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Our Impact - By The Numbers

As 2022 provided our communities an opportunity to turn the page on the COVID-19 Pandemic, working families throughout Southern California continued to feel the economic hardships that were brought on by the pandemic or made worse by it. The visuals of mile-long car lines were still there, but we saw a concentration of community members make up those lines that showed us how the economic hardships varied by region, especially within low-income and communities of color. This need saw us return to various neighborhoods and work more extensively with local groups and organizations to ensure that our food resources were having the positive impact we were hoping for.

When all was said and done, LCS continued to serve as a pillar of hope, ensuring that no family who faced food insecurities was turned away.


Once again, LCS’ impact went beyond the food we distributed.

A continuing trend was the lack of access to PPE supplies, especially as the presence of new COVID-19 variants came about. The demand for supplies forced LCS to explore partnerships that would be able to provide those resources to us so that we can make them available to the familles who we served.

Also, the need to store these supplies stretched our warehouse’s capacity to its limits, as we had to work with the unanticipated increased need for the PPE supplies.

As we were able to do with our food supplies, we were able to work with our network of community groups and organizations to find new methods of distribution for these items that would ultimately help us address our storage limit issue, but also help ensure that these supplies could get out to the neighborhoods in a timely and a ective manner.

Providing PPE to our local partners allowed us to help ensure that low-income and working families who most needed the PPE received it, free of charge.