Virtues and characteristics of the zamzam water

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The fuqaha have mentioned the manners and etiquette that is mustahab (recommended) when drinking Zamzam water, such as facing the Holy Kaaba, saying Bismillah, pausing to take a breath 3 times, drinking one’s fill, praising ALLAH Almighty after one finishes it is taken to mean that it is allowed to drink zamzam whilst standing; showing the extreme respect. The scholars also suggested that the person who drinks Zamzam water must sprinkle some of it on his head, chest and face, make lots of dua when drinking it, and to drink it for a reason that will benefit him in this world and hereafter.

1:The Story of how zamzam came to be: 

This accurate account of the origin of Zamzam holds with it a wonderful lesson and message for all humanity. Bibi Hajra (AS) made use of the small amount of food that Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) left for Her and Her baby, but ran out ultimately and was soon thirsty, Her baby Hazrat Ismaeel (AS) became hungry and began to cry. Bibi Hajra couldn’t afford seeing Her son in pain so She climbed up the hill which was later called Safa, to see if there was anyone in the possibility.

She saw no one. She then climbed down, and reaching the valley, ran towards the other hill, later called Marwa, doing the similar again, all this time Her son twisting and turning in hunger. She repeated this 7 times, and on the 7th time reached the peak of the hill and heard a sound. At that point Angel Hazrat Jibraeel (AS) began digging the well of Zamzam from beneath his feet. So because of Her efforts to contain the water, Zamzam incredibly became a well.

Bibi Hajra, before the water was brought out of the ground, running in seek, possibly heart-broken and crying in pain at the suffering of Her son, did not know what ALLAH Almighty was preserving for her in the future. If she knew that a time would come when millions of people from all parts of the world would follow in her footsteps.

The names of Zamzam water are many, over 60 according to various experts and scientists, its names derived from its characteristics. Several of the familiar ones are:

Murwiya (derived from the Arabic term meaning ‘quenched’)

Shabbaa’a- (derived from ‘satisfying or pleasing’)


Within Zamzam water is an ingredient different to other waters, which heals and also helps energetic and cell systems within the human being body. The German Scientist Dr Knut Pfeiffer, and head of the biggest medical centre in Munich, has studied Zamzam water with his colleague and assistant Husam Othman. is one of the authorized Hajj and Umrah travel agent based in UK offers a range of Best Saudi Umrah Visa Services from UK.

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