Vice President - UNB Fredericton Annual Report 2011

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Mee ng our Goals: Faculty and Administra ve Offices Highlights 2010 -2011


Focus: Support students academically, socially, developmentally, and financially

Since 2008, we have increased our scholarships from $4.1 million to $4.8 million, and increased bursaries by over $50,000 since 2009. Sixty-two new first year applicants to the Faculty of Computer Science were offered scholarships. Female students received 27% of the recommended scholarships. Our average class size is 31.3 students for first and second year classes, 15.6 students in third to fi h year classes, which helps to provide an excep onal student experience.



A new tradi on born as part of UNB’s 225th anniversary celebra ons

The gradua ng class of 2011 was first to receive the UNB coin, a reminder of their life-changing experience at UNB, and a symbol of the UNB family - the worldwide family of thousands of UNB alumni who work to be er the world each and every day. Graduates are asked to hold their coin with pride just as UNB holds them with pride, knowing that they leave the ins tu on with more knowledge, a greater sense of community, and poised to make a significant difference in the quality of their own lives and the lives of others they touch.

We integrated Townhouse, our off-campus virtual residence, into the larger UNB Residences, improving our local student popula on’s experience. We revised the academic regula ons sec on of the Undergraduate Calendar to improve usability and accuracy. Over 100 students were hired through the Student Affairs and Services fall and winter work-study program. Students surveyed said the greatest benefit of the program was a sense of belonging to UNB. Student Affairs and Services piloted an on-campus summer employment program that gave students paid work experience, career counselling and employment readiness skills development. The Faculty of Computer Science placed 122 students in co-op jobs last year compared to 115 in 2009-10. It also capped introductory courses at 40 students to keep classes small and be er serve students, especially in labs and tutorials, and emphasizes mandatory a endance while disallowing the use of handheld and laptop devices during lectures. The Faculty also covers the research costs for its undergraduate students (up to $500 per student) working under the supervision of one or more professors. Counselling Services implemented an outcomes assessment tool to be er meet students’ needs.

Suppor ng the whole


UNB’s Jacob Kilpatrick won the 2011 James Bayer Memorial Scholarship Award

Jacob Kilpatrick “exemplifies all the outstanding quali es that James Bayer lived his life by,” says Phil Currie, Execu ve Director of Atlan c University Sport and a member of the Scholarship selec on commi ee. “His commitment and dedica on to excellence in the classroom, in the community and on the volleyball court make him the ideal recipient of Atlan c University Sport’s most pres gious award. “

- mind, body, spirit

A member of the pres gious Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) Top 8 Academic All-Canadian list in 2009-10, Kilpatrick achieved All-Canadian status each of his first four years at UNB, was a two- me Dean’s List student, and served three years as president of the UNB Student-Athlete’s Council. He par cipated in UNB’s “Read with the Reds” program, where athletes read to over 1,000 kindergarten children each year.


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