1956 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 54 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 1





Edit or Associate Editor

••• T he tank with the Big .. 1," the Sub with its glowing Vandal, Neale Stadium with its banners of silver and gold-these are some of the landmarks which we at Idaho will remember long after we have left this campus. We will recollect the score of the big game, the sleepy attitude of an eight o'clock cl ass, coffee in the Bucket, dancing in the Dipper, the fervor of rallies, drives, and campaigns. We on the GEM OF THE MOUN TAINS staff have strived through our book riences of the pa t year. We have tried to

university in the hope that because of memories wi ll be more real to you in the years

"Bonfire ami banners combin ed with peppy cheer leaders and noisy stude nts- Go Big 1."


, ACADEMICS AdministraLion Schools Juniors Sophomores

14 16 23 63 73

CHRONOLOGY Fall \Vinter Spring Queens

82 84 105 11 5 135

LIVI NG GROUPS Women's Living Groups Sororities Men's Living Groups Fraternities

142 144 155 172 190



ATHLETI CS Men's Sports Women's Sports

274 276 315










THROUGH YOUR YEARS "Oh you Vandals keep that spirit Oh you Vandals let them know That our school is sure the finest Our own dear Idaho."

Long afrer the echo o( ou r footsteps has clisappeared from the corridors of these ha11s of ivy, we will reca 11 and relive the memories we treasure of our co11ege years. The Vandal wiLh his ensign of sil ver and gold wi 11 always symbolize the tradition and spirit which abide at ou alma mater .

Here we find the administration-tho e people who formulate the policies and schedule academic events which occur throughout the year. Through their efforts, our scope of wisdom and learning can be greatly en larged. Pictured here, also, are the sophomores, juniors, and the departing sen iors.

Our Promising President Our President, D. R . Theophilus is presiding for a second successful year. Theophilus pre路 sided as President after President Bucha nan 's resignation in the fall of 1954, a nd was ap路 pointed by the Boa rd of R e路 gents in the spring of 1955 as President of the U niversity. Before his appointme nt last spring, Theophi lus spent severa l years as Dea n of t he College of Agriculture on the Ida ho Campus. \ Ve could not ask for a more successful President.

Academic Council l\lr. D. D. DuSault. Dean Earnest W. Wohletl. ,\ ssor. Professor Harlow H. Campbell. Dean J. Frederick Wcll!in, Dean Allen S. Janssen, Dean L. C. Cady. Dean J. D. Forrester. Dean J ames E. Kraus, Dean Edward S. Stimson. Dean Boyd A. Martin. Front Row: Dean \\'alter H. Stellens. Dean Donald J. Hart , Dean Louise Caner. President Donald R. Theophilus, .\ ssoc. l'rol e~wr \l abel Lod..e. .\ ssoc. Professor Warren K. Pope, Dean Charles 0. Dcd.cr. n ad Row:




Our Guiding Governor Governor Smylie, inaugurated in J anuary, 1955, has succe~s足 fully attended his duties for our University of Idaho. One of his many duties is appointing the members of the Board of R egents. As a part of the trad ition of the University of Idaho, our governor will agai n attend the commenceme nt exercises held in the spring. \'\fe, the stude nts of the U niversity appreciate the help of our Governor of the State of Idaho.

Board of Regents .\lton B. jones. Boise, state superintendent of public instruction and ex-officio member of the board; Dr. A. R . :\lcCabe. St. \I aries, 'ice-president; J. E. Graham. Rexburg; J ohn D. Remsberg. Rupert, president; :\Irs. :\larguerite Campbell, Xew Meadows. and J ohn W. Spencer, Grange' ill e. secretary.





Executive Dean

L. c. CAOY Executi ve Secretary

Administration Officials





J O liN A. CR拢拢N

Director of Information

Di rector of Ex1ension



Director or Family Housing

R OIIERT F. GREENE Director of Dormitories


University Engineer

Financial Administrators

L. c. WARI\tR Purchasing Agent

] . W. WArrs Budget Officer

H. E. SLADE Administration Accouni<HH




Our Dea n of

~l en

to he a busy man in handling the 'wdent~ of our ni\'ersity. ~cem~

Each co-ed regards Dean Louise Carter as her friend. Dean Carter is advisor to all women on campus.

Guiding Lights \1 1.1 \, \I. D. Unhersi1y Ph)sician




;\f. FLE~II,C, ~I. D. .\ ssociate Physician



Chief Counselor


Assistant Counselor


jAMt.S L YL f

.\lumni Secrecar)





Director of F.ducational Ficici . en·ices

Field .\ gent


C. R . KtRR Bookstore Manager

D. D. Ot1SAULT Registrar







Student Unio n 1\lanager

GAll :\llx

ASt; l General :\fanager- Lend, a helping hand to all

A. S. U. I. Admin is trat or s

1\ U l Office



Dietitions and uper\'isors o f the Cafeteria


Colleges 23


Agriculture hal. been uni versa lly in ex istence for many centuries. In fact, our earliest records of man find the agricultural science in practice. It is bas ically necessary (or the ex iste nce and well-being of man. T oday agriculture has g rown into an exacting scie nce, and the University of Idaho can claim the title of being o ne of the top agricultural schools in our nation. Swdents come from all parts of the world to learn the skills con nected with agriculture that are taught here. Practicing a three-fold program of teaching, research, and service, the University has a farm of 800 acres with purebred animals a nd equipment for extensive scientific study. The scientific findings each yea r are converted into practical improvements and new ways for better utili1atio n o[ the land and its products. JAM ES E. KRAIJS Dean, Co llege of Agricul111re; Director, Agri路 cultural Experiment Station and Agricultural Extension en路ice.

"The spirit of .Idaho runs deep-nowhere is the spirit of loyalty and earnest effort stro nger than in those students who attend the College of Agriculture and who seek to draw their future livelihood from Idaho soil."

Department Heads


J. w.


Agricultural Engineering D. L. FOl' R I Dairy Husbandry



c. E. LA~IP~IA' Poultq ll usbandq

Y . .\ . CIIERRI,CTO:->

DR. H. C . .\IA~IS



DR . CARL F . SHeRK .\ nimal H usbandr)

DR.. \Kllll R .\f. Ft:-;LE'

DR . K . H . \\'. K I.ACF.S

Plant Pathology

.\ gronomy

DR . .-\.C. Wtt.sr .\ gricu ltura l Chemistry

DR. \\' II.LIA~I E. F OI.Z .\ gricu ltural Economics



Alpha Zeta Row one: Darrel Ka lbOeisch, president, David Lowell, vice-president , H ans Gotsch, treasurer, Bill At chley, secretary, James C. Cochrane. 1-'rank Lihersky. Row two: Kenneth H ook, Philip Ed wards, Ken J enkins, T om T rail, Ken Samuelson. Row three: Zekc Knigge, Keith S. H inckl ey, J ames Osborn, Daryl Betts, )faurice J ohnson. Not pictured: Chan Atchley, h isLOrian , George Beer, Mau rice Clem ents, Carl Go tsch. Do n ll uber, Willard Lindsay, Art Misner.

One of the g rea test honors that can be bestowed o n an "Aggie," is that of be ing elected to membership in the Fraternity of Alpha Zeta. T o become e ligible fo r membership, any ma le student in the College of Ag riculture must maintain grades which place him in the upper two-fifths of his class, and possess hig h standards of character, leadersh ip, a nd fe llowship. When these qua li fications arc met, the prospective member is Yoted upon by the active m embersh ip of the chapter. H he receives the required 85 per cent vote, he is subjected to a n informal and a forma l in itia tion. The n, if he passes a ll these rigid te ts, he take his place of honor amo ng t he active members of the Ida ho chapter of Alpha Zeta.

l larvesting grain on the University farm is an annu al task of th e sw den ts of agriculture at Idaho


Bll.L ATCHLEY Ag. Econ. .\shton

C HAN ATCII L£Y Gen. i\g. .-\shton

R F.x BARSTOW Gen. Ag.


COLI:\ . CA \IPBELI. An. H usb. Sa ndpo int KE:\'~t"'ll

BRYA:\T I fort. Kam iah

LFRov DAvts Ag. Ed. Boise

DF.AL Dairy Husb. Kuna

DEAN BENT Ag. Econ. Buhl

ROO:\'EY BOVEY •\ g. Ed. \\' inche;tcr

;\ IAt'RICE CU\II:O.TS Ag. Econ. Nampa



CARL DE\'1~ .\ g. Ed. ;\loscow

JACK l) Ui\S \IOOR Gen . . \g.


COCHRANE Daiq Husb. Ca ldwell


L. CORBFrr Ag. Ed. Parm a

\\'tLLIAM Ft'>IIIR Gen. ,\g. Twin Falls

i\ f tCIIAI'L B RAilll ,\ gronomy Palouse, \\'ash.


:\fAR'" Cox

BILL DAtSS Soils B uh l

Ag. Ed. Cas tleford 01<:1\ Ft.\'N:\' \g. Ed. Buhl

E. BRYAN Ag. Eel . Gooding


Gooowli\ Gen. \g. Sweet

D arrel Lptch, D avid Youmans, LeRoy Da' ies, H arry C r anford, Dougla; \\'right, Lamont ,\ nderson, and Melvin Fisl.. observe baby chicks during a poultq dass.

Grading the eggs is ;\l eh in Fisl... a\ LeRoy Da' ies. H arn Cranfo rd, Darrel L)nCh, Da'"id Youmans, and Lamon't Anderson look on.


l\rr. l~olt and students observe the dairy herd at the university farm

l iAr--S GOTSCH Gen. J\g.


Ag. Econ. Parma




Driggs DA\'10 LOWELL Ag. Econ.

DE"S Lo:-:r.

Gen. Ag. Grangevil le C. i'FTF.RSON, j .-\gronom) Emmell


Ag. Ed.

Ag. Ed. Worle)

Panna R.


. \n. llusb. Cod) , \\'yoming


An Husb. Moscow KFNNETH HOOK

1\gronomy Rexburg FRLD ~IACEE

1\g. Econ.


Judging and showing of caule is one of the main events of the annua l LiLLie International show.

JOliN HA'S~.N Ag. Econ. I daho Falls

51'1:.\ F. HARROI'



Ag. Ed. Parma Do~ALD i\!tLI.!>

An. Husb. Wilder


.\g. Ed. Jerome

Hort . Hazelton

An. Hush. Driggs Gen. Ag. Coeur d'Alene EDWARD ~111\K

Ag. Ed. Weiser jAMES WtLSON

Hon. San Fernando, Cal.

) 0111\ I路I ECIITI'ER

Ag. Econ. Lapwai LAWREl\CE KNICCE

\n. Husb. I:iler jAMt.S OSBORN

,\gronomy Gooding


Ag. Ed. Ju liaetta WILLARD LINDSAY

Ag. Ed. Wilder EoWARD PARSO,s, Ag. Ed. Payette



o\gronomy Bonners Ferry


COLLEGE OF BUSINESS The College of Business AdminisLraLion requires two years of basic swd ies of all stude nts. This is the rouudation for the major work in the junior and senior years. The major fields arc accounting, economics, extractive industries, for-

DONALL) j . HART DR. ERWIN GRAUE Dean , College of Business Administration Acting Dea n of the College and Professor of Economics.


Secretarial Studies

Gaining practical experience during Office T raining and Standards class are Bever ly Bowers, Barbara Hamlet, Leanne Boer, Keith McP hee, and andi Evans. .\I iss Anderson is instructor of the class.





Division of Accounting

i\fiss Meiners gives dictation during Beginning Shorthand class. Seated arc J an ice J ones, Helen Place, i\larilyn Turner, Darlene i\fclcum, Nancy Uroughman. Loi~ Buschhom. Karen Kriesenheck, Karen Uecker, and Carol} n Edwards.

Faculty Row one: Howard G. Jensen . jan1es A. Defenbach, Gera ldine H. 1\feiners, Dr. Erwin Graue. Ruth Ande1路son. R. A. Postweiler, Reuben H . Krolick. Row two: Frank G. Rinardi. Wayne \V. Guthrie. l3nu;e 1'. Budge, W . .1 路 \\'ilde. Ralph H. Farmer. ;\Iaurice .\ . Unger, F. H. Hickman , 1\ruce I. Blackstone.

eign trade, general business, merchandising, adverLi)ing, and secretarial studies. The College also offers a special curricuh.tm Lor preparation and admission to the College of Law. Dean Donald J. Hart, who joined the staff of the University of Jdaho in 1950, resigned in February, 1956, to accept the deanship of the College of Business Administration in the University of Florida. There are 72 seniors in the class of '56 who wi ll receive the degree o( B.S. (Bus.) in June. The success of our alumni in different fi elds of enterprise is evidence of the effective discipline of the curricu la of the College of Business Administra路 Lion.

Shown at work in a typing class arc students with aspirations toward obtaining a degree in busin<'Ss.

.\t work in a business laboratory are ;\farilyn H arwood, Deanna Hansen, Pat Rees, Shirley Croff. Jackie Lavens, Pauline Farr, Jo Lecona, Shirley Flo)cl. ;\lary J e;m Burke.


1\RF'l' AL8ANO Fin. \\'eiser

,\ L ,\RRI\'tf. For. T rade Le" i;ton

DoN .\ rKI'SO' . \ cc't. Picabo

Jom: BAHR Bus. Law Weiser

) 011' W. BAILEY

CIIARU..S B AUER Ext. I nd. :.roscow

Ll"l BooR Sec Hoise

RoutRI \\'. Cl \Rt.. .\ cc't. \\'all ace

:'lllt..t COLLitR Hus. Fin. Othello, \\'ash.

R ALI'II Co,A:-T :I l ark. Twin Falls

RICIIARD .\ . Coo~o. For. I rade Pocatello


I.ARR\ 1.. CRII路t..

NA , C\' CtllRA' (;en. Bus. Ponl~nd , Ore.


:IIAX D URALL 13us. Law Fairfi e ld

DAI'II) I . E1 .\ cc't. Wallace

CORY Mark. Colvi lle, Wash.

. \ cc'L



Gen. Bus. \'a Iparaiso, Ind .

Dr. (,rauc uses a graph to illmtratc a ]>Oint during a lecture on CUITCilt business trends


Ext. I nd. Lal.e1 iew, Ore.

J Oli N \\' , BARRETI Fin. Cro;b), N. D.


ROlli RT \\' . FAR\111\ 1\1arl,. Sanclpoint

I'H•LI I'OE FARR Sec. tudies R exford, i\ lout.

I II U;t; GACNUM For. Trade O~ lo, Norway


G ILLIS .\ l arl,. l' ricst Ri \'cr

i\IARClJS li11 C': II LOCK 1\us. Bo ise

C II ARI.r·:s llor; r .\ l a rk . Graugcvillc


CIIARLt.S 1-' t u .ows Gen. Bu s. :'\'ew Pl)lnOuth

ORA ji.A'\ fii.I.O\\~ Sec Studie., Sandpoiut

S IIIRI.t.l GOOUI'\(; Sec. Studies l'arma

11 11(;11

RIC.II ARO HOOIJ For. Trade Boise

j 1\~I FS

F:lwood .Jones, instruc wr, plots a graph during Statistics class

KI .I'O'\t l II fiSIIFR Gen. Uus. ~lullan


J I \1 1-l AZ..Zt:l. I\!ark. ll igh Rh cr, ,\lhcrta, Hurley Canada

.\ cc'r.

II OWARI) i\ l ark. Idaho I'a lis

Snulcut~ li~ten

1\ IARl Lo u J Ill" <a:: G en. Bu s. Appleton, Wis.

] A"ES R . Fuu. \ltR

.\ cc't. nurlc) JOliN E. ll t'A'IIItRL\ .\ cc't. Wallace DoN LA ~lllERT 1\us. Eng. Mosco w

to the instructor during a husincss class lahoratory


je1 n Jones. llelge c:agnum . Keith Boam. Paul Giles. ~file Collier. Ralph Conant listen as Dr. Graue lc<tnres during 1\miness Conditions <"las,,

C II ARUS LI·,NIS i\ lark. Coeur d'Alene

'J'o,\1 ,\1 ACKA \ Ex1. Ind. "'oscow

jOAN ~ IIIJUI.I-'K t\1 1 1' 17 Elem. Ed. New i\ leaclows

i\ IORC;AN i\ (OORE i\ lark. !Io ise

HARRY Pl.i\1-1 Mark. Pleasant,•ille. N.Y.

EOWIN SIIANF. Mark. Emmell

Gt<>RCt L. Yo• 1 ll us. Fiu. Emmell


RIO Zl~tMERMA I/ Gen. Bus. ="ampa

DIA1\F ii i ANWEII.I-'R English R<Hhi>u u

Ront: RT S. )fAXWELL Bus. Fin. Sandpoint

ROIIERT ,\ . i\1Y.l,(;i\l(tl i\!ark. Moscow

BILl. NEW ,\IAN i\lark. Burley

\\' II.I,IA,\ 1 NICIIOt.AS Bus.-Law Birmingham. i\!ich.

I'A'IRICK N UNAN Gen. Bus. Sta u nton , Vir.


JIM SIIAW\'1-.R i\ lark. Eden

] t\ ,\ tt.S


E~t \I tTl

,\K'IIItJR S l t'FLF Ext. Ind . Nampa

R. \VARNER .\ cc' t. Seattle, \\' ash.


. \ cc' t.


L. WII .K IN~ Bus. Law Lewiston

Lee st, rled his freshman \eat h) heing initi· ated into Phi Eta Sigma and continued his fine scholastic record to hecome a Phi Beta Kappa. He majored in Political <;<ience and during his junior }Car was admitted to the Uni,·ersity of Vienna for a semc,tcr of stud}. Besides making a name for him~cl£ scholasti· cally, Lee found time tO sel\e on the .\Sl' l E~ec· utive Hoard and tO participate acthel) in inter· school and intramural debate. li e h a mem· her of Phi Gamma i\fu. Delta Sigma Rho, and Blue Key. Lee has also heen active in West· minister Forum serving in the capatity of pro· gram ad' isor during his senior year. llats off to a fine all around worker for the . of I.


Outstanding Se n1or Award l'his year, for the fir!>t time, ten students were chosen for the outstanding M'nior a"ard. The selection of these seniors was made by a committee composed of the A~UJ General ~ l anager, the Dean of i\Jen, the Dean of 'Vomen, the Alumni Secretary, and the junior members and faculty representative of the executive board. The committee first chose twenty-five outstanding seniors from a list of students' names submitted to them by the Deans of the various colleges. From this list the final ten were chosen. These ten people were presented at the l\ fay Fete by Dr. Theophilus, president of the University. Excellence in leadership, service, and scholarship-these characteristics repre· sent the Big Ten. These seniors were evaluated on participation in activities, living group participation, grade point, and attitude toward the Un iversity.

Here's proof that the old adage "beautiful but dumb" is not the case. Clara has held the ga'el of the As· sociated Women tudents during the past year. She has scned on man) ASUI committees including Dad's Day, R · E \\'eek, and has been \Cf) acthe in the University's Student Recruit· ment program. Clara was an acti' e member of :\fortar Board during her senior year. ,\ home economics major she is also a member of Phi Upsilon Omicron. Besides all o( these activi· ties. Clara has reigned as Idaho's Homecoming Queen. as queen of her freshman class, as SAE queen of vio· lets, and most recently, she was crowned i\fay Queen.

Bon BAKr.S

Bob, a graduating senior in the col· lege of law, was rated as the top Stu· dent in the senior law class. Bob auended his first two )Cars of college at BJC where he was active in man)' things and outstanding in Varsity base· ball. At Idaho he was president of the LOS house, appointed to Exec Board in 1954 and re-elected to the board the following year. lie has been a member of the i\!en's Disciplinariau Committre, Student Services Hoard, and served as Co-Chairman of R ·E Week. This member of Phi Beta Kappa was also a candidate for ASUI prexy. His list of honorary member· ships include Phi Alpha Delta, 131uc Key. and Silver Lance.


COLLEGE OF EDUCATION The College of Education prepares workers for all levels of the eduo nional system-kindergarten teachers to superintende nts of schools. Its teacherpreparatory program, undergraduate a nd gr aduate, is designed to qualify students for sta ndard teachers' credentials, not only in Idaho, but in other states as well. lts graduates go out to teach, supervise, and administer everywhere in Idaho, in o the r sta tes and in fore ig n countries. Three major de partments constitute the College: Education, Psychology and Physical Education, with lurther special programs in ~ fu s ic Education, Business Educatio n, Industrial Arts Education and Guidance and Counseling. This work is carried o n by a fa culty of thirty members. Enrollments in the College reached a n all-time hig h of 717 this year, and it is well that this ill so, for the demand for graduates is insistent a nd constantly growing tronger. The enviable records being made by Idahotrained teacher incrca e this demand. ) . FRIIll RIO . \\' It Tl"

Dean, College or Education l'rofe\\or or Edu{ation Di reoor of Summer Sdtool




B O\ l ' R

;\ItS~ !\lAIII I . I.OC:t-. 1路


\\' omen's l'h )ska l Ed.

l\1 en's Ph ysical Education

Nancy Lee applies her college trammg in student-teaching in the first grade at Lena Whitmore Grade chool.



l\1. 131-RR\'


Practical e'perience i~ also gained hy ;\larie Brammer. shown here studentteaching iu the first grade at Russell Grade School.


Kappa Delta Pi T his national <cH·cht<ational cchu·ation honor<~n require' junior 'landing and <1 3.2 1 for mcrnhcr,hip. Row one: \I a~ l'appenhagen. Emil\ \lo,cr. l'a t l iar· rington. Caroh n • anderson. Louise I atko. Elaine :'lloore. Charlotte rnith, Rosella Kell~ . Charlotte Krat7cr. Row two: Don ' lvl:t<'>O"I, Joan \\'alrath. Ro~crnan l lohingcr. Vi' ian Rillings . .Joan .\hhott. Ccnc\a Famam. J anecn Koonl!. llc,crl) Bun,cll. Louise :'llix, ;\Irs. Whitehead. l lenon L. Snider. Row 1hrcc: J. Edward Johmon , Chcr· ric Tan\..erslcv. Barhn ra Warner, t\ lari· lyn :'l!oore. jc:m Westo n. Shirley Jo'loyd. Clcnra .\ndrcs. Deane Lyca n , Ri chard ll chard, S1an ley l'car~on .

Phi Delta Kappa The largest and oltle>l professional fralcrnit y for men in education. its chic£ purpose is to promote fl·ee public education as an essential to the development and maintenance of a dcmocrac). through continuing interpretation of the ideals of research, sen icc and leadership. Row one: Dr. John Green. Dr. Be rr). :'llr. O'Neill. Rohcrt Waddcl, Dean \\'elllin, Mike O'Callaghan. Dr. Blackstone, Capt. \\'~ckofT. R ow two: Mr. Bond. :'llr. I'ern. R a) mond i\'orton. Wil son :'llerrill, Louis l li rsdnnan. Stanle} Pearson, Vernon Farnell. J ames Bryan, Richard ll ehard. Roger Ranta. Dr. \\'eel..s. Mr. Kccs. Leonard ll of£. Robcrt llanis. Tonnn y Martin. Dr. Ed. t\!oorc, Donald Kam p, Da lbert Wil liams, Jack Wc htin , Cl:l) I o n Ockcrt. R ay Wilk e, .\nhur Bergthold.

Faculty Row one: :'l!r. Schwartt, Dr. Berq , Dr. Leon G reen. Dean WeltLin, Dr. BO)Cr, Miss Locke. Dr. BlackstOne. Row 1wo: i\rr. Gl ander. Dr. Giles, Dr. Burlingame, Miss Rowe, Dr. :'ll aib, Miss Coffey, Miss Evans, Mr. Smith. Row three: Dr. Farley, Dr. .J. Snider, t\lr. Kau s. Dr. Sitlinger. Dr. Otness, Dr. J. Green, Mr. R adc liff, Dr. H . Sn ider, Mr. Golding.


jOAN ..'\1111011 El. Ed. Boise J3F.I'F.RLY BOWI路RS Bus. Ed. Boise BEVERLY CALL Elementary Wilder Gt.ORCE A. DONALOSON Physical Ed. Emmett

l\fARY ELLEN ALLRED Elcm. Ed. H ai ley NOR~IA J EAN BRADLEY Comb.-Elem & Sec. Springfield CAROLYN CANNON Elementary Boise Ln.:oAL DRIPS Elcm. Ed. Jerome

CLEORA ANDRES Business Ed. Potlatch ;\[ARIE BRAM~路IER Education Lewiston NANCY CASTEEL Elementary Wallace EDWARO J. ELDRED<..拢 i\lusic Ed. Pocatello

j A'IICE r\nRY l~ l cm. Eel. Clarkia \\' AIL' E. BROW,, Physical Eel. Pasco, Wash. DORIS CONDON l~ l em. & Sec. Eel. Lewiston I'J\ '1 FARMI'R Elementary ll agermau

E BAILEY Comb.路Elem. & Sec. Twin Falls i\IARY J EAN BURKE Business Ed. Boise DORIS CONKLIN Elem. Hagerman 00ROTIIY FAR~'IIN Elementa ry Sandpoint


NORMA BORDEN Elem. Kellogg SHIRLEY J3, RNE Guidance Buhl JoANN D rr iM t.R Physical Ed. Black(oot GENEVA FARNAM E lementary Moscow

As part of a class assignment :"anq :\loen. Ka} D1 ic'~en , and Phyllis Neater ob er"e studc:Hs at Lena Whitmore Grade School. Gaining practical experience in threading a projector arc \'elma \\'arren , Barbara Keller. Petrea Knudwn , BetS} Dregnie, j o H aight, and Diane :\lanwcilcr. Instructor of this class in Audio-Visual .\ ids is Paul Kaus.


\'I·R,, OI\ FAR,H.I. l\IAXII\ 1· FLF.TCIIER nusiu ess l\ lusic Myrtle Boise \\'A\ NE Gl.l lll)~' jO II AII:IIT Ele me ntary Educ. I I isrory Kamiah Santa Barbara. Calif. Rosr.~IARI' II OI.SINI:FR FR ITZ HOLZ I ndustrial Arts Business We ndell Sandpoint Lt~ON ErnvARO .J<> IINSON i\IARY Lou JOII NSON Music Elementary La Grande, Ore. Moscow

Lt.f P. FOL.1Z

.\R r fRO~RI· R J>h ysica l Sci. Wild Life Mgt. Grangeville .\la111 eda, C:llif. RALI'H HALE I'AIII. I I AN~C)N Social Sci. !'hysical Blackfoot l'otlat r h LEE I NSKO DoN ISAACSON Ph ys ica l Soda ! Sci. Post Falls Fcmwood WARR F.N .\t.t:x JOIIA NSON DI·.ANI' J<>t..~ II·:A I> English ~lusic Lewiston ClarkstOn

DARLEt"E fROST Ph ysica l Nampa l\ h Kt: H F.I'LF.R Business C larkston MARLYS j ACKSON Elementary <'AlCIII' d 'Alene i\IAKSH j oNt~S !'hysica l Ventura, Calif.

GARRF.TI Biological Sci. Deary NAt>lNF. HOI.I.I•,,IIt.CK Husiness Nampa ~ORMAI\


Social Sci. Orofino PATRICIA jONF.S Elementary .\furta ugh

Dr. Hen·on Snider discu cs problems o f sccondar r teach· ing during Principles o£

ccondary Education class.

Working out a dance rou unc with ~fiss Rowe, modern dance arc Vivian Rhoads, Diane Olmsted, and Kathy Keithly.


CIIARL\" II AII', Elemental') Pocatell o

RosrLLA Lnc K1 .LL\ English i\loscow

BARilARA LO'G'~.;s Elementary Moscow

:'\AM\ 1.11' Elementary Washington, D.C.

SIIIRI.t:\ E LIZABF.TII Ll!\ T CLA \'TON LISLE E lementary .\ lath . Caldwell Caldwell

C II ARU.'> \ V. Lo'<: l'h ysica I Coeur d'Alene

D. RI CIIARD L\ CAN C eol. Ccog. Sheboygan, Wis.

KEITII :.I ACPII H; Business Ke llogg

C II ARLI s L i\lcl1t1r.u Social Scienre Caldwell

.J OAN MIDDLEKA UFF Elementary 'ew M eado ws

i\!ARLEN I' i\ll l'K Elem. & Sec. Ed. Weiser

n~.w•·: v N•·:w\IA!\ l~ducation

SIIARFN i\IOSII I!\SK \' El em e ntar y Ed. St. Maries

DoNIS ELAINE MooRE Soc ia l Studies Twi n Falls

MAY PAI'I'F.NIIAC.H' English Orofino

j A!\ENE PARKI XSON English Boise

i\!ARTIIA K. PA\'Nf; Business Oregon City. Ore.


PIIILLII' 13. PARBE Education :\!iami, Florida

i\1 AR\ J o Pow1

DAVID L. R ANK IX History ,\ shton

i\!ILDRED J ANt:Tl£ R AWI.S Elementa r y Ed. Lewiston

Memphis. Tenn. J3LA!\CIIE l't:ARSO'I Elemental')' Lewiston

PF.Tt: RSON Tnd11strial .\ns Coeur d'.\lene

' I helma R udolph assists Dr. :\!aih to demonstrate a poster in .\lethod~ and .\laterial~ in Primar} Language .\ns. Watching arc Barbara Simon. Petre<J Knudson. and Roberta H assler.



Sccondaq Ed. .\ l o~cow

Time spent in class is not always wasted. :'\anq Lee puts into practi ce l.nowlcdge gained in class as she student-teaches in the first grade at Lena Whitmore G rade School.


.\n important part or the College of Education h the special program for those interested in Industrial . \rts. I I ere at worl-. in the Industrial .\rts wor!..shop arc William Peter· son. George R adcliff. instructor. Mick Palillo. Ulair ll arrington. Ivan H op· kins. Di ck Grci£. Don Martin , Emil




ll .E1A SAil" Elementary Wilder

\VIL\IA CAROl. SCII\11[}1 Elementary Ed. l.ewiswn

DAI II\ StiiRL.EY I' hysical Rexburg

D UFFY STF't>t R Soc. Sci. Clarksfork

TEll STOCKMAN Soc. Swdics Kootenai


C HERRtt: TANKF.RSL.E\' i\1 usic Glenns Ferry

Gt.EN Ttl'l)l·. Indu strial Arts Gilford

R ONAL.I) T tTUS Physical Ed. Ahsahka

TIIOMAS R. TURI'IN Ed ucation Bovi ll

FARROL jOAN WAI .RA'III Elcm. &: Sec. Ed. Orofino

ji·:AN WP.STON Comh . Eel. Aberdeen

CERAL.I) R. \VtiiH: Industrial Arts Kendrick

DAI.IIH('L 1.. \ Vtt.LIAM S Industrial .\rts Coeur d',\lene

~I AR\' 1 '1

ROllii\SON English Sa n Diego, Ca lif.

R ut•fRT Hist. &: Soc. Sci. Jerome

L. i\f tCIIF.L. Industria l Arts Tekoa , Wash.




. } "SSfS

Dean, College of Engi neering Director, Engineering E" peri ment Stat ion

Faculty Row one: f rank . j unk. Paul ~la nn. Charlie Ulaine, j . ll ugo j ohnson, H arold C. \mos. Row two: D. ~1. Oliason. Dwight S. Hoffman. C. C. Lomax. L. .\ . j obe, C. C. W arnick, j . T . :-.:orgord .


Eng ineers arc the me n who build- the p io neers of a ll genera tions and places. T he Uni versity's College of Engineering tra ins men for five differen t phases of the professio n- Chemica l Eng ineering, Agricultural Engineering, Civil Eng ineering, Electrica l Engineering, and l\Iechanical Engineering. R ecognized as o ne of the fin est Engineering Colleges in the United Sta tes, it a ttracts stude nts fro m al l over the country and from fore ign countries and, a ltho ug h o nly medi ttm in size, it has proven itself o utstand ing in compe titio n with o ther Engineeri ng Schools. T he College fa ll enrollme nt reached a n a ll-time h igh with just under 700 enrolled, of which 103 arc ex pected to g raduate this J une. T o tra in these me n ne w equipme nt is consta ntly be ing added to the different depa rtments of the College, inclvd ing this yea r a new 1956 Chrysler engine. A new a na log com puter for stude nt usc is a lso expected. 路with new equi pme nt a nd the ne w buildings which have been constructed in the past few years, the College is better prepared tha n in previous years to tra in engineers for the future- a professio n fo r which there is an ever-increasing dema nd.

Sigma Tau Row one: George Bloomsburg. Lawrence D . Bruesch. L. .\rthu r Riley, Jerry L. Kessler, Larq Williams. Frank Rusho, Tom :-.rae· Gregor, Allen Stubberud, Larry Klappen hach. Row two: J. M . Whiting. George Ha)eS, Wm. D. Cameron, Norman H elgeson , Dwight S. H offman, V. Keith Smith, p resi· dent. Roger Thieme. Pete McConne ll, Bill Rliesncr, Ronald R ob inson, Wall y Hendri ck· ~on. cal Powell. Row three: Richard Peter· son. Laurence Johnson, Edward A. Pottenger, J ay L. Robison, Douglas Tcl lefson. Thomas Sha). Charles De Palmo, Fred P. Wahlquist , Ruo;sell ,\ . Boor, Richard Gaskins. Paul \ ckerman. Willa rd Child~. ~ot picwred: William Ca rson, R alph Clements. Richard Denny. Donald Dimick, R obert Furgason, Theodore l'rostenson, John Kaku, Lowell 1\fagelb y, R obert McBirney, !\Iaurice McCool, R oy Merrill, David Newel l, Don Nielson, David O 'Harrow, Donald Snodgrass, Jam es Van Sant, Peter Van H outen.

Sigma Tau, the ho norary for the College o( Engineering and the College of ~ l ines, selects its members on the basis of scholarship, practicality, and sociability. The Idaho chapter was established in ~ l ay, 1922, and ~i n cc that time it has become one of the most respected honorarie~ on the campus. Its purpose is to encourage students in engineering to atta in high standards of moral ethics a nd professional pride, wh ich are the qualities necessary to a successful e ngineering career. Each year an award is presented to that sopho· more who has, during his freshman year, proven himself to be the omstanding engineer in his class. This year igma T au was guided through a most successful year by President V. Keith Smith and faculty advisor Prof. D wight H offman. These two were a bly assisted by Vice-president Theodore Frostenson, R ecording secretary Allen Stubberud, Corresponding secretary L arry Klappenbach, Treasurer Edward Pottenger, Historian Robert 1\fcBirney, and R eporter Donald Dimick.

Faculty Row one: Rolan d B)CTS, Wm. H. Knight, F. H . Hall, A. S. Daniels, \\'. R. Parish. R ow two: Lloyd B. Craine, C . D. King, Cecil W. H athaway, Clifford .\ . Taylor, J . E . Dixon, E. I I. l)a, is.


I' . R . i\CKERMA' Chemical Cr)Slal L ake, Ill.

j AC CAWARO i\lecha n ical Ca ldwell R o' CoRRELL .\ gricultural ~l)rlle

D llANF. FORTE E lectrical n o ise

J.D. ,\,01 RSO~ FRA,KLI;.I . \ . BAIIR ..\gricuhural Chemical Genesee Weiser c. B. C IIAMII F.RL.AI :-. ,\LA N CHA~IUI• RS Mechani ca l C h emical M oses Lake, Wash. Buhl C~RAL.O :\1. I)ALJ.AS PntL. Cnu·R Chit Ch·il Twin Falls St . .\nthon) BJORN 0. FR EM~II N< : T. R. FROS1 t-:NSON Civi l i\lechanical Oslo, o rway Fairfield

EARL BRACE Chem. :\leridian \\'ILLARI) CIIILOS M echa nica l Soda Springs CIIARLf.S D EPAL\10 :\lechanical Ru pert RonutT Fu RC:AsON C hemica l Clark Fork

Kt:ITH BROW~I'G Chemical St. . \nt hOil) RALI'H 1. CLCMENTS C ivil Nampa llRI'C£ Dt \II( K Chemical :\lontpelicr R. \V. CALLAC:II F.R M echan ica l St. :\lades

\ V. D. CA~HRO:-.

Elcc. Spokane Rt<;IIARO E. COOKE Chemica l W eiser GtORC.F. E IDA \I Electrical Sa ndpo in t RIC IIAKI) G t\SKI NS Mechanical Pocatello


CARSO,, JR. Agricuhural W eiser

\\' ILLARO 1.. FEEL.\ Electrical Coeur <1',\le ne EDWARil 0. GROF F Civi l Boise

AI work in a civi l e ngineeri ng laboratory arc e lectrica l engi neers P et er ~'fcConnell, Arnold BraulT, Robert Klempel , ,\nclreas Engm ark, and LeRoy :\lurra). Shown during an engineering laboraror} are :\l ihon Duran , Profe,-,cn· Victor :\l)ers, D . E. Warren , and H oward Shepard.


Laboratory stu<h consumes much of the time of the ~:tee trital Engineer> at Idaho.

Ft.O\ o i\1. C~toss H ARVEY H ERR lC.S l AO J OliN E. H ANSO:-. Chemica l Mechanica l i\1 echa nica l Fruitland New York City Coeur d'Alene DAVE.\£. KOIII.I jOII:-1 P. K NOOLI' R oN KuKA .\ lechanical .\lechanical Chemical Burley Spoka n e, Wash. Twin Falls 1.01\'F.LL .\fACU'RY L\wR£:-.c£ :\fcNA\IAR I o~• .\l cCRF.COR Mechanical Civil Mechanical Blackfoot :\ampa Pocatello RICIIARO C. l\fOOR•: t\IAURICE K. NASSI R Rt CIIARD H . NFLSON E lectrica l Chemifal Electrical Boise B eth lehem. J orda n Troy

\gricultural Engineer> impect dams during laboratory on irrigation de,elopment.

j A\1 1-.S llt LL Chemical St. Anthony D. LENKERSDORFFR .\lechanical Pocatello Do:-. :\f ART" :\lechanical Idaho Falls DAVID NEWELL Ch em ica l Ca ldwell

Gl .. , ~ K. ROSSNER LAtlRt,o: J ouNsoN C hemical C ivil Indian Valley Ash to n GORDO~ L ESLIE R ouFRT M c B tRNEY Civil Electrical Boise Calgary, Canada RO\ .\I t KR ILL jA \IU , \ . M OODY Electrical Electrical t\rco Boise DOi\AI.O L. NIELSON DAVID O ' H ARROW Electrical .\ gricultural Twin Falls P oca t ello

I.ARK\' KI,AI'I'ENRACII l~ l cc trica l

Lew iston t\IORRIS . \ . M cCooL

Ci\ il Ru pert T to :\loo' Mechanical Bu rley J Oli N 01'-EIOA Civi l Shosho ne


Shown at work in a Civil Engineering laboratory arc mechanical engineers 1\oh I !illyer , J asper Avery. and Bob Bycc.

RIC. IIARI) OR~ISIIY Electrical Coeur d'Alene Low""' · A. RrLI' Y Civil Chippewa Falls. Wis. F. l.. S'IRICKLING Electrical Gooding FK ~-0 \ VAIILQiliST Mechanical Idaho Falls 44

Floyd Gross and Ro land Robertso n, chemi ca l engineering seniors, also use the Civil Engineering laboratories in their work.

RON OSBORN Chemical i\ toscow ROI\t:RT R OWI.liNI) Chemical Weiser

\VILFREO PALUTIIE Nt:AI. K. POWI•II. Electrical Chemical Moscow Idaho Falls WALTER KrNG ROOT JIM R liSSf.l.l. Civil Electrica l Boise Sandpoint

SIIE:LDON I'RIIJ~. Mechanical Rupcn EDWARD SCIIM ITII Chemical Lewiston

CHARLES RIDDLE DONALO E. Ru:c.rN Mechanical Civil i\•fountain Home Cambridge VIRGIL KEITH SMITII DONALO SNOOC.RASS Electrical Chemical Meridian Boise

A l.l.fN S'l llliiJERlJI) Electrical Ponderay LAKR\ \VtLLIAMS Agricultural :'\loscow

DOUGLAS T ELLEFSON EOWIN E. UTZ Civil Electrical Spokane, " ' ash. Lewiston J. l\1. WILLOWS, JR. LOWFI.L E. WISP. Mechanical Ci' it LewistOn Twin Falls

I'. F. VAN I IOUit.N

jtM VANSANT i\Icchanical Lewiston JOSEPII N. YRAGUI

,\gricultural Twin Falls I'Al'l. 0. \\'OELFI'L ~!cchani ca l Lcwi~ton



Buo VAN STO/I.t: Civil Hope

Top HI L L ll.\ USC IIER Hil l"~ outst:lllding athletic participarion wilt long he rememhen:d at the U. of J. He has participated in track and basketball and sencd this )Car as co-captain of the ba~kethall ream. li e was \(>led the most valuable pla)er for 19.'i6 h) the other members of rhe team. H owever路. -.ports is not Bill's onl) claim to fame. lie ha' heen an acti'e mem 路 ber of Delta Tau Delta fraternit) sen ing fo r two years a~ chapter pre,ident. During his senior year, he was the recipient o( the ,\rmy ROTC award for the distinguished Military Student. nit! has sened as president of lFC. vice-president of the 1-Cluh. I le is a member of Alpha Epsilon Delta, Scabbard and Blade, and Blue Key.


11.\I'I:S GOTSCH- Hans has bee:1 outstanding in hi\ major fteld of agricullllre. H e is a mem路 her of the ,\ g fraternity. Alpha Zeta, and has al~o served as president o( the Ag Club. He has helped to organite the Little International 'how during the past three years. He started his work with Little International during his freshman year when he was champion H ereford showman. ln following years he was champion beef showman and champion swine showman. A memher of the Air Force, he was g iven the A mcrican Legion award for outstandi ng service. li e is a member o( Scabbard and Blade and the .\rnold Air Society. Hans was a lso elected sen ior dass vice-president.

More Seniors

K.\REt\' H RDSTROM -This energetic Kappa has warbled her wa) ro rhe hearu of Idaho swdents. She has heen a mem ber and soloist for the Vandalcers during her four years at Idaho. She has al~o sung as a member of the ~ladrigals. in the campus opera producrion. and was a Blue Key talent show winner. Besides her music activities. Karen found rim e to be a SPUR, a pom pom gi.-t, a mem her of rhe Curtain C: lu h, and a member of the debate team. 1-l er scho lastic arrain rnems bro ught her a mcmhersh ip in Phi Reta Kappa. She was a rncmher of Sigma Alpha Iota and ;\lortar Board. Frush Orientation. Campus C hest. and rhc Blood Drive arc some of the .\ SU I artivities in wh ich she has participared. In her house s he has held I he posi I ions or so ng-leader and pledge trainer.

COLLEGE OF FORESTRY One of the nation-wide attractions of the University of Idaho is its renowned College of Forestry. Because of its top natio nal rating for excellent training in the field of forestry, Idaho usually has at lct~st one representative from nearly every state in the Union and from severa l foreign countries. Students arc kept busy with studies of forests, fi sh, ranges, wildlife, plt~nts, game birds, and wood utilization in la borato ries and classrooms. One of the hig hlig hts of earning a degree in forestry at Idaho is the e ight-week summer camp he ld in the intriguing woodlands surrounding the Payette L a kes n e<~r ~lcCall. As well as be ing surrounded by dense treelife, the foresters have a 7000acre experime ntal forest within fo urteen mi les of the campus, a tree nursery which produces stock for planting throug hout Idaho, and a large arboretum which shows off its 150 va r ieties of trees which are especiall y spectacular in the fall or the year. ERNI-.Sl \\'. \ \'OIIII• I l

Dean of Forcstq Director of J:ore-.t Wildlife and Range



Faculty Row one: Lee harp. \'irgil Pratt. \\'illi am Ferrell. Ernest \\'oh lctz. Frederic Johnson, Franklin Pitkin. R ow two: Robert Gilbert¡ son. Kenneth Hungerford, Edwin "I isdalc, Merrill Deters, R obert ;\forrow, David Olson, Paul Dalke .

.\t work in Wood Products Pathology laboratory arc Ccnc n qant. Ben J enness, Moui n Zugst. Dr. Gilhcrt,on, lluhcn B)nu m , J ames Kline, ,\li eu Coombes.


Row one: Gene Cole, R. J. Newman. Rex Pieper, Roger Krinard, Richard Feeney. Robert Speedy, J a)me Pinheiro. Elwin Price. Row two: Ken Kreuger. Laurie t owler. Ralph Lindberg. Charles Janecek. Dr. ~I errill Deters, Donald Fandry, Ralph Ki1er. ~OL picwred: Algirdas Greichus. Robert J ones. 'orman Chupp. Gordon Heebner. Robert ~lc.\lister. ~orman McClure, H ubert B}num. Charles Can sci. Vernon Bmlison. Paul Dall..e, 拢, eren Ellis. William Ferrell, Robert Gilbertson. K e 11 n e L h Hungerford. t\ l inoru H ironaka. William P. Lehrer. Harold Mcilvaine. Dave Olson. Franl.. Pitkin. Virgil Pratt. Lee Sharp. .\ 1路 hert Slipp, Edwin Tisdale, Ernest Wohletz, Fred Johnson, and Ethan Freeman.

Xi Sigma Pi, national forestry honor fraternity, was founded at the niversity of Washington No,ember 24, 1908. Ep ilon Chapter at the niver ity of Idaho was established in 1920. The objects of Xi Sigma Pi arc to ~ccurc and maintain a high standard of scholarship in forest education, to work for the upbuilding of the profe~sion of forestry, and to promote fraternal relations among earnest workers engaged in forest activities. The fraternity is interested in honoring the student in forc~try who is doing good work and who has a personality that would tend to make him successful in the forestry profession. Also, it encourages forestry activities at the colleges and universities with which it is connected.

Xi Sigma Pi

Ohscn ing an elk salt experiment at Sclwa) River Game Range during the spring Wildlife field trip arc Fred J. Kildel. Arthur Frocrer, Rex Pieper, .\1 Greichus. and Boh J ones.


E. ANORt:WS Fishery ~Igt. 'cw Haven. Conn.

R lii'F.RT


Wildlife Mgt. Dearborn, Michigan R t.X D . PtF.r•t:R \\'ildli£e :\lgt. Idaho Falls

.\ t.t.EN COOI\ I IIt:S

Wood Utilitation Rossland. B.C. ROBERT j ONES

Wildlife :\lgt. Bouineau, '.n. Ptl f.R



Forest :\lgt. Los .\ngeles, Cali£.



B. GKF(:(; Forest Mgt. Chehalis. Wash.

E~ • ~10"s

j AMt:S

Wi ld life :\Igt. Cincinnati, Ohio EDWARD '\'ILLIA~I KA li i'Z

Forest :\lgt. :\lilwaukee. \\'i,. RtCIIARO

Ro:-. l't:Rtz

Wood te. Toledo. Ohio

'IAti BJ R

Forest :\lgt. Pocatello

,\ Sllld) of range plants is an im· portant phase of the training o( stu· dents desiring to become foresters. Shown during class time are Ralph I hrall. Ralph Lindberg. Gene Cole, Jim Eggleston, George Bcrschied, Leon Richards, j erry Light, Charles J aneccJ,, Na1han Yost. Lee Sharp, instructor, and Elliot Light.


Graduate School The Graduate 'chool meets the needs of the increasing number of college graduates who are finding that a four-year course is not sufficient preparation for many occupations. Graduate study provides qualified students a n opportunity to work closely with distinguished scholars and to develop a maturity of thought and a ttitude which will enhance their profession and cultural lives. Graduate training has been carried on at the University since 1909 with fifly differe nt majors leading to masters' degrees offered by the various colleges comprising the University of Idaho. Over five hundred graduate students register each year in the summer session, during regu Jar semesters, or in the two off-campus programs carried on at Atomic Energy Commission installations at Idaho Falls, I daho, a nd Richland, Washington.



Dean of Graduate School Executive Secretary of Research Council

Geology students Don Ringe, Jerry Sweeney, Roger Martin, and Gene Sidler meet for a graduate seminar.

Doing grad uate research in Agricullllral Chemistry arc Dennis Mah lum and Bill Schell.



1\0WI.FS ~larketing &


Kooskia jolll\SON K ENOALL R a nge Mgt. Rawlings. W)O. Ct•1unR ~IJJAR H nrt. J>anjab, India jA\ \I I' I'I,II HRO Forest :\£gt. ;\loscow

J AMES E. BRYA N Ag. Ed. Good ing DoN KAMI' Music Ed. ! Iarrison DoN O'CALL.AGHA N Cuid. Ed. :\loscow RALI'II TIIRAI.L R ange Le thizridibe, Alberta

STAN D ANIELS Mech. Eng. H o uston, T exas L EW IS LANGNF.'IS Psych . Wallace CHARI.I'.S 0Lll11AM l'ol. Sci. Blackfoot R OBFRT \\' AOil~ 1.1. Educ. ;\loscow

Shown operating a Geiger coun ter in the agricultural chemistry department is Syh ia Lee, a graduate swdent from Formosa.


GARY DI XON Zoology Coeur d'Alene RO<:~ R



G eo l. Las Vegas. Nev. ROIII·.RT PARI SII A g. Twin Falls FLO\ J) \\'ANA~IAKF.R .\ ccount ( Bus) Wallace

NORMAN FLYN N Education Weiser NORMAN MCCLII RE R ange l\fgt. Nespelem, \ Vash. BILL PA UL Chem. Twin Falls CALV I :'~ \\' un F Law B urley

Louis R emsberg operates a distilling appar atus during th e course of his graduate research in Chemistq.


The special objectives of the profession of law include a pursuit of the career of a lawyer, a judge, or a law instructor. The College of Law at the University is affiliated with the Association of American Law Schools which endeavors to improve the legal education in our country. The curriculum offered prepares Idaho Jaw students for general practice in any state in the Un ion. The well-trained legal scholars that instruct and conduct research for Jclaho students supervise courses of study in commercial law, property relationship, public law and administration, and procedure and judicial administration.


Dean and Professor of Law

Row one: Edward S. Stimson , Marlys Chadsey. Shirley Barret, Carolyn Folz. Row two: Thomas R. Wa lenta, W. J. Brockelbank, George Bell, Phillip Peterson. Herbert Herman.

The law library is the scene of much work and research. Here many hours are spent by Idaho's future lawyers.


Row one: Don Daiker. Bill :'\ixon, Bob Bakes. Thomas Wa路 letHa. Herbert Berman. 13ill Brauner, " 'allace Transtrum. Row two: Bill Parsons. ' I om Miller, William 1 icholas. jay Webb, Gary Bell, John Reese, Winston Churchill, Howard ;\lanweiler. Row three: Eugene Lozier, Wallis Friel. Lamont Jones, Eugene Smith, John Cole路 man, Robert 1ewho usc. Rich路 ard Smith, Wi ll iam Taylor. Not pictured: Ben Ashley, Ra lph Haley, Gerry Hess. Jim Lynch, Charles McDevitt. Don Worden, Bud Hagen.

Phi Alpha Delta

Phi Alpha D elta is the National Law Honor Fraternity. Each year Kent chapter of the University of Idaho sponsors a symposium with outstanding men of the legal profession forming the panel discussing some current legal problem. Other activities include the law school spring picnic and monthly meetings with outside speakers.

Und er Class men





N~wttoust 路



Idaho Falls




1\o ise C II IICK ~I<:DHIII

l'oca1 e llo


Pullman, \\' ash. TuO.\ IAS ,\. ~III.I.Ht

Bo ise

RAI I'll fl Ail ' ~lm<ow


\\' II .I .I A \1 :\'IXO'


lion ncrs Fcrq

1-l.I UFR

A reo

R u:st

Cheney, Wash.

Bob Bakes, lll tnm ey for pia inti ff, i\ lari路 lyn Bowers, q uest io ns Uoyd Terry. Judge Philip E. Petersen is presiding over the mock !rials which are h eld each year iu order to give law Sill dents of Idaho practice in cou rt -room procedure. During the same 1rials r om .\Iiller presents e\iclence 10 th e <oun as Cary Bell, clerk of 1he court , Gene Smith, recorder, and J ack llrowu , witness, listen. Judge l'e ter,en is p1路c;,iding.


COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE This College, the oldest and largest division of the U niversity, both in e nrollment a nd in number of courses offered, has eight academic divisions: An a nd Architecture, Biological Sciences, H ome Economics, Humanities, Mathematics, .\I usic, Ph ysical Sciences, and Social Scie nces. H ere one can obtain a genera l education, explore various fields of interest, a nd obtain professional or preprofessional training for any of a long list of occupations. As he pursues o ne of these objectives, he will study under a competent faculty and will work with facilities that a re kept modern by a policy of constant improveme nt. A special (eawre o( Letters and Science is the general type of curriculum which the e ntering freshmen may follow. This permits him to postpone the selection of his major until his junior year. Consequently, the beginning student has an opportun ity to discover a nd to explore the various fields of knowledg·e before choosing his major. This not o nly e nables him to make a wiser choice, but it also enables him to obtain a more libera l type of training before beginning his profe sional special ization. B OH> \ . ;\(ART"

Dean, College of Lcucrs and Science Professor of Political cience


l\1. :\IACKLI:'>

Music DR. C. ~ORTox Co•· Humanities DR. R 08£RT E. H OSACK Social Sciences PROF. MARGARET RITCII If:

Home Econom ics


Physical Sciences DR. K ENN1'ETH


l\Iathematics PROF. THEODORE




Art and Architecture DR. 'VILLIA~I H. BAKER

Biological Sciences





Phi Beta Kappa The oldest and perhaps one of the best known of college fraternities, Phi Beta Kappa gives recognition to high scholastic attainment in the field of liberal arts and sciences. The new members arc chosen from the junior and senior classes each spring. Row one: Sherie Fox, .\nn l'opma, Karen Hurdstrom. Jane Remshcrg. Sue ~lc­ :\lahon. Karen Lee Krauss. \l:ugaret C'..os· tcllo. Kri,tine .\nderson. Row t\\o: Lon Da' is. Dwaine Griffith. Charlc, Crow, Dwa}nC S:l\'age. ~an Soden. Si' Bergstrom, Lee ,\nd crson, StaniC) ~ca l cy.

Alpha Epsilon Delta A great honor (or pre-meds, predents, and bacteriology students is to be chosen to become a member of this national scholastic honorary. Officers for the year were: Dwayne Savage, president: John Payne, vicc-prc!>ident: :\Iargarct Post, secretary: Boyd Terry, treasurer; Owen Davies, historian; a nd .Jim Seeley, sca lpel reporter. Row one: Jim Seeley. John Payne, Dwayne Savage. lln)d Terry, R. Owen Da\ ics. Row two: Patsy Nance, Jo.\nn Wallace. ue .\lli<><m. Gwen Scribner, ~lar · garet Post. Carol Reichert. Row three: Bob l:arish. Ron Pun iance. I'egg} ~el · son, Carole Clad,, Dr. D . .\. Gustafson, .Jan Willms, Diane D<H is. Don Rc)•nolds, Tom l\kDcviu. Row four: Bruce l\ lil ler, AI Andrews. l.arry Welch, Jack Cole, Hill Klunder, llill Hauscher, Gary Sim mons. Larry Ward. Not pictured: Kenny Wright, Dale llrandt. \\'es .\lien, Bill Douglas.

Sigmi Xi The Society of Sigma Xi, leading sctentilic and research fraternity, requires its members to have had published in a r e cog n 1 z c d scientific journal, one research paper. The fraternity, founded in 1886, was formed at Idaho in 1920 and installed as the thirty-eighth chapter of the Society in 1922.

Row one: Harq II. Caldwell, H. C. ,\ Janis, R . L. Gilbertson, W. F. Barr, N. F. Hin dle. L.A. harp, C. D. King, \\' . H. Baker, J. E. EYans. L. C. Cady. Row two: H ubert H . B)rnam. Jr .. '\onnan R. ~lcCiurc. Lewis S. Prater, J. D. Forrester, G. R. \nderson, Joseph Nc\\' 1011. Victor ~Ivers, Fred ando,al, J. J. )filler, Glenn C. Lewis, Duane Le-I ourneau, Dwight . Hoffman, ,\lien . Janssen. \\. R. Parish, J. :\1. ~lartin, hirley Bring, Virgil \\'. Cannichacl. Row three: Albert J. Warren, R. ,\. Hibbe. Row four: Donald .\. Burgh. Godfrey )lanin. F.arl Cook, Earl J. Larrison, ll enry Silha, W. W. talC)', :M. Gurevitch, L. P. Remsberg, G. J. ,\ndcrson.


jiM .\ OOI.I'IISO' ~lathema tics

Crea l Fa ll s S ll' lhiH.s"IROM C he mistry 1\Jo rjar v. Swed en LYNN J. CALLAIIAN A rchitecture Sa lem. Ore. C IIARI.t.S i\1 . CROW Psycho logy Idaho C i ty

\\' t_<,U \ .\ LLE:-' l're-med. :\l~mp~

P AUI. 1.. J31 .ANTON Architecture Pasco, W as h . J A' t I CA\II'IlELL I lome Ec. E mmett ~J AR ill A D AviS I lo m e .\rts Scaulc , \ Vash .

L tr F . .-\ ' o£~1\ l'o litical ci. .\ berdeen S IEVE BOYLE Eng lish Idaho Fa lls c. CIIA \I IIFRI.A" Dietet ics Coeur d'.\lene FRHH'R ICK D liM" I I istory Moscow

CLARA .\R\I STRO:-'G LOI IS B ARR£rr H ome Ec. l' h)sics ~loscow Lapwa i P hoe nix, A ri z. DALE AI.AN BRAI\DT SIII RI.EY ilRAN IJ\'OLD HI.ANC:IIE BRANSON Zoology I lo m e Ec. Ed. B acte rio logy Spokane. W asiL Coeu r d",\lene Coeur d'.\l en e ] 0\' CIIILCO'I'I L ARR\ D . Cll liRCII CIIARLI.S CI:.AUSl.R \lmic Speech PS) Chology Twin Falls l'a)ell C Kellogg G I'RALil t il " LA RR\' ELLIS S n.v~: I~M t.RI NE Po l. Sci. Geo logy .J o u rn a lism J e rom esv ill e. O h io Nys.•a. Ore. 1\o isc L t:R O\" •\ '0HI30' . \ rchileClllre

BI LL BAUSG IHR P re-den t J e ro m e DONAL!) H . HtiNil Y R adio Le wisto n DA\ E C RIPE Pol. Sci . Kellogg j liOITII L. FLOM I•R Com. D esign C h a rlesto n , \ \'ash .

Superio r ha l.. in g q u a lity of Idaho potatoes has hcen demonstra l<:d in t he test kitchens or the Un i ,·ersit) o f Idaho l lome Economi cs dep artmenl. T est· ing the potatoes arc Na ncy Lee a nd C lara A rm stro ng.

fiusy with leatherwork in an Industrial Arts workshop arc Da l hcrt Williams and Tom Vopat.

JoH.I·. Gr.r-.owAY 1\l.~lt: GORDON


Home Ec. Ed. Pa . Pa ycu c FAYE HARTWELL \ \' ii i.IAM L. H r:.RR ;\lusic French Idaho Falls Sterling

H ome 1\c. Kamiah DF.A'\ .\RIIIl'R H OLT Es1m.R .\. H OI'KI'\S Home Ec. II i~tur~ Histoq \\' ilmiugton. Ohio :\'ampa Rockland \I ARC:ARI I KARAU C1 '\ IIIlA K ARLIICRC .\L\ I'\; R. KAR'\ Naval Sci. English ;\l usic rroy Lewiston Richmond, Ind.

!lome Ec. !Iayden Lake DA\11) L. 11 01.\IES

K \KI '\ Il l RDSTR0\1 ~ru,ic

\l o~o"·

DARI r" Krr Home Ec. Kimberly


l.ucm ro.NP. G IOANJ\1



}Oli N

.\rchitecture Culdesac Ew\1'\l:. HI I.A'\0 Home Ec. Porthill }A\If.S KOCIIfR l'ol. Sci. 1'\ew I'I )IIIOllth

.Music Kellogg :\IARY .\ \;\; J OII'\SO~ Home Ec. La Grande. Ore.


K ORIS ;\(. K oocrr

English St. .\nthony

Indus. C hcm. Nice, France GKACF I IOIISON H ome Ec . Gooding RICt.. tR II. Jo,r.s Radio ~ I 0.-<:011

j.\\1•-' \\' . KKl Gl R

l'ol. Sci. :\'am pa


]EA t\ L Ufi)KI'

English Gcncssc Ront-:RT

II. R . i\ l c K F.t: YF.R i",onlogy Senul c. Wash

II. i\l t:tC iu .t: lll'tUII'KT L. i\ lt:l t-:1\

l'h ysic·s Id aho Falls STAN Nto:ALI\V

Psycho logy Ahcrclccn jO' I' )',"

Nl '

l' rc -:\lcd. Idaho Fall~

In ter. Decor. Uuhl lh .I'I'R L\'

1t· l.SON

I lo me Ec. Opportunity, Wn.


Pre- Law Payette CALI':N


i\ [ 1':1.1,

Chcm is try Moscow FKA NCIS NOSEK, .JR.

Pre-Law High land Park, Ill.


"' II .LIA~I

Pol. Sci. St. :\!aries




E nglish Rathdnun Mti.I ,I· K .J O li N i\ ft X

Sociology R ighy StJSAt\ 0111'R<:

Sociology Sandpoi nt

R OIIfRT :\ . I'F'nRSON \\' AINO I' F.TER$0,, JR. CARO l.

Pol. Sci. Emmett


English Lewiston

A. I'll · ~CI I

Home F.c. Ed. Hope

Architecture Coeur d'A le ne NANCY i\fOORF.

Radio T.V. 1\oi~e


.Jo u rna lism :\loscow GAR \

\ \'tLUA\1 i\fARSHALL


.Journalbm Sandpoint

Food & N utri tion i\ fani la. 1'.1. jFAI\ I'A KR

Math ematics Lewis tun , \ 1\1\ POt',I I A

Hi s wry Buise

;\[,\RIL\'1\ MARiti.

Die tet ics A reo jA NET i\ )OSI'R

Home !-:('. Eel. Coeur cl'. \l ene DI CK I'AI\~H .L

.\ rc h iteclllrt ;\loses J.ah.c. \\'ash. ;\[ARGAI\1 I I'W> I

nactcriolog) Coeur d' \l cnr

Discussing European histoq arc Dr. Church, R oger :\fcPike, Susie Oberg. Dr. Hause, and Da1 id Cripe during political science sllld~. Carl Weinrich. touring concert artist, gi1es hirlc) Danielson. J ames Horn, and :\largaret Johnson pointers concerning the organ.


lime is spent al a draw ing board d u ring t he ti me req u ired for a degree i n arch i1ecture. The uni versity libraq•, photographed from the met.Za· nin e, is the scene o £ many long hours of swdy for Idaho stud e nts before graduation day.

J• RR\


,\rchitecture Koosk ia



Po l. ci. n o ise L11 TII URillR





Law ll ilo, H awaii PATRICIA STEWART Bos S•OLLn Radio Home Ec. Boise Coeur d'Alene JA~IES B. Tow~SE1\0 i\I ILAt\ J. 1 RESZ\IT Sociology Geology Moscow Spokane, Wash.

j A\II.S

A'lll RG

Radio -T. V. J erome


Ro' Architecture ingapo re RONALD Vos;, Zoo log) Kellogg

, \RT ScH MAUDER. J ournalism Short Hills, N.J. KERMIT E. TATE H istory Pierce JoANN WALLACE Bacteriology Coeur cL\ Iene


Home Ec. Ed. Moscow ;\[A UREE~ WARRf.N

H istory Boise

L F.O~ RICIIARilS Botan y Boise ELAI1\I' SCIII\OFIH·R Social Work Wallace MARCIA T!IOI\,TON llis1ory .Boise CAROL ANN ZAI'I' English Boise



COLLEGE OF MINES The College of ~ lin es was established many years ago in the U niversity because of the early pronounced importa nce of mineral substances in the cultural a nd economic lil c of Idaho. \Vith the comparativ<.ly recent spurt of interest in the occurrences of industr ial minerals in the state, such as those formi ng the great phosphate, cobalt, Huorite, tungste n and thorium deposits and other non-me tallic masses, as well as those supporting the sustained, compan ion production of lead, tine, :.ilvcr, gold, a ntimony and mercury, the mineral-future of Idaho continues to be very bright. Indeed, the picture is eve n more attractive today than it has been and, thus, unpara lle led opportuni t ies a rc oiTcrcd for succcssfu I professional work. Si nce its beginning, t he College of i\1 ines has become recognized as being of lead ing stature among American universities as a training ground of men who wish to pursue professions in the different special a reas of the Minera ls I ndustry. In the College of ~fin es, training can be ga ined as desired in Mini ng Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geology and Geography in both graduate and undergraduate work.

J. D. FORRESTER Dea n, College of Min es Direuor. Idaho Rureau o拢 Mines and Gcolog}

Faculty Row one: J . D. Forrester. W . \\'. Staley. Dotson. J oseph l';ewton. Depa nm ent of .\lining and Metalltu路gy. Row two: Rolland Reid, H enry I. 1-1 uang. llarry II. Ca lclwell, Earl F. Cook. Department o[ Geology and Geography.

.J . C.

Sigma Gamma Epsilon Honoraq for outstanding miners. Row one: R. ~- Rackham; J. ll. Tinto, \\' . W. Staley, ,\dvisor, ;\I. A. Sora nno, J. A. Blessinger. Row two: J . .\f. Whit路 ing. D. \V. Pinkard, T. J . Young, C. A. Hayes, R. C. Drips.


JOliN B t.I•SSIN(:I>.R

i\!eta llurgical Eugr. Pa tt cr~on



Engr. Hayden Lake



Geo l. Engr. Teton


Geology New York , New Yo rk

j A,\ It:s H . T t:-.To Geol. Eng. San J ose, Ca li f.

Or. ll arq• I I. Caldwell shows the correct use o( the Geiger counter to i\ lari lyn Ziglar. Nancy Moen, and Floyd fl ail whi le check ing for gamma ray radiatio n with a scintill ation coun tct· aL one of the sLops on the Geo logy tra in lic ld trip to the Orolinn area.

Sllldents :11 work in Geology lahonltor} inspect rock specimens.


The last of the TOP TEN SENIORS C H UC K ;\lcDEVITT - H cre he is, o ur /\SUI president. Chuck McDevitt. If th ere is ever any talking to be done. he's the man for the job. lie has been the winner of the Idaho Debate Championship and was named one of top 25 speakers at West Point i ational Debate Tournament. Chuck was a member of the Executi'e Board in 1951 -52. He h<t~ sencd on the election boarrl. the publications counci l. and the swdc:11 faculty w unci l. H e w<as a member of Pi Kappa Delta. Blue Key, and Silver Lance. Chuck was ouc of the main organizers of the Student Gmernment part) and abo helped 10 r<.'org<ani7e the I own :\len's Assoc iation. A member of Sigma C hi fraternity. he was presiden t of his pledge c:lass anti undergraduate ad\'isor .

.J.\.\1 ES STEEI.E-Editot· of th e Gem hi s ~enior year, J amie worked his W:t} to this position servi ng as a sec tio n editor aud .\ ssociate Editor prior to the top po· 'ition . .\ member of Sigma .\lpha Epsi lo n fraternity. he has served <ts house prexy during hi~ senior }ear. J amie was also ''ice-president and sc holarship chairm<an o£ his li ving group. lie has scned as a member of publications, as advisor for the student calendar, and as a member of the homecoming committee. J amie is a member of Sigma Delta Chi and was a rcpresentati'c to their coll\ent ion iu Chicago this yea r. Other hono rary mem· herships include .\ rnold .\ir SociCt} aud nlu c Key. H e was recipient of th e ROTC Distingui~hed .\filitary Student .\ward. He was also a memher of the Unhersi ty golf team.

M IKE O'CALLACJI,\ N- t\n act i\'e mem ber of the tudent Co,·ernment party. Mike was one of the wh eels whi ch mad e this party run. H e was acti'e in the r~­ organiza ti on of the To wn ~fen's ,\ ssoetation of which he was also a member. ;\I iJ..e w;a~ a diligent worker as a memher of the Executi ve Board during his senior )Car. :\l ike attended Contaga, St. Martins and Boise Junio r College during his first two )cars of college. While at BJC he was acti' c in boxing and rep resented the state in the .\ .\ U Seuior Boxing Di,ision in 1950. At Idaho, he sencd on the Athletic Uoa rd of Control. An education major. :. \like is a member of Phi Del ta Kappa. He served as vicepresident o£ the young democrat\.

;\1.\RC: I.\ THOR:'\T O:>:- :'IIarcia wound up an acti\e fo ur )Ca rs at Idaho hy serving a~ president of :\lortar Hoard during her senior year. In her last )·car she was also elected secretarv of 1he Senior Class. ..\ memher of Delta Gamma sorority, she has served her li ving group in the capacit) of ~cial chairman and scholarsh ip chairma n. "J his llistory ma jor was :a member of .\l pha L:unbda Delta her freshman year ancl was later tapped for mcmbetship into Phi Beta Kappa. Her work on .\SlJI comminecs include co-chairman of Dad's Dav and a memhcr o£ the l'uhlicit) Commiuec. She is a member of Pi C;unma ~lu. social science honorar\'. She was also a delegate to the .\lortar Board Na tio nal Convcntiou.

Class of 1957 The Ju nior Class helped to spon or the J r.路Sr. Ball in the spring. This class also helped to make the Campus Chest drive a big success.

Dick Weeks. president; L<llt Ann Olson. treasurer; Barbara Warner. sccret:u路y: Cary 1\f('Ewcn. vice-president.

Carol Sue Ailor, Grangeville Eugene Anderson, Coeur d'Alene Kenneth Anderson, Seattle. Wash. Kristin e Anderson, Idaho Falls i\!e l Anderson, T roy

J a nis Archibald, Troy John Armitage. Littleton. N. H . R od Asher, Nespelem. \\'ash. Roland .\ shworth, .\l hamhra. Ca lif. Connie .\storquia , Gooding

Patricia .\xtell. LewistOn Carol)n Babcock. Twin falls :'\ancy Backstrom, Idaho Falls Joan Baldwin. Kellogg Joana !~arne). Shoshone

Oona ld Baroni. San francisco. Ca lif. Dick Barre ll, Twin Falls Bill Baxter, Seaule, Was h. Bonita Becker, Graugeville Dale Becker. Genesee


George Beer, J erome John neer. J erome Ralph lknedict. Salmon Na ncy llenrer, Idaho Falls Pat Ben·>· .\ veq

George Berscheid, Port Orchard, \\'ash . .:-.•anC) Bicger t. Boise Dorothy Bilby. Weiser Henry Blecha, Nam pa Bill Blicsner. Eden

Keith noa m. Idaho Falls Rohert Hockoven, Cresco, Iowa Chamkaur Singh Brar, Punjab, India Gene llrennan. Mountain Home Dora Rre uhaucr, Priest River

Barhara Brewer, Sandpoint Tom Brickert, Coeu r d'.\lene Marlin Briggs, Cataldo ~l arjoe Brinclen, New Plymouth l'egg) Brink, Tro}

Nancy Bucha nan, College Park, ~fd. Kennith Buckert, lloise Tom Bucklin, Twin Falls Bruce Buckman, \Valla \\' alia. \\'ash. J3everly Burwell. Boise

Denni e Byram. Edwell . Wash. Joa n Cady. Sa ndpoint Ralph Cai m s, Shoshone Norm a Callender. Boise Charles Ca nfield, Las Vegas. Ne\•.

lip Carbon, pokanc, Wash. Dale Carlisle. Walla Walla, \\'ash. Oa) le Carlson, Firt h Ron Carlson. Post Falls Larry Ca rson, ~loscow

Jim Carter, Gooding Alvin Carver, Preston Nea l Casebolt, Winslow, W;1sh. J erry Chandler, Lewiston 1\rl en Chancy. Kellogg

Deloris Chicane, Grangevi lle Lennard Chin, i\fontcgo Bay, J ama ica LeRoy Clausen, Lewiston Richard Clemons, Gooding Walter Clemons. Gooding


Yvonne Cleveland, Caldwell Cary Collier. Coeur d'.\lene Allen Compton. Idaho Falls Fred Cook. Kellogg Bill Cossey. Wallace

Roherta Gosse). Wallace Nancy Coutre. Opportunit), \\' ash. Wa)ne Crathorne. Coeur d'.\l ene Janice Crisp. Hope Boh Crawford. Boise

Judy Crookham, Ca ldwell Dave Cummins, Seattle, Wash. Cary Cuthbert, Idaho Falls Janet Daigh, Twin Falls Pat Daly, Twin Falls

Shirley Danielson, Genesee Robert Davenport, Idaho Falls Owen Davies. Spokane Lon Da vis, ~leridian Gene Day. Boise

Marian DeKay. Blackfoot Ramona Denlinger, Kellogg Connie Densow, Craigmont J ean Dille, Weiser Robert Dodson, St. Maries

llelen Doering. American Falls Robert Donnelley, Boise Sam Dorcheus, Ashton Margaret Draper, Fort Hall Betsy Dregnie, Spokane, WasiL

Larry Drexler, Twin Falls Jerry Duffy. Kuna Tony Dumhart, \\'allace Jim D. Duncan. Pa yette Ron Dunn, ~roscow

Dean Eaton, \\'endcll Philip Edwards, Dietrich Jim Eggleston, Safford, Ariz. Helen Empey, Idaho Falls Bill Emacio, Wallace

Da vid Erwin, Heyburn John Essley, Coeur d'Alene Charles Everest, Cambridge Kenneth Farmer, Cashmere, \\'ash. Larq Fellows. ~lilton 路 Freewater. Ore. 65

Ro n Fickes. Mad ras, Ore. Olg:t Figueroa. Calle Mart i. Gu atemala Marvin R. Fischer . J erome ~ l a rion Fisk. R upert Lo rnc Fitts, Geneva, Il l.

. hirley Flo)d. Kimberly \\'a) ne Foh 1. Poca tello Dick Fm ter. =-:cw :\拢eadows Lau ric Fowler, Idaho Falls Cary Freeland, Coeur d'Al ene

n ill Friede. Coeur d'Alene C harl es 1.. Fries. Beverl y Hills. Calif. Charles M. Fri es, Grangevi lle Mary Futt er, Coeur d 'Alene llyron G age. Lewisto n

\\' ilhcr Ca t )'路 San l'ahlo. Cali f. Dale Ceaudrca u , Bla nchard Cli nto n Geiger, Coeur d',\lene Dehorah Ccnt q. Weiser Pete C ct路pheide. Spokane, W ash.

Sally Ghiglieri . Redding. Calif. Richa rd Gi llespie. Moscow George G ittens. McCammon Robert G lenn. Ketchum Do nna Go ldsmith, Spokane, Wash.

Dennis G ra y. Moscow Eula G ra y, Nampa Duane Creer, Caldwell Dwaine G riffith , Gooding hirlcy Croff, Cald well

Roger P. Gro th , :\拢inn eapolis, Minn. Dec Grover, Malad Ralph Cwin, Shoshone judy llackler, Weiser Larr) llaigh t, andpoint

J ani ce H ale. Poca tello G lenda Hall , n oise J erry ll amhlin, Cal d well t\nn Hami lto n, Arcadia, Calif. AI ll ammill, Pendl eton

Glen H andy. J erome l larri ett c Hann a, Orofi no Arthur llanscn, Lowell, ' Vash. Cliffo rd l lansen, Shosho ne Dena ll ansen, Kamiah 66

Roger llansen. Jr .. Lewiston Oliver llanson, Moscow Bill l larclie, Troy J anet Harding, Netperce Jim H argis, AshtOn

:\'eil Harl.er. Ashton Don llarper, San J ose, Calif. Pat l larri ngton, 'Boise Pat ll arrington, Kellogg Jim Harris, Lcwis10n

Larry Harrop. Lorenzo Maril yn llarwood. Pa yeu e Bohbie Hassler. Moscow Roger H atch. Madison . Wis. Cara H awkins, Colfax, Wash

Warren ll awley, Ontario, Cali£. Norman Helgeson. Fargo. N. D. Hoh H emmingway, Mo nlclair, N.J . J erry H enggeler, Pl ymoulh Ellen Herlin, Coeur d'A lene

Lauren H i<'ks, Mountain I lome Ro hert Hill yer, Dallas, Penn. Sonjha Hoisa th. Lewisto n Bill Holden, Idaho Falls ,\lien Hollenbeck, 1ampa


Byron I Io hn es, Calgary, Ca nada J ames 1'. llolson, Caldwell Jerry llooper, Moscow T om Hoots. Anselmo, Calif. Clair Hopkins, Parma

Don H uher. i\leridian John H uher, Cataldo John H ughes. Lewisto n Anna Hushke, Pa\ette Betty Lee H utchison, Cottonwood

Barbara lw n. Milton·Freewaler, Ore. Bob J ameson, Idaho Falls i\larcene Jeffrey, Idaho Fal h Kenneth J enkins. J erome llen Jenness, Madison, Calif.

Gary J ohnson. Fullerton, Cali£. Lawrence J ohnson, New Meadows Marga ret Johnson, Blackfoot Patricia j ohnson, La llahra, Calif. Lois Ju dd, W eiser


Franklin Just. Finh narhara Keller, Caldwell Da le Kenn edy. lloise John Kessler. Bancroft John 1.. Kidd, Calgary, Canada

Leland Kim e. Rupert Boh Klempel. .\herdcen Barhara Klullt. Hansen Greg Knapp. Harrington, Wa~h . Petrea Knudsen, Caldwell

Ron Koester. Idaho Falls Don Konkol. Orofino Kay Koster. llloscow Robert Kincl sche, Ol ympia, Wash. Karen Lee Krauss, Clarkston, " ' ash.

Kay Kreizenbeck. Boise J ohn Kroiss. Ferdinand Kenneth Krueger. Coeur d'Alene Tad Kuga. Ontario. Ore. Larry Lal.e, Oakridge, Ore.

Donald Larson, Boi~c Margaret Larson , Elk River Jo Lecona, Moun~:~in Home Perry Lee. SL i\!aries Ralph Lindberg, Chicago, Ill.

Kent Loll, Hagerman Bruce Lunstrum. Twin Falls Doug McBride, Wendell ~!arilvn ~lcBride. Pima. ,\ritona ~Iickey ~l cCan) , ~Ioscow

' I om ~lcDevitt, l'olatello John McDonald. Idaho Falls Ga ry McEwen, Kimberly Sue l\fcl\fahon, Jerome Mike ~lcQuade, Moscow

Dan i\fabe, Emmett Lenore Maddox, Kingston Carrie Mann, Jerome Kathleen ~larlett , Moscow Dale Martin, Polson, Montana

Lee ~lartin , Denver, Colo. Thcrcssa Matthiesen, Filer Jack Matlock, fru itland Don Mecham , Blackfoot Jerry Medsker, Boise


Beuy ~liillcr. Lewis10n Ri chard :\I ilcs. Kellogg John 111iller, Weiser Ted ~Iiiier. Shelley ,\rl ~lisner. Reuben~

Ladd Mitchell. Terrctou Boyce ~li x. Spokane ~rarilyn ~lonroe, Boise Carol Montague, Panna Audq :\lontgomcr) , 路r win Falls

Maril yn ~loorc. llansen Larry 0 . i\lorris, Coeu r d',\l ene Shirley Mortensen, i\loscow Emily i\loser, Coeur d'Alene Don Muir. San An10nio, Texas

Lavon ~lun<ey. Idaho Falls Leroy ~htrra) , Sandpoint Bill :\Iusch, Bovill PatS) Nance. Borger, I e"ts Phyllis Nea ley. P:trtna

Darrel ;:-..'chon. Bo nners Fert')' Do n Nelson , Portland i\lariga y Nelson, Orofino Elmer 1e u. American Falls Beverly Newberry, J erome

R. J . Newma n, Rigby Warren l':ooner. Vancoll\er, \\'ash. j erry ;:-..'orheck. Potlatch ~laril)tl Norseth. e:tllle. \\'ash. Charles Obendorf, C:lldwell

Warren Olnq. Pasadena. Calif. Lou Ann Olson, Opportunity, Wa sh. Bi ll Ostrand er, Twin Falls Darwin Ouo, Jerome Eli1abeth Oud, Orofino

Lucille Palmer, Coun cil Stan Palmer, Cornish. ;\'.H. j ohn Pappas, Soap Lake, Wash. Pall) J>arsons, Payeu e Ed Pa) ne, Idaho Falls

Duane Perron, ;:-..'a m pa Delano Peterson, Coeur d'1\lene Char les l'ellit, Benicia, Calif. Mary Phi lips, Spokane Kermit Pierson, Coeur d'A lene


Earl Pitkin, Los Molinos, Calif. Betty Po n er, Nampa Dave Po well, Poca tello Carl Prenner. Chicago I' h) II is Price. New Castle, Ind.

Dick l'u rcl um , Nampa Fiorella Randall , Moscow Gary Randa ll, Poca tello llryce Rappleye. Tetonia I larry Ra), Parma

,-\nn Re:Hiing, Pocatello Bill Reed. Boise Jim Rees, Kimberl y J erry Reeve, i daho Falls J ane Remsberg. Rupert

Ehend Rcsa. Twin falls Ri chard Rhoads. Whit e Bird Thomas L. Rhodes, Boise Jim Richa rds. Lewiston Don Rider. Evereu, W asil.

Shirle) Ringe. American f alls Frank Roberto, Santa R ita, Guam Elenor Robertson, Gooding Lynn Robert son, Hurley He nry Robinson, Gooding

Ron Rohi nson, Evereu. \\'ash. Bo)d Rood, Shoup Charlene Rose. Mu rtaugh Ca rl yle Rossow. Meridian Frank Ru sho, Blanchard

Ed Russ. Riverdale. Calif. Carolyn Sanderson. Boise llqant Sather. Wall ace Charles Saulls. Nam pa Don Schierman. Coeur d'Alene

Bob Schoenwald. Emm ell Bob Schreiher. Gooding lllaq Ann Schultz, :\loscow Paul Schult1, Portland, Ore Jim Seeley. Idaho Falls

Rohert Sewell, vValla ce W arren Seyfert, Idaho Falls Do n Sha nnon , Boise l\I)rna Sha\ er. Gooding Pete Shaw\Cr, Eden


Tom Shay, St. Maries Cole Sherwood, Kellogg john Shively, J amestown , N.Y. Nancy Short, Moscow Jo Shriver, Buhl

Be,erl} Simms. St. ~larys. Ca. Barbara Simons. Palo Alto, Calif. Be th Sims. Salmon H elen Siniff. Great Falls. Mont. Sandra Slavin, Rupert

Cordon Smith. Kellogg Max Smith, Rexburg Mat路y .Jo Snider, Lapwai Mike Southcombe. Spokane Keith Spencer, Bremerton, Wash .

Virginia Staley. Kellogg .\ . .J . Steiger, Ferdinand Shirley Stevens. Coeur d'Alene Sandra Stringfield. Caldwell Sue Struck, Ri chland , \\'ash.

haron Stump. Pittman, Nev. Walter Styner, Indianapolis, Ind. J o hn Sullivan. Richland , Calif. Chris Sutphin. Whitestone. N.Y. Dick Symms. Caldwell

Virginia Symms. Caldwell Charles Tate, Boise Claude Tate, Sa ndpoint Louise Tatko, Craigmont Kaye Taylor, Boise

Jean Teutsch. Eagle Roger Thieme. Kim berly John Thornock. Idaho Falls J oa n Thornton, Woodstock. Ill. Freeland Thorson. Wei ser

Ron Tisdall. Moscow Cail T orpey. t\foscow R o~;er Tovey, Malad Ron Treat. Boise Dan B. True. Twin Falls

George Vasko. Chicago, Ill. ~l ary Verburg. Potlatch Tom Waddoups. Darlington Allan Waitz, Union, N.J. Earle Wallace. Sandpoint


Barbara \•Varner, St. Maries Janice Warner, Idaho Falls Velma \Varren, Sandpoint Allen \Vayment, Nampa Marilyn \\Ieaver, Nampa

" lonte Weaver, Sandpoint Tom \·Vebb. LewistOn Carol Webster, Walla Wal la, WasiL Dick \\leeks. Boise Gary \Vescott. Twin Fal ls

Jerry Whittig. Boise Gary Wilhelm. Emmett Ray Wi lke, Bonners Ferry Emmett \Vilkins. Lewiston Robert Will , Murtaugh

Jerome .J. Williams, Boise Alan Williamson, Aberdeen, S.D. Gregg Wi lson, Moscow Per Windju, Greaket. Norway Kris Winner, Quito, Equador

Mary Kay Winner, Quito, Equador Ken Worthington, Garnett .Jim Wright, Grangev ille Lloyd C. York, Coeur d'Alene Nathan Yost, Boise

Dave Youmaus, Pot latch Bob Youngstrom, Boise Dave Yule. Calgary Canada Elaine Zlatn ik, Twin Falls "Iovin Zusht, Washington, D.C.

i\!ary Lin Meek. Montpelier .Jack i\lendiola, Boise


Class of 1958 Under the guidance of Knute \ Vestergren, the sophomore class once again put on a successful Sophomore week as their yearly event. This week included Christmas serenades, a fashion show, and culminated in t he coronation of Karen \.Varner as H olly Queen at the traditional H olly Dance formal.

Knute Westergren, president; Gertrude Carder, secretary; Margaret Sullivan, treasurer; Lowe ll ~lartin, vice-president.

Dennis Adams, Aldersen, \\'.V. l'at Alhano, Weiser j oe Aldana, Idaho Falls Lawrence Aldrich. Vineland, N.J. Don Allen, Coeur d'Alene Bill Anderson, J\f oscow

Carol 1\n derson, Mull an Clark Anderson, Boise George Anderson. Troy Terry Anderson, Payclle Tom Archbold, Wyckoff. N.J. Jud)' Archibald, Boise

Victor Armacost, New t\Ieadows Jim Asaph. Ketchikan, Alaska Leslie C. Backstrom. Idaho Falls Cherie Bacon. Milton-Freewa ter. O•¡egon John Baker. Moscow Kenneth Baker. Creer

J erry Ballard, Idaho Falls harrol Bartlelt, Lewiston Elaine Bauer, Spokane. Wash. Ronald Beal, Idaho Falls J oan Beals, Plummer Bob Beardemphl, Cr:mgeville

.\ uu e Beardmore, Lewiston Carole Beck, Wa ll ace Karen Becker, Sandpoin t LaVonne Bell, Orofino Dan Belton, Idaho Falls Robert Benjamin, Idaho Falls



Ellen Bennet. l'otlatlh Pat Benu, White Bird John Beth ke. Briarcliff \l anor. ' .Y. Bob Bezold. ~roscow Jo Carol Bickel. Jndiana1><>lis, Ind. Alice Billman, ' I win Falls

.J ea nne Bishop. Twin Falls ~like Black, Sandpoint Gary Blake. Burley Gary Blank. Spokane. Wash. j oan Bliss. Ordnance. Ore. Jo.\nn Bogue. Sandpoint

Jlc,路erly Bolingbroke. ~roscow Sonya Bond. Sandpoint Curtis Bond urant. Wallace Jane Bonham . Boise Bill Booth, Eagle Beuy Bovey, J erom e

J ean Boyd. Wendell ~I ichael D. Brannan. Emmell Irene Brauon. \\'all ace Rodney Brin k. Jerome Belly Brooks. Quinq. Wa~h. Ken Brown. Poca tello

Jim Bruya. Spokane, Wash. Mike Boles, Burley Ellie P. Bunney. Princeton Max Burke. Hailey Na ncy Burns. Boise ~rerrill Burt. Richland, Wash.

I om Butler. Walla Walla. \\'a~h. :\'ancy Callison. Kendrid. Jim Camp. Council Russell Campbell. Emmell Gertrude Carder. Coeur d'.\l ene Charlolle Carlso n, ~t ullan

Georgia Ca rri co, Gooding Ray Cartee, Pilcr J im Chapman, Amcricau Fall~ J oh n Chapman. Twi n Falls Sharon Choate. cattle. Wash Kent Church. Burle)

Carole Cla rk, R ichland. Wash. William Clayton, Buhl H. C. Clemans. R ochester. Ind . Steven Clements, Cheha lis. Was h. S. L. Clendenin, t\ rm Bob Cole, H ermiston, Ore.

J ack Cole. C reenacr~. \\'a~h . Mark Cole. Grange' ille Ken Col"in. Moscow Frank Cammad.. Wenatd1ee. Wash. George Conger. :\'e1perce J ohn Conn ell, Kellogg

Ma rga ret Cook, Twin Falls Bi II Cooke, Boise Tom Cooper, Idaho Falls :\lelvin Cope. Eagle Cary Cowles. "ew Vorl.. :\'.Y. ,\ndrew T. Cox. Jr., Kendrick


Klea Crane, Bovill han Crockett. H ansen Wayne Crosb)'路 Caldwell r om Croson. Sea11le. \\'a'>h. Neil Cross. New Pl)lllOuth P. Cunningham. herman Oal-s. Cal.

Gera ld Curnes. Indi anola, lml. Hill Currie. Oakland. Calif. Mary Ellen Daly, Craigmon t Ernie Davenport, Idaho Falls Dan Da vis. Caldwell Diane Davis, Challis

Phil Da' is. Los Angeles. Calif. R ichard Davis. Keokuk . Iowa Vcrnie Davis. Buhl I larry Dawson, Osburn Mike Day, Gooding Ann Deal, Kuna

lletty Deklotz. Filer Martha Sue Dempsey. Haile) ~l iriam Deshler. ~lullan Swn Desjardins. ~loscow \ll )n Dingle. Twin Falls Jud) Dobson, eaule, Wash .

.Jim Donald. Boise lli II Dorcheus. Ash ton Bill Drake. Coeur d'A lene Dot Drayton, i\loscow Katherine Driessen, Coeur d',\l ene Peggy Dupuis, Seattle. Wash.

\larty Duran, S1><>kane. Wash. Paul Durning. Cataldo J erq D)er, Plummer Deana Dykstra , Jerome Tom Eddy, San Mal'ino, Calir. Ron Edwards, Ephrata. Wa~h .

Emest Egan, Kimberl y John Eisinger. Gooding Gre ta Eldred. New Pl ymouth :\larcia Ellis, Wallace ue Emry, Spokane, Wash. Elaine Erickson, Ha)dCn Lai-c

Fred Eriksen, Bayshore. ~.Y. Da ve Esser, Genesee Dale Evans, Spokane, Wash. Evelyn Evans, Parma Sandra Evans, Mountain I lome Jim Everett, i\ lountain I lome

lloh Farish. Caldwell Rowland Felt. Idaho Falls Blain Feltman. Twin Falls ~ lei\ in Fisk. Potlatch Ka) Fleming, Nampa .\nn Foley, Moscow

Judy Folkins, Worley Yvonne Forte, Boise John Foster, ew i\leadows Ccorgc fowler, Oklahoma City. 01-la. Pat Friend. Spokane, Wash. Sandi Fuller, .\herdeen


Bill Gal ligan, Richmond. Ore. Dick Gallowa)' • Twin Falls .J . .J a) Garrett. Horseshoe Bend Ken Garren. Dcaq I':H~) Garri~on. :\fo,cow 1\laq Gi ldcro) . \\'ei~er

Jerr) Giles. :\ l o~ow Gre)son Gilson. Spirit Lake Earl Gleason. 1. :\!aries Mollie Codholcl, Idaho Falls Duane Gowland, ,\lbany. Calif. Donna Grant. Orofino

;\larvcl Cras'>er, Orofino Mari lyn Greene, ;\loscow Lee Griflin , I lermiston, Ore. Lowa ll Grim, ampa J ay C roscost. Coeur d'A lene Ga il C ruys, Ri chland , Wash.

G uy ll afer. Weippe Stuart ll aiues. J erom e Floyd H all. Shoshone Loyce H all. Sandpoint Gerry H aller . Lawrence, Ind. Clyde Hally, Weiser

\nne l lamhlin, Lewiston llarha ra H amlet. Coeur d'.\lene Il l icl..) llammer. Spokane, Wash. llelen H ;~n ford, SpoJ..ane, Wash. Darrell l lanJ..s. Lewiston Claire H amen, Stanle)

Eric llansen. llamhury. :-.I.Y. Bill Hardy, Portla nd, Ore. Don B. H arris, Crace LaRae Harrop, Driggs Wa lter Harstrom. Calgary. Ca nada llill H arwood, Arco

Rowena llashro uck. Cascade Ka•·en II ast ings. Rohens Pat llavema n, Salmo n J im H awki ns, Coeur d'Alene Dennis I Iayden, Payene Mike Heaton, Burlingame, Calif.

Gene Heimgartner, Juliaeua Sharon llelander. Tacoma, \\' ash. Cordon l lenderson. Eden Chl)nC HendricJ..s, emmin, 0. ) h ia IIerman, Homedale Bill I Iiggins, Osburn

Ron ll iiJ..er, Idaho Falls John I loch, Ashton john llodgins, Salt Lake, Utah J ani ce l logaboam, Culdesa c Dave Hogge. 1\urlcy Steve lloiJhey, Creer

George Ho rne, C rosse Isle, Mich. Jo hn llo ught clin, Twin Falls Ro nald llul be n , Spokane, Wash. Dec H umphrey. Moscow Bill Hutchison, Fruitland H azel H unt. Sandpoint


\'. C. lndermuhle, Boise Don Ingle. Kendrick Hill I n inc. Caldwell I n in Iverson. :\loscow Carol Jackson. Coeur <1".\lene Dick Jackson, Boise

Dorothy .Jacobson, Rexb urg 1\et It Jagger, Boise Allen J ensen, Montpelier Harvev .Jensen. Pingree Doris Jerome. Kuna Ed John , Grange' ille

Hell) John~me)er. Boise Elinor .Johnson. Idaho Falls Larrr Johnson. :\fountain !lome ~!argie Johnson, Spokane, Wash. Richard E . .Johnson. l'encllcron. Ore. Dick Johnston, Post Falls

13illie .Jones. Eden Carol J ones. Hansen Lorana Jones. :\lalad ~!arlin Jones. R u1>ert Barbara Joseph. \\'ei~er Dean Judd, Blacl.foot

' I ed Keith. Salmon Edmond Keller. Soda Spring:; Gary Kenworth y, Spokane. Wash. Claudette Kerns. Piushurg. Ca lif. Ralph 0. Kircher, Palmer, ,\Iaska Rcva Kocher, 1\'ew l'l )'llllHIIh

(.arq Knope. Toledo Don Krier. Tro) Mildred Kroetch. H arri~n Valerie Kroll. Kellogg Thomas Kugler. ,\merican Fall~ Kay LaBarge, Spokane, Wa\h.

Warren LaFon. Coeur d'Aicuc Jmnes H. Lambert, Lewiswu John Landreth, Grange' illc Karen Landreth. Spokane. \\'a~h. Lorraine Langdon. ' I win Falh J ane Lange, ~loscow

Charlene Larson, ~leridian Rila Larson. Clarkia Van Larson , Coeur d'.\l cne LaWI'C nCC LaRue. Heyburu Ka y Laughlin , Moscow John Lalit, Calgary, Ca nada


J.a,ens. Jerome \\'a)lle Lawton. Wendell I ed Leach, Bliss Jer:~ld Leatham. Shclle) Ron Lee, Craigmont Jerr) Lewis, 1\'orth l'laue, 1\'cl!.

J.cc Liberg. Genesee Donna Lightner, Enaville Don Lindseth. Great Fa lls. ~lo11l . Kay Lipp, Bonners Fcrq Brenda Lister. Vicroria. Canada Arden E. Literal, Da)tOn, \\'ash.


Jack Lillie, Boi~e Ray Long. Pomeroy, Wash. Shirley Long. lloise J ohn Longworth. Spokane, \\'ash. Fred Lo~eth, Orofino \\'alter Lulu, Emmell


Lund . O~lo. Xorwa) Eugene Lunden, Dudle) Larr)' ~lcCulloch , Wallace Cha rloue ~l c Dowell. Lowman Jomer McE' ers, Chehalis, Wash. George :'llcKean, Twin Falls

J o hn J\l cMennamin. Presque Isle, i\fainc Cary Mc:'l li chael, Norrh J>l alle, Ncb. Al'lene Malcom , Lewiston Ross l\laloney. Let hbridge, Alberta Jim l\lann. Ith aca, N.Y. Kent l\larboe, Anchorage, Alaska

Felix l\larcolin. Kellogg Dale Marks, l\leridian Quentin l\larkwell. Ca ldwell Lowell 1\lanin, Grange\'ille Gerald ~Iatson. Pa}elle J\laril) n Mall hews, Emmell

))a, id \I axe}. Bohe Dick \l ee\e. Sp<1kane. \\'ash. Darlene ~tclcum . l\lohlcr l'ortcr ~lcllon . Calgary. .\lberta J ames \t ercer, Xampa ue ~lcrril , Spokane, \\'ash.



Brooklyn, N.Y. l\lidkiff. Ri chland , Wash. AI i\lillcr, l.i vingswn Don Ra y ~Iiiier, Sa ndpoint Jim l\linas. Boise Ri chard ~!inkier, Spokane, Wash.


Doris i\l iradc. Tw in Fa lls J O)'Ce i\1 i tchell. Terre ton Nancy l\locn. Coe ur d'Alene Carol .Jean Mohan. Spoka ne, Wash. Lau ra Mona y. Idaho Falls Cecelia i\lontoya , Wallace

Duane ~loore. Lewi~ton l'ete ~l orheck, Kellogg l'at \forgan. i\lo~ow Donald ~lor,e. Coenr d'.\lene F1路ed ~lor~e. Custer, S. Dak. il.'ant~ ~lulberf) , Idaho Falls

' I err)

~lurph) . ~lu llan


E. :'llurray. l'ricst Rh er Virgi ni a Nelson. Bu hl J ohn W. Nelson, Dietrich Lorin Nelson . Nampa Peggy 'elson, San Mateo. Calif.

Philip e lson , Rupert Waller Nelso11 , Gooding Albert 'c u. American Falls Don 'cviii 路Stnith , Creston, Canada La rene Newberry, J erome ~larilyn N ugent. Pocatello


l lomer Oberst, Nampa Colleen O'Donnell, Sandpoint Stan Oliver, Boise Tom O'Reilly, J>rinceton Charles Orem, ,Moscow Bob Osburn. Craigmont

Maq Owl. Fort H all Wilma Packard. Moscow Ph)•ll is Parish. Crange,·ille Bob Parks. Genesee Maxine Parks. Tacoma, \\'ash. Pete Parsell. Kooskia

Peggy Pallerson, Spokane, Wash. George Pallon. Craigmont i\1 ike Pallon. Paye tt e Peggy Pau lson, Boise Marian l'ecka rd t, Burley Vance Penton. Payeue

Rose .\larie Perrin. Walla Walla. Wash. Richard \V. Peterson. Idaho Falls Helen Place, Plummer John Platt. Huston Larry Pline. Nampa Shirley Poff, Emmell

Claire Poite\ in. Idaho Falls Robert Presrel, Indianapolis. Incl. Ralph Pribble, .\lullan Chester Prior. Hansen Katherine Pugh, t. Ma ries J udy Purkhiser. ;-.lew Pl)lnourh

Ronald Purviance, Lewiston Douglas Randall, Lewiswn Carl R:IU, Amityville. N.Y. Patti Rees. Kimberly Carol R eichert, Filer Tom Requist, Caldwell

Carol Renstrom, Boise J im R iche!, Pierce Barbara R iedeman, Twin Falls Milton R iggers, Council Wilton R iggers, Council Richard Roberge, Colfax, Wash.

lletty Jo Roberts. Lewiston Pats) Lou Robinson , Triumph l'atsy Rojan, Hope Donald Romer, l\'ampa John Roodhouse, Palo .\Ito. Calif. Arlene Ross, Lewiston

,\ud•·ey Ross. Orofino Charlene Roth, Idaho Falls Kay Russell, i\ lounrain Home Cary Sat her, Genesee £rna Saunders. Clearwater Dick Sayer, Idaho Falls

Wi lli am Scha uer, H ayden Lake Dick Schmid. Mont pe lier ldanne Schreiber, Gooding Dick Seely, i\loscow Doug Seely, Walla Walla, Wash. Fred Seifert, St. .\!aries


Carol Seilt. Righy Barbara Shnlfer. :\!o,cow :\lanhn Sharp. Filer Ri chard Sheppard. Twin l'alls Ridwrd Shern. Coeur d'.\l ene Dou 'iherwood. Lin coln. :\'eb.

')ue Showaher. \l enin Pari... CaliÂŁ. ShaJ"On Shuldherg. Lcrretin J o~ce Sinnemaki, Kellogg Gan Simmons. f win Falls Bill . iluon . Fairfield ="am~ Si~t). :\l o~cow

June Sleeman. Alherw. Canada Dale Smelcer. l'ri est R i' er Dary lc Smith. ll npe Rex Smith, Rex burg Jim Snarr. Idaho Falls ll elc n Snell, R omo na

:\lary Snow. Rurley Roselle Suyder. Ca tald o Floyd Soderstrom. Troy Carol Solum, Wallace Pat Sparkman, Wallace l'at Spaulding. Boise

Bell) , peuter. 13rowning. Mont. Ri chard prout. Boise Keith tackhou~e. Keunewi ck, \\'ash. (.cue Stewart. \rhon Maril)n tewart. C-oeur d'.\lene Rohen Stewart, :\leridian

Gordon Stohie. Calgary. Canada l'at Stoddard, Salmou Roger Sto ker. Shelley Ed Storey. Lewiston Gary Sturm an, Te nsed Kei1h Sn m s. Kell ogg

i\ largare1 Sulli van, Oshurn Larry Summers. 1\lackfoot Alyce Sweeney. Lewiston Loveta Tanner. Rigby Gordon Ta) lor, Garfield, W ash. Janene Ta) lor. i\foscow

Karen Ta}lor. Idaho Falls Dwaine I esnohliclek. Castleford Charles I homas. Dietrich \\'a} ne I hom a~. :\'c1 Perce J im I hrockmorton, St. John , \\' ash. Gonion I icgs. :\'ampa

Ken Tohnie. l>arma nonnie rower. Portland. Ore. Lee ' I OWJHend. I' a) etle lloh ' I resn i1 , :\loscow C:aq l'ronson. Coeur d'Alene Shirley True. Mou ntain Home

Carolyn T ucker, Teton i\ lari l) n Turner, ll arvard Viviau Vaagen. i\ loscow i\ larie Van Orman . .Jerome Lowell Vansl..ike, Coeur d'Alene Dan Vanthiel, Oxford, Ore.


Glenn Vaughn. Utica. N.Y. Bill Vermillion. Wallace Kay \'inson. Pasco. \\'ash. 1\ob Wahler, Wendell Jackie Wainwright. Boise Charlotte \\' alker. l'anua

\\'a)l1e Walker, Las Vegas. :-\e'Charles " 'alrath, Orofino Jerry Walsh , Big Timber. :\lonl. Charles Walter. Everett, Wash. Don Wamstad. Parma J ohn Wanamaker. Wallace

Virginia Ward. Portland. Ore. Gai l " ' aring, Sa udpoint Karen \Varner, Twin f;llls Ca ro l Warren, Spokane Coleen Watson, Twin Falls Peggy Webh. Nampa

Don Webster, Weippe Larry Welch, Casper. \\'yo. Jack Wells. Plymouth. Wis. Lauila Welsh. Bruneau Charles Werry. Hailey Irene \\'est , Sandpoint

Knu te \\' estergren, T win Falls :\lihon Weston, Blackfoot Bob " 'esto\er, Coeur d'.\ lene :Xancy \\'heeler. :\leridian James White, Grange' i lie Jan White. Lewiston

.\!jean Wickberg, Mullan Joanie Wicklund. Lewiston Norma Wiks, Marcus, Wash. Duane Wilke, Bo uners Ferry William Wi lkerson, Ca ldwe ll Dave Will iams. Kingston

Don Williams. Montpelier J olene Williams. Moscow Lin da Williams. Boise Roger Williams. Lewiston Waverly Williams. :-\ampa ~lyrtle Williamson, Lewiston

J an Wilms, Gooding Bill Wilson. Florence. .-\Ia. Karen Wilson , Kellogg Lois Wilson. "''ssa. Ore. Willard WilsOn, Filer Larry Wing. Warrem ille, Ill.

Bill Winter. Narlield. Ill. Dick Wisdom, Boise Beuy Wiswall, Zillah, Wash. J ohn Worden, Lewiston Bruce Wright, Glen Rock , N.J . Cha rl es Wright, Cataldo, Id a.

J erri Wright. Montpelier Leona rd Wunderlick, Bovi ll J ack Wyatt, Carmen Eloise Young. Moscow Virgil Young, Corvallis. Ore. ~larilyn Zigler. Spokaue, Wash.


Rush , registration, the smell of autumn in the air and the social whirl of another year at Idaho is under way. Football games, rallies, dances, and picnics are only a small part of these our most cherished moments. Sometimes there is dancing in the Dipper or coffee in the Bucket-or maybe just a walk in the rain. This is all a part of th e never to be forgotten life at our University.


The Id aho Spurs performed their first function, moving the rushees into their quarters. J ean Boyd and Jackie Lavens give a typical Spur smile for Kay Conrad and her teddy bear. )£mm! Delirious! Guests of the Delta Chis enjoy a watermelon feed


Copious <iuanuues of handshaking and back slapping were the order of the opening day of rush. Here SAE's greet some of the male rushees. Gamma Phis go formal to conclude their rush weel..

And Then Fraternity and sorority members came back early armed with paint brushes, buckets, and mops to prepare for another big rush week. Girls' rush commenced with the usual amount of parties, undigestible goodies, and disparaging comments from the fellows. At last the long awa ited "Squea l Da y" arrived and the tired, but happy girls moved in. The fellows' rush fol lowed and the usual clisorgani1ation prevailed. However, it too e nded happi ly and the campus settled down to another school year.

ll a~het' get into K appa·~ 'outh

the act at the Pacific party.

.\s a pan of the orientation ac· th ities a ~rudy panel was (oil· ducte<l b)· Dr. Crcc,cr. John Chapman . Jnd) \1 chihald . \J r. Harn•• and \lr. 1\anl..•.

The fm•h mixer is ust>tl as an icc hreal..er lo get I he )l'ar off lo a good '' :nr.

Under the chairmanship of Dennis Thomason, came the Oriemation for the new !>ttldents. T he ki<·k-ofl wa!> the Presidcm·~ Convocation, followed by a~scm bl ie!> to acquaint the lrosh with their campus, their univer!>ity and their fri<'nd~. dalt~es and activities for their flrltt year at col lege.

Orientation & Registrat lOll Ka) . did )Ollr .\ Sl ll fan!


out this we ll . . . and stop grinning. .Janet Oaigh . )Oil!'( wasn't so sharp either!

.\ new feature of the 1933 rcgi,rration pro· cedure was the chest X -ray.

School Begins Following rush and registration, ardent Vandal Roosters journeyed to Bo ise to witness the football game between the Vandals and the U niversity of Utah a nd to renew auld acquaintance in Southern Idaho. J\fonday moming found students armed with pencils, notebooks, and new textbooks dashing madly around trying to make that first eig ht o'clock. Bewildered frosh were checking schedule cards aga inst room numbers onlv to find they were in the wrong place.

Sue Dolphin and Ron Ehlers line! entertainment right away among the platters.

The Theta's scream with jo} as they greet their rewrning sisters . . .


and the campus wakens for another hu~y ye:1r.

The pride and


of the campus this fall arc the two new (and we might add. much needed) men's dotmitorics ... Gault and Upham ll all~.

Blood Drive " Part with a pint" became the password on campus as the annual blood drive got under way. The R ed Cross took the number of pints necessa ry to fill their quota long before the 路willing arms were al l tapped. Organizing this year's drive were D ale " Hemoglobin" Carlisle and Di ck "Plasma" Roberge who dra ined the U of I o f mo re than 800 pints of the red stuff.

Doesn't hun a b it. docs it Diane? Besides yo u ha,路e a b ig h a ndsome I K to ho ld you r hand!

Da le gi,cs Did. a much n eeded close after a hard chi) 's work at the dri,e.


We Danced The autumn Fr idays and Sal· urdays were filled with dance~ of all siLes and shape~ ... liulc pledge dances and big campu~ mixers, hobo parties and dreamy formals. " 'hat a wonderful way Lo spend the first few weekend~ o£ tbc school year.

,\ t H a)'S Hall th e ga ng. hu,siccl up itt real \\'estern Ha rn Dance a p parel. jumped into th e carriage for au old · fashioned pose. They arc Duane Cow· land, Jeaune Bishop. Pat joucs. Stan Rupen. Glen Handy and Juana Del Butler.

:\I a} be name' .,hould he wit hhcld hm \\'a) nc Walker, Lorraine Langdon, Sue Dolphin and llill Bonnell do want iL known that they auendccl the Phi DelL pajama dance.

Jim Rcc~. :"'anc) Buchanan. Carol and D uane ll odg:.<m. Je•• y Jacl.cl and .\laq .\nn Schultz file through the archwa) at the ,\ lpha Phi pledge dance.

faces and ligures don't match we can't tell you who "charming" couple at the Campus Club dance is.

And Danced

• • •



c rat)' .\ I ph a Chis I

Can't promi;,e that it's ;\like and J\ larian , Peg and Jack. but, auyway they were there . . . at the DC hoho daucc , that is. W ho co uld this be?

1· 0 -.\-11-0. CO RIC ''1.''

Porn, porn girl~. cheerleaders. a hand->e~. a pep rally. "J he tradition al Homecoming pep rai l> held at ~fcl.ean Field is ahva)S followed hy a heauti£ul dbplay of lire· works.

Homecoming 1956 Homecoming carried the theme " The Buth of Idaho." ll wa~ a joint celebration with Lewiston commemorating the susquicentcnnial of the coming of Lewis and Clark to Idaho. The parade carried out this theme as is shown in the Della Camm float, the winning women's entry. The theme of this float was "Landed A Gem." "Stamp 'Em," entered by D elta Tau won these men first place with their beautiful stamp depicting Lewis and Clark and Sacajawea.

Delta Gamma "' the Women's di\i · sion winner . .\

huge postage p depiCiing the Lew is and CIa r k expeditiou copped the Delta Tau's top honor in the men's di,ision. ~tam

Queen Sail) gets a hig one from htd..) Co\'. Smylie at half-time while at · te ndant• Susie Oberg. Jan Campbell. and Jan Avery and ASU I prexy Chuck look o n. Shirley 131ick, also an a tt c ndaut. to the quee n was not present when the picture was taken.

rain soaked crowd of some 9.500 fans saw the Idaho go clown w defeat at the hand~ of COP.

ll crc they arc, the people who made Homecoming tiel... Row one: llarricll II anna, Louise Tatko, Kenny \ Vright, Chairman, Carol) n Cannon. i\larcene J effries. R ow two: Roger ' I hcime, .\ rt .\lise ner. Roger To,·ey, F1·ed Burrows.

Queen Sail) recei,es a troph) and a crown from Chairman Ken \\'right. at intermission of the t-l omccoming dance. Alums and students packed three Swdent Union ball rooms ar rhc dance which followed the daytime festi,•ities.

Chicken wire. crepe paper, and busy fingers arc the iugrcdicuts that go into night before preparation for winning floats.


Led by the SpuN :md cheerleaders freshmen women sl-ipped through the fellows' living groups to kick oiT the H omecomiug rally.

J\lwa)S a highlight or half-time acti\'ities is the show presente<l by the U of I marching band. Here, lead on the held by drum major. Deane Jolstead and a be''Y of prctt) twirlers, the V:mdals do a <.olorful maneu\cr.


llugh llamilton presents a smi ling Sigma ,\lpha Epsilon Violet Queen. Shirley Henril..sson. l'i Phi. with her troph), relinq uished by Karen \\'aru er, I heta , olllgoing ttueen.

Fi'e happ} beauties. Queen Shirley and her auendants. Joa n RamMedt, Diane Kail , Jeanne Cowles, and Cecelia SuiJi,an.

S. A. E. Violet Queen Stall Palmer accepts 拢rom Presid ent Th eophilus the meu's scholarship trophy, won this year hy Phi Gamma De lt:l.

Awards Assembly Outstanding scho larship held the lime light at the a nnua l award~ a~~emb ly. Kappa Kappa Gamma received the cup for the women's living g ro up with the highest scholarship for the third conseClttive year and now retains perma ne nt possession of this cup. Announcements of individual scho lastic attainment, scho larships, and li ving group awards were made at this time. \l arie Van Orman. There;;.~a ~latthie~cn and Williamson recci'e the plaque for out>tanding indh路idual scholarship during their freshman year. ~l)rtle


\Vas a big day for the Aggies a t Idaho-opening with the big RarR-Q held at the fi eld house and continuing through a good old fashioned western evening of "Ag Bawling."

Chef J im Bryan pa~se> out a sample of harbecued c hicken to Preside nt Theophi lus and Philip 拢. Peterson.

Autumn Small talk, romance, politics. stucly-~11 <"n fl ec, too.

this and a cup of

Caml .\nderson, Jan e tt e Rawls. ,\nn Reacting. and Doroth y Ja cobsen enjoy a break at the Perch.

R e turning Idaho studen ts noted with pleasure the rejuvenated Bucket. Lowered ceilings a nd new lights contributed to a warm, coq atmosphere. Rows of booths in the far e nd of the Bucke t were an addition received by a ll with joy. Potted plants lend more a tmosphere to the room. 路M odern coffee makers helped to speed up the coffee line which forms after each class. Additional employees added to the s t:~ff also helped to take care of the mob. Varied menus and specials were easier on the pocketbooks. The remodeled Bucke t is the place to go.

Dr. Ralph E. Lapp, director of the Nuclca r Science Service discussed the basic fundamentals of the nuclear theories and peace time usc of atomic energy in a public events presentation. Or. Lapp is a noted atomic energy scientist and he geared his talk to the limited background of the layman, drawing out a number of controversial points regarding the international questions on atomic power and the U.S. government's dealing with it.

Activities DR.

The scene below from " :.ry Si~ter Eileen" shows six Ponugucsc sailors tqing to make time with Eileen. Those playing the part of sailors arc J o hn Wood, R ichard Day. Fred O"Hrien, Dale Carlisle, Willis mith and David Cole.

The first A.)Ul drama production of the year was the rollicking comedy, "J\ Iy Sister Eileen." Shirley Turner in the title role, Nancy Benfer as her sister Ruth, and J oe Jesseph as their conniving landlord led the audience through a riotous evening. Also carrying roles in the show were Tony P ark, Richard Kaeser, Carl Gotsch, James Kruger, James Snarr, J an Willms, David Anderson, Judy Hackler, Lucilie Palmer, Tim Kime, J olene Williams, Katherine Driessen, Don Rafferty, Mary Ellen Bennett, J\Iarty Duran and J ames Bennett.

Here Ruth





the return of her rent moue) fully) from i\fr. Appopolous.


Boys put away their rawrs in prcpara· tion for the beard growing contests which are a part of the Dad's Day week· end. Snow and cold failed to dampen the !>pirits of the faithful Idaho dads. Thetas copped the pri;e for having the most dads present. Former University of Idaho president .J. E. Buchanan was the dad who travelled the farthest for the event and so helped the Alpha Phis walk off with a trophy. Ida ho Vandals de· feated l\fontana State o n a gridiron covered with slush. Cay house decoration helped to extend a warm and cordial welcome to the visiting parents. The fathers were entertained at the Pop's I lop in the SUB Ballroom to conclude the eventful clay. Taking top honors for men\ house decorations were the :\liragc"- appmpriatc. we might acid.



Dad's Day The ·r hew·s soap box theme took first for womcu·s dcco· ration-,. .\ho among the ouhtancling ones wa~ Fome} H all\ friendly octopus. ·r he hig rally complete \dth poMer-, and ambitious checrle:uler' ~et off the wccl-.end. Your



is as good as ours- hut anyway it"s a part of int ermission entertainment at the Pop·s I lop.


Ralph L i n d berg , Frank Nosek, Chairman. Tom \\'arner, Dick Clausen, Janice .\rchibald, Ann Read ing, Ann Popma, J ack ie Lavens, and Claudette Kerns were 1he wheels 1ha1 made lhc Dad's Day a success.

Sloppy looking, isn'l il?

Tom Olson, 1he guy with the heahhi c~t beard. inspects Ray Morgan's novel beard that spelled out "Pop."

R. J.


was the proud possessor of the longesl bca rd.


Sigma .\Jpha Iota, women's music honorar). and Phi ~Iu Alpha Sinfonia, men"s music honorary were the co-sponsors of the annual all campus moonlight sing which was held this )Car in the .\rborelllm. Led h) Norman Logan, the group sang fa,路orite old melodies and traditional Idaho songs.

F a II Fun

Gamma P hi pledges pay the penalty for trophy stea ling at the hands of the Della Chis. Campus Club fellows enjoy an evening of dancing at an excha nge with the Kappa pledges. Jan Willms and Sharroll Bartlett watch as another customer pucs a nickel in the kitty. Gamma Phis won chc honor of collecting the most money at this function sponsored by the Spurs.


Entertainment "The Long and the Short of It" was brought to Idaho by we ll -known e ntertainer, l\ lcrcclith Wilson a nd his musical wife. Rini . The show. composed of tales of Wilson's experiences in the music world. ably illmtratecl In instrumental and 'ocal selections wa~ the first of the sea~on's public e'ents assemblies.

We Walk Again

Id a ho walkers arc we lcomed with app ropria te ceremoni es at WSC.

soothe 1\lc Devitt's aching feet.

idaho walked the long nine miles to WSC this year l'o llowing a 9 to 0 d efeat at the hands oÂŁ the Couga rs. Arg Editor Cary P ietsch , ASU I prexy, Chuck ~ fcDevitt, and Arg Sports Editor, Don Neville Smith led the fans who made the trek across the border. Stude nts at Cougarville had prepared a welcoming pany and after the preliminary foot baths the Idaho people were guests of WSC at a chili feed.


.\t le£t Jan \\'illms. as the elder Poncia. ad\'iscs .\lha's beautiful lovelorn daughter. Adela. portrayed b) .Jo· lcne ' Vi lli a ms against the measure of despe rati on she plans. \ bo,e, director Edmund Cha,·et conducts rehearsal.

The l!Ccond show of the ,\S U I drama season, as a contrast to the opening comedy, was a deep, moody play by Lorca of nineteenth century Spain, "The House of Bernarcla Alba." This story evolves around a mother's enforced suppression of her five daughters and the final tragic result of an attempt to break away. The cold blue setting and black costumes lent themselves well to the drama, presented by a n all-girl cast.

fl ere the tension heightens as the )how mO\es inw the third act in Alba's living room. ue ;\fc:\lahon, Kay D rieS)()n. jolene Williams, Rosie Perrin. and Marigay Nelson as the five daughters. Maq Ellen Bennett as 13ernarda . .Jan \\'illms a~ Poncia. and l•:li7abe th Oud as Prudenfia sit in strained silence. . \l so included in the <'ast were ~lary Duran, .Janie Remshen, l.aRene ewherry, jo Carol Bickct , and Lois Wilson.


ln the fall of the year the 1\ir Force chooses a Guardian An gel. The candidates included Sharon Shuldberg. I lays II a ll; Diane Olms1ed. Camma Phi; Sylvia Stoddard. ;uul .Joan Ramstedt, Theta: Karen Tay lor and Lou Ann Olsen, Kappa; and Elsie Putnam, Alpha Chi. The lucky gir l was Sylvia Stoddard, ' I hcta.

And the exchanges ... best known were the twice monthly frosh exchanges, this year held at the women's living groups, then, occasiona ll y, the whole bunch gets in for a meal and an evening of dancing. Strictly for the ga ls are the "get acquainted" dinner exchanges.

Here the Gamma Phi girls and their Forney l-l a ll guests go to the dining room . .\l so popular are the Sunday night suppers at Canterhuq I louse.


KUOI Anniversary Jerry "Windy" Chandler, K UOI Station Man ager, stoops to do the honors of rendering the camp us radio sta tion 's lOth anniversary cake namelcs~. Looking on is ,\ SU I Presiden t Chuck :\lcDe' ill and Executi,•c Board members Carol Pietsch. ;\like O'Callaghan. Clara Armstrong and Karen Lee Kraus. The hirthda) cake was presented to Chandler during their two-hour campus talent show as a special program in connection with the C\Cnt.

Campaigns United Pany Candidates filled loLS o[ noon hours-H ere arc l);n c Cummins, . \rt :\lisncr, Jane Rcrmhcrg. Lou ,.\nn Olson. Tom :-.richolson. j crq Lynch. Li1 Clc\cland, and Carol)n ~:dwa rds.

C lass e lections were held again this year with the traditional fanfare o[ posters and house visitation . This vear there seemed to be an increa~e in the excitement of campus elections. There were more posters, more campaig ning in the class elections this year than ever bdore. The three parties Un ited, 1ndepende n t, a nd Student Government visited a ll t he living groups on campus and so much ~pirit was generated that there was a record turnout at the polls.

Independent candidates shown here arc Shirley Lovcgrcn, J anet Novak. Chris Chishohm. Glen ,\ lien, :\lontc Strickling, Judy Flomcr, l lans Gotsch, and Jim Russell.


,\nd the excitement . . . Fire! at the Delta Gamma It was a cold night- but the alarm !nought quite a response. It was nothing serious. but worth ~me atten tion and certainly it was an experience for the llG girls. H ou~e.

I here wa~ a little fun on campus and a lot of e'citement. Hanging left. which happened to he in the inteNection at the Campus Christi<m center "'"" a dummied replica of an old friend. He came down quid.l) hut not bdore news of the e \ent got around.

Some familiar f.l(e~ around campus take shape in the form of well -l..nown entertainers. \\'e''e seen them often and hope there's more in store for us from .\nn Holden. Sand} and Jud ~ and ou r daucer Gertie Carder.


The Sigma Chis chose t heir Sweet· heart at the climax of a whirl of social events. T he winner was crowned <H the inter mission of the Sigma Chis a n nual Sweetheart ball. Saturday evening before th e ball, a banquet in honor of the candidates and d istingu ished guests was attended by Sigma Chis and their dates.

.\lum ll all 1\l:•c\..lin congratulates Caro l Kurdy, l'i l'hi. whom hi.' h:h just crowned Swcl.'thean of Sigma Chi.

Queen Carol and her auendants Elna :\lagnusson, Gamma l'hi; Karen I a) lor, Kappa; Carol Watchal, Theta; and Maril) n ll arden , DC .

As we wa tch the .\ lpha Chis decora te for their pledge dance. we arc reminded of the fall and rush panics. Not too long after the S.\ E's held their Violet Queen Con· test. Homecoming Queen. Sally Chiglicri. reigned O\'er the traditional pa· rade and game. Class clcc· tions hegan the rhalq hetween the panics. Sigma Chis held their Sweet · heart contest with a dance at the end of the wed. honoring Carol Kurd). Pi Phi. 1\l l in all our fall had a fine kick on and now we arc read)' for winter.


Then came the ...

WI N T E R 105

Holly Then came the hig hl y anticipated season of snow and sparkle. The serenades, the dances, parties around the tree and refreshments in front o( the fire plus a week of festivi ties sponsored by the ophomores filled the Christmas season. But, despite all the fun , it was with a sig h of re lief that books were shelved a nd bags packed for the big vacation.

While the H olly Queen Candidates passed in review at Da\路id's, Marcene J effery perched contentedly on Santn's knee. ' I he fellows spent a lot of long cold evenings si nging Christmas cheer under the balconi es of the coed's li\路ing qu:trters .

.h the climax of Holly \\' eel... the queen of the season

was crowned. Reigning ove r this year's llolly Ball was pretty Karen \Varn er, Theta. Karen's lo\el) cou rt poses before the tree. attendants Karen Hasting~. Pi Phi; :-:anq Burns, Camma Phi; l.a Rae H arrop, Tri Delta; and Georgia C:~rrico, French H o use. 106

Frolics B e s i d e s the campus Christmas functions the living group made festive the season. Everywhere bright trees went up and the firs on the Ad lawn blossomed brig ht co I ore d lights.

Gault H all chose a winter theme for its 路路 now Ball," gay and full of Christmas. and below, the Sig Chis go formal.

Another highlight of the seaso n is the annual Christmas dance pageant presented by Orchesis and pre路Orchcsis.


Dewey Newman and Dale Evans sm il e from beneat h the big horseshoe. Gone oriental for the e'ening arc :\farcia Gill and :\Iilli Swiller and their honorable escorts. Jim :\lcFarland and Ron ' J hurhcr. Big chi ef


squaw gone whopcc for heap big injun evening.

lt is Dale Carlisle and one of his egyptian

women from the green :"llilc.


i\fou lin Rouge. Ann Beardmore. i\forris i\fcCool. Cordon Leslie. Ginger Symms. Connie Spau lding. Bud Van Stone pose with a Parisian beauty. The gambling was feverish and "money" exchanged hands quickly at the llfuckers Ball. Fred Schiebe and Shirley Turner do an interpretation for the Delta Chi l'irate Dance. Patsy Casey, David Johnson , Joan Ferris, and T im Kime don icky sea green for the Navy dance. The foresters put their famous greens all over the ballroom, complete with smoke jumpers.


Frosh Second semester got off to a b~ng _with a record regtstrauon of 3,251. I t took a while to recover from finals but " big weekend seemed to do the job. The lines were long, as usua l, but they wiped the slate clean for a new term.

Familiar isn't it? Imagine this twice a year when the gym . center of the most educational leclllres and most rousing basketball duels, become• a compulsoq haulefield. Hut lines. groans and bankrolls all come to an cud C\'Cntually- so cheer up!

.\ new C\ enL h ighlightiug Frush Week this year was the Soph· l: rosh Tug·of· War at the climax of which, cold and ill-smelling Paradise creek claimed 22 Frosh ncum~. ' J he week al~o feat· ured ca~ual after cia« mixen.. Here we ,ee Queen J oan Ram · sted. King Tim Kim e and date.

"Over the Ra iubow," a fantasy complete with leaping Iepre· chauns. golden mushroom~ and froth) rainbows. set the .,tage Cor a ga) St. Patrick's e' ening with the Frosh.


Week For the annual half-time entertainment the \\' C game the Spurs presented their lights out waddle. .\ big evening w:1s failed b) the girls in white as they entertained their cougar sisters from across the line at supper and formed with them a combined cheering section.


.\ ncl then there was the cia) the .\ ggies dragged the Fores ters through the pile.

Countrified coeds spent a frolicking e'cn ing tripping and turning fo r honors in the \\'R .\ folkdance festiva l. The Delta Gamma's came through South Sea Island style com plete with sa t路ongs, to take top hono rs. H ere the da ncers combi ne ta lents for a mass rend it ion.

The hi II i a r d s fans were fortunate this wimer in witnessing the skill of a top man in the field. Charle., I' e l e r so n . For the benefit of the inter路 ested, the hot shot ex路 hibited world cham路 pionship form.

Il l

R. E. Week Karen Lee Krauss and .John T hornock co-chairmaned a successful religious emphasis week. Assemblies, seminars, and fireside discussions were t he events of the week. Opening the week was a kick-off banquet and the events were concluded with a round-table discussion.

Rc'. J o hns and Rev. Seaman emenain a t the R· E Kit'k·ofr Hanquct.

Borah Conference The William Edgar Borah Outlawry of War Fou ndation was establ ished at the U n iver ity of Idaho in 1929. Since ·w orld War II the main activity of the foundation has been to cond uct <1 series or conferences on T he Causes of ·w ar and the Conditions of Peace. T he 1956 confere nce was based on the theme, "Cultural D iversity a nd World Peace."

\l ch ille open in!!'

ll arold

Fisher. .\lclville George H . T. Kimble, and .\SUI Pres. Chuck Me· Dedu participate in the Borah con rerence. ~1-ouit~.


Blue Key Talent Show Judges were faced with a difficult task in selecting the winners at the Blue Key Talent show presented before 3000 persons. Kenny Wright and Chuck McDevitt, ab ly assisted by J oh n Payne gu ided the show skilll"ully and with slight riot as masters of ceremonies. The Blue Key cochairmen of the event were Roger l\ fcPike and George Yost. The Phi De lt Dixie Land band took honors as did L aried l\Iontgomery, 4 Kappa Kappa Gamma pianists, the Gamma Phi iamese dancers, and Dick ewell and Kent Ahl chlager's "De a r John" interpretation. The happ) "inners (we wouldn"t attempt to distinguish them) step forward to accept their hard earned trophies.

Laried awes the audience with his voca l rendition of " I'll Walk with God."

Chucl, and Kenny connive to rock the audience with one of their cleverly contrhcd hits o( entertainment. T he Gamma Phis go Siamese in green and gold gliner to take group honors.

Anolher Campus Chest hit 1he campus with a bang, complete with house solicilations, taxi dance, hooths, and auclionsa ll under the expert guidance of 1he Junior Cia~~ officers.

Among the eagerly awaited public even1s speakers was the controversial edue<Hor, Dr. R . M. Hutchins, left, who presented his ideas on the ideal education system. Dr. ~lark Schorer. helow, well-known novelist and critic. chose "A ::'1/ovelist in the Modern World'' [or his topic at the final public event address.


Then came the ...


" In the spring a }Oung man's fancy lightly lllrns to what the girl has been thinking all year. Oh, spring. the time of picnics. pretty spring cottons, bo}S in short sleeH!d shins- e1 ening walks in the moonlight. :\lomcnt~ that lea1e fore1er the lingering magic of spring."

Chosen this )Car to lill the pages of the U. of I.'s own calendar were the 12 Jo,clics picwrcd here: Gail Doxtater. Diane Kail. .\nn Copithornc. 'ihirlc1 Henriksson, Pall)' Parsons, Elna i.\lagnusson, Clara .\nnstrong. Barbara \\'arn路 cr. J oan Ramstcdt. Carol Wacha!, Lois " 'ilson and Karen \\'arncr.


.\t the ;\lilitar) Ball the intcnui~sion was climaxed by the bursting of the O\'erhcad balloon trough and crowning of the new Militar} Queen. ,\t right the beauties pose . . . Helen Doerri ng, Quee n Lon Ann Ol~on . .Janet Campbell, Pat Bern• and Clara .\rm~trong.

Spring means formals and they came, thick and fast, from living group funct ions to all campus balls. Among the big dances, the three here stand out.

T he Junior and Senior classes combined forces to sponsor the annual !>rom and at right the Sigma Nu's and their gals pose before the white star at the Interfraternity Council formal.

.\1 left the happy new Lambda Chi Alpha Crescent Girl. Nancy Burns and her four lovely attendants smi le for the camera. Flanking the new queen arc Lorraine lle)mcr, Sondra Klampcr, Pal Berry and Elaine Zlatnik.

,\ho,c, Queen Nancy poses with her reward for capturing the Crescent.

And il's ASU I elec tion time again as the polls arc erec ted in the 1\d hall. Four voters ponder their decisions for the new Prexy and his hoard. The election hoard is kept busy as the swdent body files hy 10 set up its government for 1956-57.


The Aggies hosted another big Little International Week complete with Queen Arle ne Book. The 30th annual show was bigger than ever this year commencing with a banquet, running through a week of judging and point competition for the High Man Trophy, captured by Ke n Jenkins and ending in a big dance. Also finalists for this year's queen were Charlene Roth and Elsie Putnam.

Queen Arlene poses with another important contestant in the Aggie"s big week.

Then a little early the signs of spring began to appear ... cheery couon clothes blossomed. romance moved out-doors as did ''Perching." It was short-lived. but a sign of what was tO happen, when spring reall y ca me.


ASUI Dramatics Probably one of the biggest and most complicated undertakings of any University group about which the least i~ known by the layman is the drama production. In the 1955-56 season the comparatively small Idaho drama department accomplished four major stage u ndena kings-two comedies, a drama, and a musical. U nder the apt direction and stage management of jea n Collette a nd Edmund Chave;r, the depa rtmen t ca n mark o ff another succesful year. Here is a fourpage pictorial journey into the fascination and fun of backstage, A. I dramatics.


But school ntU'>l go on- e\en at rehearsal\ ancl :\"eat Powell docs a lesson while waiting for call.



(,raham Knox and Dale Cal'! isle take fiH' he! ween ans.

111 Finian's Rainbow. a musical. ll an) :\ÂŁorriso11's stuclent orchestra played a hig role.

The full ca~t of .. Finian·s .. assembles in ··scar~ <tn<l Robust"' fashion for a truh fai•·>land wedding. Rut the show isn "t all o n stage, belo\\. in the pit. the costume crew Mancls ready with aid and repa irs.

The m o~l involved produ ction of the sea~on was the winte r show, " Fin ia n's Rainbow," a light, happy musica I, complete with le prechauns. A huge cast, good music and imag inative costu ming combined lO make a more than successful production.

I he



Directors. musical and dramatic, gath路 er their cast for a tip or two.


Collette. drama director, meets with her group for the post-rehearsal hash session better known as "notes."

I t takes a lot of hard work and many hours between those first tryouts and opening n ight . .. then it's all over in such a short while, everything coming down with the flats at "strike."

Senator Rawkins gives the sune) ors a rough time in the curtain front scene in "Finian's."


The season's final production was a breezy comedy of Fre nch style, "Gigi." The laughs were many and period set and costumes made up a lively show. The play, from a Loos adaptation, was a smash hit on Broadway a few years ago a nd did well for itself at Idaho.

i\11 111 Alicia. played by Sue McMahon, gives "madame""ly advice to her niece, Cigi, portrayed by J olene Williams.

Aunt and Grandmother plot Cigi's future with dashing young admirer, Caston, played by Stan Palmer.

A portrayal shot at an earlier rehearsal shows Jane Remsberg reading through a role early in the rehearsal schedule.

.\ new addition


\Sl ' T this season was the 50-member ldah'l \ 'andaleucs marthing drill team whi ch ga'c its first pcr-

fonnance during the basketball season. I he team


directed h) :\I iss Jan Hale.

The big moment arrives as out-going queen, Belly Jo Roberts, places the crown of the new Dream Girl while finalists Pat Iverson, Pauy Rces, Joan Farris and Lorraine Langdon look on.

.\gain the Della Sigs chose their an uual Dream Girl and crowned her at the springtime Carnatio n BalL Above tile happy new queen, i\lary Jane ;\lilhnll he smil es from her throne.


The Hclldivers are caught in an interesting pose as they begin rehearsals for the annua l water show. A lot of tim e is spent in gyrations similar to this, presenting an unusual shot to the agi le photog1路apher who hangs from the di"ing board by his toes to catc h just the right angle of heads and toes. At the annual Spur-IK banq uet the honors were passed out for the year's work. Here the IK's present the award to their choice for 路路spur of th e i\!oment." li tt le i\Iartha Sue Dempsey. In return the Spurs announced their choice for " Knight of Kn ightS," Don Ingle.

This year the Rodeo C lub selected from a wide field live finalists for queen of the rodeo held at Pomeroy. Shown arc the lovclics chosen for this honor, Diane Olmsted. June Sleeman, Queen Kay LaBa rge, J1etty Jo Roberts and Gail Stellman.



n Ziglar and Ken Gaun go Hawaiian at the Campus Cluh.

I he Fijis felt that a silen t ole rahhit was best qualified to depict a spring function. \t a Forney Hall spring dance the attire was cool and casual , the e\'ening fun. The Delta Gammas got their fellows to sit down for a group shot, too.


ll's the Alpha Chi's theatre aucnded here by ~laril)n Stewart. J ohn Ul:mton, Mr. and Mrs. Mike O'Callaghan. Gail Doxtater, Harry Moening. Jlarbara Simons, and \\'ally .Brown. So seldom gcuing recognized and yet such an integral part of all the dances arc the orchestras ... here Gar) l'ictsch's group poses at a Kappa formal.

;\like Day, j oa ni e Wickland, Dick Roberge and Rowena llashronck danced beneath the Kappa Sig pine boughs. The whole Delta Tau gro up poses, decked out in na tive dress, at the annual Russian Ball in ~ l oscow, U.S.A.

Seems that spring finally made it for certain. Here路s an idea for a nice way to spend those warm afternoons.

The Thetas ill\ ited their fellows over to chat and play cards on the front lawn ...




others rolled down the top of the hig black convertible to take the girls for a spin.

The 1\lpha Phi's threw every muscle- and e'er) f~cia I expression. too. to the big rope . . . and it paved off with a trophy! I he mess) time comes when the crowd gathers round to witoess the lillie ladies dig face first into big, juicy chocolate-lemon pies.

Nothing stop the ig !phs, not even a two hour downpour when they decide to call out the women to show their athletic prowess. With three legs and raw eggs, the fair sex gave its best to total points, but couldn't seem to pull ahead of the three time champions, Alpha Phi. Despite the sopping sweatsh irts and dripping hair, participants and spectators a like enjoyed the games.

Sig Alph Olympics Alpha Phi prexy, BeLLy PoLLer registers well desen cd delight as she accepts for her girls a hard earned treasure.

Whoa. there. Pal\). )Ou"ll catch it- and e'en if )Oll don"t. it"s only a liLLie old harmless raw egg!


\\' ecJ..s served as me whil e Queen Clara and her cour1 sune)Cd the proceed路 ingl! [rom their place of honor atop the platform. Cor the


Week-End The Orchesis did it's part in m:tking the weekend a success ... besides put路 ting on nightly shows, it added to th e May Fete.

Silver Lance also tapped its choice of the seven most outstanding Junior men. The H elldiver show wa' another of the highlights presented in honor of the visiting mothers.

Sunday a ft e rnoon the finale ol \rOLhcr's weekend was presellled in the form of a competitive Song Fest. Copping top honors were the Chrisman H all fellows, Kappa Kappa Gamma girls and the mixed chorus comprised of De lta Sig111a Phi a nd Kappa Alpha Theta. Be low arc a couple of scenes taken from the H elldiver's three night showing of Bon Voyage during which the spectator was take n on a one-hour tour of colorful costumes and music.


As the final ending of another school sea on and the big climax of the enior' four years at Idaho, the faculty in academic robes, distingui hed men and women of the state and the proud parents gathered for the commencement ceremony. A capacity crowd filled Memorial Gym to witness the function and hear the guest speakers, Dr. Carl ,1\f. Mcintosh of ISC and Governor Smylie.

A ca ndid view o£ the graduating class o£ 1956.

Graduation It's a solemn time and the photographer's quick eye caught the spirit of the occasion as the academic procession began its marlh from the Ad building to the gym.

James I lerricJ., Gipson, Sr., Cald· well. pioneer Jdaho publisher who has been an outstanding promo ter of the region and of those who writ e about it, was given an honorary Doctor of Litera ture degree at co mm encement. For nearly 50 years Cipsou has been noted for hi~ coutributions to the cultural development of the Northwest and now serves as prcsidcut ;111d managing director o[ Caxton l'rinters, l. td.

Co,ernor fil\ lie and Or. :'\lclntosh delher their talks at the commencemem -baccalaureate exercises.

\Vhether as soloist with the great svmphonies or in recital, Spivakovsky'~ commanding artistry enriches the contemporary American music scene. l ie has been acclaimed by critics as a superb violinist.


The dance theater under the direction of Tatjana Gsovl.ky pre~ented inspiring and original choreography to the studems at the niversity of Idaho in another of the Community Concert series presented in ~ l oscow.

.Berlin Dance Theater


Homecoming Queen SALLY GHIGLIERI

Lambda Chi Crescent Girl Miss

The Dream Girl of Delta Sigma Phi ... MISS MARY J ANE




BuR 路s

SAE Queen of Violets MISS S HIRLEY H Ei':RIKS 0~

Sweetheart of Sigma Chi Mtss CAROL K u Rov

Freshman Queen Freshman King 1OA~



Little International Queen ... ARLENE BooK


Holly Queen K A REN


Air Force Guardian Angel MISS SYLVIA STODDARD

Military Ball Queen M1ss Lou A ,, 0Lso


• • •

• • •


Our coll ege home-the place at which we ca t, sleep, and, sometimes, study. The place where deep and lasting fTiendships arc made. The rooms in which are shared the philosophies of the wise, Lhe confidences of a friend, or sometimes just the d iscussion of a recent date. Within Lhcsc dwellings some of our fondest memories arc acquired.




r -



Women's Groups Hall Presidents and Hostesses


FORNEY H ALL J ea n Bradley l\ lary Verburg ~Irs. Catherine Chrisman

H.\YS HALL ;\fary Elle n Allred Peggy Brink Mrs. i\f<~ry Posterick

FRE 1 CH H OUSE l\ large Draper Dorothy Bilby l\ lrs. Harriet Cummerford

STEEL HOUSE Donna H ansen Shirley Ringe "i\frs. i\Iary Skattaboc

l Forney Hall "Now when a Forney girl walks down the street.... " The only Jiving group on campus to be serenaded every day and night with a ny路 thing from a bass to a piccolo- Ridenbaugh is just across the way . . . . Outstanding campus personalities, Darlene Frost, Clara Armstrong, Barbara vVarner, Gertie Carder ... Corky, the "flapper-wonder" ... new prexy ~Iary Verburg . . . 15 eniors tubbed . . . H asher's sweetheart (and everyone else's pal) J ean Bradley . . . Marlene ~ fink-the much picked on, but much loved Ass't Housemother. . . . Manv en路 tertaining firesides furnished by second (s~vear路 worclll) ... Emily, our dictator, doesn't approve of jeans under skirts at meals but then she doesn't approve of sitting on the floor at meals either, huh Juniors??... 100 per cent on class elections voting bring chills and spills with Willis Sweet...

j !:AI'



Carol Sue Ailor Janis Archibald Clara Armstrong Carole Beck Lavonne Bell Alice Billman LoHie Lou Bliesue1

Norma J ean Bradley E1 elyn Bratton Irene Bratlon Barbara Breinich Lois Buschhorn Nancy Callison Gertrude Carder

Charlolle Carlson Jani ce Chamberlain CharloHe Chamberlain Donna Rae Chandler Deloris Chicane Helen Corbett Anne Deal 145

Ramo na Denlinger .\rl ene Dennler :\liriam Deshler Jean Dille C:.il Ou拢ur Deana 0~ J.st ra

Elaine Erickson Patricia flerchinger Darlene frost Alice Giroux Shirley Croff Joy Croscost

Loretta H agen Daph ne 1-lellemo ns Crace H obson Janice 1-logaboam Roberta llolcs Rosemary Holsinger

Bett) Hutchison )larga ret Johnson Billie J o nes Carol Ann Jo nes Lorana Jo nes )fary Lou Junge

Darlene Ki lborn Cora Lee Kraca w Donna Lightner Kathl een Lipp Rita Lo rang Shirley Lovgren

Clara Lowry Theressa 1\lanhicsen )fary Lin Meek D arlene :\felcum )!arlene ) l in).. Elaine :\loorc

Patsy Na nce Kath y ew Beverly Newberry La Rene 'ewberry Carma Nilson Colleen o路Donn ell


Palmer Post Darlene Rafferty :\!arlene Rah~kop( Vi\ ian Rhoad~ Doris R igg~



Kay Russell :llary Lea San(ord LaRae Sasser Gwendol}ll Scrihuer Carol Seits Manha Sharp

Beth Sims H e le n Sinilf Shirley Smith Adell e Sn yder i\larilyn Turner Mary Verburg

Charlotte \\' alker Joan Walrath :\'ina Walrath Gail Waring Barbara \\'arner i\fa ri I yn \\'ea' er

LaVila Welsh Nancy West J ean Weston Barbara Whee ler Aljean Wi ck berg J erri Jean Wright


Permeal French Hall Pe rmeal Fre nch .ll all , the new wome n's dormitory, this yea r was dedica ted at Homecoming . . . . Fun was had by all including eating meals with H ays and Forney, but looking forward to ea ting meals in o ur own hall ... many pinnings occurred ... successful da nces in the spring and fall . . . Georg ia Carrico, Holly Queen fin alist, Page at May Day a nd Pom-Pom Girl kept our spirits high .. . Douie Bilby kept the WRA po ints up. . .. All in all a ver y successful year at our new home . ...


D o RO"I H Y

B• t uv

Diane Aller J ann Barker Shirle) E\arr :\faril) n Berren Elame Bauer Dorothy Bilh) J o.\nn Bogue

Yvonn e Bogue Barbara Branscom Blanche Branson :\farjoe Brincken Geo rgia Carrico Nancy Casteel Barbara Coons

J oa nn e Cowles Kathryn Da vis Marga ret Draper Susa n Dunn Evelyn Eva ns :\farvel Grasser Tereece Gro,er


Carol II an C) Syh ia II erman Shi r ley l lo rning fia rha ra Ison Sall y JeweLL .Ja n ice .Jo nes ~ I arjory J ones

Patricia Jo nes Lois Judd Pa tricia Kno llS Mildred Kroetch l lelen Kru eger Ri1a Larson Lenore ~fadclox

.-\ rlene l\1alcom Lee t\ l illcr Heverl y Nelson l.aclaun Olin Su1anne Roffic r .\ rlcnc Ross Susan Showalte r

Virgi n ia Staley Carolyn T ucker Charl ene Wells Nancy Wheeler t\1a rle ne Zajanc


Ethel Steel

House Steel's girls topped all records this year with <tbout two out o[ every seven toting a diamond. . . . Ambitio us 1\Iartha D empsey made Steel House proud o( he r when she was chosen Spur o( the Mome nt, the second one in tlu路ee years from Steel. ... Freshman girls took honors when three were tapped into Alpha Lambda D elta a nd Chris ~ f ackcrt elected president.... Honors go to Queen finalists Ceci lia Sullivan and Charlene R oth . . . . Steel won the \VRA P articipation Tro phy and Jan Crisp was elected WRA president. . .. Carol \Vebster e lected president of SA l. . . . Best wishe a nd farewe ll to two swell seniors. . . . This year was filled with many memorable time and looking forward to even mort: next year....


Joana Barner J oan Beals J oan Bliss Sonya Bond Shirley Brand\old Dora Brett hauer ~anc) Coutre

Gail Craw拢orcl Janice Crisp ;\lanha Sue Dempsey Creta Eldred H elen Empey Debo rah Gentry Do nna Goldsmith

Eula Gray Judy Hackler Dena H ansen Do nn a Hansen Rose Harrer ;\laxine llarris Roberta l lawk


Lynneue H awkins Charlene Larson Audrey Lewis ~far) he I Lill Christine ~~ acken Janie ~l c Kay Carol J e<~n ~ l oha n

Carol :\fontague Cecelia ~rontoya ~fary Nelson Wilma PacJ..anl Lucille Palmer Barbara Parish Kathqn Pa)ue

Blanche Pearson Helen Place Helen Polf P11t Quane Barhara Ri cclman Shirl ey Ringe Patsy Rojan

Audrey R oss Charlene Roth Donna Selle .Barbara Shaffer \1 ) rna Sh;l\ cr .\faq J o Snider Cecelia Sullhan

Dixie Terry Signa Thoma~ Renee \\'allen Peggy Wehb Carol Webster Be tty \\'iswa ll J anill e Young

.\lartha Young Kay Zenicr


Hays Hall Ending another year in the ivy-covered walls of Hays we remember-Our Brains! i\Iollie Godbold and Carol Clarke, Spurs ... Judy Flomer, :\Iortar Board . . . Our Beauty! Jan Avery, Homccom ing Queen Finalist ... Helen Doering a tiona! Sweetheart of TKE Our Tradition! ... Barn D<tncc, Diary Dance, Senior Dinner, BigLittle Sister Firesides, Dinner Dance, another wonder!' ul group of hashers and their patien Is! . . . Our Troubles- Quiet halls . . . studious frosh, tlear water, TKE binoculars, our 4-point average, 3-b lock wa lk to hit the I :00 deadline. . . . Never to forget! ... our wonderful house· mother, l\ l rs. Posterick . . . . Firesides with our ne ighbors from French and \V.S.C., smokers, the California gals and their first snowfall, craq antics of our own Sme llum-Bioom . . . our II ~e niors.


Joan .\ hhoLL H es ter .\llisou \fan Ellen .\llre<l ;\( a rjorie •\ slct Janice \\ er) £,a Barber

Karen Becker Sali Bell K ristcn Bengston PaL Benl/ Doris Bonner Margaret Urink

Beny Brooks 'onna Ca llender Carole Clark Alice Clarke Judy D;l\·is Shirley Dcllcnbaugh


l'atricia Delancy Anna Dixon H elen Doering ;\Ieiva Dotson Olga Figueroa Joan Fisher

Carolyn Flatters Maxi ne Fletcher J udy Flomcr ;\lary Futtcr Charlotte Gates Mo llie Godbold

Elsie Gordon Donna Grant Gai l Gru ys i\laril yn Gulley Claire Hansen Carolyn Harris

Ca rol Harwood Marilyn Harwood Cara J ea n Hawkim Sonjha Hoisath ;\fary Sue J ames Joan Joh nson

Betty J o John ston Doro th y Kehle Barbara Klutt. Jackie Lamhrcch Karen Landre th Margare t Larson

Shirlc) Lo' cc i\laril)ll l\£c13ridc Kathleen Marlette Roherta ;\leaghcr ()oris ;\l iracle Joyce ;\l i tchc ll

Laura ~lona) Barhara :\tmuague ~laril)11 ;\loore Shirle) ;\lortet!>en :--lane) ;\l ulberry ~lary ;\l urray

l'atricia Nickle Janet No,•al.. :\lary Owl Jean J>arr J o Ann l'lcdgcr l'enny !'reston

Phyllis Pr ice Carol Ann Renstrom Sh irley R icha rclson Margo Rooney Charlene Rose Charlotte Ruckman

Schmeder Cathryn Schult/ Dawn Shipley Sharon Shu ldbcrg lkve t·ly Sim ms ll elen Snell

~ larihn

Betty rente•· hirle) te' ens Joan Thronton Valcne Thorpe Katherine Vollrath Barbara Wagner

Doris Wayland Nancy Woods ;\l aril) n Zoret


Sororit y Presidents and Housemothers ALPHA CH I 0 IEGA Elaine H yland Janet Hale Mrs. Evelyn Street ALPH A P il l J ay Chilcott Betty Potter Mrs. Florence l\Iarrs

GAl\Il\IA PHI BETA Faye Hartwell Sue l\Idiahon i\Irs. Lucille Nelson KAPPA ALPHA TH ETA Wilma Schmidt Shirley Danielson Urs. Maude Long

DELTA DELT A DELTA Ann Popma Mrs. Rclle Gwinn

KAPPA KAPPA GAl\ IM A Christine 'Winner J udith Crookham Mrs. l\Iyrtle Homes

DELTA G , \~l~IA ;\lanha Davis Sue Struck :\Irs. Bernice Rhodes

PI BETA PHI Margaret Costello Barbara Brewer Mrs. ;\l abel Ritzel 155

Alpha Chi Omega Serenades, pinnings, e ngageme nts a nd winning the debate trophy for the third time constituted many o( the doings at the Alpha Chi house this year .... Activity g irls, Claudette Kerns, Cherie Baco n, J anet H ard ing, Ellie Johnson, and Jan H a le added much to the ho use. . . . Gail Dox路 tater was elected Cale ndar G irl for the month of August. . . . Finalists for campus honors this year were Janet Campbell, Pat Iverson, Elsie Putnam, and Ga il Stellman. . . . Coming in second in both the Fo lk Dance Festival, and Dad's Day Decorations along with being chosen to sing in the Song Fest added to o ur many achievements.

EI.AINf Hn.A:-.o

13arbara A li en Astrid Anderson C he rie Bacon Sandra Bacon 1\nnelle Bailey Ka y Be nedelli

Janel Ca mpbell Jan et Oaigh Gail Doxtater :\largarct Du Puis Kay Fleming Y\onne Forte

Charlyne I laic J anice l lale Glenda I Iall J anet Harding Patricia H arrington Judith H ayes


,\ljean lliggins Willa H Ulllcr Elaine H yland Patricia h erson

Elitaheth J aggar Elinor J ohnson .\fadelyn J ohn'l<m Jo Lynn Ked.

Ka th ryn Kcithl)' Barhara Keller C laudette Kerth Petrea Kn ud<,cn Reva Kocher Karol Korinek

l'ahy :\l cCord Sue \t errill .\miry :\lomgomcq Elsie Putnam Sharon Rud e Barbara Simons

Sa nd•¡:t Slavi n Charlotte Sodorfr Gail tellman Virginia Ward. Elaine :!.Ia t mk

Alpha Phi 'car the bank~ of beautiful Paradise Creek stands the majestic white house the Alpha Phi's ca ll home. . . . ~ ran y campus personalities .. . Shirley Blick, homecoming queen finalist .. . Ke ith, ASU I secretary ... Cleveland, Parks, and Lange, Vanda leers . . . Young, charter member and Rees, Bive ns, Evans and Driessen, Vandalcues ... i\ fill er and Swiller, pre-orchesis ... debaters, Gill and Bivens ... politicians Berry and Buchanan ... Fox tapped for Phi Beta Kappa ... " In the Kingdom of H eaven" reigned the pledges for their annual dance . . . . A large crowd enjo)ed the tropical atmosphere of the spring formal ... Alpha Phi '!> were all-around girl athlete!> of the )Car. . . . May Pappenhagen serves on ;\ fortar Hoard .... Two S!)Urs and two Alpha Lambda Delta~ . . . Ye!> a very successful year for the Alpha Phi':..


fiETI \' I'O'I"I ER

Constance A~torquia Patricia Berry Diane Bhens :\'anq Buchanan J o) ce Chilcou Eli,ahelh Cle,eland Yvonne Cle\eland

Doris Condon Klea Crane Dorothy Ora) ton Kath erine Driessen Sandra Evans Ora Jea n Fellows Sherie Fox

Sandra l~ull er ;\Tarcia Gill Colleen Groff Josephine ll aigiH H elen I Ianford Patricia lla,emann Sharon H elander


Susan Holmes Mary Lou Johnson Judith Knodle Doris Kooch Kathleen Koster

J a ne Lange Ka y Laugh lin J ean Luedke Marian MidKiff Barbara Miller

Peggy Nelson Ch risty O'Rear Nad ine Palmer May Pappenhagen Patricia Parke Janeen V:n路kinson Maxine Parks

拢1 izabet h Potter l\fary Jo Powell Jndith R auch Patricia Rees Mary An n Schultz Nancy Sisty Roselle Snyder

Patricia Stoddard Sharon SLump l\Iitzi Switzer Cherrie Tankersley Sondra Teply Shirley T rue Patricia Wagner

Karen Wilson





The crescent moon shone brightly on Delta Tri .. Sacajawea brought Homecoming honors Lovely LaR ac H arrop, finalist for Holly Queen ... Lois Wilson and Anne Copithorne adorned the Campus Calendar ... \Veil-known faces on campus . . . ~ I arg Sullivan, Pom-Pom Gal and Soph Class Treasurer; . . . i\Iusician Virginia Sturgess, S.A. I. Prexy and l\Iortar Board Treasurer; l\Iary Ellen Bennett of Drama fame; . . . Spurs, \Vainwright and Boyd ... Surprised males treated to Come-as-you-are dinner . . . yawns prevailed at the annual sunrise dance ... house turned hoc hiners to pay Campus Chest debt ... pansic in the showers only one of the memories of the annual Pansy Breakfast ... another wonGcr(ul year o( activities, memories and fun under the three tars....


Jacqueline Anderson Jean Bo)d Frances Brown Joan Cad)' Be' erl) C:.ll Barbara C;ulson

.\nne Copithorne :\lary Crawford Eli1abeth De Klot1 Karen De Klotl :\lary Ellen Duran Shirley Gooding

Harrieue Hanna Marilyn Greene La Rae H arrop Doris Jerome Carrie Dell Mann Margy Marra


Patricia Morgan Sharen Moshinsky Nancy Norton Eli1abeth Oud

.\nn Popma Carol Reichert Ileta Sabin Jo Shriver

Carol Solum Virginia Sturgess l'vlargare t Sullivan Loveta Tanner Jea n Teutsch Sue ' I homas

Nadine Wainwright Coleen Watson Waverly Williams Lois \\' ilson Sue Brabb ~laq Ellen Bennett

Delta Gamma Fire, sleet and snow hampered no DG's during final week, although there was a cold house, torn plaster, holes in floor not to mention various firechiefs ... Activities plus ... first in Folk D ance festival . . . First in Homecoming fl oat . Sally "Gus" Gh iglieri, 'Homecoming Queen . . . Mary J a ne Milbrath, Delta Sig Dreamgirl . . . Campus standouts were farcia Thornton, ~ Iortar Board prexy; J ane Bonham, Spur prexy: J a ne R em berg, Exec. Board; yell leaders, Archibald and Ghiglieri ... R emsberg a nd Bergstrom, Phi Betes . . . Lunstrum, Kelly, Beattie, Alpha Lambda D eltas ... Marilyn i\lonroe, most out路 standing business scholar . . . Snakes on the sleeping porch during rush ... no more broken bone!' after feel ing way up the walk . . . .


Sur STRucK

Judith Archibald 'anq Backstrom Rona Backstrom Sally Beattie J anice Berg Siv Bergstrom Nancy Biegert

ne,erl)' Bolingbroke J ane Bonham :'\anq Curran :\lartha Da vis :\larian DeKay Marian Dunning Jean Eckert

Barbara Ensign Marjorie Erstad Dale Evans l'au line Farr Jo)CC Genoway ally Ghiglieri Gail Guernsey


Mari lyn ll arden An na ll uschke Lana ll uschke Carol Jackson ~lari)S J ackson

Belly J ohnsmeyer ~laq Ann Johnson C)rHhia Karlburg Keith ,\nn Kell) Brenda L ister

hirlc) Long Carol)n Lunstrum Charloue McDowell Bonnie Mi ller Marilyn Monroe 1 ancy Moore Sally Ni,.on

Oororhy Parsons Patricia Pa rsons Carol Rice Sara Robertson Beuina Scon Connie Spaulding Sandra tringfield

Smanne Struck AI)Ce Sweeney Ka)e Taylor Marcia T hornton Vi\'ian Vaagen Sandra W right J ane Remsberg


Gamma Phi Beta The white frame house with the green shutter~ .. Activity girl included Sue ~ l d\lahon, new A.W.S. prexy, Phi Bete, and dramatist ... ~fortar Board, Shirley Byrne ... Associate editor of the Gem, Louise Tatko ... Phi Hete and French Club Prexy Faye . H artwell . . . Jan \1\Tillms, Alpha Lambda Delta prexy and dramatist; ... new A \1\f$ Treasurer Sharrol Bartlett ... Gamma Phi's lured most men to the ickel H op in the fall and in the spring had the winning booth at the Campus Chest . . . a first place trophy at Blue Key Ta lent how with green and gold Siamese dancers ... Lambda Chi Crescent Girl ancy Burns . . . Diane Olmsted, Rodeo Princess and Guardian Angel finali st ... Elna l\fagnusson, calendar girl and Sig Chi finalist . . . Sigma Nu's pre ent us with the traditional radio at the traditional Christmas exchange . . . Iaruja Vallerino, exchange student lent that "down South" atmosphere . . . a happy and successful year for the Gamma Phi's.

~farjorie \ s.~endrup

harrol Bartlett Bett) 13o\ ey Be,erl) Bowers ~laq Jean Burke Beverly Burwel l Shirley Byrne

haron Connaughton Ka\ Conrad Catherine Crabtree Elitabet h Curtis :\laq Ellen Daly Helle Davis Constance Denslow


Doerr Carohn Edwards ,\ntl Folc\ l'at~\ Jean Garrison Deanna Ceensen llarhara H am let Gladys Hansen


fa) e Ha rt well Cheql ll endrickscn Ellen ll erli n ~larjo rie Johnso n .Jan )u ctynn La ven s

Josephine Lecona l:':ancy Lee Su e ~lc~lahon Elna i\lagnusson Maril yn Marvel

Emil ) ;\loser J anet i\t o~cr Diane Olmsted i\largaret Paulsen Fiorella Randall 1\cvcrl y Rasor P:n~y R obinson

Erna Saunders lclanne Schreiber Elaine Schroed er Nancy Short .Joyce Sinnemaki Kathryn Smith I'at ricia Sparkman

I atJ..o Mari<1 \'atlarino J c<~ n Walke r J anice Willms Carol i\nn Zapp Jancn e Taylor Nancy Burns



Kappa Alpha

Theta The castle on the com er . . . Theta house by name .. . fishy charaners won the vVRA Swimming i\feet ... e ntertained the most Dads by ~tattering huge soap boxes in the front yard to merit a first on Dad 's day ... Joan Ramstedt was frosh royalty and I K Sweetheart . . . held t he Black Cat Cabaret o n Friday the 13th . . . Sophomores crowned Karen \Varner 1955 Holly Queen . . . Cowg irl too. Kay La Barge rides with Vandal bronco路buster!. as their queen and Betty .Jo Roberts a princess .. . shared id ea~ with French e xchange student, Lucie nne Gioa nni ... men of the Air Force chose Sylvia Stoddard Guardian Angel . . . al l the gals took a warm Saturday to wash K Sig cars (a Campus Chest l>crv ice) likewise the Phi De lts served us brea kfast in bed one Sundav ,\ J\L

Carol) n Babcock Barbara Barry Lorraine Beymer J o C:-.rol l3icket ;\laric Brammer Sharon Choate ~larg:.1 rct Cook

hirley Danielson Ju d) Dobson Elinbeth Drcgnie Virginia Fox Donna Calc Mary C ilderoy Lucienne Cioanni

Janice l lcnry Shirley ll cnry J ane ll ustcd Barbara j oseph Rosella Kelly Karen Kramer Kay La Barge




Joanne Langdon Lorraine Langdon Patricia Lawton Lois Lundquist Janice :\lc,\rthur

Diane ;\Ianweiler Betty ;\liiller ~anc) :\loen Virginia ;"ooclson Elitaheth Passmore

Peggy Pallerson Margaret Peckardt ~ l ar y Phi li ps Joan Ramstcdl Belly J o Roherts Roma Saunders Wi lma Srhmidt

Julia Semple Mary Snow Marilvn Stewart Pat;路icia Stewart S} h ia Stoddard Donna J"hompson Bonnie I ower

Carol \\' achal Karen \\'arner Linda \\'illi:um ;\larjoric \\' pll ;\larilyn Zigler Leah :'\anning:.

Kappa Kappa Gamma Bacil li sprung路 l'rom the wa lls of the big white house on the hill ... a typhoid scare however, the wholesome crew recovered to win the \IVRA Participation trophy and 2nd place float at H omecoming time ... Phi Beta Kappas, Hurdstrom, Krauss and Soden help us to land the Scholarship Cup . . . T he Czech maids, Soden, Sanderson, Crookham and Kail (SAE finalist and Calendar girl) copped first place on the white ivorie in the Blue Key Talent Show ... Spurs, Van Orman, Gruys, Perrin, and Ellis . . . debators Reading and KreiLenbeck ... Class Officer Obon and Sanderson on Exec. Board added to the KKG spirit to be led by frosh cheerleader Holden and Pom-Pom Girl Taylor (Sigma Chi Sweetheart fin a Ii t)....



Carol Anderson Dorothy Bauer :'\orma Bordon :\farjorie Bradhuq Susan Campbell Patricia Casey C. Chamberlain

Judith Crookham Karen Crotier Joann Diumer ~ I a rei a Ellis Susan Emry Helen Farmin Rita Chirardcllo

.\nn e Hamblin Ann H o ld en Janet HOO\ef Ooroth)' .J acobsen Diane Kail Karen Krauss Karen Krci1cnhecl.


Ka y Kt路eizenbeck ;\larilyn ;\lartin ;\larigay :'>elson ;\laril) n :'>oNCth Susan Oberg

Lou .\nn Olson Rose- Marie f'errin Claire Poite\ in Jan ette R awls .\nn R ead ing

Carolyn Sanderson June Sleeman Ell igay Springer Karen Taylor Gail Torpey Ka thryn Torpey i\fari e Van Orman

Carol \Varren Sally We lls Irene \\' est J anice White Elea no r \\'hitne) ;\l)rt le William '!On Kristine \\'inner

-' lary \\'inner Sandra Yost


Pi Beta Phi 720 Deakin pulled through with "flying Wine and B lue colors" again this year ... honors for Dad's Day and scholarship ... plus Carol Kurdy, Sweethcan of Sigma Chi, Shirley Henricksson, SAE Violet Queen and treasurer of the Freshman Class, and Arlene Hook, Little i\liss International ... A tribute to Cleora Andres, i\Iortar Board Veep and Prexy of Kappa Delta Pi. Cannon, Cisscl and r ugcnt, Alpha Lambda De lta ... Costello and Anderson, Phi Betes, Davis for her "adroit U!>C of the scalpel" ... The dream house to be built?? ... Jody and Ging keep our WRA points high . . . our "Gigi" and "Eileen" won round!> of applame . . . all this along with \Va!>~ail hour and the Ski dance shaving cream and bets on 1 ashua ... we are a sured "It's .\ Big \Vide Wonderful World."

;\IAK(.ARt.t Co~tt.LLO


Josie .\nderson Kristine .\tl(lerson Cleora .\ndres Patricia .\xt cll J oan Baldwin .\nn Beardmore :\'anc) Bcnrer

Jeanne Bishop .\ rlcnc Book Sonya Bowker Barbara Brewer Gail Bronson Carolyn Cantton Catherine Cannott

Dimte Davis Joan Ferris Judith Folkim Patricia Friettd Doris Gisscl Loyce Hall .\nn H ami lton 170

:\larilyn Hammer Patricia Harrington Rowena l lasbrouck Karen Hastings Shirle) Henril.ssun

Bene Hintze Alene H oneywell :\!arcene J elleq Karen J ordan Valerie Kroll

Carol Kur<l y Shirley Lint Maril yn t\fanhews Ph yllis MeA lcxandcr onna McRa e Marilyn Tugen t Katherine Pngh

Judith Purkhiser Janemarie Smith illoreta Smith Francis Stockdale Virginia )tntns :\Iaureen \\' arren Velma \Varren

Joan Wicklund J olene \\'illiams ~laril)n \\'right Margaret Costello


Men's Groups MF.N LIVI NG CROUP PRE !DENT CAMPt: CLt' B Robert ll all CIIRTS;\f.\ N HALL John llu ber Elmer Neu GAULT IIALI. H o mer Ober~t Da yle Carlson

liM 110 CLUB AI llammill

INTERNATION.\L !l OUSE Bernard llendct ~on Ho~ein Rafiee


l..D.S. Brent i\lbano Gary McEwen LINDLEY HALL Don Neilson l3oh Schreiber TO\\'N MEN'S .\ SSOC:l.\ TTO ' Elwyn Larson Mike i\fcQuade lii'H .\J\1 H .\LL

Jerry Walsh Porter Hotson \\'I LLIS SWEET H.\LL Ed Schmith J'om \Varner


C \illl'l ' S Cl.l ' fl C: ll R IS~ I \N 11 .\1.1.

Mr. and Mrs. John ;\lci\lullen i\lr. and i\frs. Thomas Hopkins

C .\ ll i.T 11.\LL

;\Ir. and ;\Irs. Leonard I l ofT

I.I J\'DU:Y 11.\LI.

Mr. and ;\Irs. \Va yne Crow



i\lr. and Mrs. Edmond Ch;we1. ;\lr. and ;\Irs. J ohn


Chrisman Hall The year started with a fall formal "Autumn Leaves" ... "Cloak and D agger" in the fashion . . . Broken r ibs, fractured sku lls, and bruises broug ht in the in tra-m ura I footba II trophy . . . Bowling trophy a lso won ... Over our steps pass well known wheels: Athletes Gary, Sullivan, Willis; Blue Key Anderson, i\ lacPhee, Bahr: Politico Tovey; Phi Beta Kappa Anderson; Phi Eta Sigma Eacker, Davison, Orme; As well as being winners on Song Fest . . . Our country is safe in the hands of R. N. and R. A. . . . J\ [ortality rate high ... Senior Banquet honors 35 ... Tom and i\ lary a lso graduating ... The Fightin' Illini Angus ... Noise, firecrackers, and water rule ... Tanner ga ins his usual 40 pounds, but how? ... T.V. wore out and Homer moved ... Picn ic, buy your own.

G lenn ,\lien Franklin .\lien \\'csley ,\lien Lee ,\ nderson John .\ rmitagc Paul Baker

j ohn Bahr Franklin 13ahr Gary Baty Henry Blecha William !\Ieisner Rulen Browning

Cary Burton William Carson James Carter Ja c Caward Conrad Chamberlain ,\ Ian Chamhcr~


\\'e ha'c dress dinner also! \\'ho~e




. tUd)ing? li mning pig<.'Ons! (,eniu, at work?

l .ennard Chin Charles Clauser Richard Clemons Richard .\ lien Cook Earle Richard Cooke L arry Comstock


Crow Delon Dalke \\'alter Da\'enport \ 'ernie Oa\'iS amuel Dorcheus J ack Dunsmoor

Jay Ead-:cr Edward Eldredge l.arn El l i~ Dt;ane forte Carl Gotsch H ans Gotsch


Floyd C ross Clyde Hall y J ames H argis Rohen Howa rd J ohn !I uber Johnn> Jones

Cary Kendall Lloyd Ki mpton Robert Klempel Ronald Koester J ames Kruger J erald Leatham

Willard Lindsay Ri chard Line Denis Lo ng David Lowell Willi am Mackie Kci 1h Macp hee

Homer :\fcE,ers George :\fcKean Robert :\lcichlc R ichard Miles Donald Mills .\ lhert Neu

Elmer Ncu Burto n O rmc J ames Osho rn Larry Pline Dale Plinc Sheldon Pride

Robert R ackman Henry Robinson Robert Robertson Donald Romer Wa lter Root ,\ nton Smutny


J ohnn} Sull i\'an J ames T homson La Roy T ollbom Roger TO\C) Ca} Jon W arford Wil bur C ary

J ohn Willis


Campus Club This is the year of Campus Club's H awaiia n Holiday, with 2000 orchids flown in from H awa ii, due thanks to George Watanabe and .Jerry i\ lorikawa . . . Dick Klingensmith served as leader of the A.S.U. I. Downbeats ... Felix Marcolin was e lected to serve as R ecorder of the In tercollegiate Kn ights ... The house was privileged to have men pledged to: Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Zet<t, X i Sigma Pi <tnd Alpha Epsilon Delta ... Il lustrious Bob H all ser ved as House President for two co n~ecut ive semesters ... Fred Kiokemeister wal> a delegate to National Associated Co-operative League convention in Chicago, and returned a national officer in the organi;ation . . . Broken leg and Bermuda Shorts blossomed during the year . . . Last, but not lea t Lois and ,\ lac, the best ever!!


William .\lbertson Paul Berry ~rerrill Burt J ames Cochrane Dale Cook Da vid Erwin

James Eggleston Ronald Fickes Melvin Fisk J ohn Foster Wilbur Cary R ichard Cooby

Kenneth H ahn Bob Hall H arold Hilker Theodore Keith john Kessler David Kohli


Lawrence LaRue Ted Leach Jerry Lewis Felix ~ l arcolin joseph :\!c~! ichael Gaq \lc~lichael

Rudolphe ;\Iiller Rulon :'\ewman \\' arren Nooner :-.led Pence Ra lph Prihl>le William Reed

;\t ilto n R igger Wilton Rigger Forrest Spencer Waller Styner Peter Van ll outen J olut \V;ummaker

Gregor) \\'a) ne Larry Welch Car) Wilhelm \\'endell WolÂŁ Kenneth Worthington Gerald Yeoumans

Melvin Zugst

Hawaiian Holiday ... it was a real function!



Hall One of the two new Halls o n campus, Upharn began the year by electing J e rry Walsh the first President ... In intramural athletics the volleyball team won five and lost two; J oe Brogdon placed runner up in the table tennis singles tournament, and in softball, Gi~s Gaskarth, the Canad ian speed-baller was one of the outstanding pitchers of the season . . . Porter Holson was elected president second eme~ter ... Social highlight of the year was the big spring dance, with the theme "The R oyal Garden" . . . Our ProCior and Hostess, i\ rr. and Mrs. Edmund Chavct, will always be remembered as thoughtful and understanding people . . . . A year to remember for Upham.


f.RR Y \ \' Al.~ll

\'ictor .\rmacost Charle~ Barron Jim Benneu John Bishoff 1om lhnler l.ynn Ca llah an

Jack Clc' el;111d Gary Cowie' llarq Daw'>()ll Ted Dingman Bi II Docheus Emmannuel Euer

John l~sslcy John Falcn Charle~ Falk Kenneth Fi~her lljorn Fremming \\'i IIi am Caskarth


Don Gibbs Grcyson G ilson Roi>erl Glenn Gene Heimgartner J ames Ho tson Bill Hutchison

Irvi n Iverson Leonard Jacabowitz Arlo Johnson Jerry Johnson Lawrence Johnson Duane Judd

Joe Kallas Bruce Laird Edward Laird Doug Mcl3ride Tom McDevitt Gerald McDermott

Is it really that interesting?

The Christmas fireside was fun.

If we only had some marshmallows!


John :\lcDonald J ohn :\lendiola Charles :\l itchell Donald :\lorse Leray ;\[ urray Charles Obendorf

Donald O mans George Patton Cary Randa ll J erry Reeve Loran Roseborough Carlyle Rossow

Frank Rusho Dennis hoemaker Dale melcer Kenneth Soh Charles wenson :\lerle Thiessen

Earl T homas Jim Throckmorton Lee Thurber Bill Vermillion Jim Upchurch Wray Waddell

Robert Wah ler H arry Walrath Jerry Walsh Charles Walter Art Warnke Duane \ \Iatson

J erry \\' hittig ~cal Williams Dwight Williamson L~nn Zaugg


Lindley Hall H ere resides the lovel icst hostess on cam pus ... I'\eilson and Schreiber serve as preside nts .. . Tri-Us house claims severa l Lindleyites . . . " Rotton" I larry turns clean living . . . Dutton ends three year career in these hallowed walls ... Schreiber e lencd to Exec. Roarcl and Silver L ance member . . . Elvis Presley Fan Clubi\ loscow Branch organit:ed . . . Lindley ranks high in intramural points ... Lindberg is capt.路 e lect of swimming team ... He iber, outstanding tennis player ... Frosh athletes include ' Velte, Davidson, Chisholm, Coleman, Bourque . . . YIP's Gaskins, Schreiber, Russel . . . Parking problem grows steadil y wm路se ... a nd so to another year of good time,.


Press notices?

\n othcr


for someone to take!


Da' id Ahrens Leslie Uacl,strom J ohn ncaglcs ~fichael Beel-er ~lich;tcl Brannan Charle' llmcl.way

Christopher Chi,hohn \\'ha) len Coleman Ralph Clement, William l)a, idson Sanford Downing Jim Dunc;111

Philip Ed wards Virgil E isinger Willard Feely Marion Fisk Richard Gaskins Clint on Geiger

Lowell Grim Ralph ll ale R ohert I Ian '>On William Hardie n on llarri, Rnhcrt ll arris

James I leer Jon I lopffgarten Glenn ll ossner Paul J ensen Roherl J esc hke Do nald j o hnson

Lawrence Knigge Donald Krier J ohn Kroiss Euclid Lee Ralph Lindherg Kenneth l.i,ke

James ~lann Dan ~lahe Quentin ~larl.well Fra)ne Mc.\ tee Charles Mcllugh L:t<ld ~litchell


J ames ;\loody Glendon Moon Paul l\!uhoncn John Nelson R onald 1\'clson William ' icholas

Donald Nielson Patrick Nunan Charles Orem Roben Osburn H arry Piau Marshall l'ritchcu

Sherma n Rigby Francisco Roberto Charles Rorrvik J ames Ru ssell Fredrick Seifert ;\lax Sch ley

J ohn Schmid Bob Schreiber Edwin Shane Donald Shelangosl..ie Claude mith James Tinto

Edwin Utt Norman \ Varren Raymond Waxmousky Robert Will Donald Williams Larry Wing

William Woods Bruce Wright Leonard Wunderlick Lloyd York


Idaho Club The year ~tancd with a shuffiing motionstude nts in a nd swdents out ... "Silent AI" was there, Exec. Board in hand, urging tranqu ili ty ... R alph T hra ll 's songsters produced heavenly sounds ... Schrader the mercenary ... Number II the mode• n room), J e rry the janitor . . . " T he House of Blue Lights" ... huge exchange with the cow college, took fall social honors ... .January broug ht the midnig ht-oil-sessions . . . " Brain" I runtc r burned the most . . . Spring camf' with a rush-alo ng with Ge ne's Navy movies and hot chocolate . . . Cl arence Bean's bowlers showed well ... Gus fixed the washing machine . . . T hompl>Otl , Conley, Pasley and Schumaker . . . eng ineer and conductors for the Campus Che t jail . . . Proctor .John Elloway tied the knot and was rewarded with an impromptu shower ... The Tri-De lts shined our shoes r\11 in all a good year to remember.

Elmer .-\tkinson J31aine Feltman Charles Fl}nn, grad. \lton H ammill

Roherl Hem ingway Charles Holt .\r io .Johnson Roger t\ fartin , g rad .

Its I

Oh , I know how to wor k it!


go o n a picnic!

Dick Meese

1\:on nan ~IcCiu re Gurden 1'\ijjar j erry Pidcock

Gene Robinson Frank T ho m pson R alph T hra ll


International House International House a home away from home for foreign students ... congregating point for the Cosmopolitan Club where all are welcomed to work and relax together . . . to learn about distant places and to promote and e ncourage international understanding and harmony . . . Frank Masek came under last year's refugee scholarship . . . vVe welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Grimm as advisors . . . Fall activities included international banquet at Sandpoint, soccer game with '"'SC Cosmo Club, Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for the foreig n students . . . in the spring, a return soccer game with WSC ... Persian and Norwegian dinner at the House ... Some new faces come and go throughout the year where our motto is "Come in and get acquainted."



Foreign flavors


International students get together at the I. House.

L. D. S.

House With 11 new members in the house the upperclassmen had to quickly establish a new rule to take care o( the frosh . . . Under the capable hands o( house president Brent Albano 路we enjoyed the following: Hashing for Hays and Forney Hall (some fun huh?) ... 100 per cent donation at blood drive ... 2.8 grade point first seme ter, tops Cor all men living groups ... Reed Welker Phi Eta Sigma, Don Mecham prexy of A.S.C.E. fcEwen varsity basketball . . . T.V. was introduced in time for the world series ... Pat Albano ran for Exec. Board and member of IK's . . . May 12, pring Dinner Dance with orchid from Hawaii . . . everal fellows enjoy golfing in the wee hours of the morning, (they say it's free that way) ... All in all a fabulous year for all.




Brent Albano Pat Albano Earl Banner Gary Bloke Guy Erikwn Milton Gro,er

Carl Hendricks Jon Huber Kent Lou Gary McEwen Lowell Magleby Donald Mecham

Larry Moore Darrell Rose Gary Steiner John Thornock Reed Welker Jan W)nn


Gault Hall Under the leade rship of H omer Oberst and Dayle Carlson as first and second semester preside nts, Ca ult did we II for its first year o n the U of I Campus ... Had the o nly lloat in the homecoming parade which either le ft a smoke screen or had to be pushed . . . Dedication of the new hall ... "Snow Ball " was o ur first big dance ... What a Time!! Jim Bert and Dayle Carl~on won the intramural debate trophy ... i\fr. and ~ I rs. I Ioff, Proctor and Hostess, did all they could to keep us on the stra•ght and narrow . . . Do n Schierman and Lee Insko handling the social function s ... exchangcl> with g irls houses from the U niversity and Rcgem lt I I ill of W .. C .... Campus Chest which turned up a Kappa car wash a nd a picnic with Forney H al l . . . Stag picnic for all the boys in the hall ... Lon Davis new Exec. Board man ... All in all, quite a year for Gault.

I I O\HR Olli'RS'I


Gene Bodily Donald Bow Rohen Brasch Dennie B) ram J ames Camp Clin1on Camphell

?\eil Cross Dayle Carlson William Cla yton .\ lark Cole Thomas Cooper J:unes Corbett

.\ ncl rcw Cox Lo n DaYis George Donaldson Roben Doreudorf Marvin Fischc1· Ra ymond Glca~on


Edward Godwin Uill Harrock George Ha)CS Victor H erhen Stephen II icl.lcy Galen llronck

Don ll uber Ronald Hulbert Lee Insko Duane LiLLie David Lowell Kenneth Jenkins

Maurice Johnson l'aul John son Val J ohnson Elwood Kintncrs Douglas Klein John Landreth

.\rdc n Li teral Denis Long Peter ~rcConncll i\!ichael ~le)er Alben Miller Brad 111orse

Terrance Murphy · H omer Oberst James Denning Delano Peterson Wilbar Peterson Cordon ubert

Donald Schicrman Gene Stewart Tommy StroS(hcin Charles 'Thomas James Wall-ington Donald Wamstad

Ruhcn \\' ebh narry \Vesthavct• Delbert Williams George Woodbury Virgil Voung


Willis Sweet Hall The twentieth year of Sweet ... N ew wardens John and Amy Blessinger . .. the advent of the "spike" ... Our " Gem" of a Boat cops honorable me ntion . . . class officers Strickling and ~ l anin . . . Caucus Veep Rhoads . .. "Caite Pari1>ien ne," another fabulous Cabaret . . . Elk 's jail claims the proctors ... it took three hardwo rking prexies Schmith, \ Varner, a nd Kru<'ger to pilot the studious e ng ineers ... the chapter room dubbed " L ittle R eno" . .. " nitro" load<'d firecrackers amid the busted bottles . . . Gamma Phis, Phi T aus, and Sweet Reece Campus Chest gamblers, bag trophy ... Helgeson guides "monotones" into song fest finals ... the Beachcombers Ball starring "the sons of the beach" . . . " Knig ht of Knights" Jngle .. . politician Rhoads lands Exec. Board po ition ... and on.

Lool-s lil-c Dad h••o ugln his car! Our Sunday dri,·c "I he pajama parade was here!


George Anderson Joseph Dale Anderson Bill Atchley Chan .\ tchley Kenneth BaJ..er Ronald n eal Clark lkdow

John Blessinger Hill Booth Earl Brace Bruce Buckman Donald Bundy Ron Carlson Stanley Carpenrcr

J im Chapma n Joh n Ciboci George Conger \\layne Cra rho rnc I van Crock en C era ld Cu rn cs Keuu el h Dc:d

Hruce Di mick Den nis Gray Larry Drexler Jerry Durham Paul Durning J err} D)er William C;1houq

Roger Gallagher John J ay Garrell Danny George Don Gradwohl H arry Grandy Edward C •·ofT R alph Gwinn

G uy Hafer Ke n H all Roger I lanse Roger Harris Larry l larrop I-1 a rvey j ensen K. l lascnoch r l

Norman H elgeson Harvey H errigstad Clyde H ickmon SIC\ e Holt_she) Don Horning Don Ingle Oou Isaacson

Robert Johnson Larry Klappenhach Cregg Knapp Kenneth Krueger Thomas Kugler Perry Lee Charles Lents


Clyde Lofdahl Fred Loseth Eugene Lund en Lowell .\lartin J ack :\lauock l'aul \lcCahe .\lnrri~ :\I<Cool

(;len .\lcCurd)' Denton .\lcFarlin J crq .\Iedsl..er Larry .\Iiiier Don .\Iunger Delli') Naylor Richard Nelson

Walter Nelson Jerry Norbeck Brian Olson T . .J . Owens Wilfred Paluthe Vnnce Penton Clyde Pentter

Richard Peterson Rex Pieper Earl Pitkin Chester Prior Ron Pun iance Da' id Rankin Jim Rathhun

Richard Rhoad~ Rowland Felt Lowell Riley Boyd Rood \\'arren Se) fert ÂŁdwanl Schmith Cordon Smith

Max Smith Rex Smith Willis Smith Jo'Joyd Soderstrom Michael Sora nno l\lonte Strickling i\ lien Stu hherud

Gary Sturman Ron Tan Cordon Ta) lor Lowell Ta} lor Ve:1rl Ta,Jor Roger ' 1 hicmc \\'a> ne ' I hom a~

Tom \\' arner John \\'arnl..e Jacl.. \\'ells Ray \\'i~e Charles \\'right


Fraternity Presidents and Housemothers PRESIDE~TS

ALP H A ' J ,\U OMF:G \ Gary Cuthhert Ed Keller

K.\PP.-\ SJG).f.-\ John Blanton Ted ~Iiller

BET.\ T II ETA PI Bob Newhou;c Cole Sherwood

1..\).fBD.\ CHI .\LPHA

DELT,\ Clll Lee Foltt Lauren II icks

PJ-H DELTA THETA .John Mix Jim Trowbridge

DELTA SIGMA Pili .J im Kocker Duane Griffith

PHI KAPPA TAU Marvin Cox Boh Kindschy

DELTA TAU D ELTA IIi II llauscher Dale Becker

SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON Hugh Hamilton .James Steele

T .\U KAPPA EPS ILON Art Schmauder Dale Martin

SIGMA C HI J im Wilson Paul Schul11 SIG\1 \ NU F•ed ~ragee Jim Ree'e

James Gregg George Horne I IOUSEMOTHERS

1\ET,\ Tllf:T,\ PI

Mrs. R . M. Cummins

DELTA T t\ ll DELT,\

l\lrs. T. W. McCartney


i\Irs. Mary I.. Coleman

SIGi\li\ C: lll

i\frs. Edi th Magnuson


Alpha Tau Omega The house on the corner with the Hi Fi blasting away-that's the "Good Neighbor" house ... Another tumultuous year gone by but not without activity ... Pledges still recuperat· ing from their sneak to Spokane . . . Pi Phis mourn with us on R oogie day ... Great times in L ewie-town at the Harris house ... Pledges paint-up, fix-up the orphanage in Lewiston during HELP WEEK ... Turnabout clay put mem· bers at pledges mercy ... R everend Sam Bokely reforms the Kappas ... Celebrities? Oodles and gobs-Jim Kay, Frosh Prexy- Per Windju m ig hty skier-Bitner, H awley, Hilgenberg, Schmidt, Hilder, and Johnson football greats . . . Gung H o Pershing Anderson ... A great year-bring on the next one, we're ready....


Paul Ackerman Jim Adolphson George Anderson Jerry Ballard Jim Belknap Dan Belton Wa yne Blasius

Keith Boam Dick Brown Willard Childs Robert Clark Robert Cole Robert Conrad Bill Cooke

Gary Cuthbert Bill Drake Joh n Ebbert William Emacio Gerry Fage•· Ray Fife Pat George 194

Dick Crei拢 Jim I larris Warren H awley Jloh Heatherely Don;tld 1-l ull


Cary JohtNHI Jimm y Ka) Ed Keller Kent 1\larboe 1-lerh Meier

Bill Musch Mack Redfor路d Tom Rhodes Cary Ringert Dave Rowlands Ri chard Sayer John Schutte

Douglas Secl) Rick Sproat Thomas Turpin Harold Van Atta Edward Van Thiel R obert Watson Robert Wigington

Dave Williams Delwyn Williams Per Windju


Beta Theta Pi The "Hotel" led ofT another highly successful year with the arrival of new furniture ... A big event! Halloween found us entertaining the D.C.'s with the annual exchange ... Celebrated X-mas by winning the snowball fight (4th year in a row) . . . a g reat exchange with the Alpha Chi's, and e nte rtaining the neighborhood kids with the ound of breaking windows . . . Campu men Chandler, Cummins, Patton, 'Vesterg ren, and i\faxey led the activity rat-race ... Eirick, "The wcde," copped his second Ta. tiona! Nordic title ... Lost 15 pins-gained 15 Jadie . . . Dances as usual- pring Formal, Indian Dip, Pledge and Initiation Dances-all provided recreation for the crew . . . alad was good a t the Beta-Fiji Crab Feed ... o was the peanut butter at the Mia mi Triad ... All in all, a most eventfu l )Car for the men at BTP....



S111 Rwoou

j oe Aldana J ohn Arduser James Asaph Robert Benjamin ;\fichael Boles William Bo)<.e J erome Bruhat..er Thomas Buct..lin Robert Can no n Ra ) mond Cartee Bruce Cairns Ralph Cairns j ohn Connell J erry Cha ndl er .\.-l en Chane) Frank Cmnma( ].. Da' c Cummins Bill Deal James Dougla~s Dave Eskelin Jim 17 isher Laurie l;ow lcr George Fowler Wil liam Gall igan Jim Colden Richard Goll Cordon Gray Roger Gro th Troy Grifltn Da' e Harris Norman ll ow~c Edward Kale 196

Clair Kenaston Robert Kopke J ames Lamhert Van Larson Rohert l.h路ingston Jad. l.iule

William l\ lcBirney Dave l\laxey Morgan Moore Peter l\ lorheck :\'cal Newhouse Rnhcr t Newhouse David O'Harrow William Ostrander Rohert Overstreet Edward Payne ~ I ichacl Patton Duane Perron Rohert Parish T homas Reveley J ames R ichel Bryant Sather Thomas Scharf David Smith Cole Sherwood .,larold 路r heissen J ohn 路r urner Gaq Vanderwood Kmnc \Vcstergrcn Jerome Williams



Delta Chi The Delta Chis again prove their masculinity with 100 per cen t beards two years straight . . . Lee Foltz is at the helm as fall prexy and Lauren Hicks takes over the reins for the spring semester .. . Pirates Dance with pre-dance activities proves to be interesting . .. pledges seem to have gotten mixed up, tubbing Subia and Wright at dawn and dusk respectively .. . T .V. (Theta Vision) ruining the boys' eyes because of prolonged viewing and poor light . .. the triumph gets lots of attentio n . . . Honoraries and polit ics enter the scene . . . Picnics, dances, firesides all contributed to a successful year . . . Wilke prexy of Phi Delta Kappa ... H icks president of Phi Mu Alpha .. . O h yes we can sing at times, girls ....



Gary Blank Rodney Brink Gene Brennan Lewis Button Robert Beardemphl Charles Collier Phill ip Custer

Charles Durgin James Everett Dean Eaton Lee follz Dale Gcaudreau Duane Gowland Richard Hughes

Lauren H icks Stephen Howell Stuart Haines Glenn H andy William Irvine R ichard Johnson Larry Johnson


Lee Liberg

~Jichael ~lcQuade

J ohn Mellen Donald Muir Laramie ~lashhurn

Donald :\'clson Darrel Nelson Donald O' Neill Darwin Quo :\'cal Parsell

William Paul Charles Randall Donald Rider Stan Rupert Wendell Stackhouse Melvin Shangle Rud y Subia

Ronald Robinson Robert Stolley Duane Wilke Ray Wilke Milton Weston J ames White Charles Werq路

John \\'orden James Wright



Delta Sigma Phi Sinner's Ball . . . Ellie and Daryl as Adam and Eve ... I00 oer cent beards ... H onoraries tap many . .. P.ledges sneak leaving members tics . . . Finally found ''Toby" ... R ock and roll before brea kfast ... Carnation Ba ll . . .Strictly formal . . . "Stob" president of R oyal O rder of the H eartbroke n ... Files complete . . . Delta Sigs are students ... Grab second highest Men':. grades on the campus . . . l\fany pinnings and firesides . . . Bermuda exchange with Pi Phis ... Cannuks love . . . The queen ... Song prac· tice at Theta house ... Last of Charter Member:, graduate . . . Dan's gu itar and Milo's drums heard ofte n ... Delta Sigs shed tears as neig hbor leaves . .. All in all a wonderful year....

jl~l KOCIII· R


Peter .\rm\trong Ronald . \shworth Jain Baxter John 1\ethl.e

Uill Honnkhscn ~lclvin Bryant

Gaq• Erick:.on Lee Fucch~el Dan Fullerton Dwaine Griffith Bill H ahn Darrell l lanks

Pa t H art Robert H iii)Cr Ed Ka1111 Leland Kime Garq Knoph

J im Kocher


John Laut Dick Loeppky Raymond Lyda Robin ~rerrell

Jim Palisin Dwight J>auon Cha rl es Perq Warren Olney

Don Royster Milo Sch liefer Charles Schwart1kopf Roger Seitz Don Shannon Cordon Stobie

Tim Waide Bill Wilkerson Dale Williams Don \\'oodwa rd Larry Young Rod .\ sher


Delta Tau Delta Delta Mu of Delta Tau Delta had one of the best years on record ... The sinners e ntertained the Saints at the annual pledge dance . . . Copped first place in men's noat for Homecoming (The stamp that couldn't IJe licked) . . . Resounded again with the lead in Fraternity ~cholarship ... B.~I.O.C. were Froste nson, Blue Key prexy-l\ fcPike, Greek Caucus prexy-Bauscher, co-Capwin of Baske tball team . . . Spring activities we re highlighted by the election of l K wheel and .Junior Class prexy, Dick Weeks to the post of A.S.U.I. president ... The Russian Rail, Alpha Phi Carnpus Chest exchange . . . Spring Formal and the Chatcolet picnic cleaned off the Delt H ouse ocial ca le ndar for the year. ...



Jack Acree fred A)anlt Bill Bauscher Dale Becker George Beer Robert Bockovcu Steve Boyle Ji m Cole Gary Collier Allen Compton ~fcl Cope Harold Crowson Ernie Davenport Dan Davis Phil Davis Gary Dixon Jerry Duffy Tony Dllluhan ~lax Durall Ted Fros1enson Dick Gallowar Richard Gillespie Kenneth Goodwin Steve Harrop Jon lla ycs Gordon Henderson Bill Herr J ames Hill llal llogge Robert Jameson Ru ss Jeffery Deane J olstcad


\Varren Lal:on Jens Lund Bruce Lunstrom Tommy i\rac<?regor Roger McPtke Robert Mecham

Larry Morris LaVon Muncey Loren Nelson Tom Nelson . Don Neville-Smith Dick Parsell

Dave Powell Neal l>owell Bryce Rappleye Chuck Riddle J ohn Rosholt Ed Russ Chuck Saulls Thad Scholes Clyde Sheppard Dick Sheppard Dick Shern Bill Simon Gary Simmons Don Ware Dick Weeks Gregg Wi lson Dick Wisdom Jerry Zimmerman


Kappa Sigma Kappa Sigma has just comple ted its 50th yea r at Idaho- the oldest frat. on campus ... A large cele bration was in order (or the Bi-Centennial with ove r 200 alumni as guests ... A rock and roll pledge dance led off the social calendarfoll owed by a successful house party ... T welve ne w mem bers were honored a t t he annual Spring Formal .. . The e njoyable Spring Cruise on Coeur d'Ale ne wound up the major functions . . . Activity men- John H och elected to executive board, Da ly as I FC Prexy, and Clemen ts arra nging programs on. KU OI . . . E ight new pinnings brought the tota l to fifteen .. . Looney tied the knot last Dec. . . . Fr ies, H odgins, Sewell, a nd both ~ fill ers ma ke pla ns . .. Furgason's bombs made us jum p to a li vely pace all year a nd he promises to blast off to a fi ne 5 1st year as house president. .. .



Jim Bivens J ohn Blanton Paul Blanto n 1 \ \ all ace Brown Jim Uru ya teve C lements Sam Clendenin

Evereu Cole Patri ck Dal y Ro bert Donn ellcy Ro nald Ed wards Wallis Friel Charl es Fries Robert Furgaso n



eil Harker Don Harper Jerry Hengclcr Bill H iggins J o hn Hoch J o hn Hodgins Ed win ! lorn

R a lph Kirche• Dale ~l cCart) J err) Mah<)l.' R o) i\lern ll Ted Mille r

Bill Mille r Richa rd :llinJ..Icr Harry :llocniug Sta n O li, e r Eddy Parsons

Carl Ra u J o hn Reese Ri chard Roberge J err)' S~ h i e nnau Rohert Sewe ll ~l onti c Sma ll Do uald Smith

011ie Smit h R oger Sto J..er Ken . , o lmie Lee ·l·own,cud Ron T rea t Jim Va n Sant Ka y Vinson

C ary \\'agner J ack \\'ilson Joh n \\'ood


Lambda Chi

Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha- with a new house this year and hopes for a be tter one next ... Breakfast with the Pi Phis and annual Christmas party were g reat successes alo ng wi th our a nnua l Crescent Girl Dance which revea led i\liss a ncy Hurns of G amma Phi Beta a~ 1955-56 Crescent Girl . . . Sun-ba thing made e njoyable by the ,\lpha Phis ... Activities man Ro n Osborn ... Professio nal gamble rs Baarsch, Funkho user, and G ambling Bear . .. " pits" l lulbert a nd everyone else . .. A grea t year and a br ig ht future... .

Tom Archbo ld Willia m Baarsch Bob BC10 ld E llie Bunney A lle n Coom bes

Gerald Dallas Gerald El ey .\li en Ga rrell J ames Gregg Wa ll e r l larstrom


Byron H olmes Thomas Hoots Clair Hopkins

George llorne R onald Hulbert

Jack Kidd

Dale Marks Richard Ormsby Ronald Osborn Rona ld Seedorf ~!elvin Van D yke

Don Wcbs1er David Yule David llolmcs


Phi Delta Theta Losing a bout with the books kept the Phi Delt formal social functions to a minimum while the men settled down to finish fifth among fraternities at the end of the first semeser race ... Halloween exchange with the Gamma Phis, Christmas with the DG's . .. Swept intramural A and H basketball for second stra ight year ... Iix and crew took honors in the Blue Key show . . . Walker, R andolph, Kenworthy, Faulkner, Baxter, and Kline roamed the gridiron ... Basebailers were H oward and Chrisman .. . Skier Ander on ... Vandal Riders ~fcCarty and Lish ... Politician and activities man Chapman ... The brothers waved a fond farewell to Fink, Ev, ;\ loo e, Da11ler, Bug, Pasquale, Eli, Bonnett, and Emerine at graduation.

.f0111'. i\ I1 X

Bill Baxter Curt Bondurant John Chapman Bob Crawford Dave Cripe Tom Croson

Owen Davies Sam Eisman Dave Ellis Steve Emerine Robert Farish Robert Felton

Tom Freeman

Jim Ginn Duane Creer Art Hansen David H ardy Marcus Hitchcock


Jim lloward Dale Kennedy Gary Kenworth)' Robin Knudsen

Kim Larson ;\ÂŁike Lawler Don Lindseth Bud Lish

J oh n Longworth Mike McCarty Larry McCulloch Jim Mercer Jim Minas Boyce Mix

joh11 Mix J ohn Platt Charles Pettit David Randolf J im Richards Jim Sanberg

Bill Slocum Don Smith J ohn Thamm Bill Tunberg Louis Vesel y Wa yne Walker Leslie Lund Bob Payne


Phi Gamma Delta

Phi Gam activities were not thwarted by the long wi tHer ... "Swede" Cagnum broke no skis but knocked hi~ noggin . . . I nLramural eleven won Greek pigskin tille ... Kime chosen Fro h King ... Snarr and Carlisle both real frantic yell kings . . . Received all three men's scholarship trophies ... Carlisle runs for AS I prexy, is tapped for Blue Key and Silver Lance. Enjoyed exchanges- e:.pccially with sister sorority Thetas on Valentine's Day ... Pi Phi break!aM in bed and Kappa early-morning serenade snowed visiting Fijis (so did Rita) ... ,\len in athletics were: Payne, Branom, Sather, Jergenson, Carlii>le, Anderson, Dingel, Hanson, and Heaton ... Jt's no secret, it's been a bmy year.

Clark Anderson Charlie Bauer ;\like Black Frank Bowles Charlie Canfield Dale Carlisle Larq Carson Jim Coq• Stan Daniels Darrel Daubert .\ll)n Dingel Ron Dunn Tom Eddy Tom Edwards Rohen Emmons ;\like Estes Bill E\atlS Bill Fullmer Jim Fullmer Helge Cagnum Dick Cast Je•·ry Gi les Sammy Glidden Wa yne Glidden Pa ul Hanson Forest Hanson Jim H awkins ~like Heaton Jack Hogan Bill H olden Dave J ohnson Tim Kim e

Ray Long John ~lcl>onald Jim ~lcFarland llnh i\faxwell lloh Melgard Tom Nicho lson

tan Palmer John Pappas Rod l'a)lle Rich Renshaw J erry Rcnsink Gary Sather Doug Schedler Gerry SchlatLer Roh Schoenwald Ron SchwanÂŁ Did, Seel) Jim Seely Jim Sna rr i\1. Southcombe Larry Steele Rodne) Storer Joe Tencling Freeland Thorson Ron Thurber Ron Tisdall Hob Tresni t i\ lilan Tresn it Gary Tronson Dan True Jay Webb J ohn Werner


Phi Kappa Tau A notable year at "Old Phi Tau" . . . The little brown house on the corner kept up its tradition of lawn fences-a sturdy, white one this time, constructed by the pledges ... A prosperous year under prexies Cox and "Lieutenant" Gage . . . A do7en red carnations to every lucky co-ed receiving a Phi Tau pin ... Football from Cox and Fries and (rosh baseball and swimming from Nel en ... A private telephone line to the Pi Phi house ... Lost the "Little Brown Jug" to \V, C chapter in football, but tromped them easily in ba ketball encounter ... Campus Chest booth with Gamma Phi and " ' illis s,,·eet wa top ... Hou e dance included a pledge dance -a Forty· ine1· Fling and the annual pring Formal ... All in all an eventful year....



Jim .\rmitage Ronald .Bishop Garland Clark Lawrence Clm e ;\farvin Cox Bill Dai~~

Gene Day Tom Dolson Charlie Fellows Earl Ferguson Dick Flynn Charles Fries

i\ I ike Foster

B yron Gage

Kenneth Garren Norman Garrell Dee Humphrc) Mickey Hu•·lc)'


Edward John Dean judd Boh Kin<I'K'he Larr> l.a noll<'

Larry Nelson Bill Newman Bob :\'onini :'llil.e :\'orell

Chuck O ldham Dick Purdum Marshall Smit h Dick S1a u ber L'lrry Summers Dwaine Tesnohlidek

Ben Traub Don Wavra Ca l White


Sigma Alpha Epsilon Our Centennial Year-look what we did . . . The socia l life began with the Violet Ball, and the crowning of Shirley H e nricksson as Violet Queen, The Bowery, Upperclassman's Dinner dance, Patty i\Iurphy P icnic, Spring formal, Spring Crui e, and the ig Alph Olympics . . . Blue Key Members included: Gary Pietsch, Jim Steele, George Yost, Art ~Iisner, and Dewey Newme~n ... Jim Steele, a Ten Top Senior ... Silver Lancer, Fred Burrow . . . Argonaut Editor, Cary Pietsch . . . GE~I Editor, Jim Steele ... Exec. Board, Dewey Newman ... ND runner, \Van e n JoHansen, and Ba ketballer, Jack ~fitchel kept us there in athletics . . . We all remember the pinnings, the quartet, dinner exchanges, and 6:00 aturday Iornings . . . Let's hope the next 100 years will be a successful for SAÂŁ....

lln.11 IT\\IJLTO'I


Darrell Adams A Ibert Alexander J erry Allen Bill Anderson Terry Anderson AI Arrivee Don Atkinson Stan Atkinson Louis Barren Wayne Beck George Berscheid Robert Bigler Marlin Briggs l\fax Burke Russ Campbell Walter Clemons Fred Cook Paul Cunningham Rill Currie Dick Davis Richard Da' is l\Iike Day J im Didion Budd Dunn Fred Eriksen Larry Fellows Wayne Foltz Allen Cailcy Jack Grant Larry II aight Hugh Hamilton Jack II a rris


\\'illiam Harwood Da' e llogge Caq llollingcr J err} I looper Don llnme \\'arrcn Joll ansen Jerry Johnson Dick J ohnston ;\!arlin Jones Jim Kingman Jerry Knapp Jad, Knodle

Rohert ~lai Ross Malone} Charles ~l;mning Lee ~lanin Manin Michel i\ rt ,\1 isner Gene ~loncur Dewey ' ewman Fred O'Jlrien Ron Perc1. Robert l'ctcN(m ~I ichael l'eterwn Ron l'owell 1.) nn Robertson Jim . orenson Chris Sutphin Jim Steele Duane ' I hompson Jim Townsend Douglas T yrrel l Robert Val lat John Wageman Charles Walrath Roben Westover Robert Whipple .\ian William<;On George Yo\t :-\athan Yost Ralph Me)Cr Gaq Pict~ch


Sigma Chi \!\lith pledges outnumbering members, things got off to an active year in the old Sig house ... the pledges learned to tub with amazing speed . . . Football had its share of Sigs, Gerphiede, Hepler, Bergthold . . . Twenty-four girls vied for Sweetheart, with Carol Kurdy winning the coveted title . . . Social functions included the Pledge dance, l\Iexican Dance, Shipwreck dance and crab feed, and the spring swim . . . Two Sig Chis were campus prexies- Chuck ~ I cDevitt and Paul Schultz of ASUI and IFC ... Learned a new song about ~Iickey Mouse ... Blue Key 1\IC's McDevitt and Wright entertained with same jokes all year ... Few more of the boys join TGIF ... T'was a g路oocl year in all, even with the chickenpox.

jiM " ' ILSON

Kenneth Anderson Robert Borgen Douglas Bradburn Dale Brandt Jerry Camp Le Roy C lausen

James Cornie Charles DePalmo Jimmy Donald John Ensunsa Dave Esser Jim Fitch

Pete Gerpheide Dennis Gray john Hansen Tom Harve)' John Herrett Richard Hood


Richard Jad.son \Varren Jenson Dale Johnson Jerry Lynch

J ohn :llcMennamin Richard Moore Phi lip Murelaga Sian Nealy

Thomas O'Reilly Charles Powers J ohn Roodhouse l'aul SchuiLz J ohn Schwenger Jack Snider

Jack Ta lholl Glen Vaughu Jim Wilwn rom \\'olÂŁe Da' id Youmans

Roberl Youngslrom


Sigma Nu The Sigma Nus started the year off with the biggest crowd ever at the White R ose Dance ... Took second in Homecoming Float competition . . . Banker R ees succeeded Farmer Magee at helm o( spendthrift regime . . . H owie "The Beak" Wil lis didn't g·et his nose broken in football but ran into a wall in the dorm several times . . . vVombat Anderson went down for a fifth time at the spring cruise but was rescued by ace life saver, Drifter Ringe ... Poo Barrell elected prexy of unday creen ociety . . . \VheelsJ. T. Gillis and C eo. Eiclam on Exec. Board ; Ivy R esa, prexy of I Club, and in ilver Lance; J. B. Hu~he named Ed. of 57 Arg, ilver Lance, and Blue Key; J im IlanLcl kept an eye on the Air Force and traveled round the world by jet. All in all a successful year for Sigma Nu ....

f RED i\f AGEE

Kent Ahlschlager R icha rd Barrell Dea n Ben t Gary Callen John Carbon Neal C:•sebolt Kent Church

Cary Cli7er Ralph Conaut Kaye Cunis George Eidam Robert F;~rmin Rich;~rd Foster John Gi ll is

George G ittins Oliver H anson J im Hanzel John Hamel John ll ecluner J ohn llo ught cli n J oh n Hughes


Ben Jcuness James McDonald Fred ;\!agee Dudle}' ~Iayo :>:cis ;\lollcr

Duane Moore John Neilson Ka) :>:clson St..ip Nelson Richard 1ewell

Frank Nosek l~rank Ramer Douglas Randa II James Rees Tom Requisl Eivind Rcsa Fred Ringe

Kei th Robinson Da vid Roscoe Jam es Shawver Peter Shaw,er Richard )llllllS H oward Tankersley Cordon Tiegs

Car}' Wescott Jact.. Wel11in Roger Williams William Winter Paul Woelfel


Tau Kappa

Epsilon Members t.ealously guard their cannon, no longer able lO salute Jdaho victories ... Apache dancP. featured slinky Fre nch costumes ... Other fun ctions included Pledge dance, I nitiation dance, Spring Formal, Kappa X-mas party, and numerous spontaneous affa irs . . . St. Patrick's D ay a party was held in honor of a mythical Irishman ... O'Fiaherty, who never showed up ... con~equently the " R oyal Order of the Crimson Cross" cap i ta li~:es on his absence and initiates new members . . . TEKE varsity athletes take part in football, basketball, and track ... Campus activities included I.K.'s, Dad's Day, Homecoming, Leadership committee, Student Events committee, I.F.C., and an Executive Board ~ fem颅 ber . . . Wally J ohn on's Band featuring the inimitable "Aiphon e" are tradition on the campus...

!\ill. FIUI Ill(


Lawrence Aldrich Donald Allen .\drian Anderson Donald Baroni R alph Benedict John Blair .\llan Bowles

Thomas Brickerl Keith Buhler Richard Clauson John Engel Terry Evans Lorne Fins William Friede

\路V arner Frost Gerald Haller J erry Ham blin Eric Hanson Donald Konkol Jerry Kruger Joseph Kuhiak


Tad Kuga Larry Lake \\'a)ne Lawton Ronald Lee Leslie Lund


McKay Dale Martin .\1 Miller Leonard Miller Donal o路callahan

.\rdcll l':ul..~ Robert Parks Kermit Pierson Carl Prenner James Prestel Robert l'rcstcl H:~rq Ra)

Arthur Srhma uder Dalhy Shirley Franl..lin palding Edward Store) Ron Tillis George Vasko Thomas \Vaddoup~

Jay Waitt ~Ionte \\'ea,路er Jack Wyant


Town Men's Association

While the Town Men's Association has just recently organited we have had good interest .. . over I 00 orr campus students belong to it .. . Starting with a float for the Homecom ing evcnL to a much looked forward to spring p icnic . . . :\lany men turned out for intramural sports this )Car and we had a winner in our " A" basketball team who went undefeated in regular league play ... \Vith the calls of Hats! Balloons! Only 15c ... Confetti, only I Oc . . . we participated in the Campus Chest Carnival, getting hoarse, but having a wonderful time for a worthy cause ... After Christmas vacation we co-sponsored a dance with the Dames Club which was enjoyed by all . . . Besides the regular dance exch anges here. we had several at '"' 路S.C., namely with the Alpha Phi and the Delta Zeta's ... a wonderful year.




Lool..s lil..c a nkc friendly game?


Denni' .\dams Ronald Correll Bill Cossey Swn lc) Desjardins Law•·ence Doughany Kenneth Farmer

Richard Grief Clifford Hansen Ricker Jones Donald Krier \\'alter Lulu T homas i\fcDe' itt

l\fike :\lcQuade John t\1 iller nill Nixon Jerry :\orheck Don o·call aghan Clarence f'eterson


I toward T ankcrsly Joh n Thornock Tommy Trail Lowell Vanskike Denis Adams Roger H atch

Don Snodgrass Cerald W hite


NonAffiliated Students Kristen Bengtson .\gne Bergmrtn J oan Browu J ean Fi•her

Tereece Grover Janet Hoi' Richard Kmter Jacl.ie l.amhrcch t

Arthur :\I ell

:\loll) Sebastian Paddeene Sullh :111 Clyde ' I homason

Valene Thorpe

J oe Van Epps ~anc~ \\'ood~









Look, Ma ! Bo th hands-and feet too.

..: '




Here are the organ izations, clubs, and committees which constitute the extracurricular activities of our college life. Politics, music, drama, service organizations, religious groups-these and many other activities display the various functions in which Idaho students may participate.




r - -




Independent Caucus

Row one: Bud Duff\, Die!.. R hoads. Can 111rman. Pat Albano, Paul ~ l cCabe. Row two: ~farge DrapeL .\ 'orn1a Calendar. Erlene i.und , Lois Judd, Eula Gray. Jim Russell, Donna Hansen, Deloris Chicane, J ean Dille, Barbara Warner, ~ rarilyn " 'ea\'er. Row three: Bert LU\ass. Boh Hall. \I Hamill. l.aun' Fi11jarrald. l'aul Baker. Paul Barker. J ay Eacker. ' I ed Leach, Lowell ~rartin , Jim Rock , \\'a)ne ' I homas. Don ~ielson , Chris Chisholm, Ed chmith, Bob chrieber.

The I ndependent Caucus is the represemati,路e body for all independent students on campus. Its major func路 t io n is to nominate candidates to run on the independent ticket in all campus elections each year. President for the caucus this year was J im Russell.

The Creek Caucus is composed of t\\'O members of each fraternity and sorority on campus. The groups' main function is to select candidates to run in the campus pol itical campaigns and manage the campaign for the Greeks chosen to ru n. The highlight of the year was the big split which fa iled to pay off. Presiding over the cauc.us th is year was Frank Nosek.

Row one: Barbar;1 .Joieph. Cl:wdenc Kerns. Nancy Buchanan. Nancy Backstrom. Ray Wilke, Roger ~ l c l' ike, ~ l arie Brammer, Lois Wilson, ~ l argaret Sull i\'an. Kris ti ne .\ nderson. J udy Purkhiser. Row two: ~ ! arilyn Monroe, Audrey ~ l ontgomery. Pat Berry, Mike Patton, Bill Currie, .\ lien Co mpton. Irene \\'csr. ,\ nn Reading. Louise Tatko. Row three: Dwaine Griffith, Frank :\'osck. l'aul Schuilt. Harq Ray . . \ rt :\l isncr, AI Dingle. John 1-Ioch, J acl. Wilson. Gene Brennan. John Chapman. Da'c ~ l axey, J ohn Bradbury.

Greek Caucus


A. W. S.





!'resid ent



T reas urer

The Associated \1\Tome n Students, g uided by compete nt officers, started ofT a busy year by putting many projects underway. Newly instiga ted this year by the organiz"tion was the Big-Little Sister program which was established to advise and inform new girls coming to the University of ldaho. AWS also sponsored the successful Thanksgivi ng Turkey T rot for those who were unable to leave ca mpus over the shortened holiday. T he chief function of the group is to co-ordinate the activities a nd interests of all the women on campus. Clara Armstrong of Forney Hall presided over the AWS Council as president. The council, which is composed of o ne member from ead~ of the wome n's living groups, served e ffectively under the officers as a re presentative group. It was through the efforts of the officers and council of A\1\TS that the affairs of the "Woman's ·w o rld" here at Ida ho were con· ducted efficiently.

Row one: .Jane Remsberg. Ca;olyn Sanderson. Clara .\rm stmng. .Janis .\ rc hihald . Row two: Lois Judd . Mi ckey Hamm er. Lorraiue Langdon. Audrey l\lontgomery, Jan ,\ very, Beverly Ho linghroke. Row three: .Jean f'ctnsch. Peg Nelso n. i\lartha Sharp. Wilm a Packard. Sha rrol Bartleu. Beth Sims. R me ~larie Perrin.

Jo Ella 1-lamihon was elected president or AWS in the spring of 1955. but ga\'e up the po· sitiou during the summer to he· come ~l1·s. Phillip Kleffner.


C11l Cl( :\le D £\ JlT, J>residenl

ASUI Student Government The still young tudent Government party, which last year bowled over seasoned political organizations with its bold drive to power, came up with many innovations during 1955-56. Chuck 1\lcDevitt, a n avid supporter of the SG party, headed the student body this year as ASUI president. Several new plans were put through under the 1\fcDevitt governme nt; included were the ina uguration of the house president's meeting to keep a ll students informed o{ current ca mpus affairs, the interviewing system of selecting comm ittees, the setting up of a new system of activity cards, and the inu·oduction of the policy of placing at least o ne freshman on each committee. The ASUJ Execut ive Board is made up of nine members e lected by the student body from the incoming junior and senior classes. They meet weekly with the president, three ex-officio members and two advisors. They arc the governinp; bod y of the ASU I.



c. o. o~<-"• R

J OII' TIIOR!\0<.",


Carol Pietsch Donal O'Callaghan

Dick Gaskins George Eidam

J ohn Gillis Karen Lee Krau ~s

j ohn Thornock Charles :\lcDe"ill

Dick Denny Dewey Newman

Executive Board Tuesday night found the ASUl govern ing body bu~y working out the problems of the stude nts. Taking time-out [or a photograph arc: ~ like O'Callaghan, J ohn Gillis, Karen Lee Krauss, Dick Gaskins, Jackie La vens-secreta ry, Chuck McDevitt, Gary Pietsch, Carol Pie tsch, John Tho rnock, Dick De nn y, and Dewey r ewman. Charles Peterson ser ved as faculty advisor for the group.


The Idaho Argonaut

GAR\ Prt:Tscrr . Edito r

J O li N

H uc. m .s, i\fanaging Editor

\'e ol' <npl dc~J.. '>lCIIC of split inliniti1es. wrong renses , and nri,~pclled ff <IIIICS. l'h) II is .\fc.\l exandcL .\fa ric lngehrir<ell, Erna Saunclcr~. John \\'crner, Gladys H ansen, n oroth' llaucr. Diane Olmsted.


Do:-. hc:r.f'. News Ed itor

I he :\'cw~ llou11d~. linders of a ll for the .\rg. C<~rol)ll Edwards, Don Ingle, Oale E1ans. Jim Golden. J o Carol BickeL. .J im Kruger, Carol)" Llffhl rom. Gar) \'anderwood, Sally Beattie, Do n ?'\elson.




NEI' II. I路.路SMI'Ill,

.\rg Sports Editor

Dean .Judd. Gary Vanderwood, Don Nevile-Smith. and Tom llarvey mal..e up the .\rgonaut Sports stafr.

One of the busiest offices on the campus, the Idaho Argonoul serves the University of Idaho as the official voice of the AS I. The Arg has been edited

this year by Gary Pietsch, a cnior journalism student from the Lake Pend Oreille area in the Panhandle. \Vith a typewriter and camera under each arm and a pencil tucked behind one car, Pietsch with the able assist::tnce of John B. Hug hes, J\fanaging Editor, covered all campus problems and "scoops" and gave them full treatment in the Arg pages and Golden Fleece. Not everyone may agree with the Arg's position during the p::tst year, but all must agree that the paper w::ts widely read and furnished the students a good coverage of the cam pus situation. The p::tper began the year with a safe driving campaign where O'Callaghan, Steele, Pietsch, and f\IcDevitt got theirs north of Moscow in a staged smashup. The pep band was a big issue and the f\Iusic depanment drew fire. The Arg covered the Dr. Robert Mavnard l lutchins' controversy to the hilt while encouraging- students to vote, advocating pay hikes for educators, and plugging student recruitment. It developed the parking situation, carried both sides of the Autherine Lucy story from Alabama, thanks to Karen Taylor's letters, advoc::tted an athletic department cut in penonncl to ~ain more needed funds, and shook up the hill over the housing problem. The highlight of the year was the 32 page "I Tower" literary magatine edition which took the place of an April Fool issue. Crew chiefs for the year were Don Ingle, John \Verner, and Don Nevile-Smith. An Irishman named O'Callaghan also got into the act with his fiery pen. The reporters, copy readers, ad salesmen, and the proof readers did much to make the Arg succcessful. Although a young st<lff they always seemed to meet those eternal deadlines to make it one of the "best" years.

The Frida) circulation staff i~ comprised of Carol \\'achcl. ;\tar) Wpll. and Donna (:ale. llclow: The staffers are shown here puuing the nc"t morning's .\rgonaut to "hed." On publication night. the ldah onian shop is the ~cene of reading proof, lost cop}. inky t} pe. and page proof~ as Editor Pietsch directs the operations. 233

Gem of the Mountains This is your yearbook. I t's the culmination of many months of work, sweat, aggravation and frust ra tion. These are the people who have worked the year through Cor the recording of the histOI') of 1956. The bigge!>t thing o( this year's Ge m is the great job that a ll of the staff ed itors have done. Thro ug h the muddle of the photo-orders, a nd mis ing photo orders, unwilling instructors, frantic searching, and questions of, " Who's that?" ''Where is it?" has come our book. Deadlines created the greatest pressures. As the time for publication grew near, the days eemed to grow shorter, the spring more beautifu l, evertheless, the staff was saved from a nd the language more profound. the fate of the psychiatrist, and the 1956 GEl\I OF THE MO lTAI lS became a rea lity.

James i\. teele, Gem of the i\lountains Editor

Karen \\'arnct, an inspiration for the office

Louise Tatko, Associate Editor

The e)CS of the book, Barker \\'cston, Bob tollC). Stewart llaincs. Ste,路e Howell, Tom Stroschein. Paul ~fuhonen, \rl \li~ner, " Ru d),'' Bob H atch. Row two: Bob J ohnson, John Standley.

A Year's Work "Where arc those CoLton Pickin' pictures?" "The Vandalecrs again?" "Deadline, Already?" "Let's let Pietsch do itt" Familiar ounds from the third Ooor sanitorium at the e nd of the long dark hall, just around the KUO I corner. l\Iany hour!> have been !>pent, and by some slow and painful evolution from dummy to finished product we have an annual. Here on these 336 pages we have recorded to the best oÂŁ our ability, the actions of you the students, and the beauty of the campus around us (excluding weather, of course). On the right and ldt of this column are the people responsible for this publication, the brains, and the worry. Jt's been work, but the hours of 3 to 5 on each day of the week have come to mean something to most all of us. The good times of the pictures that weren't printed, and the sweat behind the ones that were, have left their mark. ~ !any arc the baules that have been fought on the third noor. ~l any persons besides those that are pictured are responsible. Through it all though, the green cover remained high on the shelf, not filled, but getting that way by leaps and setbacks. At any rate, it's filled now, and we who arc facing you on this page hope you like it.

The workers of the staff, Jerry Tucker. Max Burl-c. J ane, Bev Burwell, Cordon Gray, Bob Livingston, George Fowler, Bill Deal, Tom Re,eley, Marilyn Culley, Bob Vallat, Bonnie l'-!iller, and Carol Clark. Below are George Fowler, Activities Editor; Judy Purkhiser, llusiuess Manager; :llyrt Williamson, PhotOmounting Editor; Ann Reading, Women's Sports; and Max Burke, co-Activities Editor.

asscr, Index Editor, Dave Hogge, Sports Jan Willms, Chronology Editor, and J ackie Lavcns, Classes Editor.

Bill Harward, Military Editor, Joanie Wicklund, :\fen's Independent groups, Rowena Hasbrouck, Fraternities, and Pat Friend, Women's Jiving groups.

Janey lorton, .\rt Editor, LaRene Newberry, Academics Editor, Bob Stolley, Photo Editor, and Virginia Nelson, Administration Editor.



u 0 I KUOI, "The Voice of the Vandal," had another outstanding year. The staff celebrated the I Oth anniversary of the radio station in December with a birthday party given by the Exec. Board. ew radio programs helping to make the year successful were: Lucky Su路ike News, Jill Corev Time, KUO l KUIZ, KUOI KA ' DIDS, and KUOT KAPER S. The studio, located on the third llood of the . tudent Union Building, with new controls and record files to facilitate broadcasting K 0 1, under the direction of Station Manager, J erry Chandler, has endeavored to cover all campus events by remote control and will contin ue to do so in the future.




Program Director

JrRR\ CuAMli.FR.


Station :\lanagcr

Ctr\IF,TS, Production CLAti>FTIF K1 R,S, Publici!) SA:-.OI FULLFR,

Director Director

Record Li brari:m


CROl ll ,

Tech ni ca l Direuor

Office Staff: Claude tte Kerns, J oan Ferris, i\ largi e n radhury, Karen Krei1enhed •. Sandi ful ¡ le r, !'a t h erson . \ Villa Hunter, Gail DoJ>tat er.

I hesc a re the faces behind the 1 oicc~

or the " \'uirc or the



Row one: Elsie l'utnam. Shirlc) Lo\路gren, Emily Moser, Janette Rawls. C} nthia Karl burg. :\laxine Fletcher. Cat h) Crabtree, ,\lyce Sweene), Rochelle Thornock, Marie \ 'anOrman, :\faT) Ellen Benne11. Jnd) Ctool.ham. Karen llurdsrrom. Row two: Sail) Beauie. J oan Fisher, Jud) l'olkins, Debbie Gentry, Barb Parish, Nancy hort, Patsy Lou Robinson, J ean Eckert, Maril)n :\Ionroe, :\farigay 1'\elson. J ane Lange. reg Nelson, :\lary Jane Milbrath, Barbara Carlson, \'irginia Eikum . Row three: Wa)ne Benson, Don Williams. Art i\Iell, Jim Mercer. Sanford Downing. J am es fl eer, \\'illard Lindsa) , Bob \\'hippie, :'\orm H elgeson, Laried Montgomery, Eel Kale. Graham Kno-.: . Row four: Boh Webb, Derald Glenn. Jim Horne. j ohn llerrell. George Gillins. Chucl. Clau~er, tan Nealey, :'\eil Casebolt, Eddie Joe Eldredge, Ri chard Clauson, Roger Simmons, John Eikum, Ralph Hale, Lane Woods, and Director Glen Lockcry.

Idaho's Vandaleers People throughout the state thrill to the music of fdaho's Vandalcen,, under the direction of Gle n Lockery. The traditional candlelight Christmas concert was presented in December. Following a tour of the northern part of the state, the chorus prese nted the ir Spring Concert in April. The Yandalecrl. arc o ne o( ldaho'l> hc~ l recruitment group~. and the ir fine music is apprc<:iatcd throughout the entire Northwc!)t.


Norman Logan cond ucts ordtestra and singers


t. lay fe1e

Idaho's Music i\Iother's Day wouldn't be complete without the concert of the Un iversity Singers, in conjunction with the University Band. This year the festivities were held in the Gym, and the band and si ngers are shown here as they give their portion of the 1\Jother's Day Program.

University Singers路 director, Normand Logan

Unhersit) Band director, Warren Bellis

Director William Billingsley

Director Carl Claus


University Band

The niversity Concert Band, known for its fine concerts and the marching stunts of the Football season, is ably directed by Bandmaster \ Varren Bellis. The Band this year gave several outstanding concerts for the students and faculty.

Idaho's Pep Band was reorganized this year under the student direction of Neal Powell. Mr. Bellis served :t'> faculty advisor to the group and Bob vVhipple was ll!>!>i!>tant student director. T he group supplied entertainment and emhusiasm to basketball spectators throughottl the season.

The Pep Band


University Singers

The Uni,ersit) Singers of 1955·56 were. row one: Maril)n Hammer, Elsie Putnam, Doris Gissel, Vi' ian Rhoads, ,\nn Deal. Hester Allison. Janice Chamberlain, Sandy Yost, ~Iaxine Fletcher, Shirley Bo'e) . Marilyn Gulley, Jan •o,ak. Row two: Son):l Bowker, Marie Van Orman. Coralee Kracaw, Janemarie Smith, Barbara Carlson, Kathy New, Pat Cossairt. Charloue Carlson, Karen Jordan, Skeeter Wright, Pat Iverson, ' ina Walrath, Cherrie Tankersley, Phyllis McAlexander, Ruth Ellen Rieder, 'eil Cross. Row three: ,\Jr. Norman I.og~m. director, Andi Anderson, Ann Beardmore, Elaine Hiehcr, Lorana Jones, Carol Ann Renstrom, Barbara Parish, Diane Hivens, Jeanne Bishop, Arlene Deen ler, Heuy Brooks, Charles Lents, James Osborn, Edwin Shane, Chet Granilly, Clyde Pentzer, Edwardo Rena , Fred Burkman. Univer~ity Singers, which is the largest musical group on the campus, is directed by Norman Logan. The Singers, which is open to all niversity Students, pre· sented H andel's "Messiah" at Christmas and Brahms "Requiem" before the Easter season.

The University Orchestra presented two concerts this year. inch:ding many of the well known, and well loved classics oE the ages. I n February they presented a few numbers for the Idaho Music Educators' conference. Here Warren Bellis presented a clarinet solo. l\1Iay 24, the Orchestra presented their annual concert in the Auditorium.

University Orchestra


Madrigal Singers Row o ne: Elsie Putnam, Shirley Lovgren, Mari gay Nelson, Mary Owl, Joan Eikum. Row two: J ohn H errell, Laried 1\lontgomery, D ick C lauso n, Marilyn i\fonroe. and H elen Schvell.

Phi Mu Alpha The Na tio nal i\fusic Ho norary for m en. was led this yea r hy Lauren Hicks. Row one: Ch uck Clauser, Bob Whipple, Lauren Hicks. Sanford Downing. Dee Humphrey, Jam es Mercer, Gra ham Knox. Allan Perry, Wayne Benson, Gordon B. Taylor. Row two: Jim Hecr, John Baker. Lee Griffin, Roge r Simmons, A ll yn Dingel. Edd ie Kale, and Mike Patto n.

Sigma Alpha Iota T he ' Vomen's National Music H onorary, led by Virginia Sturgess, co-sponsored the Song Fest along with Phi Mu. Row one: Barba ra Carlson, Ka y Fleming, ldanne Schreiber, correspondi ng secre tary, Mari lyn Hammer, Ca rol Webster, chaplain, Mrs. Schuld, advisor. Row two: Mimi Deshler, treasurer, Virginia Sturgess, president. Marga ret Johnson, song leader, Barbara Parish, Betty Brooks, and Miss Frykman, advisor.


Orchesis Playing to the biggest lludieuces ever was this yea r's popular Orchesis organ ization. l\fany a performance is well remembered such as the Christmas offering, and Mothers' Da y. Row one: Olga Figueroa. Karen Taylor. Jane Ronham, Jo Dittmer, Ron Tan, Bobbie Hassler. Row two: Claire Poitevin, Carol Warren, Cary Hlank. Elinor Johnson. Rochelle Thornock, Linda Root. Waverly Williams. Row three: Fred Scheihe. .June Sleeman, H. J. Schaffer. Peggy Brink, Ginger Symms, Ann Beardmore, and Sue Emry.

Pre-Orchesis The freshmen'~ organization {or persons interested in orchcsis composed of: row one: Ann Holden. Brenda Lister. Jani ce Henry, Nancy i\loen, Barbara Barry. Lana 1-1 usc he. J anis Berg. Row two: Pat Iverson, Josie Anderson. Row three: Margy Wyatt, Jane H usted, Pat Casey, Ginger Fox, Gai l Stellman, Judy Ha yes. Row four: Marge Assendrup, Marian Dunning, Marilyn Hauchin, Barbara Carlson. Row five: Joan Ramstedt, Sandy Wright, Salle)' Jixon, J ean Wright, Carol Wacha!.

Scenes from the annual orchesis show depict some of the fine work that was done by the orga nization this year.


Mortar Board The senior women's service honorary, ~ f ortar Board, is the organization of organizations for women students here on campus. Its members are easily recognized on campus by their distinctive white coats, and by their long list of outstanding activities. This organization chooses its members from outstanding Junior women who have shown themselves to be leaders in all campus affairs. The mum sale of the homecoming days is one of the many varied activities of this group. All on campus also well remember the suspense of the may fete as the names of the honored girls are read.



Joyce Genoway 1\lay Pappenhagen

Virginia Swrgess Ann Popma Clara Armstrong


Silver Lance

Die k Gaskins

George Eiclam

To honor outstanding campus leader~ is the only function o( Silver Lance, the honorary for Senior men . Each May Da y this group taps seven outstanding .Jun ior men for membership the fol lowing year.

Blue Key

Dewey Newman. Dick \ Veeks, Art Misner, Chuck ~fcDevitt, J ames Steele, Bob Newhouse, Ga ry Pietsch. Roger \rcJ>ike, T ed Frostenson, J ohn Bahr, John ' I hornock, Dave Cummin~. Jim Kocher, Dick Gaskins. Bill Bauscher, George Yost. i\'ot pictured: Dale Carlisle, Keith :MacPhee. Lee \nd eT\on, Bob Bake~. John Gillis, Louis Remsburg. Bill Parsons, Bill :'\ixon. and Jalk Knodel.

Blue Key is the National Junior Men's Honorary awarded for outstanding service to the U niversity. Each year this organization sponsors the Blue Key talent show a nd the spring campus clean-up. Putting out the much used Kampus Key is another of their projects. 245


Row one: J ad.ie La,em, Sharrol Bart leu. Pegg} :\elson. Sue :\lc:'llahon. junior a<h i,or. Jane 1\onham , :\Irs. Wil liam Bo}er. Karen Warner, :\larcia Ellis, ldanne chreiber. Row two: :\lartha Sue OempsC) . .\lickey Hammer, Gertie C;1 rder, J acl.ie Wainwright. Carole Clark. Jan Willms. Pat Friend. Bell} Bo'e} . Maril)n tewart, .\larie Van Orman. Row three: Rose-.\larie Perrin, .\拢ollie Godbold. \\' ihna Pacl.ard. \lartha Sharp. ~:linor J o hnson, .\larilrn Zigler, DoroLhy Dra~ ton. J ean llo \(1. Gail Gnl\ o.


Bo' IIA ,. l'rcsident

The Spurs are a sophomore women's honorary organi1ed to promote school spirit in various capacities. The distinctively-dad group is always "on the job," ushering at assemblies, AS !-sponsored movies and plays, and all athletic events. They a lso attend conventions, hold exchanges with the I K's a nd the \VSC Spurs, and perform at the ?\Jay FeLC where they wind the \ faypole and tap new Spurs.

I he old and the new-'路Spur of the Moment" and .. Knight of the Knight.''

Spurs present th ei r trad itional Waddle at th e last basketball game of the season.



DIC" \\'HI\~


Row one: Fretl Burrows. Dick Johmon. Dick \\'<'<'ks, .\rt ,\lisne1. Roh chreiber, Wayne Crathorne. Row two: G<.'OI'ge Horne. Dave Hogge. Dick Schmidt, Bob Osburn, Ed Keller. Skip :-.'elson. Jerry Walsh. :\!arlin j onl'<. Rill \\'aldc~¥>n. Felix ,\larcolin, Car~ lUTman . . \1 \nclrews, Wa~ne ·1 homas. john :\fc:\fennamin. Cary Blank. Row th•·ee: John Bethke. Dick Roberge. Gene Stewart. La -Raile Smith . . \1 il:eu. Chuck Walter. Freel Loseth. Clark .\nderson. Gordan H enderson. Row four: ,\like llrannan Brute \\'right. Charles Rau. Don Williams. Roger \\'il· liam~. Pete O•trander. John Chapman, Jcrr~ D~er. Ken Baker. D:l\e Esser, J ohn Bradbury, Pat .\lbano, :'\eil .\nclerson , Bill imons.

The sophomore men in white represent the I K's, a men's service honorary. .Each Spring approximately 50 men arc tapped for the coming year. You wi ll find them ushering at football and b:lsketball games, working in the blood drive, and helping with other service projects. Representatives this year attended 1ational Conventions in Seattle, \Vashington, and Bozeman, i\fontana. Each spring I K's have their annual award~ banquet with the Spurs. IK's join with the Spurs for an e1·ening of good l'ood and fnn


Student Faculty Committee The Student-Faculty Comm ittee is an advisory group organ izecl to consider major student problems and to effect unity among students, faculty, and University officials. It is a clea ring group for stude nt organizations and is responsible for the University ca lendar of student events. Row one: Paul Mann. Lee Anderson. Judy Crookham, Dean Carter. Clara Armstrong. Row two: Edward Schmith, Paul Schultz. H. E. Slade, Don A. l\Jarshall, Dean Decker, Ro bert Ottness.

Social Co-Ordination Council Social Cha irmen from each living group on campus discuss and co-ordinate social activities held during the year in the meetings of this council. Row one: Charlene Ro th , Jodi Keith, Kristine Anderson. Barbara \>Varner. LaRae H arrop, Carolyn Ba bcock, Valeri e Kroll , Peg Paulson. Row two: Ralph Hale. Lee Insko. Barbara l son , Kay Kreizenheck, Sonya Bond, Patsy Roja n, Floyd Sa nford, John Laut, Bob Stolley. Row three: .Jerry Zimmerman. Cha rles R au, James O'Connel. Bjorn Frem ming, Jerry Dallas, Roger Tovey, Monte Strickling. James Rock.

Student Union Committee Hours of operation, procedures, a nd regulatio n of the Student Union Building arc the things with which this committee is most concerned. The SUB comm ittee decides problems which directly concern the students a nd their dealings at this building which is the hub of ASUI activities. Row one: Tom l\!cDevilt, Bill Gaboury, J ane Remsberg. Miss t\lari on Featherstone. Row two: Ray Wilke, Lon Davis, Dean Decker, Ken Dick.


Student Activities Council The duty of the members of this council is to choose various comm ittees dealing with the ,\ U I. The council acts in an advisory capacity in supervising the works of its committees. Row oue: Cary Wescoll. Ba t路hara \ Varner, Jim Ru ssell. chairman, Carolyu Sanderson, ni ck J ohn路 son, and .Jean T eutsch . 1o t picwred: Dean Ho lt, Knut e Westergren, Kris 1\ndcrson, Bud Duffy.

Student Events Council T his comm ittee is responsible for scheduling a nd supervising various student events. The counci l interviews and chooses members for its vario us com mittees. Row 01w: Lo uise Tatko, Jerry \Vals h, Bruce Wright, Fred nurrows, chairma n, ,\rt Schmauder, Cheri e 13acon, Maril yn Stewart.

Phi Chi Theta Phi Chi Theta is an organ itation made up of Business women who have maintained a 2.8 average for at least three semesters. The club, whose purpose is to promote interest in business on campus was led this year my 1\ ray Pappenhagen, a nd LaVila Welsh. R ow one: Shirl ey Gooding. Marilyu i\fonroe. Miss Anderson, LaVi la We lsh. Marian Dc K;1y, J'l'! ay l'appenhagen, i\fary K. Russell. Not pictured: Sue Str uck, Conni e Oensow.


Alpha Lambda Delta

Row one: Jane Scheline, Marilyn Stewart, Carolyn Edwards, Sally Beanie. Keith Kelly. Carolyn Lunstrum. Mrs. W . H. Boyer. Advisol'. El inor J ohnson, Jan Willms, i\Iartha Sue Dempsey. Row two: i\fari lyn Ziglar, Alice Billman, Kay Conrad, Elna l\Iagnusson, Judy .\ rchi路 bald. Row three: Suzanne Roffier, Pat Iverson, Ell.a Gaye Springer, Dorothy Bauer, l\Iarie Van Orman. Charlene Roth, l\l arybel Lill, Doris Bonner, Carolyn Flatters, Shirley Bovey, Evelyn Evans. Row four: Charlene Wells. i\fary Gi lderoy, Jackie l.avcns, Irene West. l\Iarcia Ellis, Belly Bovey, Theressa Manhiescn, Mary Ellen Daly, Carol Ann Renstrom, Carol Re ichert.

Alpha Lambda Delta is the freshman women's honorary on campus. Entrance into this organizatio n req u ires a 3.5 grade average during the girls' first semester or an accumulative average of a 3.5 during the freshman year.

Phi Eta Sigma

Row one: Bill \Vi lson, Tom Eddy, D. 0 . Gustafson, advisor. Ernest Davenport, George Fowler. Row two: Charles Mitchell, Ro n Osborn, Joe Erramo uspe, J ackie Brown, J im Heer, Chong Cheong H o, Richard l\lackrill, Dale Kalbfleisc h, Joe Van Epps. Row th ree: C harles Brockway, Lee Davison, Richard Peterson. Dwight Williamson, Clyde Lofdahl, ..\rio Johnson. Thad Scholes. Neal Newho use, :Rurton Orme, Ha l H ogge. John Standley, J ay Eacker, George Woodbury, Charles Beasley. Row four: Cletus Von Tersch. William l\lorris, Neal Wi l路 Iiams. Dale Johnson, Jack Richardson. Reed Welker. Ea rl Thomas. B ill Bonnichscn.

Ph i Eta Sig111a is the freshman men's scholastic honorary, requiring a 3.5 grade average the first semester o( the freshman year for membership. 250

I. F. C.

Row one: Jim Lyle, advisor, Pat Daly, Paul Schultz, Mike Southcombe, J ack Cole. Row two: Skip Carbon, John " ' ood, Don Woodward, vVayne Lawton, Dave Esser, Pete Ostrander, Dale Kalbsfleisch, Don Wavra, John Chapman, Chuck Alford. Row three: Stan Pierce, John Rosholt. Dean Judd, John Bethke, Darrel Kalbfleisch, Larry Haight, Jim Steele, Lanren Hicks. Don Donaldson.

The main function of the Interfraternity Council is to take care of the rules, regulations, and procedures, for Rush 路week. The Council is composed of two representatives from each of the fourteen fraternities. The one social function sponsored by the group is the Interfrate rnity Ball which is held each spring.

Pan-Hellenic Council

Row one: i\lari lyn Matthews, Wilma Schmidt, Nancy B.1ckstrom, Sue Mc~\Iahon. Row two: Jean Luedke, Jan Daigh, i\lartha Davis, Marga ret Costello, Lou Ann Olson, Faye Hartwell, Marie Brammer, Shirley Danielson. Row three: Margaret Sullivan. Colleen Watson, Elaine Hyland, Ann Popma, Kris Winner, Joy Chilcott.

The house president and rush chairman from each of the eight sorontles on campus make up Pan-Hellenic Council. The group whose main funct ion is to make plans for Rush, was led this year by Margaret Costello, with Marie Brammer serving as vice-president and Janet Daigh carrying out duties as secretary-treasurer. Janet later took over as president for the spring semester and for the coming fall rush season. 25!

Debate Delta Sigma Rho Delta Sigma Rho is the National Dehale llonorary. :\ÂŁembers this year were: Row one: Roger McPike. Bob Ridener. .\nn Reading, Dave Cripe. Row t\\'O: .\. E. Whitehead. advisor. Kay Kre itenbcck. James Kruger.

Debate Team Represen1ing Idaho as members of the Idaho debate team this year were: Row one: Roger McPike, .\nn Read ing. Kay Kreizenbeck. Dave Cripe. Row 1wo: Bob Ridener. Mel Madsen, J ames Armitage, Jim Bun, George Woodbury, Dick Day. D r. Whitehead, advisor.

Intramural Debate Winners



and Willa Hu:1ter

Jim Bun and Dale Carlson

Theta Sigma Phi T his year m<~rk cd the fi rl.t year of existence on ca m pus for the local chapter of T heta Sigma Phi. T he old organitatio n was granted a charter from na tio na l j ust last year. a nd T he ta Sigma beca nw Theta Sigma Phi. Row one: .\udre)' ~l orn gom ery. Sharrol 1\artlett. Moll ie Godbo ld, Dale Jo:,•ans . .Jo Carol Hicket. Cha rlene Ro th , and president Jan e Remsberg.

Sigma Delta Chi Sigma Delta Chi is the me n's jo urnalism ho norary o n campus. Outsta nding works in the fie ld of journalism is the main entra nce requirement. This orga nizatio n sells progra ms a t all ho me basketba ll ga mel> and ho nors outstanding jo urnalism seniors a t an a nnua l ba nquet in the spring. This year specia l ho nors we nt to J a mes G ipson, o( Caxton Printers who was give n an a ward (or ou tstanding service in the fie ld . Row o ne: Dr. Granville Price. ad visor. J erry Chandl er . Keith i\facPhee. secretary. Gary l'iecsch. presi· dent. Jim Steele. vice-president. John ll ughes. Don Nevile-Smith. Row two: George Fowl er, Arl Schmauder, Don Nelson . Da ve Hogge, Dean Judd, and Don Ingl e.

Phi Upsilon Omicron T he wome n's I ro mc-Ec ho norary this year sponsored vario us style shows, g uest dinners, a nd genera lly supplemented the H ome £ c de partment's activities. Ro w o ne: T heressa Mauhiesen, Janis Archibald, J ean Dille. Arl ene nrown, Carol Seitz. Row two: Maril yn i\larve l. Joyce Genoway, Miss Feath er sto ne, ad visor, Clara Annstro ng, Lo u Ann Olson. Ro w three: llelen l lend ricks, Mary Lin Meek, Elsie Gard ner, Elinor .Jo hnso n, Marth a Sharp, Ph yllis Pari sh, Mary Ch urch, Nancy Callison, Conni e AstOrquia, Myrna Shaver.

Publications Board The publications boa rd of the \ l TJ i~ responsible for seeing that all Mudent publications at the L:nhersit) arc used and handled proper!~. On the hoard thi, )Car were Gary Pietsch. Karen Kraus,. Chuck \lcDe' itt. Di ck Gaskins. J am ic Steele. and Gram ille Price. ach i'or.

Alumni Roundup \lumni 'cxretar~. J ames \f. L)le. keeps Idaho grads iu fonucd of campus and alumni <lcti\'ities through the puhli 路 (a!IOII of the Idaho .\hunni R oundup. In addition to puh路 li~hing this periodical. \fr. Lyle also tra\els extemi\CI) throughout the Mate of Idaho and the ;\;orthwest pro moting puhlic relations hetween swdents and alumni.

Kampus Key ' J he Kampus Key is published annuall y by J31ue Key. m en 's sen i!'c honorary. as a ser\' ice to the Idaho stud ent bod y and W111111Unity of .\loscow. They arc assisted by ;\Jo nar Roanl in the task of cataloging names and statistics on all students at the Unh ersi t)'路 R oger .\fcPike was editor this )Car.

Student Handbook .Jaue Remshurg again edited the helpful handbook. " H ere We Ha ve Idaho." He 路 tween its b lue and white covers was fo und much n eeded information for freshm en on organizations, rules. and traditicms on the Idaho Campus. Assisting Jan e were .\larlys Jackson. J an Wil lms, Mari e Van Orman. and .\like Dewey. l'hil J acohson drew the picwres.

Associated Foresters

Row one: nob Speedy, Ken Hedglin. Don \\'ebb, Len>) l':t)He, Le11 Volland, Ce11e Cole. Dick Schwab, Jack Grant, Barry Westhaver, J im Rathbun, Earl Gleaso11, Bud Chroni<", pencer ~Iiiier, Richard L. Feene). Row two: I lenr) Gerke, Ned Pence, .\nell .\mos, Bert Bush, D;l\ id 'ash, Carl Jacobs, Dick Johnston, Ka)e Curtis, Ken11cth Scou, John Wilcox. Row three: Roher! lloward. Donald i\lunger, j ohnny Jones, Ra y l!:mersoll, j oh11 H ook, Dick \Vawzyniak, Roger Hatch, Ben Jenness, Kc11 H arrison, ,\rden Literal, Stanle) Carp('ntcr, Duane J udd. Row four: Jack llel le, Fred Bar~er, Paul 13erry, Bruce Conley, George Blake, .Jark De:\lyer, Peter Preston, George Berscheid, Larry Duuon, Ken Kru eger, Ear l F'e•¡guson. Norm Warren, Jeff Williamson, J ohn S<"humaker.

The Associated Foresters had a very successful year helping to make the "Forester's Ball" better than ever. This group is orga nized [or planning social fu nctions among the forester studrnts. The Forestry-Ag "tug-o-war" was another important activi ty of this year.

Idaho Engineer

Idaho Forester

Row one: Neal Williams, Dick Niedrick, Lee Griffin. George Fowler. Hill Bliesner. Row two: Charles De Palmo, Garland Clark, Bill Caskarth. John :\filler, Jim Cornie. Die~ Adams, Jim Schumaker, John Hoch.

Included on the staff were Rex Piper. Ralph Kizer, Ralph Lindberg. Pete l'reswn . .\rd en Literal.


Ag Club The Agriculture Club is now in its 40th year, planning and organizing all of the social and more serious activities held by the Ag students. This group sponsors such events as the Ag Bawl, Little I nternational Livestock Show with a Queen to reign over the acti vities, the annual tug-o-war with the Foresters, all keep the aggies an active group.

Row one: Edward Kearley, Hans Gotsch, Gera ld Yeoumans, Ronald Beal, Tom Trail, Ear l Banner, Phil Edwards, Byron Thomas. Tom Cooper, Larry P line. Row two: J. £. Kraus, Bob Webb, Virgil Young, Lawrence LaRue, James Corhell, Dale P line, Richard Kerbs. Maurice Clemems. Albert Neu, Keith H inckle y, Ja y Garrett. Row three: Tommy Stroschein, Rohert Eakin, Larry Moore, Gene Stewart, Donald Wamstad, Chas. Beasley, Don Harris, Gerald McDermott, Ron Koester, Don Ingle.

Row one: Mr. Newton, Wes Self, Bob Rackman, James Tinto, Jerry M. Whiting, David ·w. Pinkard, John A. Blessinger, Harry Hogberg. Row two: Michael Soranno, John Eisinger, Boh Crosby, Robert Glenn, Don Sagewood, Ted Young, Wayne Young, Buzz McAu liffe, George Hayes, Robert C. Drips, W. W. Staley.

Associated Miners The Associated Miners co-ordinate all social acuv•tJes sponsored by the College of Mines at the University. T he largest and most popular function this year was the "'M uckers Ball" which drew a large crowd.


Home Economics Club The women in the Home Ec. Club plan all group functions for Home Economics majors. This active organization sponsors Home Ec. Day for Idaho high school girls. Row one: Maril)n ~lan·el, Donna Jean -1 hompson, Pat Stewart, Arlene .Brown, Blanche Rae Branson. Row two: Janemarie Smith, Kay Zenier, Lou Ann Olson, president, Jud y Archibald. Row three: Nancy Moore, Crace Hobson, Kay Conrad, Darlene Kilborn, Donna Hansen, Janet Campbell. Joyce Cenoway, Lyn· neue H awkins, Anita Koskella, J ean Dille, Syh ia Stoddard, Lorena I tagen. Row four: Mary fuuer, Beverly clson, Mary j ohnson, Keith Kelley, Eleanor Whitney, Elaine B yland, J ane cheline, Doris Cissel. o t present: Wilma Packard.

Bench and Bar This law organization fosters relations of the members o( the College of Law. I t also sponsors the honor code for law exams and helps new law students in getting acquainted with the law library. Row one: Bill Parsons, C ary Bell, Wallis Friel, J ohn Reese, l\lorton Hiller. Z. L. Pearson, Robert Walker. Row two: Shirley Barrett, Thomas " 'alenta, George Bell, Edward Stimson, William Brockelbank, H erbert Berman, Carolyn Foltz, l\!ari)S Chadscy. Row three: Will1am Brauner, Tom Miller, J ay Webb, Lamont Jonrs, William icholas, Wallace John son, William Taylor, Robert Newhouse, Richa rd Smith, Claude Milligan. Row four: H oward l\!anweiler, Fred Steven· son, Eugene Lotier, Eugene mith, J ohn Coleman, Cahin White, Jim Lynch. Row five: Don Daiker, Wallace Transtrum, Roger Swanstrom, William Nixon, Bob Bakes, Winston Church ill, and J ohn Dahr.

4-H Club A social organization of 4-H Club youth, this dub helps the extension service in their 4-H Club short-course. Over the year the club sponsors picnics, exchanges, and hel ps out with the IFYE program. Row one: Lois Lundquist. He~ter Allison, J anie Sche· line, ' f hercssa Manhieson. vice·president. Don Ingle, 2nd semester president, Sharon Shuldberg, secretary, LaRae Sasser, treasurer, Creta Eldred, Lynnene H awkins. Row two: Dennis Gray, Gene Bodily, Tom Cooper, Verlene Peterson, Elwood Kintner, Betty Jo j ohnston, Art Misner, 1st semester president, Maurice johnson, Anita Koskella, Carol eitz, Deana Dykstra, Lillian E. J ohannesen, Ladd Mitchell, H oward Sheperd, and Bob Webb.



Chemical Engineers Row one: .\Jan Chamber~. Jerry D)cr. Ra) Tjulander. Chong Cheong l lo, Dr. Jackson. ach isor. George Conger. John KaJ..u. Row two: Richard Robinson. Jerq Ree,e. Caq Raudall. ~:d chmith. Ronald Ra}. Boh \\'illiamM>n. Charles \\'right. Row three: Bob fuller. \rio Johnwn. FIO)d Cross. franklin Bahr. Roland Robertson. Sam Dorcheus. Uill Llliesner, Keith Browning. Boh Furgason. Duane Little. Robert John路 son. Prof. ~lartin. Row four: Dick Cooke. ;'Ileal Powell. Cole Sherwood. Ray 1\lorg<m. Rowland Felt. Wally ll enclric-kson.

Electrical Engineers Row one: l\lonty Strickling. MiJ..e Blake. Wally Dem路 bioac, Bill Baile). Frank Rusho. Royce Eckard. Row two: Ted Waddell, ,\ lien Stubherud. Larry Klappen路 hach. Burrell H ays. J im Russell. Jerry ~ l edsker. Robert Sewell, Prof. Parish. Row three: \ \'arren Seifert. Frank J ust, Jerq Chand ler. Thelon Winschell. Bill Cameron. t\lax Smith. Row (our: .\ndrew Gerhart, Ron Fickes. David Yule. Russell Boor. J ames J\ loody, Kei th S111ith. Edwi n Utt., Thomas Shay. Ji m Crawforth, Charles lllaine. Wilfred Palut he.

Mechanical Engineers Row one: Cerald Renfro. Bob 13yce, Dick Gaskins. Willard Childs. llenry ll lecha. t\lr. King. advisor, Phill Jacobson. Row two: Don 1\lartin. J im Schumaker, George Bogdan. H al llogge. Rogert Jeschke. Fred Wa lqu isl, Douglas Li n Kersclor(er. Ernest Davenport. Jack Knodle. llarvey ll crrigstacl. Sheldon Pride, Jo hn H anson . R ichard Robi nson. Lawrence J\ lc 1amara, and John Wi llows.


Agricultural Engineers Row one: Peter Van H omen. Larq \\' illiams. Lee .\lien. Ron Carrol. Vearl Taylor. Row two: Claude Swarthout. George Bloomsburg. William Carson , Don Gradwohl. Walt Styner. Bob Ellsworth, Boh Whale) .

Civil Engineers Row one: R alph Clements, John Ensunsa. Don \\';" ra , Laurence Johnson. Lawrence Brucsch. Dadcl W. :-\e路 well. Edward Pottenger, John Oneida. Doug I ellcr:.on. Jim Clayton, Glenn Hossner, Edward Grolr. Morris ~lcCoo l, Arne Thune, Richard Turnbull. Ralph Cwin, Morris Taylor. Row two: Frank J ust. achisor . .\rt Riley. Bud VanStone, Donald Snodgrass. Rex ll elm . Delano Peterson. Gera ld Dallas, Jerry Kessler, Roger Hollibaugh, Ea rl Pi tkin, Don Mecham.

Associated Engineers Dick Turnbull, Ralph Clements, Roland Rohertsun, Bill Bliesner. Charles De Palmo. Bill Bailey. Not present: Bill Cameron, and Ernest Davenport.

Flying Club The Vandal flying club this year made good use of two planes to supply the members with practice, and to teach those students interested in flying, some of the fundamentals of the task. Row one: Ral ph Lower, Jim Hanzel, Pete McConnell. Row two: Boh Schreiber, Frank Bowles. Gordy Tiegs, and Ron Purviance.

Vandal Riders The Vandal Riders are organ ized to promote interest in rodeo and riding on campus. They have a large part in the participation and sponsoring of riding competitions among the colleges o[ the Northwest, and Colorado A. and M. Row one: Herman Clemans, Gerry Bishop, Mary Jo Snider, Barbara Riedeman, J udy Hackler, Charlene Roth, Gail \Volverton, Norma Wiks. Deborah Gentry, John Bishoff, Klova Beck. Row two: James Givan, Tom Mackay, T. Anderson, ]. McCany, W. Weinel. Chuck Alford, Jerry Chandler, Mickey l\!cCarty. Row three: Robert Eakin, Jerry Brumlow, Ken \Vorthington, Chuck Thomas, John Falen, Ron Lee, Jerry Johnson, Wiley Daniels, Bud Lish.

Hell Divers The usual quality of performance was evident in this year's H ell Divers show, and the usual good times of the fin men and women were had a ll year. B3ck row: Fritz Holz, president. Kim Larson, Ron O;born, Gene Anderson, Bruce Buckman, Vern navis, Tom Rhodes, Dick Gallaway, vice-president. Row one: Connie Spalding, Marilyn Nugent, Irene Bratton, Carol Harvy, Dottie Bilby. Row two: Helen Handford, Peggy Brink, Jan Novak, Pat Rojan , Sue Struck, Elaine Hieber, l\!artha Davis. Row three: Barbara Simons, Jan Daigh, Barbara Keller. Dottie Drayton, Sue Romer, Kathryn Torpey. Row four: Tom Croson, Jerry Jones, Ral ph Lind¡ berg. Jack Helle, Jim Lund. Row five: John i\rmitag,•, Lenard Lawr, and Er ic Kirkland , advisor.




Ski Club The Ski Club had another successful year planning and organiling ski trips in the surrounding mountain areas. Jmproving the Emida ru n was of major importance on the dub's activity list this year. R ow one: Doris Wa) land, Sandy Slavin, Lois Wilson. Row two: Jerome Light. Ron Oshorn. Elliot Light. Kristine .\nclerscm. secretary. :\!arlin ] ones, president, J erry O'Connel. Daryl Betts, vicepresident, Dan Fullerton. Boh H illyer, Chuck Perry, l.au n y J!iujarra lcl.

Attic Club Row one: Jlucl Dulfy, Perry Lee. Catherine Lee, lois Judd, Sonjha Hoisath, Linda Lew. Bobbie Ensign, ~an Soden. J udy Flomer. Suzanne Dolphin. Jack Kidd. R ow two: Oo) le .\lien. Seth Yerrington, Gordon Roberts. Dick Parsell. Bruce Coh ig. Roger ci11, l'aul Blanton, Owen 13nll\old. Boh LeCain, Ron ll ulhert, Claire Bellamy, !)ennis Blaine, LeRo) ,\ndeNOn. J oe Uogdan. Dwa)llC Hines. Bill K•m -Yong. Row three: J):n id Omans, J im Shawver, Jim :\!ann, Frit1 Holt1. llill I nine. ' I erry :\l urph). Ron Ehlers. Ralph Aile), Ken llasenoehrl, Bill i\larshall, Joe J enkins. Carroll ,\nderson , Bill Os· trander. AI Ka•·n, Ron Tan.

Curtain Club Row one: Charle~ Lent>. Sue :\lcMahon, Karen Lee Krauss, Carol Pietsch. J ud) H ackler, Miss Collette. Lucille Palmer. Row two: lleta Sabin, .\laq Ellen nenneu. Nanq Benfer. Jolene \Villiams. Row three: Charles T o'C), Sharon Moshinsl.). ne,erl~ Carbcm. and J ane Remsberg.


Young Democrats The purpose of Young Democrats is to sponsor speakers and to inform interested stude nts of party workings. The group is in close co-operation with the Democratic headquarters in l\Ioscow. Jim Lynch, D. N. O'Cal laghan, Cherie .Bacon, John Champan , J ean Weston, JoA nn Shriver, Wallace " ' inega r , Cha rl es Alford, J oh n H ech tner.

Young Republicans You ng R epublica n's Club is open to all students interested in local and national politics. Two activities this year were the Lincoln D ay Banquet a nd the State Convention. Ro w one: Jim Golden, Fred .Burrow, Glenda H all, Marie Van Orman, Lorra ine Langdon, Rose-Ma rie Perrin, i\farcia Ellis, Dewey Newman, Chuck McDevill. Row two: Gary Vanderwood, Neal Newhouse, .John Turrer. Bill Dea l. Bill Floyd . Wi lliam Nixon. Ron Trea t , Bob Donnelley, Walt Cranston , C lyde H aw ley, .Bob Furgason.

Election Board Here we lind Norma Calendar, .Bill Beagles, Dale Johnson, Audrey Montgomery, J im Ka y, Carol Kurd y, Larry Ellis co unting votes as a part of their se1 vice on the election board. Other mem bers of this board whose duty is to efficiently n1anage elections were Nancy Backstrom, Marie .Branuner, Tom Warner, Bob Ridener, Gene Ste路 wart, Don Nelson, Mary Lin Meek, Dave Lowell. Jim Kruger, Keith MacPhee, Dale J ohnson, Jim Seeley, Homer Oberst, and Bob McCasslin. J im Hargis served as chairman of the board.


Radio-T.V. Guild The purpo~e of the R adio-T.V. Guild is to better acquaint students with the fu ndamentals of the production of radio and television programs. Several radio plays a nd program~ were produced this year. Row one: Helen Sinifl . .Jo Carol 1\ickell. Bill Vermillion. Clyde l'e nt1er. Row two: J ohn R eady, Roger Groth, Scoll Peters, Do n 13undy, Jim Dun can.

Just-Us Club T h is dub is composed of the wives of law majors at the niversity of Ida ho. Row one: ~Irs. II. \ . IIerman . ~frs. Marjory (',oleman. ~I rs. Ilene J one~. ~Irs. E.li1ahcth Pearson, ;\Irs. R achel Transtnm. ~Irs. George ~1. Bell, 1\frs. Thomas Walenta, ;\frs. ~lickey Chalsey. R ow two: :\Irs. [larha r<t 13utler, ;\Irs. Shirley BalTell, ;\frs. Sue Friel. i\ lrs. Louise Smith , M•·s. L<tRue Hiller, 1\frs. Ph yl 1-o!ier. Elaine j ohnson. Row three: i\frs. Yvonn e Swa nstro m . :\I rs. Hope Kad ing, Mrs. Lu cill e Tay lor. i\ lrs. Caro l i\lilligan, i\ l rs . Elil.abeth R euig, i\lrs. Shirlie Ashby, i\frs. Diane i\ lanwci lcr, i\ l rs. Wm . Nixon, i\ l rs. Karen Ca mpbell .

Dames Club

This social o rganiallion is made up of the wives of U niversity swdcn ts. I'RES JI)El\'T VICE PRESIDE:-\ I

:\larcella Oneid;~ , Lois Smith Dorothy Bogdan . Leslie Gardner Thelma Vanskike, Dolores Crow

R ECORD I:'\G SEC:'Y. COR R ESPO:-\ DI :-\C SEC'Y. ' IRE \SlTRER lll'i!ORI \:-\

Lavonne Everest. Joan Chase Joan i\liddlekauf£ Jacqu ie Ruckert Georgia :\fae G;:gc. Barbara \\';~ddell Lois Perkins, \I adel) n Schwab



Inter-Church Council Inter-Church Council is organi£ed for the purpose of correlating social activities among the church groups. T hey plan such things as the R. E. Week con ferences and banc1uet, and the sunrise service, which was held this spring. Row one: .\ugust :\lueller, Janet Harding. Carol \\'ehster. Dena Hansen. john Chapman. Row two: Leslie llackstrorn .. \rthur i\ lell. Gene Bodily. Ken :\larnoch.

International Relations Club International Relations Club is an organization for people interested in undertaking and discussing current <drain,. Through films, discussions and guest speakers, the I RC attempts to acquaint vou with g·overnmental relations in the nited . tates and abroad. Row one: \\'aino Peterson . .\1 .\rrhcc. R ichard C.ool.. .. \nn Popma. Carol Reichert . .\rlie Caudle. Row two: Da,id Rankin. Char les Oldham. Diane \ller. Frances Brown. J oa n J ohnson . . \nne Copi· thorne, .\I ike .\lcQuade. Richard .\loorc.

Cosmopolitan Club

The Co~mopo l itan Club is organized for the purpose of developing closer relations between foreign students and other students on the Idaho campus. Row one: Jean \\'cstou, Charlotte Kratzer. Jane Remsberg. :\larilyn :\loume. Gerd ,\ li s,er, Be,erly Hausen. Barbara Ensign. ~l arcia Thomton. Diane Aller. Lee Miller, Gwen Scribner. LaRene Newberry, ~us~ Chatterjee, Betty Smithers. :\Irs. Ginna.

Row two: Rjorn Cremming, K. E. Grimm, Abdul Kamal , Tor Grobstock, ~luin Zught, Tor liaug, Eduardo Pena, J ulil Bah 1\ahado•·. flernie llenderson, Tejinder Gill, J agot Singh Dazid, O le \\'csterheim, Auclreas Eugmark, Ed Clark, Gm·den ijjar, Asliok Savant, .\rne Thune, Roald Bjo rnland, Roald Muggerud, Per Zimmerlund, Chamkaur S. Brar, Inge Eikland, H enning Ol~en , ,\utar Singh Sidlm, Malkiat S. Smagh, Gircharn S. Sidhu, l.al..hwant Singh Aulakh, Kris Storruste, Mohammad H osein Rafiee.

Christian Science

Lutheran Students

Standing: Uoh \Vatoon, treasurer, .\ l ike Norell, Roger llansen, viceprco,ident. Seated: Pat j ones, lleta Sabin . .\l iriam Deshler. secretary. Joan Fisher, corre.ponding secretary, :>.'anq Benfer. president, and P rof. Scheldrup, adviwr.

The Lut heran St udcut Associa tio n is a nati onal orga niza tio n spo nsored by the Lutheran Church for college and ll nh ersity sw den ts. The) meet each Sunda) C\ening fo r dinner and fellowship. Row one: Barbara haffer, Jud) Flomer, Elaine Hieber, Carole Clark, Marilyn Gu lley, Emily Moser. Ro w two: Alan Dei ter. student pastor. Carl Kellberg, George H ieber, Dale ll anson , Wayne Oicn, Les lie 13ackstro m, .\ ugust Mueller, and Paul i\luhonen.

Roger Williams Club

Lambda Delta Sigma

T he Roger W illiams Clu b is the student group sponsored by the Baptist Church. unday e\ening meetings arc held each week. Row one: R . Dec H umph rey, ~I rs. Max Ullom, J oyce Mitchell, Fran Brown . Row two: Re,•. Max E. Ullom, Dena H ansen, 1\l ma Taylor, ancy Wh eeler, Marga ret Cook. Row th ree: Will ard Wilson, Jim Duncan, Ladd i\1itchcll, Ro n Schwart z. J erry Yager. Row fo ur : Ro bert DeWitt. Vance Penton. Jr., Tom Rodgers. Larry Wi ng. Orren Lyon, Don Reukema.

Row o ne: Charlene \Ve ils, Dorothy J acobson, Sharon hu ldburg, Kenneth Hahn. Row two: Kei th ll incklcy, Larry Summers, J an \ Vynn , Ste\e ll arrop. Ken Jenki ns, .\lonte Shi rts, Bill Dellos. Dick Sorenson, Darra ll Weber, Don Mecham. Ro w three: Dean Judd, Jo n Hu ber, All icc Billman, Gay Hinchley, Marie VanOnn an, Mrs. Steve H arrop, Carol Webster . .Jo Barney, Maril yn Zigler, Rochell Tho rn ock, Donn a Anderson, J oh n T hornock, Ross Peterson. Clyde Sheppard. Row four: .\lcrrill Burt. Blake Brown, Gene Bodil y, Gary Steiner, Earl Banner. Row fi,e: Reed Welker, Gu) Erikson, Lon Davis, Bob Bakes, Steve Hinck ley, H an¡cy J ensen, Lyle Cheney. Ron Nelson, Dick Schmidt, Ron Beal. Larry H ar rop, Ga ry Randall, Lam on t Anderson, Kent Lou, Boyd T erry, Neil Anderson , Jim Stro ng, Larry Moore, llu rto n Asme, G len Nelson , Brent T hom pson, Kim Larson.


We sle y Foundation Wesley Foundation is a fellowship group for all ~ Iethodist students of the univer ity. T hey enjoy recreation, refreshments, pro路 grams, and worship together. President this year was Bob Schreiber. Row one: Sally Jo J ewen. Barbara Wheeler. Ka} /enier. Kav Conrad. Diane Olmsted. Ruth Ellen Rieder. Roberta :\fergher, ~ancy Callison. Barbara Clements. hirley Mortensen. Sandy Downing. Row two: Dwight \\'. Kimsey. Mary Ellen Ogston, Kay Rencdelti, c\lartha ue Dempsey, Evelyn Ev:llls. h.athy New. Sonya Bowker, J an Novak. ll elen Hanford. l'at Stoddard. Darlene Ki lborn. ~l artha Sharp. 1\!arilyn Moore. Grace Hobson, Stanley Thomas, advisor. Row three: Dick Drash ner, Bud Duffy, Chuck Thomas, \Vinston i\ 'f. Onycma, Elmer Neu , Dale Smelcer, Bob Hem ingway, Paul Barnes, j ohn Willis. Whaylon Coleman, J o hn Liveio us, Uoh DorndorE, Norm McClure, Ralph T hra ll , ~ I aurice Clements. Bob Olson. Row four: Wesley Al len, Bob Ridener, Don Royster, Edwin Shane, Philip Edwards, John Space, Glenn Allen, Bill Bonnichsen, D1ck Loeppky, Bob Schreiber, Dave Lawrence, Clyde Pentzer, Jim Osborn, Roger Martin, J;lash LaRue, Pete Van H outen, Bruce Conley.

Newman Club The Ne\\路man Club, an organitation of Catholic students had its largest member路 ship to date with 拢our hundred stude nts taking part in the various activities, such as the ~ Ionte Carlo party, Sunday suppers, and the ' orthwest Newman Club Convention. The president this year was Bob Pres tel. Row one: Don Kamp. i\larie Moore, Pat Casey. Peggy Brink, H arrieue Hanna, Boh Prcstel, Rohbie Hassler. Pau l Moore, Ann Deal, Jan Avery, Don Konkol. Row two: J im Prestel, M:1ry J o i\fahc, Fred Bourque, Karol Kori nek, Jo hn Costello, B. .J. Schaffer. George McDougall, Ken neth llasenoehrl , ' ick Palacios, Cla(k Schrader. George H all. Row three: Jim Weite, Peggy DuPuis, AI Miller, ~ l ary Ellen Allred, Gloria Keller, Len Wydrtycki, C lifT Butler. Kenneth Deal, Ronald Frei, R ichard Line. Row four: Art Albanese, Petau DeLong. John Engel, Carol Renstrom , Homer Oberst.


We stminster Forum \Vesuninster Forum is the Presbyterian College Youth Organitation. l\Iembers have enjoyed retreats at Coeur d'Alene, Palm unday breakfast, and Tuesday coffee hours. Rosemary Holsinger served as moderator for the year. Row one: Rev. llarq D. Johns. Be\·erly J oan New· berry, Roberta Louise ll awk. Row two: Charlotte Walker, Elaine Moore, Rosemary Holsinger, Hester Allison, Christine Mackert. Deana Dykstra, Martha Young, i\lrs. t-h11el Erickson. Row three: Jane McKay, Charlolle Chamberlain, Ken i\tarnoch, J im Rathbun, onnan Helgeson, Bob Jones, Boyd Rood. Row £our: Fred i\'lorse, Lee Anderson, Jim Ti cer, Dick Lycan, Don Wamstad, Ardell Parks, Ornnie L. Byram , i'vl ike Becker, Row land Felt.

Canterbury Club The organiLation for Episcopalian students on campus is the Canterbury Club. Row one: Thomas Rhodes, Shirley Feeney, Joan Cady, Fran Brown, Doris Wa yla nd, Clara Arm· strong, Ph) llis McAlexander, Jim Burt. Dave Cum· mins. Row two: Dean llolt, Dick Feeney, Betty Bovey, Marcia Ellis. Diane Davis. Sally Beallic, Belly Stephenson, John Chapman. Row three: Pete i\lorbcck, Bill Cady, AI Dingel, Bishop Huh· hard, Frank Stephenson, Rev. Blewett, Bill Os· trandcr, J ohn l'la11.

Disciples of Student Fellowship Disciples of tudc nt Fellowship is the college-age group sponsored by the Christian Church. They meet each unday evening for dinner and di cussions, sometimes featuring guest speakers. Other activities include retreats and picnics. Row one: Deana Dyk~tra , Quinton Rogers, Maxine H arris, Myrna Shaver, i\frs. Thoreson, sponsor, Barbara Parish, Arthur Mell. Row two: J anet I lard in~. Lavonne Bell, Dayle Carlson, Dick Creuol, l;loyd Lydum, Dwight Williamson, Galen i\fcll, Carl Gergens, Gary "W illhelm, Pat Rojan, Sonya Bond.



i\f. 1-1 lii":HES


Row one: Lt. Col. Hughes, Capt. Grice, Capt. Ohn, Capt. Hansen. Second row. M / Sgt. Dunlap, M/ Sgt. Weglarz, S/ Sgt. Nicholas, M / Sgt. Panerson, M/ Sgt. Garland. Not shown: Capt. Baker.

DISTINGUISHED MILITARY STUDE 'TS: Merrill, Kalbfleisch, Steele, Gotsch, Ca rson, Hanzel. ot shown:

ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY: Row one: Jones, Deal, Hanzel, H arrop, Merrill, Hicks, Preston. Herrin, Fellows. Row two: Mell, Speedy, Yost, Everest, McMahon, Koontz, Symms, Gra fmiller. Buckley, Briggs, Schrieber. Row three: Dillon, Buck路 man, i\fil lcr, Griffin. Wilhelm, Carlisle, Byce. ~'fount, Carlson.


The m1SS10n of the AFROTC is to select and prepare students, through a permanent program of instruction at civilia n educational institutions, to serve a~ officers in the R egular and Re~erve compone nts of the U nited States Air Force, and to ass1st in discharging, when necessary, any institllt iona l obligation to offer instruction in milita ry training.



Cadet Kalbfl eisch in a T 路33. J et Trainer at McChord Air Fo rce Base.

Arno ld ,\ir Society I nitiation Banquet Lt. Col. ltughes. Speaker, Dr. Caldwell, Cadet Merril l

DRI LL I E.\;\1 : R ow one: Conrad, Wigington, Bagley, Sproat. llohin, \lina~. Grafmiller, Capt. Ohrt, Preston. Row two: Richardson , Welte, Lisk, Lish, Bi,路ens, )fc:\fichael, RiggeN, Burt, ll ron ek, H ill-er, Di d ion, ;\[arvel, Peterson. R ow three: ,\llrcd, Willows, Anderson, Riggers, :McGi nt), l'o wc1.,, I i~del, . ch winger, Keith , ;\lurray, ::-lealis, Weston.


Cadets in formation for Federal lnspcrtio n held each spring

Rifle Team

Dli ll I cam and l'crshi ,lg Rifles, .\ rmy Honorary




Arm y Staff

A R MY R0 TC Distinguished ;\li litary Swdcnts

T he Am1y ROTC unit was established o n the Idaho campu on J a nuary 3, 19 17. T he army course consists or four years of m il itary science a nd tanics. T he f'ir~l year o f the basic course consi!'ts of genera l m ili tary ~u bjec ts. D uring the second year, the ~ tu de nt is introduced to the tact ics a nd techniques of the vario us a rms or services. The purpose of the basic course is to give the stude nt such military tra ining as will be of be nefi t to him a nd to his country. The missio n of the ad va nced course in additio n to the a bove is to prod 11ce junio r offi cers in the reserve components o f the army a nd to qualify the stude nt for a p路 pointmcnt in the regular army if he should e lect to appl y upo11 gradua tion.

Graduating Seniors

27 1


C .\1' I \IN JOII'



:\\\ Y 1:\S rRl' CTIO:\ T .\FF Row one: M1 ~. Parsons, Col. Lockard, Capt. \\') c:l..off . .\laj. Leite. Row two: Lt. te\'enson , Yi':C KenJ..er, KC Robe. M ./ Sgt. J>rescou. Row three: Ll . Sheal). C.\ IC Shannon. Lt. Collins. FTC fl arne~. Lt. J C Shemway, SK I Albrecht.

Navy ROTC Drill Team


R0 TC One of the few nivcrsities in the United States having a 1 aval ROTC unit, the University of Idaho provides training for mid~hipmen and prepares many of them for careers as J t~vy or ~ farin e Corps officers. Upon completion of four years' training at the University, the students who had regular status receive commissions in the regular Navy or i\ larinc Corps and the contract slttdents become reserve officers. This year Captain .J. M. Wyckoff, Professor of ava I Science and Tactics, headed the ROTC unit. Under his auspices first and second year stude nts were taught the basic principles necessary to become good officers. Third and fourth year men received technical training required for becoming officers.



on hoard ship during summer cruise.

Eagle and Anchor- Navy ROTC honorary


The contest- the competition- Lhe long road to victOry. Str uggle, success, despair, defeat-all mark the Vandal season and the guy and the girl in athletics. The slide rule and horn-rimmed glasses are shed as varsity, frosh , and men's and women's intramural spons capture the Vandal imeresl.


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THE line CO<ICh JA v PA路rrF.I', backfield



end coach frosh coach

VANDAL MACHINE The University of Idaho Vanda ls in 1955 followed a lmost the same procedure as they did in 1954. After dropping the first seven games, the Vanda ls came to life and ripped the Brigham Young Cougars apan for their first win of the season. The Vandal then, fighting both the clements of nature and manpower, rolled over Montana to the tunc of 31 -0. The season wasn't as disappointing however as it may seem. Howard Willis and Wayne Walker were given honorable mention for All Pacific Coast honors. Statistics showed Roger Randolph, Pete Gerpheide, and Larry Aldrich as top-notch ends in the Coast conference. With a majority of the Vandals returning next year, their conference should improve tremendously. Row one: Shirley lllirk. Sharon Choate, Georgia Carrico, Linda Williams. judy .\rchibald, Sarah Ann Ghiglieri. .\largaret Sulli,•an. Row two: Phil l)a, is. Jim Snarr, Dale Carlisle. Boll Gills, athletic director


John l'ayue, Guard, Idaho Falls

Eivind Resa. Guard. Twin Falls

F.d l lilder (82)

.\llan Eldred. Guard . Fresno, CaliÂŁ.


n oise kids the filler points in pass J'ecei,ing agaimt the Uni\CI"Sity of IJtah.



U. of Utah


Taking advantage o( crucial miscues by the Vandals, the Utes of the University of Utah outplayed the Vandals in the ir twentieth annual football cla~h. T he tes showed superiority both in the air and on the ground. T hey completed six of nine pass attempts stacked against eight completions in twenty-one tries by the Vanda ls. Rushing yardage totaled 223 yards gained by the Utes versus 149 by the Vandals.


Wa yne \\';llker. Center. Boise

Gary j ohnson (12) skir ts down field for yardage, one hright spot of a gloomy afternoon

Cal Hilgenberg. Halfback, Fullerton, Calif.

Jerry Smythe, Guard, Burley

J erry llaller. Guard. Indianapolis, Ind.

fullback Wilbur Caq picks up a nice piece of yardage against COP in thr Vandal Homecoming game.



Dick Newby, End, ll omcdalc



A rain soaked crowd of some 9,500 fans sat through a dull penalty laden game and were given little to cheer about by the Vandals as the team faced a powerful COP team. Only once were the Vandals able to put together any resemblance to a scoring drive and that fiz:ded as COP intercepted an Idaho pass deep in their own territory. Even though the Vanda ls lost they showed noted improvement as they hit hard on both offense and defense. The a lready thin ranks of the Vandals took another beating as they lost Ed Hilder for the remainder of the season. 2i9

IDAHO 0 U. of Oregon 25 A fumble in the end zone cost Jdaho a first minute touchdown and Eivind R esa, star Vandal g uard, was injured to the cxtet1l he will never play foo tball again as the Vandals were defea ted by a strong Oregon Duck team. The Vandals put together two second quarter drives, but failed to get past the Oregon ten on e ither occasion.


:'\orby (2.:i) pid..s up \aluable )ar<lage




pur,ued desperately by two opponents


~ Rou Braden, Halfback, Lodi, Cali拢.

\\'ilhur Cary recei\es a p:iss aud

Rog R a ndo lph, End, J3oi\c


down field in the

Chuck Fries, Guard, Crange\ille


Llo)d Fenton, Full bacl.., l.os Angeles, Calif.

of Washington game.

IDAHO Washington

1:3 20

The University of Idaho Vandals opened the ir 1955 football season by dropping a close, hard fought 14-7 game to the U niversity of WashingLOn Huskies. Coach kip tahley was extremely impressed by the fight路 ing Idaho line which made three terrific goa I I i ne sta nds. Sophomore H oward Wi llis kept the Huskies o n the ir toes a ll afternoon, as he showed his pass路 ing ability to its full ex te nt. Bu t this game seemed to t<tke e\'erything out o f the Vandals until late in the season.






Seven defeats later the Vandals made everything click to stun the Brigham Young University Cougars at Provo, tah. The Vandal line ripped savage holes in the Cougar line to lead Idaho backs to a total of 450 yards. The Vandal offense worked like a charm all the way, with only a pair of attempted passes failing to gain good yardage. Every signal called appeared to go for yardage. The Vandals were again on the march.

\\'ilhur Caq (37) sJ..irts around the BYU end as Jerry Kramer (74) and lloward Willis (14) run interference.

Nick Uglesich, QuarlerhacJ.., Long Beach, CaliL

Ed Hilder, End, Galt, Calif.

Walt Denny, End, Stockton, Calif.

Marsh Jones, Tackle, Venlllra, CaliÂŁ.

Howard Willis (14) shakes off an Oregon tackler as he gains useless yardage for the Vandals

IDAHO 14 Oregon State 33 Although the Vandals did their first ~coring in four games, they dropped a 33 to 14 decision to Oregon State College at Eugene. The Vandals held the edge in most Sliltistica l departments and trailed by only seven points early in the final quarter. But two quick OSC touchdowns in the last period put the game o ut of the Vandal reach. Even though the Vandals lost they were beginning to show some of that old fire.


Ron Braden (43) skirts around the defensiYe flank as Jerq Kramer (i4) nusscs seeing a \\' C tackler mo' ing in.

The Idaho o ffe nse shows a spa rk as beautiful downfield blocking clears the way.

' I

Larry Norby, H alfback, Ru pert

T o n) .\n derson, Tackle. Wahpeton , N. O.

Dick Foster. Tackle. :-\cw 1\lcadows

Pe te Gerpheidc. End. Spokane, Wash.

\'andal defense proYes tough as the Cougars auempt an end-around pia)



0 9

Idaho's Vandals, playing po路 te nt lootbaH for nearly three quarters of their annual football clash, lost their defe nsive power in t he last period, and bowed to their archrivals, the WSC Cougars. The Cougars' scoring came on a 28-yard field goa l in the second period and a sixpoin ter in the third quarter. T he loss was a complete reversa l of the 10-0 Vandal victory last year.


Slee t, wind , and rain seem to he to the Vandals liking as they break thro ugh the i\fontana line time and time again for valuab le yardage.



Larry Aldrich, End, Vineland, N.J.

An unknown


Wilbur Gary, Fullback, San Pablo, Calif.

John Sullivan, End, Richmond , Calif.

Nick Uglesich, Quarterback, Long Beach. Calif.

pla yer linds the going rough as he comes up against a fier y Idaho defense

IDAHO Montana

31 0

Led by the running of Ron Braden and Wilbur Gary the Vandals closed out their 1955 football season by smashing the University of Montana 31 -0. A dreary rainstorm and a furry snowstorm failed to stop the Vandals as they charged through the Grizzly line for 321 yards net gain. Several seniors played their last game for the Vandals. One highlight of the game was when Coach Stahley slipped and fell fiat on his face in the mud.


j The Univcr ity of Idaho Vandals came home after taking a discouraging 47 to 14 defcttt at the hands of the Aritona Sun Devils. A crowd of some 20,000 saw the Sun Devils rip through the Idaho line mercilessly for 338 yards net gain. T he Vandals were hampered by a 90 degree heat and severa I of t he main eleven had to sit most of the game out.

Cal Hilgenberg (22) hrcaks through the middle of the .\riwna line in to the hands or \ ritona linebackers.

Jim Faulkner, Center, Gooding

Bill Baxter, Halfback, Seattle, \\'ash.

Jerry Kramer. Tack le. Sandpoint


R ay Bi nner, Halfback, Buhl

Larry l\'orby trips and stumbles, but keeps going gaining \'aluable yardage ror the Vandals






Frosh Season The University of Idaho freshmen Babes started their season off on the right foot by rolling over the !\ fontana State frosh 28-6. Kenny Hall, a 1 ewark, Delaware product was the big gun by scoring two touchdowns and kicking four extra points. In the next game the Babes traveled to Seattle only to lose a 40-13 battle. The final game for the season, the big one for the Babes, was against the ' 1\TSC Cowbabes. The ballgame was played in a blizzarcling snowstorm on the Babes' home field . Going into the game as a n underdog didn't seem to bother the Babes as they came out fighting with a 12-6 win. In this game Babes turned loose speedy John Miselick, who in 19 carries made 95 yards. The Cowbabes couldn't manage to move aga inst the Idaho line, but were able to gain 71 yards through the a ir despite the snowstorm. O verall Coach Parberry did a commendable job with the material and talent, and is handing over badly needed support to Coach Stahley for the 1956 football season.

George White (45) and Jim Prestcl (40) close in for the k ill on an unknown WSC frosh back




Behind the scene stories are seldom 'vritten about the Vandals. These ten pages portray the preparation made by them for game night ....



Strategy in the mal.ing

Resu lt~ of long hours o f skull practice and planning revea l themselves later on the hasketba II court.


Pre-practice pep talk

Coach Hodges explains strategy


Faces The seriousness of Basketball is often reAecLed from t he faces of th e players ... .

Gary Simmons

J erry J orgeson Gary McEwen



] a} Buhler

Jim Branom

Gary Sather





Main five go into action


J orgeson rcbotlll(l\


Game Night Game night has at last arrived. The players' anxiety has reached its climax. The short time remaining allows the Vandals to do some last m inute thinking.

Mo ment of silence


Last minllle instructions

Quenching the thirst

And Go

• • •

Anxiety and pressure


Skillful hooking is shown by talented lVfcEwen ( 18)

Driving hard J orgeson (8) cuts through the defense toward the hasket


Jmnpin' Jack Mitchell adds two more points to the Vandal cause



Hill Uauscher and Ja y Buhler.

frosh m:tinsta)S

Frosh Season Vandal l'rosh LUrncd in a very outstantling season record this year. The lrosh hoo pstcrs thall..ed up a 12-3 won. lost record. The frosh proved to be very popular with the fans, and people turned out in number to watch this year's frosh court wizards. A two way tic for number one scoring spot in the intra-squad scoring race was seen with Harold Damiano and Jim Prcstcl both racking up 200 points (or the '>cason. Close behind the leaders was Lou Vesely with 190 points. The freshme n's three losses were spread out over the season with Fa irchild taking the fir~t ga me of the season 67-62. The ~econ d loss for the freshmen ca me at the hands o f the HJC Broncs to the wne of 60-50. T he third and final loss for the freshmen wal> at the hands of the WSC Cowbabes. A last second shot from the key gave the Cowbabes a 60-59 ad va nwge. Avenging the first dcCeat, the frosh came back to shoot down the fl yboys from Fairchi ld. ln the four game B.JC series the neophytes took three and they handed the Cow College frosh four defeats in a five g;•me series. The G0111aga Bull pups fell before the Fro~h twice and E VVCE once.


Row o ne: Jim Chrisman, Gordy Tiegs, Ra y Lower, Roger Willinms. Du:1ne i\foore. Ra y Cnpel;u>d. Row two: Co:1ch Parberry, Jim Howard, Doug Randall, Kent Church, Knutc \\'e~tc rgren , Roger Stoker, Bob Thomas, Gene .\rn ,)l)e. Row three: Clark And erson, " 'ally Brown, i\Iick l'ol illo. Ron 1\raden. Jim Throckmorton, ,\ll yn Dingle.

Baseball 1956 Vandal diamo ndmen, with a 4 win, 10 lo , conference record, finished up the season in fifth spot in the five chool ' D league. The Idaho quad spl it their four game series against the \Va hingtan Hu kies, picked up a win from Oregon. and handed the Cougars, this season's conference champions, one of their three losses for this year. Idaho started its conference season with te n games in but e ig ht days, of which they were able to play only eight, winning five of these. Vandals started a six game road trip through Oregon and 'Vashington which is commonl y ca lled a trip through Dea th Valley for the Idaho squad. ,\ fter surprising sports fans with a 5 to 4 win over the \Vashington Huski es, the I luskics won the second game. In the southern tour, Va ndals lost to OSC, and won from the University of Oregon, and one from the lJ of \ Vashington. Sophomore hurler Doug R anda ll won the U of 0 game, and combined Idaho hitting served to beat the Huskies. Vandals dropped two more to the Oregon Ducks and then sharply rapped a n alert Gonzaga sq uad in ex hibition pla y. Their on ly other game was a loss at the hands of the vVSC Cougars.


;\Iembers of the frosh team were: Row one: Ken ;\Iiddie mist, Bob I Iandy, Don Smith, Jerry chierman. Bill E,路ans. Row two: Walt I Iouck, J ack Acree. Denny Shoemaker, F rani. l lansladen, Fred Wally, coach. Row three: B. J . Schaffer, Elwood Kintner, Val J ohmon. Ste'e Kinkley.

\\'cstergren at 1he plate

Dusting ofT the opposition





Vandal Cowboys The Vandal Riders had a big year, sponsoring a very ~ucce~sful rodeo and gaining recog路 nition by the niversity as a school team. They were all out in competition this year, although they failed to take team honors in any of the rodeos in which they were e ntered. Loss of two members at the beginning of the season hampered the squad considerably for the r est of the year. In the ASC rodeo the Riders cou ldn't seem to get going as they placed way down the ladder in the fifth position. At the Vandal Riders spomored Pomeroy Intercollegiate Rodeo, the Riders had a big fire going only to be extingu ished in the few following days. 190 points were enough to give Vandal Gerald Bisho p the a ll-around champion cowboy title and the engraved western saddle. California Polytechnic team was leading 1he Vandals by only ten points the first day. The second day they le ngthe ned their lead considerably to beat Idaho 591 to 420. Vandal team captain Mic McCarty was two-da y top prite winner in the bareback bronc riding e ve nt. B ishop was two-day winner in bul l riding. Going home from the rodeo believing they had copped second place the Riders were very jubi la nt umil they found that they had bee n knocked from second place into third.


Row one: 1\n•ce Williams, John Ben1ine, Je• ry Ballard. Row two: Tom Olson, Dick Sheppard, Mike Ilea ton , Did, S11\der. coach. Da\e Rowland~.



Jdaho's divot diggers were (aced this season with the lack of depth, with sophomore ace Dick Sheppard leading the team to their only dual meet vinory, over the \\lashington State Cougars.

Idaho tennis squad dropped five stra ig ht ND matches this season and failed to win a single match at the N D meet but still managed to finish one point out of the cel lar o[ the division.

Keith Spencer, George H ieber, Fran!.. Young, coach. l.aRalle Smith, Sonn)' Long, Da'e Cummins


Row one: Dale Carlisle, J erry J ones, B) ron Richards, FrilL Holt, Ralph Lindberg. Chet Hall. Row two: Bruce Buckman, Ron Edwards, Dan Belton. j ohn Bc1hke, Vern Davis, Jack ll elle. J erry Giles, Erik Kirkland.

Swimming The Vandal finmen closed out the 1955-56 season with a 5 won-5 lost record. I n overwhelming victories over EWCE, Montana, UBC and Utah the Vandal!> showed outstanding ability. With this record behind them the Vandals arc looking toward the future with optimism. Standouts on th is year's team were Fritz Hol1., Byron R ichards and Jerry Jones.

Bethke, I Jail, Giles, Helle


Buckman, Bellon, Jones

Frosh Team With two victories over \V C: 61-20 and 57-20, the Vandal frosh swimmers ended the most successful season in the history oÂŁ this sport at the University of I daho. New frosh records were established in the !50-yard medley relay, 220-yarcl freestyle, 440-yard freestyle, 100-yard backstroke and 200-yard relay. It was indeed a successful year for the frosh tankmen.

Row oue: Grayson Hand, Bou Harris, Alex Gilbert, Kim Larson, .Ja(k Harris, Dave Roscoe, Leonard Lawr. Row two: Erik Kirkland, Charles Smith, George ll all , Jim Lund, Larry 'clson, Frank Allen.


Row one: Tom Anderson, John Harrington. Bill Cooke, Art Hanson. Row two: Eirik Berggren, Reidar Ullevaalseter, Helge Gagnum, Per \Vindju , Frank Cammack.

Skiing Vandal slatmen were the bright spot in the Idaho sports picture this year as they swept all competition before them, retaining their Regional championship, and ending fifth in the ationals at Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Vandal Eirik Berggren took the National Nordic title for the second time in a row to take individual honors for the year. Several bad breaks hurt the Vandal skiers in the CAA championships, dropping them to a lower than expected fifth place finish. But the men on the slats, despite their hard luck in the NCAA championships, are to be congratulated on a job well done. To add to the Vandal Skiers honors, was the All-American distinctions placed on Eirik Berggren and R e idar Ullevaalseter. CROSS COUNTRY TE.-\i\1:


Re iclar Ullevaalseter. H elge Gagnum. Frank Cammack, Eirik Berggren.

Reider Ullevaalseter Cross country and jump; Capt. of squad, from Oslo, Norway. Record: Th ird in CA,\ jumps, 1954: 1orthwest jump champion, 1954; Four wav winner in PNSA at Stevens ' Pass, 1955: Four way winner in Banff Inter路 national, 1955.

All Americans Eirik Berggren Cross country a nd jump. From Oslo. Norway. R ecord champ 1955. Northwest Collegiate Cross Country.




Intramural Champs


The Phi Delts re fused to g ive up this yea r as they took third in to uch footba ll, mo ved into second in swimming, a nd into first place to stay there by copping first in " A" a nd " B" b asketba ll.

The Phi Dclts proved to be the team to beat as the sw imming in tra murals came o nto the sports scene. With 147 me n e ntered into intr:Hnura l swim ming the Phi Delts easily cop ped the trophy to move them into second p lace in t he sta ndings.

Intramurals Cross Country


The gruelling crol>s country race this year, which found me n lying in an exhausted ~Iring IJ<路Lwc<路n the golf course and the Ad l<t wn, was won by Beta Thew Pi.

Chrisman Hall. looking like a miniature UCLA Bruin squad, overran all opposition to cop the intramural footba ll cup to case the pa in of a ll the ir bruises a nd b roken bones.

3 11


Basketball The Phi Delts exhibited their basketball ability aga in, as they added the basketball trophy to their trophy case, by winning in their league and playoffs.

Winter lntramurals

Volleyball Lindley Hall was declared the undisputed vol leyball champs as they rolled over all opposition with a well rounded team of both tall a nd sma ll me n with lots of hustle a nd agility.



Table Tennis


The boys from Sigma Alpha Epsilon captured the intramural table tennis champio nship as J ack Adams took the singles championship and Bill Anderson and Bill Currie took ~erond ~pot in the doubles_

Behind the basketbal l ability of Wayne Walker and Jim Howard, the Phi Delts added the "A" basketball championship to their intramural championship drive_


Softball Aftet playing two games with De lta T au Delta, beca use of a pro test, the Fijis came from be hind in t he fina l inni ngs of the last ba ll ga me to stea l the softba ll c ha mpion ~hip from under the nose of the De lts.

Golf .\id ing the Sig Alphs in t he ir lo ng drive from sixteen th to fifth place in the final intramural sta ndings, was a one-point victOry O\'er t he Be tas to give the m the cup.



Track The Fijis displayed their athletic abil ity for a second time in the spring intramural spons a~ they rolled over all conte nders in the intramural track meet to cop the first place cup.

T he stalf of the Women's PE departme nt . . . g uiding, orga ni1ing and teaching the athle tic act ivitiC!> of Idaho coeds for at least two years of officia l PE a nd fou r of recreation. Left to r ig ht: the ~ I isse!> ~ I able Locke, head of the de partme nt, ~ r a rga rct Coffey, Pa tricia R owe, Be rnice Evan!>.

Women's Sports Wo men's I C lub : R ow one: J ackie Wa in wr ig ht, De na H a nsen, J:krn ice Evans, Ad visor, Beth Sims, .J a n Crisp, D ottie Bilby. R ow two: Billi e J ones, I larriette Ha nna, G inger Symms, ~ l ary Verburg, J o Lecona, Barbara Shaffer, Carol Su e Ai lor.


WRA Serving as an org:lni1ation with a purely recreational function \VRA provides lively, e nergetic outlets in a varie ty of sports: twelve of them at least. Most are of a competitive nature, with house awards for both winning and participation and individual poi nts toward a tapping b y ·w omen's 1 Club. Ski equipment and golf clubs are rented out practically dirt cheap, and two hours of sw imming goes on every Saturday. \1\Tort h-whi lr time investment.

WRA Boa rd of Contro l: Left row, bollom to 10p: Jani ce Cri sp. Ginger Symms, Peggy 13rink, Carolyn Sanderson, Judy Crook ham , Sandra Stringfield. Mary Verburg. Right row: Darlene Frost. Eula Gray, Jo Lcwna. Beth Sims. Barbara Shaffer, Jo Dittmer. ;\lartha Da\'is.

\\' R.\ !lo use Rcprcsentati,es: Row one: Colecn Gron. Pat 1-larrington. Claudette Kern s. Dotty Bilhy, Loris ,\ddington . Row two: J o Carol lli ckctt. i\large Erstad, Penn y !'reston , J o;ltl Thorn ton , Barbara W heeler, i\1argc A~i.•Cndrup.

3 17


Action Grace Skill





A continual variety, that's what you'll fmd here ... from top left to right around the page we find first an informal display of the hockey team on tour at the nivcrsity of British Columbia ... softball at the department-sponsored high school play day in the spring.... Jo Dittmer, awarded honor as the outstanding woman PE major, who could not accept it during i\ fay Fete because she was st iII participating in Orchcsis. . . . Darlene Frost, WRA president gives message and awards at annual \VRA banquet as Forney cops the high-point trophy and Kappa win participation cup. . . . Vandalettes, snappy. highly organized drill team directed by .Jan Hale emerged second semester as a main a uraction with much potential for com· ing years.

A c

t• I v• I

t• I e s

Row one: Gail (,ru)'· (,ail Do>.tater, .\lene Hone) well. Gail Guernsey, Barbara l son. lreuc \\'est, Barbara imons. Diane Bhens. Eli1abeth Curtis, J anice 1-l;ale, \ljean H iggins, Norma Wilks. ,\nn neardmore, Sharon Connaughton. Rose- ~l;arie Perrin, \\'ilia Hunter, l'at Parsons, Rita Larson, Sonja Bond, ,\nn Holden. Row two: i\ laril)l1 Nugent, Rarbara Keller, Leah Na uniga , Marjorie Assendrup. Diane O lmsted . .J anice Berg, Sandy Slavin, Carolyn Harris. Jan Novack. Lana H uschke, Sandi Evans. Kay Dr iessen. Pani Rees, Lorra ine Langdon, J an ice Henry. Carol Kurd y, Joyce Sinnemaki. Sall y Well s. LaRae Harrop, Coleen Watson. Dorothy 1\auer. Carol Jackson. Ka ye Taylor. Diane Kail.


I Classes An essential clement of each Idaho coed's clas~ schedule takes place in the women's PE department. The areas covered arc: body mechanics, a dance class, swimming, both a team and an individual sport and healthful living. Almost every sport you can think of is offered here, from rugged field horkey through recreation a I arts and era rts. It 's all a pan of women's !)ports at Idaho.


Student Index .\

Abbott. Ruth Joan .............35. 36, 152 Ackerman, Paul Russe11 ............. 41.42.19-l Acree. Jack Dona ld ..... ....................202, 303 Adams. Darrell Fred erick ................... 2 14 Adams. Dennis Phillip ..................... 73.223 Adams. Richa rd Ancel ........................255 AddingtOn , Loris Ca rol .......................... 3 17 Adolphson, James Warn er .............56. 19-l Ahlschlager, Ke nt LeRoy ....................... 2 18 Ahrens. Da\id Lawren (e ... ...... .... ... 182 Ailor, Carol Sue ........................ 63. 1<15. 3 16 .\lhancse. ,\rthu r ;\lartin .. ...... .... ....266 Albano, Brent Roberts ................. 30. 187 .\lha no, Willi am P;u .. 73. 172. 187.228,247 Albertson, William Dona ld .................. 176 Aldana. J oe Waynr .... ..... ....... 73, 196 Aldri ch , Lawre nce Aaron Ward ... 73,220. 283 Alexander, Alben Stan ley ........ 2 14 .\lford. Cha rles H ahn ...... ....2T> I. 260.262 i\llcn. Barhara R uth ... ........ 156 ,\lien , Do nald Rich ard .. .. ... ....... 73. 220 i\ll cn . Doyle W ayne ......... .............. 261 ,\li en. Franklin Howard . ............ 173. 307 ,\li en. Ge rald H aight ........ .... ...... .... 214 .\lie n , Gl enn Edward ............. 102 . 173,266 ,\lien. Lee Dale .................. ............... 259 :\lien. W es ley lrviu ............ .55. 56. 173,266 .\lle r. Diane J ane ........ ... ........... 148. 21>'1 Alley. Ralph Martin, Jr. ..................... 2G I Allison, H ester ;\!argaret .. 152, 2 11 , 2:i7. 267 Allison, Susan Bacharach ......... ..... .. .... 55 Allred , Dwinelle .Eugene ... ..... ....... .. ..269 Allred. Mary Ellen ....................36. 152. 2G6 Al~ager. ;\!elvin Dean .........................8 1 !\mos. Artell j ohn ..............................255 .\nderson . •\dtian • elgrcn .....................220 Anderson, Arthur Anthon) .... .. .........282 Anderson , .\ strid ,\cia ...................... l:i6,2<11 .\nderson , Carol J ean ............... 73. 9-l. 168 ,\ nderson, Carroll Acle ........................... 2G I Anderson, J r .. Curtis .Eugene .. .... 63,260 ,-\nder>on , David James ........................... 95 ,\ndcNOn , George \lien ... .......... 73. 194 Anderson, George Clark .... 73. 2 10. 2<17. 302 Anderson. jac<1uclinc Rae ............... IGO ,\nclerson . .Joseph Da le ...... 42.57.19 1.268 .\ndeNOn , J osie .\rlee . .... ........170. 243 ,.\ nderson. Kenneth Rodger ............. 63. 2 16 .\ndcNOn , Kri stine Ardel . ;)5. (i3, 170.228. 248,249.261 ,\ ndeNOn . Lamont Duan e ............ 26, 26.i Anderson, Lee Franklin ........ 33. 55. 56. 173. 2 15.248.267 Anderson. LeRoy Malcu s .. .... ... .56. 26 1 Anden.on, :\Ieh in Fred ric!.. ..... .............63 Anderson. Neil Leon ......... ... .... 247. 265 .\nderson , T e Han ce Di etri ch ......... 73,2 14 Anderson, Tom Leonard .. ...... .... 260. 308 Anderson, William Eugene ..... ........ 73, 2 14 Andres, Cleora Barbara ..... 35. 36, 170, 244 ,.\ ndre ws, Albert Rudolph ................55. 247 Andrews, Rupert Earle ........................... 48 Archbold, Vincent Thomas ............ 73,206 Archibald, J anise Dawn ........ 63, 97. 145, 229.253 .\rchibald, Judith Ann ... 73, 85, 162, 2.'i0, 257,277 .\rdu ser, J oh n :\Iarschall .......................... 196 Armacost, Lawren ce Victor ... ..... 73. 178 .\ rmi tage, J ames Ke ndall ............ 2 12. 252 Armitage, Jr .. John Lee .. ..... 63. 173. 2GO .\rmstrong, Clara Irene .... 33, 56, 102. 116. 117, 13 1' 145, 229, 244. 248,253. 267 .\rmstrong, Pe ter Tull ) ....................... 200 Arnone, Eugene Anthony ................. 302 Arrh·ee, Alfred William .........30. 214. 264 1\ saph, J ames \\'ellingwn ... .. .. 73. 196 ,\ sher, Roderick Ro land .............. 63.201 ,\ shworth. Ro la nd R ccs ................ G3, 200 Aslcu, Marjorie Gladys ......................... 152 .\.,.~endrup, :\!arjorie j O)Ce .. 11 3, 16~.213. 3 17. 320 .htOJ·qu ia. :\Iary Constance .... 158.1G3.2,)3 Atchley, Billie Edward ........... 25. 26. 19 1 Atchle) . Chan Arthur ................ 2.1. 26, 19 1 Atkinson, Don Rohert ....................... 30. 2 14 .-\tkinson, Elmer Ri chard ........................ 184 Atkinson, Stanton Edward .................. 214 322

Aulakh, Lakhwant Singh ........................ 264 .\very. J anice .\n n . ..........36, 90, 152,266 ,\\ cry, .Jasper R o:>s ......... ...... ............ ...44 ,\xte ll. Patricia .J une ... ..63, 170 ,\ )arta. Freddie Marcus ...................202

B Baarsch . Frederick \\1illiam .... .... .200 Bahcock, Carol) n H e len e .......63, 166. 248 Backstrom. Lesli e Glenn ....73, 182.26-1.265 Bacl..,trom. Na nc)' Lu e .............63, 162,228. 25 1. 262 Uacl..strom. R ona Lee ...................... 162 !lacon. Cherie Dianne ...... 73. 156,249.262 Bacon. Sa ndra R ae ............................... 156 Hagley. Rulo n Dec Orr . ..... .. .......... 269 1\ahr, Franklin ,\ugust .................... .42. 258 Bahr. J ohn \\'e,le) ........30. I 73. 245. 257 Baiter. ,\nn e tte Couhcr ly .............. 36. 15Ci lla iley. J ohn William .. ..30. 259 1\ailey. William l lenrr .. .......258 llaker . .John Frank ..73. 242 Baker. Kenne th Dea n .. .73. 19 1.247 Bal..er. t>aul \\'i mton .. ........... 173, 228 Hakes. Ro bert Eldon ... .. ...33. 52. 53. 245. 257.265 Baldwin, J oa n Lee ..........................63. 170 Ballard . .Jerr) n ...........................73. 191.305 Hann er, Earl ]. ...................... 187. 2;)6, 265 Barher, Eva .\m )' ...................................... 152 Barker. J an n Elisabeth . ..... ..... ...... 148 Barl..er, Paul Frederick ................. 228. 255 Barnes. Paul Lewis .. .... ..... .... 266. 272 llarney . .J oa na ~lac ......................63. 150,265 Baroni. Do n ald Fran!.. .. ..... ..63. 221 Barr, Shirley Ann .... .............. ..59. 148 Harrell. Ric hard Kenneth .. ..63, 218 narrc u. John W es ley ..... ........30 llarrctt. J r .. Will iam Louis ...56, 214 llarron . Charles Lee ...... 178 Barry. Jlarbara Eleanor . . 166. 243 1\artle u , Sharroll Lee . ..73, 98. 164.229. 246,253 Bat)'· Gary Da le ...... .... ...... 173 Ua uer, Charles Lee . ... ..... ... ...30. 210 1\a ucr. Dorothy l>enc .. 168.250.320 Hauer. ;\lary Elaine .......................73. 148 1\auscher, Willi am ,\lien ..... 45. 55, 56. 193. 202,24!1,297,300 Baxter. lain J oseph Wilson . ............200 Bax ter. \\'ca, cr William .......63. 208.284 Beagles. J ohn William ............... 182. 262 1\cal. Ronald W esley ......... 73. 19 1. 256. 265 Hea ls, J oa n \lac .............................73. 150 13eardemphl. R ohert L yle ...............73. 198 Beardmore. \nn ;\leredith ...... 73, 109.24 1, 243, 320 Bea~ley, Charles \ I ben .. ..... .250. 256 13eattic. Sall y France~ ..... ... 162.232.238. 250,267 n eck, Carole j ane .. ..... ......... .... ..73, 145 Bee!.., Kl ova Gene .. .. ........................... 260 Beck, Wa yne Le Roa .... ...... ... ......214 13ecl..cr, 13onita Ra e ...............................63 ..63. 193,202 Becl..er, Da le LaVern .... Becl..er, Karen Norine ... ... .. .... 28. 73. 152 Becker. :\fichael j ohn ... ..... .... 182, 267 Bedo,~. Clark Eugene ......................... 191 Beer, George Stanlc) ................. 2:•. 61,202 13eer, .John Frands ......... ....... ................63 .... .19-l ne ll..na p . .James \1 art in Bell. Ke nne th Gary ....:.2. r,3, 257 n e ll. La\ OilnC :\larie ..............73. J.l5, 267 nell. Sadi Ann .. .... .... 152 f\ellam). Clair J ames .... ... .............261 lklton. Danie l Thomas ..... 7:1. 19 1,300.307 1\enedetli. Kay Elizabe th .................. 156. 266 Benedict. Charles Ral ph ...............61. 220 1\enfer. :\'ancy Jan e .....63, 9.). 170. 26 1. 265 1\engtson. Kriston Winifred .... 152.224 1\enjamin , Rnhen Birdsa ll .................. 196 Bennett, M ary Ellen ....74. 9:1. 100,238.261 13ennett. Wallace James .........95, 178 Be nwn. Wa )I1C .Ja) ...... ...... ..... .238, 242 Be nt , Dea n Ca lvin ................... 26, 57,2 18 13entt, Patricia ,\nn .... ........i4. 152 n erHin , johu Campbell .............305 Berg, J anice El aine ............. 162. 243,320 n ergg rc n , Eirik ...............................308, 309 Bergman ..\ gne. :\tanlcll ...................... 22 1

Bergstrom , Siv Maj·Lis ............. 55. 56. 162 Bergthold, Arthur Eymann .....................35 Be rrett, :\!arilyn C lara .... ...... .... .. ... 148 Berry, Patricia ,\nn ....64, 117, 11 8 . 158.228 Be rry, J r., Paul Alexander ............ 176. 255 Bcrscheid, George Henry ...48. 64.241,255 Be thke, J oh n Amos ... .... .. ..... 74, 247,251 Betts, Robert Daryl ......... 25 . 200,26 1. 306 Beymer, l o rrain e ............................ 11 8, 166 Bezold , R obert Me rvin ......................74. 206 Bicket, J o Carol ..........74, 100. 166,232.253, 263.3 17 Bicgert, Xan C) LaVerne ........... ..... 64. 162 Big ler, R obert Lyon ...................... 2 14 Bilby, Dorothy J ea n ....64, 148, 260, 3 16, 3 17 Billings, Vivian ........... ...... .................35 Billman , ,\lice J oan .......... 74, 145.250.265 Bi ~hoff, J oh n Perry ... ..... .... ........... 178 13ishop, Gerald Lee .... ..... .. ................ 260 m ,hop, J eanne Eli1abeth ..88. 170. 174.241 Bishop, R ona ld Lamb ............................. 2 12 Bittner. R amon George ......................... 284 Bivens. Diane Marie ................ 158.241.320 Bi, em. j ;unes Darrel ..................... 204.269 l3Jornland , Roald .................................. 264 Black, :\Iichael Ham ilton ............... 74,2 10 J31aine, C harlie R . .................................. 258 Blair, Dennis C . .................................... 261 Blair, John Fredrick ............................. 220 J3lake. Gar) Ray .............................. 75. 187 1\lake, Jr .. George Marston ... ... 255 131akc. ;\I ichacl La'>Celles . .... ......... 2:i8 13lank, Garry 'cal .......... 74. 198.2 13.247 Blanton, j oh n Donlo n ..... .. ... 129. 193.204 "Blan ton, Paul Leslie .............56. 204.261 Jllasius, Wayn e Jam es ......................... 1 9~ Blecha, H enry Ron nie ..... ......61. 173. 258 Blessinger, J oh n Arthur ......60. 61. 191. 256 Blick. Sh irley Rae ......................... 90. 277 Bliesn er, Louie Lou ............................. 145 Bliesner, \\'illia m Clark .... A I, 61, 173. 255, 258.259 Bliss, Lydia J oan .............................. 103, 150 Bloomsburg, George Luke ns ......... 4 1,259 Boam. Keith Carl) le ................. 32.1>-1. 194 Bockovcn . Robert Charles ................M. 202 1\odil). Gene ,\l bert ........ 188. 257. 26~ . 265 n egda u , Jr., George .................... 2:i8. 26 1 1\ogne, Ba r bara J o Ann .......................... 148 1\og uc, Charlotte Yvonne ................ .58. 148 n o tes, ,\ 1 ichacl Eugene .................. 74. 196 1\o linghroke, Beverly Jean ..... 74. 162.229 Bond, Son ya Charis .... 75, 150,248,267.320 1\ondurant, Curtis Charncll ... ... 74.208 Bonham, Jan e ..................... 74, 162,243.246 Bonner, Do ris Crace . ..... ..... ... 152.250 Bo nn e tt, William Bruce ... ... .... ..... 88 Bonnichsen, Bill ........ .......... 200, 250, 266 Book, Arlene Lavon .. ..... .... 119. 138. 170 lloor, Bernice Liane Edlcrf~on ..... ........30 n oor, Russell A I ben ..................... 4 I. 258 Booth, Bill Boyd........ ................... 74. 191 Bo rdon , Norma Ann ....................36. 168 Bergen, R obert Arthur ............................ 2 16 J3o u rquc, A lfred J o hn ........................... 266 I~O\C), Betty Diantha ........ 74, 164,246,267 Bovey, Rod ney William .. ... ... .... 26 Bow, Dona ld Eugene .............................. 188 Bo we rs, Beverly J oyce ........................ 28, 36 Bowker, Son ya LaRac ............. .170, 241 , 266 llowles, Allen Vernon ..............................220 Bowles, J r., Frank ........................50, 2 10,260 J3oyd, :\Iary j ean ...................74, 84, 160.246 J3oyle, Ste1•en llartert ...... .................56. 202 Brabb, Mi chael H c lfo rt ......................... 26 Brace, Earl Kent ........................ 42. 191 Bradburn, Douglas Da le .. .... .. ... ..... 2 16 Bradbury, John I loward ................ 228. 247 Bradbury, :\!arjorie Mollo) .................... 168 Uraden , R onald Boyd ...... 237, 280,282, 302 Bradley, 1\'onna J ean ........................ 36, 145 J3ramm er, Marie Blyth e ....34, 36, 166,228. 251,262 J3randt, Alan Dale .................... 55. 56. 2 16 J3randvold, Shirley All ........................56, 150 Branna n , Michael Denison ..... 74, 182,247 Branom, James Jack ................................ 291 Bra nscom, Barbara .................................... 1-18 Branson , Dlanche Rae ................56, 148,257 Urar, Chamkaur ingh ......................64, 26-1 Brasc h , Robert Earnest ............................ 188

n rauon , Eve I) n Bea trice . .. .145 1\rauon , Irene Delpha ..............7·1, I Li. 260 ll rat,old. Owen Gera ld ............. 26 1 n raulf, ,\ rnold ....................... ........ 12 ll rau n er, \\'ill iam J ess ... . .......... .52. 257 nrei nich, Ba r ba ra i\lae ... ... .. .. 145 n rcnn an , Ge ne Elwin ............. ... GI . 198 1\rc uh a ue r. Do ra Mary ............ 64, 150 1\rewe r, Ba r ba ra .\ nn ........... (i I. 170 nl'ickc rt, Thomas L. D. .......... ....64. 220 1\riggs, Marlin Gene .................. (iii, 2 14 ,268 Brincken , Marjoe ......................... 64. 148 1\rink, Margare t Id a ..........64, 152,243,260, 266.3 17 1\rink. R od ney Owen .............. .. 71. 198 1\mckway. Charles Edward ..... 183.250 Jiron '!On. Gai l An n .................... I 70 llrooks , E lizabeth Lancaste r .. 71 . 152.241. 242 28 Broughman. Xa nq Lu Xel~on Jl rown, Arlen e Virgin ia ...... 253, 257 265 n rown , l31a ke l'a trick ........ llrown , Ken ley ...................... 74 Brown, frances Marie .... 160,26 1, 21)5, 267 1\rown, Jacki e Earl ...................... .. ...... 250 nrown , joan Nadin e .................... ....... 224 1\w wn , Ric hard Harding.... . .. 53, 19.J 1\ro wn , Wa lla ce Edwin ......36, 127.20-1 .302 Browning. Rule n Keith ... 12, 173.258 llru haker. Jr .. J ero me Stoll I !JCi 1\rucsch , Lawrence Dean . I I . 25!1 1\rumlow. Je rry Olen ........ 260 71. 20-1 Br up , J a mes Pa tri ck . . ... Rn:m . Eugen e Lee ........... . 41i 1\1 )<Ill , J ames Eugen e ......... 26, 35. 50.91 ll qa n t. i\le h in Earl ..... ...... 2Ci. 200 lluth;man , Na ncy T uule . 6 1, 88, Li8. 228 1\ud,e rt , Ke nnith C la re nce ...61 lluck lin, Jr., Thomas Culber G1, 19 1 Buckley, Jam es Douglas ............... . ....... 268 Buckman, Bruce Frank ....64, 191, 2GO. 2G8. 30G, 307 Buhler, H arold Keith .............................. 220 Jluhl er, J ay Dua n e ......................... 29 1, 300 Bundy, Don a ld H oward ......... 56, 19 1, 263 Bu nney, E ll ie Preston ...................... 74. 206 Burl.e, Mary Jo an ....................... 29. 36. 164 Burl.e, Max Eugene ..................7 1. 214 . 235 Bu rl.man , Fred Russell ............. .. .. 241 Burn s, Nan cy ,\ n n ......74, 106, 11 8. 136, 165 Burrows, Frederic H en derson ..... 91. 247, 249.262 nu n , J ames Earl .............................. 252. 267 1 llurt, Merrill C . ........................ 17 1, 176. 2Gii Hurte n, Gary Le Roy ............................... 1 7~1 1\urwell , Beverl y Louise ......35, 64, 164.235 1\usrhho m , Lois Arl en e .................... 28. 1115 1\ush , Robert Dennis ................................ 255 1\utler, Cliffo rd Go rdon ......................... 2(i(i 1\u tler, J u a na Del ......................... .. .....88 ll ut ler, Thomas Abraha m .......... 7 1.1 78 ll uuon. Lewis H arry ................... ... 198 ll)<.e, Robert Le R oy ............ 11, 17. 2.i 8. 268 B)lllllll, J r., Hu bert Ha rt ford .. Hi H) ram , De nnie Langford ... 61. 188. 267 ll) ru e, Shi rl ey Kath leen ....36, 130. 16 1, 24 1

c Cady, Marjo rie J oan ................ 6 1, lliO, 267 Cad y, William H arper ........................... 267 Caim s, Bruce Richard ............................ 196 Cai rn s, Ralp h Arthur ................61, 160, 196 Ca ll, Beverly Jea n Carlson ...................36 Ca llahan , Lynn J a mes .......................56. 178 Ca llen , Ga ry........................... 2 18 Callender, Norma J ane ... 61, 152. 228, 262 Ca ll ison, Nancy Lee ..........74. 115. 253, 266 C:unero n , William Dona ld .. 4 1, 12 . 258, 259 Cammack, Fra nk ~I. .................. 74 , 196.308 Camp, J ames H enry ........... ..... .. 74. 188 Ca mp, J r., Je rry William .. ............... 216 Ca mpbell , Clinto n Carro ll ........... ... 188 Cam pbell, Colin Sta n ley .......................... 26 Campbell, J an e t ............56, 90, I 17, 156. 257 Campbell, R ussell Dora I ..................74 , 2 14 Cam pb ell, Susan Elaine ..... ..... .. .. Hi~ Canfie ld, Charles R obert ................. c; I. 2 10 Ca nno n, Ca ro lyn Lee ................ 36, !) I , I 70 Canno n, Cath erine J ea n ......... I 70 Ca nnon , R obert Lee ........................... . 196 Carbon , J r., j ohn Pe ter ............ 2 18 Carl>On , Robert Car l .................. .... 251 Carder, Gertrude J ean ..............73, 74. 103, 145, 2116

Carl i ~le,

Da le


......63. 87, 95, 108. 120, 2 10, Carlson , llarhara F:•)e . 238.24 1.242.2 13 Carlson, Cha rlotte All ene . 74. 145. 160.241 Carlson, Da)le Waldema r ........63, 172. 188, 252.267 Carlson , Ron a ld George ...................64, 19 1 Carpen ter. Sta n ley Ba rto n .............. 19 1, 255 Carrico, C <.-o rgia Ann ........ 74. 106, 148,277 Carson , La rry James ..........................64 , 2 10 Ca rson , Wi lliam McKinl ey ..4 1,42,57, 173, 259,268 Ca rtee, R aymo nd Leonard ................74, 196 Carter, Ja mes ,\ndrew ........................64, 173 Ca rver, .\1\ in T . ..........................................64 Casebolt. l'\ea l \\'alter ................64. 218 . 238 Casey. t>atricia Ann .......... 109. 168.243.266 Casteel, NanC) Elaine ........................36. 148 Caudle, J r., .\ rlie Edward ........................26·1 Caward. j ac Edmond ..........................42, 173 Cern ig lia, Joseph Francis ........................300 Chamberlain, Charlotte J o ............ 145, 267 Cha mberla in. Conrad Bre nt ..............42. 173 Cha mbe rl ain, .Janice Ll en e ..............45, 24 I Cham berlain . Ca th erine O' Neil ......56, 168 Chambe rs. Alan Edison ............ 42, 173,258 C ha ndle r, Donna Rae .............................. 145 Ch an d ler. Gera ld Francis ..........64, 102.236, 253. 258,260 Chan d ler. Sta nl ey R ichard ..................... 196 Chanq . .\ rlen Le RO) ........................6~ . 196 Chapman, James J'errence .............. 74. 191 Chapman. j ohn Sherwood ..74. 85.228.247, 23 1. 262. 26·1. 267 Chene) , L ) le i\la)es .............................. 265 Ch ica ne , Deloris J ean ................64. 145.228 Ch ilcott. Earle ne Joyce ..............56. 158.25 1 Ch ilds, Willard D.. .. ......4 1,42. 194.258 Chin , Le nn a rd II i I to n ......................64. 174 Chisho lm, Chri sto phe r Kurt .. 102, 182.228 Chatc, Ch a ron l.ee ......................74 , 16G, 277 Ch rism an , .J ames Bo wden ........................ 302 Ch roni c, Ryd er Wesley ............................255 Chu pp, orm an R ichard ..........................47 Ch u rch , Larry Dean ..................................56 Chu rch, Peter Kent ............................74. 302 Churchill. Wimton H er bert ............52. 257 Ciboci. J ohn Will iam .............................. 19 1 Clark, Carole Lee ......55. 74. 152.235. 246, 265 Clark, Edward Burns ................................ 264 Clark, Carla nd FranI. ......................2 12. 255 Clark, Robert Will ia m ......................30, 194 Clarke, .\li ce Ma y ...................................... 152 Clau sen , Le Roy Franklin ..................64. 2 16 Clauser, Charles T h eod ore ......56, 174. 238, 242 Cla usen , Ri ch ard elson ..97. 220,238,242 Cia) ton , Jam es H arold ............................ 259 Clayton , Willi a m R aymond ..............74. 188 Clemans, Hennan Carl ton ................ 74 , 260 Clements, Ralph l nvi n ....... .41 .42. 182.259 Clements. \I au rice L yle ...... 25. 26.256,266 Clements. te\cn Da le ................ 74. 20.J. 226 Clemons, Richard Allen ..................6-1 , 174 Clemons. Wa lter Da le ........................6 1, 2 14 Clendenin , Sa mue l L . .......................... 74. 204 Clevela nd , Da rling Y\ o nn e ..............65, 158 Cleveland, .Jack Leonard ........................ 178 Cleve land, ~! ary F: litabe th .............. 102, 158 Clizer, Gary Alan ...................................... 2 18 Clure, Lawre nre Albe rt .......................... 212 Coch ran e, J ames Carro ll ............ 25, 26. 176 Cole, David Robert .............................. 74, 95 Cole, Jr., E\ ere tt J o hn ..........................204 Cole, Gene Fra ncis ............. 47, 48.252, 255 Cole, J ames J acl.son ....................55, 74, 202 Cole, :\la rk :\1on roe ....................74. 188,300 Cole, R obert Eldon .................................. 19-1 Coleman. J ohn R . ..............................52, 257 Coleman, W ha) ion Douglas ..........182. 266 Collie r, Charles :\lichael ............32. 130. 198 Collie r, Gary Ross ..............................6.'>. 202 Colvig, llruce J ames ................................ 261 Colvin, Ke nne th Le roy ..............................74 Compto n , All an Frank ........... .1 65. 202,228 Comstock , Larry Burto n .......................... 174 Con ant , Jr., Ra lp h Mason ..........30. 32.2 18 Con do n , Do ris Lor ra in e ....................36, 158 Conger, George Willi a m ..........74. 191,258 Conkli n , Doris LaVerne ............................36 Conley, Bruce ,\l an .......................... 253, 266 Conn aughton, haron ue .............. !().! , 320 Connell, j ohn Curtis .............................. 196 Connell, Ke nneth Dudlq ..........................74 Con rad, Di ana Kay ....84, 1 ~1 , 250,257, 266

Conrad, R obert Leon 19 1. 269 Cook, Da le Berna rd . ....1 76 Cook. John Frederick 6.i . 2 14 Cook. Ma rgaret J ean .......... 74. 166, 265 Cool.. Richa rd ,\lie n .. 30. 174.264 Cooke. R icha rd Earle 42. 174.. 258 Cooke . Willi am Warren ... 7 1. 19 1, 308 Coombes, All en Do n<1 ld ...... .. .... .46. 48 Coons. Barbara Frances . .. ........ 148 Coo p er, Thomas La R ue ... 74 , 188,256.257 Cope, L awren ce Melvi n ....................74, 202 Copelan d , Ray Dean ................................302 Copith orne, Ann e Marie ........ 11 6 . 160. 264 Cor bell, Hele n Marie .......................... 145 Cor bell, J a mes Leroy ........... .... ..... 26. 256 C'.orni e, Jam es Alle n .............. .... 216.255 Corre ll, Ro na ld Gu ) .......... .... ...-12. 223 C'.ory. J a mes Will ard ........... ..... .30. 210 ........... 24 1 Cossa ir t. Patricia .\nn ....... Cossey. Bill Lee ................. .. .65. 223 Co&.e), Roberta Kay ~!iller ................65 Coste ll o, J ohn J oseph .. 266 Cos te llo , Margaret Ann ....55. 170. 171.25 1 Coutre, Nan cy Elna .... ... .. 65. 150 Cowl es, Gary Mac............... ...74 , 178 Cowl es. J eanne ................................93, 148 Cox, J r., And re w Thompson ......... 74, 188 Cox. Marvin D. ............... 26, 193,2 12 Crabtree, Catherin e .\d ele 164.238 Cran e, Klea Chrysta ll .. 75. 159 262 Cra n ston , Wa lter W hi te Crathorn e. Wayne H ale ()5, 191.247 Crawfo rd, Gai l Ma rie ........................... 150 Crawford. :\Iary Edi tha 160 Crawford, J a mes Ed ward .. 258 Creek, Larry Leroy ....... . ........ ......30 . .. 267 Cre nshaw. Robert Cra ig . ... 267 Cre u ol, Ri chard Lee ... ... Cri pe, David T yle r .............56. 58, 208, 252 Cripe, J anice Josephi n e ....65, 150,3 16,3 17 Crocke ll, Iva n Lamar .......................... 75, 191 Crookham, J udith L ynn ....65, I 03, I I 3, JG8, 238. 248.317 Crosby, Robert Edward .... .. .. .............. 256 Crosby, " 'a yn e Ho wa rd .... .............75 Croson, T homas Elton .... 75, 208, 260 Cross, Neil Vernon ........ 75, 188,241 Crow, Charles :\lich ael 55, 56, 174 Crowson . H a ro ld Jo na th on .. ... 202 CroLier, Karen Eveq l .. .. ..... 168 65. 102, 103, Cum m ins, Da\'id Ch arles 196. 245, 267, 305 Cu n ning ham, Paul Thom a~ ..........75, 2 14 Curn es, Gerald Le roy .... .. .. ........75, 191 Curran, Nancy Esth er ..................... 130, 162 Cu rri e, Wi lliam Mauhe w ..........75, 214, 228 Cu rt.is, E lizabe th Ann ................... 164, 320 Cu rtis, Pares Ka ye ........ .... ..2 18, 255 Custe r, Phillip Edward .... .. .....42, 198 C uth be rt. Ga ry R ay.... 6.'i, 193, 194 D

Daigh. J an et Lu cille ...... .....65 , 85. 156. 251 Da iker. Don ald George ........ .. .......52. 257 Daiss. Billy E lm er ............................. 26, 212 Da lke , Delo n Do nald ........... ............ 174 Da llas, Gera ld Monroe ...... 42, 206, 248, 259 Dal y, Mary Elle n ...................... 75, 164,250 Da ly, l'atrick H o lden ..............65, 204,25 1 Daniels, Albert Stanley ......................50 . 210 Daniels, Wiley Wi ll iam .......................... 260 Danielson , Shirley Ann ........58, 65, 166,251 Da ube rt, Darrell J ohn ............................. 210 Daven port, Ern est J ames .. 75, 202, 250, 258, 259 Da' e n(>Ort, Wa lte r R obert ........ 174 Da,idson , William Esward . .. ......... 182 Da ' ies. Jr., Raymond Owen .55, 65, 208 Davis, Be n e Virgi ni a .. .... .... .. ........ 1 ~1 Davis, Dia n e ................... .... 55, 75, 170, 267 Davis, J u d ith Lynn ............................. 152 Davis, Kathryn Lee ....................................148 Davis, LeR oy Ross ...................................... 26 D;wis, Lon l: rank lin ..... 55, u5, I ~8. 248. 265 Davis, LMenzo Dan ...........................75, 202 Da vis, Mar tha Je ffe rso n ..........50, 162.25 1, 260.3 17 Davis, Philip Caro l ................. 175, 202.277 Davis, Ri cha rd Ga il .................. ....... 214 Davis, R icha rd Lee .. 75.2 14 ...75, 171. 260. 306 Da vis, \ferni e R ay .... Da d son . Lee W a lke r . ..... 250 Da wson. Edgar H arr) ....................75. I 78 Oay, Mich ael Forrest ................ 75, 127, 2 14 Oay, R ich ard R al ph ..........................95, 252 323

Day. Stan lc} Gene ........................... 63, 2 12 Deal, Anna belle Doreen .... 75. 145.24 I. 2f>6 Deal. Kenn eth Leroy .......... 26. 19 1. 266. 261! Deal. William Wallace ............ 196. 235.262 Deffenbau gh. Shirley Ellen ................. 152 DeKay. i\farian Lo uise ..............65. 162. 24!1 DcKio tz. Eli zabeth Lu cille ................ 75. 160 DcKio tz. Karen Lee ............................... 160 265 Dellos. William II erman ................... Dela ney. Patricia Rut h ..................... 153 DeLong. Petau .................................. 2fl6 Oembiczak. Wall ace Pau l ........... ..... 258 Oe~reyer. John Reed ....................... 2!i!i Dempsey. ~lanh a Sue ...... 75. 125. 150.246. 250. 261i Denlinger . Ramona i\fa y ................. 65. 14G Denney, Ri chard C lcnn ..........41, 23 1, 245 Dennl er. ,\rl ene Ph yllis .................. 145. 241 Denn y. \\' a Iter Ellswort h, Ill ..... .. 281 Densow. Cons tance Al ine ..........65. Hi~. 2 19 DePalmo. Charles Dec .. 4 1. 42.2 16. 2:>:>. 259 Desh ler. ~liriam Carter . .... 7:J. 145.242.265 Desja rd ins. Stanl ey Palmer ............ 75. 223 Dc\'in. Ca rl Gl en ................................ 2G DeWitt. Thomas William ................ .. 21i!i Didion . Jam es Crockcll ....................2 14 . 2Ci9 Dille. LaVina .Jea n ....65, 146,228.253. 21i7 Dil Jon. Ralph In in ....................... .. 2Ci8 Dimick. Donald Bruce .............. 4 I. 42. 191 Uingel. Jr .. :\terrill All}n ......75.2 10.228. 2 12.267.302 Di ngma n. "I hoodorc Edward ..... .. 178 Diumer. Joa nn .\l etha ....36, 168.243.3 17. ?20 mxon, Darryl Coman ................... .. 1r,3 Dixo n, Cary A. ........................... ,........50. 202 Dixso n . .\twa l\faric .............................. 1r,3 Dohson. Jud ith Elaine .................... 75. 166 Dodson . Robert J o hn . ................. .. li.i Doering. Helen h onnc ............65. 11 7. 1r,3 Doerr. :-;ike .\n ne ......... 16 1 Dolphin. Su1ann e ...................86. 88.261 Dolson. T hom as Clifford ................. 30.212 Do nald. Jimm y Addi son .................. 75.2 16 Donaldson . Donald Lee ................... .. 25 1 Donaldson. George A lan ..................36. IllS Donnell ey. Ro hcn Lee ............65. 20~ . 21i2 Do rche us, Ed ward Willi am 75. 178 Do rcheus. Sam uel Ho ward ......6:J. 174. 2r,8 Dorendorf. Robert Lawrence .. 188.266 l.i3 Dotson . ;\leh a Ed ina .................. Do ug harty. La wrence ................... 223 Douglas. Willi am Walla ce .......... .. .55 Do uglass, J r .. J ames Robe rt ....... 196 Downing. Sanfo rd Eli ...... 182. 233.242. 26<i Dextater, Donna Gail ...... II Ci. 127. IIi(), 320 Drake, Melvin William ...................... 75. 19 1 Draper, Leah t\largaret ............6:;. 148.228 Drashn er, Did, Dean ......................... 261i Drayto n. Doro th)' ,\rl) n ....75. 158. 241i. 260 Dregn ie. Ida Eli1abeth ................36. 65. If)() Drexler. Lawrence Edwa rd ............... 65. 19 1 Driessen. Kat herine Louise ..36. 75. 95. 100. 158.320 Drips, L ynda! Joall Bro wn .................... 3ft Drips, Robcn Clark ............................60. 25(i Duffy. Jerry Lee ............................... G5. 202 Duffy, Paul Lawrence .... 228. 249.261. 21ili Dufur. Gail ,\n11 ....................................... 146 Dum hart. .\tllon ................................ 65.202 Dum in. Frcdct id, .. .................. .56 Du nca n. J im Dale .......65. 182.263.265 Dun n, Ronald Edward ......................65. 210 Dunn, Susan ............................................. 148 Dunn , Jr., Willi am Ra y ......................... 214 Dunning. Marian J ea n .................... 162. 2113 Dunsmoo r. Jack Larry ........................ 26. 174 DuPuis, Margaret Ali ce ............75, 156.266 Durall. Ma x Chandler ..................... 30. 202 Duran, ;\far)' Ellen ..............75, 95. 100, 160 Durgin, Cha rles Wa llace ...................... 198 Durham, J erry Dean ........................ 19 1 Durning. Paul Joseph ....................... 75, 191 Duuon . Lawrence .\li en .................. 255 Duer , Gerald Emer y ..........75, 191. 247,258 Dykstra , Deana J oyce ........75, 145,257, 267

Eacher. J a) Xorman ................ ! 74. 221!. 2!iCI Eakin, Robert Lewis ....................... 2.36. 2fl() Ea to n, Dean Lewh ............................6.i , 198 Ebbert, John Voorhees ................... ... I!I I Eckard, Ro)ce Dea n ......................... .. 25R Eckert, J ea n Eli1a betlt ...................... 162. 23 1 Edd y, T hom<ts Walter ................75, 210,250 32 1

Edwards. Caroh n .\ nne . 28. 102. 11 3, 164. • 232.230 Edwards. J o hn Thomas .. .. ....... 2 10 Ed ward s, Philip Otho ........ 2.i . 6.i . 182.256. 266 Edwards, Ronald Samuel ........ 75. 20 1,306 Egan, Benjamin J::rn es t ..... .. ........75 Egglesto n, James Eugene .. 48. 65. I 76 Ehlers. Ro nald Edgar ....... ..86. 26 1 Eidam, George frederick 42.218.23 1. 245 Eikland. lngc ................... ....... 2~ Eikum. J oa n R ltlh Jahhora ....... 242 Eikum. J o hn J acob ............ .. ....... 238 Eislingcr. Vi rgil J o hn ...... . 75, 182,256 Eissmann, Da vid Samu el ..... .. ...... 208 Eldred . .\llan C laude ............................. 278 Eld red . Creta Lo uise ............. 75. 150.257 Eld redge. Ed ward Joseph .. 36. 174. 238 Eley. Gera ld Leigh .............. .56. 206 Ellis. 1);1\ id T hom as .......... 30. 208 Ellis. Larr) Loon ................... .56. I H. 262 Ellis. ;\lal'(ia Gertrude ....i.'i. 168.246.230, 262.267 Ellswo n h. Robert Blair .. .. ...... 259 Emat:io, Wi IIi am Jo hll ......... .... .. ..6:i . 194 Emerin e. Ste phen Edward ......56. 103.208 Em er~on . Ra ymo nd Ross .. ........... 25:3 Emmo ns. Jr .. Ro hen H enq . ........48. 200 Em pe). llclen Ruth ..... .6;i. 150 Emry. Sman i\larcell a .. ... ..75, 168 Engel. J ohn llcnry ........... 220. 266 Engmarl. . .\ ndreas T heodor ....... .42 Ensign . Uarbara ................... 162.26 1. 2~ Ensunsa. Joh n \\'ayne .......... ..216. 259 Erickson, Do na Elaine .................... 75, 146 Erickson, Gary Lee ................................... 200 Eriksen, Frederick H enry ...........75, 2 14 El'ikson. Gu y .\lexander .. . 187,265 Erramouspe. J oseph Eugene ... 250 Erstad, ~f arjorie H yau ....... 162.31i Erwin . Oa\ id Banks ........... 6.3. I 76 Eskeli n. R ichard David ....... ... 196 Es..ser, ))ad d Wilson .......... 7.3.216,247, 25 1 Essley, j o hn Frederick ........ .. ... 65. 178 Estes, Gerald Mi cha el ............. .. ....... 2 10 Etter. Emmannel Eshcol ........ .............. ! 78 Eva11s, Evelyn Ann ............ 75. 148. 250.266 Eva ns, Jud ith Dale ......75. 108. lli2. 232.253 Evans, Sand ra J ea n ............. 28. 75. 158.320 E\ ans , Terq Keith ........... .220 E' ans. Will iam Joh n ........ 210. 303 E' crc~t . Charles Clyde ............ 6.). 268 E"crcu. J ames Lee ............... 7.3. 198 F

Fager, Gerald l\filto n ............. .. 19 1 Fa len, J o hn Leroy................ .. I78.260 1:al k. Charles Gerald .. ... ... IiS Fa nd r~. Kathryn Rmb Kn app H Farish. Robert Will ard .... :15. i:i. 208 Farmer. Kenne rh Dale .. . .. 65.223 Fa rmer. Patricia .\nn e ..... ...........36 Farmin . l)oroth y J ea n War rell ....... 36 Farmin . llelcn Lo uise ........... .. .. 168 Fannin. Rol~ n \\'eseley ......... !1 1.2 18 Famam . Geneva S. Hug hes ;\l ayo . 3!i. 36 Farn ell. Verno n Eugene .... .. ..3:;. 37 F<trr. l'auli ne K. ................ 31. 162 Faull. ner . .James Eugene ... .... 28~ Feel). W illard Laurence ... 12. 182 Feene). Richard Lytle ...... .... l i. 255. 26i Fellows. Charles Cliffo rd .. :11. 212. 268 .. .6:), 2 14 f ello ws. L:u·ry .\ustin ...... .. .. 31. 158 f ello ws, Ora ~l oran ........... Fell. Ro wland Earl ............ 75. 192.258,267 Feltman, 131ain Stocks ........... 75. 184 Felt on , Roben Herm an ..... .. .... ..208 . .. 280 Fem on . Jr .. Lloyd Lester .. Ferguson, J ames Earl ........ 212, 2:J5 Ferris. Joan Helen ............ 109. 121. 170. 237 Fickes. Ronald Earl .......... f>6. I 76. 258 Fife . . \ r thur Raym ond .... .. ...... 194 Fig ueroa. O lga Consuelo ...... 6<i. 153,243 Fischer. i\1 arvin Richard ......... {ill, 188 Fishe1·, James Dectaur ............. ..... 191i Fisher . Joan t\fari c ................ 15:1.238, 26i:i Fisher, Kenn erh Moore ...... :11. 178 Fisher. Will ia m ;\fallon . . ........ 26 Fi~k . ~I ario n Franklin .~..... . . f>6. 182 Fisk, ;\leh in Co' e ............. .... 2(i. 7:1. 176 Fitch, J ames Herefo rd ... .... .. 2 16 Fills, Lo rn e ,\nto n ........... ........ .. 66.220 fi tzj arra ld, Laun y J. ........... . 228,26 1 Fla llet~~. Ca n)lyn Edna .............. 153.250 l'1 em in g. Ka y Eloise .................... 75, 156, 242

Flerch inger. Patri cia Lo ui'iC ................ 146 Fletcher, ~laxine Loui..e ...37. 153.238.24 1 Flomer, Judit h ..56, 102. 153,244,26 1, 265 Floyd , \\' illiam L yman ...........................62 Fl ynn , Charles 1orman ...................50. 184 Fl ynn , Ri chard Darrel ...................... 26. 2 12 Foley. Ann Ca th erine ......................75. 1&1 Foll.ins, Judith .\nne .. ...........75. 170. 238 Folt1, Lee Paul .. ........... 193, 198.257 Fo ltl. \\'a)ll e George ................. 166. 214 Fo r te. Duane Hettr) ....................42. I H Fo rt e, )lary y,·o nne ................75. 156 Fos ter, .Joh n Wesley . . ..........75. I 76 Foster, i\lichael i\fartin ........................ 2 12 Fos rer, Ri chard .John ...............66. 218.282 ' Fowl er, George i\lelvin ....75. 196, 235.250, 2:')3. 275 Fowl er, Laurie Gart h . .. ...........47. 66. 196 Fox. Sheri c C ayc ......... .. ..........55. 57. 1;)8 Fox. Virgi nia Elaine . . .............. 166. 243 Freela nd. Cary William ........................ 66 Freeman , Ethan \\'<trrcn ...................... .47 Freeman. T homas Ed ward ...................... 208 Frei, Ro nald Clem .. .... ....... ............ 266 Fremming. Bjo m Odd var ..........42. 178, 234 French, Richard Dean . .. ................ 21 2 Friede. William Joseph ...............66. 220 Friel. Wallis Woolverto n .....52. 204. 257 Friend. Patricia .\mt e r.:1. 170. 235. 24(i Fric~. Charles Lott i~ ..........66. 20 1 Fries. Cha rl es Martin . ...............66. 2 12 Froerer, .\rthu r l n ing ...................37.'17 Fro~t . Darl ene ...................... 146.3 17.320 Frost. Warn er \\'a Iter ... ........................ 220 Frostenson , T heodo re Ro hcn ....4 I. 42. 202, 245 Fuechscl, Ri chard Lee . ....................... 200 Fuller, Sand ra Ann . .........75. 158.237 Fullerton, J am es Daniel ........... 200. 26 1 Fullmer, J am es Richard ...............31. 2 10 Fullmer , William L )llll ............ ..... 2 10 Furgason. Robert Roy 4 1, 42. 20~ . 258.262 Futt er, ~ra ry Frances . .!i7. 66, 153.257

c Gabo ury. Jam es Edward .................... 191 c:aho ury, William J oseph ....................... 248 ...........66. 2 12 C age. B) ron Philip . Gagn um, H elge ..... 31. 32.2 10.308 Gai l e~. George Allen ................2 14 Gale. Do nn a ~ra rie ... ......... 166. 233 Gallagher, Roger Will iam ........... .42. 19 1 C alliga n, Jr., William Jlentley ........ 76. 196 Gallowa y, Paul Ri chard ...........76. 202.260 Gansel, Charles Ra y ...................................'17 Garret. .\lien Elwood .. ...................... 206 Garrell. J o hn J ay ......................76, 19 1. 256 Carrell, Kenneth Vernon ..................76. 2 12 (.arrett, :-lonuan Loon ............................ 2 12 C:arriw n, Patsy J ean .........76, 1 ~. 1 75. 176 Gaq , Jr., Wilber Dehoi~ ..........66. 279.280. 281. 283 Gaskarth , William .\l cxan<ler ........ 178. 255 Gaskins, Richard .A I, 182.231,245, 254,258 C as t. Ri chard Adrian ......................57, 210 Ga tes. Charlo u e Ann ............................... 1r,3 C eaud rea u. Dale Leon;t rd ................66. 1!1!! Geen sen . Deann a Mac ............................ Hi ! Geiger. Clin ton Lc Ro) .................66. 182 Genoway, Joyce E . ....57, 162,244. 2.i3. 257 (,entry, Deborah ~l a ri e 66. l!iO. 238.260 George, Dann y Eugene ...................57. 191 G<.:o rge, Pa trick Cyril .......................57, 194 Gergens, Carl Leo ...... .. .. ................... 267 Gerh art , Andrew Daniel .. .. .................. 258 Gerke, Ill, H enry J oseph .....................2r.r. Cerph eide, Peter Lo ui s ...........66. 21 6.282 Chiglieri , Sarah Ann ...........90. 91. 162.277 Ghi r:1rdello. Ri ta ~larie ..................... 168 .. .................. 179 Gibbs, Jr., Don Oa\id .. Gi lbert, Sam uel Alexa nder .......... 252. 307 Gilderoy, Mary Eliza beth ........ 76. 166.250 Giles, J erra ld Eugene ................ 76, 2 10. 306 Ciles. Paul Stanley .................................... 32 Gill, i\larcia Fa y ........................... 108. l!'ill Gill , T ejinder Si11glt .. .. ................ 2ti4 Gill espie, Richard Allen ..................66. 202 c:illis, Jo hn Theodore .....32. 2 18, 23 1, 245 (,ilson, Grc,son H owa rd ..........76. 17!1 Gioanni, Lticicnn c Deni'c ..........57. l(i(i Giroux, .-\lice Louise .... .. .................... 146 Gisscl, Doris Ela ine .................. 170. 24 1. 257 (; iuens, George Irving ..............66, 21 8.238 G ivan, James Edgar ..........................208, 260 G leason, Raym ond .Earl ............76, 188,255

l Glenn, Derald Boyd ................................ 238 Glenn, Jr., Robert Raymond ..66, 179, 256 Glidden. Samm y Joe ..........................37. 210 Godbold, Mollie Jan e ........76. 153. 246.253 Godwin, Edward James .......................... 189 Colden, Jam es Robert ............ 196. 232.262 Goldsm ith, Donna Yvonne ................66, 150 Coohy, Richard Jo .................................... 176 Gooding. Shirley Mari e ............31 , 160,249 Goodwin. Kenneth Wesley ................ 26. 202 Cordon, Elsie Ann ..............................57, 153 Gotsch. Ca rl Hugo .................. 25, 27, 95, 174 Gotsch, Hans Gustav .... 25. 27, 45. 102, 174 Con, Richard Duanne ............................ 196 Gowland, Duane Ernes t ..............76, 88, 19R Cradwoht. Donald Ra y .................... 191. 2'i9 Crarmiller, Ja y Thomas ................ 26R. 269 Crandy. Harry Chct ................................ 191 Cranl. Donna ,\nnctt e ......................76. l'i3 (;rant. .Jack Wayne .......................... 21 ,1, 2'i'i Crasser. Marvel Violet ......................76. 14R Cray. Dennis i\Jack .......................... 191 .2'i7 Cra)•, Dennis Michael ........................66. 2 16 Cra y. Eula Margaret ..........06. 150.228. !117 Cra y, Gordo n John .......................... 196.235 Greene, Maril yn T.ec .......................... 76. 160 Greer. Duane Lee ............................... .fi6. 208 Gregg. James Browning ........... .4R. 193.206 Creichus. A lginlas ................................47. 48 Greif, Richard Joseph .......... 27. 39. 195,223 Griffin, T roy Lee ...................... 196.242,255 Griffin, William J ames ............................ 268 Gr iffith, Dwaine Orris ......55, 66. 193, 200, 228 Grim, Lowell Dwayne ........................76, 182 Croff, Collene Rayne! ...................... 158,3 17 Croff, Edward Owen ........................42, 259 Croff, Shi rl ey Mae ..............29.66. 146, 191 Croscosl. Joy Cot lene ..........................76. 146 Cross, Floyd Marvin ............43. 44, 175, 258 Groth, Roger Peter ............66. 196,237, 253 Grover, Milton Dec ..........................66, 187 Crover, Tereece l\Jaric .................... 148, 224 Cru ys. Gail J ean ................76, 153,246, 320 (; uernsey. Gail Rlllh ...................... ! 62, 320 C.ulley. Maril yn Joyce .... 153.235.241,265 Cwin. Ralph Th eodore ..............66. 191 , 259 II

Hack ler, Judith Ann .... Ci(i. 95. 150.260.261 Hafer. Gu y H enry ..............................76. 191 Hagen, Al£red Ch ris ..................................52 II agen. Loretta Marie ...................... 146, 257 Hahn, Kenneth ................................ 176, 265 H ahn, William Eugene ..........................200 Haight, Josephine Louise ..........36, 37, 158 H aight, Lawrence David ..........66. 214, 25 1 Haines, Stuart Roy ....................76, 198, 234 Hate, Date Chart yne ..................................38 Hate, Janice Ma y ........................66. 156,320 Hate, Ralph Joseph ............ 37. 182. 238, 248 Haley, Ralph Hezekiah ....................52, 153 Hall, Chester Deon .................................. 306 Hall, Floyd Hanna .............................. 61. 76 Hall, George Patrick ...................... 266, 307 Hall, Glenda Ruth ................... .liG, 156,262 Hall. Kenn eth Seama ...................... 191 , 285 Hall, Loyce Helen ..............................76, 170 Hall, Robert Daryl .................. 172. 176,228 Hall, Gera ld Joseph ................76, 220.279 Hall)'· Clyde Edward ..........................76, 175 Hamblin, Anne Elizabe th ................76, 168 Hamblin, Jerry Manl y ........................66, 220 Hamilton, Ann Sheil a ......................66, 170 Hamihon. Hugh Alan ..............31. 193,214 Hamlet, Barbara Joan ................ 28. 76, 164 Hammer, Maril yn Murie l ....76, 171 , 229, 241.242.246 Hammill, Alton William ..66, 172, 184, 228 Hand, Grayson William .......................... 307 Hand y. Rohert Glen ................................303 Hand y. Arthur Glen ..................66. 88, 198 Hanford. Helen Julia ........76, 158.260.266 Hanks, Darrell Russell ......................76, 200 Hanna, Harriette Am her ..........66. 91, 160, 266.3 16 Hansen, Arthur Howard ..........66. 208, 308 Hansen, Clifford l\lullincr ................66, 223 llansen , Dale LeRoy ................................ 265 Hansen, Dena Lee .............. 29, 66, 150.264, 265, 316 Hansen, Donna Rae ..........57, 150,228,257 Han sen, Georgia Claire ......................76, 153 Hansen, Gladys Darlene .................. 164. 232 Han sen, J ohn David .................................. 216


Hansen. Roger C lay ..................66. 191 , 265 Hanson, Forrest Poole ............................ 210 H anson , H artwick l'aul ....................37. 210 1-Ianson, J ohn Edw:ml ........................43. 2:i 8 Hanson, Oliver Einar ........................66. 218 Hanson, Roben Eric ................76. 182. 220 Hanzel, J ames l' rank .. 31. Hanzel, John Wi lliam .............................. 2 18 Harden, Maril yn June .................... 104. 163 Hardi e. William R oger ....................65. 182 Harding, J anet Mari e ........66. 156.264.267 Hard y, William Edward ..................76, 208 Hargis, James Robert ................66. 175, 262 Harker, cit Christensen ..................66, 204 Harper, Donald Rohen ....................66, 204 Harrer, Rose Alene ................................ +150 Harringwn. John .Joseph ........................308 Harringwn. Lewis 13lair ............................ 39 Harringwn. Patricia '' ngcla ....35. 66. 136. 171.317 Harrington. Patricia Ann ..........................66 Harris. David Lawrence .......................... 196 Harris, Don Byrd ........................76. 182. 2f\6 Harris. Dorothy Carolyn ................ 153. 320 Harris. J ames Cihhs .......................... <ifi. 195 Hanis, John Wi lbur ........................ 214. 307 Harris. Maxine Darlene .................. lliO. 267 Harris. Robcn Earl .................................. 182 Harri s. Robert Edward ......................35, 307 Harris, Roger Lee .................................... 191 Harrison. Kenn eth E lmo ........................ 255 Harrop, LaRae ............76, 106, 160, 248,320 Harrop, Larry Neal ....................66, 191,265 Harrop, Steve J . ..................57. 202,265,268 Harstrom. Carl Walter ......................76. 206 Hart, William Patrick .............................. 200 Hartwe ll, Faye Marlene ....57, 164. 165,25 1 Harvey, Carol Joyce .......................... 149, 260 Harvey, Thomas Ralph ..................216. 233 Harward, William Bert ............76, 215.235 Harwood, Carol Doroth y ........................153 Harwood, Marilyn Cteone .......... 29, 66, 153 Hasbrouck, Rowena Margaret ........76. 127. 171.235 llascnoehrl , Kenne th Engen e ........57. 191. 261.266 Hassler, Roberta Jean ........ 38. 66.243.266 Hastings. Kare n Mae ................76. 106. 17 1 Hatch. Robert Le Roy .............................. 234 Hatc h. Roge r Cu rtis ..................66. 223. 21i5 Hausladen, Frank William ....................303 Haveman, l'atrki:1 An n ....................76. 158 llawk. Roherta Louise ...................... 150.267 llawkins, Ca ra J ea n ..........................66. l!i3 Hawkins, Jam es Victor ......................76, 210 Hawkins, Lynneue Alene ................ 151, 257 Hawley, Clyde Augusws ........................ 262 Haw ley. Warre n Cordon ..................66, 195 Hayden , Dennia Child ..............................76 Ha yes, George Anthony ...... 41. !il. 189.256 Ha yes, Jon Leslie ...................................... 202 Hayes, Judith Ann ............. .. 156. 243 Ha ys. Burrell Willard ..............................2ii8 Hazard, Don Fdmund .................................. ! Hea1herty, John Edward ..........................31 Heatherly, R obert Dale ............................ 195 ll caton, Jam es Michael ..............76. 210,305 Hebard, Richard Arnold ..........................35 Hechtner, John Howard .. 27, 218. 25!>. 262 Herr, James Calvin .......... 182, 238, 242, 267 Heirngartner, Eugene ........................76, 179 H eimgartner, Robert \.Yaltcr .................. 27 H elander, Sharon Eleanor ................76, 158 Helgeson, Norman Lewis ....41,66, 191 ,238, 267 Helle, John H arold ..................255, 260, 306 Hellemons, Daphne Anne ...................... 146 He lm, Rex Lee ..........................................259 Hemingway, R obert Scruton ....66. 184 , 266 He nderson, Bernard Robert ....172, 182.264 Henderson, Cordon George ....76, 202.247 ll cndrickson, Cheryl Venene .................. 165 11 cndrickson, Waldemar forrscl ....4 1, 258 Hcngcter. Gerald Joseph ..................66. 204 Henriksson, Shirley Ann ..93, 116.137, 171 Henry, Janice i\farie ..89, 103, 166.243.320 llcnry. Shirley Ra e ............................35. 166 ll epler, .Michael Clay ................................37 Herbert, Victor Barlow ............................ 189 Herlin , Ellen Pearl ............................66, 16!i He rman , Sylvia Marguerite ..............76. 149 Herr, William LeGra nde ..........57, 202.250 Herrell, John Robert ....57, 216,238,242, 268 H e rrigstad, Harvey William ... .43, 191 , 258 Hess, Ge rald Wayne ..................................52

Hickma n, Clyde Keith ...................... 27. 191 It icks, Lauren Eal'l .......... 66. 188. I 93, 198, 242, 25 1 Hicks. Lisle O'Dell ............................52. 268 Hieber. Elaine Ingrid .............. 24 1. 260.265 Hieber, George H e rbert .................. 265, 305 Higgins, Alj ean Evelyn .................... 157. 320 Higgins, William Hobart .................. 76. 204 Hild er, Edward C . .......................... 278. 28 1 Hilge nberg, Ca lvin .......................... 279, 284 Hilker. Haro ld Ronald ............76, 176.269 Hill, Jam es Whittaker ...................... 43, 202 Hiller, Morton Browne ....................53. 257 Hillman, J oh n Alfred ................................27 Hillyer. Robert Morris ........ 44, 66.200.261 Hinck ley. Keith S. .............. 2:.. 256. 26!i. 303 Hinckley. Stephen Clare .................. IR9. 26<. Hin es. Dwa yne ncrrcll ............................ 261 Hint ze. Elizabeth Vaughn ...................... 171 Hirsc hman. Lonis H enry ..........................3'i Hit chcock. Marcus 13 .. Jr. ................31. 208 Ho. Chong Cheong ..........................250. 2ii8 Hohin, Cary Richard .............................. 269 Hobson, Grace Irene ..........!i7. 146, 257,266 Hoell. .John Botkin ............76. 204.228.255 Hodgins. J oh n Roland ...................... 7Ci. 204 Hodgson. Carol Ly le ..................................88 lloff. Leonard Earle .................................... 3!i trogaboam. Jani ce Jea n .................... 76. 146 Hogan, Ja ck Lynn ...................................... 2 10 Hogberg. Carl Hany ....... ,...................... 256 Hogge, David Que ......76. 215.235,247.253 H vgge, Hal Pix ton ....................202. 250. 258 Hoisath, Sonjha Dal'lcnc ............66, 153,26 1 Hold en, Ann .................... 103, 168,243,320 Hold en, William Trayncr ................66, 210 Ho les, Roberta Charlene ........................ 146 Hollenbeck, Allan Jam es ............................ 66 Ho llenbeck, Nadine Marie Whiuemann ..............................................37 Hollibaugh, R oger Eugene ...................... 259 Hollinger, Cary LeRoy ........................ 215 Holmes, Byron Edward .................... 66. 207 Ho lmes, David Lee ............................57. 207 Holmes, Susa n Jane ................................ 159 Holsinger, R osemary ............3!i, 37. 146.267 Hotson. Jam es Poner ........6Ci. 172. 178. 179 Holt, Charles Douglas ......................31. IR4 Holt, Dean Arthur ....................57. 249.207 Holz, Frederick Ande rson ........37, 260. 2fi l , 306 Holz. Janet May Croy .............................. 224 Holzhey, Charles Steven ....................71i. 191 Hon eywe ll. Alene Kathryn .............. 171 . 320 Hood, Richard '"' atson ......................31, 2 16 Hook, John Richa rd .................................. 255 Hook , Ken neth Ri chard ...................... 25. 27 Hooper, Ge ra ld Gray ........................66. 215 Hoots, Thomas At by ..........................66, 207 Hoover, Janet Anne .................................. 168 Hopffgarten, Jon Harvey ........................ 182 Hopkins, Clair J ess ............................66, 207 Hopkins, Esther Marie Anderson ............57 Hopkins. Ivan Claude .......................... 27, 39 Horn, Edwin Darrell ................................ 204 Horn , James Lester ............................58. 238 Horne, George Ramath , II ....76, 193, 206. 207,247 Horning. Donald Sherwood. Jr . ............ 19 1 Horning, Shirley Gait .............................. 149 Hossner, Glenn Keith ................43, 182,259 Houghtelin, John Allison, Jr ...........76, 218 Howard, James Crawford ..................31, 302 Howard, Robert Ray ...................... 175, 255 Howell, Stephen Quincy ........................ 198 Howse, Norman Ralph ............................ 196 Hrone k, Galen Emerson .................. 189, 269 Huber, Don Morgam .................. 25, 66, 189 Huber, John Joseph, Jr .....66, 172, 173, 175 Huber, Jon David ................................... .187 Hughes, .John Baird ..........66, 2 18,232,253 Hughes, Ri chard Dee .............................. 198 Hulbert, R o nald Edward ..76, 189,207, 261 Hull, Donald Albert ................................ 195 Humc, Donald Robert ............................ 215 Humphrey, Richard Dec ..76, 212, 242, 265 Hunt, H azel Naomi ....................................76 Hunter, Willa Marlene .... 157, 237.252. 320 Hurdstrom, Karen Lee ..45, 55, 57,238,244 Hurley, Everett Michael .......................... 212 Hu schke, Arma Dorothea ................66, 163 Huschke, Lana Paule .............. 163, 243, 320 Husted, l\fary Jane .......................... 166. 243 Hutch inson, William Harry ............76, 179 Hutchison, Betty Lee ..........................66, 146 Hyland, Aerielle Elaine ....57, 156, 157, 257 32ii

K Indermuh le, Vernon Charles .................. 77 Ingebritsen. Marie Alice ..........................232 Ingle Donald Lee ....77. 125, 191.232, 256. ' 257 Insko, ·Lee Thomas ....................37, 189,248 Irvine William Grover ............77. 198,261 JsaacS:,n Donald John ................35, 37, 191 Ison , B;rbara Bea ..............66, 149,248, 320 Iverson, Irvin Gordon ........................ 77, 179 Iverson Patricia Anne .... 124. 157, 237,241, ' 243.250

J Jackson , Carol Jean ....................77. 163.320 .Jackson, Marlys Ann ..................37, 163.254 Jackson, Richard Leon .............................. 77 Jacobowitz, Leonard ................................ 179 'yacobs. Carl Cooper ..................................255 Jacobsen , Dorothy Ann ...... 77. 94. 168.265 Jacobsen, Phill ip Emil ....................256. 258 ·Jaggar, Elizabeth Ann ......................77. 1'\7 )ames, Mary Sue ...................................... 153 Jameson, Robert Thatcher ..............66. 202 Janecek, Charles Adrian ..................... .47. 48 Jeffery, l\hrcene ..................66. 91. 106. 171 Jeffery. R ussell Lee ..................................202 .Jenk~ns. J oseph Warren .......................... 26~ Jenkms. Kenneth H arold ....25. 66. 189. 26:> 'Jenness. Benni ng Franke .... 46. 66.219,255 Jensen , Harvey J ames ..............77, 191,265 Jensen, Paul Allen ..............................77, 182 Jerome, Doris Levone ........................77, 160 Jeschke, Robert Eugene .................. 182. 258 Jesseph , J oseph Ralph ..............................95 Jewett, Sally J o .................................. 149, 266 Johanson, Warren Alex ....................37. 215 John, Edward Arthur ........................ 77. 213 Johnsmeyer, Betty Louise ..................77, 163 Johnson, Alden Dale ........................250. 262 Johnson, Arlo J ohn ........ 179, 184.250.2!i8 Johnson, David Frank lin ................ 109. 210 [ohnson. Donald Wayne .......................... 182 Johnson, Elinor Cecile ....77. 157.243.246. 2!i0.2!i3 Johnson, Gary H ardcastle ........66. 19!i. 279 Johnson, Gerald Walter .......................... 215 Johnson. Jerry Caner ...................... 179. 260 J ohnson, J oan Christine ..........37. l!i3. 264 Johnson, Larry Annual .............................. 77 .Johnson, Larry Dean .............................. 198 Johnson , Laurence Edwin ......... .41. 43.259 Johnson, Lawrence Larry ..................66. 179 Johnson, Leon Edward ..............................37 J ohnson. Madelyn Ann .......................... 157 J ohnson. Margaret Helen ....58. 66. 146.242 J ohnson, Mary Ann ............................57. 163 Johnson, Marjorie Lucille ................77. 165 Johnson, Mary Ann Counsell ................257 J ohnson, Mary Lou ............................37. 159 J ohnson. Mau rice Eugene .... 25. 27. 189.257 Johnson, Patricia Allene Quist ................66 J ohnson, Paul F rederick .......................... 189 Johnson, Richard David ................247, 249 J ohnson, R ichard Erving ................77, 198 J ohnson, R obert Charles ........ 191. 234.258 J ohnson, Val R oss ............................ 189. 303 J ohnson, Wallace Stanley ........................ 257 J ohnston, Betty Joan ...................... 153. 257 J ohnston, William R ichard ..............77. 215 Jolstead , Deane Leroy ................ 37, 92.202 Jones, Billie Kay ...................... 77, 146, 316 Jones, Carol Ann ................................77, 146 J ones, Elwood Crawford ..........................31 J ones, Janice Margaret ...................... 28. 149 J ones, Johnny J. ................................ 175. 255 Jones, Leland Lamont ......................52. 257 Jones, Lorana Cordelia ..............77. 146.24 1 Jones, lVfarjory Estelle .............................. 149 Jones. Marlin Charles ........ 77, 215.247.261 Jones, Marshall Paxton ....................37. 281 Jones, Patricia May ............ 28. 37. 149.265 Jones, Richard Jerry .......... 32, 260.306, 307 Jones, Ricker H ughes ................'\7, 223. 268 Jones, Robert Earl ......................47. 48.267 Jordan , Karen Ruth ........................ 171.241 Jorgensen , Gerald Wendell ............ 290, 300 Joseph, Barbara Jean ................ 77. 166.228 J udd , Dean Hyrum ....77.2 13, 233.251 , 253, 265 Judd. Duane Knolton ...................... 179, 255 Judd, Lois Shirley ......66. 149.228, 229, 261 Junge, Mary Lou ................................31 , 146 J ust, Franklin Hilliard ..............68, 258, 259 32fi

Kaeser, Clifford Richard ..........................95 Kail, Irene Diane ................93. 116. 168.320 Kaku , Yukio John ..............................41, 258 Kalbfleisch, Darrel Keith .......... 25. 250.25 1 Kalbfleisch, Dale ...................................... 251 Kale, Edward William ............ 196, 238, 242 Kallas, Jr., J oseph Frank .......................... 179 Kamal, Abdul Latif .................................. 264 Kamp, Donald Arie ...................... 35, 50. 266 Ka•·au, Margaret Elizabeth ......................57 Karlburg, Cynthia Anne ..........57, 163.238 Karn , J r., Alvin R euben ..................57. 261 Kautz, Edward William ....................48, 200 Kay, Jimmy Erwin ............................ 195. 262 Kearley, Edward Owen ............................ 256 Keck, Jo Lynn .......................................... 157 Kehle, Dorothy Louise ............................ 153 Keith , Laura Jo ........................................ 248 Keith , Theodore Frank ..............77, 176.269 Keithly, Kathryn Anne ......................37. 157 Kellberg, Carl Leroy ................................ 265 Keller, Barbara Ann ....36. 68, 157,260.320 Keller, Edmond J . ............ 77, 193, 195.247 Keller, Gloria Ann .................................... 266 Kelly, Keith Ann ...................... 163. 250.257 Kelly, Rosella Lee .......................... 35, 38. 166 Kenaston, Clair H . .................................. 197 Kendall, Gary Lee .................................... 175 Kennedy, Jr., Dale Edward ......................68 Kenworthy, Gary Eugene ..........................77 Kerbs, Richard Lee .................................. 256 Kerns, Claudette Irene .... 77, 97, 157, 228. 236.317 Kerns, Gloria Faye ....................................77 Kessler, J erry Leylan ....................... .41, 259 Kessler, John Audrey ........................68, 176 Kidd, John Lloyd ......................68, 207, 261 Kilborn, I va Darlene ........57, 146, 257, 266 Kirne, Leland Dale ..............................68. 200 Kime, Timothy Q. ......95, 109, 110, 138, 210 Kimpton, Lloyd George .......................... 175 Kimsey, Dwight Wilson .......................... 266 Kim -Yong. William Lew ........................ 261 Kindsche, J r., Robert R oth ......68. 193, 213 Kingman. James Wallace ........................ 215 Kintner, Elwood Wa yne .......... 189, 257, 303 Kircher. R alph Otto ..........................77, 205 Kizer, Jr .. Ralph Dana ..................... .47, 252 Klappenback. Larry Da le ....41.43191 , 258 Klein, Douglas Nelson ............................ 189 Klempel, Robert Dale ................42. 68, 175 Kline. James Willard .................................. 46 Klunder, Billy Lee ......................................55 Kluttz, Barbara J ane ..........................68. 153 Knapp, Cregory Gail ................................ 191 Knapp, Jerry Wilson ..........................68. 215 Knigge, L awrence Otto ................ 25, 27. 182 Knodle, J ohn Powell .......... 43. 215 , 245, 258 Knodle, Judith Ann H odgins ................ 159 Knolts, Patricia Arlene .......................... 149 Knopf, Garry Nolan .......................... 77, 200 Knox, Graham Richard .......... 120. 238, 242 Knudsen. Mary Petria ..........36, 38, 68, 157 Kocher, James H ugh ..........57, 193, 200,245 Kocher, Reva Marie ..........................77, 157 Koester, Ronald Dean ..............68, 175, 256 Kohli, Dav id l\·fason ............................ 43, 176 Konkol , Donald James .............. 68. 220,266 Kooch , Doris Marie ............................57, 159 Koontz, Janecn ............................35. 57, 159 Koontz. Robert Joseph ............................268 Kopke. Robert J ohn ................................ 196 Korinek, Karol .Josephine .............. 157, 266 Koskella. Anita Louise ............................ 257 Koste r, Kathleen Marie ....................68, 159 Koster. Richard Arthur ..........................224 Kracaw. Cora lee .............................. 146, 241 Kramer, Gerald Louis ............281. 282.284 Knuner, Karen Lee .................................. 166 Kratzer, Charlotte Annelle .............. 35, 264 Krauss, Karen Lee ....55. 68. I 02. 168. 231 , 254.261 Kreizenbeck, Barbara Ka y ...... lfi9. 248.255 Kreizenbeck, Karen Margaret .... 28, 68. 168, 237 Krier, Donald Aline ....................77. 182.223 Krinard , Roger McDanel ..........................47 Kroetch, Mildred Anne ......................??. 149 Kroiss, John Anthony ........................68. 182 Kroll, Valerie Josephine ..........77, 171 , 248 Krueger, Helen Lucy .............................. 149 Krueger, Kenneth William .. 47. 68. 191 , 255 Kruger. James Walter ........57, 95. 175, 232, 255, 262

Kruger, J erry Leon .................................. 220 Kubiak, Jr., J oseph Anthony .................. 220 Kuga, Tad ............................................68. 221 Kuga, William Ronald ............................. .43 Kugler, Thomas Wil liam .................. 77. 191 Kurdy, Carol Marjorie .... 104, 137,17 1,262, 320 L

LaBarge, Kay Sandra ................ 77, 125. 166 LaBolle, Larry Dale ..................................213 LaFon, Warren F reeman ....................77, 203 Laird, Alden Bruce .................................. 179 Laird, Edward William .......................... 179 Lake, Larry Louis ................................68, 221 Lambert, Donald '.Yeldon ........................31 Lambert, James Bennett .................... 77. 197 Lambrech, J ackie J une .................... 153, 224 Landreth, John Orin ........................77. 189 Landreth, Karen Mae .......................... 16, 77 Langdon, J oanne Marie .......................... 167 Langdon, Lorraine Lyla .... 77, 88, 124, 167, 229.262.320 Lange, .Jane Marjorie ................77, 159.238 Langness, Lewis LeRoy ............................50 Larson, Kim P aul ............ 209, 260, 265, 307 Larson, Andrew Elwyn ............................ 172 Larson, Donald Keith ................................68 Larson, H ilma Charlene .................. 77, 151 Larson, Margaret Anne ......................68, 153 Larson, Rita Pauline ................ 77, 149, 320 Larson, Van Barker ............................ 77, 191 LaR ue, Lawrence William .... 77, 177, 256, 266 Laugh lin, Kay ......................................77, 159 LatH, John Gordon ....................77, 201,284 Lavens, J acquelynn J une ....29, 77, 84, 97, 165.235, 246, 250 Lawler, Michael Edward ........................ 209 Lawr, Leonard Leroy ........................ 260, 307 Lawrence, J ack David .............................. 266 Lawton, Dwyer Wayne ..............77, 221 , 251 Lawton, Patricia J o .................................. 167 Leach, Ted Emmett ..................77. 176, 228 Leatham. J erald ................................77, 175 LeCain, Robert Edward ..........................261 Lecona. Josephine ........ 29, 68, 165, 316, 317 lee, Euclid Henry Doo Young .............. 182 Lee, ancy Talbott ................34, 38. 56, 165 Lee, Perry Orrin ..........................68, 191,261 Lee, Ronald I r ving ...................... 77, 221 , 260 Lenkersdorfer, Howard Douglas .............. 43 Lents, Charles Burton ........32, 191, 241 , 261 Leslie, W illiam Gordon ................... .43, 109 Lew, Linda ..................................................261 Lewis, Audrey Mae .................................. 151 Lewis, J erry Mack ..............................77, 177 Liberg, Lee Ervin .............................. 77, 198 Libersky, Frantisek ...................................... 25 Light, Elliot Noel ............................... .48, 261 Light, J erome Thomas ..................... .48, 261 Lightner, Donna Jean ......................77, 146 Lill, Maybe! Ethel ............................ 151 , 250 Li ndberg, Ralph Davidson ....47, 48, 68, 97, 182.252.260, 306 Lindsay, Will ard Mark ........ 25. 27, 175, 238 Li ndsNh, Clarence Donald ................77, 209 Line. Richard Arthur ...................... 175, 266 Li nt. Shirley E lizabeth ......................38, 171 Lipp, Kathleen Ruth ........................77, 146 Li sh. Roderick eil .......................... 209, 260 Liske, Kenneth Earl .......................... 182, 269 Lisle, Clayton Charles ................................38 Lister, Brenda Margaret ............ 77. 163,243 Literal. Arden Earl ............ 77. 189. 252.255 Little, D uane Ewing ........................ 189, 258 Little, Jack Brett .................................. 78, 197 Liveious, J ohn Carl ..................................266 Livingston, Robert H erman .......... 197, 235 Loe, Emil Marlin ........................................ 39 Loeppky, Richard Norman ............ 201, 266 Lofdah l, Clyde Alphon .................... 192, 250 Long. Charles William ......................38, 305 Long. Denis Grant ...................... 27, 175, 189 Long. Ray Burton .............................. 78, 211 Long. Shirley Lorraine ...................... 78, 163 Longworth. J ohn Francis Grant ......78, 209 Lorang, R ita Nori ne ................................ 146 Lovgren, Sh i rley May ........ 102,146,238, 242 Loseth. Frederic Paig .................. 78. 192,247 Lott, Kent Vard ..........................68. 187, 265 Lovec, Shirley Donna ................................ 154 Lowell, David H ard .............. 25, 27, 175,262 Lower, Ral ph Eugene ...................... 260, 302 Lowry, Clara Ann ...................................... 146

Lozier, Edmund Eugene ....................52, 251 Luedke, J ean ......., ........................58. 159,251 Lul1r, Walter LeRoy ..........................78, 223 Lund, James Bono ............................260, 307 Lund, Jens Michael ............................ 78. 203 Lund, Leslie Thomas ...................... 209. 221 Lund. Margaret Erlene ............................228 Lunden, Eugene Raymond ................ 78, 192 Lundquist, Lois Marie ...................... 167, 257 L unstrum, Carolyn Beth .......... 163, 232, 250 Lunstrum, William Bruce ................68, 203 Luvaas, Burton Perry .............................. 228 Lycan, Deane Richard ................ 35, 38, 267 Lyda, J r., Raymond Alfred ...................... 201 Lydum, eil Floyd .................................. 267 Lynch, James Bernard ........................52, 262 lynch, Jay Maynard ................................ 257 Lynch, Jerome Francis ........................89, 102 M

McAlexander, Ph yllis Lou .... 171 , 232, 241 , 267 McArthur, Janice Carroll ...................... 167 McAtee, J r., Frayne Leigh ...................... 182 McAuliffe, Donald Charles ...................... 256 Mc Birney, Jr., William Robert ..41 , 43, 197 McBride, Douglas ................................68, 179 McBride, Marilyn ..............................68, 152 :\fcCabe, Paul David ........................ 192. 228 McCarty, Dale Granville .......................... 205 1\'lcCarty, Leo Michae l ......68, 209. 260, 304 1\fcCasslin, Robert Roy ............................ 262 McClure, 1orman Robert ....47, 50, 184, 266 McConnell, Peter J oseph ........... .41 , 42, 260 tvlcCool, Morris Alan ................ 109, 192, 259 McCord, Patsy Jean .......................... 157, 252 McCulloch, Larry Paul ...................... 78, 209 McCurdy, Glen Patrick ............................ 192 McDermott, Gerald Edward .......... 179, 286 McDevitt, Charles Francis ....52, 53. 62, 90, 99, 102, 113, 230.245.254, 262 :\lcDevitt, Thomas John ....55, 68, 179, 223, 248 McDonald. James Michael ...................... 219 McDonald. J r ., john H enry ............68, 211 McDonald, John Kent .............................. 180 McDougall, George Anthony .................. 266 McDowell, Charloue R uby Diane ..78, 163 McEvers, Homer Lee ..........................78, 175 McEwen, Gary Neale ........63, 68, 172, 187, 290, 300 McFarland. James Russell ................ 108, 211 Mcfarlin, DentOn Dwaine ...................... 192 McGinty, Douglas R. .. ............. 269 McH ugh , Charles Earl ...................... 38, 182 McKay, Jane H elen .......................... 151, 267 1\fcKean, George Albert ....................78. 175 McKeever, Jr .. Howard Russell ................58 McMahan, Myrton LaVerne .................. 268 McMahon, Colleen Sue ....55, 68, 100, 123, 130. 161 , 164, 165, 251. 261 McMennamin , J ohn Lawrence ..78, 217, 247 McMichael, Gary Glen ..............................78 McMichael, Joseph Dale ................ 177, 269 McNamar, Lawrence Ferdinand ...... 43, 258 McPike, Harry Roger ....58, 113, 203, 228, 245, 252 McQuade, Michael Grogan ....68. 172, 199, 223, 264 1\lcRac, Norma M. ..............................58. 171 Mahe, Dan Ernest ................................68, 182 Mabe. Mary J oseph .................................. 266 1\facGregor, Tommy Lee ................. .41 , 203 Macka y, John Thomas .............. 32, 221 , 260 Mackert. Christine Louise .............. 151, 267 Mackie, William Marvin .......................... 175 Mackrill, Richard Lynn .......................... 250 MacPhee, Keith Douglas ........38, 175, 245, 253, 262 Maddox, lenore Jo ............................68, 149 Madsen, Melvin Eugene ..........................255 Magee, Fredrick Charles .... 27, 193, 218, 219 Magleby, Herbert Lowell ............ 41 , 43, 187 Magnusson, Elna May ...... 104, 116, 165, 250 Mahlum. Daniel Dennis ............................ 49 Mai, Robert Dean .................................... 21 5 Malcom, Helen Arlene ......................78, 149 Maloney, Norville Ross .................... 78, 215 Mann, Carrie Dell ..............................68, 160 Mann, James Bert ..............78, 182, 248,261 Manning, Charles Robert ..................32. 215 Manweiler, Diane Ka y Dixon ......32, 36, 58, 167 Manweiler, H oward Ira ..............................52 Marboc, Kent Bille ..............................78, 195

Marcolin, Felix J ohn ................78, 177, 247 !\路larks, Dale Ecvcrn ............................78, 207 :\1arkwell, Quentin Ross ....................78, 182 Marlette, Kathleen Oli ve ..................68. 154 Marnoch. Kenneth ............................ 264, 267 Marra, Margie Lou .................................. 160 Marshall, William Stuan ..................58. 261 Martin, Dale William ........................68. 221 Martin, Don ..................................39, 43. 258 Martin, Jr., Lowell Bayard ..73, 78, 192, 228 Martin, Marilyn Lee ................................ 169 Martin, Roger Charles ........ 49. 50, 184, 266 Martin, Tomm y Aline ................................ 35 Martin, Warren Lee ............................68, 21 5 Marvel, Billy Clifford .............................. 269 Marvel, Marilyn Wineue ..58, 165, 253, 257 Mashburn, Laramie Frank ...................... 199 ~\olatscn , Gerald Gil ben ...................... 78, 205 Matthews, Maril yn Delores ....78. 103, 171 , 251 Matthiesen, Theressa June .......68. 93. 146, 250, 253, 257 Mattock, Jack Louis ....................................68 Maxey, David Roy ......................78, 197, 228 Maxwell, Rohert Stanton ..................32, 21 I Mayo, Dudley Hugh .................................. 219 Meagher, Robena Louise ........................ 154 1\fecham, Donald Leroy ....68, 187.265, 295 Mecham, Robert Arnold .......................... 203 Medsker, Jerry Louis ................68, 192, 258 Meek, Mary Lin ..................72. 146, 253, 262 Meese, Richard Ellsworth ..................78, 184 Meichlc, Robert Herman ..................58, 175 Meier, Herbert Lee ............................58, 195 Mclcum , Janicae Darlene .......... 28, 78, 146 Melgard, Robert Andrew ..................32, 211 Mel! , Arthur Strickland ....234. 263. 264, 267 Mel!, Galen Palmer ............................58, 267 Mellen, John .............................................. 198 Mellon, Porter Twyford ............................78 Mendiola, J ohn Benedict .................. 72, 180 Mercer, James Douglas ......78, 209, 238, 242 Merrell, Robin Neupert .......................... 201 Merrill, Martha Sue ............................78, 157 Merrill, Jr., Roy Dewitt ..... .43, 52, 205, 268 Meyer, Michael Steven ........................78, 189 Mi chel, Marvin Lee .................................. 215 Middlemist, Kenneth Edward ................303 Midkiff, Marian Evel yn ......................78. 159 Milbrath, Mary .Jane ................ 124, 136, 238 Miles, Richard Keith ........................69, 175 Miller, Albert Edward .............................. 189 Miller, Aloysius Rudolph ..78. 177, 221 , 266 Miller, Barbara Lee .................................. 159 Miller, Betty Louise ............................69, 167 Miller, Beverly Lee .......................... 149. 264 Miller, Bonnie Gay .......................... 163, 235 Miller, Bruce Stuart ....................................55 Miller, Donald Ra y ....................................78 :\Iiller, .John James ............................69, 255 Miller, John Wesley .................................. 223 Miller, Larry Philip .................................. 192 1\!iller, Leonard Peter ..............................221 Miller, Spencer Ra ymond ........................ 255 Miller, Ted D. ..............69, 193, 204.205, 268 Miller, T homas A llen ..................52, 53. 257 Miller, William Ralph ..............................58 Millig-.m, Jr., Claude Ellis ...... 257 Mills, Donald Curtis .......................... 27. 175 1\finas, James Montgomery ........ 78. 209, 269 Mink, Edward Titzhugh ............................ 27 1\fink. Marlene Jeanne ..............................38 Minkler, Richard Burton ..................78, 205 Miracle, Doris Yvonne ........................78, 154 Misner, Jr., Gervase Arthur .. 25, 69, 91, 102, 215, 228, 234, 245,247, 257 Mitchell, Charles Cleon .................. 180, 230 Mitchell, Doroth y Joyce ............78, 154, 265 Mitchell, Jack Leroy ................................299 Mitchell, Ladd Alexander ..69, 182.257, 265 Mix, 11, John Parson ..........58, 193, 208, 209 Mix, Jr .. Leslie Boyce ........................69. 209 Moen . Nancy Jean .......... 36. 61 , 78, 167, 243 Moening, Harold Joseph ................ 127, 205 Mohan, Carol Je:m ............................78, 151 Moller, Nels Dec ........................................ 219 ~ lonay, Laura May .............................. 78, 154 Moncur, Gene Karl .................................. 215 Monroe, Marilyn ......69, 163, 228, 238, 242, 249, 264 Montague, Barbara Lucina .................... 154 Montague, Carol Lavina ....................69, 151 Montgomery, Audry .Jean ........69. 157, 228, 229, 253, 262 Montgomery, James Laried .... 113, 120, 238, 242

Montoya, Cecelia Marie .................... 78, 15 1 Mood y, James Alvin .................. 43, 183, 258 Moon, Glendon Ted .......................... 43, 183 Moore. Doris Elaine .................. 35. 146, 267 Moore, Duane Franklin ............78, 219, 302 Moore, Larry Wallace .............. 187. 256, 265 Moore, Marie Katherine .......................... 266 Moore, Marilyn Joan ............35, 69, 154, 266 Moore, Morgan Clayton .................... 32. i 97 Moore, Nancy Ann ....................58, 163, 257 Moore, Paul Justin .................................... 266 Moore, Richard C lock ........................ 43, 217 Moore, Richard Eugene ..........................264 Morbeck, Peter Lycette .............. 78, 197, 267 Morgan, Patricia Jane ........................ 78, 161 Morgan, Raymond Clifford ..............97, 258 Morris, Homer William ..........................250 Morris, Larry Dean ............................69, 203 Morse, Donald Hanley ........................78, 180 Morse, Frederick Addison ................78, 267 Mortensen, Shirley Ann ............69, 154, 266 Moser, Emily Ann ........35, 69, 165, 238, 265 Moser, Janet Louise ............................58, 165 Moshinsky, Sharen Lee ............38, 161 , 261 Mount, John Edwin ..................................268 Mueller, August Christian .............. 264, 265 Muggerund, Rca1d .................................... 264 Muhonen, Paul Fredrick ........ 183. 234,265 Muir, Donald Earl ............................69, 199 Mulberry, Nancy Ann ......................78, 154 1\路f uncey, Lavon Dean ........................69, 203 Munger, Donald Morgan ............... .192, 255 1\lurelaga, Phillip ...................................... 217 Murphy, Terrance William ...... 78, 189, 261 Murray, Leroy Joe ........................42, 69, 180 Murray, Mary Elizabeth ....................78, 154 Murray, William Ra y .............................. 269 Musch, Billy J ohn ..............................69, 195 N

Nance, Patsy Ruth ........................55, 69, 146 Nanninga, Leah Rae ........................ 167. 320 Nash, David Franklin .............................. 255 Nasser, Maurice Khalil .............................. 43 'aylor, Denny Ve ...................................... 192 Nealey, Phyllis Joan Castater ............36, 69 Nealey, Stanley Martin ........55, 58, 217, 238 Nealis, Claud Samuel .............................. 269 Neilson, John Alden ................................219 Nelson, Larry Denis .......................... 213, 307 Nelson, August Donald ....69, 199.232, 253, 262 1clson, .Beverly Jo ......................58, 149, 257 Nelson, Darrell Truman ..................69, 199 elson, Glen Drew .................................... 265 Nelson, James Rona ld ...................... 183, 265 Nelson, john Willard ........................78, 183 Nelson, Kay Vernon .................................. 219 Nelson, Lorin john ............................78, 203 Nelson, Mary Cristine .............................. I 5 1 Nelson, Marigay ........69, 100, 169,238, 242 Nelson, Peggy Ann ..............55, 78, 159, 246 Ne lson, Philip Dee ..............................78, 219 Nelson, Richard Harold ....................43, 192 Nelson, Thomas George .......................... 203 Nelson, Virginia Louise ............78, 167, 235 Neu, Albert ..........................78, 175,247, 256 Neu. Elmer ..................69, 172, 173, 175, 266 1cvilc路Smith, Donald ........ 78, 203, 233, 253 New, Katharyn Ann .......................... 241 , 266 Newberry, .Beverly Joan ............69, 146, 267 Newberry, LaRene Louise ........ 78, 100, 146, 235,264 Newbury. Barbara Louise ..........................78 Newby, Richard Arlen ............................ 279 Newell, David Walter ........................43, 259 Newell, Richard Lee ........................ 113, 218 Newhouse, Marshall Neal ...... 197, 250, 262 Newhouse, Robert Gary ....52, 193, 196, 197, 245.257 Newman, Dewey Lloyd ............38, 108,215, 231 ' 245, 262 Newman, Rulon John ......... .47, 69, 97, 177 Newman, William Lester ..................32, 213 ' icholas, William Richard ..32, 52, 183, 257 Nicholson, Thomas Taylor ............ 102, 211 ick le, Patricia Joan ................................ 154 Niedrich , Richard Adolph ......................255 Nielson, Donald LeRoy .... 41 , 43, 172, 183, 228 Nijjar, Gurdeu Singh ................50, 184, 264 Nilson, Carma Elizabeth ........................ 146 Nixon, William Warren ....52, 53, 223, 245, 257, 262 Nonini, Robert Victor .............................. 213 327

Ncorwr, \\'arreu \\'a II ace ...............ti7, 177 Jerry .\ n in ........................69. 223 :-<orb). Larry :-<eil ... .. .... .. 280. 282. 281 :>\orell. 13) ron \I ichael 2 13. 26£> :-<onseth, t\laril )n .. ............li9. 169 '\'orton, ;'llancy Ann ...................... 161. 23."> :->osek. Jr .. Franci' J ohn ......58. 97.218.228 :->o,ak. J anet Loui~e .. 102.1.'i.J.241.260. 266.320 78. I 71.260. ~20 :'\ugenl. :'llaril) n Ka}e .......32. 183 :'\unan. l'atrick Jo~eph ~orheck.

0 O'Brien. Fred Keith 9:i. 2 1.'i O'Callaghan, Donal Neil 3:i. 50. 62. 102, 127.22 O'Connel. James J erome .......... 248.261 O 'Donnell. C.ollene .\nn .................... 146 O' H arrow. Da vid Dea n ..............4 1. 43. 197 0 ':"1/eill. Douald l'atri!'l. ..... ....... . 199 O' Rcar, Christy .. ......... .. .. 151) O' Reilly, Thomas Pau l ........ ......... 79.2 17 Ohendorf, Charles Eugene ............... 69. 180 Ober·g. Eleanor Sman ....... .....58. 90. 169 Oberst, ll omer Leo .......... 79. 172. 188. 189. 262.266 Ockert, Cla yto n Perl e ............................. 35 Ogston . Mary El leu . .. ................ 266 O ie n. Wain e Elwtxld ................ 265 Oldh;un. Char les Spalding ... 50. 2 13,264 Olin. Ladaun Darlene .. .............. 149 Oli,cr. Leon ard Sta ulc} .........79. 20:; Olmsted. Diauc .'llarie 37. 125. lll:O. 232. 21"!6. 320 Oluev. Warreu 1\rmc 69.201 oJ,e r;, Henui ug ,\If . 21i-l ()hem. Rriau I loward 192 Olson . Lou .\uu 23.1i9. 101. 102. IIi. HO. l(i9. 2:il. 2.-.:1. 2:i7 Ohou. Rohert Willi am 21iti Ol~m . rhoma' Earl 97. 30."• Oma ns. D;nid l.lo)d li.261 Omans. Don ald J amc« ~ 2. l.iO Oneida. J oh n Loui' 13. 2.i9 Ou}cma. Winston .'llha 266 Orcm . Charles Eldred 79. 183 Ormc. Burton M . .. I 7.1. 250 01mshy. Ri chard .. .44. 207 Osbom. James .'llerle 2!•. 27. 175.241.266 Oshorn . ' Ronald George ....... 14 . 207.2:10. 260.261 Oshurn. Robert Le wi s ....... . 79. 183.247 Os trander. Peter H arold .................2 17. 251 Ostrander. William Edward .. 69, 197.261. 267 ..............69 Otto. Charles Darwin ....... . 69. 100. 16 1 Oud. Eli1abeth Ann ......... ............... 197 Overstreet. Roher·t Donald ................ 192 Own es. T. J . ........... 79. 154.242 Owl. :'llary .\lice .... I'

Packard, Wilma Darlene

79. l.i I. 229. 246. 2~·7 l'alacios. Nichola~ I amau .. 266 l'albin. J ames Joseph John 2 10 Palmer. Luci lle ,\nuc 69. 9.1. l.il. 261 Palmer . .'ll)rna Karen ............. 117 Palmer. :'\adinc .JO)CC ............. 159 69. 93. 123.211 P:Jimer. Stanle} Uurt .. l';rl uthe. \\'ilfred Flo)d S) hcner II. 192. 2.18 Pappas. j ohn .\l hen .. 69.2 1I Pappenhagen, Ma y ........ 3;i, 38. 1.19. 241.249 l'arish. l'h)llis Ruth ll ill ........ i!l.253 l'a ri~h. 1\arhara ,\nu ........... 1 .1 1. ~38.241. ~-12. 21i7 l'ari~h. Robert Swart .:iO. 197 l'ark. William ,\uthon} . ..95 Parke, l'~tricia J oan ............................ 159 Parkinson , J anccn ........................ 38. 15!1 Parks, Eve lyn ~ l axinc .... ............ 79. 159 Parks. Kenneth t\rd c ll ............... ..... 22 1. 21ii Parks, ~ l aynard Robert ............................ 22 1 Parks. Rohert Da le .....................................79 l'arr, .Jean i\nn ..................................58. 154 Parsell. ca l Ra y ................................ 7!1. 19!1 Parsell. Ri chard Leroy ..............58. 203.261 Parsons. Doro th y ~ l ari c ..................... 163 Parsons. Edward Earl . .. .. 27. 205 Parsons. l'atrici a .\nue li9. 11 6. W3. 320 .52. 215.257 Parsons. William .\Hr·ed Passmore, Eli1ahcth .\nn ...... 167 P atterson, Pegg) 1\nnc ...................79, 167 328

Patton. Dwight Hilli ard 201 Patton. George Janr e' i!l. IKO Patton. 1\!ichael J amc~ I 7!1. 197.228.212 l'anl. William Lea .... . .r.o. 199 Paubon. ;\largaret Loni.,c 7!). 16.1. 218 Payne. Edward Lee 69. 197 Payne. John H enq :;:;, .iS. 113. 278 Payne. Jr .. Lero) .\li en 2.i .i Payne, :'lfartha Kathnu 38. l.il Pavne. Roben FahnJe, 2~) Pa~·ne. R odnev Clair 21 I Peirson. Blanche Lu cile 311. l.'il Pean;on. Stanley Ra) 3.i Pean;on. T homas Lc RO) .. 3.'i Pean;on. Jr.. Znrlinden l.;rfa)CitC .. 2.17 Pccka rdt. ;\fargarct \nn .. 78. Hi7 Pence. Ned Neal ..... .. .. 177.2.15 Penton, Jr .. Vance Edwin 79. 192.26:0 Pent1er. Clyde Phili p .... Pcre7, R o nald Carlos .. .. ..... 18. 2 1:; Perrin. R ose-.'lfarie Delphiuc . 7!1. 100. ICi!l, 22!). 21i~. 320 Pe rron. Duane .. 69. 1!17 Pe rry. Char les Fr;rnk .. 20 1. 2Cil Pete rs. Scott Will;rrd .. .. ... ...... ..2(i:l Pete rson , Jr .. C laren ce Jam es ......... 27.223 Pete rson , De lano Dc;r n .. .. 69. 189.259 Pe te rson, J o hn Charles ... .. I II Peterson. ;\lichael Lee .. 215. 269 41 Peters()ll , Ri chard \\'alter Peterson. Richard \\'avne 79. 192. 2.-.o PeteTS(ln. Robert .\n thon} .58. 21.1 Peterson, Ross .. 26.i Peterson. Ve.-Jene Deni'c 2:i 7 Peterson . .J r .. \\'aine :'llauhew fill. 261 Peterson. William .\lin e 38. 39. 189 Pettit. Jr.. Charles Edward Ci!l. 209 Philip s. Maq J ane 69. 1Ci7 Pidcock. Cera Jd Bert I 81 l'ieper. Rex Delane 17. 18. 19'. !.2.i 2 Pierce. tanlc\ H arter 2.il Pienson. Keru1it :\'()rmau 69. 221 Pietsch. Carol .\nn .. . 261 Pietsch. Gary Laurin .iS. 99. 127.232. 215. 2:03. 2:il Pinheiro. J a)me Vieira 17 . .iO l'i nk ard. Da\'id Warren 60. 2:i 6 Pitkin. Earl L:rwrencc 70. I92. 2:i!l Pitkin. Franklin H arn 17 Place. H elen ln c1 ......' 28. 7!1. 151 Platt. Harry John .... .. ...32. 11\3 Pl att, Joh n Smith .... 79.209. 2fi7 Pledger, J o.\nn ~ l aric .... ... .. .. ... 154 !'line. Da le Sherman ..... ... . ... .. ....... 256 l'lin c. Larry Freeman . ........ 79. 175.256 Poff, Shirley Lee .............. ... ..79. I!i l Poitcvin , Ethe lyn C laire ...... 79. 169. 2·13 Po lill o, Oomnick Louis ..... .. ..... 302 Popma, Ann Frances ....55. 58.97. 130. 1fi0 , 16 1.244. 2C.1 Post. :\farga ret Rosine 55. 58. 147 Po!tenger. F.dward .\h in .41 , 259 Potter. Eli1aheth :'llarie 70. 129. 1!18. 159 Powell. David Lewy ... .. 70. 203 Powell. ;\fary Jo ................. ...... .. 38. 159 Powell, :'\cal Kay ..... ..... .4 I. I 20. 203. 2.18 Powell. Ronald Ross 21 ,; Powers. Chari~ Henr' . 217. 269 Prenner. Carl l~ranci\ ' 70. 221 Prestel. J ames Franch 221. 2flfl. 28.1 Prestel. Robert Leo .. .. 79.221 . 2flfl l'reston. l'cmn G;l\ .. l.il.317 Preston. Peter' Cha'rlcs 18. 2:i2. 2.i.i, 268. 269 l'rihble. R alph joseph 79, I 77 Price. Elwin Hugh ... 17 Price. Phyllis .\nn ..... .. 70. l.il I' ride, Sheldon Cia\ ton II , I i.i. 2.18 l' rior, Chester J cmling• 7!1. I!l2 Pritchett. ;\l ar~~ha ll Lel;r nd 111:1 Pug h. Katherine Louise . 7!1. 171 Purdum , Ri chard LeRoy ................70. 2 13 Purkhiser, Judith E ll en . 79, 171, 228.235 Purviance. Ronald Darryl .. .. .55. 79. 192 Putnam, Elsie Laree ..... 101, 157,238.24 1, 242.260

Q Quaue. Patricia Rae ......

............. 151


Rackman. Rohen :'\ei l liO. (i I. I 75. 2i6 Rafferty. Darlene Virginia 147 Rafferty, Don James .. .. .... 9.)

R alice. Mohammad H oseiu .. 172. 1 8~. ~til R ahskopf, i\!arlene J o)Te ... .. .. 147 Ramer, Fr·ank .\lex ......... 2 1!l Ranosteadt, J oan Gareth ..93. 101. 11 0. I ICi. 138. l(i7. 243 Randall. Charles R a} .. ... ........ . . 19!1 Randall. Douglas Edmund ....... 79. 219.302 Randall, floretta Lee ..... .. .. .. ..... 70. J(i.l R andall. Gary LerO} ......... 70. 180. 2.'i8. 21i.l R andolph, David Edward .... ........ 209 Randolph. Roger On h .. ... .... ..... .. 280 R ankin , Da,·id L yle ................38. 192. 261 R anta , R oger .\rden ....... ..... ......... 3.1 R apple)c. George Bqce .. ............ 70. 203 Rasor, Bc,·crly Jo ............. 16.1 R athbun , j ames :lfintford ...... 192. 2:0.i. 2(i7 R 2u . Charles H enq ............79. 205.247.248 R auch , Judith Ann ............. .. .......... 15!1 R awls, :\fildred Jan ette ........38. 94. 169.238 Ray. Jr., H arry Edward .......... 70. 221.228 Read ing. Ann Barron ....... 70. 91. !Ji. lli!l. :l~T>. 2!):1 Ready, .John Edward ......... .... . ..... 2Ci3 Redford. l\fa ck And y .............................. 1!15 Reed. William Coleman ..... .. ...... 70. 177 R ees, Jam es H e nry ................ 70. 88. 193. 2 18 Rccs, Patricia Mari e ....29. 79, 124. 159.320 Reese. John .Me lvin ............52. 53.205. 2fi7 R eeve, J erry Ke ith ............... iO. 180. 2fi8 Re ichert, Carol Loree ..55. 79. I6 I. 250. 2G I Remsberg. Anna J ane ........55 . 7U. 100. 102. 25<1. 26 1. 2Ci I Remsberg. Jr .. Louis Philip .... 50. 24:i Renfro. Gerald Gordon ........ 2:i8 Renshaw, R ichard Wolfard 21 1 Rcnsink. George Gerald ........ ..i 9. 211 Renstrom. Carol .\nn .. 79. J.I.J. 211. 2.i 0. 21i(i Rcquist. Thomas Charles 7!1. 218 Rcsa. Philip Ei,·ind ....... ........70. 218.278 Rcukema. Donald bun . .-•.; . ~li.i R c\'eley. Thomas t.Ce ..... 1!17 Rhoads. Richard Caml .........70. 192. 22!1 Rhoads. Vhian Esther . ........37.117. 211 Rhodes, Thomas Leighwn .. 70. J!l.i. 21i0. 21ii Rice, Carol .\ nn ............... .. ............ 163 Richards, Edward Leon .. .............. 18.59 Ri chards, J ames Han el ........... 70. 209 Ri chards, Willi am Byron .......... 30Ci Ri chardson, J ack Truman ........ 250. 269 Ri chardson, Shirley J eau ........... ....... .. .. 154 Riche!, James W alter ....................... 79. 197 Riddle, Charles Roc .......................... 11 . 203 Ridener, Bobby R ay ............. 252. 262. 21)(; Ricler, Dona ld Vernon ...................... 70. 199 Riedeman , Barhara Jean ....... 79. Jr. J.21i0 Ri ede r, Ruth Ellen ................ . ..... 241. 266 Rigby, Sherma n Lee .............. . .. . 18:1 Riggers, Lyle Lee .......................... .. .. ... 21i9 Riggers, Milto n H enry ..............79. 177. 2G9 Riggers, Wilton Elm er ........... ... 79. I 77 Riggin, Donald E. ......................... .<II Riggs. Doris Dell ..................... .... 1·17 Riley. Lowell Arthur ..........-11.11.19~.259 Ringe, Frederick Leonard .. .. 219 Ringe. Louis Don ................... ... . 19 Ri nge. Shirley Ann ....................70. 150. 1.11 Ringen. Gary H . ............................. l!l.i Robe. Glenn ......................... 272 Roberge, R ichard Treflle .. 79. Ki. 127. 2%.217 Robeno. Francisco Quituqua ...... 70. 183 RoberL~. Ucuy J o .............. 79, 121. 12.1. 1Ci7 RoberL~. Gordon Jimm> .\ . ...... 59, IS!J. 261 Robertson. Eleanor :\Ia ric I lcnn . 70 Robertson. Lynn Eric ........... . ' 70. ~ J.i Robertson, Rohert Roland ..... IX. I i.i. 2;i 8. 259 Rohensou, Sara Elitahet h .................. ! li:! Rohi nson, Eugene Howa rd ..... ...... ... I HI Robi u son, H enry James ................... 70, I 75 Robinson , Huber t Kcigh ............39. 2 19 Robi n son , Patsy Lo u .............. 79, 165.2:18 Robi n son , Richard Ca lvin ..................... 258 Rob inson , Ronald Ke nne th ..... .4 1, 70, 199 R ob ison , Ja y Lee ........................................4 1 Rock, Jam es Leon ............................ 228, 248 R omer, Suzanne Kath erin e .... 149, 250. 21i0 R ogers, Quinton R oy .............................. 21i7 Rojan, Patri cia Jan e ..79, 15 1, 2'18, 260, 267 R omer, Donald Rudolph ..................79, 175 Rood , Willard Boyd ...................70. 192.267 R oodhouse. John Edwin ..................79, 217 Ronne) , i\farjo .......................................... 151 Root. Walter King .......................... 44 , I 75 Rorr\'ik, Charles Nickolas ...................... 18!!

Roscoe. Da' id Ru~'ell ................ 218. 307 Rose. Charlene .................. iO, 15 1 Rose. Darrell Ge•n• ...................... 187 Roseborough, l.or;w De ll·oy ................ 180 Rosholt. John Allen ........................ 203. 25 1 Ross. Arlene .Janirc ................................ 14 9 Ross, Audrey K~ y .............................79, 151 Rossow, Ca rl yle .\nhur .................. 170. 180 Roth , Charlene Dolores ....79. 151 , 248, 250, 253,260 Rowlands. 0;1\ id Latimer ...............:;9. 19.i RO)Ster. Don Lee ........................ 20 I. 266 Ruckman, Charlotte Blanche ................ !:;I Rude, Sharon Lynn ................................ 157 Rudolph , Thel ma Evadne ........................ 38 R upert, Stanford Wa yn e ....39, 88, 103. 199 Ru sho. Frank Wi lson ..........4 1, 70, 180,258 R uss. Edwin J oseph .......................... 70. 203 R ussell. J ame~ F:dwin ........44. 57, 102. 183. 228. 219. 2.i 8 Rus..ell. Kay Loui;,e ....................... 7!1. 11 7 Russell. Mar} K:Hhcrine :'\ash .. ....... 2 HI

s Sabin. lleta J a ne ................39, 161,21il , 2tiii Samue ls, Al lan Floyd ................................ 25 San berg. Jam es Walter ......................59. 209 Sanderson, Carol} n Rae ....20. 35. 103. 11 3. 169.229. 21!1. 317 Sanford. FIO)d On ill ............................ 218 Sanford, Maq Lea ................................. 147 ............. 147. 235. 2;i7 Sas.,er. Elsie La Rae Sather. Brya nt Thon•a• .................... 70. I 97 S;11her. Gary Rohert ......... 7!1. 211. 29 1. 300 S;u dls, Charles Ro nald .................... 70. 20:1 Sa unde rs, Erna JO)' ..................77. Hi5. 2~2 Sau nders. Roma Lee ............................. lli7 Sa• age. Dwayne Cecil .........................53 Sa,ant. ,\ shok Siwnun ................. . 261 Sa~er. Richard l lenn ................. 7!1. l!l.i Schaffer. Benjamin \l ichacl ....243. 2fili. :10:1 Scharf, Thoma, ~laherl y ............... l!li Sd11111er, \ Vi lli am l.;wrence ..... ... 7!1 St hed ler, Doug las Frederick .................. 2 11 Scheibe, Fredric ll enry .................... 109. 243 'icheline, Rosa j ane .......................... 2:.0. 2!i7 Schell. William Raymond ............... 49 Schierman. Donald Edgar .............. 70. 189 Schierman. Gerald Louis ................ 203. 303 Schlatter, Gerald Ralph ............... 211 Schleifer, Milo Fredrick .................. 211 Schley, Max Wa)l•e .. ....................... 183 Schmauder, ,\nhu r Ri chard ..59. 193. 220. 22 1.2 19. 2T>3 Schmid. John R ich ard ...... 79. 183.247. 2li!i Schmidt, Wilma Carol ..............39. 166, 28 1 Schmith, Edward Lee ... .44. 190. 192, 228, 248.258 Schoenwald , Robert Emeq .............. 70. 211 Scholes, H oward 1 had .................... 203. 250 Schrader, Edward Clark .................. 266 Schreiber, ldanne .......... 79. 165.242.246 Schreiber, Robert Earl ....70. 172. 181. 18:1. 228, 2<17. 2li0. 21i8 Schroeder, ma ine Rut h .................... r.9. lli5 Schroeder , Mari lyn llea trice ................. l!i4 Sch ulte, John Buchanan ............... l!l!i S(hult7, Cathryn J anelle .................. l.il <;,hull/, ;\lary ,\nn ...................... 70. l:i!l 'ichuht. Paul Deniw n ....70. 193. 217. 228. 2 Ul. 23 1 Sdwmaker, J ohn Ra}lnond ................ 2!i!i Schu maker, . l'hcodore Albert ........ 2:'ili. 258 Sd1wab, John Rich ard ....................... 2r.5 Sd1wartz, Ronald Alan .................... 2 11 .21i!i Sdlwartzkopr. Charles Bud ................. 201 Schwenger, .Jo hn .................... 2 17. !Ui!l Sroll. Beuina Hortou .......................... lti:l '), rihne1·, :\lary Gwendol) n Rut h .....i .i . !i!l. IIi. !!li I Seba~tian ,

:\loll} Jauet .................... 221 Seedorf. Ronald Frederick ............... 207 Seeley, J ames .Albert ..................55, 70.262 Seely, Do uglas Blake .................. 79, 195.2 11 Seely, Richard Derylc ........................ 7!1. 2 11 Seifert, Fred ri ck William .. 79, 183. 192. 2:it! Sci ts, Caro l Jun e . .................. 14 7. 2!i3. 2!i7 Seitt. R oger Mi chael .............80. 2 10 . 2til Selle, Do nn a Fay . ........................ l:il emple, Ju lia Belle .... ................... 167 Sewell. R obert Lee ....................70. 205. 238 'ie) fort, Warren john ............................... 70 Shaffer, Barbara Gra ce ....80, 265, 3 16 ,3 17 Sha ne, Edwin l loward ................ 32, 24 1, 266 Sha ngle, Melvin Ray ................................ 199

Shannon. Donald Harold ..... 70. 201. 2i2 Sharp. \1 altha ....80, 147, 229. 216. 253. 266 Sh;l\er. :\l}rna Louise ....... 70. l:il. 267 Shaw,cr, .James .\l ben .... .. 26 1 Shawver. .James Charles ..... 32. !i7, 70, 219 Shay. Thomas ~richae l ............. 4 I. 7 1.258 ~hclangoskie. Donald Ra y ................... 183 Sheppard. Clyde Henry ......... .. 203. 265 She ppard. Rithard Eugene ... 80. 203. 305 Shern. J uhu Richard ......... 80.203 herwood. C.ole :\larion ........... 71 , 193, 196, 197.238 Sherwood . Donald H ugh ...80 Shiple), Dawn i\larilyn ..... .. 154 Shirl ey. Da lby W. .......................... 39, 22 1 Shirts. i\lon lc Rert .............................. 265 Shively. John Allen ............. .... 71 Shoemaker, Frank Dennis 180.303 Shmt. Nancy ,\nn ............. ..71 , 165 .238 Showalter. Su\an Louise ... 80. 149 Shri,er. .Jo \nn .............. 71 . I() I . 2li2 Shuldberg. Sharou ......80.101.1 .'i l.2:i7.26.) Shumwa} . J ohn l'l:orton .. . 272 Sidler. .\u brey Gene............. ..... 19 Simm ons. Gary Glen ............!i5. HO. 2!10. 300 Simmons. Roger Eugene ...............238. 242 Simms. Beverly Eckles......... .. .71. 154 Simon . William ,\nd erson 80.203.247 Simons. Barbara Lee ....38, 71. 127. 157.203. 260.320 Sim ~. :\la1jorie Beth .... 71 . 147. 229. 316.317 il.lli.263 SiuifL ll elcn \l arie .......... Siunemaki. j o) ce Rae ........ 80. 163.320 80.159 Sisl} . :'\anq j ;me ............... Slavin. Sa ndra Sue ............. 7 1. 157.26 1.320 Sleeman. Jun e Kraeme r ....80. 125,269, 243 Slocum. 1.. Wilson ............... ..... 20!1 Smagh. :\lalkial Singh ......... ....... 26-1 Small, Montie LaVerne .. ...20:; Smelcer. Dale Roy ............. l!O. 180. 266 Smith, ChariC\ Wile) ....... 20.i. 307 Smi t h , Challone .\rae Campbell ....35 Smith , Claude Da ryle ..... . . llO. lll1S Smilh, Da,id Norman .............. ..... 187 Smith, Donald Earl .............. 205.303 Smith, Donald Le wis .........................59. 209 Smith. E ugene Co leman ............. 52.53.257 Smith , Cordon Robert ....... .. 71. 192 Smith . .Jauemarie ................. 171.24 1, 257 Smith, La Raile R ichard .... 217.305 Smith, :\Ia' II. .................. 71.192.2.>8 Smith, Nm e ta Dianna ...... .. 171 Smith, Ri d1ard King ................... . ....52 Smith, R a lph :\larshall ............... .. ..2 13 Smi1h, Rex E. ............................ 80. 192 Smith, Shirl ey Ra e ...................... .. ... 147 Smilh, Virgil Keith ......................4 1.44.258 Smi1h, Willis Eugene .....................9!i. 192 Smutn y, An ton Edwin ....... . .. ...... 175 Sm) the. J e • q LeR oy ............ .... 279 Snarr, :\le rland J ames ..........80. 9.>. 211.277 Snell, Helen Marie ............. 80 . 154 Sn ider, j ohn .\!fred .............................. 217 Snider, Mary J o ..................... 71. l!il. 260 Snodgrass, Do nald Ke ith .. .4 1. 44. 223. 259 Snow, ;\l ary ..........................................80. 167 Snyder, Adelle Birde ne ......................... 147 Snyder, Rosell e Geraldine .. .... .. 80. I !i9 Soden. Eleanor :\fary .............. 55. 11 3.261 Soderstrom. Flo)d Frederitk 80. 192 SodorfT. Charlolle Joanne .. ... 157 Solt, Kenneth Earl ....................................180 Solum. Carol .\n n ............................80. 161 Soranno, Michael .\n drew ..60, 61 , 192, 256 Sorenson. J ames Lowell ...... .. ...2 15 Sorenson, Ri chard C harl es .... ... ........ 265 Southcoml>e, Robe rt Micha el .. 71, 2 11 .25 1 Space, J oh n Ri chard ......... ...... .......266 Spalding. Franklin Lee .. ..... .. ...221 Sparkman. Patricia R ee'e . .......80 Spaulding. Con~lance Jean 80. 109. W3. 260 peed I) , R obert l'almer .... .... 17. 2;i5. 268 Spencer, Bell) ...................................80, 154 Spencer, l:orrcst Ke ith ....... .. 71, 177. 305 Springer, Elligay ............................... 169, 250 Sproat. Richard Owen ............ 80. 195.269 Sta ckhouse. Wendell Keith ...... 80, 199 Staley, Virginia ..................... .. 119. 171 Staley. J r., William WesiC) . ... . 256 Stand !e)'• J o hn Gordon ....... 23..J , 250 Stauber, Richard L)nn ....... 48, 213 Steele. James ,\ rthur ..32, 62. 193. 214 . 215 . 234.245, 251. 253. 254, 268 ..... 21 I Steele, Larry .............................. .. Steiger, i\ ntho ny J oseph ............................ 71

Sccincr. Carr ................. ...... 187, 263 ~1ellman. Gail Trade 12.). 1.)7. 243 Stendel'. Duff) Swan ................ 3!1 Stephenson. Frank l'a)ll e .. ............... 267 Stevens. Shirley Ann ..... ................ 71, 15<1 Stevenson, Fred Allan ....................257, 272 Stewart. Gene Alde n .. 80.256.262 Stewart. i\laril yn i\largucrile 80. 127. 167. 246, 249.250 Ste wan. l'at rici a Helen . ..........59. 257 Stewart. Rohert Gene .........80. 189 Stobie. Gordon :\la rtin ............ 201 Stockdale. Frances Eugenia ........... 171 Stockman. Ted Frederick ................. 39 Stoddard. Patricia .Jo ...... .... .80. 159,266 Stoddard, Sylvia Christine .. 101 , 140,167, 257 Swker. Roger Chris .. 80.205.302 Stelle y. Robert Delmar .>9. 199.234 , 235.248 . tore}. Rodney Eugene ......80.21 1 ~tri< kliug. Franci. Lamoul II. 102.192. 248.2!.!:1 Stringfield. Sandra Claire 71.1 63.317 Stro>rhein. Tomm y Sherri ll .. 189. 234, 2!i6 Struck. Suzanne Schuberl .......... 71. 162. 163. 249.260 Stubbenal. . \lien R oger . II . 44 . 192. 258 Stump. Sharol Lee . .. . .......... 71. 159 Sturgess. Virgi ni a Elaine 39. 161.2-12. 24·1 Swrman. Gary Grant 80. 192.228.247 Sl\ nc r. \\'alter Edwin 7 I. 177. 259 s.ibia. Joe ................ .. ............. 199 .. .......93. 15 1 Sulli""" Cecelia .\nn . Sulli va n , .Jo hnny 13. .. .. .. ...71. 175.2811 S u ll i ~:n1 , i\ farg;•ret Joann e ....... 73. 80. llil, 22t!. 25 1. 277 Su mm ers. Larry Veri 80.213. 2li5 Sue ph in, Christopher Fa,er ..........71. 2 15 Swan,lrom. H ugh Roger ............... 257 Swarlhout. Claude Richard ............ 2:1!1 'iweene) . .\t yee Laurene t!O. 163.238 Sweeney. Gerald Thornton ........... 21!1 Sweuson. Charles Frederit k ................. 180 Swilter, ~fitzi Kay ..... .. .. ........ 108, 159 Synnns. Ric hard All en ...........7 1, 219.268 S)lllnls, Virginia Nadine .. 71 , 109. 171,243, 316. 317

1 I alhott. J ack Foote

...........27, 217 ........59, 192.243, 261 ,\nn \\'ood ..35, 39. 24 1' 24 <1 J'ankerslcy, Howard Charles .... 27, 219,223 Tanner, l.oveta Vivian ...................80, 16 1 Tate, Charles Ge keler ...............................7 1 Tate, Jr., Claude Ervin ..............................? ! Tate. Kermit Edwin ...................................59 Tatko, Alma Louise .... ~5. 71, 91, 103, 165, 228, 234, 249 T a) IOr, .\lm a I rene ...... .. ..................... 265 Ta)IOr, Gordon Bennell ............80, 192, 242 Taylor. J anene Ann ....................................80 Taylor, Karan ..............80, 101 . 104, 169,243 Taylor, Martha Kaye ................ 71, 163, 320 Ta ylor. Morris Win ch ............................. 259 Ta ylor, Vearl H enry ....................... 192, 259 l'a ylor. Jr., William Brian .. .. .....52. 21i7 l'a)lor. Jr., Zelma Lowell ............. 19'.! I ellefson, Do ug las Rollan .. II. 14, 239 ' I epl y, Sondra o\nn .. .. .................. 159 r erl'). Boyd Earl ..........................53. 55, 265 Terry. Dixie Marjean .. .. ............ 15 1 Tertcling, j oseph Loyd ....... .. ..............2 11 Tcsnohlidek, Dwaine Arnold ..........80,213 T e utsc h , jean ~l arie .......7 1. 161 , 229, 249 Thamm . .John Forest .............................. 20!1 ' I hieme, Roger Lee ..... .. .. .4 1. 71. 91, 192 I hiesscn , Merle R o nald . .. . .. .. 180. 197 I homas. Byron Richard .. ................ 2.>1i I hom as. Charles Me lton . 80. 189, 260, 266 I hom as. H arold Earl .. .. ............. 180, 2:i0 I hom a~. Robert Dean .. . .................... 302 I homas. Signa Ann ...... .....................151 Thomas, Sue Lelise ........ .. ............ 161 Thomas, Wa yne J oe ....... HO, 192,228,247 ' I homason, Clyde Donald ..................... 224 Thomason, Dennis K. ..... ........................85 Thompson, Donn a j ean .........59. 167,257 I hompson , Duane Eldon ................ 215 I hompson. Franklin j esse .............. 184 I homson , J. Rrent ...................... 265, 300 Thomson, J ames Max ............................. 175 Thornock, J ohn Richmo nd ....71, 187,223, 230,265 J'au , Ro nald H ank J'aukerslay, Cherrie



f'hornock. Rochelle Henderson ....238. 243, 215. 265 Thornton. Joan Eli7.abeth ........ 71.154 , 317 Thornton. :Marcia Rae..59. 62. 163.244.264 Thorpe. Delores Valene .................. 154. 224 Thorson. Freeland C . ..........................71, 211 Thrall, Jr., Ralph Ambrose ....48. 50, 184. 266 Throckmorton. James Rodney ..80. 180, 302 Thune, Arne ....................................259. 264 Thurber. Lee Ray ..............................59. 180 Thurber. Ronald Waldo ................ 108, 211 Tiegs, Gordon l'roctor ......80. 219.260, 3?2 Tin to J ames Halliday ..........60, 61. 183, 2:>6 Tisdail, Ronald Kenn eth ..................71, 2 11 Tisdel, Myron Eugene ............................269 Titus, Ronald Warren .............................. 22 1 Tjulander, R aymond Virgil .................... 258 Tollbom. LaRoy Robert .......................... 175 Tolmie. Kenneth Dean ......................80, 205 Torpey, Gail Virginia_ ........................71, 169 Torpey. KathT) n LoUise .................. 169, 260 Tovey, Charles Duane ..............................261 Tovey, Roger Dale .............. 91.171.175 , ~:~ Tower, Bonnie Lou ............................80, Townsend James Berry ....................59, 215 Townsend: Ronald Lee ......................80, 205 Traub, Benjamin J oseph ............::.......... 2 13 Trail. Thomas Floyd ..................2:>. 223, 256 Transtrum. Walh1ce McKay ...........52. 257 Treat. Ronald Marion ........59. 71.205, 262 Tresnit , Milan J oseph ........................... 211 Ttesnit, Robert ..................................80, 211 Tronson Gar)' Roland ......................80, 211 ' . ....................... . 193 Trowbridge. James Louts T rue, Dan B. .......................................71,2 11 True, Shirley J ean ..............................80, 159 Tucker, Carolyn ..................................80. 149 Tucker, J erry Lee ...................................... 235 Tunberg William Chichester ...............209 Turnbuli. Richard Lero) ................. .. .. 259 Turner John Richard ............................262 Turner: ~faril)n Lee ....................28. 80. 147 Turner Shirley ,\nn ..........................95, 109 Turpin' Thomas Ri chard ................39, 195 Tyrrell,' Leon Douglas .............................. 2 1r.:.>

u Uglesich. Nich ,\nthon) .................. 281. 283 ullevaalseLer, Reidar Otto ..............308. 309 ' pchurch. James llenry ........................ 180 Utz, Edwin Elmer ......................44. 183, 258

v Vaagen, Vivian .J.oyce ..........................80, 1 6~ Vallat, Robert Eugene .................... 215. 2lb Van Atta. H arold Adrian ........................ 195 Vanderwood. Gaq Lee ............ 197. 232.262 Van Dyke, Melvin ,\ndrew ............... 207 Van Epps. Joe french ......................224. 250 Van Houten, Peter Francis ........41. 44. 177, 259.266 Van Orman, ~l arie ......80. 93. 169.238.241, 246.250,254 . 262,265 VanSant, J r., Jam es H urley ........41. 4'1. 205 Vanskike, Lowell Lee ..........................80. 223 Van Stone, Bud Rex ..................44. 109.259 Van Thiel. Edward Daniel ..............80. 19:> Vasko, George Edwa rd ........................71 , 221 Vaughn, Glenn J erome ......................81 . 217 Verburg. .\lary Margaret ........71. 145. 147, 316.317 Vermillion, Jr., William Joseph ....81. 180, 236, 263 Vesely, Louis Frank .................................. 209 Vinson, Ka y Kilby ..............................81 , 205 Volland, Leonard 1\llan .......................... 255 Vollrath, Katherine ,\nne ........................ 154 VonTersch. Cletus Lawrence .................. 250 Vopat, Thomas Edmond ........................57 Voss, Ronald Lawrence ....................... ....59

w Wacha!, Carol Winifred ........ 104. I 16 , 167, 233.243 Waddell. Robert Charles ......................35, 50 Waddell, Theodore Paul .......................... 268 Waddell. \\'ray Golden ........................... 180 Waddoups, Tomm) Charles ............71 . 221 \\'ageman, John McKinney ................... 215 Wagner, Barbara Jean ............................. 154 Wagner, Carol Patricia ............................ 159


Wagner, C:tr) Uarryl ............. ... .. ....205 \\'ahler. Robert Gordon .... .. .. .81. 180 Wahlquist , Fred rick Pack . ..... 11.44 \\'aide. Jr .. Kermit LaVerne .....201 Wainwright, ladine ..........81. 161.246,3 16 Waitz. J ay Al lan ..................................71. 22 1 Walker, Charlotte LaVon .......81. 147.267 Walker. Elitabeth J ean ....... .. . .......... 165 Walker, Rohert Bruce ....... ...... 257 Walker. \\'a)ne H arrison .. 81. 88.209.278 Walkington , James Laurence .. 27. 189 \\'allace, Jo Ann ..................... .55, 59 Wallen. Renee )larie ............. ..... 151 Walrath. Charles l>ortfors .............81, 215 Walrath, Farro! Joa n ..................35. 39, 147 Walrath. H arry Curtis ............................ 180 Walrath, ina Ruth ....................... 147,24 1 Walsh, Jerry Arnold ........81 , 172. 178. 180, 247. 249 \\'alter. Charles Harve) ...... 81. 180, 247 Wamstacl, Donald Roy ......81 . 189. 2;) 6, 267 Wanamaker, Floyd Eugene ......50 Wanamaker, John Edward ..... 81 , 177 Ward, Larry Vance ...............................55 Ward, Virginia i\farilyn ...................81. 157 Ware. Dona ld Frank ................................ 203 Warford. Gaylon Leon ............................ 175 Waring. Donna Gai l ..................... 81.147 Warner. Barbara Lee .... 35 . 63. 72. 116. 147, 228. 248, 249 Warner. Janice Eileen ............. ....... 72 Warner. Mary Karen ..8 1. 93. 101. 116, 267, 2 34.246 Warner, Thomas Robert .... 32. 97. 172. 190, 192.262 Warnke, Arthur Harry ............................ 180 Warnke, Jr., Joh n Henry ....................... 192 Warren, Carol Louise ........ .....8 I , 169, 243 Warren, Maureen J ones ................59. 171 Warren, Norman Orion ..... ......... 183, 255 Warren, Velma Fa)e ........... 36 . 72. 171 Watson, Duane \\'ilber ...... ............ 180 Watson, .\lary Coleen ....... 81 . 16 1.251. 320 Watson, Robert L. ............. .. ...............265 \Vatson, Robert Stephen ....... .............. 195 Wa\lra, Donald Clare .............. 213. 251.259 Wawzyniak, Richard J oseph .................. 255 Waxmonsky, Raymond Warren ............ 183 Wayland, Doris Jean ............. 1:>4. 261.267 Wayment, Allen Ross ........ ..... .. .. ....72 Wa} ne, Gregory James Schafrer .. ... ... 177 \\'ea,er, .\larilyn Clare ..... .. ... 72. 147, 228 Weaver, Monte Kent .......... ....... 72, 221 Webh, Donald Robert ...... .238. 255, 257 Webb, J ay Leon .........................52. 211, 257 Webb, Peggy Ann ...............................81 , 151 Webh, J r. , Robert George .............. I 89.256 Webb, Thomas Otis ..................................72 Weber, Darrell J ack ............. .............. 265 Webster, Carol Belle........72. 151 . 242. 264 Webster, Donald Edward ....81. 207 Weeks, Richard Leon ........ 13. 63. i2. 203, . 243, 247 Wemel. Warren Gene ............ . .......... 260 Welch, Larry Jim ..........................55.81 , 177 Welker, j o hn Reed .......................... 250, 265 Wells, Anna Charlene .............. I 49. 250. 265 Wells. J ack Wa lter ..........................81 , 192 Wells. Sally Isabelle................... 169.320 Welsh, LaVila Ade le .................81 . 147, 249 \\'cite, James Carl ................. ......... 269 \\'eltzin, J r., Joachim Frederid, .... 3,). 219 Werner. John Robert ........... 211 , 232 Werry, Charles T ex .................. 81 , 199 Wescott, Gary Raw leigh .......... 219, 249 West, I rene Audrey ....8 1, 169, 228.250,320 West, ancy Lenore ................................ 147 Westergren, Gary Smith ............ 73.81, 197, 219, 302 Westerheim , Ole johannes .... .. ........ 264 Westha\er, Barry Lloyd Truman .. 189, 255 Weston, Jean Cathro ..........35. 147. 262, 264 Weston, Jr., .\lilton Barker .. 26. 39. 81, 199, 234 , 269 Westover, Jr., Robert Wilfred ....... 81 , 215 Whaley, Bobbie Lee ............................... 259 Wheeler, Barbara Faye ............ 147.266,3 17 Wheeler, ancy Mae ..................81. 149,265 Whipple, Robert Clifton ...... 215.231 , 242 \\"hite, Ellis Calvin ............ ....50. 213, 257 \\"hite, George Edward ..................39, 285 White, Gerald Rae ..................................223 White . .James Edward .......................... 199 White, James .\1. .......................................81 White, Janice Dee ..............................81, 169

\\'hiting, Jerry )fax . .. ......41. 60.256 \\ hitney, Eleanor Richard..on ........ 169. 257 Whittig. J erry Franklin ................... 72. 180 \\'ickherg, Karin Aljea n ....................81. 147 Wickland, Joan Marie ......8 I. 127. 171 , 235 Wigington, Robert J ames .............. 195. 269 W iks. orma J ean ......................8 1. 260. 320 Wilcox, John Timothy ............................ 255 Wilhelm. Gary Leonard ....72, 177.267.268 Wilke. Duane Edward ......................81. 199 Wilke. Ray Willis .... 3:>. 72, 199, 228, 248 Wtlkerson, William Duane ..............81, 201 Wtlkins, Emmett Luke ..............32. 73 Will. Robert H enry ...........................73. 183 \ Villiams, Bruce ........................................305 Williams, Dalbert Lyle ..........35, 39, 57. 189 Williams, Dale Laverne .......................... 201 Williams, David Joe ............................81, 195 Williams, Delwyn Charles ...................... 19.5 Williams, Donald Wesle)' ..81 , 183,238.247 Williams, J erome Joseph ..................73. 197 Williams, Jolene Rae ..81, 95. 100. 123, 161 , 171,261 Williams, Larry Gene ..............41 , 44. 259 Williams, Kinda Lou .................81. 167.277 Wil li ams, Neal E . ...................... 180. 250.255 Williams, Roger Les lie ....8 1,2 18,247, 302 Williams, Waverly J oan ....81. 100, 161.243 Williamson, Jr., Alan Norman ..73, 215.255 Williamson. Dwight Wesle) ... 180, 250.267 Williamson . .\fyr tle EMili ....81. 93. 169.235 Williamson, Jr.. Robert Leslie ................ 258 Willis. Howard Ray ..................278. 281 \Vi II is, John Edward ...................... 175. 266 Willms. J anice Lou ..55. 8 1. 95. 98. 100. 165, 235,246.250.254 Willows, J ames Daniel ............................ 269 Willows, Jr., J ohn ~lurray .............. ..44, 258 Wilson, Bill Green .............................81. 300 Wtlson, J ack Lee .. ... ..............205. 228 Wilson, J ames.......... 27, 193.216.217 Wilson, Jr., Joseph Gregg ....................73 Wilson, Karen Mae .. .. ..........81. 159 Wilson, Lois Lucille . 81 , 100.116. 161 , 228.261 Wilson, Willard Lee ..........................81, 265 Wilson, William James ............................ 250 Windjua, Per Erik ......................72, 195 , 308 Winegar, Wallace Jay .............................. 262 Wing, Larry Dean ..............................81 , 265 Winner, Dorothy Kristine ......72, 168. 169, 251 \\'inner, llfary Katherine ........................ 169 \\'inschell, Thelon Fern ......................... 258 Winter, William Carl ........................81. 2 19 Wisdom, R ichard Dean ......................8 1. 203 Wise, Lowell .Edwin ....................................4<1 Wise, Royce Allen ....... .. ....................... 192 Wiswall, Betty Erma .............................81 Woelfel, Paul Orville . ................. 4-1.219 WoH, Wendell Cony ......................... 177 \\'olfe, Thomas Franklin ........................ 217 \\"oherton, Gail ,\nn ................................ 260 Wood, John Madsen ..................95.205.251 Woodbury, J r., George Wallis .... 189. 250. 252 Woods, ancy Ann .......................... 1!>4 , 224 Woods, William Lane ...................... 183, 238 \\'oodward, Donald Ellis ..............201. 251 Worden, Jr., Donald King ........................52 Worden, John Darnell ......................81 , 199 Worthington. Kenneth l)uWa)lle ..72. 177. 260 Wright, Bruce Roben ...81 . 183.247, 249 Wright, Charles H arry ............81, 192, 258 Wright, James .Ellis .......................... 72, 199 Wright, J erri Jean ......................................81 \\'right, Kenneth L . ......................55,91, 11 3 Wright, Marilyn J o .......................... 171.241 \\'right, Sandra Lee .......................... 163, 243 Wunderlich. Leonard .\rthur ..........81 , 183 Wpnt. J ack .............. .. ...........81. 221 Wyatt, Marjorie Ann ............. 167.233, 243 W}ckoff, John ~lcKay ............................. 272 Wydrzycki, Leonard Chester .................. 266 W)nn, Jan Eugene ............................ 187, 265

y Yeoumans, Gerald Walter ........ 27, 17i, 256 Yerrington, Seth William ...................... 261 York, J r. , Lloyd Clifrord .................72. 183 Yost , J r., George Lee ........32,57, 113.21 5, 2路15. 268 Yo~t. Nathan Leonard ............... .48, 72.215

Yost, Sandra Ki m . ..... ............. 169, 241 Youmans. David Vance .............26. 72. 217 Young, David Wayne ......................... 256 Yo ung, Eloise Rose . .. ....................81 Yo ung. La urence Dean ................... 201 Young, Martha Janille .............. 151 , 267 Young. Theodore J ames ..........................256 Young. Virgil Monroe ............81. 189, 256

Youngstrom, Robert Cecil .... ...... 72,2 17 Yrag ui , joseph Nicholas ........................ 44 Yule. David Carlyle ............ 72. 207.258

z Zajane, ~(arlene Cay .................... Zapp. Carol Ann ....................... Zaugg. Lynn Dean .. ..................

149 .59.165 ... 180

Zenier, Kathryn Berry ............ 15 1, 257,266 Zigler, ~laril yn Cail ....6 1, 81. 126, 167.246, 250,26!i Zunmerlund. Per路Egil ..................... ..... 264 Zimmerman. Geral d Keith ......32, 203, 248 Zlatnik, Bess Elaine .................... 12. 11 8, 157 i'eret. ~larilyn Kathleen ......................... 154 Zugst. :\levin Fahed ...................... 46. 72. 177


' The World Has Ended "The W orld lias Ended," a title, a passage, a truth for some 600 enio r:., for o ur college years arc over, a nd as o ne world e nds, a new begins, with the good times of school le ft be hind, and the memories carried, still to cherish. This has been o ur task this year, we 100 me mbers of the 1956 C em of t he M o untains staff. ' Ve have a ll worked toward the perpe tuatio n of these go od times, the dates, the exams, the da nces, the living group fun , the activities, and all that goes with them. We hope that te n years from now, w h e n y o u t u r n throug h the pages of your Ge m, you will ha ve the mome nts a nd hig h lig hts of the year pa s throug h your mind. Jf ea ch picture can bring back some hig h lig ht of the wo rld tha t has ended, then o u1路 task this year will be well worth all the work that has gone into it to make it possible. lt is rea lly quite a e nsat ion to be handed 20,000 and to be ordered to publish a book, tha t will record the happe nings of the year. It sho uld be o ne that will sui t each of the 3,4 00 stude nts, the faculty, and the alumni. Jl should also be one that will be looked upon in the hig h schools as a drawing card fo r the University, and most of all, one that will incl ude to the satisfaction of a ll, in each of their mind's eye, t he memories o f the year. In order to go abo ut such a task o ne m ust select a sta ff, o r in insta nces recruit. This is where the 1956 Gem was uni<1uc, for each of the staff could be sa id to be to p no tch. If the book meets with your approva l, it is becau e o f the e people, a nd the ir efforts. First o n the list, is next year's editor, Lo uise Tatko. A stable ha nd in time of need, always read y to ta ke o n the most difficult task, a nd a lways there with a well clone jo b. i\fany thanks go to Bo b Lind bo rg, of Artcraft Engraving Co., a nd to Jim Gipson of Caxto n Printers, Ltd . These me n ma ke the book, a nd t hey leaned over back wards so far to m ake this boo k a to p grade production that a t times I tho ug ht their backs wou ld break. Paul Evans, Jim's artist helper, whose art work adorns the ope ning section a nd the divisio n pages, deserves a pat on the back too. G ary Pietsch, fri e nd, fe llow corporation man, a nd frate rnity brother, was a strong arm when tro uble hit the art pho togra phy assig nments. His pictures, a long with the sparkling pho tos of Bob H a tch a nd of Bo b Sro llcy, make up o ur division pages, a nd o pening sec-


tion. R oss IIa ll of Sandpoint added the professio na l touch with the br illia nt shots ecn in the o pe ning sect ion. T om Stro chine, gung ho with a capi tal G, was impirat iona l. t\ 1 o, to Paul :'\Iuho ne n, and Ba rker \Vc'>ton, the me n in the dark r oom who a rc responsib le lor the pictu re c1ua lity, goes a vote of a pprecia tio n. Ou t\ta nd ing jobs were do ne by J a n Willms, Dave H ogge, ~ f y n Willia mson , Pat Friend, Ro we na H asbrouck, .Joa nic \Vickluml, Bill H a rward, ~ fa x Burke, Jackie Lavens, Nancy No rton, and all the staff heads. Karen vVarne r, secretary for the first semester, ke pt 1he books straight and gave us a boost whe n we needed it in the beginning. Violets to all. ~ fy only comme nt i that I will be sorry, if when you read the sectio ns of their work, you d o n't m a ke it a po int w say tha nks to them. This book re presents a bout four hours' work for each a nd every picture in it. I ho pe tha t we have scra tched the surface of some thing ne w in U niversity of Ida ho's Ge m this year. Yo u will no tice m a ny changes. ' "'e a ll ho pe you like them. Each sectio n has a new innovation, or idea . All of them are aimed at better coverage of the things that we hope you will want to remember in the years to come. Yes, the world has e nded, and the pages of time are recorded here in this book, and rema in here as you slip throug h the sands of life. For some, the world begins as it e nds, as we ta ke adva n tage of t he o p portunities that we have all a fforded our~e l ves thro ugh the U niversity. As the doors between the two majestic towers shut, there are other door:. j u t a head which a re open. As we look back, we regret tha t the stay could have not been longer, but as t ime pa:. es, the world of college beco mes a g lowing memory, filled with good times, a nd of quests fo r knowled ge. This is our heritage, to make the U nivcrl>ity a place known for our achievements, because we owe it much, a nd although we can never return to the ca re free days as a student, we will remember the m and look back o n them with fondn ess, as days we ll spe nt. We of the Gem ho pe tha t this book will be an adequate g uide in your trips back to these years. vVe ho pe that we have recorded yom路 memories here, and ca ug ht some of your rambl ings. Good luck, a nd good hea hh. JIM STEEL!-:


1956 Gem of the Mountains Staff James A. Steele Editor in Chief Louise Tatko Associate Editor Fraternities




Editor KAREN



J·:ditor T)'pist








Business Manager .J uuY P u RKIIISJ-:R






The <:axton l'rinlers. Ltd. Caldwell. Idaho I·:NG R.\ V I i'\GS

.\ncrafl Engr;l\ing and Electrotype Compan) Scaulc. Washington COVE R Durand Covers Chicago, Illinois




Secretary KAREN \VARNt: R


Women's Sports ANN READING



Studio, Hutchison Sllldio, and Sterner's


Rud y's Studio Ot•I·.NIM: s~·(:IION

Ross H all Studio. Sandpoint, Gary Pietsch, Bob H alch , Tom Stroschinc. University Publications Bureau DI\' ISIO:-. PAC.t.S

Gary Pietsch, Boh Hatch, Bob Stolley, Bob Johnson



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