Booklet finale Youth for Green Cities

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Palermo 23-30 March 2018


Il Progetto è realizzato in collaborazione tra: Associazione Uniamoci Onlus (Italia) Asociatia Alaturi de noi, pentru viitorul tau (Romania) Brigada do Mar (Portogallo) Eesti Erinoorsootöö Ühing noOR (Estonia)

web site:

Description of the project In continuity with some previous youth exchanges and a local project promoted by Uniamoci Onlus, Youth for GREEN CITIES wants to promote the active engagement of young people in making more Green their city, both in terms of proposition of ideas and events and of concrete action to improve their urban environment. The youth exchange took place in Palermo from 23rd to 30th March 2018 and it involved 20 youths (5 per Country), aged between 22 and 30 years old, and 4 group leaders from Italy, Romania, Estonia and Portugal. The mixed group of youth, composed by young able bodied and disabled people with different cultures and different socio-economical backgrounds, cooperated in a supportive and inclusive atmosphere though a path of thematic deepening on the possibilities of integration of the urban areas with the natural environment; this path was mediated by peer education through group discussions, case analysis, round tables and practical activities of street sweeping, urban gardening and creative activities for the planning and realization of 3D models of Green cities, visit to a community garden and activities in the open air, with the following planning and implementation of some raising social awareness activities in terms of a graphic communication campaign, participatory activities for children, organization of a swap party, participation to a web-radio programme.


Youth for GREEN CITIES wants to achieve the following aims: • Stimulating the engagement of young people in planning, implementing and promoting initiatives aimed at make the urban environment where they live more eco-sustainable. • Promoting the intercultural dialogue among young people. • Breaking down of stereotypes due to cultural, physical and social differences among the participants, promoting tolerance, solidarity and reciprocal understanding. • Promoting inclusive volunteering and the image of the citizen as leading actor of the preservation of his life quality in the urban environment where he lives.


Concrete results Concrete results of the project were the realization of an on-line social awareness campaign to promote eco-green behaviours using graphic communication, 3D models of ideal green cities with a document about the proposals from young people to make their cities more Green, implementation of a swap party, participatory activities for the pupils of a local school in order to raise their awareness about the importance of respect for the environment (around 60 children participated to the activities), local and online newspaper articles, multimedia and interactive presentations about the project, recording of a web-radio programme watch?v=Qyp3-h4pqcc, photos e videos about the undertaken activities, they cleaned 2 squares in the city and they took care of 7 flower beds in the city. web site:


Activities 23 March The frist day, the participants went to the association and they introduced themselves to other people with some games. Also the diferents countries explained them projects in their county. And at night, every countries prepared some typical food for them countries. 24 March The second day, they did a lot of activities about ecology, one of them was about told the ecology in their countries and if something can change for improve the environment. 25 March The third day, they did a activities about inclusive volunteering and intercultural dialogue and in the afternoon they did a Green city game. 26 March The fourth day, they created some posters using the graphic communication method, they went to plant plants with the volunteers of “Palermo Green� project and then they participated to the 10th anniversary of Uniamoci Onlus. 27 March The fifth day, they did a inclusive open-air activities in the community garden and they planned the activities to propose to the children in order to raise their awareness on environmental problems having fun. 28 March The sixth day, they did educational open- air activities with some children in a local elementary school, the activities were about ecology and recycling. After lunch they did a 3D models of a Green City, they did this 3D models with a recycled material. 29 March The seventh day, they cleaned the street, and after that they prepared a SWAP PARTY (consisted in bring something that they don’t use and change for other thing). 30 March The last day, they wrote articles, participated to a web-radio programme, created a final video for the project and the facebook campaign to promote eco-green behaviours. And for the evaluation, they sit on the floor with candles in the center and they had to light the candle and say something good about this project or turn it off and say the bad thing of the project. Also after dinner they had a farewell party where they wrote something good for all the people of the project. 6

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Activities in the office









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Activity of gardening





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Activities in the community garden





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Activities in the school





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Activity of cleaning street





ASSOCIAZIONE UNIAMOCI ONLUS via E. Giafar nËš 36, 90124 Palermo Tel./Fax 0919765893 C.F. 97225920822


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