Chiropractor Success Formula - Kevin Gleaton

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Success Formula

The reason you go to school and become chiropractors is usually because you want to impact and change peoples’ lives and be well compensated in the process. You are taught to be excellent clinicians (and you are); but when it comes to running a business, your expertise often falls short. The truth is there is a big difference between being a successful clinician and a successful practice owner. While a successful clinician will go to great lengths to ensure her patients are well cared for, the other aspects of running a successful practice often fall through the cracks, thereby limiting growth and future success. To run a foolproof, predictable and successful practice, you must think like an entrepreneur, act like a manager and treat patients like a clinician, ensuring that SYSTEMS and NOT people are your focus, so you have consistent income, regardless of external market factors. The 3 most important functions of your practice are Patient Generation, Patient Conversion and Patient Fulfillment & Referral and you MUST focus on these three functions relentlessly, if you are to be successful. First, because there is ALWAYS attrition, so you must have a Patient Generation system that consistently attracts new prospects into your practice funnel by being visible when they are searching for pain relief then provide them with valuable information that answers THEIR questions. Second, you must employ a Patient Conversion system to educate and nurture the relationship with these prospects, so you can predictably convert these new prospects into patients who walk through your door for treatment. This is critical to your success, because without a reliable system to convert prospects into patients, you would not have a viable business.

If you have questions or need help implementing these strategies in your practice. CALL US @ 833-693-0833


Success Formula


Third and finally, you must implement a Patient Fulfillment & Referral system to treat your patients well (literally) and condition them to return frequently for treatment, while referring their friends and family to your office for treatment as well. We are moving into a new trust-based economy, so when properly implemented, this fulfillment and referral system is one of the most important systems in your practice. Implementing a post treatment referral system using a combination of email, text messaging, direct mail, and phone call follow-ups is the differentiator between a clinic struggling for referrals and one that is overflowing with patients. This isn’t just about ‘educating patients’ and physicians about the benefits of chiropractic; this is about becoming an important part of the patient’s dayto-day life. This is called the “Chiropractor Success Formula” and it can be summarized as:

PS + VP + AF + PM = CHIROPRACTOR SUCCESS The new economy practice will have the following components in place even before the practice opens its doors for the first time:

PS = PROSPECT STIMULATORS A prospect stimulator is an educational tool (eBook. digital download, video, online course, etc.) that helps educate patients and leads them back to the clinic for more information. For example, a cheat sheet on “7 things you can do to overcome low back pain” which leads to an offer for an appointment in the clinic, can function as a ‘prospect stimulator’. Every clinic should have at least 5, preferably 10 or more prospect stimulators that are constantly distributed using various channels in the community.

If you have questions or need help implementing these strategies in your practice. CALL US @ 833-693-0833


Success Formula


VP = VALUABLE PROSPECTS Your practice must maintain visibility in front of your most ‘valued prospects’ using a web presence (search engine optimization), social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln), print (strategically placed advertisements), direct mail (postcards to a targeted mailing list) and personal phone call follow-ups (with selected patients) to drive them, their friends, and family back to your clinic. This should not be a haphazard occurrence, but a consistent ‘system’, working 24/7 to drive new patients to your practice, since this activity will sustain your practice during tough times.

AF = ASCENSION FUNNEL The biggest mistake made by most private practice owners is the wrong offer. Patients are completely desensitized at the prospect of a ‘free consultation’. They don’t even care for a ‘complimentary evaluation’ in an ad filled with nice images and pictures of the chiropractor. Every advertisement or marketing message should have one purpose and one purpose only - to get the contact information of the prospect and introduce them to your marketing funnel. Once the prospect’s information (name, email, phone number) is obtained, contact from someone in your office who is very experienced in ‘closing’ patients is critical, so they are converted into a patient and come in for a visit. Too many practices waste tens of thousands of dollars trying to ‘close’ the patient right away with an ad, but this is a cardinal sin. It’s like proposing on the first date and the chances of success are slim. The ‘new economy’ practice will patiently get the prospect to know, like, and trust the practice and/or practitioners with personal stories and estimonials that elicit emotion and ‘human connection’ as opposed to color pictures and beautiful equipment in an ad that patients MAY spend 15-30 seconds reading.

If you have questions or need help implementing these strategies in your practice. CALL US @ 833-693-0833


Success Formula


PM = PATIENT METRICS Every strategic private practice owner must keep an eye on important business metrics that pertain to each patient. The success of a ‘new economy’ practice is measured by the following ‘patient metrics’

A. The ‘LVP’ or lifetime value of the patient This can be increased significantly by offering more products and services. It can also be increased by raising your prices for such products and services, which are not price regulated and independent of insurance reimbursements.

B. The ‘PL’ or patient longevity Is the patient coming back to you or referring their family and friends? How many of your patients are becoming your ambassadors and coming back to you or driving more people to your door? Increasing patient longevity through a patient fulfillment and referral system is the fastest way to grow a practice. It yields greater results and takes less time, money, and effort than trying to ‘schmooze’ physicians and lawyers to build new referral relationships.

C. The ‘TS’ or therapist status (in the patient’s mind) It is the barometer of how important chiropractic is for them. Are you constantly (yet delicately) reminding patients about your expertise, authority, and the benefits of chiropractic? Patients lose enthusiasm for ANY service over time, so you need systems to keep them constantly engaged, enthused, and motivated to come in for treatment and become your ambassadors. You must promote the ‘concept’ of wellness and how chiropractic can help; NOT the ‘brand’ or the ‘company’ that provides it. Patients are interested in the process of treatment; but this interest nosedives after the first few visits, leading to an inevitable decline of your status unless you take decisive, systematic and proactive efforts to maintain the importance of chiropractic for the patient.

If you have questions or need help implementing these strategies in your practice. CALL US @ 833-693-0833


Success Formula

D. The number of patient visits each week This is directly related to ‘volume’. Most practices assume that increased volume equals increased profits. While this may be true, it’s possible to increase net profits WITHOUT increasing patient volume by increasing LVP, PL, and TS

There are several other tips, tricks and techniques you can use to improve the profitability of your practice, but you must be willing to think ‘outside the box’ for them to work. Remember, “if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”, so if you want to dominate your local market tomorrow, you must take action today… there’s just no way around it! If you have an interest in learning more about ChiroDomination, call us at 833-693-0833 or CLICK HERE to get more information from our website. With your permission, we will continue to send you timely, helpful information which will improve your practice’s profitability. But if you’re ready to take action so your practice will DOMINATE your local market in 6 months or less, Schedule a Discovery Call, where we’ll take time to learn more about you, your practice and your goals - then together - we’ll design a proven, customized marketing plan to exceed them!

If you have questions or need help implementing these strategies in your practice. CALL US @ 833-693-0833

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