Moderation is islam

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Moderation Is Islam The term “Moderation” means is “to avoid the extreme or getting extreme” in every matter. The act of avoiding the excessiveness in any matter does not convey the exact concept or implication of this term, as it this could be taken in both senses bad and good. For example, nowadays people normally take their lies while as fun or joke but it is considered only wrong and bad being.

The true gist and effort of maintaining balance in life according to the Islamic principles is quite different than the common phenomena. Speaking lies, wrong and falsehood is completely forbidden altogether, whether one is saying it seriously or teasing someone jokingly. So we can get an idea of this that everything which exceeds the level of morality and ethics and goes against the teachings of Islam needs to be avoided and strong the faith in the religion Islam.

There is a common misconception among Non-Muslims that Islam is a violent and strict religion and is against modernism and modernity. In fact, religion Islam never opposes having possessions which gives advantage or benefit a man and the society as a whole, but there a condition that a person’s act does not goes against the teaching of Islam. The verity of the matter must be keep at the right level of equilibrium between the needs and wants. A person should not forget the actual purpose of life in this world and must not indulge too much in this materialistic world that he or she forgets the remembrance of ALLAH Almighty and its other religious duties and obligation and moral responsibilities. That is why obligatory charity Zakat becomes necessary to perform so that the love and attraction of worldly lavishness and possessions could be divert your from actual aim of lie.

Although a person must fulfil its spiritual responsibilities and duties strictly like performing all the obligatory namaz five times a day to become closer to the ALLLAH Almighty, observing fasting (roza) in the whole month of Holy Ramadan for sake of pleasing the ALLAH Almighty, performing obligatory pilgrimage Hajj etc. but a person is going through some severe disease or difficulty can excuse. It means that if a person has some issues or problems and can not able to accomplish the actually required level of spirituality due to some unavoidable situations and circumstances then he can ask excuse to ALLAH Almighty. In short, moderation in Islam binds a person to adopt sense of equality and balance in every action, whether it is social or religious, collective or individual. May ALLAH Almighty give us the desire and will to spend our life according to the teaching of Islam and understand and adopt the golden principles, which lead us to get success in this world and also hereafter Ameen is one of the authorized Hajj and Umrah travel agent based in UK offers a range of Cheapest Umrah Packages from UK.

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