2014 UNCG Volleyball Digital Guide

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The UniversiTy of norTh Carolina aT Greensboro was firsT CharTered baCk on feb. 18, 1891, as The sTaTe normal and indUsTrial sChool. iT was The firsT sTaTe-sUpporTed sChool for The hiGher edUCaTion of women in norTh Carolina. foUnded by Charles

dUnCan mCiver, iT beCame Co-edUCaTional in 1963. Today, in iTs 120Th year of exisTenCe, The CampUs Covers 210 aCres in downTown Greensboro and has an enrollmenT ThaT exCeeded 17,000 for The firsT Time ever lasT year. for fall 2008, 17,467 sTUdenTs were enrolled, inClUdinG 13,453 UnderGradUaTes.

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