1965 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 63 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 309

Campbell Hall

\I;H garcl Kahler Pam Ickes Donna Jacobs Karol Knox .Joan Kiellct Dorcas Kilpatrid. Dolores ~!cLean K<llhr)n ~l;tchacek l~ileen \I<Ciellan Filccn '\t·wman \'icki ~ogle Theda Palmer Li Ia Re,Jefl (,inger Re)nolds Dolorc' l'hillcc Shei Ia SIC\ ens Jmh )mith Jud) pace (,Jenda \\'e,gandt Chc•}l \ 'anderpool Jane \\'aus

Nancy Kaurman L\nn Krau'e ~rar) ~!agee

Sharon I'at riou '-' nn R obin ..on ~[31\ SIO\Cl'll<l Carol \\ hitc

Regina Kelly Dorothy Lawson Barbara l\fillcr Josie Paulus \nne Rush jud) Swebbe l'al~)' \\'hite



\1 arlene \I unll\

Su.,an Pearce .Janet Salle \l al\ Slinkard J..arlec·n \\' ihon

Georgia Lcmich Karen c\'elson Ju dy Pederson :"\ola i7Cmore Donna Suuon J tld) \\' orden

Carin L\on ""' ' ';-.;ci.,on \1 a 11 ha l'elei'Cn Bel" Smith !lonnie Sword Cam! Wunderlich


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