1966 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 64 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 131

Krishan Gupta, president of the Indian Students Association, trys out a bed of nails during the talent program.

lnternotionol Student Week

University students take part in a mock United Nations session

The first International Student Week at the University of Idaho was held very successfully April 22-24. Opening the we1~k's activities was a bazaar displaying articles from many countries, followed throughout the week by various events inc uding an international talent program, a mock U.N. session, a dance and a buffet banquet. The week's activities provided an excellent opportunity for getting to know students f1路c路m other countries and to learn about talents and customs c bserved throughout the world.

Saeed A. Nawaz from Pakistan entertains the audience by playing a jew"s-harp. Dancing was also a part of the talent program


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