United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response
UN-SPIDER newsletter May 2012 Vol. 1/12
In focus
Bridging the gap: Technical Advisory Support and UN-SPIDER
hen the Committee on Peaceful
So why the gap? Firstly, those
Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) was
in charge of both disaster-risk
contemplating the establishment of the UN-
management or emergency
SPIDER Programme in 2006, it had a major
response efforts in these coun-
imbalance in mind. On the one hand, space-
tries may not yet recognize
based technologies are emerging fast and
the usefulness of space-based
are quickly finding their way into everyday
information, as reflected in
life – allowing us to observe changes on our
the lack of policies promoting
planet, to communicate wherever we are or to
the use of such information.
Technical Advisory Support
Technical Advisory Missions
tell us exactly where something or someone is located. On the other hand, disaster-risk
Additionally, practitioners
might not be aware of where
and how they can access
countries, are not yet fully taking advantage
space-derived data. Further-
Capacity Building
Facilitating Technical Support
more, even if disaster manag-
information offers: space-based technologies
ers are aware of the advan-
can greatly contribute to an improved risk
tages of satellite-technologies
assessment, early warning and mitigation of
and know the existing mechanisms to access
Technical Advisory Support (TAS) is one of the
such data, they might not necessarily have
prime activities of the UN-SPIDER programme
the capacities to extract the data that could
at the national level. It serves to identify the
be useful to their specific situation and know
existing capacity to use space-based informa-
how to use it. Finally, they might not have the
tion, to analyze the institutional framework to
necessary facilities, hardware and software to
support disaster management through space-
access and subsequently process the data.
based information and to identify the limita-
In this issue: In focus Technical Advisory Support and UNSPIDER 1 Technical Advisory Missions Myanmar: Gearing up to use space-based information 2 Tonga: Raising awareness and assessing capabilities 3 Technical Support ASAL mitigating locust infestation 4 Capacity Building Mesoameria: Using radar images 5 India: Training on the use of space technology 6 Cameroon: Following up on the Technical Advisory Mission 6
tions that inhibit the use of such information. Recognizing this imbalance, UN-SPIDER is aiming
TAS attempts to enable Member States to
at bridging this gap. The goal is to ensure that all
overcome these limitations through interna-
countries recognize the value of all types of space-
tional cooperation and regional opportunities,
basedbridge information to prevent, mitigate,
networking with regional institutions, and set-
and use them effectively when challenged with
ting up disaster management plans. It covers
natural hazards and related humanitarian crises.
region-specific aspects such as trans-boundary
This issue of the UN-SPIDER Newsletter gives a
issues, emergency response, risk assessment,
clear picture of how UN-SPIDER aims at fulfilling
GIS-based disaster management systems, and
this goal through its Technical Advisory Support.
disaster-risk reduction. TAS efforts range from a simple consultative phone call to the facilitation of technical support, missions, trainings and workshops. To illustrate the various forms, that UN-SPIDER‘s
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs Vienna International Centre P.O. Box 500, A-1400 Vienna, Austria. un-spider@unoosa.org www.un-spider.org
support can take, this Newsletter showcases three types of UN-SPIDER’s TAS: Technical Advisory Missions, Capacity Building and Facilitation of Technical Support.
Technical Advisory Missions
echnical Advisory Missions (TAM) are an instrument that UN-SPIDER offers to
identify the needs of Member States regarding their capacities to fully take advantage of space-based information. TAMs are officially requested by the respective national government and are conducted by a team of experts. The team meets with key disaster management and development authorities in the Government, United Nations organizations, regional and international organizations/initiatives and private entrepreneurs to discuss the topic in depth. It makes recommendations focusing on how to improve the access to and use of space-based information in risk and disaster management. UN-SPIDER Technical Advisory Missions typically generate: • Reports with recommendations and followup actions; • Suggestions on guidelines/policies on disaster management issues, emphasizing the use of space-based information in all stages of disaster management; • Facilitation for capacity building in collaboration with UN-SPIDER and partners; • Partnerships for accessing existing emergency support mechanisms. Typically, TAMs are five-day missions. The experts meet with heads of all relevant organizations (Government, United Nations, NGOs and private partners) involved in risk and disaster management. They look into the issues related to plans, policies, data sharing, coordination, institutional arrangements and national spatial database infrastructures. A one-day workshop involving all stakeholders is an important event during the mission.
Technical Advisory Mission
Myanmar: Gearing up to use space-based information
ike other countries in the Bay of Bengal, Myanmar is exposed to multiple natu-
ral hazards which include floods, landslides, earthquakes, droughts, and fires in major parts of the country. Its coastal regions are specifically exposed to cyclones, storm surges and tsunamis. To promote mitigation efforts and to strengthen resilience against these hazards, the Relief and Resettlement Department of the Ministry of Social Welfare (RRD) and the
The mission team in Myanmar
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) Myanmar
and Technology, the Ministry of Water Re-
requested UN-SPIDER‘s support in expanding
sources, the Survey Department, the Forest
and strengthening the capacity of Myanmar
Department, the Department of Meteorology
to use space-based information. RRD has a
and Hydrology and the Remote Sensing De-
mandate focusing on emergency response and
partment (Mandalay) as well as the Japanese
disaster-risk reduction, and wishes to establish
International Cooperation Agency JICA, the
a centre that will provide decision support to
Red Cross, and various United Nations agen-
UN-SPIDER carried out a Technical Advisory
Additionally, a one-day workshop was organ-
Mission to Myanmar from 19 to 23 March 2012.
ized on the fourth day of the mission with 55
The mission aimed at evaluating the current
participants from several agencies and insti-
and potential use of space-based information
tutions working on risk and disaster manage-
in all phases of the disaster management cycle
ment. The workshop was effective in generat-
and strengthening disaster-risk management
ing awareness as well as in getting valuable
in the country by providing better access to
inputs to strengthen space technology in dis-
space-based information. The mission team
aster management.
included remote sensing as well as risk and disaster management specialists.
It is expected that the recommendations of the TAM will find a place in the programmes
The mission allowed Myanmar agencies to es-
supported by the Government and the Unit-
tablish links with the institutions represented
ed Nations Country Team (UNCT) providing
by the team members. At the same time, the
crucial inputs to the United Nations Strategic
mission team was able to get in contact with
Framework. UN-SPIDER will work closely with
representatives of RRD and with many stake-
the Government and United Nations agencies
holders of the Myanmar disaster management
to facilitate the implementation of the recom-
community, including the Ministry of Science
mendations outlined by the team.
The main outcome of the mission is the report with critical observations, assessments and recommendations aimed at enhancing the use of space-based information in risk and disaster management. The host government and local UN organizations act on these recommendations by reflecting them in the various national plans and programmes. The TAM paves the way for a long-term cooperation between UN-SPIDER and the Member State including follow-up actions through capacity building programmes and support during disasters.
Mission team involved in discussing observations and recommendations
Technical Advisory Mission
Tonga: Raising awareness and assessing capacities
he Kingdom of Tonga is exposed to earth-
The Mission included meetings with key
quakes, volcanoes, cyclones and other
stakeholders and a half-day workshop for senior
coastal hazards such as storm surges. In Sep-
policy makers, data providers, and end-users of
tember 2009, Tonga was affected by a tsuna-
the risk and disaster management community
mi, which provoked extensive impacts on one
with the purpose of awareness generation and
of the outer islands.
assessing the country needs and capacities.
With the continuous support being provided
The aim of the mission was to:
by the Government of Austria, the UN-SPIDER Programme increased its support to Tonga by
1. Review current policies, procedures and
having carried out a Technical Advisory Mis-
mechanisms related to the use of geo-spatial
sion, at the request of the Tongan Government
information and make recommendations;
via the Ministry of Lands, Survey and Natural
2. Engage key stakeholders who are custodians
Resources on 20-23 March 2012.
of geo-spatial data relevant to disaster risk management;
UN-SPIDER staff was joined by experts from
the Secretariat of the Pacific Community
strategy for stakeholder agencies (individuals,
(SOPAC), the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA),
Develop an institutional strengthening
institutions and infrastructure); and finally
The mission team in Tonga
4. Develop a long-term association with UNSPIDER to take advantage of outreach activities,
the Geographic Information System (GIS) Division of the Ministry of Lands, Survey and
upon the Technical Advisory Support that UN-
institutional strengthening programmes and
Natural Resources, academia and a leading re-
SPIDER has been providing to all Pacific Island
resources available through the UN-SPIDER
gional crowdsourcing expert. The mission built
Countries since 2008.
Technical Advisory Missions carried out since 2008
Bangladesh Myanmar
Haiti Guatemala
Dominican Republic Burkina Faso Sudan Jamaica Nigeria Togo Cameroon Ecuador
Sri Lanka Samoa Maldives
Fiji Tonga
Technical Support
Kamel Tichouiti on the role of the Algerian Space Agency in mitigating locust infestations in Algeria and Libya
he Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) has been hosting the UN-SPIDER Algeria Regional Support Office since 2009. ASAL, which was established in 2002, implements national policies concerning the promotion and development of the use of space for technological, scientific and practical applications. Kamel Tichouiti is the Head of the Department on Major Risks and Geoenvironment in the Space Applications Centre. The department deals with the management and the follow-up of major disasters in Algeria using space-based information thus supporting national disaster management and civil protection agencies. Hazards affecting the region include floods, forest fires, desertification, and locust infestations. Kamel Tichouiti UN-SPIDER: Algeria and other countries in
to increase. This imposes a threat to the lo-
Northern Africa have recently been suffering
cal agricultural production. We were able to
from major locust infestations. Can you tell
identify 39 high potential reproduction zones
us which role ASAL played in mitigating this
spread over 330 000 km2 for the period Janu-
ary through April 2012. They are located in
Kamel Tichouiti: In January 2012 the locust
South-East Algeria (Wilaya d’Illizi) and in the
activity in the Wilaya d’Illizi region in Algeria
South-West of Libya, mainly running along
had significantly increased with several
the Oueds (riverbeds).
swarms coming from biotopes in South-West Libya and South-East Algeria. Consequently,
UN-SPIDER: After this analysis, what are
the Algerian RSO and ASAL jointly supported
ASAL’s next steps in supporting the mitiga-
the National Institute for the Protection of the Vegetation (INPV) by creating a map
Situation maps derived from satellite imagery
indicating the risk zones for the region,
tion of locust infestations? Kamel Tichouiti: An ecological analysis of these locust biotopes based on satellite im-
analyzing the ecological conditions of the
UN-SPIDER: How exactly did you analyze the
agery for the month of May is underway by
migratory locust for the period January
risk of the locust infestation using satellite im-
the Algerian RSO. Once produced, this new
to April 2012. We did this by interpreting
analysis will be made available to the National
medium resolution satellite imagery that
Kamel Tichouiti: The five 22m resolution im-
Institute for the Protection of the Vegetation
was made accessible to us by the Disaster
ages obtained allowed us to precisely iden-
(INPV) so that they can carry out prevention
Monitoring Constellation UK-DMC-2 and the
tify zones with high chlorophyll levels. High
actions in Algeria and share their evaluations
Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for
chlorophyll levels indicate favorable condi-
with the Food and Agricultural Organization
Development (RCMRD), which facilitated the
tions for the locust to reproduce thus repre-
(FAO), which is active in Libya on this issue as
tasking of the US-satellite EO-1.
senting a high risk for the insects‘ infestation
Facilitating technical support
n the case of emergencies and disasters, UN-SPIDER provides technical support by taking the role of a bridge linking the disaster management agencies in charge of response operations with space agencies or the mechanisms which have been established by the space community such as the International Charter: Space and Major Disasters. UN-SPIDER provides this support through the activation of its network of Regional Support Offices (RSO) and through links with specific space agencies. An RSO is a regional or national centre of expertise that is set up within an existing entity by a Member State or group of Member States. This network of RSOs is at the core of UN-SPIDER‘s Advisory Support efforts as RSOs coordinate with UN-SPIDER on a regular base providing not only technical support, but also support capacity building activities and knowledge management. UN-SPIDER has RSOs in Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and Africa.
The green lines mark high potential reproduction zones for locust in South-West Libya and South-East Algeria.
Capacity Building
Mesoamerica: Using radar images for flood mitigation
Capacity Building in UN-SPIDER
n the context of UN-SPIDER, Capacity Building is defined as “the process to fa-
Mesoamerican coun-
cilitate the strengthening of the capacity of
tries have experienced
individuals and institutions related to the use
more frequent and in-
of space-based information to prevent, to
tense floods triggered
mitigate, and to react effectively to the chal-
lenges posed by natural hazards and humani-
and hurricanes. In the
tarian crises.” The main target groups include
case of Mexico, losses
governmental disaster-risk management and
emergency response agencies, researcher agen-
2010 floods reached
cies, regional and international organizations.
extremely high levels similar to those asso-
UN-SPIDER Capacity Building efforts include
ciated with the 1985
four complementary types of activities:
earthquake. In the case of Guatemala and
ware packages such as NEST, ENVI, ERDAS
• Providing policy-relevant advice to institu-
El Salvador, hurricane Mitch (1998), tropical
Imagine, ArcGIS and MapReady. The course
tions and governments regarding the use of
storms Stan (2005), and Agatha (2010) man-
focused on the characteristics of radar im-
space-based (spatial) information to support
ifested the vulnerability of road infrastruc-
ages, on the peculiarities concerning their
the full disaster management cycle;
ture, housing, agriculture, health, education
acquisition by specific satellites with such
• Facilitating access to space-based data and
and other sectors of development.
capabilities (orbital trajectory of acquisition,
type of band, polarization mode), and on the
• Facilitating the training of individuals on
In order to support these countries in their
features displayed in the images emerging
access to and use of such data;
response efforts in the case of floods, UN-
from specific characteristics of microwaves;
• Facilitating access to infrastructure, hard-
SPIDER and the Regional Training Centre
scatterers on the ground including forests,
ware, and software, and services for space-
on Space Science and Technology for Latin
crops, and pastures; and specific conditions
based applications.
America and the Caribbean (CRECTEALC)
of the ground such as roughness and perma-
organized a training course in October 2011
nent or intermittent presence of water (wa-
In its role as a facilitator, UN-SPIDER has
targeting staff of Civil Protection agencies,
ter bodies, swamps, marshes and wetlands).
established and continually updates three
national planning institutes and environ-
databases focusing on training opportuni-
ment agencies from Mexico, Guatemala, El
In addition, the instructors made special
ties offered by a variety of institutions world-
Salvador and Belize.
emphasis on the detection of water using
wide, whether e-learning courses, short term
a variety of post-processing algorithms, in-
courses or academic programmes leading
Instructors from the Argentinean Institute
cluding speckle filtering, change detection
to degrees. These databases are accessible
of Astronomy and Space Physics (IAFE)
and multi-temporal analysis. As data from
through the UN-SPIDER Knowledge Portal.
and from the Water Center for The Humid
optical sensors can also be used to detect
The Knowledge Portal also serves as a host to
Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean
the presence of floods, the processing of
the curricula which UN-SPIDER is developing,
(CATHALAC) provided participants with the
radar imagery was supplemented with tech-
for example “Remote Sensing for Emergency
theoretical background regarding radar im-
niques to process optical imagery, including
agery and complemented the course with
the generation of indices for determining
practical exercises on the use of specific soft-
extents of inundated areas.
Database of Training Opportunities choose from: Web-based courses Short-term courses Academic programmes
find out about: GENERAL INFORMATION Title of event Organizers Location Duration Language of instruction Topics
SPECIFIC INFORMATION Target Audience Requirements Deadline for registration Web link Tuition fee – financial support Additional information
UN-SPIDER works closely with its network to conduct short training courses on remote sensing, telecommunications and satelliteassisted navigation and positioning. Other trainings raise awareness about the existing international mechanisms to access spacebased information. UN-SPIDER has provided support to training activities in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, and Asia-Pacific. In the longer perspective, UN-SPIDER is working on the promotion of policies that focus on capacity building and institutional strengthening, so that its efforts can have the
access the database at: www.un-spider.org/capacity-building-guides/training-opportunities
desired long-term sustainability.
Capacity Building
India: Training on the use of space technology
he Asia-Pacific region is especially prone
and the Pacific (CSSTEAP), the UN affiliated
with participants to understand the current
to frequent flooding, cyclones and tsu-
regional centre based in Dehradun, India.
situations in the countries represented by participants and provided insights about possible
namis. Given the critical role of information,
support from UN-SPIDER.
communication and space technology in im-
The overall objective of this course was to
proving the effectiveness of response to major
strengthen the participants’ knowledge re-
disasters, UN-SPIDER conducted Technical Ad-
garding how space-based information, servic-
The course was jointly carried out with the In-
visory Missions to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and
es and solutions can be used to reduce disaster
dian Institute of Remote Sensing, the United
Myanmar in 2011 and 2012.
risks and losses. During the first two days of
Nations Economic and Social Commission
the course, UN-SPIDER provided a brief over-
for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and the
In the follow-up of these missions, UN-SPIDER
view on the relevance of space technology in
United Nations University (UNU). UN-SPIDER
supported the four-week long training course
the context of the Hyogo Framework for Ac-
sponsored 5 officials from Bangladesh, Sri Lan-
“Space technology applications in Disaster
tion and addressed the effective use of space
ka, Myanmar and Solomon Island. A total of 27
Risk Reduction” organised at the Centre for
technology for disaster-risk reduction. UN-
participants from 17 countries benefited from
Space Science Technology Education for Asia
SPIDER also conducted interactive sessions
the course.
Inauguration of the training
Capacity Building
Cameroon: Following up on the Technical Advisory Mission
n June 2011, UN-SPIDER conducted a Tech-
Trainers from the Regional Centre for Training
nical Advisory Mission in Cameroon fol-
in Aerospace Survey (RECTAS) and UNU-EHS
lowing the request by the Government of
carried out training sessions in French, using
Cameroon, represented by the Ministry of Ter-
Geographic Information System & Remote
ritorial Administration and Decentralization,
Sensing software donated by Esri (ArcGIS 10
Department of Civil Protection. The goal was
French) and the ILWIS Academic version. Be-
to assess the use of space-based technology
sides sample imagery provided by RECTAS for
and information for disaster management and
the training modules, the group had access
emergency response in Cameroon, to identify
to recent very high resolution sample images
potential areas where space-based technology
of hotspots in Cameroon, courtesy of Digital
and information could play a greater role, and
Globe, Inc.
propose recommendations on how to improve Cameroon‘s access to and use of space-based
ILWIS training session
The training covered basic elements of remote
technology and information.
and Human Security (UNU-EHS). Some 25 par-
sensing, GIS basics, simple data extraction and
ticipants from the Ministry of Territorial Ad-
geo-referencing techniques, accompanied by
From 7 to 11 May 2012, UN-SPIDER supported
ministration and Decentralization (MINATD)
various presentations and visual material on
a follow-up training in remote sensing for dis-
and various other Ministries and Universities
the use of remote sensing for disaster manage-
aster management upon request of the UN-
attended the training. In addition, UN-SPIDER
ment. The training also aimed at raising aware-
SPIDER National Focal Point for Cameroon. The
and UNU-EHS funded the participation of five
ness for existing mechanisms to access space-
training was conducted jointly with the United
representatives from four other Central Afri-
based information such as the International
Nations University Institute for Environment
can States.
Charter: Space and Major Disasters and GMES.
The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) implements the decisions of the General Assembly and of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and its two SubcommitUNITED NATIONS tees, the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and the Legal Subcommittee. The Office is responsible for promoting international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space, and assisting developing countries in using space science and technology. In resolution 61/110 of 14 December 2006 the United Nations General Assembly agreed to establish the “United Nations Platform for Spacebased Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response - UN-SPIDER” as a new United Nations programme to be implemented by UNOOSA. UN-SPIDER is the first programme of its kind to focus on the need to ensure access to and use of space-based solutions during all phases of the disaster management cycle, including the risk reduction phase which will significantly contribute to the reduction in the loss of lives and property. UN-SPIDER Newsletter, Volume 1/12, May 2012. © United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs.