Unicon 16

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Useful information About Brixen Emergency Numbers Emergency: tel. 118 Police: tel. 112 Hospital Hospital-Brixen is close to the HockeyGym. Emergency Room is open 24/7 Dantestraße 51, 39042 Brixen, Tel. 0472 812 111.

Transportation City-Bus Brixen: City-Bus costs 1,20 Euro. With the Brixen-Card it can be used for free. Bus “3” will bring you to Unicon16 area, your bus stop is “Sportzone Süd” You can buy tickets in the registration area from July 19th–20th.

Water Tap water is safe to drink.

Regional Buses-SAD: The main bus terminal is located at the crossing Kreuzgasse, Dantestraße in front of the University. You can take buses to all directions from there. You can buy your ticket on the bus. Most buses leave Brixen hourly between :10 and :20 (www.sii.bz.it/en). It is allowed to bring your unicycle on the bus for free.

Smoking and alcohol Smoking in all public indoor buildings is not allowed. Alcohol is not allowed in sports-locations. It can not be sold to anyone under 16 years old in Italy.

Train-Station: There are lots of Regional-Trains heading north to Brenner and south to Bozen nearly every hour. Get your ticket before you get on the train.

Pharmacy There are four drugstores in Brixen; the easiest to find is “Apotheke Peer” in Adlerbrückengasse 4.

Taxi: 24 hours; tel. 0472 835666 Tourist Information Tourist Information Office can be found in Regensburger Allee 9 in Brixen. www.brixen.org Shopping: Mon-Fri 9-12 and 15-19, Saturday 9-12, Sunday closed. Supermarkets in Brixen: Despar, Eurospin Mobile Phone Vodafone Via Dante 35/A, 39042 Brixen Languages spoken in Brixen Native languages are German and Italian, however German is used most. Many people can understand English.

Von alpin bis mediterran. Atmosfere alpine e mediterranee.

Rund um die mittelalterliche Bischofsstadt im Herzen Südtirols ist zu jeder Jahreszeit viel los. Hier mischen sich Alt-Südtiroler Stadtkulisse und italienischer Lebensgenuss mit 300 südlichen Sonnentagen und alpiner Bergidylle. Diese einzigartige Verbindung von Nord und Süd und das Neben- und Miteinander von Stadt und Berg, Bauerntradition und mittelalterlichem Glaubenszentrum, italienischer Lebenslust und Südtiroler Gemütlichkeit gibt Brixen seinen besonderen Stempel. Daraus entstehen unverfälschte Genussangebote: beim Cappuccino auf der Piazza ebenso wie in Restaurant und Weinkeller oder beim Shopping in historischen Laubengängen. Die Bergnatur in und um Brixen ermöglicht jeden Alpinsport in Ihrem Urlaub. Grüne Tallagen, aussichtsreiche Bergterrassen und Mittelgebirge, der Aktiv- und Skiberg Plose, die Dolomiten – alles ist in nächster Nähe. Mit der BrixenCard doppelt profitieren statt zahlen. L’antica città vescovile di Bressanone nel cuore dell’Alto Adige riserva tante sorprese in ogni stagione. Qui si fondono armoniosamente tradizione e modernità, clima mediterraneo e fascino alpino. Questa fusione fra nord e sud, fra città e montagna, tradizione rurale e fede religiosa, savoir-faire italiano e ospitalità sudtirolese, conferiscono a Bressanone un’impronta unica, assicurando momenti di pura delizia: il cappuccino in piazza, la degustazione in un ristorante o in una cantina, lo shopping sotto gli antichi Portici. La meravigliosa natura montana intorno a Bressanone permette ogni tipo di sport. Verdi conche vallive, terrazze panoramiche, il comprensorio sciistico della Plose, lo splendido scenario delle Dolomiti – tutto è a portata di mano. Tanti vantaggi senza costi con la BrixenCard! Tourismusverein Brixen - Associazone Turistica Bressanone Regensburger Allee 9 Viale Ratisbona, 39042 Brixen-Bressanone, Tel. +39 0472 836401, www.brixen.org



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