol mentioned that he was doing a fundraiser at the Tilles Center which is on the CW Post grounds in Brookville, NY. He said that it would be lovely if I supported the cause. I said yes, I would love to attend. He directed me to their website where I purchased four tickets at six hundred dollars each. Later that week of November 11th 2006, I arrived with my guests. The venue was beautiful with an outdoor canopy where they held the event, there was a ballroom style dancing couple for our entertainment. After we were seated at a VIP table, Sol started going from table to table greeting the guests/supporters. When he reached my table, he just ignored me, which riled me up a bit. And, when you’ve had wine on an empty stomach, it can definitely cause you to be more emotional. I was very hurt and appalled by the way he treated me, that I had been driven to tears once again, so I decided to leave my table for a minute and confront him. After I simply asked why he was ignoring me. 43

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He still ignored me! Which was very hurtful. Here I was, after paying a hefty six hundred dollars a plate for four guests to show my support for his cause. It was just too much to bare once again. So against my better judgment, I approached his table while he was away from there greeting supporters, I was so hurt that I wanted to tell his wife all about what he had done to me, however, I didn’t have it in me and I didn’t want to cause a scene. So I just told his wife “Joan” who was sitting at the table with other guests, to have her husband stay away from me! I tried to explain that he invited me, however, I was too emotional to complete my sentence, and his wife “Joan” stood up from the table and shouted: “Then why don’t you just leave” After a few minutes, I was asked to leave by one of the coordinators. In-fact. She said that she was going to issue a refund if me and my guests left quietly, but later defaulted, resulting in my filing a civil suit to insure that I was refunded and indeed won it! I recall when I went to court, most of my friends including my Attorney said that I didn’t have a leg to stand on against the Judge! But I knew VIA my Gypsy intuition that I would win. One of their lawyers from CW Post’s Legal Department showed up with a check for my full refund. It was very entertaining to see that the 44

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Lawyer they sent was a woman in her early twenties who seemed to be very inexperienced and nervous. She made no real statements except for apologizing and stating that she was only here to settle this matter and kept mentioning that they were prepared to settle amicably and have a check to present for my full refund. And after going through the humiliation and pain that he caused through most of my life, I decided to forget the Judge and never look back. In April of 2007, I decided to forgive and forget about the Judge and move on. My boyfriend had passed away from Prostate Cancer and I was just too distraught to even think about Sol, so I threw myself into my work, and was very busy with continuing my education and achieving my goals. ##


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CHAPTER 9 For several years, I was ashamed of my Gypsy heritage and had learned very well not to reveal and had to result in hiding the fact that I am an American Gypsy in order to make new friends or even rent an apartment. And most of my friends or business contacts have resulted in their discriminating and declining to be acquainted just because they heard the “G” word (Gypsy) and they all tend to stray once they discovered my background. I also lost a Gaje (NonGypsy man) boyfriend when he found out that I was a Gypsy girl after a six year happy relationship, all because he didn’t like what he heard about the Gypsies! In-fact, as an American Gypsy; I have suffered from discrimination, similar to confederacy, and as much as I admire that we, as a country of freedom have grown and accepted other races as our own and have even embraced an African American President; I was taken aback when, Obama had made a Racist remark back in December 4th 2009, in Allentown, PA. “He said that he compares the Insurance Industry to a “Bunch of Thieving Gypsies”! –


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Now just imagine if he addressed it like: “America’s Insurance Industry is like a Band of Thieving Jews, African Americans, Arabs or Hispanics?” It would probably have started a racist War? Resulting in his being impeached or the houses demand that he resign! But once again, it went unnoticed and not a single individual complained or even asked the President to apologize. I felt compelled to make a comment and stand up for our rights, however I have also been told that the Gypsy community was afraid and had refused to take a stand against the Government. And of course, I alone was not going to make a difference and all of the inquiries I’ve made went totally ignored by the Media giants that I corresponded to, and… “I also noticed that the comment had been edited out and deleted from all social media and web searches since”. It also seems that most Americans either ignore or don’t understand that the Gypsies freedom of religion and Speech should be accepted and respected! It seems that America respects everyone else’s religion, however, it seems that the Gypsy’s are exempt from that amendment. I was born in this country and it’s very sad that the Gypsy’s continue to face the stigma and persecution that still exists. We, like everybody else who come from a religion rich in tradition and sacred customs, 47

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should be celebrated rather than banned like a group of out-laws. I feel that the stigma was created because most people don’t understand our religion or practices; they simply ignore or condemn it. I have to say that it makes me want to go out and campaign for office. ##


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CHAPTER 9 Everyone that I shared my story with said; why didn’t you just leave the family, when I questioned my family’s authority, arranged marriages, and traditions that were similar to Napoleonic Laws. But it was not that easy. “Leaving to be on my own was something like being left with Aliens in a strange and different world”. Especially with my not knowing how to read and write, given the fact that school was not permitted for girls in the family, although I attended some elementary school, my family didn’t stay long enough in one place at a time in order for me to finish and graduate my class of 1974 at Gov. George Clinton Elementary School in Poughkeepsie, NY. When I attended, I had to be put in a lower grade to make up for my non-schooling years, it was pretty embarrassing to be an older kid in fourth grade, while I should have been in junior high school by then, I often got bullied around by the younger kids, but tried hard to maintain my dignity and composure. I also hated being different and standing out like a sore thumb, with my jet black 49

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hair, porcelain skin, dark eyes and slight European accent, when my family permitted me to attend grade school in Poughkeepsie, NY at Gov. George Clinton Elementary School. My brother Miller and I were so upset about having to go through the ridicule and discrimination that followed everywhere we’d go, including our grade school. Although, we wanted to get an education we made a pact that we would march into school every morning, ignore the Bullies and pretend like going to school every day, was like a real job to go to and we starting delegating responsibility, as we promised ourselves that when we grew up and got married, we would never subject our own children to the stringent upbringing we endured. I, in turn found that I was accepted by my school piers as long as I submitted to dishing out the gossip on who’s doing what and who had a crush on whom with my intuitive ability, I have to admit it was fun to be accepted by the most popular girls in my grade school as their “Psychic Buddy Side Kick”. And being different just didn’t bother me as much, infact, performing my gift has assisted me in breaking out of my shell and it was easier to get accepted by the “Gaje" – Non-Romani. During my upbringing as a “Shaij-Bari, I never wanted to be appointed as a Psychic or follow the Romani tradition of continuing the bloodline, or marry a “Rom” (Gypsy man) and have a traditional Romani Wedding. In-fact - I wanted a different life and actually told my teacher; Mrs. Alden in grade school and class of 50

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1974 when she asked the class “what do want to be when you grow up”, I said I would like to be a Police Woman and help stop the crime in this world. I remember having such a fix on Angie Dickinson at the time and used to watch her TV Series; Police Woman religiously, although, I have followed in my mom’s footsteps and as a Psychic. If I weren’t a Shaij Bari, there are so many things I would have changed growing up like attend college and possibly make it to Harvard. I recall a friend telling me that, “with your looks and intelligence, you would have probably wind up heading some Fortune 500 company”, if I attended college and didn’t follow my family’s religion, customs and traditions. But consorting with the Gaje (Non- Romani), heading a fortune 500 company and enrolling in college was not proper being raised as a Shaij Bari (Unmarried virgin daughter of honor), I have to admit that it was actually a decent way growing up; I never abused drugs or alcohol and always obeyed tradition, although there were times when I, just like any other teen who was sexually awakening, wanted to go out with my Gaje girlfriends and date boys, but my family would never allow it. While I lived with the family from 1975 to 1984; “There were many times where I would perform a psychic reading. Although I did not know how to read and write, I still amazingly performed an accurate reading and receive praise and compliments on my eloquence and articulation”. 51

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Yes, indeed those days were so hard on me, but I always knew that I would finish my education and I did in 2003, I lived in Garden City, NY, I earned my GED and then attended some college at Adelphi Garden City, where I had a good guidance counselor who told me that my essay was near perfect and was very amused by my wanting to continue my education although I’m an American Gypsy. He was also proud to have one of us enrolled in college, given that most Gypsy girls never attend school, because of the stringent rules. During my attendance at Adelphi; I took Psychology and Sociology; I liked Psychology and was really good at it, I think that I got a B plus and also a B plus in Sociology. We were also given an assignment to write a paper on a Deviant Race and I thought it appropriate to render a paper on the Gypsies and yet again! Once my Professor discovered my Gypsy roots, I was treated differently! And I feel that I wrote an amazing five page paper on the Gypsies, revealing much about the Laws, the highly controversial Customs of our people which was very educational, given there is not much about our traditions and religion out there. I thought I would probably get an A plus. But the professor only gave me a B plus, because I was a Gypsy; and we all know what happens, once the “G” word is revealed! “But, regardless of how I was treated once my Gypsy roots were revealed. It didn’t bother me as much when I performed my readings”. 52

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It was a way of forgetting about the stigma of being branded an Out-Law. I loved assisting people with real life issues, it also helped me with getting out of my shell. And it has assisted me in learning about how the world works and what business’s to follow to start living the American Dream like everyone else! Although I had experimented with several other businesses, like opening a trendy CoffeeHouse to even running my own Retail Novelty Kiosks in the Malls. However, I always found, that performing my readings has been the most rewarding for me because “I always felt a sense of spiritual worthiness, and no matter how much success I had with other businesses or professions, I always reverted back to who I really am with my exclusive readings, which is my true calling”.


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CHAPTER 10 I’ve been performing readings now for over 35 years. “I have never needed the Tarot Cards or any type of Divination tool to perform a reading” “And, I prefer to perform my readings without them - unless my clients prefer the use of them”. My most memorable moment in all of my readings was when I had performed my very first reading when I was only about 10 years old. In-fact, the woman who I read for kept telling me that I didn’t even look at the Tarot cards while performing her reading. She was very impressed that I was utilizing my own gift of intuition, and I have to admit, performing a reading at only ten years old, was very scary. Although I barely knew how to read and write, I couldn’t help but see into this woman’s forecast, by psyching-into her soul. I recall that this particular reading was a very memorable one, she was so amused that I was able to tell her about what was happening and what was going to happen! Indeed, she insisted to speak to my mother after her reading was done. I was so worried that maybe I didn’t perform a good reading, and worried about the consequences. But, to my relief, she was very impressed and gave me a great review and told my mother that they 54

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should get me on the Radio Station or TV or something. “She also said that she was stunned by all the things that I knew, including the actual names and events that took place about her boyfriend career, and family”. And after she left, I think that I’ve become my mom’s favorite ever since that very first reading. Mom told me that I was the blessed chosen one who was destined to be a great Psychic! “I always felt compelled to help people. I’m often asked the age old question of when I discovered that I have an intuitive ability - according to our religion, we believe that it is a gift from God”. We believe that the gift is given at birth to all Romani women, and some gifted Romani men. “I feel that it is the chance to help people, however, it does not work for my own gain”. Although there are many times that it had saved my life and there were also times when simple things would happen such as my predicting a winning lottery number as well as picking the winning order of a scratch off lottery ticket right in presence of a skeptical friend. “I have to confess that it was really fun to “show off a bit” when people didn’t believe in psychics”.


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“And on another occasion in Atlantic City, I was dared to predict the winning number on the Roulette, which in turn I did”! The number 19 was drawn and the person I was with nearly lost his mind over the excitement it generated at the roulette table with several people gathering to see, but like a scared little rabbit, I immediately left the scene fearing the crowd. I enjoy performing readings, although, it can be pretty draining, I believe that it’s the right thing to do, I feel that’s it is also my responsibility to utilize my gift to help people. I was also asked why I charge a fee for my consulting. I consider what I do a full time job which takes a lot of my time and I simply charge for my time, just like any other professional. “In-fact, a lot of my clients tell me that they feel that my counseling is similar to a therapist however, they say I give a more detailed and accurate analysis based on their own individual energy, as opposed to statistical focus”. “I introduced what I call “Intuitive Counseling” “They say that they like my unique assignments where on occasion, I combine my Potions: Which entail the use of Ancient Gypsy Folklore Rituals and Remedies (See Bonus section) with part of their therapy and they tell me it works”! With my lifetime experience in performing readings, I have also assisted with business 56

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consulting and have truly succeeded in helping with the assignments I’ve been given. From the most simple, such as stock portfolio predictions to the most difficult, by giving the CEO of a Fortune 500 Corporation the 411 on who’s the culprit, or the one giving away trade secrets for my corporate clients. On more than one occasion, people have also referred to me as a Life Coach. In-fact, I have assisted in Business consulting, I’m told that this is where I also have expertise. The most memorable of all of my consulting has been one particular assignment where I had to “coach” a woman who had gone through so much including phobias, a break up, job loss and dysfunctional family. Her remedies included my --##

“There were several occasions when I predicted actual names and events”. One of my most memorable readings, was the one when I predicted that a woman would marry a man by the name of “Richard” and also told her that the ceremony will take place on a boat. I recall her laughing like it was sweet to predict, however she just didn’t believe it, given the fact that she was a retired Corrections Officer.


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However, as my predictions always happen… one year later, she called me and told me that my prediction had taken place and indeed happened, just like I said! Knowing that I’ve helped someone is truly a very spiritual experience. I feel that it gets me closer to God, and I feel that he gives me the strength to help these people, and I believe that. To me, it’s never surprising that my predictions happen. However, what is surprising to me, is the phone call or even text I get from everyone apologizing to no end for being skeptical, and notifying me with such elation, that my predictions happen! My predictions are not just based on generalizations or just some lucky guess. They are based on my intuitive ability alone, something I am born with. No matter how hard I try to put it off, it often gets me in trouble with friends or even colleagues, when I know their every move or motive. And, on more than one occasion, it has saved my life: I’ll never forget the night when I was on my way home where I came face to face with a Rapist. I just happen to feel VIA through my Gypsy intuition that he was trouble of some sort when I was on the Long Island Railroad coming home alone, after performing readings in the City one night back in 58

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1995. He was following me and sat right next to me all the way from Penn Station to the Freeport, NY Station, where I had my car parked. He had this frenzied look in his eyes, and kept staring and winking at me, while stroking his private part. I knew that this guy was going to do something bad to me. So my intuition was the only thing that saved me when I found the courage to stand up to him, so I started dialing 911 on my cellphone and told him that he’d better get out of my sight and stop following me before I call the police. He immediately ran off. I think that I was very fortunate to escape this mad man because just a few days later, the local news, posted a picture of someone who looked exactly like him and announced that he was arrested for several attacks on women on Long Island. I have also predicted the outcome of events or even Major League Sports team winners - And, don’t even think about taking a Psychic to a movie or a cocktail party without having to hear some simple to bizarre “Psyching-In” to other people’s minds! “It’s just part of who I am and where I come from”. In the traditional Gypsy order, and according to our beliefs, the women are natural born Psychics and usually run the family business through Storefronts, Carnival fairs, Phone consulting or Tarot galleries and such.


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I, in-turn work through my private home office, because most of my clients do not want it known that they frequent psychics. And, for those who want to remain strictly private, I perform phone readings. In-fact, Celebrities and Political Czars have always preferred phone readings. It is also a lot of fun to read for these guys, and, as far as I can remember, ## Notes to myself: Mention; more about Tom Hanks, Rocco Silano, Malibu, Criss Angel etc… ## CHAPTER 11 ## Add what you predicted for other Celebrities you’ve read for. How it came true and such. Add: About Gypsy Kris` cases; similar to Mafia dealings: when bad brother in laws paid Globa` etc. King of the Gypsies; Wulogia and such stories… Also add stories about the Trochano` (Gypsy Ghost) Also tell and show of the Hauntings Also add how the family still ostracizes you and how they talk bad about you and how they make up stories saying that there is something wrong with you. And, indeed the damage and suffering you’ve gone through because of this.


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Also add some history about Psychics; mention the one about Astrologer; Jean Dixon. Mention the day she came in for a reading and was so amused about her reading with you that she in-turn created the Madame Lenora Doll in your image. Add your theory on JFK, Marylyn Monroe etc‌


Diary of an American Gypsy Princess/Portia Williams/


Gypsy Folklore Rituals How to Make Your Own Potions

As a token of appreciation for your interest and support, the author has dedicated this special bonus section that includes useful rituals that anyone can perform easily with simple household items. All revealed for the very first time for your entertainment and education based on Secret Romani Rituals! 62

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Passionate Love Potion To make a potion for love, you must first be at peace with your inner feelings, in order to create a potion that is from pure thoughts. Love Potion #1 Take some rose petals, pink, red or white that are at least one week old (not dried), soak them in water for two days and then mix the rosewater with your favorite liquid soap or shower gel. Then use the new formula to bathe with your desired one. Love Potion # 2 Wear the clothing of your desired one for a total of two days. This includes clothing such as: Shirts, coats, hats, sox and underwear. If the individual is “Hard to get� you may have to wear the clothing for more than two days. Love Potion #3 Mix your tears with your favorite Lip-Gloss then kiss your desired one. Love Potion #4 Keep a picture of your desired one under your bed for two weeks; you may wrap the picture in something intimate from your wardrobe. Make sure that no one else has worn the intimate apparel. 63

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Love Potion #5 With Red Paper, write the Romani word for love, “LOVEVE” with both your names and birthdates along with your wishes, and then keep it in your desired ones house for two weeks, make sure that you hide it well and don’t let your desired one discover the note, otherwise the Potion will not work! Love Potion #6 Carve both your names and birthdays on a red candle and burn the candle for at least two hours on a Saturday or Sunday, anytime while in the presence of your desired one and place a red ribbon on a mirror in the bedroom. * See (The Mirror & Ribbon Ritual). Love Potion #8 Mix your natural tears with your favorite Lipstick or Lip Gloss, then kiss your desired one! Or, mix your natural tears with your favorite Shower Gel and take a shower or bathe with your desired one! Love Potion #9 Put a drop of your Menstrual Blood in your desired ones drink; a hot beverage is best when using this ritual, coffee, tea or any hot beverage will do. * Note: do not perform this ritual if you are ill or have any infections of the blood. Love Potion #10 Keep a photo of your desired one, along with a hand-written note of both your dates of births and 64

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wishes then put all the items in a Red envelope or paper. Keep it under your bed pillow for ten consecutive days. “LOVEVE” Is the Romani word for Love! Better Sex Potion For better sex, try these Ancient Secret rituals and soon, you may be blessed with a Great Love Life! Sex Potion #1 Keep you and your partners underwear tied up in a knot together and keep under your bed for three consecutive days. Sex Potion #2 Brew some of your favorite Coffee or Tea and put a single drop of your Menstrual Blood in your partner’s cup. Sex Potion #3 Wear your High Heel Shoes or Boots during Love-Making and insert a Coin in the shoe or boot you intend to wear; a Nickel placed in the shoe is for Romance, a Dime is for Erotic Pleasure, and a Quarter is for Ecstasy and a single Dollar Bill is for all three desires. Sex Potion #4 65

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Give your partner a little Gift! A pair of sexy underwear, however you have to “Bless” the underwear before you give to your partner. Open the package of underwear and begin touching the crotch area with your fingertips and whisper your Partner’s name and repeat three times. Sex Potion #5 Keep three (3) single Fresh Red Roses under your bed during Love-Making. The two roses are for you and your mate, the third is for the Blessed Ancestry as an offering for the Better Sex Ritual. Sex Potion #6 Bathe together and add the fragrance of Jasmine or Cinnamon to your bath water, it is known to release a very seductive and sensual feeling and can aid in reducing stress. Sex Potion #7 Great sex starts with sensual seduction! Give your Partner the pleasure of a Foot Massage! It is known to seduce and relax even the most stressed individual; however, you must perform this sensual act with the fragrance of Orange or Pear with Musk. Try a Foot Cream with any of these ingredients or add any one of the scents to the foot cream, you may use fragrance body oils, if you cannot find a foot cream that contains these precious items! Sex Potion #8 Wear a Red Stone Ring on your finger; any stone will do, as long as it is Red in color. It has to be worn on your left hand on any finger during 66

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Love-Making. This ritual is best performed after Midnight In order for it to work and result in better sex! Sex Potion #9 Hang a small mirror on any wall in the bedroom. Adorn the mirror with Red ribbons or scarfs around it. And watch how your mate responds to your every move! *Note: (See Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, the Mirror and Ribbon Ritual). Sex Potion #10 Wear the color Gold on any part of your body during Love-Making, make sure that your partner is able to see you adorned in Gold before you get intimate. This includes, Gold Hair Bands, Earrings, Bras, Jewelry and Underwear etc.


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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall The Mirror & Ribbon Ritual Since ancient times, the Mirror has had special meaning. The Japanese practiced the art of FengShui, Kings, Queens, Rulers and Emperors used it to send signals. And according to Gypsy Folklore, the Mirror is a powerful tool used to reflect negative energy and can be used for a number of purposes, including a Problem Neighbor, a Haunted House, it can also be used to Ward off Evil Spirits, and may even help you sell a House. The Mirror can also be a Lucky Charm, etc… According to a Gypsy Folklore Tale, a woman from a small village in Romania, was given a special gift from a Fortuneteller, a beautiful little mirror with sheer ribbons around it, with the colors: Red, Purple, Green, Blue and White. These colors have special meaning said the Fortuneteller, Red is for Love, Purple is for Power, Green is for Wealth, Blue is for Health and White is for Peace & Clarity. Go with “Boch-Tai-Sustimouse” (Good luck and health) said the fortuneteller, since then, the woman had used the Mirror and Ribbon Ritual for all kinds of purposes and soon discovered that it had solved her problems!


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So when you have a problem, learn how to unleash the power of the mirror & ribbon ritual. Use these colors to wrap around your mirrors. Boch! (Good luck) Red:

Love & Meaningful Relationships

Dark Red: Seduction, Lust & Passion Purple: Success

Power, Mind-Over-Matter,


Wealth, Prosperity & Good Luck


Health, Healing & Harmony

White: Clarity, Spiritual Cleansing & Neighborly Peace Gold: Miracles

Empowerment, Courage &

Pink: Persons

Friendship, Reunite & Missing

Yellow: Laughter, Promote Positive Energy & Happiness Orange: Long Life, Plant Longevity & Nautical Blessings “GLEDALA� Is the Romani word for Mirror!

House Blessing/Cleansing 69

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To perform a House Cleansing, you will need Frankincense, Small Mirrors, Salt & Sugar, first is make sure that you have Salt and Sugar in the house. According to an Ancient Gypsy Rule: you must always keep Sugar, Salt, and Frankincense in the house for good luck and prosperity! To begin, open all the windows in the house to be cleansed and then burn the Frankincense with the appropriate charcoal in an incense burner. Then, say these exact words: May the Good Spirit rid this house of any “Precarsa� (Bad Luck), Negative Energy and Bad Wishes. Keep repeating the words as you carry the incense through every room in your house.


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