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©FAO/Giulio Napolitano

practices. Transparency in eligibility, budget

Main effects: •

Beneficiaries of cash transfers may use this

allocation and responsibility, as well as

extra cash to purchase food or any other

recourse mechanisms at all levels can help

item or service thereby contributing to

minimize these risks.

increased welfare.

It also creates some security risks (robbery).

Exchange of food vouchers may be

If vouchers are only accepted by dedicated

restricted to certain types of foods

shops (public), it is likely to undermine the

determined by nutritional cost/benefit (e.g.

private food marketing and distribution system.

coarse grains) or population target (e.g. weaning foods). •

Depending on the size of the programme

Both can help to maintain caloric intake

and the source of funding, these measures

and dietary quality, thus helping to avoid

may have negative effects on public finance

hunger and long-term developmental

(budget deficit) with possible serious

damage to children.

macroeconomic implications.

Compared to a commodity-specific subsidy or in kind distribution (see below), a voucher

Conditions for success: Where markets are

or cash can help maintain diet quality.

present and functioning, and goods available on the

If food is not available on the market, such

market are in sufficient quantities to avoid

transfers can have an inflationary effect

inflationary effects, cash transfers are more

resulting in further increases of food prices

appropriate since these can also have positive


multiplier effects on the local economy.

In some cases, food vouchers may become a parallel currency that can be used for

• Food distribution in kind. This type of

purposes other than purchasing food. Cash

programme entails distribution of food in kind to

distribution evidently makes leakages to

beneficiaries by a dedicated distribution system.

other uses than food even easier.

Food (individual or family rations) can be

This system can be subject to leakages and

provided on the basis of free distribution to

embezzlement and encourage corrupt

everyone or to selected target groups, or be 19

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