Sabancı Foundation Grant Program Stories 2013-2014

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United Nations Joint Program for Promoting the Human Rights of Women


United Nations Joint Program for Promoting the Human Rights of Women






























FOREWORD ([ [OL :HIHUJÛ -V\UKH[PVU ^L OH]L ILLU ^VYRPUN PU JVVWLYH[PVU with United Nations institutions to promote women’s human YPNO[Z ZPUJL 6\Y ÄYZ[ <UP[LK 5H[PVUZ 1VPU[ 7YVNYHT ^OPJO [VVR WSHJL PU ZP_ JP[PLZ IL[^LLU HUK OHZ HJOPL]LK promising results which encouraged us for our second Joint Program, which has been implemented in eleven cities with even more success. The main objective of our Joint Program is to accelerate the implementation of gender equality commitments at the local level, raise awareness on gender equality in society, and contribute to the development of capacities of local governments, government institutions, and non-governmental organizations for the advancement of women’s rights. We are very pleased to see the realization of our vision, which we OH]L ILLU Z[YP]PUN MVY ZPUJL [OL ]LY` ÄYZ[ KH` ^L Z[HY[LK ^VYRPUN VU [OL WYVNYHT 6\Y WYVNYHT OHZ [OYLL THPU JVTWVULU[Z [OH[ support each other throughout its implementation. As part of our goal for Gender Responsive Budgeting, we aimed to assist local governments to develop and monitor their budgets with a gender perspective. :HIHUJÛ <UP]LYZP[` MHJ\S[` TLTILYZ WYV]PKLK OPNO ZJOVVS [LHJOLYZ ^P[O NLUKLY LX\HSP[` [YHPUPUN as part of [OL 7\YWSL *LY[PÄJH[L 7YVNYHT. :HIHUJÛ -V\UKH[PVU .YHU[ 7YVNYHT gave grants to projects launched by women’s civil society VYNHUPaH[PVUZ *:6Z PU WPSV[ JP[PLZ <UP]LYZP[PLZ HUK SVJHS NV]LYUTLU[Z ^VYRPUN PU [OL ÄLSK VM NLUKLY LX\HSP[` WHY[PJPWH[LK QVPU[S` PU [OLZL WYVQLJ[Z ( [V[HS VM *:6Z WYLWHYLK WYVQLJ[Z HUK HWWSPLK [V [OL NYHU[ WYVNYHT HUK WYVQLJ[Z PU JP[PLZ ^LYL Z\WWVY[LK ;OL WYVQLJ[Z YLHJOLK 8,646 people in total. I am pleased to observe that our Grant Program has yielded extremely successful results. I would like to mention a few of them here. 2

SABANCI FOUNDATION GRANT PROGRAM STORIES 2013-2014 Innovative and alternative methods were developed to create gender equality awareness for both women and men. New women’s platforms were launched. The program revealed that women’s organizations could THRL HU L]LU NYLH[LY PTWHJ[ [OYV\NO Z\JO QVPU[ LɈVY[Z *:6Z SLHYULK OV^ [V THRL HU PTWHJ[ VU T\UPJPWHSP[PLZ ;OL` HSZV YLHSPaLK [OL PTWVY[HUJL VM PUÃ…\LUJPUN W\ISPJ WVSPJ` ;OL ]PZPIPSP[` HUK YLSPHIPSP[` VM *:6Z PUJYLHZLK PU [OL WPSV[ JP[PLZ K\L [V :HIHUJÛ -V\UKH[PVU»Z .YHU[ 7YVNYHT (IV]L HSS SVJHS 5.6Z ILJHTL Z[YVUNLY I` PTWSLTLU[PUN [OL WYVQLJ[Z [OH[ [OL` OH]L KL]LSVWLK [OLTZLS]LZ (Z [OL :HIHUJÛ -V\UKH[PVU ^L Z\WWVY[LK HUK N\PKLK [OL NYHU[LLZ during this process. ;VNL[OLY ^P[O <5+7 ^L WYLWHYLK H 4HWWPUN 9LWVY[ [OH[ YL]LHSLK [OL JHWHIPSP[PLZ VM *:6Z HUK ^VTLU»Z Z[\KPLZ \UP[Z VM \UP]LYZP[PLZ PU JP[PLZ >L PUJS\KLK KH[H MYVT *:6Z HUK \UP]LYZP[` YLZLHYJO JLU[LYZ PU [OL YLWVY[ ( [V[HS VM WLVWSL [VVR HK]HU[HNL VM [OL WYVQLJ[ development training we provided prior to the grant selection process. Project monitoring experts made monitoring visits to every project. The program coordinator and monitoring experts contributed to the expert selection process for the projects, helping select knowledgeable and YLSPHISL LK\JH[VYZ PU [OL ÄLSK VM NLUKLY LX\HSP[` Most importantly, the Grant Program that was launched as part of our Joint Program took on a WYVTPULU[ YVSL PU OLSWPUN WLVWSL \UKLYZ[HUK HUK YLJVNUPaL [OL O\THU YPNO[Z VM ^VTLU :L[[PUN V\[ [V ^VYR MLHYSLZZS` PU Z\JO H ZLUZP[P]L ÄLSK *:6Z YHPZLK H^HYLULZZ HTVUN ^VTLU HUK TLU PU [OLPY V^U JP[PLZ HUK HɈLJ[LK W\ISPJ VWPUPVU 0 ^V\SK SPRL [V VɈLY T` OLHY[MLS[ [OHURZ [V HSS V\Y WHY[ULYZ WYVQLJ[ VYNHUPaLYZ HUK WHY[PJPWH[PUN ]VS\U[LLYZ ^OVT ^L ^VYRLK ^P[O 0 OVWL [OH[ [OL PUZWPYPUN Z[VYPLZ VM V\Y IYH]L *:6Z ^PSS IL H beacon to everyone who reads this book. .Â…SLY :HIHUJÛ *OHPYTHU )VHYK VM ;Y\Z[LLZ :HIHUJÛ -V\UKH[PVU


PREFACE Promoting human rights is a core mission of the United Nations. In order to leave no one behind and create a world of dignity for all, the United Nations supports member states and human rights advocates in the creation of an enabling environment where women fully enjoy their rights and equally participate in all aspects of life. Existing gender disparities in decision-making, employment and property ownership pose challenges to the sustainable development of Turkey. Women’s labor force participation has ILLU YPZPUN I\[ Z[PSS ^HZ VUS` WLYJLU[ PU JVTWHYLK [V WLYJLU[ MVY TLU >VTLU THRL \W WLYJLU[ VM \UWHPK MHTPS` ^VYRLYZ I\[ VUS` WLYJLU[ VM OPNO SL]LS L_LJ\[P]LZ 6US` WLYJLU[ VM SH^THRLYZ HYL women. Violence against women is also an important challenge; approximately four out of every ^VTLU OH]L ILLU Z\IQLJ[LK [V WO`ZPJHS ]PVSLUJL I` [OLPY O\ZIHUKZ VY WHY[ULYZ (ZZ\YPUN [OL human rights of women is therefore one of the foremost development issues in Turkey. ;OL <5 1VPU[ 7YVNYHT <517 MVY 7YVTV[PUN /\THU 9PNO[Z VM >VTLU OHZ ILLU PTWSLTLU[LK ZPUJL I` <5+7 <5 >VTLU HUK :HIHUJÛ <UP]LYZP[` ^P[O [OL Z\WWVY[ VM [OL :HIHUJÛ -V\UKH[PVU 4PUPZ[Y` VM 0U[LYPVY 4PUPZ[Y` VM 5H[PVUHS ,K\JH[PVU 4PUPZ[Y` VM -HTPS` HUK :VJPHS 7VSPJPLZ HUK Turkish Union of Municipalities were the cooperating partners of the program. This Joint Program aims to accelerate the implementation of gender equality at the local level; contribute to the development of capacities to promote, protect and exercise women’s rights; and contribute to gender equality in various areas of life. It comprises three main components: Gender Responsive )\KNL[PUN [OL 7\YWSL *LY[PÄJH[L HUK [OL :HIHUJÛ -V\UKH[PVU .YHU[ 7YVNYHT )L[^LLU HUK [OL <517 ^HZ PTWSLTLU[LK PU WYV]PUJLZ UHTLS` (`KÛU hHUHRRHSL ,KPYUL ,YaPUJHU ,ZRPȴLOPY .HaPHU[LW 2HOYHTHUTHYHȴ 2HZ[HTVU\ 2H`ZLYP 2VJHLSP HUK 6YK\


SABANCI FOUNDATION GRANT PROGRAM STORIES 2013-2014 The Grant Program supported the capacities of civil society organizations. New and innovative methods of awareness raising were supported by the grants, whereby not only women, but also men took part in activities. Activities covered many areas, from advocacy against gender-based violence and in favour of women’s participation in professional life to promoting civic rights in reproductive health. ;OPZ W\ISPJH[PVU PUJS\KLZ UHYYH[P]LZ VU WYVQLJ[Z Z\WWVY[LK I` [OL :HIHUJÛ -V\UKH[PVU .YHU[ Program. Local non-governmental organizations have been the leading actors in the successful implementation of the Grant Program– with an emphasis both on local needs and the challenging common objectives of gender equality and the promotion of women’s human rights. In addition, local authorities share a considerable portion of this success. I believe that with the strong and joint commitment of local civil society organizations and authorities, the Grant Program will have a sustainable impact and create considerable change in terms of gender equality. I hope that the rich experiences of local civil society organizations featured in this publication will inspire and trigger further action and research to promote women’s human rights and gender equality at the local level. Kamal Malhotra UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Turkey




PROVINCE (`KĂ›U PROJECT TITLE ,RVUVTPR ǸPKKL[L /H`Ă›Y [No to Economic Violence!] 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 (`KĂ›U .PYPČ´PTJP 2HKĂ›USHY +LYULČ˜P (.ÇŚ2(+ B(`KĂ›U >VTLU ,U[YLWYLUL\YZ (ZZVJPH[PVUD PROJECT PARTNERS (`KĂ›U *OHTILY VM *VTTLYJL (`KĂ›U 7YV]PUJPHS +PYLJ[VYH[L VM (NYPJ\S[\YL (`KĂ›U *VTTVKP[` Exchange Market, Turkish Employment 6YNHUPaH[PVU 0:2<9 (`KĂ›U *OHTILY VM Agriculture, Dalama Municipality, Umurlu Municipality 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ 6J[VILY [V 1\UL 7961,*; :<44(9@ The project was implemented in the Dalama HUK <T\YS\ KPZ[YPJ[Z VM (`KĂ›U WYV]PUJL >P[O H [HYNL[ NYV\W VM \ULTWSV`LK ^VTLU ^OV live in this region, with low incomes, the project sought to augment the participation of women PU LJVUVTPJ SPML ;OL ^VTLU ^LYL NP]LU Ă…V^LY bulbs and land, and were trained to grow decorative plants. The practical training was complemented by training on gender equality, women’s solidarity, and cooperativism.

ŕ Ž ( NLUKLY ^VYRZOVW H[[LUKLK I` ^VTLU raised awareness about gender issues. ŕ Ž Booklets on gender and cultivating decorative plants were printed. ŕ Ž ^VTLU ILULĂ„[LK MYVT LU[YLWYLUL\YZOPW [YHPUPUN ^P[O [OL Z\WWVY[ VM :THSS HUK 4LKP\T ,U[LYWYPZLZ +L]LSVWTLU[ 6YNHUPaH[PVU 26:.,) ŕ Ž ( Ă…V^LY MLZ[P]HS ^HZ OLSK ŕ Ž 16 women took part in a training course on cooperativism. ŕ Ž A ‘No to Economic Violence’ seminar was organized to raise awareness. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž Revenues obtained during the project were distributed to women based on their rate of participation in planting and harvesting. ŕ Ž -LTHSL WHY[PJPWHU[Z IVVZ[LK [OLPY H^HYLULZZ of women’s rights. ŕ Ž Women have started working on economic cooperation. ŕ Ž Reference books were prepared on gender equality and growing decorative plants.


in the workforce. When developing projects to boost employment of women, beside Ă„UHUJPHS YLZV\YJLZ HUK [YHPUPUN VWWVY[\UP[PLZ awareness-raising and counselling services are necessary to change this prevailing mindset.


NO TO ECONOMIC VIOLENCE (JJVYKPUN [V KH[H MYVT [OL ;\YRPZO :[H[PZ[PJHS 0UZ[P[\[L ;<92:;(; VUS` V\[ VM ^VTLU WHY[PJPWH[L PU [OL ^VYRMVYJL HUK only 25 of those work in income-generating jobs. 42% of employed women work in the agricultural sector.

Aydin Women Entrepreneurs Association developed “No to Economic Violenceâ€? project ZWLJPĂ„JHSS` MVY [OLZL VIQLJ[P]LZ 0U VYKLY [V increase women’s employment and economic strength, the project focused on the agricultural sector as the province’s primary means of livelihood and key source of employment women. The project’s aim was to create alternative employment opportunities; highlight [OL LɈVY[ VM ^VTLU PU [OL LU[PYL WYVJLZZ MYVT production to marketing; and open up a new area of employment based on principles of women’s solidarity. With its wide national and international THYRL[ KHɈVKPS HUK O`HJPU[O J\S[P]H[PVU ^HZ chosen as the strong and sustainable alternative for women’s employment.

The main obstacle to women’s participation in social and economic life is the patriarchal mindset that keeps women in a dependent position. This mindset restrains women from exercising their rights and partaking in work SPML -\Y[OLYTVYL [OL KPZJYPTPUH[VY` WYHJ[PJLZ against women and gender pay gap diminish [OL ]HS\L VM ^VTLUÂťZ LɈVY[ ;OL Ă„NO[ HNHPUZ[ economic violence starts with the recognition of this type of violence and women’s participation 9




FLOWERS OF HOPE BLOOMING IN AYDIN ;\YRPZO ,TWSV`TLU[ 6YNHUPaH[PVU 0:2<9 HZ well as village mukhtar and associates from [OL 2\`\S\ ǸL]RL[P`L HUK 2HYKLČ´R€` OLSWLK to select the women participants in the project PTWSLTLU[LK VU WOPSHU[YVWPZ[ 4LOTL[ 2PYPČ´ÂťZ HNYPJ\S[\YHS SHUK PU 2HKLČ´R€` ( [V[HS VM KHɈVKPS HUK O`HJPU[O I\SIZ ^LYL WYVJ\YLK HUK 6 decares of land readied for planting under the supervision of an agricultural engineer. The women selected according to the target group criteria were informed about the project. ;YHPUPUN VU NYV^PUN KHɈVKPS HUK O`HJPU[O Ă…V^LYZ was held in morning and afternoon sessions into which the participants were divided. Through the end of planting process, a press conference was OLSK H[ [OL (`KĂ›U *VTTVKP[` ,_JOHUNL 4HYRL[ to publicize the project, with the participation of project partner institutions.

After trainings, women who quickly began ^VYRPUN PU [OL Ă„LSK W\[ [OLPY [OLVYL[PJHS knowledge into practice by taking responsibility in various tasks like caring and irrigation of Ă…V^LY I\SIZ HUK ^LLKPUN [OL Ă„LSK 0U HKKP[PVU [V the trainings on cultivation of decorative plants, the women participated in gender workshops and entrepreneurship training. By working side I` ZPKL PU [OL Ă„LSK ^VTLU OHK [OL VWWVY[\UP[` to share their personal experiences and common problems and discuss violence, social value judgments, and sexuality at the gender workshop. “This project allowed us to create a new area of employment for women in (`KĂ›U ^P[O [OL J\S[P]H[PVU VM KLJVYH[P]L plants, and also raised awareness on important matters such as gender equality and women’s solidarity. I [OPUR [OL WYVQLJ[ HJOPL]LK P[Z NVHSZ and contributed to the personal KL]LSVWTLU[ VM MLTHSL WHY[PJPWHU[Z This pioneering and example-setting ^VYR WH]LK [OL ^H` MVY KPŃœLYLU[ WYVQLJ[Z >L JVU[PU\L [V OH]L TLL[PUNZ VU JVVWLYH[P]PZT ^P[O [OL (`KĂ›U 7YV]PUJPHS +PYLJ[VYH[L VM (NYPJ\S[\YHS Credit.â€? :LSKH ([H` 7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY


;OL WHY[PJPWHU[Z ZLSM JVUÄKLUJL YVZL [OHURZ [V what they learned about economic violence and women’s human rights.


The revenue generated throughout the year MYVT Ă…V^LY ZHSLZ ^LYL KPZ[YPI\[LK MHPYS` HTVUN the women according to the trips each one THKL [V [OL Ă„LSK HUK [OL [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ [OL` WHY[PJPWH[LK PU 0U HU LɈVY[ [V THRL [OL project sustainable, the establishment of a Ă…V^LY JVVWLYH[P]L ^HZ JVUZPKLYLK HUK H cooperativism training course was delivered by 26:.,) MVY ^VTLU ;OL [YHPUPUN WHY[PJPWHU[Z received detailed information on the nature of a cooperative and how to establish one. Also as part of the project, a conference entitled “Problems and Legal Rights of Women Who Are :\IQLJ[ [V ,JVUVTPJ =PVSLUJLš ^HZ OLSK HUK booklets on cultivating decorative plants and on gender equality were printed and distributed to women. 11



69.(50A(;065: 5(4, (`KÛU >VTLU ,U[YLWYLUL\YZ (ZZVJPH[PVU (.nj2(+

The conclusion of the project came with the organization of a conference called “No to ,JVUVTPJ =PVSLUJLš ([ [OL JVUMLYLUJL [OL women in the project’s target group received JLY[PĂ„JH[LZ VM WHY[PJPWH[PVU HUK HSS WOHZLZ HUK goals of the project were evaluated. Women who wanted to continue the training and working PU [OL Ă„LSK SH\UJOLK H UL^ WYVQLJ[ ^OPSL [OL KHɈVKPS HUK O`HJPU[O I\SIZ [OH[ ^V\SK ISVVT PU the coming years were asleep. A producer with expertise on medicinal plants was consulted and 12

it was decided to grow lavender. The women presented a project to the Ministry of Interior’s Division of Associations to grow lavender in the \U\ZLK HYLHZ VM [OL ÄLSK HUK ^LYL H^HYKLK H new grant to take the second big step on their ^H` [V LZ[HISPZOPUN H ÅV^LY JVVWLYH[P]L

@,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; ;OL (`KÛU >VTLU ,U[YLWYLUL\YZ (ZZVJPH[PVU (.nj2(+ ^HZ LZ[HISPZOLK [V IVVZ[ [OL U\TILY VM MLTHSL HUK young entrepreneurs; organize activities in the areas of women’s rights, gender, and protecting women’s status in society and work life; provide help by seeking solutions to women’s problems; be an intermediary in fostering a common city culture; and provide material and moral support to strengthen the status of women in social life across the country and particularly in the country’s economy. *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! -H_! 13



PROVINCE (`KĂ›U PROJECT TITLE 2HKĂ›U ,YRLR ,S ,SL ǸPKKL[ +LČ˜PS :L]NP PSL B>VTLU HUK 4LU /HUK PU /HUK >P[OV\[ =PVSLUJL But With Love] 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 hHČ˜KHČ´ @HČ´HTĂ› +LZ[LRSLTL +LYULČ˜P (`KĂ›U Ǹ\ILZP h@++ B(ZZVJPH[PVU MVY [OL :\WWVY[ VM *VU[LTWVYHY` 3P]PUN (`KĂ›U )YHUJO h@++ D PROJECT PARTNERS (`KĂ›U 4LKPJHS *OHTILY 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ :LW[LTILY [V 1\UL 7961,*; :<44(9@ 0U [OL [V^U VM 6]HL`TPY PU (`KĂ›U WYV]PUJL outreach work was done to raise awareness of gender equality and violence against women. Women were reached via home visits, and men ]PH ]PZP[Z [V JVɈLLOV\ZLZ HUK M\ULYHS OVTLZ To boost the visibility of and familiarity with these concepts within the district, posters and canvas banners were hung in marketplaces, JVɈLLOV\ZLZ ZJOVVSZ ^LKKPUN OHSSZ HUK other public areas. Participants in the project underwent tests before and after the awarenessraising work. Positive changes in opinion were revealed during focus group interviews on gender equality held in the target group.


ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž A total of 114 women were reached via 15 home visits made in three neighborhoods. ŕ Ž ( [V[HS VM TLU ^LYL YLHJOLK ]PH ZP_ JVɈLLOV\ZL HUK M\ULYHS OVTL ]PZP[Z THKL PU three neighborhoods. ŕ Ž ;OYV\NO [OL KPZ[YPI\[PVU VM IYVJO\YLZ people were informed about the concepts of gender equality and violence against women. ŕ Ž -\Y[OLYTVYL WVZ[LYZ ^LYL O\UN PU JVɈLLOV\ZLZ ZJOVVSZ ^LKKPUN OHSSZ pharmacies, and grocery stores. ŕ Ž The local population was also targeted via one wedding in each of the three neighborhoods, with a canvas banner on the concepts of gender equality and violence against women being hung at the entrance of the wedding hall. The project HSZV ZH^ [OL KPZ[YPI\[PVU VM W\YWSL YPIIVUZ 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž According to surveys carried out among the target group, knowledge on the concepts of gender equality and violence against women has risen.

WOMEN AND MEN HAND IN HAND, WITHOUT VIOLENCE BUT WITH LOVE The prevalence of violence that threatens physical and mental health of individuals, as well as peace and happiness of society, causes people to perceive it as normal behavior. Domestic violence, which happens behind closed doors and arises in news of murder, torture and crime, can have various types including beating, swearing, humiliation, contempt, and deprivation. A study of violence JVUK\J[LK PU (`KÛU PU PUKPJH[LZ [OH[ [OL YH[L VM THSL ]PVSLUJL HNHPUZ[ ^VTLU PZ Women who are subject to violence are usually got married at a younger age. 17% of women said that a husband would have the right to beat his wife in at least one of the following

¸>L ILSPL]L ^L IYV\NO[ HIV\[ H JOHUNL in perception and mindset about gender LX\HSP[` HUK ]PVSLUJL HNHPUZ[ ^VTLU I` NVPUN [V [OL Ă„LSK ]PH OVTL HUK JVŃœLLOV\ZL ]PZP[Z >L L_WSVYLK [OL LŃœLJ[Z VM IPVSVNPJHS ZL_ HUK ZVJPHS NLUKLY VU V\Y SP]LZ PU HU LU]PYVUTLU[ VM T\[\HS JVU]LYZH[PVU ^P[O participants from both genders. They YLHSPaLK [OH[ ZVTL VM [OLPY ILOH]PVYZ [OH[ [OL` WYL]PV\ZS` KPK UV[ YLNHYK HZ ]PVSLU[ ^LYL PUKLLK ]PVSLU[ 4VZ[ PTWVY[HU[S` [OL` learned that they were not alone and there were institutions they could consult in case VM ]PVSLUJL š 5\Y[LU ([HSH` 7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY




.V]LYUVY (`KÛU *P[PaLUZ (ZZLTIS` >VTLUZ *V\UJPS HUK ,_LJ\[P]L )VHYK HUK [OL =PSSHNL 4HZ[LY VM 6]HL`TPY [V PU[YVK\JL [OL WYVQLJ[ HUK do assessments. The areas of work and working style were set. A brochure about gender equality and violence against women was created and printed for distribution during the project.

cases: when she overcooks and burns the meal, neglects to care for the children, talks back to her husband, wastes money, or refuses to have sexual intercourse. 16% of women thought “important decisions in the family should be made by menâ€?, 12% thought “men are usually smarter than womenâ€?, and 22% believed that “if a woman disagrees with her husband she should not argueâ€?. 2L` HJ[P]P[PLZ [OH[ T\Z[ IL JHYYPLK V\[ H[ [OL societal level include training on how to establish domestic relationships based on respect and trust, and on changing the cultural and social factors that cause violence against women. With [OPZ PU TPUK [OL (`KĂ›U IYHUJO VM h@++ SH\UJOLK [OL ¸>VTLU HUK 4LU /HUK PU /HUK >P[OV\[ Violence But With Loveâ€? project in cooperation



TRAINING IN SAYING NO TO VIOLENCE The project began with the preparation of questionnaires for a survey of the target group, the selection of people to work voluntarily in the ÄLSK HUK JVUK\J[ Z\Y]L`Z HUK [OL [YHPUPUN VM trainers. The project team visited the Governor VM (`KÛU ,MLSLY 4\UPJPWHSP[` 4H`VY HUK +PZ[YPJ[

Women were reached via home visits and men ]PH ]PZP[Z [V JVɈLLOV\ZLZ HUK M\ULYHS OVTLZ PU order to raise awareness about gender-based and domestic violence and gender equality, to inform women about women’s rights, and to question the widespread perceptions and value judgments in society that are believed “We created awareness regarding women’s rights in particular during [OL Ă„LSK Z[\KPLZ >VTLU ILSPL]LK [OH[ [OLPY TV]LTLU[ PU H ]LY` SPTP[LK HYLH ^HZ MYLLKVT HUK ]PVSLUJL ^HZ a problem that concerned only the family. I am happy that we were able to JOHUNL [OLZL WLYJLW[PVUZ >L Z[PSS OH]L requests from them to continue our OVTL ]PZP[Z HUK [HSRZ ;OL` ZOHYL [OPZ new information with their neighbors HUK YLSH[P]LZ HM[LY ^L SLH]L 0 [OPUR [OH[ ^L OH]L VWLULK KVVYZ MVY ^VTLU š ALSPOH (`KĂ›U 7OHYTHJPZ[

to aggravate violence. At the meetings, the concepts of gender and sex were emphasized, MVSSV^LK I` H KPZJ\ZZPVU VU [OL LɈLJ[Z VM NLUKLY HUK ZL_ VU V\Y SP]LZ HUK ^H`Z [V Ă„NO[ HNHPUZ[ violence. Posters and canvas banners were O\UN PU W\ISPJ ZWHJLZ Z\JO HZ JVɈLLOV\ZLZ schools, wedding halls, and the Village Master’s VɉJL PU HU LɈVY[ [V IVVZ[ [OL ]PZPIPSP[` VM HUK familiarity with the main project concepts within the district. Visits were made to marketplaces and brochures distributed to the public. ;OL [LHT HSZV ]PZP[LK VɉJLYZ H[ [OL ,MLSLY 4\UPJPWHSP[` 4HYYPHNL 6ɉJL [V PUMVYT [OLT HIV\[ [OL WYVQLJ[ *V\WSLZ ^OV ^LYL HWWS`PUN [V NL[ THYYPLK ^LYL NP]LU IYVJO\YLZ HUK ILULĂ„[LK from awareness-raising work. The project team also visited the Izmir Women’s Museum, and an Izmir tour was organized in March with the ^VTLU MYVT 6]HL`TPY ^OV OHK WHY[PJPWH[LK PU the project. 17



found the statement “Men cannot control violence and cannot stop itâ€? wrong before the ZLZZPVU [OPZ WLYJLU[HNL ^LU[ \W [V HM[LY the session. The percentage of women who said ¸=PVSLUJL OHZ UV ]HSPK Q\Z[PĂ„JH[PVUš ^HZ ILMVYL [OL ZLZZPVU I\[ YLHJOLK HM[LY [OL session.

SURVEY RESULTS :L]LYHS Z\Y]L` Z[\KPLZ ^LYL JVUK\J[LK K\YPUN the project. Pre-tests and post-tests were given to the men who participated in the training VɈLYLK PU M\ULYHS OVTLZ HUK JVɈLLOV\ZLZ HUK to the women who participated in the meetings held during home visits, in order to determine any changes in their opinions from before and after [OL [YHPUPUN ;OL ¸+LĂ„UP[PVU HUK *VTWVULU[Z VM Gender and Violence Against Womenâ€? survey involved 246 married women over the age of 15 ^OV SP]LK PU 6]HL`TPY ;OL WHY[PJPWHU[ZÂť SL]LS VM knowledge and perception of gender-based and domestic violence was assessed in this survey. Also investigated was the frequency of genderbased and domestic violence and related MHJ[VYZ -PUHSS` ^OLU HJ[P]P[PLZ PU [OL HYLH ^LYL JVTWSL[LK ^P[O [OL ¸:\Y]L` VU (^HYLULZZ VM [OL 7YVQLJ[ *VTWVULU[Zš [OL H^HYLULZZ SL]LSZ of the project’s target group were evaluated. 18

Pre-tests and post-tests were important for assessing the success of project training. The results of the surveys which were carried out twice – before and after the meeting/training session – indicated that the awareness-raising LɈVY[Z IYV\NO[ WVZP[P]L V\[JVTLZ 2UV^SLKNL and awareness levels of biological sex rose MYVT [V HTVUN ^VTLU HUK MYVT [V HTVUN TLU ^OPSL [OL RUV^SLKNL and awareness levels of the concept of gender Q\TWLK MYVT [V HTVUN ^VTLU HUK MYVT [V HTVUN TLU While 78% of women said yes to the question “Women and men should be paid the same for the same job� before the session, this WLYJLU[HNL ^LU[ \W [V HM[LY [OL ZLZZPVU While 47% of women said no to the statement “Domestic violence against women is only a family problem� before the session, 72% said no HM[LY [OL ZLZZPVU :PTPSHYS` ^OPSL VM ^VTLU

86%. While the statement “Men cannot control violence and cannot stop it� was found wrong by 48% of before the training, the percentage stood at 67% after. The percentage of men who disagreed with the statement “They are men; they can beat and love� went up from 56% ILMVYL [V HM[LY [OL [YHPUPUN

The training conducted with men also exhibited positive results. While 66% said no to the statement “Boys should have further education than girlsâ€? before the training, this percentage increased to 77% after the training. While the statement “Women who are subject to domestic violence want and deserve itâ€? was found wrong I` HM[LY [OL [YHPUPUN [OPZ WLYJLU[HNL YVZL [V 69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, (ZZVJPH[PVU MVY [OL :\WWVY[ VM *VU[LTWVYHY` 3P]PUN (`KĂ›U )YHUJO h@++ @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; ;OL HPT VM h@++ÂťZ (`KĂ›U )YHUJO PZ [V WYV[LJ[ KL]LSVW HUK WYVTV[L [OL YPNO[Z [OH[ ^LYL HJOPL]LK ^P[O AtatĂźrk’s principles and reforms, and ultimately bring about modern individuals and society via contemporary education. The association provides educational grants to students; organizes a variety of courses and training meetings primarily for women, children, and youth; and ensures that students at the primary and secondary school levels receive support from university students. *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! -H_! 19


,+ČŠ95, ,8<(3 =60*, ,8<(3 +,*,5; 30-,

PROVINCE Edirne PROJECT TITLE ,Č´P[ :€a ,Č´P[ ÇŚUZHUJH @HČ´HT [Equal Voice, Equal Decent Life] 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 ,KPYUL 2HKĂ›U 4LYRLaP +HUÛȴTH +LYULČ˜P ,2(4, +,9 B,KPYUL >VTLUÂťZ *V\UZLSSPUN *LU[YL (ZZVJPH[PVU ,2(4, +,9 D PROJECT PARTNERS Edirne Municipality, Trakya University Women’s 0ZZ\LZ 9LZLHYJO HUK (WWSPJH[PVU *LU[LY ;<2:(4 ,KPYUL .V]LYUVYZOPW :WLJPHS 7YV]PUJPHS (KTPUPZ[YH[PVU 2(4,9 -V\UKH[PVU 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ 6J[VILY [V 4H` 7961,*; :<44(9@ The “Equal Voice, Equal Decent Lifeâ€? project sought to raise awareness of gender equality among women living in Edirne. Through home visits, the project reached women living in four neighborhoods that made up one-fourth of the 24 neighbourhoods of the Edirne provincial center. The goal was to try to change perceptions on gender equality, to highlight women’s right to LX\HSS` ILULĂ„[ MYVT T\UPJPWHS ZLY]PJLZ HZ TLU do, and to increase women’s participation in decision-making mechanisms.


ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž ;YHPUPUN VU NLUKLY LX\HSP[` ^HZ KLSP]LYLK [V Pioneer Women. ŕ Ž The Pioneer Women then visited 1,578 OV\ZLOVSKZ PU [OL ;HSH[WHČ´H (IK\YYHOTHU ǸÂ…RYÂ…WHČ´H HUK ÇŚZ[HZ`VU ULPNOIV\YOVVKZ HUK shared information with the local population. ŕ Ž :\Y]L`Z VU ^VTLUÂťZ ULLKZ ^LYL JVUK\J[LK during home visits. ŕ Ž After home visits had been completed in each neighborhood, the information given was reinforced through the organization of neighborhood meetings. ŕ Ž Trakya University evaluated the results of the X\LZ[PVUUHPYLZ Ă„SSLK V\[ K\YPUN [OL OVTL ]PZP[Z HUK PKLU[PĂ„LK ^VTLUÂťZ ULLKZ HUK WYVISLTZ 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž The 1,578 women who participated in the project in Edirne provincial center increased their awareness of women’s rights. ŕ Ž Through the survey, the needs and problems of ^VTLU ^LYL PKLU[PĂ„LK ŕ Ž Taking into consideration women’s municipal YLX\LZ[Z ,KPYUL >VTLUÂťZ *V\UZLSSPUN *LU[YL (ZZVJPH[PVU ,2(4, +,9 KL]LSVWLK H UL^ project on Gender Responsive Budgeting.

EQUAL VOICE, EQUAL DECENT LIFE Edirne is an impressive border city with a rich history, architecture, and fertile lands watered by four rivers. With a population growth rate of -2.8 per thousand (far below the national average in Turkey according to data from the Turkish :[H[PZ[PJHS 0UZ[P[\[L ,KPYUL ZLLTZ MHY MYVT H typical Turkish province in terms of demographic composition. It would be wrong, however, to construe these statistical data as signs of development. In Edirne, a province to which people do not migrate but rather from which people emigrate, whose population is gradually aging and where economic activities are still to

a large extent based on agriculture, the key to advancing social and economic development is the empowerment of women, who make up half of the population.

“The women shared their problems with us, they raised their awareness (of gender equality). I remember a ^VTHU ZH`PUN ^OLU ^L NH]L OLY [OL brochure, ‘this is my guide; I will carry it PU T` W\YZL 0 ^PSS [LSS ^VTLU ^OV OH]L troubles like me about this and make sure that they contact you.’ � -H[TH )LRHY 7PVULLY >VTHU



,+ČŠ95, ,8<(3 =60*, ,8<(3 +,*,5; 30-,

:LLRPUN [V JVUK\J[ H Z[\K` [OH[ ^V\SK JVU[YPI\[L to gender equality in Edirne and strengthen women’s position in society, the Edirne Women’s *V\UZLSSPUN *LU[YL (ZZVJPH[PVU KL]LSVWLK [OL “Equal Voice, Equal Decent Lifeâ€? project. The Association’s previous projects revealed that the women of Edirne were exposed to gender inequality and discrimination, did not adequately participate in decision-making mechanisms, HUK KPK UV[ YLJLP]L HU` Z\WWVY[ PU [OPZ HYLH -VY instance, no woman had ever been a member of [OL ,KPYUL 7YV]PUJPHS .LULYHS *V\UJPS PU [OL WHZ[ 6US` MV\Y VM [OL JV\UJPSSVYZ VU [OL 4\UPJPWHS *V\UJPS ^LYL ^VTLU (UK VUS` VUL VM [OL neighborhoods in the provincial center had a MLTHSL T\RO[HY ;OPZ ZP[\H[PVU ^HZ YLĂ…LJ[LK PU service policies. Therefore it was vital to inform women about gender equality – particularly women in neighborhoods with concentrations of socially disadvantaged groups. The project MVJ\ZLK VU ^VTLUÂťZ YPNO[ [V LX\HSS` ILULĂ„[ from municipal services and participate in decision-making mechanisms, in addition to


NLUKLY LX\HSP[` ,2(4, +,9 HWWSPLK MVY HUK YLJLP]LK H NYHU[ MYVT [OL :HIHUJĂ› -V\UKH[PVU Grant Program under the United Nations Joint 7YVNYHT MVY 7YVTV[PUN [OL /\THU 9PNO[Z VM Women.

PIONEER WOMEN ON THE STAGE ;OL WYVQLJ[ [LHT ILSPL]LK [OH[ [OL ÄYZ[ Z[LW PU empowering women in every area of life was [OL PKLU[PÄJH[PVU [OYV\NO V\[YLHJO HJ[P]P[PLZ VM [OL WYPTHY` WYVISLTZ [OL` MHJL ;OL ÄYZ[ Z[LWZ taken to this end were the establishment of a network of women volunteers and contacting various local organizations that could support the project. Initially, a comprehensive training aimed at raising awareness of gender equality was KLSP]LYLK [V 7PVULLY >VTLU ZLSLJ[LK VU [OL IHZPZ VM ZWLJPÄJ JYP[LYPH ;OL 7PVULLY >VTLU who were the driving force of the project, were selected among the female members of the >VTLUZ *V\UJPS VM *P[PaLUZ (ZZLTIS` HUK were responsive to gender equality. The Trakya University Women’s Issues Implementation and 9LZLHYJO *LU[LY ;<2:(4 HUK [OL >VTLUZ *LU[YL -V\UKH[PVU 2(4,9 WYV]PKLK Z\WWVY[ for the training. To ensure that the project would have an impact on the public and be adopted

I` L]LY` ZLJ[PVU VM ZVJPL[` H Ă„YZ[ ULPNOIVYOVVK meeting was held with the participation of the local press, women, and the project team. To foster solidarity among women, get them out of the spiral of violence and lack of education, and enable them to discover their power and potential it was necessary to create new environments for NYV^[O ;OL Ă„YZ[ Z[LW VU [OPZ YVHK ^HZ OVTL visits. Accordingly, after their training Pioneer Women began home visits and information HJ[P]P[PLZ PU [OL ;HSH[WHČ´H (IK\YYHOTHU ǸÂ…RYÂ…WHČ´H HUK ÇŚZ[HZ`VU ULPNOIV\YOVVKZ

¸>L TL[ KPŃœLYLU[ WLVWSL HUK KPŃœLYLU[ SPML Z[VYPLZ >L ZH^ [OH[ WLVWSLÂťZ SP]LZ were not perfect, that women were Z\IQLJ[ [V ]PVSLUJL HUK TVZ[ VM [OL [PTL they could not do anything when faced ^P[O ]PVSLUJL š ǸLUH` kURVS 7PVULLY >VTHU



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After home visits had been completed in each neighborhood, local meetings were held in part as a means of refreshing the information women had received during the home visits as well as reinforcing the spirit of solidarity. In addition to the six neighborhood meetings held, a cultural [YPW [V ǦZ[HUI\S ^HZ VYNHUPaLK MVY ^VTLU

During the home visits, conversations on both the stereotypical roles society assigns to women and the problems ensuing from gender inequality were had and educational brochures ^LYL KPZ[YPI\[LK >VTLU ^LYL HSZV HZRLK [V ÄSS out a questionnaire about their needs. In addition to questions about women’s marital status, how they got married, their level of education, whether or not they worked, whether or not they had migrated, how many children they had, how many people lived in their household, and their household income, they were also asked about how they see their status within society. During the project, Pioneer Women made 1,578 home visits, exceeding their initial objective. The women surveyed indicated that they wanted to WHY[PJPWH[L TVYL PU [OL ^VYRMVYJL HUK ILULÄ[ more from health and education opportunities by coming together to achieve common goals in [OL ÄNO[ HNHPUZ[ ]PVSLUJL HUK I` ZLLPUN ZOHYPUN and most importantly experiencing the warmth and power of solidarity.


STRIKING DATA, INSPIRING RESULTS Although the primary objective of the home visits was to meet women and raise awareness of violence and women’s human rights, the data obtained from the forms was of vital importance in terms of sustaining and measuring the awareness the project created. Trakya University evaluated the results of the questionnaires ÄSSLK V\[ K\YPUN [OL OVTL ]PZP[Z HUK PKLU[PÄLK women’s needs and problems.

¸0 ILSPL]L [OH[ ^VTLU ^OV OH]L ILJVTL acquainted with the concept of gender LX\HSP[` RUV^ [OH[ [OL` KV UV[ OH]L to assume the classic roles assigned to women. They will approach their daughters and granddaughters with a KPќLYLU[ WLYZWLJ[P]L 0 MLLS [OH[ ^L OH]L touched upon life.” ǸHOPKL (ȘHVȘS\ 7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY

The results of the survey were not surprising. ,KPYUL ^HZ UV KPɈLYLU[ MYVT [OL NLULYHS situation in Turkey in terms of women’s position within society. According to the results obtained from six neighborhoods where the survey was conducted, 7% of women were illiterate and 47% of them were primary school graduates. Among those who were married, 28% of them

got married before they were 18 years old and VM ^VTLU KPK UV[ ^VYR H[ H QVI [OH[ WHPK YLN\SHYS` HUK WYV]PKLK PUZ\YHUJL ( Z[YPRPUN of women responded ‘yes’ to the question “Do you think that women are exposed to violence?”; 68% said they had resorted to the support and help of their friends in order to escape violence. >VTLU»Z TVZ[ PTWVY[HU[ ULLKZ PKLU[PÄLK through the survey were employment, support PU [OL ÄNO[ HNHPUZ[ ]PVSLUJL H WSH`NYV\UK infrastructure services, social and health services, and literacy courses. The women ^HU[LK [V ^VYR PTWYV]L [OLTZLS]LZ ÄUK Z\WWVY[ PU [OL ÄNO[ HNHPUZ[ ]PVSLUJL HUK HJJLZZ higher equality services for themselves and their children. Inspired by these results and taking women’s needs-based requests into JVUZPKLYH[PVU ,2(4, +,9 KL]LSVWLK H UL^ project on Gender Responsive Budgeting.



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The experience and observations of the Pioneer Women, who assumed the biggest role in the implementation of the “Equal Voice, Equal Decent Life Projectâ€?, promise hope for the M\[\YL -H[TH )LRHY H YL[PYLK U\YZL MYVT 7PVULLY Women, stated that she had worked in the health ZLJ[VY MVY `LHYZ HUK `L[ KPK UV[ Z\ɉJPLU[S` RUV^ people until she participated in this project. “I thought that everyone had a comfortable life in Edirne, but [I realized that] so many people need a helping hand. We established very good relationships with women throughout the project. They trusted us fully; some of them even still call us today. We are now thinking about what more we can do,â€? she explained. With joy and hope, she said that 17 participating women had subsequently registered in a KPJ[PVU JSHZZ (UV[OLY WPVULLY ^VTHU -H[TH .LY UV[LK [OH[ ZOL HSZV ILULĂ„[[LK MYVT [OL project. “Violence has many faces, including economic violence... Women say that they are not exposed to violence; they say that when they talk to their husbands about what they hear in our meetings, their husbands do not realize [OL LJVUVTPJ ]PVSLUJL [OL` HYL PUĂ…PJ[PUN š :OL emphasized that the project directly or indirectly HɈLJ[LK THU` WLVWSL ¸( ^VTHU JVTPUN MYVT a village in Meriç said, ‘I tell what I learn here everyday to the other women in the village,’ HUK OLHYPUN [OPZ PUĂ…\LUJL PZ WYVTPZPUN ([ [OL beginning, we were shy to knock on doors; it is hard to establish a closeness. But then you 28

see that the most unexpected person opens up and shares her problems with you. After all, we are all women, and each of us has a wounded side. Therefore the work on awareness is very ILULĂ„JPHS 0 ^HU[ \Z [V RLLW RUVJRPUN VU KVVYZ and continue this work. There are many steps to take and many obstacles to overcome in order for women in Edirne to have equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities with men and have equal representation in every area of life. Through the “Equal Voice, Equal Decent Lifeâ€? project, hope is growing.â€? The project has once more proven that women’s participation in decision-making mechanisms and in working life, as powerful HUK ZLSM JVUZJPV\Z PUKP]PK\HSZ Ă„NO[PUN HNHPUZ[ violence and discrimination, is the key in this ongoing and ambitious struggle.

69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, ,KPYUL >VTLUÂťZ *V\UZLSSPUN *LU[YL (ZZVJPH[PVU ,2(4, +,9 @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; ,2(4, +,9 ^HZ LZ[HISPZOLK [V JVUK\J[ YLZLHYJO VU ^VTLU JOPSKYLU HUK LU]PYVUTLU[HS PZZ\LZ" VYNHUPaL L]LU[Z [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ HUK ZJPLU[PĂ„J Z[\KPLZ" YHPZL TVYHS HUK TH[LYPHS ZVSPKHYP[` HTVUN ^VTLU" LUZ\YL [OLPY social, cultural, educational, and economic development; and research, develop, and promote the historical, economic, touristic, as well as folkloric characteristics of the region. *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! 29


,+ČŠ95, >, (9, 3,(9505. ()6<; .,5+,9 9,:765:0=, )<+.,;05.

PROVINCE Edirne PROJECT TITLE ;VWS\TZHS *PUZP`L[ ,Č´P[SPČ˜P`SL )Â…[sLSLTL`P kČ˜YLUP`VY\a [We are Learning about Gender Responsive Budgeting] <@.<3(@0*0 2<9<4 ,KPYUL 2HKĂ›U 4LYRLaP +HUÛȴTH +LYULČ˜P ,2(4, +,9 PROJECT PARTNERS Governorship of Edirne, Edirne Municipality, Trakya University, Edirne Association for the Protection HUK (PK VM +PZHISLK 7LVWSL HUK ;OLPY -HTPSPLZ 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ 1\S` [V (WYPS 7961,*; :<44(9@ ;OYV\NO [OPZ WYVQLJ[ [OL ,KPYUL >VTLUÂťZ *V\UZLSSPUN *LU[YL (ZZVJPH[PVU ,2(4, +,9 HPTLK [V YHPZL awareness about Gender Responsive Budgeting .9) I` VɈLYPUN [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ PU ,KPYUL WYV]PUJPHS JLU[LY HZ ^LSS HZ PU [OL 2LČ´HU <a\UR€WYÂ… and Enez districts. With a view to communicating [OL ULLKZ PKLU[PĂ„LK PU H Z\Y]L` JVUK\J[LK ^P[O 1,578 women in four neighborhoods in a previous grant project in Edirne Municipality, the Association established a Monitoring Group consisting of women 5.6Z PU [OL JP[` ;OPZ 4VUP[VYPUN .YV\W LUNHNLK in advocacy to ensure that the Municipality takes gender equality into account during the preparation VM [OL ,KPYUL 4\UPJPWHSP[` :[YH[LNPJ 7SHU HM[LY [OL SVJHS LSLJ[PVUZ


ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž ;OL YLZ\S[Z VM [OL Z\Y]L` JVUK\J[LK I` ,2(4, +,9 in four neighborhoods in a previous project were used as inputs for the municipality’s strategic plan. ŕ Ž A three-day training on Gender Responsive Budgeting was held in Edirne provincial center and a one-and-a-half day training on GRB was VYNHUPaLK PU ,KPYULÂťZ 2LČ´HU <a\UR€WYÂ… HUK ,ULa districts. ŕ Ž ( 4VUP[VYPUN .YV\W THKL \W VM ^VTLUÂťZ 5.6Z ^HZ LZ[HISPZOLK \UKLY [OL SLHKLYZOPW VM ,2(4, +,9 ŕ Ž (Z H YLZ\S[ VM H MHJ[ Ă„UKPUN JVUMLYLUJL OLSK advocacy and monitoring & evaluation activities were carried out and a project manual was drawn up and released to the public via the media. ŕ Ž Advocacy work was also done to include gender equality in the goals of the strategic plan. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž Edirne Municipality included 6 purposes, 15 goals, Z[YH[LNPLZ HUK PUKPJH[VYZ YLSH[LK [V NLUKLY LX\HSP[` PU P[Z :[YH[LNPJ 7SHU

WE ARE LEARNING ABOUT GENDER RESPONSIVE BUDGETING ;OL VWWVY[\UP[` MVY ^VTLU [V ILULÄ[ MYVT municipal services as equal citizens should be guaranteed in order to establish gender equality. Although the average women’s representation in the decision-making mechanisms in Edirne is higher than the national average in Turkey, ^VTLU HYL \UHISL [V LX\HSS` ILULÄ[ MYVT W\ISPJ budgets and municipal services. The budgets of local governments should be responsive to ^VTLU" JVUJYL[L Z[LWZ T\Z[ IL [HRLU [V YLÅLJ[ women’s rights and needs in decision-making processes and mechanisms.

>P[O H NYHU[ MYVT :HIHUJĂ› -V\UKH[PVU .YHU[ 7YVNYHT ,2(4, +,9ÂťZ YHU H Ă„YZ[ WYVQLJ[ entitled “Equal Voice, Equal Decent Lifeâ€? which included a survey on women’s needs. The Association then developed a new project to take into consideration the results of that survey and the demands for municipal services from the thousands of women it YLHJOLK ,2(4, +,9 ZL[ V\[ ^P[O [OL ILSPLM that the inadequate representation of women in local governments hinders the goal of achieving SVJHS KLTVJYHJ` HUK KL]LSVWTLU[ -VY [OPZ UL^ project, the Association focused on Gender Responsive Budgeting as means of taking gender equality into account in all stages of the budgeting process. GRB contributes not only to ensuring gender equality in budgeting but also to reducing poverty and improving economic productivity and transparency.

ŕ Ž The citizens’ assemblies, women’s councils, ^VTLUÂťZ 5.6Z HUK T\UPJPWHSP[` Z[HɈ PU ,KPYUL provincial center as well as in three districts were familiarized with Gender Responsive Budgeting. ŕ Ž The Monitoring Group established with a view to monitoring gender equality measures across the city became a legitimate platform for tracking women’s human rights. ŕ Ž A booklet was prepared and published so that the Monitoring Group’s studies could become L_HTWSLZ MVY V[OLY 5.6Z



,+Ȋ95, >, (9, 3,(9505. ()6<; .,5+,9 9,:765:0=, )<+.,;05.

This project focused in particular on the PUJS\ZPVU VM HSS 5.6Z ^VYRPUN PU [OL HYLH of women’s rights. The establishment of a TVUP[VYPUN NYV\W SLK I` ,2(4, +,9 HUK THKL \W VM [OL *P[PaLUZ» (ZZLTIS` >VTLU»Z *V\UJPS ;YHR`H <UP]LYZP[` *LU[LY MVY >VTLU»Z :[\KPLZ ^VTLU»Z 5.6Z ^HZ [OL NVHS VM [OL WYVQLJ[ The main priorities were monitoring the gender equality-related commitments of the Edirne Municipality and incorporating goals that serve NLUKLY LX\HSP[` PU [OL :[YH[LNPJ 7SHU VM ,KPYUL 4\UPJPWHSP[` -\Y[OLYTVYL [OYLL day training sessions on GRB were held in Edirne provincial center and one-and-half-day ZLZZPVUZ PU [OL 2LȴHU <a\UR WY HUK ,ULa districts were meant to raise awareness of GRB among citizens’ assemblies, women’s councils, ^VTLU»Z 5.6Z HUK T\UPJPWHS Z[HɈ ( [V[HS VM 215 people attended the training sessions.

“The project brought about an H^HRLUPUN HUK ^L NV[ TV]PUN >L saw that we, as women’s NGOs, were capable of succeeding in many things. >L KPK UV[ JVUJLYU V\YZLS]LZ ^P[O [OL SVJHS NV]LYUTLU[ PU [OL WHZ[" ^L ^LYL UV[ L]LU H^HYL VM 5.6Z ZOHYL in the budget. Now, we are connected to the municipality. I am a member VM [OL 4VUP[VYPUN .YV\W HUK HZ H YLWYLZLU[H[P]L VM HU 5.6 0 ^V\SK SPRL to monitor the internal operation of the municipality and see how much municipality supports us, particularly on the basis of numbers when it comes to budgeting.” =PSKHU @HaÛJÛ ,KPYUL )YHUJO VM [OL Turkish Association of University Women 7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY (`[LU : UL[sPSLY H TLTILY VM T\UPJPWHS Z[HɈ HJ[LK HZ H IYPKNL IL[^LLU ^VTLU»Z 5.6Z HUK T\UPJPWHSP[PLZ :OL ^VYRLK as a facilitator to strengthen the collaboration between these two components of the project. : UL[sPSLY ]VPJLK OLY VWPUPVU VU [OL [YHPUPUN sessions provided as part of the project as MVSSV^Z! ¸;YHPUPUN OHZ KLÄUP[LS` THKL JVUJYL[L JVU[YPI\[PVUZ 5.6Z MVYTLK H JVHSP[PVU HUK came up with a common list of requests. The


“We learned a great deal from the training sessions. Our capabilities and ZLSM JVUÄKLUJL PUJYLHZLK PU [LYTZ of project preparation. The Edirne Association for the Protection and (PK VM 7LVWSL ^P[O +PZHIPSP[PLZ HUK Their Families designed two new projects. We were used to seeing our KPZHK]HU[HNLZ" UV^ ^L HYL HISL [V ZLL IV[O V\Y HK]HU[HNLZ HUK V\Y WV^LY We learned that we could carry out wonderful work and that we had the WV^LY VM ZHUJ[PVU IV[O HZ PUKP]PK\HSZ and as an association.” +PSLR 2H`UHR *OHPYWLYZVU VM [OL Edirne Association for the Protection and Aid of Disabled People and Their -HTPSPLZ

training taught them that projects based on the PKLU[PÄJH[PVU VM WYVISLTZ HUK [OL YPNO[ WSHUUPUN were a good tool for quickly achieving the most LɈLJ[P]L YLZ\S[Z ¹

COOPERATION BETWEEN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND CIVIL SOCIETY The project activities progressed on three fronts. 6WLU [V JVSSHIVYH[PVU ^P[O JP]PS ZVJPL[` ,KPYUL Municipality declared that it would take on the role of lead partner in the project under the United 5H[PVUZ 1VPU[ 7YVNYHT MVY 7YVTV[PUN [OL /\THU Rights of Women. Given its strong background and experience in GRB, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women undertook this component of the project. A roadmap was prepared and 33


,+ČŠ95, >, (9, 3,(9505. ()6<; .,5+,9 9,:765:0=, )<+.,;05.

Z\ITP[[LK [V ,KPYUL 4\UPJPWHSP[` HM[LY [OL Ă„YZ[ training, taking into account the results of this training and of the 1,578 home visits carried out PU [OL Ă„YZ[ WYVQLJ[ ;OL 4VUP[VYPUN .YV\W [OH[ was established held consultations with Edire Municipality on its strategic plan and began to follow the commitments of the Municipality on gender equality through monitoring meetings. Edirne Municipality held a series of meetings focused on creating gender equality within the municipality and founded committees to TVUP[VY P[Z JVTTP[TLU[Z [OLYL[V ,2(4, DER organized district training sessions in the <a\UR€WYÂ… /H]ZH :Â…SVČ˜S\ 4LYPs 2LČ´HU @LUP


4\OHJĂ›Y 4LYPs HUK ,ULa ÇŚWZHSH KPZ[YPJ[Z HZ ^LSS HZ H MHJ[ Ă„UKPUN JVUMLYLUJL PU ,KPYUL WYV]PUJPHS center. The Association also coordinated the activities of the Monitoring Group. (SS [OLZL LɈVY[Z J\STPUH[LK PU [OL MV\UKPUN VM H .9) *VVYKPUH[PVU .YV\W ^P[OPU [OL 4\UPJPWHSP[`" MVY [OL Ă„YZ[ [PTL Z[YH[LNPJ WSHUZ HUK I\KNL[Z were prepared in consultation with local women’s 5.6Z ¸0TWYV]PUN .LUKLY ,X\HSP[` )HZLK 4\UPJPWHS :LY]PJLZš ^HZ PUJS\KLK PU [OL Z[YH[LNPJ WSHU H[ [OL TLL[PUN VM [OL 4\UPJPWHS *V\UJPS HUK ^HZ YH[PĂ„LK HZ VUL VM [OL 4\UPJPWHSP[`ÂťZ main goals. The same responsive approach

^HZ YLĂ…LJ[LK PU [OL I\KNL[ P[LTZ 0TTLKPH[LS` after the GRB training, the municipality created H +PYLJ[VYH[L VM >VTLU HUK -HTPS` :LY]PJLZ Most of the objectives based on the women’s YLX\LZ[Z HUK ZL[ I` [OL ^VTLUÂťZ 5.6Z ^LYL PUJVYWVYH[LK PU[V [OL ,KPYUL 4\UPJPWHSP[` :[YH[LNPJ 7SHU Training on GRB, monitoring and evaluation, HUK HK]VJHJ` ^HZ KLSP]LYLK H[ [OL MHJ[ Ă„UKPUN JVUMLYLUJL OLSK HZ WHY[ VM [OL WYVQLJ[ 6[OLY issues discussed at the conference were the achievements of the project via group activities, [OL M\[\YL VM .9) LɈVY[Z HUK ]VJH[PVUHS [YHPUPUN

courses. The decision was made to continue monitoring activities on these areas. In addition to the project team, municipal directorates, TLTILYZ VM [OL 4\UPJPWHS *V\UJPS ZJOVSHYZ and graduate students from Trakya University, ^VTLUÂťZ 5.6Z JVUZ[P[\[PUN [OL .9) 4VUP[VYPUN .YV\W HUK [LHJOLYZ ^P[O H 7\YWSL *LY[PĂ„JH[L participated in the conference. Information was shared on how to track the implementation of gender equality objectives and their integration into the strategic plan and the budget.



,+ČŠ95, >, (9, 3,(9505. ()6<; .,5+,9 9,:765:0=, )<+.,;05.

EXAMPLES OF EDIRNE MUNICIPALITY’S GENDER RESPONSIVE SERVICES -VY [OL Ă„YZ[ [PTL H MLTHSL KYP]LY ILNHU ^VYRPUN PU [OL W\ISPJ [YHUZWVY[ Ă…LL[ VM [OL ,KPYUL 7\ISPJ ;YHUZWVY[H[PVU :`Z[LT ,;<: ^OPJO WYV]PKLZ service under the Edirne Municipality. Moreover, a second female driver was employed after seven months and the provision that “the commercial vehicles for which female drives are hired shall not be charged the annual license feeâ€? was inserted in an article added to the Directorate VM ;YHUZWVY[H[PVU :LY]PJLZ ;HYPɈ [V WYVTV[L [OL employment of female drivers. 0U 2Ă›`Ă›R YLNPVU VUL VM [OL KPZHK]HU[HNLK HYLHZ PU Edirne provincial center, the Municipality opened a women’s center. The center was named the kaNLJHU >VTLUÂťZ *LU[LY PU TLTVYPHT VM kaNLJHU (ZSHU ^OV SVZ[ OLY SPML HZ H YLZ\S[ VM H ZL_\HS HZZH\S[ PU 4LYZPU VU -LIY\HY` Edirne Municipality constructed an activity area with sports equipment to provide female inmates PTWYPZVULK H[ [OL ,KPYUL *SVZLK 7YPZVU ^P[O [OL opportunity to do physical exercises outdoors. Edirne Municipality issued a protocol with the ,KPYULZWVY )HZRL[IHSS *S\I HUK WHY[PJPWH[LK PU [V\YUHTLU[Z PU [OL >VTLUÂťZ 7YLTPLY League.


The preparatory work continues toward setting up the previous Governor’s Mansion in the PUULY WHY[Z VM [OL MVY[YLZZ HZ [OL *V\UZLSSPUN HUK :\WWVY[ *LU[LY MVY >VTLU ;OL JLU[LY ^PSS provide health, psychological, and legal support, as well as counselling services, for women and girl children. The project culminated with the preparation of a booklet describing the project’s results and achievements. The project sets an important example for the organization of women’s studies and local governments.

69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, ,KPYUL >VTLUÂťZ *V\UZLSSPUN *LU[YL (ZZVJPH[PVU ,2(4, +,9 @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; ,2(4, +,9 ^HZ LZ[HISPZOLK [V JVUK\J[ YLZLHYJO VU ^VTLU JOPSKYLU HUK LU]PYVUTLU[HS PZZ\LZ" VYNHUPaL L]LU[Z [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ HUK ZJPLU[PĂ„J Z[\KPLZ" YHPZL TVYHS HUK TH[LYPHS ZVSPKHYP[` HTVUN ^VTLU" LUZ\YL [OLPY social, cultural, educational, and economic development; and research, develop, and promote the historical, economic, touristic, as well as folkloric characteristics of the region. *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! 37


,9AČŠ5*(5 ,476>,905. 46;/,9: 6- */03+9,5 >0;/ +0:()030;0,:

PROVINCE Erzincan PROJECT TITLE Engelli Annelerinin Gßçlendirilmesi B,TWV^LYPUN 4V[OLYZ VM *OPSKYLU ^P[O +PZHIPSP[PLZD 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 ;Â…YRP`L 2Ă›aĂ›SH` +LYULČ˜P ,YaPUJHU Ǹ\ILZP B;\YRPZO 9LK *YLZJLU[ :VJPL[` ,YaPUJHU )YHUJOD

ŕ Ž ;YHPUPUN VU NLUKLY LX\HSP[` ^HZ WYV]PKLK [V TV[OLYZ VM JOPSKYLU ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ WLVWSL ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ HUK 9LOHIPSP[H[PVU *LU[YL employees. ŕ Ž 0U HKKP[PVU TV[OLYZ VM JOPSKYLU ^P[O disabilities attended training on marriage and reproductive health and VM [OLT ^LYL [YHPULK in child development and care.



0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ :LW[LTILY [V 4HYJO

ŕ Ž The training outcomes were shared with the Erzincan public during a closing project event.

7961,*; :<44(9@ With this project, the Erzincan branch of the ;\YRPZO 9LK *YLZJLU[ :VJPL[` ZV\NO[ [V Z\WWVY[ mothers of children with mental or physical disabilities, helping them deal with the problems they face. Training was provided on the rights of persons with disabilities, women’s rights, marriage and reproductive health, and child JHYL -HTPS` JV\UZLSSPUN ZLY]PJLZ ^LYL WYV]PKLK to mothers seeking psychological support via home visits made by the psychologist from the 9LOHIPSP[H[PVU *LU[YL -\Y[OLYTVYL LTWSV`LLZ VM [OL 9LOHIPSP[H[PVU *LU[YL H[[LUKLK [YHPUPUN VU the rights of persons with disabilities, in order to improve the quality of their services to these individuals.



ŕ Ž A total of 111 mothers of children with disabilities, WLVWSL ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ HUK LTWSV`LLZ MYVT [OL 9LOHIPSP[H[PVU *LU[YL WHY[PJPWH[LK PU [OL training on the rights of persons with disabilities and women’s rights.


ŕ Ž ;OYV\NO [OL [YHPUPUN 9LOHIPSP[H[PVU *LU[YL employees acquired the skills to better serve persons with disabilities and their mothers. ŕ Ž Mothers of children with disabilities who ILULĂ„[LK MYVT [OL VWWVY[\UP[PLZ WYV]PKLK I` [OL 9LOHIPSP[H[PVU *LU[YL SLHYULK HIV\[ [OLPY YPNO[Z ŕ Ž Mothers of children with disabilities learned about such topics as gender equality, rights of the persons with disabilities, reproductive health, and child development. ŕ Ž Psychological support was provided to mothers of children with disabilities to enable them to better cope with problems they face.

EMPOWERING MOTHERS OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES ;OL >VYSK 9LWVY[ VU +PZHIPSP[` WYLWHYLK PU JVVWLYH[PVU ^P[O [OL >VYSK /LHS[O 6YNHUPaH[PVU and the World Bank indicates that there are more than 1 billion people with disabilities in [OL ^VYSK (JJVYKPUN [V [OL +PZHIPSP[` :[\K` JVUK\J[LK I` [OL ;\YRPZO :[H[PZ[PJHS 0UZ[P[\[L ;<92:;(; PU ^OPJO MVJ\ZLK VU ZL]LYL [`WLZ VM KPZHIPSP[PLZ VM V\Y WVW\SH[PVU is disabled. People with disabilities are ignored and excluded due to environmental and social conditions. Indeed, they are excluded from many areas of social life: health, education, and employment in particular. .P]LU [OLZL HK]LYZL JVUKP[PVUZ P[ PZ UV[ KPɉJ\S[ [V PTHNPUL [OL LɈVY[Z [OH[ [OL YLSH[P]LZ VM WLYZVUZ with disabilities – particularly their mothers

– must make in their families and close social JPYJSLZ -HTPSPLZ ^OV OH]L JOPSKYLU ^P[O TLU[HS or physical disabilities, and in particular mothers, are exposed to more stress than women who do not have children with disabilities and are more WYVUL [V KLWYLZZPVU HUK \ULHZL :\WWVY[PUN these mothers who live stressful and lonely lives and raising their awareness of their rights are RL` (UK ^OPSL TV[OLYZ JHU Ă„UK Z\WWVY[ MYVT various institutions, this support focuses mostly on the needs of the children rather than the mothers and the problems they face. The Erzincan branch of the Turkish Red *YLZJLU[ :VJPL[` ]PL^LK H^HYLULZZ YHPZPUN about the rights of children with disabilities and their mothers as a starting point toward providing permanent support to mothers. The NVHS VM [OL ¸,TWV^LYPUN 4V[OLYZ VM *OPSKYLU with Disabilitiesâ€? project was to provide psychosocial support to those mothers and improve their quality of life. The project was supported I` [OL :HIHUJĂ› -V\UKH[PVU .YHU[ 7YVNYHT within the UNJP. Under the project, mothers of children with disabilities received training on the rights of persons with disabilities, women’s rights, marriage and reproductive health, and child care. They also received support to help them better cope with their problems.



,9AČŠ5*(5 ,476>,905. 46;/,9: 6- */03+9,5 >0;/ +0:()030;0,:

CHILDREN AND MOTHERS HAVE RIGHTS ;OL :VJPL[` SH\UJOLK [OL WYVQLJ[ ^P[O HU information meeting and the opening of a project VɉJL H[ [OL 9LOHIPSP[H[PVU *LU[YL 7VZ[LYZ and brochures were prepared to publicize and disseminate information about the project. After the trainers and a senior psychologist were PKLU[PĂ„LK OVTL ]PZP[Z ^LYL PUP[PH[LK +\YPUN these visits, mothers were given information on caring for children with disabilities, as well as one-on-one psychological counselling. Under the project, the mothers were told they could JVU[PU\L [V LUQV` [OLZL ZLY]PJLZ H[ [OL :VJPL[` for free. ;OL Ă„YZ[ [YHPUPUN LU[P[SLK ¸;OL 9PNO[Z VM [OL Persons with Disabilities and Women’s Rightsâ€? was organized for expert trainers, senior psychologists, and project managers who work H[ [OL 9LOHIPSP[H[PVU *LU[YL ( [V[HS VM WLVWSL WHY[PJPWH[LK :\IZLX\LU[ [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ 42

which focused more on legal matters, were attended by a total of 111 mothers of children ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ HUK WLVWSL ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ ( N\PKLIVVR LU[P[SLK ¸0 +V 5V[ /H]L H +LMLJ[ 0 /H]L H +PZHIPSP[`š ^HZ KPZ[YPI\[LK [V WHY[PJPWHU[Z K\YPUN [OL [YHPUPUN -VY [OL [YHPUPUN VU NLUKLY X\HSP[` WLVWSL TV[OLYZ VM JOPSKYLU ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ ^VTLU ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ HUK WLYZVUULS [VVR WHY[ ;OL [YHPUPUN VU THYYPHNL “The project was carried out in a limited time period; I wish these training ZLZZPVUZ ^V\SK JVU[PU\L 7YL]PV\ZS` 0 KPK UV[ OH]L T\JO PUMVYTH[PVU HIV\[ the rights of people with disabilities and women’s rights, the training sessions were really helpful. I became more curious, now I search the web and YLHK HIV\[ [OLT /VTL ]PZP[Z ^LYL particularly useful for my husband. He KPZJV]LYLK ZVTL HZWLJ[Z HIV\[ OPTZLSM [OH[ OL ULLKLK [V PTWYV]L (M[LY^HYKZ ^L [HSRLK" H [^V OV\Y ]PZP[ JHU IL ZV helpful! I get more support from the Rehabilitation Centre than my home or my social circles. We are able to consult our psychologist any time for any problem.â€? ,IY\ :HYĂ›NÂ…S 7HY[PJPWHU[

HUK YLWYVK\J[P]L OLHS[O ^HZ NP]L [V TV[OLYZ of children with disabilities, and the training on JOPSK JHYL [V

FAMILY VISITS The target number for family counselling services WYV]PKLK I` [OL ZLUPVY WZ`JOVSVNPZ[ ^HZ families. Due to high demand, this number was HSTVZ[ KV\ISLK HUK MHTPSPLZ ^LYL ]PZP[LK PU [OLPY OVTLZ 6UL [V VUL TLL[PUNZ ^LYL OLSK with families about the problems they and their children with disabilities have gone through. The visits were very productive since the families expressed themselves more easily and openly in their own homes. Mothers and fathers stated that these home visits made them and their JOPSKYLU MLLS TVYL ]HS\LK :WLJPHS WYVISLTZ PKLU[PĂ„LK K\YPUN [OLZL ]PZP[Z ^LYL MVSSV^LK \W on by the senior psychologist.

;OL WYVQLJ[ JVUJS\KLK ^P[O H WLYZVU KPUULY [OH[ PUJS\KLK WLVWSL ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ H[ [OL 9LOHIPSP[H[PVU *LU[YL HUK [OLPY MHTPSPLZ personnel, authorities from leading public LU[P[PLZ PU [OL JP[` HUK 5.6 YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ Trainers and authorities from institutions who had taken part in the project made presentations at the meeting about the project and the training sessions provided. The closing event was a colorful one where families had the opportunity to communicate with each other. The project achieved and exceeded its main goals and target number of participants. -LLKIHJR VU [OL HJ[P]P[PLZ PTWSLTLU[LK K\YPUN the project was positive; in particular the home visits made by the senior psychologist were in high demand.



,9AČŠ5*(5 ,476>,905. 46;/,9: 6- */03+9,5 >0;/ +0:()030;0,:

7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY 4PUL *HU @Â…RZLS UV[LK [OH[ families were able to express their problems and KPɉJ\S[PLZ TVYL LHZPS` PU [OL JVTMVY[ VM [OLPY V^U OVTLZ @Â…RZLS ZHPK [OH[ ¸;OL K\[PLZ [OH[ HYL KPɉJ\S[ even for women who have children without any disabilities must also be undertaken by mothers of children with disabilities, and they bear more responsibility. The project revealed that mothers of children with disabilities had more concerns about the future of their children. We tried to contribute [V [OLZL TV[OLYZÂť SP]LZ L]LU PM Q\Z[ H IP[š :LUPVY WZ`JOVSVNPZ[ ÇŚZTL[ 7VSH[ L_WYLZZLK OPZ VWPUPVUZ on the project, saying that “We had the chance to develop warmer relationships with families through the home visits. Mothers saw that we cared about [OLT HUK ]HS\LK [OLT" [OL LɈLJ[P]LULZZ VM [OL 9LOHIPSP[H[PVU *LU[YL PUJYLHZLK PU [OPZ ZLUZL 6\Y WYVQLJ[ ^HZ KPɈLYLU[ PU [OH[ ^L MVJ\ZLK VU mothers. We moved away from disabilities and the problems faced by children with disabilities and touched the lives of mothers and siblings.â€? Public awareness should be raised of the needs of mothers of children with disabilities so that they can get the help and support they deserve. ;OL ,YaPUJHU IYHUJO VM [OL ;\YRPZO 9LK *YLZJLU[ :VJPL[` ^PSS JVU[PU\L P[Z LɈVY[Z [V JOHUNL [OL attitudes and behaviors of society towards persons with disabilities and their families, and to provide a life where children and women with disabilities participate in social life with love and trust as equal individuals. 44

69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, ;\YRPZO 9LK *YLZJLU[ :VJPL[` ,YaPUJHU )YHUJO

“I took part in the training on women’s rights, child care, and women’s health. We all had an opportunity to get out and learn new things. We found answers to the questions that used to confuse us.â€? :L]KH 6Č˜\a 7HY[PJPWHU[

@,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; The purpose of the society is to help vulnerable people; protect human life and health and ensure respect for it; support mutual understanding, friendship, respect, cooperation, and constant peace among people and protect human dignity, with the aim of ending the misery of humans in any condition, in any place, and at any time, without making any discrimination and for any reason. *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! -H_! 45


,:2ČŠÍŹ,/ČŠ9 .,5+,9 9,:765:0=, )<+.,;05. ;9(0505.

PROVINCE ,ZRPČ´LOPY PROJECT TITLE ;VWS\TZHS *PUZP`L[L +\`HYSĂ› )Â…[sLSLTL ,Č˜P[PTP [Gender Responsive Budgeting Training] 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 :VYVW[PTPZ[ 2\SÂ…W ÇŚČ´ ]L 4LZSLR 2HKĂ›USHYĂ› +LYULČ˜P ,ZRPČ´LOPY Ǹ\ILZP B,ZRPČ´LOPY :VYVW[PTPZ[ *S\I )\ZPULZZ HUK 7YVMLZZPVUHS >VTLUÂťZ (ZZVJPH[PVU D PROJECT PARTNERS ,ZRPČ´LOPY 6ZTHUNHaP <UP]LYZP[` (UHKVS\ <UP]LYZP[` >VTLUÂťZ :[\KPLZ (WWSPJH[PVU HUK 9LZLHYJO *LU[YL 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ 6J[VILY [V (WYPS 7961,*; :<44(9@ 9LWYLZLU[H[P]LZ MYVT H [V[HS VM PUZ[P[\[PVUZ JVUZPZ[PUN VM 5.6Z WYVMLZZPVUHS JOHTILYZ HUK W\ISPJ LU[P[PLZ JVTWSL[LK [YHPUPUN PU .LUKLY 9LZWVUZP]L )\KNL[PUN .9) ;OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY ,X\HSP[` 7SH[MVYT ,:,7 ^HZ LZ[HISPZOLK ;OL ,:,7 WYLWHYLK H YVHKTHW MVY itself to monitor the gender-related commitments VM SVJHS NV]LYUTLU[Z PU ,ZRPČ´LOPY ;OL WYVQLJ[ engendered the development of a common TV]LTLU[ J\S[\YL IL[^LLU ^VTLUÂťZ 5.6Z professional associations, and public entities in the city.

ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž PUZ[P[\[PVUZ WHY[PJPWH[LK PU H MHJ[ Ă„UKPUN conference. ŕ Ž ;OL V\[JVTLZ VM [OL MHJ[ Ă„UKPUN JVUMLYLUJL were combined in a booklet and distributed to participating institutions. ŕ Ž ;OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY ,X\HSP[` 7SH[MVYT ^HZ LZ[HISPZOLK [OL Ă„YZ[ JP]PS WSH[MVYT VWLYH[PUN PU [OL Ă„LSK VM Gender Responsive Budgeting in Turkey. ŕ Ž Three workshops were held to improve the ,:,7ÂťZ JVTWL[LUJPLZ PU .9) ŕ Ž ( YVHKTHW ^HZ WYLWHYLK MVY ,:,7 ŕ Ž ;OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY 6ZTHUNHaP HUK ;LWLIHČ´Ă› Municipalities committed to implementing GRB principles before the local elections. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž The workshops directly enhanced the capacities VM 5.6Z VWLYH[PUN PU ,ZRPČ´LOPY HUK IVVZ[LK cooperation and the sharing of experiences between institutions. ŕ Ž ;OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY ,X\HSP[` 7SH[MVYT PZ HJ[P]LS` continuing its work in this area. ŕ Ž ;OL :VYVW[PTPZ[ *S\I HWWSPLK MVY HUK ^VU H NYHU[ PU [OL ZLJVUK :HIHUJĂ› -V\UKH[PVU .YHU[ Program call in order to disseminate the work of the Platform. ŕ Ž The Equality Platform is a pioneer in integrating gender responsive budgeting in municipalities’ strategic plans.


GENDER RESPONSIVE BUDGETING TRAINING Gender equality means that individuals’ rights, responsibilities, and opportunities cannot depend on whether they were born as women or men. In Gender Responsive Budgeting .9) HSS Z[HNLZ VM [OL I\KNL[PUN WYVJLZZ HYL structured and evaluated taking into account the principle of gender equality. GRB does not mean preparing separate budgets for women and men, nor increasing the expenditure on ^VTLU YLSH[LK WYVNYHTZ -\Y[OLYTVYL [OL HPT of GRB is not to increase public expenditures, but rather to rearrange priorities. ;OL Ă„YZ[ [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVU ^OPJO ^HZ PTWSLTLU[LK by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality HUK ,TWV^LYTLU[ VM >VTLU <5 >VTLU \UKLY [OL .9) WYVNYHT ^HZ OLSK PU ,ZRPČ´LOPY MYVT [V 5V]LTILY .LUKLY 9LZWVUZP]L Budgeting is one of the three components of the United Nations Joint Program for Promoting the /\THU 9PNO[Z VM >VTLU HUK [OL NVHS VM [OPZ GRB training was to create a model to conduct local service deliveries using GRB principles. The training involved the participation of Municipality YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ [OL *P[PaLUZÂť (ZZLTIS` [OL >VTLUÂťZ *V\UJPS \UP]LYZP[PLZÂť >VTLU 9LZLHYJO *LU[YLZ HUK 5.6 YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ ;OL ¸.LUKLY Responsive Budgeting Trainingâ€? project, which

^HZ Z\WWVY[LK I` [OL :HIHUJĂ› -V\UKH[PVU Grant Program as part of the UNJP and carried V\[ I` [OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY :VYVW[PTPZ[ *S\I JVU[PU\LK LɈVY[Z [V Z\WWVY[ [OL [YHUZMVYTH[PVU VJJ\YYPUN PU [OL JP[` 7YVQLJ[ WHY[ULY ,ZRPČ´LOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU Municipality provided support for the project in all its stages.

;/, ,:2ČŠÍŹ,/ČŠ9 ,8<(30;@ PLATFORM WAS ESTABLISHED ,ZRPČ´LOPY PZ VUL VM [OL S\JRPLZ[ [V^UZ PU [OL ZLUZL of the groups working for gender equality being open to cooperation. The Gender Responsive Budgeting Training project took advantage of this ZP[\H[PVU LɈLJ[P]LS` ;OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY :VYVW[PTPZ[ *S\I ^HZ [OL V^ULY HUK PTWSLTLU[LY VM [OL WYVQLJ[ ^OPSL [OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU Municipality, Anadolu University Women’s :[\KPLZ 0TWSLTLU[H[PVU HUK 9LZLHYJO *LU[YL (2(<4 HUK ,ZRPČ´LOPY 6ZTHUNHaP <UP]LYZP[` >VTLUÂťZ :[\KPLZ 0TWSLTLU[H[PVU HUK 9LZLHYJO *LU[YL ,:2(4 [VVR VU YVSLZ HZ partners and



,:2ČŠÍŹ,/ČŠ9 .,5+,9 9,:765:0=, )<+.,;05. ;9(0505.

advisors. The goal of the project was to establish a platform that would monitor the budgets of local NV]LYUTLU[Z PU ,ZRPČ´LOPY ^P[O H NLUKLY LX\HSP[` perspective; assess whether at the local level expenditures were being made based on gender equality; and undertake evaluations and lobbying activities for expenditures. ;OL WYVQLJ[ ^HZ SH\UJOLK ^P[O H MHJ[ Ă„UKPUN JVUMLYLUJL H[[LUKLK I` PUZ[P[\[PVUZ VWLYH[PUN PU ,ZRPČ´LOPY ;^V WLVWSL MYVT LHJO VM [OL W\ISPJ LU[P[PLZ MYVT [OL HKTPUPZ[YH[P]L HUK Ă„UHUJL KLWHY[TLU[Z HUK VUL YLWYLZLU[H[P]L MYVT each of the chambers of commerce and nongovernmental organizations were invited to the conference. The conference sought to bring about the inclusion of GRB in all institutional preparation HUK PTWSLTLU[H[PVU WYVJLZZLZ PU ,ZRPČ´LOPY HUK YLZ\S[LK PU [OL MV\UKPUN VM [OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY ,X\HSP[` 7SH[MVYT HZ [OL Ă„YZ[ JP]PS WSH[MVYT ^VYRPUN VU GRB in Turkey. “Being included in the steps to be taken to stand by women who do UV[ Z\Ń?JPLU[S` RUV^ [OLPY YPNO[Z and freedoms, to raise awareness among them, and to help people is an extremely good feeling.â€? :L]PS <aVČ˜S\ )H`s\ 7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY


;OYLL ^VYRZOVWZ ^LYL Y\U [V NP]L [OL ,:,7 TVYL PU KLW[O L_WLY[PZL PU P[Z Ă„LSK VM ^VYR 3VJHS 5.6Z ZOV^LK NYLH[ PU[LYLZ[ PU [OL ^VYR VU [OL phenomenon of gender, gender inequality and its causes, gender equality in service planning and delivery, and budget reading and monitoring topics. These workshops increased the JHWHJP[PLZ VM 5.6Z PU ,ZRPČ´LOPY HUK LUOHUJLK the working culture and cooperation among institutions. The workshops directly enhanced [OL JHWHJP[PLZ VM 5.6Z VWLYH[PUN PU ,ZRPČ´LOPY and boosted cooperation and the sharing of experiences between institutions.

STRONG COOPERATION (M[LY [OL ^VYRZOVWZ [OL ,:,7ÂťZ Ă„LSK VM ^VYR prioritized activities, and roadmap were created. (Z WHY[ VM P[Z WSHU VM HJ[P]P[PLZ [OL ,:,7 Z[HY[LK making visits to institutions and strengthening its communication network between institutions in the city in order to share its principles/purposes of establishment and its roadmap. Visits were made to the Governorship, Rectorates, 7YV]PUJPHS +PYLJ[VYH[L VM -HTPS` HUK :VJPHS Policies, Provincial Directorate of National Police and three Mayors that represented local NV]LYUTLU[Z :PUJL [OL WYVQLJ[ [VVR WSHJL before the local elections, a GRB Protocol was signed by the candidates stating that they would be sensitive to GRB.

The inter-institutional cooperation between the stakeholders of the project was also shown HTVUN [OL TLTILYZ VM [OL ,:,7 K\YPUN [OL project. The meetings and visits attracted a high level of participation; a mail group was created to strengthen communication between the project’s participants and stakeholders. The project’s female volunteers came from ]HYPV\Z VJJ\WH[PVUZ PUZ[P[\[PVUZ HUK 5.6Z -VY L_HTWSL [OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY *P[PaLUZÂť (ZZLTIS` >VTLUÂťZ *V\UJPS 4LTILY +PKLT (`KĂ›UTHRPUH ZHPK ZOL QVPULK [OL ,:,7 ¸;V KL[LYTPUL [OL HYLHZ VM ULLK PU [LYTZ VM NLUKLY LX\HSP[` PU ,ZRPČ´LOPY create an agenda, monitor the processes of HJ[P]P[` NVHSZ HUK IL [OLPY HK]VJH[Lš ,ZRPČ´LOPY

)HY (ZZVJPH[PVU >VTLUÂťZ 3H^ *VTTPZZPVU TLTILY )LYUH ,YKVČ˜HU L_WSHPULK OLY YLHZVU MVY QVPUPUN ,:,7 HZ MVSSV^Z! ¸0U HKKP[PVU [V combating violence against women, to work to help women exist as free and equal individuals PU ZVJPL[`š ( *VTT\UP[` *LU[YL TLTILY ZHPK “I live in a country where women and LGBTI individuals are ignored. It is important for me to work in a project with the Municipality as a person who argues for the existence and greater visibility of people who are ignored and deprived of all rights, in all areas of my lifeâ€?. All these WLVWSL ^P[O KPɈLYLU[ L_WLYPLUJLZ JHTL HUK formed a common understanding, helping the WYVQLJ[ÂťZ LɈVY[Z ILJVTL TVYL ^PKLZWYLHK HUK LɈLJ[P]L HSS HYV\UK [OL JP[`

¸0 QVPULK [OL ,:,7 ]VS\U[HYPS` ILJH\ZL PU VYKLY [V WYV]PKL LX\HSP[` [V HSS PUKP]PK\HSZ PU V\Y ZVJPL[` PU HSS HYLHZ I think I can especially contribute as an architect with my professional knowledge and experience in designing public spaces.â€? )HU\ .Â…YSLR (YJOP[LJ[ *OHTILY VM (YJOP[LJ[Z HUK <UPVU VM *OHTILYZ of Turkish Engineers and Architects Delegate



,:2ČŠÍŹ,/ČŠ9 .,5+,9 9,:765:0=, )<+.,;05. ;9(0505.

W\YZ\HU[ [V [OL Ă„YZ[ JHSS VM [OL <517 HUK KLJPKLK to develop itself by applying for the second call for grants. The aim of the application was to implement the roadmap.

OUTCOMES A project booklet prepared at the conclusion of the project was sent to the foundations, associations, and centres which engaged in women’s studies and bar associations and municipalities across the country. This was an opportunity to disseminate the results of the WYVQLJ[ HUK PUJYLHZL P[Z T\S[PWSPLY LɈLJ[ ;OL project culminated with a press conference that explained its objectives and the activities PTWSLTLU[LK ;OL ,:,7 ^HZ LZ[HISPZOLK

“I attach great importance to dialogue ^P[O JP]PS ZVJPL[` HUK ZVSPKHYP[` IL[^LLU \UP]LYZP[PLZ HUK 5.6Z 0 HT PU [OL ESEP to support and strengthen this solidarity.â€? ÇŚUJPSH` *HUN€a (JHKLTPJPHU (UHKVS\ <UP]LYZP[` >VTLUÂťZ :[\KPLZ *LU[YL Director


The most valuable outcome of the project was the voluntary-based establishment of [OL ,:,7 ;OL ,:,7 ILJHTL Z[YVUNLY ^P[O the workshops held, a protocol signed with the candidates (taking advantage of the local LSLJ[PVU WYVJLZZ HUK ]PZP[Z [V T\UPJPWHSP[PLZ and institutions to introduce itself and inform that support was available for preparation of the local government’s strategic plan. After the implementation of the project and the training sessions conducted by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women, a roadmap was prepared under [OL ,ZRPȴLOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU 4\UPJPWHSP[` (U ,X\HSP[` <UP[ HUK HU ,X\HSP[` *VTTPZZPVU ^LYL established under the Municipality pursuant to this roadmap and work was initiated to integrate GRB into the strategic plan.

69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, ÇŚČ´ ]L 4LZSLR 2HKĂ›USHYĂ› +LYULČ˜P :VYVW[PTPZ[ 2\SÂ…W ,ZRPČ´LOPY Ǹ\ILZP B,ZRPČ´LOPY :VYVW[PTPZ[ *S\I )\ZPULZZ HUK 7YVMLZZPVUHS >VTLUÂťZ (ZZVJPH[PVU D @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; ;OL :VYVW[PTPZ[ *S\I ^VYRZ HZ H WHY[ULY VU ZP_ UH[PVUHS HUK PU[LYUH[PVUHS WYVQLJ[Z ;OLZL WYVQLJ[Z MVJ\Z VU human rights and enhancing the status of women, leadership training for women and young girls, economic and social development, improving health, environment, education, and international good faith and understanding. *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! 53


,:2ČŠÍŹ,/ČŠ9 :;9,5.;/,505. ,:2ČŠÍŹ,/09 ,8<(30;@ 73(;-694

PROVINCE ,ZRPČ´LOPY PROJECT TITLE ,:,7ÂťP .Â…sSLUKPYTLR B:[YLUN[OLUPUN ,ZRPČ´LOPY ,X\HSP[` 7SH[MVYTD 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 :VYVW[PTPZ[ 2\SÂ…W ÇŚČ´ ]L 4LZSLR 2HKĂ›USHYĂ› +LYULČ˜P ,ZRPČ´LOPY Ǹ\ILZP B,ZRPČ´LOPY :VYVW[PTPZ[ *S\I )\ZPULZZ HUK 7YVMLZZPVUHS >VTLUÂťZ (ZZVJPH[PVU D PROJECT PARTNERS ,ZRPČ´LOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU 4\UPJPWHSP[` ;LWLIHČ´Ă› 4\UPJPWHSP[` ,ZRPČ´LOPY 6ZTHUNHaP <UP]LYZP[` >VTLUÂťZ :[\KPLZ (WWSPJH[PVU HUK 9LZLHYJO *LU[YL (UHKVS\ <UP]LYZP[` >VTLUÂťZ :[\KPLZ 9LZLHYJO HUK (WWSPJH[PVU *LU[YL 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ 1\S` [V 4HYJO 7961,*; :<44(9@ The current project was implemented to strengthen [OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY ,X\HSP[` 7SH[MVYT ,:,7 ^OPJO ^HZ itself established under a previous grant project. The aim is to monitor the Municipality in the implementation of its strategic plan and budget processes and provide recommendations for NLUKLY LX\HSP[` THRL JHSSZ [V [OL ,:,7 TLTILY PUZ[P[\[PVUZ [OH[ ZPNULK [OL .LUKLY ,X\HSP[` *P[` Protocol to report on their past and future activities, and share the project outcomes with the people of ,ZRPČ´LOPY ]PH H ^VYRZOVW HUK WYLZZ JVUMLYLUJL


ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž A workshop was held to address the topics of NLUKLY HUK .LUKLY 9LZWVUZP]L )\KNL[PUN .9) ŕ Ž A booklet containing the data collected during the workshop was printed and distributed. ŕ Ž 9LWVY[Z VU WYL]PV\Z HJ[P]P[PLZ MVY [^V `LHYZ ^LYL submitted by 28 institutions that signed the Gender ,X\HSP[` *P[` 7YV[VJVS ŕ Ž Roadmaps for future activities were submitted by PUZ[P[\[PVUZ [OH[ ZPNULK [OL .LUKLY ,X\HSP[` *P[` Platform. ŕ Ž ( YVHKTHW ^HZ KL]LSVWLK I` ,ZRPČ´LOPY Metropolitan Municipality for its gender responsive budgeting activities. ŕ Ž A roadmap and sustainability plan for the future ^LYL KL]LSVWLK MVY [OL ,:,7 ŕ Ž ( Z[\K` ]PZP[ [V +P`HYIHRĂ›Y :\Y 4\UPJPWHSP[` ^HZ organized. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž ;OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU 4\UPJPWHSP[` strengthened its ability to create gender responsive budgeting activities. ŕ Ž The 28 institutions that signed the Gender Equality *P[` 7YV[VJVS PTWYV]LK [OLPY JHWHJP[` [V I\PSK gender responsive budgeting activities. ŕ Ž ;OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY ,X\HSP[` 7SH[MVYT Âś ^OPJO ^HZ [OL most important outcome of the Gender Responsive Budgeting Applied Training which obtained a grant K\YPUN [OL NYHU[ JHSS Âś ^HZ Z[YLUN[OLULK

STRENGTHENING THE ,:2ČŠÍŹ,/ČŠ9 ,8<(30;@ PLATFORM (ESEP) ;OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY ,X\HSP[` 7SH[MVYT ^HZ [OL TVZ[ important outcome of the “Gender Responsive Budgeting Applied Trainingâ€? which obtained a NYHU[ MYVT [OL :HIHUJĂ› -V\UKH[PVU .YHU[ Program. The platform consisted of public entities HUK 5.6Z [OH[ ZPNULK [OL ¸,ZRPČ´LOPY /LHS[O` *P[` 4V]LTLU[ .LUKLY ,X\HSP[` *P[` 7YV[VJVSš A roadmap, which was also developed during the GRB Training Program implemented within the United Nations Joint Program for Promoting [OL /\THU 9PNO[Z VM >VTLU PU PZ Z[PSS ILPUN MVSSV^LK I` [OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU Municipality. In the light of these developments, Z\WWVY[PUN [OL JVU[PU\LK M\UJ[PVUPUN VM [OL ,:,7 is of great importance in both implementing the .LUKLY ,X\HSP[` *P[` 7YV[VJVS HUK TVUP[VYPUN [OL ,ZRPČ´LOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU 4\UPJPWHSP[`ÂťZ HWWSPJH[PVU of its roadmap.

(M[LY HJJVTWSPZOPUN P[Z Ă„YZ[ WYVQLJ[ [OL :VYVW[PTPZ[ *S\I JVU[PU\LK P[Z ^VYR ^P[O [OL WYVQLJ[ LU[P[SLK ¸:[YLUN[OLUPUN [OL ,:,7š H[ the second grant call of the UNJP. The main objectives of the second project were to Z[YLUN[OLU [OL ,:,7 ^OPJO ^HZ MV\UKLK ^P[O [OL Ă„YZ[ WYVQLJ[ HUK [V PTWSLTLU[ [OL YVHKTHW ;OL ,:,7ÂťZ YVHKTHW JVUZPZ[LK VM PUP[PH[PUN meetings with nominated mayoral candidates; TVUP[VYPUN [OL ,X\HSP[` *VTTPZZPVUZ HUK Equality Units, strategic plan, performance criteria, and new budget period in terms of gender equality; and creating a website for the Platform. The objectives also included reviving [OL ¸.LUKLY ,X\HSP[` *P[` 7YV[VJVSš WYLWHYLK PU ,ZRPČ´LOPY PU HUK ZPNULK I` [OL JP[`ÂťZ SLHKPUN LU[P[PLZ

“Thanks to the work done in this WYVQLJ[ ^L ZH^ OV^ PUZLUZP[P]L [OL budgets were to gender equality. We realized that the mistakes and PULX\HSP[PLZ PU V\Y ZVJPHS SP]LZ TPNO[ stem from errors in the budgets.â€? - :LYWPS hHTVČ˜S\ 7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY and Tourism Professional



,:2Ȋͬ,/Ȋ9 :;9,5.;/,505. ,:2Ȋͬ,/09 ,8<(30;@ 73(;-694

processes and provide recommendations for gender equality. A roadmap was submitted by [OL ,ZRPȴLOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU 4\UPJPWHSP[` MVY P[Z Gender Responsive Budgeting activities, and monitoring work was begun.


GENDER EQUALITY WORKSHOP ;OL ÄYZ[ IPN Z[LW VM [OL ZLJVUK WYVQLJ[ ^HZ [OL VYNHUPaH[PVU VM [OL ,ZRPȴLOPY .LUKLY ,X\HSP[` >VYRZOVW 6M [OL PUZ[P[\[PVUZ [OH[ ZPNULK [OL Protocol including local governments, public LU[P[PLZ HUK UVU NV]LYUTLU[HS VYNHUPaH[PVUZ came together at the workshop to discuss topics of gender and GRB. Participating institutions were requested to provide two-year reports on their past activities and roadmaps for their future HJ[P]P[PLZ ;^LU[` LPNO[ VM [OL PUZ[P[\[PVUZ [OH[ took part in the workshop heeded the request and 56

shared their information. A booklet consisting of the data compiled during the workshop was printed and distributed. In addition to creating synergy among the institutions and providing a basis for new cooperation, the workshop enabled institutions to share and promote the activities that they had carried out independently but for a common goal. These successful results also brought the continuity of the workshop to the agenda. It was decided that every year one of the workshop’s participating institutions would VɈLY P[Z ZWHJL [V OVSK [OL ^VYRZOVW ^P[O [OL support of local governments. These were clear steps towards project sustainability.

0U [OL ,ZRPȴLOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU 4\UPJPWHSP[` declared in a protocol delivered to the Ministry of the Interior’s General Directorate of Local Administrations that it would be involved in the UNJP as a pilot municipality. The aim was to contribute to improving gender equality in Turkey HUK ILULÄ[PUN MYVT [OL VWWVY[\UP[PLZ HYPZPUN from the project. The roadmap created after the .9) ;YHPUPUN 7YVNYHT JVTWSL[LK PU ^HZ submitted to the Municipality. The participants’ ^VYR ^HZ ZOHYLK ^P[O 4H`VY @ÛSTHa ) ` RLYȴLU who promised to continue to fully support their LɈVY[Z -VY P[Z WHY[ [OL ,ZRPȴLOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU Municipality committed to implementing a GRB HWWYVHJO PU HSS HKTPUPZ[YH[P]L WYVJLZZLZ 6UL VM [OL NVHSZ VM [OL :[YLUN[OLUPUN [OL ,:,7 WYVQLJ[ ^HZ [V LUOHUJL [OL ,ZRPȴLOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU Municipality’s ability to develop GRB activities. ;V HJOLP]L [OPZ NVHS [OL ,:,7 ^V\SK TVUP[VY the Municipality’s strategic plan and budgeting

;OL ,:,7 [VVR WHY[ PU [OL WYLWHYH[PVU VM [OL :[YH[LNPJ 7SHU HZ HU L_[LYUHS Z[HRLOVSKLY WHY[PJPWH[LK PU TLL[PUNZ HUK ILJHTL PUÅ\LU[PHS in determining the “goals” of the plan. As a result, the principles and objectives serving GRB and gender equality were included in the ,ZRPȴLOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU 4\UPJPWHSP[`»Z :[YH[LNPJ 7SHU 4LL[PUNZ ^P[O [OL 4\UPJPWHSP[` and monitoring activities were also held during [OL I\KNL[PUN WYVJLZZ (U ,X\HSP[` *VTTPZZPVU was established within the Municipality for this purpose. ¸0 WHY[PJPWH[L PU [OL ,:,7 ]VS\U[HYPS` and with excitement and great TV[P]H[PVU" 0 [OPUR [OH[ 0 JHU JVU[YPI\[L PU ^YP[PUN JHTWHPNUPUN WYV]PKPUN Z\WWVY[ PU ]PZ\HS HUK WYPU[ TLKPH HUK also assessing the budgets of local NV]LYUTLU[Z ¹ . S[LU : UTLa :LILY 9L[PYLK 7YVMLZZVY ,ZRPȴLOPY *P[PaLUZ» (ZZLTIS` >VTLU»Z *V\UJPS 4LTILY



,:2ČŠÍŹ,/ČŠ9 :;9,5.;/,505. ,:2ČŠÍŹ,/09 ,8<(30;@ 73(;-694

/HSL 2HYNĂ›U 2H`UHR +LW\[` )YHUJO 4HUHNLY VM >VTLU *OPSKYLU HUK 7LVWSL ^P[O +PZHIPSP[PLZ :LY]PJLZ VM ,ZRPČ´LOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU 4\UPJPWHSP[` explained the importance of GRB-related LɈVY[Z! ¸.9) ^PSS LUHISL \Z [V YL]LHS [OL \UWHPK domestic labour of women, who constitute half of the population; review violations of women’s rights in the home or the workplace; address the unbalanced division of labour between the sexes; and empower women, in the long term. Attitude, understanding, and culture might be the hardest concepts to change but the budget, or expenditure policy, is an easily adaptable concept. GRB is related not only to women but to all sexes, including LGBTI, which are HɈLJ[LK I` L_WLUKP[\YLZ [OH[ HYL \UIHSHUJLK and insensitive to society’s needs.â€? 0U YLZWVUZL [V H YLX\LZ[ MYVT [OL +P`HYIHRĂ›Y :\Y 4\UPJPWHSP[` H ]PZP[ ^HZ VYNHUPaLK [V +P`HYIHRĂ›Y as part of the project to see their GRB activities. ;OL +P`HYIHRĂ›Y 4L[YVWVSP[HU 4\UPJPWHSP[` +P`HYIHRĂ›Y @LUPČ´LOPY 4\UPJPWHSP[` +P`HYIHRĂ›Y )HČ˜SHY 4\UPJPWHSP[` HUK +P`HYIHRĂ›Y 2HYHWĂ›UHY Municipality also participated in the meeting. ;OL ,:,7 ILJHTL Z[YVUNLY ^P[O [OL ZLJVUK project and the addition of new members. Great strides were made with the project to carry the ,:,7 ;\YRL`ÂťZ Ă„YZ[ .9) YLSH[LK JP]PS WSH[MVYT into the future.


“When we consider that, in addition to the women who are obliged to work at low-salary jobs without any security or YLNPZ[Y` PU [OL NLUKLY IHZLK KP]PZPVU VM K\[PLZ ^VTLU ^OV OH]L YLSH[P]LS` good jobs are also in need of support and empowerment in certain areas, [OLU [OL [VWPJ VM ¸.LUKLY 9LZWVUZP]L Budgetingâ€? becomes one of great importance.â€? =LYKH *HUIL` kaNÂ…SLY (JHKLTPJPHU Anadolu University Department of Labour Economics and Industrial 9LSH[PVUZ -HJ\S[` 4LTILY

69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, ÇŚČ´ ]L 4LZSLR 2HKĂ›USHYĂ› +LYULČ˜P :VYVW[PTPZ[ 2\SÂ…W ,ZRPČ´LOPY Ǹ\ILZP B,ZRPČ´LOPY :VYVW[PTPZ[ *S\I )\ZPULZZ HUK 7YVMLZZPVUHS >VTLUÂťZ (ZZVJPH[PVU D @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; ;OL :VYVW[PTPZ[ *S\I ^VYRZ HZ H WHY[ULY VU ZP_ UH[PVUHS HUK PU[LYUH[PVUHS WYVQLJ[Z ;OLZL WYVQLJ[Z MVJ\Z VU human rights and enhancing the status of women, leadership training for women and young girls, economic and social development, improving health, environment, education, and international good faith and understanding. *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! 59


,:2ČŠÍŹ,/ČŠ9 764,.9(5(;, 0: ),(905. -9<0;

PROVINCE ,ZRPČ´LOPY PROJECT TITLE 5HYsPsLČ˜P 4L`]L =LYP`VY B7VTLNYHUH[L PZ )LHYPUN -Y\P[D 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 5HYsPsLČ˜P 2VVWLYH[PĂ„ B5HYsPsLČ˜P *VVWLYH[P]LD PROJECT PARTNERS ,ZRPČ´LOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU 4\UPJPWHSP[` ;LWLIHČ´Ă› Municipality 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ :LW[LTILY [V 4H` 7961,*; :<44(9@ The goal of the project was to increase the product variety, number of members, and WV[LU[PHS ZHSLZ VM [OL 5HYsPsLČ˜P *VVWLYH[P]L HUK make it sustainable. The training provided as part of the project sought to empower the cooperative and its members both socially and economically. ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž To broaden product variety, several pieces of equipment were purchased for the cooperative including an oven, cash register, overlock machine, kneader, and sewing machine.


ŕ Ž In addition to training sessions on LU[YLWYLUL\YZOPW ZHSLZ HUK THYRL[PUN female members received counselling services as part of the project. ŕ Ž A bakery product sales network was established in the local market and the ecological farmers market. ŕ Ž The cooperative launched a website and WYPU[LK WYVTV[PVUHS IYVJO\YLZ ;^V MLTHSL members of the cooperative were given training on website management and then hired to work part time at the cooperative. ŕ Ž 11 new members joined the cooperative. ŕ Ž ;OL JP[PaLUZ VM ,ZRPČ´LOPY OHK [OL VWWVY[\UP[` [V view the cooperative’s new products at a product promotion event that was organized. ŕ Ž The cooperative presented the results of its project at a press conference. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž ;OL 5HYsPsLČ˜P *VVWLYH[P]L L_WHUKLK IV[O P[Z product range and quantity of orders, thereby achieving a sustainable structure. ŕ Ž 0UKLLK VYKLYZ YVZL I` [OHURZ [V [OL promotion and marketing strategy devised during the training, and membership in the cooperative members increased by 85 percent.

POMEGRANATE IS BEARING FRUIT ;OL 5HYsPsLČ˜P *VVWLYH[P]L ^HZ LZ[HISPZOLK PU PU ,ZRPČ´LOPYÂťZ ;LWLIHČ´Ă› KPZ[YPJ[ 4LTILYZ of the cooperative began with training courses in the production of baked goods and improved their skills. The cooperative, however, was not able to promote its products and services at a satisfactory level and needed to strengthen its promotional and marketing activities. To ensure the continuity of the cooperative, production and THYRL[PUN OHK [V IL KVUL TVYL LɈLJ[P]LS` ^P[O H Z\ɉJPLU[ HTV\U[ VM YLZV\YJLZ -\Y[OLYTVYL the cooperative required some improvement and growth in the number of members via the KL]LSVWTLU[ VM KPɈLYLU[ WYVK\J[Z IL`VUK baked goods and the purchasing of the right equipment.

“I think the project’s most important JVU[YPI\[PVU ^HZ ]PZPIPSP[` 5V^ ^L HYL RUV^U PU H ^PKLY JPYJSL HUK NL[ VŃœLYZ for new business inside and outside ,ZRPÎ…LOPY >L OH]L ILJVTL TVYL WYVMLZZPVUHS" ^L JHU L_WYLZZ V\YZLS]LZ and who we are more clearly. We are UV[ H I\UJO VM OV\ZL^P]LZ PU ULLK we are running a business here and ^L KV P[ \UKLY KPŃœLYLU[ HUK OHYKLY conditions than our competitors in the market such as the bakeries with cheaper production. We are now being appreciated and showing that we are KPŃœLYLU[ š ǸLYTPU 2\Č´s\VČ˜S\ *VVWLYH[P]L Member



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;OL 7VTLNYHUH[L PZ )LHYPUN -Y\P[ WYVQLJ[ ^HZ created in line with such needs and supported I` [OL :HIHUJÛ -V\UKH[PVU .YHU[ 7YVNYHT within the United Nations Joint Program on 7YVTV[PUN [OL /\THU 9PNO[Z VM >VTLU ;OL project also sought to raise awareness of gender LX\HSP[` ;OL ,ZRPȴLOPY 4L[YVWVSP[HU 4\UPJPWHSP[` HUK ;LWLIHȴÛ 4\UPJPWHSP[` ^VYRLK [VNL[OLY [V implement the project.



“We met great people during the project, learned new designs with new members. The Seferihisar trip was also ]LY` ILULÄJPHS" ^L OHK [OL JOHUJL [V JVTWHYL V\YZLS]LZ [V [OL TVKLS \ZLK [OLYL 6\Y ^PSS [V PTWYV]L V\YZLS]LZ and learn new designs strengthened. While we used to struggle waiting our turn for a single sewing machine, we are now able to produce faster and TVYL LѝJPLU[S` 3LHYUPUN OV^ [V \ZL the industrial sewing machine and the V]LYSVJR THJOPUL ^HZ ]LY` \ZLM\S ;OL [YHPUPUN HSZV WYV]PKLK \Z ^P[O UL^ WLYZWLJ[P]LZ ¹

learning basic sales and marketing concepts, a special sales and marketing strategy was MVYT\SH[LK MVY [OL 7VTLNYHUH[L *VVWLYH[P]L Website management training was implemented in two sessions, with the participation of two TLTILYZ ZLSLJ[LK MYVT [OL *VVWLYH[P]L ^OV would thereafter manage the website and of other members who had an interest in the topic. ;OL ÄYZ[ >LI [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVU JVUZPZ[LK VM IHZPJ information on social media use and site access, while the second involved adding/deleting new items, taking orders, tracking orders, preparing announcements, uploading pictures, making changes to the interface, and using social media. The four-day entrepreneurship training included an introduction to the basic concepts of entrepreneurship, the creation of a roadmap for the project, and a change analysis for sales

and marketing. The participants also attended [YHPUPUN VU NLUKLY LX\HSP[` 6U [OL ÄYZ[ KH` VM [OL two-day training on gender equality, the concept VM ZVJPHS NLUKLY P[Z KPɈLYLUJL MYVT IPVSVNPJHS sex, patriarchy, and the roles it imposed on women and men were explained. The second day entailed group studies on gender relations, a game on gender roles, a movie screening, and a subsequent discussion. During the project, female members of the *VVWLYH[P]L HSZV WHPK H ]PZP[ [V :LMLYPOPZHY ;OL` TL[ [OL 4H`VY VM :LMLYPOPZHY HUK SLHYULK HIV\[ the structure of cooperatives in the district and HIV\[ [OL >VTLU»Z 3HIV\Y /V\ZLZ >OPSL PU :LMLYPOPZHY [OL ^VTLU ]PZP[LK H >VTLU»Z 3HIV\Y /V\ZL H JVVWLYH[P]L HUK H THYRL[WSHJL



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HUZ^LYLK [OL JHSS PU [OL Ă„YZ[ Z[HNL UPUL HUK in the second stage two new female members QVPULK [OL *VVWLYH[P]L

Promotional brochures were printed and the website was launched to ZOV^JHZL TVYL [OHU WYVK\J[Z ^P[O WOV[VZ as part of the project’s aim of boosting visibilty. 0[ ^HZ KLJPKLK [OH[ PU H ÄYZ[ Z[HNL [OL ^LIZP[L would serve as a product catalogue and for promotion; orders are still being taken by e-mail and telephone for the moment.

To broaden product variety, several pieces of equipment were purchased for the cooperative including an oven, cash register, overlock machine, kneader, and sewing machine. After completion of the equipment purchases, planning and designing processes were initiated for new products to be developed with the UL^ TLTILYZ VM [OL *VVWLYH[P]L ;OL UL^ items chosen for production were subject to a trial production run. The product range was expanded with the new design ideas brought by new members, in particular in the area of handicrafts. Women decided to focus more on the products that garnered more interest and had the highest sales at the product promotion event, and continued selling their products via the website and at the weekly and monthly handicraft markets. In the area of food products, UL^ WYVK\J[Z [OH[ HYL ZWLJPÄJ [V ,ZRPȴLOPY I\[ UV[ ^LSS RUV^U ^LYL WYLWHYLK 6UL VM [OL biggest problems faced by the women during the sales process was the inability to deliver orders within the city. The issue was solved with the purchase of an electric bicycle that is environmental friendly and does not require a driver’s license, meaning that all women could use it.

The project’s biggest event, a public promotion and display of the products, was organized at [OL kaKPSLR (Y[ *LU[YL >VTLU YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ from non-governmental organizations, state institutions, the private sector, universities, and political parties attended the event, which attracted great interest from the press. More than OHUKPJYHM[Z PU KPɈLYLU[ JH[LNVYPLZ HUK TVYL [OHU MVVK WYVK\J[Z ^LYL KPZWSH`LK H[ [OL event. In addition to contributing to awareness of [OL 5HYsPsLČ˜P *VVWLYH[P]L [OPZ L]LU[ OPNOSPNOLK the importance of women’s participation in the ^VYRMVYJL Âś HUK [OL MHJ[ [OH[ [OL *VVWLYH[P]L ^HZ [OL Ă„YZ[ PU ,ZRPČ´LOPY [V KV ZV A call was made for all institutions that engaged in women-oriented work to contribute new TLTILYZ [V [OL *VVWLYH[P]L 7\YZ\HU[ [V [OL recommendations from the institutions that 64




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7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY ,SPM .€UÂ…S[HČ´ Z[H[LK [OH[ [OL project achieved its goals in terms of economic targets and ensuring the sustainability of the *VVWLYH[P]L HUK ZLY]LK HZ HU L_HTWSL MVY V[OLY women’s cooperatives: “The women I met at the beginning of the project were afraid that they ^V\SK OH]L [V JSVZL [OL *VVWLYH[P]L JV\SK UV[ produce freely because of economic pressures, and were shy about introducing themselves to companies. The training provided throughout [OL WYVQLJ[ HUK PU WHY[PJ\SHY [OL :LMLYPOPZHY ]PZP[ and the product promotion event, were their turning point. They found time to develop new products, increased the quality of their division of labor, improved their abilities of promotion on social media, distributed promotional brochures by visiting institutions and companies, designed and printed business cards, and are now working on a product catalogue. Thanks to the project, PU Q\Z[ UPUL TVU[OZ 5HYsPsLČ˜P OHZ ILJVTL H cooperative that has a vision and bigger goals.â€? The promotion and marketing strategy was revised with the feedback obtained from the the product promotion event and the completion of the entrepreneurship training, and the sales strategy was redesigned pursuant to the outcomes of the project and the creation of a roadmap. As part of the newly designed promotion and marketing strategy, decisions were made to focus more on online sales, prepare product categories for special occasions, develop special products for 66

local interests and tourism. and set up a stand H[ [OL (Y[ :[YLL[ 7YVQLJ[ PU ;LWLIHČ´Ă› 4\UPJPWHSP[` HUK ZLSS [OL *VVWLYH[P]LÂťZ WYVK\J[Z (UV[OLY goal was to ensure the continuity of the annual VYKLY VM ;LWLIHČ´Ă› 4\UPJPWHSP[` MVY 5L^ @LHYÂťZ cards and custom bag orders that were received in previous years. The project concluded with a press conference.



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PROVINCE 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ PROJECT TITLE ,Č˜P[PT ǸPKKL[P @LULY B,K\JH[PVU 6]LYJVTLZ =PVSLUJLD 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 ,Č˜P[PTJPSLY )PYSPČ˜P :LUKPRHZĂ› ,Č˜P[PT )PY :LU 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ Ǹ\ILZP B;LHJOLYÂťZ ;YHKL <UPVU 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ )YHUJOD PROJECT PARTNERS None 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ 6J[VILY [V 4H` 7961,*; :<44(9@ Training on violence against women and intra-family communication skills was provided to 24 female [LHJOLYZ ;OL [LHJOLYZ ]PZP[LK [OL 4PUPZ[Y` VM -HTPS` HUK :VJPHS 7VSPJPLZ [V WYV]PKL PUMVYTH[PVU HUK monitor developments. After the visit, the teachers – who had attended a train-the-trainers program – delivered awareness-raising training on violence against women to fellow teachers at their respective ZJOVVSZ ;OL [YHPUPUNZ ^LYL KVUL PU NYV\WZ VM people, both female and male teachers. ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž Teachers who were members of the Teacher’s ;YHKL <UPVU ,Č˜P[PT )PY :LU PU 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ were informed of the project via text message. Twenty-four of them were selected for the program and received training courses on combatting violence against women and promoting women’s rights.


JVUZ[P[\[LK VM [OL [V[HS WVW\SH[PVU :[\KPLZ and projects on violence against women should take this young demography into consideration.

ŕ Ž After completing the program, the teachers then provided training on combating violence against women to groups of fellow teachers at their respective schools. ŕ Ž ( Âş/HUKIVVR VU *VTIH[PUN =PVSLUJL (NHPUZ[ Women’ was prepared and distributed as an outcome of the project. ŕ Ž :VTL WLVWSL YLJLP]LK IYVJO\YLZ VU combating violence against women. ŕ Ž ([ [OL TVUP[VYPUN ]PZP[ [V [OL 4PUPZ[Y` VM -HTPS` HUK :VJPHS 7VSPJPLZ [OL WHY[PJPWHU[Z ^LU[ [OYV\NO gender equality training. ŕ Ž A contest for the best article on violence was held. ŕ Ž A “Prevention of Domestic Violence: Problems :VS\[PVUZš WHULS ^HZ VYNHUPaLK ŕ Ž The project team announced and promoted project activities via the local press. Indeed, a local TV station featured the project’s activities. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž Teachers played an active role in combating ]PVSLUJL PU [OL JP[` VM 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ ŕ Ž 24 teachers became trainers and delivered training on women’s rights and gender equality. ŕ Ž 6UL VM [OL WYVQLJ[ V\[JVTLZ [VVR [OL MVYT VM H ¸/HUKIVVR VU *VTIH[PUN =PVSLUJL HNHPUZ[ Women.â€?


We aimed to raise awareness at ZJOVVSZ HUK ^L HJOPL]LK [OPZ ([ Ă„YZ[ some teachers said “Why are you doing [OPZ& ;OLYL PZ UV ]PVSLUJL PU ZJOVVSZ š And when female students came to them with problems, they did not want [V NL[ PU]VS]LK HUK YLMLYYLK [OLT [V [OL female teachers. Their attitudes also changed after the training sessions. >L YLJLP]LK WVZP[P]L MLLKIHJR MYVT [OL mothers of male students as well. They no longer raise their boys saying that “You’re a man, you can do this, you can do that,â€? they are more aware and ZLUZP[P]L [V^HYKZ ]PVSLUJL 0 ^HZ ]LY` touched by the sincerity of the male teachers, who opened their hearts. I can’t forget what one of our teachers ZHPK! ¸0 PUĂ…PJ[LK ]PVSLUJL HNHPUZ[ T` ^PML PU [OL WHZ[ I\[ 0 ^HZ MLLSPUN L]LU TVYL hurt. Although I kept it quiet, I felt weak and helpless.â€? :LYHW +\YRH`H ;LHJOLY



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;OL <UPVU»Z 2HOYHTHUTHYHȴ IYHUJO KL]LSVWLK P[Z ¸,K\JH[PVU 6]LYJVTLZ =PVSLUJL¹ WYVQLJ[ based on this data. They chose teachers as the target group in order to expand the project’s ZWOLYL VM PUÅ\LUJL ;OL <UPVU HPTLK [V empower teachers to promote gender equality in education and raise young people’s awareness of women’s rights. The Union’s objectives were to inform female teachers about violence against women, women’s counselling centers, and women’s shelters, and support the development of cooperation among MLTHSL [LHJOLYZ >P[O Z\WWVY[ MYVT [OL :HIHUJP -V\UKH[PVU .YHU[ 7YVNYHT ^P[OPU [OL <UP[LK 5H[PVUZ 1VPU[ 7YVNYHT MVY 7YVTV[PUN [OL /\THU Rights of Women, the project had a target of YLHJOPUN [LHJOLYZ 0[ ZV\NO[ [V IYPUN [VNL[OLY women who wanted to help combat violence against women and try to create a platform of solidarity.

MAKING WOMEN VISIBLE IN EDUCATION Although there are more female teachers than male teachers in Turkey, men outnumber women at the management level. Given this injustice, guidance of and solidarity between female teachers are key for awareness and empowerment activities. These activities will start in schools and expand throughout the country to combat violence against women.

“We found the opportunity to explain [OL YLHZVUZ ILOPUK ]PVSLUJL HNHPUZ[ ^VTLU HUK VќLY ZVS\[PVUZ [V colleagues in our schools. I saw that MLTHSL [LHJOLYZ PU WHY[PJ\SHY ILULÄ[LK from these training courses. Some [LHJOLYZ ÄUHSS` YLHSPaLK [OH[ [OL` OHK ILLU L_WVZLK [V LJVUVTPJ ]PVSLUJL after working for many years. Hopefully, ^L OH]L JOHUNLK WLVWSL»Z TPUKZ ^P[O [OL HJ[P]P[PLZ ^L JHYYPLK V\[ PU 2HOYHTHUTHYH΅ ¹ ǦSRU\Y :H`NÛSÛ 7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY


-LTHSL [LHJOLYZ JHU WSH` H RL` YVSL PU [OL SP]LZ VM women who are trapped in stereotypical gender roles. They can raise their awareness of these stereotypes and help them develop strategies [V ÄNO[ HNHPUZ[ [OLT -LTHSL [LHJOLYZ JHU IL positive role models for students, and they also have the power to convince families to let their daughters continue their education. Under the project, each of the 24 female teachers who attended seminars on combating violence against women and developing family communication skills then conducted several HJ[P]P[PLZ [V YHPZL [OL H^HYLULZZ VM [LHJOLYZ at their respective schools.

anger management, children’s psychology in situations of domestic violence, legal rights of women who have been subjected to violence, women’s shelters, and the working procedures of women’s associations. After the training courses, participants made a study visit to the Ministry of -HTPS` HUK :VJPHS 7VSPJPLZ )YVJO\YLZ WVZ[LYZ HUK Å`LYZ ^LYL JYLH[LK HUK WYLZZ JVUMLYLUJLZ held to boost project visibility. Local TV stations Z\WWVY[LK [OL WYVQLJ[ :VJPHS TLKPH JOHUULSZ were also used. The project team also organized a contest for the best article on the “Role of Education and Teachers in Preventing Domestic Violence.” The contest was also open to all male teachers throughout the province.

Text messages were sent to members of the Union and selected teachers attended a comprehensive seminar that covered the following topics: the anatomy of violence, 73


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AWARENESS STARTS WITH EDUCATION -LTHSL [LHJOLYZ ^OV JVTWSL[LK [OL [YHPUPUN program made presentations on violence against women at 12 schools in total. All female and male teachers participated in the events. Before the presentations, booklets were distributed to the teachers. After the presentations, a questionnaire was given to the participants to assess their views on violence against women. kaSLT +VSHČ´ VUL VM [OL WHY[PJPWHU[Z ^HZ H expert trainer who had also joined the Purple *LY[PĂ„JH[L WYVNYHT Y\U ^P[OPU [OL <517 :OL noted that during the project many activities were carried out with both teachers and JOPSKYLU :OL HSZV Z[H[LK [OH[ KYHTH HUK YVSL WSH`PUN HJ[P]P[PLZ ^LYL WHY[PJ\SHYS` LɈLJ[P]L *OPSKYLU ^LYL PTWYLZZLK ^P[O Z\JO LTWH[O` games as “what if my mom was my dad and my dad was my mom,â€? “you wake up one morning and you’re the member of the opposite ZL_ UV^ š :OL TLU[PVULK [OH[ TVZ[ VM [OL THSL students said that “We have never thought of this before, we will no longer treat our moms and girls as if some of the work is their duty.â€? kaSLT +VSHČ´ HSZV HKKLK ^P[O LU[O\ZPHZT [OH[! ¸*OPSKYLU L_WLYPLUJLK HU H^HRLUPUN ;OL` KPK sincere interviews with working women around them and with their moms. They also made nice 74

short movies. This project also contributed a lot [V TL WLYZVUHSS` -VY L_HTWSL UV^ 0 JHU JVU[YVS my own income. I realized that I was subjected to economic and psychological violence and I struggled with this. If I hadn’t taken part in the project, I might have retired in a few years. I’ve ILLU H [LHJOLY MVY [OL SHZ[ `LHYZ" [OL WYVQLJ[ HSZV IVVZ[LK T` ZLSM JVUĂ„KLUJL HUK TV[P]H[PVU as a professional.â€? With the large participation of teachers, a panel on the “Prevention of Domestic Violence: 7YVISLTZ HUK :VS\[PVUZš ^HZ OLSK H[ [OL 5LJPW -HaĂ›S *\S[\YL *LU[LY (M[LY [OL WHULS [OL [LHJOLYZ who had won the article contest were presented their awards.

69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, ,Č˜P[PT )PY :LU 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ Ǹ\ILZP B;LHJOLYÂťZ ;YHKL <UPVU 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ )YHUJOD @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; The Union aims to create a new and rich Turkish culture founded on the principles of fundamental human rights. To achieve this goal, it conducts educational and cultural activities including seminars, conferences, panels, open sessions, congresses, training courses, and so on. *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! 75


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PROVINCE 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ PROJECT TITLE kaULZP ,YRLR B;OL :\IQLJ[ PZ 4LUD 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 +ÇŚ=( :,5 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ Ǹ\ILZP B;\YRPZO <UPVU VM >VYRLYZ VM 9LSPNPV\Z (ɈHPYZ 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ )YHUJOD PROJECT PARTNERS )HČ´RLU[ 2HKĂ›U 7SH[MVYT\ +LYULČ˜P B*HWP[HS *P[` >VTLUÂťZ 7SH[MVYTD 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ TVU[OZ 6J[VILY [V 6J[VILY ;(9.,; .96<7 Women exposed to violence and men living in 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ 7961,*; :<44(9@ The goal of the project was to increase men’s awareness of and sensitivity towards violence against women. 8 men and 8 women from the 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ IYHUJO VM [OL ;\YRPZO <UPVU VM >VYRLYZ VM 9LSPNPV\Z (ɈHPYZ WHY[PJPWH[LK PU H training-of-trainers program and subsequently KLSP]LYLK [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ ;OL [HYNL[ ^HZ to provide training on gender sensitivity and WYL]LU[PVU VM ]PVSLUJL HNHPUZ[ ^VTLU [V TLU It was expected that after the training sessions H[ SLHZ[ VM THSL WHY[PJPWHU[Z ^V\SK KL]LSVW gender awareness and the rate of violence HNHPUZ[ ^VTLU ^V\SK KYVW PU 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´


group was men, who are seen as the perpetrators of violence. The project sough to provide training on gender equality and violence against women [V TLU

ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž Under the project, 8 men and 8 women ]VS\U[LLYZ MYVT [OL <UPVU JVTWSL[LK H Ă„]L KH` training-of-trainers program. ŕ Ž Members of the Turkish Union of Workers of 9LSPNPV\Z (ɈHPYZ 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ )YHUJO ^OV completed the training program then delivered [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ PU THSL KVTPUHU[ WSHJLZ SPRL JVɈLL OV\ZLZ MHYTLYZÂť THYRL[Z HUK [OL meeting places of village associations. ŕ Ž ;OL WLVWSL ^OV WHY[PJPWH[LK PU [OL [YHPUPUN learned that violence against women also includes psychological and economic violence, beyond the physical violence. ŕ Ž During the project, a survey was conducted to collect pre- and post-project perceptions. The survey revealed that participants’ perceptions on ]PVSLUJL JOHUNLK ZPNUPĂ„JHU[S` HM[LY [OL [YHPUPUN 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž (SS TLU ^OV WHY[PJPWH[LK PU [OL WYVQLJ[ heightened their awareness of gender equality and violence against women. ŕ Ž The survey results revealed that participants’ views on violence against women changed ZPNUPĂ„JHU[S` HM[LY [OL [YHPUPUN K\L PU WHY[ [V [OL fact that the trainers were the members of the ;\YRPZO <UPVU VM >VYRLYZ VM 9LSPNPV\Z (ɈHPYZ ŕ Ž After the success of its previous project, the applicant and project partner obtained a second grant for this new and current project to deliver training on the issue of violence against women to religious workers.

THE SUBJECT IS MEN Violence against women is actually the problem of men, not women. The Turkish Union of Workers VM 9LSPNPV\Z (ɈHPYZ +0=( :,5 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ )YHUJO HUK [OL *HWP[HS *P[` >VTLUÂťZ 7SH[MVYT QVPU[S` KL]LSVWLK [OL WYVQLJ[ JHSSLK ¸;OL :\IQLJ[ is Menâ€? in order to involve men – who are the real sources of violence – in projects to prevent violence against women. The project partners believe that this problem will continue unless all WHY[PLZ ^VYR [VNL[OLY ;OL :HIHUJĂ› -V\UKH[PVU Grant Program supported the project within the United Nations Joint Program for Promoting the /\THU 9PNO[Z VM >VTLU ;OL TLTILYZ VM +0=( :,5 ^OV HYL predominantly male, came together with the TLTILYZ VM [OL *HWP[HS *P[` >VTLUÂťZ 7SH[MVYT who are all female, to increase men’s sensitivity towards violence against women. The target

(Z H ÄYZ[ Z[LW VɉJL HUK WYLZLU[H[PVU TH[LYPHSZ were prepared in a bid to convince men that through violence against women not only did they hurt women but also themselves. Next, volunteers were selected based on short PU[LY]PL^Z [V KLSP]LY [OL ÄLSK [YHPUPUN ( [LHT of 16 trainers was formed: eight women and LPNO[ TLU MYVT +0=( :,5 ;OL` H[[LUKLK H Ä]L day training-of-trainers program. The program covered violence against women, gender equality, legal framework, the importance of

¸+\YPUN [OL [YHPUPUN JV\YZLZ ZV THU` WLVWSL ZHPK Âş0 OH]L UL]LY [OV\NO[ VM this before.’ When we talked about [OL MVYTZ VM ]PVSLUJL P[ ^HZ ]LY` important for us to make them realize [OH[ ]PVSLUJL TLHU[ T\JO TVYL [OHU TLYL WO`ZPJHS ]PVSLUJL 0[ÂťZ H NYLH[ HJOPL]LTLU[ L]LU PM P[ VUS` JOHUNLK perceptions and spurred questions in their minds.â€? 5LZYPU :LTPa 7YLZPKLU[ VM [OL *HWP[HS *P[` >VTLUÂťZ 7SH[MVYT



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women’s shelters, studies undertaken by the 7YLZPKLUJ` VM 9LSPNPV\Z (ɈHPYZ VU ]PVSLUJL against women, empathy and putting oneself in someone’s place, and mechanisms to use when they meet a person who has been exposed to violence. Materials and a presentation were created for the training to be delivered in the ÄLSK 8\LZ[PVUUHPYLZ ^LYL HSZV KYH^U \W MVY WHY[PJPWHU[Z [V ÄSS PU ILMVYL HUK HM[LY [OL [YHPUPUN Upon completion of the training for trainers, the project was introduced at a meeting during which information was given about the project and the individuals who had completed the training-of-trainers program were presented [OLPY JLY[PÄJH[LZ 7YV]PUJPHS 4\M[P WVSPJL VɉJLYZ WVSP[PJPHUZ Z[HɈ MYVT [OL 6ɉJL VM 4\M[P YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ MYVT ZL]LYHS 5.6Z HUK [OL press attended the introductory meeting.

The volunteer trainers implemented the training PU KPɈLYLU[ HYLHZ ZLSLJ[LK [OYV\NOV\[ [OL JP[` They worked as teams, each team consisting of one man and one woman. The local training was JVUK\J[LK PU THSL KVTPUH[LK WSHJLZ SPRL JVɈLL houses. Male trainers explained the forms of violence against women to their fellows, while MLTHSL [YHPULYZ YLÅLJ[LK [OL ]PL^Z VM ^VTLU The trainers emphasized that violence against women had more facets than the more apparent forms of physical and economic violence. Nazmiye Temizel, one of the trainers, said that ¸:VTL WLVWSL [OPUR [OH[ ]PVSLUJL HNHPUZ[ ^VTLU occurs only in the form of battery. We tried to explain to them that women could be exposed to violence even with just a word or a glance.” (UV[OLY ]VS\U[LLY Ǹ\SL ,YLU Z[H[LK [OH[ ¸@V\ win as much as you love. Even the shadow of violence cannot enter a place of tolerance.” A [V[HS VM TLU ^LYL YLHJOLK [OYV\NO [OL SVJHS training session and boosted their awareness of violence against women. Pre- and postperception surveys were conducted among the participants as part of the project. The results thereof revealed that participants’ perceptions had changed to a great extent.



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(IKÂ…SIHRP 2HYHR\Y[ [OL IYHUJO THUHNLY VM +0=( :,5 ZHPK [OH[ [OHURZ [V [OL WYVQLJ[ TLU realized that there were other types of violence against women, including psychological and LJVUVTPJ! ¸>L OLZP[H[LK H[ Ă„YZ[ I\[ ^VYRLK PU H WYVMLZZPVUHS THUULY 0U JVɈLL OV\ZLZ ZVTL people felt ashamed and tried to leave after they found out that we were religious workers. During the training sessions, some people felt guilty – we could see it from their body language and NSHUJLZ :VTL WLVWSL OHK ULNH[P]L ]PL^Z HZ well. But at the end of each training course, their reactions always turned into acknowledgment. 0 ^PSS UL]LY MVYNL[ ^OH[ VUL Ă„YLTHU ZHPK H[ [OL LUK VM [YHPUPUN [OH[ ^L KLSP]LYLK [V Ă„YLTLU! Âş0 ^PSS NV OVTL KPɈLYLU[S` [VKH` 0 ^PSS I\` Ă…V^LYZ before I get there.’ Imams supported us in some places and teachers supported us in others. -VY L_HTWSL ^L KLJPKLK [V VYNHUPaL H WHYLU[ZÂť TLL[PUN ZPUJL KVTLZ[PJ ]PVSLUJL HSZV HɈLJ[Z children. We invited in particular the fathers and delivered the training at the parents’ meeting.â€? 3VJHS 5.6Z [OL 7YV]PUJPHS 6ɉJL VM 4\M[P HZ ^LSS HZ VɉJPHSZ MYVT [OL <UP[LK 5H[PVUZ Development Program and Metropolitan Municipality of Gaziantep attended the project’s closing event. The project captured the attention of local media and became part of the city’s agenda. We reached many people through the local training. And thanks to the success of this project, a subsequent project on violence 80

HNHPUZ[ ^VTLU PZ \UKLY^H` -VY [OL ZLJVUK WYVQLJ[ [OL 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ VM +0=( :,5 ^PSS remain the implementation partner. In this new project, training will be delivered to religious workers.



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PROVINCE 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ PROJECT TITLE ;OL :\IQLJ[ PZ 4LU 00 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 +ÇŚ=( :,5 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ Ǹ\ILZP B;\YRPZO <UPVU VM >VYRLYZ VM 9LSPNPV\Z (ɈHPYZ 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ )YHUJOD PROJECT PARTNERS )HČ´RLU[ 2HKĂ›U 7SH[MVYT\ +LYULČ˜P B*HWP[HS *P[` >VTLUÂťZ 7SH[MVYTD 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ 6J[VILY [V 4HYJO 7961,*; :<44(9@ To date, projects on violence against women have focused only on providing education to women. The focus, however, should be on men as they are the source of violence. Thus the year ZH^ [OL PTWSLTLU[H[PVU VM [OL ¸:\IQLJ[ is Menâ€? project, which was based on this HZZ\TW[PVU ;OHURZ [V [OL Z\JJLZZ VM [OL Ă„YZ[ project, a second cycle was launched to reach H KPɈLYLU[ [HYNL[ NYV\W ^P[O [OL ZHTL [YHPUPUN activities. This time, the target group would be PTHTZ HZ HJ[VYZ ^P[O WV^LY [V PUĂ…\LUJL TLU PU their communities. The main goal of the project


was to raise imams’ awareness so that they JV\SK PUĂ…\LUJL HUK [YHUZMVYT TLU ^OV PUĂ…PJ[LK violence. ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž A total of 278 imams received training on the prevention of violence against women and gender LX\HSP[` PU IV[O 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ JP[` JLU[YL HUK surrounding districts. ŕ Ž ;OL WYVQLJ[ HSZV PU]VS]LK [OL WYPU[PUN VM IYVJO\YLZ HUK WVZ[LYZ MVY KPZ[YPI\[PVU


ŕ Ž According to the results of pre- and posttraining surveys, the training raised participants’ awareness.

-V\Y V\[ VM L]LY` [LU ^VTLU PU ;\YRL` HYL subjected to violence from their husbands, boyfriends, or families. Projects that seek to prevent violence against women typically focus on educating women and raising their H^HYLULZZ ;OL WYVQLJ[ JHSSLK ¸;OL :\IQLJ[ PZ Menâ€? drew attention to the issue of violence HNHPUZ[ ^VTLU MYVT H KPɈLYLU[ WLYZWLJ[P]L Indeed, the project focused on the education of men as the source of violence. Trainers talked about the damage caused by violence and how T\JO P[ HɈLJ[LK ^VTLU ;OL` HSZV L_WSHPULK P[Z ULNH[P]L LɈLJ[Z VU TLU

ŕ Ž ;OL L_LTWSHY` WYLHJOPUN I` PTHTZ VU violence against women and gender were videorecorded. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž Pre- and post-surveys revealed that the training raised imams’ awareness of violence against women. ŕ Ž The imams who took part in the training helped boost awareness among their communities by preaching on violence against women in their mosques.


¸0 HSZV ]VS\U[LLYLK MVY [OL Ă„YZ[ WYVQLJ[ >L ^LYL NP]LU ]LY` \ZLM\S training courses in both projects. >L HSZV NHPULK ]HS\HISL L_WLYPLUJL that we could use in our speeches. I L]LU JVUK\J[LK H Z[\K` VU ]PVSLUJL HNHPUZ[ ^VTLU PU 2HOYHTHUTHYHÎ… We shared the following information with our community: Our religion does UV[ JVUKVUL ]PVSLUJL HNHPUZ[ ^VTLU It also supports educating girls and OLSWPUN [OLT KL]LSVW [OLTZLS]LZ >L reached more people with the second project. We talked about these issues outside mosques as well. At least WLVWSL YLHSPaLK [OH[ ]PVSLUJL ^V\SK UV[ IYPUN HU` ZVS\[PVU [V JVUĂ…PJ[Z š Abdulcelil Gerek, Imam



2(/9(4(54(9(ÍŹ ;/, :<)1,*; 0: 4,5 00

RELIGIOUS WORKERS LABOURED TO PREVENT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Under the project, volunteer imams who worked PU 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ JP[` JLU[YL HUK Z\YYV\UKPUN districts participated in training on violence against women and gender equality. As wellrespected members of the community, imams helped the gender equality cause by giving speeches on violence against women in their mosques and providing correct and unbiased information to their communities.

NYV\W ;OL +0=( :,5 2HOYHTHUTHYHȴ )YHUJO HUK *HWP[HS *P[` >VTLUZ 7SH[MVYT QVPU[S` implemented the second project. They applied for, and obtained, a grant during the second call MVY WYVWVZHSZ MVY [OL :HIHUJP -V\UKH[PVU .YHU[ Program under the United Nations Joint Program MVY 7YVTV[PUN [OL /\THU 9PNO[Z VM >VTLU ;OL :\IQLJ[ PZ 4LU 00 WYVQLJ[ ZV\NO[ [V LK\JH[L imams so that they could raise their community’s H^HYLULZZ HUK PUÅ\LUJL TLU [OL WLYWL[YH[VYZ of violence. With the experience gained during [OLPY ÄYZ[ WYVQLJ[ [OL WYVQLJ[ WHY[ULYZ Z[HY[LK [OL new project with great enthusiasm.


¸(SS WYV]PUJPHS T\M[PZ PU 2HOYHTHUTHYHÎ… WYV]PKLK PUJYLKPISL Z\WWVY[ MVY V\Y project. They worked wholeheartedly, ^P[O LU[O\ZPHZT 4HU` VM [OLT KLSP]LYLK [OL ZLYTVUZ PU WLYZVU >L were touched by the fact that imams were looking forward to informing people as soon as they had completed the training program.â€?

“The entire city listened to the preaching VU >VTLUÂťZ +H` ^OPJO ^HZ IYVHKJHZ[ PU V]LY O\UKYLK TVZX\LZ ]PH the central system. We can reach all RPUKZ VM WLVWSL MYVT KPŃœLYLU[ ZLJ[PVUZ of society during Friday prayers. Such projects should continue. In Turkey, it is WVZZPISL [V Ă„UK H YLSPNPV\Z ^VYRLY L]LU in the most remote places that lack a school or healthcare facilities. It’s an opportunity that needs to be capitalized on. The project did that.â€?


Bilal Pak, Muezzin (i.e., imam’s KLW\[`

New presentation materials were printed for the second cycle of the project. Posters, brochures, presentations, and questionnaires were prepared. Local training began after the necessary materials had been developed and distributed. A total of 278 imams partook of the educational activities run in the districts VM 6UPRPČ´\IH[ .€RZ\U ,RPU€aÂ… ;Â…YRVČ˜S\ hHČ˜SH`HUJLYP[ +\SRHKPYVČ˜S\ HUK (MČ´PU :VTL VM [OL ZLYTVUZ THKL I` PTHTZ HM[LY they had completed the training program were recorded as model speeches. In total, nine speeches on violence against women and gender equality were recorded. 5LZYPU :LTPa [OL 7YLZPKLU[ VM [OL *HWP[HS *P[`ÂťZ >VTLU 7SH[MVYT Z[H[LK [OH[ [OL WYVQLJ[ÂťZ ZWLJPHS MVJ\Z VU PTHTZ OHK ILLU ]LY` PUĂ…\LU[PHS! ¸6\Y WYVQLJ[ ^HZ [OL Ă„YZ[ VUL [OH[ YLSPNPV\Z workers voluntarily contributed to in Turkey. 0THTZ WYLHJO L]LY` -YPKH` ;OL 7YLZPKLUJ` VM 9LSPNPV\Z (ɈHPYZ LTWOHZPaLZ ZWLJPHS KH`Z Issues related to women are always discussed on International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day. These speeches reach large masses. We focused on what religious workers actually preached, in other words the content of their ZWLLJOLZ 0[ ^HZ KPɉJ\S[ MVY THU` WYLHJOLYZ [V Ă„UK YLSL]HU[ L_HTWSLZ [OH[ ^V\SK [V\JO [OL daily lives of contemporary people. In the Age of 1HOPSP``HO PNUVYHUJL P L [OL WYL 0ZSHTPJ WLYPVK 85


2(/9(4(54(9(ÍŹ ;/, :<)1,*; 0: 4,5 00

girls were being buried, while these days girls are being deprived of their rights to education HUK WLYZVUHS KL]LSVWTLU[ :VTL VM [OLT KV not even have the chance to be born due to measures taken. We told participants that what happened in the days of ignorance and what happens today are one and the same. Moreover, we heard some sexist discourse even if uttered unintentionally. It was important for us to draw attention to these sexist comments. We also told participants that religious workers could make a contribution by using their respectability and PUĂ…\LUJL VU WLVWSL [V JYLH[L H WVZP[P]L JOHUNL (UK [OL` OH]L ^VYRLK KL]V[LKS` HUK ZLSĂ…LZZS` š A survey of imams who participated in the project was conducted before and after the training. The survey results revealed that imams were already aware of and sensitive towards physical and psychological violence even before the training program. Post-training surveys indicated that the training raised their awareness particularly about economic violence.

THE PROJECT REACHED THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE Thousands of people listened to the preaching of volunteer imams; this was the project’s IPNNLZ[ PUĂ…\LUJL 0THTZ NH]L HK]PJL [V [OLPY community so that women could live in violencefree environments, could have more educational VWWVY[\UP[PLZ HUK NHPU Ă„UHUJPHS PUKLWLUKLUJL The project reached the masses thanks to imams who drew attention to the issues of gender sensitivity and prevention of violence against ^VTLU [OYV\NOV\[ [OL JP[` VM 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ Thanks to this large-scale interaction, the project also captured the attention of local and national press. 69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, +ÇŚ=( :,5 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ Ǹ\ILZP B;\YRPZO <UPVU VM >VYRLYZ VM 9LSPNPV\Z (ɈHPYZ 2HOYHTHUTHYHČ´ )YHUJOD @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; ;OL ;\YRPZO <UPVU VM >VYRLYZ VM 9LSPNPV\Z (ɈHPYZ +0=( :,5 ^HZ LZ[HISPZOLK PU HZ H UVU NV]LYUTLU[HS VYNHUPaH[PVU [OH[ HK]VJH[LZ MVY [OL ZVJPHS LJVUVTPJ HUK KLTVJYH[PJ YPNO[Z VM YLSPNPV\Z HɈHPYZ ^VYRLYZ HUK PTWSLTLU[Z HJ[P]P[PLZ PU [OL ZVJPHS Ă„LSK *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL!





PROVINCE 2HZ[HTVU\ PROJECT TITLE :HČ˜SĂ›RSĂ› .LUsSLYSL .LSLJLČ˜L ,S ,SL @Â…YÂ…`VY\a B>L >HSR /HUK PU /HUK [V [OL -\[\YL ^P[O /LHS[O` @V\UN 7LVWSLD 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 ;Â…YR (UULSLY +LYULČ˜P 2HZ[HTVU\ Ǹ\ILZP B;\YRPZO 4V[OLYZ (ZZVJPH[PVU 2HZ[HTVU\ )YHUJOD PROJECT PARTNERS 2HZ[HTVU\ 4\UPJPWHSP[` 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ :LW[LTILY [V 4H` 7961,*; :<44(9@ In the project, girls living in dormitories for ZLJVUKHY` HUK OPNOLY LK\JH[PVU PU 2HZ[HTVU\ were informed about the concept of gender as well as gender stereotypes. Moreover, the project involved the provision of training on fundamental issues such as general health, sexual health, and reproduction, as well as sexual violence and abuse; the formation of a helpdesk so that girl children could easily access health services related to training subjects; and responding to requests for help from girl children by contacting relevant dormitory administration and health centers.


ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž ( [V[HS VM NPYSZ H[ KVYTP[VYPLZ PU 2HZ[HTVU\ WYV]PUJPHS JLU[LY ZLJVUKHY` education dormitories, and 7 higher education dormitories were informed about the concept of gender, gender stereotypes, and the socially determined characteristics, roles, and responsibilities of women and men. ŕ Ž Training sessions about general health, sexual health and reproduction, as well as sexual violence and abuse were delivered. ŕ Ž -P]L [OV\ZHUK IYVJO\YLZ VU [OL Z\IQLJ[ ^LYL distributed. ŕ Ž ( JV\UZLSSPUN ZLY]PJL MVY NPYSZ ^OV ^LYL likely to ask for a consultation was provided through a helpdesk formed at the association after awareness-raising training sessions. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž ;OL NPYSZ ^OV H[[LUKLK [OL [YHPUPUN increased their awareness and understanding of gender roles and gender stereotypes as well as their familiarity with reproductive health. ŕ Ž ( JV\UZLSSPUN ZLY]PJL ^HZ WYV]PKLK [V NPYSZ who had problems, and these children were thus empowered.

and protection. In contrast, young people who are equipped with correct information about sexuality and reproductive health in a timely manner will have the chance for a healthy social and sexual life.

WE WALK HAND IN HAND TO THE FUTURE WITH HEALTHY YOUNG PEOPLE It is natural that young people have questions and problems concerning their own sexuality. The most frequent problem that young people have about sexuality is the incorrect and distorted information they receive as well as the fear and anxiety or uncontrolled behaviors resulting from such information. Pressure from the family, environment, culture, or faith limit communication on this subject and may hinder young people’s access to correct PUMVYTH[PVU /V^L]LY ZL_\HSP[` KVLZ UV[ VUS` require biological ability but also emotional and social stability. A young person who does not correctly know and understand sexuality is likely [V OHYT OLYZLSM VY OPTZLSM @V\UN WLVWSL ^OV continuously encounter barriers and cannot get answers to their questions become weak in terms of self-knowledge, self-realization,

According to research conducted by World /LHS[O 6YNHUPaH[PVU TPSSPVU `V\UN ^VTLU PU [OL [V `LHY VSK HNL NYV\W NP]L IPY[O each year. The rate of maternal mortality in these pregnancies at a young age is higher [OHU [OH[ VM WYLNUHUJPLZ H[ H SH[LY HNL :VTL genital infections are more frequently observed at this period in which bodily protection systems have not yet developed. Experts emphasize that the children who mature earlier or later than their peers during puberty should know that “everyone starts to grow when the time is right for their bodyâ€? and should realize that there is UV[OPUN [V ^VYY` HIV\[ 2UV^SLKNL VM ZL_\HS behavior and reproductive health is essential to have a healthy young generation. Turkey needs institutions that can support young people during the maturation process in terms of sexual behavior and reproductive health. ;OL ;\YRPZO 4V[OLYZ (ZZVJPH[PVU 2HZ[HTVU\ )YHUJO PU WHY[ULYZOPW ^P[O [OL 2HZ[HTVU\ 4\UPJPWHSP[` VI[HPULK H NYHU[ MYVT [OL :HIHUJĂ› -V\UKH[PVU .YHU[ 7YVNYHT \UKLY [OL <UP[LK Nations Joint Program for Promoting the /\THU 9PNO[Z VM >VTLU ;OL NYHU[ LUHISLK 91



(UH[VSPHU /PNO :JOVVS (YHSÛR =VJH[PVUHS /PNO :JOVVS MVY .PYSZ :JPLUJL /PNO :JOVVS 2\aL` 2LU[ (UH[VSPHU /PNO :JOVVS 7YP]H[L 2HZ[HTVU\ +VYTP[VY` MVY .PYSZ 2VUMVY +VYTP[VY` MVY .PYSZ *\TO\YP`L[ +VYTP[VY` MVY .PYSZ 7YP]H[L ǦUJP Dormitory for Girls, Private Ata Dormitory for .PYSZ 0THT /H[PW +VYTP[VY` MVY .PYSZ HUK 7YP]H[L 2HTW Z +VYTP[VY` MVY .PYSZ [OL HZZVJPH[PVU [V SH\UJO [OL ¸>L >HSR /HUK PU /HUK [V [OL -\[\YL ^P[O /LHS[O` @V\UN 7LVWSL¹ project to deliver a training program they could trust on the issues on gender equality, general health, and sexual health. With support also MYVT [OL 2HZ[HTVU\ +PYLJ[VYH[L VM 5H[PVUHS Education, the project sought to reach girls staying at dormitories for secondary and higher education.

YOUTH BECOMING AWARE The project began with meetings with the 2HZ[HTVU\ 4\UPJPWHSP[` HUK [OL WYLWHYH[PVU VM brochures for educational purposes. After the PKLU[PÄJH[PVU VM [YHPULYZ [YHPUPUN TH[LYPHSZ HUK training avenues, a project launch event was held [V ^OPJO [OL WYLZZ ^HZ PU]P[LK ;OL ÄYZ[ [YHPUPUN organized as part of the project was conducted H[ [OL 9LSPNPV\Z -V\UKH[PVU +VYTP[VY` MVY .PYSZ :\IZLX\LU[S` [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ ^LYL JHYYPLK V\[ H[ 4\Z[HMH 2H`H (UH[VSPHU /PNO :JOVVS . S 92

¸6\Y ZJOVVSZ WYV]PKL H JV\UZLSSPUN ZLY]PJL I\[ [OL KVYTP[VYPLZ KV UV[ OH]L counsellors that our children can talk [V 0U [OH[ YLNHYK JOPSKYLU ILULÄ[LK in particular from the psychologist. ;YLH[Z ^LYL ZLY]LK [V [OL JOPSKYLU during the training; they were able to L_WYLZZ [OLTZLS]LZ PU H JVTMVY[HISL LU]PYVUTLU[ HUK ILJHTL OHWW` As a teacher who personally takes care of our boarder girls and knows their problems, I think that the expert support and particularly the doctor’s KLSP]LY` VM [YHPUPUN VU OLHS[O HUK O`NPLUL ^LYL ]LY` ILULÄJPHS ¹ -LYOHU @ÛSTHa ;LHJOLY

Through a training on gender equality, young people were informed about the roles and responsibilities socially assigned to women and men, as well as expectations and judgments. Additionally, young girls attended a training session on general health, sexual health, reproduction, sexual violence, and abuse. 6]LYHSS [OL [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ ZV\NO[ [V WYV]PKL young people with the tools needed to develop solutions for the problems they might face. An expert psychologist and specialist doctors KLSP]LYLK [OL [YHPUPUN ;YHPULLZ ^P[O ZWLJPÄJ problems had the opportunity to meet trainers in person at the end of the training sessions. If the students requested help, appointments were made to ensure they got the necessary support. TAD covered the relevant costs for the examination and treatment of students who needed treatment but had no health insurance. (`[LU 2ÛaÛS[HU *OHPYWLYZVU VM [OL ;\YRPZO 4V[OLYZ (ZZVJPH[PVU 2HZ[HTVU\ )YHUJO ZHPK that their goal was to inform students about general and sexual health and so on, so that they would be equipped to develop solutions to problems they might encounter. Nothing that they had achieved their project goals and received WVZP[P]L MLLKIHJRZ MYVT ZJOVVSZ 2ÛaÛS[HU ZHPK ¸;OL [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ ^LYL ]LY` ILULÄJPHS MVY your daughters; the idea that training sessions VU KPɈLYLU[ [VWPJZ ZOV\SK IL VYNHUPaLK ^HZ highlighted during the implementation.” 93



The young people, who showed great interest in the training, had the opportunity to ask questions that were on their mind to psychologists and doctors at the end of each training. They acquired correct and useful information about the issues they were worried about or troubled by, ranging from sexuality to puberty, and from obesity to menstruation. The project enabled girl children and teenage girls to transform into young women with insight who would be aware of their own potential, productive, and happy.

SEXUAL HEALTH EDUCATION IS A RIGHT @V\UN WLVWSL ZOV\SK OH]L HJJLZZ [V LK\JH[PVU and correct information related to all their rights and responsibilities, as well as information about sex that is delivered in a gender responsive, pluralistic, unbiased, and impartial way. Instead of a repressive mindset that ignores sexuality, the training delivered with the support of experts and teachers enabled young people to make the right decisions in the future. Access to information on sexual health and reproductive health is a right. ([ [OL LUK VM [OL WYVQLJ[ NPYS JOPSKYLU MYVT H [V[HS VM KVYTP[VYPLZ OHK ILLU YLHJOLK (JYVZZ 2HZ[HTVU\ LK\JH[PVUHS IYVJO\YLZ ^LYL KPZ[YPI\[LK HUK `V\UN WLVWSL HUK ZVTL VM 94

[OLPY MHTPS` TLTILY ILULÄ[LK MYVT JV\UZLSSPUN services. The local press and representatives from many women’s associations participated in the project’s closing event.

¸0[ OHZ ILLU YLHSS` H ILULĂ„JPHS WYVQLJ[ worthy of its name. We responded [V NPYSZÂť X\LZ[PVUZ HIV\[ [OLTZLS]LZ and family life; we supported them. I WYV]PKLK YLN\SHY [OLYHW` [OYV\NOV\[ the project and I asked the parents to come to the therapy when necessary. There are students whom I still follow and communicate with. These training ZLZZPVUZ HUK Z\WWVY[ ZLY]PJLZ ZOV\SK JVU[PU\L VU H ]VS\U[HY` IHZPZ 0[ PZ crucial to reach children at risk in a timely manner and help them by earning their trust. The boarding school PZ ILULĂ„JPHS MVY TVZ[ VM [OL JOPSKYLU here they can learn from each other most of the things they were not able to see or know in their family homes. 0 VIZLY]LK H Z[YVUN ZVSPKHYP[` HTVUN them; they all take care of each other. 0[ ^HZ UPJL [V NP]L [OL JOPSKYLU [OL Z\WWVY[ [OL` KLZLY]LK š *L`KH @HURĂ›VČ˜S\ 7Z`JOVSVNPZ[

69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, ;Â…YR (UULSLY +LYULČ˜P 2HZ[HTVU\ Ǹ\ILZP B;\YRPZO 4V[OLYZ (ZZVJPH[PVU 2HZ[HTVU\ )YHUJOD @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; ;OL W\YWVZL VM [OL ;\YRPZO 4V[OLYZ (ZZVJPH[PVU ;(+ PZ [V LUZ\YL [OL TH[LYPHS HUK ZWPYP[\HS KL]LSVWTLU[ VM H woman who is a mother, to enlighten her through education, and to improve her ability to bring up her children HZ WYVK\J[P]L HUK OHWW` PUKP]PK\HSZ ILULĂ„JPHS [V ZVJPL[` ;(+ÂťZ HJ[P]P[PLZ PUJS\KL Y\UUPUN ZVJPHS YLZWVUZPIPSP[` projects, organizing information and training activities, shaping public opinion on women and motherhood, acting as a bridge between local governments and the public, organizing social events, and providing material and spiritual support for mothers in need. *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! 95



PROVINCE 2HZ[HTVU\ PROJECT TITLE -HYR ,KP`VY\T .LSPČ´P`VY\T +LČ˜PČ´P`VY\T B0 9LHSPaL 0 0TWYV]L 0 *OHUNLD 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 ;Â…YR lUP]LYZP[LSP 2HKĂ›USHY +LYULČ˜P 2HZ[HTVU\ Ǹ\ILZP [Turkish Association of University Women 2HZ[HTVU\ )YHUJOD PROJECT PARTNERS 2HZ[HTVU\ 4\UPJPWHSP[` 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ 6J[VILY [V (WYPS 7961,*; :<44(9@ Raising awareness among women and expanding their knowledge of gender equality and women’s rights were the project’s main objectives. At least ^VTLU MYVT LHJO ]PSSHNL HUK ULPNOIVYOVVK were selected to participate in the project. This target group attended training sessions on human rights, gender equality, psychology, LK\JH[PVU HUK LU[YLWYLUL\YZOPW -\Y[OLYTVYL SLNHS Z\WWVY[ ^HZ WYV]PKLK [V Ă„]L ^VTLU


ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž To raise awareness of women’s rights and NLUKLY LX\HSP[` [YHPUPUN ^HZ KLSP]LYLK [V women from three neighborhoods and three villages over the course of the project. ŕ Ž Women gained greater awareness of civil rights, legal education, and women’s rights. ŕ Ž 3LNHS Z\WWVY[ ^HZ L_[LUKLK [V Ă„]L ^VTLU ŕ Ž :LSM KL]LSVWTLU[ [YHPUPUN HJ[P]P[PLZ OLSWLK WHY[PJPWHU[Z IVVZ[ [OLPY ZLSM JVUĂ„KLUJL 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž ;OL MLTHSL WHY[PJPWHU[Z ^LYL PUMVYTLK HIV\[ women’s rights, heightened their awareness, and ILJHTL TVYL ZLSM JVUĂ„KLU[

I REALIZE, I IMPROVE, I CHANGE Women in our country experience depression, eating disorders, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder more than men do. Girls are exposed to abuse more than boys are; they are forced to marry at a very young age. More than half of married women are exposed to physical ]PVSLUJL I` [OLPY O\ZIHUKZ >VTLU Z\ɈLY MYVT mental health problems such as depression, eating disorders, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder at higher rates than men.

¸;OL ^VTLU PU V\Y ]PSSHNL ^LYL HSYLHK` aware of gender-related issues; in fact the awareness of men needs to be raised. Women endure most of the problems because they lack economic WV^LY HUK ZLJ\YP[` 0 OH]L [^V KH\NO[LYZ Z[\K`PUN PU \UP]LYZP[` )V[O my husband and I support them. We KV L]LY`[OPUN ^L JHU ZV [OH[ [OL` JHU Z[\K` OH]L H QVI HUK IL Z[YVUN š 5\YH` =HOP[VČ˜S\ :\IHČ´Ă› =PSSHNL






Although more research is now being carried out on these problems, the studies carried out in 2HZ[HTVU\ [V KH[L HZ WHY[ VM H WYVNYHT WYVQLJ[ are lacking both quantitatively and qualitatively. In particular, rural areas are excluded from such Z[\KPLZ >VTLU PU 2HZ[HTVU\ ULLK Z\WWVY[ PU the form of a variety of activities (in particular [YHPUPUN [V YHPZL [OLPY H^HYLULZZ ZV [OH[ [OL` JHU ÄUK [OL WV^LY [V NLULYH[L ZVS\[PVUZ [V [OL human rights violations, domestic violence, and psychological problems they face. >VTLU PU 2HZ[HTVU\ VJJ\W` H KPZHK]HU[HNLV\Z position in terms of participation in social life – from education to the labor force, and from 98

decision-making mechanisms to politics and access to services. It is vital that women learn about their legal rights, in order for those who are forced to marry at a very young age and are L_WVZLK [V ]PVSLUJL [V IL HISL [V Ă„NO[ HNHPUZ[ violence. The Turkish Association of University Women 2HZ[HTVU\ )YHUJO PZ [HRPUN HJ[PVU [V LUHISL ^VTLU PU 2HZ[HTVU\ [V \UKLYZ[HUK [OL problems that ensue from gender inequality, to access support mechanisms to solve these problems, and to become stronger. The association won a grant for its “I Realize, I 0TWYV]L 0 *OHUNLš WYVNYHT MYVT [OL :HIHUJĂ›

/H]PUN KL[LYTPULK [OL WYVQLJ[ ZJOLK\SL HUK YVHKTHW ^P[O P[Z WHY[ULY [OL 2HZ[HTVU\ Municipality, the project team prepared brochures for later use. A promotional meeting was held at the Municipality to introduce the WYVQLJ[ [V [OL WYLZZ HUK [OL WLVWSL VM 2HZ[HTVU\ ;OL WYVQLJ[Z [V[HS [HYNL[ H\KPLUJL ^HZ ^VTLU" H[ SLHZ[ ^VTLU MYVT [OL :HYHsSHY /PZHYHYKÛ HUK (R[LRRL ULPNOIVYOVVKZ HZ ^LSS HZ MYVT [OL :\IHȴÛ .€SR€` HUK ,S`HR\[ ]PSSHNLZ PU 2HZ[HTVU\ WYV]PUJPHS JLU[LY ;OL Z\WWVY[ VM mukhtars was secured to ensure participation in the project and determine where the training sessions would be held. The project exceeded P[Z [HYNL[ U\TILYZ HUK PU [OL LUK YLHJOLK women.

training held with a view to eliminating violence against women and providing women exposed [V ]PVSLUJL ^P[O HJJLZZ [V Z\ɉJPLU[ Z\WWVY[ services.

WOMEN IN THE FIELD FOR WOMEN The training sessions delivered in villages and ULPNOIVYOVVKZ JV]LYLK [OL *P]PS *VKL [OL 3H^ VM :\JJLZZPVU [OL 3H^ VU [OL 7YV[LJ[PVU VM -HTPS` HUK 7YL]LU[PVU VM =PVSLUJL (NHPUZ[ Women, civic rights and participation in political mechanisms, violence against women, and

;OL ¸0 9LHSPaL 0 0TWYV]L 0 *OHUNLš WYVQLJ[ ^HZ set up to make women’s voices heard, help women decide their own fate, and empower [OLT 0U [OL Ă„YZ[ WOHZL [OL WYVQLJ[ ZV\NO[ [V heighten women’s awareness about their human rights. Expert psychologists, lawyers, doctors, and expert trainers provided support for the 99



domestic violence. During the training, the need for psychological support for post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual abuse of women, and violence against women was noted, and the relevant support was provided. Moreover, the project succeeded in reaching out to women who needed legal support and in procuring such services. To enlarge women’s participation in social and economic life and encourage entrepreneurship, the training explained through ^OPJO PUZ[P[\[PVUZ HUK WYVQLJ[Z Ă„UHUJPHS Z\WWVY[ could be found. In addition to the training activities carried out in neighborhoods and villages as part of the project, conferences and panels were held. 6U +LJLTILY [OL HUUP]LYZHY` VM [OL ºÄYZ[ ^VTLUÂťZ YHSS` PU ;\YRL`Âť OLSK PU ^P[O [OL participation of thousands of women, a panel ^HZ VYNHUPaLK H[ 2HZ[HTVU\ <UP]LYZP[`ÂťZ :JOVVS of Education. And on International Women’s +H` QV\YUHSPZ[ :LKH 2H`H .Â…SLY HUK H[[VYUL` NilĂźfer Ay sat on the panel entitled ‘Raising Awareness on Gender Equality’ held at the 2HZ[HTVU\ *OHTILY VM 0UK\Z[Y` HUK ;YHKL ;OL project culminated with a meeting to evaluate the project activities and outcomes and discuss the problems encountered during the training. 7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY hPČ˜KLT ;\UJH` ZHPK [OPZ WYVQLJ[ ^HZ [OL Ă„YZ[ [OL` OHK JHYYPLK V\[ HUK it gave momentum to their studies. Noting that 100

they reached the goal initially set, Tuncay added that they hoped to set an example for other 5.6Z ^VYRPUN VU ^VTLUZ PZZ\LZ HUK [OH[ [OLPY next objective was to reach more women. This WYVQLJ[ ^OVZL ZWLJPÄJ NVHS ^HZ [V PTWYV]L women’s situation in rural areas, sets an example for future studies.

69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, ;Â…YR lUP]LYZP[LSP 2HKĂ›USHY +LYULČ˜P 2HZ[HTVU\ Ǹ\ILZP B;\YRPZO (ZZVJPH[PVU VM <UP]LYZP[` >VTLU 2HZ[HTVU\ )YHUJOD @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; The Association was established by women who follow AtatĂźrk’s principles and revolution, have a university degree, have high moral principles in every facet of life, and are able to enjoy human rights as equal individuals to ensure integration in contemporary life, with the aim of contributing to national development by making ^VTLUÂťZ WVZP[PVU WV^LYM\S HUK LX\HS PU L]LY` Ă„LSK [OYV\NO JVVWLYH[PVU HUK T\[\HS OLSW HUK ILZ[ YLWYLZLU[ Turkish women at home and abroad. *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! 101


2(@:,9ČŠ /,9, (9, ;/, 3,(+,9 >64,5 -69 0556=(;065 (5+ */(5.,

PROVINCE 2H`ZLYP PROJECT TITLE @LUPSPR ]L +LČ˜PČ´PT ÇŚsPU ÇŚČ´[L 3PKLY 2HKĂ›USHY B/LYL HYL [OL 3LHKLY >VTLU MVY 0UUV]H[PVU HUK *OHUNLD 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 2H`ZLYP ÇŚSL[PČ´PTJPSLY +HUÛȴTHUSHY ÇŚČ´HKHTSHYĂ› +LYULČ˜P B2H`ZLYP (ZZVJPH[PVU VM *VTT\UPJH[PVU ,_WLY[Z *VUZ\S[HU[Z HUK )\ZPULZZWLVWSLD PROJECT PARTNERS ;Â…YR ,Č˜P[PT =HRMĂ› ;,= 2H`ZLYP Ǹ\ILZP B;\YRPZO ,K\JH[PVU -V\UKH[PVU ;,= 2H`ZLYP Branch] 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ :LW[LTILY [V -LIY\HY` 7961,*; :<44(9@ The goal of the project was to raise the awareness of 21 young women on gender equality and develop their knowledge and skills in leadership, JVHJOPUN HUK TLU[VYPUN LJVUVT` HUK Ă„UHUJL human resources, social security, and access to technology. The participants, who were aged MYVT [V ^LYL ZLUPVY \UKLYNYHK\H[L HUK graduate students enrolled at universities in 2H`ZLYP


ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž 21 young women were given training in leadership, coaching and mentoring, economy HUK Ă„UHUJL O\THU YLZV\YJLZ ZVJPHS ZLJ\YP[` and access to technology. ŕ Ž They also attended educational seminars on gender equality and women’s human rights. ŕ Ž A seminar was also organized for employers so that they could overcome their biases against employing women and even encourage female participation in the workforce. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž The project helped young women join the working world, with full knowledge of their rights. ŕ Ž Participants’ awareness of gender equality was raised. ŕ Ž -\Y[OLYTVYL [OL WYVQLJ[ PUJYLHZLK THSL employers’ awareness of gender equality and female participation in the workforce.

HERE ARE THE LEADER WOMEN FOR INNOVATION AND CHANGE The rate of participation of women in the workforce in Turkey is quite low, standing at HZ VM 4HYJO 0U [OL ,\YVWLHU <UPVU [OPZ YH[L PZ HUK PU [OL 6YNHUPaH[PVU MVY ,JVUVTPJ *VVWLYH[PVU HUK +L]LSVWTLU[ P[ Z[HUKZ H[ ,]LU PU 4L_PJV ^OPJO JV\SK be considered similar to Turkey, this rate is 47.8%. Although women have equal rights on paper, they are subjected to discriminatory practices. Women also face invisible forms of sexism/obstacles in the workplace and have KPɉJ\S[PLZ NL[[PUN WYVTV[LK -\Y[OLYTVYL they earn lower wages than men for the same work, and employers see maternity leave as a disadvantage. These factors keep women out of [OL SHIV\Y THYRL[ *SLHYS` LHYS` TLHZ\YLZ T\Z[ be taken to enable women to enter the workforce, to empower and support prospective female employees, and to eliminate discriminatory practices on the labour market. ;OL 2H`ZLYP (ZZVJPH[PVU VM *VTT\UPJH[PVU ,_WLY[Z *VUZ\S[HU[Z HUK )\ZPULZZWLVWSL HUK [OL ;\YRPZO ,K\JH[PVU -V\UKH[PVU QVPU[S` PTWSLTLU[LK [OL WYVQLJ[ LU[P[SLK ¸/LYL HYL [OL 3LHKLY >VTLU MVY 0UUV]H[PVU HUK *OHUNLš [V

support the women leaders of the future. The target group was 21 young women (between [OL HNLZ VM HUK ^OV ^LYL ZLUPVY undergraduate and graduate students enrolled PU \UP]LYZP[PLZ PU 2H`ZLYP 6WLUPUN UL^ OVYPaVUZ for these young women was a key objective. The project also sought to facilitate their entrance into the workforce by showing them – using both theoretical methods and practical applications – OV^ [OL` JV\SK IL SLHKLYZ PU [OLPY JOVZLU Ă„LSKZ Educational courses on gender equality were also provided. Participants were selected by the project partners according to the following criteria: their eagerness, imagination, sense VM YLZWVUZPIPSP[` ZLSM JVUĂ„KLUJL LU]PYVUTLU[HS awareness, ability, and desire to push boundaries. A press conference was held to announce the launch of the project. The media carried news “In Turkey, the situation of women in Parliament, business life, and the education system can be considered an example of gender inequality, not equality. In my opinion, this training program was important in that it touched this sore spot, raising young women’s awareness and contributing to their education. I think that if women change, society will change as well.â€? .€RsL )PYVS :[\KLU[



2(@:,9ČŠ /,9, (9, ;/, 3,(+,9 >64,5 -69 0556=(;065 (5+ */(5.,

PUMVYTH[PVU [LJOUVSVNPLZ LJVUVT` HUK Ă„UHUJL communication, and social security to develop an integrated perspective on business life.

about the project. At the beginning of the training program, a television show on a local station did a segment on the project and reached a large U\TILY VM ]PL^LYZ 7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY 0YMHU )PYVS HUK (Z\THU +VČ˜HU VUL VM [OL WYVQLJ[ÂťZ women leaders, presented the project on the TV ZOV^ JHSSLK ¸2H`ZLYP .Â…UKLTPš ;OL (NLUKH VM 2H`ZLYP

EXTENSIVE TRAINING SESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE The project was designed to empower its ILULĂ„JPHYPLZ `V\UN ^VTLU Ă„UHUJPHSS` HUK facilitate their entrance into the workforce by providing theoretical information and hands-on training on leadership techniques in their chosen Ă„LSKZ 7HY[PJPWHU[Z HSZV H[[LUKLK JV\YZLZ VU SH^ 106

In addition to these courses, the young women took part in several activities and shared their experiences. An experiment called “I’m breaking the glass ceilingâ€? was used to explore the participants’ skills, and trainers emphasized the concepts of overcoming obstacles, success HUK MHPS\YL HUK [Y`PUN HNHPU ǸHMHR hP]PJP H businesswoman and founding chairperson of the 2H`ZLYP >VTLU ,U[YLWYLUL\YZ )VHYK HUK (`Č´L Uzunlu, branch manager of the Turkish Women’s Union, shared their experiences during an event entitled “Women Leaders Meet with the Leaders VM [OL -\[\YL š

“This program was better and more PUMVYTH[P]L HUK IL[[LY [OHU 0 L_WLJ[LK >L NV[ [V RUV^ V\YZLS]LZ IL[[LY >LÂťSS UV SVUNLY MHJL \UZVS]HISL WYVISLTZ ^OPJO ^LYL \UZVS]HISL ILJH\ZL ^L KPK UV[ RUV^ [OL ZVS\[PVUZ VY L]LU PM we did know them, we didn’t use them enough.â€? ;Â…SH` ,STHJĂ›LY :[\KLU[

;OL ¸-\[\YL 3LHKLYZ 4LL[ ^P[O ;,= :JOVSHYZOPW /VSKLYZš L]LU[ ^HZ HSZV OPNOS` Z\JJLZZM\S PU [LYTZ VM WHY[PJPWH[PVU HUK LɈLJ[P]LULZZ ^P[O 45 people partaking. The 21 young women worked together with TEV scholarship students as teams. This experience showed them that [OL` JV\SK [YHPU V[OLY WLVWSL" P[ ^HZ [OLPY Ă„YZ[ experience as mentors. They made kites during HU HJ[P]P[` JHSSLK ¸4L HUK 4` 2P[Lš ^OPJO sought to “integrate the concept of a kite’s balance with the concept of balance in life.â€? The W\YWVZL VM [OL ¸0 *YLH[L 4` -\[\YLš HJ[P]P[` ^HZ to help participants determine their career goals according to their skills. Direct questions, tests, and experts’ instructions were used to enable the participants to reach a conclusion. During the process, which started with leadership training, young women linked what they wanted to do in the future with their skills. RĂźya Demet 2€RZV` VUL VM [OL [YHPULYZ ZHPK ¸>L HZZ\TLK

that women who know what they know and what they want could be leaders in the future. We designed our courses to raise their awareness. We helped them identify their needs and wants. >L KLĂ„ULK [OLPY WLYZVUHSP[` [YHP[Z [VNL[OLY >L discussed the easiest way for them to reach their goals, according to their personality traits. >L [VVR [OL Ă„YZ[ Z[LW [V^HYKZ THRPUN H JOHUNL In the future, nothing will be the same for these MLTHSL WHY[PJPWHU[Zš 9Â…`H +LTL[ 2€RZV` \ZLK these words to summarize the project. 0U[LY]PL^Z I` +LTL[ @HSsĂ›U HUK JHY[VVUZ I` /PSKH kaKLTPY IYV\NO[ JVSV\Y [V [OL IVVRSL[ JHSSLK ¸0 *YLH[L T` -\[\YL š ^OPJO KLZJYPILK [OL participants’ experience during the project. Demet 2HSRTHa [OL WYVQLJ[ÂťZ ;YHPUPUN *VVYKPUH[VY ZHPK

“The project helped me to know myself and raised my awareness. I also became more aware of my LU]PYVUTLU[ 0[ PUJYLHZLK T` ZLSM JVUĂ„KLUJL 0U [OPZ ZVJPHS LU]PYVUTLU[ I learned from our trainers’ experiences and successes. I also realized that men HUK ^VTLU ZOV\SK [HRL [OL WYVNYLZZP]L steps together and head towards PUUV]H[PVU HUK HK]HUJLTLU[ š 3L`SH lSRLY :[\KLU[



2(@:,9ČŠ /,9, (9, ;/, 3,(+,9 >64,5 -69 0556=(;065 (5+ */(5.,

[OH[ ¸;OLYL HYL ZPNUPĂ„JHU[ IHYYPLYZ [V ^VTLU YLHJOPUN ZLUPVY SL]LSZ VM THUHNLTLU[ š 2HSTHa summarized the outcomes of the project as follows: “We designed our project on the basis VM MLLSPUN L_WLYPLUJPUN HUK PTWSLTLU[PUN 6\Y [HYNL[ NYV\W WYLWHYLK [OL IVVRSL[ ¸0 *YLH[L T` -\[\YLš HUK THKL [OLPY M\[\YL WSHUZ [OHURZ to the trainings we delivered. We also helped participants share their experiences during the “Women Leaders Meet with the Leaders of the -\[\YLš L]LU[ 0U T` VWPUPVU ^L YHPZLK V\Y [HYNL[ group’s awareness of gender equality. I think that thanks to this training program, participants will think positively when they act and in time will form their own behavioural culture.â€?

TWO SEMINARS WERE HELD AS PART OF THE PROJECT The young women shared their experience during the seminar on gender equality and women’s human rights. A seminar on raising employers’ awareness to boost female participation in the ^VYRMVYJL ^HZ OLSK H[ [OL 2H`ZLYP *OHTILY VM *VTTLYJL -VY[` [^V WLVWSL WHY[PJPWH[LK PU [OL seminar and shared their opinions. The seminar provided information on gender equality in Turkey, women’s employment rate, policies for female participation in the workforce, barriers to women’s employment and solutions, and stereotypes about working women. The closing ceremony was also held during this seminar, with WHY[PJPWHU[Z ILPUN H^HYKLK [OLPY JLY[PÄJH[LZ The young women again came together with their role models. The project motivated the young leaders of the future and helped them to realize their potential.


69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, 2H`ZLYP ÇŚSL[PČ´PTJPSLY +HUÛȴTHUSHY ÇŚČ´HKHTSHYĂ› +LYULČ˜P B2H`ZLYP (ZZVJPH[PVU VM *VTT\UPJH[PVU ,_WLY[Z *VUZ\S[HU[Z HUK )\ZPULZZWLVWSLD @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; The Association seeks to enhance cooperation between communication experts, consultants, and businesspeople; develop the skills of communication experts and entrepreneurs; organize social and cultural meetings in the business community; and produce publications. Activities designed to strengthen the VWLYH[PVUHS JHWHJP[PLZ VM 5.6Z HYL HSZV \UKLY[HRLU *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! 109


2(@:,9ČŠ ¸0 ;9<:; @6< (5+ 30-,š (3A/,04,9Âť: TRAINING FOR CAREGIVERS

PROVINCE 2H`ZLYP PROJECT TITLE /H`H[H ]L :HUH .Â…]LUP`VY\T ¸ (SaOLPTLY /HZ[H /PaTL[SPZP ,Č˜P[PTP B¸0 ;Y\Z[ @V\ HUK 3PMLš (SaOLPTLYÂťZ ;YHPUPUN MVY *HYLNP]LYZD 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 2H`ZLYP 2HKĂ›U ÇŚČ´IPYSPČ˜PUP .LSPČ´[PYTL +LYULČ˜P 2ÇŚ.+,9 B2H`ZLYP (ZZVJPH[PVU MVY [OL 7YVTV[PVU VM >VTLUÂťZ *VVWLYH[PVU 2ÇŚ.+,9 D PROJECT PARTNERS ,YJP`LZ <UP]LYZP[` -HJ\S[` VM /LHS[O :JPLUJLZ" 4LSPRNHaP -V\UKH[PVU VM /LHS[O *\S[\YL HUK :VJPHS :VSPKHYP[`" )VHYK VM -LTHSL ,U[YLWYLUL\YZ VM [OL 2H`ZLYP *OHTILY VM *VTTLYJL 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ 6J[VILY [V 1\UL 7961,*; :<44(9@ The aim of the project was to teach 25 unemployed ^VTLU HNLK [V HIV\[ ^VTLUÂťZ YPNO[Z develop their professional skills, and enable them to enter the workforce. Participants attended 45 hours of awareness-raising training, 66 hours of training on caring skills for Alzheimer’s disease, and 24 hours of coaching on integration into work life.


(JJVYKPUN [V KH[H MYVT [OL 2H`ZLYP )YHUJO VM [OL (SaOLPTLYÂťZ (ZZVJPH[PVU VM WLVWSL V]LY `LHYZ VM HNL Z\ɈLY MYVT KLTLU[PH" P[ is also believed that half of these people are Alzheimer’s patients. The estimation then is that HSTVZ[ WLVWSL PU 2H`ZLYP OH]L (SaOLPTLYÂťZ disease. Training unemployed women in how to JHYL MVY (SaOLPTLYÂťZ WH[PLU[Z JHU OLSW Ă„SS [OL NHW VM ZRPSSLK HUK [YHPULK SHIV\Y PU [OPZ Ă„LSK

ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž The 25 unemployed women received awareness-raising training and learned about entering the workforce. ŕ Ž The target group received theoretical and practical training on caring for people with Alzheimer’s disease. ŕ Ž ( NYV\W VM WLVWSL JVTWSL[LK [OLPY PU[LYUZOPW ^P[O [OL Z\WWVY[ VM [OL *OHTILY VM *VTTLYJL and joined the workforce. ŕ Ž All participants attended a training course on gender equality. ŕ Ž Women-themed Turkish movies were shown to spur a discussion on the representation of women in the media. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž 25 unemployed women were readied to engage in income-generating activities. ŕ Ž ([ [OL LUK VM [OL WYVQLJ[ Ă„]L ^VTLU OHK ILLU employed. ŕ Ž The women heightened their awareness of gender equality. ŕ Ž The Association’s capacity to execute projects developed further.

“I TRUST YOU AND LIFEâ€? ALZHEIMER’S TRAINING FOR CAREGIVERS (JJVYKPUN [V KH[H MYVT [OL ;\YRPZO :[H[PZ[PJHS 0UZ[P[\[L ;<92:;(; [OL YH[L VM MLTHSL WHY[PJPWH[PVU PU [OL ^VYRMVYJL PZ in Turkey. The rate of women would like to work I\[ JHUUV[ Ă„UK H QVI YVZL [V HJJVYKPUN [V KH[H ;OL )VHYK VM -LTHSL ,U[YLWYLUL\YZ HUK *OHTILY VM *VTTLYJL PU 2H`ZLYP YLJLP]L several applications from women who indicated [OH[ [OL` ^LYL SVVRPUN MVY H QVI ;OL WYVĂ„SLZ VM [OL applicants revealed, however, that the majority of [OLT OH]L UV L_WLY[PZL PU HU` Ă„LSK UVY HU` ^VYR L_WLYPLUJL ([ [OL ZHTL [PTL WLVWSL over the age of 65 are still living under the threat VM KLTLU[PH PU 2H`ZLYP

¸;OL ¸0 ;Y\Z[ @V\ HUK 3PMLš WYVQLJ[ OHK two sides; patients with Alzheimer’s KPZLHZL HUK [OLPY YLSH[P]LZ VU VUL ZPKL and women with no expertise and no ZVJPHS SPML VU [OL V[OLY ZPKL >L OH]L not established a Center for Alzheimer’s yet, but we were able to forge a public VWPUPVU 4VYLV]LY HZ TLTILYZ VM the association, we participated in the .LUKLY 9LZWVUZP]L )\KNL[PUN [YHPUPUN and learned that this center could be established under the leadership of municipalities as well. We will follow this issue to the end.â€? +LTL[ 2HSRTHa 7YVQLJ[ -PUHUJPHS *VUZ\S[HU[



2(@:,9ČŠ ¸0 ;9<:; @6< (5+ 30-,š (3A/,04,9Âť: TRAINING FOR CAREGIVERS


TLTILYZ /V^L]LY MHTPS` TLTILYZ ^OV OH]L no knowledge of or training in the disease, and could make mistakes that might cause rapid WYVNYLZZPVU VM [OL KPZLHZL ;OL ¸0 ;Y\Z[ @V\ and Lifeâ€? project was developed to meet this demand. The project sought to improve the quality of life of patients with Alzheimer’s disease HUK [V LUHISL \ULTWSV`LK ^VTLU [V Ă„UK QVIZ PU [OPZ Ă„LSK

The project was announced to the press during [OL -PYZ[ 4LL[PUN VM [OL (K]PZVY` *VTTP[[LL OLSK I` [OL 1VPU[ 7YVNYHT PU 2H`ZLYP ;VW SL]LS YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ MYVT :HIHUJP -V\UKH[PVU [OL 4PUPZ[Y` VM -HTPS` HUK :VJPHS 7VSPJPLZ HUK [OL Ministry of the Interior also took part in the event.

TRAINING THE RIGHT PEOPLE FOR THE RIGHT JOBS 0U 2H`ZLYP (SaOLPTLYZ WH[PLU[Z VM[LU NV [V [OL -HJ\S[` VM 4LKPJPUL VM ,YJP`LZ <UP]LYZP[` /VZWP[HS 2H`ZLYP /VZWP[HS VM ;YHPUPUN HUK 9LZLHYJO HUK 2H`ZLYP .LYPH[YPJ /VZWP[HS >OPSL some upper-income families receive care in cities like Istanbul and Izmit, other patients with Alzheimer’s disease are cared for by family 112

>VTLU VM [V `LHYZ VM HNL ^OV OHK completed at least primary education were deemed eligible to receive training. The 25 women whose applications were accepted completed 45 hours of awareness training. The training course aimed to inform women about entering the workforce and raise their awareness VM NLUKLY LX\HSP[` (M[LY [OPZ Z[LW ^VTLU participated in 65 hours of Alzheimer’s training for caregivers. This training also shared detailed information about patient care, caregiving, and Alzheimer’s disease, which changes patients’ and their families’ lives for a long time. Educational activities were held at the premises VM [OL 2H`ZLYP *OHTILY VM *VTTLYJL HUK PU [OL -HJ\S[` VM /LHS[O :JPLUJLZ H[ ,YJP`LZ <UP]LYZP[` Beyond giving theoretical information, methods like group discussions, presentations, KLTVUZ[YH[PVUZ ZRPSSZ X\LZ[PVUZ HUK HUZ^LYZ and role-playing were also used. After the 45day training program, trainees were given

¸>L OH]L YLJLP]LK H ]LY` NVVK HUK L_[LUZP]L [YHPUPUN *\YYLU[S` 0 ^VYR HZ H secretary for a newspaper, since I don’t want to work from home. Nonetheless, [OL [YHPUPUN ^L YLJLP]LK HSSV^Z \Z to help our family members and people around us. We hope that the NV]LYUTLU[ ^PSS LZ[HISPZO H *LU[LY MVY Alzheimer’s in Kayseri with the support of municipality so that we can reach more people.â€? *HUHU (RČ´P[ 7HY[PJPWHU[



2(@:,9ČŠ ¸0 ;9<:; @6< (5+ 30-,š (3A/,04,9Âť: TRAINING FOR CAREGIVERS

>VYR 3PML *VHJOPUN H[ KPɈLYLU[ VɉJLZ MVY three days. Thanks to the coaching activity, participants found internship opportunities and gained hands-on experience. Upon the completion of the internship, the trainees came together with the members VM 2ÇŚ.+,9 HUK ^VTLU LU[YLWYLUL\YZ HUK ^H[JOLK [OL TV]PL ¸=\Y\U 2HOWL`Lš :[YPRL [OL >OVYL IHZLK VU [OL UV]LS VM /HSPKL ,KPW (KĂ›]HY (M[LY [OL TV]PL ZJHY]LZ HUK TLKPJPUL bags were distributed to all female participants. All project partners, representatives of public institutions and organizations, the Governor VM 2H`ZLYP HUK 5.6 YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ [VVR WHY[ PU [OL JLY[PĂ„JH[PVU JLYLTVU` HUK [OL JSVZPUN JLYLTVU` +Y :LTH 2HYHVČ˜S\ 7YLZPKLU[ VM 2ÇŚ.+,9 UV[LK [OH[ (SaOLPTLYÂťZ ^HZ H ]LY` 114

widespread disease in society and that the women who underwent caregiver training for (SaOLPTLYÂťZ ^V\SK Ă„SS HU PTWVY[HU[ NHW PU [OPZ Ă„LSK HUK ^V\SK Ă„UK QVI VWWVY[\UP[PLZ 2HYHVČ˜S\ said “Thanks to the project, women were trained in how to provide assistance to patients with Alzheimer’s disease. We also opened a door for unemployed women to participate in economic SPML I` VɈLYPUN [OLT QVI VWWVY[\UP[PLZš ;OL WYVQLJ[ ^OPJO JVU[YPI\[LK X\HSPĂ„LK HUK [YHPULK MLTHSL LTWSV`TLU[ PU 2H`ZLYP HSZV helped Alzheimer’s patients and their families to live more comfortably. At the end of the WYVQLJ[ Ă„]L MLTHSL [YHPULLZ MV\UK QVIZ 2ÇŚ.+,9 JVU[PU\LZ P[Z LɈVY[Z [V Ă„UK QVI VWWVY[\UP[PLZ MVY other female trainees, and match people and institutions that apply to the association.

69.(50A(;065: 5(4, 2H`ZLYP (ZZVJPH[PVU MVY [OL 7YVTV[PVU VM >VTLUZ *VVWLYH[PVU 2nj.+,9 @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; ;OL (ZZVJPH[PVU ZLLRZ [V LUOHUJL [OL Z[H[\Z VM ^VTLU HJYVZZ [OL JV\U[Y` 0[ WYV]PKLZ ÄUHUJPHS HZZPZ[HUJL HUK moral support to empower women in social life and particularly in the country’s economic life. *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL!



2(@:,9ČŠ @,43ČŠ/( 0: .,;;05. 79,7(9,+ -69 ;/, -<;<9,


ŕ Ž Training in sales, marketing, and cooperatives was provided to 67 women.


ŕ Ž After having completed the training program on organic farming and aubergine and vegetable ZLLKSPUNZ ^VTLU ^LYL H^HYKLK JLY[PĂ„JH[LZ


ŕ Ž Posters on child marriage were designed and hung on the walls of schools, public buildings, HUK WSHJLZ ^OLYL 2VYHU JV\YZLZ HYL NP]LU


ŕ Ž Brochures containing information on the risks VM LHYS` THYYPHNL ^LYL KPZ[YPI\[LK [V ^VTLU HUK TLU ^OV ^LYL TLTILYZ VM [OL @LTSPOH (NYPJ\S[\YHS *VVWLYH[P]L

0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ :LW[LTILY [V (WYPS 7961,*; :<44(9@ The project was developed to inform women who make a living in agriculture about the cultivation of aubergine and evaluation of the produce [OL` NYV^ PU @LTSPOH H 2H`ZLYP [V^U MHTV\Z MVY P[Z @HT\SH H\ILYNPUL (UV[OLY NVHS ^HZ [V raise women’s awareness of gender equality HUK LHYS` THYYPHNLZ -LTHSL WHY[PJPWHU[Z PU [OL project received training in product marketing, sales techniques, cooperatives, women’s rights, and soil analysis, in addition to the aubergine J\S[P]H[PVU JLY[PĂ„JH[L WYVNYHT ;OL @LTSPOH >VTLUÂťZ *\S[\YHS *LU[LY ^HZ LZ[HISPZOLK ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž A total of 72 women attended training courses on women and girls’ human rights and gender issues.


ŕ Ž ;OL @LTSPOH >VTLUÂťZ *\S[\YHS *LU[LY ^HZ opened. A computer, printer, projector, board, HUK JHTLYH ^LYL W\YJOHZLK MVY [OL *LU[LY HUK a library consisting of books, magazines, and a DVD collection was created. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž ;OL LZ[HISPZOTLU[ VM [OL @LTSPOH >VTLUÂťZ *\S[\YHS *LU[LY JYLH[LK H WVZP[P]L LU]PYVUTLU[ conducive to the empowerment and socialization VM ^VTLU PU [OL [V^U ;OL *LU[LYÂťZ SPIYHY` HSZV NH]L [OL ^VTLU HUK NPYSZ VM @LTSPOH HJJLZZ [V information on gender, agricultural techniques, and so on. ŕ Ž -LTHSL WYVQLJ[ WHY[PJPWHU[Z ^LYL PUZ[Y\J[LK PU good agricultural techniques and more productive cultivation processes. ŕ Ž At the same time, they took part in empowering training seminars on such topics as the risks of early marriage and gender equality.

3VJH[LK RT MYVT 2H`ZLYP JP[` JLU[YL @LTSPOH PZ H [V^U VM WLVWSL [OH[ YLSPLZ on irrigated agriculture. In previous years, TAD carried out studies in the town and observed that early marriages were prevalent among girls, who were taken out of school before they completed their compulsory education. The

@,43ČŠ/( 0: .,;;05. PREPARED FOR THE FUTURE (JJVYKPUN [V KH[H MYVT [OL ;\YRPZO :[H[PZ[PJHS 0UZ[P[\[L ;<92:;(; VM ^VTLU who work in rural areas of Turkey are employed in the agricultural sector. The vast majority of women, however, work as unpaid family workers with no opportunity to generate their own income HUK YLNPZ[LY PU [OL ZVJPHS ZLJ\YP[` Z`Z[LT :LLPUN women’s income-generating role as secondary for the household and maintaining the view that “men bring home the baconâ€? trivialize women’s income-generating activities. It makes their contribution to production as unpaid family workers and their unpaid housework invisible. Policies to increase these women’s level of education and organizational skills are needed so that women working in the agricultural ZLJ[VY JHU ILULĂ„[ MYVT ZVJPHS ^LSMHYL HUK Ă„UK opportunities to enlarge their income.

¸>L ILNHU [V OH]L KPŃ?J\S[PLZ J\S[P]H[PUN H\ILYNPULZ HM[LY [OL construction of a dam in Yamula, a [V^U RT H^H` MYVT 2H`ZLYP >L launched the project with the aim of applying the correct agricultural [LJOUPX\LZ 6\Y [HYNL[ ^HZ [V YLHJO women but this number rose to 68 on [OL Ă„YZ[ KH` VM [OL WYVQLJ[ ;OL @LTSPOH >VTLU +L]LSVWTLU[ *LU[LY ^HZ opened to enable the implementation of [OPZ WYVQLJ[ÂťZ HJ[P]P[PLZ HUK IL H]HPSHISL for future planned projects. A teaching greenhouse was built for agricultural use. New projects like greenhouse JLY[PĂ„JH[L WYVNYHTZ HUK WYVNYHTZ MVY YHPZPUN SP]LZ[VJR HUK HUPTHS WYVK\J[Z will follow this project. We thank the women of Yemliha, who are selfJVUĂ„KLU[ HUK VWLU [V SLHYUPUN š (Z\THU .€SNLSP 7YVQLJ[ (ZZVJPH[L



2(@:,9Ȋ @,43Ȋ/( 0: .,;;05. 79,7(9,+ -69 ;/, -<;<9,


SUPPORTING FEMALE ENTREPRENEURSHIP [V^U PZ HSZV MHTV\Z MVY P[Z @HT\SH H\ILYNPUL the cultivation of which is the domain of women PU @LTSPOH 7LHZHU[ ^VTLU ULLKLK PUMVYTH[PVU on correct agricultural techniques, cultivation of aubergines, soil sampling, and soil analysis to evaluate their produce. It was important for women, who work actively in all stages of production, to come together under the roof of a cooperative and transform their unpaid labor into economic value. ;OL ;\YRPZO (ZZVJPH[PVU VM 4V[OLYZ 2H`ZLYP )YHUJO KL]LSVWLK H WYVQLJ[ JHSSLK ¸@LTSPOH PZ .L[[PUN 7YLWHYLK MVY [OL -\[\YL¹ [V ÄUHUJPHSS` LTWV^LY ^VTLU PU @LTSPOH HUK OLPNO[LU [OLPY awareness of gender equality and the risks of early marriage.


“Our women and our young people OH]L ]LY` KPќLYLU[ PKLHZ" HUK ^L were unaware of these until we came [VNL[OLY >L SLHYULK [OLPY ]PL^Z HUK OHK ]LY` UPJL JVU]LYZH[PVUZ" V\Y training program seemed like therapy to us. Now we are applying what we OH]L SLHYULK PU [OL ÄLSKZ >L OH]L HSZV SLHYULK [V PU[YVK\JL V\YZLS]LZ HUK V\Y WYVK\J[Z HUK V\Y JVUÄKLUJL OHZ NYV^U ( SV[ VM [OPUNZ OH]L JOHUNLK from the way we speak to our body language.” /HTPKL ;\YOHU ;YHPULL

6UL VM [OL WYVQLJ[»Z ÄYZ[ HJ[P]P[PLZ ^HZ HU PU[YVK\J[VY` TLL[PUN ^P[O [OL 4H`VY VM 2VJHZPUHU to present the project. The support of the Municipality was successfully obtained, and an old municipal building allocated for the Women’s +L]LSVWTLU[ *LU[LY ^HZ YLUV]H[LK +\YPUN [OL construction stage, interviews were held with women in town and introductory meetings were begun. Prospective female participants were ZLSLJ[LK ^P[O [OL OLSW VM [OL 2VJHZPUHU 7\ISPJ ,K\JH[PVU *LU[LY 7VZ[LYZ ^LYL KLZPNULK HUK printed to publicize the project, and distributed for posting. The renovation of the building was quickly completed in the initial phase of the WYVQLJ[ HUK [OL @LTSPOH >VTLU»Z +L]LSVWTLU[ *LU[LY ILJHTL H]HPSHISL MVY [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ ;OL 4H`VY VM 2VJHZPUHU *V\UJPS TLTILYZ

;OL WYVQLJ[»Z ÄYZ[ VɉJPHS LK\JH[PVUHS HJ[P]P[` was a seminar on the risks of early marriage. -LTHSL WHY[PJPWHU[Z ^LYL PUMVYTLK HIV\[ women’s health. During the second seminar, the same subject was discussed in terms of public health and legal sanctions against early THYYPHNL @LTSPOH ^VTLU YLJLP]LK PUMVYTH[PVU on women’s and girl children’s human rights and gender issues. “Elderly people were saying that we were going for a jaunt; indeed LK\JH[PVU HS^H`Z JVTLZ ÄYZ[ ;Y\L before we were either at home or in the garden; these training sessions also created social opportunities for us. 6\Y [LHJOLYZ ^LYL ]LY` H[[LU[P]L [OL` broadened our horizons. In the past, we had to sell our aubergines as fresh WYVK\JL 5V^ ^L OH]L SLHYULK OV^ [V WYVJLZZ HUK \ZL [OLT PU KPќLYLU[ ways, we also gained information about marketing techniques.” @ÛSKÛa .PYPȴLU ;YHPULL



2(@:,9Ȋ @,43Ȋ/( 0: .,;;05. 79,7(9,+ -69 ;/, -<;<9,

The women showed great interest and participated in the training courses on agricultural production, evaluation of produce, HUK JVVWLYH[P]LZ :HSLZ HUK THYRL[PUN [YHPUPUN ^HZ VɈLYLK ^P[O [OL Z\WWVY[ VM [OL -HJ\S[` VM *VTT\UPJH[PVU H[ ,YJP`LZ <UP]LYZP[` HUK covered such topics as sales and marketing techniques, branding, public relations and advertising, creating a customer base, microJYLKP[ HUK VUSPUL THYRL[PUN :PUJL THU` WLVWSL wanted to participate in the training sessions on cooperatives, the courses were organized as group studies. Upon completion of the training courses, the groups made presentations. After the training, women wrote letters on where [OL` ZLL [OLTZLS]LZ PU Ä]L `LHYZ [OHURZ [V [OL training in cooperativism they attended. In these SL[[LYZ [OL` ZHPK [OH[ [OL` OHK ÄUHSS` HJOPL]LK economic independence, they were organized, HUK [OL` ^LYL WYVK\JPUN HUK KLSP]LYPUN KPɈLYLU[ products to large markets. New lines of business were opened, women began to cooperate in an environment of solidarity, and they were joined by new women and together became stronger. ;OL ¸*LY[PÄJH[L 7YVNYHT VU .YV^PUN (\ILYNPUL¹ provided both theoretical information and handson training on the farm. The objective of the training program was to improve product quality by using the correct agricultural techniques and achieve maximum productivity on the farms. Books on growing aubergine were distributed 120

[V WHY[PJPWHU[Z :P_[` LPNO[ ^VTLU H[[LUKLK comprehensive courses on correct farming techniques and aubergine and vegetable ZLLKSPUNZ ;OL` ^LYL H^HYKLK JLY[PÄJH[LZ HM[LY successfully passing an examination at the end of the program. In addition to this training program, a hands-on course on soil analysis was conducted. Information on good agricultural practices was published on the website that was created. Brochures on the risks and dangers of LHYS` THYYPHNL ^LYL KPZ[YPI\[LK [V WLVWSL who were members of the cooperative. Although the number of participants was set HZ ^VTLU PUP[PHSS` [OPZ U\TILY YLHJOLK women during the implementation of the project. This high interest in the project clearly shows that P[Z NVHS VM LTWV^LYTLU[ YLÅLJ[LK [OL ULLKZ VM ^VTLU PU @LTSPOH -PRYP`L 4LYKHU 7YLZPKLU[ VM [OL ;\YRPZO (ZZVJPH[PVU VM 4V[OLYZ 2H`ZLYP Branch explained this success as follows: “Aubergine cultivation is the core business in @LTSPOH 0[ PZ JHYYPLK V\[ L_JS\ZP]LS` I` ^VTLU while men work as long-distance drivers. Although women do all the work from planting and fertilizing to harvesting the crop, there are ]LY` ML^ MLTHSL TLTILYZ PU [OL JVVWLYH[P]L 6\Y work seeks to empower women so that they can have a stronger voice in the cooperative. What is more, we emphasize how to dry the vegetables [V OLSW [OLT \ZL [OLPY WYVK\JL PU KPɈLYLU[ ^H`Z ;OL ^VTLU VM @LTSPOH HYL HSYLHK` ]LY` VWLU [V 121


2(@:,9ČŠ @,43ČŠ/( 0: .,;;05. 79,7(9,+ -69 ;/, -<;<9,

learning and have an entrepreneurial spirit, the WYVQLJ[ THKL [OLT L]LU TVYL ZLSM JVUÄKLU[ In particular, they learned a great deal about good agricultural practices. We will continue our work locally so that new markets can be created and products can be transformed into more employment opportunities and income for women�.

members, and female trainees participated in the event. At the ceremony, trainees were awarded H\ILYNPUL J\S[P]H[PVU JLY[PĂ„JH[LZ HUK JLY[PĂ„JH[LZ of participation, while trainers and consultants YLJLP]LK JLY[PĂ„JH[LZ VM HWWYLJPH[PVU

@,43ČŠ/( >64,5Âť: DEVELOPMENT CENTER LIBRARY ;OL >VTLUÂťZ +L]LSVWTLU[ *LU[LY LZ[HISPZOLK an extensive library thanks to books donated by [OL 2H`ZLYP )YHUJO VM [OL ;\YRPZO (ZZVJPH[PVU of Mothers. A computer, printer, projector, camera, blackboard, books, magazines, and DVD collection were made available for the use of women. A sewing machine was also donated to the center. Three birthday celebrations were held during the project made so that women could meet and socialize with each other. The closing ceremony of the project took WSHJL H[ [OL *VUMLYLUJL /HSS VM [OL -HJ\S[` VM *VTT\UPJH[PVU H[ ,YJP`LZ <UP]LYZP[` ;OL Vice-Rector of Erciyes University, Dean of the -HJ\S[` VM *VTT\UPJH[PVU 7YV]PUJPHS +PYLJ[VY VM ,K\JH[PVU +PYLJ[VY VM 2VJHZPUHU 7\ISPJ ,K\JH[PVU *LU[LY HUK OPZ HZZPZ[HU[Z ;(+


69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, ;Â…YR (UULSLY +LYULČ˜P 2H`ZLYP Ǹ\ILZP B;\YRPZO (ZZVJPH[PVU VM 4V[OLYZ 2H`ZLYP )YHUJOD @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; ;OL ;\YRPZO (ZZVJPH[PVU VM 4V[OLYZ ;(+ HPTZ [V LTWV^LY ^VTLU TH[LYPHSS` HUK WZ`JOVSVNPJHSS` LUSPNO[LU [OLT ^P[O [YHPUPUN HUK OLSW [OLT YHPZL [OLPY JOPSKYLU HZ WYVK\J[P]L HUK OHWW` JP[PaLUZ ^OV ILULĂ„[ ZVJPL[` ;OL Association is engaged in such work as implementing social responsibility projects, organizing educational and informative events, shaping public opinion on women and issues related to mothers, acting as a bridge between people and local authorities, organizing social events, and providing material aid and spiritual support to mothers and students in need. *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! 123


2(@:,9ČŠ ,+<*(;,+ >69205. (5+ 796+<*;0=, >64,5 >0;/ +0:()030;0,:

PROVINCE 2H`ZLYP PROJECT TITLE 6R\`HU hHSÛȴHU ]L lYL[LU ,UNLSSP 2HKĂ›U .Â…JÂ… [Educated, Working and Productive Women with Disabilities] 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 2H`ZLYP )LKLUZLS ,UNLSSPSLY +LYULČ˜P B2H`ZLYP (ZZVJPH[PVU VM 7LVWSL ^P[O 7O`ZPJHS Disabilities] PROJECT PARTNERS ;Â…YR 2HKĂ›USHY )PYSPČ˜P 2H`ZLYP Ǹ\ILZP B;\YRPZO >VTLUÂťZ <UPVU 2H`ZLYP )YHUJOD 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ :LW[LTILY [V -LIY\HY` 7961,*; :<44(9@ ;OL W\YWVZL VM [OL WYVQLJ[ ^HZ [V [YHPU unemployed women with disabilities in textile production (straight stitch, overlock stitch, and OVTL [L_[PSLZ HUK KL]LSVW [OLPY ZRPSSZ ZV [OL` could join the workforce. The project also sought to raise their awareness of violence against women, women’s rights, and the rights of women with disabilities. A survey was conducted to identify their needs and problems with regards to the labour market.


ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž ^VTLU \UKLY^LU[ [YHPUPUN PU [L_[PSL production, and 18 female participants were H^HYKLK JLY[PĂ„JH[LZ ŕ Ž Two seminars were held on the issues of “Rights of Women with Disabilities, Women’s Rights PU ;\YRL` [V +H[Lš HUK ¸*VTIH[PUN =PVSLUJL against Womenâ€? for women with disabilities and their relatives. ŕ Ž ( Z\Y]L` ^HZ JHYYPLK V\[ HTVUN ^VYRPUN women in order to collect information on women with disabilities in the labour market. ŕ Ž Participants attended seminars on the employment of people with disabilities and family communication. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž ;OHURZ [V [OL [YHPUPUN [OL` YLJLP]LK Ă„]L ^VTLU joined the workforce. ŕ Ž The project raised the awareness of HWWYV_PTH[LS` ^VTLU VU ^VTLUÂťZ O\THU rights and the rights of people with disabilities. ŕ Ž A survey conducted as part of the project provided source data on women with disabilities and their participation in the workforce. The project revealed the conditions faced by women ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ ^OV ^VYR PU 2H`ZLYP

EDUCATED, WORKING AND PRODUCTIVE WOMEN WITH DISABILITIES According to the National Database of People with Disabilities in Turkey, 41.4% of people with KPZHIPSP[PLZ YLNPZ[LYLK HZ VM ^LYL MLTHSL /V^L]LY [OL WHY[PJPWH[PVU PU [OL ^VYRMVYJL VM [OL [^V ZL_LZ KPɈLYZ ZPNUPĂ„JHU[S` 0UKLLK ^OPSL VM TLU ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ ^LYL LUNHNLK PU[ the workforce and 14.2%were unemployed, the JVTWHYH[P]L Ă„N\YLZ MVY ^VTLU ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ stood at 6.7% and 21.5%, respectively. Women with disabilities represent almost half of all people with disabilities and yet their participation PU [OL ^VYRMVYJL PZ VUS` VUL Ă„M[O [OH[ VM TLU ;OPZ clearly indicates the gender-based inequality in terms of participation in the workforce. It is more KPɉJ\S[ MVY ^VTLU ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ [V QVPU [OL labour market than for men with disabilities. Although the Turkish government encourages the employment of disabled people with some incentives in terms of social security contributions for people with disabilities, the employment rate of such individuals remains very low in Turkey. People with disabilities face many challenges in terms of employment, including structural barriers to education. Urban areas, transportation, and work environments do

not make any accommodations to their needs. ( Z\Y]L` I` [OL ;\YRPZO :[H[PZ[PJHS 0UZ[P[\[L ;<92:;(; YL]LHSLK [OH[ VUS` VM WLVWSL

¸0 HT ]LY` OHWW` [OH[ V\Y ^VTLU HUK NPYSZ OH]L KL]LSVWLK YLHKPUN OHIP[Z thanks to this project. Some of our MYPLUKZ ^OV OHK UL]LY ILMVYL SLM[ [OLPY homes also found an opportunity to socialize and their skills came to the fore. Through the project, awareness VM NLUKLY IHZLK ]PVSLUJL ^HZ YHPZLK ZPNUPĂ„JHU[S` 0ÂťT NSHK [OH[ [OPZ WYVQLJ[ was carried out. Our girls, whose ]VPJLZ ^LYL [YLTISPUN ILMVYL UV^ MLLS JVUĂ„KLU[ ;OL` UV^ ZH` [OH[ 0ÂťT PU [OPZ life too. Nowadays, I work at home and focus on leather work. I enjoy making THRL IHNZ ILS[Z Z\P[Z HUK KPŃœLYLU[ designs with leather. I also make custom items for people who ask me to produce their own designs. As a next step, I would like to open my own shop. Our Association is trying to establish H ^VYRZOVW 0M ^L JHU HJOPL]L [OPZ I know that our friends will work with enthusiasm and determination at this workshop.â€? =LJPOH @Ă›SKĂ›a 7HY[PJPWHU[



2(@:,9ČŠ ,+<*(;,+ >69205. (5+ 796+<*;0=, >64,5 >0;/ +0:()030;0,:

with disabilities obtained a higher education. To boost employment of people with disabilities, the obstacles to formal education and vocational training should be removed. This was the goal of the “Educated, Working and Productive Women with Disabilities� project PTWSLTLU[LK I` [OL 2H`ZLYP (ZZVJPH[PVU VM 7LVWSL ^P[O 7O`ZPJHS +PZHIPSP[PLZ :\WWVY[LK I` the United Nations Joint Program for Promoting [OL /\THU 9PNO[Z VM >VTLU <517 HUK [OL :HIHUJP -V\UKH[PVU .YHU[ 7YVNYHT [OL WYVQLJ[ targeted the provision of training in home [L_[PSLZ [V ^VTLU ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ ^OV ^LYL unemployed.

WOMEN WITH DISABILITIES ARE NOT INVISIBLE -HTPSPLZÂť WYV[LJ[P]L ILOH]PV\YZ ZVJPHS WYLZZ\YL and prejudices make women with disabilities PU]PZPISL HUK LUJSVZLK H[ OVTL :PUJL [OL` HYL seen as helpless individuals and a burden to their families, these women are deprived of their rights to education and work and are unable [V Ă„UK HU VWWVY[\UP[` [V YLHSPaL [OLPY WV[LU[PHS With the disadvantage of being disabled being combined with the disadvantages of being a ^VTHU ^VTLU ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ Ă„UK P[ [^PJL HZ


hard to participate in life and join the workforce. Recently, women with disabilities have begun establishing associations in order to participate in society; the women with disabilities movement still has a long way to go however. Thus the “Educated, Working and Productive Women with Disabilitiesâ€? project delivered seminars on rights-based struggles to women with disabilities and their relatives, in addition to the vocational training program. The project was launched with an introductory meeting. Representatives of the local press, MLTHSL LU[YLWYLUL\YZ PU 2H`ZLYP W\ISPJ PUZ[P[\[PVUZ HUK 5.6Z WHY[PJPWH[LK PU [OL “This project was a great contribution. It was a pleasure for us to continue the training program. I always try to KL]LSVW T`ZLSM" 0 ^HZ HSZV H[[LUKPUN JV\YZLZ WYV]PKLK I` [OL 7\ISPJ ,K\JH[PVU *LU[LY ILMVYL HUK OH]L ILLU HJ[P]L PU V\Y (ZZVJPH[PVU ;OL [YHPUPUN PU [L_[PSL WYVK\J[PVU NH]L \Z UL^ ZRPSSZ and raised our awareness of our rights. :PUJL 0 OH]L H JOPSK 0 WYLMLY [V ^VYR H[ home and take piecework.â€? kaU\Y )Ă›sHRsĂ› 7HY[PJPWHU[

meeting, which contributed greatly to the visibility of the project. It was also useful since it provided an opportunity to hear the opinions of female entrepreneurs. Members of The Union VM *OHTILYZ HUK *VTTVKP[` ,_JOHUNLZ VM ;\YRL` ;6)) >VTLU ,U[YLWYLUL\YZÂť *V\UJPS promised to help people who took part in the [YHPUPUN WYVNYHT [V Ă„UK QVIZ ;OL` YLJVTTLUKLK that leather, bed linen, and curtain stitching also be included in the training program. Brochures and posters were printed to further advertise the project. In addition, a stand was set up in the city center to provide information. Posters were hung on the walls of public institutions and workplaces. The project was made known to WLVWSL ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ ^OV ^LYL YLNPZ[LYLK PU [OL PUMVYTH[PVU Z`Z[LT VM [OL 2VJHZPUHU District Governorship.

WOMEN ARE OVERCOMING 6):;(*3,: 05 2(@:,9ČŠ (Z WHY[ VM [OL WYVQLJ[ H JLY[PĂ„JH[L [YHPUPUN program on home textiles was delivered to two separate groups at the Melikgazi Public ,K\JH[PVU *LU[LY ^VTLU PU [OL Ă„YZ[ NYV\W and 12 women in the second group received 176 hours of vocational training courses. A total of 18 trainees completed the program HUK ^LYL NYHU[LK [OLPY JLY[PĂ„JH[LZ +\YPUN [OL training sessions, representatives of the press

and women entrepreneurs were invited to the 7\ISPJ ,K\JH[PVU *LU[LY [V ]PL^ H KPZWSH` VM [OL trainees’ products. In addition to the vocational training, women found opportunities to read self-development books and shared their views and opinions about the books. In addition to the training, empowerment activities were run to contribute to the women’s self-development and participation in social life. The women’s relatives also took part in awareness raising for such issues as discrimination, gender, violence against women, and the rightsIHZLK Z[Y\NNSL /\UKYLKZ VM WLVWSL H[[LUKLK seminars entitled “Rights of Women with +PZHIPSP[PLZ š ¸>VTLUÂťZ 9PNO[Z PU ;\YRL`! -YVT 127


2(@:,9ČŠ ,+<*(;,+ >69205. (5+ 796+<*;0=, >64,5 >0;/ +0:()030;0,:

Past to Present,â€? “Employment of People with +PZHIPSP[PLZ š HUK ¸-HTPS` *VTT\UPJH[PVU š 3Â…[Ă„`L 2LSSLJP )PYLY [OL VUS` KPZHISLK ^VTHU employed at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and founder of the Association of Women with Disabilities, was a speaker at the seminar on the rights of women with disabilities. /LY [HSR TV[P]H[LK MLTHSL [YHPULLZ HUK THKL [OLT MLLS WYV\K ;OL WHY[PJPWH[PVU VM ÇŚZTHPS ;HTLY WHYSPHTLU[HY` KLW\[` MYVT 2H`ZLYP also enhanced the interaction. Women asked questions about their rights to both the deputy and the speakers. At the end of the seminar the ;\YRPZO -VSR 4\ZPJ *OVPY THKL \W VM WLVWSL with disabilities, gave a great performance. The seminar also drew the attention of the press. ( Z\Y]L` LU[P[SLK ¸*OHSSLUNLZ VM >VTLU ^P[O Disabilities in the Labour Marketâ€? was also conducted as part of the project. A questionnaire ^HZ HKTPUPZ[LYLK [V ^VTLU ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ ^VYRPUN PU 2H`ZLYP 6M [OL [V[HS ^LYL orthopedically impaired, 12% were visually impaired, and 18% were hearing impaired. (S[OV\NO VM MLTHSL WHY[PJPWHU[Z ^LYL \UP]LYZP[` NYHK\H[LZ HUK ^LYL OPNO school graduates, the survey revealed that most were working in unskilled jobs. The survey also revealed striking information about the problems faced by female workers with disabilities. Indeed, 48% of participants stated that their employers did not make any accommodations 128

for their special needs and 78% of them said that disabled people could not access the [VPSL[Z PU [OLPY ^VYRWSHJLZ >OPSL VM [OVZL surveyed commuted to work using their own TLHUZ WYP]H[L ]LOPJSLZ VY W\ISPJ [YHUZWVY[ VUS` 25.5 % could use a company shuttle to come to work. At the end of the project, a booklet was written about all the activities realized during the project and their results. It was distributed to public institutions, private sector companies, and 5.6Z PU 2H`ZLYP ;OL ¸,K\JH[LK >VYRPUN HUK Productive Women with Disabilitiesâ€? project JVUJS\KLK ^P[O H JLY[PĂ„JH[L JLYLTVU` H[ [OL 4LSPRNHaP 7\ISPJ ,K\JH[PVU *LU[LY ;OL JSVZPUN event featured an exhibition of home textiles. -H[TH 6`[\U 7YLZPKLU[ VM [OL 2H`ZLYP Association of People with Physical Disabilities, said that they had achieved their goal of developing the entrepreneurial skills of women ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ 6`[\U UV[LK [OH[ [YHUZWVY[H[PVU ^HZ [OL ^VTLUÂťZ IPNNLZ[ WYVISLT :OL HKKLK [OH[! ¸6\Y ^VTLU JHU HJOPL]L HU`[OPUN (Z long as we can get them out of their home. 6UJL HJJLZZ PZ WYV]PKLK [OLYL ^PSS IL UV TVYL VIZ[HJSLZ 6\Y IPNNLZ[ WYVISLT PZ [YHUZWVY[H[PVU With regard to public transportation, we are currently negotiating with the municipality and trying to make progress. It was key to inform women about entrepreneurship and

competition, and in that sense the project was LɈLJ[P]L 5V^ ^L JHU YLTV]L L]LY` VIZ[HJSL HUK VWLU L]LY` KVVY *\YYLU[S` ^L HYL [Y`PUN [V establish a workshop for the women. We have applied to the Ministry of the Interior for a grant MVY V\Y UL^ WYVQLJ[ š 6`[\U Z[H[LK [OH[ ^VTLU with disabilities preferred to work at home due [V [OLZL KPɉJ\S[PLZ HUK [OH[ LTWSV`LYZ [OL` had contacted were also more positive about the women’s work and production at home.

69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, 2H`ZLYP )LKLUZLS ,UNLSSPSLY +LYULČ˜P B2H`ZLYP (ZZVJPH[PVU VM 7LVWSL ^P[O 7O`ZPJHS +PZHIPSP[PLZD @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; The Association aims to protect and promote the rights and interests of people with physical disabilities in the economic, social, cultural, legal, professional, and educational areas. It seeks to eliminate discriminatory practices and regulations, and help people with disabilities to participate actively in social life as individuals whose special needs are taken into consideration. The Association also works to combat the abuse of people ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ HUK LSPTPUH[L [OL JH\ZLZ HUK LɈLJ[Z VM KPZHIPSP[` *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! 129


26*(,3ČŠ 0- ;/, :<)1,*; 0: >64,5

PROVINCE 2VJHLSP PROJECT TITLE 2VU\ 2HKĂ›UZH B0M [OL :\IQLJ[ PZ >VTLUD 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 2VJHLSP 2Â…S[Â…YLS .LSPČ´PT ]L +H`HUÛȴTH +LYULČ˜P B2VJHLSP *\S[\YHS +L]LSVWTLU[ HUK :VSPKHYP[` Association] PROJECT PARTNERS 2VJHLSP <UP]LYZP[` 26l )HČ´PZRLSL >VTLUÂťZ *V\UJPS VM *P[PaLUZÂť (ZZLTIS` 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ 6J[VILY [V 1\UL 7961,*; :<44(9@ The aim was to develop a common consciousness VM NLUKLY LX\HSP[` I` IYPUNPUN [OL 2VJHLSP T\UPJPWHSP[` ^VTLUÂťZ 5.6Z LK\JH[PVUHS institutions, and parents together within the IVYKLYZ VM [OL )HČ´PZRLSL KPZ[YPJ[ VM 2VJHLSP ;OL project’s training component focused on how school teachers could apply gender equality in their educational approach and how parents and students could apply this same approach to their households. Moreover, the project sought to develop a model for the establishment of an Âş,X\HSP[` <UP[Âť PU )HČ´PZRLSL 4\UPJPWHSP[` ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž 7PVULLY >VTLU ^LYL ZLSLJ[LK [V WHY[PJPWH[L in the project, which included running activities to heighten awareness of gender equality in neighborhoods.


ŕ Ž ( [V[HS VM NPYSZ HNLK IL[^LLU HUK IV`Z [LHJOLYZ THSL Z[HɈ TLTILYZ VM )HČ´PZRLSL 4\UPJPWHSP[` ^VTLU ^P[O H KV\ISL disadvantage (being female and at the same [PTL WVVY \ULTWSV`LK H TPNYHU[ L[J HUK parents learned about gender equality. ŕ Ž Representatives of various women’s VYNHUPaH[PVUZ *V\UJPSSVYZ VM )HČ´PZRLSL 4\UPJPWHS *V\UJPS HUK TLTILYZ VM 2VJHLSP <UP]LYZP[` participated in a gender equality workshop. ŕ Ž (WWYV_PTH[LS` WLVWSL [VVR WHY[ PU H NLUKLY equality seminar. ŕ Ž Pre- and post-perception surveys on gender equality were conducted and the results were reported. ŕ Ž A theatrical play with a gender equality theme was performed twice. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž The wide-ranging target audience consisting of NPYSZ IV`Z WHYLU[Z [LHJOLYZ THSL Z[HɈ TLTILYZ of the municipality, and disadvantaged women increased its awareness of gender equality. ŕ Ž -HTPSPHYPaH[PVU ^P[O NLUKLY LX\HSP[` ^HZ measured by means of pre- and post-perception surveys. ŕ Ž @V\UN TLU PU WHY[PJ\SHY NHPULK HU H^HYLULZZ VM and perspective on gender equality.

IF THE SUBJECT IS WOMEN 6UL VM [OL Z[YH[LNPLZ MVY [OL WYVTV[PVU VM gender equality is to bring about a change in mindset that will ensure the advancement of women. In line with this objective and its own TPZZPVU [OL 2VJHLSP *\S[\YHS +L]LSVWTLU[ HUK :VSPKHYP[` (ZZVJPH[PVU KL]LSVWLK [OL ¸0M [OL :\IQLJ[ PZ >VTLUš WYVQLJ[ I` IYPUNPUN [VNL[OLY [OL T\UPJPWHSP[PLZ PU 2VJHLSP ^VTLUÂťZ *:6Z educational institutions, and parents. A grant ^HZ YLJLP]LK MYVT [OL :HIHUJĂ› -V\UKH[PVU Grant Program, within the United Nations Joint 7YVNYHT MVY 7YVTV[PUN [OL /\THU 9PNO[Z VM Women. ;OL ¸0M [OL :\IQLJ[ PZ >VTLUš WYVQLJ[ ZV\NO[ to make visible the negative impacts of gender inequality on society and to point out that all sections of society must play a role in solving this problem. While emphasizing the importance of men’s participation in building gender equality through the project, all activities were developed from the bottom up with a woman’s perspective by hosting women at the center.

DIVERSIFYING THE TARGET AUDIENCE FOR GENDER EQUALITY /PNOSPNO[PUN [OL PZZ\L VM NLUKLY PULX\HSP[` [OL project’s activities reached a diverse target audience ranging from girls to boys, and from [LHJOLYZ [V WHYLU[Z HUK THSL Z[HɈ TLTILYZ VM the municipality by using all promotion tools. :PUJL [OL KLZPYL ^HZ [V YLHJO HZ THU` WLVWSL HZ WVZZPISL WYVQLJ[ VɉJLZ ^LYL LZ[HISPZOLK




26*(,3ČŠ 0- ;/, :<)1,*; 0: >64,5


¸0 HSYLHK` OHK ]PL^Z PU SPUL ^P[O [OVZL WYV]PKLK [OYV\NO [OL [YHPUPUN I\[ Z[PSS one’s awareness is raised. We learned HIV\[ [OL KPŃœLYLU[ RPUKZ VM ]PVSLUJL PU JVUJLW[\HS [LYTZ ;OL THSL Z[HŃœ members, especially those who work PU SHIVY PU[LUZP]L QVIZ ILULĂ„[[LK H great deal from the training. They YLHSPaLK [OH[ ]PVSLUJL ^HZ H WYPTHY` manifestation of ignorance. We tried [V JVU]L` [OL PUMVYTH[PVU ^L HJX\PYLK HUK YHPZL [OL H^HYLULZZ VM PUKP]PK\HSZ PU V\Y LU]PYVUTLU[ ;OYV\NO MYPLUKS` JVU]LYZH[PVU ^L [VSK [OLT [OL ^YVUN KLLKZ [OH[ [OL` OH]L KVUL unconsciously.â€? kTLY :V`KHS )HČ´PZRLSL 4\UPJPWHSP[` Deputy Director of Urban Planning


A project launch meeting was organized by 2VJHLSP <UP]LYZP[` 2(:(<4 >VTLUÂťZ :[\KPLZ *LU[LY HUK PUJS\KLK [OL WHY[PJPWH[PVU VM [OL press. After this initial event, a great number of project introductory meetings for target groups were held. After each introductory meeting, a press release was issued and local newspapers published news about the project. “Pioneer Womenâ€? were selected to take part in the project from among volunteer parents that attended these meetings, and they began training sessions. A survey on gender equality WLYJLW[PVU ^HZ JHYYPLK V\[ HTVUN WLVWSL at the beginning of the project.

THSL Z[HɈ TLTILYZ ^VYRPUN PU KPɈLYLU[ KLWHY[TLU[Z VM [OL )HČ´PZRLSL 4\UPJPWHSP[` HUK [LHJOLYZ MYVT 4HY[`Y :LSs\R .€RKHČ˜ ,SLTLU[HY` :JOVVS H[[LUKLK ZLTPUHYZ VU NLUKLY LX\HSP[` -\Y[OLYTVYL [YHPUPUN VU NLUKLY LX\HSP[` ^HZ KLSP]LYLK [V IV`Z HUK NPYSZ HNLK [V 15 attending the same school. Another goal of the project was the provision of vocational LK\JH[PVU [V ^VTLU HTVUN [OVZL ^OV MHJL a double disadvantage; they were trained in the decoration of cloth bags.


A workshop on gender equality was organized with the coordination of the Association. 7YVMLZZVY ,TLS )HČ´[Â…YR (RsH MYVT 2VJHLSP University coordinated gender equality workshops entitled “Law and Women,â€? “Education and Women,â€? and “Urban Planning, Development, and Womenâ€? within three KPɈLYLU[ NYV\WZ ,HJO Z[\K` NYV\W Z\ITP[[LK proposals for the implementation of gender LX\HSP[` TLHZ\YLZ PU )HČ´PZRLSL ( WYVWVZHS MVY the establishment of a “Women-Men Equality <UP[š H[ )HČ´PZRLSL 4\UPJPWHSP[` ^HZ Z\ITP[[LK [V the municipality through the report prepared at the end of the workshop.


Numerous other events were held including neighborhood activities, harmonization programs IYPUNPUN [VNL[OLY ^VTLU MYVT KPɈLYLU[ [HYNL[ groups, association visits, and an Association TLL[PUN Z\WWVY[LK I` [OL ÇŚaTP[ 4\UPJPWHSP[` ^P[O

broad participation, as well as events on March 0U[LYUH[PVUHS >VTLUÂťZ +H` HUK 4V[OLYÂťZ +H` and trips to Istanbul and Bursa. Without a doubt, the most exciting of all these activities was a woman-themed theatrical play staged by the volunteer parents, the principal, and teachers of 4HY[`Y :LSs\R .€RKHČ˜ ,SLTLU[HY` :JOVVS ;OL play was performed twice to a total audience of HWWYV_PTH[LS` WLVWSL 7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY .Â…SOHU )Â…[Â…U Z[H[LK [OH[ they were able to reach a very wide section of society through the project. “Associations are like the capillaries of the system; we access places that big corporations cannot because we NV V\[ PU[V [OL Ă„LSK HUK [HSR [V WLVWSL HIV\[ V\Y PZZ\L PU WLYZVU MHJL [V MHJL :\JO WYVQLJ[Z OLPNO[LU [OL YLJVNUP[PVU VM 5.6Z SPRL \Z" UV^ ¸;OL [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ ^LYL ]LY` PUMVYTH[P]L" ^L SLHYULK H SV[ VM UL^ things. I think these training sessions should reach those who are exposed to family pressure and women who are L_WVZLK [V ]PVSLUJL I` [OLPY O\ZIHUKZ because women are scared. First and MVYLTVZ[ ^L ULLK [V V]LYJVTL [OLZL fears.â€? ALSPOH 2HYHR\Č´ 7PVULLY >VTHU



26*(,3ČŠ 0- ;/, :<)1,*; 0: >64,5

we are stronger. We are invited to be speakers at all the women’s meetings organized by public institutions. They want to work with us on a number of topics. Moreover, the women are asking ‘Are we going to organize a new project?’�

publishing of a book. By the end of the project, issues of gender equality had become an area of public interest, and it became clear that women’s perspective should be included in the decisionmaking mechanisms of local governments.

Local media and television station frequently covered project activities. Indeed, the “If the :\IQLJ[ PZ >VTLUš WYVQLJ[ ^HZ Ă„YZ[ KLZJYPILK in newspapers and newscasts and was then covered on a local channel’s TV program to which WYVQLJ[ WHY[PJPWHU[Z ^LYL PU]P[LK :VJPHS TLKPH ^HZ VM[LU OPNOS` ILULĂ„JPHS K\YPUN [OL WYVQLJ[ÂťZ HK]LY[PZPUN HUK JVTT\UPJH[PVUZ LɈVY[Z

;O\Z [OL ¸0M [OL :\IQLJ[ PZ >VTLUš WYVQLJ[ ^HZ LɈLJ[P]L HUK Z\JJLZZM\S HZ P[ IYV\NO[ SVJHS governments, non-governmental organizations, HUK WLVWSL MYVT KPɈLYLU[ HNLZ HUK ZLJ[PVUZ of society. Through various meetings, the institutions began to get to know each other and new study groups emerged. An invitation was THKL [V JYLH[L H WSH[MVYT MVY JP]PS ZVJPL[` organizations working in the area of gender equality and women’s human rights. The project achieved its goal of raising public awareness of gender equality and sensitivity towards women PU 2VJHLSP

During the closing event, the project was evaluated as a whole, the results of the survey were shared with participants, and participants made assessments. The project’s objectives, study methods, and results were shared via the 136

69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, 2VJHLSP 2Â…S[Â…YLS .LSPČ´PT ]L +H`HUÛȴTH +LYULČ˜P B2VJHLSP *\S[\YHS +L]LSVWTLU[ HUK :VSPKHYP[` (ZZVJPH[PVUD @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; 2VJHLSP *\S[\YHS +L]LSVWTLU[ HUK :VSPKHYP[` (ZZVJPH[PVU 26.,+ ^HZ LZ[HISPZOLK [V IYPUN J\S[\YHS HUK ZVJPHS problems to the attention of local society, implement national and international projects, and disseminate these project outcomes with a view to improving the living conditions of socially disadvantaged groups (people ^P[O KPZHIPSP[PLZ JP[PaLUZ ^P[O SV^ PUJVTL ^VTLU *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! 137


26*(,3ČŠ @6<5. >64,5 (5+ ,4736@4,5; >693+

PROVINCE 2VJHLSP PROJECT TITLE .LUs 2HKĂ›USHY ]L ÇŚZ[POKHT +Â…U`HZĂ› B@V\UN >VTLU HUK ,TWSV`TLU[ >VYSKD 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 ;VWS\TZHS 2VU\SHYĂ› (YHČ´[Ă›YTH ]L .LSPČ´[PYTL +LYULČ˜P ;62(.,+,9 B9LZLHYJO HUK +L]LSVWTLU[ VM :VJPHS 0ZZ\LZ Association] PROJECT PARTNERS 2VJHLSP >VTLUÂťZ *V\UJPS VM *P[PaLUZÂť (ZZLTIS` 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ :LW[LTILY [V 4H` 7961,*; :<44(9@ ;OL Ă„YZ[ Z[HNL VM [OL WYVQLJ[ PU]VS]LK Ă„LSK YLZLHYJO [V HZJLY[HPU OV^ ^VTLU ^LYL HɈLJ[LK I` [OL O\THU YLZV\YJLZ WVSPJPLZ VM VYNHUPaH[PVUZ VWLYH[PUN PU Ă„]L ZLJ[VYZ PU 2VJHLSP )HZLK VU [OL YLZ\S[Z VM [OPZ research, young female graduates were invited to participate in workshops with a view to raising their awareness of problems they might face in the job market. Another of the project’s objectives was to announce the research results to a larger audience through dissemination activities (meetings, W\ISPJH[PVUZ VYNHUPaLK H[ 2VJHLSP <UP]LYZP[` ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž ( Z[\K` JHSSLK ¸,TWSV`TLU[ :LJ[VYÂťZ 7LYZWLJ[P]L on Women’s Employmentâ€? was conducted among VYNHUPaH[PVUZ [OH[ WYV]PKL LTWSV`TLU[ PU Ă„]L occupational areas. The results revealed employers’ views on women’s employment and how these views represented obstacles to such employment.


ŕ Ž Three workshops were held with the participation VM MLTHSL Z[\KLU[Z ^OV ^LYL JHUKPKH[LZ MVY [OL Ă„]L KLZPNUH[LK VJJ\WH[PVUHS HYLHZ (U H[[LTW[ was made at these workshops to determine the level of self-awareness of these women and their knowledge of the labour market. ŕ Ž -\Y[OLYTVYL [OYLL [YHPUPUN ^VYRZOVWZ LTWV^LYLK HUK Z\WWVY[LK [OL `V\UN ^VTLU ILMVYL [OL` entered the workforce. ŕ Ž Two thousand copies of the “Employment Guide MVY @V\UN >VTLUš ^LYL W\ISPZOLK HUK KPZ[YPI\[LK ŕ Ž Dissemination activities such as follow-up conferences and training sessions were held for 1,545 senior students and newly graduated young WLVWSL H[ 2VJHLSP <UP]LYZP[` 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž `V\UN ^VTLU ^LYL NP]LU [YHPUPUN WYLWHYLK themselves for working life, and enhanced their self-awareness on their road to employment. ŕ Ž ;OL Z[\K` LU[P[SLK ¸,TWSV`TLU[ :LJ[VYÂťZ Perspective on Women’s Employmentâ€? looked H[ VYNHUPaH[PVUZ WYV]PKPUN LTWSV`TLU[ PU Ă„]L occupational areas and presented their views on women’s employment, and how these views represented obstacles to women’s employment. ŕ Ž Guidance on the employment sector was provided for 1,545 senior students and newly graduated `V\UN WLVWSL H[ 2VJHLSP <UP]LYZP[` [OYV\NO dissemination activities.

YOUNG WOMEN AND EMPLOYMENT WORLD In recent years, the number of female students has almost matched or even exceeded the number of male students in certain university KLWHY[TLU[Z -VY PUZ[HUJL ^OPSL [OL YH[PV of female students to male students in the +LWHY[TLU[ VM 0UK\Z[YPHS ,UNPULLYPUN H[ 2VJHLSP <UP]LYZP[` ^HZ PU P[ YVZL [V ULHYS` PU 5VUL[OLSLZZ [OL YH[L VM unemployed women with a university degree is higher than the rate of unemployed men with a university degree, which points to the genderbased inequality in employment. Employers in certain occupational areas make no attempt to employ more women. This problem is one that blocks women’s employment but for which no preventative measure has yet been taken.

;62(.,+,9 VI[HPULK H NYHU[ MYVT [OL :HIHUJĂ› -V\UKH[PVU .YHU[ 7YVNYHT ^P[OPU [OL <UP[LK Nations Joint Program for Promoting the /\THU 9PNO[Z VM >VTLU MVY P[Z ¸@V\UN >VTLU and Employment Worldâ€? project. The goal of the project was to support the employment of senior female students or newly graduated young women who were in particular studying in technical departments, and empowering their participation in work life.

RESEARCH ON WOMEN’S EMPLOYMENT FROM THE EMPLOYERS’ PERSPECTIVE Gender-based discrimination in employment constitutes an important obstacle to women’s participation in the working world. Employers providing jobs in technical areas prefer male employees, or limit the areas where women JHU IL OPYLK ;OPZ ZP[\H[PVU THRLZ P[ KPɉJ\S[ MVY educated young women to make the transition to working life, and causes their average unemployment periods to be longer than those of new male graduate. At a later stage, women face barriers to getting a foothold in certain occupational areas in the workforce and to getting promoted to a managerial position in [OLPY ÄLSK



26*(,3ČŠ @6<5. >64,5 (5+ ,4736@4,5; >693+

>OPSL TLU WYPTHYPS` Ă„UK QVIZ PU WVZP[PVUZ [OH[ require skills in science and technology, judgment and decision-making, and management, women’s chances of being hired in sub-branches of engineering that are viewed as men’s work are low. Experience shows that greater competency, diligence, endeavor, masculinization, and competition with men, as well as being overvisible, are required for women to get a foothold in occupations that are regarded as male. Despite all these obstacles and hardships, the existence of successful women in engineering proves that VJJ\WH[PVUHS NLUKLY KPɈLYLUJLZ Z[LT [V H SHYNL extent from stereotypes. ;OL WYVQLJ[ÂťZ ¸,TWSV`TLU[ :LJ[VYÂťZ 7LYZWLJ[P]L on Women’s Employmentâ€? study entailed faceto-face interviews with the human resources and KLWHY[TLU[HS L_LJ\[P]LZ VM LTWSV`LY Ă„YTZ VM various sizes that operated within the borders of 2VJHLSP WYV]PUJL PU H ]HYPL[` VM ZLJ[VYZ ( [V[HS VM Ă„YTZ ^LYL PU[LY]PL^LK HZ WHY[ VM [OL Z[\K`! VM [OVZL Ă„YTZ VWLYH[LK PU [OL THU\MHJ[\YPUN PUK\Z[YPHS ZLJ[VY" PU LULYN` HUK H\[VTV[P]L" 7% in electricity, automation and chemistry; 140

HUK PU LSLJ[YPJ LSLJ[YVUPJ MVVK WSHZ[PJZ rubber, and cement sectors. The total number of LTWSV`LLZ HTVUN [OL Ă„YTZ PU[LY]PL^LK Z[VVK H[ 6M [OL /9 L_LJ\[P]LZ PU[LY]PL^LK were female and for departmental executives the U\TILY ^HZ ([ [OL VYNHUPaH[PVUZ JV]LYLK PU [OPZ Z[\K` VM ^OP[L JVSSHY ^VYRLYZ ^LYL MLTHSL L_LJ\[P]LZ HUK VM [OL [V[HS Z[HɈ was female. Ten percent of the total number of employees were women. 6US` VM Ă„YTZ PU[LY]PL^LK Z[H[LK [OH[ ^VTLU and men were equally preferable for all positions. The same percentage for men was 87. In other words, the idea that men would be suitable for all positions prevailed and the same did not apply to women. Men’s high level of competency ^HZ JP[LK HZ H YLHZVU MVY [OPZ KPɈLYLUJL ;OL mechanical engineering and control automation technician occupational areas covered in the study that saw the most obvious discrimination between men and women. A meeting was held with 45 senior students or newly graduated young women as part of the same research study to assess their knowledge and expectations regarding the employment sector. The analysis of the results of the study led to the production of a reference study that would enable women to better understand the employment

WYVJLZZ HUK Z\WWVY[ [OLT PU Ă„UKPUN ^H`Z [V IL TVYL LɈLJ[P]L PU [OL ^VYRPUN ^VYSK I` evaluating their position from the employers’ perspective. In addition to the research results, [OL [LHT WYLWHYLK HUK WYPU[LK JVWPLZ of a booklet of employment recommendations for young women. It included young women’s experiences and the proposals they sent to potential employers.

WORKSHOP ACTIVITIES @V\UN ^VTLU ^LYL ZLSLJ[LK [V WHY[HRL PU [OL project based on applications made in response to ads put up in the relevant departments of 2VJHLSP <UP]LYZP[` HZ ^LSS HZ ^P[O [OL Z\WWVY[

“I am a new graduate and when I look H[ [OL QVI HK]LY[PZLTLU[Z 0 ZLL Ă„YTZ SVVRPUN PU WHY[PJ\SHY MVY THSL Z[HŃœ ;YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ ^LYL ]LY` ILULĂ„JPHS PU terms of learning about our rights. We listened to some sample stories where 0 [OV\NO[ ¸0M 0ÂťK ILLU OLY 0 ^V\SK OH]L NP]LU \W š (M[LY [OL [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ T` [OV\NO[ JOHUNLK [V ¸0 ^V\SK OH]L fought.â€? ,TPUL @L[PT *OLTPJHS ,UNPULLY

VM [OL 2VJHLSP ;\YRPZO ,TWSV`TLU[ (NLUJ` njǸ2<9 (U PU[LYHJ[P]L [YHPUPUN WYVNYHT VU [OL analysis of labor the market in Turkey on the basis of gender equality, the problems women face in employment, and women’s rights was provided for the participants. In the three-day workshop H[[LUKLK I` `V\UN ^VTLU [OL VIZ[HJSLZ to women’s employment and gender were KPZJ\ZZLK 6U [OL Ă„YZ[ KH` VM [OL ^VYRZOVW [OL project was introduced and the research report was presented. An analysis was made regarding gender inequality, a gender-based division of labor, and occupational discrimination, concepts VM OVYPaVU[HS HUK ]LY[PJHS KPɈLYLU[PH[PVU HUK [OL SHIVY THYRL[ PU ;\YRL` PU [LYTZ VM NLUKLY 6U the second day, general legal problems were addressed. Information was provided about the fundamental problems women encountered in the working world, about their legal rights, and about the fundamental institutions of working life. 6U [OL SHZ[ KH` [OL KL[LYTPUPUN YVSL VM NLUKLY on women’s rights was explained using concrete examples. The workshop was concluded with group work, proposals, and discussions.



26*(,3ČŠ @6<5. >64,5 (5+ ,4736@4,5; >693+

7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY 2HTPSL *HUIH` HZZLY[LK that they had achieved their project objectives. “The skills that women have give employers new, important opportunities that would enable growth in their sectors. This project showed \Z [OH[ `V\UN ^VTLU ^LYL PUĂ…\LUJLK I` stereotypical social roles and identities, and those stereotypes caused young women to control and limit themselves. We learned more than once that young women should be fully supported in getting ready for the workforce. Thus we think the project responded to an PTWVY[HU[ ULLK )\[ ^VTLUÂťZ LɈVY[Z HSVUL cannot ensure and increase their participation in the workforce, nor can the business sector do so due to its patriarchal structure. I believe that both employers and newly graduated young women should adopt an approach that avoids mutual biases and rather focuses on competencies.â€? The project was completed through to the achievement of initial objectives. Twenty-nine young women who completed their training ^VYRZOVWZ ^LYL H^HYKLK [OLPY JLY[PĂ„JH[LZ at a ceremony. The project tried to reach as many people as possible by way of seminars, conferences, small meetings, and stands. The dissemination activities were successfully completed with the support of the local press, news published in social media and on the ;62(.,+,9 ^LIZP[L [OL Ă„LSK YLZLHYJO YLWVY[ HZ ^LSS HZ [OL ,TWSV`TLU[ .\PKL MVY @V\UN Women booklet, which was distributed to 1,545 people. 142

“I am a new graduate. I had an internship experience that did not LUK UPJLS`" 0 ^HZ PU H KPZHK]HU[HNLK position there as a woman. With the help of the training sessions, I realized ^OH[ 0 JV\SK OH]L KVUL KPŃœLYLU[S` VY OV^ 0 JV\SK OH]L ILOH]LK KPŃœLYLU[S` IHJR [OLU 5V^ ^L OH]L TVKLSZ [OH[ we can take as examples when we encounter a problem in the workplace. 0 HT WHY[PJ\SHYS` OHWW` [V OH]L TL[ people with experience, who guided us.â€? Zehra Baki, Industrial Engineer

69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, ;VWS\TZHS 2VU\SHYĂ› (YHČ´[Ă›YTH ]L .LSPČ´[PYTL +LYULČ˜P ;62(.,+,9 B9LZLHYJO HUK +L]LSVWTLU[ VM :VJPHS 0ZZ\LZ (ZZVJPH[PVUD @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; ;OL 9LZLHYJO HUK +L]LSVWTLU[ VM :VJPHS 0ZZ\LZ (ZZVJPH[PVU ;62(.,+,9 ^HZ MV\UKLK [V \UKLY[HRL research that will help foster and develop socio-economic activities that advance society in social, cultural, and economic terms. The organization initiates or leads the initiation of solutions and implementation of activities [V ZVS]L [OL WYVISLTZ PKLU[PĂ„LK [OYV\NO P[Z YLZLHYJO *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! 143



PROVINCE 6YK\ PROJECT TITLE 6YK\ÂťKH 2HKĂ›U :;2ÂťSHYĂ›U .Â…sSLUKPYPSTLZP 7YVQLZP B,TWV^LYPUN >VTLUÂťZ *:6Z PU 6YK\D 0473,4,5;05. 69.(50A(;065 6YK\ 2HKĂ›UĂ› .Â…sSLUKPYTL +LYULČ˜P B6YK\ (ZZVJPH[PVU VM ,TWV^LYPUN >VTLUD PROJECT PARTNERS 6YK\ 4L[YVWVSP[HU 4\UPJPWHSP[` 6YK\ )HY (ZZVJPH[PVU :VJPL[` MVY ,K\JH[PVU *\S[\YL (Y[ HUK >VTLUÂťZ :VSPKHYP[` .Â…SZ\S[HU (ZZVJPH[PVU of Women’s Development, Turkish Women’s (ZZVJPH[PVU 6YK\ )YHUJO 0473,4,5;(;065 7,906+ 6J[VILY [V :LW[LTILY 7961,*; :<44(9@ The goal of the project was to improve the institutional capacities of and strengthen cooperation between four civil society organizations *:6Z ^VYRPUN PU [OL Ă„LSK VM ^VTLUÂťZ PZZ\LZ PU 6YK\ I` [YHPUPUN [OLT PU JVTW\[LY SP[LYHJ` NLUKLY equality, strategic planning, civil rights, and project cycle management. In addition, the project involved the preparation of training materials to be used I` *:6Z HUK OLSW [OLT WYVTV[L [OL [YHPUPUN [OL founding of a Women’s Platform, and drawing up *:6ZÂť HUU\HS HJ[PVU WSHUZ ACTIVITIES ŕ Ž A joint press conference was held with six YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ MYVT LHJO VM [OL MV\Y *:6Z LUNHNLK PU ^VTLUÂťZ PZZ\LZ PU 6YK\ ŕ Ž A total of 221 people attended computer literacy training.


ŕ Ž A total of 216 people attended civil rights training. ŕ Ž ( [V[HS VM WLVWSL H[[LUKLK H [^V KH` [YHPUPUN course to raise their awareness of gender equality. ŕ Ž Training in strategic planning was carried out and included the creation of a strategic plan for the Women’s Platform to be established. ŕ Ž ( [V[HS VM WLVWSL ^LYL [YHPULK PU .LUKLY 9LZWVUZP]L )\KNL[PUN .9) ŕ Ž A two-day project cycle management training course was held for representatives from project WHY[ULY *:6Z HUK PUJS\KLK H QVPU[ WYVQLJ[ WYVWVZHS writing exercise. ŕ Ž A platform was created under the name Platform for Monitoring Women’s Issues. 9,:<3;: ŕ Ž ;OL *:6Z LUNHNLK PU ^VTLUÂťZ PZZ\LZ PU 6YK\ came together under the Platform for Monitoring Women’s Issues. The Platform began monitoring the services provided to women across the city. A department was created within the Platform to TVUP[VY 4\UPJPWHS *V\UJPS TLL[PUNZ ŕ Ž ;OL .V]LYUVYZOPW VM 6YK\ HUK 6YK\ 4\UPJPWHSP[` THKL JVTTP[TLU[Z [V PTWSLTLU[ [OL 6YK\ 3VJHS Equality Action Plan. ŕ Ž 4VYL [OHU MLTHSL *:6 ^VYRLYZ ]VS\U[LLYZ heightened their awareness and knowledge of women’s human rights and gender equality. ŕ Ž -LTHSL *:6 TLTILYZ Z[YLUN[OLULK [OLPY capabilities through training in computer literacy, strategic planning, and project cycle management.

EMPOWERING WOMEN’S CSOs IN ORDU -V\Y JP]PS ZVJPL[` VYNHUPaH[PVUZ PU 6YK\ HYL engaged in women’s issues. With limited YLZV\YJLZ [OLZL *:6Z OH]L ILLU [Y`PUN [V carry out their activities on violence against women and inequality in the province, where most of the population lives in rural areas. ;OL 6YK\ (ZZVJPH[PVU VM ,TWV^LYPUN >VTLU YLJLP]LK H NYHU[ MYVT [OL :HIHUJÛ -V\UKH[PVU Grant Program, within the United Nations Joint 7YVNYHT MVY 7YVTV[PUN [OL /\THU 9PNO[Z of Women, for a project to empower these *:6Z HUK JYLH[L WVSPJPLZ [V HKKYLZZ [OL THPU WYVISLTZ HUK ULLKZ VM [OL ^VTLU VM 6YK\ ;OL (ZZVJPH[PVU OHK VIZLY]LK [OH[ [OL *:6Z ^LYL particularly lacking in the areas of raising funds, KL]LSVWPUN Z[YH[LNPLZ HUK ÄUKPUN HUK VYNHUPaPUN UL^ ]VS\U[LLYZ -\Y[OLYTVYL [OL (ZZVJPH[PVU UV[LK [OH[ *:6Z ULLKLK [YHPUPUN [V PTWYV]L their institutional and technical capacities and improve their cooperation with each other.

KPɈLYLU[ JVVWLYH[PVU HUK Z\WWVY[ TLJOHUPZTZ ;OL ,TWV^LYPUN >VTLUÂťZ *:6Z PU 6YK\ WYVQLJ[ sought to improve the institutional capacities VM [OL ^VTLUÂťZ *:6Z (UV[OLY VM P[Z HPTZ ^HZ [V KL]LSVW H KPHSVN\L HTVUN [OL *:6Z HUK strengthen the participation of women in social life and mechanisms of political representation. As part of the project, various training sessions ^LYL Y\U MVY TLTILYZ VM [OL 6YK\ (ZZVJPH[PVU of Empowering Women, GĂźlsultan Association VM >VTLUÂťZ +L]LSVWTLU[ [OL :VJPL[` MVY ,K\JH[PVU *\S[\YL (Y[ HUK >VTLUÂťZ :VSPKHYP[` HUK [OL ;\YRPZO >VTLUÂťZ (ZZVJPH[PVUÂťZ 6YK\ )YHUJO ^VYRPUN PU 6YK\ VU ^VTLUÂťZ PZZ\LZ Project partner associations selected six representatives to promote the project’s activities. After a joint press conference by the associations, training sessions and visits were made to local institutions expected to provide support.

WOMEN ARE STRONGER TOGETHER The ultimate purpose of working on women’s issues is to achieve transformation and empowerment. This requires the creation of 147



VERSATILE AND COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING A series of versatile training sessions were OLSK [V PTWYV]L [OL *:6Z» RUV^SLKNL HUK [LJOUPJHS L_WLY[PZL -LTHSL TLTILYZ VM [OL associations went through comprehensive training in computer literacy, gender equality, NLUKLY YLZWVUZP]L I\KNL[PUN JP]PS YPNO[Z *:6 management, project cycle management, and Z[YH[LNPJ WSHUUPUN *P[` PUZ[P[\[PVUZ HSZV WYV]PKLK RL` Z\WWVY[ MVY [OL [YHPUPUN ZLZZPVUZ :VTL provided locations for the training to be held, while others contributed experts. The civil rights training, for example, was provided by volunteer lawyers assigned by the Bar Association.

While the training sessions continued, the Platform for Monitoring Women’s Issues was founded. The Monitoring Platform was established to raise awareness of gender equality among local governments, and to “It was as if we were touched by a magic wand. Getting the support of the <5 HUK :HIHUJÛ -V\UKH[PVU IVVZ[LK our prestige in our little city. Now, major public institutions such as the Chamber VM *VTTLYJL [OL 4\UPJPWHSP[` HUK [OL .V]LYUVYZOPW ZLLR V\[ V\Y Z\WWVY[ when preparing projects or suggest that we be their project partners. Women’s PZZ\LZ HYL UV[ H MYLL [PTL HJ[P]P[`" ^OLU needed, we take risks, and put our [PTL HUK LќVY[ PU[V P[ )\[ [OPZ PZ UV[ [OL main problem of small associations; the actual problem is creating and accessing resources. Training was particularly helpful in this area; we ZVS]LK [OL WYVISLT VM YHPZPUN M\UKZ and accessing resources. The best part is that the Platform is not a forced \UPVU >VTLU MYVT KPќLYLU[ ^VYSKZ V]LYJHTL [OLPY Q\KNTLU[Z VM LHJO other. When the issue was women, all [OL KPќLYLUJLZ KPZHWWLHYLK ¹ (`Z\U (`KÛU 7YVQLJ[ ,_WLY[


ensure that gender equality commitments were included in municipalities’ agendas, strategic plans, performance plans, and budgets. The Platform was introduced to the public at the Journalists Association and began its monitoring HJ[P]P[PLZ I` H[[LUKPUN [OL (S[ÛUVYK\ 4\UPJPWHS *V\UJPS TLL[PUN ([ [OL TLL[PUN [OL 7SH[MVYT for Monitoring Women’s Issues was introduced [V [OL MLTHSL TLTILYZ VM [OL 4\UPJPWHS *V\UJPS “We learned about planning and project KL]LSVWTLU[" ZVSPKHYP[` ^HZ MVZ[LYLK among women’s associations. New doors opened for us. As a result of the [YHPUPUN ^L YLJLP]LK ^L KL]LSVWLK H WYVQLJ[ VU JOPSK HI\ZL HUK YLJLP]LK H NYHU[ MYVT [OL 4PUPZ[Y` VM [OL 0U[LYPVY Now, I can make sense of many things I went through as a child and a teenager. For example, I was also a child bride. I [OPUR [OH[ PZ ^O` 0 HT ZV KL]V[LK HUK ZLSM NP]PUN YPNO[ UV^ 7LVWSL ^OV SP]LK through certain things become more ÄYLK \W HUK TVYL WYV[LJ[P]L ;OL` HJ[ with the mindset of protecting other WLVWSL MYVT ^OH[ [OL` [OLTZLS]LZ OH]L been through.”

Another development was the dissemination of the training on Gender Responsive Budgeting. In addition to the project partner associations, 4\UPJPWHS *V\UJPS»Z .LUKLY ,X\HSP[` *VTTPZZPVU TLTILYZ ZVTL 4\UPJPWHS *V\UJPS members, female candidate members of the 4\UPJPWHS *V\UJPS ]PSSHNL THZ[LY JHUKPKH[LZ and Municipality Equality Unit employees were invited to participate in the training sessions. At the end of the project, 221 people had received training in computer literacy, 216 people in civil YPNO[Z WLVWSL PU NLUKLY LX\HSP[` HUK people in gender responsive budgeting. ;OL ÄYZ[ Z[LW [V^HYKZ LZ[HISPZOPUN H >VTLU»Z 7SH[MVYT PU 6YK\ ^HZ [HRLU ^P[O [OL KYH^PUN \W during the training on strategic planning, of a draft strategic plan for the Platform. The project J\STPUH[LK ^P[O [OL ÄUHSPaH[PVU VM [OL Z[YH[LNPJ plan of the Platform for Monitoring Women’s Issues.

. SȴLU . YZV` . SZ\S[HU (ZZVJPH[PVU for Women’s Development




TOWARDS THE WOMEN’S PLATFORM IN ORDU The project’s closing event included the participation of project partner associations HUK ZLUPVY YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ MYVT [OL 6YK\ 4L[YVWVSP[HU 4\UPJPWHSP[` (S[Ă›UVYK\ 4\UPJPWHSP[` 6YK\ )HY (ZZVJPH[PVU 6YK\ *OHTILY VM *VTTLYJL HUK 0UK\Z[Y` 6YK\ *VTTVKP[` Exchange, and the press. With its mandate of raising awareness among public entities, local governments, and the public on women’s HJJLZZ [V W\ISPJ ZLY]PJLZ NP]PUN ^VTLUÂťZ *:6Z more power through cooperation, and improving [OL ZP[\H[PVU VM ^VTLU PU 6YK\ [OL 7SH[MVYT launched its monitoring activities. >OLU HZRLK Âş/H]L `V\ HJOPL]LK [OL YLZ\S[Z you expected at the end of the project?’, 7YVQLJ[ *VVYKPUH[VY 4POYPIHU @\]H YLWSPLK ¸>L LZ[HISPZOLK [OL 6YK\ 7SH[MVYT MVY 4VUP[VYPUN Women’s Issues and started monitoring activities. The Platform provided a sustainable base for our work. In the past, women’s associations in 6YK\ ^LYL UV[ JVUULJ[LK HUK ^LYL UV[ L]LU aware of each other. But we are all women after all, we have mutual problems and suggestions MVY ZVS\[PVUZ 5V^ ^VTLU MYVT KPɈLYLU[ ^VYSKZ ^P[O KPɈLYLU[ VWPUPVUZ HYL ^VYRPUN [VNL[OLY During the training sessions, we realized that many women have never actually questioned 150

women’s gender equality. The training provided ZPNUPĂ„JHU[ H^HYLULZZ PU [OH[ HYLH )LJH\ZL being a member of an association does not mean much if you are not organized. It is very important to realize the value and contribution of being an organized woman . The Platform completed data collection with the support of the Police Department. We are now at the stage of reporting this data. We also achieved greater recognition. Many women who are exposed to violence or have other problems come to us; we work as a bridge between the authorities and women in need.â€? The Platform – without a doubt the project’s key outcome – will continue to spur the women’s TV]LTLU[ PU 6YK\ HZ H WLYTHULU[ HUK LɈLJ[P]L institution.

69.(50A(;065Âť: 5(4, 6YK\ 2HKĂ›UĂ› .Â…sSLUKPYTL +LYULČ˜P B6YK\ (ZZVJPH[PVU VM ,TWV^LYPUN >VTLUD @,(9 ,:;()30:/,+ 7<976:, 6- ,:;()30:/4,5; The Association seeks to eliminate the problems faced by the vulnerable groups in the society such as women, youth, and persons with disabilities, as well as those with double disadvantages such as women with disabilities, young women or youth with disabilities in their work, education, and social lives. It does so by engaging in training, awareness-raising, advocacy, campaigning, lobbying, forming public opinion, creating networks, producing publications, monitoring, researching, and reporting. *65;(*; 05-694(;065 7OVUL! 151

United Nations Joint Program for Promoting the Human Rights of Women

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