Partnering for Development – Making it Happen

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and projects for development, including humanitarian funds or investment capital. Knowledge and learning Facilitating knowledge-sharing, research and joint learning between the United Nations, governments and/or non-state actors for capacity building and disseminating knowledge and know-how on critical development issues and methodologies. Operational delivery Collaborating on joint programmes and project design, implementation and evaluation, and the mobilization of financial, inkind, technical or managerial resources enables effective delivery of country programmes. Partnership promotion Actions by United Nations organizations that encourage, foster and facilitate the development of partnerships help us to achieve United Nations objectives. Commercial investments Investments from the private sector contributes to the achievement of the MDGs, including jobs, provision of services, infrastructure.

The Private Sector Can Practice What We Preach The private sector has know-how The private sector could have specific knowledge on an initiative’s area of focus, ideally already developed and applied in regular business activities, but which can also be applied to develop new models. The private

sector could also already have developed a concept through existing corporate programme. Cisco Networking Academies programme applied in Least Developed Countries initiative. The private sector has commitment Private sector managers could be used as champions of an initiative. We have common interests UNDP and the private sector could have common goals to work towards e.g. the development of small and medium size enterprises. The private sector has a potential for innovative funding The private sector could finance an initiative. It could also enable financing, for example through guarantees to facilitate local credit or leasing schemes. It could potentially also mobilize or come up with innovative financing for investments that could help to meet UN supported development needs. Together we can be more effective The scalability and sustainability of projects are more reachable when we work together in a partnership and goals could be achieved quicker. UNDP can assist with project management, provide development expertise and policy advise, as well as giving access to relationships with governments, CSOs etc. Together we can reach the MDGs The private sector could extend the impact of UNDP programmes by enabling the development of new initiatives and mobilizing re15

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