1958 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 56 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 139

Couhing St.ff, I.ft to right: Ed Knecht. badfield cOtlch; J. V. John~on. end coech: Slip Stahley, h."d fOQtb,,1I cOtlch; Don Swarl:z. line cOtlch; and Wayne Anderlon. fre~hman coech.

Head Football COtIdl SKIP STAHLEY

front Row, l.ft to right: Ken Hell, Gene Smith, Jerry Smyth., Tony Anderwn, Weyne Welk.r, J.rry Kremer, How~"d Willis, larry Aldrich. lonnie Pork, larry Norby, end Gary Kenworthy. Sec:ond Row: Bob Eyler. Did Cklricuzio, Fr.d 8ourque, Did Gooby, 8ill Worley, Bob Shill, Pete J~nson. Wade PaHerwn, Dave Andress, Theron N.lson, Gery Fernlwortll. n.ird Row: hoCqr. 8yd, Jun. Henfotd, 0.1, Hill, Tom DiNuovo. Relph Jenn;no. St.... Symml, Don Ev.n~, K.n Goodwin, Stan Fanninq, J. D. L.wson, Jad Ashbaugh, Don Riden.r. Poul Wager. Fourth Row: Jim NHI., 80b DeMinger, Jim Norton, Gene Smith. Fifth Row: Coachel Johnson, Stahley, Swartz, and Kneeilt. 115

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