1986 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 84 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 226

"hats off" to the DGs espite a performance that I• att was Sigma ChJ's Derby Days, d Brad Carlson called "strict· where Ch ris DeHaas. Heidi ly average." the PhJ Delts plac-

Gabrielson. Karl Cline, Krlsten Durbin, Brooke Gustave!, Valerie Engles a nd Kassl Kessler cheered thelr house to second place.


he weather was bright and warm for spring Greek Week events. For Heidi Wolfinbarger and other Delta Gammas. the sun shined out victories, helping them place second overall in the competition.

Delta Gamma. Front Row: Kristen Durbin. Becky Mallane. Chris DeHaas. Jill Pappas. Heldt Wolfinbarger. Kaml Riggers. Barbara Weber. Second Row: Kassl Kessler. Andt Wolf. Kart Cline. Mrs. Margaret Suto. Julle Eng. Trlsha Kannegaard, Marcine Hull. Michelle Broadie. ThinfRow: Debbie Harding. Jillann Jurveiln. Tam! Thompson. Laurel Simmons. Kim Sohn. Lisa Groff. Lori Carroll. Dianne Smith. Jackie Mount. Fourth Row: Valerie Engles. Sue Perry. Brooke Gustave!. Kristen Blck. Stephanie Brown. Susan Watkins. Dawn Duncan. Lisa Pullen. Ann Elvin, Christine Brown. Shari Davis. Amy Scholes. Raeanne Wicke!. Nancy Kempton. Ann Nelson. Debbie Clayville. VIcki Bressette. Back Row: Robin Kllllen. Ann Robison. Joy Fitzmorris, Ruth Smith, Kim Ackerman. Holly Benson. S uzy Dunn. Cynthia Ely.


Ufe on the


ed In several Delta Gamma Anchor Splash events. Frater· nlty brothers matched wits and actions Iii the synchronlz.. ed swi mming competition.

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