1984 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 82 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 17

Record crowds, entertainment and a Vandal victory made Homecoming the

Best of times R

ain dampened


the participants but nOI the

cheerlc<lders. The bonfire has been a favorite event of homecoming participants for more than 50 ye'lrs. In the past the I'ally was always held on Thursday nighl but the commillee decided to try Wednesday night since there is uSUillly a lighter c1assload for students on Thursday, than there is on Friday.

skits by sOIurity pledge classes and a special appearance of the Gault Ridge Boys. The Gault Hall men won the skit competition, with the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority in second place. The cheerleaders led the crowd in several cheers and the m.:t1e cheerleaders even did their own dance routine.

A post-homecoming evaluation showed there was an increase in attendance from the past years so the bonfire m':IY be moved to Wednesday permanently. Students were presented with

Friday, living groups put up colol'ful decomtions outside their houses and halls and houses waJlpapered the Kibbiedome with postel'S for the footbilll team. But when morning

spirit of "Iomecoming 1983. Using the theme The Besr of Times, the university attempted 10 fill an October weekend with enough activities to satisfy the students, their parents, 150 alumni (r'om the class of -1958, more than 100 visitors attending the Alpha Gamma Delta 25th anniversary reunion, .and 100 relul" fling athletes of the 1900 to 1940's era.

Activities really begl.ln Wednesday night with the Bonfil'C pep rally sponsored by the homecoming com·



came, so did the min, and the crepe paper sagged into the leaves on the street, and the lellers on the floats became illegible as the rain washed them away bcfOl'C they could even begin their trek down ~'Iain Street. Junior Miss can, testants and the homecoming court were hidden beneath umbrellas as they rode on the hoods of cars. Drill team members wore rain slickers as water dripped off their hair and trickled down their noses. Unsuspecting spectatol's were sprayed with water when saturated flag

COl'pS executed their routines. David Maxey, a UI graduate of '58 and Geo editor now residing in New York City. served as Grimd Marshall. The homecoming festivities drew alumni from all corners of the country including Georgia, Maryland and Virginia. Delta Tau Delta won the float competition, with Gamma Phi Beta and Phi Delta Theta sharing the second place title. After the parade a record crowd of 16,400 Jl':lcked the dome to see the Montana Grizzlies coo.ioued ..

. .~-

Gault 8tyle.

ReiJt In peace.

Doe ollbe balI8k.1I8.' tbe bODlire "'.8 tbe G.ult Ridge BDY8 from G.ult 1..11 • .Joho Grigg• • od Roberl Kooo h.m It up before Ih., crowd. (Vhoto by D. GllbertlHJn)

f'rld.y'. "'.MII 8uD8hlne dido'l 1.111 long ·.nd nellher dId the Gr~lIe8 oUenH ..,beD Id.ho Ihem S.lurdsy In the Dome. (Pholo by JU. MeDonsld)




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