ULM Hawkeye - Issue 16

Page 12



January 31, 2011

Teachers share how student tardiness makes them feel by Ciera Paul

“I woke up late.” “I could not find a a parking spot.” The above reasons are some that students say when they arrive to class late. The one thing students fail to take into consideration is how it makes the professor, as well as their peers, feel when they arrive late. Mary Wortham, a Spanish professor at ULM dislikes when students are late. “When students arrive late, it disrupts what’s happening in

the class, and I’m sorry for the student because he or she has missed out on pertinent information,” Wortham said. Bre’Charia Frazier, Pre-Occupational Theraphy junior from Bossier City, believes the professor’s time is just as valuable as ours. “How would you feel if someone interrupted something you enjoyed doing?” Some students have never noticed the effect of arriving late until they were the one being interrupted.

However they can also relate. Chinedu Akunne, P3 pharmacy student from Nigeria, said it doesn’t bother him when other students walk in late. “I just smile to myself and say ‘That’s how I look when I arrive late.” Many students are understanding, however have a few suggestions so it won’t be disrespectful. “If you are going to come in late, do it quietly, and sit in the back of the class,” said Andrea Jackson, junior English major

Budget cuts nix this year’s Job Expo by Jaclyn Jones

Looking forward to the Job Expo? Well you’re going to have to wait until next fall. The Office of Career Connections will not be hosting it this semester due to the budget cuts. Student employment administrator, Roslynn Pogue, explains the reason behind the cancellation is the limited funding. “We’re only given so much money a year and once funding becomes available we will refer back to the students who are on the waiting list for work study,” Pogue said. An email was sent out last week notifying students of the cancellation. Baneita Smith, a sophomore marketing major from Shreveport, was less than pleased with the news. “I was on the waiting list semester and never heard anything so I was really looking forward to the Job Expo this semester,” Smith said. Students who attended the Job Expo last semester filled out a Work-Study request card and

Job vendors were present last year during the job expo.

were placed on a waiting list. Once funding becomes avail-

“We have to watch our funding and we simply had to forgo the Job Expo this semester.” -Roslynn Pogue

able students on the list will be awarded work-study, depending on the amount of funds available, and will be notified via email. “We have to watch our funding, and we simply agreed to

forgo the Job Expo this semester. But we will be having one Fall Semester,” said Pogue. “It’s a disappointment for us too, she added. “After hearing the reason, it’s understandable. Hopefully I’ll get lucky. If not, I’ll just have to wait till next semester,” said Smith. If students would like to be placed on the waiting list, they must fill out a federal workstudy request card at the Office of Career Connections, Library room 302. contact Jaclyn Jones at jonesj2@warhawks.ulm.edu

from Leesville. Although arriving to class late has been proven to be disruptive, some professors would prefer for students to arrive late than to not arrive at all. Katherine Dawson, also a professor at ULM, said, “I would rather a student come to class late than not at all.” The overall warning and message from professors: skip at your own risk.” contact Ciera Paul at paulcr@warhawks.ulm.edu

Neil White hands out assignments during Fall 2010 semester. Since students were not there (empty rows to left), they had to present first.

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