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Stamping Out Hunger in Los Angeles

The LA County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, Labor Community Services (LCS) and The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) came together to help fight hunger within our communities through the largest one-day food drive in our country – the “Stamp Out Hunger” campaign. The even took place on May 14th, 2022. First held in 1983, the “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive has helped feed millions of Americans by providing residents with an easy way to donate food to those in need.


To participate in the food drive, participants would simply leave their donation of nonperishable food items next to their mailbox before the delivery of the mail on that Saturday. Letter carriers would collect these food donations as they delivered mail along their postal routes, and distribute them to local food banks, pantries, shelters and churches.

This year in Southern California, the National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 24 partnered up with The LA Fed and LCS to help coordinate the food drive campaign by helping mobilize volunteers who will adopted local post ofices where the letters carriers dropped off the food and volunteers would help collect it and prepare it into large bins. Those bins were collected and brought back to LCS’ warehouse where the food was sorted and stored away for distribution to participating community organizations. In total, hundreds of thousands of pounds of food were collected, making for a successful return to a yearly tradition of hope that is delivered to family’s doorsteps of those in need of food assistance. We have begun planning the 2023 Stamp Out Hunger campaign aiming for greater success. the striking workers, bringing them food and toys for the holidays along with gift cards and turkeys. LCS is committed, along The LA Fed, to support the workers until they reach a contract agreement with their employer.

This effort was only made possible through the leadership efforts of LCS and the hardworking volunteers who played critical roles every step of the way. in overseeing the effort and coordinating with key volunteers throughout Los Angeles at every step of the way.