2016-17 Season Brochure

Page 31


Arts@TheCore: An innovative program that integrates the performing arts into the academic work of the entire University. Arts@TheCore engages with faculty across our university to use the arts to further the research, teaching and service mission of the University of North Carolina. From religious studies to social work, University departments benefit from interactions with artists in the classroom and backstage, and use performances to open conversations that further their disciplinary explorations. Arts@TheCore creates opportunities for artists and scholars to learn from each other’s creative practice and from the greater community. We believe the arts enable faculty, undergraduates and professional students to innovate, expand their work and discover new insights that benefit our campus, state and world.

How We Connect

ar ts in pub lic s ervice fellows

Ar tis t R es idencies

pop- up per for mances

pro gr am notes live

Facult y s eminars

Ar tis t talks with undergr ad uates

mas ter cl as s es

cr e ative inter ruptions

cur ator ial fellows h ip

C o n ta c t t h e A R T S @ T H E C O R E O f f i c e at a r t s at t h e c o r e @ u n c . e d u f o r a d d i t i o n a L i n f o r m at i o n .


TICKET SERVICES 919.843.3333



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