1964 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 62 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 363

Phi Kappa Tau :\lerlin .\hrens \rmour .\nd erson

John . \ndersou Bill Bry:mt Da\id Bqdl Bill Rufton l'at ll) rncs \\'a It Collins

Ron Duell Don Fluhart) Ted I·luhart) Claude Freaner \nd ) Ganow Kei th Glover

Frank !linton Jim Ingehrihcn Richard Jacl,son Jim Johnson George Kellogg John Knudsen

Doug Kraemer John K111tenhauser Larq Lod,ner Ed \l cl\ride Tt'tr)' Martin Alan Morbeck

Larl") :-..'ebon Joe Robinson Kent Russell Lr le Sail Harold Sasaki Dale Scott

Tim hca J oe impson Robert Smith Lcs Snyder J clr Tolle £son teve T olle£ on

Bob \\'ilks J ohn Womiak Dick Zabel


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