1964 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 62 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 109


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Gary Oppliger O;"e J>a,elec Ra~ Poe ;\laril)n Ramc} J oe Reid

John Noordam Ri cha rd Owe n Kendall Pi! ) nter Dennis Poffenroth Jerry R;mdolph Liuda Richards

Ani ta Norby Gcnc1a Palmer :.rarcia Pence J anet l'ost Brool..~ Ranney John Ri chardson

.Jim Norell Carol Panko 13ob Pene C:~q Pouer C. Ra' cnscroft Uru rc Riddle

Vicki Nuffer J e ril yn Pape Ga ry Peters Lorraine Poulsen 13arbara Rca) Crace Ri cci..

Jim O'Comlot· ;\larilyn Parker :"\ancy l'fafl Sandra Powell Frank Rcbcrgc•· \ndrca Rin aldi

Mike O'Connor J im l'auerso n Carolin e Pittman Pat Pr:~tt Lee Rice Glen Ri tter


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