1955 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 53 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 1


of the



o the The ,i9ht to r.produce the



"Mi,t•• 1.4.9°0" h.. bun g,ent.d by United P'o-

duelion, of Ame,;"e, its c.ulo., end by Columbia Pietu,.. Co'po"tion. itt coPyri9ht p.op,•• lo •.


KEITH MacPHEE Associate Editor

JAMES STEELE Associate Editor

Foreword The University of the State of Idaho has, throughout its many years of service, been a symbol of many dreams, ambitions, victories, and most of all memories. Traditions - ,he

Hello Walk, "'" bench, WSC foo,ball clash, Holly week, Homecoming-are something for the students to enjoy, the graduates to remember. With our little character MaGoa to add a bit here and there, the staff of the GEM OF THE MOUNTAINS hopes to have depicted the feeling and enthusiasm at Idaho. Tn each of the book's five sections is one of the year's traditional ac~ tivities. The Social section, representing the after-hours life of our school; the Living Groups section, showing our "homes" for the term; the Organizations, gathering together the extracurricular segment SO necessary to collegc lifc; the Sports, telling of our victOries, defcats, and spirits; the Classes, showing our acadcmic life, including the faculty, schools, and students. Thc staff hopes the 1955 GEM OF THE MOUNTAINS includes many of the memories and traditions that you hold dear, and that through the ye:lrs you will be able to thumb the pages and recall thc fulJ glory of your years at the Univcrsity of Idaho.

Gole l. Mix Since coming to the University of Idaho in 1939, Gale Mix has done morc than any other one man to promOte and work for the betterment of student activities and student government. The University of Idaho W:tS not new to Gale, as he was a 1926 graduate in the College of Law. His first position was that of Graduate Manager, latcr assuming the duties of Director and Manager of Athletics, and now that of ASUI General Manager. Gale is always ready with :1 big grin and helping hand for any student with a complaint or problem. To Gale Mix I dedicate the 1955 GEM OF THE MOUNTAINS. DARLENE DUFFY

T.ble 01 Contents S.ti.I-16 Or,.lIiz.ti.lIs-6B Lirill,6r••,s-114 S,.rts-I'O CI.sses-2JB IlIiex-JOB let' F-L-


doc, I think it's -E--I-'.-.

....... \~.7. ju.. an', Knn '0 m .. ~h .nd pia)· u ,h. . ...,., Ii..,.,!

Whu i.


doing C•• on

''''''y'.~ I_ing u . . .. I un', ..... any.hint:!

wondn whu


The President Presides This year the University of Idaho is proud to claim D. R. Theophilus as our new President. 1954-1955 not only marks the cnd of a successful regime by your friend and mine, J. E. Buchanan, but is the st:lrting point of what we hope will be an even morc inspiring era of our lives, with President Thcophilus presiding. In the past, Thcophilus has spent several years as Dcan of the College of Agriculture on the Idaho Campus. Following expresident Buchan3n's resignation this fall, Dean Thcophilus filled in 35 our :leting president until the Board of Regents, this spring, chose him to preside over the activities of the University of Idaho and gave him his full-fledged title of President of the University.


D. R. T'''.OPIl'LlJ'

An1 "'Y you l0oi< .. i•. D. R. TMophil", i, 'n unllfnt m.n for our Pr~i<kn•.

The Go vernor Guides This yeu


new name accompanies

the tide of Governor of the State of Idaho--Smylie. Although we regret the departure of Len Jordan who worthily served our state for the past four }'cars, we are anxiousl}' looking forward to meeting Governor Robert E. Smylie who, as a part of the traditions of the University, attends the commencement exercises in the spring. ewly inaugurated in January, 1955, aftcr winning the office by a comfortable majority, Governor Smylie will :lCtend his many duties, one of which is appointing the members of the Board of Regents.




Su~rintrnd.nl of


E. GRA"A" Rnburg

D., A. R. M(u..1!

S«y., St. Mori...

Instruction. Roiu

Mu. ~h~(;UF.aITIl CAM1'IIUI,I.

Pre... No...· Mc.dow.

JOH,.. D. V.P•.







D':AS U,U'SP C ....T ... lX~n of 'It'omen Ad,,'-o. to ~Il p.nhdl.n;c &roupl u ...tll n to ,h. ind.penden. "Omt" on c.mpu. i. Lo.. iK Hr• •;ncuitr to.....d <x" co~ h., ",..d. lin. frirnd '0 .11.



G....E ~h~

ASUI ~n.ul Iobn.g•• ,Xuicc wi,. . . .mil. i. f""'ndly mo"o of G.l. Mis.

Academic Council

Ro.., O_r-IX.n D. R. Thn>philu., Pr",id.nt; Dun Lou,.. Gnu, 0..." H. 'l),7.ltu Stdfon•. 0..." O. J. Han, £>to." J. f. '«'.!trin. 0..... T. C. Cady. Dr. W..rm K. Pop<. Mi.. /ohbrl Loch. Ro.. T .. _ :\1•. D. D. OUs.... h. Mr. C. O. l:kdr.... Mr. H.rlow H. Compt,ell. 0..." Frnn. 'l),Tohl.tz. Dr. 8o)'d II. ~brtin. 0..... J. D. For'''''tr. Or. J....... E. Knu., Dt-an A. S. Jan ......, 0..." E. S. Scim......





J.... o


O. Do;<;",;&

K.... ping our ,,,.d.n.. in lin••

w. find our "'arlhy

o.-..n of M.n.


A hmiliu fau on o.mp"., our Alumni S«r<ury.

D. D. DUS....".T Rogi......., espcci.lIy bu.y on ••gi<union day•.

0 ...


K. A. DIu wi,h .. fri~ndly .milt, I .... 8.........


Our Field "Srno, .. bu.y mIn on campul ... i,h .. happy "'"y.

RAFIl Gin. Hi. ofliei.1 ,id. includes Di •••lor of lnform •• ion.


A hmiliu sigl", tk Sc~nc~ Building h~s sc-rnd '0 flluc.. ~ m~ny of us.



h<KtK of ck .pi,;.('(I, fighting 1'1' \',nd.h, Gym uw


.h~ M~""",i,l

• thrilling cQ<ttn•.

•• - _ . "''tIr--"'-,.,...---;w



Sponing slid~rules form tM windows. 'M EnginHring Iluilding .unds ~s , symbol nf th~ now Id,hn•



home of Uni_ S,.. ion ,nd Coll,g, of Agricuhure. '路~nily





H.,.,...-Ee. Building i, tM ,um,ng I\round fM m.ny of Id.ho'. futun ~m.hr..


fine re....h .nd music produCtion. ..h pbcc in Id.ho', Mu,ic Ruil<ling.


GEM 01 tile Mountains

D........ :<I' DU'TY Edil(M"_in_Chitf

"liTH M.. <;.PlU. A.,oc. Editor

j"MU ST' II.' A,""C'. Edi ....

Well, at last it's finished! It may nOt be just what you expected, and it's nOt just what we wanted; but it is the best we could do. Puning out an annual is more complicated than most people realize. There's always misplaced copy, lost pages, scheduling and rescheduling of pictures, and of course, not knowing just where to start in the first place. About the best and only thing to do in a case like this is just to begin. It's nOt always important where you begin, but merely that you do; SO that's exactly what happened. Clutching Magoo in hand and putting our best foot forward (it was hard to tell which left one was best) we began. As the year progressed, we gradually grasped the general idea of what was expected of us and how we were going to accomplish it. After many months of cutting, pasting, mounting, etc.... and with the help of a wonderful staff, the book was completed. There are no drastic changes in the book (at least we hope there aren't) so no gross explanation of it is necessary. For you people who didn't get your pictures in the right places, or if any of you didn't get one in at all, we sincerely apologize. For any other mistakes which might appear we also apologize. However, if it's merely a matter of difference of opinion; all we have to say is-come around next year and help put out a better one.

kfl, J .... y Ctookh~m, Group' Edi,or; lohrlin Orsan'u,io,.. Edi,or; ~nd C~.oIrn s",ndu>otl, s.xi~l Edi,or.

f.om livi,,& B"n"


.xUN i. Il.owma U ..brouck, Indu I:.dilor, SundinS f.om 1M Ieh ~~ Sh,.ley Byr..., C.... Ed"or••nd l.orn~ Hobd~y, Admini" ..."", F.di,or

s"n.d from ,h~ lef, a,~ Jin' A.. ph, Spor" Edi,o" 1.0ui", T.,ko, 11.,<;".., M'"'II." ,"d I. ..,y 1'1Ii" Copy I <li,nr,


of 1'" C...... ~nd Ors.ni,.u""" st.lf, include-: S"'rrol 1'1......., Ann FoI.y. Pu Frimd, N.n<:y K.I ....n. Muy Ellm D.ly. bR.M N.... btrry. Judy PurkhiK.. J.n Whi,•. joon~ Wicklund. InM '«'nl. B••l».a H.ml••, Carol MC<;uitin, Mnilyn Al..ulund. Shirlty SyrM, Mnjo.~ Johnoon. Vir!!ini. N.loon. Boy••undin/l in b•• k 'ow .rr: ""din JOAn .nd Cbrk o."n.y,

'«'orkinS on 1M Admini , ..... ~nd li"inS Group luth 1<0: P•• SWHMy. J<>.>n S.m., b V M 'kll, My.. Willi.moon, K.y l.S••S., Sur Sp..h, J.n Willms. N.... y Shor.. A(W r __ Muy J'M \filb..,h, M.rit V.n Orm.n. N.n Sodrn. IM.n Ann [)o,.S"" Flo...... C.rroll. Bruy Mill...




Rusb hll of '14 limh l~ f..u .nd I oorori,ies p.nicip..inl in ru.h .c_ tivities. Hr •• ,irl•• nuru;n ..


• n optn hou......

. . 1M f.llo.., hold fO'rd and

_Ion .

. ,u,hC'n .nd ru.hc" g.lh,. 'round for. s.ong.


hll n/li"ration ., Mrmor;.l Gymnuium p••>«l ,I>(

,hr..·,houund mark.

Registration-- Orientation

Frosh Oritn'ation Commiu...

Ito.· 0 • ......-

Dor;' Condon. Marit &rammtr. 00I1y Foa.

Loui... Tatk." Jun Tr...... h. Ru.h 6rwr. Ito.. 7 600 K.lb. Ray M,lI... Jim Cbandkr. Jim Saw, Ornni. Thompson. Don '«'rhr•.


S,ud'n' upri,in/;.

Filll" litruly, 11.

Hold ,lin Ii....!


HOMECOMING More than 6,000 enthusiastic Idaho alums made the journey Miss Clara Armstrong reigned as queen and the Alpha Phis with "Lick 'Em" and Sigma Nus with "Three Coins in the Fount:lin" took top honors in the float divisions. Good weather :md an energetic crowd made the weekend cbsh with San Jose, and HomcCOllllllg events a bang-up success. to Moscow for the 1954 Homecoming festivities.



WSC Walks

Uncouth Coug... from ,h. Co.. College.

A thouund .hunduinll Coug.. hn•.



It after Our after

was a great day H Idaho--and 29 years it ought to have been. own Vandal fans, still cheering Saturday's game met the footweary Pullman crowd, 1,042 scrong. to host the traditional foot-washing. Pep bands, blood letting contests and n:ttional publicity combined forces to make the "Day \'VSC \'Valked" one nOt soon to be forgotten, :\Ild (we hope) very soon to be repeated.

Kkffntr uvn B.oc>K f,om .altzin& off roof.


A ,,,,ddu! of ,pi,i. ~,,,hu,;


..m. \'{Iith Ih band



Dati's Day

].ck Wi"on .nd ;\luci& Tho'n'on hdd ,h~ rei". for ,ht 0;><1', D.y hndw>,on.

The fighting Vandals stacked up 45 points against their North Dakota opponents for a Dad's Day win, Beard growers had a heyday and the Pop's Hop was a giant success, Coach Skip Stahley received a new sedan at halftime for his great first season's job with the Vandals. Idaho boosters' pep has never been greater, Pi Phis and Fijis took the cake with their house decorations while the Delta Chis had the most visiting dads for the occasion 3S well as the highest pcrcentage of bcards, Dad was king for a day.


lon~ ..,

..,~'" 10



S"I.kh.n Si"gh Dhillon, Pin~ }-b1l,




Pi Phi Coo p. hnt! ..




roo Phoo',


~nd d~ h.d !oO many childr"" 1M didn't know whu '0 do.


"Choo Choo" Oingl. and hi, m.gic violin.

Some Fall

Prrtty >...... 1'.." ....,.




11 ho..... f.. 1 u t"~ K-Sill H""... P ..ly.



Thn i. Af.ica;

Th~ Rocknt~.!


S,ud~nt go,·~rnm.n,

V.n,hl R"l....



,h. m.king.

. .nd fr;.nd.


Rtlui,,& wi.h lh. Cosmo CI.. blK...

··Sund.y E"c .... ion·· .nd "Tht lmp uio.. lh. V."d.lft. o r>l;<: produCtion. in dr""



1:",hu.i'~li( "'rho 'rrl.ud H"lIy Qu«n, ll..hu. W.rner. . . H"Uy Ilon •• i".un,i"ion.

Holly Week Barbara Warner was crowned 1954 Holly Queen during the intermission of the Holly Dance which climaxed the annual sophomore Holly Wcek. Dick \'<fecks. sophomorc class prcsidcnt, acted as gcneral chairman of the dance. Holly \'<feek activities included a fashion show at which the queen candidates modeled in Davids' downtown window and a rally which consisted of thc entire sophomore class sercnading the campus with Christmas carols.

"'I, co",,, upo" • ,::idnigh, de.r...

··Oh. ho....... d.nor<! .. q"""n undidu. fin.li ..coru in D... W;t

n<! .hrir indo....

A bO, of .no..... bri.k nish., S.n.. Cb... to Iud 'M srrrn.dins. •nd 10" of ,.,pho""". prp....


" ..I"y Foundnion <"'trn;". fM_ c1&n .n<!


n ..den.. ""ilh b.nqutt.

Awards K.pp.. ,,,dv( ,lie 19lJ-'~ ,chol."hi" Irophy.

Kappa Kappa Gamma, with a group average of 3.26, and Chrisman H311, with :I. 2.606, won the scholarship cups for 1953-54. Lambda Chi Alpha won the Sigma Chi Found:ttion scholarship trophy for showing the greatest scholastic improvement over the previous year among fraternities. Various individual and group awards were made at the assembly.

W.lt Blllcher ,cc.iva ,h••chol.._ Ihip .""..d for eh.i,mln HIli.



pl~r ~nd

no work.

RECREATION WORKSHOP Three hundred faculty members and students participated in the recreational workshop sponsored by the Women's P.E. Department and the University.

WINTER CONCERT Fall-winter concert of serious music conducted by Elwyn S. Schwartz, assistant professor of music, was presented to the A.S.U.I. on November 30.

"THE CR ISIS OF THE \'(fEST" Speaking before a record crowd at Memorial Gymnasium, Miss Dorothy Thompson expressed the idea that the United States should step aside and let the smaller countries of the world govern themselves. Dorothy Thompoon no,t<,! (olunlni"


Winter Comes


lou of '" h.,·~ d«:tr;c bbnkc.....

.. •


••lIin in ,ht Ad. Auditorium.



lhrir rnillion, al .h( M"d'(fI' 8.11,

(.(,', blow Ih.oI<o fOOlpr;nn off I .... crilins.


(OLD Tiu In'crn..ion.1 8.11 fo .. "r(d \h( prot..• hin;ng shon.



路 ..


...ddfnly 'M Jl:ood hiry .p~..IOd!

Rdr..hmfn. ,;mf.

TIMES IIty-billY "hild'fn 1"'1 ,hfir li,路.. l

H.nn.h. wMrf did yo Jl:t't thu



Orchesis Christmas Concert


Ui"mt., • ooloi" in tht .nnual Orchni. p.odUCl;"n.


Smilinx Pi Phi. took lim phn


"TM Old Wiv.. T.lc," "Mnut P~r~ Pudin," and "Th. Word lobd. Flnh,". . .h,tt on'-'f;' plays pt~nud by .h. Univ..,;.y drom. d.p>r.mrn •.


A ,,000 .luI .. dot IK book neh.ngt.

The one o'clock crowd u .he .um _vn llOO S1"dtnn ...,,,iner...! f.... Ii.e f芦tlI'Id w-notSlu.

La"in" m",ieal momenu wi,h ,he Bob R.1<." Symphony Orehn,u 0".1 lhe K.pp. Chouk

The bumin" win""" and hi" wbftl< of ,he hi" .how, Ernit lkdkt, co-<h.irm.n; Mui".y Nfl....... m",;",1 Kriou. voc.l; Sun Ta<e. MC: K.un H"rdnrom. K.pp. K.pp.a G.mm" sro"p corntdy: Bob B.1<n, n,,,,ie.1 >triou, in>lnunenul; N.ncy Btnfn. non-m",ic.1 >trio"., Kei'h Jergen>tn. BI..e Key pruy; Twinkl. Li>ltr. 'ndivid...1 comody; Ch..ck Meo.";,,. MC; R.y Millu. co路chairman.

Blue Key Talent Show An audience of 2000 saw this year's Blue Key Talent Show. Stan Tate and Chuck McDevitt were masters of ceremony and Ernie Bedke and Ray Miller actcd as co-chairmen. Guest performers and winners of last year's show were Po Ping \'Vong, tenor, and the Alpha Chi drill team. The show this year included 20 acts of individual and group talent by studcnts on the campus.

Borah Peace Conference


Co-cha;rm.n Ihkt. uk .. chUIl' . . . hot kick-otf ban_ qu,t htld S.."d.y. M.gr. Hur;",."n I"·' tM princi. 1'.1 .dd...... of ,h~ ~ ... n;ng.

An add res s by Dr. Quincy \V1 right, profcssor of political science at the University of Chicago, on "The United Nations and Charter Review" marked the opening of the eighth annual Borah Foundation Conference. The theme of the Conference was: "The United at ions -Is It the Road to Peace?" Other guest speakers were Dr. Ronald B. Levinson, son of the founder of the Borah Foundation and Thomas Jefferson Hamilton, N('w York Th//('s United Nations correspondcnt.

Dr. Ronald B. Luin..,., I~«urtd On ··Oud.... ry of War and Ih~ Nuur~ of M"n."

Dr. Carloo D...il., .uthor .nd Chilun Ambaoudor to the Unitw S••,"; Dr. Boyd A. !>hnin, ch:ti.m.n of .hr 'to7 illi.m Edgor Bo"h O .........y of 'to'.. Foun_ d.lion Com",ill~; and Dr. Qo..incy 'IV.;,h......ho• • nd I'rofrnor of politic.l .c~ncr n .h. Uni'·,r.ity of Chiugo.

Religious Emphasis Week U ndeT the co~ch:lirm:lnshipof Rebecca Ruby and Bob Bakes, the :mnU31 Religious Emphasis \X<'eek got off to :I. big start February 20. A full program of addresses and seminars, conducted by authorities of representative denominations highlighted the days. The Rev. Monsignor Daniel B. H:lrrington of Butte, Mon[ana served as featured speaker for this year's RE exercises.

Jr-Sr Prom J 10 coupl" n.tn<kd ,ht prom htld ~l Mcmori~l Gymn~,i.. m.


"Magic and Moonlight" was the Junior-Senior Prom theme. Tony Pastor and his band provided the musical entertainment for the last all-campus dance of the year.

little International Week This spring's Little International Show included a week of judging in animal, dairy and poultry husbandry, agronomy, plant pathology, horticulture and [001 identification. Gretchen Holmes, Delta Gamma from \'(farren was chosen queen of the show.



Tt... q ......n u ,h. Linl. In.un.,io.ul

All rudy (or .he 'udS".

Time Out Com~l;tlon ch>r" ~l .h~



boon conuib ..,ion •.

Raking 'em 'hrouSh .he 10.1.,molten in ,he- Buck...





t'~ ~' •

Cumpus Chest Drive The newly organized third Student Government party was swept into office climaxing a hot campaign by gaining the presidential SC:lt and two executive board positions. Campus Chest donations topped the $2,000.00 goal. Solicitations, carnival and auction brought In a $2,046.19 total. Jim Kruger W3$ general chairman. Ne......<kn' u~... i.·n • ..., introd .. cM..

C .. mming •.•


Margaret Bourke- White Author of the 1949 best seller,

Halfway to Freedom, and


magazine photographer. Miss Margaret Bourke-White chose "Behind the Lenses" as the title of her public events address.

~ ..on

on MOKO'" Mo.. nuin?

Jig Alp" Olympics



in tM hand i. wonh > yolr.. in 1M h<:t.

./. (


Tht- Winn...!

Ugh. - .

An ~ .. ly morn,n, b,.,.kb>t. lIyl~ Ibo. . . nd • ~.u.'f ..1 .prins d.y.

Smilin, throu,h

Ca.hy F'tZJl~..ld >I~I" H.d't;.",.l p.n<y .int:.


Tri·Delt Pansy Breakfast Springtime brings the annual Tri·Delt pansy breakfast honoring engaged and graduating senior girls with a style show for the bride-tO-be and a walk through the pansy ring.

Military Boll Marcia Jensch, Delta Gamma, was nominated by the men of Scabbard and Blade, service honorary, and chosen by all ROTC cadets to reign as the first Miliury Ball queen.

B.rb... loon ... brid"m.'d ,n nlOCk ..lOddinl u'~mony.



throu,h uMr .rch.



Alph~ Phi, h.i1 .h~ ~m.ncip... ion of worntn. 1100 >I..d~n" in lin~ for ~how .. 'M .nnu.l Campu. Clun_up .nd picnic ... con.uminK 4.000 hot dOl!:' and 100 s.lIon. of l~mon.o~.

Gudu.,ion R'IO'-n ........

April in Paris SUB W«k ...


'Of11~,hing n~w

... and lurn.bQul day for Ih~ prof•.•.• fly in your coff«:

The n"'pu. band ... in gr.., d.",.nd!


.. t~,htr_ .•.

January in Moscow I'; I'hi dun-up c<t.. holpfil 'pruce up ,he campu. for ,he coming MOlhtr. O~y ..tthnd.

'«'h' h.pptntd?


Accident Benefit The students at the University of Idaho again showed their fighting spirit when they organized and supported a Benefit (0 raise funds for five students who were seriously hun in accidents this spring. Money-raising projects included baseball games, kissing booths, talent show, auction, dancing. The Benefit was well supported and shows what the students can do to help their fellow students at Idaho.


D.neing in the lobby!


I'i.·~ li"l~ Indi.n •. A ponOon o( ,t.•.ula .p<;nl\ .........

Hell Divers


I'.. ·o<~,,".. p<fitnu "h Ain', N«n..<ily 50."

:lob.... Oo<by



Motller s Day

~hy Que,,,, ..·•• ch.. ,he :>nivi.i.. irom her .hronr.

Kacon Hincklcy.

No ... MO.. >r Jl.o>.d nKml><-r.....r. chC>\tn.

And <I" Spur :\hypolc D,nu .he Ad. 11... ".



, A 1',c.O,ch.,i, pr... n..,ion

Mothers were honored guests at the annual May Fete. Chuck McDevitt, new ASUI president, served as master of ceremonies crowning Karen Hinckley, May Queen. Highlights of the day were the introduction of new Spurs and pledging of new Silver Lance and Morur Board members. Moru. Bo.ard mcmhtn .nd Unin..")' s,ngc.. u""C'd in ,h.


K.pp. G.mm. and Sigma

eh, ....Ihd off ... i,h Song Fen Itoph'".

pros.. m.


Fe verish

0..., bis happy hrnilr.


d, in ,ht


Rtd ....;Ion d"" u h warning .


:.ound olf!

nlr. and .ppl~ blO1Klm Lh'rry po .. hit, ... Alph. C h"I undy .hop....


\'(1 ..

11 rrn"rnbcr ,hi•.


Acros•• he , ..g. for th. h.. t t;me.

And do.."" ,he "cp•.


A He w Beginning I'••• id.n, Thwphil... off."'d f......dl word. of wisdom ...




CONCERT Byron Jlni., pi.niot.


j Bid" SIPO, 5Opuno

ARTISTS Robon Sh.... Chor>lt director

Jrromr Hinn. bu. b";'Oflr.



Forney I 1:111






Forney Hall 62

SAEQueenol Violets MISS KAREN


KapPJ Alph1 ThetJ

Sweetheart 01 Sigma Chi MISS MARILYN STEWART

K::IIpp;l Alph.:a Theu


AID Esquire Girl MISS ARLENE WOOD Alpha Phi


Kappa Alpha Theta

Little International MISS GRETCHEN HOLMES





Forney I-hll

Air Foue 6uort/ion Angel MISS NANCY BURNS G~nlm:l


Phi Beu

Militory Boll Queen MISS MARCIA JENSCH




C (OlUM".


"CIUUS COR'. . .




r;vpQ o COlU......1A "CTURES COil'••• \AJV

ASUI Flip Kldrnu ..• p...idcn<

The ASUI Executive Board-made up of nine members elected by the student body {rom the incoming junior and senior classes, the student body prexy, three ex-officio members and two advisors, meet weekly to govern the Associated Students of the University of Idaho. This year's student government was ably guided by a former football star and political dynamo, Flip Kleffner. His right-hand man for the year was vice-president Jim Saad. With these tWO men's guidance, and the hard work and thought of the Executive

Vttp ... Jim Sud


Student Government Board, this was one of the most productive years of ASUI history. Onc of the oddities of this year's board was the resignation of two of its members, Lee Anderson and Jack Parker, in mid ye:lr. They were replaced by twO coeds, Pat Bartlett and Pat Gustafson, who went on to serve the second scmester. The board's handling of the Student Facilities Fee, thc establishment of the skating rink, along with one of the most active semesters of planned activity kept them hopping and producing for the students of the University of Idaho who elected them.

ltt Andrnon

~nd J~cl: P~.l:u

St,n Tnt

J."k Knodl"

1'., Gun.f,,,,,





f'ol au,ltll

Tor.,,11 0'\,;1



Ro", On..-K"nin. And....,n, JoAnn Brown, ,\.I.,i. Br>mmu. N~ncy Back-nom. Rub.,. Andoc..,n. Ann Popm., Ann R••ding. N.ncy Budun.n. Row T ....o-I.« 1'0117.• John Hooh. Jim Adolph.on. Tom W.". Jim Kooker, Dick Bro.... n. I're<l Burro..... D.....ey N.",m.n, P.ul Schultz. Ro .... Thr~Bob SCh....n"'.ld, David Mu.)·, John N.lson, ROller MePi.., On. Cripo, Allan Comp.on, Marc". Hi,.hccx:k, Bill Paul.

Dr.... F..1<I Gr«k Proxy

Greek (oucus

Independent (oucus

The Greek C:aucus is composed of two members from e:ach of the sororities and fraternities, The main purpose of this group is the selecting of candidates for political offices and the managing of the campaigns. This year's president was Drew Field.

The Independent ClUCUS representS the Independent students on the campus. This group is composed of a representative for every fifty students residing in the University dormitories. Patty Gustafson presided over the caucus this year.

P.ny GUll.fwn In<l.pond.n. Prea,.

Row O..-:\Iacilyn W.n.r, Jean Dill•• Jean Bradley, M.ry lou Gill, Macy EII.n AlIrrd, Par Jon.., Donna Han...n. Ctrol Rojan, Pa..y GU$ufwn. Row Two-Jim KruVr, Hap Ferr«, Don O'Neill. F.<I Schmilh, Jim Roek. John B.h•. Dennis Thompoon, John Thornock. Dick Rhod... Row Thr~Da". Builins. Terrel Davi., Glen H.l., Jim Ruswll, Dick Dcnney, Da,.le C.,I..,n. 8".. I."n...


I I'rt,idtnt K.ron Hincklty

A. ~s. The Associated Women's Student Body was lcd by President Karen Hinckley from Forney Hall. Onc of the big accomplishments this year was securing a 9:30 to 10:30 study-hour break on week nights for the Freshmen women, and II :00 permission on Sunday evening for all women students. The A \VS Council is made up of one representative from each girls' living group. The Idaho A\'Q'S Council held a breakfast exchange with the A WS Council from \'Q'SC at which time problems common to both groups were discussed.

Viu_Pr",idtnt PUty Banlttl

Socrtury )0 Ella Hamilton

St.. td in front-Jo Ella H.milton. Koron Hincklty, Chtrrit Wood. SI.ndin/; from I.frConnit Dtnro..., M.y r.ppcnh/;on, D.r1tnt Fron, Iktty PottU, C.rolyn S.nduron. lind. Archib.ld. JUM Buchholz, Sharon Moshin,ky, Nancy Iknf... S"...nno Dolphin. Audrey Montgomery, JoYCt Gono ... y. r."lint I'\:lorron.

Interfraternity Council

P"liden, Tom '\l.~.11

V:.c-PrCliden: Kennr '\l,~righ,

,,, , ., v~,~~;, .. •" ;. ,r , r




• '~





• •




ff , ;}l· ' :',' .... . . ,.. ·.• ".~ t • ....• i •. .. • 'J I ~i • .1 ,-• %1 I ~.









.rcury Gfllrge Yo>!


~,jr. ~

" .,


.. .


TrUI\&'t' Rill D.....h.,


: ·



I" ~.

'1. I ' )


The Jntcrfratcrnit), Council is composed of two reprcscnucivcs from each of the fourteen fraternities. Their main function is to take care of Rush Week and make the rules connected with rushing. The Interfraternity Ball sponsored by the TFC was held under the direction of John Nelson, General Chairman.


Row OM--Chuck Alford. Jim tyk Kenny ".isht. Tom W",., Gears. Yon. o...m Duia. Jim Ri.h..d•. Row Tw__Jerry Dal.... Dick Sn",btr, Bill Da;ll. John T.lI. Danny Lon<'. John Nd'on. Loren Hieu, ~h"'in MieMb, Ln- Foln" P...l Schuhl. Row Th..--I)i.k Rice, J.ck Colt, John Rl.nton, Wolly Kenny. Mih Sou,hcomb, Jim Koc:hu. Avuy Floyd.

Pan-Hellenic Council The Pan-Hellenic Council is a group made up of the house president and rush chairman from each of the eight sororities. This year the group was led by Dorothy Diehl. The main business of Pan-Hellenic is to take care of all Rush plans for the following fall.


Giuin •• N~n~y ~nfer. ;\hr,~r<l <:O..ello, "rilli"., ',l,7inner. .xhmid,. N~n~y lttk. Nan~y B.ack.. rom. Ro... T .........-lo" Ann Ohon. jani. jolly. Ann Pool. jo Ella Hamihon. Sh~ ....n Moohinsky. lk"fr1r Carlson. Onc--C~rolei,h


Spurs Ois.i~

Spur of

Krou.h loIomm.


The Spurs, women's sophomore service honorary. is one of the most active organizations on the campus. Their activities consist of such things as ushering at basketball games, plays, operas, community concerts, supervising the Pajama Paradc, Spur \Vaddle, Spur Screnade, and the Maypole D:lnce. The group is most :lbly ad vised by Mrs. \'(f. H. Boyer.

Row Ont-Judy Crookh.m. Shir1~y Ho1d~n, Jo Ella J-bmiloon, Su~ ~lcM.hon, Mn, W, 1-1, Boy~r, "'dvi,or, Eul. Guy, lui. Gill, C.rolyn S.nd.uon. Row Two--J.nnif., ~lcDow.l1. louis.t T'lko. Marg...' Johmon, S.ndn Sl.vin. M..y Dunn, J.n~ R.m,bor~. Nancy 8•• k",om, Ois.i~ KrO\l.h. Row Thrc.--F_linor H.nry, B..b:au Knight. P'Il)' Parson., Carol lyl~, Ikuy POilU. J.nnn P.rkinson, K.. ~n Ltt K'....., Jun Tnlu.h, J.ni. "'rchiI»1d. bonM Ruppel. Shirl~y Oanic-lson, Doro.hy Lo........

Intercollegiate Knights

Row Ont-W.yn~ Cu.horn., In CI.y...n, J.'On Tro.h, R.lph low.r. [kw~y N.wm.n, Ed 5chn,;,h, Dick [kn,,~y, T.d Kug., lui. n.rr~ll, Don O·N.ill, Bud Duffy, R. J. Nnnn.n, Tom Trail. Row Two--R.lph l;ndborg, Bob 5chri~b<:r, K.n Kru~l(.r. Dick 8rown, ...1I.n iI.... b. J.ck N~.l, Rog~r Tov.y, Dick Wnk., Mike Spenc~. Ikrnud Murphy, forD' H.n~y, J.melI Rock, Don Konkol, Frank Van 8run'. Ron ~hns.tr. Bill liardic-, Pa,,1 Duuon. Norm.n H.~. [knni, L. Thoml'M>". Row Thr~ Richard Tho.o•. Guy '«'tKOII. Erna' FOOI~. Chuck Canfi~ld, Jim 5ttky. D ... ~ Cumm;n" buri~ Fowkr, Jim Chand1n, ..... hur Mi.nt<, Bob Hilly~r. Dw.jn~ Griifi,h, Ron.ld Robin<on, Fr«l Burrow, Richard Johnson. John Kroi ... Jim H.,,;., P.. ~ McConndl.

Thc Intcrcollegiate Knights, working in conjunction with the Spurs, is the sophomore men's service honorary. Some of their duties include ushering at football games. basketball games. blood drives, selling programs, and having an annual book sale in the spring.

Did W.. ks Knigh. of th~ Kni,h,.


Publications Boord The publications board of the ASUI is charged with seeing that all student publications at the University are handled correctly and that their staffs function properly.

The council's members arc found pushing the various committees of the ASUI. and are themselves charged with carrying out many of the tasks of the student government.

P;elu.,.d from I~f, '0 ri&h. . .~Flip "WAtt, F.td Willi.om~. Gnn .. ilI~ Price, Chuck '('''in, Rnd uu, D.rI,"", Duffy, G.l. Mi., .nd M1r1lJrt' Tr,f.,.n.

From kft '0 riahc are-Bill NiJl.Gn. Aub.q' SUpMO', 0;.... W«kJ. Jerr,. D.llu. Chnrw Wood. Jim Ru.... lI, Al K.rn, P.,

Ko .. On.-S.lly Ghigli.r;, Bubar> Anderson. Jan;ec \t' •• ".r, J.no Rcmd,•• g. Ro.... Twa-John Gillil, ROllor Md'ih.... I-nt .....<-Jim Huen. Don LJwnnc., Jooo Co.lff"

Row 0"..-1.« W.lke •. I.•• Andenon. Jon. Il.c,,,,be'li;. Ed Schmith, Mollie Godbold•• nd ~"blc Loch. Row T ...o-Bill Enucio. Tom West. Chula Doch•. J. \1:'. Bowlby. Ch..ln ~hrd..ll. Guy R. And.non, KcnMth A. jliclr..

Student Events Council These people arc responsible for scheduling and supervising various student events. Many all-campus events owe their smooth sailing to this committee.


Student Activities Boord

G ... uf.on, Carolyn »nd.rwn.

Student Union Committee The SUB committee decides student union problems which directly concern the students. Hours of operation, procedures, and regulations are some of the things which this committee considers.

Social Coordination Council Newly organized this year to better the social pbnning of the campus through group meetings of the social chairmen of all the houses of the campus, this group made many advancements. Serving on the board are: Row 0"..-1-1",..... Obem, 0 .....;" Octo, .... ike Bol..., Chairm.n. John Gilli., Rill Ne.. man. Frank Van Brunt. Avery Flopl Row T ..o--e.rolyn 8abcock. Prtc•• Knud..,n, 11.... Sabin, SIlJ~

Obtrs. Kri"'M An<knon. Pu Webb. Pu Rojan, Kay Krriunbcck. Row Thrft'-Il.~lph HlI~. Mn NI!DC'nk~nlp, J~rry z,m_rmn. Il.~~r Thimw. Ik~ Blackburn. Jim To...nKnd, 00< D~lh, Guy Frftd~nd. Mar~ia Thornton. 0....... D~v'", John F. Payn~, Willard Lindsay. Gkn thlf.

Student Faculty Committee Members of the Student" Faculty committee attack the various problems that arise between "the hill" and the student body. Serving this year on this board are: RQ'"


0.,11., D•• n lou'S(: Carter. Row T .........-O... ".

S""8" Mr. 51.do. Jim Sud. Row Thru-O•• n C. O. Decker, Jo I'll. "hm,lIon, Dr. ~by6dd. Row four-Dr. Otnn" I) •.


Election Boord The men and women behind the fast tabulation of the ASUI election results arc: Around II.. table--Larry Elli•. K~ith ~hd·h.." Shirley lIyrnc. Nancy Short, Muir Brlm"",r, Bubar. Andenon, JIm To,,·n . ..nd, Ch.irman, lee And~non, Il.u.h Jolunn......, Jim Koch~r, john NelJon, Audrey Mon'Iom<ry, PUll Schl!ltz. Sl~nd;ns--O."id Alfmhon, Allen R..,b,


Mortor Boort!

Pa, B..,I... Dolly FO:l loO' Rathbun



J.n. Blomquiot

Cuoki.h Ginin.

Kurn Hind,l.,.

R..b.n Taylor

lohqpr•• T,d••n

Dorothy Carur Yond. J.d.JOn Be... Van ••



N.ncy L«1r. N.ncY"in.u

The senior women's service honorary, Mortar Board's annual projects are selling MUMS at Homecoming :lnd holding the May Fete for Mother's Day weekend. To encoural;c hiRh scholarship, each fall the Mortar Board plaque is awarded to the freshman girl with the highest grades.

Nancy I.«k. IohrK 'k.l., l:>orochy C.fln, P., B..d .... Ih.b... Taylor, V.ne., toi. Rathbun, Jan. Illomqui". S.. t~­ Yond. J.ckwn, Cuhy Fi".g... 1d, N.ncy Wi", ...



Silver Lance

Rob Ihh.

K.ith Jorgen.e"

Hip Kldf"u

Jim Sud

Each May Day, members of Silver l3nce up seven outstanding Junior men. Honoring outstanding campus leaders is their one function.

Blue Key Blue Key is the National



Honorary 3warded for outstanding service to the University. Keith Jcrgenscn led the group though their yearly projects of purting out the much used Campus Kl')' :md putting on the very enjoyable Talent


ufc 10 Riahl. Finl Row-Jolln Gilli., Lou;' Rem,b.rs. e.- D;elr..y. Bob N""hooou.... Don O'Nrili. Second Ro...-Krilh Jusm...n. Po P;"s ......,. Third Ro...--cJ.uck McDl'..in, Wayne Glidden, Tro Froote,,'I(Ml, Jack Knodl., Facuhy Ady;>or. Dr. ~hyfi.ld. Tr.rdl Dui•• Founh Ro_Haney 8renn. Fifth Ro...-

Ray Mill.r, Roge. M.rih. St." T.to, Flip Kl.ff"er. Gwrgc Yo.., J.ck Puke•. John Ihhr, Bob Ibh•.


Fred ....illi.m•• Editor

Gary Pieuc" '\hn.ging Jo:di"..r KIl,h IIr.d. N .... Editor

The Idaho Argonaut

Marie I1"n,n,.., Sociuy Editor, .nd I1eul' fI,ool... Copy Editor,


A beat-up brown corduroy jacket filled with sample cigarettes and a host of lawycr jokes SCt the scene for the 1954-55 Argonaut undcr Fred Williams. Assisted by M. E. Gary Pictsch, Williams covered thc campus scene, and yet kept an eye on the "Third Floor Zoo" and Scotchman jokes. Besides putting out a special Poor Cougars edition while the campus was celebrating a big win, the Arg staff went to eight pages for a Horror April Fool edition. The Golden Fleece took its stand in campus politics for the first time in several years.

Ro.. OnC'-Don Ingl., Miri.m Doshier, Ann Pool. Ro9.· T ..o--e..ol Anderson, Je.nne lvenon, Molli. Godbold, Loit Willon, Slle Sporkl, Mari. Van O,m.n,

~ COLU.... SI ... ~ICTUUS


~ \!),')v Row O"..-M"'lyn M..ib, Phylli. huk, Mu Burh, M.ry Jun Ou.h. M.rlin Marvel. Row Two--Iklty Brook•• Jan 'l7ill"", Elinor joontOn. Nancy Mulbury. JoCarol Bickerl.

Crew were Ruth Brede, John Hughes and Betty Brooks, and another chap by the llame of Pendergast, or was it Pcndcrblast? Anyway he wrote a few things. The staff of 70 wound up with 62 issues, including a large number of six-pagers. Taking over the Jason scat for next year will be this year's M. E., Gary Pietsch. The reporters, copy readers, ad salesmen, and the circulation staff did much to make the Arg one of the best ever. Plagued they were by office changes, lost copy, eternal deadlines, :lOd the always used phone, but it was a good year.

Pr, ..

~bdi ......



F.dil..... and Don Smilh m.h up 1M Ar&. Spo,,, ... If.

Abon. Row One--C.arol Ro,an,


Quouna. Row Tw......-sharrol

B.artktt. Kar.n 8tcku,lk.. 8olIin&brob. Ann Fol.y. Vi"ian Vu&On, Ad"trli.in& naif. Below-Tom Nul. JaM R.m.~.&, V"onn. Cl~... bnd. JaM Qu~,na, Alld,~y Monl&om•• y.


The Voice 01 the Vant/als... K.aO.l

Chuck 'ÂŤ'hole SUlion Mn.~n

"The Voice of the Vandals," broadcasting from the banks of the Paradise. h3S greatly improved its position on the campus during the past year. From $cptember to June it can be heard beaming out over the campus-supplying music for exchanges, studying, and general relaxation. Located on the third floor of the Student Union Building, it gives many students the opportunit), to practice announcing or to learn the actual operation of :1 radio station. Two new shows, Coming Events :md Chancr Box, have been added to the variety of programs already presented. These programs, plus about onc thousand dolbrs worth of new equipment, give some indication as to the amount of effort going into K.U.O.I. During the past year it has been under the direction of st:l.tion manager, Chuck White and a most able staff.

Joan Wd,h


S.ndy fullu SoinSlh.oush ..... d.ily p'OS,2m;ns_

P,.parins for. nnl'\ (U' or. 8ill Vumin;on .nd Jim Fal.y Ch.ndl.,


Koser Groff. chid ensincer. kep, KU01 on ,he air with hi.techn;... l know_how

Jerry Ch.ndler. 1'roouc,;on M.n.gec. gi"ing ou' w;,h the word •.

Fovorite Progroms Idaho Stars

Lucky Strike News and Sports Casts

KUOl Kapers

Here We Have Idaho

Lucky Top Tunes

Guest Star

Career Hour

5:30 Classics

Roger Groff and Rill Vecmillion doing one ...f ,he fuquent engineering checks.

Kadi... TV Guild-Thi. i, .n org.nization of students "'ho br....dco>< live dum.. ic prog.. "'. through eRN '0 Kuor and KRPL. They ore .hown around ,heir coull.01 .. the R.dio Cen .. r.


Idaho's Vandaleers

Glen lochry. J.n,,,, 11. 10. Judy FoIk;n•. N.ne)' Short, c..roI Lynn Lui. ROCMU, Hmdn....., P.uy Robin _ Ruban Kn;shl, J1M l...nS'" ;\bry J..... Milb.,.,h.

Dub;..., a.,ky. Kuen Hurd'Hom. Row Two--)htprtt Fow. Alyce S...«n<y. c..oI";Sh Ginin•. J1nier R>do..ich. Ch..loIn Carl""" Dorothy J.cobKn. M..iS')' Ndoon. "br,n.. Tnfrm. l.Von"" ,«",loon. Shirk)' O.nid""" N.nry WinlCO. Dtbor.h ~nlrr. "'um Becht. Row Thr_RiIl Hr••, LIt"ld Glrnn, Ch.rI...


Ron upplr.o. Roger



John Htrnll, Nul C....bolt. John Thornock.

Mi P.. Ralph W on . Gr.h.m "no•. 11..,... Four-Roser 't.'illi.m•. Don.ld Jrnny. John McMrnnami Go.-don Quill,,)'. 0.11.. Quick. O.,'id unsc, St.nley Notl"y. Ed EldrNlr. Jr.r), Whi ... Willnd Lind.." Art Ikrllthold. Ralph thlc. R..! •• Simmon•.

CI.n Lochry Oi.r.,o.

Idaho's V:lndalcers, under the direction of Glen Lockery, completed another busy year. The annual Christmas concert was presented in December. This year's tour brought their fine music to the people in the southeastern part of the state. The Madrigal Singers, under the direction of Keith Forney, carryon the original custom of singing gal' songs while seated around the table.

MDdrigDI Singers

John Herre". I:h"id I•• n~e. Alyce Swooney, Charlone C ..I.."" Joan J.born, Jon. bn~e, Karen HurdStrom, bVonne '«'ilson. John Eikurn, G .. h.n, Knox. Dick M.rti", Mr. Forney.

University Singers The University Singers, under the direction of Mr. Norman Logan, is the largest musical group on the C:lmpus and is open to all university students. During the year it has presented several very fine concerts. Perhaps the most outstanding concert was the presentation of H:lndcl's "Messi:lh."

Noem." Log.n Di,e.tor

Sigma A/plio Iota National Music Honorary, SAl was led this year by Caroleigh Gittins. The group co-sponsored the Song Fest and the American Contemporary Composers Concert. Kow One-Mary J.ne Milb.. ,h. Arlone Hyde. M..y Gild.roy. Mimi D."ler. Shirley Polf. Alyce Sw«"cy. Su·;. Oberg. M"i. V.n Orm.n. Row Two-Virgini. Stu.g''', CHol.igh Gin;" •. "",hy K,upp. IIoni.. Bocke,. 1'>< Robin.on. "hry EUen Allred. e.rol Webster, Horb... Tieg.. Row Thr.......... Morig.y Nel,on, J.niee R.dovieh, K.y Fleming, Corol Ren,!'om, Mi" Prykm.n, M.rilyn FrH.ior, Cuolyn S.ndonon, Judy Crookh.m, Oi~ie Kromh, Jennif.. ~kD"well. Rochdlo Hend..",n. M,•. ShuIt7_. "1>'g..« Fox.

Pili Mu A/plio Men's mUSIC honorary on the Idaho campus. Had a very successful year and shared the load of the various concerts with SAL Row One-----Ch.d.. Cl.u,.., Roger Thieme. Deo Humphrey, Mike I'.non. Rob Schreiber. John B.ker, Rob Cos,;, 0<>" hueoon. Itow Two-John Herrell, Dick M."in, D.le B"'nd" R.lph W.ISon, Cordon T.ylor, Ed Johnston, Prof. Allen l'..r)·, Cr>· h.m Knox. Itow Th,ee-Dick M.n.field, 0.11 •• Quick, Ron leppke, buren Hick., Do" Dundy, Jim Oobo",e, Charlo. lentz, Ed Eldredge, I'.of. Norn,." log.n, Prof. Willi.m Rilling,ley.


University Bantl

"'7nrtn &11.. Dir~nor

Since the coming of \Warren Bellis to the campus, the University Band has shown remark::tblc improvement. In addition to presenting snappy half-time entertainment at football games, it also found time to play at m:toy campus functions and still present several very fine concerts. Much thanks should be given to this organization.

University Pep Bantl This spring a group of student musicians and their director made a rhreeday tour of cities in northern Idaho. They did :1 very good job of publicising the University ... members of the Pep Band include: Row OnC'-Carol


Mik. r.non, Yvonne Fort••

Ike Grogg...on. Morilyn I'ruin. Row Two--Jrnnihr McOowdl. Norm." l'ullor. 1.m.. Hemphill. Ddori. Chic.n., Lob H"Clh. W.h Root. 0.,.,,< J"I>le.d, Jerry Whi,e. John Raker. Marilyn Mauh...... Gordon Taylor. Richard Man.field. "'hrg...t Johnmn. Ro... Three---Pa, Sparkm.n. Don S. I-larri•• Jan., l-brding. Norm. Wik.. Marg. Dra~r. Loi. T.ylor. Oft Gm...r. Rill Sa... Willi.m Billing.ley. Don Hann.h. D;ek Klingt'n.mi.h. Arthur Handy. lft Griffin. Lauren I-lick•• Ne.l Po...ell. Ro... F<M.Ir-Jo.r.n Bli... B..b.u TIC'I'. N.ncy 51\0<-•• lHuld Glenn.


, _______

University Orchestra Under the direction of Mr. Schwartz, the University Orchestra had another successful year. Programs of contemporary :md classical music were presented with m:my faculty members appearing with the Orchestra.


Drama Another excellent ASUI Drama production was presented last fall under the name of "Mrs. McThing." This play was originally for children, having recently finished a long run on Broadway. Ir is a play for all ages :tnd delighted the Idaho :lUdicncc. Under the direction of Miss Jean Collette assisted by Ed Chavez, the students h:lVC presented many productions of high caliber this past year. A lot of rehearsals and hard work arc involved but the rising curtain justifies the time spent. Each production ends with a caS[ party.


make-up «",m, in all ;t> glory

Rc"',"'''''' Ih. "In.perlor Call<"

Oh. \\"'.yno, -

Oh Jan •• - - Oh!

Conni. Drooling•• nd Ann Popn... and "M". MoThinS"


Drama The final ASUI Drama production, "An In路 spector Calls," was presented this spring. The play is a psychological play written by J. B. Priestley in the style of a "who-done-it" mys(cry and is an effective presenurion of the strange twists that take place in human beings when their consciences are affected and involved in a murder. Although the action requires only one set and the entire cast consists of only seven people, the play still involved some directing problems, according to Edmund M. Ch3VCZ, director.


Debate ",oo,KS J./KE AIIOT/l6!t CqlU~t bt6AT~






Delto Sigmo Rho

"Resolved, that the government

of the U niced States should extend diplomatic recognition to the communistic government of China" was the debatc question discussed in the United Scates this year. The Idaho team with 12 returning varsit)' debaters and 20 new aspirants had a very successful year, copping honors at the Inland Empire Junior College Debate Tourney and the Women's Triangular Debate, plus winning first place in the Debate with Idaho schools. Representing

Idaho in the contest with the Oxford debaters were Dean Holt and Chuck McDevitt who later attended the debate tournament held at \'(1 cst Point.

Finl Ro...-O<. E. It. ~7hi ..h..d. •d'·;;or; RO/l~r :'lcPih, p ... ideM; Pn'y B.,de.., S<cr.... y; Fred 'IIi'illi.m" Tr......er. S'~nding from Id,-eh..le. Oldh.m. l« And.non.Jim Kru~er.



Ch.r1et Oldh.m .nd Dre... Field

ltt Andenon .nd Jim Krugtr


Intramural DebotDrs

Good participation from the living groups on campus keynoted the intramural debates again this year. Receiving the honors by winning all their debates were the girls' team, composed of Chcrrie Bacon and Pat Nelson, and Allen Compton and Don Lawrence on the boys' <:cam.

Oeh. Tau Deho-Don Low.,n.e .nd Allen Compton Alph. Chi Omcg.-Chcrrie B.<on


P.t Nelson

Theta Sigma Women's Journalism Honorary Jone Que,n •• Marilyn Meil,. I'llyll;. Ccs. 'e;n. Muic Ingebriucn. lo.n Welch, Nlney L«k.

Sigma Delta Chi... Men's Journalism Honorary Row On ..- Kcith :\hc!'h.,.,. Tom Ne.l, JOt Corl.... Herb I'enderg.st, Guy Pietsch. R(>.... T,,',:-O •. Gronville Price. advisor: John Gillis. Emuine, 10hn Hughe., J.mi. 5,,,,,1•• Fred Williams, Rickey Jones. NOl ,how,,--Chuck Alford.



Phi Beta Kappa

Row One-Marguet Fo~. SUI'" (hnb \XIo",_ blly Bardell, F.ye H.rt .... Il. K'lhryn D.v;,_ Morei. Thornton. Emm. Jeon Foirchild. b"ici. Gallagher. N.Iley Nelson Brough""". Row Two--Dcnc.e Jone" J.ne Rlomqui«, BorbH' Taylor. Gene Dickey, D.nny George, Loui. Rem,berg. Joe Corl..,. Ilob Cole",.,,_ Billie \l:'i1bur Brown, Tom Miller.

Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest and perhaps one of the best known of college fraternities. In the spring the new members are chosen from the junior and senior classes. Phi Beta Kappa gives recognition to high scholastic attainment in the field of liberal arts and sciences.

Bench anti Bar

Active law organiz:ltion on campus ... a big help to new law students in getting them acquainted with the law library ... President, Tom Miller; Vice-President, Genc Lozier; Secretary, Herb Naglc; Treasurer, Don Daiker; Bailiff, Kenneth Bell; Chief Justice, Jay B::ttcs; Justices, Ray Poitevin, Francis Mithoug, \'V'ally Friel, Gene Lozier ... Edward Stimson Dean of the College of Law sponsors thc honor code for I::tw exams fosters relations of the membcrs of the College of Law. Row O"o--Mr. Berman. "Irs. Ikrr..,. Mrs. 1'017. Mrs. Chad;.)'. Mr. Wole,,,o. Mr. A"der~on, Mr. Boll. Ro..· Two--W. B.. u"er, C. McDevitt. IX'. Churchill. K. Jerge"«,,, F. Mi'houg, R. Swon;trom, II. Bake•• W. Nixon, K. Boll. R. H.ley. H. ReHig. M. Hiller. Z. L. Pe.,...n. Row Threo--J. Aston. R. Poi'e,'in. R. Re511 J. Kugler. J. Colern.", L Smith. E. lo~.ier, R. C.mphell. H. N.gel. W. lIeo'O''', B. Wilkin.on. 11.0...· Four-W. III.ck. V. Hocken, R. Buder. W. Tro"Slrum. D. D.iker, VI'. T.ylor. J. R..,.e. B. Parson•• T. Miller. J. BattS, W. Friel.


Alpho Lomlulo Delto

The Freshman women's scholastic honorary Jed this year by Karen Lee Krauss.... Membership is attained by having a 3.5 accumul:1tivc gnde point.

Row On~N.nC)' Buchan.... Lnir Gill, PCu, " •• io .., Conn;" 0.,"100"', Row T.'o-M.rilyn Monr«. Gx B.i'ey. J......... P••k"""'" "'r K~unbttk. r ... y PUIon•. ~br_ ,orn John..,.,. Sox St.uck. lk" Gf'l'l!crloOl\. Ca.olyn Sonderson. O..kM Thorn... Row Th.ft--J ..dy Hods;.,., T ..ko. Tn.,,,,er; l>hy P'Pf'C'"h,cn. Smior Advi_. "'um 1.« Kra"... p....idcn.; J"dy Croollh.m. V;Cc_Prt<idcn.; Jone Rem._ bns. ""ni..., Anderson. Row Four-A,~ 2.n'''s_ Evelyn Eun., ;\h~ V... Orml... Alice Bill m1". M••y Ell.n O.ly, I); • ..., 0 ...,•• &"1 8o"ey. Ch••I.nt ROth, Ida .. ne Schrci~r, La R~ Ncwbtuy, l>h,,1u S..., IXm~y. Myrtl.. Willi.nu.on. Row Fi....-JUnM lve Carol RriCMrt. Aljnn Wick borg. Shirley unz. Tht...... Mu,hiac'n. Eli" Jo!>mon, M"y Gild".oy, J~d;" Lu",•• l..,nr Wat, Judy An:hih.ld. J~n Willm•. Il.rn"" 'I'.igllt.


Phi Eto Sigmo Freshman men's

scholastic honorary

Ro.... Onr--G>ry H"h ...... y. Frank Rusho. Erne" Foot<, l'el< McConn.Il, John Thornock. A. GUl<.f>on, Ern." O.... npo1l. Gcorge Fo.... ler. John Ch.pn"n, Ro .... T ....o--DoyJ Terry. G"..ld Curncs. O..... i,," Griffilh. Bill WiI",n, John Ei.inger, Bill S'",·o", Tom Eddy. Al Andrr ..... Jim Shum.ke., Ron Purvi.ner. J.ek Liul •. Ro.... Thr..-Sam Dorch"u•. Il.ichrd p.lrroon, Wihon Rillllers. Doug S«ly, Doug 1l.."d.lI, Rill Cooke, John 1·loch. Ro.... l.nd Frio. G. Bi".....g. AIl"n J""Kn. Fr"d Morse.



Phi Upsilon Omicron Honorary for Home Economics majors . style shows ... guest dinners ... hard work but fun. "'0W One-Mi" Fc.. h<r\lon~. J.ne! lIik e., CI... Arn"<r"ns. Mori. B•• I•. I'll \Xloot!m<lrc. Row Two---N.ncy Moo'e, Jo." Il.cj·nold<. !'rit". Hoover, Helen An" Dousl." \.orn' Hobd<j" 1")'0< Gcnow.y, ,\Ii" Sehi.o.

Home Economics (Jub An active org:lniZ3rion on campus sponsoring Home Ec Day for Idaho high school girls. Fir" 1'.0'" Left '" Right-Be"crl)' Nohon, Ceceli. Montoy.. C..ol And<rson, Sue Em.)" L,,·dl. Corler, C.rol-Je.n

Moh.n. I'>"ici. Woo<!n,orc. Second Row Lefl



Ou We... Gr.cc Hob.on. Sylvi. Ham.n, Joyce Gcnow.y, Lou Ann Ol'on, H ..r;.l(c Duckworth, Helen Empey. CHol Hu.ucll. MHilyn Murphy, Andr<y 1'.0... Oonn. Hold'mith. Third Row 1..ft H) RiSh,-I'.trici~ Stood..d, EOlher Hop_ kin•• Kerm~ OI.\On. Myrn. Sh,·... Marilyn M","c1. j.n« H.-ding. MHg>rot DuPui" Con,u"ce A"orqui., Morjo< Brinken. j.nc, ;\1(>S<'r, RI.nchc Br.nson, Grotch.n Holmes, Gr... Eldrrd, N.nC)· C.lli,on, CHol Solum. Fourth Row l.ft '0 Righ,-Fri,7. HO'H".r, Th.r.... M",hie.e", M.rth ShHp, Shirley len7., N~ncy Moor•• Phyllis Hill, Wilm~ ['•• kHd. ;\hry Winner, [uta G-.y, £Iinor johnson, Barbar~ \'7Hn«, £I.nor H.nry, Mory j.n. Philips, C.rri. M.nn. jOs<phin. l~m,on. Coll«n O'Oonn<l1, KH.n ~'iloon, Kor." H.ning•.

4-H (Jub The organization for men and coeds interested in 4-H :lnd agricultural work, Kow Ono-HHold /'h"~n, £"her Hopkin" Ro"''''ory Gilpin, jim jes,up, Kog<r Jon<o, John Huber, Phillip Ed .....d•. Ro ... T ....o--D<lphin. Trupp, ;\\ori. El<.I" Arthur Mi.ncr. Don Engle, Th.r.... ,\In,hie,.n, M.rth. Sh.. p, Shirley Le,w.. Row Threo-De.n, Dykltr>, Ruth joh""e,en, G .... Hom.:,,,, C.rol Dilbrd. R.lph lI.i". T"m Cooper,

Charl", Ix!'.lmo Editor

'he Moho Engineer Tbe Idabo Engineer, containing semi-tcchnical articlcs writrcn b)' the students, is :l quarterly studcnt publication of the Associated Engineers. This year the editor is Charles DePalma.

Row 0..., - Ow.i..., G.iifi,h. Ch..ln 1N_ p.lm.. Edwin U.:>, Bill C.r""'. Row T ... ~g. rowl••. S.m Dordwu,. Bill Blianrr, John Hoc'" Bob "I.mpr!.

Su.. ing from ,h. I.f,ROM" Jon.., Bob Ol>on. I'... I' ••non. AI CoomM,. Rn I''''prr.

'he Idaho Forester The Idaho Forester is the annual publication which covers the Forestry activities of the year. It contains an alumni directory, semi-technical papers, and pictures of different classes and the graduating seniors.

P••• P.n,on Edi,or


Xi Sigma Pi

Xi Sigma Pi . . . Forestry Honorary ... initiation calls for initiates to obtain signatures on small woo den plaques . . . field trips and tours round out 3ctivities of this group.

Ro... Ont-'«'. I'. l,hru•.\lin H"on~h. S~-Ard lloonkird, r. Woh!r'2;. Rill W.IIKr, C.ul Gorbd. l'r~;drn<: Clylk Nonk. Ru Pirprr, l.fo Twi.chdl, Vicr_Pr.,.idrn.; Lrr Sharp, Ro'" T ..·o-J.mn 8.>r ". R. H. McAlli"rr, Gordon H.lb...r. Brrn.rd Hushn, Sunly Jrpwn, R. H. S..lr, Bru... Onrnftld. Srcrrury, Robrrt Sprrdy, ;\hr..in Nrwrll, Norm.n Chupp. H.dJr,. Robrn>.

Associated Miners

This ycar the Associated Miners organization is Icd by Jim Townsend. Big g cst event of the ycar is their annual Muckers Ball which is an evcnt looked forward to by evcryone.

Ro... Ont-J""'ph N on, Ad"i,,>r; Jim Townornd. Prrs.; Bob I'.ckh.m. John IIks.ing.r. V.·l'r..... ; I d in S.....u. Tom Archbold. Ro... T ...o-H.rlry Walli., Chari... Kidwdl. Jamcl Tin.o. Willi.m Collins, Don Rcp'old.. Row Thr....-'Il:'.1t l.o... joy. H.p ~.rr.., Durrn Moon. Tr•••. ; Krn A,trll, Jim h'hrr. John Zbo~.n.


Agriculture Club

The Agriculture Club on the Idaho Campus is now in its 39th }'car ... a big project for Ag club students is their annual Ag Bawl which is a well attended event. . . , Little International Livestock Show with a Queen to reign over the activities ... a challenge from the Foresters for a tug-o-war on Ad Lawn . . . just a few of the activities which keep the Idaho Aggics an active group.

11...... On..-~fr. ;\1.,,11.11, Jamn Co.btu, Ronald Cubon, T.rull Dn", N. Walkor. C. C.mpbell. W. R. Ibtehn. Row Two--Il. H. Ro.., Lorry Harrop, Il(ln J'ound.

Ron Ik.1, Mauri•• CI.me"u. "'on Farn•••, Rob St.quiu. Don Milk RQW Thr.~ Ch.n Atchley, Robert 8.igg$, H.rold lliHov.n, G.n. S...... rI. N.il C'OJ', J.ck Oun,moor. Dua"e Sharp. Row Four-Philip Ed d•• Horny JenKn, Jim J... up. Don Ingle, Don W.mOl.d. Row f;,·~rg. F mor., L.... ,..,nu Lo R"". j.mes 1I... n. Han, Go.",h. Row Sis-Hom<' Obc..,. La MI, £'<'01<. Harold Han.n. ~uld Y~m.nJ. Vir,il You"S. Larry Pli~. 11.0... S.v.n--Philip Wbf.rltr. Ihy Sttnun, ClutE., Clark. Mid..,. McCan,. Albe.. Ndl. Ron K<>nut.

Associated Engineers

The Associated Engineers is an active group composed of students from each field of engineering . . . their main purpose is to co-ordin:ltc these various fields and present their work in the Idaho Ellgillerr which is a co-function of the group.

FrOnl 'M lti.-Don O ....lty, R.lph Low••• Gtuld Gtnny. Don Eddy. Willi.m c..........,.., Judd R~.. ~.


Agriculturol Engineers The Ag Engineers spend many hours each YC:lr working on the Little fntcrnHional ... Pres., M. Huffaker; V.-P., David O'Harrow; Sec.-Trcas., Pete Van Houten; Jerald Gentry, Jr. Rep.; J. E. Dixon, Faculty Advisor. Row OM--lft AlIrn, Scribt; Mn Hufbkcr. p~u Van Hou.rn. Jerald Grnuy, Dnid O'Huro"" J. E. DUon.

Row Two-Larry William<. D.yl~ udson. Bill Canon. D.lt S_lcu. Lynn C. Rimtman, Rill H"tchinlOn. Row Thr~J. D. Anderson, Dou,bl Kugler, J.ma "'oICOll. Earl Lille'·;I. J. Gren Willon.

Electricol Engineers The group is reprcsemcd by 3 display 3t the annual Engineers Ball annual lab party . . . fun for all.

Mecllonicol Engineers For students majoring in Mechanical Engineering the Idaho Student Chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers was organized October 5, 1925. ... 11.0'" One--Prof. H.nry Silha, Glfn Hosudf', 0.11., Fulln, 'III:'hi.nfy Smi.h. Jim Hfmphill, V.n T"""hodur, Prof. Hfnry G.",", Roy Merrill. Row Two--Prof. Do"g King, An O.lkf. Pf'f Wdfel, Jim Rich.rdson, Don Eddy. Don Mu.in, Prof, T«l Norgood. Ken EllKn...., Fr«l W.lqui.., Burch Roark, Bill Lowfr.


Chemical Engineers Row 0"1>-8,,, V.nce, Raymond Tjul.nder. John &1.01· <>'Ike, Roben Robertson. Ray Ilos.n. Dw.ine Gciffith, Judd Rogst,.d, Dr. Jack..,,,. Row Two--N..I Powell. Keilh Spencer. Floyd Gros., Glen Robinson, R.lph L.w., Dick D<:nney. Glen Morten,on. Row Th ••.....-

D.le L.ird. WiIli.m Blle,ncr. RowJ.nd



Fuller. Richard Cooke, Col. Sherwood. Ed Schmit!" Roge. Anderson. Row Four-Samuel Dorcheu" AI Miller, Glen" V.ughn, Thorn .. O'Connor.

Civil Engineers Row One-R.lph Cleme"". Tr•••. ; Jomes Hobbs. frank Junk. brler Water•. s.,cy.; D. W. Johmon, Pres.;

'«'.h.. Root, V.. P.: Dick N.i,h, Dick Culson, John Oneida. RQW Two--Robert O ....ley. Royce Lovehnd, Jim Young. Ernelt Medley. GwrS. Fowler. Bud Clemen_ h.gen, Don Riggin, Don Brock .... y. Ed Groff. Ted Ikll, Don Schmith, J.g>< Singh. Row Thr<e-Iv~n T.nnrr, Du" T;"81~y, Gl~nn Ho<,nor, Morri, i\kCooI, Ed ... ~rd l"o,,~n8.r, D,,'. N....dl, K~;th Stoke., !'lobort Ackor.<, Doug Tdltf.on.

Sigma Tau The engineenng honorary for men students in the upper one-third of their class was established locally in 1922. Sigma Tau encourages high scholastic standards and sociability among engineering students.


Hell Divers Under the direction of Pres. Russ \Whitney, the Hell Divers agam presented their annual \'Vater Show, this year using "Over the R3inbow" as the theme. Ro...· On<--Russ Wh;tn~y, S."d.. Sla";n, MUJ.;Hct Sullivan, Barb Simmon•• Janet D.igh, Ann B...dmo ••• Fritz Hallz. Row Two---Helcn !-I."ford. Dot D",)·\on. POI Morgan, Jackie Wainwright. Ch.ron Harp. Shirley Byrne. Holen West. Bud Von Slone. Ro,,· Thrco---C.rol


Reichert, Jan Willm,_ Shirley Lint. Dick Gallow.y. Dick Shear", Fr.nk Nosek, Marion Dri,eoll. Ro,,' Four-Eric Kirk!.n'!. Bruce Buckm.n. Gene Anderson. Jerry Jone•• Dan Dav;•.

The btest means of transporcation seen around campus is the bicyclcbuilt-for-two belonging to the Delta Chi house. Bob Stolley and hi. pan"...

Vomlol Ritlers Students of the University who are interested in horses and rodeoing are members of Vandal Riders pictured at the left. These members have worked hard all year and have brought recognition to the University through their participation in collegiate rodeos. The group was headed by Mickey McCarty. Row One-Jim Varin. L« AII.n. Jack T.lb"'t. Bill '\?hi,•. Row T.'o--Norm. Wik •. Charlene Roth. Corol R.ichert. B..b... R.idem.n. G.il Wolv.non. 10 Shri,"u, Macy Jo Snider. L.R.e H.rrop, love.. T.nner, Grrtchen Holme., Ro." Thr....-L«lie M."he..s, Jr., Toni Redhurt. Doyl. Allen, S..n Allen. Darrel Lynch. Mickel" McCa"y. Gory WalJ.«, Jerry Ch.ndlcr. Tont M.ck.y. elin, Roberu. King Block, Corky V.ught.


Flying (Jub The Flying Club is for men who want to learn how to fly. Many of the members are alrc:ldy pilots, but all arc interested In learning more about aViation. Pic''''N kf. '" ri&h' ar.-Jim B~r...... Funk TwcNy. Corky V'''sh., P~1f McConndl. Ikn Zimmtrly, Norm '«'iloon. Ricky Jonn.

Ski (Jub The rolling Palouse Hills provide wonderful ski areas for members of the Ski Club. Members discuss mutual ski pbns and plan trips together. Row O<>-J....... Tin.o, WSyM Y.... nl. Bryln, Sather, IUM Coulur, ElilloGr JOhAto<>, Shirley Byrne. Ouyl lku., 1"'11.... In.n., JIM' 1010>1'" Ihrbon Hlmk•• Pu Webb. PI' Nanct. Row Two-Mel B,Yln., Ray ~by, Ellio. Lilh" Edw.rd K•.,.,.. John L..... Their. Cook.

5...... Robuuon, John Connrll, HoI,e G',Dum, D..rd A,m$non,. K,,;,h Sp<nc<r, eh.. l., TOle. Row Th,nTed Pc,crKlIl, Ed JOholOo, Kcn Trucwdl, Bob l"lillyu, Ernie Ego". M..1in Jon~ •. Bill Cooh, Will"d Child., Bob Col •. I'.,~ Os'.. nd.r. D.... in~ Griffith. Ri.h.rd CI.mmon•.

Attic (Jub Attic Club, thc art and architecturc club has once a month mcetings. It is famous for its card parties and the auctions of art. Ro.. One--Ron T.n. M.l ..in Mui •• B,II O<tr.nd~ •• 8ud Duffy. Bob 8"'sl•• , judy Flomor, K.. h.rin~ Push. K.y lemon•• Sh'r1~y Bo1inSb.ok., Gil.... Ro.. Two-l.rRoy And.roo". I"'.ul 81.",on. Jim Nol.n. Porry 1.«. j.ck Kidd. 8.. b,.. And ....". Cnhy Fing• .,ld. EIl.n H"lin. Loi. judd, "",I;gi" K..u,•. lIi1ly Jon .., Loy.r H,lI, !.ind. le.... Ro... Thrrr-L.)·n. H.hn. Bill Kim, D....in Quo. Du.n. Shinn. P.pptr 'l),7hi'rnbu.s, D.... P.n. Mr. Dorq;hIY. Dun!.p. John '«'.n.m.k.r. Ro.. FOIlr-O.... J);ck Phd .... B...... CaI"iI!. Ca ••011 Arw,krwn, j.rry Schnd.nun, Rich..d G .....ford. Bill I.vino, IXnnr Ambr...... ""leolm F,,,$!. j ..k T ...... R.lph AlI~y, FI'ftI ShopI'. J...y R.n.ink. kOS',. Spihr.




International Relations Club Row O"t-lI.'ch..d A. Cook, Prog"n> Comm;ttn: Ch.irman, Doro.hy D.m_yn. S«r~ury: Ch..l« Oldh.m. Praid~n,:

o..nnit L. Thompoon. Vk,-P..,.;.dtnl. Row Two--D.,·c Rowl.nd•. "'It s..bin. Ann Popm•• Sally Spotnc•• 0..., Humph",..

Cosmopolitan Club Row On_Rulli 8...,d•• V....,li. I.rmoni.d... Abdul L K,m.l, 0.1. (Mr>, Rob•. ) Tr~y. s..-Ard &onki.d. Onl'M Thom... Row Two--Jnn Pu., SUI Ailor. Bob Tucy. H...nn RJf;~. Ron Tan, Obf


Curtain Club Ro.. Onc-Il.<vcrly C.r1«ln. SI,.,on Moshin.ky, K,r,n H",dn.om. Edmund Ch...n. K..rn Kr.u ... N.ncy LuI<. II". s..bin. 8".. lnIu. Row Two--Lu.y Hycr. ~brluc, FOK. ~hrr Lou 11)""

Btu,. Sm',h,..., Jr." CoII.u" Agnn RiM'tlu. '-hry Hopkin •.


Inter-Church Council Row One---}..".' Harding. Di'ciple Stu_

dent Fellow,hip; G..y McEw.n, L.DS: Oori. Conklin, MOlhodi,,; Auguu Mudl". lud'cran. Ro'" TWQ--!k"crly 10'" No ..', bury. Pre,byteri.n: Shirley Ringe. lu,h.,_ an; Lorry \X'ing, Bap,i", Jerry Curn... Bap,is,-

Domes Club This yc•• ,he Dame. Club w .. headed by Corneli. Sal.mun ."d Ev. Hostetl.r. Other member, include, Row One----Pegg)' W.d,worth. Gwen Ch.ndler, Morilyn Clegg. K.rolyn P..e..on. Hole" W.hlqui". Morcell. Oneid., Elin Scnsr"eicr. Co.neli. S.I."'un, MI'$. 1::1...·yn Sehw..,>;, N.n Hu.st, K.y M.rsh.lI, Doro,he. Olson, Oi.". ~hnweiler, Amy Blessinger, Ben)' Chedey, Jo.n Middlebuff. Row Two-Thel",. V.n,kike. C.rolyn D<:,judinl. Shirley J ••berg, l.ois Perkin" I'''.ul. Robin",n. Je.. ie B..dwell. P.trici. F.rrer. Fro,,_ cine Ilc>.ey. Iris Powell. O.rlcne Telford. P.uline Og.n, Jo.n En,.cio. Borb.r> Le_ P.rd. Wilma Poole. Ode... Byce. J.n;oI Ru,..lI. Goor~i. G.ge, Dixie H.n,cn. Shiro Icc Cloiborn. J.nice Gorm.n. Beverly Schlott",.n. Borb.r. Beier. Bub... Scon. Row Thrcc--Helc" l'yh. C.role Petcr",,,. Joy Loc. BI.nche Stude •• Anne B.iley, ~hrth. Dune.n, Lois Smith, O<>ris Ann Winschcll, Lestie Gordner. Eilccn 'II'.lIis, Loui•• Mix, Lucille Young.

Publications This yeaf Jane Remsberg and her :tssistants put together another fine H:mdbook for the Frosh of '55·'56. . . Jim Lyle, Alumni Secretary, and Mrs. Dick were the mainsprings behind the publication of the AII/JIIllat' ROllm/111J. This qU:lrtcrly publiC:lcion is sent to former students :"Ind friends of the University of Idaho. It is devoted to the news of the University's operation and tells what the alumnae are doing.

J.ne Rem,berg H.ndbook £<li,o.

Mr. Jim Lylc .nd Mrs. Dirk


Wesle y Fount/ation I{o",' On..-Shirlcy 1'011, Gr,,, Eldred. C<.>nnir Brook in., Wesl'l' Alb,. J.me. Cory. Edwin Russ. Stonier Thorn", diuclOr; Cue< Hobson. D,rlen. Kilborn. Bub... Klu"". M1rY lou Gill, Glen Knutlon, N,"q' C.lli,on, J.ck Moun.. Kow T ..'o--Morilj"" 11100'•• EI;uk.h Oud. l'hylli. Ge",in, Dick K,mlin, Jo.n W.hh, Donn. Gr.nt. Thorn •• Coo!"," Neil> ChriSti'''len, Don.ld lIundy, Shirle)' "'lorten,en, Flor.u. Rand.II, Robert Ol,on, J.mes New. Row Thr~r-O<:>ri. Conklin, M.. iori~ Tylor, Fronk Mull~r_KHg~r, Robtrt !k<:n"n. I.l1ril)·n Monro<, EliZ.btlh Wi,w.II, \l(liln,. P.ck..d, M.nh. Sharp. O~ni. l.ong, Thorn" O'Connell, W.yn~ Snuck, \l(1.yl.nd M.lp.... Ron.ld "uk., W.yne C.. buhn. Row Four--Cl.ud Nc.li., E"c!yn Evan., Morlh. Sue Demp•• y, Mory EII.n Iknn.tt. j.ne Ik.m.n, Virginia Robinson. Bud Duffy. Dorothy ".mmeyer, O<:>n.ld Ingle, Norm.n McClurc, Clifford Hordin, Arthur D.lke. 11.0,"' I'i"r-I'.,er V.n Houten, L.nnie Am." J.me, O.born.

Church Groups

Lutheran Stut/ents Association Row Onr-joAnn Lind'lron', Donn. I-I.n•• n, ll.. b... Schaff«, M"i. Ing.bri".n, j.". Mill.r, Judy Flomer, .nd C.rol D..g,clh. Row Two -La 11..11. Smilh, j.ck N.ylor, phil J.cob.on, L••lie B.ckstrom, "en 5.n",.1,0", Ikr< LuVm., W.lly Hendrickwn, .nd AuSSi. Mull.r,


Canterbury (fub

Christian Science

Row On<-J"k P~.. rlon, P.ulin~ For., S.III' Sptncr, ,l.hrgor« V.n D. Grift. ;l.hnh. El1i •. Ro'" Two-Dorothy O .. pon, Adele Tho",." Sally DuS.ul •• Dorothy Carter, Tom Herdin •. ROll' Thrce---John Chapm,n_ Sue Emery, P.l Robinson. K.,her;ne Curti•. Row Four-Dick I'cency. Shirley F""ncy, elor. Armstrong, Mike Dowry.

Row Onr-Miri.rn D••hl.r, Ilel. S.bin, Vic._Pres.: Ingrid Jone., Sccy.: Lo'·cr. T.nner. Trral.; Dixic "rou.h. Row T,,'..-N.ncy Benfer, Pre•. ; John Robtru. Roger H.n,en, Mr, Schc1drup. P" Jone', Corre" Secy.

Newman Club Ro... O_P~ul Moon. P~.: Bob Prn,d, V._Pro.: J.... nM Pt,r...-.. Tru•. : tb.ritu. H~nn~. Soc;~1 Chairman; Jim Chandler, ~brilrn Kund'a<, Mildrw "''''ICh. Cuol Ann Rensuom. Row Two--EbiM Ihu... Jan "'''"y. Frank Sca'ullo. RuS" Gall'lh,., Don.ld K.ml'. Phil Whule•. r.t Eldredge, Oon McAuliff•• John HUM,. Prgn 0..1',,;,. Row Th.«--Glori. Kdle. IIob Carlm.,,_ Jerome lIurchard. T~d [)"~~.",lo,frr. Hom.r Obout, Jerry H.llor, Aloi. Mill•• , Claren •• Shippty. Shirl_)" Kwugh.

Westminster Forum R",,· O",~v.,lphi". T,upp. lIob McK«v.r. Il<:cc. Ruby. El.in. Moon. Ros,n,..y l-lo]'ing••, Norm.n W.lhr, Marg ••c. Shum.... y. Charlo". 'IX'.lhr. Row T ...o--lHooy By••m. Don W.lk.., L.Renc N.,,'Mrry. Milton Il.i&s<n. o.,.n. Dykstra. GmrS_ Fowler. Be'-crlr N... btrry. M.. y Jo Snid... Row Three--Jim \1,7.11.',,&'00. Don Foskn. Bob Jono. 11.0" Four-Rrv. Borry Jolin•. t>tc.. Lycan. D.v~ t.o..dl. F.o.;! Monot. '«'i1<on Rigrn, Norm.n Hdlaoll. Bob Jonn. Adv;lOt.

Roger Williams Club

lambJa Delta Sigma

11.0'" Onc--Mrs. Pope, I>b'lpret Cook, jeri Kuk.. Rutll Snain. Dori. joro",r, Howard H.ymel. Row Two--Arl Bergthold. Al Eldr.d. Gerald Cu,,,n, J.mes H.mpllill. Jim Duncan. Row TII,..--Ron Kuk>. jac" IXWin, Larry Winl. Ron L.pp.... Row Four-Albe.. 8u.n.", Jim Ellllleslon. 'l\7illard Wil'Oll. :\In Ullom. P.IlO',

SlIirl.y Bolingbroke. Lu.nn jon", J.... nn. Barn.y, Corol W.bn.r. 11I.nell. P•• rson. Don.e. jones. joy Gro.eou. Row T ...o--Lon D.vi., G.yle Hix. Dee G'Q'·u. Dick I'.ekh.m. Ro" 1Ie.1. Row ThreeMarilyn Clrgg. Korolyn I'eterwn. R.mon. Robiton. Hild. R'I.n, Mn. T.nnrr. Morir V.n Orm.n. Hrlen Empey. loran. Jonn. Ro... Fou.~h ... icr Ckllll. Mi" P~t~.'OII, J.y Robison. Gory McE... ~n. Dr. T.nne., Millon ...."ton, Clayne Hend.ick., E"'rn 'I\~..lc.


Over Hill... Over Dale ... Ll. Col. Jamn A. Moor.


The Pu.hing Rifl,., • n>t'on.l honorary mad. up of ouut.nding Army ROTC Cad.t!.




,he gndu.cing ~nio.. who hav, qu.1ifi«l for commi"ion. in ,he Army Rc:servn,

The Army ROTC, under Lt. Col. Moore, is designed to turn out fully trained officers ready for active duty if their country should meet a crisis. Under the program, all under-c13Ssmen must take the twO years of basic training. Those who show outstanding leadership in basic training are chosen to take the advanced course which will give them their commission upon graduation. While in advanced study, students are paid approximately $30 per month. Although mOSt of the commissions will be in the reserves, the outstanding cadet of each graduating class may go into the regular Army. Th~

P....;"s in ...,.. ~ ... ot lht Sprins In.ptClion.

Tht ouuundins Army ROTC Calku .!>oul 10 f!l'< 1I.~,r >ch"'vtmtnlJ.

~.; ..t




Army ROTC .co.ff ot Idaho.

Quftn of


Mi!il>ry B.lI .nd her Prinenon.

Girl.' RiOt Tum, 'pon..,nd by d>t Arm, :nd ltd by S,I. S.lyn.


· .. Into tile Wild

Blue Yonder... ;\hjor J,m~. M. Hllllh., f'AS&T

A.,>old Air Soci<-.)', ,h. honoury for Junior. and Stnio....

Th. AFROTC Drill Tum, • "frY .mooIh ..nit in compni.ion.


Although the Air Force is quite new as an independent organization, it has quickly taken its placc in our first line of defense. It is growing just as fast on the Idaho campus under the leadership of Major Hughes. \Xfith enrollment increasing each year, it promises to catch up with the Army in the ncar future. There arc numerous branches of the Air Force for which a cadct can apply. He can either take flight if he qualifies, or he may go into one of the many technical jobs such as radio or radar. All of this can help the cadet evcn aftcr he is out of the service. TM Ai. Fore.


of 1M Id,ho <l..... h_n'.

Th. Air Fore. Chole., .... y wdl known "nging geoup I.d by Air Fort. C,d.., John H>rr.".




••• • &

Th. *d"anerd nO.1I on , 6.1d nip 10 Phocni:l, Arizona.


Anchors A weigh Me Boys • • C.puin T. C. Thonu.

The NKOTC S.. ff and ,heir ''''0


The N.vy Honor Con,p..,y p<rformins at ,he l>hy Fete.


The Naval ROTC program under Capt. Thomas is a four-year course offered through both competitive scholarships and open registration. Those entering on scholarships are given their books and tuition free plus fifty dollars a month. In return thcy agree to spcnd thrce years on active duty upon commissioning as Ensigns plus five years of reserve duty. Thcy also must go on an eight-week cruise

T ....



Drill T•• m which look fint in


E~gl •• nd

each summer which most of the men find quitc educational and a very good experience. The Cadct training revolves around a program including orientation, gunnery techniques, naviga· tion principles, naval engineering, and preparation for a commission in the Navy or Marine Corps. Onc of the big social functions of the campus is the Navy Shipwreck Dancc which is an annual costume affair.

Anchor Council which go,-uno ,h.



Somt' of ,h. Id.ho C.dUI I t I.... U.S. 1'.' 1 AmphilMwl 8'1t, Linl, Cr",k, V•., for sum , c.mp.


I didn', know you


ao'nll '0 uh my ptc,u...,!


Come on girl. pllll!


No'hing like. good old work p.ny!


SAE"S .11 drt»«! up!

Aren't we cute!


路~living Groups ,/






'0 (OLUM'I"

"crU~H (nip, .

Women Living Group Presidents ALPHA CHI OMEGA



































Mu. .\hDGE








Men Living Group Presidents ALPHA TAU OMEGA JOE EOCETT



















Thow- ;ntr.muul g.m., r(.lly

hn. it!

OH! th(,., .tudy hours!!

Th( Th(u•• nd 'M;r "nM)O-mooo."

Could it be.. ,ubbin,H?


AIpllll Clli Omegll ''1'0

6l.U&.1il "1)IoC:E TAU- TiE€S "",,ooeD /'



~ \.A.A}

Alpha Chi Omega the pink shutters turned green activity gals Janet Campbell, Audrey Montgomery, and Sandy Slavin ... Cherie Bacon and Pat Nelson brought home the intramural debatc trophy for us . . . Barb Simons, finalist for Holly Queen and ATO Esquire Girl ... Nomic Benson and Jan Oaigh and ukes entertain at firesides . . . Sigma Nus at Halloween, Brother Betas :It Christmas, and Dclt:l Chis in the spring round out the YC:lr's exchanges ... senior (?) tubbing ends another year for the friendly



Bt;TTI I' •••



judy Andnxon Nancy Aluandu Ch¢.;" Iheon Elno.. Ikn~n

JoAnn Brown I..,M eo.. lt¢r jan¢, D.i,h Mar,u¢. D.. Pui.

¥vonn. Fon. Carol. G..d¢man Ch..lyn. H.I. J.nie¢ H.l. J.n¢, H •• ding

Sh.."" H>rp

ElaiM Hrbnd j.g.. Elinor Jo"nMHI Barb..a K.I1•• Cbud•• t t K.m. Rna Koc"'r


K.. I•• n Korin.k Su. M.rrill Audrry Mon'gom.ry Ihrb••• NdlOn J'u N¢lloOn Suunn. P.. rot'

K,,"'riM RHd V.rn. S."gu. Barb.>ra Si..-.. Sandra Sl.vin Arlin. Snyder

Ch.rlo'l< Sodo.off

Billi. Sufl'.n, Virgini. W.rd j.nicoW..n.r C..... W,,'g.l.


A/plio Pili Bordering the banks of beautiful Paradise Creek stands the big white house the Alpha Phis call home.... Through its doors walk many of the campus personalities-Freda Payne homecoming finalist and Arlene W'ood, ATO Esquire Girl ... Caroleigh Gittins, SAT Prexy ... lody Keith and Joy Chilcott arguing to fame in debate ... Gae Bailey, better known as the "whip" . . . The AP's also showed their athletic side by catching the trophy at the Sig Alph Olympics ... nicc pieBillie \X!'olff's eating, Helen ... Parties on third laugh ... "The Falls" Fan Club the fun with the Swcct boys . . . and firesides ran rampage through the year. Nancy Ketchen and Cherrie \Wood watch the dollars for the frosh and junior classes as :mothcr year comes to a close....

How ,Wet',!

A p>j>m> -'"lion .... foru.





Shirky Alltn Carol Am.l»u,!;h Conn;" Allorqui~ SIlO Bachrach Gx I»iley Pu Ikrry Shirl~y

Blick Brown Nancy Buch.n.n Phyllij C....'n joy Chilcolt


FIl~n Cl~l.nd

Y",mn. CI.,·r1.nd Dori. Condon '0.. Cun. DorOlhy O.lke OorOlhy Orsylon Sand .. Eun. Sh~r;" Foa M.rilyn Frucier Sand.. Fuller Lca;"Gill Carolcilth Ginin. jo H.ilth. Shirley Hall Hrlen Hanford p~, Hu~rm.nn

Sluron Helander judy Hod,!;in, je.nne Iver-. Ingrid jonco LaVonne K.llu,ky Nancy Ke,ch~n K.y KOl,~r j.ne L.n,!;e Kay Lau,!;hlin j.,.n lu.dh Carol Lylr R~ .. lee McCraden Ch"m.in. M.ngum Mou.te" M..wrll Shirley Meese ~hrilyn Miller N.n NrI..,n Peggy Neloon Sherry 01ClOn May P.ppcnh.,!;en jon«n P.rkin..... Frcd~ P.yne Ikny POller M.ry jo Powell Pu 11._ Linda Reid Mary Ann Schul,>: N.ncy sn" ROl<'lIc Snyder Pu S,odd.rd Sh.<otI S.ump Kay Wendle K..~n Wil..,n Mariann~

Wolff Wood Ch...it '«'ood Oi.ie Young



Delta Delta Delta

Gr«k Godd ..... ????

Who are ,he lucky men?? II



.Llt.8 ~.A66 ~ PICTURES CORP •••



h w••• winn.r!


Tri Dc1ts took second with a lion float at Homecoming, had a pink elephant door for the pledge dance. . . . Fish and Leekie returned to school with West Virginian sun tans after convention.... Smoke got in our eyes when the upstairs living room fire place and the furnace both revolted. . . . Some ate . beans, some ate chicken at the scholarship dinner. Nancy learned to bow low for "Lute Song." . Black was in order for the Campus Club Snow Queen whose funeral graced our lawn. Spearsie pledged as house mother and chased burglars. . . . Big wheels on campus-Nancy Leek, Virginia Sturgess, Barbara Anderson, Ann Popma, Phyllis Gestrin, Joan \'<1elsh and Jean Teutsch.... Exchange with the Dclts, Sig Chis, and Figis were crazy costume capers . . . but great sport. ... Sully twirled for the Vandals and Jo \'<1e1sh provided the surprise of the year with her type recording announcement. The stars and crescent shine on Delta T rio

N..:,cy LI!["

P",ilr,,! &orban Andn"'" Btnrly l\akrr Muy JaM Boyd S.... 8rabb

Joon C.dy

Btvrrly Carl..,., Sharonl.... Cromwrll Eliubc-.h DrKI...... DU"" Dickin"'" Phym. Gnuin

Shirlry Goodin,; Gay Grady Loui.., Hack 8ill", Hand"y Harr;".<t Hanna Sanh H.nnah LaR.r Hurop


Jrromr Carrir 0..11 M.nn Pat Morsan Sh.rrn M... hin.ky Eliubrth Oud Ann I'opma Carol Rrichrrt

J<>'" Robi..,n Shirley Rob,on lIet. S.bin Jo Sheinr Carol Solum Virginia Sturgr.. Marg..et Sulliv.n

Lov«. F. T.nnr, Jr.n Teuuch JoAnne V ..in J.ck'" Wainwrigh. COI.... n '«'anon '«'.vr,ly Willi.m, I..... Wil..,n

Joon W..I.h A,l....n Zaring

Delta Gamma

~"""'~ ., eOI) VO 4AGli • ~ (OLUM'I"

Sludyin, •.• no doub<!

\'(fell, \"Vell, Well, Hannah; Delta Gamma ... where the engaged girls skip around the table . . . has had an active year ... on list of standouts arc Jane Blomquist and Marcia Thornton, Phi Beees; Pre-Orchcsis prexy Jane Bonham, four Spurs and (wo Morcar Boards ... also Dad's Day and New Student D:lYs heads ... Curran's favorite jingle "snowflakes" heralded in the winter with Phi Delt exchange and Beta snowball fight ... spring saw the beauties blossom 3S Gretchen Holmes became Ag Queen 3nd Marcia ]cnsch Military Ball Queen annual Bunny Breakfast. OUT

rll boo iI''' a ",in.. 't..




jA"'!\ BLOMQUllT


Judy Archib.ld Nancy BJCk"rom S,v BerJllrom J , Rih. B c.ly Ilol.insbrokc

j .... 8onh.m N.ney C




Ma.. h. Oa..;' Mnian OrK.y

Mary Uun" Monic. Elcock 0.1. Ev.n. I'.uli". Far. joy•• GrnOWa," S... GhiSlir.i Gr."h... Holmn

Arm. H'nehh Carol j~l"on .\t.rly. j.d,,,,,,, M.rei. jmKh Beny john,,,,,,y•• Tina Libby M..y jan. Milb."h


Mon .... N.ncy Moorc V.IO'Oonn.lI

I'."y Par""n. j.n. R.m.bers Conni. Sp.ulding S.nd .. S<ringfirld


Su""ck Alye' SW~...,. P.. Sw.....y K.y. Sw~...y Mnei. Tho.n.on Vivi.n \' ug.n j .. l.. Whi,ney

Nancy Win".. Morgare, Wood.rd I'.. \l(loodmore Ren.e W.igh,



Plodg•• or mcmbtrs????

00000 my hid!!

Gamma Pili Beta




~ 'V''JV

"Anyone for the Perch" arc the favorite words at this house . . . A \'(1$ Prexy Jo Ella Hamilton hangs her hat here as docs Spur prexy Sue McMahon. . . . Gamma Phi pledges again defeated Tcke pledges in the annu:tl fall football russel ... Patty Bartlen, Mortar Board and Phi Bcte, sat on Exec. Board the latter part of the year . . . annual Halloween party with the Phi Delts Air Force Guardian Angel this year was N:lncy Burns entertain alums and their children at annual Christmas Party . Margaret Trcfren, Mortar Board and ASUl secretary . special function this year-installation and initiation of a new Gamma Phi chapter at the college across the border ... picnic with DG's in the spring ... Military Ball finalist and activity girl Shirley Byrne sun bathing on the roof is a favorite spring pass-time fun and friendship make college days happy for the girls who wear the Crescent Moon.


'rnih./ Slureol Banlr.. llrv.r1y Bow." Pau;';" Brown .\hry jun Bur". Br... Bu.n.

Nancy Burn. Shirky By."" C......ri"" Curti• .\hey Ellrn O.ly Con... n« Drnoo...

Alier R:or DrShu•• Ann Foky P.uli.... F."".rn..... Pany Gn.i..... jo 101.. H.milton B........ Hamlr. hyr H.nw.n

Ellm H.r1in l.vi". Ion.. M •• jo.i. John..,., B•• lu •• Knight j.c..i. In.n. j_phin. l<<:on. N.ney l«

Marilyn .\hn·d V.n.... MeGo n Rhoda MeG ... Sue MeM.hon Garnet Mete.lf jo Minning Jane • .\IOIU

PoSgy P.ulson G••• ldin. Hooks I'.uy Robinoon ld.nn. Schr.ibc. Elaine Schrord•• Nancy Short joy« Sinnem'''i

Pat Sp.... m.n L.... i", T ....o j.n.n. T.ylor M.rg.e<tT,rf.en I'atriei. V.l....on Suzannr Wah.. 0 •• Wn.

j.n Willm. Maty

lou Wolf.





Kappa Alpha The ta


~ ...

rllellEG A K.'T UP .",.,"T T4tee-·



.. ,




,... • , ,



..' ."






~'i.' o COlUMlfA 'tCTUlES CORP••• \J\.}J




Big vineless castle ... a few queens this year ... Karen Warner, SAE Violet Queen; Marilyn Stewart, Sig Chi Sweetheart; Betty Jo Roberts, Dclta Sig Drcam Girl; finalists, Barb Joseph and Ginny Nelson · .. gOt "The Mop" chasing housekeepers around ... Mortar Board. Ann Pool ... Joan Pettygrove, Phi Chi Theta ... "Evcr)'body's doing it" . .. gctting engaged that is ... Brown, Hobdey and Douglas, Phi U's · .. busy sock-hop, not :l dull moment ... went "coocoo" over dads on Dad's Day ... SA I picked musicians, Shirley Danielson, Karen \Varner, Mary Gilderoy ... Denise Darwin copped highest points in \'<fRA · .. also WRA prexy ... the girls have a suite reserved in the infirmary. but usually find the castle the best for a Theta.

Do.OTtIY On:..L

',niJ,,,1 c.rolyn Ihbcock Jo Carol Bich. Jo.an Bren' Arl."" Brown Sh..on Cho.a••

MnS1r... Cook Sh,rley 01nicltorl DtniK O...in Judi.h Dobooa Sunn"" Dolphin

H.kn Ann DoU1l11. Bcuy Orcsn"

0 ..1."" Duffy M..y Ann Ennl Mny G,lderoy Elinor H.nry Shirley H"".y

Lorn. Hobd"y B1rb1r1 J_ph R"",111 Kelly K1Y l181tll" Lorr.in" L1nlldon Joyu L:... h1n, 0 .. 1""" Linl.

M.rolyn Mcils IlenyMillu Luh N1nning. Virgini1 N<I.on M1rg1t•• I'•• khord, Jo.n I'ellygrove K1Y 1'.nYllrove

Mory J.n. I'hilipl Ann Pool ~hrylu Quern. \l(lilm1 Schmid. Donn1 Sh,v<ly Mny Snow Morilyn St"...."

p., S...... tt

Bonnie To.... Rit. Stroebel K1ren W ..""r Suunnc W ... >on J1"" While





..'.~" ''J-.LLLU '. . "

-liMN... hEIU APPITlo#"


Kappa Kappa Gamma The wholesome girls downed many NoDal. pills to again cop the scholarship cup ... we were greatly aided by fOUf Phi Beres-Fox, Taylor, Fairchild, Davis who managed to tcaT their curvatious bodies from the newly added sundeck . . . Lindley Hall binocular sales soared this spring plus many kind offers to apply sun lotion and tear down the "eyesore" protecting said sundeck . . . rippling biceps pulled in the

When are .hoy &oing '0 lini.h ,h.. dun .1npinl; porch!??

\'<IRA participation trophy ... campus squares were Crook ham. class officer; Krauss, Exec. Board; Sanderson, A \'V'S Seey.; Olsen, outstanding

Home Ee. award . . . black faces brought first in talent show


white faces first for song fest . expansion program (of the house, th3t is) finally completed ... pledges "wrigleyed" up with a trophy for Dad's Day ... a busy year for the functioning dads.

A R ..,h P... y ptrh>p<


S .. I.B"I. .. T .. YLOI. f'rt,id~~,

Carol And...on Norma Bordon Doro.hy Cu•• r Judy Crookh.m Kutn C.o•.irr

Kuhy Oni. S.lIy OuS.ult ~hr.i. Elli. Sue Emry Emm. J.. n Fairchild

Jo Carol Fouch MUI.r•• Fo~ B....rly Grqs.non AnM H.mblin Fri,z Hoo...r Ekano. Hoom,n

Joy•• Hoohr

Dorothy Jacob••" Kar.n Krauss Kay Kr.iz.nbrck J.nnifrr M.Do....II Sally Mo.., Joan Muz Kay Morv

Mu;S'y N.bon Marilyn No.,..th Sunn Obrr/!: Lou Ann Olso" R",._Mori. P.rr;n Clair. Poi •• v;n J.n.". R • .,ls

JoAn" R.ynold. Carolyn Sand.non Na" Sod.n

S... Spark. Adrl. Thonn. G.il Torpry Muir V.nOrm,"

P.&sY Vui,n

DorothyW,hl CuolWarr.n I~".


J,n Whit. Myrt Williamson La.VonM W;II....,

Vrlm, Wilson Ktil Winne. Mary K.y. Winn •• SUlOn Womeldorff


Pi Beto Pili

look John ... lhere'. Chris! It filuu ,he $mokt, and

., Tltf:SE'



Š COtuM8!A 1)2



mild. too.

"The little ivy hut down on Deakin Street" chalked up many more goodie points this year.... First in Dad's Day ... Honors for the Homecoming float and scholarship ... and the house lovelies Karen Hastings, Nancy Benfer and Sonia Hcndriksson added new Sig Chi, Holly Queen and Homecoming Queen Finalist trophies to our case ... the \'(fine and Blue buttons popped when Dixie Kroush was chosen "Spur of the Moment" ... \VIe also claim the notables C1cora Andres-Mortar Board Vice-President, Margaret Costelh-PanHellenic Prexy, Billie Brown and Nancy Broughman-Phi Beta Kappas and the one and only Vanda J. ... Cupid took a heavy toll this year . . . Rochelle kept us weavings songs ... Glenmar made the show go on ... Sly and Moosic kept our \'({.R.A. points high. , . Shirt Holden spurred us on , .. Cathy Fitz kept the campus wheels in motion . . . and Loyce "Charlie Brown" Hall kept the whole works in stitches ... with the \'({assail hour, Ski dance and annual spring tubbings we drifted through another successful year to the strains of "Pi Phi Honeymoon,"


\\lOW! '


~ .. \)\}.::J


PrtliJ",1 K';J.in. And.'lOn jo.an Baldwin Ann Ik..dmor. N.ncy Bon f•• j.anne Si,hop

P.. Brookm.n Billi. R.own Carolyn C>nnon jun Clurbul>k Carol)'n Ch..lran<!

Marlar•• Con.llo OUneDu;. c>.h.ri... FiUI.rald judi.h Folkin. Pa..ic;. F.iend loy«lhll Maril)'n I lammer

Ito... n. H"brouck Kor.n H ... inl' Ro<:h.1I. H.nd.non Soni. H.nrik.....n P''''c;. Hmry M•• y Hoioos Glenm.. 110k.

Shirl.y Iiold.n Vond. jackson Marc.n. j.ffr.y joyc. johnlOn Val..i. Kroll Oi.i. Krou.h Harrio. Kru'.

"uhy La,... "ay LAmon. R...... M.nlull ~b •• lyn M.",," . Norm. McR ... Sand", N.d.uld N.ncy No1son

Marilyn Nugon, K .. h••ino Pugh Judy I'urkhi... j ....n R.dfo.d Jan. S..... jo Ann Sch.. m~,,". Hoi........ n.

J.... n Wicklund jol..... ",'illiam.


o Mu<t b<



,I inner


S~ ..· THE

v~ . ST~EL..

Ethel Steel House Idaho's cozy co-op ... in its third year as successor to Ridenbaugh Hall, now turned musical. ... "In a Sp:lOish Villa" and "Cherry Pink :lnd Apple Blossom White," twO memorable house dances. . thirteen seniors including twO chemists, two journalists, :lnd two bacteriologists ... frequent exch:lnges :lnd picnics with C:lmpus Club . . . those inevitable two week work shifts . . . campus well-known C:lrol Rojan, Executive Board and Mortar Board . . . eng:lged girls suffer consequences by e:lting the tr:lditional cream pie under the head table (a b fingers) ... :l great place to call "home."

Y c•• bu' why pick On me?


Hey. ,h. m.mOO ... hoh!

RUT" """VOLA PrrJiir.1 Jonn. B••".,y Joan ~.Io Lydia Bli.. SI.n~h~ S••noon RUlh B.w..





J.."., Su.ehhob. ;\hrs"~' Clt..un. [)or .. Conklin

N.ncy <:ou,'" J.nia C.i." :\bnh. DnnpKy C.roI DU,!iKlh G",u Eldred H~kn E",~y

o..bouh Gmlry

Donn. Gold.mi,h E"b G•• y Judi,h H.~kln Donn. H.nKn Phylli. Hill

Phyll,.I...k Ch.. loll~ Dr'l,_er

Hilm. Larson Jo Ann Lind,,,o,,, M..ylyn :\lileh~1I C..ol Moh.n Corol Monl'gue Ccerli. Mon,oy> "brilyn Murl'h)'

Don. Otti.<r S.lly Oldl"n, Wil",. P.~k..d Lucille 1'.1",.. M.rth. P.yne al.n~h~ 1'.,rWtl Shirl~y Potl'

Holen PI... E",,,,. R.dl.. a .. b... Ri.tdm.n Shirl..y Rinse Lnlyn Rog.... Carol Roj.n POiriei. Roj.n

Audr.. y ROM

Ch.. loll~ Ro<h ....il.... Sh.nr J01' Smilh



Ch..I0.... TownKnd P.. rici. ,«,.. bb

P,,"y W..bb Bortty




Forne y

Inhabitants of dear old Forney lived it up with activities galore! ... wearing the crown of beauty were Clara Armstrong. Homecoming Queen; Barbara \o/arncr, Holly Queen; Karen Hinckley, May Queen . . . new tradition added in form of Jessie Powers, "Hashcrs Sweetheart" ... Beeca Ruby co-chairmaned RE Week ... Maggie Teare turned house prexy duties over to Jeanne Bradley and \'VRA boss to Frosty ... also a couple of students with Bess Vance, second woman in engineering henonry and Dcnccc Jones, Phi Bcre . . . "Twinkle" dances to Blue Key fame ... warble to honorable mention in Song Fest ... memorable dances and exchanges ... and so a fond farewell to our twency nice but noisy seniors.

r Oh. thou rr;'·... r.rt;r<!!




Do VOll

vou"" U~1:




~ e eaLu.....II'" P:CfUUS COil".•• \A.AJ

M .... o;.... LT


'rniJ,.t Carol. S~ Ailor Muilyn K.y Ab.trh.nd j.nict Archib.ld Cb.. Armll'ons D..biM Ibslty

Carol Ly,," Ih,nn "hrit &.10 C2,'ol Ikck Boniu 8«J..t, L..·onnt &11

MHy Ell." Ik"nctt Y'·on"t Ik"tlty Shirl.y 61.10.:1.. Iktly 6o~ty Norm. jun Rudlty F."int Bund' Ittnt Bru.on

eon"it 8rookin. N.ncy I...«Co.II~ Gtrtrudt Co.rdtr Ch.rlont Co.rlton Dtlori. Chic.M joa" Chriori.nKn ... "n.....lIt Dt.1

Ramon. Utnling.r Miri.m Dnhln jt.n Dill. M..g...,D"l"'r Dc.". Dyk"u Shirlty ElIio\\ El.i"t E,ickS()n

DHlo". f,o" R<* Mary Gilpin joy Gr~cOH Shirl.y Groff G.ylt Grindrod Ak r I-I"h ...... y C H.wkin.

1.0/. Htrt,h K...n ~Iincklty Gr ••" I-Ioboon j.nict Hos.oo.m ROKTlur,. I-Iol"nln M..,. j'M !-Iuber lkn,. !-lu.chin>Olt

"'rl....., I-I)"dt Ru,h joh.n_n MUI'''' johnloQn Billit Jonn C..ol Ann jonn I).n«t jo"n Lora". jOM'

,\h'y lou Ju,,~t Shirl.y K«Jugh Dulo"o Kilbo,n j<*phi". I.onllon Shirlty ltn~. C•• ol lyn" I.ui Donn.l.ilh,ntr

Ih,b... Lindern,.n K.. hl..,n Lipp Helen ~kO.i<l Theros,. M."hielen M"y l.in M..,k J.nice Mekum ~hrlene Mink

EI.ine Moo,e l'.uy Ru,h N.nce Beverly Je.n Ne ..lx"y L.Rene Ne"'b<"y Colleen O'Donnell Bene J.ne Obon E1>ine !,>"e!'$On

Sophi. Pilkington Morg.'" Poot Je"ie Powen J.nice R.<Iovich Cl... Gnn RobilOn Phylli. Rolf Relxcc> Rub)'

K.y Louise Ru ..elt Mory Je.n Schmid L.Vonne Schuler Claire Anne Sch ..,or,. Gwendol}'n Scribner Corol Je.n Scit,. M."h. M.y Sharp

Beth Sim. Helen Sinitf June Siren.. n Julia Steven. Loi. T.ylor Borb.... Tibbitts Shirley True

lklphine T,upp MOTil}'n Lee Turne' Morgoret V.nDeGrift M..y Verburg F.rrol W.lr.. h Donn. W"ing B.rb... Worner

Durothy \X'acren Vo1nu \X'. rren M..il)路n We.ver Patriei. Webb I.oVil. Welsh Koren Wickb<rg Borb... Worst

Jerry Wright Lu.nn Jones


Hays Hall Sh.lI '01< ,ing? Air Fore. '0 ,h••o'CU<!!

Hays Hall, oldest and brgest of women's living groups now has the

distinction of being first with TV ... honors went to Karen Brown, Frosh

Queen and Shirley Bolingbroke, LDS Sweethc3rt ... also finalists Gayle Horwarth, Linda Williams, Barbara Tiegs, Pauline Peterson . . . other notables were "Big It> boosters-the Ison twins, Mary and Barbara, who pom-pammed; Patti Gustafson, Exec. Board and Independent Caucus prexy; Evonne Ruppel and Dorothy Larson, Spurs; and Lois Rathbun, Mortar Board ... the year, spiced by the humor of pianist Kat Knapp and Barb "Poop-Deck" Larson, was made memorable by winning the cow milking contest, Sid Curtis's runin with a manhole, notorious Friday night dinners, sun-bathers who let desire get an upper hand on judgment, fourteen Hays gals in the infirmary at once ... hashers rode the glory wagon with track stars, a new Exec. Board member and top honorary men among them. . . . Senior Dinner, "Tropical Heat Wave," Frosh dance. . . .




"~ S"'4, ~H"'T' ... MIGHTl( "'6 ~O





Q V\J\) . (uYP'



K.. y Aleundn Mory Ellen Allred Anna Rae Andrew, joyee Armil.gc j.nie. A~ ..y

Jo 拢Ilen lhllord RUIh Ihrd.u Mory B.uer Kor.n Becker Borbor' Boguc

Shirley Bolingbroke Sony. Bond Shirley 8rond~0ld ~hrj"" Rrinch" Ire". C.n.han Ch.rlono C.mpboll L..路cllo Corler

1I0nnie Chri,toffeno" Donn. Crilzer 1'.Iric;. Del.ney K.rrio DoIig.n Florence O.Ro,e e.eol Dilhrd ~bri.n Ori.coll

Fronc... Duke J.ne Edword. I-Iele" Ell,worth E~elyn Enn. Muine l'lel,h.. Judith l'Ion,.. Delore' Flore'

F.. ncc, Funer

,\lory FUI1<r M.rc;a Gil.. ,\lory I.ou Gill ~[ollie Godbold ~lon. GO<>dp."urc Ehie Gordon

Donn. Gnnt "br~cl Gro..er J.nice Gwartney Dorothy j.bbo.. Bub... Jcn~n I'., Jonc. I.oi. Judd

Donn. K.nikkcborg Glori. Keller Borb." Klunz Violct K..,sclt Mildrod Krocteh Borba.. L.rse" Dorothy L.rson



t.uo" Ril. L."on Arlene L. Rue ;Iohegn.. Lund Arlene MeKinick Ad~n~ M.kom Nola M.n,..


Mehe", Genrude Mill. Dori. Mie.e1e I..ue. May Mon.y Marilyn Moore N.ncy Mulbtrry Re"~rly NrI,on

Kerrn. G.)' Ol,on Jean P~tenon P.uline I'eterwn K.th.rine P"""'ieh N'''e)' I'ride Loi. A"" R.,hbu" Norm. Ree.

I'eggy R.m.e1e R.",o". Remp C.co! Re"'ICOm Hild. Ri~~ke" Morilyn Robbi". Ch.r1."e Ro>~ Adene Ro,"

E"on"e Ruppel Shirley Siever. lkverly Simm, BHbor. Smuin Mory Jo Snider Reth Sp.lding BellY Speneer

Virginia Sl.hle)路 Audre)' Strong N.nq路 S.... nk O,.lene Thon,., Renee Thor{ B"bu. Tiel;> Cuolyn Tuekee


Ty'ur Charlotte W.lkee JoAnne 'IX'.II"e Carol Web"er Donn. Weld Jo." Westf.1l Norn,. 'IX'ik.

Doeolhy Wilki",on Lind. William. W.nd. Willer


The Moral Is ... Wha';1 it?



It w .. worth it!


Alpha Tau Omega The hairy-chested men are am:lzcd by the antics of the riorous rodent, Roggie Battoon, now dead and buried ... the cigar-chewing executive Jim H:lrris installs private phone to handle his influx of calls . . . passers-by entertained by the bouncing beat of Donaldson's combo and the mellow tones of Ackerman's bagpipes ... the Men of Tau well represented on the football tCam with Bittner, Cozian, Hilgenberg and Hawley ... pledges paint loc:lI home for Help \'(Ieek project ... ATO's turn social with a big Pi Phi Halloween exchange ... ten thousand tin Cans fill house for Tin Can Dance ... spring cruise on Coeur d'Alene, chilly but fun another great Esquire Dance and Queen Arlene \'\>'ood don't forget our ycar 'round gal ... Vandy.

E<quir. Girl for 'II-Arl.". 'Ill'ood



jOll EDGErr Pu.;J~ .., P.~ul

Acknm.n jim Adolphwn Cuai. Ando.,on jorry 1101I..d Jim D.. ron O.n 8<lIon

R.y Riunn Kti,h &.n, Dick B.o... n Bruc~ Duckn.. n Willard Child. Rot..." Clork







Bill e-k. Ed ...in Crock.u Gordon O....ton Don.ld Don.ld",n Bill Dr.kt Willi.m Em.do Ilill Er... in

Fkuht. Pu <Aorll~ Ron Gro"~


John H>rrington C..I H.rri. W.rr.n H .... I.y John H.uh~rly ROOt.. H'UMrly C>.lvin l-li1&co"".g Don j~nny Edmond "din o~nny L'M john Landr~th jn.y Lo"~ K.nt JlhdXX' I-I..t...n Mei.r Do...ld Mont Bill MUKh I)uid Nordby P~,~ O...... nd•• john R.ick. Dick Ri« l:>Ou8 Ripl.y D."id Ro ... l.nd. Dick S.y•• Dougl.. S«ly LaM Shockl.y H,,""rt S,C'in jock Sh~ ... j.ck Tutor



M.nl.y W.ld.on K.n W.I ..o" G.". Whit< W'u •• n 1-I.... J~y


Co",. now, oprn


Hi, '.", h..d.,!!

Beta Theta Pi

',~ ~~







Good odds and an idle boast gave the Betas $1500 in gold in a bet over the Vandal-Cougar football game ... however, misfortune prevailed and the Beta pockets failed to fill ... came spring and after a few trips to Lewiston for decorations the Betas put on annual "Blossom Time" spring formal . . . 727 Elm sends out its highest praise to its auxiliary member, Karen of the KKG's .. , ASUI president Flip Kleffner, activity men Bob Newhouse and Stan Tate, Frosh King Knute \Xr'estergrcn, and Nordic winner at the '55 National Collegiate Ski Meet, Eirik "Swede" Berggren, form part of the merry gang that all hail from the hotel ... the first heavy snow brought high times as the blue and pink swept the Phi Dele's for another victory in the annual frosh snowball fight . . . once again, during the crisp of fall, came the Halloween party with the Delta Gamma's, an event seldom forgotten ... the pledge from the deep south was back again this year for a spell, but after a few weeks of Moscow weather, he once again retreated to the zoology department to become a specimen, this time for good~hail Albert~the alligator.. won campus intramural trophy over neighboring rivals... ,


~ ~

RON 51.'-1: Pu.iJr.'

Joe' ... 101.1" Kenny "'rnold Jim ..... ph ~ne 8.ldÂŤk Bob Ikni.min Eirik Ikrnren Mike Roln R.lph e.irn, Ch..l" Cum.n Jerry e~.ndl<r "'rlen eh.ney IkJb Childre..


Connell Mik. e .. mmedord D.vr C .. mmin. D<:>n Dick Ern .. Eg.n Did: E,hud, I)~w Field Willi.m Fi.her

Gmrge Fowkr l..J .. rie Fowkr B,II G.l1ig.n Roser Grolh Dmny l-bg .. e Roy Huguvr Flip Kkfl"nn G... lum Kno. V.n l..Jnon J.y!.u"ill J.d. Linle Bob MdirMy Phil MeRobem Bob Mu.in Ron ~hnini Dne ~huy .\Iorg." Moore Pele "'orbed Jim Mund. John Nd""n Rob N.... hou.., D.ve O'I-Iu,o... Rill Ou ... nder Robe .. Pui,h Mi!r.r Pu.on Ed P.y"", erne P.ynr D.u"", Perrin Sl1n Pitre< Jim PMcr... ll Cuy Pon Jim RICkl

S... RoOf.,..... Cliff Schorf Did: Schuln Cole Sh"wood "'ubuy S",phen. Chuck T ... Sun Tn. LJrry W.rd Knu .. Wo.crllttn


Delta Clli loOk-IN<#-


GuUS ],'lJE Se-a,I IN A loO""bTJ.I'E


CORP. . •



The Delta Chis began a prosperous year

with Bob Coleman, Phi Ecte, as prexy ... Pirate Dance . . . "bird watchers" limited in spring recrcation-one pair of binoculars . . . beards and dads copped Dad's Day trophies Kalb rctires-social security p:tys more Subia reigns over Frosh ... tandem bike solves transportation worries ... Hicks and Handy feathered ... phone is not 2284 . . . house picnic ends a great year.

r .. y, Ted. what', the .fter.dinn.. "rdredunenu1"

"I didn't llnow college life wu1ikc this!!"

\\7SC'. Ion, the Delta Chi', pin.




Rolw.. Iku<kmphl Ctne Br.nn.n Rodnty B.ink Ouid Ch.rhon Rolw.. CM,ventll

Chul" Collit. Phillip C..Sltr IX.n [ ..on l.n FoIn_ O.k Ct..... 'e...

O...nt Go... I..... john Grubb Stu.,t H.i""" Arthur Hndl'

Don.ld 1-1>.... L.ur.n HICk. Li.k I-Ii.'"

Vnnon Hixon \\7illi.m Inine

LJrry john"On R.ymond john"On Ri.h..d john"On Don.ld jono Robe..... Ib

Mi....d McQu,d. Oon.ld Muir O.rr<l N<I$(In Dun N<I,on Lyle N.hon Norm.n N.bon O ..""in QllO


Bill ,.... 1 LJrry Ri.h..d, S,.nford Ruper< Robert Shed<l WenddIS... kh.ou>t Robe.. SIDney

j'nK> S.unS

Th.omJJ T ..il Chula W.,.y Mil.on Wn.on, Jr. j'nK> Whi,e Dune Wilke lhy'«'il"





"Modcst Moose" Bcthke sets swimming record for frash ... pledges reign at Sinners Ball . . . Cougar skin received from WSC chaptcr ... skiing season hits and snow bunnies put up with Daryl and John yodeling . . . love those weekends ... patient mcmbers put up with antics of thc Crazy Canucks although Kocher got easily shocked ... congrats to Betty Jo Roberts, this year's Dream Girl . . . mobile making for the ball with Petc winning but never getting paid spring pledge class finally sneakswind up at Calgary Dave, Ray, Pete and Rod announce engagements ... Bill and John make IK ... dawn attack of Ellie and Alpha Chi pledges . . . midnight tubbing of seniors-Shorty finally found in box car Bud and "True Blue" Stobie play ball and Dream all day wind a little cool at Chatcolet ... who scared the skunk? ... and why do picnics last until nine p.m.... yes, a mighty good year for the Delta Sigs ... hope for a repeat in'S 5.

Delta Sigma Pili

Yeo, but ... h,. do Ill....,.. 10K?





Rod ,..h.. John Iklhh OHyllkm Molvin Brpnt

Clifford '''uk. Rill EJ ..onh)" Avr.)' Floyd 1l<:>b Groll/!

U.... i.". Groili,h OH"l1 H.nk> Rich.rd Hotfd RoM.. Hill)"•• Torry Hun". Ed K'llt~

bland Ki.... Gu.y Knopf

Jim Koc"', AILuK

John Lou. HUllh lrd..on

Dick ~b"in MintOl. McConndl R.y Mill••

Ceo'S' Pnu,>n Ron Robbin.

Don Sh.n_

ROMTl Sperd)"

C.,l Stamm GHY 5•..,. Gllrdon Stobie Viner Strob<l S.l T.!>1i...";

IX." T "ollood John WH"O' Bill Wilkerson

I t


/ J


Delto Tou


"AliA - SfC<fI'l"G GlA6"€S !>Sl\fN "

The Ocles made a good year of it by returning to the top in schobrship among fraternities ... wheels g:dorc ... Dickey, Exec. Board member also among Phi Beta Kappas and Silver Lance ... foorballcr Fros[enSOll, the outstanding senior engineer and new president of Blue Key ... Politico McPike new veep of Blue Key and new president of Greek Caucus . . . baskcrballer and tracksrer Bauscher, new president of IFe and veep of 1 Club ... pledges \'(talker, new vice-presidem of Greek Caucus (quip-of-the-week prexy) and Davenport, new president of Phi Eta Sigm:t ... "Knight of Knights" \Xleeks, also sophomore class president and new Duke of TK's . . . Kugler, the youngest member of the ldaho Legislature ... Jolstcad, drum major of Idaho marching band · .. trackmen Dixon and Duffy. . . . Lots of frosh athlcces (highest pledge class grades on campus too) · .. Russian Ball :l four-day affair this year with bearded men's party and exchange with DG's doing beard trimming ... Halloween party with Trj Delts · .. Odd Ball dance, odder than ever, had a record breaking crowd ... Pledge Dance with nursery theme · .. great things from Delta Shelter and more to come....


~ o COlUMBIA Plcruus CORP.•. WV



Bill B,ulchu D.I. Bock.r Goors. lie..

St... o Royl. J.ck Colo

Albn ComptO<l Mol Copt

JDl' Corku Ern~


C.... D;ek.y

G.ry Diaon Tony Dumh.. t M Ounll P I Fi,h.r Dick G.llo.... y

St.... H."op Gordon Uond...o"

B,II Hu.

J...... Ilob



D.. n J..,i" 0..... JoI..h<I John !tuskr Don l.wr.n••

Flru•• l"nu,"m Rogu McPikr Tom M•• Grrgor D."oll M.ul. L...on Munc.y lo•• n Nd""n M ... Nun.nk.",p

0 .... 1'0 11 Nul 1'0 11 Alkn Rttb Ed RIIO<

Charko s..ullo Dick Shrpp.>.d Dick snc-rn

Bill Simon l .. Walltu Dick W..,lt. Grogg Wil",n J.rry Zim",.rm.n O.n DHi. Phil D...i.

J'''Y Duffy 0.1. Gukill Km Good... in Chll.k Riddl.

Gary Sim.-. Dicit W>o.dom

Ed Allison


Kappa Sigma Kappa Sigma-with the white pilbrs which the seniors cherish-the day before senior tubbing Tall and Harrigfeld tried to cut 'em down with a crosscut . . . pledge waff1e breakbst :l success as usual . . . Spokane still recuperating from the various activities of the Pledge Sneak ... the House Parry sparkled with it usual gaiety and cheer ... halfback Bill Lawr had a great year ... activities men Reid Lau, Jack \'(Tilson and Ike Blackburn ... Jerry Marshall got mad at Dude Clark and gave him back his pin-Dude hasn't been the same since . . . the Spring Formal and the cruise highlighted spring activities ... for Kappa Sigs, a good year.






Rut who',



co~~ ... \)":J\)


johr on thr ..dio?

Ro:,o Lou P"JiJnt Milbrd Blackburn John Blanton Paul Bbnton ""ally Srown J.mn Beuy.

Patcick Chen,o<!"ro... John C,.nllon 1'..." IXl.onll Run.ld Ed .....d. \Io:'illi.m Floyd

Ch>rlu Frin RoM.. Fur5'.I(ln John Gardner K.nnc,h Grcen Oonald ~"rpor John Hod. K.n ... ood J _

Willian> La.. r Frayne McA,ce Ronald Man",r Jerald M."hall Gerald ;lob..en Roy Merrill Bill Miller

Tcd Miller Melvin Muir Bernard Murphy J.mu Murphy Rich..J Ncwby Muddy Numbe.. Edward I'..",n,

John P....,.,iu. Bryan Rinllh.im Rich..d RoM'lle Martin Rult RoMrt Se...11 Roser S.oller John Tall

lft To.. nKnd

Jamn Van San. Ka,. Vin..... Jack Wil .....



Chi Alpha


Campus Chest booth with Pi Phis and Chrisman .. custom made knives by "Tiger" Jim Gregg ... trips to Salt Lake and San Francisco by Horne, Dallas, Hoots, and Fox never a dull moment in the kitchen with "Taff" after dinner forums dominated by the "old Dads," Roc and Alderson, gave the "youngsters" the necessary advice to meet the world . . . Sam's many "field trips" to Moscow Mountain ... Denncs' "I" sweater has become a part of him, but Hoots can't seem to find his . . . pledges stole silverware and keys to icebox giving members a rough weekend ... Rock},. Tom and George's car provided distinction along with Midn. Dallas' cig:lrcnc rolling lessons on Cdr. Ayres' machine . . . a quiet evening with some Christmas cheer was the result of our annual Tom and Jerry party . . . little AI looking through the steering wheel of his big car big AI, our baseball player ... John's tubbing our anticipation of a new house next year ...

KrNNO:T" Fox P.~.;J~ .., Pau';ck Aldcnon Ellie 8unMy WaYM Carbuhn

Gtuld D.II•• Kiu o.mp><ey John Eikum

Dc .... inc Erick",n

Jamco Enn. Huold Hatt." Da--id Hoi ...... Tom 1loot,



D."n;. Jc,,""" G.or~. KrOl""ill•• I'rane" L.noll

Dick Ornl>by Fr.nci. '«'.11.". Robe .. Y.....


Phi Delta The to

. .; .. . ' ..


"ores ~ COlUMal",


A $65,000 remodeling job made living in "The Castle Painted Blue and \White" a pleasure ... ringing the bell after victories, unique rubbings keep pledges hopping . . . big functions arc Christmas formal, Pajama Dance, which featured "Fearless Frank From Fenn" ... hold Halloween exchange with Gamma Phis, Christmas party with DGs ... took Lewiston orphanage on picnic . . . the house of a hundred nicknamcs-




".,.,..4 W ~THG' -rHfi 81\6<{ t "





,hi. gome Old I>hid!!

Moose, Goat, Crow, Goon, Gaucho, Dazz, Buntz, and Bonzo ... Mix, Emerine, Cripe. McCarty, and Hoff represented us in mally activities . . . Gauss, Bonnett, and mimic Joe Far:lC:l supplied lots of laughs ... Bugs Frazier and Howard roamed the diamond while Wimp Faulkner racked 'em up on the gridiron . . . again a powerful intramural contender . . . an eventful year for the House of Phi.

HA"'f;Y HO'F

,.....iJ•• J

Otnni. Amb.ow Did: BtI~.,1 Bill Bonn... K.n B.own John Ch,pm~n

Gary Chenry Jin' Chri.m.n G...ld Ch,iu.norn L••or CI.nmn, R"b Clydr

Da". Cripe' Tom Crooon 0 ...." Dn;" Sl.y. £mrrinr Domin;'; Fauc. Ilob F.ri.h Jim F...lkner

R'M;' Fru;,r D... nr Grrn Cly<k H,lIy Bill H.rdy M••" .., HilChcock J•....., Ho.... rd Garr "'.nwonhr

...... r.n.. Klin. J.rry l.n,. Don Lind'.lh John Lon,wonh Mick McC.rer l..rry McC..lloch Jim Minu

BoY" Mi" John Mi" Rod Moor. Ilob P'rn. Bob Ped......n Gordon Qui,kr Jim Rich ••d.

Dick 11..... Jim S.nber, J•• ry SChftd.....n Re>«rr Simmon. Sr.... Smi,h Don Smi,h J.. ry Smilb

Jim S..n.on Rog.. Ulbrich, Jim Varin \l:1. yn • W.lhr Gary W.II...


Phi Gamma Delta

to,,". i" virtues and 10,"u"ls.



ENTrwJG/f tl\u~,.

Bf HeeE


A "iji Form.l. Bu' fellowl, NQI l'ar.di,~ Cr«k!

'C;<:£ 2)' © COlUMBIA




Another year ;llld many memories ... aCtivities


the SIM annex . . . the \'Qorld Problems discussion group meeting at 1:30 a.m. . . . Brenn and Glidden Blue Key men a shorter tunnel to the Kappa house this year frosh athletes Anderson, Dingle, Jorgensen, Branam, Gary Sather, Roy Payne and Rag Wasler . . . the grand old man of track, Lou Gourley ... yell king Carlisle, co-owner of the inspirational basketball player award, Jim Sather . . . great bowlers Nelson and Tresnit .. a purple garter dance that wouldn't stOp pseudo-politicians Jim Seeley and John Payne Mrs. MacTavish the "seldom seen kid" of house mothers ... a fond farewell to brothers leaving ... the downfall of the monastery which will never be the same . . . the varsity show goers . . . the many loves of Dobie \'\febb . . . the quiet sleeping porch . . . cribbage champ Southcombe and challenger Dode! ... Dad's Day trophy winners ... 100 per cent donors to blood drive a great place to live ... mighty glad to be a Fiji.


Cluk Andtnon Jim Andtnon Chuln B~lKr Mih BI~ck John Bradbury H.rry Brtnn Mri Brink Ch..ln C.n6tld O~lt


Larry C.rson P~rk .. Comp~u

Bill Conroy Jim Cory Allyn OinSlt Ron O.. nn Don Eddy Tom J:ddy Rob 10"'0>0'" Jim Full""'r Heise G.g"u", W~ynt Gliddt" Lou Gourlty Jim Go.... "lock Layrw: !'I.h" P~"I

!'lIn""" Jim !'I~... kin, ;\Iih !'It..on Bill !'Ioldtn Phil Hull Gtrry JOt"S.... $tn Br"n Ittn_y W.lbn Ktnnty

R.y Lons Bob ;\In... e11 Bob Mtls.rd Albtn N.I""" John PIPP" John P.yno Rod P.y"e R.y Poittvin Jury R.n,ink Rurchard Ro.rk Jim 5.thu

G.ry S..h.r Rob Sch""n....ld Jim Sttlty Did, Sttlty Jim Sn... Mih Southcombt Did: Symon> Frttb"d Thor""" Don Tibbim Ron Ti..bll

Mibn TrnM' Gary Tronoon D.n Tr....


\.Oo~ STUDt ouS"



0,(Y:\./' .' . . \J:j:J

Phi Kappa Tau, the little brown house on the corner which is famed for its lawn fences. . . . Here live many notables . . . Warren Peterson of radio renown . . . Larry Hyer, active in drama ... Chuck Oldham of debate fame .... The snow last winter had the Phi Taus claiming the largest beer mug on campus until the sun gave the snow structure its fateful end.... House dances included a pledge dance; a FortyNiner Fling and the annual Spring Formal. ... Do you remember the Phi Tau banner and the "mule" at the WSC victory rally?

Phi Kappa Tau

W[ "'~






Md",n An<knon Don B.oushm.n Willi.m Brown Bill Brodman

M"rv;n CoK Genc D.y Bill O.i..

John O.l.".

Ron.ld IXla"",

Tom Dohon Dick Flynn Norm.n C.. ",n Kt"nt1h GatreU Will"m GriSn



Humph.ey lany Hy"

Rod"",y Hoioo:tJ IX." Judd Roo.,n KindKhy Bill Newm.n


Ch.,I •• Oldh.m Roger Ol;on Warren I'<tc.oon

Em.uon \'" ••,n Dick P..,d .. m R.y Si~

Rich.rd Spuhr Cud)'n S.. ky Dick S.... brr Joaquin Step""'" urry S.. m_..

ROS" S... n"rom



Sigma A/plla Epsilon These College water fights Waldo!


COlUMBIA Plcruus co.,..

SAE graced this ycar with many notables ...

Bedke, IFC prexy; Knodle, Exec. Board; Yost, Blue Key and general campus man; Pietsch, new Arg. editor; Steele, new Gem editor; Newman, '55 Exec. Board; Hamilton, Greek campaign head . . . famous for our driveway and the viccory bell that was cracked ringing out the \XfSC victory . . . Mrs. Coleman, new housemother; and regretted passing of Mrs. Snyder ... Minerva Club sews up our clothes successful Sig Alph Olympic repeat Karen \'(farner, Violet Queen . . . Black Pete. Potrzebie ... Ziltch, the mass serenades ... indeed a good ycar for Minerva's men.

Hdlo chtrt!!!

K... n Wunu--Qu...,n of v;oIou.





JIM K.uu: ... rr"iJ..., Bill Andrrwn Trrry Andrrwn AI Ani..,,", Guy A,h. l)on A,kin.....

Krn A."'rll John fukrr Lou B~rr." lobrlin BriU' ;>.In B"rk.

R".. C..npbrll P..,J Cunnin,h~m :\Iih D~y L~rry Frllo...

Tom Gnfmil1u brry


U",h H.... ihon

Sill H ......d O.V< HOI" Grrry Hoppr. lohrlin Hon.. J.ck Knodl. R.Jph Roo. I-hlonry


ChHI.. Iobnning I-hu Michd Art Mi,n.r Our.1I Moon Chrli. Murrin

J•• ry

Ncrly D<-w.y Now",.n

Ron P.re"

Rob I'., •• >on G•• y Pi.lIch G...ld Reid Lynn RobrrtlOn Dick Shoup Mike Sponer



l..ron Slon'

Chr;. Su.phin Jim Townsend Ch..l.. W.lruh Don W... hll Bill Winkl.

Gcor,e Yo" N.. h~n You



Chi "

MUST HAJJI: Seeu Q.l{,n; A PAl"Pf" Q

The year was dotted with a social event or twO highlighted with the Sweetheart contest and d::mce . . . charming Marilyn Stewart, Theta, rated high by the C3[power indicator in Derby Day festivities, emerging as Sweetheart some Sig kicked a field goal against \XI$C had a few entrants in A5UJ Prexy race sang a song on Mother's Day and the right people thought it best Singing Sigs learned a few new songs football stars run up food bill ... pledges added to the Pi Phi's building program with a front lawn annex intramurals steady but not impressive pledge dance, Mexican Dance and Spring Bar-hcue....



v\)J .. Im

$TEH jOllD....


0 .....


jur,. 'hum,n

, .., ....,. Biehl< 1).1.. Br.nd.

LeRoy C!J....,,, Dick Clo"llhllY Rob Coch"n.. Ji",


Art D.lh Chuek IXP.lmo Klnnl,h Did Jim Don.ld D E-. P GC"1'1wMk


John El...., H'ns.u).. Rich..d Hood Dick J.ckJOn RoS" jonn G••,,. L"llh

Ko" L.ppko j.m... Lynch Rob M.y John McM.nn.min Ar, M.h ••

Did Moo,.

Fronk M.. lk._K",I.

CniS N..h.... W.,JI P.,,"oon

Chuek Pf.,lf . 1'...1Schult... Bob S' n'....

J.ek T.lbo, K.n,,",h To.kel""" Dov. Youm~nl Rob YO""ll,,,om O<:il t·"y,cr Ru I-I.yl<'


" 11IE FIA7t:£UTf( lieN .M6r AUAI''' AS fli8q "e~ IN Jill tJ.4f·

7J{fj .s4~t"

Sigma Nu





It """. be ·~hd"nd.y!


{~Ilu ....,

I dun'l .,«<1 • b.d,!

It r~.1 ru,h ""ny

Thc \Whitc Sur shone brighdy on many campus activities . . . copped runner-up honors in intramural volleyball and football ... "floatcd" away with Homccoming award with "Three Coins In A Founuin" . , . big whcels George Eidam and John Gillis, Exec. Board; C. T. \Wesc, IFe Council prcsident; John Hughes, Arg. sports edicor ... oncc again Howdy Doody \Wescon was elcctcd most popular Sig Nu TV personality . . . "Strect of Dreams," the \'Qhitc Rose Formal, entertained 200 couples , .. Stubby B:lrrell, Skinny Summers, Womb:lt Anderson :lnd Hardy Har Har Douglas led singing and entertainment, .. Genesec's pride and joy Fred Magee succeeded car salesm:ln-co-be Doc Parker at helm. . . .


J"<;ll P.......

P"silt"t Clurl.. Alford R.lph Alloy Ri,h.rd Ih..ell T'd Ikl1 IX... Ik.., ROM" Cubo" John C.rbon N•• I C.... boh Church o."id Ck_nu R.lph Con.... Corl Cti<p


'\!ihCnkr William D.ihr Ch..l.. Our"'" GrorSo Eid.m "0" Emo..on Ri,h..d Foot,r John Gilli. Goorgo Gillin. Go"o H.mbli" Oli~.. H."",,, John Hoch,,,.. Joh" Houghtdin Joh" liughes Bob Knona ~rold

Kto_r Pon M.di"",

FrlOd M.S"" Rich tohggard ou •..., Moor< Skip Nd"", Lorry Norby Fro"c;. N"",k J.. ry O·CO".,.11 Jock P'.."",n Powoll Grorg, Pugh D.:>ug R.nd.1l Ji'" R.... Torn Roqui>l Ei~ind Reo. Bob Roo.o" Phil Sh.fer


Jim Sh..... ~.r P.., Sh..... \,er Jerry Smyll.c Sh..m,,, Snow William Sum....n Su" Swamon oi,k Sy",,,,. Kdly Tho",."", Gordon Ti,S' Dun \l:'o"dl, Guy Wncott Torn Wo.. !logor Willi.nu R.y Willi. Bill Wil""n

'«'illi.", '«'in'<r P,.. '«'""U,I lkn lim.... rly Bill Dougl.. Ru.. Whi,,,,, Jim H.ncul Jock 'I'.h..;"


lou Koppo Epsilon "HE


8£ A


~ e COlUMBIA ~ICTUl[S COaJl'.•• \J\}J

Jolly-Roll~r. !I)'~


th~ ~nnu.1

pir.. ~


Tau Kappa Epsilon-1955 ... it was a great year ...

TKE had a successful rush in the fall and started off with a bang . . . some of the year's highlights-social privileges lost in the fall for the remainder of the ycar ... Nancy Lee,

Gamma Phi Beta, W3S elected "Sweetheart of TKE" ... many boys on frosh football team ... Lefty doing great in varsity baskctbalJ-won inspirational award . . . no spring formal hut the boys, led by Prexy Art Schmauder completel)' remodeled the living room and the house purchased new furniture for it ... spring came around and found six old TKE's planning on marriage during the summer months . . . much morc could be told about a swell year but you know-right now it's time to "slop the cows." ...


LLOVD M .. o.sH


C"uln Ad~ml Tom Bricktn Charln CMMy O~lr Oammudl

Jr..y H.llu Jury H~mblin »ad HiM Madin Hulru



Bob KitcMn L ..,y bitt W.yM bwton Jrrry Li~"t Tom Mackay

J.mrs I-hn.6dd Oal. Martin Fr.d Ma"in Glrn Mayn~rd Al Millrr J.d Nul

!lob ]'ork. Corl Prrnn.r Bob 1'•.,,01 Grrry Rigg... An Schm.udor Ed Stor.y

Ted Tot. Funk V.nBrunt Grorg. V",ko AIW.ilz Montr '«'rover Bill Wilkinson

r.pper '«';urbor~ Krorl« '«'r;~ht Jack '«'ront





fli61Q..6 ,1..-'04 ... ~o...



1Ui1l.l.4 Z •

Campus Club


Another great year at the club ... buried . Venus de Dagmar on the Tri Delt lawn gOt new proctor and hostess-best yet! . two real gone house dances ... My Favoritc Song and Down by the Old Mill Stream ... the Gcrman band that couldn't play ... trcmendous picnic with Steel House (strictly co-operativc) . . . got Aunt Jemima a new oven and dish machine ... voted in a new constitution-took swimming and cross-country trophies for the second )traight year ... Nitrogen Triodide evcrywhcrc Campus Club Air Force Drill Team all night poker sessions . . . all among our souvemrs.


Chu, 11K """"'y Iypt'. do you nn to 11:1



Bo. PLAnA'.


HUllh C Ait.hn Lanny itO'. Am<:> O... il1~ Atkin""" ehamka.,. ar..


lI'ya" David lIu;.in~ M~rrill C. B.,r1 Ch.r1~, Callo"

Jam" Coch.an~ \'.."it' Da.,i, Pa .. l O.. Ja~k O.. nw~lI RO«rt Elbworth Bob Erick.....


David E.win H~nrr Eyrich Thorn.. Fu.« Molvin fitk John fo"~' 11. .. 101' Fund>tn

G .. y I'.«land 0.,,1' G~"l'y 'I);'arr~n






Robon '·1011

Ahon Hammill Jamn H~mphitl Harold HiJh, John Hook Ed.....d Houck William Hu'chinlOn


8il1 Irwin K~nn~,h J~n.;n,

aud K:orr~n T«l K~.h John A. Ka.ln Rioch~,d Klins~n.milh

Oo,..ld K",,!.ol Dnid lou.h~"

T«luuh Frl,s ;\h,eolin Robn. MeK«vu Guy MeMieh..,1



= Cui MeMlll.n Rulon Newm~n G<.>rSe 1"...."0«R.lph Pribbl~ Wal~y


Willi.m R«d

Millon Riuen Willon Riggen 'IlI:'il1i.m Schndl. J.mes St.rr W.h., Slyne, J~ Subi.

Ed ..... d Thorn •• Willi.n.Thon... Krnntlh T'uadrll I'et~ Von HOOlen Ted W.dd.1I Willion, \lI:'.ndl.nd

Guy Wilhelm Ri.h ..d Will~y K~nn~,h Wo"hinl,on <;c,uld Yroumon.




Chrisman Hall A watermelon bust ... the keg to celebrate the WSC victory ... our back-door neighbors from Sweet got the football trophy that we won (almost) , . , the Hopkins ... Wilbur Gary and John Sullivan big time Idaho athletes ... the annual Cloak & Dagger dance ... we'll always remember those Delta Gamma hashers we bought at the Carnival ... Jose Cabrera from Saipan and Leonard Chin from Jamaica internationalizing our corridors, .. "There aren't enough men in this hall to tub me"-Splash!!! "and I had to walk all the way from Podunk and missed my Chem. test." Keith MacPhee, a Gem wheel ... Lee Anderson, Exec. Board ... Palm trees at our Hawaiian dance. , . A year of memories for Chrisman.

•• ,.." C>l~' ",ALOO • © COWM&I'"

Ob,c,,'~ ,h~

Drink 10




• '



,il\". m.,,!


A real Ii,'. qu • .,«, or ,h. Chri'm.n .hower ,iog." of 'jl


W AI. n .. BUTC''''. P.niJ"rJ

Wnlty Al1~n E<I.in Armurong fr~nklin B.hr John Ihhr

H~nty BIÂŤh~

Bill BlinMr Ri,hud Blinn Knlh Browning


Byum Ri,h..d CullOn Bill Corson Jan,~. Cartn Connd ChmlKrlain Al.n Ch~mlK..

Jim Ch~odkt Ch..1a CI",~r Rich..d Cook

R. E.


Robtrt D.v~npo" Ttd IXggtndorftr




Dunlmoor Larry Elli. R.y Endi,ott bM.. EKo<l

Corloon fulty

Ktnnt.h F>r"",r Du.nt fOrlt Earl Glu",n C.rl Go.",h Han. Got>ch Floyd Gr"..

Cbudt H.noon Jim H..,;, Evort.. Hudritk F.dw..d Honoy H",h Hom.n John Hubor


John K.ku Bob Kkmptl Ron.ld Kon.u Jim Krugu Ju.ld u .. h.m Ar<kn l;.~....1

W.ltor lo~~joy Dnid low-dl Jim M>ck~y Kri.h "bcPhÂŤ

John """in

H<Kl'>n" McE ..~n



Dick Mil.. Don Mill. Tury Murphy Albor. N.u I:I"...r N~II

Richard N;"drich J.m.. Osborn larry Plin. Ron.ld Pound Shddon Prid~ Robor. I'>ckh.m

Robort Robott'On '.I:'.htr Root lhrry Rult R.y S.... yu Funk Se.rc.llo John Seholooh

Don Schmith How.rd Sun Noel Shuldborg ROS~r Tony J...... Trn;' Norm.n W.lhr

Dick WU5Ol'1

P.ul W~bb WiIl.rd Wil..,.,


It/aho Club


ju" love to h,,"eour picture ,.ken!!!


, C-c-V-G 1&

© COLUM81 ... 178












The Big I Club, led to a fine year by Prexys Robens the "Hasty Hasher," and "Quiet in the halls" Carlson . Jim Corbett narrowly missed making Exec. Board . Home of the fabulous "Dirty Dozen" from the lower south wing: Gifford, Caray, Harrison, Campbell, Nevile Smith, Hall Finney, "Lover Boy" Oberst and the two flunk outs, Hull :lnd Edwards, replaced by Morse and John second semester ... p:lrty in the lounge after the successful Fall Dance ... spring picnic ... Burns, Andrews and Fish capped for IK's . . .Tubbing of the seniors in Paradise Creek ... Wilson, Frosh basketball and baseball st:lr ... Football manager and trackster Cal Campbell ... Luvaas the walker ... Good year in intramurals with managers "Smiley" Gibson and "Tiny" Mar:z.ulli . . . All in all a mighty good year for the men of the club.

GO~"ON ROllran

Pr"iJrNI Ch.r1~,

Ailchiron Rol."d A,hwonh Ch.r1e. Bovey G.ry III.nk

Bob Br.dy

Rostr Brrn""r Robtn Briu' Solon Bruer

Colin C''''l'boll D.yle C.dron Bud Clemenh.gen Andrew Co")' J.n~ Corbt" Don.ld Crou

Nril CN)\> Hotold Dr H.vrn

J.diir Edw-.rd. Jin1 "ul""on Dorrell Emp"Y l'rneoc Ellenwood


Don.ld O.le G••k'll

Corl Gor,en. Rud Giboon Omni. Gilford Krill. Gr.."

Robert H.y W.l1y tten<lrick'on lIill lliggin,

R.lph Hull Vorn I"d"'"'uhl,, 1'.1",...1 John


'路brry Johnson F.ul Jon., Richard ",.",Iin K.n ...th Kinlj:l<on Roycr lov.!>nd

Rurton Lu,'". Nril Lydu'"

Ilob M ..~ul1i Mor." MeCool Robrn Mrrrin

Mieh.d Mryrr F.rd Moo<' Jack MO'N AUM~ M .... l1rr

Don Nnilr_Smith

H_.Obrn, John P... non Rill Prd on S... ph P....bl... Ernn. V.nddl

Dav. Pnon No.m.n R.dfo.d Carly!. Rouo'" TN Schum.eh. Cl...ner Shippey

"'rith StU,.. R.ymond Tjulandrr Jrrry W.hh Bill \l(lilson Jim Young


Low, U.


'rNiJr,,' "nih H,ncklry



tamanl And.roon Jnry Rrowning "rnl ton

tarry Andrroon !.on Oni. Gary ~kEwrn

Nnl Andrroon I'aul Ouuon Don M<eham

arrn. Albano TN Gill<tlr E. Richard Packham

Pu Albano Oft Gro"u

Boyd Tury

Gary Rbh Cb)路n. Hrndrick. John Thornock

L. D.J. House



Small in number but large in influence, , ,John Thornock, Vice-President of ASUI, Phi Eta Sigma, and member of Phi Mu Alpha . . . Don Huber and Keith Hinckley, Alpha Zeta ... Leon Huber and Lowell Magleby in Sigma Tau ... Boyd Terry chosen Delta Hinckley best with the pigs, LL Look for the rest at the Kenworthy and Nuart . . . bloodiest house on the campus ... highest grade point in Men's living groups . . . "Spring Formal," orchids from Hawaii ... firesides and a Christmas party also highlighted the Social Calendar . . . 1954-55 h;lS been an outstanding year.

All ,hi. ju" for a



lint/Ie y Hall


On. of Lindl.y', hmo", put i••.

Home for decrepit bald-headed men ... Campus politics central headquarters 3$ twO party campaign managers reside . . . Home Management girls supply inspiration for tobogganing . . . Savage and "Musclcs" Russell share presidency . . . "Ozone" Beasley only 84-year-old man on campus ... Bowery Bill, Melody Mert and "Starvation Army Band" push blood drive , .. ASUI Secretary catches WSC goalpost 182

with head ... "Salome" Sonya Bond danced for Hidden Desire Dance . . . Hcarno's charges regain Drill Team supremacy . . . T ex takes over "Barfen" crown Chauncey's pig comes home to roost Candidate Clara becomes Homecoming Queen . . .

Former Journalism head becomes Proctor ... Straps Goold, B. Thompson and Capps ... BMOC Gaskins, Russell, Holt, Schreiber, D. Thompson, G. Hale.



Leol" G. Bad.,uom Ralph a.in Harold BtU Gmr~ Bloom.bu,~

Darnll Bohi

Ihy BoKn Don IIro<:k .... al' D.l~ e • .,tt D.·igh, l. eh.ndlu Jim ehri.unotn


t'.. CI • .IOn K~n

Conndl Tom Coope, Merl~ e,aner leon..d D..... Gur~haron

Dhillon Robtrl Dod.\On

Jim D. Duncan Charko Dunham \l;'aUau E.r1~ Philip Ed ....ard. John Ei,ingtr Don Finchu Marion Fi.k

buny Fi,zharukl Ed.in Gardn~r Richard G....in' elin"", Gngtr Edward Guehnbur, GJ~nn B. Hal~ Ralph Hal.

11411 Hard;" Don B. H.rri, JlY H~..n D. A. HoI< D. M. Hoi.

J.... Hop«,.. '.n Gl~nn


Jt"l' hom Alltn Jtnotn Drnni. Judd r.ul Ktnrwdy J~rrr K~.Jn 1.auttnc~

Kn;lI; Donald Krio.


john "roO.. Iblph Lindbtrl Ch,·IOII Li.l~ R.lph Lo"'~r

0." "1>"" j. B. "hnn

Que"'i,, M.,k .... n '«'illiarn "hy"..d Chuck McHu1h L.dd Mi,ch~ll Tn! Moon . l-brold MO'ln

"."".,h N...b.....

Rill Nichol.. Oo".ld Nirhon j.ck r."ky Ihrry Ph" Funk Robrrto

jirn R ......11 K.,,~,h s.rnu.l>~

Rich,.d Schrnld Robert Sch•• iber Ed d Sh.n• . O ,,~ Shinn

8 •• ", Tho."''''' ju,,,",, TinlO

Funk T ...rr<ly Ed i" Un . H old W.ggo"" R.lph w.uo"


Oh boy!! A party,

Willis Sweet Holl

J L UU L o0 DOD u0 J

0 000 0 o0 DO J 0 ICABAIl:U!


r 61t4t, IS 1"/115 wWA-r " ~H"" ....,.. 6~ fiE CAlUIEl1 <.u<e l It





Yes, and 'twas a good year for the boys at Sweet . . . this year's Cabaret bigger and better than ever ... campus champs in football and basketball ... a quartet called the Four Flushers and their hours of melodious entertainment ... Campus Chest carnival and a joint trophy with the Alpha Phis . . . the Kappas' shines and shaves ... the giant exchange with Hays and Forney ... midnight band whose closing number was taps by Dr. Mayfield ... continual flow of water on 3rd ... the annual tubbings and frosh "walks" . . . the 4th floor chorus that practiced at all hours, usually ending up with Dr. Mayfield singing bass the paper chute always present to provide a little excitement a dance band for all exchanges . . . \VSC serenades ... the IK Holy Grail award to Dick Johnson several big wheels in the persons of Terrell Davis, Dick Denny, Don O'Neill, Ed Schmith, Gene Lofdahl, and Tom Warner ... the vigilantes ... the co-cd softball games across the street ... prexies for first and second semesters were Gene Lofdahl and Terrell Davis ... sing their way to second place in Song Fest ... as we were sayin'-'twas a golden year for the Sweets.

EU(;1;S1; LoFU... ,,_


Bob Acorda Ooyk AIl~.. l<'CAl1m Georg~

A.. dc ...... J....,ph A..dcnon Rogu Andcr.....

Bill A,chl.y Clu.. Atchlcy Knth Barrid, Geor~ Benchrid Earl Brac~ Doruld Bundy

Ron Carl..... D..·~ Colc K... n"h Coh·i" G.rald Couluon \X'ay ..e Crlthor.. e Ge-uld Curn.. Turdt Dni. K.n .... h Onl Dick Dc:nny Ralpil Dillon Duryl D'aon Rober. OOn.......,rth J.rry Ooughrny P.ul Dur .. ing Jerry Oy.r I·hrry Ehood'"

Ro.. lJnd Fel. Norma .. Fulkr Roser G.llaglwr Jay Garren Jerald Gc'nuy O.nny George Dtnni~ Godd..<l

Ed Groft' John Grove R.lph G",·in Guy Hafer Alvi .. Hall For... H.ney J.mes Huding larry Harrop Norman Hc's...... H.n·ey H ..ri,,,.d Strve Ho1:r;hey Don haac...n Oo.. ald Ingle Ray J.ck..." Harv~y J.nK" Richard Joh .....n Ron.ld John ..on

Alvin K.rn Ken ...,h Kruegu Greg Kn.pp Gle.. K"'''Kn Oougla~ Kuglu K... Kulm P.rry I.<'C Chatl" len!>


o.ni. LonS

Fr.d 1.0"'1. w.h •• l.uhr D.rrd l.ynch Mor,;" l.owdl JQhn Muovich Jerry Md,ker Porter Mdlon Ch"ck Mo<uon

Don MonKl<l Ihy Morg.n

1."'''01 Murray

Dick N."" Bobbio- N ..I'OIl JIlidu.d Ndoon W.rre" Ol ....y

D.vid Om.n. Oon On..... Don O'N.ill

'Ill'ilf....l P.l.., ... V.nce I'"..,on W.ino ".,or",,, Il.u O. Pi.pcr Ron.ld P"rv;.n.c

0 .... Ronkin Shirly R•• y Rich.rd Rho.d. Judd ROS.ud 80yd Rood Funk Ru.ho John Sand_yt. Mdy; .. Schmid. R;ch..d Schmid. F.d...rd Schmi.h 'hy S«nun ~ht" Smith Willi.m Snydr. Calvin Str.ling K.ilh Stok.., Edw.rd Sod.fum",

Floyd Sodor~"o'" Mon'. S"i.k1inS Ro".. Thion,.

G,.h,m Tol1ofoon Ch.,k$ Tony R.lph Town...,d

J.nKl<l Troth Ln••• Turnbull R;ch..d Turn ....l1

w.y.... v.Im,;.... Milford V'''sh. Tom VOIU<

Don W.""ud Tom W.rn., Ron Wornk. Warren Wild. M....;.r Wuver

J.ck Wtlh T.d WlIkin. Clyde ',l;/ibon WiIIi,m Wiloon, Jr.

Jot Willn" Virgil Younl;


Pine Hall Pine Hall-idaho's secluded dorm ... where veu equal undergraduate Students ... organiz.ed in fall only to disband after second scOlesterall because of two bit dues ... many characters, all with m:Hching nicknames-Smitty, the Lone \X'olf, (0 mention :\ few ... other standouts were Boss Pendergast and Tom Nagel, never to be forgonen Roy and his tree trimming ... Pine Cone Capers, Pine's first and bsr annual dance . . . speaking of capers, anybody care to have a kitten left on their doorstep? ...



'«'arren Noon..


Nrp'rr Sm;lh

John Atkin..... Andr.... Cox Fo"..., Sp<'n...

Rubor .. 8"U'

Pedro E.hcHr.;x '«'xll> •• Thomp$On

V•• non fkthh)' Wayland !>hlpm Dalbtr< '«'illi.m,

Chuck Br.cIr.•" Raymond May Po_Ping Won,

Jerome Bu.....h..d Tom N.gd


$"0"0 Dachli

Torre K,i'lOff'crron

Obf $uvik

Kristof.. S'orruSl.

International House \VIe w:ldcd through the grass and found :l. house .. thus begins the history of the International House ... a home away from home, :l center for the m;lnY Cosmo Club activities, 807 Deakin fulfilled its purpose this first yC:lr ... main social functions-fail picnic to Carl Clyde's farm ... International Dance with prof's shoe shine, Mortar Board bingo, Tracy-Kamal fortune telling . . . Jaycee open house ... biggest Cosmo project of the year was the Refugee Scholarship ... fund drive included pastry sale, International banquets at Moscow, Clarkston, and Sandpoint ... programs on India, the Arabic world and the Middle East . . . Final meeting of the year saw presentation of the refugee scholarship to the University-accepted by President Theophilus who stayed to hang the sign on the new International House, 704 Deakin . . final function of the year was a dinner for graduating members.





o COlUld'A


'he '54·55 Sports Porotle

A ,ucccnflil Sporn fe••

Led by new athletic director Bob Gibb (above), and with :J. revamped Athletic Department and :l new coaching staff, the University of Idaho athletics began an upgrade sorely needed. Inspired by a 10-0 upset victory over the WSC Cougars midway in the season to end a 29-ycar dominance by the Cougars on the gridiron, the tcams, supporters and whole S(3(C was instilled by a new spirit of optimism. Although handicapped by a lack of height, the Vandal basketball tcam was able to hold its own in an unusually tall Northern Division during the fall. The new spirit seemed to hold through :1 winless baseball season and into the track where Idaho won its first northern division meet in three years, and three trackstcrs were sent to the Pacific Coast Meet in Eugene. The minor sports tOO did well. Varsity skiers,


led by Norwegian foreign students, won the Northern Division playoff, and twO privately sponsored skiers from the team were sent back to the NCAA where Eirik Berggren emerged as National Champion Nordic Skier. The Golfers beat the perennially strong Oregon Statcrs, and did unusually well throughout thc season. The Vandal Rodeo team emerged as one of the outstanding riding teams on the Pacific Coast, and the Idaho Tennis teams showed very well in Northern Division matches, although they went through the season without a team victory. With the aid of strong freshman teams, and with the improved spirit and state support, The University of Idaho Vandals should in the future prove to be strong contenders in Northern DiviSion sports.

Ed Buton, Unt~r Jon.., uclr.l~


fr<d ~b5«' ~nd Ron L~pplr.~





The Vandals opened the 1954 football season at Neale Stadium, and proceeded to hold a great Oregon team to a practical standstill in the first half, charging through the Duck linc and brcaking up the backfield plays. Although the Idaho team failed to get an offensive moving, back Wilbur Gary showed much promise as thcy held the Ducks to a 6-0 first half. The second half the story changed, and the Vandals couldn't match the depth of the Oregon line. The passing arm of All-American candidate George Shaw finally led thc visitors to a 41-0 victory,

J-hlfb.ck Mel Schmid,

Th~ um~r.'. ~y~



utchn • bit of V.nd.1




,h~ rof~r«

t.ku. down.

ill .ction. Mel Schmidt (20),


(If). L¢;gh (71), .nd Borton (If). d<»~ in.' 11... m.h, th~ t.ckl¢,


Oregon Stote College 13



Despite outstanding Vandal defense led by Burdette Hess and Marsh Jones, eight costly fumbles spelled downfall in Idaho's second out~ ing of the season. Handicapped by Corvallis' 85 0 weather, the Vandals couldn't seem to get the ball into the Beaver end zone. In the second quarter it looked as if the Vandals would score when George Eidam passed to Frank Teverbaugh decp in Beaver territory, but the ball just skimmcd through his fingers, and the Orange took over. Several times Oregon Scate thrcatened the Idaho goal, but brilliant defensive playing, im~ proved over the week before, stopped the Beav~ ers as far in Idaho territory as on the Vandal three yard line. The final score was OSC 13, Tdaho O.

.... ....... _,r..


playing" Cor""lli•. tho V.nd.1l , ..'" up '0 pu' do ... n • ,ough On'.

Bolo.... ,h.


offcm. pro"" too much fo, ,he tk.,.r, .. end pick, up ,om. v.Juabl. p,ds.


y Gorry Loigh...oklo


John Sullivan. ond

T.d F,o'..nSOn. h.lfback

w.... n

I-hwJoy, h.lfb.ck

SaR Jose State

48 1


Quarterback George Eidam and a pair of spectacular ends, Paul Giles and Frank Tevcrbaugh, led the Idaho Vandals to their first touchdown of the 1954 SC:lSon before the eager Homecoming crowd. The Vandals performed brilliantly the first period of the game, but failed to score again, as the strong San Jose State team dampened the festivities by overpowering the Vandals in the second half with a strong line and fast backs. The fin:ll score of the game was San Jose 48, ld:lho 7.

Aooy", T<vcrbaugh (SO) go" high in ,he air for a p", bu' gou it b.ned down. ]'.,,1 Gil•• (Ill .nd Schn,id, (20) come up for pro,«:t;on. Belo.... Gary (37) run< in,o trouble •• h. ,ric. 1o go Hound the end.

John rayne, guard

Ron Budcn, h.lfb.d


Jin' F.ulknor. con,er

San Jo.., Slate cigh'

Mol Schmid,. h.lfb.ck


Gen. Whit., tackle

Cal Hilgenberg, halfback




G.ry Cot;an, qu>rterb..k





The Vandals improved their scoring punch somewhat from the first of the year, although going down in defcat before the Arizona team 35-13, in Tucson. Idaho took a surprising first quarter lead as George Eidam fired an aerial to end Paul Giles. The point after touchdown try failed. Cal Hilgenberg accounted for the final Idaho tally, smashing sixty-five yards in four plays to paydirt and Burdette Hess kicked thc extra point for the Vandals' final score.


Un<kr d.. lilll'" .. COP rnd John S..lliun ('1) ;, <topprd H~lfb..·k ..... r (4') 1001<. on.


• Ionllll.;n.

(ollege of the Pocific 13


o Abo......... r lion for ~ CO.P. f.. mblr .fur. \"nd,1 brr.I< .hrouSh. flrlow, fnd Hildn (11) eu'''''- , ,loon.,....

The College of Pacific celebrated their first victory in four tries as the Vandals took it on the chin 13 to o. The darkest spOt in the Vandals' showing was their passing attack which bogged down as Idaho completed only four out of sixteen attempts, with four interceptions. Bright SpOts in the game were the Vandal defense, which showed considerable improvement over the earlier games of the year; and Ralph Kendley offensively, a transfer from Stockton, California. Kendley averaged a highly respectable ten yards per carry in the game.

2 R.lph ".ndler. h.lfb"k

Di,k Fmcr•.



o 10 <1) , \


<l) ~/ Th. hi&h point of ,h. Vandal', grid ..,h.d"l...... ruch.d when ,h. ov..·.onfiden. WSC C""I!'U fell hard a, Ros'" fjdJ in Pullman. cndinl'j • 29 fur h"d-luck .. ,uk for ,h. Vand.l.. Th. p'.-g.m. cry from .h. ~I . . hjng,on S•••• College E,nl"r", ..... "Th. Coug:" line will hold .h. V.nd.I, .11 d.y ...i,h Duh Washington rudy 10 umble. It look. like ,h. Coug." .nd 24 poi""." Th. Coug"l .,. hun,hle pi.... h." it '"'nro out '0 ~ .h. V."d.1i .nd u.etly 10 poin,•. Th. f,n1,"'" h.d. ,m.1I >lory .nd big bl.ck "rip•• round page one .. hil. ,he A'g ,h"uled wi.h 6 inch•• worth of POOl!. COUGARS. Long .fte, the $''''. ,,'J' o'".r, ond ,h. go.l postS ",'oce down, ti".l ••or. of IDAHO 10, WSC 0 ch.nted .hroughou. ,h. [d.ho ""'P"!. The Uni,'rr.i,}' even g"'. a" .~." day (or cel.bration as ,h•• nnu.1 w.l~ lrond W'; br<:>kon,



ni~~.__-------~ 'lO




TM V.nd.l. compl~uly d"",;nued 'M 1l.IM, b.llh ,n .M .ir.nd on .h~ llrnund, An at;mued 12,000 f.n.lOw Quuurb>.ck E.... m pilch 10 ~nd T~ ..~rb,ullh for. ,.lIy from .h~ CoullU .~n .h~r h.lfb.d Lawr h.... KI up .h~ pl.y wi.h • 'J yard d•• h, H.... conY~rled for. h.lf_.;1M mUllin of HY~n poin.., Id.ho'. KCond dr'''~ c:amr ,n 'M .hied q.,.rt~r .nd ,..lled on 'M CougH n;n~. un ... Ltpph .pli...... uprighu wi,h • p<rfu. fidd 11001 for .ht in",..nc~. V.nd.l M.in...y, Rill La...., h.lfb.ck: Gwrgt' [,d.nI, 'l..... ~rb.ck: Burd~;l H".., g... rd: P•.,l Gil"., ~nd: 'It'il_

b... G:uy, fullb.ck: Frank Tn.. b.ugh,



.. "$



Ul.h .....'m. in •• l ...., m.....

f~ ...

p.«io... yord•. Gory

soins '0 nor' U.. h

~hn. Th~ \1 ••",1.1 dcf~n ... m.~h""" ~h ~ •.





The t:tlemed toe of Captain Burdette Hess led the victory-hungry Vandals to their second straight victory of the season in a 14-13 decision O\ler the University of Utah Redskins on their home field. Coming from behind in the third quarter, the Idahoans struck when big Gerry leigh recovered a Redskin fumble on the enemy twentyyard line, and skatback \Xlilbur Gary drove over into the end zone for the tying score. Hess again kicked the extra point, to give the Vandals the decision.

Mih I-IrI""r, u~klc


R.y Riuncr, h.Hb.ck

Dad's Day at the University of Idaho was a huge success, due in large part to the 45-0 triumph of the Vandals over the hapless North Dakota Bisons. The Vandals scored almost at will, being held scoreless only in the fourth quarter. Wilbur Gary raced 89 yards for the first Idaho TD. on the Vandals' second play. In the second period halfback Bill Lawr recovered a dropped ball after the kickoff and ran all the way for another Idaho insurance

Ed Re... guard


Gary, Lawr, Mel Schmidt, Bill Baxter and Ron Braden led the Vandal ground offensive.

IDAHO North Dakota








Brigham Young University



8ill BUI~r. fullback 8urch Rouk. guard Ed Hild.r, ."d

Idaho wound up the successful 1954 football season with its fourth straight victory by a slim 7-0 win ovcr the vicror)'-hungry Brigham Young University Cougars. The Vandals outmatched the Cougars in nearly every department statistically in the thriller. The Idaho score came in the second quarter when halfback Bill Lawr bulled over from the threeyard line. Capuin Burdette Hess booted the extra point. Sparkling in the victory were Ray Bittner, Ron Braden and Ken Bratlic.

low. 110ft do.." hard u he- i, hll by two al'U pl.)·....


,\boo,,·... T.,"orb,u/lh /len "''''', fin. blockil1/l f"Hnll..IO" .",1 i, .bl. 10 ,lip loos<. Ikln...·. ,",o"o,,'On gon do..... for • $ho" gain.



Ncil (Skip) S..hky

Abon. £ ..1 Khl'ltcin.li..., coach: Gm.r S.. ub¢~. ~d cOOlch: J.y 1''11«, backfield: Ckm Parb¢rry. irash co>ch.

Hats 011 to a Top Stall This year's coaching staff might well be dubbed "The Miracle Boys of '55." With the exception of Clem Parberry, everyone of them was entering his first year at Idaho. A new Mercury was presented to Head Coach J. Neil "Skip" Stahley as a token of appreciation, and exultant cries were heard from heretofor dormant alums all over the sute, as the Vandals rolled to their most

successful football season in years. Able assistance was given to Skip by Earl Klapstein, line coach; Gene Stauber, end coach; Jay Pattee, backfield; Clem Parberry, frosh coach; King Block and Flip Kleffner, assistant frash coaches; and Colin Campbell, senior manager. Under their able direction, next year should wel1 be a successful one in Vandal footbal1.

l'romi'inl fmhm.n Tr.m--Ro.. one: Dan Dni., Dick Shrrn, G.. y Krn"OClhy, Jrrry K"mr~, Dick Nuun\>, Bob o.bur...., Ro.. 1"0: Bill Skinnr~, John Cnnllon, Jrrry Halkr. Du.ty Klinr, ~r~ Pu,;h. Did Pr..lfl. Larry Mc_ Culloch. Ro.. thrw: Dick Wi.dom. Don In,;lf. Tony Andrrson. Jrrry ROlJ. Jcrry Smythr. Jon ~hmm.n. W.y .... 1Ii'.ldrr. Row fou~: A,.inanl Coach Kinl Block. Larry Aldrirh. Jim Grrm. Leroy Inglis, W.de P.urnon, Drnni, Ambroor, H ....rr Nrnr. eoxh Ckm P..berry. H.r~y HOlbu~,.






79 69 65 45 56 21

66 69 50 78 46 22

46 58 38 38 51 19

222 215 181 168 158 62

13.8 13.5 1l.3 10.5 9.8







Jay Buhler Harlan Melton

Bill B:luschcr Jim Sather Bob F,lash Others Ilt.d


l1ul.n HodJ:n


Coach Harlan Hodges spent his first year at Idaho faced widl a relatively short team in a ull Northern Division, and had to make this up with b:tll control :'lnd speed. This he did with success, :llrCrnHing low scoring with defensive ball control with fast break ball. But next year should prove far morc successful than was the 19541955 season. The Vandal freshman tcam was the finest in years, compiling a 14-2 record, losing only CO the University of \'(r'ashington freshmen and the Whitworth Junior Varsity tcams. Freshman coach Clem Parbcrry's boys will provide a !:lrgc portion of next year's v:lrsity team which will travel cast next fall to meet such tC:llns as Kentucky and bSalle.







Harlan Melton Jay Buhler











Jim Sather






Bill Rauscher






Bob Fabsh DOll Monson










All Others










B..hler ull,n .. follo."N in by Bob fab,h 'I.in.. Monun •.



Northern Division Play In Northern Division play, the Vandal hoopsters staged one of the biggest surprises the conference has secn in some rime by use of the "V:mdal $t311." The Idaho tcam initiated the slow moving, low scoring game centered on ball comrol and pulling the defensive tcam out so clear shooting is possible. This was first used successfully ag3inst the University of Washington Huskies, and rcached its peak in the University



of Oregon series at Moscow, where the ball didn't change hands for as long as five minutes at 3. time.

Although still lacking height and experience, the Five Iron Men, Bob Fabsh, Jim Sather, Bill Rauscher, Jay Buhler and Lefty Melton aided by the second string, Don Monson, were able to keep the Vandals out of the Northern Division cellar to tie for fourth place with the WSC Cougars.









Oregon State College


University of Oregon






University of \Y/ashington












\\7 ashington State College






u,u,h Hod~", ,ongr'I"I"'l boyl .ft.r dof"ling Wuhing'on S'U. Coll.s'

Hoou puts in 1"0 for ld.ho

















The Vandals climbed out of the Northern Division at the expense of the \WashingtOn Huskies in the fin:ll game of the season as substitute Johnnie Sulliv:m dropped in :t free throw to give the Vand:lls an 80-79 edge over the Huskies. After dropping the game the night before 84-77, the final game was :t thriller as the score ch:mged hands several times. Jay Buhler and Jim Sather exchanged hands with point honors, Buhler scoring 22 the first and Sather dropping in 21 in the clincher. The Vandals opened the season in Seattle, and caught the Huskies unaware when they inaugur::acd the "Vandal Stall" in a 52-44 victory after dropping t he opener 86- 53.

Up~r kfc: !lob f~la.h .•.,n;"•• 6 fo .• Ju.rd. Cc.. '~r: Don Mo"....., .."ior, , ft. I':' i".. forw.rd. RiSht: J.y 8"hl~r (') Ch"ll'''ll \\~.,h;nllton·. Doyl~ Puki". (H). ~ttr: Who', llOt II,., b.1l? Low~r I~f<: J.y W~bb. 001'1>0mort. I ft. II i"., ll .... d. Lo... ~r rillht: Tom Vop... oophoono«, J ft. 10,... ,






40 59

University of Oregon


University of Oregon




University of Oregon




University of Oregon


The Duck series was perhaps the slowest series in Northern Division play since before the war, where the Idaho Stall was effectively put into use by both clubs. In a 41-40 Duck victory, at one time the Vandals held the ball for as long as fivc minutes without being guarded, and one and two minute "freezes" on the ball by either team early in the game were not unusual at all. At one point Oregon's big Jim Loscutoff and Idaho's Lefty Melton sat ncar the side lines and played a game of tick (:lck toc. (This tOO was a Duck victory. ) The high point in the series C;lme at Eugene where the Vand;lls dumped any hopes of Oregon winning the Northern Division by waxing their hosts 65-50. The following night the Ducks returned the compliment :lnd took Idaho 70-44. In their first meeting the Oregonians were successful in stopping the Vandals .

Uppcr: lefty Melton (8) puts. ,ho' up 1S O$C, Swede H.lhook ,ei.. to block. Cent.e: Bob F.I.,h (17) ,coec, foe Id.ho. Lowce left: Tom Hoots. sophomoec. 6 fl. 1 in .. forwHd. Lo.... r lef, CCn'C" Jim S.,hcr, 'enior. 6 fl. .. y. in .. cen'cr. Righ, CCn'Cr: Thc Swedc gc" OnC. Extrcmc Icft: lIud Ncloorl. junior. 6 fl. ) in .. guord.





Oregon State College




Oregon State College




Oregon State College




Oregon State College


In the Oregon Sure series, the Vandals' lack of height showed up strongest as the Idahos watched 7-3 Beaver Swede Halbrook take 32 and 38 rebounds in the final twO games respectively. The brightest spot goes to Jim Sather, Idaho centcr, who was dwarfed II inches by his opponent, yet scored 25 points one night against the big man.

In the two games played in Memorial Gymnasium, the Vandals led or held close until late in the final h:M before the games were decided in the BC:lvers' favor. The scores of these two games were 52-59 and 53-65. This was the only series where the Vandals emerged winless in :dl four g:unes.

Upper: Rill Ib"o<:loK. . .ul••IK Nil from Duck R~y Bell ("2). un,c" Buhler ".ppnl in ,IK corner by D"elr.•. Lower Jdl: "The Id.ho Sull.·· Lo een"': H.,I.n Melton, .... ior,' f<. 2'. in., forward. Lo..... nl'ih<: uri S n"rom, junior, , f<. , ,n., cenler.




\V:ash. State College



\V:ash. State College _ 73



\Wash. State College


IDAHO __ 77

Wash. State College



After being the only successful victOr of Oregon St:ate College this $C:ason, the WashingtOn State Cougars were stopped cold and dumped intO the cellar by the V:andals in their final meeting of the season. Lcd by the high scoring of Jay Buhler with 26 points, and the excellent defensive play of Jim Sacher and Bob Falash who held high scoring Cougars Bill Rehder to 3 out of 17 field goals and C:aptain Ron Bennink to 2 for 12, the Vandals completely overpowered the Cougars throughout the whole game. Earlier in the season the Vandals beat the Cougars 73-75 in an overtime game. \'Vithout the services of hon Man Harlan Melton, who fouled out early in the second half, the day was saved by reserve Don Monson and Bill Bauscher, who put in long shots :l1l evening. Bob F:lbsh W:lS high scorer for the g:lme. Still earlier, the Van,bls lost to the Cougars 60-68 and 53 to 39.

Upper: Don Mon$On KU on~ 'I.ins•• h~ eo"I'''' Un.~r: 01\4' of uhy's f,rno... j.. mp .hou. Lo.. ~. I.f., Bill B..... h••. j.. nior. , fr .• lund; Lo..er .~nler: J'y B.. hler, junio•. for....d. I ft. II in. Lo.... ".h,: B.. hl~r u,end. ld.ho'. Iud ovo. ,ho Slll~n.


FItESHMAN BASKETBALL SCORES 74 Id:lho Id:dlO _ 92 Id,ho 53 I(l:1ho 69 Idaho 5I Id:lho 97 Idaho 75 Idaho 69 Idaho 104 Id,ho 80 Idaho 82 Idaho 71 Idaho 93 1(l:1ho 71

Thc strong Vandal-Babe basketball team for 195 S was one of the strongcst in Idaho history, compiling a 12-2 record for the season, losing only to the University of \Xfashington freshman, after whipping thcm thc night before, and ro thc \Whitworth Junior Varsity tC:lm. Probably going up to varsity ncxt

F:lirchild AF B:lsC F:lirchild AF Base Whitworth JV \v/ashingron \Xf:lshingtOn McChord AFB Eastern \Xfash. JV \Washingron Statc \VIashingron St:lte \VIashingtOn Statc Brigham Young Brigham Young \'Vashingron State E:lstern \Xfash.

70 85

55 53 65

78 50

67 73 65


50 61 71


year will be leading scorer 6-5 J:lck Mitchell, 6-5 Jerry Jorgenson, 6-6 center Bob Goold, 6 foot guard Gary Simmons, 6-7 forward Jim Branom, and 6-4 forward Roger \X'alscr. Also strong will be Mark Cole, Bob Presre1, Gary Sather, Bill \Wilson, Brent Thomson, Ch:lrlie Capps and Herb Hill.

A Promising Freshman Team

Fin, row, Tom Hoou. Ilob F~I~.h, John S.. llo. un, J~y R.. hln, mana· Se.. Srcond row, Bill BO"Khn. Don MonJOn. uhy Mehon, Jim S:nhrr, Joy Webb, Coach Hod.n I-tod~.


Idlll10 Swimmers Improve Varsity swimmers completed the 1955 tank scason with :I. record of two wins :lOd four defeats. The lone wins came against Eastern \Vashingcon College of Education where the Vandals opened the season with a 65-18 win over Chene}' and finished the regular season with a 57-27 vicwr)'. In Northern Division play the Vandals showed especially strong in the NO meet in Eugene, where the Idaho tcam emerged fourth, beating out the host Ducks. Coach Eric Kirkland stated that was the best showing the Vandals had put on since he came here eight years ago. The strong U niversity of \'Vashington team, unbeaten in regular play since 1942 again took the tide, with \'(ISC second and Oregon Sure third. During the season the Vandals lost 53-30 to the Cougars, 52-31 to the Beavers and were overpowered 57-25 by the U. of \Xlashington Huskies. The Oregon Statc Ducks edgcd Idaho 53-41.


Coach Eric Kirkland


Ihdnrolr.~ arli,t

Lo " A.....d inn~t$


Vandals Win Northwest NCAA Compiling the best record of any varsiC)' sport this year was the Vandal skiing tcam, undoubtedly onc of the fincS[ in the whole country. Filled with star Norwegian champion skiers, the Vandals pbccd high in every tournament they entered, capturing second place in the Kimberly, British Columbia meet, third in the Intercollegiate ski meet at Banff, Alberta, and first in the NCAA Regional meet

N"'otl>l, jumper Il..,dar U!lovulM:tor


at Stevens Base, \'Qashington. Leading point gettcl'"S for the Vandals this )'car were Eirik Berggren; Reidar UlIevaalserer, second year Vandal skier; and Hclge Gagnum. Others outstanding on the tcam were John Harrington :md Byran Ringhcim. All with the exception of John Harrington are orwcgian championship skiers, at the universiry on scholarships. The ream is coached by Ron Byers.

E'rik Ikrggron .fc.r winning nAtion,1 Nordic Ch.mpOon,hip oc Norwich. Vrrmon<.

Left to eight,


Id.ho ski <t.m: John H.crington, By.. n Ringhcim. Hclge G.gnum, Eir;k Berggren. Roidor Ullovul,etcr .nd Co.ch Ron Byo..,

Vont/ol Skier Notional Champion Since the University of Idaho was unable to send the ski team to Norwich University, Vermont, for the national NCAA ski meet which the Vandal skiers earned the right to enter at the regional meet at Stevens Pass, \Vashington, Beta Theta Pi and Phi Delt:l Theta, national fraternities on campus, sent Eirik Berggren and Reidar Ullevaalseter respectively back to the tournament. Because it takes three men to

compile a team, the two skiers were not able to represent the University in team points, but together with one other skier, Coach Ron Byers stated that Idaho would have won the intercollegiate crown. Even so, Eirik Berggren won the Nordic Combined jumping and cross-country to become a National Champion Skier. Reidar Ullevaalseter also placed high in jumping, downhill and slalom.


Fint ro", 80b P.yne. m.n.~~r; John Sulli n•• hort ..op_third bue.; R~ggi~ Frui~r. kit lidd; Bob F.I..h. lidd; J« Luhrop. ..,eond b• ..,; D ~ Cri~. pile"'" R.lph Lo...r. outliddu. Second ro... : Cl~m P.rborry. conch; Dick Ikr,~r. cueMr; Don Mon'Ol"l, lim b•..,; Flip KI~lfnu, third b..~_.hormop: Aubr~r St~pMn., piteh~r; Miek polino. ri,hl lidd; Jim I-Io.... rd. e"ch~r; Dick Dodol. pi,eMr. Third rO": D.,·~ And~oon. pitch.r, Tom Vopu. pileh~r; R.y Coptland. ,"ond b•..,; Ru'eh Sh.lfu, olldiddu; Rock., R.n ... pileMr. Not in pictu... Ron Rr.d~n. I.r. lidd.


'he Vandal Varsity The University of Idaho baseball team had one of its poorest scasons in the school's history this year as the Vandals went winless in thirteen straight Northern Division games this year after winning six straight preconference matches against the professional Lewis and Clark Broncs and Spokane Indians. Hampered by the slowest season in years, the preseason practice was greatly limited to the field house, and some practice in Lewiston, but was entirely insuffi.


cient for Northern Division play. Bright spots in the prescason play was .571 hitting by third baseman Flip Kleffner, and excellent support by Don Monson, first base at .368; Ron Braden, left field at .333; catcher, Jim Howard, .298; and Nick Polillo, second sacker at .272. Other preseason wins were over E\'(tCE, \'(thitman and \'(thitwonh after losing a pair to Montana State and one to \'(thitman.

Head Coach Clem Parberry's boys must be congratulated for spirit never dying after such a discouraging season. The boys played heads-up ball at every game and really gave out the "Big I" effort, but the breaks jwt weren't with the Vandals. Again the adage, "wait until next year" must prevail in Vandal land, :lIld the Vandals will be a building club next year with the loss of such stars as Flip Kleffner. second string orthern Division third baseman. who has starred for the Vandals for four years; Iron man Bob Falash, hardworking and hardhitting center fielder; Don Monson, outstanding first baseman; ace pitchers Dick Dodd and Aubrey Stephens; cleanup hitter and catcher Jim Howard, and outfielder Reggie Frazier. Next year the Idaho club will have to rely strongly on sophomores, who in a successful season are strong in pitching and hitting needed greatly by the varsity squad.






Ron Br><kn

tef, lidd



Flip Kldfn..

Third In..,. Sho.....op




S«ond b.."




Jo< I.o'hrop

l.eft fiold

Jim I-!o .....d


Mid: Polillo

R,.h. fidd


Bob F.I..h

unur lidd


Don ,\lon.on

"in! b•..,



" • " • • •

" John Sulliv.n

Shor..'op. Thi.d b....

R.lph Lo..".


Dick Rigg,


Butch Sh.ff..


, ,

, ,






.HI .H1


.1H .101 .000 .000

.000 .000










Oregon State



















.2 IJ




Pite"". Aubrey SuplKn,



Idaho opened its disastrous season against

a strong University of \'Vashingcon club, losing both ends of a [win bill at Moscow, and the two at Seattle. Bright spots in the series were a six-hit ball game pitched by Aubrey Stephens in a second game, 5-4; .467 hitting by Ron Braden for the series, .400 hining by Ray Copeland in his twO games, and a three for four hining by pitcher Dick Dodel in the two games he pitched against

the Huskies. The scores for the four games were 6-3,15-3,12-6,4-3.


Braden, If Frazier, If Fabsh, ef Kleffner, 3b



Games Played AB




1f 8 15 12 15 12

6 0 2 2 0 2 0 0

7 0 4 2 3 2 0 2



0 0

2 1

.467 .000 .267 .167 .200 .167 .000 .400 .083 .182 .200

----------------------- ----------------------_..

Monson. Ib

Howard. c -------.----------_. Riggs, c ------- ---- ----- -------Copeland, 2b .. - ----_ .•............••.... - .. Sullivan, ss -- .. .....•...•...... _...•. Polillo, ss, 2b .. Lothrop, cf


..... ....•...... - .... ....... ........._. ~_

__ ....

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 2


5 12 I1 f

The Season in Briel... The V:'lndals lost two chances (0 break into the win column against the WSC Cougars, but the rally broke down in the seventh when the Vandals were within one run of tieing the Cougars, :lnd then the Cougars broke loose in the eighth to score six more Tuns as they blasted four Idaho pitchcn. In the third game of the series, the Vandals fell short two runs as the Cougars broke an eighth inning tic :lnd took the game 5-3. Flip Kleffner, recently switched to shortstop, was the big gun for the Vandals, hitting 5 for 10 for an even .500. Bob Fabsh also had his eye in the \'(fSC series, breaking an even .300, and Joe Lothrop hit a sizzling .375 in the two games he played. The other two game scores were 9- 5 and 12-6.

Veteran University of Oregon pitcher Terry Maddox handcuffed the Vandals in two of the three games played with Oregon this year, and he relieved Blodgett in the third game. Aubrey Stephens lost another by a small margin as he pitched five-hit ball against the \Webfoots in Eugene in a pitchers' duel against Maddox in a series of rain, snow, and hail. However, the Vandals' biggest loss was that of leading hitter Ron Braden, who separated his right shoulder in a diving catch. Outstanding in Vandal hitting were Nick Polillo and Reggie Frazier, and leading Vandal hiuer Ron Braden in the one game he played. Jim Howard hit the longest ball of the series, tripling in the second game, and Don Monson played excellent defensive ball throughout the series. Scores were 2-0,15-9,7-3.



Games Played




Falash, cf





Monson, If





Kleff ncr, 3b, ss





Howard, c






Polillo, rf





Copeland, 2b




Lothrop, If




Sullivan, ss, 3b






Falash, cf





Monson, Ib





Kleffner, 3b, ss






Howard, c







Lower, cf



Frazier, If





Berger, cf



Sullivan, 3b, ss







Polillo, rf _







Copeland, 2b






Lothrop, rf




Braden, If

Dodcl, ph


Schaefer, ph Braden, If Frazier, If




.250 2



Led by homers from Bob Boub and Phil Jantze, the Oregon Statc Beavers swampcd thc hapless Vandals in their two-game series, 16-3, and 15 - 5. Vandal pitchers couldn't stop the big hats of the Beavers as thcy took everything the Idahoans could offer. In the game played at McLeane Field, the Vandals lost an early lead in the fourth inning and never again threatencd. Again the bright

spot in the Vandal hitting departmcnt was Flip Kleffner who battcd .500 and added a homc run to the Idaho causc. Bob Falash and Jim Howard also showed well, both batting above .300. The other two scheduled games of the series, as well as one game with the Univcrsity of Oregon, were rained out.




Braden, If


Lothrop, If Falash, cf

I. ,


Av... g~

















Monson, Ih





Polillo, rf _





Copeland, 2b















Frazier, If






Lower, ph

.. I




Klcffner, lb,




Howard, c Sullivan,





j fiu...~krr Don MonJ,on



Id.ho solftn ld. '0 risho: John Iknrin. Bob CampMll. WarM Solomon. Dan Powtll. Bill Sum_no Bob Ad.m.on and Tom Lindl~. Did, Snydtr .... IUm tOllch.

'oilers Best in Years Idaho golfers again showed strong in arrhern Division play this year. Sparked by veterans Bob Campbell, Dave Powell and \'(Iayne Solomon, and with cop support from sophomore Bob Adamson, the Vandals in regular season play lost only (0 the University of \'(fashingwn, 20-7 and 17路1, in Seattle. Returning home, the Idaho club edged W:lshington State, 1411-12Yz. and the University of Oregon by the same score, and on the following day took a 16Yz-I01S: victory over the strong Oregon State Beavers. By virtue of these victories, and the faCt that they would play on their home course, the Vandals were favored to cop the Northern Division meet, but managed to place only fourth as the strong University of Washington team took the honors. In preseason and nonconference play, Idaho tied Gonzaga at 7~ apiece and then swamped \'({hitman, 12 ~- f~. Other Vandal golfers were Phil McRoberts, Tom Lindley, and Bill Summers, all sophomores; and John Benzin and Jamie Steele, juniors.


Vandal '"inc/ads The Vandals lost their only outing in nonconferencc track by a 70 1/360 2/3 margin against the \'(fhitwonh Pirates. Strangely enough, the Vandals picked up onc more first than did the PicHes, but the nonhern school picked up more second and third places.

Coach Joe Glander explained the loss to lack of reserve due

(0 spring football practice. These stars were able to run in the orthern Division meets. OU[sunding in the meet was Lou Gourley who won both the two mile and the mile. Gourley rail the fastest mite of his career up to that time at a sizzling 4: 23: 5. Coach Glander also praised Jay Buhler and Frank Teverbaugh whom he said were instrumental in the Vandal victory in the mile relay.

An improved Idaho track rC3m copped its first Northern Division win in three years. as they defeated the Oregon State Beavers this year to highlight a generally successful track year. Lack of depth was the main reason for the poor showing in several meetS. and with a strong freshman team. the Vandals should have a good showing next year. Starring in track this year were Lou Gourle}'. veteran distance man; \Xfilbur Gary, sprinter and jumper; hurdler Larry Church; broad jumper and sprinter Bill Bauscher. and cocaptain Gary Dixon. however the tcam was well rounded :lnd even with a heavy tOil from graduation, the V:lndals should prove strong next year.

Fi,,' rO"" larr)' Gorrtll, lou Gourlt)', Wilbur Cny, Du.nt Hods""n, Cny Di"on, Ron uppkt, St<:ond '0"': Lorey Church, Jay Buhltr, Bill fhu.chtr, Bob ThO'nlon. Jorry Dulfy, Funk Tt"trb.ush .nd Bun Han""n. Third ro"': Co.ch Jot Gl>ndt" Htnnins Ohtn, Nul C.<toolt, C.I Compbtll. Nick Sptropul<t>, and Sun Nul)"


Vandals lose to Washington Teams Vandals (ook defeat at the hands of both Washington schools as the Cougars from Washington Sene handcuffed the Idaho team in a 94YJ:36}'2 victory and the University of Washington Huskies' depth proved tOO strong as the Vandals lost 87-44. In the Pullman meet the Vandals picked up five first places as versatile \'(filbur Gary tied a meet record set in 1937 by leaping 23 feet 3 Yz inches in the broad jump. Gary Dixon (ook first place in the 440 yard dash, and Lou Gourley copped both the mile and two mile. Buzz Hanson took a win in the javelin with a toss of 195 feet, II inches. At Neale Stadium iron-man Lou Gourley again won both the mile and two-mile events as the Huskies' Bob Ledbetter paced the Washington team to victory. Bill Bauscher and Wilbur Gary took first and second ick Speropulos tossed the discus 140 feet to in the broad jump and win that event. Duane Hodgson threw the javalin 186 feet to edge out Buzz Hanson for nrst place.

O;.."nc~ ",." Lou Gourley.


Idallo Splits Witll Oregon Scllools The high points and low points in Vandal track came this year with Oregon schools. Larry Church won the low hurdles and clinched Idaho's first NO victory in three years as the Vandals took OSC 66 5/6-64 1 6. The Vandals came through to win 9 of the fourteen first place events. The Vandals swept all places in the 100 and 200 yard dashes, with Wilbur Gary and Bill Bauscher copping firsts respectively. Lou Gourley finished some 150 yards ahead of the second place runners in both dist:mce rUllS. Vandals winning firsts with their record arc as follows: IOO-Gary :9.9; 220-Bauschcr :22.2; 440-Dixon :50.2; Mile-Gourle}' 4:32.7; 2 mile-Gourley 9:45; 220 low hurdles-Church :24.8; Pole vault-Duffy 12 ft.; Broad jump-Gary 22 it. 107 8 in.; and Discus-Speropulos 138 fc. 9 in. The story was quite different at Eugene where the Oregon Ducks swept:t1l fifteen first pbce events in :t 103-27 victory over the V:tndals. All in :til, six meet records fell despite a stiff wind and rain. These were the mile, shot put, javelin, h:tlf mile, 220 and two mile events. Top poim getter for the Idaho thinclads were Lou Gourley with seconds in the mile and two mile; Buzz Hanson, second in the javelin and third in the high hurdles; \Wilbur Gary, second in the broad jump and third in the 100; and Larry Church, third in the broadjump and low hurdles and second in the high hurdles.

Buzz Ham,on, janlin.




cunninl': <440.


cO<J>t from brhind '0 ....in In<ramunl Champion.h,J'.

Betas Win Intramural Trophy Beta Theta Pi, after losing :In c:lrly point IC:ld, came up in softball, tr:lck and golf to overtake Phi Delta Theta for the all-campus Intramur:ll Athletics Championship. Although the Betas won only one individual championship, horseshoes, with the exception of bowling and golf, they were in the top three places of every sport to give them enough second and third place points to eke out the runner-up Phi Delcs by 51 points. Third place went to \'V'illis Sweet Hall. TOTAL INTRAMURAL POINTS Iku Theta Pi Phi Delta Th~u. Willis $WCCI Hall Lindley Hall Campus Club Tau Kappa Epsilon Sigma Chi Delu Tau Dc!u Sign13 Nu Idaho Club Kappa Sigma

1687 1 /1 16}6 Y, If97 If6} 1 H4 1526 If08Yz 1489Yz 1417Yz 1367Y, 1359J1l

Chrism"'n Hall Phi Gamma Deh", Alph", T",u Omega Delu Chi Sigma Alpha Epsilon Phi Kappa Tau Veterans Village Dc!u Sigma Phi Lambda Chi Alpha Pine Hall Lauer Day Saints Inst.


1210 1148 1100 1023 JIl



>4, 442 36S Yl 320


"hi [Hh. Th ~u Bowling Cum.





1.,JIIIl-'_W Ph'I G.mm.1R1 u .In,umuul ... ~k




Willi. SwOt< Hall. intr.mur.l ..olkyball winMn.

Intramural Cllampionsllip Winners Football

Willis Swect Hall


Willis Sweet Hall

Cross-Country Swimming ~____ _ Bowling


__ Campus Club Campus Club




T cnnis



A Baskctball _

_ Delta Tau Delta Phi Delta Thcta


Ping-Pong B Basketball

. _ _


Golf _

_. _

Delta Tau Delta Phi Delta Theta

Horseshoes __ Track

Phi Delta Theta


._Beta Theta Pi Phi Gamma Delta

Phi Gamma Delta _Alpha Tau Omega


From in front of th~ G.mm. Phi hOUK •• tlK Alt For~~ pOdu N.ncy Burn•• BoOK••• Gundi.n Anr;~1. TIK .prinr; r~..;"w of Army ROTC •• Oftn 'h'our;h 11K uin of r;ood old Moocow.

SI.n .nd Chuck. Me'. of 'M 81u~ K~y. Adunc~ f~JI;y.1 frolic. H...~ you ~"n l«1I • • h.pe l;k~ lhi.?

O,"cins at lh~ fal;nl. Cud Ih~ whip. Swins your p'rln~r.

Al ...ay.:o 1;00<1


,ht.t aft m.ny .uch .holO of • nbin dance lih ,hi. Phi T.u form.f.

Legion Dance Time


0"•• in l~ y.. n.

Th. t..ch.r-th. autho,...........1r. '·Gte.n Fus." Unger. th. WSC Stud.nt l'ruy. Th. Sill''''' Nu fOOlb.1I 'I'h. I'.k', on the 'pring d.)'.


cl""'I'" 2J1

!--------" Th~

mighty Knio..-gr.du.l.. I:..n .. Ikdh~. Durdl Moon. Pr•• S.... n"rom ••nd JIm Kul.n. H.lfei."., 11 thr Un,yrr';ly of Id.ho.




OJ)' Ren... by ...., ROTC.

T"" Gymnutia .ho.... lI"s.1I onr no....

AnotM' p;tudr, '1>011'1<. po..u.

Mor~ Junior Rirdmn. Thr ulrn ••ho... uka ~ "'''''un nino Thtre .hr it-1M pir ..~I"r.

B~,k.tb.1l .pitit .-b porn-porn. When lh. pin i. p...N you pay. Tht Sp.;nr-.M bo,,'--tM ...•nd .he DG.


A .. poon,~r n_ (";,on htr award a, ,.... ann".l award. a>Kmbly (r 0 m PrnMkn'




from ,h~ Sill lh,,(~o


,hm O.lt.

... ~ ."cd '0 ,~, drftiC'd Up for dna bu, no< n 1M Phi Drh P. J. Danc~.


be"nn,", of ,h~ md foe "lUI of "J. 2JI


Tht V.nd.l rid~r rida no mor~. T ... u. cold d.y fOf" Vand.l ..illr. Thi. i...·hat I nil li..;n,.


KUOI in • ..-,ion. A b.nqur. fOO' ini,i.."",. IIh yn, • .,rn d.y.


Re.....mbtr ,IK .prinl


T..-o ,id. In 1 uclt II 1M Olymp;e•.

S,,, "Iph Olymp;C.-Ihe <'Sl ,h,,,... Bh.., Key 01ncen.

n, e""'n'2J7




College 01 letters ontl Science


This is the oldest :lnd largest division of the Univcrsit}'. both in enrollment and number of courses offered. The eight academic divisions of the dcp:lrtmcnt :lre: Art and Architecture, Biologic:d Sciences, Home Economics, Hum:\Ilitics, Mathematics, Music, Physical Sciences, and Social Sciences. It is in this college that so many students get a well rounded education. Drama students :lct in well attended plays, debate teams travel far, including Dean Holt and Chuck McDevitt being awarded a trip to \'Vest Point, an exhibits-a featured attraction, journalists and others all comprise the college. A special feature of Letters and Science, is the general course which is offered to entering freshmen who have not decided on a specialized field. From these beginning days in college, through four years of hard work-and fun, and for some, graduate work, many attainments for richer living :Ire acquired.

DEAN T. S. Kl U A ""Mlhy ,upc",isor of ,h. Un;v.uity" brgm collego.

Th. Science Building. Xcn. of m.ny drud.d three-hour I.ln. csp«;.l1y in ,h• •prinlS' Hu< ,wo boy. try th.ir Iud ... ith unkno ... n<,




hciliti~. Nur~ry

I:conomic. Building. Among uth.r uf our n." building. . .~ ha'·~ tho School for Child o.,·dupm~", 'Iudr.

Alpha Epsilon Delta One of the greatest honors for the PreMedical students on the University of Idaho campus is to be chosen to become a member of Alpha Epsilon Delta. With this come activities, banquets, medical films, and services to pre-med and pre-dental students. E. Alli.on. j. Stoor. j, Payne, J. S.d.}". K. Wrisht. D. B..ndt. K. D."i,. V. j.ckson. S. Kwush. Dr. Gustaf,on. M. Dunn. B. Dousl.., J. Hetring_ feld, D. Earhudt. D. D."i,. G. Dickey, J. MOIO"i,h, F, OeRo«, M. Srhrnid, M. Post. j. \\?II..e, R. Terry, H. Fry, j. Stanton, O. DHie•• A. Stephen., J. Ndron. j. EdSen. C. Herrinsfdd.

l. & S. Department Heads

H. Macklin. Or. H. Mellv.ine. M. Ritchie. M. Kitkwood, /o.bj. J. Hugh.., De.n T. Kerr. 1.1. Col. J. Moor•. Dr. K. Rush. Dr. C. Coo, Capt. T. Thoma<. Or. W. Con •. Or. B. Maruin


B"RB"R" A."'''';R>o''' Commerei~1


Burley M"RIE BE"U

Home Ec.-Educ. Plummer B'Ll.lE W. BRO,",N

Pol. Science Lewi5l0n JIM CHRISTENSIi",

Pol. Science Id.ho 1'.11. DOROTHY DIEIlL

Dietetic. Jerome K"TotY FITZGER"Ll)


J" .... o::s ANI>I:RSO'"

Sociology Mo.cow JANiiT BII'eR

Home Ec.-Educ. T .. il. B. C. WAYNE C"RSUIt'"

Sociology Jerome M"RC"R"T CLEMO"'S

B.cteriology Boise G"RY D'XON

Zoology Coeur d'Alene EOWIN GARONPR

Conlmerci.1 Ar!





Engli.h Mo<co'" J""'E BLOMQUIST

Sociology C.ldwell DOROTItY C"RT':R

B.neriology Mo,cow ROBeRT E. COLB!"N

Economic. Emmelt ELAINE DUNN

Aru Mmcow M"RCI" GII.es

An Cheverly, l>hryl.nd



Commerci.l Ar! M.l.d A. E. C"NOL';

Hi5lory Corner"'iUe, Ind. JOE CoRLESS

Pre·l>led. Mi,cow



Pre_Med. Buhl M"RY Gll.>"S

Sp.ni,h Boi,e


Engli,!> Lewi"on RUTI. B~El)1!

Journ.li.m Teko., \\:'•• h. CHUCK CHE>t1~Y

Pre_Den1. Rober" "LORENC': DEROSE

B.cteriology l>hrtincz, C.lif. D"RLENE EYERSO.'"

Home Ec. !'arm. ROSE M"RY GIl.],l'" Horne Ec. S.lmon


Honle Ec. Wilder BETTY BRooKl Journ.li.m S.ndpoint GIl."LP CIt~ISTPN":'"

Pol. Scien" Id.hoF.lls KI:"'NiiTU D'CK

R.dio Mo.cow EMM" JE"N ""'RClULl> Philosophy Boise

J'M GO...."NLOCK Pol. Science Spokane, Wa,h.


H .. U1SON

Sociology Boi,~


An Educ. Boi,t LUANN JONES

Homt Ec. M.I.d N .. NCY LHK

J.. Y HP."~N Zoology f1riorcliff.




Pol. Scienc~ Moscow S"LLY LEMuINEI.

Pol. Science Dubois L•. OYD MARl" Chtmi.<ry Qu«m Vill.ge, N.Y.



D .... 'N PARKER

Pol. Scitnc~ RI.ckfool

P'ychology Moscow Frtnch Moscow HiStory Moscow

Engli,h Spohne, W.sh. LAJ.RY Hy"J.

Dr.m.tic, w.n. W.II., W.. h. PltILLEI' KLEFFNER

Sociology Boi,e JOANN L'NOsY"OM Hom~

Ec. S,trling GlBN MORTBNS'~N


Hi"ory Wilmington, Ohio VOND.. JACKSON

R.c'eriology ld.ho F.II. RUTH KOR\·OI.A

Homt Ec. Orofino C .. J.OLYN LOUHtlAN

Engli.h Spohn~. Wash. ALBERT NI;LSON


P,ychology Wilbur, W.,h.

D. N. HOLT History N.mpa



Home Ec. Emmett REm L.. u Pol. Scienct Id.ho I'.n,

Frtnch M.l.d DA\'IO L .. un";u Bot.ny Chic.go, Ill.


W .. YLAND .\'''L~A''

Home Ec. Lewillon ~"RBAR" NELWN


Archi'ecture H.yword. c.lif. DoNA O"F'CER Home Ec.

Chtmic.1 Eng. Moscow

Engli,h ltwi"on



j .. NB QU"RN ..

Radio Bonnus Ferry

Home Ec. Solmon










Zoology Othello. Wash. JI~UY ScHEIlJEMAN

Con,n,erei.1 Art Wall.ee BA~lIARA TA>'I.OR

Soeiolol;)' Id.hoF.lh JOAN WElS" R.dio Namp. JOIIS S. AR~'1TAGL

Pre_Med. hirfidd 10"'" MATOV'CH

Science Kellogl;


HAun:TT R,:cAs

Speech Portlond. Ore. RAY S"'U


R'.II} M.,1>em.,i.. Burle)'

L'Nl>A RI!In

Home Econom;c, Wickenburg. Ari~.


Journ.li,m Lewi,ton 0.0.'" T'881Tn HiHory Coeur d'Ab,c

.\lAkGAUT Tk' I

OkA \\",,.,.


Home Ec. Inni,f.i1, Albe". GENE M. BALuECK

Home Ee.-Edue. Mosco..' Sp."i,h Sl'Obne,



Science C.ld,,·e11





Engli.h Moscow



lin., PAUl Scien" T"'inbll>


Pre-Med. Rigby MU.YA .... TUSN'T

So\:;ologj' Mo.co..· PAT \\"OOO.\lOk'.

Home Econon',c, lI<>,se "liKE CUM"HI'ORl>

l'rc_Med. Lcwiuon rUm'N'. PAYN'

Science Id.ho 1'.11,


Home ~;conomici Libby, Mon\. STAN TATE

Phil"",phy Boise .\lAkJO~'E TnoR So\:iologj' H.nsen IIn."'AR" YOkK Inl. Arch. N.mp.


Pre_Med. lhkenfidd, C,li!.

~nd ~c"

~ Olfic~

Guiding It.... Srnior Cl l'.,..dl .. i,ion f .~ Stnior Cb.. .. .. hi, loificc~' ,hi • )"CU va P L' V---" cu. and Vicrrury "'.... ,.",>drn," J).'. c_ P rfti<lrn, FttdJ.ck I .sm.. Tru<urrr ' Inq'

Fig; men!


(ollege 01 Etlucotion An important part of :lny University-where students learn to teach others. Idaho is justly proud of its College of Education. It is here that students learn the basic principles of good tcaching techniques for both elementary and secondary schools. Practice teaching five days a week for nine weeks is just one of the many fund:tmental habits that arc acquired. This practical experience proves hr more valuable than all of the "Readin', \'Vritin', :\11d 'Rithmetic" that has been a part of your life since beginning school in the first grade or kindergarten. Dean \'(!cltzin sees to it that every prospective teacher is placed where he wishes. Since there is such a demand for well trained instructors, such as the University of Idaho produces, this is more of an honor than a duty. D,I.. s


F. \X'I.l.T'Z'N

Education Workshop

Some ,tudents in the ,(.ding room of the Co!l(ge of Edu,otion ,nn school book. their stud(ntl ""ill b< (e.ding in order lht th(y might how. beller undu... nding of ""ho< to U!",'l from them.


Kappa Delta Pi

Ri,:> S"oblt, Pres.; bih e....,.,. v._p.; "'''ry Schmid. Sec.; Mary lou Gill. T,tu.; Darb Ro.... Rosie Found., Clrou And,... Jo Ell. ~hm;hon. Phylli. Ge>.r;n, l.oui.., ,\IiK, Phylli. H.rding, Ben Chichn'fr.

On. of nunf po",.n which hoi", lint g ..d... I...n '0 rud.

(ollege of Education Faculty The College of Education Faculty is one of the larger at the University. It is comprised of Physical Education instructors for both men and women, and Elementary and Secondary Education professors who guide students who h:wc choscn education as their career.

Colleg. of Edu ••• ion Facuhy.

jUllv ANIlH~N

Bu.;n.... Roi.t RK.II,"D Soci~l





C.... P • .,....

P,,·eholot!y MOKO" D ....

IS., 1).-.....'"

rhy.it.1 Edut. It...i,,on C.... Ol. Duo;:,. TI< ~ltmtn ... J· K~m;.h


ED ...,S AutST..O",; Mu.ie Edue. o.,"oi •• Mith. [L"'SE

B.... SOT

Mu.ic O""~

M.. u ..1C1: Cu:<;<;

M.. Mmuics Guu "'L'CO: R.. o: Do;.Su.. u .. f,.ltmtn<>,y Edue. It i,,on F s ELLIS ]>hY"nl f.due. Potl>tch

D .. lLAlSL B .. CLl.V

Mu.ic Stoc!r.rtt. Mont~n. CoSS'E: 8.00l<'ss fl~m. Edue. f.mm«t ME.. LE C .... NE ..

<>tnt l Ed. St. 1.1 ... H...... T


lndun,i.l ...." Mooco... O,el f. OT Sci(onet Cincinnati. Ohio


B .. LLA .. "

Eltmtnl>ry Edue. Kimbtrly JUSf Bue.UloLZ

F.ltm. Edue.


SID C"ans Eltm. Edue. Oronno D,""'NE DICU·"'loO"· F.lt.....,nurr Edue. te-... i"on 8, TT' F'ELD

Comp. Sci. Mooeo...



5«. & Eltm. Educ.

te-...;"on D.. YID


Indu...ul A... 5,. Anthony DoaOTHT D .....,I!

Bu.in.... Edue. ;\IOKO'"

j, ."1" 00,,(;1";"·1" M..htnu.ie. 8u.. ~. Mon •. t._I! FOLn Phf'. Scitnc. Gr.ngtyill.

M...C..... O:T Fox

p.........s GUTa,s

Eltmrn,uy DonMl1y

Ekrmnl.ry Nuprrc. Lou Gov.....,T physic.1 Edue. ldd>o f.Us

J... s

Pm.. Uu....

E"Fa'O:DO: G. HUST.. o:y

Soci.l Scirnl;:' SPOluM, .... ~h. f ... ,.O:TT... Jo.. ssos Soci.l Sludin libby, Monl. U.....";T It.usc. Eltmrnury p....d.nd. Ott.

G .......TSl. ..

Ekmrntuy S.I~

Ekn><nury Brtmrn. Gtrm.ny


Lou G,l."

El.mrnu,y Kimbrrly Jo...;o: Su... s,o", H()()fo.u Ekmrnluy C ....... y. '«'.. h. A .. <-.. ",o: Hyol: Ekmrnury S.I~


R........ oso jOltssos

physic.1 Educ. Worl.y K"'T11" L... ,·o:s Ekmrnlu,' S>ndpoint

Indusu;.1 Aru Ntwporl ......1.. B,.... L.......

Guic!.nI;:C WrUt.

c.... OI., "'" GnT''''s Mu~ir

MtCammon Tlto......s M. HOQ"""

Hill. a.: Soc. Sci. Montprlitr I'll,.....'. Is.u" f.n.li~h

Abr,d...,n jA'" JOLL" Buo.intU Edu.e. ConMl1, W,sh. jl... M ... cu:..

EIrm. /I( Src. fduc. Kdlou


W... GL'OOO:'" So<:ill S",din

K.mi.h Eo UUDSOS So<:i.l Scitnc. Spolr;;.nt. '«'".. h. Oo&.OTH ..

1...._ ...

Eltmrnury Orofino Rx:II..... D K........",

Social Scitn« Cotur d'Ak... j,... M .. ",SF11:U) Uis<. /I( Soc. Studio Grut F.ll.. Mon•.


M"SS"IELO Hiu. &: Soc. Sci. T ... in F~llo

RlCtl,. .o

K .. y MoaSl:

Elemenury Spok~ ..... 'I1L~~,h. los.. 11.[01"0-.0 Elemen.orr C~ld ell

Tn, Ru


Soci.l Science l'od>lch ScOYT S1'I' ..... 1

l'sycholog)' Spokan., W..h. I>.. T V",....'O...

Bu.inC'S1 H.~ ... Mon..


JOU; ~hOOl.lEIt"U.·F M ....,LYN ~hLLn

Ele_nury Mosco... Mo""" NonE Bu.in Edu.::. Mosco... C.."Lrr"" Ro;ulE Ku~inC'Ss

Id.ho F.ll.



EI.m. &: s.c. N.... I'lymou,h


EI.m.n' .. y MOlCO'" C".OL

Ens. Sp. Dr. .......i>lon

Bu.i,,", O'NI:ILL



Physical Ed"". Prie.. Rivtr r .. n,LIS RoyI' Phy.ic.1 Edue. l'.rm.

Mu.ic Wild.r KLCCA RUBY Elemonury


B'LI.IE STF.FYIENS Elemen...y MOICO'" 8 TJBII,ns lIu.in ..

Elo_nury Mosco... D,cit RIGGS Hillary L i"on M ~ ScUM'" Ru~in ••• Mon,p<li.r AUU.EY S,·.o"'G £lcm. &: L>p..... i

Admini.. ruion Moun..in Hom< S'U"L"Y Ro.so .. H.m. Educ.

Elom.n •• ry Mooeo...

Sn"" Moo...; Phy.ial Eelue. Ne.. Plymouth

Garden Van.y DON



Physical Edue. Coeur d'Aknr


8. \\"'nTc ..TE VF.LM" W'LSO""

Elomen'.ry N.mp.


F.1t SIt'V!:LY lIu.in... ,G..ngo,·ill. N'.. NCY S ...... " Engli,h H'l'den Lake DoSN..


Elemen'ur Id.ho F.ll.

Gui,hncr \\"'ei,,1'" D"::,, SYMOS~

l'hy.inl Edue. Burl.y JOYCI! 11.. W",CIIY Bu.ines.Educ. MOlCOW



Lor.n7.0 II:.:.... L£E \\"' .. ,CllT

Phy,ical Edue. Anchor.s•. AI ...

Win ler



(ollege 01 Engineering Engineers playa vital part in everyone's lifewithout them we would not have the buildings of this university, our network of highways, or millions of communication systems. In their field, they apply their knowledge of science, skills, and experiences to the betterment of the emire world. The University's College of Engineering is reeog¡ nized onc of the finest in the United Sures and attracts students from all over the country. Although it is only medium in size, it has proven itself outstanding in competition with other Engineering

Schools. Engineers usually speci:llizc in one particular branch of the profession. Some phascs arc in Agricul. rural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering. A career in Engineering holds unlimited opportunities for any young man-the demand for well tr:lined engineers is increasing every d:ly. n.."

A. S. J~n"r"

Deportment Heods •



llc-.n A. S. J.n,,,,n


P,of. N. F. Prof. C. A.

Hindl~ Moor~

Prof. H. E. H.",up Prof. I.. B. C.. in~

Prof. I). S. Hoifm.n

Ik.t i,


p..ctiul .pplic.tion of .ngin«rins knowlcdgt by tho ME'•.

Whilt ,wo .""pla look on, , .... Agri.ul_ 'ute Engin«.. displ.y tho .ppliution. of .Io<:uicity on tht r.rm at ,ht Engin..... R.ll.

Sn.pl from ASCE. 1l.11,



ACI.I:.. T

Ch~mi ..1 ~kc..11


T£o Bo:u

Rigby JOltS BJORn;



Id~ho f~lb

Abrrcrombi~, N.D.

Do,,' f.. Ci"il

eo.. ,,·

Namp. G'o"GI! E"'''M EI~c<riol


;\!Jc"..n .. CYCLU

C. \\:', Au,n ..osc El~etrin]

!Hlroit. Mich. Do.. B..oc........,. Civil K~tchllm A .. TlIU" D .. Lu;



R.h""'j'. N.J.


K,lN EMHSO'" M~eh.ni.:.l



Lou,s G'LU:TT

Mrch.ninl Emmett

Elteln.:.l Ihrvud



Roc". ANI)I:"SON

M.. ", HUFF.... .:.







Mrch.nie.1 I.ind~n. N.J. JOIl" E. H"NSOS Mech~nie~l

Id.ho F~I" D ....(N JOIlNSON

Chtmi..1 Spobn~, W..h.

F .... N .. LIN R.. II" Ch~miul

Wciwr C ......L£..SC.... ~ .. N



Tto D,:oc£NDOllF'" EI ••"i"l K.llogg J-1 .. "I'n..EE M...Uurgie.l Muoon.l1I. J. F_ U.E~PHILL Mech.nic~1

Crnton,lo .

S" "11


M«h.nie.l Boi>t

C....L W. 8....D..ELL EI«tric.1 S.......'w.ttr. T~ul C. CII"~.E"U'S Mrch>nic~1


Chemi.:.] Ml,>KOw BUD CLE~EN""C£N

Abr,d«n Ross Do.... N M.eh.niul Monll'"liu

Chemi,,1 K.ndrick Do", EDDY M«h.ni..1 S.n ;\h,ion, C.lif.

TO"L"'U FL.. TI 1.0


Civil Uskod.l. Norw~y Eo.....o HES.,. EkctriC31 Goo<ling Jo.... K... u Ch~miul

MOIn I..h, \\:'..h.




Civil !H.. ,~,. On.

e.....,.a KIO'II'E' L M~ ..lIllrgi.:.l Mo.co..




T ..in F.lls ....'LLI .. M CoLLINS

Geologic.] Mllll~n

1-1.....,. Ellooo,,,,

EI.cniul Cincinnati, Ohio Tu>


M«h.ni..1 F:ai,fidd

J...... O



S•. Anthony GE_GIl K.ONMII.'-I" Eloctricol J.mnlO"·n, N.Y.

J..... 1:i


Eke-Hinl S~ll"y LoWI:LL M.. cu:ar

Mo.h.ni••1 I'oc.tdlo DON It'CCIN

Ch"mical Cambridso



EI«Hic.1 Bonne" F"r,y LEOS SToNIi

c. ..... u,.....u M"t.Uuf!ic.1 Ra.hdrum Ro.".T M.. y

M•• h.ni ••1

O.k Hill. N,Y.


Bountiful. Wo.h. R.... M"."".L Me.h.ni •• 1


J.... u

Lt:P... o

CMmi..1 Coeur d·....I ... F. MVLLI_.._K CE" El«"i••l

Ca...... V.n(>..,,,1,

Rvu;1I Ro...., Mo.h.ninl Spok Wash.


M..... S 'T..

M. G. S...IT>l

EI«tric.1 N.mpa V .. N SToNEIlOC"II.


M •• hnic.1


N.w York. N.Y.

P... LIIY W .. Tns Ciyil RiSby

Gu.... Lnc"

WU.. LM" Wll.JQN

M«h.ninl ShoJhof'le

Chomi••l 8.,rl"y Ci..il I.oCrouc. Wuh. K.ISTopn STOIl.VSTlt

Ciyil 01>0. Nor""y P.. UL O. '«'OJ LIn M•• h.ninl L...ioton

Ch"miul Iloi. CA..L S........ EI«t"..1

81.cHoo. R .. L .... To"Nlf.SD

EI•• rri•• 1 .... y.,y

w.... F. Lo..-u EVCES'; Lo'D""L Elccni••1 M«h.nic.l Lc n..onh. Wa.h. Gann." Doc" N .. DoN"LO L Quos Ciyil El•• tri•• 1 Coe.,r d'Al.". Coeur .1'.... 1.".

£ke-..ic.1 P.lo Ito. Calif. E. Rtc::" ) Puc......... Ch.mi••1 lIurl.y

Jrn.y S"L.. MIIN EI«Hi.. 1

jO"N Sc'":I_OSKII Ch.mi•• 1

Moscow 01,..... ST.. Y."

Eke-trial !>hld•• Nor..ay Pu ULSTEIlN

EI«"i••l A,locr. No.w.y

Dos Sc.. MITIl

Clocmi.. 1 uwinon



Chemi.. 1 S>n F,.ncisc:o. C.l.



M•• h.ni.al Lowi"o"

P..UL LnTt:NI .., ..



Chemiul Gr.ns·..;n· W.LL ..... M W"LUI

M.t.n.,'Si•• 1



Ch"mi••l Ookland, Calif.


College 01 Agriculture

I), AS D, R. TItI.oP"" US

Agriculture has been universally in existence for many centuries. In fact, our earliest records of man find the agriculrur:ll science in practice. It is basically necessary for the existence and well-being of man. TOO:.y agriculture has grown into an exacting science, and the University of Idaho can claim the title of being one of the top agricultural schools in our nation. Students come from all parts of the world to learn the skills conncC[cd with agriculture that are taught here. Practicing a three-fold program of tcaching, research, and service, the University has a farm of 800 acres with purebred animals and equipment for extensive scientific scudy. The scientific findings each year are convertcd into practical improvements and ncw ways for better utiliz:uion of the land and its products. "The spirit of Idaho runs deep-nowhere is the spirit of loyalty :lnd earnest effort stronger than in those students who attend thc Collcge of Agriculture and who scek to draw their future livelihood from Idaho soil."

Alpha leta

Alpha uu. B. A"hl~y. T. D.v;•• C A,chl~y. R. S«nun. D. Sharp. W. B"tch~r. P. Pon,!;. M. jollnoon. j. jas"p. R. jonn. K. F.rlWf. G. Pa..mou. O. Eml"'''. j. Hu.... j. Dun.moor. H. Gouch. D. lo... tli. W. Lindsay. M. Onnmu. C. Wil00n, C. Dt-vin. D....rblln...h.


r~h. of htr ,wo u.~nd~nu. Qu..,n Grr.'...... wuch<:. , jud,i", of unl.. by ""'n'I. k .. of 1M iud';"ll am. 1k1ow, ,he fopl Court .u.."rrl I"O'M' !oC'C.ion of 'M litol.. IOln".-

On 'M

,ion.l Liv",oclr. Show ."""torr<! by lh.. Alricul'uU Club of Ih.. Un;.路.... il}" of ld.ho. w.lt.... B..,d... did I ulptrb job of ",.nqi"g ,h.......,k of ..,路.."u ,hi> ynr.

Deportment Heads



~b..h.l1. "017.. LImp""", ;\l1rllo. Kuu., H ..nv,ford. M.rI;n. VnMr, Fot.lt, Foru. Clwrt;ns.on, 8.il'r.



R(I,.p AII&oTT

G~n~..1 Ag.

f;,irlidd HAHlIY 8";"61"' G~ncnl


Gooding H. F. CtlAHP

Ag. Educ>.ion Mo,co.' C.

Ag. Educ. Moscow ROIIHT BRIGGS




Ag. Economic. C.. ldwcll


OAUELL E", ..r.T

Gen.r..1 Ag. Idaho Fall.

j .. ",1.5 Hu..n

Gtnu:al AS. 'tI7.. shinll'on, D.C-



Genu.1 Ag. AIK.d...,n j'M JUJur

Genu",1 All:. G...n .....

D. A. A",...'N


M".vn" IIR""''' Anim.l HUI. r'on,~roy.


Ag. Educ.

Culdeuc Cu;n.. H"'-T'" G~n~.. 1 Alt. AlKrd...,n






Crop' lIuhl K'Sl<"'-TlI FARME..

n.iry Mana...... n. C:alhm... tn.ETT HI!"o"'<;I<

All. Fducuion Troy F .... s .. 1....... I<Y D.... y Hu.b.ndry


UVUNII AsousoN A •• Econ. Gen....,

W"LT.:.. lluTe" .... Ag. Economici Arlington. C.lif. GLEN


Entomology Mo.cow G'.IlS HAl.1>

D.iry Hu.b.ndry Bbckfooc CUNTOS HEsou>os

D.iry Hu.b.ndry For"


jom.: Moo...

Ge...... l All. Lc-wiilon

Roll BA" TSO"

Horticul,u.. Mo.co.· D"LE C .... THE Ag. Eduncion Fit.. T'.UI!LI. D .. v,s

Agronomy Conndl, W ••h. DU"NE H .. N"V Ag. Educ>tion FI~yburn GLEN HORS'SG

Ani",..1 Hu.b.. nd.y Mo<co" MARTIS M...,..,

Gt:....... l Ag. L~ .. nton

OAvm NORlHlv Gcn~,.1


Anim.] Hu,b.ndry C<>uneil





Anim.] Hu.b.nd,y Moscow

Ag. Econ. Teko•. W•• h. NORMAN WALKER


Anim.1 Hu.b.nd,y Ii,,,n.. u

Anim.1 Husb.ndry P..",.


Ag. Educ..io" Moo<ow DUASE SHAk"

Anim.1 Hu.b.ndry Filer

JIM SA1'''Ek

Gene .. ] Ag. Gene,..,


Anim.1 Hu.b.ndry Fruitl.nd


Soil< Jerome


Ag. Edue..i"n 0 ...",..

bdi...-in "".it;ng???


(ollege 01 Law The special objectives of the profession of law in¡ elude a pursuit of the career of a lawyer, a judge, or :l law instructor. The College of Law at the University is affiliated with the Associ:ttion of American Law Schools which endeavors to improve the legal education in our country. The curriculum offered prepares Jdaho law students for general practice in :my state in the

Union. The well trained leg:d scholars that mstruct and conduct research for Idaho students supervise courses of study in commercial law, property relationship, public law and administration, and procedure and judicial ::J.dministration.

Tile Underclassmen

1I0B RAKli5




1108 CU'l'll"LL

!lois< lilLI, PAK'ON5





Roc-.:a S.... NHao .. Council


Naml" 1111.,. \V1l.KIN'ON


• enlors

J....... J H. Anos Spohnt',

• In


'«'..... ,,,,,, A. B.. o..", Ltwi..on

'«' .......... 8 .... co:


Idaho Fall,

JOlt'" "UGUo. A"""Tic:an Fall>


Coeur d' "'l~nt'

R ..... o""o PO'THIS

Idaho Falb


JOlt'" R,oolx..os,,, Mrridi.n

Phi Alpho Delto

I'rof. I-I. Ikrnun, W. Churchill, ~~. Fri.l. J. ">Ion. J. R«K. \l:'. IIrown. T. Walrnn, R. PoOl.vin. C. Mdxv;n. W. Tr.nnrum. W. BrauMT, F. M,th""". B. Bakes, \1:'. Ni10f1, W. TaylOf, H. R. Hairy. B. P.non•. K. JugrnKn. V. Hoch". 8. 8..d .. J. Kuglu. E. Smi.h, E. lo•. ic:r, J. &>'''1. T. Milln, K. !kll.


St. An,hony

College 01 Business Atlministrotion




In the College of Business, there are majors in seven fields offered which are general business, accounting, economics, foreign trade, merchandising, and advertising, secretarial studies, and extractive industries. A combination curriculum in law and business is also offered. Each major originates from a basic two-year business course. In 1953, the School of Business changed its title to the College of Business under the supervision of Dcan Don:lld J. Hart. Dcan Hart, who has been with the University for approximately five years, previously taught at Carroll College in \Wisconsin. This year there will be 85 undergraduate students receiving degrees and four graduate students who will be awarded Master's degrees. Excellent opporrunities await the student majoring in business training.


Our (Jass Work

M.ny ho" .. of pr.c,icc h.,路c m.dc thc.c lludcnu' .chicvemcnu in ,yping vcry out5t.nding. (xc.llrn' oprortuniti., ..... oit th. $,,,d.nt ... ho gndu.t<3 from ,he Uni,路cuity of l<I.ho路, Collcgc of 8u,incu Adminiurui<t<t.

D•. G......, .n ..... ut,nd.".ly


JI .. d~nu, titd~

ProfaM>t" of .h~ aw'''''' hrlp ""lh thtir problrm•.


Si..a ....... ~

Department Heads



w. J. Wild.

R. Skillinghcrg. Or. $. J. Scho1d.up. I'rof.

L. Vidg~r. E. S. H~nd,ikHn. F. H. Hickm.n.

Or. E. M. lAr...., R. H. Krolick, Ikln O. j. HI". R. H. Fro_', Or. E. Gr ~. Or. B. I. BI.(k..o.... C. E. M h,lI.


Eo""" AUUT.O:",. )'hr"ninl IXtroil, Ml"h. P....'u. COMr.. u A",ounl;nl Spok.n~. 't.~ •• h.

Go&DO:- D.... >o" Fin.",~

M"""o.M... y A"" I \A:-,

... 1Sludon




C.ld...<ll TO.E K.,,·,o. , ' • .0'" Fo";Sn T ..do

O.lo, Nor .... y


ED B".TO'"

(;".....1 8oi'~

BIt.l. Co"..o, Soci.l


Or06"O TOM Oouo",

H ....'v B., Iq.,· Mu.. ~.in,lj: S.n Jlun,i..:o. Calif.

K,,,, 8.0""

J..... ES <:o.v

G ....... l,O Coul.HO"

Il"•• h.

C.....l, •• Du.."

Bu.i...... V.I" ;>o. [nJ. R.,..." 1-.",:11. Fln.n". Spobn•. 'lrh,h.

G•. "t; 11",,", ''''

J'" Ho......)



Id.ho 1'.11. HA"T Ll........' A",oun,;ng N.",p.


Bu.inn. S.ndpoin, Muh'in/l. l.~ ... i'lon



M.... <ti,,~ G .. n,lj:~villo



M""'ling Ri,lj:by


Spok.n~. Il~uh.



Muh'in,lj: Colyill~.

Eo Cl.A'-o."


So.ndpoin, S.. l.l,V

OuS.. Ul.T

A""ounlin,lj: M....:o...

J""I\ 1-1""01"''' A",o.. nlln~ J-lnohon

1t01l'"T KA'" ~hrhling

S.ndpoinl D....'·'.L MouLI'

G,n... 1 P'l'~ll~

D.. u; D.. "' ...... l.L M....ninl MoM:o'" Vu.".; FATO" Bu.inn> M"""o.'

It .... " 11,,,(11'-', s.....~u.i.1 Studi.. 1>.n,on

J'M It''IIL':'' Ett .. Ind.


H,,·... MOnl.

C"... ,., ~ MUll.,'" Accou",ing

H.zelton. Po"".

O.. TID C'.l'" "n E",rK,i,'~ In-d. L~wi .. on

K""':-·'TIIO..... M.r .. ~.ing H.n~n

Ill..L f .....:"ht.. ~.ing o.burn E'.M,.I·II:..<.Ho:Muhl;n~

\I"",ow K,



G.n~ ..1

Id.hol'.lh N .. " NI.I.SON Sccr~I ..;.1



C..L N ......... ,...

Accoun'in,; tbnf.".d. Calif. l>OUc R'PLIE .. ~h.h.in,;

I'cliOg WiLLI..... S"""H.

Bu.inn. C.~;gm".t1

C..., WI:"O'T

RQ<;'.Ouo,.. 8".;n~"

Rul f "~,, MII "k.... Wi.. SODluno.. Accoun.in,;

I."""." T~,

D, .. N W, NI>'.' l"in~nCC'








M.... ~.inl


B....... RUST ~_


Cor". d'Al~"" HV.L.T Sn IN Accoun,;nl KdlOg CII .... U. W,,, ~ncr~1

'«' •• h.

Poc •• dlo

RoaL.T P"Y"'J:

0 .... '1) PO.'

M ..hting






M ~.ing McKees"" ST.. NLEY S


Accoun.ing Spo"""". W•• h. DoN ""UT""LL Acco"n.ing L~ ... i"on


L~... i"on RON 50 ..1.1'

B".i"" • ,,~

M ...C

T,;.o..11 ;.1 S.udin


5« Moteo...

'''M """..".,

WII.' ~"" ..I


Gu... RIGGJ:u E.tr"".i..~ Ind. Cui,;tnOIl.

J"u.y S ,nt ~hr



AIlI:....E Ttlo... "S

Merc. Ad .. ~r.i,ing Mosco ... N .. NCY W'NT' U S.crt...i.1 S."din Spobnt. \I.'nh.

BI.T Z",tMUI Y M .. k~.in::

l.~ ... i'lon







College 01 Mines

O'· ... N



The School of Mines w;\s created in 1917 because of the importance of mineral mining in Id:lho. Included in the school are mining, geologic:d and metallurgical engineering. A varied collection of casts 3nd fossils along with thin-sectioning app:lratus, microscopes, topographic and geologic maps is found in the school. September 1, 1954, marked the arrival of the new Dean of Mines, Dean]. D. Forrester. Previously Dean Forrester resided in Rolla, Missouri, where he was chairman of the Department of Mining Engineering as Missouri's School of Mines and Metallurgy. From 1939 to 1944, Dean Forrester was head of the department of Geology and Geography at the University of Idaho. At present Dean Forrester, besides being head of the Department of Mines, is also a professor of mining and geology, head of dep:lrtment of Mining and Metallurgy, director of Idaho's Bureau of Mines :lnd Geology. The School of Mines will be gradu:lting eleven undergradu:lte students and four Master's degrees will be awarded. During the school year a number of field trips are planned to ne:lrby areas of mining :lnd to met:lllurgical plants for laboratory study. On November 23, 1954, the first field trip was taken to Orofino, Td:lho. The trip proved to be very successful :lnd much was g:lined from it.


Th~ !'.cully-Prof. J. 1'1."'10", Dr. 1:. Cook, Dr. A. Abbou. Mr. K. Grimm. Prof. 1,1(', Staley, Dr. H. C.ld",dl, Dr. E. Forrester. Sign,. G.m",> Epsilon. ,\Ii"<"$ Honorary-II.. Fox. J. Bl."ingn. H. W.I_ l.cr, C. Kid"'dl, R. McK""vcr. G. Johmon. D. Pinkard, Prof. IX'. Stoler. T. !'err••. J. T'''IO, T. Young, G. G'e<lry, Vi'. Schipper, W. lO\'cjoy, W. Collins, N. R.Jford. R. R.ckh.m.

Zig"" G.mm. Ep.ilon





Hudin, Mon •. RonaT McKu:vu


V.n N"p. ulif.

8•. aD[TT I-to ~>

"""0" SMUty

Dun.... Moos

""""', flu.lty

J..c.. Hoou Gtology ulp.y, C.n.... NO'UUN R ..D.OO;D

GtoIOIi<:.1 £ngi,*ring

Cotu. d'Altnf

II.... " JOI'S~S &ology


w ....TI. Lovl!Jo" Mining Engin«ring "'~ti....

GU.CH".U S,sc.. Sm"u Mining Une ... Cl'ftk. ulif.

(Joss Shot

Gr.d "I'd...", in 1M School of Minfl.


College of Forestry One of the nHion-wide attractions of the University of Idaho is its renowned College of Forestry. Because of its top national rating for excellent training in the field of forestry, Idaho usually has at least one representative from every sure in the Union. Students arc kept busy with studies of forests, fish, ranges, wildlife, plants, game birds and wood utiliz.ation in bboratorics and classrooms. One of the highlights of earning a degree in forestryat Idaho is the eight-week summer camp held in the intriguing woodlands surrounding the Payette Lakes ncar McCall. As well as being surrounded by dense t(cclife, the foresrers have a (fCC nursery which produces stock for planting throughout Idaho and :1 large arboretum which shows off its 150 varicties of trees which arc especially spectacular in thc fall of the ycar.

Summer (amp

1l.>lph ......... a. hunlr,. for..lr.. lte the;r .hu~ of I1w .inli~ sc~~k. n 1M MtadoW" Vondu if , ....... boy....orlr...d h"d ~noullh 10 d....,ry~ "uk,!



Itnk fry.

C. Gob.:I, Tttu., B. Bald...in, l. T ... i,chdl. B. Wallac., B. Carl_na, Stc.. R. Kiltr, Prn., J. Olron, V._P., P. Pr..... on, L Elftr_ ing, and R. HoOoo..

The Foculty

Lrfo-A .. Fr"",..,r and Profe..or Sibley Sftrn to bot ."uey;n, MI<n<'1hin, vtry in,mtly, 1 r .....,.., ...t,. lli.l....immin, in th.lall.! Ri,ht-Tht f.lIo.... Iry lheir l"d at .... ppin, t ""•.


80. B..LD...-'S

For....y MIl. T~eorru, Wuh. 80. [""OSI Il"ildhf~

"II'. Cineinn..;, Ohio j ..O:I;O..,.u" Forn,r, Mill. Spob..... W.. h. VIS(Cf;

S-•• o.' L

Wild'if~ Mil'.

l-hp'oOO. C.1if.

So. c.... u ... s For.,try MI'. Elmwood Park. 111.

1)0:"'''''' Gooo... D

Fo.....y MIl. Tu;l, B.C. C~n.

CI'.... I;f; Wood U.iliu,ion c.llary. Alborn

W,LLI ....

c...L Go'.'L R."&~


fl.un: OTTO:I"IO_LD Forn,ryMl!:'. joJ,n,on Ci,y. T ....n.

RO.EaT I'L.... >'....

LAFOIl ...:n T.nT< lH Il_ R,ngc Mg •.

W".LI..... 8. 11"..LLAC( For.,tty Mgl.



Mill. Ch~ ... ~I.h, Il"..h.


For.,.ry MI'.







P.. T Cu..,,,,

LA .....:So:., ELlI ..',.,C For,,"yMII. l;bor,y .. iI1~, Ill.



For.,try "II'.

Wildlif~ MIl.


A.p:n. Colo.

JOIl'" S,,"'D.. I:..... Fom..y'-ll:"


Jo.oQU'S R.nll~

S... p", ""

MI'. H,mihO<'l, MO<'I'.

H<r~'. ~on~.ntrnion

I,h YOll h..,.




,hoot dip~ .. bill



Graduate School 'I

At our University forty~four departments in the various schools and colleges offer majors leading to a Master's Degree . . . a result of numerous hours of hard work on graduate theses, research projects, and comprehensive written exams. Many of the research projects carried out aim at the solution of some problem confronting an industry or community in Idaho, or to further basic knowledge in the development of our state.

For some, the four-year college course is not sufficient preparation for positions in many occupations represented by undergraduate schools, and they seck to better prepare themselves for life by morc education at the graduate level. The Gr:lduate School surrounds its students with those influences which will prepare them for leadership in their chosen field. These projects which ultimately lead them to a degree from the gr:ldu:lte school are carried on in various regions over the Northwest.

The projects c.. ried on by the g ..duate >1udetlts of the Uni" ...ity He numerOuS and varied. glimpse a f....• students at work .•, they are no...· "'orking in .11 p.rtS of the North"'e,L


Here we

5,. ...... T



fI .. ,;nn••:duc.

Busin.,.. Ad.



DM.1: EY'I.50N

Dairy Hu.b.ndry Buhl




Ex ..o .. T""

Ed"c.t;on Priell River ST.. "' .... y


1-1_ Economics






JAYMII P,Stol ,.0


Forcury Mg •.

Twin F.Il,

S." 1'...10, I\r."il


Guid.nce Om.h., Ncb. II, ",u' EUI'" G«>loIY ['r;neeton

\1111...... '" "'0""01 Ag. [con. Mow:ow

M. Soa.OU••""N Ag,;cultuul Econ. Kerman,lr>n

S..-A.O Boo"";;lU fores.ry MI" N.kornuj.im •. Tlui1.

Fuo E.

1-1,....'" Fay Grolng)' Twin F.Il.

Cu:,., G." Gwlogy Council

J' ... Y Nt:u.F.Y ~rcun.1




Bu.inn. Grut hili,



Rns ....o Nu;:us


Vi"" .., 0;.... F... nec

Po P,NC WQl<c

llortic.. h\l~


H,,"~ Knn~


Here We Have the Juniors lor "56 " Offi of tho jun;or cI. . . . rr Oi.k G.,kin>. vi pr.,id.nt: Ct.,..i, Wood, ""'."'y: Did lknny. prr.id,n,: .nd J.n« Campbrll .....,,,r,r.

P.. UL Ac""u.....s, C.y.ul uk •• Wa.h, Ju. ADOLPHSOS, G'Qt Fall•. Mon •. BUST Au.. so. WoUt. D"~I ALlalOSOS, PIa.... Ill. Lit AU.I"s. BI...



Au,u<, Namp.

F."",,, Au_.ws, Fil.r

ELLES Au,al_D, thil.y


CL .." ..

O. A NOI . .os, G.n.... CI' 0 .... As"o, •. 1'011.,<1.



AL A"",vn", Lo"""on

8'LL ATC"LI T. A.hton

C,IAS ATOU_'.T. A.hton 00" An"s'oOs. Picabo

J.. S

A'·UT. Clark,.

JOIlS B....... '~'; .. r

1.01.1 8.. ""':TT, Phorn;~. Ar;7".

CII""LH B.. uu. MOKOw B'LL B.. UKItIO. Ju~

D,·.. s IksT, B"hl Sr~ 1I1""o:;n"oM. Morj.v. S.... d.n 0 .... VI. BI"TTS.


RH IIITTS'.", B"hl Mil , ...." III '" ",,,.. ON, R""r, Mon'.

PAUL HLANTON, b.~o. \lI:' .. h. Bu.•. KoNNETT, Olymp;~, Wuh. Noa"" 8<:>"'ON, ... lIogg Ih;VIl.LV 8oWU.5, Boi"" Sn;vl! BonE. rd~ho F~lb

£".L R.... c:IF.. M..icl..n JUN B."'H.>:Y. Springt1dd M....": B "'.H.l.wi..on D .. LI! B NDT. Spol<~n •• W..h. S'U.LIEV B.... ND..OLD. Con". d'AkM

P.. T BU)(;U'AS......i.lon DoN B"OVGH"'.. s. 0 ..1..'001. W.. h. N"NCV B.ouc""'''N. Id.ho F.Il. joAss B.ows....11<>«& P"T B.o...s, P'r<1l<

W.. LLY B.ows, Pueo...~ .. h. K••TIl B.O"'N'NG, S•. An.honr DoS.. LD BUNDY. uwu,on M... y jE"N BU."E. BoiK S'''.L,[Y BnNl:. Buhl

Co... ",

c.....'Il.:LL. S.ndpoin,

C".. U.OTTH C.... I'IIELL, N.... M<>do.... C".OLTN C"NNON, Boi"" B~T"'I.Y C.... l..§ON, Wild.r SU.L C .. asON, W~i""r

L""'T C".OON, Mosco... ALL"N C"",,",·••, Buh! O""<;IIT C""NULH, POri To.. " •• nd. W•• h. C".OLYS CH".TUNI). Oxu' d·AI.n. JOT C"Il.COTT, K.llolll1

W'Ll..... D C'"LDS. Sod. Spring. kO.U.T CL.... ". W.IJ.~. C"".LE$ CL"USL", P.y.u~ 80. CLYDE. MO'~o .. j ..... ,. eoc"UNI!. c..ldw.1I

M'''I! CoLLIE.. , £ph...., '11'..... RALP", CoSANT, Twin F.JJ. Doal5 CoNDOS, uwillon Dot.,s CoS""'S, H.gunun Ku.. Cos NELL, BoK<

R",,,,,o.o Coo'" POUt<lJo R. £. CooKE. Weiwr JA"'''' eo..IlETT, Pum. MA.C"."T CooTl:LLo. BoO... jn.. Con,us, Buhl



M .... Cox, Buhl O.. VI'; C.'N'. K.l1ogl!' W"VN>; C.O Mo><:o", N""'lr Cu s. Ponl.. nd. Or•. PH' .. CUH"., T",in 1'.11,

.......... 0 .., '" ' ......k... Nor .... y B'LL O.. U.U. 't,7.l1x~ an.L D ..m. Buhl K.. nn" D.. ~ ... au.ky M .. n".. D.. ~ .., Boi~



D.. r, I\oi,.

J' .. ,. O....,... ~, S..

An'hony K, NN'T" Oil"'.. Kun. Ros .... \> 0, L"N';. lA"'i"on

I', n 0, Lose.


D,u, Dnl"'''Y. lIuhl C"... u:. 0, P......o. Ru!'C'n G':SE 0,< ", Y. Id.ho 1'.11. R...."" O".I....S. C.ld.... 11 ROII'RT Ooo>os, SI. M... i~,

DoN ..LD DoN'" DloON. Opponuni,y, W ..h.

DoUG....... ~."k. 't,7..h. BILL Douc....., uw;>ton D".LE"" Oun-y. N.mJ" C""R"';.) DUN"..... , Good,nl!'



DVN~M<JO•• '«'.i,.. M .. x Ov... , ,., I'.. irfirld




L.... y 1', "'5, F.ui,I.n.! Sn,. 1'l"'.'SO:, 8oi~



R.. ~ N""O' T. d· .... I~". I'''VUN'- FUR. 8oi'~ J"M'" F.. u,.o:"'.... Goodin..: OR,... 1'" , ". Hois. I' .. v.. 1""" •. Spok.nc

W...L1 ..... f"lIu. T"';n 1'.11. MAlIOS F,u. RUp"r' L.. usv F,n"........o. Por.trllo M"X'SE F..>;yeltl;•. Boi~ Jvov FLO",,';R, CI..kuOf>. '«'a,h.

0"... F,.v"s, lI"hl

S",:." Fox, T ...in Fall, G.. av 1'.. (L""'U. Cotu• .1·.... 1."" .... u hon, a. AI.mrd•• C.lif. D"."O:N>; FaOST, Namp.


j, .. I'vu u. nl>rl~y No s FVLI.I., C.ld ... ~11 80_ Fv.e.. ws, Chrk Fork MUT Fvn••• Cotur d'AkM Hn.e!: G ..o;;sv"" 0.10. No..... y

Roo::,. G....LA"." •• St. Morin jolt>< G".oNn, Sih'.non N<MI"'AN G.....;n, lX~ry Dos G"."'''N, P.y~lI. R,c" ..." G"sa'N', Pocuel1o

jo.... G.so,"'",. P'Y"'~ JLR"lO Gf.:NTRT. K~u.r,,·ilk DASST G,o.el', Id.ho 1'.11. I'AT G,_o.C!. Id.ho 1'.1.. Cu,. G, ..:a.NS, Twin 1'.11,

PLYL G, ...... L1,,'. Spolt."C'. 'ti"~.h. JO"N GIl.LIS. Print River S'''''I.F.Y GOOlllNG, Pum. ELSIE GO.'ION, '·hyd.n L.k. C... L GOY""". p.,m.

H .. N, Go'ne".I'.. n,.

W".L'"'' J. G.,n,"', Ho",~d.l. E" G.Ol'I', Boi.. hOTO G.OSS, Frui.l.nd Roo::u G.OY". Hd~n•• Mon ..


S.n'. fbrbH •. C.lif. Pocudlo R..L.... HALE. &lockfoo< ROIl£RT HALL, K~mi.h Hvo;;It H ..."LYON, Hi&h River, Albtru

U .. tGIIY,

C ...... LTNF. H .. LI',

jo t.L1." tlA .. ,LTo><. IloiK DoNNA HAN"':N, K.mi.h CLAUOL HANWS, SI-hoM JOItN E. HA><WN. N~ ... York P"UL H"NSON. PO"du~h

J'''' HANnL, 8url~y

JOIlN liA.RINGTON, t.e-... i"on Sn vI'. H or. Dri&g. 1'.. Yll H T"'''LL, ld.ho 1'.11, ALLNO. H .. Y" .. ",,,Y, Coeur


JOItN tltAYItU' Y. S,l.-rrton JO"N HreJtTN';., l.p....i R,c" ..." HI"'" LL. Edgerton. 'Vi,. W"LI.Y HIlNIl.,CI\SON, Coeur d'Ak,,~ P"T HeNRY, Doi..


8".1. HI U, Sl~rl;ns jOlls HIUI.TT, Kdlo!>!> HAR'" I' HHRIGSTAI.I, Cotur d'AI~,,~ LUUl HICKS, Mounuin Hom~ MARC.... H'TCUCOCl<. Boi",

LORNA H08Il1'Y. IIli.. GUCI! HOBSON. Goodi,,!> MARY FARU;I.1. HOIOOS. N~w Mudow, ROSII Ry HOI.SISGu. W~n<k11 D>; s HOl.T, N.m ...

R,Cll .....' HOOl), Boi.~ I'Rln Hoo", R. BI.cHoo, EU''''SOR HOU..... N, WI.IIJ~~ GI.£S HOSSS£R, A,h.O/\ C.o.ROl. Hu~ L1., Conir d'AI~~

E'.AINIl H .... ASI). POrthill ~I.o.u" [SGl.UIYSf-S, Moscow 001" IUAC.K>S, F~rnwood jo... :o< j .. B_A, Orofino M...CIA JESse.. , S>n CI"_nl~, c.lif.

WAI.l."CII jOllNSOS, W~nd<ll DIlAN!! JOUT!!..", Cl..knon. Wuh. ISCalll josu, BI.~kfOOl 0..:.... JOSEs. Ri&by PAT JOSU, S,. M..;.,.

1'.01,11. R. JON'S, Cot", d'AI<n~ R,CK>.:Y JOS£<. MoKO"" Rocu JON.;S, K"ndrid. MAulou JUNGf', Applnon. Wi>. L.. VoSSF. KALl.USl<Y, No. Hollywood. c.l.

MARGAR£T "ARAU, Troy Al.T'S KARS, Richmond. Ind. Eo KAUTZ, Milwauh." WK. ROSI:L1... K £LI" T. MOKO"" PAUL K£NN£OY, K,,11ou;

W'ALl.Y "n<sI;T,ld.ho F.II. DAUEN!! K'I._N, Kimbrrly JAC" KSOOLE, Burl~y j'M KOCIIO, N~. Plyn-.,h CHA ..LOTTT KRATZ':", Parma

j .... £5 KRUGLI<, NJmp. LA",Y LAU:, S.lmon EI,.... yN LuiOS', Mnidi.n NASCY Ln, W ••h;n8Ion, D.C. C"A"U;.s LI;Nn. Conir d'AI~n~





Oinub., C>lif.

L. L,nm, MMCO'"

JUkY L'GI,1', SlC,d"on. Calif. S"'''L~Y LINT, Cald .... 11 CLAYTON l.ULI',. Cald ...dl

L1TTu:.lewiSlon Dn<N" loNG. G"nllovil1. ROYCE loVI LAND, Poc...ll0 OAVIU loW'_LL. Puma RAl "" l.ow"". Tu"l.

O .....LENE

LUEO"". ~ j .....u lYNc". Boiw Bo. McB."NU. Boiw M09. ... s McCooL. Ruper< l i l l rN I-kDAII). Boiw


C"ue", MeHuGll. Cald ....ll ROGn McP"tE. p.ynte NOll..... McR ... ." lcw;".on To.. M"'CGlEGOll. Nampa "EITII I-IACPllUl, "dlou

MAGEl:. ~nC<ft CllUC", MANNING. Wil<kr D,... NE MANW'E'LE., MOKOW HOYA.O M"'N"'ULEl, Ra.hdrum Bo. M ... lI.Tl"'. Twin F.lIs


M....TlN.I·ol...n. Mont. R'CllAlO MA.T1N, Po.. Fall.


RON ~"'lI.TlN', Spolr......, 'I1l'ash. MAlllLYN M... lI.YEL, Arco

ao. ~IAJ"'[I"', Sandpoin.

jl UY



RD." ...· 101"'<;111..... Idaho Fanl

l'h:"'UT Ml:lu. Buhl M... lI.ILYN MI:.u, Spolr.on., W1$h. 11.0.".1' MELG.... O. MOKOW

GAIX'" Mr.•.'" M",cow MA.V'''' M'CII'!'., Tekoa, 'X'.,h. RAY MILl.U. Moridi.n Tro M'LLU, Sh.lley BII,L M'LL"', Rigby

DON M,LU. Wild.r MA."U<R M,,,,~. Weiwr JOlt'" "hJ, Boiw O,e" Moo.E. Boi,e NANCY MOOH. S.n I'uncilco, Calif.



MOM'"N ;\·IOOo.a. HllkOLO MOkl"', Ne'" Mealo... ' jll"'ET MOln, Coeur d'Alene Sltll.EN ;\IOHllNSKY, 51. ;\hr;c. R"vHI.Y N':LSON, OpporlUnily, Wos!..

JOIlN NaLSON, Bu!.1 RICIIII..,' NU.SON, Tr"y D,CK Na"'kY, Honl.d.le B06 NE"'''OUSE, lIoi'e DE"EY N""MIIN, Memphi •• Tenn.

BILL N""MIIN, Burley BILL N,<:HOLII., Birminghnl, Mich. DON"L" NmLSl)N, I'oeo,dlo hllNCI' NosE., Highl.nd l'uk, 111. 0""", OHllno.., Twin foil,

SUSIIN OIlEkG, 50ndpoin' DON OMIINS, Gr.nge"iUe JOI1N ONEil"', ShQ'lhone D,c. 0 ..1>IS6Y, Coeur d'Alone jllM]!' OSHO""', Goodin);

W,LFo. •. U PIILUTIIE, Mo'cuw MIIY PIII'PENIIIICEN, Orofino D,<:. I'UJ;"UM, N,mpa Eu"""",, PII ..SONS. p,ye". G.;o.."" l'IISi"OkE. Iloi<r

JOHN I'IIYN':, Idoho F,ll. RON PI'kEZ. Toledo. Ohi" DUIINE pE ....ON, Namp. CLIIJ;.l'.NCE PET""SON, Emm." JOHN PETUSON, S.ndpoin,

A. 1'''THsos, En,mon WIIINO !'''TUSON, 51. M•• i•• REX plEPE .. , Id.ho 1',11, GII .. Y PmTSCII. Sondpoint HllkkY 1'1.11", pl....o\"ill •• N.Y.


ANN 1'001., D.ylon, Wosh. 1'lIn.LIP POOLa, Miomi. Fla. ANN pOI'MII. Bui", Glln POST, T"'in Fall. MllkCllk"T I'OST, Coeu. d'AI.n.

M"k y Jo PO"F.LL, Moseow NEAl. ['O""ELL, Blackfoot SHHOON pklUl!, Rupen 1l.0IILkT Rllel<llll". T.,un OliVE RII"'kIN, A.hton


\VUl.I" RAj". ll,iSby


JAN'tTTP. RA"U. III1,L RI!~D. Boi.~


RU""N". Koo,ki~

jo ANS RnsoLPs. CoM... d·AI....

1>"-,, RIC"" ~uc d·AI,n.

Go.oos R08.!n's. Cor... d·AI."e ROIlUT Il,OlluTSOS. \\"'oi~c C'-OL ROJ"s. Hop<

WIlLT'" ROOT.lloi~

CAR'. H.'. Rono ... Mnidi." IlA"'" RO"·I.ANUS. Hilo. I-I• .."ii

ST.. NIO." RUP".T. J•• ome j'M Ru"'I.I_. S."dpojnt ;\1A.T1s Run. MOKO'"


S"'''N. \\"'ild<r S"N8'.", J""m.




ySE S"""CL. Abo,d«" s. Se CELLO. R~.hdc .. m

Au 5<;"

"DU. 500.. Hill,. N.j.

""".AlA S<."""'T. I..... i".."

Sc"M,n •• I..... i,"m I'L"'S>; ScIl.O"O"". W,lI ... ~

100..... 0

l."VONN', Sc"ULU. Madi......

G"'LN s..:.'"NU. 5•. Morin

ROII ••T 5, "'LLI.• S""b,,~. \l:'.,h. 100





S"...."' •. Ed~"

COL[ S"U... OOO. 1'.11,," C .... UNCIl S"' ••'''. Tnnpl. Ci,y. Glif.

NOlL 5<:/lU'.1l8....... Torne .." DoN S,.un•. Jl,oi~ KilT" SMIT". MOKO'"

A.... £s£ SS..D.... lloi... N"N SOIl1 N. T ...in hll>

Ro.,.·r SP"LIl". Rich,;c1d

Thcl< S.... u.,,;... P"",u.lkt j .... o STU;L1:. N.ml'" G...." STiU. P"",.trI10 .... V ...E" STI:"E:'<S, Boi...

1'..1' SYI,...... ·r. Corur d· .... I.'" 60. STO!-Lt:Y. BoiK JACI< STooo.. Sod~ Sprin,. MOSTE Sntcl<usG. Goodin, V,.c,s,,, STU.CU~. Oro';no

'~"LT". STTs....

!nd,.n.pol... Ir>cI.

J.. n T.. LIIOTT.Cody. '«'yom'n/; M...c,.. T"oo.sTos. Bo .. JM-tU TISTO. S.n J ulif. R.. ,....os" TJuus", •. Lynnwood. ullf.

j,.... TO"'S'L"'''. Spok.ne. W..h. D, LPlliNE T.upp. St. A .. thony F.""'K T ...._H.T.IloiH D,."s T ..OGQOD. Whitebi,d Roc:u UI.U'ClIT. Kli<k'lOt. '«'.,h.


M........ '.T V .. N D, N ...,po 1'1 T"" V.. S HOUT' N. T .. in F.II. Tn. W .. "m'L1.• Coeur d·Ale.... h"NC'~ W .. ,., .. c•• McC.1I JOASN W........ u. Coeur d'Alene

Jo"", W".:-·H, IkUdont. I'mn. To.. 1I.~... S'E.,~.. tl... 'f.'uh. Doa.onn' W..... S. Sondpoin, J.. y '~'E", Id.ho F.IIJ HO:LI:s 11.~1"..1-... C.ld..dl

j ..clt lI:'O:Lr"'N. M<»<:o..

Jo:"'" II:',.HOS. Abc,d.." G,:SF. '«""T'·. Roy'l1 D, LII'.T \'l'", lA ...... eo.,,,r d·Al".." JOltS 1I:',u.o..s. ['e..'''o"

L .. Voss' '«"LL'<:>S. COI(.... '«'..h.


't?,uos. Osb",,,

W .. "'".. '~'TTI., 1k1li".h.",. W •• h. A"Ln<l ,~ooo. M~(o'" C ..."." WOOl). Gknn. Fu,y

G..... L" y,ou ..... " •• !lonn.... !-trry

Cro.GO: Yon. Em.....1t


YOUSG. St. Anthony c...OL A:-s Roi.., jo:.... ll)",-" ".... S. N.n'J"


J"S •.T C ...... '·II' '.1.., ~m"'''\l


Here We Hove tile Sopllomores lor "57" The ><>phomor...... olfi«rs arc J..<ly Crookh.m, .... r.,ny; Jim S«lc)", vi•• -p...idcnl; I)ick W«k •• pr... id.n,: ."J Dixie K,ou,h, 'I"<'Uur'r.

Flo. A<;ol.llA, Gooding C .... ~u:s AI.lAMS. Orofino C'~Ol. SUI' AII.01, Gr.nge,-ill.

NAT" .. ", YOST, 80i••


YOUM"NS, l'",lnch Roll YOUNCnaOM, 1Soi...,

Hue.. AIT'" N, lot "ngd DU. PATat<:o. ALo, -SO,,". N · Plymouth

C"....l,.U Al,.roa.o, u ..i"on S'''I.U.T ALL£,." N.mp. RALPH

ALLEY, M.,..,o.-

C".OI. AM,."vell, I'i,•••

G""", ASOI.WI<, Coeur d'Ale"e ".'nl"". A!'lDL",SON. Id.ho 1'.11. L...... v ""'UUWS, Id.ho F.ll< ~h I.TIS ASOUSON, Id.ho 1'.11. ASN" R,ot: Asuu;ws, l .... i..on

JAN'S 1\":"'.""0. Troy

Roo Asltu, '&'.1""0. Wuh. ROLA,.." A'It.-oaTlI, Alh.mb... Colif. CoNS" ASTO&QUIA, Gooding 1\1 N An·ll.I.. \\7i]<I" AXTn.L, 1"""""0" C ....O'.TN BA.co<'., T ... in 1'.11,


SUE 8 .. C" ......CII, Orofino N .. scy 8..CItST.0>... Idaho F.. I" G .. E 8AILlY, Twin nIb JOAS 8 .. LD S. K~lloq P.. Ul. B "u., MoorBud, Minn. JOAS 8 s.;Y. 5ho.""'"


Dt<:1t B.....I:LL. Twin Fall. KnTH B....;'clt, Nampa 1I0N'T.. Ih:n,u., Gcang~"ill~ O..... ti Bl.c",:., Gcntoft GI:ORG'. B£I:•• j u _ H".oI.D W. Bt:......, Darlinll'on

D,... ~ BI:.....,... L, 80;..N"NC" B':NI n. Idaho Fatl. YVONNE 01 N....... y. GranS.vil1~ 10,.", O'.G<,;.I;t~. 0>10, No,..ay P"T B........ Av~ry GF.ORo,;£ B'.O<;"'ID. POri Orchard. 'O?.. h.

JOItN BLANTON, PalCo. \\7 a1 h. H'I'>·... BI..F.CH... Nampa Sit I.""." aL'CIt, Canldord IIn.1. lIL.I:SNU.• Ed'n G'.o.o,;l1 BI.OO1.nlluao,;, Worl~y KF..n, Bo..... Idaho Falh

IkANC'''; Ba.. NSON, <:oc,uc d'Al~nc C......It .. u. S'NG" a ...... Punjab, India G'.N£ Ba.F.NN.. N. Mounuin Ho",", Do... BU.TT".. ur.a. I',i.., Ri,'u To.. B"C~L.T, <:oc,ur d·Al.n~ M...... N B."",s. Cauldo

M...)Ol' B.INC"'.N, N~ .. I'lymou," A.I.£NI! BaD.."" PK"~ Orc" OaO"N, Boi... I'AT 0.0"1", Am~ri~an Fall. ju.Y O"O"'·""NG. SI. An,hony Gt:NI BauN, Paoo Robles. Calif.

•\ h.1. IIOV"NT. Kamiah

N .. Ncr Bue.,,,s"N, CoII~II~ Pack. Md. BaucE Bue" .... N, W.ll. Walla. Wa.h. juo...; OU"CIlAlO. Bill ForJr.. Mon,. D, "'N,1. O,..AM.l'd ....ll, Ili'.. h. JOAN CAD". S.ndpoint

JAM'.l C".TH, Gooding N, CAiI"IIOI.T. \\"'in.lo.., \\"'a.h. P" CA..-r..TU.• Parma j'M CIl.. ",,,,..U, Poc.. ~lIo A"I.E'" CItAN.:r. Kdlogg Dm.o.lS C"IC"""', Gr.nK~vill.

I., Roy C"AU'f."'. u ..i>lon YVONNII Cu;v, L"NI>, C.ld..dl RALPII CA,aNS. Sh(Ml>on~ C.......'" CAN'" LO. l .. V~I'.' N~... SUP CAlIlON. Spok.ne. W..h. DAt.' CA'" IRI!. W.lla W"ll". W•• h.

D..,. •. ~ CA...K>N, Firth RIC"Al .. CAll-roN. Gooding Ro'" C"USOI'>", Po-, 1'.110 FI."'[NC' CA..o<..L. Spo"'n~. W••h. j ...... C""NOI.H, S.lmon floll Cae" ... N'·, Indi.n.poli., Ind.

D.... F. CoLE. S,,"l~. \\7..h. ALt,M'; COMPTON, Idaho Fall. A"''''.... COlA .., Long fkach, Calif. N.. sc.. eouraE. Oppo.-.uni,y, W•• h. KI.EA ClAN.F.. Bovill WA"NF. Ca .. n.o.Nf.. Co.ur d'AI~n~

j"""n: C.,sP, Ho,,", JUDY C.OOl<"AM, c.1d...dl Bo" C.ou.., C"ld..dl D....e CU.... I,..•• Mooeo.. CATIlH'SF. CU.T... Sandpoin, JAS." D..,e". T",in 1'.1..



,'' ,!.,,

O"N'I-I-'O"'. G~nn« ROII.a.... O"V£NrQIlT, 1.1.1>0 blh SoNYA O...'IE'I'. Kell<>g& F'UL'IE O 'D:K>N. Ogden, Uuh O"UI 0 ,,;5. Spok...e, ,«,•• h. los DAv,s, Mer'Ji.n

Dos D .... 's. I ilet H,"OLD 01 H"v>:,.., S.....,... urr \t ....,..'" Oo:cKAY.BbcHoo< Joo"" D•.L.. :H. It-w;,ton PAT 0, LANEY, Top!",ni,h, WOlh. RAMOS" 0.;", .. ,:<(;•• ,




O. ",SO .. , Cn'grt>On,

II I), Wn..... M""cow

G"'U"""UN S,NeH O"n.l.OS,






SUUNNH 001.1'1111'1, Twin


ROKI kT OONNI "''''IIlTH. Cotur d'Alene


SAM Dou"" us. A,hlOn M...e ........ O.""H, fOri H.II III.ny D"I.Gs,f., Spobn<, W•• h. M ... ,,,,.. OU5<:Ol.L,


BUD DUFFY, Buh! TONY DUM"........ W.II.,,<

JIM DUNCAN, Poyen" ;\tAU DUNN, Bo;..,

RON DUNN, Mmcow P"UL DUTSON, It-wi• .,ilIc

W .. LUCIE E....LE, Sandpoint

0,,,:0: EATOS. Wrndell

!,,,,Ul' Eo......"'. Oi....ich


l:o:;c;u:noN, SJfrord, Ari~.

MON'C" F.U:OCK, Twin 1'.11, F..N'ST F.UI:N'I"OOD, Koook" \\'"...,..... E"'AC'O. W.I..u 1-1,1.1 01 h,p"y, Id.ho 1'.11,

D...., E...·,"'. I-I,,~burn DON FA.A(.A, 5pok.n<, \\:r .. I>. l.AUY l"I.,.ow'. Milton, Or•. LI.Roy F....TOtu, K;mMrl~ An F•.oyo, Twin II, hOYD. Boi..



D.ca Fonn, N.... Mndow, }o C ..O.. fou<:lt, Bot.. LAU.II 1'0..·..1;., BoU. Ru"oN FUNOSLN, sn.U.y C .....u;.s l. h'£<I, 8<... rly Hillo, Colif. P"'-LY }o hOSTt:N'ION, f.ir6.1d

} ..... u G.. -.ou..., H..,*", I'''UL G..... t;rr, uwiJlon Ihu: GAS"'''L, Ck..... nd. Ohio I).. LI: GI:"UD.t;.. U, Bl.n.h.rd CUNYON Gucu. ConI. d'Ak""

I). an...... G. Nny. W" ...r

5"".ON G SA'..... G,

'N. Pul1m.n, w..h. lI.,. R.dding, Calif.

SUI) GU'WN. St. "'hriO'S LUIII G'LL, Id.ho F.lb T'.D GII.Lhrr~. O<c1o

G, 0 ..." G'TY'NS. McC.rnm"n

Go, on,n". ~ur d·"I.n. MONA GoooII'A.TUU, Lubbock. Tn.. Gu NOA G.... DT. 1'.lou... ,«I•• h. TOM G.. M "'LLU, Spri~6.ld, Ill, IOu .... G .... Y, N.mp. VUN G.... T, M...



DU"NE GouX". C>.1dwtll Boll G.. CGG, Ltwil<on Ih;VU,LY G";G<:'-UON. Sunk, " ..h. D ..AINI; G..lf-nYII, Goodin, GAYL( G .. NO.OlI. 8urlty S,,,..,,, Y G.o". C>.ldwrll

JOIlN G..OYF., C>.ldwrll RON G.on:, Kim"",.ly M. DI;E G.ovu. ;\hl..,/ C,. ..ou: GUOUUN. N.mp.> R"LPII G"INN. S....." Lou"l; Ii ...;~. Twin 1'.1"

Juon" Ii"C~LI;., Wti",. L"U.ENCI! HAle"y. S~ndpo;nt CIlA.LI;$ HALl!. I'ord~nd. 0 ••. JANICE IiALI!, l'(>Cu.lIQ JUH HA .... '.IN. C.ld .... l1 AI IiAM'''' I.• I'.ndltton. Ort.

Gl '.N 1i",,'Oy, Jrromt Fou:n 1iAl'':f.Y. MOOtt IiA."UTTl IiANNA. Orofino SA.AII IiANNAII. Twin 1'.11. OLI~,.Ii"NSON. MOKOW

R'LL I-IA."". Troy

JANET IiA.DlNC, Nuptr« )u,. HA.e .., A.hu,n SHA.' HA .. P, ) t . _ Dos HARPu, s"n )OK'. Calif. DoN HA ••", Groct LA... Y HA ....OP, lortn70


c.... HA"~ISJ.


I'it.ct WA.UN HA"I,I;~. Onurio. C.lif. ROBUT IiAY, Id.ho hlb Noo."'AN H':U;UON. F,rlo, N.D. jAr~ "il 'I.E, FU80' N.D.


H,\NO' .SON, ld.ho Fall. SoNIA IiEN.,KSSON. KOOltn.i E~F.ANO.liuNH. Goodinl S'''.LEY H~IUY. Kimberly E~LF.N H .... uN. eo.,ur d'Altnt LAu.' N I-Ilcu. Moun..n Ho",",


Hn.cEN.,_.e. "hill;"r, Calif.

&.. H'LLYU, D.ll••• P•• KUTII H'NC,",L';Y. Ru ..... r8 GULl! .. II... Id.ho 1'.11. JUDY Hooc;'SI, M"..;ow SoNJltA Uou.'TII,Ltwil<on

SILL HOI.DES, Id.ho 1'.110 S"'U';Y HOl.Df;N, Id.ho F~lb BETTI! HOl.. T, 801... Hu HO....AN. F... i".nd jE y Horr, .., MOKOw TOM HOOTS, S.n AnKlmo. Calif.

ED Houc~. l'onhilJ JOliN HUlln, C.l.ldo MAn JAS~ Hu .. ,~. N<l_p<.ct JOIlN Hue"rs. L(wi!ton RALrll !'lU•.L. Twin 1'.lls TI_~n HUNYI •• RUp<"1

AutA Husc,,,,n, P'rUt. BI;TTY UUTc,nNSON. Couon ... ood B'LL hY'N, Bon...." Frr.y ~"'UYS jAC~SOS <:«... d'Alene &.. jA"" SON, Id.ho hlh MARCI;Nfl j.flUY. Id.ho 1'.11.


KI.SSLTIt jl.lnls., j r r _

O",.SU jo:.....:S. Id~ho F.Il. M....<; n jO"SiiOS, BlJckfooc RICII D jOlISSOS, ConI. d'AI..... ROSAI.D jOllsrroN, loIS JUDO.




'.~I! .. ,



G~o"'" "",..."... W.ll..,. T~D

",-.. ~t;Y. Mos.,o... SIH .. ~I;Y K~OUCH. T.com., W

Jun Kus..u. Ellllene. 0



JOHH KI3....: ... B.nuoh

K ....,. RIlpc"r1 ROBUT K'SDtcIIY, Oly","'" Wa.... RosnT K'Te'us, Smel<rnill.


BoB Ku 1011";". Aberdccn RIC" " K"'S"PN."'TIt, P.li.ad.. G


KN.. P", H ...in,o;ton. W.....

11.. 08 "N,,;an, Spok."", W ..... G " ..M Ksox. Emm.tt PET KSUDSI'S. c.ld...ell



KOt:STU. Id.ho F.lI.

Dos Kos".,...Orolino GLLN KN ...T1ON. H'rtm~n


K""SSU.T. Poduch M"""""'-T KB"U~I:, Spohn., IX'a.... K.....IN J.I:P K" .. uss. CI.. k"on. W ••h. K.. v K"'l'zIiN8£ct<. lkti.e JOIIS K"0I5S. Ferdinand

O'X'E K8.O<I ..., [n,men KO:SSf;T" K"'I:<:£8., Coeu. d'Alene Dou"uoJ Kuc...:., R.. hd .... m O"NSY LAst!. Krlion: B... B..... LAB50S, M inS

Do.oTtIY L....OH,

M.. B" .. '" T 1.

"'1"', Elk



I...,." Spohn•• W ..... DON I.......", SCI!. McC~1I F. .. ,.,HTT I.E..CIt. Bli"


jo Ll:co ...., Mounuin Home

CA"Ol. Lv,.N LE"'. Mull.n

Ttl"" L'BBV. Richl.nd, Wa.... ELUOT LlGllT. Sl(l(k.on, Calif. R....,,, LISO.U", ChiuSD, Ill. TOM LINOS..", BoO", K .. v L...... Bon"".. F.rry K, HT I.on. Haserm.n

jun 1.0"', Huhl E8.,,£slI LUND, I'.rm. B8.u<;11 LUSST8.0M, T .. in F.II. BU8.TOH Lu"...... lc.. ioton Huc:t< Lyon-os, Boi'" CA8.Ol. LTL"'-, MooeD..

h .. YSE MeAT("'-. Spokan., '91" ... M,<;"EY MCCA8.TY, MOIco", PETII IolcCOSNt:...., Mincol., N.Y. j>!NI<U 1.8. MeDo.... ~ ...., C.ld...dl G...." McJo:.... EN, Kimberly SUI! MeM .. "os, jcromc

MlI<I; MeQo;"ol!, MOIKo" P,.... McRonn.. Twin hlb D.. s M..slI. Emmrtt R'e 8.D M........ 8.», W,ld.. CA ,II M""'I<, jerome ROH M......:_. P.yene


"".0 M .... ns, Orofino 80", M.. U.VLLI. S,. ~h ..... MAu"", s MAX,'I U•• T"in 1-011. Dos M.:c ...... , I\Lockfoo< MAn M","" M"",~liC'r GA .. sn loll TeAL>'. Idaho F.II.

j .... >.5 Mm:>LLI<Au". Mooeo... Doc" MILU, Kt1lou BETTY M'LLU, l.t... i~."" jo M""s,sc, Color.do Spt,ng" Colo.• A"T MI~sl:". Rt.. brn. LADD M,TCIt' LL. Ttrr,.on

8o .. clE M,x. Spok.n,. '«'a.h. ;>.IA"'L"S MOSlOI, Roi'" CIlVC" Mos§Os, Cotur d'Al,n, CA"OL MOSTMaJr. Par",. Au,,'" V MOS1'(:OMI" ... Twin F.ll> M"""."N Moo ..", H.n.rn

1', .., Mo""'u 1<, "tlIOIlS S,n .. LI.Y Mo"n NS' N. Mo:neow ELA's~ MOOH. T ...in 1'.11, AUGen MUII.I.!". Murill. 10.... Dos Mu, .. , S.n An.onio, Tn .. M'L"'S MUI •• Mooeo...

1-o,'os Mu><cu. Id.ho f.ll> BE"SA"D Mu.r"Y, ....lbu Luoy Mu..... Y. Sand"";n. B'LL Mu.sc", Bovill PAny N .. sc,. Homnhl, JAC",

N"" ..., C.. _n

CUIG NI:UON, W•• hins.on. D.C DAlU:L No;uos. Bon...... F'fly Dos Nu..sos. Ponbnd. Ort. M .... ,GAY NI uOS. Orofino EI.M>:" NI"u. Arn..i..n F.Il. K'NS'TIl N'UIl.. UI ... Krllog):

8']V'."L" N''''n, .... v, J.rorne R. J. NEWM"N, RiSby M.... 'LVN No..., TH. Mooeo ... W...... ~s OLS' v. r ... d.n •. C.li(, Lou ASN Ouos. Oppo"uni,y. W"h. D.... ID OMANS, GunSnillr

SA'" Osn... s". K.mi.h \\7 , LU .. ", OnaANO'", T ...in F.ll. DA""'S Orro. jr.o_ EUZA-U:T" Ouo. Orofino LUCIl.LIE PAL"'U. Counril jOllS PAP,.. •• Soop ukt......1..


j .. s.:£s Boi", PATTY PA""'S'. P.yru, Eo P...."'s., Idaho F.lh FlUA PAYS':, Oftr P..k. w•• h. KAT""YS PA .. NI, O"gon G.y. Ore. BL ..sctlr PI .. ltoS. I..,... in""

lEIE Po:..lY. M"",o...

Jo.. ", P£TTYGlOV,. Burley MAlv J.. "''' PIln.,I'~, Spok.n•. W •• h. J"MB 1',. N.... l'lyrnou.h II'ITT.. 1'0"-'"'", N.mp. D.. v, I.. Pow, 1.1 • N.rn,,.


C .. l" Pus", .... Chicogo. Ill, N"scY pl'''I', R .. prr< GolDOS QUICU V. Bgi", JAS'CIE R"oo"oclI. Corur d·Al, .... SII'''LY Ruy. C.rty ALLAS RU'Il, M,ridi.n


NOll .... R• .,., T ... in F~l" j'M R. "', KiOl"".ly j .. N' R,.MJ8'U:. Rul"''' E,v'ND Rn.., T ... in fall. R,c .....o Rllo.o')1. Whi,~bi.d jl" Roc" ... DS, l.~ ... i..on

L... u R,c" ... t». Sah Lah Ci,y, U,.h I-ln."A R,,:cu N, Ev•••". Wa.h. S",.,.~y R'NO~, AOIc.ican fall. M""LYN ROU'N5. Kin/l Hill F... ",,, ROIUYo. San'. Riu, Gu.m flo. ROI".n, lA... i..on

l.YNN ROI.;n·)()N.llurl.y JOAN ROIl'WN, Kun. Rom Roou. Sh"up C"".LO"; RO'!lE. Mun,u/lh hONS' RUPP£L. !lillins'. Mon •. Fus. Ru ...o. Blanchard

ED Russ, Riv~..idc. C.lif. K, NN' ,-It S.. MU' !.So",. Shdl<y CnOI.YN S.. NDI.• WS. 8<>i.. JAN£ S"u' •• S.ndpoint <'UA.'.U SADU-J, ['/lk R...• SA.V"., ,\10K,,"

j'M 5•• '.' Y, Idah" F.II, M'IU'N Sc"MILH. C<>cur d'Alcnc 1101 SCIlO'.N ..... LD, En'OI.tt ROIUT Sc".>:'Bo:a, GoodinS MA.V As", ScttULTZ, MOKO'" PA",L s.-"ULTZ, Spok."", '«"a'.h.

JO AN N 5<.." ....... <0"., Cohon, '«'.,h. 8un;" S".. "P'., Sandpoinl l)ON S",,"'SON. Fruid.nd ROI';.TA S..... P, S""'hon~ ,'hU'A S"AVU, GoodinS P, T' S,... '1·vrl. Elkn

JOliN 5",,,, LY. j.m~.w ". N. Y. N .. NCY SHO.T. Mooc"... jo S".'VH. Buhl ROGu S... MON5, Onnrill. On. 8';Y£ILY So....... lA..illon 8 .... , .... S'''ONS, P.lo Alto,


R'.TH 5,,,5, 5.101011 H'-'_'.N S'N'...., G ••al F.II•. Mon •. SAND... SL .. V,,",, Rupon JOY S""TII. Goodi"S 8........... S"'u's, Mon,pol;u MA.V jo 5",,,,••, L.p....i

R.u<;. SOl'''N, M",C"w 101,,,£ SoUT"CO"'U, 1Ioi.~ M,,," SrI;NC", Genev•• S...i.url.nd KUT" SPo;NCt:., 8.~_"on. W .. h. V'.C'''''A ST.. Ll.Y, Kdlou; N .. l>ls, STA"".' V, S,. M..in

ANT""NY ST' 10' •. F~rdil1.nd Eo STO.ET, L~ ... inon JA"U ST.... NC. MQJCo" S.. NO." STllNC.. ,£l.D. C~ld ..dl SUI: STU'<;Il, R..hloncl, ,«".,h. S"A.ON STU"' •. T ... in F.lI,

8".1.. SU""'_." Arcadia. C.lif. C..... SUTP'''"" Whi o..., N.Y. O,c" SY"' .... c.ld n C.....I..£5 T A TI!, Boi.'" CLAUD>: TATE. S.ndpoint T£D T .. n:, Kimbtrly

LOllISII! T .. no, Cuigmon, K.... t T .......oa.. BoiM 80.. 0 T-.:u... 5,. An,honr j,:.. ", TEUTSCH, E.gI~ ROGu Tllm Kimbtr1y 11,1.,. T"o j.rome


D ... u·""

T.IOM .. ,.o.bllrn

K'LL .. T .. o ....sos, j~.omc

DL"'s" TltO"P1ON, "'c:non W.. LLACE T ..o.. ptos. S<up L.h...... h. RLSU; Tlloa..'. Mon.pclit. jOlls Tltoa.NOC~. Id.ho f.lI.

l'u: ...... ,.,I> T"OUON. \\:'~i",r RON Tml.. LL, ;\11»(:0.... TOM T""'L. M....:o....

n.. N T.ul!. Twin

hi!> G.. 'L Toa.", ... M....:o.... C""U.I' To...... N.mp.

Roc,. Toyu. M.l.d j .. toN T.ont, ~ur d'AI~n~ Illc""." TUU<.UI.,., S'SI~ F... s" V.. N II.UNT. Cl..ki. M ...G".IIT V ,..s, 1Ioi.., JoANSI V 'N. Gooding

Gr._G': V..seo, Chic:'/lo. Ill. M.." .. VE".U"G. rOtlu~h TOM VllP.. T, Gung~.. il1~ H"'QLO W"(;GOSH. T .... in hI" ALLAN '«'",rz, Union. N.j. jO.. N W.. , ...TIt. Or06no

K'_N '«'''Lnos, Wei... Suo W .. LT' ". I:y~rell, W.,h. VILM .. \\7... "LS. 5.ndpoin. B.." ..." .. W S.... St. M ..i.n j .. SKI: W s ••. Id.ho 1'.11. R.. LPIt W.. nos. r ... l

M ...n."N '«'E .. H •. N.mp. MONTE \I:/E .... ' .•• S,"dPQint l) .. " \j;/I.l .s. Roi.., r .. T W,-" •• lon~. \\'.,h. r, GG .. \\'(1., N.mp. c...01 W ••sn •. W.II. W.lI., '.;t..h.

LoV" WEUII, 8.UM.U K \1l/ENDLI!. Spok.ne, ,«'.,h. G ..... '«'"seo..... T ... in f.lI. Jo.. '" \\7r.HE"'"" L....i,lOn T" .... N' W'"Tl:IlI "ll, G...Ct Ilu.. W"'TNI". Hill:hl,"d 1'.. 1.. 111.

j'M W,u_s. l.c:... i<lon G 'Q;t,uULM, Emrnrlt R \\7,1.,,"'. Bonn~n hrry Do.OT W'L"'NtoS, 5.ndpoin. R'CH " W'LLI: .., Gunl" .. ill~ HO '1 W,,_us, L... Ang.ln. C.lif.

jOl WII.SON, Nupcr.~ I....... \1l/,so:;. Warr~n .. ill., Ill. G"IGG U7 ,UOS, M"",o'"


W,ss'., K.bul. Afgh.ni n \\',ss ••• K.bul, A(/lh.ni n

M..... WU WOLF>,


G .. ". WOLTUTllN. Mosco.... 11011 WOMLLOOl' I, C<Kur d·AI~Il. M""O ...',T Wooo... u, Boi.~ 1\1 N WOlTl1lNOTllN, G.nll.ll J'M \j;/lIGItT. G .. ng~,·ill. 1.>.0.. 0 Yoa.", ~ .. r d'AI.".,


Here We Hove the Frosh lor "58" H..~dinl'; 1M f...llman cia p~jdon'; "'nayo Str


Rill Skinner, vicc,",rut,.; N.ncy

"'IeMn. trn,,"w; and JOt 5..";.,




'«'ILLlU' Cu.,....~, O.kl.nd, C.lif.

rAT A ..... ""o, ...7...... )01. AI,.O... "'''. Idaho 1'.11. KAY "l,.I",.-SOI;.,5.. "hrin

NANCY A"UASDU. r.lo AI,o. Calif. Don.1; "''''X:-'. 81i .. MUILTN Aun




Pod .... h

"MUD>,. J..... mc

LuRY AMI S, Heyburn 11lLI. A"''''''5OI<, M.,.co ... C .... OL ANI)"50N, Mul!>n C ..... I< Asousos. flo•.., G.-.)a.GL ASOU"C\N, Tru,.

Boi", )O.-CII A..."ucl:. Km<!.;d,

Kt:NNT A.,<oLD,

JUOT AU:",.,oLO, 1\0;..,

Lo .... Asou<o"'.ld..... 1'.110 No n. Asousos. Surl.y LoMONT ANOU>OS. Idaho


JIM A'IIl-", K<",,"ihn. AI •• b GARY As.,a, Couonwood )OllN AT.,NSON, Kcll...gg




I., SL" II"CKSTROM, Id,ho 1'.11> Cltl.•" IIACON, .\lihon_I'rtt........ Ore.

RA"P" 8"'N, WtUcr jQtI '" 8" l u, M"",o'"

ju"v 8"LLAaD. Id.ho Fall> C".OL Lv"",, B".NU, K~nM"'iclr., W..h. Slt" a<, B".nliTT, ....... i~.on


NL a"uu. Spohnr, W'lh.

jtUV B"uJ,IA", !lonn~rl Frrry jO"N B. ",.!. Plummtr Bo. B.,,,..,, M""L, Gunlcvitlr ANN H""","MO",lt. Lr",ilton

C"",OLlt H,:,,". '«'.lI.cr "".,,'" I\l:e,;" •• S.ndpoint

L""ONN£ B~L~. Orolino D"N BU.TOS. Ptndlt.on. Ort. ROU.T 8£NJ .....US. Idaho Fall> M".T ELL. S 8. NS'-TT. Pod>lch [u'oo... 8, ~·'\OS. ,S.,lrnon jOlls 8. TIna. Bti.rcliff Manor. N.Y.

V".NON B£Tlu"'. A.... r;c.n Fall> jo C ...OI. 8tc.. >.T. Ind .. napoli,. Ind. juss!: 8,,"or. T.,in Fall. ;\!I(:' £L BLAe.. , ,S.,ndpoin, G 81,...... , Butlty S"'.LI" BL.. UK". f..... rot"

jO"" Run. Ordnanet. Ort. jo As .. ReGu •. s,ondpoint D.. Uf.LL 8011,. Mon,peliu M'ltf. 801.1"1. T ..in nil.

RH' .1." SoNY"

1\0Lr"'(;tI.O~ ...

Mooeo... RONn. Sandpoin'

J"N'. BoN""M. Iloi..., Bt:TTT Bov •. T. j.ro...t C"".LU Bov. T. Lt... i"Olt JUN BOTo. Wtndtll SUI' B...... Palou......• ..h. CIIOC.. I\... £~. TT. Giffotd

jOlls 8"AO.U.... Hudq"ant.. Boa fl.AD", 8utky I"';~'E flUTTDS. Wall.et ROIlu B.£ssu. Quinq, 111. jo..s fl•• ST. W~r ROllS". B"IN... ju"",,",

JIM fl.UTA. Spokant...• ..h. ELI••e: BUSSf.T. Ptinetton M.. x Bu.. ~f.. H.ilty N"Ne:T BU.NS. BoO..., M""'LL Run. Richland. '>X'.,h. CLII' RUTLI ... Calgaty. Albtr..

1...... £ C"LI.,,""S. Ilonnet> I'.rr)" N .. NCY C"L"'ION. Ktndriek CII".'.'·s C.. Ll.I'S. j.ron't RUSM·Lt, C"M".' ...... Emmttt Ron ... C.•• ON. Sl"'kont. W.,h. G •• T.UOI' c.Rt." •. Cotut d' Altne

C .....LOTT. C ... uos. Mullan L.. vELL': C".n •. Bonn... Futy jOlls Cu.. r T ..in Fall. jo:..s C"" u ". SpoI.ant. Wuh. DAVID C LTOS. Bt(t(....ilIt. On'..io P"T Cm ..OlIU.O". Wallaet

GA." C ....s ..... wnwr 80. CIIo:"vO:Nn,L. Bon...,.. Ftrty 80. Cm"'D"':". T.,i.. F.lb 5.....0 .. CliO""!:. x.uk. w.. h. JIM CII ..,.... S. San lXtnardin Calif. jO"N CII.'ST......' •. N. 81..,kf......

8oNN'" CH.IHO" '-I,!<lS. '>X'icktnbutg, At;?. KF,NT C"U.e:H. BlIrlty ELL"N CU.L.. N!>. T.e!>n,.. Wa.h .. R,c" ..." C'.OUCIILI· ... lloi", BOB CO~.~. Ikllull •• Wa,h. j ..c" COLli. Gr«nacre,. Wash.

M..... Co,., . Gu ..gt,·illt K. "'''''T'' CoLV'S. Ttoy jOlls CoSSO:LL. K.llogJ! M,..C.... O:T Coo". Twin F.Il> B'LL Coo"". B<Mw To,," COOr'.... Idaho hI..

LV,,,, Con. ['111. 1"-1'11. CoULl>; •• BoiK


ANO.>;" Cox. Kendrick Do",,,,. Cunu. Post F.ll. 80. C ....

"'STO"". lloiK

FO"-'N C.oc"rTT. S.ndpo;n.

SII'''ON C.O.. ..-LLL. lloiK

To.. C.OSON. It-wi>ton D.L C.os•• A...ukro. Coli!. NUL C.os•• Ne... Plymou.h K•• D< C."".tI: •• It-w'>ton P.. UL CU"""",""G,...... She.m.n O.k•• Col.

Cu.",,:).lnd'.nol•• 10.... M.. ay ELLn< D"LV, Cr.i&ntOnl IOR"'" D"H",roaT. Id.ho f.lI. I), .. "" D.. v,s. Ch.llis R,c".ao D.. vlS. KCQkuk. 10.... Vn""E D.vlS. Buhl

GI ... ' "

LI.o"'.,," 0 ...•• l-hn~n ~hclI"'.I.

D.y. Gooding

Dr"L. Kun. ELlz..,., Tu Dt:KLOT7••





,t: DLLlG"N. Lewi>ton TIt. SUE DLMrsIlY. H.iley


DUHLI.•• Mull.n DoN"LO DICit. lloiK 0".1.....0. Cui5.........


ALI.VI''' O,NGIU•• T"'n Fall, O ...... n. OIJ.OS.

p.y.ue juov Do.soN. Sunk, '«'uh.


Do"''''.O. lloiK 8,1.1. OUltl'. Cocu. d'Alene DoaOT>n O.... VTON. MOKO'" h.N Duu;, Toppeni.h. W.. h. jA<:" OU"'''F.LL. P.li..d.. P,:<:<.:V OUPUl$. SenIle. W.,h.

P"UI.. OU""""'G. Kollogg

J'''v On•. I'lummer 0,'"",. Dv".n... Jerome No ..",. E.TON. Mosco ... 1'1 nao Ec>lp.vp...... Muico City. Mu. To", Enllv, S.n Marino. C.lif.

j .. Cltll; Eo .... u". Ephro... \V•• h. j"NII A""N Eo m. '«'eippe RON [0 , Eph ..... 'lV.·h.

E.s,," E<:.. s. Kimberly jolts E,stsGt;... Goodin& Su>; EME"V. Spok.ne. '«' •• 1..

G." .. fUlalD. Ne.. Ply""",.h SI".U v ELLIOTT, '«'ilder M ...CIA ELLIs. '«'.llace Do. ELU,,-o.TII. Rubu'll Ht;LI s ELU"""T". Bot.. Do. Eat<;"SON. Pr...on

0'......,""11 EaICI<SON. Genes« ELAINII EUCKSON, H.yden L.ke L.M ... [SCOTT, Shcll.y O.VII ESILa,


O.. LF. t:TANS, Spokane. W•• h. EvrLYN EV""", Porrn.

J.."" .• Ev.",s.

K.mi.h S"NO". [VAl"., Moun..in Home 80_ F ,.". Caldwell C LSOS fA"LOOT, Okl.hom. City. Okl •• W ... A. F.... u.. Spohne. W ..h. Ro ..,.... ""!) FELT, Id.ho F.llJ


DON F'N,-"' •. S... ~." .'.l, l.V,N F'~I<, Rupt'rt DoNALD F,~". Orofino 0, LO" ~ F.. o.u. Win~"..\Or Ass Fo..';y. M... ~ow jVOlT" Fou"s~, Illlorl~y

¥VOSN' FO.TI. Boi", 10"s FmT••• N~w .'.lr~do.... G'_O.CL Fo..'.u, Old~honu G.y. Okl., MA.'l.TN F... z,.... Roi.., PAT F.'l"so. Spok.n~, '1\7 ..... S.~NO... FULL"., Abtrd«n. Wuh.

F... sco l-vTTL •• Cotur d'AI~n~ 8'L'" G..... UCAN. Rtdrnond. O~. D,co< GA'.LO , Twin Fall. Kn~so:yt' G TT, ~ .. y j .. y G TT. HOt_hot Boond PAny GAn,lOs. MOICoW'

D... s G'ST.T. ",~";..,r M... vG".O'.OT. W";..,r D, SN'~ G,,'oaD. Aoh.on W .... LS G,...., .T. Gr«nKrO...' ..... rUL GLL"lOS, S,. .'.luieo ~Ioo.u,. GooaoLO. Id.ho 1'.11.

Dv.. ", eo,,·u.:o.o. Alb.ny. CJlif. DoN"" G"'NT, W";..,r M...... LG....S1 •• 0.ofino K"n. G." N. McCJmmon K' SNITII G•• ,:N. O,hdl... 'IlL7..h. JOY G.otCOIT. Cot"r d'Alcn~

JO"N G.vn. C.ld.,.l1 Eo.....o GVC"" S.V.C. Rupt'ct GVY H ....... Ill/~ippc DI NNV H..cVF.. Cotur d'AI~n~ L .. yS' I·I .... N. Blackfoot SlVA.T H"'NH. Jrromc

1\,.V,S H"'.L, Riggin.

F,.oYII H .. ,.,., S"".holl< Love, H .. , t .. S.ndpoi'll S"'.,.' v HAL'., I'ocalcllo GH." H"LLu, Indianapoli •. Ind. Cl.Y,,' H"LLV, W~ilft

Lewinon I-I .. "'LLT. Coeur d·AI.ne .'.l ' N H .. ",,,,u., Spokan~, W..h. II'LLlIl 1-IASCIlIlY, Twin Fall. H(LEN liAs.·o.D. Spohn~. Wuh. H"NU, L.winon

ANSII H .. ",BL'S,



II'L'" H".oY, Pottl~nd. Or~. Roy I-I"u; P~ud~nJ. C.lif. c...L H

". uW'iuon

Dos Ii. H 's, G.K. L"R"1l H op, Drigg. B'LL 1-1"."0(1), Arco

Ro..l.s" HAU.QUCI:. CJoc.d~ KA..-S H"$TIN"", Robe-n. P"T H .. v(", .. ss. Sal....... I-I....,"ss, Coeur d'Ak~ ~hu I-I,;.nos. 8.. rli",a.-, c.lif. SII".OS 1-11 L"SO£., TKoflu, 'IlL7..h.



CU.TS!" J-1t;so.t<:l<s. Snt«•. O.c. Lo...... I-In£..". Em....u 8'LL HICC'N~. o.born K,.. 1. H'Lo. Parma RON H,uu, Idaho Fall.


1'.. Yl,..... H ...... Gun,nillc j".. H,)(os. Wei<er JOlt'" Hoc.., A.h.on l"c" tloprn.... TO:s. Boi<e j .. SlCO: HOC.. IIO...., Cllld"",,, 0 ...., Hocc.:, Burl"y

Hoo.)Ou, W..."n STO..." Hoo.:u..;.., Gr~r JOItN Hooo<. Quincy, Calif, Go:oa<;o: HO.SE. G<OISC II". Mich, jo"'" Hou<;.. rr...s. Twin FIll. 0'·0: HUMp".o:y. Moocow


II' .... HUTCIIINSON, Fruitland V'.N INIl' ... U ....E, Boi",

K"ndrick RII.L lavlNE. C:o.ld..... 11 1;1" WIlllc. juav [$OM, jm.ph, 0 ...

[)oN .... " [N" ..E.

L""'.T" 1"..

j" .. N IHUON. Kdlogg

C..oo. 1"0:;"'0><, Cotur d'AI.n. Roy j .. O:;I:SON. Richmond, Ind. R'c .....o j .. ,,,$Os. Boi<e Do.OT"T j .. <:o...;s, Rub.. r, ELI,,",,"'''T'' j .. <:e.... Boi<e


j' NSI:N. Montpe[ier jUUO:N. W.lb WIll., WI.h. H jO:N'II:N, Pinlr... 8'.TTY jO.. NOMO:TO:., Boi<e EO......D jO"NSON, ".lIIU




E'.IN .... jO"SSON.

Idaho Fall.

[..... y jOllNSON, MotIn.. in H _ M".Jo." jolt NOON, Spokl"'. W••h. 11,.<:'.... 0 jO"SSON. Pmdl.,on. Or•. josu, F.d.n C... O.. jos£O, liln<en Lo... s .. jONU, Mlild


MU"'N JON'" RUp"rl DON j, ",sy. Cottonwood j, JOOGliNSI!N, ld.ho hill Do j'!OOME. K"". Ii jO<Eplt, W.i<er O,~ .. '"

j':""TT, F.i,field

DE"", JUDO, IIlackfoot O'.N"'" 10;00, C.ldwdl Do",,,,.. K.. I<'I:"':'E.". K."drid; CloUD K.... EN, Richl.nd, W •• h. To:p Kny.., SIlmon I'.O"'ONO KEI.U:., Sod. Spri""

G ..." K. N.·""TIt", Spok..... W ..h. CL .. UPETn; KUN'. Pin.b.. Calif. N"NC" K""TCH':N, Eph ...... W .. h. K. NNnlt K'SGSTO"', Lon, uh, Wi..


On• ....," K,TO:.


[......'-'..c.~ KL''''"!!. 1Ic..·Ulon. 0 ..,

II......." K.. urn. Han",n Gun KNO"p, Toledo. Ohio RGV .. Koe",:., N ..... Plymou,h K.. o,.• I!N KO.'NEI:, San M.ttO, C.li(, K.. y Kon"., MOlCO .... GI.."'.1l KUM'., S."Jpoin'

DoS"LD K.'fl, Troy M'LOREO K.OCT<: .., H.rr'son V....E.'"!! KROLL, K.llo" jU. KUIt .., On.. 'Oo. Or•. KI N KUL j.romr K"T L.. Ii GIl. Spokane


Jo LA.nON, Fair6dd


UNO".EY... Gnns~.. iJl~ lOll .... ,NE UN"OON. T.,in


J.. NE LAN"O:. M...,.... J•• u LAs.a:. M...,o... C ...... LE"'. L.. uoN.


loON. Potla'ch UON. Clarkia

F .... N.:;"


V.. ", 1..... 50"', c.o.,ur d'AI<nc A"',EN': t .. Ru,'. I>hroi"ll 1... 'O''''!Ne.E I... Ru' , H<ybur" AI. L.. ss'!. '«'.., Alii •• Wi •.

Ie... L.. u,,"I,''''. MOKO'" jO"N L.. UT, Cals.fY. Alber" j .. <;llll. L.... .E"'s, juomc ..... yNE L.. ..,-o"'. W<n<kll j ...."LO Luy......, Shdkr j .. y DEE I."""'TT, Moo.co..

K.... lu_oN ... Spcncu ,,y L[Nz, Nampa DosN" L'G"Y"'[•• Ennilk 8 L'No[" N. Tror Do", LI'<OSETII. Gru< Fall•• Mont.


R.... ND .. L'ST' ". Vi"oria. R.C.

A"llI.s E. tnT ......, Dayton. Wa.h. j"CK L'TT'.I!. Boi.~ R.. y LON". Pom<roy. W..h. R .. LPH LO"'''FELLOW, Council JOIiN 1.o",,,WOIlTIl. Spokan<, "a.h. F.'.D lost n •. Orofino

..~ ....YL. Lu.... Em ........

NUL LYou",. Bbcltfoo< 0 ..... ,,1. L.. Nell. N..-zp<rc< Do", Mcll"'DE. T.,in hlb R"T.... I:" McC."""F.N, L•.,;stoo L.. "" .. 1'-teCu'.' 0< II. Walbc~

HOM"" MeEn .. s, Ch~h.li$. W • .\1.. V"NI!"" M"GO'O'"N. Id.ho 1'.11. R"oo.. M"G .... ,o" M<>lco" C""OL MCGU""N. Iloi,., A"L1.NI! MeK""cll, t.p.... i JOlIN MeM, ",,,,.. ""N. Pr.. q .. ~


G.. u MeM><: ....I:I" No.. h Ph,,~, N~b. C ..... M .. cM'I,.... N. Kdlou jO"N 1'01..0150,., 1.<.. i"oo A"L.EN" '-IA...:o.... L~ ..i"oo Ross /.IA ..oNt:1', l<thbr>d,!;~. Alber.. C.......""'N!! M"NGu.... N.mp.


M.. NN. hh.ca. N.Y. NOl... M.. NSI.... l~,hbridll~. Alber.. KI,t<T M" .. aol!. Anchl)r'll~, AI.,h x M"""OI.'N. Kdlollll QUENT'N 101........ '·,.,.• C.I(\... dl


R"N'L ,-I".."""., Ril':hr

jo,," M"n'N. T ... in 1'.11, LOWELL M""T1N. Gnn,!;nill~ G' LD M"YSI:N, Par~'u M " .. YN M..TT..".-,. Em...."

Ton:.UtA M.. TTItlULN. Fil•• jO"N M..n. MOKO"

R.... ",ONO M.. y, Hishhnd Park, III. GLENN M"yN W, ,..", M





o, K.miah N""I). P..k

M..xCY, 80,..

" .. M.:uE. A.h'on D""'.I'N' M, L...U.... MoM••

/.hi ...

1'0....' k "1'1.1.,01'1. C.lg.ry_ AI~.u CUU"".TTF. MF.HE .... u,hbridge. AI""... AkT"uk MO:H".s. Idaho f.lh SUE Mn"'LL. Spok'ne'. W ..h. RO."T MEU'TT. Ca.q .\\,...,.. tL M';~I". Brooklyn. N.Y.

"" ... TIt ..


M... ~ j .. NI. M'L..... T ... W.II. Wall.. A,. MII.L Li~ing"on. N.j. J'w M'N BoO... Oo.,s M' ....<:LI:. Twin F.lt. j ..<:.. MOIl$>:. Caldwell faF.O MOIlU, S,. Anlhony

00 .... , ... Mou'. Cotur d'Alene R"T "'O"<;"N. Ktllogg r ..T MO..<;"N. Moscow ROil "'ookE. S.lin... C.li(. DU"NI MOOk'·. lewi"on CI<_' I_I" MONTO"", Mull."

l .. Uk .. "ION"", ld.ho foil. CHO'_ jl .. N "10""1'1. Spok."o. W.-h, M.. kYLTN M'Tc"m.". S.,.le N.. NCT MUL8tuT.ld.ho f.ll, JIM MUND5. pitrco j .. MU MU .. ~H,.. SJ>fing6old. M.,.,

M"k'L"N MU"~IIT, Twin f.ll, Tlk"~ MU.. PHY. Mulhn S.. ND.... N ..o.. ul.D. Id.ho fall. TOM N .. GO:", ~cra_n.o. CaU. PaT No:uos. Bot>ot

Boa.,E Nn....... Troy

LOUN Nn....s. N.mpa tTU. N, UON. Bon,.... Forry NOkM .. N NEUOS. :»ndpoinl 1'0;00,. N'LSON. S.n ~hl<O. C.lif. Plln.,p Nn,SON. Ru ..... V'"<;'N''' NU_SON. f1uhl

AI HI kT N,.u. Americ.n 1'.11>

DON N""1I.' ·SM'TII. Cro.ton, fI.C.

L.. R, NF. NEW.I1:UY. joron.. R'(;It


" N'F.D"'CII. jcrotnt ,N NooN>:k. V.ncou,,_r. W.. h. L.. u~ No...", Ru ..."

M"k'L"N NUGENT. poc.. tllo UOMF.k 08E...T. N.mp. jun O·CoNSF.LI•• uwillon K.. nnYN O·CoNNU. Mooeo.. CoLLEF.N O'OoNNO:LL, S.ndpoln. S,..-k.Y OU'iON. Wall. W.I1 •• ,«,.. n.

III HI OLSON. Mull.n 1<., ....... G .. y OUO"'_ Nn... rco 1', T' OsT... NOU. Co,,;n., Calif. '«'11.101" p..c" o. Mosco.. 1', TE p.. U .. L KOO'Iki. JUI>" pU.Utl..... N... Plymou,h

1I0R I'''ku, G.nco« M"~'N'. I'.. u,s, T.con.., IX'..h. SUJ,ANNf. I'''UOTT.


J"CK r .... Sl.f.\·. Sou'hwick E'."'N'! I'"n-"um<, Viol. W .. "'! I'''TTI;UON, M(>Scow

G'OkGI P"TTOS, Craigmon'

MillE P"rros. C.ldw_1l PI_GeT p"UUO"'. BoOK ROONF.T r .. Ys>:. Id.ho falls

jOlls Pur.sos. C.mb.id,._ M""C"k£T P1:CIl .. kDT.



BILL P,musoN, Nine Mile 1',11" \X' .. h. BoB PF-Or."'EN. Kellogg E~NI:'T 1'''1001:''1.. S.. ~hri", VANCE Pf.NTON, P.y.,'. ROll~ PH.,N. W,II. W,Il •. W .. h. JACK P,.UONIUS, Twin 1',11,

J"AN l'ET£"'ON, Buhl Ros. 1'f.TERSON, Fir.h KAY I'f.TTYC~OYf., Burley CHAU.f.. PPElI'n:~, Ch.lli. jl.... PJI'H"., Co<ur d'Alene STAN PIU'CI!, Twin 1'.11.

HE'."", PLACE, Plummer lAUY I'Lli'll:, N.mp. SItI~I,r.Y I'opp, Emmell C"AI~I! PO'TI:VIN. Id.ho 1'.11. DA"" I'OON, C.lg.ry. Alber<. ROSALD POUND, Wei.er

ROB' .1' P."n'-L. Indi.n.poli •. Ind. KAv" PH.'TW".Il, Spok.ne. Wash. RALl'Il Po.,BBL", Mull.n GI:O.Gf. Puc", W.II .... KAT"".'N" PUGH, St. M..i•• EMUSON I'U.<.LLI" L.""i"on

KONALO PUo.'·IAS"'~, Le"'i"u" MA.VLU QUE.NA, Bois< JOliN R"':DEo., Mo<cow JACK RIl."". Mo<eo", DOUGLA' RANDALL, lew'''"n PAT R"u, Kimberly


RE'CIlUT, Fil.r RILO"MAN, T",in F.ll, I'CCGY Rn'ACL", Cltton",ood CA~OL ANN R"Nn.oM. Boise TOM Rr.QUIST, C.ldwdl JIM RICH'-L, Pierce


M,tTON R'GGI:~~, Lu"'ston W,LTON R,CGE"', L."'i"o,, B~VAN R,Ne"';IM, Vo<" Nor,,'.y R'CHA"o ROBPRGI~, Colfax, W ••h. STUA"T ROBE~TSON, Boi •• PATsY ROBINSON. Triumph

GEAN ROBISON, Ne", l'I)·mou.h BOB ROB'ON, Sr."le, \X',.h. ll:.LYNN Roen,. Mo<eo,,' I'ATSY ROJAN, Hupe A.LEN" Ro~" Le",iston A""RI:Y Ro~, Orofino

C"ULl.N" ROT". ld.ho 1',11. KAv R"~'LLL, Moun..in Hon,. G •• y SAn".R, Gene."" E.NA SAUNOIJRS, Cl...",.,er D'CK SAYIlR, Id.ho F.lls CLIPI' ScHARP. lIoi«

R'C"ARO SCII."", Mon,pelier BILl. SeIlS"LL". Nonh PI.ue. Neb. ANNE Sc"WARZ, Grangeyille LAYNE SHOCn"Y, Kimberly IOANNE ScllBmo"., Gooding TI'o ScHUMAK':., H.mihon, Mon<.

D,c" ScHuLr~.Coltonwood HowuD Spu" Okl.hom. City, Oklo.. D,c. Sf.l!L Y, Mo<co", DOUGLAS SHLV, Wall. \X'.lI •. W ••h. CUOL S".T'l, Rigby MARTII. SIl.RI', Filcr


RoaUT 5", 00, Albany, CJlif. RK" O SIIU·..... O. T ... in Fan. RK O SitUS, e-... d'''kM

Du"sE SII'SS, CJld...dl SI""LU S'u...., Idaho hll. NOll ..... S L 5"0'" NI, Troy

Jove, S'NNI.M"~" K,Il"SlI B,u.. S'MON. f.irfidd N .. NC"



JUNE SLEtl."N. High River, "lbrr.. B"uclt S.uTtI.lr... inon KuTt. S.UTI., Gooding

N .. P1U S.UT". P.ocific G.o..e, Calif, JIN Ss..... Idaho Fall. SNO", Burley Stu U,I"N SOlOW, Mosco .. Rm. U.I! SNYDI; CJ,.ldo

;I.I .... Y

FI.O~" SO"

noM. Tcoy

C" ..... OTTf, 501)0&1'1', MoJco...

c.... OL SoLUN. Wolhce

N. Woll.ce Nam"" CoSN" SP"ULDtNC. Boiw M...... SP" ..OlNC, Ron ...." Ferry

P.. T S..... &


S';TT.. 5",.",<'1'" Bro ning, Monl.

R,cl .....o S...... u

Pcw:a.. llo

K';lTII S·I'''C&lIO'''O:' Kenne.. ick. W .. h. C"""VN S ,.EY. Inkom


C.ld..ell C .... VIN STU"'NG. Burley

Ju ..,.. Sn;n",s, Wo.ley GENt.: STO .......T, Arbon M.... ,.. VN STI,;W....T. Co<-ur d·AI• ..., GoaOON STOIlIE, CJJg..y, "Ibr...

I'''T STOOO"&O. S>lmon Rocl .. STO&l", Sh.ll.y

K'.'TII ST" .. n. Kellogg

JOE S"B'''. WiJdn M

G , T SU"LlV.. N. o.burn


S"M ... U., BI.clr.foo. "':rCI! SWEENET. L.... iuon P.. T S"'O:N£Y, Idaho fall.

5.... T..c ....... HI, J.nry Ci,y, N.J. LoY!;T" T.. ssu, Rigby

J.. NI'HI. T.. y ..o ...


LOIS T .. V,.Oll, W.nd,U

JM" 'r, .. TI .. , Kimbrrly I)",.. 'N' TI~so",.II>'





MOlCO'" T"OMSOS, Trion

T,£cs, N.m"" TILCS, Namp. G ......... To....u·soS. Topptnish, W.. h. KI H TOll"U.SOS. Bon...,.. Frrry


BoSSIl Tow, •• Ponl>nd, Ore. C" on·' To",,,,.lts,,, H.gnm.n I. TOWN.IISD, F.yette


T .... vlS, Grangrvi11. \· "I'.ON$ON. Corur d'AI'ne

511'''',1'1' T .. ulI. Moun •• in Hom.

KENSUII T ....U;lDILL. Moll.n C..oc.YN TucKI Te,on Lun:. Tu..s." Sagle M ...,....'" TU&NU, H EOWIN


F_ Un. Lr iuon

V,V,.. N V....Gu<, MOKow


"7 AnH: VALI:STISO:, P.es.on "lAB". VAS O".. AS, j ......... jl" VA"S, Gooding KAY V,SWS, 1'.,.,0, W ..h. JACKIE WA,N ..... ,GIIT. lI"hl MANLI'" ,«I AI ".ON. lIo"ili

CIIAUOTTI. WAL''' •• Pum. In WAuu,ld.ho F.II. WAYSO: "7AU • .::., Hoi... GAU W ALU.CI. Good;ns CIIA.LU WAL.AT", 0.06no j.::.n WAU", BiS Timbl., Mon,.

DON WAMJYAI), P.,m. l.AUT WUI). Id.ho F.II. Vl.GlN'A WABD, Po.tlJnd. 0 ••. GAIL '«'A.lNG, S.ndpoin, KA":N WA.N(., Twin F.llo RON '\l7 ABN J:'", Bu.ky

D,<;" WATWS, F,,,i.lJnd COu••" W"'YSON, Twin Folb SU NNL W"'T50N. G.. !ic1d M U.,CE '«'I!"'''l •• N.mp' 1'... TBICl... '«'I 8B. N.m". p"'UI. '«'18B. "7.i",.

DoNNA \\70:LD , K ....... i. j ... c,,; W.o:LU, Plymou.h, WioIon.;n Bu... W.o:NDU.ND, Richl.nd, W ••h. CIIULU W.:... Y. H.. il~ 1.F.NE WUT. S.ndpoin' GABY '«'nTIBG.F.N. Twin 1'.Il.

MIl.TON WUTOS, HJ.ck(oo, JAN '«'IUTF.,lA... inon JAN'.T 'J,7WTF.. OntJrio. 0 ... jA"U M. '«'1trTF.. Gun~..i1l. JULlA '«'.llTSU, H,.hl.nd 1'..... 111. ALJ'"AS WI<;";IUG. "Iull.n

JOANII ',I;'re"LuND, lewi,ton NO.MA W'''S, "hrc"., W •• h. WA •• ,.... ',1;'''.01, Mink Cr«" DUANE \I,:'n."I), Ronn... F.rty &ILL '«'IUF...OS, Cald l1 T':D W,LK'NS. Guns ak

jOU;N" WILLlA ..., ,\IOKO'" llNIM '«'ILLlA.." Iloi.. Rom". '«'tLLIAMS. l.",i"on WA"I.• L" '«'It.l.IAMS, N.mp• .\IvaTLI '«'II.LIAMSON, l.",iuon JAN '«'''l'''. Goodinl(

6IL" '«'ILtON. RO"kfo.d, Ill. hAUS WtLtON, K.llou 1.0.. W,LtOS. l"cil. WrLLABD ,LtON • Fil.. \\"LLIAM J. WII.SON. Ri/lginl WIl.t.IAM Wlsn •. D«,6.ld, 111.


&I,TTY '«'1'''1;1.1., Zill.h, ',I,'uh. J>. PPI.• \\T ,TT• IO.G, H."oc W ALTLa Wou., K.nd.i.. BA".U.A '«'_ST, Coni, d·AI.... Jrn .. jus ""IGHT, Mon.prti<. RENAl W.IG ..... And"""Il" Ab....

JACK WYANT. C.nn." ROBI." YATU, K"".ki. Dox'E YOUNC, 1'0<:...110 V'.C'L YOUNG, Co.utl••, 0 ••. WAYNF. YOUNG, ,\IOKO'" Au .... '" lABI"'G. A.....tic.n F.Il.



th~ n"'ll~r


I'd .ay Ihn wa. a bi, mollth in 1M baclr.lround!


'hrough these ...

•• J06


portals 01 '55-56

-_. )07

Student Index A

Abbou. R~lf Achm. Robtrl Ad,trman. Paul Achrman. Rich"d Acord.. Robtrt Adam•. Charl.. Ad.m•. Gordon Adamoon. Robt .. Adolph.on. jamn As~nbro.ad. Don.ld AS"nbro.d. Ow.n Ah~rin, Oanid Ailor, Corol Ailor, SI~"'an Ain orth, G~nld Ai", or,h, Ruth Ai'chi.on. Ch.dt. Alb.no. nr~nt _ . Alb.no. r.t Albrigh,. Ch.. l~. Aldlnl. 1'X __ Ald~..on. O.vid Aldrich. u ... r~nc~ Alu..ndtr, E:lrl AI~und~•. john Alu..ndtr. Kay Alu..ndtr. NanC)' Alford. Ch.rln _ Alfr~oon, O... id _ All"" Guy All...., W.ynt All~n, l<'t' AIl~n,




'" 12,141,271



1l7,217 102,277

179.291 181,271 181.291 H7,UI 117.217

140.291 119.291 74, 1".217 77.167.271 100. II', 2" 100. II'. 271 121.217 104.176,278 101, 217


All...., W.. 1cy Alky, R.lph Al1ioon. F.dd~ Aliml. ;\bry Ell.... Alma.. O'... ~y AbWr. Mtlrin Aht~r1und. Marilyn Ambr",,~. o.nni. Am G~..ld Am larry A....,..O.vid Amo<. Don Amlbaugh. CSTol Andtrl<n. B.. b.n Andtr~n. Brrton And~..tn, Wes1~y And~..on. Aim. Andtrson. Ar,hur Andtroon. Carol Anduson. C.rroll Anduson. Curti. Anduson. O"'id Anduson. Eliubc:lh


And~roon. And~rson.

Andonon. And.......... Andorson. Andu'lOn. AndU'lOn. Anduson. Andul<\n. And~l"IOn.

II. 1l7. 2"




m 24.12.


121.287 77.101,12)

10. 94.


l. 29f


100. 14f. 287

116.2" 77,161.2"

Cluk ~,ald

jarnn jowph Judy _ Krinint Ll..-.I Lluy un'nt Lee uRoy Md ..in Nril ROStr T.rry Bill

161.242 186.271 119.241 _12,77.9),1)).217 181.29S 181.217

Anduson. And.r.son. ",~.lf,id Andr Cleou Andr l. Albert Andt~ , Ann. A"'I, Ruprrt Archbold. Vinc.nt A«hib.ld. J.ni. Archib.ld. judy A,miust. jo)'C~ Armit.S~, John l. Armius~, John S. Arm",onS' s.,,, Arm"...,.,s. Chari.. Arm"r.",.. Cl.ra _ 22, Arm"rons. O...id Arm"torls, Ed"'in _



12. II. 140.271

And~rson. (;.rorS~

An<krson, AndoTSOn, And~ ..on. Andtroon. And.non.

Arnold. K~nn~th Arnold, Wal~y A.noM. Louir Arrinston, Goldm A,';.."" AI A .. hu" Iknjamin A.. ph, Jamn

'" '" 2"


In,287 181. 99. II'. 214




I 1.147.291 Ill. 217


A.h,on. 0 ...~11 A.h ...orth. Roland A.hr. GSTy A.kot, Jim A"on. j.mes A"o,qui •. Mary

w .~

94. 121, 217 186. 271 ___ 91.186,271 Ul.278 lIS. 291 In. 291

Atchl~y. Silli~ A'chl~y. Ch.n

A'kinson. Oon A,kinson. John A,kin",n, Or..il Aurnh.",,,,rr. l>Ou~lu A"rry, J.nic. Avtrl'. j'l.,.r Au~lI.


Bell. 11..11.


Audl. P.trici.

• S.bcock. Corolyn fbch..ach. Suun S.ch~.....ky. John Back.nom, lal~ fbck"rom, N.ncy Sacon. ClKr~ B.W. Robot" BaSI~r. O..lai .... Bahr, Arnold B.hr. Funklin Bahr. John

77,129.287 121. 217 104, II), 217, 291 ----- ___ 'I. I U. 291 111.277 .., 1J7, 241 176.214 22.72.7'.176.271


94, II), 291 IH,24J

IJ. 86, 1", HI 71,262,26J 147,244 In,217 2n,274





lB. 217

__~ _ 1".211 ~_7f, 1".271 186.211 ._101.141.241






7).71.287 9).121.291 140,2"


214 94. 104. 07.271 116. III 101.176.241

lI.rtl..". Ruth 1I.. t1~", Sh..rol B"ding. Fr..d"ick lI.rlOn. GST}' n.rton. 1-10 01 B.rton. L~ i. B.... '\1i'illi.m Sal~m.n. Don.ld Sal.... j.y a.uu. Charla 8.u~r. M•• y B.um.n. c.,.. ld 8a"Kh~r. '7illi.m

_140.242 11.81, 127.291

92.26J _161.271 . 140,291 167.291 74. II). 201, 209, 210, no, 2H. 271


71.94.IJ7,242 IH.2'I 14'.291 100. I)). 291

1J7,2'I II. 1J7. 211 IB.211 11,14.140.291






Ikll. la .. onn~ 8d1. Roy !kll, TlKodor~ Iklton. O.ni..1 Ik[,-ul. Rich.rd !lrndio, Jr. Ruric Iknfn, N.ncy Iknj.min, Robert IknM". M .. y ElI~n Iknson. Elnon Iknoon. Si..-. Iknl. o.an Ikntl~r. Y"onn~

B.il~r. Ann~IU 8.a~y. Di.M Bail~y. Don. Gu B.il~y. John 8.il~y. Rich.rd 8.il~y. ""il1iam B.in. R.lph S.hr. Ik... rly Ihhr. l'.... ncoO.., S.hr. John Il.hr. Ktnn"h B.h•. ROMrt B.ldeck. EU8tn. B.ld in. joan S.ld in. ROMn B.lk. Rich.rd S.ll.rd. Jrrry B.nko. Rich..d 8.rbrr. o..n 8.rbrr. larry B..d I1. Corl B.rfu G.I~ B..ku. P'ul B..lo Franca 8.rlo Kimbr. 8.rlo N~... ~ll Barnel. Corol BarlK>, Qinton Bar....". James B.. n~y. Jo.an. B.rMy. l ... y B.arr~l1. Rich..d B.. r~n. Willi.m S..rick. Ktilh S.rron. J.mn 8.. no , Rn B.rslo ROM" B.rll~t1. P.trici.

Ba~t~•• William 1k.1. Lloyd Rnl, Ronald Ikalo, Ali« Ik.ls, Jo.an lkardomph1. Robert Ik.rd",....,. Ann BeecMni. Lora Beehl~1, Rober! Beek. c.rol~ Ikck~,. Bonit. Ikch,. O.l~ Ikch•. ".rrn 8« •• t .. nd. Lo... ~l1 Ikdfo,d. Ern.., IkJk•• Ern.., 1I«m.n, ROMrl Il«r, G<:org~ 1I«.lty, Don.ld ll~g .. hl, M....in Brl!. H.rold

Iknlin. John Ik.S~'. Rirhard Ikr"r~n. Eirik Ik'Sm.n. K~nn~.h Ik.ptrom• .54.. M.. i·li~ St .. y. P.trici. Iknchrid. G"OrS~ Strth~l..,n, A....,. lks"'y. L...y Iklhk.., john Iklhh, V .. rnon ROMrI Bick.t. joCstol lIick.lt, H,n'~y lIickford,I'.ul Bickford. Willi.m lIitku, Hilary Bi......g. Grr.ld Bihr. M .. y Bild•• K"'i. Bi]ling•• Marian Billing•. Willi.m Billman. Ali« Bi.ch, Jowph Bird.Oli.... Bi.hop. Jran"" Bitnt•. Ray _ Bjork... John 8lack. Michul 8luk. Willi.m Blackburn. Millard 81.i"". Ch..... BI.h. G.ry 81.h. Mich.d Blalock. Shi.l~y Shnton, John Bl.. nton. Paul 8Itch•. I-ltnry Bla.ing~r. John Blick, Shir1~y BIi.. ncr, Willi.m !llinn. Richard Illi... Jo.n IIlock. Milbourn. IIl0mquill. j.lle IIloorn,burl;. G""r~.. Illoomll~r. Oon.ld \Io.m, K~ith llockm.n. Robr .. llop;d.n. G«>rg.. BollU~. Jo Ann Bohi. O.rrdl Bohon. Don.ld 801... Michad


BolinSbrok~. Br"~rly

92,26J Il.IJ7.29~

99.169.210 141,296 119,211 7).74,104.1)).211 147.296 104, 1l7. 296 119,296 "9.27. 1)7.211 219 147.212,2lJ.211 I2f.27. 121. 211 116.211

111.296 118.296 101.111.27S SI. 129. 29~ 1~7, 260



" 1)).296 141.211


161. 296 92. 26) 77."1.271

111.296 1l7.296 74.111.281 101. III, 279 176,211


12l.2n 176.248



78.92. I Zl, lH, ZH IIJ,288 141. HI

77.147.296 It. 121. 296

1loo1inlbro1r.r, Donald 6oIinsbro1r.r. Shirl~y

101,140, H2

8oh~. W.h~t

Bond, SonY' Bonh.m, Jane I'lonntll.



Bonnn,. Willi.m

1".21' ".102.211

Boonlr.ird. S,a-Ard 800<". B..nice Boor. 11. .....,11 lloo<h, Bill Bordon, Norm.

1J1.21' ",IU

~n. W~n<kll



loud, Richud 8ov~y, Bony Bov'Y. eh..1.. Bony, Rodney Bowen, Ikvcrly Bowm.n, Funk Bown,u, RoMr< Boyce, Loi. Boyd, HcrMr< lioyd, Mory J.ne Royle, S.cveR .•_ 8o>.em.n, Pouy Br.b.n •• V.rl. 8,.."bb, Sue ... S..bb, Mi.h.oI Bnu, E..I __ B,uk.l<, Chari.., Jr. Bndbu.y, John __ Bnd.n, 11.0...101 Bradley, Norm. __ Brady, Palll Budy, ll.oIKrt _

,). 1J1. 29' 119.2" 127.U9

IB,296 I IJ. 219

lB. Z96 IU,U9 111,296 161.296 72, 1J1.21'


Rum....., M..~<

Bnndt, Abn _

Brand., EI.i..., _ _ 8und..oId, Shirk-y Bunn.n, Mi,ftxl Branon>. J.mes Bunoon. Bland'C Bur, Ch.m"'", _ 8r..I;., Kc ..nt,h Brauon, Irene _ Br,,,r>(', Willi.m B.. :tit-, Jay

'4. Ill, 211 In.211

I', 10. 102. Ill. 242

8.«1•• R",h 8r.,lio, Rok., Rr,nn, Harry Br.nn.n, Gen. Brenn••, Franklin Dr..... Jo.n _

17'.296 19.12,11. 10. 211 11.1'1.21' Il7.241 1-40,21'

_ _

1I••uh .... <, Dora Hr,...,., Bub... Brichn, Thorn., Brilgl, Marlin __._.. Brinl, Robtn _ Brinchn, MarjO<' Brinl, Shidcy 8rink, Fr«l Brink, I.br...ct B.ink, Mdv;n _ B.ink, Rod ... y _ Brockman, P".icia Brockman. William _ Brock ..ay. Donald ~ BrO<'nMlr.t. La .. ...,nct BrOSoiui, Willi.m Brooki.... eonnit ~ B.OGb. Btuy _ Brook.. lcoru.d Broushm.n, Don.ld Broulihm.n, N.ncy B...,wu. Jtr••ld Brown, Arlt"" B.own, Billi.( Bro.. n. t>ot.. ld Bro.. n. Honce Brown, JoAnn R'own, Kcnntth Bro.. n. Om.. Bro.. n, htrici. A. Bro.. n. P"rid. R. Bro.. n, Raymond I:\.own, Richa.d B.own, \I:'.ll>ce _ 8.own, Willi.m Browninl' Rol.nd _ B.owning, Rultn __. R.uee, Solon _ B.vtSCh. l.wrence B.unko.., Bubar. B.uy., Jarnn _ ~_ _ B'y.n, EUl"ne


22,7'.161.266 l49.211 11'.296 11.129.296 Ill. 288 111. 288 11.161.288 91.179.260 ,-4, 140.211

16 .. 260 l49.29' IH.279 161.2404 " ...).21-4 104. 1J1. HI 10.11.IJI.2042


'2. lB. 27' 12'.211 'Z,I)).242

7Z, 119,279 119.2" 127,21',288

'" 72,11,141.288 111.21'

'2. ,,). 26) 111,211 116, 21'

'" 1".296 In.211

Rrpn. J.rnn 101,111,211 Brpnt. Melvin Buch.n.n. N.ncy 12, 'l, 121, 211 Buchhoh, Ju .... n, Ill. HI B""kut. Kennith Buckley. J'mn Bucknun. R.lKe 100,141,211 Buhle•• Gerald 204,20',201, 209. ~IO, Ho Buhle•• J.y BuilinS' Duid 12, Ill, 241 Bundy, Donald 11.104, I", 21' Bunney. Ellie IlJ, 2" Bunney, William Bu'ch, Di.n"" III, 211 Bu'eh..d, Jerome Burdick, lucian Bur,"" D...id Burke, Ma.y 11,121,27' Bu.ke, loin 11.1'1.296 Burkm.n. F.ed Bu.n" Bute Bu.n" Ltoon.rd Rurn" N.ncy 66,121,296 BurroW', F.t<lnic 71,11 .. _In, 296 But!. Merrill Bunon. Rodney .__ 116,116,260 Butcher. W.her Buttta, Thorn.. Rude" Bl.ine _ Ill,- 296 Ruclt., Clifford Ruturfield. I:velyn Byet, Odes,. Ryct, Robert Bym.,..., D.le Byn..m, Hu!:wn Byr.m, Denni.( 17',211 Byr"". Ed..in Byrne. Shirlty 11,11. 100. 10 I. 127. 27'


c Cable, C"r1i, Cady, Mar;oric Coirn,. R.lph C.ld...ell. H.rry Call.h.n. Irene C.II.h.n. lynn COII..... y, J.mn Callen. Ch..la Colli"",. N.ncy C.meron. WiIli.m C.mp. J.m" C.mpbell. Ch.r1011e C.mpbell. Colin C.mpbell. Fr.nei. C.n'pbcll. J.net C.mpbell. Robert C.mpbell. Ru.,cll C.mpbell. Wanen C.nfield. Ch.rln C.nnon. C.rolyn C.nnon. R....ell Carbon. John Carbon. Robert Corbuhn. W.yne Carder. Ger......e Ca.lillt. D.le Corlrn.n, Roberl COrl...... Beve.ly Carlton. Charloc.. Carl..,.,. D.yle Cod...... Richard COrbon, Ron.ld Carlnrom, Robe•• Ca.m.n. Ch.rla Carmichael. Vir,iI Carroll, Florrnce Canon, lail. COnon, l.rry COr""n. Nil. Csnon, \I:'illi.m Ca""""" Jo.n C.n«, D.le Cart«, R.yn,ond Coeler. Ch.rle. Carte., Dorolhy C.rter. Jama Canu, l.vell. C..nr. Alvin Cuoboh, Nul Ca..ell. H.rti. C.llat.r, Phylli. C.ll«!. N.ncy Caudl•• Arlie Ca..ard, JK Chaff«, He.bou

_ Ill. 211 _._141,211 .__ 140. 296

____ Ill. 296



140,27' '7,179.220.279



'" ,..

2U 1",296


____ 71.1'1,211 __ ~ IH,279 ______ 16'.211 169.296 _ _ 104.111.242 Ill. 296 22. 16" 211 2n.274

74.102, IB, 27' 14.1J1,2" 72.17',211 ".17'.211 '1.116.211 1-41. B4 11.1)1,211 _ 161,21'

__ 'I,

17',279 18).260


-'8,1)1,242 11',288 .__.._'4,140,296 8-4.1".220,211 _121,211


Ch.m!:w.I.in, Conrad Ch.mbtdin, C... huinc Cham!:wrl, AI.n Ch.ndler, D..i,;ht Ch.ndler. Ger.ld _ Ch.ndl••, J.mes _ Ch.ndl••, Sunley Ch.... y, A.I.n _ Ch.pm.n. John Ch..bul.k, Je.n Charko, WiIIi.m Ch.rhon, David Ch.rtrand, Carolyn Ch...enon, D.le Ch.umell, CI.y"" C..... ky, H.rbert C,,",,"y, Ch..la Chtmo<!urow, Pat Cheney, G.ry Ch.rv.nell, Robert Chnil, Prtor Chieanr, Delori, Chileo.., Joy Childrt<s, Robert Childs, Wilbrd Chin, Lrnnard Choate, Sharon Chrism.n, J.ma Chrisltnstn, Ch.rle. Chriuenstn, Gerald Chrisltnstn, Jim Chrilli.nscn. Emm. Chri"i.nstn. Neil. Ch.iuofl"uK>n. Bonni. ChuPf>, Norman ~ Chu •• h. larry _ Chu •• h, Ktln _ Churchill, Win..on C>to.icbki, Todd,. C1.iborn. Ed..... d C1•• k. Charles Clark, Don.ld Clark, Frank Clark, Grillith aark, Rober! Cia"",. J.mn Clau$On, leRoy Cl.uotn, Mel ..in Claustn, P.ul CI.ustr, Ch.rl" CI.y,on, J.m" Clrn, M.u.iet Clr1.nd, Ellrn Clem.nl, Morgro' Clrmrnhagen. Buddy Clrmrnn. D.vid ..... Clrmenl•• ,\huric. Clemen I •• R.lph _. Cl.mrnu. Ste".n Clemon., leroy __.._ ~ Clemonl, Rich..d CI.mon., W.loc. Ckvd.nd, Yvonne _ _ Clou,hlry, Richard _ Clyde, Rober! _ Cochrane, Jamn Cochrane, Robert Cockrill. Frodr;"k e-, Elizabeth Cofield,Davi.d Cofirid, Dewey CoIr. D• ..wf Cole, Gent Cole, Jack Col•• Mark Cole. Robert Colrm.n, James Colem.n, John Colem.n, Robert Colt<, Juli. Coles, Kathryn Collr!!. John Colliu, Chari.. Collinl, Willi.m Colvig, Brucr Colvin, Krnncth CoI .. ell. Bruce Con,p.u. Jay _. Compton, AlI.n Conant, Ralph Condon, Oori. Con•. Delfrcd ConIU, Geo.ge Conklin. Doti. Conley. Don.ld Conky. Vinccn.

11',279 11).279 100.211 1'.71.17'.211


141,211 ').104.1",2" IH.2"


149,2" IH,21'

171. 242 Ill, 296 119,296 14'.296 U,Ul.lSl IZI. 21' 147.296 101, HI. 21'

12',296 119,296 119,242 IU.242 1)7,296

,,. no "


1".296 ,~, 2'l



141,219 11l,214 71,167,211

14, II, 116, 21'


121, 296 1)1,242 ",11',214 1",266


II, \21.211 1'7,2" 119, 21' Ill, 21'

1'7.211 141.211

11'.211 14, In, 296 141.296 101, l41, ~96



14',279 96,214 186, Z96 161, ~66 72,91.lfl.211 169,27' 1',121,21'

10J, 104, 1)1.27'


Conn~ll. John Cor...<1I. K~nn~th Conroy. 1lL7il1i.m

101,147,2" IU,27, 1'1,2"

Conv~ne. H~rv~y

Cook. Frod~rick Cook. :\hr"fT1:

119.2" 101,102. I". 27' ". 1".2" n. 101. 141.2"

R;.;h.rd Coo'. Cook~. Richud

Cooh. Willi.m Coombec. Willi.m Coombe>, All~n Coopc:., Thom •• Coo<. Mel c...pd.nd, R.y Copper. Edi,h Cor.y, EJ .... rd Corb.«, J.m.s Coria•• JOt Corn. Doo

'4,104,IU.29' I lJ, 297 179.2Si 97,179.279 76.,t,'2.llJ.H2



Corn~lI. Rl>in~

Corttll. Ron.ld Cory. J.ron c..-y. Rill Co..~y. RoM... Colullo. M·tI·· n CotMrn. J'ron Coul..on. Gcnld Coulu•• Ir~n~ c..... tt~. N.ncy Co•• AnJr~ ... Cox. L.rry Co•. Uoyd C",x. Morvin Coyle. RoJ .. "n~ Co~i.n. G ..y Cr>nc. 1'1.. Cr>n~r.


74. lB. 2" 167.2" 116.266 101.11'.297 US,211

'" 16),210

121.288 11),248


1>, John Cr>nSlon. Robt.t 71.116.211 C ...OO.M, W'yM C .....ford. Harry C .... forth. J'~ Crttk. Lany Cttn.h...., RoMrI 72, I It, 210 Cript. n ... ~ 1",2'0 Cri,p. C"I IIS.211 Cri.p. J~n;';~ Cri,pin-MNin•• Alfon'O 140. 297 C.itur. Donn. C.nkovich, Stue C.ockett, Ed Crogh.n, Clayton IH,2" Crom....lI. Sh.ron C.om...ell. Thorn.. Il, 71, 81, 'l, Ill. 288 C.ookh.n'. Judy C.o.by. Robtn Cro.by, "".yn. 119.291 Croson. Thon,.. 179.297 Cro... Don.ld '7, I". 297 Cross. N~il Cro.... Ch.rla Cro.... Gtor,~ 210 Crow. '.,1.yn~ Cto... ley. John I) I, 297 Cro"""'. Kar~n Crozie•• Ron.ld 147.244 C ..mmerfotd. Ch..l... C.. mmin•• D.v~ UI.297 Cunnin,h.m. Paul 9J. 10l. 116. 297 Cu.n.... Gerald 111,210 Cur..n. N.ncr 104.121,211 Curti•. C.thcrin~ 22,116.laO.HI Curti•• M..g..., 14', 2B0 Cu.te •• Phillip 1",214 Crg let . Mich.e1 Cr~" ..on.





0 D.ehle. S... rt~ O.h"",n. GI~n n.i,h. J.net D.iht. non.ld D.iktr. J~.n D.iktr. Bill D.iky. WiIIi.m D.is., Rilly Dalk~. Charles D.lke. Oo<o<h, D~Ir.•• Ge..IJ D.ly. M.ry f.1l~n Damm..ell, D~I~ D.nieb, Fred D.nid.on, Shitl.y O.nn.r, Jam.. D.nner. 1" O.....i", D.ni..


'" '"



10,210 74. IU. 210 104,167,214 77.121. HI 74. ", 117. 210 11,",127.291 171.2"



129. 21' 129.248

D~u,h~rlr, D.v~npart,

D.vid Ern..

D"'~npo..., W~ltn D.ny, Dnid<on, E",a.. D.vit$, Dni•• Di.ne Dni•• Don~ld Dni,. K~.hryn Dni•• Lanny Davi•• uRoy Davi,. 0.,0 D.vi•• D.n D.vi., M.rth. D.vi., Ri.h..d D.vi., T.rrell D.vi •• V..nic D..., K.nnrth D..... u..nnd D....,on, Gordon D...son. 1lL7illi.m D.y, l'.unic~ D.y. M,k~ D~y. p.. nci. D.y. Sunl.y 0...1. Aoo 0...1. K~nn~.h Dtcht. In. M.. ~ Otto. Eldon o..f~nb.ch. J.mes

Dr.yton. Dormhy ", II), 2'7 2.,.176 IH.2"





74.77, In. 2., n, I B. 2'7


'2. Ill. 210 ilL. 2., 100

121.280 11'.111.297 71,72.79. 97. 11'. 260

In,2'7 266 Ill. 297 141.26' "1.297 IU.210 Il7.2" IU.210


1".214 " • .". 2., 121,2" 12l.297 163.28' 16),280


o.K.y, Oe"lo<>, Det.nc, DeLane. Del.n.y, [)~l>n.y,



H ..old Mari.n Elil.b<th John Ron.ld Cl>rh P.trici. K.rrie P.....



Dre..n. WilIi.m Dr~., Eu,me Drip<, Rob<n DriJ.toll, :\bn~n Drumh,elln. Ftod Duckwot<h, H~Hie.. ~ Dull'y, Ch.tl~ Dull'y, D.. I~n~ Duffy, J.rry Duffy, P~ul Du,u.n, Don Duh. franc ... Ir.n. Dumh..., Tony Dunc.n. Oon.IJ Dunc.n, Jim Dunc.n, K~nne.h Duncan. M.rth. Duncan. Rob.n O.. nh.m. Ch.,l", D ..nn. Donn. Dunn. M..y Dunn. Ron.ld Dun.moor, J~' Oun...~ll. J~ck O.. P..i•• M."at~t Durall, Mn; Dutk..... Chatl... D.. rh." GenrSe nurninS. P...I DuS.ul., S~nh DutSon, E..n.... Ou«on, L.... rence Dyer. GcralJ I)y.r, MeI"in D)'kur>, D..n.

o..M~)·~t. J~.nM


_ _---_._. ._-


'" ,.. '"






76. In. 210 71.101. 104.220 In. 21'


140.21' 140.297 Ill. 210

o..M.yu. John o..n,plC'y, K,\. DrmplC'y, :\brth~ ".104, IJI. 2'7 1)7.2" o..nlins·r. R.mon. o..nMy, Dick 72,71.".11'.210 o..noo.... Connie n.". 121. 2., u. 10. 210 o..P~lrno. Ch~r1... 140. H1 o..R...... norenc~ 117. HI o..Shnu, Ali", 10. If, 104. 1)1, 297 Onhle<. Mi<i.rn Onj..dinJ, S•• nl.y ~vin. C.rl DeW.It.Dougl.s Do ...ey. Hugh ._-_.----_. ... ))(,\1I:'i... H.rry -----_. ~""i... John ~Youn,. RoM.. Dhillon. Rh .. pindar Ill. 2., Dhillon. Gu<ch.un Dhillon, R.jin<k. Dhillon. S.. I.kh.n Di.l. Don.ld 147. 297 Dick. Don.IJ Dick, Krn ..... h ". "7, H1 Dicker·on. 0.0 Dick~y, G<~ 71.". Ill. 210 Ill. HI Dickinson. Di.n.... I U. 12'. 241 Diehl. Dorothy Dict7_. francis '4. 140.197 Dillard. Carol Dill~. L.vin. 12. Ill. 21' 116,210 Dillon. Ralph Dimick. Don.ld 161.297 Dingel. Allyn .DitW,t<, Jo.nn 186.297 Dixon, Darryl In. 220. 222, 241 Dixon. Gaty Diaon. John l)oI"on, Judy 129.297 11).210 Dod.on. Robrn Dolphin. Suunne 7J. 11'. 2., UJ.266 Do!1Oft. Tom 114 Dom.n. Don.ld Don.ld. Jimmy 167.197 Don.ld<on. Don.ld 141.210 nonMUey, Robert DonMn...irth, Robc-r< 116.2" Dorch.u,. s'm 'J,'s.". 1".2" Dou,h...y, L.....en'" 116, HI Ooushtrty, Ger~ld Oougl... Helen 11,'4.12'.280 Dougl ••. Willi.m 1".210 Drag.eth. C..ol 104. IH. 148 Drake. Bill 141. 2'7 Draper. Luh 86.1)7,28'

100.104,121.2'7 12', 11'


,.._140.297 Hl.219 18l.2"

_ _ Ill. 210 _ _ _ 242 _7S. HI. 2., _ "I. 21' _97."'.210 In. 297 '4.11'.197 _lll.210 _1".2" 116.297 104,llI,266 71, Ill. 2" _.._.,116, 297 '4,1)7.297

E E~rl, Ho.....d F..ark, W~llac~ Enon. 0,,0 Euon, LaV...... Euon, No.m. Ech,e"~rri., Podro .:ddy, Don.ld Eddy. Thorn.. F.d,'II. J~ Ed..arJ•• J~ckic EJ ....d., J.ne Ed ....d•. Philip EJ ....J •• Ron.ld EJ ..arJ •. Victo. Eg.n, E.nie .... 1:88Ie.. on • J.m•• EhOO<lin. I-I ..<y Eid.m. Gto<ge Eikurn. John I'i.;n,,... John F.kclund. Conrad Elcock, Monica EldtN, Grn. EldralSC". Ed.. ~tJ EIJrcd,e. Purick Elferill&. La....enc. ElknwoOO. E.n....


IIl,2" 14'.2"

'" '"

_ _ 297 97,161.214 ,J. 161. 297 116,141.142 179.197 140.297 '4.97.IU.2U IlI.n7 _.IOI.I~7.297

179.21' 186.214 1".214 H,Il7.210 ".IH.297


IH.1" '4.104,1)1.297 H.I! 27J.274

17'. a,


EIl;;,Dnid Elli,. E.... i" felli•• L.rry Ellis. M.rci. ElI ....orth, Helen EIIs ... orth. Robert Emacio. \l:'il1iam Eme.i"•. Stephen F.m~tlon,


Emmon., Robrn Empty. O..<ell En,pty. Hcl~n fmry. S", Endico... R.ymond Enr..... Toold Frdm.n, E~t1 E.h.rdt. R;.;h..d Erickson, Bobb, Erickson. ~ .... i"" [.id..,... Doo> [tikwn. Ernktick Erland...n. R.lph Er..in, n ... ;.! Er ... in. Quinten _ ~:.co". laM.. _

E"cr. D.vid .. Eutoltt. Chari.. EvanJ. Evelyn


HI II. n. 1".210 I04.1JI.291 _ 140.297 17J.297 76.141,28' '1.119.280 ______ I". 214 _161.274 1",260 '4.IH.2U '4. 104. IJI.291 1".210


147, HI 171.297 117.291 IJ1,291

In,2U 101.141,2U .97,297 167.291 9J. 104, 140, 297

EO'.n•• J........ Enn•• D.I~ Enn•. Mary Ann Enn•. S.ndu __ E>=at. Charles Enrlo... D.I~ En.. D.r1~n~ _ Es ..orthy, Willi.m Eyrich. Hrnry

111.2" Ill. Ul

IU,2" Ill. Ul



Fai.child, Emm. Jun F.l.. h. R~rt 1'.11.. Jury F,""ry. Don.ld Fa.... Don _ Far.a. R.n F.n.h. Robm F..ky, H..old Far"",r. K~.. neth Farmu. r.trici. Farmin. Robrrt Farn.m. G.n~v. FundI. Vunon Farr. r.ulin. F........ Don.ld farror. ~lilIi.m f.ulk. C.. I Faulknrr. J.mn Fau... M.lcolm _ f«hnrr. Cynthia F ly. Willard 1' .....,.. Rich ••d F y. Shirl~y Fnhl. Robrrt

242 111.211 Ill. 211

'2, !J1,242 204, 206, 2Gl, 210



In.2,7 176. 2'7 '1.176,260

22, IH. 121.

zao m

'" '" '"



Fdlo Ch..la fdlo La.ry Fdlo 0 .. F.It, Ro .. l.nd 99. 186.2'7 F••• r. Ch.rl •• 72,96. 17}. 214 f ........ Thom•• Fi.I •. Mon,. F ld. Dr .. 12. '0. H7. 110 IU.II'.HI F ld, Bt"i..... Fif~. R.y Firw;h. H~rm.n Fi.nd,~r, Don Ill. UI Finl.y. Geoll'rey fin ...y, Floyd Fis<:her, Ellion fi,h. Don.ld 11',291 Fi,hu. J.m... Fi,h.r. r.ul Ill.280 Fi,h••, Willi.m , 147.280 Fi.k. i\brion . 18J, 280. 298 Fi.k, Mdvin _ .._ _ Fit.h. Ge •• ld Fing.r.ld, Cathy _ 71.101. lB. 142 Fin:har.... ld. Lau .. y Ill. 210 Flu.bo. Torlnv 2H Fkcnc.. Dorn F1C'lJlins. K.y FI....chingtor. Kuh1ftn HI. 219 FI.tche •. lARoy FI"che•• M.... in~ __ 140. liD Flo...... r. Judy 101.104. 14G. lIG Florn. o.,lora 14G.H8 Floyd. Av.ry 74,11.III.lI' Floyd. Willi.m 111.28' Flynn. Richard UJ.28G flynn. Robr .. Fol~y. Ann 11.11,121.191 Folk~•. R~r1 Folkin.. Judi ".IH.1" Fol...:, lft _ 71.74.149. HI Foo'~' Byron Foou. E.n~ n.'J Forba. Far.~" Fo.te, D.unr 176.114 Forte. Yvonne 86. II'. 1'1 F..,lorrS. M.ynard F..,krt. Don.ld F..,te •. John 17l,198 FO$t<r. Richord 169,28' I'ouch, Jo C.rol ])1.219 Found., R_m.ry Fo.. I••. Ever." Fo.. l~r. Gco.g~ ". 91. ". 147. 2,. Fo.. l~r. L.ur~ 71.147.219


'" "

1'00. 1'00.

Joh.. n~



11,16. lll. UI In,H6 11. Ill. 210

FrJl~r. R~"" F I...d. Gary Fr m.n. Eth.n F m.n. Jam... Fr.mminll. Bjorn F.ibrrg, Doro,h•• Frid, Wolli, Friend. Purici. Fri<>, CI.. rl... L. Fries. CharI.. M. Frim, Don.ld Fr«rer. Arthur 1'1'011. O.rl~.... FrollenlOll. Polly Jo I' rOIl~nson, T rd Fru.h. Donald Fry. Hir.m Fty. L.tty Full.., O.tI.. Full.., Norm.n Full.r, S.nd.. I'ullme" j.mes FU'li:.",n, ROMrt fun.r. F•• ncn f"tlu. M..y

~n. 16)

II, IH. 2'8 111.219

lIG ll. 01. lIO 1~7.2I'

1'. I U. II). 214




9'. 116. HI

121,298 161.2111 Ill. HI 140.281 140.291



h ........... Rulon Funltlin. J.m~ F..ticr, Albrn F..ticr, Marilyn


1'01. M..S..... 1'.71,". II. '2. 102. I H. 241 1'00. Sher~ lll.2lG Foy. Roberta

G G.bou.y. J........ G.!!:~. P.ul G.!!:num. HeIse G.ll.!!:he•. Patricia G.lI.!!:h~r, ROSC' Galli!!:.". Willi.m G.llo y, Dick G l, Ch..l.. G••dner, Edwin G••d"••. John Gordn~r. No.m.n Garm.n. Don.ld G.rt~n. Don.ld G .. ~n. John G.tr~n. K~nneth

G••nn. lAroy G.rro",. Norm.n Garrn •• r.ul G.rri",n. P.tsy G,,,·ens. Elf.ied~ G••y. Wilbu. GOlkil1. 0.1. Go,kins, Dick Gas..,. Gol.le" G Il.ichord G.u 8radford ~.ud~.u.



186. 211 147. 291 100.lll.HI

IU,HZ 111,281 HI

Gill~". Louis Gilltu. TN Gilli•• John Gilpin. R_


116.291 IU.2,. Ul.281



no 17'. H' 22.IU,211

Ill. 219 7l, '4. Ilf. 211 Ill. 2,.

... Ill. 21' n. 116. 211 141,211 119.211



'1.104. Ill. H8

",71.".II,UI.141 169,2" 116.291 ".16 17,7',161,148 71;, IG. 14G, 291 I U. 214 96. 27l. 274 IH.H9 Ill.UI


14G. til



176, til '7.176,211 161,120,221, H' 16Z,242 14',1'8

Ill. 21' 161.219 104.140.291 140.291 11.

'4. UI.2.,



17'.2'1 11I.2"



Grrg. R.n


Gtt,..~n. No.man ~"r. Ch..ln Gn!!:••. Clinlon Geno•• y. Jorc~ Gentrr. Dr.n Gentry. Ixbo•• h Gco.r!!:~. O.nny Gwrs~. j.ck Gwrge. P.trick Ge.g.n,. C.rl Grrn"in. Sh.ron Grrplo.id.. l'elC G...fo.d. Richard Gatrin. Phyllis Ghan. laVern Ghi!!:li~.i. S.lIy Gi.comtlli. Ed Gibson. Buddr Gibson. La V n ... Gilford. Drnni. Gilbert. W.rc~n Gild~n. John Gildrr, Richard Gildrroy. i\hry Giles. I-Inri Gil ••. j.rr.ld Giles, M••ci. Giles, ~hry Gil.., P.ul Gill.O.l1n Gill. lAoir Gill. Mary Gill. T~iindn

Gi.. rd. lA.i. Ginin,. Arthu. Ginin.. Caroln!!:h Ginin" Gcorr;.. GIt....... R.ymond GI~.. n. Dr•• ld Gliddc". Gro'se Godbold. Molli~ GOOd...I. Wilfred Gorbrl. C.r1 Goff. Timo,hy Gold.milh. Donn. GoodinS. Shi.l.y Goodm.n. Forcat Goodm.n, 0..:•• Goodpanun. Mon. Good.i... KttI ..... h Goold. Robe.. Gordon. EI," Gor.dl. Lar.y Go..i. Robe.. Co,s<:h. C.r1 Go..ch. H .... Courl.y. L~.. is Go ... nlock. j.mes Go.. l.ud. Du.n~ Grady. Glo"d. Grofmillu. j.y Granlund. O,rin G Donn. G ~ •. Marnl Gray. Drnni. G ••y. E.... G"r, Willi.m Gr l~y. Betty G I.y. GI~n G n. Ann. G n, K.ilh G n. K.nn~lh G •• en, \l:'ill..d G,..nhill. Spencer G.«n ..ood. ~'i1li.m Gr...r, Du.n. Gr'35~non. Btv~rl~y


III. 29'0 U. 'l. l) \, 290

Grr!!:....y. Ri.chard Grrit:h"" Alr;ird.. Grnf. R~h ..d Grillin, T.oy Grillin. Willi.m 16l. III Gtillith. O in.. 71. 'l. 91.".101. III. 290 G.illim. J ...... G.illitl" V.nce Grimm, "'<ri,1 Grindrod. G'ylc Ill. 290 Gri,me., Don.ld Groff, Ed....d .._".186,281 G.oll'. Philip Ill,290 Groll'. Shirl~y Grose t. Joy Ill,2" _ _ ",17'.211 Gr Floyd Gr s. Rich..d 147,211 Groll.. Rosrr Grov~. John 116.2'0 Gro,·.., Ron 141.2'0 ____ 16. III. 290 Grover, Milton Grubb. John 14'.298 _ _ 11),298 Gu.... ~nbu.r;. Ed....d Gud.m.n. Carole ........... _ 11'.2'0 Gust.fson, rat 71,12,16 Guymon. Don,ld G r<n~y. J.niu 14G.249 G in. R.lph 116.190

17'.219 17'.291 11',191

II, 93. 129.291

101. 140. H2

'" 71. 'l.I1L 219 72.104. 14G. 241 17l. ~H 111,219 1'.17, 7'. '1. U,. 211 '4. 1l7. HZ


H.ck. M.bel H.ckl~•• Judy H.fn, Guy H.su~. Drnni. H.hn. Alfred H.i,h.. j_phi"" Ii.i!!:"t. I.or,y _ 1-"inCl, Robe .. H.incs, Stu... 1-101•. Ch.r1yn. ~hl~,


H.r~. J.nie. _~ H.le, Ralph _ H.I..,. Ralph .. H.ll. AI~in __


_UI.29O 11'.291 147.2" ._101, 161, 2,. 121,111 . .... 1", 190

._...._ ... 14',298 _

119.211 Ill. HG ________ I I'. 2'G _17,". II). til 2U _____ 11'.2'1


__________ '2.


H.Il. Floyd _ H.lI. J"li". H.ll. Loyc~

'" 101.IB.t91





Robnl H.n, Shirk,. H.II, ..... yn~ H.ll, WiIli.m H.lln, Gtuld H~lle", Kennelh H.llelt, M.rilyn H.lly, Cly<l. H~n,.nn, jon H.mblin, .... nn. H.mblin. Eugene H.mblin. jerry _ H.milton. Hugh _ H.milton, jo Ell. H.mlel, B..b.u H.m .....r. M.ril,.n H.mmill..... Iton H.m..-..:!. Clitfocd H.ncMy. Billie Han<l,., .... rthur H.n<ly, Mn _ H.ney, Forn, H.nfor<l, Hel.n H.nk., D..rell H.nn •• H.rri.". _ H.nn.h, Don.l<I H.nn.h, S...h H.n..,n. Clifford H~n..,n. Don. H.n..,n. Donn. Han..,n, john H.n..,n, Robtrt H.n..",. Roger H.n ' .... rtwioclt H.n n. john Han..,n, M.ry H.n..,n. Oliver H.noon. Robert H.nze!. j.me•......... H ..<li., WilIi.m _ ... H.r<ling. j.ma _ H.r<ling. j.nel Hor<ling. Ph)·lIi. H.rdy, '«'illi.m H ..gi.. j.rna H ..gn ..e, Ro,. _ H.rm.worth. RUlh H ..... Sh.ron Ibr~r, Don.ld H ..ri&fel<l, Chri. Ihrrigfel<l. john H ..ring,on, john H.rring'on. Lewi. Ihrri.. C.d H.rris. Don II. H.rri., Don~I<I M. Huris, jim G. H.rti., jimmy D. H.ni., "hrjMit H.rn., Thorn•• H.rrioon, Ken..."h H ..rop, LtR.., H.rrop. l.rr,. Ihrrop, Sieve H ... hm~n, Edmund H.nley, How:ar<l H.rtwdl. F.ye H.rw.rd. Bill _ H•• brouclt. Rowen. H ••eno<hrt. Kenneth Husl.r, Robert. Hu,ing., K...n Huch, Hunling,on Huch, j.rna Huh.w.y, Guy Huh.wo,.. M..,. Huun, Huold H ...~n nn, p~,nci. H.wlt, rthur H.wltin•• Cau H ltin•• j.me< H I.y, Donny H I.y, Warr.n Huby, john H.y, Robert H')'n, Ch..l.. HO)'n, Georg. Hay., Burrell H.yter, R.. He.driclt. E..eren He.rn. j."," Henhcrly. john _ Henhcrlr. Robtn Huton. Milte Hebard, Richud





01.291 169,2(;(; 171.290 1(;1.211 7~. 71, 77. 127,211 11,101,127,291 1)),191 In,29O 12J.291 1~9, 290 2'0 71.11'.290 100.121,291 Ifl,291 77. IH, 290






Ill, 211


UI.HO.122 HI.2H


7l, IIJ, 290



11'. H' 10J, II'. 1'0 1".291 7l, 17', 290 1~7. 291


100.11'.190 111.290



141.212.111 Hl.191

16. 18J. 290. 198

'" '" 100. IB, 191 '7,II'.ltO 11),111



If, Ill, 291




77, 1l7.111 '~.97, 1f7.29O ~_121. 191 07,290 Ut,UI ____ Hl. 290 179,290

167,261 17',2'1 IIJ, HJ IH.211 IH.1U UI,l98

H«h.ner. john Httbner. Gordon Heffel. Rich.rd 111.211 Heimg..,...,r. Euge..., Heimg.unn, Robtu Hd.nder, Shoron ilL, 191 HelSnon, Norm~n 7l, 116, 290 Helle, john Hellinscr, M.rg.... H.llinger, W.her H.mphill. J.mes 86,17l,lH H.n<l..oon. Rcrn..d H.nderlOn, Clin.on 261 H.nder....., Gordon 10. 191 Hendeuon, Rochelle 14, II. lH.190 H~ndriclt•• C.,I Ill, 191 Hendriclt....., Merlin Hcndricltton.....Idnn.n 104,17',111 H.nriltuon, Soni. 22, lB. 190 H.nry. Ed ...,d 176,lH H.n.y, Elenor 71, ,~, 12', 190 Hen.y, Purici~ IH.lI1 H.nry, Shirl.y 11'.1'0 H'pl.r, Mih Herdin.. john Hercth, 1.01. 16. 117.198 H.ring. ChrlCt H.r1in. Ell.n 101.117.1'0 Herman. Syl .. i. H ..., Willi.,n ... tH.1I1 Herren. john _ ".IJ.L67,2I1 He.ri&.ud. H .....y 11',212 Ho., E... n Ho•• Gtnld Ho., john Hi.ltm.n. Clyde Hick•• Helen Hiclt•• l.u..n 74,1$. '6. IH. 290 Hicks, L;'le IH.211 Hieber. George Higgins. Wen<lel1 Hi~lin.. WiIli.m 179.191 Higl~y. M.rtin Hild, K.rl 171.291 l'Iiler. Dryden Hilsenberg. Cal I~I. 190 IliI"r, Harold In. 191 IlilI. jim 10.lH lIill. Phylli. '~.IH,2" Ilill. R~lph Hill. Robc:rI Hill. S.u . Hill... E<I d Hill.r. Monon Hil1",.n. \l:li11i.m Hillyrr, Robe .. 71.101, Ifl.290 Hinckle)·. K.rrn 6'. 7J, 71, 1l7. 266 Hindley, Kei.h 111.2'0 Hindm.n. ForCt' Hi..., •• llcrt Hinsuon. EI .....r 167.166 I-lint. Don.ld Hi,ch.ock. Iohr.u~ 71,I",21l Hitler. Ge..., Hi•• c-.yk 111.190 Hi.on, Vrrnon 1.,.2" Ilobbo. j~...... II,H,12,.2I2 Hobd.y, Lorn~ Hob..,n. Gucc H. 10~.1l7. 2IZ Hoch. john 71. 9J. 91. Ill. 299 Hocke ... Don.ld 91,26J Hockeu. Verden I-Iodse. Rich.rd n,l1l.290 Hod~in~. ju<ly Ilod~oon. Ow• ..., __ 11'.1".1" Hoff, H.r....y HoIfm.n, Jooon Hof"elter, H.rry Iiog~bo>m, j.ni.e U7.2" H~bers. Carl Hogse, D...e _ Uf,l99 HOII.n. lo.en I-Ioiooo. Mory UJ.2Il 16J, In. 27~ l-IoiOOI. Rodney Hoke. Gl.nn,.r IJJ.HJ Hold.n. Shirley 7I.IJJ.!90 Hold.n. Bill 161.190 I-Ioll.nd. Kenneth 14J Hollen. jo< Hoi.."... 8yron HoI",", 0 ..·1<1 117.HJ Hoi..".., G .....hcn 6l, ,~. 100, Ill. 1" HoI.inrr, ROotm..y U7.11l Hoi •• Ch..l", Holl. Do ..;d IIl.14J Hoi,. Do.n 11).112








HoI,on. Carl Hob.. F.rd ~ Hol7_hey. Ch.rles Honun. Hugh Hood, Dicit Hook. john _ Hook. Kenn.th Hook.., joyce Hooker, Thom.. ", I·looks. j ..k Hooper. Ger.ld Hoou, Thorn.. _ Hoo\o.., Marion Hopff~.t<en, jon Ho.... ins, a.ic Hopkin., Marir Hop.in., Lthc. Mary Hopein., I...n Horne, Donald Hor...,. Gco<-se Ho.nins. GI~n Ilor.m.n. Ele.no. Honon ..... "hur Houck, Nancy Ho..n... GI.nn Ho..etl.., GI.n Houck, E<I ....d Houghlelin. John Ho....d. j.""" ''''ow..d. Thom•• Huber, .... lbert Huber. Don Huhcr. john Huhcr. M..y Hud , Eddy Hud , G.ry Hueuig. Eldred l-luff.ker. E.h.n Huffaker. ju.niu Hugh Chort.s Hugh john .. Hulen. M.rtin Hull. Philip __ Hull. R.lph __ Humphrey, Dec Ilumphrcy•• Don.ld Humphrey.. W:ad. lIun'. john Hunler. Terence Hurdnrom. K..en Hunt. j.""" _ lIuoch.e. ....rm. lIu.chinoon. Willi.", Ilut.hi",n. Belly HUBell. Corol Hyde, Amy Hy.r. L.rry Ilyl.nd.....erielle


11'.2" 176.290 167.212 In.19'

1J1. H'



161.290 Il7,107.210.1'0 '~.IJI.2I2




Inde.muhle, " ..non Inl"b.i.~.....11.... Ingebri •..,n. M.rir InSCnoli. Rich..d In,le, Don.ld Inllli•• Thu.non In•• o. lee Iron•• Ernat I...ine. WiIIi.m G. Ir ..in. \I:'illi.m L. h ..ClOn. Don.ld h ..k. Phyllis hner, lnir.. loom. jerrold loon. B.rba.. loon. M..y h·eroon. 8..b... I ...oon. j ... n _ herlOn. Ru•..,U





99. lSI, 112


In, 190 16'.1" 1",1(;(;



17'.190 1)7.190

_ I iii. 16),14'

81,91,16',1'0 I7I.24J 161. 2~' 17'.190 IS. 102. 16J. 2"

Ill. 190 .~. 101 ____ '7,161 ____ Ill, 290

__ In, 1"

."_",, 1)7.190 9~. 112 ___.. H. 1l7. 249 ____ 101, lliJ. 2H 119.111

17',1" ",104.212 10. '7.





174,290 ____ Bl. II', 211

_ _ '1,1)1.249 ______ 1l7.1" ___ Ill, 2"


J jabbo••. Doroth)' j.bbo I'red j.bbo jo.n j.ckle. Erm. J•• koon. Carol j ••k n. How.rd j •• It "brly. jo.ltoon. Rich..d j ......... Vond. jacobsen. OO.... h,. j ..obton. Phillip j.U'" Eliubeth

I ~O. 24'

".2IZ 11I.2" IU,2" Ill. 290 167.2" 71. IH, 2H. HI I~. 2" 10~. 1)1


J'rMloOn, Rolxn J'n«~", Ch ••1a J.qu., Oo J..brrl

10. 290

ld ~.

Jdr~'r, Mnc~M J~m_u,



J.n"in., K~n""lh J.nny. Don __ J.n.ch. M•• ci. ...... J.n .. n, AII.n J.n •• n, I\>.b... J.n •• n, (Hnn., J.nKn. Harv.y J"', Fran"lin J~pJ"O".

In.al 14, I~I. 29' 67,121,212 Ill, 2'9 I~O, 299 117.290 '7.11',299




S.. nl~y U,277 J~'lli'nom, Kn,h 7'. '2, 2n J ' _ , Do,i. 123,2" J ...up, Jan>Q U.'7,2'1 J~"'~Il. [H.n IIl,29' Jolunnnon, Ruth 77.'~.lJ7.HJ Joh.n ...... W •• ...,n John.m.yn, lktty 121,299 John..m, lk.. y John.on. D".n 99,214 John.on. Edward '1.101,299 Johnson, Elino. II, 'l, 94, 101. 11', 299 Johnson. F.y.... Johnson. F.t<I Johnson. H.rry 110,271 Johnson, H"~n Johnson, Hy.um Johnson. J.n>Q B.uc< John....., J.mn Willard JohnJOn, Joyc. lH.249 John}(ln, L.rry A. John}(ln, Larry [H.n John}(ln, Lau.~nc~ John}(ln, lwn John}(ln, Marsn.. 71,16. ", !J7. 291 Johmon, M.rjori. If. 127, 299 Johnson, M.ry Johnson, Mon. Johnson, Oli. Johnson, R.ylTWH>d 149.249 John ....., Richnd D. 71.11',291 Johnson, Richard Er ..inl 149.2" Johnson, 51<11. Johnson. Th."., Jo"nson. W.II.« 171. 212 Johnuon. Ron.ld "',291 John........ Willi.m A. Johnnon. Willl.m R. Jolliff. D.I. Jolly, J.ni•.... 7~.116, 12l.H9 Jolurad. Dun. 86. I fl. 2U Jon •• , 01'.1 Jon ... Robr.. Jones. BiI1it 101, IJ7. 299 __ Il7.2" Jones. Corol Jones. Du>d Jones. 1Xntc. 92, lJ7. 24) J _ Don.ld 149.2" Jones. Dorl. Jones, El ... ood Jones, Jo.nn _ 10~. Ill, 212 Jon,,", Loran. _ 1l7. 243, 2" Jon..., M.r1in ~ 11.101. Ul, 2" Jon~" M...h.lI Jon~.. M•• y 1)8 Jon~., O.c.r .... _llf,212 Jon .., ...Irici. 72, 10~, HO, 212 JOf1~" P.ul _~ 17'.212 Jon..., Rich.rd __ 100 Jonrs, Richr ",101. 282 Jona. Robot" ____" Jones. Rorr _U, 1'7, 212 Jona. SMldon Jones, W..k,. Jord.n, S,n~ _ 11'. 1'7, 1U _ _ _ UI,2" Jorlli'nKn, Jrrry JOH'ph, Barbo .. ____ 11'. Jou.n~,.. Thorn., Judd, O..n _ __ ~Ul, 299 Judd, IXnni•......__ _ .... 99. ISJ, 2" Judd. lois ...." .... 101.140,291 Juns~, Mary __ _1l7,212 Jung~rt. Gilbr« Ju,·~. Robr ..




K.b. Yu"io Kalb. ROOt" K.lblkioch, D.".I K.I .. , M.rr


__ 1'. I"', 2"

K.l1u.",., l.\'onM K.m.l. Abdul-Latif K.m'i.., Richard K.mm<n:..l, Ro!>t.. K.mm<y~r. DorOlhr K.ni brrl. Donn. K Mnl.r., Karl , Jim Kat .., Alvin K.rr.n. Clud K.ufm.n. K.y K.uppi, Jon K.u'z, Ed .....d K«", Kmn~th K....., Shirl~y Kn,h, Laur. Krill" Tt<I


'" 104,17',14' 104,243 1..0,2lt, 212 IU,IU.2U 76, 116,212 174,299 _101,111.21Z

K~lIbotrl' Carl K~ll", Barbo..

Illt.19l I~I. llt, I~O. 291


Edn-.d K~ll", Glori. K~lI~r, Tt<I K.lly, R_1l. K~ndl~y, R.lph K~nMdy, p.ul Kenn.y, H.rry K.nworrhy, G.ry Ktough, Shir1~y K"n., Cloud.... K~rric.., John KaJl~., Jerry K"".I~., John K~tch~n,


K>dd, John Kid ... ~II, Chnl"" Kirnzk. Ro!>t.. Kilbo.n, In _ Kim, AII.n Kimb.lI, Flo.. nc~ Kimb.lI, Norm.n Kin.., I.l'l' Kim_Yong, WilIi.m Kind.chy, Robot .. King, G.ry Kinl, Robot.. Kinl, Ru.h Kin«"on, Kmnfth Kir.. h.m, Sht.m.n Kidinl, Gr... Ki.chon. Robot.. Kiu, AI ..in Ki1'.r, R.lph __ Klapprnb.ch, Lorry Kl'}(ln, Rich..d KI.u., Dribrrt Kldf".r, FI;p Kldnkol'f, jock KI~mprl, Robtn Klin~, La.... nc~ Klin«~n.mith, Rich.rd Klotpfn, Ron Klund", Bill Klutn'~ Bubo.. Knopp, Grq; Kn.pp. K..hryn Knil«~. L nn Knilhl. Botb .. Knodl~, Fr.nc,," Knodl •• John .. Knopf, G.rry K"owho", l«Knox. G"h.m KnudRn, Mary Kn .."on. GI~n Koch~r, J ...... Koch... R."" KorpI. V.lm. Koo.. ~r, Ron Kohli, D...id KoHo, Gwo«~ Kon"ol, Don.ld Koonll'. Rob... KOt'"in~". Kat'l'l'n Konol., RUllo _ Ko.. ~" K'lhll'l'n Koul. Victor Kum<r. J.rry Ku'Klt. Vio'~' K..n,t., Ch.rlone K..use, M"g.r~1 Kr.u... K.mI Krriunbec:k. K.y Kritr. Don,'d Krin.rd, R"ll~r Kr.... ~h. Mildrnl K,oiss, John


12'.212 Ill,2U ____ 74, 161,212 119.2" 1)7.291 11'.29'

Ktoll, V.I~r'" K ronmill~., Goorl~ Kro.uh. Dixit K"••ger. Kennr.h K.ulli'" Jim Kru"",, Hot''''1 Ku«•. Tt<I K..«lcr. Dou«I •• Kugln. John K..gl.., Thom.. Kllb. J.ri K.. k•. Willi.m Kllim. K~nn~.h K'"nkel. John K......r. Donlld Kylr. JK"

IH.2" lJ7,l14 71, If. 104. 1)).291 71,116.HI n, to, 17',212 IH,H'

" '" '"

116. 1"

n. 26)



L I..BUI~.

l..ird. l..ird.



J~ .. ~lI

I_.k~. L.rry Lambotn, Don.ld Lamson, JOStphin. Landr~.h, John I.on~, D.nny l..n~. J>mf'S lan«don, l.orr.in~

171,112 94, 1l7, JOO

14f, JOO 74,141,291


12', JOO U, I It, JOO U,IlI,JOO

lan«~, J~rry

Ill. 291 174,291 11.121,291.299


",21" 10~.

lJ7. 21Z




17,.29lt 171, lltl

m '" 76, 7', ~



", 176, HI __ 119.2" 16.174. HI

10",1"0,299 "',291


71, U, 127, 291

71.79.1'1.212 lH.299 8", If, 147, HI . 77,291 _ _ 104,116,2" __ 72.14, HI.2I1 11',2" '7,17'.2'1 _71.174.2'1 169.1'1 . II',H9 ________ 116,2~J 121,299 169. 299 1"0,2'1


..__ 101,291 71,'J, 102. IJI. 191 77,'J,lJl.19l IIJ.19' 1"0.2" Ill. lltl


J'n<' Winifrt<l I..n«ford, L,.k L.n«"""., L.cw-i. LarKn, Barb... 140, lltl L.rson, And.~w L"}(ln, Ch.r1.n~ Ill, JOO l..flO", Don.ld ta.son. Dorothy 71,1"0,2" lorson, Franci, 117. JOO I.at..,n, Mats..el 140, 291 l",}(ln, Riu 140, JOO LI.-.on, V.n 147, JOO L.R .. ~, Arlm~ 1"0, JOO LoRu~, LI.. rmc~ '7, JOO La.... ri., Con... nli ..... La."",, AI III, JOO L..h.m, Joyc< Illt,lltl La.hrop, Lilli.n Lau, Rftd __ 71. 76, I a, III, 24J LauI"lin, K.y 121, JOO La.. ro. G.britl 1.,uI. John __ 101, III, JOO Lau,h..., O."id LOY.n, K..hy IJJ,H' I..".n,. J'cki~ 9l, 101, 127, JOO L.wr, Bill 111,14' Lawr.nc~. Don _76.".llJ,291 l ... ...,nc~, Ro....n La"'lon, Dwy~r 171, JOO Ltnh.m, J~rry 176, lOO Lt...i.., Jay 147, JOO L«MIt, o.l...y I-«on>, J_phin<' 127,2'1 lft. H~.. nl"'on Ll'l'. N.ncy 127,212 ll'l'. Orrin 101.116,292 lft. Wonh~ l.«k. N.ncy 22.74.71,91,102. I a. IlJ. HJ, HI 1."'0'" Maty I.~hrcr. I.oi. l.~hr... Willi.m Uigh, Jerry U7.2H LtM •• in~1. M.ry Ltmonid;., V....'i. 102 Ltmon., K.y ~ 101, IH, JOO Ltnkendorf~r, H. lmu. Ch.rko H. 102. 116,212 Ltn1'. Shirky __ ".'.,ll7,JOO LtP.rd, J...... Ltpl'k~, Ron U. If, 167, 220, 21) l .. il~l .....er I.esli~. Willi.m I......d, T.d Ltvi. Corol U, D7, 291 u .., Lind. Lt.. i., J'''y Ltx, J.mes libby. Tin. 1l1.19l libotrl. JK" Li........ y, Fun';K" litur.nC<, Robot.. Lillo.. Elfin< 101, lltl l'lhl. Juomt 171,2Il l'lhlMr, Donn. lJ7, lOO Lon«~,













Ligh,,,... Robtn Lilluig. E.rl LindNrg. R.lph Lindorm.n, a.,N.. Lindl.y, T«Idie Lindq.. i". ,\7.11.. Lind.. y. Willard I.ind.uh. Clar~nce Lind~y. Tom l.ind"ro"'. Jo Ann l.ind"rom. l.0 .. <l1 l.in •• Shirl.y l.ipl'. K•• hl.. n ti,h. Arnold Li.I•• Clayton Li ••ul. Ard~n Li .......ktr. Paul Li.<l~, Harry Li.t1.. J.ck Li"I., !>hry Li ... Y.. Loc. Emil Lofd.hl. Eug.n. Lokk.n. Carol Long. Ch"l.. Long. D.ni. Long. R.y Lonl\. Shirl.y Longf.l1o..... Ralph Long"·orth. John Looney. Larry Lorenz. Bruer lolnh. Fred l.o<h'09. JOt Lon. K.n. Lou.hian. Corol)'n lo.... hian. Willi.m Lo"•. J.rry lov•. Rober< loy. joy, ~/.htr lo,·d. Richard lovel.nd. Roy.. Lo,,·cll. David Lo R.lph Lo Willi.m Lozier. Ed lucdh, Jun luhr. W.h lund. M.rg . Lun"rom. B er lyc.n. ().,.ne lydllon. H .. gh lydum. N.il lyl•. Carol Llonch. D.rrd Lynch. Glenn lynch. Jim Lynch. Jay Lynn. Jim

MeAlintr, Robtrt MeA.e.., Fray~ MeA,·oy. Thomu MeBirn~y. Bill MeBrid~. Don McC.rty. Cui McC.rty. l..w McClur~. Norm.n McConn.ugh~y. John McConn.lI. Purr McCool, Morri. McCormick. J.rry McCoy. O. McC..ck.n. R~ulee McC ..lloch. Larry M.D.id. H.lm McD.niel. B.. rr .... MdHyiu. Ch..ck M.()"Yin. Tom M.Don.ld. JOt McDo..g.lI. Gcorg~ McDo....cll. Charloll~ Mco.... <l1. Marguu McE,'o Homc, McE n. Cary .... cG.. y, .... <I"in McGo n, V."..... McG Rhoda McG ..!lin. Corol McH ..gh. Ch.rI"" McKay. Mikt

71. II). UI lOO


77. I. 119, JOO 219,291 10•• Ill, 24) 100,28) 1)7,HI 11).28) 176. JOO



" . \47. lOO 12'.28)


10",187.21) 161. JOO

116. lOO

96.176.271 9'.180.21) 176.28) 71.97. 11).28)


92.26) 121.28) II'. JOO _\40.2'1 IH.2,1 Ill. HI 180. JOO 7J. 121,291 186. JOO

100.167. U)







71.9),101,111,191 9'. 180. U)

121, lOO 119. lOO UI.21)

71,8J.86,131.2'1 176. )00 10).181, 2'1 1l7. JOO

12]. JOO 1S,127.l00 IIJ.28)

McK~an. ~ll~ McKe..,·~r. Ho......d McKe..'·". Robtr.




McK ....ek, ArI.... :\Ic:\hhon, SMcM.nn.min, John MeM;.;,h.el. Gor,. McMinn. V.I. McMullen. Loi. McNam... l ...·r.n.. ....cN.il. Gordon McPik~,


McQu.do. Mich.el McR ••. No.ma M~R.~. Thrr.eI McRobertl. Phil M,N. D.n "hcllt.h. AI M.e•• Sally :\hcG"llor. Tomm,. Mack.y. John M.cke,.. J...... M.cM,lI.n, C.ul M.cPhe... Kri.h :\hcP...... Robert M.dilOn. John M.d.~n. Melvin !>l.g~o. I'r.d M.ggard. Richard M.gl.by. I-l.rb M.hlik. Jar.... Malcom. Arl.n. M.lon.y. Ro.. M.loy.O.i. :\blp.... W.yl.nd M.ngllm. Charm.i... M.nn. Corrie M.nn. J.mn M.nn. Waldo M.nning. Chuck M.nring. Roben M.nl<r. Nola M.",,,. Ron.ld M.n,tiold. jim M.n,ti.ld. Richard M.n il••. Di.n. M.n il••• Ilo....ard M..bot. K.n. :\b.coIin. F.lia M•• kw.l1. ~",in :\h.. h. Lloyd M."h.lI. J.rr,. M.nh.lI. R~..... M...h.lI. ~~illi.m M.rtin. D.I. M.nin. Oon Mar.in. Fr.d Marti", Harold M...in. John M."in. Lo.... e11 M...in. Richard M• .,in. Robtrt M."in. Warr.n :\hnini, W.h.r :\.., ...1. M.,ilyn Man:ulli. Robt.. M ....... lI.rold M.thi•• Mon.y Muo>'ich. John M n. J.rry :\ mo.o. Ch.r1cs Math '>. Marilyn M'llh;.,~". Th.reln ,\1.IZ. jo." M.uldin. W.yn. :\1.111., Oa... 11 M.aey. D.v. M Il, "hllr..,n :\l>a ~II. Bob

"b,.. R.,.

:\1>,.. Robt.. M.yn..d. Glenn M.ynard. Willi.m Mugher, Philip M«h.m. l>on.ld M«h.m. j.mel Medl.y, Don.ld M.dlc)·, Ernm M.d,k~r. J.rry Me..k. M..y :\ICCK. Shirl.,. M...... r. M.nin M.h ••. An M.hrw. Iks.ie Mrichl.. Robt.. 101....,. Herb M.il .. M.rilyn M.kum, J.n;';'. Melg..d. Robe..

140. )00 lS.I2].HI .... "].)00 I]., lOO

,,. 72, ]6. ]9. 90. Ill. 21) 149.291 149.291 14].291 _ II).HI I)I.H) Hl.21) 100.1]1.2'2 17'.149



____ 169. 28) 169.291 116.181,211

104.H) IlI.lOO 94. lB. 2'1 Ill, )00 161.28) 140. )00 7I.IH.291 _____ 171. 249 11.86.249

'" 21)

HI. )00

IH. '00 lit. )00 116.1]I.Hl HI.2" IH.300 171.21)

176. JOO


".11. Ill, 21) 14].21)

1.. ].21) 11.'''.12].21) 110. U2

11].244 Ill. JOO


86.1)),JOO , •• IH. JOO 1)1. )00


]2. \4]. JOO 121.292 "I. 21) 101. )00 161.211 1]1. )00 lit. 300 111,292


.,_. __. 187.21) ,_08.2'2 __ 121, lOO 16]. lOI _HO.lOI _ _ 1]6.21) 141.21) '1. " , U" 21J _IJI.JOI "1.21)

Mell. G.I.n M.llon. Port.r M.hon. Ih.l.n M.nd.l. Mildred M.ndel. Verne M.nd"'l •. Don.ld M.rr.ll. Joyc. M•• rill. M•• th. S.,. M...iIl. Roy M.rrin. Robe.t M••chko, John M.,c.I(. Gornct M.y.r. Mik. M.y.n. £lIll.n. M .....l. M....in Middl.kauff. J ...... Middl.k • .,ff. Robtn Miil1••• Beny _ _ Milbrnh. Mor,. _ Mil.,.. R;';'h ..d _ Ma.,., R.,dolph Miller. AI Mill••. Drl... Mill.r. Br .. Miller.Oon.ld !>liIler. Eddi. Miller. John D, Miller. John J. Mill••• John \':'. Mill.r, M.rilyn Mill.r, R.y Mill••• Ri~h ••d Mill.r. Spence Mill••• T«I Mill••• Tom Miller. Willi.m Mil ... Oon.ld Mill., G.r<rud.. Millon, John _. Min.., Jim Mink. Ed Mink. M.. len~ Minninll. El..nor Minni•• Mhyra Mir.cle. Dori. Mi..... r. Gr.v>~ Mil(hrll. J.ck Mil(hrll, M••ylyn Mi.houg. Franci. Mia, G.I. Mia, John Mi., Roy.. Mia, lohu,re" Moe, Ebin .. Moc,Orlin Moh.n, Carol-Jc.n Moi.ey, John Mon.sh.n. Tom Mon.y, L.ura Monr.,.... Marilyn Mon ...... WiIli.m M_loon. Ch.rl"" MonlOtl, Don __ Monl'&.... C •• 01 MonlS""",r,., A .. d.~,. Monloya, Crceli. Moody. J.mel Moon. Eug.n. _ Moon. GI.ndon Moon.y. Don Moor.. EI.ino Moor•• Oll.n. Moor~, John Moo... :\brilyn Moore, M.rion Moor., Morg'" Moor~. N.ncy Moor•• P• .,l Moore. Rich ••d C. Moor•• Ri~h.rd E. Moor•• Rod Moore. Sylvi. :\Iorbcck. P.,er Morll.n. I'...ici. Morg.n. R.y Morg.n. Robe" Mo.in. Harold Morri.on, D.... illh, Mor.i,_, L.rry Mo Don Mo F.«I MorK. Kuhcrine Mortenocn. Gkn Mor«nocn. Shi.I.,. Mor.on, Donald M..... r. J.n..

21) II]. JOI 20",207.209.210

_ _ 119.)01 _ Ill. 211 .__ 180. )0 I 12].292 110. )01 H. IU. 21) 14'.192

'" It.,•. U. 121. )01 176.292 9'.171, )01 I I. 104

121, 149 1',7'. I I I. 21)

111.21) 26) 111.28) __ '7. 176. 21) HI, 149 14l 119. )(11


In.21) 127.292 141.)01 ]1."'.161.292


IB.)OI '2.2'3

119.21) 119.292


1.1, )01 9).104.111.192


II]. HZ 11].206.209.210,14' Ill.29Z 77.11. I If, 2'Z '4.IH.JOI


.._96. 161,271


1)8.292 169. JOI


_104.141.292 2'1 14].2" _ '•• 121.21)

I 19. lOI 14' 147.292 _IOO.I2),JOI 116.




141.)01 9),110. lOI 1J1.14,,)OI _ _ ".14) _ _ 104. 2'2 '4.101. U]. 2'4

n. H.

Mo<hin'ky, Sh...n Mo.... n, Ed M"",n,. John M"",n., ~hridun Mudl... AUll"ot MUIll.rw. Roald Muir. Do.uld M"i •• M.lvin M..lberry, Nan.y M.. Il•• -Kull", Funk M.. nc.y, L.von M .. nd., J........ Murphy. Ikrnard Murphy. Jim Murphy. M.rilyll Murphy. Shirl.y Murphy. T.r.y Mu...y. Leroy M.. rrin. Ch..l.. MUKh, Billy My Robe .. My Victor

102. lB. 114

'" 10).104.110.291

H'. 2'~ 101.lll.29~

11.141. JOI 104. U7. 2H Il). 2'2 147. )01 71.111,2'2 Ill, )0 I '4. UI. )01 176. )01 117.292 Ul.266 141,2'2


NuI...ld. Sandy N'lld. Tom Nail, Harvey N.j[. Mutha N•••h. Rich..d N.hno. Jun.. Nanc•• P.uy N.nninga. Le.h N....r. M.uric. N•• I. J.ck N•• I. M.rilynn Nul. Tom N•• I.y, Stanl.y N....li•• CI...d N.. ...,n.., R•• h..d N ly. '\blcolm N H.rvoy N.If. Ri.hud Ntloon. AI N.J->. Don Ncloon. B..b.u Ncloon. Be...r1y NeI Cuill NeI , 0 ••...,1 N.I , John F. Nelson, John W, Ndoon. Joy Nolson. Lo.in NtI$On. Lylo Nolson. '\h.ig.y Ntlson. N.nou. Noison. N.n.y Noh.on. No.nun NtI$On. Potrici. NtI$On. P.Uy N.I...... Phil N.loon. Richa.d Nd Robert Nd , Vi'llini. N.hoo, Will.. N , Al N Elmer 1" 1, K.nnelh N



J ...... berry. Bev•• ly ber.y. L.R.n. bry. Gl.n by. Dick



N cll, M.rvin N hou..,. Bob N hou ••. S.Uy N m.n, Dc.....y N m.n, R"lon N.wman. WiII;"m N....on. D.n Nichol." Gcotll. Ni.hob•• John Nichol... Willi.m Nichol•• Ma.lh. Nickol. Buddy Nicdrich. Richa.d N..I...... Don.ld Nisbe•• Robert Ni"on. Willi.m Nobl., Mona Nobnd. Jim Noon.r, W....n Norbock. J.rry Norby. L...y Nordby, D.v.

I)). JOI

'" ".1I7.HI ____ 101,1)1,2'2

'" 71.171. 292 II. , I 14.220

'" ", UI,24) 14',292 IU,24) '4.141.214 1'7.292 14'.292 72,77.147,214


11). )01 )01 __.84. Sf. HI. 2'2 ._.121.266



14'. )01 ,I.IU.JOI 121. )01 )01 117.214 117, )01 ___ 11.11'.)01


I", JOI 1".29~


Norm.n. c.rl No h. ,\I>.ilyn N k. funk Nonk. Cly" NUI.n.. Muilyn NUJl:l'''' Bn-nud Numbe... Muddy N"nan. Pu Nun.nk.mp. Mn NYlurd. Erm.


IJI.H2 100. I", 214 I)). JOI



o O·CaIl.gh.n.Don.1 O·Conn.ll. J.rry ... O·Conn.n. To", O·Conner. K..hryn O·Connor. Ton' O·Oonn.n. Coll...n O·Oonn.lI. V.lo.i. O·Hu.ow. On. O·Neill. Donn<lIy O·Neill. F«d O·Neill. J ...... O·Reilly. Tom Obendorf. Don.ld Obe'll. S...MObe..l. Homo. Oblock. u...i1 Odbc'll. EJ1i. Odbe'll. Loi. Oddson. J ....... Offic••• Oon. Og.n.l..roy OptOll. M.ry Ohrt. L.Roy Oi.n. Wa'n. Oldh.m. Ch.rI.. Oldh.m, S.lly 01...",. Sh...y Oliv••• Don.ld 01n.y. W ....n Oh.n. Honnin. Ohon. Be". 01 Don 01 J.ck 01 K.rm. 01 u... Ann 01 Robert Ol",n. Ro,•• 01...... Thom•• Onun •• D.o-. Om.nl. Don Oneid•• Frallk Oneid" john Onth.nk. 5.", Orn..by. Ri.h.rd Osborn. j.m.. Osburn. Roben Os"'. J.... Os.undo., 1'.1. o.uand.., Bill Ou.nfeld. B.uc. 0 ..0. Ch.,1a Oud, Elinbc1h Ow.n•• leRoy OWlley. Robert

16'. )01


'4,1)1.301 121.24' 147.21.. 72.71,",117.24'

77.11.1)1.214 77.",110, JOI

'" lH.HJ

'0.102. UJ. 243 IH.2H 121,)01 117,2'2 220 I)I.JOI


27J.274 '4. 141.JOI 22.74.'4.IJI.2'~

".104 1".167 101,187.292 187.284 ".28" ll7.292 Il7. 284 Il. 104. 176. 28 ..

101. 14l. )01 101.147.2'2 ".274 77.101, 2'2 10... 12). H~


II). 2'2

__ 10). UI.






___ ~ __ 111.214

__ .. 71,174.2'2 77,16).21 ..


17' . JO I IIJ.284

,., ,,, '"

76. '2. 26)

... 1". )01

..__....._ .._1 .. 1.261

P•• ko.d. Uo .....,d Pack..d. Wilm. P.ckh.",. Ed P.go.g •• "..nk Palmer. Lucille 1,.lnl<r,Ono Poiln.r.SI."l.y P.l".h•. Wilfred P.pp••. John P.ppenh.gon. M.y P..k. William p.,ker. D.-.in p..ker. Jolin P..kin...... J ....... P••k.. Robert P.. r. J.. n Par•• Philip p.,ron. Sunnne P"'Y. Robe .. P.,..II. N.al P h.11, Ho......d I· l.y. J.ck I'.rson. 0.1. r ••sonl. Ed ....d 1',,$On., I'oc.ic;• Po....n.. Willi.",

'''.10''. IH. )01 ".111 1)1,292

P... mo••• Ceo'll. Purick. Inn In. JOI P on. 1'.1.;n< 167.JOI P n. Wod• 111.301 Panon. GentJl. 14.1I,U.147.JOI ranon. Mik. raul. Willi.m 72. 1..,.244 127. )01 P...I$OO'>, p""y P.yn....:dw..d 147.2H I'.yn., Freda 2~. 121. 292 77, Ul. 214 P.yn•• John P.yne. K .. h.yn 1)1,2'2 1l? 267 P.yne. Robert 161. )01 Payn •• Rodney 147. 244 P.yn•• Willi.", I'ea.ock. Georg. 1)1, 2'~ 1'''''011. DI.n.h. 180. )0 I Purson. John I·ea"on. Roben Pea,,,,n.S•• nl.y I'e.,....., Tom P"'$On. Zurlind.n P«k••d.. MUll.re, 12'. JOI 1l?JO~ Ped....n. Robert 110, J02 Pede.oon. '7il1i.m P...bla. S•• phm 110.2" P.lI. Knheri... p.ltic•• Jim 110. J02 Pendtll. Ern.,,, P.ndtr,a... H..b - J02 117. P.n.on. V..... I'.r.~. Ron 161.21" .... kin•• Don l ) 1. )02 I'e..in. 11..... I'orro". C.d l fl. )02 I'.r>oniu•. John I'el Scott I' n. WilIi.m Pu••son. Ik.trico I· n. Cionn.. P.l Dc.n 141. )02 P.,er...... 1':1ma P.ltnon. J.ck 1".214 P.terson. Jolin P.ltnon. Lelond 1'<1•• $00'>. MurM-1 7J.141.110 P.ltroon. Pa..lin< 1'.1........ Rich.,d W.her p.'.non. Richa.d Wly'" -161.214 p.'.....n. Robert A. P.l••oon. Robert F. __ )02 1·.,.r$On. 11.0" . 101 1'.'C<$On. Ted _ _ 187.284 1'.,or$OII. W.ino _ 16).24) I'CIC<$On. W.r..n l'.letiOn, Willi.n,. __ 129.292 1'.ltY1!:'o~•• jo.n l29.J02 I'.ttyg.ovo. K.y _167. )02 I·i.iff.r. Chu.k l'h.I"". Rich.,d 94,12'. H2 I·hili"". M.. y PM-pe•• Mu ",'6.117.21" PM-pe•• Ru 147. J02 PM-nn. Jim 147. )02 PM-t«. S•• n P..r...... J.y 10, t1. 161.214 PM-lOch. G.ry HI. HO Pilkinll'oo. Sophi. m Pinbriro. Jlyme Pinkard. D.... Piper, j .... Pi,nk, Willi..n P•• kin.I,.r1 Ill, )02 l'l.c•• Hel.n IS), 284 1'1,11. H.rry l'bl1.. J.m•• 116,17J.~74 l'l.yf.i •• Rob'ort PI.,i.h•• LoRoy Pli".. John 97. 176, J02 I'lin.. Larry 11,10". IJI. )02 PO«. Shirl.y 1)1. )02 Poi ••vin. Ct.i.. '2.161.26) PoileYin. R.mon Palillo. Domnick 10.12'.214 Pool. Ann Pool.. Phillip 110. J02 Poor>. Oa~id Pope. 0.1. Pope. W....n 72. 102. IH.214 P0l""a. Ann 1'0.1... o.~id 147.284 Po.. , J.mes 1)1,214 POI'. Morg.ret I'o ng.r. Ed..... rd ._n. 71. 121.292 I'o r. D.cty l'o"I,on, Will;.m

" "

-- '"




187. 21 .. 161.292 7J.".121.214


7'.11'. I". 2'7 71.",2'2 171, )01 10~

11', JOI 14'. )01

In. )01 Ill, 284 71.".121.292 '2, H2, 26)




I'"u"d. Ron.ld Powell. OO"e L Powell, O"'e R. Po""ell. )T,lory Powell. NO'I Pow.lI. Rid..ed Powell. W.ltcc I'owns, J<1si< Pr.fke, Vulon Preece, Richord I'rond.rg .... Jo.n I'r.nn.r. C.r1 l'resby, Richord Prenel, Robe .. l'r.,wn. Peler Prenwich. K.,h.rine Pribble. R.lph I'rice. Elwin Price. Gory Pride. N.ncy Prid.. Sheldon )'rince. Alfred l'rins. Enher I'ri'·en. Ger.ldin. )'rov.nc.1, R.lph Pugh. George Pugh, K•• herine _ Purcell, Emerson .. I'urdum. Richard Purkhi«r, Judy I'urvi.nce. Ron I'yke. T.ylor

'i, li6. l02 Ill,21',2n 169. HI. 267 121.214 16, ". ID. 284


liI.2n I i I. l02 '1.2iJ ............_._.141.l02 li4.302 141.2n li6.284

.._ 16'. ,02 _.. _.._... 101. I}}, }02 _......_16}, ,02 16l _ II, I}J. l02 ,}. IIi. 302

Q .......,'1, 'I, 12'. Hl Quem", J.ne . 12'. l02 Quern •• Morylu ___________________.. ....._ 84. 81 Quick. D.Il.s .. Quick. Nin. Quigley, Gordon 84. I I'. H2

R R.ckham, Rober< 284 R.dford, Norm.n __ 180. 2il R.dler. Emm _ _...... 131.Hl R.dovich. J.nice _ _ _... _H. 81. 138, 2n R.ed.r, John _ __ _.. 141, ,02 Rotice. Moh.mm.d ..__ , 102 R.nd.n. Douglas 9l, 169, }02 R.nd.n, Floren. 104 R.ndle, Chul.s [{.ndlem.". K.y R.nki", D.vid 18i.284 R.nquilt,Don.ld R.nwm. 'kmiece R.nrom. Red R.nwm, Vicwr R.n<o, Rog.r Ruh, Wesley ... _......_...._ 1i4,28J R ..mus.en, G.orge R.d,bun, Fred R•• hbun, Loi. .._..... _....._..._... i8, HI. 244 R.thbu",l>hrion R.. u. Chorl.. R.""I•• Mildr.d .. H, I}I, 2al R.y. H.rry Re.ding, Ann ....__.._..... 72 Re.n", John .._...._.._ ...._ .._.._ ..... 302 Re.y, Shirly _... ._._.._ ._.. 18i,2n Redford, Jo.n __...._..._............. IB,2J0 Redhe.rt, Thomos ._.._._..__ .._.__ .._ 100 R«b, AIl.n _ ..__ _il.ii.ll,.2n Reed, Delor.. Reed, Ger.ld Reed, M.ry ._. 119 Reed. Willi.m _ _. .....• li4. HI Ree., J.mes 169 Re... Norn.. 141, 2'l Reu, p.,rici. __ 121,2'l, ,02 R...., C.rleen 210 __.._ .._ n.263 Ree.., John ..__ Reg.n, Horric< 244 Reiche .., Corol 'l, 100, 12J. l02 Reid. J.rry ......_.. .. ._.._161.244 Reid. !.ind••...__..__.._•..._•...__ _._121. 244 Rem.d., P.ggy _ _._14 I. 302 Remp, R.mon. .._ _ 141,144 Remsberg, J.ne iJ. i6. 81. 93. 10l. IZl, 293 _._. 79. n Remsberg, Louis ._ _._ Ren.ink, George _.__ 101.161. 2al Renstrom. Corol ..._.. 81. 141,302 Requist, Thorn.. _..__..__ 169, l02 Res., Philip _ _ _ _.. _ 169, 293 Rel<'. Robert _.... __.__.__.__. n Re"ig. Herbert .._...._ .._.._ .._ . . _.n, 26} )16

R.yburn. Herben R.ynold •• Jo Ann Reynold•• L.Ve ..,. Reynold., Roy Rho.ds. Richord Rhynard. Vicwr Rice, Richord Richords, Edword Richords, Jin, _.. Richords. Willi.", Richordson.O.le Richordson. Jin, Richel. J.me, Riddle. Chuck Riddlem",er. John Rieck.n. Hild. Riede",.n. Barbor. Rigby Le G ... nd Rigg.rs, J.rry Riggers. Millon Riggers. Willon Riggin. Don.ld Riggs. J.n,e. Riggs, Rieh.rd Rinebold. Eugene Ring•• Ann Ringe, Shirley ._ Ringheim, IIrynjulf Ripley, Dougl •• Risener, Agne. Ri,·e". Kenn.th Ro.rk, lIurchord Robbin •• John Robbin •• Morilyn Robbin.. Ron.ld Robe, Glenn Roberge. Richard Robeno. Fronk Rober", 'klty Rober". Gordon Rube",. H.dley Rober John Rober Kelvin Rober", Leonard Roberti, Nichol.. Robe.... Bob Robenwn. Eugene Robertron. Lynn Robertson. Roben Robertson. S'uan Robimon. Glenwood Robimoll. Hency Robinoon. Hubert Robinron. I'.tly .... _ Robinson, Ron.ld Robinron. Virgini. Robin.on. Wilbur Robison. CI.n _ Robison, J'y Robison, Jo.n _ Robson. Robert Rub.on, Shirley Rock, J.me• ._. Roe. W>rren Roff. Phylli. Rog.t.ki, P..er Rog.... Georg. Rogers, Leolynn Rog.... Quinton Kogst.d. Judd Roj.n. C>rol _.. Roj.n. P.trici. Rood, WiHord Roo,. W.lter Rmeo. Russell Ro.e. Ch •• lene R"",. Jeery Rosin. Bruce Kos., Arlene Ros•• Audcey Ro«, Denni. Ro.., Heron,. Ro«ow. C.dyle Roth. Ch.rlene Rowl.nd., D.ve Ro~ier, Micheline Ruby, Rebecc. Rudolph, John Runberg. Theodor. Rupert. S.. nford RUl'pel, Evonne Ru.h. Glenn Rush.ln,o Rusho, Fronk Russ. Edwin Rus ..lI, Du.ne

94, Ill. 281

Rus<clI, Ed Ru".n, J.n,e. Ru.sen. K.y ..... Ru ...]]. Kenne,h RUl<. norry Ru<l. M.rty

72,76, 18l, 281


H. 141.281 149.29l i4. 119. 29l





IiI, 267 lH,302 ..._. 9l. li4, J02 99.Hl IlJI.HO

103.lll.2J1J __ Ill. 212. l02 14I.26i


161. HI _14I.!JIJ Ill.26i


I Jf. lO! 183.293

116. li9. 281

'"" '" 161.2J1J ______..__._JIJI. Iii. 281 101, 14i. 302 JIJI,2Jl


14, al. 104. Hi. l02

138. l02 IB.2'l ._169,302 .._... 123,210 i2. i I

Ill. 210 HI. )02 9i,JIl.18i.HI 72.81, IH,281 ___ ii. Ill, 302 _. 18i, 2J1J 86, JIJI, Iii, 281 141.293

94.141,302 Ilf.l02


'l, 100. Ill, 302 _102, Hf. 281 1l8.210 210 .._ .. 149. 281 il. HI. 293

JIJ.lli.Hl 10<1. IH. 2J1J


Ill. l02 li6,26i Ill. 28f

s S..d. Jim S.bin. lie.. S.dlcc, Rogec S,lomun. Jeery S.lmon. Robert S.lo. Glenn S.muelson. Kenneth S,ndberg. J.me. S.nders. lletty S,nderson, Carolyn

19, ii ii. 102. 104. 123. HI


114. In. 2J1J ".. _ 119.281 If. iJ. il. i6. Sf. JIJ. 131.2J1J 18i.2i4

S.ndmeyer. John S,ndov.l, Fred SHgent, John Sorgent, Roben Sother. Allen ...•....•............ 161. 20i. 210, 261 _ _._ 101, 161 So<hec. Bry.n. S.,her. Gory................................. _..... l02 S,,,g'I<, V.rn _....•. _119,210 S.uer. J.ne 133.2'l S.ull •• Chuck .. __lll.2'l S.unders, Ern. _.. 302 S.v.g•. Dw,y". ii, 116. 18l, 281 Sawyer. R.y lii.29} S.yer, Dick .._.. .. ._141, 302 .. ..._Iii, 281 Scorcello. Fr.nk Sch1effer, R.lph Sch1rf. Cliff 14i, }02 Sch.ub, Ed Sch.u.r. Willi.n, Scheid.man. Jerry 101.119.244 Scheline, Do".ld Sch.lI, Willi.m Schel",h. John JIJI. Iii, HI Schil'per. Woere" Schlottman. Alfr.d _•.._ _.. 261 Schntaudec, Art _ ..•... lil.281 Schmid, John .... •....•...........•...._... 18l. l02 Schmid, Mary .•.._ _ _.ll8.210 Schmid,. Melvin .__ _ _. ..18i.2'l Schmidt. Richard _•..._.. _ 18i. 261 Schmidt. Wilm. _ _..•... _ ...._... i4. 129, 281 Schmith, Don.ld ..•.•.... JIJI, Iii. HI, 28J Schmi.h. Edw.rd •....•. 72, i I. i6. JIJI. 18i, 281 Schnelle. WiIli.m __._....•.... 1i4,302 Schnoebelen, Willi.m Schoening, An Sehoenw.ld, Bob .._ . 161,2J1J Schooler, Regin, Schopp. Fred _ _ _ 101 Schreiber, Id.nne _ 93. 127.l02 Schreiber, Robert il. 81, In. 29l Schroeder, Augu.. Schroed.r, EI.ine .. __ 12i. 211 Schroed.r, Ren. Sehroedcc, Roger Schuld', Alden Schul.r. L.Vonne __ lll.281 Schultz. O.v. Schuln. I>hcy . ..•....•.._•... 121, 29} Schultz. P.ul _ _ __ 72. i4, ii, 16i. 2J1J Schultz. Richacd .....•....._.._.._.•..__.. 14i. J02 Schum'eher, Jo Ann _ 1 H. 2'l Schum.ker, Theo. ..•__.._ 180, l02 Schw.h. John Schw,..., C],i,. [JI,302 Scott. Harvel' Scon. Jr. Scott. Jewel ... .. .._ Il8. 281 Scribner. I>hry Scudder. M.ry Se.le. Robert _ .96 Se.quilt. Roben _ _._ _ 9i,261 S..... Ro.coe .... Iii. 302 Se.wH.O.." ..........71.161, 2Jll Seeley. Jim _........ 161, l02 Se.ly. Dick Seely. Dough. __ 93, IH, l02 Seem.n, Raymond .•...._.. _.... _...... 9i, 18i, 261 Seifen. Fred ___ ua. 302 Seitz, Corol _ 2Jf Sen.m.ier, Loui. Se"''''', Oelo. Sevcc,nce. John Sewell. Rober. Ill. 281 Sh.f... Philip Shaffer. lhrb...



CI.ir Ed ....__.__ Sh.nnon, Don.ld Shorr, Jorry _ Shorp, L« Shorp, M.rth. Shorp. Rob<.rt. Shov~r, Myrn. Sh.w"... Jim Sho"'''er, reter Sh.y,lng. Sh.y, Torn Shedd, Rob<.rt Sh~h.deh. For.h Sh~ldon, Jury Sh~ppord, Richard Sh~rid.n, John Shern, Dick Sh.n~,



Shinn, Richord ShipJ>l'Y, Cl.. ~nc~ Shirck, W.yn~ Shirl~y, D.lby Shi,,~ly, Donn. Shinly, John ...._ .. Shockl~y, L>yn~ Shod~n~, Norm.n Short, N.ncy Shoup, Richord Sho",.It~r. Sunn Shriv~r, Jo Ann Shri"~r, Willi.m Shuldb<.rg, Nod Shurn.k~r, J.mes Shum.kcr, Jerry Shum.hr, John Shum"'.y, MorgHet Shurtliff, Suu",,~ Sidhu, Gurchoru Si~"<r., Shir1~y Sil~r, R.y Simmon., Gory Simmons, Roger Simm" B"'~rly Simon, Willi.rn Simon" Borb.r. Sims, IIeth Singh, J.g>< Siniff, Hr1~n Sinn~m.ki, JOl'C~


1S},281 151,2'13 ?7,261


'1<4,104,08,302 ____ 2'13 ___ 9<4. Ill, 293 169.28J 169,29)


1 jJ, 303 100, I 5J, JOl ...,99,H7,28J 101, ISJ, 30J ______ 180, 28J

12'1,250 __ ... 29) HJ,303 ___________________ 303 11,77,84,86. 127,29J 161,267 100,123, HI 177,281

" '"'"


84, 119, 29J 1<41. 293 '1J,11J.l03 100,119,293 IH,293


IH.293 127, J03 163,244 116.1<47 121,303

SiJ>l'" R.y Siple, Ron Si,,}', N.nC}' Skinnor, Bill 7f, 100, 119,293 SI."i", S.nd .. Sle~m.n, June 1l8. l03 Smith, Bruce 119, lO.l Smith, Cl.ud~ Smith. Oon.ld L. 81, 119, 281 Smith, Eugene n,263 Smith. Gordon Smith, Jerry ..__...... 119, 267 Smith, Jos~phine ___._I} I, 29J Smith, Joy ...._...._ . Smith, Keith ._.. _ _. ____ 183, .lOJ Smith, L>R.I1~ _ . Smith, l.ur~nce Smith, lois Smith. 1\hrk _ __.._ _ _..•. 187, 2J I Smi,h, M')'nord __ _. 2J I Smith, N~pi~r _.._._..,,_ JOl Smith.P.ul Smith, Virgil _..._ .._ Smith, Whitn~y Smith~rs, Btuy ••••••••••••••••••••••__••.•••••" ••••__ 102 Smuin, Borb... .__._ ,.. 141,293 Smythe, jerry _________.____ 161, J03 Sn.rr, jim Snider, Mory " ..•_._ 100,HI,29J Snid~r, Ver> Snodll"'" Don.ld Snook, Willi ..n Snow, Mory 129, 30.1 Snow, Shern,." Snyder. Arlin~ 119. 281 Snyder, Don.ld Snydrr, Rosdle 121 • .lOJ Sn)'der, Willi.m 187.267 Soden. EIC1\nor 1I,IJI,281 Soderb<.rg. Ele."or Soderhers. Joe Soderstrom, Corl _.. 187.267 Soderstrom, Flo)·d 187, lO} Sodorff. Ch.rlotte .... _.... ,,_... . 11'1, lO} Soli",ky. Horold Solomon, W.yn~ ...._ .__.._





$olum, Corol $or>nno. Mich.d __ 277 $orou.hi.n, M.nooch~hr Soul~, Jimmie 18l,210 74,161,29l Southcombc, Rohert __ .._ HI, 303 Sp.lding, Mory _______________ 86, 127, 30j Sp..km.n, I'."ici. IL80,13I,jOl Sporks, Su~ __ 121, JOJ Sp.ulding, Connie SJ>l'~dy, Rob<.rt 96,111,293 71. UI, 293 Spence, Mike ___ 102, 10~ Spence, S.lly 141, jOj Spenc~r, lieu)' Spencer, Forr~Sl 99,101. 293 Spencer, l.rry Speropuloo, Nichol.. Speth, John Spiker, Arddl. Spiker, Rog~r 163, .l0} Sproker, Dick ....


Sprous~, Gl~nn

SpurstOn, Bill St>ckhou$<, Wendell St.fford, john St.ley, Gr>d)'n Stoley, Virginia St.l~y, Willi.n, Stornm, C.d St.nley, M..y S.. n,on, Don Sl1n'on, J.m.. S.. rr, Ch.rles _ S..", J.m., Sl1ub<r. Richard Sl>vik. 01.( S,ecl, Willi.", S,ecle. J.mi~ Steer, Byron Steffens, Ililli~ Sl<ig~r, A"thony Stein, Hub<.rt Stender, Duffy Stender, Venei •• Steph~n., Aubrey S'eph~n., joo.quin S.~phens, Robert S.~phens, W.yne S'erling, C.h·in S,,,'en., Juli.

163. jOJ 141,293 111. HI Ill.29J 119,244 ........_ ...•. _ .....• 174

'" '"'

... 74. 16J. 281 116. HI

91.161.281 Ill, 28 I 119. HO I~l,

'" ,



76,1<47,281 16J,274

Ste,·~n., \1:'.yn~

S'e"~nron, Robert Stewor., Gcn~ S'e..·.rt, J.m.. Ste"'or., 1\hrilyn Ste"", .., p.,rici. Ste"'..., Xott S'obie Gordon S,ockm.n, Te<l S,oddard, I'.. rici. Stoker, Roger $tok.., Kei.h Stoll~y, Robert SlOne, Ch.r1~s Stone, LtOn •. _ Stonehocker, V.n Stoor, J.ck Stor~y, Ed",,,d SlOrruSle, KriSlof~r Stott. \1:'il1i.m Str.ng. j.m~s Stridling, Funci. Stringfidd, S.ndro Strobel. Ri .. _.... Strobel. Vi"cen, Strong, Audr~y Strong. Gory Stroud, Rich ..d Struck, Su~.nn~ Stubberud, AlI~n Stubbs, Jury S.uddiford. Andre'" Studdiford. Corlie

167,2fl 97,18J,30J 6J, 129,291, 30J 129,281 183,210 In.30J 121, }OJ IfI, lOJ _99,187. HI ... 100, 149.281 9~,

161, HI


'" '"


149,293 187,281 .__....__ 121.293 129,2JO Ill. 27<4 141,210



Torbox. Keith To<e. Chuck T>t~. CI.ude T>te. Kermi, T>te. Sun T •• ~. T~d Totko. Aim. T.ylor. Aim. T.ylor, B..b... T.ylor, Du.n~ T'rlor, Glen T.ylor, Gordon T'J'lor, J.nene T.ylor, John T.ylor, Lois T'J'lor, K.ye T'ylor, W.II.ce T.ylor, Willi.n, T~..e, 1\hrg.re. T~.. ~r, jock Tdford, C.rlyl~ Tellefson, Dough. Temple, Don.ld

1 I I. lOj 100,167.286 74.151.244 101, 102


100.104,12J.JOj .... 101,147,293 18l,29j 71,79,147,244 171,29J _ 11, 19. 7f, 91, 127, 294 78,92,116,IJI,244


127, J03 86, IlS, JOl 121. 294 \12,263 116,lj7,l67 101, 14J, 30J


Terry, lloyd 93,181,294 T.,nohlidek, Dw.in~ 16.1. 30J Teutsch, J~.n . 19, Te'·~rb.ugh. F "k no ___ 77, 84, 187. 294 Thieme. Roger Thi~n,~. Wilford __ 104.l.ll, 267 Tho","" Adele Thom.,. D.rlene 9.1, 102. I~I, 294 Tho",... Ed"'ard 174.261 Tho",,", Robert 145,303 Tho", ... W.yn~ Tho",... Willi.m 174,294 169.294 Thom.son. Kelly Thompson, D.vid Tho"'pson, Dennis 19,72.71.102. 18J. 294 Thompson, John A. Thompson, John W. Thompson, M.rtin Thompson, W.. lhce .__.•_.294 Thomson, Br~n. 18J,30J Thorf, R~nn ...•.. I~I, 294 Thornock. Dick _...__.... 72,84, 9j. 181. 29<4 Thorn.on, M>rei. .. .._77, 92, 121, 286 Thornton, Robert __."_,, 220 Tho"on, Fred.nd ... .._._._161. 294 Throckmorton, J.m.. Thurlow, Hugh Tibbitt., Barb.r> IH,2IO Tibbi.... D." .... 161,244 Tie<, Theodore Tidd. Robert Tiede, Glen Tiegs, B..b... 81.86,141.30J Tieg" Gordon 169,30J Tingl~y, Oon.ld Ti"to, J.mes 96,101, 18j. 286 Tisd.le, Eldon ... Tisd.le, No,..h Tisd.lI, Ron.ld Ti,u" Ron.ld Tjul.nd~r, R.ymund 99,180.286 Todd. Mirri.n Todd, Robert Toll~(son, O", ..d 187, J03 _____ 167, 30J Torktllon, Kenn~lh ._.__ .__. 131, 294 Torpey, G.il To"ey. Ch.rles 187,29~ Tov~y, Rhys Tov~y, Roger 7f, 177, 294 Tower, 6onni~ 129, jOl


S.ud~r. Benni~

S'ump. Shoron S,urg«s, Virginia S.urn»n, Cory Swrts. K~ith S,yn.., W.lter Subi., joe Sulli".n, De.n Sullivon, John Sulliv.n. Johnny Sulliv.n, 1\1"g.... Sum",e... L.. ry Surnm~rs, Willi.m Sund. Corndl

T.gli>r.ni, S.lv.tor~ T.ll>;ott. J.ck T.lbon, Wilson T.ll, John T.n, Ron.ld T.nkcrsl~y. Ho",..d T.nner. lv.n

T~",ple, Juli~

187.30J 18J.}OJ

169,267 ____ 208 ___ .._...• 92,163.262 ________ . . 96 84,81.121, .103 ..._ Il,12I,lOJ 169.210.293


T."n~r, lov~u


16I,29l 141,210

Su'phin, Christopher Sw.nk, N.ncy Sw.nson, Don.ld S"'.nson. Sunley S",.n"rom, uri Sw.nstrom, Hugh S"'.rt~, Edwin Sw.. n~y. Alyce S",een~y, P.trici. Symms, Rich ..d Symons, Richord

121.29.1 81, I2L 28l 180,JOJ 174,286 174. 2J/l. lOj

______ 100,IH.303 16l, j03 169,219,29J



Town>end, Ch.r1otte Town,.nd, Jim Town..,nd, Ron.ld Tr.cy, John T .. cy, Roben T ..il, Thom •• T .. nstrum, W.lI.cc T .. "i., Her",." Trell, Ron.ld Trefren, "hrgarCl Tre,nit, Mibn Tresni., Roben Tron..,n, GU)' Tro,h, J.,on True, D.n Troe, Shirley True,ddl, Kenne.h Tropp, "hrgH.' T.od.k., J ..k Tobbs, Do".ld Tocker, C..olyn Turnbow, Roberl Turnbull. Don.ld Turnbull. Kicll1rd Turner, John Turner, "hrilyn Turner. Robcrl Turner. To". Tweedy, Fr.nk Twi'chell, l.Forres' Twogood, D.. rell Ty.on, j,lizobelh T y...n, Roger Tysor, Marjoric


Ill. )OJ 286 11LJO)

9~, 1~1.


71,149,294 9Z,263

177, JOJ 76,78.84,1 Z7, H4 161, H4

Polly Robert A, Rober, II. ROM" E. ~'.lkcr, Wayne ~,.II.cc, F.. n,i. Wall.ce, Gary Wall..e, JoAnn W.llace, ~lilliam Wallis. H.rley

97,177, Z61


16I.JO) 71.187. Z94

161,294 lH. JO) 101.174, )0) 94, IH, 286



1S7,JOJ 187,294 IH, J03

101.181. 286 9~, 2n, n4 111.286


u 119. lS6 2IZ,2]J

95.183, JO)

v 121, JOJ V..gen, Vi,·i.n 1 n. ZIO V.l.don, "'trici. 187,304 V.lcn';ne, W.yne 71. 77. 171, 294 V.n Rrunt, F.. nk 78,99,H5 V.nce, Be.. V.nce, George 104,1J8.lS6 V.n De Grift. Morgue. 104,1704,286 V.n Hou.en, Peter 15,80,81, 9J, I J I, J04 V.n Orm.n. M.rie V.n S.n" J.m.. V.",kike. Lowell V." Stone, Bud V.,,', Hul, Andrew V.n V"so"dd, Funk 93,I31,Z94 V.. i.n. M.. pre' lB,294 Varin, Funce. 100.159, J04 Vorin. j.",.. V.... lhrb.u V.n. H.rry 171. 294 V>sko, GC1)rge V.ughn, Glenn 100,101. 187.261 V.ughl. Milfonl IH. Z94 Verburg, M..y Ver",ilIion, Willi.", Verner, Roy Viers, William Ilf,,04 Vinso", Kay 187,294 Vopa•• Thom •• V"'., Ron.ld Vrb.ky. Alice

'" '"'


w 174. Z86

18J, Z94

'" 100, IH. 304 171. Z94

1045, J004 141, J04

76, Ill, J04

Walrllh, FHrol Walser, Roger ~'alsh, jerry ~'ahlon, Kennelh ~'.lter. Suunne ~'alters, K>lhryn W.nm.d, Donald W.nanl1kcr, John ~'ard. Larry ~'..d. Virginia ~'aring, G.il ~'.. ner, Barbor. ~'.rn.., Freddy ~'.. n.., Ja"ice ~'.rner, John ~'.rner. Koren W.rner, Thom.. W.rnke, Ronald W.rren. Alben Warren, Corol ~'.rren, Doro,hy ~Iarren, Vd",a W... rs. 1'.. ley Watson, Collee" Watson, R.lph Wa"o", Richard ~'a"on. SUl.nne W.lt, Max Wa)·me" •• Allcn Wnver. M..ilyn ~'e",'er, M.urice ~'.,,·er, Monle Webb, Jay ~lebb, P.trici. A. Webb, l'uriei. J. Webb, "'1'1 Wrbb, Peggy Wrbb, Tho", •• Wrber. John Wrb" .., Corol Web.lrr, Don.ld Web"er. Jaek Week•• Dirk Wecks. Owen ~'eho1t. Carl Weinm.nn. LHry Weiss, ~'illi.", Welch. eh.rle. Weleh, Lorry Wdd, Donn. Wdll, Jack Wd,h. Jo.n Wd,h. L.Vila ~'d".in. joachin, ~'rndland. Willia", Wrndle. Dr.n Wrndle. Katherine Wernrth. SlOphen Wrrry, ChHles WesCOll, Gory ~Ie". Ch.rI.. ~Ie". Fun«. We". Helen ~'e." Irene Westergren. Knul< Westerheim, Ole We.,f.ll. Don.ld We.,f.lI. joan WeStg.te. lkrtha ~''''g.te. John Westo", "Iilton Whe..on,I'c.rI ~'hrclcr. Robert ~'hi .. hr. Glenn While. Ch.rl.. ~Ihite, Gene While, Jerry While. J.m.. E. ~lhite. james "I. White. J."" ~'hile. j."iec While. Norm.n While. Willi.", ~Ihitehe.d, Th.yne


119.304 1S7,286 274, )04 141,286


9~, H5 161, 304 IH,294

~'alulh, Charle~

Uhlenkotl, Vincenl Ulbrich., Roger UII"'.alselcr. Reid .. Ulmer. Arlie Ulmer. lewi. UISt ..", Per Kristi." Urb.nek, Fred U,~, Edw;n

W.ddel. Robert W.ddell, Thwdore W.dswonh, Donald Wadsworth, Ralph ~'aggoner, H..old W.hl, Dorothy W.hler. Robert Wahl,!ui", Fred Wainwrighl, j.ekie W.i,~, j.y W.ldr"n, M.nley W.lker. Ch.rlolte W.lker. Don.ld W.lker, Leo"..d ~Ialkrr. le.lie

~'alkcr, Nor".. "

W.lker, W.lker. Walker, Walker.

180, 304 141.177, Z94 127, Z94

97.187, )04


147. 304 119,304 I H. )04 76.119.294 111,286 63. 129, )04 187. 286 187. )04 lJl.)04 1J 8. 286 lH.294 99, HI I ZJ. 304 84.81. 18J, 294

'" '" 72. IJ8, 294


187,304 171.294 161, Z06. 286 tJ5.304 101, 08. 294 In. J04 lJ5.294

19.161 85.86.141,294


141. J04 187.J04 91.104. IH, 144 lH,294 286 174. J04 169,267 121.294 149.3004 71,169.294 72. 74. 7~. 169.267 94,127,244 100, IH, 286 11.9),111.104 147.104 161,267 141.294 119. HO 149. Z86. J04


1"5,286 84.86 149. J04 __ lZ9.104 11.1;1.104



~'hi,man, Jo.n Whi,m.n, Willi.m Whi,ney. julia I H, J04 _ 100.169,294 ~lhitney. Ru..el1 _ Wickbcrg, Alj.. n _._ 91,08.304 Wicklund, Jo.n .._ 15.IB.J04 ~'ick" Jimmy m Wiks, Norma 86,100,141. J04 Wilcox. joh" Wilde. Warren Wilhelm, Gary 174. Z94 Wilke. Duanc ...• 149. J04 Wilke. Ray 149. Z94 Wilken•• W.I"r Wilker...". Willia", 1 n. J04 Wilke•• Ke""elh Wilkins. Emmelt Wilkin•• Ted ._ 187, J04 _ .•__.. 141, Z94 Wilkinson. Doro,hy Wilkin",n. Willi.m n, 171, Z62 Will. Robe .. ~1i1l..d. Ron.ld Willey, Rich ..d 174.294 \\"illey, To", ~'illi.m•• Arnold Willi."", D.lbc" ~lilli.",., Edw..'" ~1i1li.m., Fred 76.80,90.91, HI Willi.ms, john William" Jolene lB. J04 Williams, Larry William., Lind. 141. J04 WilIi.ms, Roger 84.169. ,04 ~'illi.ms. W",eely lB. J04 WilIiam..,n. "ly"le 15. 9J, I J I, J04 ~'illm•• ja" II, 9),100, lH, )04 Willow., Joh" Will...n. LaVonne 84.tJl.286 Wil,on. Alben Wil,on. All." Wilson. Bill Wilson. Clyde 187.261 Wil",,,. Don.ld Wil..,n. En.. WiI.on. Ep.y Wil",n. J.ck I II. Z8~ ~Iilso". J.m.. Wilson. joe m Wilson. Gregg II). Z94 Wil",,,. Koren 94. 1Z1, J04 Wilson. I..oi. _ 80. lB. 304 Wilson. Norm.n \\,Iil.on. Ru.sell Wil.on. Sun ley \\'Iilson, Vdm. 131,250 ~Iilso". Willor'" 177,304 \\,Iil.on, Willi.m . 9J, 180. 188, )04 Win borg, P.ul ____________ 10.1. 18J. Z94 Wi"g, Lorry _____________________. 267 Wi"kle, Rill






Wi""er. Kristine Winner. Mary ~'inlChell. Thc1o" Winter. Willi.m Wi""rs, N.ncy Wi"",n. W.yne Wi.d"m. Richard Wi.e, Lowell Wi.well. Betty Witteborg, Buckley ~'i"ee.


74.IJ1.Z94 94.JIJ,Z94 169,J04 78.84. IH. 267

_104, Ill, J04 . __. 171, J 04 ____________ 141, 286 ....._ ..._ .._•. 169.211

Woelfel. I'etc Wolcotl. j.me. Wolfe. Mary 127.294 Wolff. Mari.nne .._._..._._lZl,210 Wolff, Waher 183.304 ~'ol,·e"on. Gail ._._ _.100. 294 Womc1dorff. Robert .._ 294 Wo",e1dodf. Su.. n .._...... _n.IJI,244 Wong. Po.Ping 79.277 Wood, Arlene 64,121,286 ~'ood, Cherrie n. 76.121.286 Woodord, Morgue, IZI.294 Woodbury, Arlhur Wood ",ore. p.trici. ._. 94. I H. 2404 Worden, Donald Worde". john Worsoncroft. Do" Wors•• Borb... 1H. J04 ~,o"hinglOn, Kenne.h 174.294 171, ZlO Wrighl. Alve" Wright. Bruer Wright, Chorle. Wright, Dougl.. ~'righ•. Jan,.. 149. 294 IH, J04 ~'right, J.. n


'«'ri&ht. joycr Wright. Kenneth Wright, Rrn .. lX'undulich. leon.rd IVpnt. jac.


171, )04


Yarber. ',),7i1li.n, Yu .., Robert Yeoum.n •. jerry Yor•• "',hd

I say


Il7, l04 '7,IH 2H

• • •

Yor., Lloyd You. Georgc You, N.,h.n Youm.n•. Dnr Young, D.v;d Young, Di~ir Young, EIoiK Young, john Young, lorrn Young. Merrill Young. Theodore Young. Virl'jiJ Young. W'yM

II), 2'~ 74.77. 7', 1". 286 1".217 167, 217



121, )04

z..chrinll:rr, Mary

z,,,,, Coro'

Z..;ng. "rl~n Zbo,rn, john Zimmerly. Albe .. Zin,mrrm.... jerry

" . 18(1.216 '7.117. )04 101. Ill. )04

Whose epitaph

The fall of 1954 found me with the job of Editor of the 1955 GEM OF THE MOUNTAINS. A position which I did not expect to have for another year. My first job was to select two Associate Editors and several staff heads who would work together with me in producing this annual. in this book you will find the results that these individuals have accomplished during the year. You will not find any drastic changes in the GEM this year. We have simply tried to record the events that have occurred at Idaho throughout the year, and hope you will recall many pleasant memories as )'ou thumb through your book. After much phenagleing we received permission to use the Mr. MaGoo cartoon. Through MaGoo we have tried to depict various phases of college life as we see it. We hope you like him. The Beauty section is a little different than it has been. Another change we hope you will like. Delta Sigs, we finally got your Queen in the Beauty section. We have been criticized by various living groups on the copy that has been written for them in the past. This year we decided each group could write its own. Their copy is exactly as was turned in to us. \Vle have accidentally left out a few class pictures. But this was not purposely done, so please accepl our sincere apologies. \'<'e have tried to spell the names correctly, using the Kampus Key as a guide. An Editor always has many people to thank for the work they have contributed in the publication of the GEM. First on my list is Gale Mix. Gale has helped with many GEMS and understands the production of an annual from the beginning to the end. Throughout the year he always gave us the help we needed. To show our appreciation we decided to dedicate the GEM to him. We tried to keep it a secret, but we had to take his picture so many times that I am sure he caught on. Through his efforts four

Youngblood, lohrgarrt Youngurom, Robert Yr>qui. jO'rph



22.127,21' ",lH.lO~


1(11.16'.267 77.10.286

• • •

of us were able to go to Seattle and visit the Artcraft Engraving Co. At the engravers we saw exactly what happens to our pictures and learned many things which will make for a bctter GEM in the future. Next I would like to thank Bob Lindborg and AI Salisbury of Artcraft Engraving for the help they have givcn us during the )'ear especially on the MaGoo cartoons. Also for the patience they have shown when we didn't always mount our pictures correctly or get them in on the exact date. Certainly not to be forgotten is Mr. Swanson of Caxton Printers in Caldwell. I am surc there were many times when he would like to have had more copy, but his silence on the subject was grcatly appreciated here in Moscow. Without my fine staff, I am sure the GEM would nOt have amounted to much. Filling thc positions of Associate Editors were Keith MacPhee and Jamie Steele-both doing fine jobs. My staff heads included Lorna Hobdey, Judy Crookham, Carolyn Sanderson, Marlin Briggs, Shirley Byrne, Jim Asaph, Rowena Hasbrouck, and Louise Tatko. I think these individuals probably got rather tired of hearing me ask them how much copy they were going to have for each deadline. But in spite of my worries at times they all did their work very well. I mustn't forget our photographers, Bob Stolley, Arden Literal, and Everett Headrick. Nor must I forget the girls who drew the MaGoo cartoons, Nan Soden, Mary Snow, and Sue Dolphin. \Vle had only one real near catastrophe this year. We seemingly lost about twenty-five pages of names for part of the classes section. After several of us had sprouted a few gray hairs, we discovered the pages stuck tOgether under somc pictures in the GEM offices. So here you have the GEM for '55. I hope you like it, and if you don't then bring in your criticisms to the Editor for '56, Jamie Steele. DARLENE DUFFY EditOr of 1955 GEM OF HIE MOUNTAINS


1955 GEM 01 the Mountoins Stoll Etlitor路in路(hiel


Associate Et/itors












Organizations Editor



Living Groups Editor





Mr. MaGoo (artoons SUE DOLPHIN, SODEN.



Business Manager Editor


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