ULYP 2017 Annual Report

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Word from Founder

Word from the Executive Director

If I were to summarize 2017 for ULYP in one word, it would be ‘awards.’

My life journey has revealed to me that nothing retains its value more than an investment in education and the pursuit of knowledge. I learned early on in life that it is our own responsibility to pursue and gain knowledge, even when opportunities to do so seem out of reach. At ULYP, I encourage and facilitate an investment in knowledge and develop the tools to acquire it. Knowledge is an asset that keeps giving continuously, and remains one of the most powerful countermeasures against the various challenges we all face.

It is both rewarding and humbling, as well as an incredible honor, to have our work acknowledged and appreciated. Receiving the Best NGO award at the Ta’atheer Conference in Dubai and being recognized by esteemed organizations such as the Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects, TAKREEM and the International Cooperation Platform validates that we are on the right path to making a difference and achieving our vision of a united Lebanon with equal opportunities for all. Yet, what is equally rewarding and reassuring, if not more so, is that these awards reflect the fact that we are not alone in our commitment to the ULYP core values. These four institutions granting the awards agree with us when we say that doors need to be opened and that respect needs to be extended to all underserved and marginalized children, youth and women without any discrimination. Most importantly, it also means that these organizations from around the world agree that everyone should have the right to quality education.

2017 proved to be an exceptional year at ULYP. I witnessed children embrace all aspects of their childhood, youth elicit greatness, women discover their passions and potential, and communities converge around quality education. 2017 also brought ULYP multiple awards. This acknowledgment only reinforces my commitment to continue working with everyone, and for everyone, to create a more harmonious world.

What an award means for ULYP is an endorsement of our vision and mission and recognition of our practices. I speak on behalf of everyone at ULYP when I say we promise not to disappoint.

Thank you ULYP children, youth and women for all the hard work you are investing in your future. Thank you ULYP team for the commitment and effort you are devoting towards transforming lives. Thank you ULYP board members, volunteers, donors, partners and funders for the key resources you are dedicating to developing this inclusive community of knowledge and supporting quality education, which in our view is the key to positive change.

Sincerely, Melek El Nimer

Sincerely, Nicole Eid Abuhaydar 5

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