02 /2017
If you feel like loving me, if you’ve got the notion, I second that emotion. I will bring you a flower Put your trust in me, let this lovethebe.floor This ofis the for sea real,to from the flush love’s light, we darewear in your hair. letIn time standof still. Two for the Road • Echo Sessions • Clifford on Read-a-Roo’s Block Par ty
be brave. And suddenly we see that Love recognizes no barriers. It j love costs all we are, and will ever be. hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates w at its destination it isblack only love which sets us free. to arrive You’ll Love full of ngYet about history is that
uth is so much more complex nything you could make up.
Our Lineup!
How many of us really know anything at all about the truly great ancient African civilizations, which in their day were just as splendid and glorious as any on the face of the earth?
irst best is falling in love. Second best is being in love. I’ve g Least best is falling out ofAnd love. I bet you didn’t cloud But any of it is better thanknow never that ebony eyes For as long as I can remember aving been in love. I have been passionately intrigue The desire to reach for by ‘Africa,’ by the word itself, Though by its flora and fauna, its you treat the stars is ambitious. topographical diversity and grandeur; but above all else, by me badly, The desire to reach the sheer variety of the colors I love you hearts is wise. of its people, from tan and sep madly. My great hope is to laugh as muchto jet and Iebony. don’t like you, rus. Itas I cry; to get my work done and but I love you. ybody attry to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return. In all the world, there is heart for me like yours. I all the world, there is no l Africans had been creators of culture for for you like mine. With a heart thousands of years before. The happy heart ru These were very intelligent, that is truthful, river, floats on the a subtle and sophisticated keeping you people, with organized music, soars with t youthful. societies and great art. I love you with the didn’t prayer. kn And I bet you Love is that condition in the human spirit so profound that it allows me to that, girl u n c t v know . o r g that You didn’t survive, and better than that, to thrive I need you This month enjoy people who inspire and stories that entertain with Smokey Robinson: The Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song, Africa’s Great Civilizations with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and American Masters: Maya Angelou—And Still I Rise on member-supported Public Media North Carolina.
about unc-tv CenterPiece is the monthly program guide of UNC-TV, North Carolina’s public media network and broadcast service licensed to the University of North Carolina. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. UNC-TV’s central offices and studios are housed in the Joseph and Kathleen Bryan Communications Center in Research Triangle Park.
10 TW Alexander Drive PO Box 14900 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-4900 1-919-549-7000 or 1-800-906-5050 UNC-TV network stations are: Asheville WUNF-TV Canton/Waynesville WUNW-TV Chapel Hill/Raleigh/Durham WUNC-TV Charlotte/Concord WUNG-TV Edenton/Columbia WUND-TV Greenville WUNK-TV Jacksonville WUNM-TV Linville WUNE-TV Lumberton WUNU-TV Roanoke Rapids WUNP-TV Wilmington WUNJ-TV Winston-Salem WUNL-TV Four digital channels offer unique programming: UNC-TV PBS & More UNC-EX The Explorer Channel NCCHL North Carolina Channel Rootle UNC-TV’s Kids Channel Cable or satellite users, check with your service provider for the UNC-TV channel numbers assigned to your area. Executive Director & General Manager: Brian Sickora Programming: Bryan Sodemann Editor: Rebekah Radisch Art Director: Maria Bilinski Shain UNC-TV Board of Trustees: Chair: Eric M. Teal, Raleigh Vice Chair: Doris P. Loomis, Asheville Sabrina Bengel, New Bern Laura C. Bingham, Raleigh Rick Brajer, Raleigh Joel Kenneth Butler, Grimesland Orson Scott Card, Greensboro Culley C. Carson IV, Raleigh Jack Clayton, Raleigh J. Donald Coleman, Hickory Joseph H. Ely, Winston-Salem Mark Johnson, Raleigh Susan W. Kluttz, Raleigh Megan G. Lebda, Charlotte Adam Loftin, Raleigh William W. Mance, Jr., Asheville Travis Mitchell, Raleigh Margaret Spellings, Chapel Hill Cullie M. Tarleton, Blowing Rock James Treadaway, Jr., Newton Caroline Foy Welch, Chapel Hill James C. Williamson, Raleigh Questions? viewer@unctv.org or 1-888-292-7070 Connect with us at unctv.org, facebook.com/unctv, twitter.com/unctv and instagram.com/unctv. CenterPiece©2017 UNC-TV
2 | February
HAVE FUN WITH US! Join the fun during UNC-TV’s spring fundraiser, March 3-19! For more information, please contact Volunteer Services at volunteer@unctv.org or 1-877-549-3222. Thank you for your support!
MAYA ANGELOU—AND STILL I RISE Free Documentary Preview & Discussion Celebrate an amazing life and legacy during a special preview of the new American Masters documentary Maya Angelou—And Still I Rise (premiering Tuesday, February 21, at 10 PM, on UNC-TV), followed by a conversation with some of Dr. Angelou’s confidantes, Saturday, February 18, at 6 PM, in Wake Forest University’s Broyhill Auditorium in Winston-Salem. Reserve your free seats by Wednesday, February 15, at unc.tv/inspiringwoman. And please share this empowering event with your friends— #inspiringwomanPBS. Support comes from The Wake Forest University Pro Humanitate Institute and Office of Diversity & Inclusion, The North Carolina Black Repertory Company and Authoring Action!
HELP PUT A SPRING IN OUR STEP! Share us with a friend! Your financial support to the UNC-TV Hometown Will YOU be counted? Jane & John Member Member Challenge 123 Contribution Lane Hometown, NC 27709 Fund will help us convert viewers into supporting members during our Spring Fundraiser. Just send in your tax-deductible contribution or pledge online at unctv.org/challenge. Then, during our Spring Fundraiser, we’ll challenge viewers from your hometown who have never donated to UNC-TV to match your donation—dollar for dollar. Your gift will double in value when matched, and we’ll proudly use your name on the air, if you like. Thanks for supporting Public Media North Carolina!
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UNC-TV’s Kids Channel ALL DAY & ALL NIGHT 6 AM Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman 6:30 Cyberchase 7:00 Read-a-roo’s Block Party—Clifford the Big Red Dog (weekends, until 10 AM) DV 7:30 WordGirl 8:00 Arthur 9:00 Peg + Cat 9:30 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That 10:00 Super WHY! 10:30 Clifford the Big Red Dog 11:00 Thomas & Friends DV Dinosaur Train: What’s at the Center of the Earth? (2/20, 2/22 & 2/24, through noon) DV Noon Caillou 12:30 Sid the Science Kid 1:00 Bob the Builder DV Read-a-roo’s Block Party—Clifford the Big Red Dog (weekends, until 4 PM) DV
LISTINGS KEY: TV U NC-TV PBS & More EX U NC-EX The Explorer Channel NC N orth Carolina Channel Stories with a Local Accent DV Descriptive voiceovers COLOR U NC-TV productions & local interest PLEASE NOTE: While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of CenterPiece, on-air announcements, updates at unctv.org and posts to social media provide the latest scheduling information. Some program start and end times may vary slightly from our listings. Add at least five minutes when recording your favorite shows.
1:30 WordWorld DV 2:00 Super WHY! DV 2:30 Sesame Street DV 3:30 Dinosaur Train DV 4:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood DV 5:30 Splash & Bubbles 6 PM Nature Cat
6:30 Ready Jet Go! DV 7:00 Wild Kratts 8:00 Odd Squad DV 9:00 Arthur DV 10:00 Super WHY! DV 10:30 Sesame Street DV 11:30 Dinosaur Train DV 12 M Dinosaur Train DV 12:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood DV 1:30 Splash & Bubbles 2:00 Nature Cat 2:30 Ready Jet Go! DV 3:00 Wild Kratts 4:00 Odd Squad DV 5:00 Arthur DV
CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG! This month, catch a special Valentine’s edition of the Block Party when Read-a-roo welcomes Clifford the Big Red Dog and pals Emily Elizabeth, Charley, Cleo, Mac and T-Bone! Enjoy back-to-back, supersized Valentine’s adventures on Birdwell Island with Clifford’s Big Heart and Cleo’s Valentine Surprise, Saturdays and Sundays, at 7 AM and 1 PM, all month long! Share the love that made Clifford grow so tall with your kids!
Ready, Set, Create...
2017 PBS KIDS WRITERS CONTEST Deadline for Entries: March 31! It’s the 2017 PBS KIDS Writers Contest and our judges are seeking exceptional stories written and illustrated by kids in kindergarten through third grade. Crank up your imagination and let loose with your special story—you could win some super prizes! Go to unc.tv/pbskidswriters for guidelines and official entry forms.
Visit schedule.unctv.org for complete schedules of all our services. February | 3
evening&weekend listings 1 WEDNESDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour Get in-depth analyses of current events. EX Egypt Beyond the Pyramids The Gathering Storm Travel from the upper Nile to the Red Sea amid a revolution. DV
NC Charlie Rose This native Tar Heel interviews fascinating personalities. 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report Seasoned reporters review financial news. EX Rick Steves’ Europe Vienna & the Danube NC PBS NewsHour 7:30 TV SciTech Now North Carolina Spider Silk from Silk Worms EX Mineral Explorers Spain 8:00 TV Spy in the Wild: A Nature Miniseries Premiere! Love Explore animals’ rarely-seen emotions. EX Mexico— One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless Cooking Like a Local NC North Carolina Weekend Deborah Holt Noel shows what’s up across NC this weekend. 8:30 EX New Scandinavian Cooking Arctic Food NC NC Now New Episode! Hip Hop Professor 9th Wonder/Bruce Roberts/Innovate NC: Asheville 9:00 TV NOVA Search for the Super Battery EX Eat! Drink! Italy! with Vic Rallo Elegant but Approachable NC A Chef’s Life Stand by Your Cabbage 9:30 EX Bringing It Home with Laura McIntosh Southern-Inspired Recipes NC Flavor, NC NC Apples 10:00 TV Aurora— Fire in the Sky Probe the colorful glow that brightens the night sky in Earth’s polar regions. EX Great British Baking Show Chocolate NC The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Groovers & Shakers DV 4 | February
See what it’s like on the inside of nature when Spy in the Wild: A Nature Miniseries, premieres Wednesday, February 1, at 8 PM, on UNC-TV.
10:30 NC The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill In Yer Drawers 11:00 TV Are You Being Served? Our Figures Are Slipping EX Making Tracks The Indian Pacific: From Coast to Coast DV NC Carolina Outdoor Journal Stripers Deep 11:30 TV BBC World News Catch the latest global news and analyses. NC Fishing Behind the Lines Erin Rhodes, Retired Army Sergeant
2 THURSDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour EX Mike Colameco’s Real Food Sicily, Part 1 NC Charlie Rose 6:30 EX New Scandinavian Cooking On Top of Norway 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Rick Steves’ Europe The Czech Republic Off the Beaten Path NC PBS NewsHour
7:30 TV Our State Living with an Island/ Island Inspirations/ Nocturnal Visitors EX Rudy Maxa’s World Istanbul, Turkey 8:00 TV NC Now Hip Hop Professor 9th Wonder/Bruce Roberts/ Innovate NC: Asheville EX Rick Steves’ Europe England’s Cornwall NC High Point University Presents Lessons in Leadership: A Roundtable Discussion 8:30 TV Exploring North Carolina Climate Changes in the Carolinas EX Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Taiwan’s Penghu Islands DV 9:00 TV North Carolina Weekend EX Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions Basking with the Basques NC An Evening with Eric Holder The former US Attorney General discusses his historic career. DV 9:30 TV Flavor, NC Hybrid Striped Bass EX Travels with Darley Northern England & Wales 10:00 TV Reel South The Exceptionally Extraordinary Emporium Colorful characters in a Louisiana store carry on a cherished Mardi Gras tradition. EX Fringe Benefits Hartford NC Variety Studio: Actors on Actors Michael Shannon/ Adam Driver/Colin Farrell/ Hugh Grant Make plans for An Evening with Eric Holder, Thursday, February 2, at 9 PM, on the North Carolina Channel.
visit unctv.org Reel South The Exceptionally Extraordinary Emporium explores Mardi Gras finery, Thursday, February 2, at 10 PM, on UNC-TV.
4 SATURDAY 6 AM TV Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood DV EX Expeditions with Patrick Mcmillan Grandfather Mountain, Island in the Sky NC Closer to Truth Why Is Free Will a Big Question? 6:30 TV Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood DV EX Exploring 10:30 TV Reel South 8:30 TV Front Row North Carolina The Last Barn Dance National media strategist Smoky Mountain Diversity Randy Lewis struggles to Marc Rotterman discusses NC Music & the save his family-owned dairy state and national politics Spoken Word farm in NC’s Piedmont. and policy. The Mormon Tabernacle EX Curious Traveler NC Well Read Choir shares inspirational Curious About—Asheville Dr. Alexander McCall messages and music. 11:00 TV Keeping Up Smith—Precious & Grace 7:00 TV Sesame Street DV Appearances 9:00 TV Live from EX Carolina Outdoor Driving Mrs. Fortescue Lincoln Center Journal Classics EX Joseph Rosendo’s 50 Years of Mostly Mozart Joe Albea and John Moore Travelscope Celebrate the 50th annivershare top moments from Northwest Ontario— sary of Lincoln Center for this long-running series. Lake Superior & Beyond DV the Performing Arts’ Mostly NC Between the Lines NC Almanac Gardener Mozart Festival. with Barry Kibrick Keeping Your Compost Safe EX Miss Fisher’s May McCarthy— 11:30 TV BBC World News Murder Mysteries The Path to Wealth EX Desert Speaks Blood at the Wheel 7:30 TV Sesame Street DV The Gadsden Purchase, NC Front Row EX Carolina Part 2 9:30 NC Religion & Ethics Outdoor Journal NC Volunteer Gardener Newsweekly Popping Cork Specs Experts share advice for Bob Abernethy hosts this NC Wider World gardening, landscape award-winning series. See how a California ampudesign and farming. 10:00 EX Father Brown tee travels by skateboard. The Judgement of Man 8:00 TV Splash & Bubbles NC Carolina 3 FRIDAY EX North Carolina Business Review Weekend 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour Chris William and his guests NC Exploring Get in-depth analyses of discuss business news in North Carolina current events. the Carolinas. Giving Nature a Hand EX Inspector Morse 10:30 NC Market to Market 8:30 TV Curious George DV Infernal Serpent, Part 1 Mike Pearson covers the EX Tennessee NC Charlie Rose $100-billion food business. Crossroads This native Tar Heel 11:00 TV British Antiques Discover the state’s unique interviews fascinating Roadshow personalities, places, foods, personalities. Eastbourne Bandstand, crafts and events. 7:00 TV Nightly Business Part 1 NC A Craftsman’s Legacy Report EX Doctor Blake The Blacksmith EX Inspector Morse Mysteries 9:00 TV Nature Cat Infernal Serpent, Part 2 An Invincible Summer EX Making Tracks NC PBS NewsHour NC Consuelo Mack The Indian Pacific: From 7:30 TV North Carolina WealthTrack Coast to Coast DV Weekend Get advice for managing NC The Woodwright’s 8:00 TV Washington Week investments. Shop with Roy Underhill Leading journalists analyze 11:30 TV BBC World News Groovers & Shakers DV major news and events. NC To the Contrary 9:30 TV Dinosaur Train DV EX Doc Martin with Bonnie Erbe NC The Woodwright’s Mother Knows Best Accomplished women Shop with Roy Underhill NC North Carolina discuss current events. In Yer Drawers Bookwatch C. Boston Weatherford & J. Boston Weatherford— You Can Fly: The Tuskegee Airmen February | 5
evening&weekend listings Catch the best indie music from Asheville as Echo Sessions premieres with the Jonathan Scales Fourchestra, Saturday, February 4, at 6 PM, on the North Carolina Channel.
10:00 TV North Carolina Weekend EX New Scandinavian Cooking Historical Garden NC Carolina Outdoor Journal Stripers Deep 10:30 TV America’s Heartland Florida Farmers Donate Crops to Food Programs/ Farm to Fork Cauliflower Frittata EX Kevin Dundon’s Modern Irish Food Birds, Bass & Berries NC Fishing Behind the Lines Erin Rhodes, Retired Army Sergeant 11:00 TV Growing a Greener World Preserving the Harvest— Capturing That Taste of Summer All Year Long EX Taste of History Moravians of Bethlehem NC Central Texas Gardener Drought Response Myths 11:30 TV P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home Road Trip to NC & Beyond EX Flavor, NC Hybrid Striped Bass NC In the Garden with Bryce Lane Get practical tips for home landscaping and growing plants. Noon TV From the Vineyard Sanctuary Vineyard/ Hanover Park Vineyards EX Smart Travels— Pacific Rim with Rudy Maxa Maui & Hawaii’s Big Island NC Growing a Greener World Farm School 12:30 TV North Carolina Weekend’s Collecting Carolina North Carolina Treasures EX Desert Speaks On the Road to Cajamarca NC Our State Orchids/Scenes from 64/ The Southern Wild 1:00 TV Antiques Roadshow Indianapolis, Part 1 EX Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Easter Island— Mysteries & Myths DV
6 | February
NC NC Now Hip Hop Professor 9th Wonder/Bruce Roberts/ Innovate NC: Asheville 1:30 EX Fringe Benefits Pittsburgh NC Tar Heel Traveler Scott Mason introduces another fascinating person or place in our state. 2:00 TV Rick Steves’ Europe Romania EX Globe Trekker Eastern Canada NC SciTech Now North Carolina Spider Silk from Silk Worms 2:30 TV Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Armenia—Ancient History & Modern Traditions DV NC Science Goes to the Movies Ice Age/For the Love of Spock with Neil deGrasse Tyson 3:00 TV A Craftsman’s Legacy The Puppet Maker EX Changing Seas Sunken Stories NC On Story Script to Screen: Danny Boyle, Jason Reitman & Ed Burns 3:30 TV American Woodshop Mega Turnings EX Wonder of Animals Bears NC Wider World See how a Californian amputee travels by skateboard. 4:00 TV The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Carved Oak Desk Box DV EX Nature Pets: Wild at Heart— Playful Creatures DV NC Theater Talk Michael Riedel, Susan Haskins and special guests celebrate the magical world of the stage. 4:30 TV This Old House Arlington Arts & Crafts— Decorative Touches
NC Charlie Rose— The Week Get a retrospective of the acclaimed interviewer’s nightly program. 5:00 TV Carolina Outdoor Journal Deep Water Bass EX Nature Pets: Wild at Heart— Secretive Creatures DV NC PBS NewsHour Weekend Gain insights about the week’s issues. 5:30 TV PBS NewsHour Weekend NC Washington Week 6 PM TV Lawrence Welk Show The Southern Show EX Changing Seas Alien Invaders NC Echo Sessions Series Premiere! Jonathan Scales Fourchestra 6:30 EX Changing Seas Reef Revival NC Backstage Pass Toronzo Cannon 7:00 TV As Time Goes By You Must Remember This EX Rick Steves’ Europe Germany’s Hamburg & the Luther Trail NC Living Legends Music Orleans 7:30 TV As Time Goes By Getting To Know You— Again EX Rick Steves’ Europe Germany’s Dresden & Leipzig 8:00 TV Midsomer Murders King’s Crystal, Part 1 EX Globe Trekker Tough Trains: India’s Independence Railroads NC Song of the Mountains Lonesome River Band 9:00 TV Coroner Gilt EX Making Tracks The Sunlander: Trains of Tropical Queensland DV
visit unctv.org NC Austin City Limits Cece Winans/St. Paul & The Broken Bones 10:00 TV DCI Banks A Piece of My Heart EX Art Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge: Amazing Encounters Enjoy the renowned photographer and conservationist’s favorite moments. NC Woodsongs Ellis Paul/Socks in the Frying Pan 11:00 EX Globe Trekker Paris City Guide NC On Story Script to Screen: Danny Boyle, Jason Reitman & Ed Burns 11:30 TV Vicious Things look up for Ash as he falls in love with the perfect woman. Or is she? NC Theater Talk
5 SUNDAY 6 AM TV Nature Cat EX Making Tracks The Sunlander: Trains of Tropical Queensland NC Closer to Truth Is Free Will an Illusion? 6:30 TV Wild Kratts NC Music & the Spoken Word 7:00 TV Thomas & Friends DV EX Globe Trekker Food Hour: The Story of Chocolate NC Religion & Ethics Newsweekly 7:30 TV Bob the Builder DV NC Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 8:00 TV Curious George DV EX Finding Your Roots The Irish Factor: Soledad O’Brien, Bill O’Reilly & Bill Maher DV NC Carolina Business Review 8:30 TV WordGirl DV NC Market to Market
9:00 TV This Old House Arlington Arts & Crafts— Decorative Touches EX Time Scanners Jerusalem NC Education Matters Learn about key issues affecting education in NC. 9:30 TV Ask This Old House Rooftop Garden/Stains/ Shed NC Front Row 10:00 TV Folkways The Fiddle EX Time Scanners Machu Picchu NC North Carolina Bookwatch C. Boston Weatherford & J. Boston Weatherford— You Can Fly: The Tuskegee Airmen 10:30 TV SciTech Now North Carolina Spider Silk from Silk Worms NC Well Read Dr. Alexander McCall Smith—Precious & Grace 11:00 TV Carolina Outdoor Journal Stripers Deep EX First Peoples Europe NC Woodsongs Ellis Paul/Socks in the Frying Pan 11:30 TV Black Issues Forum Learn about people and topics around AfricanAmerican life in NC and beyond (visit unctv.org/bif). Noon TV North Carolina Bookwatch C. Boston Weatherford & J. Boston Weatherford— You Can Fly: The Tuskegee Airmen EX Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Northwest Ontario— Lake Superior & Beyond DV NC Living Legends Music Orleans 12:30 TV Flavor, NC Mushrooms
EX This American Land America’s Wildest Secret, Sage Advice for Sage Lands 1:00 TV A Chef’s Life More Than One Way To Skin a Catfish EX A Place to Call Home No Secrets, Ever Jack is furious at Carolyn for having kept secret the fact they have a daughter. NC Song of the Mountains Mountain Faith/ Raymond McLain & the McLain Family 1:30 TV From the Vineyard Duplin Winery/ Raffaldini Vineyards 2:00 TV America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated New England Classics EX Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Murder Most Scandalous NC Echo Sessions Jonathan Scales Fourchestra 2:30 TV Cook’s Country Southern Comfort NC Backstage Pass Toronzo Cannon 3:00 TV Sara’s Weeknight Meals On the Table in 20 EX Rosemary & Thyme Swords Into Ploughshares NC MotorWeek John Davis shares the latest automotive technologies and models. 3:30 TV Lidia’s Kitchen Fruit Desserts NC Autoline this Week Join John McElroy as he shares cutting-edge automotive news. 4:00 TV Pati’s Mexican Table Merida—Exploring with the Locals EX Father Brown The Deadly Seal NC Carolina Outdoor Journal Classics 4:30 TV Steven Raichlen’s Project Smoke You Can Smoke What?! NC Our State Elizabeth Keckly/Great American Photographer 5:00 TV Charlie Rose— The Week EX Great Performances: The Hollow Crown Henry VI, Part 1 England is in crisis; war rages; divisions threaten the crown. NC PBS NewsHour Weekend
Tom Sturridge and Sophie Okonedo star in Great Performances: The Hollow Crown Henry VI, Sunday, February 5, at 5 PM, on The Explorer Channel. February | 7
evening&weekend listings 5:30 TV PBS NewsHour Weekend NC BBC Newsnight Get comprehensive coverage of international news and current events. 6 PM TV Doc Martin Movement NC Healthy Body Healthy Mind Importance of Organ Donation 6:30 NC Second Opinion Endometriosis 7:00 TV A Place to Call Home A Kiss To Build a Dream On Aunt Peg arrives on the eve of Sarah and George’s engagement party. NC In Good Shape See what’s new in wellness fitness and nutrition. 7:30 EX Rick Steves’ Europe England’s Cornwall NC Life on the Line Armed for the Challenge 8:00 TV Mercy Street One Equal Temper The Greens join forces to hide an ugly secret. EX Nature Animal Misfits DV NC Beautiful Remedy Explore the Arts in Medicine Program at the University of Texas MD Anderson Children’s Cancer Hospital. 9:00 TV Victoria on Masterpiece An Ordinary Woman Courtship at court leads to second thoughts. EX Nature Animal Childhood DV NC F.S. Key & the Song that Built America Celebrate the 200th anniversary of Key’s writing of The Star-Spangled Banner. 10:00 TV Secrets of the Six Wives Divorced, Beheaded, Survived EX Changing Seas Prescription: Oceans NC Anthem See the story behind Francis Scott Key’s creation of The Star-Spangled Banner. 10:30 EX Changing Seas After the Spill 11:00 TV EastEnders EX Globe Trekker Mumbai City Guide NC Native Report Learn the art of basket making from Emma Garrett of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Nation. DV 11:30 TV EastEnders NC Start Up Room for Lunch 8 | February
Is the young queen (Jenna Coleman) having second thoughts? Find out on Victoria on Masterpiece, Sunday, February 5, at 9 PM, on UNC-TV.
6 MONDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour EX First Peoples Europe NC Charlie Rose 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Rick Steves’ Europe Athens & Side Trips NC PBS NewsHour 7:30 TV A Chef’s Life The Buttermilk Belt EX Travel Detective with Peter Greenberg Egypt Tourism DV 8:00 TV Antiques Roadshow Indianapolis, Part 2 EX Shakespeare Uncovered Romeo & Juliet with Joseph Fiennes DV NC SciTech Now North Carolina Spider Silk from Silk Worms 8:30 NC Exploring North Carolina Long Parks 9:00 TV Reel South The Exceptionally Extraordinary Emporium Colorful characters in a Louisiana store carry on a cherished Mardi Gras tradition.
EX Great Performances: The Hollow Crown Henry VI, Part 2 Bitter rivalries erupt; Queen Margaret eclipses feeble King Henry. NC Return to the Sea A Day on the Reef 9:30 TV Reel South The Last Barn Dance Randy Lewis struggles to save his family-owned dairy farm in the piedmont region of North Carolina. NC Jonathan Bird’s Blue World Blue Holes & the Georgia Aquarium DV 10:00 TV Independent Lens Birth of a Movement Learn how D.W. Griffith’s 1915 film The Birth of a Nation unleashed a battle about race relations. NC Beyond the Light Switch Examine such national energy issues as carbon capture, hydraulic fracturing and nuclear power. 11:00 TV Film School Shorts Future EX Shakespeare Uncovered King Lear with Christopher Plummer DV NC Tar Heel Traveler
Experience Eye on the Sixties: The Iconic Photography of Rowland Scherman, Tuesday, February 7, at 10 PM, on The Explorer Channel.
visit unctv.org Smile, deer, you’re on Candid Critters! SciTech Now North Carolina stealthily spies on wildlife, Wednesday, February 8, at 7:30 PM, on UNC-TV.
7:30 TV SciTech Now North Carolina New Episode! Candid Critters Scientists use camera traps to study animal habitats and behavior. EX Mineral Explorers Portugal 8:00 TV Spy in the Wild: A Nature Miniseries Intelligence Spies dis 11:30 TV BBC World News NC Dixie guised as animals observe a NC In the Garden Get the confrontational gray squirrel, sea otter and with Bryce Lane truth behind America’s orangutan’s ingenuity. most dangerous song. EX Mexico— 10:00 EX Eye on the Sixties: One Plate at a Time 7 TUESDAY The Iconic Photography with Rick Bayless 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour of Rowland Scherman Love of Live Fire Cooking EX A Taste of This famed LIFE magazine NC North Carolina Louisiana with photojournalist captured Weekend Chef John Folse & Co. transformational events of 8:30 EX New Scandinavian Venison Rolled Roast the 1960s. Cooking NC Charlie Rose NC Biographical Conver Historical Garden 6:30 EX Mexico— sations with Betty McCain NC NC Now One Plate at a Time Part 3 of 3 Hip Hop Professor 9th with Rick Bayless 11:00 TV Waiting for God Wonder/Bruce Roberts/ Hunt for Caribbean Lobster The Séance Innovate NC: Asheville 7:00 TV Nightly Business NC Growing a 9:00 TV NOVA Report Greener World Ultimate Cruise Ship EX Rick Steves’ Europe Organic Lawn Care EX Eat! Drink! Italy! Copenhagen 11:30 TV BBC World News with Vic Rallo NC Stand! Untold EX Desert Speaks Measure Twice, Cut Once Stories of the Civil Beyond the Asphalt, Part 2 NC A Chef’s Life Rights Movement NC Tennessee Cabbage’s Last Stand Discover key events leading Crossroads 9:30 EX Bringing It Home up to 1963’s Project C in with Laura McIntosh Birmingham, AL. Fresh Cherry Recipes 8 WEDNESDAY 7:30 TV From the Vineyard NC Flavor, NC Gregory Vineyard/ 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour Pumpkins Yadkin Valley Bus Tour EX Shock & Awe: 10:00 TV City in the Sky EX Rudy Maxa’s World The Story of Electricity Premiere! Departure See Bangkok, Thailand The Age of Invention the world’s biggest pas 8:00 TV Finding Your Roots NC Charlie Rose senger plane and more. Tragedy + Time = Comedy 7:00 TV Nightly Business EX Great British with Jimmy Kimmel, NorReport Baking Show man Lear & Bill Hader DV EX Rick Steves’ Europe The Final EX Black America Since Denmark: Beyond NC The Woodwright’s MLK: And Still I Rise Copenhagen Shop with Roy Underhill Out of the Shadows/ NC PBS NewsHour Turning Shaker Knobs DV Move on Up DV NC Stand! Untold Stories of the Civil Rights Movement Discover key events leading up to 1963’s Project C in Birmingham, AL. 9:00 TV Oklahoma City: American Experience Examine the rise of the extremist militia movement and deadly 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Take off with the uplifting new series City in the Sky, premiering Wednesday, February 8, at 10 PM, on UNC-TV. February | 9
evening&weekend listings 10:30 NC The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Findin’ & Fixin’ 11:00 TV Are You Being Served? Camping in EX Making Tracks The Sunlander: Trains of Tropical Queensland DV NC Carolina Outdoor Journal Popping Cork Specs 11:30 TV BBC World News NC Fishing Behind the Lines Colin McKeown, Retired Canadian Air Force
9 THURSDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour EX Mike Colameco’s Real Food Sicily, Part 2 NC Charlie Rose 6:30 EX New Scandinavian Cooking Southern Norway: A Modest But Generous Spud 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Rick Steves’ Europe Istanbul NC PBS NewsHour 7:30 TV Our State Trailmakers/Wild Friends/ Wonders in Wood EX Rudy Maxa’s World Thailand, Golden Triangle 8:00 TV NC Now Inspirational Kids EX Great Vacation Squeeze Should Americans have more vacation time? NC High Point University Presents: John Maxwell HPU President Nido Qubein speaks with the bestselling author and leadership expert. 8:30 TV Exploring North Carolina Natural Symbols of the State EX Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Portugal—From Porto to Salamanca DV 9:00 TV North Carolina Weekend EX Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions Coming to America NC An Evening with Valerie Jarrett Take a unique look at the life and career of President Obama’s senior advisor. 9:30 TV Flavor, NC Table Grapes
10 | February
EX Travels with Darley Little Rock, Arkansas 10:00 TV Reel South 120 Days A family man must make a tough choice when a judge orders him to self-deport to Mexico. EX Fringe Benefits Louisville NC TV Family Follow the lives of Texas’s 10-member Robertson family in 1960. 10:30 EX Curious Traveler Curious About—Victoria, British Columbia 11:00 TV Keeping Up Appearances The Candlelight Supper EX Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope San Antonio’s Fiesta— Olé! DV NC Almanac Gardener Caring for Orchids 11:30 TV BBC World News EX Desert Speaks Desert Venom NC Volunteer Gardener
10 FRIDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour EX Inspector Morse Absolute Conviction, Part 1 NC Charlie Rose 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Inspector Morse Absolute Conviction, Part 2 NC PBS NewsHour 7:30 TV North Carolina Weekend 8:00 TV Washington Week EX Doc Martin Remember Me NC North Carolina Bookwatch Fred Chappell— A Shadow of All Light 8:30 TV Front Row NC Well Read Margo Livesey—Mercury 9:00 TV Smokey Robinson: The Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song Join host Samuel L. Jackson for an all-star tribute to the singer and songwriter. EX Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries The Blood of Juana the Mad NC Front Row 9:30 NC Religion & Ethics Newsweekly 10:00 EX Father Brown The Time Machine NC Carolina Business Review
10:30 TV John Lewis: Get in the Way Premiere! Assaulted, arrested and jailed, this courageous civil rights veteran and congressman prevailed through hard-fought battles and harder-won change. NC Market to Market 11:00 EX Doctor Blake Mysteries King of the Lake NC Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 11:30 TV BBC World News NC To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe
11 SATURDAY 6 AM TV Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood EX Expeditions with Patrick McMillan The Ace Basin: A Coastal Treasure NC Closer to Truth Is Free Will an Illusion? 6:30 TV Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood DV EX Exploring North Carolina Birds of Winter NC Music & the Spoken Word 7:00 TV Sesame Street DV EX Carolina Outdoor Journal Classics NC Between the Lines with Barry Kibrick Tippi Hedren— Tippi: A Memoir 7:30 TV Sesame Street DV EX Carolina Outdoor Journal Deep Water Bass ‘ NC Wider World Autism research and music meet at an English university. 8:00 TV Splash & Bubbles EX North Carolina Weekend NC Exploring North Carolina Beauty with Six Legs 8:30 TV Curious George DV EX Tennessee Crossroads NC A Craftsman’s Legacy The Blade Maker 9:00 TV Nature Cat EX Making Tracks The Sunlander: Trains of Tropical Queensland DV NC The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Turning Shaker Knobs DV 9:30 TV Dinosaur Train DV NC The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Findin’ & Fixin’
visit unctv.org 3:30 TV American Woodshop Spirit Carvings EX Wonder of Animals Big Cats NC Wider World Autism research and music meet at a University in England. 4:00 TV The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Waving Arm Whirligigs DV EX Nature Animal Misfits DV NC Theater Talk 4:30 TV This Old House Arlington Arts & Crafts— Ship Lap for a Ship Shape House NC Charlie Rose— Explore Bulgaria’s resplendent Rila Monastery on Rick Steves’ Europe, Saturday, February 11, at 7:30 PM, on The Explorer Channel. The Week 5:00 TV Carolina Outdoor Journal 10:00 TV North Carolina 12:30 TV North Carolina Week Fish Bites Weekend end’s Collecting Carolina EX Nature EX New Scandinavian Favorite NC Collectibles Animal Childhood DV Cooking EX Desert Speaks NC PBS NewsHour The South of Norway: Ecuador’s Fog Forest: Weekend Shellfish for Summer Mists Over the Desert 5:30 TV PBS NewsHour NC Carolina NC Our State Weekend Outdoor Journal Elizabeth Keckly/Great NC Washington Week Popping Cork Specs American Photographer 6 PM TV Lawrence Welk Show 10:30 TV America’s Heartland 1:00 TV Antiques Roadshow Songs by Johnny Mercer A California farmer that Indianapolis, Part 2 EX Changing Seas helps people raise EX Joseph Rosendo’s Prescription: Oceans exotic mushrooms at Travelscope NC Echo Sessions home is highlighted. Hong Kong— Doc Aquatic EX Kevin Dundon’s Asia’s World City DV 6:30 EX Changing Seas Modern Irish Food NC NC Now After the Spill Comfort Foods Inspirational Kids NC Backstage Pass NC Fishing Behind 1:30 EX Fringe Benefits Toronzo Cannon—Encore the Lines Wilmington 7:00 TV As Time Goes By Colin McKeown, Retired NC Tar Heel Traveler The Copper Kettle Canadian Air Force 2:00 TV Rick Steves’ Europe EX Rick Steves’ Europe 11:00 TV Growing a Assisi & Italian Germany’s Frankfurt Greener World Country Charm & Nurnberg The Waterwise Home EX Globe Trekker NC Living Legends Music & Garden Tough Trains: India’s Inde Bill Payne EX Taste of History pendence Railroads 7:30 TV As Time Goes By James K. Polk: The Dark NC SciTech Now Surprise, Surprise Horse President Chef Staib North Carolina EX Rick Steves’ Europe showcases farm-to-table Candid Critters Scien Bulgaria fried chicken and chess pie. tists use camera traps 8:00 TV Midsomer Murders NC Central Texas to study animal habitats King’s Crystal, Part 2 Gardener and behavior. EX Globe Trekker Wicking Beds 2:30 TV Joseph Rosendo’s Food Hour: The Story 11:30 TV P. Allen Smith’s Travelscope of Chocolate Garden Home Armenia—Ancient History NC Song of the Unique Eureka & Modern Traditions DV Mountains EX Flavor, NC NC Science Goes Mountain Faith/ Table Grapes to the Movies Raymond McLain & NC In the Garden Ready Player One the McLain Family with Bryce Lane 3:00 TV A Craftsman’s Legacy 9:00 TV Coroner Noon TV From the Vineyard Duck Decoy Maker Ben Treehouse Vineyard/ Heinemann, a master carver Capsized EX Making Tracks Biltmore Winery from Durham, showcases The Ghan: Through the EX Smart Travels— his exquisite decoys. Heart of Australia DV Pacific Rim with EX Changing Seas NC Austin City Limits Rudy Maxa Creatures of the Deep Foals/Alejandro Escovedo Oahu & Kauai NC On Story NC Growing a Awkward Black Girl: A Greener World Conversation with Issa Rae Organic Lawn Care February | 11
evening&weekend listings 0:00 TV DCI Banks 1 Bad Boy EX Cruising the Three Gorges American travelers cruise the Three Gorges and visit scenic spots along the Yangtze River in China. NC Woodsongs Donna the Buffalo/ Eliza Rickman 11:00 EX Globe Trekker Food Hour: the Story of Tea NC On Story Awkward Black Girl: A Conversation with Issa Rae 11:30 TV Vicious Expectations run high for a guest at Freddie and Dr. Jed Foster (Josh Radnor) and Nurse Anne Hastings (Tara Summers) tend to the wounded on Mercy Street Southern Mercy, Sunday, February 12, at 8 PM, Stuart’s anniversary party. on UNC-TV. NC Theater Talk
12 SUNDAY 6 AM TV Nature Cat EX Making Tracks The Ghan: Through the Heart of Australia NC Closer to Truth What’s in a Resurrection? 6:30 TV Wild Kratts NC Music & the Spoken Word 7:00 TV Thomas & Friends DV EX Globe Trekker Building England, Part 1 NC Religion & Ethics Newsweekly 7:30 TV Bob the Builder DV NC Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 8:00 TV Curious George DV EX Finding Your Roots In Search of Freedom with Maya Rudolph, Shonda Rhimes & Keenen Ivory Wayans DV NC Carolina Business Review 8:30 TV WordGirl DV NC Market to Market 9:00 TV This Old House Arlington Arts & Crafts— Ship Lap for a Ship Shape House EX African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross The Black Atlantic (1500-1800) DV NC Education Matters 9:30 TV Ask This Old House Future House/ Nick Offerman NC Front Row 10:00 TV Folkways Wildcrafting EX Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise Out of the Shadows/ Move on Up DV
12 | February
NC North Carolina Bookwatch Fred Chappell— A Shadow of All Light 10:30 TV SciTech Now North Carolina Candid Critters Scientists use camera traps to study animal habitats and behavior. NC Well Read Margo Livesey— Mercury 11:00 TV Carolina Outdoor Journal Popping Cork Specs NC Woodsongs Donna the Buffalo/ Eliza Rickman 11:30 TV Black Issues Forum Noon TV North Carolina Bookwatch Fred Chappell— A Shadow of All Light EX Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Thousand Islands— A Canadian Bi-National Adventure DV NC Living Legends Music Bill Payne 12:30 TV Flavor, NC Winter Squash/Produce Box EX This American Land Protecting Bristol Bay—A Billion Oysters/Dryden, NY 1:00 TV A Chef’s Life All Sunchoked Up EX A Place to Call Home I Believe After Bert’s death, all involved are struggling. NC Song of the Mountains Seldom Scene 1:30 TV From the Vineyard Woodmill/Windsor Run 2:00 TV America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated Italian Vegetarian
EX Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Death Comes Knocking NC Echo Sessions Doc Aquatic 2:30 TV Cook’s Country Simplified Showstoppers NC Backstage Pass Toronzo Cannon—Encore 3:00 TV Sara’s Weeknight Meals Fruit & Meat EX Rosemary & Thyme Up the Garden Path NC MotorWeek 3:30 TV Lidia’s Kitchen Crespelle NC Autoline this Week 4:00 TV Pati’s Mexican Table Celestun—Coastal Cooking EX Father Brown The Owl of Minerva NC Carolina Outdoor Journal Classics 4:30 TV Steven Raichlen’s Project Smoke White Glove Smoke Session NC From B.A.R. to POW: The Harold Frank Story Premiere! Meet the highly-decorated last living survivor of D Day soldiers from CO G 2nd Battalion 357th Infantry. 5:00 TV Charlie Rose— The Week EX Great Performances: The Hollow Crown Henry VI, Part 2 Bitter rivalries erupt; Queen Margaret eclipses feeble King Henry. NC PBS NewsHour Weekend 5:30 TV PBS NewsHour Weekend NC BBC Newsnight 6 PM TV Doc Martin City Slickers
visit unctv.org Daryl Davis (L) shows how one person can make change on Independent Lens Accidental Courtesy, Monday, February 13, at 10 PM, on UNC-TV.
NC Healthy Body Healthy Mind Advancements in Late Stage Breast Cancer 6:30 NC Natural Health Breakthroughs with Brenda Watson Heart Health 7:00 TV A Place to Call Home What Your Heart Says George, Olivia and Sarah visit James to assess the truth of his treatment. EX Rick Steves Special Luther & the Reformation NC In Good Shape 7:30 NC Life on the Line Anchoring Hope A mission boat provides hope for people living in the Amazon jungle without access to healthcare. 8:00 TV Mercy Street Southern Mercy Hopkins and Emma set out to rescue wounded Union soldiers. EX Nature Natural Born Hustlers: Staying Alive NC Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies Magic Bullets DV 9:00 TV Victoria on Masterpiece The Queen’s Husband At loose ends in a foreign land, Albert finds a noble cause. EX Nature Natural Born Hustlers: The Hunger Hustle DV 10:00 TV Tales from the Royal Wardrobe Consider the last 400 years of English monarchs’ wardrobes. EX Changing Seas No Fish Left Uncounted NC Apache 8 Catch the compelling story of an all-women wildland firefighter crew from the White Mountain Apache.
0:30 EX Changing Seas 1 Sentinels of the Seas 11:00 TV EastEnders EX Globe Trekker Central Japan NC Native Report Actor Chaske Spencer talks about his life, career and future plans. DV 11:30 TV EastEnders NC Start Up Eggs & Wine
13 MONDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour NC Charlie Rose 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Rick Steves’ Europe Iran: Tehran & Side Trips NC PBS NewsHour 7:30 TV A Chef’s Life Have Yourself Some Moonshine EX Travel Detective with Peter Greenberg Cruise Ship Ghosts DV 8:00 TV Antiques Roadshow Indianapolis, Part 3 EX In Search of Shakespeare A Time of Revolution
Enjoy a tasty tour on Mexico—One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless, Tuesday, February 14, at 6:30 PM, on The Explorer Channel.
NC SciTech Now North Carolina Candid Critters Scientists use camera traps to study animal habitats and behavior. 8:30 NC Exploring North Carolina Canals of North Carolina 9:00 TV Reel South 120 Days Family man Miguel Cortes must make a tough choice when a judge orders him to self-deport to Mexico. EX Great Performances: The Hollow Crown Richard III Benedict Cumberbatch stars as the monstrous tyrant. NC Return to the Sea Secrets of the Shark 9:30 NC Jonathan Bird’s Blue World Groupers, Coral & Camouflage DV 10:00 TV Independent Lens Accidental Courtesy Daryl Davis, an African-American musician, attempts to change the minds of Ku Klux Klan members. NC Beyond the Light Switch Examine the nuclear industry, growth of renewable resources and state of our power grid. 11:00 NC Tar Heel Traveler 11:30 TV BBC World News EX Smart Travels— Europe with Rudy Maxa Bath & South Wales NC In the Garden with Bryce Lane
14 TUESDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour EX A Taste of Louisiana with Chef John Folse & Co. Hunting Castles/ Venison Sauce Piquante NC Charlie Rose 6:30 EX Mexico— One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless A Tour of Traditions 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Rick Steves’ Europe Croatia: Adriatic Delights NC PBS NewsHour
February | 13
evening&weekend listings 7:30 TV From the Vineyard Hinnant/Lu Mil Winery Village EX Rudy Maxa’s World Estonia 8:00 TV Finding Your Roots War Stories with Patricia Arquette, Julianne Moore & John McCain DV EX Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise Keep Your Head Up/ Touch the Sky DV NC Liberty & Slavery: The Paradox of America’s Founding Fathers Explore these champions of liberty and slavery. 9:00 TV Ruby Ridge: American Experience Examine the 1992 FBI siege that helped launch the modern militia movement. NC Vel Phillips: Dream Big Dreams Discover how Phillips, Wisconsin’s first AfricanAmerican judge, rose to prominence. 10:00 TV Tower This action-packed, animated documentary reframes events of 8/1/1966, when a sniper opened fire atop the University of Texas Tower. EX Day the ‘60s Died Follow the story of the 1970 Kent State shootings and the political fallout. NC Biographical Conversations with Henry Frye Part 1 of 3 11:00 EX Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Following the Reformation Trail in Switzerland & Germany DV NC Growing a Greener World Sustainable Agriculture 11:30 TV BBC World News EX Desert Speaks Utah’s Slick Rock Country NC Tennessee Crossroads
15 WEDNESDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour EX Explosions: How We Shook the World Groundbreaking, highspeed photography shows the power of explosives. NC Charlie Rose 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Rick Steves’ Europe Dubrovnik & Balkan Side Trips NC PBS NewsHour
14 | February
Meet a pioneering woman on Vel Phillips: Dream Big Dreams, Tuesday, February 14, at 9 PM, on the North Carolina Channel.
7:30 TV SciTech Now North Carolina New Episode! Secrets of Currituck Sound Scientists launch the first study of the sound’s water quality, habitats and wildlife. EX Mineral Explorers Tucson 8:00 TV Spy in the Wild: A Nature Miniseries Friendship A spy meerkat babysits; a spy cobra pretends to attack. EX Mexico— One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless Baking Up Comfort NC North Carolina Weekend 8:30 EX New Scandinavian Cooking Pale Fish NC NC Now Inspirational Kids 9:00 TV NOVA The Origami Revolution EX Eat! Drink! Italy! with Vic Rallo The Locals Know NC A Chef’s Life Rabbit 9:30 EX Bringing It Home with Laura McIntosh Italian Inspired Recipes NC Flavor, NC Wild Harvested Clams 10:00 TV City in the Sky Airborne See what it takes to keep planes functioning and safe between take-off and landing. EX Great British Baking Show Masterclass 1 NC The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Cross Cut Conundrum DV 10:30 NC The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Saws
11:00 TV Are You Being Served? His & Hers EX Making Tracks The Ghan: Through the Heart of Australia DV NC Carolina Outdoor Journal Deep Water Bass 11:30 TV BBC World News NC Fishing Behind the Lines Roger Graham, Retired Army Pilot, & Rod Kester
16 THURSDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour EX Mike Colameco’s Real Food Alek Stupak NC Charlie Rose 6:30 EX New Scandinavian Cooking Western Norway: A World of Apples 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Rick Steves’ Europe The Best of Slovenia NC PBS NewsHour 7:30 TV Our State Gingerbread House/Maple Creek Farm/Cheerwine EX Rudy Maxa’s World St. Petersburg, Russia 8:00 TV NC Now Inspirational People EX Rudy Maxa’s World Tahiti & Bora Bora NC High Point University Presents: A Conversation with Colin Powell & Nido Qubein Colin Powell sits down with High Point University President Nido Qubein for a wide-ranging discussion of contemporary global issues. 8:30 TV Exploring North Carolina Story in Quarries
visit unctv.org 9:00 TV Carolina Ballet Premiere! Macbeth: A Ballet After Shakespeare’s Play Don’t miss the world premiere of this inventive work by Robert Weiss, J. Mark Scearce and Carolina Ballet. EX Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Framed for Murder NC Front Row 9:30 NC Religion & Ethics Newsweekly 10:00 EX Father Brown The Standing Stones NC Carolina Business Review Live vicariously through Dusty and Nik’s adventures on Two for the Road 10:30 NC Market to Market Journey to the End of the World, Thursday, February 16, 11:00 EX Doctor Blake at 8:30 PM, on The Explorer Channel. Mysteries My Brother’s Keeper EX Two for the Road 10:30 EX Painting the Town NC Consuelo Mack Journey to the End of the with Eric Dowdle WealthTrack World Nik and Dusty leave Learn about history from 11:30 TV BBC World News their home in Texas and the Mayflower’s landing at NC To the Contrary board a Russian research Plymouth Rock and modern with Bonnie Erbe ship bound for Antarctica. times in Plymouth. DV 9:00 TV North Carolina 11:00 TV Keeping Up 18 SATURDAY Weekend Appearances EX Burt Wolf: Hyacinth Tees Off 6 AM TV Mister Rogers’ Travels & Traditions EX Joseph Rosendo’s Neighborhood Nature Vs. Nurture Travelscope EX Expeditions with NC Evening with Eastern Europe’s TreaPatrick McMillan Vernon Jordan sures—From Budapest to The Ace Basin: A Conserva A one-on-one interview Bucharest DV tion Miracle with Vernon Jordan, one NC Almanac Gardener NC Closer to Truth of today’s most iconic civic Planting Fall Gardens What’s in a Resurrection? and business leaders. 11:30 TV BBC World News 6:30 TV Daniel Tiger’s 9:30 TV Flavor, NC EX Desert Speaks Neighborhood DV Spiny Dogfish Into the Swell: Utah’s EX Exploring EX Travels with Darley High Desert North Carolina Hong Kong Island Hopping NC Volunteer Gardener Gone to Seed 10:00 TV Reel South NC Music & the Private Violence Witness Spoken Word 17 FRIDAY the complex realities of 7:00 TV Sesame Street DV 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour intimate partner violence EX Carolina Outdoor EX Inspector Morse through the eyes of Journal Classics Cherubim & Seraphim, two survivors. NC Between the Lines Part 1 EX Mineral Explorers with Barry Kibrick NC Charlie Rose Peru: Mundo Nuevo Robert Greene— 7:00 T V Nightly Business NC Korla The Art of Seduction, Part 1 Report Korla Pandit’s life as one of 7:30 TV Sesame Street DV early television’s pioneering EX Inspector Morse EX Carolina Cherubim & Seraphim, musical artists is explored. Outdoor Journal Part 2 Fish Bites NC PBS NewsHour NC Wider World 7:30 TV North Carolina A race car is adapted with Weekend hand controls. 8:00 TV Washington Week 8:00 TV Splash & Bubbles EX Doc Martin EX North Carolina Don’t Let Go Weekend NC North Carolina NC Exploring Bookwatch North Carolina Sara Foster— Homecomings Foster’s Market Favorites 8:30 TV Curious George 8:30 TV Front Row EX Tennessee NC Well Read Crossroads Emma Donohue— NC A Craftsman’s Legacy The Wonderer The Book Maker Discover Korla‘s mesmerizing music, Thursday, February 16, at 10 PM, on the North Carolina Channel. February | 15
evening&weekend listings
9:00 TV Nature Cat EX Making Tracks The Ghan: Through the Heart of Australia DV NC The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Cross Cut Conundrum DV 9:30 TV Dinosaur Train DV NC The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Saws 10:00 TV North Carolina Weekend EX New Scandinavian Cooking Mid-Norway: OldFashioned Sweet Tooth NC Carolina Outdoor Journal Deep Water Bass 10:30 TV America’s Heartland An Ohio farm family sells to markets overseas. A young Virginian returns to his farming roots. EX Kevin Dundon’s Modern Irish Food Simple Delights NC Fishing Behind the Lines Roger Graham, Retired Army Pilot, & Rod Kester 11:00 TV Growing a Greener World Epic Tomatoes in Raleigh EX Taste of History George Washington’s Tent Chef Walter Staib prepares contrasting Army cuisines with the rustic Pot-au-Feu to Whiskey Cake. NC Central Texas Gardener Perennials with Punch 11:30 TV P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home The Best of Garden Home: Gardening EX Flavor, NC Spiny Dogfish NC In the Garden with Bryce Lane Noon TV From the Vineyard Gregory Vineyard/Yadkin Valley Bus Tour EX Smart Travels— Pacific Rim with Rudy Maxa San Francisco NC Growing a Greener World Sustainable Agriculture 12:30 TV North Carolina Weekend’s Collecting Carolina Historical Collectibles EX Desert Speaks Hummingbirds: From Desert to Jungle 16 | February
3:30 TV American Woodshop Heirloom Frames EX Wonder of Animals Ants NC Wider World A race car is adapted with hand controls. 4:00 TV The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Wedged Tusk Tenon DV EX Nature Natural Born Hustlers: Staying Alive NC Theater Talk 4:30 TV This Old House Arlington Arts & Crafts— Details Make the House NC Charlie Rose— The Week 5:00 TV Carolina Outdoor Journal Tight Line Nymphing EX Nature Natural Born Hustlers: NC From B.A.R. to POW: The Hunger Hustle DV The Harold Frank Story NC PBS NewsHour Meet the highly-decorated Weekend last living survivor of D Day 5:30 TV PBS NewsHour soldiers from CO G 2nd Weekend Battalion 357th Infantry. NC Washington Week 1:00 TV Antiques Roadshow 6 PM TV Lawrence Welk Show Indianapolis, Part 3 Tribute to the Swing & EX Joseph Rosendo’s Sweet Bands Travelscope EX Changing Seas Riding the Range in South- No Fish Left Uncounted ern Alberta, Canada DV NC Echo Sessions NC NC Now Camp David Inspirational People 6:30 EX Changing Seas 1:30 EX Fringe Benefits Sentinels of the Seas Buffalo NC Backstage Pass NC Tar Heel Traveler Paul Keller Orchestra 2:00 TV Rick Steves’ Europe 7:00 TV As Time Goes By Siena & Tuscany’s Wine Relationships Country EX Rick Steves’ Europe EX Globe Trekker Romania Road Trip: Patagonia NC Living Legends Music NC SciTech Now Randall Bramblett North Carolina 7:30 TV As Time Goes By Secrets of Currituck Sound The Picnic Scientists launch the first EX Rick Steves’ Europe study of the sound’s water Assisi & Italian Country quality, habitats Charm and wildlife. 8:00 TV Midsomer Murders 2:30 TV Joseph Rosendo’s The Axeman Cometh, Travelscope Part 1 France—Following EX Globe Trekker the Rhone DV Top 10 South American NC Science Goes Adventures to the Movies NC Song of the Star Trek/Tony Stark’s Lab Mountains 3:00 TV A Craftsman’s Legacy Seldom Scene The Tool Maker Spruce 9:00 TV Coroner Pines’ Seth Gould, makes a The Salcombe Selkie fine hammer at the Penland EX Globe Trekker School of Crafts. Road Trip: Andes EX Changing Seas NC Austin City Limits Reefs of Rangiroa Sturgill Simpson/ NC On Story Asleep at the Wheel A Conversation with 10:00 TV DCI Banks Damon Lindelof What Will Survive EX Globe Trekker Road Trip: Patagonia Photo: Stephen L. Garrett/Storey Publishing
Growing a Greener World invites you to feast your eyes on Epic Tomatoes in Raleigh, Saturday, February 18, at 11 AM, on UNC-TV.
visit unctv.org NC Woodsongs Acoustic Eidolon & Willie Watson 11:00 EX Globe Trekker Hawaii NC On Story A Conversation with Damon Lindelof 11:30 TV Vicious When her wealthy sister announces a visit, Violet panics. NC Theater Talk
19 SUNDAY 6 AM TV Nature Cat EX Great Continental Railway Journeys Sofia to Istanbul NC Closer to Truth Does Hell Reveal God? 6:30 TV Wild Kratts NC Music & the Spoken Word 7:00 TV Thomas & Friends DV EX Globe Trekker Building England, Part 2 NC Religion & Ethics Newsweekly 7:30 TV Bob the Builder DV NC Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 8:00 TV Curious George DV EX Finding Your Roots Tragedy + Time = Comedy with Jimmy Kimmel, Norman Lear & Bill Hader DV NC Carolina Business Review 8:30 TV WordGirl DV NC Market to Market 9:00 TV This Old House Arlington Arts & Crafts— Details Make the House EX African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross The Age of Slavery (1800-1860) DV NC Education Matters 9:30 TV Ask This Old House Water Heat/Panels/ Astronaut NC Front Row 10:00 TV Folkways Seed to Supper EX Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise Keep Your Head Up/ Touch the Sky DV NC North Carolina Bookwatch Sara Foster— Foster’s Market Favorites 10:30 TV SciTech Now North Carolina Secrets of Currituck Sound Scientists launch the first study of the sound’s water quality, habitats and wildlife.
NC Well Read Emma Donohue— The Wonderer 11:00 TV Carolina Outdoor Journal Deep Water Bass NC Woodsongs Acoustic Eidolon/ Willie Watson 11:30 TV Black Issues Forum Noon TV North Carolina Bookwatch Sara Foster— Foster’s Market Favorites EX Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Northeast Ontario— Canada’s Canoe Culture & First Nations DV NC Living Legends Music Randall Bramblett 12:30 TV Flavor, NC Hybrid Striped Bass EX This American Land Hogs on the Buffalo, Farming the Upstream, Reborn 1:00 TV A Chef’s Life Heavenly Hocks EX A Place to Call Home A Kiss to Build a Dream On Sarah’s Aunt Peg arrives on the eve of Sarah and George’s engagement party at Ash Park. NC Song of the Mountains Five Mile Mountain Road/ Idle Time 1:30 TV From the Vineyard Cypress Bend/Surry Community College 2:00 TV America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated Seafood Supper EX Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Dead Man’s Chest NC Echo Sessions Camp David 2:30 TV Cook’s Country Grilled Salmon & Stuffed Tomatoes NC Backstage Pass Paul Keller Orchestra 3:00 TV Sara’s Weeknight Meals Holiday Sides EX Rosemary & Thyme Agua Cadaver NC MotorWeek 3:30 TV Lidia’s Kitchen Agrodolce NC Autoline this Week 4:00 TV Pati’s Mexican Table Sunday Family Food EX Father Brown The Mask of the Demon NC Carolina Outdoor Journal Classics
4:30 TV Steven Raichlen’s Project Smoke ABC’s of Smoke NC Our State East Fork Pottery/ Sweetheart Stream 5:00 TV Charlie Rose— The Week EX Great Performances: The Hollow Crown Richard III Benedict Cumberbatch stars as the monstrous tyrant. NC PBS NewsHour Weekend 5:30 TV PBS NewsHour Weekend NC BBC Newsnight 6 PM TV Doc Martin The Admirer NC Healthy Body Healthy Mind Learning About Nets: Neuroendocrine Tumors 6:30 NC Natural Health Breakthroughs with Brenda Watson Brain Health 7:00 TV A Place to Call Home The Ghosts of Christmas Past As the holiday approaches, the inhabitants of Ash Park are haunted by memories of past Christmases. NC In Good Shape 7:30 EX Smart Travels— Europe with Rudy Maxa Bath & South Wales NC Life on the Line Rough Beginning A couple finds out their baby will be born with a life-threatening condition called gastroschisis. 8:00 TV Mercy Street Unknown Soldier Lisette re-creates on paper the face of a disfigured, amnesiac soldier, leading to a family reunion. EX Nature Natural Born Hustlers: Sex, Lies & Dirty Tricks DV NC Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies The Blind Men & the Elephant DV 9:00 TV Victoria on Masterpiece The Engine of Change With a child on the way, Victoria must choose a regent in case she dies during childbirth. EX Nature Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem DV
February | 17
evening&weekend listings 10:00 TV Tales from the Royal Bedchamber Historian Lucy Worsley reveals the importance of the palace’s regal bedroom to past monarchs. EX Changing Seas Seagrasses & Mangroves NC No Going Back: Women & the War A look at how the lives of women and their roles in society changed during and after the Civil War. 10:30 EX Changing Seas Sinking the Vandenberg NC Looking Over Jordan: African Americans & the War The black experience in the South before, during and after the Civil War is chronicled. 11:00 TV EastEnders EX Globe Trekker Vietnam NC Native Report Artist Jeff Savage showcases a majestic sculpture at the headwaters of the Mississippi River. DV 11:30 TV EastEnders NC Start Up 3D Sushi
20 MONDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour NC Charlie Rose 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Rick Steves’ Europe Granada, Cordoba & Spain’s Costa Del Sol NC PBS NewsHour 7:30 TV A Chef’s Life Blueberries & Boiling Over EX Travel Detective with Peter Greenberg Alternatives to Commercial Jets DV 8:00 TV Antiques Roadshow Palm Springs, Part 1 EX In Search of Shakespeare The Lost Years NC SciTech Now North Carolina Secrets of Currituck Sound Scientists launch the first study of the sound’s water quality, habitats and wildlife. 8:30 NC Exploring North Carolina Report from the Birds 9:00 TV The Talk— Race in America See how black and Hispanic families counsel their kids to stay safe if stopped by police.
18 | February
Witness important conversations on Talk—Race in America, Monday, February 20, at 9 PM, on UNC-TV.
EX In Search of Shakespeare The Duty of Poets NC Return to the Sea The Art of Underwater Photography/ Fish Senses 9:30 NC Jonathan Bird’s Blue World Sully the Pilot Whale & Cleaning Stations DV 10:00 EX In Search of Shakespeare For All Time NC Beyond the Light Switch Explore the electrification of the U.S. economy. 11:00 TV Film School Shorts America A boy’s pursuit of his first summer camp kiss awakens a monster. EX Shakespeare Lost, Shakespeare Found Dr. Gary Taylor recreates Shakespeare’s lost work The History of Cardenio. NC Tar Heel Traveler 11:30 TV BBC World News EX Art Basel: A Portrait Explore the world’s largest and most influential art fair. NC In the Garden with Bryce Lane
21 TUESDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour EX A Taste of Louisiana with Chef John Folse & Co. Smoked Duck Ham NC Charlie Rose 6:30 EX Mexico— One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless Off the Beaten Path in Playa Del Carmen 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Rick Steves’ Europe Oslo NC PBS NewsHour
7:30 TV Flavor, NC Coon Rock Farm EX Rudy Maxa’s World Mendoza, Argentina 8:00 TV American Masters: Maya Angelou— And Still I Rise Journey through the prolific life of the acclaimed author and activist. EX Freedom Riders: American Experience Journey with courageous civil-rights activists in the Deep South in 1961. DV NC Paul Laurence Dunbar: Beyond the Mask Discover the first AfricanAmerican writer to achieve national fame. 10:00 TV FRONTLINE Out of Gitmo Learn about a detainee released from the controversial U.S. prison after 14 years. EX Klansville, U.S.A.: American Experience Examine why NC became home to America’s largest Klan organization. DV NC Biographical Conversations with Henry Frye Part 2 of 3 11:00 TV Waiting for God The Promotional Video EX Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Hungary, Austria & Germany: Sampling the Danube DV
NC Growing a Greener World Backyard Composting in Winston-Salem 11:30 TV BBC World News EX Desert Speaks Navajo Canyon Lands NC Tennessee Crossroads
visit unctv.org
22 WEDNESDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour EX How We Got to Now with Steven Johnson Time NC Charlie Rose 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Rick Steves’ Europe Norway’s West: Fjords, Mountains & Bergen NC PBS NewsHour 7:30 TV SciTech Now North Carolina New Episode! Great Smoky Mountains Air Quality New data shows the park’s air quality is improving. EX Watchers of the North New Recruits See if they have what it takes to be Taloyoak’s Canadian Rangers. 8:00 TV Spy in the Wild: A Nature Miniseries Bad Behavior Infiltrate the underground world of animal mischief, crime and retribution. EX Mexico— One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless The Splendor of Yucatan’s Enchanting Markets NC North Carolina Weekend 8:30 EX New Scandinavian Cooking A Traveller’s Bite NC NC Now Inspirational People 9:00 TV NOVA Killer Trains EX Eat! Drink! Italy! with Vic Rallo Trust the Land NC A Chef’s Life More Than One Way To Skin a Catfish 9:30 EX Bringing It Home with Laura McIntosh Harvest NC Flavor, NC Pecans 10:00 TV City in the Sky Arrival Getting passengers back to Earth safely requires complex global networks and amazing tech. EX Great British Baking Show Masterclass 2 NC The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Bowl Carving with Peter Follansbee DV 10:30 NC The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Williamsburg Blacksmith
Explore the poet’s words and world on Paul Laurence Dunbar: Beyond the Mask, Tuesday, February 21, at 8 PM, on the North Carolina Channel.
11:00 TV Are You Being Served? Diamonds Are a Man’s Best Friend EX Great Continental Railway Journeys Sofia to Istanbul NC Carolina Outdoor Journal Fish Bites 11:30 TV BBC World News NC Fishing Behind the Lines Mike Rist, Retired Army
23 THURSDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour EX Mike Colameco’s Real Food Peru, Part 1 NC Charlie Rose 6:30 EX New Scandinavian Cooking Northern Norway: Ice Cold Bounty 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Rick Steves’ Europe Stockholm NC PBS NewsHour 7:30 TV Our State Grandfather Mountain/ Going Nuts/ Vintage Vending EX Rudy Maxa’s World Tokyo, Japan 8:00 TV NC Now Cultural Preservation EX Rudy Maxa’s World The Islands of Polynesia NC High Point University Presents: A Conversation with Ken Dychtwald & Nido Qubein HPU President Qubein talks with a leading aging expert. 8:30 TV Exploring North Carolina Buffers EX Two for the Road Adventure in Antarctica 9:00 TV North Carolina Weekend EX Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions Women @ Work
NC Evening with Sheila Johnson Successful businesswoman, violinist and dedicated philanthropist Sheila Johnson is interviewed. DV 9:30 TV Flavor, NC Vegetables from the Greenhouse EX Travels with Darley Guadeloupe Islands Caribbean Adventures 10:00 TV Reel South Red Wolf Revival EX Mineral Explorers Peru: Pasto Bueno NC Stagestruck: Confessions From Summer Stock A nostalgic look at the 26year history of the Orleans Arena Theatre on Massachusetts’ Cape Cod. DV 10:30 TV Reel South An Enduring Legacy: Louisiana’s Croatian-Americans Follow the lives of four figures who embody the 150-year Croatian experience in Louisiana. EX Painting the Town with Eric Dowdle Beautiful and lush, Portland, OR, is a city of free spirits found in the shadow of Mount Hood. DV 11:00 TV Keeping Up Appearances Problems With Relatives EX Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope The Cook Islands— Cultural Paradise DV NC Almanac Gardener Growing Fall Fescue... Your Cool Season Lawn 11:30 TV BBC World News EX Desert Speaks Driest Desert in the World NC Volunteer Gardener
24 FRIDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour EX Inspector Morse Deadly Slumber, Part 1 NC Charlie Rose 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Inspector Morse Deadly Slumber, Part 2 NC PBS NewsHour 7:30 TV North Carolina Weekend 8:00 TV Washington Week EX Doc Martin Cats & Sharks NC North Carolina Bookwatch Tony Earley—Mr. Tall
February | 19
evening&weekend listings Asheville’s Jael Rattigan demonstrates some of her sweet success, with husband Dan, on A Craftsman’s Legacy The Chocolatiers, Saturday, February 25, at 3 PM, on UNC-TV.
8:30 TV Front Row NC Well Read Dava Sobel— The Glass Universe 9:00 TV Great Performances: New York City Ballet Symphony in C The ballet company triumphantly returns to Paris. EX Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Death on the Vine NC Front Row 9:30 NC Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Final Episode 10:00 TV Great Performances: New York City Ballet in Paris Enjoy a dazzling allBalanchine program of masterpieces. EX Father Brown The Paradise of Thieves NC Carolina Business Review 10:30 NC Market to Market 11:00 TV British Antiques Roadshow Royal Marines Museum— Southsea 1 EX Doctor Blake Mysteries This Time & This Place NC Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 11:30 TV BBC World News NC To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe
7:30 TV Sesame Street DV EX Carolina Outdoor Journal Tight Line Nymphing NC Wider World A woman who has Manic Depression learns to deal with her illness. 8:00 TV Splash & Bubbles EX North Carolina Weekend NC Exploring North Carolina Man & Mammoth in the Carolinas 8:30 TV Curious George DV EX Tennessee Crossroads NC A Craftsman’s Legacy The Boat Maker 9:00 TV Nature Cat EX Great Continental Railway Journeys Sofia to Istanbul NC The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Bowl Carving with Peter Follansbee DV 9:30 TV Dinosaur Train DV NC The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill 25 SATURDAY Williamsburg Blacksmith 6 AM TV Mister Rogers’ 10:00 TV North Carolina Neighborhood Weekend EX Expeditions with EX New Scandinavian Patrick McMillan Cooking The Florida Scrub— Northern Norway: Italy— Islands in Time Dry but Tasty NC Closer to Truth NC Carolina Does Hell Reveal God? Outdoor Journal 6:30 TV Daniel Tiger’s Fish Bites Neighborhood DV 10:30 TV America’s Heartland EX Exploring Arkansas soybeans make North Carolina their way into many prod Bear Facts: North Carolina’s ucts. Georgia farmers haul Big Game in a harvest of peanuts. NC Music & the EX Kevin Dundon’s Spoken Word Modern Irish Food 7:00 TV Sesame Street DV Savory to Sweet EX Carolina Outdoor NC Fishing Behind Journal Classics the Lines NC Between the Lines Mike Rist, Retired Army with Barry Kibrick 11:00 TV Growing a Robert Greene— Greener World The Art of Seduction, Part 2 In Susan’s Garden: A Backyard Habitat in Harmony 20 | February
EX Taste of History When America Spoke French NC Central Texas Gardener Fall to Winter Veggies 11:30 TV P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home Homesteaders USA EX Flavor, NC Vegetables from the Greenhouse NC In the Garden with Bryce Lane Noon TV From the Vineyard Hinnant/Lu Mil Winery Village EX Smart Travels— Pacific Rim with Rudy Maxa Seattle NC Growing a Greener World Backyard Composting in Winston-Salem 12:30 TV North Carolina Weekend’s Collecting Carolina Collecting NC Pottery EX Desert Speaks Sierra Madre Easter NC Our State East Fork Pottery/ Sweetheart Stream 1:00 TV Antiques Roadshow Palm Springs, Hour One EX Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Southern Ethiopia—Tribal Lands & Primeval People DV
NC NC Now Cultural Preservation 1:30 EX Fringe Benefits Hartford NC Tar Heel Traveler 2:00 TV Rick Steves’ Europe West England EX Globe Trekker Food Hour: Deep South USA NC SciTech Now North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains Air Quality New data shows the park’s air quality is improving.
visit unctv.org Parmalee’s Matt Thomas leads the Feels Like Carolina Flood Relief Benefit Concert, Satuday, February 25, at 7 PM, on the North Carolina Channel.
Photo: Jeff Smith
2:30 TV Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Ireland—Coast to Coast DV NC Science Goes to the Movies Producing the Science Movie in Hollywood, Part 1 3:00 TV A Craftsman’s Legacy The Chocolatiers Host Eric Gorges meets Dan and Jael Rattigan at their Asheville chocolate factory. EX Changing Seas Living Fossils NC On Story John Singleton’s Classic Influences 3:30 TV American Woodshop Broken Arch Wall Cabinets EX Wonder of Animals Foxes NC Wider World A manic depressive woman learns to handle her illness. 4:00 TV The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill Swedish Shrink Box DV EX Nature Natural Born Hustlers: Sex, Lies & Dirty Tricks DV NC Theater Talk 4:30 TV This Old House Arlington Arts & Crafts— Arts & Crafts for the Future NC Charlie Rose— The Week 5:00 TV Carolina Outdoor Journal Spring Cobia EX Nature Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem DV NC PBS NewsHour Weekend 5:30 TV PBS NewsHour Weekend NC Washington Week 6 PM TV Lawrence Welk Show Love Songs EX Changing Seas Seagrasses & Mangroves NC Echo Sessions Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band 6:30 EX Changing Seas Sinking the Vandenberg NC Backstage Pass Paul Keller Orchestra— Encore 7:00 TV As Time Goes By White Hunter EX Rick Steves’ Europe Siena & Tuscany’s Wine Country NC Feels Like Carolina Flood Relief Benefit Concert Join Parmalee and friends for this special concert that aided Hurricane Matthew flood relief efforts.
7:30 TV As Time Goes By A Weekend Away EX Rick Steves’ Europe West England 8:00 TV Midsomer Murders The Axeman Cometh, Part 2 EX Globe Trekker Tough Trains: India’s Independence Railroads NC Song of the Mountains Five Mile Mountain Road/ Idle Time 9:00 TV Coroner Napoleon’s Violin EX India—Nature’s Wonderland Experience a ritual tiger dance, see lions and elephants and climb to the Himalayas. NC Austin City Limits Kendrick Lamar 10:00 TV DCI Banks Buried EX India—Nature’s Wonderland Meet a man who spent 30 years planting his own rainforest. NC Woodsongs Matt Anderson/ The Howlin’ Brothers 11:00 EX Globe Trekker Paris City Guide NC On Story John Singleton’s Classic Influences 11:30 TV Vicious Feeling unfit, Freddie and Stuart buy expensive memberships at Ash’s gym. NC Theater Talk
26 SUNDAY 6 AM TV Nature Cat EX Great Continental Railway Journeys Vienna to Trieste NC Closer to Truth Confronting Consciousness
6:30 TV Wild Kratts NC Music & the Spoken Word 7:00 TV Thomas & Friends DV EX Globe Trekker North East England NC Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Final Episode 7:30 TV Bob the Builder DV NC Consuelo Mack WealthTrack 8:00 TV Curious George DV EX Finding Your Roots Visionaries with Richard Branson, Maya Lin & Frank Gehry DV NC Carolina Business Review 8:30 TV WordGirl DV NC Market to Market 9:00 TV This Old House Arlington Arts & Crafts— Arts & Crafts for the Future EX African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross Into the Fire (1861-1896) DV
NC Education Matters 9:30 TV Ask This Old House Build It/Lighting/Mousetrap NC Front Row 10:00 TV Folkways Wildwood Produce with Ila Hatter EX Freedom Riders: American Experience Follow a courageous band of civil rights activists through the Deep South in 1961. DV NC North Carolina Bookwatch Tony Earley—Mr. Tall 10:30 TV SciTech Now North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains Air Quality New data shows the park’s air quality is improving. NC Well Read Dava Sobel— The Glass Universe 11:00 TV Carolina Outdoor Journal Fish Bites NC Woodsongs Matt Anderson/ The Howlin’ Brothers 11:30 TV Black Issues Forum
February | 21
evening&weekend listings Noon TV North Carolina Bookwatch Tony Earley—Mr. Tall EX Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope San Antonio’s Fiesta— Ole! DV NC Feels Like Carolina Flood Relief Benefit Concert Join Parmalee and friends for this special concert that aided Hurricane Matthew flood relief efforts. 12:30 TV Flavor, NC Table Grapes EX This American Land Unity for the Whitefish Range/Boosting Organics 1:00 TV A Chef’s Life Mayo—The Mother Sauce EX A Place to Call Home What Your Heart Says George, Olivia and Sarah visit James to assess the truth of his treatment. NC Song of the Mountains The Churchmen/Jeff Brown & Still Lonesome 1:30 TV From the Vineyard Sanctuary Vineyard/ Hanover Park Vineyards 2:00 TV America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated The Ultimate Sticky Buns EX Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Deadweight NC Echo Sessions Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band 2:30 TV Cook’s Country Bringing Home Tex-Mex Favorites NC Backstage Pass Paul Keller Orchestra— Encore 3:00 TV Sara’s Weeknight Meals Honey Be Good EX Rosemary & Thyme Racquet Español NC MotorWeek 3:30 TV Lidia’s Kitchen Herbs & Spices NC Autoline this Week 4:00 TV Pati’s Mexican Table Campeche—Tale of a Pirate City EX Father Brown The Brewer’s Daughter NC Carolina Outdoor Journal Classics 4:30 TV Steven Raichlen’s Project Smoke Bird Meets Smoke NC Our State Krüger Brothers/ Illuminating Personality 5:00 TV Charlie Rose— The Week 22 | February
EX In Search of Shakespeare The Lost Years NC PBS NewsHour Weekend 5:30 TV PBS NewsHour Weekend NC BBC Newsnight 6 PM TV Doc Martin Better the Devil EX In Search of Shakespeare The Duty of Poets NC Healthy Body Healthy Mind Nausea & Vomiting of Pregnancy 6:30 NC Natural Health Breakthroughs with Brenda Watson Fermentation 7:00 TV A Place to Call Home Auld Lang Syne Sarah and George grow closer. EX In Search of Shakespeare For All Time NC In Good Shape 7:30 NC Life on the Line Last Chance Two children born with heart disease in Nicaragua face surgical risks. 8:00 TV Victoria on Masterpiece An Ordinary Woman Courtship at court leads to second thoughts. EX Nature The Private Life of Deer DV NC Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies Finding the Achilles Heel DV
9:00 TV Victoria on Masterpiece The Queen’s Husband At loose ends in a foreign land, Albert finds a noble cause. EX Nature Touching the Wild Researcher Joe Hutto spends seven years of his life walking among a herd of wild mule deer. DV
See The Changing Face Of... The Queen, Monday, February 27, at 9 PM, on The Explorer Channel
10:00 TV Victoria on Masterpiece The Engine of Change Victoria must choose a regent should she die in childbirth. EX Sea of Creepy Monsters Macro cinematography catches amazing underwater creatures. NC Beyond the Powder: The Legacy of the First Women’s Cross-Country Air Race Celebrate pioneering female pilots. 11:00 TV EastEnders EX Globe Trekker Food Hour: Southern China NC Native Report Discover the beauty and spirit of an ethnographer’s photographs. DV 11:30 TV EastEnders NC Start Up Camping Goods
27 MONDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour NC Charlie Rose 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Rick Steves’ Europe Helsinki & Tallinn: Baltic Sisters NC PBS NewsHour 7:30 TV A Chef’s Life Shrimp Sells EX Travel Detective with Peter Greenberg Rating Your Tour Guide DV 8:00 TV Antiques Roadshow Palm Springs, Part 2 EX In Their Own Words Queen Elizabeth II NC SciTech Now North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains Air Quality New data shows the park’s air quality is improving. 8:30 NC Exploring North Carolina Beauty with Six Legs 9:00 TV Africa’s Great Civilizations Series Premiere! Part 1 of 3 Beginning with its ancient history as the cradle of mankind, Africa’s epic stories are brought to life by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. EX The Changing Face Of...The Queen The story of the royal family is told through the changes of the Queen’s royal image and wardrobe. NC Return to the Sea The Ocean at Night/ The Sea of Cortez
visit unctv.org
Meet Durham’s Phil Freelon and fellow architect Zena Howard on Crown on the Mall: Designing the Smithsonian African-American Museum, Tuesday, February 28, at 8 PM, on UNC-TV.
9:30 NC Jonathan Bird’s Blue World Sea Lions & Humpback Whales DV 10:00 EX Queen at 90 Members of the British royal family share their memories of the Queen as a monarch and mentor. NC Blue Ridge Parkway: A Long & Winding Road Take a historical look at the 469-mile parkway, the most visited segment of the National Park Service. 11:00 TV Film School Shorts Mean Streets A 15-yearold girl faces returning to school after an explicit video of her was shared. EX Shakespeare Uncovered Antony & Cleopatra with Kim Cattrall DV NC Tar Heel Traveler 11:30 TV BBC World News NC In the Garden with Bryce Lane
28 TUESDAY 6 PM TV PBS NewsHour EX A Taste of Louisiana with Chef John Folse & Co. Woodcock & Snipe Pate NC Charlie Rose 6:30 EX Mexico— One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless Ceviches Gone Wild 7:00 TV Nightly Business Report EX Rick Steves’ Europe Basque Country NC PBS NewsHour 7:30 TV Flavor, NC Goat Lady Dairy EX Rudy Maxa’s World South Africa: Safari
8:00 TV Crown on the Mall: Designing the Smithsonian AfricanAmerican Museum Premiere! Get an insider’s view of this stunning 400,000-square foot structure that stands on a fiveacre site on the National Mall in Washington, DC. EX Freedom Summer: American Experience Over 700 student volunteers joined organizers to combat white supremacy in Mississippi in 1964. DV NC Portland Civil Rights: Lift Ev’ry Voice Explore Portland’s African American history with a focus on the turbulent 1960s, ‘70s and early ‘80s.
9:00 TV Africa’s Great Civilizations Part 2 of 3 9:30 NC Mississippi’s Free State of Jones Pro-Union citizens of Jones County, MS, rebel against the Confederacy. 10:00 EX The Editor & the Dragon: Horace Carter Fights the Klan Discover Horace Carter’s reporting on the Ku Klux Klan pre-Civil Rights. NC Biographical Conversations with Henry Frye Part 3 of 3 11:00 TV Waiting for God Adult Education EX Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope Armenia—Ancient History & Modern Traditions DV NC Growing a Greener World Veteran Farmers 11:30 TV BBC World News EX Desert Speaks People & Their Prickly Plants NC Tennessee Crossroads
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