How to live after coming back to umrah

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How To Live After Coming Back To Umrah

After performing the Umrah as the pilgrims return back to home to their loved ones, they take back with them a huge number of precious memories from the sacred journey, lessons they will hope to apply for the rest of their lives, and an elevated wisdom of spirituality. So here are five piece of advice which if followed, can inshaALLAH help you from slipping into decline, so that you can keep your Umrah for life: 1.Be realistic You need not maintain the same levels of ibadah you had on your Umrahjourney. 2.Stay clean After being completely purified after Umrah, your clean and purified soul recognises your new sins and mistakes much more simply. In this way, you can keep your soul as clean as possible Insha Allah. Even when you do not recognize sins, make a habit on a daily basis of doing Astaghfaar (seeking forgiveness from ALLAH Almighty).

3.Protect and erase Protect your senses from all kind of filth, stay away from sights and sounds that would corrupt your soul and heart, and if you do hear or see them, instantly try to erase their effects by replacing those experiences that you have experienced while performing Umrah. For example, if you see a non-mehram of the opposite sex in indecent garments, immediately change your side and divert your eyes. If you hear music around you, recite or listen to Holy Quran immediately and let that push the music and sound out of your memory. Keep in mind that Shaitaan uses your senses as the entrance to corrupting your heart in a gradual and slow way. Close those gates for shaitaan, be on guard and have your religious eraser ready. 4.Use gratitude to go back It is very, very sad moment to leave city Makkah, especially after you have made your final tawaaf and left the Grand Masjid. Like millions of pilgrims before you, you dream of going back for Umrah again. But to make this wish a reality, those feelings need to move beyond only emotional and nostalgia yearning. ALLAH Almighty promises us that if we’re grateful, He will give us more: Verse 14:7 of Holy Quran,

If you show gratitude with your soul for the sacred journey ALLAH Almighty has just granted you, inshaALLAH you can earn an invitation to go again to perform umrah. Be grateful for what you had through your actions: by striving to live the greatest you can, as close to ALLAH Almighty as you can. May ALLAH Almighty accept your Umrah and help you to maintain it until you get to the end of your life, and take you there again ameen. is one of the authorized Hajj and Umrah travel agent based in UK offers a range of Cheap Umrah Packages from UK.

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