Unbound Fall 2019 - Vol XI, Issue I

Page 30

INT. COMMAND CENTER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - DAY (SHOWN ONSCREEN) TIME: 1300 HOURS. Roger enters the Engineering department and walks slowly over to the shared work station of his engineering team. RAINY JOHNSON is a shit, but she’s one of the brightest on Rogers’ team. She is taller than Roger and holds an air of superiority in her presence. She knows she’s good at what she does. RAINY Uuuugggghhhh...you again? What do you need this time? You look like ASS. Roger ignores her comment but looks straight at her. She balks slightly and shrugs. ROGER I need you and Mahalia to get your gear together. We are going to do a level 1 diagnostic on the Terraforming Unit. RAINY Fuck you Roger! Rainy begins to gather up gear without any hesitation. MAHALIA KIRI is even smarter than Rainy, but she doesn’t act like it. She is humble, quiet, and friendly. MAHALIA A level 1? Boss, are you serious? Is this about the power fluctuations we’ve been experiencing? RAINY You know this is fucking going to take all fucking day, right? Roger ignores Rainy yet again and hands them both earpieces. ROGER This has to happen. Colonel Dugan discovered a life form out there. We know nothing about it, and I plan to change that. I have a hunch we might find something at the reactor.


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