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United Arab Emirates

Human beings are inherently social creatures. We thrive when we have a sense of belonging. Finding one’s community was once merely geographically determined, it consisted of your immediate family and members of the local population. Today, with the expansion of social media and our overwhelming desire for connectivity, we have larger networks than ever before. We interact with strangers from every corner of the planet, but can they really be considered our community? In a world where filters, both literal and figurative have become commonplace, how do we find a true sense of belonging? This is the challenge Unfiltered has been created to overcome. Unfiltered, a pioneering new platform by Omaira Farooq, was created to challenge the status quo, amplify the voices of the marginalised, and recognise people who have shown true resilience and strength in overcoming adversity. In essence, Unfiltered is not merely a new media platform; it is a movement and a call to action encouraging us all to bring back transparency if not for us then for the next generation. As a platform, Unfiltered is dedicated to every person who feels unseen by the traditional media landscape. Articles will confront issues that impact mental health and focus on self-improvement while touching on important topics that are relevant for the whole family. Nothing will be considered taboo – our talks and podcasts will be available for people looking for more authentic and vulnerable storytelling, while our events will bring the whole community together in the real world.
